Viktor Tsoi - biography, photo, personal life: the last hero. Birthday Victor Tsoi

Viktor Tsoi - biography, photo, personal life: the last hero. Birthday Victor Tsoi
Viktor Tsoi - biography, photo, personal life: the last hero. Birthday Victor Tsoi

Viktor Tsoi's birthday: biography

Viktor Robertovich Tsoi appeared on June 21, 1962, and now it would be 55 years old. But, because of the tragic incident, we can only remember how the idol of millions was, which was the person who was called the phenomenon of Soviet rock music. Some young people are quite difficult to understand why Viktor Tsoi loved so much, how he earned such a fame and became a voice of the people, during the time when most of the problems could not be raised. We want to tell you about it.

Viktor Tsoi: biography

The boy was born in 1962 in Leningrad. His father Robert Tsoi was an engineer, and Valentina Vasilyevna's mother taught physical education at school. Since childhood, Victor was a rather creative person, at first it pulled him to drawing, so parents gave the Son to the art school, where he studied for three years. School of school, the boy could not boast, and the teachers did not make good forecasts for the future of the guy.

But from the fifth grade, the boy became interesting to music. He had the first guitar, and he even gathered his first group called "Chamber No. 6". This hobby has never left him, in grade 9, when parents left for rest, the guy spent all the money left to him, to a new guitar. And at his disposal was only 3 rubles, which he bought Belyesha. Unfortunately, the result was not very good, after that Victor never eaten them again.

After grade 9, he entered the art school. But the passion for music took too much time, and the guy was expelled from the second coup. After that, Victor entered the school and went to work for the plant. Despite all this, he understood that the music is the only thing he wants to tie his life.

Viktor Tsoi and the group "Cinema"

In 1981, Viktor Tsoi, together with Alexei, Fishkin and Oleg Valinsky, create a group "Garin and hyperboloids". However, such a name existed only two months, and the group was renamed "Cinema". From this point on, the climb of Victor to glory began. They quickly recorded the album called "45". This helped Boris Grebenchikov. From this point on, all the songs have become quite popular, but only among a small audience.

The next album "Head of Kamchatka" has already brought great glory to the group and the most. He was recorded in 1984, and then the group became a laureate at the Leningrad Rock Festival and a real sensation for listeners. After that, the group everything went well, the next album "Night" made them even more famous and beloved.

And the most peak group fell in 1988, when the musicians recorded the album "Blood Group". He became the most famous and beloved in all of the USSR. But, in addition, the glory of the group extended throughout Europe. Therefore, Viktor Tsoi with his composition performed in France, Denmark and Italy.

Literally a year later, the group writes the album "Star named Sun.". He does not make them even more popular, because the fans were a huge amount.

Viktor Tsoi songs could show his radical glances that everyone liked to all his fans. Especially his song "Blood Group", "Change", "Star named Sun". But Victor himself spoke about music completely differently. "Music should cover: it should, when it is necessary, to mix when necessary, to merge, and when it is necessary, and make you think. Music should not only call for going to go Through the Winter Palace. She should listen."

Viktor Tsoi in movies

Thanks to its incredible popularity, Victor began to invite to shoot in films. There were 14 of them 14. The main of which can be called "ACCA" and "needle", where the musician played a major role. These films were very important for that time because they completely reflected the essence of the era.

But today they do not forget about the musician, many directorists still remove films about the life and work of Viktor Tsoi.

Victor Tsoi's personal life

The musician was married to Marianna Tsoi, they had a son Alexander, who, by the way, was also a rock musician. The wife helped Viktor during all his concerts, took on organizational issues and concert costumes.
But on the set of the film "Ass" Victor met Natalia Razlogova, with which he had a novel. It destroyed his family, although they were officially with his wife and did not divorce.

The death of Viktor Tsoi

Kumir Millions died on August 15, 1990 in a rather strange car accident. When Victor returned from rest in the Baltic States, he crashed into "Ikarus", who was not injured. According to the official version, the musician just fell asleep due to overwork. It is also rumored that he changed the cassette in his radio tape recorder, but did not find confirmation.

Musician and film actor, he became a cumier generation of restructuring. The creative legacy that the singer left for his short life was repeatedly rethought with his contemporaries and the following generations of musicians.

The phenomenon that represented the "Cinema" group in the post-Soviet space was unique: the problems raised in the songs of Tsoi still continue to worry young minds.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand and explain what Viktor Tsoi deserves such total nationwide love. The voice of the people, the symbol of the era of Russian rock, the breath of change - such notation is very by the way, when the name of the legendary musician remembers.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Tsoi was born in the summer of 1962 in the Leningrad family of scientific and technical intelligentsia. Musician's father Robert Tsoi worked as an engineer, and Mom, Native St. Petersburg, Valentina Vasilyevna, taught physical education at school. Tsoi Son Dunes (Russian name - Tsoi Maxim Maksimovich), Grandfather Viktor Tsoi on his father, was born in Korea. Despite the Korean roots, the growth of Victor was 184 cm (generally accepted version).

From early childhood, the boy loved to draw, and parents to develop his talent, Victor gave Victor to an art school, where he studied for three years. In high school, he could not please the parents with success, and teachers did not see a student in it capable of knowledge, paying attention to other children.

Already from the fifth grade, the circle of interests of the student has changed dramatically towards music. In the fifth grade, Tsoi had the first guitar, the boy enthusiastically begins to engage in music and even collects the first group of "Chamber No. 6" with comrades.

Hobbating a teenager with music was huge: to buy a 12-string guitar, the schoolboy spent all the money that parents left him, having left for rest. At the remaining three rubles, Tsoi bought Belyesha and nailed them on an empty stomach. The result was predicted, and after that, the musician did the only true conclusion for myself: never Belyesha.

After the ninth grade Viktor Tsoi decided to continue his studies in the Leningrad Art School of Name to become an artist-designer. But the passion for the visual arts quickly cooled, since Music was held most of the young time. Tsoi was expelled from the second coup.

Victor went to work at the plant, and then settled in the artistic and restoration professional lyceum No. 61, where she mastered the profession of a carciste on a tree. The musician often cut out the Chinese Figures of the Netzke from the tree.

Nevertheless, all these life interests were not the main goal for Victor. Music has always been there, and over time, he more and more understood that this is the only activity that would like to devote his life.


At the end of 1981, Viktor Tsoi, together with Alexei, Fishkin and Oleg Valina, created a rock band called Garin and hyperboloids, but a few months later renamed the team in the "Cinema" and in this composition entered into the famous Leningrad Rock Club. The newly-made team with the assistance and musicians of his group writes the first album "45". The name of the album occurred from the duration of the sound of his records.

New creation has become popular on Leningrad apartment. In a relaxed atmosphere, the audience of the listeners tightly communicated with the performers. Already then, Viktor Tsoi clearly spoke about his life principles, which did not intend to retreat.

Viktor Tsoi - "Eighth grader"

The next album, named "Chief of Kamchatka" in honor of the name of the boiler room, where Victor worked by the Kochegar, the group recorded in 1984 in the new composition: Instead of Rybina and Valina, the collective was part of the team, bassist Alexander Titov, and Gustav was sitting at the drum installation ( Georgy Guryanov). In the same year, the "Cinema" group was a laureate at the second Leningrad Rock Festival, becoming a genuine sensation for listeners.

Viktor Tsoi - "War"

The next year of the festival, the "Cinema" group repeated his deafening success, and the musicians decided to record the Night album, which was thinking to become a new word in the genre of rock music that fully meet the latest trends in Western Rock performers. Working on "At night" was dragged on, and instead of her "Cinema" recorded a magneto album called "This is not love."

In November 1985, another replacement was held as part of the Movie Group: Alexander Titova, at the post of bassist, Igor Tikhomirov changed. This team did not change until the very end of its existence.

Viktor Tsoi and the group "Cinema"

1986 became the year of the peak popularity of "Cinema". The secret of it consisted in a unique combination of fresh musical finds with simple and vitality of Victor Robertovich. In addition, the songs of "Cinema" was easy to perform under the guitar, this group is obliged to thousands of "kinomans", having the compositions of Tsoi in every yard.

In 1986, the Group presented the audience addressed the album "Night" and gave a sign concert at the Joint Moscow Festival of St. Petersburg Rock Club and the Moscow Rock Lab. Group albums were becoming increasingly popular, and new clips of the team watched millions of viewers throughout the Soviet Union.

Viktor Tsoi - "Blood Group"

After the release of the album "Blood Group" (presented in 1988), "CINOMANIA" spread beyond the USSR. The team gave concerts in France, Denmark and Italy, and the photo groups were increasingly appearing on the covers of popular music magazines. A year later, "Cinema" produces the first professional studio album called "Star by the Sun", and the musicians immediately begin work on the next record.

Viktor Tsoi - "Star named Sun"

The best songs from the Album "Star named Sun" made Victor Tsoi and a group of "Cinema" of the immortal, and the composition of the "pack of cigarettes" became a hit for each subsequent young generation of the states of the former USSR.

In 1989, the concerts of the Movie Group were held in France and the United States.

In June 1990, the last concert of Viktor Tsoi and his team in the Olympic complex "Luzhniki" in Moscow.

Viktor Tsoi - "Cuckoo"

"Cinema" - the last album in the discography of the collective. The songs of "Cuckoo" and "Stay" became the most popular compositions that later repeatedly performed other musicians and groups.

Tsoi's songs turned the consciousness of many Soviet people. First of all, the name of the musician is associated with changes and changes. Such a desire represents the song "I want change!" (In the original - "Change!"), which for the first time sounded at the IV festival of the Leningrad Rock Club in DC "Nevsky" on May 31, 1986.

Viktor Tsoi - "Change!"

At first glance, it may seem that Tsoi was a commitment to radical decisions, but in fact he perceived life somewhat differently.

Tsoi about music:

"Music should cover: it should, when it is necessary - to mix when necessary - to merge, and when it is necessary - and make you think. Music should not only call for Go Through the Winter Palace. It should be placed. "

Once in an interview with media representatives, he admitted that he believed himself an opponent of reincarnation, and to remain himself - the main thing for him. It is possible that the musician pondered over a professional acting career, and did not comment on the attitude towards the political trends of that time.

Tsoi said about his vision of changes in the Soviet society:

"I meant the release of consciousness from all sorts of dogma, from a stereotype of a small, worthless indifferent person constantly looking at" upstairs. " I waited for change in the mind, and not specific laws, decrees, appeals, plenums, congresses.


Viktor Tsoi's film as a movie actor was to participate in the graduation work of the young Kiev director, a kind of musical film "End of Vacation". The filming of the film took place on Lake Telbin in Kiev. Participation in this picture marked the new stage in creativity.

Viktor Tsoi in the movie "Needle"

The popularity of the "Cinema Group" led to the fact that Viktor Tsoi began to invite to participate in the filming of the "New Formations" films. The Tsoi-Filmaker filmography was fourteen films, among which it is necessary to note the important paintings of that time, fully reflective the essence of the "Epoch of Changes".

Viktor Tsoi in the film "ACCA"

This is the famous "ACCA" of the film director, a picture filled with the tart feeling of the "beginning of the end" characteristic of the years of restructuring. This is the dramatic thriller "needle", in which the leader of the "Cinema" group performed a major role. The Hero of Tsoi Moro decides to fight with drug addicts, but everything turns out to be not so simple. His antipode, Angodilera Arthur, played. The film became the 1989 Rental Leader, and Viktor Tsoi received the title of "Best Actor of the Year" on the results of the survey among the readers of the Soviet Screen.

Personal life

In the senior classes, Viktor Tsoi was not popular with classmates, all the fault was his nationality, but by 20 years, the personal life of the artist changed. The girls were on duty at the entrance of the beloved musician. And soon the young man met the soul mate. Acquaintance happened on one of the parties where the musician was present. Marianna was three years older than the musician. The first six months of lovers went on dates into the park, after which they decided to live together.

Every five years, Tsoi's fans celebrate the next anniversary date from the birth of Viktor Tsoi festive rock concerts and memory shares. In 2017, in honor of the next anniversary date on the song "Star named Sun" in St. Petersburg, a clip was removed by one frame. This year, the artist would have 55 years old.


  • 1982 - "45"
  • 1983 - "46"
  • 1984 - "Head of Kamchatka"
  • 1985 - "This is not love"
  • 1986 - "Night"
  • 1988 - "Blood Group"
  • 1989 - "Star named Sun"
  • 1990 - "Cinema" ("Black Album")

The life of Viktor Tsoi was fitted in a temporary segment: from June 21, 1962 to August 15, 1990. The famous rock singer, the creator of the Movie group was born in Leningrad, in the family of the Korean origin of Robert Tsoi and Valentina's physical education teachers. The musician was the only child in the family.

In 1981, Viktor Tsoi, Alexey Rybin and Oleg Valinsky created a group "Garin and hyperboloids". Later, this group was renamed "Cinema". The first album of the band recorded under the guidance of Boris Grebenshchikov, and all the musicians of the Aquarium group took part in his record.

In 1988, the musicians recorded the Album "Star named Sun". And in 1989, the musicians left to France, where they recorded their last album "the last hero".

In total, in the discography of Tsoi and the "Cinema" group - 8 albums, with such famous songs like: "The last hero", "aluminum cucumbers", "Mom Anarchy", "seen night", "blood group", "Star named Sun" and many others.

Viktor's famous and as a film actor - he starred in several paintings. The popularity of the group has increased to unprecedented heights after the album "blood group" and the film "Needle" was published. The next album of the "Cinema" group - "Star named Sun", criticism was recognized as ingenious.

In 1989 at the Golden Duke Film Festival in Odessa, Viktor Tsoi was recognized as the best actor.

In his youth, Viktor Tsoi was a fan of Mikhail Boyarsky and Vladimir Vysotsky, later Bruce Lee, whose image began to imitate and became interested in oriental martial arts.

In June 1990, the last concert "Cinema" passed. After that, Tsoi with Casparyans retired at the cottage under Jurmala, where they began to record material for the new album. This album, the musicians of the Movie group, after the death of Tsoi, came out in December 1990 and was called the Black Album.

On August 15, 1990, Viktor Tsoi died in a car accident. The accident occurred under Tukums in Latvia, a few tentacular kilometers from Riga. According to the most believable official version, Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel, after which his "Moskvich-2141" dark blue flew to the oncoming lane and ran into the Ikarus-250 bus.

The death of Viktor Tsoi was a shock for fans. Among the many admirers of the musician, the phrase walks: "Tsoi did not die. He just came out to smoke. "

Early death contributed to the birth of myths. Phrase "Tsoi alive!" It is not portable at all. Among the fans of the singer, there is an opinion that he did not die in the car accident. They even demanded to open the grave and make sure that she was not empty, because the musician was buried in a closed coffin, and a few seen him dead.

There is no 27 years old, but so far his music will turn to affect the development of Russian-speaking rock. True, modern musicians often say that it was the death that I presented with the immortality.

Every year, on June 21, the walls of the film group are collected in Almaty in order to celebrate their ever-live idol. Wall of Viktor Tsoi is banging inside the arch of the house on Arbat. The legendary singer is depicted with a cup of tea, and nearby there is an inscription from the text of the song "Cinema and Viktor Tsoi" - "Anthill": "And I don't know what the percentage of crazy for this hour, but, if you believe my eyes and ears - more in several time".

From Almaty, Viktor Tsoi binds a lot. It was here that the famous song "Star named Sun" was written.

June 21 marks 50 years since the birth of the legendary rock musician, the founder of the "Cinema" group Viktor Tsoi.

Singer, poet, composer and film actor Viktor Tsoi was born on June 21, 1962 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg).

Father Victor - Korean, originally from Kazakhstan, worked as an engineer, mother - Russian, a native Leningrad, was a physical education teacher.

Victor from early childhood was a tendency to drawing, so in the fourth grade (in 1974) parents identified him in an art school, where he studied until 1977.

Music, like drawing, was one of the permanent hobbies of Victor. The first guitar parents presented him in the fifth grade. During his studies at the art school, he met Maxim Pashkov, with whom later organized the group "Chamber No. 6".

In 1978, Viktor Tsoi entered the Leningrad Art School. V. A. SEROVA, for the formed branch. But the fonts and posters were in a burden. Much more satisfaction brought passionate music.

In 1979, he was expelled from the School of "for failure," after which he went to the plant and entered the evening school. Later he studied in SGPU No. 61 in the specialty of the "Tree Cutter", after the end of which, by distribution, he worked for a long time in the restoration workshops of the Ekaterininsky Palace-Museum in the city of Pushkin of the Leningrad Region.

In 1980, Tsoi began to perform at the apartment concerts in Moscow, together with the participants of the "Automatic Satisfactors" group. In 1981, his scenic debut was held as a bass guitarist in the Leningrad Cafe "Telum".

In the summer of 1981, a group "Garin and Hyperboloids" arose, where Viktor Tsoi, Alexey Rybin and Oleg Valinsky. In the autumn of 1981, the Group entered the Leningrad Rock Club. After the departure of Oleg Valine group, renamed the "Cinema".

In 1982, the "Cinema" group debuted on the stage of the Leningrad Rock Club, after which the first album of the group was released, the producer of which was Boris Grebenchikov (leader of the Aquarium Group).

In the autumn of 1982, Viktor Tsoi worked in the garden-park crash on a tree.

On February 19, 1983, a joint concert "Cinema" and "Aquarium" was held, which sounded such songs as "aluminum cucumbers", "electric train" and "trolleybus".

In the spring of 1983, Alexey Rybin left the group, the reason was disagreement with Viktor Tsoem.

In the spring of 1984, the "Cinema" team spoke at the second festival of the Leningrad Rock Club and received the title of laureates, and Viktor Tsoi's song "I declare my home-free zone" was recognized as the best anti-war song.

In the second half of 1984, the second composition of the Movie Group would be formed, which included: Viktor Tsoi (guitar, vocal), Yuri Kasparyan (Guitar, Vocal), Georgy "Gustav" Guryanov (drums, vocals), Alexander Titov (bass, vocals ). After some time, Igor Tikhomirov came to the place of Titov.

In the summer of 1984, the group recorded the album "Head of Kamchatka", then the albums "not love" (1985), "Night" (1986), songs from which "Anarchy Mom" \u200b\u200band "saw night" quickly became popular.

In the spring of 1985, the "Cinema" group became the laureate of the Third Festival of the Leningrad Rock Club, and a year later, at the next, fourth, the rock festival, the "Cinema" group received a prize for the best texts.

In 1986, the Movie and Aquarium Groups made a concert program in the United States and there they also recorded the Album "Red Wave".

In the fall of 1986, Viktor Tsoi arranged to work as a driver to the famous boiler house "Kamchatka".

In the spring of 1987, the last speech was held at the Festival of the Rock Club, where the group "Cinema" received a prize "for creative majority."

In addition to musical creativity, Viktor Tsoi was known for his own works in the cinema. He starred in the films "Ya Hha!" (Director Rashid Nugmanov), "End of Vacation" (director Sergey Lysenko), "Rock" (director Alexey Teacher) and "Assa" (director Sergey Soloviev). In the film Rashid Nugmanova "Needle" (1988) Viktor Tsoi played Moro's main role.

He continued to engage in painting. In 1988, the exhibition of Leningrad modern artists of 10 paintings was held in New York, Viktor Tsoi brushes.

In 1988, the album "Blood Group" was released and the album "Star named Sun" was recorded, which was released at the end of 1989 - the first and last album in the history of the group, recorded in the professional studio.

In the summer of 1989, together with Yuri Kasparyan, Viktor Tsoi traveled to the United States, and in the spring of 1990 visited Japan.

On June 24, 1990, the last concert of the "Cinema" group took place in the Luzhniki. A special salute was arranged and the Olympic torch was lit.

On August 15, 1990, at 12 pm 28 minutes, Viktor Tsoi tragically died in a car accident, returning from night fishing in Jurmala at the car "Moskvich". Central Machine crashed into a flight bus "Ikarus". According to investigators, the singer fell asleep.

He is buried in St. Petersburg at the Bogoslovsky Cemetery.

As for the personal life of the musician, in 1984, Tsoi married a girl named Mariana, who since 1982 he worked as an administrator of the "Cinema" team. On August 5, 1985, they had a son Alexander. The couple broke up several years before the death of Tsoi, but officially spouses did not divorce.

On June 27, 2005, Viktor Maryan Tsoi's widow after severe and prolonged illness died.

After the death of Viktor Tsoi, the musicians "Cinema" decided to "modify" and release the last compilation. In December 1990, a black album was released on Viktor Tsiu. The "Cinema" group ceased to exist.

In 1990, the "Wall of Viktor Tsoi" appeared in Moscow in Krivarbat Lane. She was written by quotes from the songs of the Movie Group. The fans of the singer were going at the wall twice a year on June 21, on his birthday, and on August 15, on the day of death.

In 2006, the Tsoi Wall was painted by the ART Destroy Project movement, but then fans.

On August 15, 2002, in Latvia at the 35th kilometer of the Talsi Education, a monument was established on the site of the death of the musician (the authors - the artist Ruslan Vereshchagin and the sculptor Amiran Hablashvili).

In the Petrograd district of St. Petersburg, there is a club-museum of Viktor Tsoi "Boiler Kamchatka", where the musician was listed by a regular coach. It opened at the end of 2003. A small scene is located in the former boiler room on the site of the boiler, and the Museum Foundations are kept guitar, posters, photos, plates, tickets from the concerts of the "Cinema" group. The club is considered one of the traditional pilgrimage sites of "kinomans".

In 2009, it was announced the start of the competition for the manufacture and installation of the monument to Viktor Tsuyu in St. Petersburg.

On November 20, 2010, the legendary rock musician in Barnaul (Altai Territory) near the Corps of the Altai State Pedagogical Academy.

And on June 21, 2012, to the 50th anniversary of the birthday of the musician, the alley of the glory of Russian rock, the central place in which the wall of the memory of Viktor Tsoi will take.

Material prepared on the basis of information of open sources and RIA Novosti

Tsoi Viktor Robertovich is a talented musician, an interesting person and founder of the legendary group "Cinema". How was a simple guy with Asian appearance managed to achieve all-union glory? When is Cema's birthday celebrated? Answers to these and other questions are contained in the article.


The famous executor was born on 21 June 1962 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Mother Victor, Valentina Vasilyevna, taught physical culture at school. Father, Robert Maksimovich, worked as an engineer.

Our hero from an early age showed his creative abilities. Little Vitya loved to draw and sculpt different plasticine figures. And he began singing and playing the guitar in grade 5.

Parents gave the Son to Art School. Teachers praised the boy for his fitness and diligence. But Vitya himself soon realized that she was no longer wondering for drawing.


At the 12th age, our hero became a member of the Rock Group "Chamber No. 6". The founder and ideal inspirer of the team was his school friend - Maxim Pashkov.

At 15, Victor entered the art school. Serov. But a good student did not come out of it. Almost all his time Tsoi devoted to music. He was not on classes. As a result, after a year, the guy was expelled from the School for the unsuitability. Vitya understood that you won't fought with one music. Fame and folk recognition still need to earn. He entered one of the St. Petersburg schools, where he mastered the specialty "Tree Cutter".

Find yourself

At some point, Viktor Tsoi realized that the boy number 6 was converted. He and another team participant, Alexey Rybin, went to free swimming. Young people attended apartment replenishments and just wanted to St. Petersburg residents.

In 1981, Tsoi Viktor Robertovich offered his friends - Alexei Fishby and Oleg Valinsky - to create a rock band called Garin and hyperboloids. Guys answered consent. A year later, the team issued his first album "45". Songs liked many listener. But the name of the group was badly remembered and pronounced. Then the guys decided to change it. As a result, the team began to be called "Cinema". About this group spoke. The guys began to receive proposals for a speech at the departments and concert venues of Leningrad.

Soon the new Rock group found out Moscow students. The organizers managed to agree on a big concert in the capital. The people sang Victor and did not want to let him go from the stage. It was a real success. His colleagues were waiting for long tour across the country. And the fans of the "Cinema" group began to celebrate the birthday of Tsoi as one of the public holidays.

In 1983, our hero, in breaks between performances, managed to visit a mental hospital. True, a little known about this episode. Staying in such an institution did not affect the musical career of Tsoi. After all, he came out of the walls of a mental hospital, having a "white ticket" on the hands.

In 1985, the "Cinema" group released two albums at once. One was called "Night", and the other - "This is not love." Fans literally dared to dare all the cassettes from the counters.

A year later, Viktor Tsoi decided to try himself in the new sphere. He became a film actor. For the first time on the screens, the popular rock performer appeared in the film "End of Vacation". Then Victor collaborated with the director Alexei teacher. He starred in his film "Rock". But that's not all. In the creative piggy bank of the role of the role in such paintings as "ACCA" and "Needle".


On August 15, 1990, the famous musician died in a car accident. It happened in Latvia, under Tukums (near Riga). Viktor Tsoi on his "Moskvic" drove along the highway. At some point, the rock star car flew to the oncoming lane and crashed into a regular bus. Tsoi did not have the slightest chances of survival.

The funeral of the legends of Russian Roca took place on August 19, 1990. The grave of the artist is located in the Bogoslovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg. Many fans and today celebrate the birthday of Tsoi.

Personal life

Singer Viktor Tsojybil the object of adoration of many women. But it happened only after the group created by him acquired all-union fame.

In his youth, a thin guy of Asian appearance did not use much popular among representatives of the opposite sex. Yes, and he himself never wanted to become a conqueror of female hearts. Tsoi Viktor Robertovich dreamed of real love. And soon his prayers were heard.

In 1982, the "Cinema" group appeared the administrator - a young and attractive girl named Mariana. Victor fell in love with her literally the first time. His feelings were mutual. The musician has long and beautifully courted for Marjana. Soon the couple played a wedding. At the celebration, the closest people were attended - relatives on both sides, as well as musicians from the "Cinema" group.

In 1985, Mariaan and Victor had a firstborn - son Alexander. In its dense work schedule, the musician tried to carve out more time to communicate with the baby. After some time in the family began the disorder. And even a common child could not restore the former relationship between spouses. In 1987, Victor and Marian officially divorced.

The last love of Tsoi was a translator Natalia Razlogova. He soul did not have a chalk in a new chief. Victor wanted to live with her to old age. But fate ordered differently.


Now you know everything about the famous musician from the "Cinema" group. We told about when the birthday of Tsoi is celebrated, what is the path to glory he passed. The reason for his death was also voiced in the article.