Healthy eating rules for ibex. Health and Nutritional Features by Horoscope - Capricorn

Healthy eating rules for ibex.  Health and Nutritional Features by Horoscope - Capricorn
Healthy eating rules for ibex. Health and Nutritional Features by Horoscope - Capricorn

The health of representatives of the Capricorn sign largely depends on the state of the liver. Therefore, from childhood, people born under this zodiac sign must carefully monitor their diet. Alas, these people think little about the state of their own body until the moment when the disease begins to test the body for strength.

Capricorns are addicted personalities, charged for victory, and in this state they are able to completely forget about the regime and quality of food. On the contrary, during a period of creative calm, resting from work, people of this sign can eat off, eating food indiscriminately and in large quantities. And this, in the end, will certainly affect the figure and state of the body.

An important feature of the organism of Capricorns is a slowed down, one might say sluggish, metabolism, which in turn can provoke diseases of the skeletal system. The secretion of bile in people born under this zodiac sign is rather weak, which means that in order to stimulate Capricorns, it is necessary to diversify their diet with foods containing a large amount of vegetable fats, namely olives, peanuts, sunflower seeds, soybeans, as well. These foods are rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which the body needs to keep the brain working properly, to stimulate bile secretion, and to conserve energy in the body. In addition, to strengthen the skeletal system, Capricorns need to eat more fermented milk products, eggs, butter and fish, that is, those foods that stimulate the activation of vitamin D.

Moreover, it is important for people of this sign to eat at a strictly allotted time, observe the diet, do not overeat and do not "overload" the body. Eating according to the regimen will help to avoid a lot of problems with the body, namely with the gastrointestinal tract. Before eating, such people are not forbidden to have a little dry red wine, which will help stimulate digestion.

For those born under the sign of Capricorn, it is important to remember that they should periodically take care of cleansing the liver, using hepatoprotective drugs that cleanse and protect the liver: Carsil, Legalon and milk thistle, which will allow.

For people of this sign, calcium deficiency in the body is also characteristic. You can prevent brittle bones, brittle hair, and peeling nails by eating pine nuts and taking more walks in the fresh air. From fruits, they should pay attention to melon, watermelon and quince, and from vegetables - to eggplants, beets, parsley and garlic. When eating meat dishes, the emphasis should be on lamb.

Another characteristic of these people is the ability to rapidly gain weight. This suggests that Capricorns should not postpone the decision on the diet indefinitely. But at the same time, the diet should be gentle, because fasting is contraindicated for these people. People born under the sign of Capricorn should not go to the refrigerator after 18:00 and at the same time arrange fasting days once a week. It is better for such people to go on a buckwheat diet. Herbal infusions, regular trips to the sauna or bath will also help.

Knowing the characteristics of their own body, as well as, taking into account these recommendations, people born under the sign of Capricorn will be able to avoid numerous problems with their own health and prevent characteristic diseases. Take care of yourself!

Sample menu for Capricorn

Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, begins to rule from December 22 and will do so until January 20. Mythology sometimes connects this sign with the goat Amalthea, who nursed Zeus himself with milk, then with Pan, who, fleeing from Typhon, fell into the waters of the Nile and therefore became the owner of a luxurious fish tail.

In any case, both of these legends explain why Capricorn is depicted as a goat with a scaly tail on ancient astrological charts. By the way, the combination "fish-goat" is also the key to the astrological diet of Capricorns, which BS will talk about a little later.

Now let's remember the brightest representatives of this sign. We have conditionally divided them into two groups. Can you guess on what basis?

The first group of eminent Capricorns: Michelle Nostradamus, Isaac Newton, Jack London, David Bowie, Kevin Costner, Galina Ulanova.

And the second group: Charles Perrault, Gerard Depardieu, Elvis Presley.

It would seem that what is in common between a French astrologer and alchemist who lived in the 16th century and a modern Hollywood actor? In addition to the common star in the sky, the first group of Capricorns is united by a smart appearance! But the representatives of the second group, apparently, did not find the correct principle of nutrition and became famous for their passion for gluttony.

Meanwhile, astrologers warn: “Capricorns! Gluttony is contraindicated for you! " No, of course, we all remember that Gula (gluttony) is literally a mortal sin, but for some, it at least does not linger on the waist!

To be slim and beautiful, Capricorns need to give up large portions and give preference to fractional meals.

The stars also advise you to constantly stimulate your sluggish intestines (this is how astrologers define the digestion of Capricorns). You need to become "gingerbread". We admit that you will not find the words of this in the encyclopedia, BS invented it just now and in this concept we put all possible knowledge of spices. You Capricorns are just strongly encouraged to emphasize the taste of simple dishes with spices such as anise, sage, mint, basil, nutmeg, etc.

You should also put on the utility shelf: desserts and drinks that do not contain sugar, lean meat and lean sea fish (remember, goat fish at the very beginning of our article?), Grain bread, pasta, cereals, kefir, strawberries, cherries, plums, quince, beets, carrots and aperitifs. On the last point, we note that not all signs of the zodiac are so lucky, usually astrologers, at best, do not mention alcohol.

Prohibited foods: pork, lamb, fatty sea fish, cottage cheese, sweet fruits, fast food.

Capricorns should take kidney disease very seriously. Sometimes you may need medical attention as well, as this is typical for Capricorns.

To avoid future seizures, start your day with a glass of cranberry juice (or a low-calorie alternative if you're counting calories).

Cranberry juice is a controversial remedy, but many doctors recommend it for patients with urinary tract problems. Cranberry juice keeps urine acidic, which reduces the risk of bacteria growing. But this is only suitable for those who have an alkaline urine reaction, who have an acid reaction - cranberry juice is not suitable.

You, more than any other sign, should drink a minimum of six glasses of pure water every day. You should make those six glasses of water a habit, so remember to bring your water bottle to work or workout.

Reduce your consumption of coffee, cola, and tea. For a hot drink, try herbal teas (especially mint and orange), soups, or cereal infusions.

Craving for caffeine can make you jittery and reduce your ability to absorb iron. Without enough iron in your body, you will feel low vitality and prefer to sit all your free time in front of the TV or computer, which is a real poison for Capricorn.

Food has a special place in your life, but try to limit your intake of simple carbohydrates - foods made from wheat flour or refined sugar.

Most Capricorns have a sweet tooth, but these foods can cause unknown allergic reactions on the skin and add fat to the lower back.

There is no particular need to eliminate this joy entirely, but by cutting back on your intake a bit and finding alternatives, you will feel and look your best.

When you want something sweet, try fruit first, especially summer fruit. After a month, you will find that the belt is too wide for you, and your favorite shorts or blouse is very loose.

As long as you restrict yourself from over-consuming sweets, you won't need a diet.

Many Capricorns live to be 100 years old and feel younger with each passing year. If you plan to live a long time, start by increasing your calcium content in your diet, or drink more than three glasses of milk a day, or include dairy products, natural yogurt in your diet.

If you are counting calories or are sensitive to dairy products, talk to your doctor about possible dietary supplements.

Additional weight exercises, including walking, dancing, jumping, and jogging, put stress on your bones to strengthen them. Doubt? Read the literature and you will understand the benefits of exercise for your bones.

You keep track of your weight and waist, eat according to a sensibly selected program, include four food groups, and combine all this with aerobic exercise, but your weight is still several kilograms above normal. What to do?

Do not go on a strict diet to destroy the last extra pounds, as you can disrupt the metabolic process, making your goal even more difficult to achieve.

Look for any chance you can — climb the stairs two steps up, park the car a block away, wear light weights on your wrists while walking.

Choose a hobby, like knitting or pottery, that doesn't allow you to practice and eat at the same time.

Check your weight once a week as it can fluctuate from time to time.

Make it a rule not to eat anything after dinner. If you do feel empty in your stomach, have a glass of herbal tea or a full glass of water.

Train in your target area. Make exercise a habit, be realistic, and remember that reaching your goal does not automatically mean winning the lottery, showing immediate attention from the opposite sex, or being able to cut taxes yourself.

But exercising your body will give you the confidence and energy you need in life.

To keep your body healthy, increase the proportion of fresh vegetables in your diet. Recent research recommends eating at least 300 grams of fresh fruits and vegetables daily.

Make salad your daily routine and consider going vegetarian at least once a week.

Never fast, this is too much of a challenge for Capricorn's sensitive digestive tract. Instead, follow the "prehistoric diet" - eat only raw nuts, fresh fruits, vegetables, and drink plenty of raw water to satisfy your thirst and nourish your skin.

But know, you can be extraordinarily sensitive on days like these.

How to lose weight Capricorns? What are their taste preferences, body features and weak points? When is the best time to spend a fasting day? Astrological diet for the romantic and ambitious!

By temperament, Capricorns are introverted melancholic. They are characterized by stability, firmness, sanity, efficiency, certainty.

What they like: they pay attention not so much to the food, but to the table setting and the decoration of the dish itself. Despite the fact that Capricorns are gourmets, they prefer traditional dishes over exotic novelties. If you want to charm him by serving octopus in sweet and sour sauce for lunch, then he is unlikely to like such a masterpiece! But the sight of baked meat seasoned with peppers and onions will definitely not leave him indifferent. As for tastes, they do not change throughout their life: they prefer fish, meat, dishes from potatoes, vegetables, rice.

Weak points: skin, knees, bone skeleton. They are easily susceptible to depression and diseases of the nervous system.

Capricorns in no case it is forbidden mix carbohydrates and proteins at one time, give up sugary drinks and desserts, sugar, mayonnaise, spinach. Exclude fatty fish, fried meat, fried potatoes, smoked meats, canned food.

What's useful: lean meat, stewed vegetables (cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, beets, eggplants, etc.), cereals (buckwheat, oats, "learn about" rice, corn), pasta, cottage cheese, kefir, grain bread, as well as medium-fat fish (pollock, hake, cod, pike, sea bass, pike perch) and seafood (seaweed, shrimp, crabs, crayfish).

From fruits, cherries, strawberries (read which one), cherries, plums, blackberries, melons, quince, citrus fruits are useful.

Energy salts - calcium fluoride and phosphate, which are found in eggshells, sea fish and tea.

Fasting day of Capricorn - Saturday.

Diet menu by horoscope Capricorn

(choose one option)


  • corn flakes (25 g) with low fat milk (no more than 2.5%), green apple
  • diet yoghurt, natural fruit juice without sugar (100 g), 1


  • fresh vegetable salad, 2 slices of bran bread, low-fat cheese (2 tablespoons)
  • hard-boiled egg, low-fat yogurt, vegetable salad, 2 croutons


  • vegetable salad, grilled chicken brisket (250 g)
Capricorn's drink is green tea. You can drink it as much as you like throughout the day, the main thing is sugar-free. Green tea is beneficial due to the content of calcium fluoride in it: it prevents salt deposition, preserves tooth enamel and bone tissue.

Of the herbs, mountaineer bird, wormwood, tansy, strawberry leaves, shepherd's purse, willow bark, oak, viburnum are better suited.

A little about the health of Capricorn

If there are people whose organism vitality does not directly depend on the supply of vitality received at birth, then these are Capricorns. Indeed, those born between December 22 and January 20 rarely boast good health in childhood.

Nevertheless, it is the representatives of this sign that have more chances than other signs of the zodiac to live to a ripe old age, while maintaining a certain clarity of mind, enviable mobility and health.

The most vulnerable areas, with diseases and injuries that Capricorns most often face, are their digestive system, skeleton, knees. Representatives of this sign often suffer from rheumatism, arthritis and calcification, which occurs against the background of the deposition of calcium salts in soft tissues and various organs.

A number of diseases and pathological conditions arise as a result of a violation of the composition of minerals in the body. This leads to a deterioration in the health of the skin, problems with the gallbladder, inflammation of the sebaceous glands, affects the state of the peripheral nervous system, the health of tendons, cartilage and the structure of the body in general.

The desire of the representatives of this sign for self-restraint sometimes plays a cruel joke with Capricorns. Their natural thrift, caution and methodicality are able to move them to martyrdom during the period of illness.

Some Capricorns become locked in their health problems, exaggerating their hopelessness. It is not surprising that if such thoughts are nurtured for a long time, diseases can indeed become intractable.

On the other hand, natural caution allows many Capricorns to avoid injuries characteristic of this sign - sprains, knee injuries, dislocations, bone fractures, bruises, bruises.

Proper nutrition and lifestyle for Capricorn

The basic principle that should underlie the correct nutrition of Capricorns is legibility, legibility, and again legibility. The excretory (excretory) system of Capricorns is not ready for a disdainful attitude towards it, manifested in alcohol abuse, regular consumption of junk food, various seasonings and sauces. For some representatives of this sign, even quite moderate doses of regular chocolate can be a problem for their health.

At the same time, Capricorns require some daily amount of protein to stimulate antibody production. At the same time, the diet of representatives of this sign must necessarily contain foods rich in calcium phosphate.

The presence of this mineral salt, together with protein, helps to strengthen the skeletal system of the body. But the deficiency of this element causes poor assimilation of protein, which, being excreted through the kidneys, causes their diseases, leads to rheumatism and disturbances in the acid-base balance.

As mentioned above, Capricorns, despite a rather weak supply of vitality from nature, are able to live to a very old age, even becoming long-livers.

For this, in addition to proper nutrition, representatives of this sign must develop a positive outlook on the world around them. A healthy sense of humor, the ability to avoid melancholy and depression, adherence to a healthy lifestyle, various practices that develop the mind and body (for example, yoga) allow Capricorns to live a rich, healthy and long life.

The basics of proper nutrition in Capricorn

Foods for proper nutrition of Capricorn

The daily requirement of Capricorns for protein food does not at all imply the presence of fatty and fried meat in their menu. The source of protein for people of this sign should be lean meat (mainly beef, veal, turkey and rabbit).

Do not miss the opportunity to feast on venison, if you have one. Eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, lentils, cheeses, some seafood can also provide the body with the necessary protein. Of the fish, Capricorns can be advised of trout, cod, perch, ruff, bream, pike.

Calcium phosphate, the need for which for Capricorns was mentioned above, the body can receive with foods such as beans, celery, barley, asparagus, cabbage (very different, from white to Beijing), unpeeled wheat, cucumbers, spinach, blueberries, figs, strawberries , prunes and more. Again, lean meats, lentils, and egg yolk are also sources of this mineral.

Carrots, radishes, radishes, onions, garlic, tomatoes, beets, green beans, broccoli, dill, parsley, leafy salads, as well as other vegetables and herbs, are undoubtedly beneficial for the Capricorn body in the form of useful and nutritious substances and vitamins.

Of the fruits, citrus fruits are the most useful for people of this sign. Dessert should be replaced with fruit and a moderate amount of honey.

The most suitable medicinal plants for Capricorns are tall mullein, red beet, quince, kupena (aka Solomon's seal), knotweed (aka goose grass or bird knotweed).

How to lose weight Capricorn with proper nutrition?

Indiscriminate eating is fraught with health problems for Capricorns. As for Capricorns, who seek to lose weight, indiscriminate nutrition (even if we are talking about proper nutrition) will nullify all their efforts. And an increased diet can, rather, disrupt the metabolic process, rather than lead to the desired result.

Representatives of this sign must adhere to a balanced diet (preferably, individually compiled by a nutritionist), eating strictly according to the schedule, strictly following the diet.

At the initial stage of weight loss, it is necessary to reduce the amount of calories consumed, but not to a critical minimum. For those who are ready to neglect this rule in order to see a quick result, we can recommend taking the appropriate multivitamins (you need to consult a specialist).

As the result is achieved, the number of calories should be increased to the usual level. It also makes sense to arrange fasting days (preferably on Saturday), give up alcohol, sweets (replace them with fruits), drink more water.

In addition, Capricorns who have embarked on the path of losing weight should, in addition to observing the rules of proper nutrition, devote enough time to feasible physical activity.

This will allow not only to lose weight faster and fix the result, but also to strengthen the bone structure, which in Capricorns is a vulnerable zone. In addition to exercise, it makes sense for representatives of this sign who are trying to lose weight to regularly visit a massage parlor.

Nutritional Dishes for Capricorn

Diet restrictions, which are, first of all, any diet, can turn even the most cheerful Capricorn into a hypochondriac. This condition can threaten metabolic disorders typical for representatives of this zodiac sign. We offer a suitable menu option for Capricorn, which will not leave hungry, and will give a well-known gastronomic pleasure.

Veal soup for the first. Boil the veal for 40-45 minutes in boiling water. Add finely chopped vegetables (carrots, red bell pepper, garlic, onion, celery stalk). Remove the skin from the tomatoes scalded with boiling water, finely chop and add to the pan. After 20 minutes of cooking, add the asparagus and cook for a few more minutes. At the end of cooking, add greens (you can use parsley or cilantro instead of spinach), bring to a boil again. The soup is ready.

  • Veal - 450 grams;
  • Tomatoes - 4 pieces;
  • Onion - 1 onion;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Celery (stem) - 1 piece;
  • Carrots - 2 pieces;
  • Bulgarian pepper (red) - 2 pieces;
  • Asparagus - 200 grams;
  • Spinach - 150 grams;
  • Salt (to taste).
Cod with herbs in lemon juice for the second. Cut the dried cod fillet into four pieces. Put the onion cut into rings in large foil squares, and put the cod on top. Add salt, pepper, chopped parsley. Then pour with freshly squeezed juice