Alexander oleshko first channel. Biography of Alexander Oleshko

Alexander oleshko first channel.  Biography of Alexander Oleshko
Alexander oleshko first channel. Biography of Alexander Oleshko

Oleshko Alexander Vladimirovich (born 1976) - Russian actor film and theater, popular presenter television programs, parodist, singer. Since 2015 he has been awarded the title of Honored Artist Russian Federation.


Sasha was born on July 23, 1976 in the capital of the Moldavian SSR, the city of Chisinau.
The craving for acting manifested itself in the boy literally from the cradle. Already in kindergarten he took an active part in all matinees. Parents were perplexed: "In whom and where does the son have so much artistry?" When all the children were jumping rope, he took it in his hands, imagined that it was a microphone with a cord, and sang.

To a greater extent, Sasha's grandmother was involved in the upbringing. This was her favorite grandson. She instilled in him love for God, taught him prayers, took him to church services and secretly dreamed that in the future he would become a priest. The boy did not oppose this, he went to church with pleasure, but during adult life saw himself only as an artist, everything that was connected with performances, he was madly attracted. When Sasha went to first grade and saw a picture of Red Square and the Kremlin for the first time in a book, he said, not childishly, that he would only live in Moscow.

Acting talent flowed from him like a river. He liked to entertain guests who were in their house. At school, he was the first to be volunteered to participate in competitions, sang and danced, and, as an exemplary pioneer, completely devoted all his free time public life class.

Study in Moscow

When Sasha turned 14, he firmly stated that he would go to live in Moscow, and even if his mother decided not to let him go, he would simply run away from home.

Mom did not contradict her son, and in 1991 he left for the capital of the USSR, where he became a student at the State School of Circus and pop art... Oleshko's circus adored since childhood, so he studied with great pleasure. In the early 90s, it was not easy for everyone, so the young student had to earn money on television in order to earn some money for a living. Sasha hosted the Rock Lesson and Hairpin programs on the 2x2 channel.

After graduating with honors from the circus school, Oleshko began to take his first steps on the stage. But in 1995 he stopped participating in all projects and entered the Shchukinskoye drama school... Having become a student on the course of V.V. Ivanov, he completely plunged into comprehending the basics of acting, which he had dreamed of since childhood. According to Alexander himself, four years student life in Pike, he considers the happiest in his life, although he had to earn extra money as a waiter in Moscow restaurants at night.

Theatrical activity

In 1999, Oleshko graduated from drama school and immediately entered the service at the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire. This theater aroused Sasha's special respect, because his favorite actor and idol Andrei Mironov worked here.

But her career in the theater of satire was short-lived; in 2000, Oleshko was invited to Sovremennik by Galina Volchek herself. The beginning of work in the new theater was not smooth: Galina Borisovna treated the actor with the utmost rigor. Something did not work out for him, but under the guidance of the great director, Sasha began to gain momentum and great roles appeared on his account in such productions as:

  • Epikhodov in The Cherry Orchard;
  • the minister of tender feelings in the play "Once again about the naked king";
  • Fedotik in Three Sisters;
  • Kshepshitsyulsky in Balalaikin and K;
  • Fly in The Sweetheart Bird of Youth;
  • Beni Alter in Difficult People;
  • Kuligin in The Thunderstorm.

Alexander Oleshko calls the Sovremennik theater his second home. For him, that work on stage, that rehearsals are a celebration of the soul.

Along with Sovremennik, Oleshko was busy in productions of other theaters. At the Vakhtangov Theater, he is involved in the play "Mademoiselle Nitush". His role as Celestna brought Alexander a prestigious award - the Golden Seagull theater award. His role was recognized as the best comedic among men.

Oleshko treats this role with special trepidation, because once Celesten was played by Andrei Mironov.

Sasha does not dream, like many actors, to play the role of Hamlet. For himself, he decided: his birth was in order to give people joy.


In the cinema, Alexander Oleshko played his very first small and insignificant role when he was still studying at a circus school.

He continued his appearances on movie screens after graduating from the theater. At first, these were episodic roles in the series:

  • "Turkish March"
  • "Railway station",
  • "Code of honor",
  • "Request stop",
  • "Commercial break".

Film lovers, of course, remember his appearance in a more serious film - directed by Janik Fayziev in "Turkish Gambit". Sasha played the role of Petit Yablokov, the loving groom so touchingly the main character.

In 2007, Oleshko began acting in comedy series « father's daughters", Where he played the young oligarch Fedotov Vasily. On the set, an excellent team picked up, Sasha communicates with many actors even now. This role brought him universal popularity, he became recognizable and beloved by moviegoers.

And the directors were not averse to working with a talented and funny actor on the set, so they invited him to their projects, and Oleshko gladly agreed.

The year the picture was released The role of Alexander Oleshko
2005 "Star of the era"
2006 "Let's get married!"
2007 "Paid for by Death"
2008 "A very Russian detective"
2009 « Inhabited island»
2010 "The Man from Boulevard des Capucines"
2012 "August. Eighth "
2012 "Moms"
2012 "Man with a warranty"
2014 "Chief Designer"
2015 "Spring Fever"

The television

Alexander began his television career on the Domashny channel in the children's program Smeshariki. As the actor himself says, it was a real outlet, communicating with children gave him incredible pleasure. He easily found mutual language with any child, regardless of age. And the children jokingly called him "SmileShurik".

  • "Alphabet";
  • "Home Tales".

In these programs, Sasha not only coped with the role of the presenter, but also showed himself as a parodist. This quality was appreciated by the producers of Big Difference and invited him to the project, where he successfully parodied the most influential people the world of cinema, sports, politics and show business: Renata Litvinov and Barack Obama, Andrei Malakhov and Evelina Khromchenko, Timati and Sergei Svetlakov, Edith Piehu and Charlie Chaplin, Alexander Druz and Julian Assange.

After "Big Difference" on Channel One, few projects can do without the participation of Alexander Oleshko. He hosted the most popular programs on the channel, for which he was awarded many awards:

  • "Moment of glory";
  • “Time for lunch!”;
  • "Exactly the same";
  • "Nowadays";
  • "One to one".

As a participant he appeared in the projects "Two Stars", where he sang in a duet with Victoria Daineko, and in "Dancing with the Stars-2".

At the same time, Sasha does not hide the fact that there are projects in which he would never agree to take part - “ The last Hero" and " ice Age". He has already attended the "Big Races" and the "King of the Hill" show, where every minute can be dangerous to health. In such conditions, he does not feel quite comfortable. He does not want to and never will expose his life to physical trauma in order to entertain the audience.

In addition to Andrei Mironov, in the life of Alexander there was another idol on television - aunt Valya from the programs "Visiting the Fairy Tale" and " Goodnight, kids! " (Valentina Leontyeva). Perhaps if little boy Sasha Oleshko in childhood did not look with bated breath at this presenter, the country would not have received such talented actor... And these two children's programs have remained his most beloved in life.

Personal life

In the life of Alexander there was so far only one marriage with actress Olga Belova. They studied together at the Shchukin School. It was not love at first sight, Sasha and Olya met at a party to celebrate the New Year, began to communicate, and Oleshko suddenly felt that he was very good and comfortable with this girl. After this party, young people began to meet, then live together, but they officially signed after they finished their studies.

In terms of everyday life, it was very difficult for the young family. Alexander did not have his own home in Moscow, Olya did not want to live with her parents, she had to rent a house, and this took a considerable part of the family budget. Despite the difficulties, they were very happy. Sasha and Olya worked in different theaters, but they certainly went to each other's performances.

But, as is often the case, when it began to appear good job, popularity grows, earnings increase accordingly, family happiness began to decline.

Perhaps Olya began to be jealous of Sasha's successes, quarrels and scandals arose more and more often. In addition, rumors spread that the wife had a relationship with a man on the side, this exacerbated the already unpleasant situation, and soon the couple broke up. Alexander explained this by the fact that feelings faded away, the feeling of flight disappeared, without which it makes no sense to further imitate a happy married life.

Now the former spouses maintain normal relations. They always congratulate each other on the holidays, on new roles in cinema and theater, and on receiving awards. Olya got married a second time, gave birth to a girl, works in the theater of Alexander Kalyagin.

The actor has enough admirers, even with interest. He considers himself to be an amorous person, but in life he wants not to fall in love, but to love. Therefore, perhaps main love in his life is still ahead, he dreams of a cozy family nest with a bunch of mischievous kids.

Outside of television, film and stage

In addition to film and television, Oleshko still has time to study teaching activities: he teaches students of the circus school, in which he once studied himself, teaches the subject "Acting skills". Ostankino television has a children's academy where Oleshko works with kids.

Alexander is such a charming and positive person that it seems as if he charges the viewers with good from the TV screens due to his radiant smile. At the same time, he never has vulgar jokes, such are his moral convictions.

In the morning he is always in a hurry to get to work, so most often his breakfast is porridge or scrambled eggs. Tries to stick to healthy eating, but due to the fact that he has a dense tour schedule, it does not always work out, you have to make do with sandwiches.

If we draw an analogy with the animal world, then Oleshko considers himself to be a waterfowl, a pool and a bath pacify him, bring complete relaxation and maximum comfort.

He adores good clothes and high-quality men's perfumes, but he never chases after expensive brands, he can safely wear a cheap sweater with jeans if he likes it.

He has his life rules: Sasha believes that a person should be especially attentive to what he eats, with whom and how he speaks, what he does and with whom he meets.

Alexander does not accept labor-flour, in his concept to work means to be happy.

The news that Alexander Oleshko no longer works on Channel One blew up the Internet and was on the first line in search engines for almost a day. "No official statements, clarifications, clarifications, goodbyes and other things. Only gratitude for the many years, bright, diverse, very rich and very interesting, good cooperation, which ended in on their own at the beginning of June this year! "- said the showman.


On the First, they were surprised. "Alexander Oleshko has not been working on Channel One for about six months. There were no suitable projects for the presenter, so at the beginning of 2017 it was decided to leave," the RIA Novosti news agency quotes the channel's press service. On the first one, they are surprised that for some reason this has begun to be discussed only now.

They say that Oleshko will work on the staff of NTV - he was invited to host a new show "You are super! Dancing". "Being freelance artist, accepted an offer that he could not refuse! Wherever and with whoever you are, the main task remains to give the viewer joy, peace of mind and good mood! - told about new job Alexander. - Happy work with children and for children in a variety of projects, films and TV programs has been accompanying me for a long time. For many years, being the leading popular television shows of various formats, I have always tried to become a defender, support, comrade and friend for the participants. "

He added that he does not hold a grudge against Channel One. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your trust, support, attention and endless possibilities! To everyone with whom you worked, thank you for your help, passion and common cause!" - wrote Oleshko on his Instagram page.

The news that Alexander Oleshko no longer works on Channel One blew up the Internet and was on the first line in search engines for almost a day. "No official statements, clarifications, clarifications, goodbyes and other things. Only gratitude for the long-term, bright, diverse, very rich and very interesting, good cooperation, which ended of its own free will in early June this year!" - said the showman.


On the First, they were surprised. "Alexander Oleshko has not been working on Channel One for about six months. There were no suitable projects for the presenter, so at the beginning of 2017 it was decided to leave," the RIA Novosti news agency quotes the channel's press service. On the first one, they are surprised that for some reason this has begun to be discussed only now.

They say that Oleshko will work on the staff of NTV - he was invited to host a new show "You are super! Dancing". "Being a free artist, I accepted an offer I could not refuse! Wherever and with whoever I was, the main task remains to give the viewer joy, peace of mind and good mood! - Alexander told about his new work. - Happy work with children and for children in a variety of projects, films and television programs have been accompanying me for a long time. For many years, being the host of popular television shows of various formats, I have always tried to become a protector, support, comrade and friend for the participants. "

He added that he does not hold a grudge against Channel One. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your trust, support, attention and endless possibilities! To everyone with whom you worked, thank you for your help, passion and common cause!" - wrote Oleshko on his Instagram page.

Alexander Oleshko managed to find an application for his artistry and comedic talent, managing to appear not only on the stage and on the set, but also in various television projects. When he sees himself on the TV screen or the pages printed publications, he still cannot believe that his childhood dreams have come true. Now he can be quite proud of his creative biography, where you can find a lot of striking works.

The artist is very popular with both adults and children, whom he charges with positive emotions. Acting work not easy, and often Oleshko from fatigue and stress cannot fall asleep at night, but he prefers not to grumble or whine about it and be always in good shape. Showing his cheerfulness and positiveness in front of the audience, Alexander outside the screen is completely different. He is one of those who does not share with journalists. love stories and does not advertise his personal life, carefully hiding it behind seven seals.

Childhood dream of becoming a circus performer

The future artist and TV presenter was born in 1976 in Chisinau. His parents are not from creative environment However, even in his youth, my father played the saxophone, and my mother sang well. They chose the most common professions for themselves: my mother held a position in court, and my father worked as a chief engineer. A few years later, my father left the family, and my mother remarried. The boy was raised by his stepfather, who tried to be a caring and loving parent.

In the photo, Alexander Oleshko in childhood

Little Sasha, in his childhood years, was carried away by the circus, which made a huge impression on him. He was shocked by this bright, noisy and shining world, dreaming of becoming a part of it in the future. The boy tried to get backstage and get acquainted with the artists, but they did not listen to him and were driven away. Even then, he demonstrated his artistic abilities: the future TV presenter parodied many stars well, and also performed songs. At school, he could not boast of an ability for the exact sciences, but his teachers distinguished him as an exemplary and active student who was a ringleader at everyone. school activities and concerts.

school years... Photo

Oleshko thought about becoming an artist already in his teens. He wanted to leave for Moscow, as in hometown did not see any prospects. Parents were surprised by his decision, because they dreamed of a different fate for their son. Sasha's grandmother was also upset, she was a believer and wanted her grandson to become a priest. At the age of 15, he left for the capital, where he soon began to study at the school of circus and pop art.

After graduating educational institution with honors, the young man decided to get a higher acting education. He successfully entered the B.V.Schukin Theater School, where he studied until 1999.

Diverse creative career

The career of an aspiring actor was not easy. He went to auditions and auditions for a long time, however, everywhere he received polite refusal... After a while, Oleshko managed to get a job in the troupe academic theater Satyrs, and a year later he joined the collective of the Sovremennik Theater, where he played such roles in productions as:

  • Fedotika in "Three Sisters"
  • Kshepshitsyulsky in "Balalaikin and K °"
  • Kuligin in the "Thunderstorm"
  • Benny Altera in Difficult People and others.

His collaboration with cinema began with cameo roles in different series. So, in 1992, Alexander had a chance to star in the third season of the film "Midshipmen".

Shot from the film "Turkish March (season 2)"

And when Svetlana Druzhinina was going to shoot "Secrets of Palace Revolutions", he tried his luck again and took part in the casting, getting the role of a soldier. Over time, directors discovered his acting talent, thanks to which such films appeared in the filmography:

  • "Father's daughters";
  • "Man with a warranty";
  • "Inhabited Island";
  • "Ekaterina. Takeoff";
  • "Voronins" and others.

The artist also found application on television, where he was the host of various programs for children and youth. Many viewers noticed him on the show "Thank God you came" on the STS channel, as well as " A big difference», « New year's night on Channel One ”,“ Time to Dinner ”,“ Minute of Glory ”,“ Just the same ”on Channel One. Last news about Oleshko will only delight his fans.

"Ekaterina. Takeoff"

In 2017, he switched to the NTV channel, becoming the host of shows such as “You are super! Dances "and" Through the Lips of a Baby ". In addition, in 2018 the actor joined the collective of the Yevgeny Vakhtangov Theater, where he is involved in the productions of Mademoiselle Nitouche and Take an Umbrella, Madame Gaultier! He often performs at concerts not only as a presenter, but also as a performer of songs.

Personal life of Alexander Oleshko

Despite the long-term status of a bachelor, Alexander had one marriage in his personal life, which lasted about six months. With his future wife, Olga Belova, he met while studying at the acting department. After graduating from college, the lovers got married, but quickly scattered. Later, the artist himself noted that their divorce was quite peaceful and did not affect future relations in any way. Now they often communicate and are aware of all the events taking place at each other. So, for example, Oleshko is very happy for his ex-wife, who got married and became a mother.

In the photo, Alexander Oleshko with ex-wife Olga Belova

The artist did not advertise his relationship with the girls and almost did not appear with them at events, which led to many rumors about his orientation. But in 2011, he revealed his beloved, who turned out to be Victoria Mineeva. Many fans noted that Victoria looks very similar to his ex-spouse... According to Alexander, she has no acting education and works as graphic designer... The girl attracted him not only with her beauty, but also with her professional abilities. The TV presenter was glad that next to him a close-minded person, but he was in no hurry to call her his wife, as he simply enjoyed this relationship and did not think about the future.

Alexander Oleshko with his cats. Photo

Now Oleshko lives in his own apartment, but in order to become the owner of Moscow housing, he had to save up for a long time. He is accompanied by four-legged pets - three cats, which are looking forward to their owner from filming and touring. In 2018, the host's personal life brings him a lot of joy. He intends to soon change his status and propose to his beloved, whose name will soon be revealed.

The artist has long been thinking of becoming a husband and father. Previously, he wanted to adopt a girl or a boy, however, then changed plans, since he was not ready for such an important mission. But he did not even consider the birth of children with the help of surrogate motherhood, although the act of Philip Kirkorov won him over. In 2017, they wanted to ascribe paternity to Alexander. When he was on tour in Saratov, a girl was brought to him and presented as own daughter... However, the actor did not believe this and did not even begin to do DNA tests, since he knows that he cannot have illegitimate heirs.

  1. In childhood, the presenter collected various things related to circus activities: calendars, badges, figures in the form of clowns, newspaper articles. During that time, the boy watched the movie "My Favorite Clown" many times, which showed the circus life behind the scenes.
  2. When the future artist studied at the circus school, he tried to get himself a large wardrobe. With the money sent by his mother, the young man did not buy food, but ties and shirts, of which about 200 pieces soon accumulated.
  3. At the beginning of his career, Oleshko was forced to save on everything, as well as earn extra money. He had to unload the wagons, work as a waiter in a cafe, and also become an instructor in the gym for a while.
  4. Filming with Druzhinina, the aspiring actor really wanted to please her, therefore, when his hero was supposed to cry, Alexander refused tear drops and did everything himself. The director appreciated his abilities, and then involved in two episodes. Already in the voice acting, she regretted that he starred so little in the film.
  5. Oleshko celebrates his birthday in July, in the same month his colleague Nonna Grishaeva was born, only with a difference of two days. Once on their birthday, they had to fly from the tour together, and the ship's commander found out about this, who invited the passengers to congratulate the star birthday.
  6. The artist finds time to do charity work, being an active member of such foundations as "Give Life", "AdVita" and others.

Russian theater and film actor, TV presenter


Alexander Oleshko was born in Chisinau. At the age of 14, the young man moved to Moscow, where he studied at the State School of Variety and circus art... After graduating with honors, Alexander entered the Shchukin Theater School (course of V.V. Ivanov).


After graduating from the Shchukin School, Alexander Oleshko was accepted into the troupe of the Theater of Satire. The actor recalls: “I received several offers to various theaters, but Alexander Anatolyevich Shirvindt actually took my hand and said:“ You are ours. ”I came to the Satire Theater and played very good roles, but I wanted even more. Six months later I I was out of the theater for two months, and then I went to play along with my classmate at the Sovremennik theater, where Galina Borisovna Volchek gave me special attention. "

Roles on the stage of the Theater of Satire

  • The Cook and the Tailor - "The Taming of the Shrew"
  • Bobchinsky - "The Inspector General"
  • Robert Saw - "Threepenny Opera"
  • Federico - "Naples - the city of millionaires"

Roles on the stage of the Sovremennik Theater

  • Epikhodov - " The Cherry Orchard"
  • Fedotik - "Three Sisters"
  • Minister of Tender Senses - "Once again about the naked king"
  • Kshepshitsyulsky - "Balalaikin and Co"
  • Fly - "Sweet-voiced bird of youth"
  • Kuligin - "Thunderstorm"
  • Beni Alter - " Difficult people"

Today, Alexander Oleshko collaborates with the Theater. Vakhtangov, where he plays in the performances "Mademoiselle Nitouche" and "Take an umbrella, Madame Gaultier!" Also, the actor is a regular participant creative evenings in the "Art Cafe" on New stage theater. With the participation of the actor there are performances "Let's quietly ..." and "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".


The actor's debut in cinema took place in 1992 in the film "Difficult People". After that there were roles in the films "Round Dance", "Envy of the Gods", "Turkish March", "Code of Honor", "Turkish Gambit", "Inhabited Island", "August. Eighth", "Moms" and others.

To date, the actor has more than 50 film roles in his arsenal. But viewers know and love him, first of all, for his work on television. The artist notes: “I used to come to Mosfilm and they said to me:“ Oh, what a talented boy, what a wonderful! It’s a pity that you’re not in the media, so we won’t shoot you. " , I will wait for those people who will give me the opportunity to do what I see fit. So if I do not have interesting work to the movies, I go to television. "

"Ekaterina. Takeoff"

In 2017, the TV channel hosted the premiere of the serial film "Ekaterina. Takeoff" directed by Dmitry Iosifov. The tape is a continuation of the 2014 series "Catherine" and tells about the fate of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great. Alexander Oleshko played the role of the artist Fyodor Stepanovich Rokotov in the film. His partners on the set were: Marina Alexandrova, Vladimir Yaglych, Igor Sklyar, Pavel Tabakov, Sergei Marin, Sergei Koltakov and other actors.

The television

Alexander is extremely in demand on television - both as a presenter and as a participant in programs.

Present time

  • Show "Just the same" (Channel One) - presenter
  • Show "Minute of Glory" (Channel One) - presenter
  • "I want to know", cognitive program(Channel One) - heading presenter
  • "Multstudia", children's educational program (channel "Carousel") - presenter
  • "Time for lunch" cooking show(Channel One) - presenter
  • "In our time" (Channel One) - presenter

year 2013

  • "One to One" (Channel One) - presenter
  • Comedy parody show "Repeat!" (Channel One) - actor.


  • "Yesterday life" humorous show (Channel One) - actor of the rubric


  • Comedy parody show "Big Difference" (Channel One) - actor


  • The program "Home Tales" ("Smeshariki") (channel "Domashny") - presenter


  • Youth talk show "Bolshiye" ("Culture") - host


  • TV-game "Alphabet" (TVC) - presenter



  • TV game "Hairpin" (2x2) - host
  • TV Review "Musical Elite" ("Russia") - presenter


He was married to a classmate at the Shchukin school Olga Belova. V currently divorced.


  • Twice laureate of the V. Yakhontova (1997-1998)
  • Diploma-recipient of the competition "With love for romance" (1998)
  • Winner of the "Golden Frame" award of the business circles "AU-RUM" for the best comedy role in the series "Stop on demand" (2002)
  • Winner of the Sozvezdiye Foundation Prize (2004)
  • Laureate theater awards"The Seagull" in the nomination "Best Comedic Actor" (2005)
  • Winner of the "Cinema Beauty Awards" (2007)
  • Awarded the Medal "Talent and Vocation" by the International Coordinating Council of the Peacemaker Alliance (2008)
  • GQ's Most Stylish Actor of the Year (2009)
  • Bronze medalist of the TV project "Two Stars" (2009)
  • Awarded the Order of Recognition for Distinguished Service by the International Academy of Public Recognition (2010)
  • Awarded the Silver Order "Service to Art" by the International Academy of Culture and Arts (2010)
  • Laureate National Festival"Kind Song of Russia" (2010)
  • Fashion Actor of the Year (World Fashion Awards) (2010)
  • Laureate of the Smile Russia Film Festival "For Contribution to the Country's Sense of Humor" (2012)
  • Holder special prize Andrei Mironov Russian National Acting Award "Figaro" (2013)
  • Laureate national award"Assistance-2014". Special award "For promoting the development of culture and art" (2014)
  • Laureate of the Moscow City Prize for his contribution to the development of family arrangements for orphans "Wings of a Stork" (2015)

Based on materials from sites,,,,,,,


  • Ekaterina. Takeoff (2016)
  • Spring aggravation (2016), mini-series
  • In the shadow of my shadow (2015)
  • Chief (2015)
  • Repeat! (2013-2014), TV series
  • Shopping center(2013), TV series
  • Man with a guarantee (2012)
  • He’s still Carloson! (2012)
  • Moms (2012)
  • August. Eighth (2012)
  • Dostoevsky (2010), TV series
  • Cheating (2010)
  • Like the Cossacks
  • Aunt Klava von Getten (2009)
  • Samurai Shadow (2009)
  • The Man from Boulevard CapuchinoC (2009)
  • Paradise corner (2009)
  • Roof (2009)
  • Duels: Scout's Happiness (2009)
  • Return of the Musketeers (2009)
  • Photographer (TV series 2008)
  • Agency "Dream" (2008)
  • Weaknesses strong woman(2008), TV series
  • Inhabited Island (2008)
  • A very Russian detective (2008)
  • Death to spies: Crimea (2008), TV series
  • Paid by death (TV series 2007)
  • Housing problem(TV series 2007)
  • Law & Order: Criminal Intent (2007), TV series
  • Daddy's Daughters (2007-2013), TV series
  • All So Sudden (2007), TV series
  • Turkish Gambit (2006) Miniseries
  • Rails of Happiness (2006), TV series
  • Grandpa of my dreams-2 (2006)
  • Cherry Orchard (2006)
  • Thank God you came! (2006-2010), TV series
  • Commercial Break (2006) miniseries
  • Star of the era (2005) miniseries
  • Turkish Gambit (2005)
  • Manor (2004), TV series
  • Narrow Bridge (2004)
  • Code of Honor (2004-2014), TV series
  • Apocrypha: Music for Peter and Paul (2004)
  • Station (2003), TV series
  • Stop On Demand-2 (2001), mini-series
  • People and Shadows: Secrets puppet theater(2001), mini-series
  • Turkish March (2000-2007), TV series
  • Stop On Demand (2000) Mini-series
  • We are 75! (2000)
  • Envy of the Gods (2000)
  • Are you kidding me? (1999)
  • Let's get to know each other! (1999), TV series
  • Old songs about the main thing-2 (1996)
  • Fatal eggs (1995)
  • What a wonderful game (1995)
  • Round dance (1994)
  • Give Miracle a Chance (1994)
  • Difficult people (1992)