The day that Münchhausen invented. Dunte manor: once secluded paradise is now easily accessible

The day that Münchhausen invented.  Dunte manor: once secluded paradise is now easily accessible
The day that Münchhausen invented. Dunte manor: once secluded paradise is now easily accessible

But understand, Baron Munchausen is famous not because he flew or did not fly, but because he does not lie!

TV movie "That same Munchausen"

In Madagascar, Colombo and the Sahara
I have been everywhere, I have seen a white light.
In Greenland, Finland,
Uganda and Lapland
You will be told that there is no more resourceful Munchausen!

Song from the cartoon "The Adventures of Munchausen"

This time, in the Fantastic Tourism section, we will tell you about a character whose adventures have been loved by readers of the most different countries... You could even say "about one of the most fantastic characters" ... only that, of course, would be untrue. Well, that is not entirely true. And at the same time - the purest truth, gentlemen! For what else can you tell about a man who never deviated from the truth in his stories? Yes, he was always looking for adventure, and they, accordingly, were looking for him ... And they found!


To begin with, of course, one cannot fail to mention the homeland of Baron Munchausen - the town of Bodenwerder. It so happened that in this very small settlement(now less than six thousand people live there) in its entire fairly long history - the first mention dates back to 960, and he received the rights of the city on January 29, 1287 - no one was born more famous than the brilliant inventor Karl Friedrich Jerome. Therefore, the residents of Bodenwerder embody their love for the only world-renowned compatriot on a grand scale: numerous statues of the baron, erected in various parts of the town, delight the eyes of both local residents and visitors. None of the wonderful stories seem to have been missed. Much is connected with the popular transport of the 18th century: there, half of the unfortunate horse eagerly drinks water (and at the same time works as a fountain), here the baron pulls the faithful horse Ajax out of the swamp (and at the same time pulls himself by the pigtail), another poor equid is tied to the spire of the bell tower. Flights have not been forgotten either - either with the help of ducks, or with the help of the cannonball ...

Patriotic and practical - there is no end of tourists, to the delight of the city treasury and ordinary residents.

We hasten to reassure those who are outraged by the cruel treatment of animals: the baron's horses invariably turned out to be as indestructible as he himself. Even a horse, halved by a fortress lattice, was cured by a skilled garrison healer - he sewed it with laurel shoots (there was nothing else at hand). Later, of course, the tree grew, and since then Munchausen traveled in a kind of gazebo - so to speak, in the shade of his laurels.

In addition to numerous monuments to the Baron, Bodenwerder also has a museum. It is located, however, not in the historical mansion of Karl Friedrich Jerome - for there is now the city's magistrate - but in a spacious building nearby. The family heirlooms of the Munchausen family and the personal belongings of Karl Friedrich Jerome are preserved there: a considerable collection of his pipes, weapons, and even a hare with eight legs known from his stories and the cannonball on which the baron flew!

Museum address - Munchhausenplatz 1, 37619 Bodenwerder, opening hours: April-October - daily, from 10 am to 5 pm, November-March - by prior arrangement. Site -


8 kilometers from the small Latvian town of Saulkrasti (and 55 kilometers from the capital - Riga) there is a museum of Baron Munchausen, opened on May 32 (yes, that's right!) 2005. It was in this house, now rebuilt after a fire, that Karl Friedrich Jerome and his wife Jacobina von Dunten lived the first six years of their long family life - from 1744 to 1750.

Dunte Manor, which has now become one of the most visited museums in Latvia, tells how about real life von Munchausen and his wife (for example, there you can learn about the service of the baron - adjutant of Prince Anton Ulrich - in the steppes of Ukraine and at the Russian court, inspect the baroness' cozy boudoir, admire a collection of two thousand beer mugs), and about the world known for his stories.

The Munchausen coat of arms on the gates of the estate

It's not just the exhibits inside the estate. Firstly, from the museum through the forest to the sea goes the "Munchausen Trail" with a length of either 3.2 kilometers (short version) or 5.3 kilometers (full version) - the last and longest path in Europe, lined with aspen planks. Along it there are wooden sculptures of animals that were mentioned in the stories of the baron: hares, wolves, wild boars, whales, crocodiles - only about four dozen figures.

Secondly, around the estate grow the tallest oak trees in Europe (at least that's what the museum staff say) - the Munchausen oaks, which the baron planted with his own hands for the pleasure of his wife and future children (alas, to the great sadness of the baron, he remained childless). They say that these oaks give energy to everyone who touches them, so that when visiting the baron, you can also recharge with his irrepressible love of life!

Thirdly, quite recently, on August 30, 2013, “the largest beer mug of Baron Munchausen” was inaugurated. After the official agreement with the Guinness Book of Records, it should become the world's largest building in the form of a beer mug.

And by the way: every year on May 32, the museum celebrates its birthday - with one candle and several cakes (how old - so many cakes!). And invites everyone to visit!

Museum address - Duntes manor, Liepupe parish, Salacgriva region, Latvia, LV - 4023; site - By the way, not so far from the manor, in the nearest settlement of Saulkrasti, there is also the Minhauzena Unda recreation complex, and a little further, in the fishing town of Salacgriva, there is the Munchausen at the Boatswain's tavern.


If Bodenwerder is unconditionally in the lead in the number of monuments to Munchausen, then the westernmost city of Russia, in which the great dreamer was twice, firmly holds the second place. However, not without the help of the Lower Saxon town: on June 18, 2005, it was its inhabitants who presented the first monument to the Baron to the people of Kaliningrad for the 750th anniversary of their small homeland. Forging craftsman Georg Petau created a metal wall in which the silhouette of Munchausen flying on the core is carved. The core is undoubtedly tangible, but the baron is somewhat illusory!

It is curious that this unusual silhouette sculpture became the first monument to a German in Kaliningrad, erected since the end of World War II.

This, of course, did not end there. In August 2011, at the initiative of the Munchausen Grandchildren club, the forged over-the-knee boots of the “most truthful man in the world” were installed on the embankment (there is a baron's sword nearby). Naturally, the sculpture was accompanied by a solid legend: they say, the baron presented his ceremonial shoe to the orderly Silantiy Sivukha, and he, out of drunkenness, take it and fall from the bridge into the Pregolya River. The unlucky Silantius was caught, but the boots sank. And now, after more than two centuries, the divers fished out one jackboot - and there is an inscription: “To Minherts Silantiy for eternal memory. Munchausen, 17 ... year "(which one exactly - however, could not be disassembled) and the stigma of the Milanese master. Needless to say, shoemakers then worked conscientiously!

These monuments do not limit your imagination in any way.

Now this jackboot can be tried on by anyone - however, there are contraindications. The fact is that the one who has tried it on suddenly begins to speak exclusively the truth - and this can bring a lot of people to professional incompetence, from politicians to advertisers. Be careful!

However, if you are not shy and such a prospect does not scare you, you can even join the Munchausen fans' club: you have to put on jackboots, take up the sword hilt and swear never to lie in your life - as the baron always did!


Considering how many years the great inventor lived in our country, it would be logical to expect monuments to this outstanding person in other Russian cities. And indeed: since 2004 in Moscow, on Yartsevskaya Street (not far from the Molodezhnaya metro station), you can see the Baron, captured at the moment of pulling himself out of the quagmire (sculpture by Andrey Orlov). And on the pedestal there is a quote from the film: “You say that a person can lift himself by the hair? - Necessarily! Thinking man I just have to do it from time to time. "

There is also a museum of Baron Munchausen in Moscow - it was founded in 2002 by the writer Sergei Makeev. It contains: a mad fur coat, which its owner was forced to shoot in self-defense; a pistol that fires a spark that is knocked out of the eye; a horn in which the melodies were first frozen and then thawed; a model of the ship on which Munchausen discovered Cheese Island and flew to the moon for the second time; a stuffed deer with a cherry tree on its head and other priceless relics. A special place is occupied by the baron's tricorne hat, which he hastily dropped, changing to the oncoming nucleus. They say that no one has yet fitted it - some are great, others are small - and if there is someone who will fit it, then his life will be full of incredible adventures, like the life of the previous owner. You can go and try it on ...

Usually he began to talk after supper, lighting his huge foam pipe with a short mouthpiece and placing a smoking glass of punch in front of him ... usually a very truthful person, at these moments he played out his fantasies wonderfully ...

One of the listeners of the amazing stories of Baron Munchausen - about the narrator


Is it possible for the most truthful person in everything the globe forgotten in a city where they never, ever love to lie? Of course, this is completely out of the question! In Odessa - or rather, in the nearby urban-type village of Chernomorskoye - there is also a monument to the baron and his half-horse. As in Bodenwerder, the equid also works as a fountain ... but it does not always work: water often does not exist. Then Munchausen looks around even more surprised: where does the drunk go?

They say that at the opening of the Baron Munchausen restaurant, next to which this fountain stands, the then mayor of Odessa - apparently, who had not read Raspe - was terribly indignant at what he saw: “Why does Baron Munchausen sit only on half a horse? Where is the other half? This does not happen, the horse must be whole! Redo immediately! " Of course, no one changed anything, and the mayor was soon removed from his post. This is what happens to those who do not believe the stories of the Baron!


Despite the fact that the real Baron Munchausen was quite healthy and fascinating stories just amused the audience, he managed to leave a mark in medicine. So, "Munchausen's syndrome" is a disorder in which a person constantly simulates a particular disease - in order to attract attention and make others take care of himself. Even worse is the "delegated Munchausen syndrome": with it, parents with the same purpose - to attract attention - imitate or even deliberately cause physical illness in their children.

It's good that the merry fellow and joker Karl Friedrich Jerome, who sincerely and disinterestedly delighted those around him, was not destined to find out about this ...


Of course, it would be incorrect to call Karl Friedrich Jerome Baron von Munchausen - such is his full name- exclusively a character. Moreover, even the word "prototype" would be inappropriate. After all, here we see a rare case: in front of us real person, who, thanks to his indefatigable imagination, became a truly fantastic hero. The real biography of Baron (more precisely, Freiherr) Munchausen, although less colorful, is also very interesting.

The fifth of eight children in the family of Colonel Otto von Munchausen and Sibylla Wilhelmina, née von Rehden, Karl Friedrich Jerome was born on May 11, 1720 in the small Lower Saxon town of Bodenwerder. At the age of fifteen, the young man entered the service - at first he was a page of the sovereign Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Ferdinand Albrecht II, and two years later he served the Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg Anton Ulrich (the groom, and then the husband of Princess Anna Leopoldovna). Together with him, the young Munchausen left for Russia, then participated in two Turkish campaigns, and when in 1740 Anna Leopoldovna became the regent ruler under the young emperor Ivan Shest (Duke Anton Ulrich then became generalissimo), as expected, he was promoted - he received the rank of lieutenant.

On that, however, his barely begun career growth and ended - for a little more than a year later, as a result of a palace coup, Anna Leopoldovna was overthrown from the throne by supporters of Elizabeth, the youngest daughter of Peter the Great and Catherine the First. The spouses who briefly ascended to the heights of power were exiled (where Anna Leopoldovna died during childbirth, and her son Ivan Antonovich - a nominal former emperor, but still posing a danger as a potential heir to the throne - was killed). Supporters of Anna Leopoldovna and Anton Ulrich were destined to fall into disgrace.

I must say that Karl Friedrich Jerome in a certain sense he was also lucky: during the overthrow of the empress, he was in Finland, so that direct repressions did not affect him. Realizing that in his position it is better not to be in sight, the next few years the baron spent mainly in the Riga garrison - away from the eyes of the changed authorities (where in 1744 he married Jacobin, the daughter of his friend Georg Gustav von Dunten). But I also had to forget about promotion for a long time. The next rank - just a captain (which roughly corresponds to today's captain) - the exemplary officer von Munchausen received only ten years later.

On the military service Karl Friedrich Jerome became famous not only for his desperate courage, but also ... for impeccable honesty - at least in everything that concerned money. Those who knew von Munchausen noted that in financial matters the baron was scrupulous and scrupulous to the point of pain - like few of his colleagues. However, no one could accuse him of stinginess.

It is not surprising that Karl Friedrich Jerome had issues of supplying the army and, accordingly, payment to suppliers. Von Munchausen carried a chest with him for keeping money - it has survived to this day and is in the Munchausen Museum in Bodenwerder. Twelve safe locks were installed on the lid of this chest! One can, of course, assume that it was necessary to listen to the owner of the chest - however, the army money entrusted to the baron never disappeared without a trace.

Realizing that it did not work out with a brilliant military career and clearly will not work out, Karl Friedrich Jerome, under a plausible pretext, left for his native Bodenwerder, where he lived with his dearly beloved wife Jacobina von Dunten until her death in 1790. Then the seventy-three-year-old baron married again, to the seventeen-year-old Bernardine Brunsig von Brunn, but the second marriage naturally turned out to be unsuccessful - it ended in divorce and the ruin of our hero. It is curious that Grigory Gorin - the screenwriter of The Same Munchausen - actually turned the whole real story inside out, having made the first, loving and beloved childless wife of the same age, a heartless bitch with the same son, and the second - a young, frivolous and unfaithful, who gave birth to a daughter not recognized by her husband, not recognized by him, - touchingly devoted to Munchausen, but at the same time childless. Is it about age and related plot considerations - is it easier for beautiful girls to sympathize than older ladies - or something else? It cannot be that the most erudite playwright does not read the sources ...

It was in his homeland - in Bodenwerder and the nearby Göttingen, Hanover, Hameln - that Baron Munchausen found grateful listeners with whom he generously shared incredible stories: about a cherry tree growing on the head of a deer, about a horse cut in half, about flying on a cannonball ... Guests came from afar to listen to the famous storyteller. Enchanting tales at first simply diverged in retellings, soon began to be published anonymously, and in 1785, thanks to Rudolf Erich Raspe, were printed as single piece- already with the mention of the full name of the great inventor (at first the publication was anonymous, but then it became clear what was the name of the compiler of the collection). On this occasion, the baron was enraged - for he considered that his glorious name was disgraced - and even tried to sue, albeit unsuccessfully. As a result, it turned out that Raspe, completely unwillingly, had rendered Karl Friedrich Jerome an invaluable service - the name of von Munchausen became immortal ...

The baron's indignation will be even more understandable if we recall certain nuances of the biography of Rudolf Erich Raspe. As the second librarian to the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel and having access to his collection of curiosities and old coins, Raspe sold part of the property and appropriated the money. Of course, the theft was discovered, and an arrest warrant for the unscrupulous librarian had already been issued, but Rudolph Erich managed to escape justice across the English Channel and take refuge in London (by the way, Raspe's criminal adventures did not end there - he later continued the fraud, this time with the lands where the mines were supposed to be built).

And this man, who has fled a fair part of his life from a more than well-deserved prison, accuses the most impeccable military officer and nobleman who only entertained friends and neighbors with army tales! He glorifies all over Europe, calling him "Baron-liar"! Indeed, there is something to infuriate even the most restrained person ...

Even after his death, an incredible event happened to Baron Munchausen. Karl Friedrich Jerome was buried in the Munchausen family crypt in the village of Kemnade, near Bodenwerder. Many years later, during the repairs in the church, the crypt was opened, suggesting that the remains resting there be transferred to the cemetery. And here...

Eyewitness ( famous writer Karl Hensel, who was still a boy at the time of the events described) said the following: “When the coffin was opened, the workers' tools fell out of their hands and their mouths opened. In the coffin lay not a skeleton, but a sleeping man with hair, skin and a recognizable face - Jerome von Munchausen ... His wide, round, kind face with a protruding nose smiled at everyone present. " The next moment a gust of wind swept through the church, and Munchausen's body crumbled into dust: "... a skull appeared instead of a face, bones instead of a body." The coffin was immediately closed and left in the same place, where it is to this day.

During the Russian-Turkish war of 1735-1739, Freiherr Munchausen was an adjutant under Prince Anton Ulrich, who was then in the army of Field Marshal Burkhard Christoph von Munnich (who was named in the Russian manner by Christopher Antonovich Minich). On June 22, 1738, the 55-thousandth Russian army arrived to the Dniester north of the Bendery fortress, but could not cross the river - it was prevented by the 60-thousandth fortress garrison of Veli Pasha. Until August, Minich's army tried to cross the Dniester, while simultaneously participating in numerous battles with the Turkish-Tatar cavalry on the left bank. At this time, Lieutenant of the Russian Imperial Army Karl Friedrich Jerome Freiherr von Munchausen showed particular fearlessness in a bloody battle with the Turks in the area of ​​the Beloch River, near present-day Rybnitsa (also in Transnistria). However, despite the valor of the soldiers and officers of Minich's army, the campaign ended in failure - at the end of August, due to the plague epidemic, the Russians had to retreat beyond the Bug.

Brave lieutenant

Authoritative sources cannot be trusted. Moreover, at the opening ceremony of the monument, it was repeatedly stated: they say, it was not the inventor of stories that was delivered, but real hero unparalleled courage, which served the glory of the Russian army.

And yet, nevertheless ... The fact is that in Bendery there is not one monument associated with Karl Friedrich Jerome, but two. And the second - just the very core on which the baron flew! Yes, it is believed that he did it precisely during the military campaign against Bender!

Is this really true? However, how can you doubt if Münghausen said so ?!

  1. - And where are our guards?
    - Obviously, bypasses from the flanks.
    - Whom?
    - Everyone!
  2. - And they said - such smart man!
    - Well, you never know what people say ...
  3. - Is it night?
    - Night.
    - And how long?
    - Since the evening.
  4. Baron Munchausen will be arrested any minute! He asked me to tell them not to disperse.
  5. Baron Munchausen is famous not because he flew to the moon. He is famous for never lying.
  6. - Running?
    - Why? Walks.
    - Chatting?
    - Silence.
    - Smart boy, he will go far.
  7. - I left my wife and child!
    - I'm not a child, I'm an officer!
    - I left my wife with an officer!
  8. We will beat through the chimney
  9. Being in some nervous excitement, the duke suddenly grabbed and signed several petitions for divorce with the words: "Free, all free!"
  10. - At midnight at the monument.
    - To whom?
    - To me.
  11. In Germany, having the surname Müller is like not having any.
  12. War is not poker! It cannot be announced whenever you like.
  13. At one time Socrates told me: "Get married. good wife- you will become happy. Bad - you will become a philosopher. ”It remains to be seen which is better.
  14. It is unnatural for people in our circle to get up so early, but ... not punishable ...
  15. Aside, please. You will leave altogether.
  16. It's hard to live on a day like this, but easy to die.
  17. “You are allowing kings to divorce.
    - Well, kings, in special cases, as an exception, when it is necessary, say, for procreation.
    - For procreation you need something completely different.
  18. - You say that a person can lift himself by the hair?
    - Necessarily! A thinking person is simply obliged to do this from time to time.
  19. - Where is the commander?
    - He's in command!
  20. - They say humor prolongs life ...
    - It prolongs life for those who laugh, and shortens life for those who joke.
  21. Lord, do you really need to kill a person to understand that he is alive ?!
  22. Lord, why did England not please him ?!
  23. - Mister Baron has already asked about you three times: “You haven’t come, he says, Mister Pastor?” No, I say, I didn't come ... "Well, thank God, he says." Very much waiting for you!
  24. Long live divorce! It removes the lies that I hate so much!
  25. Do what you want, but so that in half an hour it will be light, dry and bearish in the forest!
  26. Tomorrow is the anniversary of your death. Do you want to ruin our holiday?
  27. - As everybody? Not flying cannonballs? Don't hunt mammoths? Not correspond with Shakespeare?
  28. - To me? Single-breasted uniform? Do you know that no one fights in a single-breasted one anymore? We are not ready for war!
  29. I am already 19 years old, and I am just a cornet. And no prospects!
  30. My best friend betrayed me, my beloved denied. I'm flying light.
  31. We were sincere in our delusions!
  32. We have forgotten how to do little stupid things. We stopped climbing out the window to our beloved women ...
  33. Some couples are made for love, we were made for divorce.
  34. - But this is a fact!
    - No, this is not a fact.
    - This is not a fact?
    - No, this is not a fact. This is much more than a fact. And so it really was.
  35. - Don't complicate things, Baron ... Secretly, you can believe.
    - I can't secretly. I can only openly.
  36. Is it really necessary to kill a person in order to understand that he is alive?
  37. - Well, that's nice ... And don't be so tragic, my dear ... In the end, Galileo also renounced!
    - That is why I have always loved Giordano Bruno more.
  38. Well, I can't change because of every idiot!
  39. - Well ... let's confess
    - I've been doing this all my life.
  40. Well what do you want - England has surrendered ...
  41. - Explain to the court why everything was good for 20 years, and what if there was such a tragedy?
    - Sorry, Mr. Judge, the tragedy lasted twenty years and only now everything should be fine!
  42. “She ran away from me two years ago.
    “To tell you the truth, I would have done that too.
    - That's why I'm not marrying you ...
  43. After the wedding, we immediately left for honeymoon trip... I am in Turkey, my wife is in Switzerland, and I lived there for three years in love and harmony.
  44. - Aren't you dead?
    - Died.
  45. - What is she talking about?
    - The Baron is hiding.
    - And what does he say?
    - It is clear that: the scoundrel says, crazy crazy, unfortunate liar ...
    - And what does he want?
    - It is clear what: so as not to throw.
    - It is logical.
  46. First, there were celebrations, then arrests. Then they decided to combine.
  47. - He did not shoot with cherries, but currants when they flew over his house.
  48. - Prison awaits you.
    - A wonderful place ... Here next to me Ovid, Cervantes - we will knock.
  49. - The duck is ready.
    - Let her go, let her fly.
  50. Frau Martha, we are in trouble: the Baron has risen! There will be trouble!
  51. The clock struck 2, the baron fired 3 times, so it was 5 o'clock!
  52. - Divorce proceedings will begin in half an hour.
    - It started a long time ago. The day I saw you.
  53. A minute is enough to fall in love. Sometimes you have to live together for twenty years to get a divorce.
  54. These are not my adventures, this is not my life! She's slicked, combed, powdered and castrated!
  55. Since childhood, Jacobina did not love me and, to her credit, she managed to evoke reciprocal feelings in me.
  56. I'm in the service ... If the court decides that you are a baron, I will fall on your chest. If the court decides that you are Mueller, I will put you in jail.
  57. I was not afraid to seem ridiculous. Not everyone can afford it.
  58. I understand what your trouble is. You are too serious. All the stupid things on earth were done with this very expression on your face ... Smile, gentlemen ... Smile ...
  59. I decided to resurrect.
  60. I myself serve, madam. Every day at nine in the morning I have to go to my magistrate. I will not say that this is a feat, but in general there is something heroic in it!

arrested, mister baron.
Hand over the sword. I wait!
Hand over, hand over. Completely blossomed!
Who wants - declares war, who does not want - does not declare.
Mr. Baron, Mr. Baron! You asked for the evening paper! Here!

I ask you to.
- Yeah.

- "Typhoon in Sicily"
- Above.
"Where to go with your family in free time."

- Here.
Here. "Messages from abroad:
... England recognized the independence of America. "
Less than 10 minutes 4. Have time. Their happiness.
I have the honor!

This is inconceivable! He let him go.
- What could he do?
This is a monstrous coincidence! Isn't it clear?
No. This is not a duke. It's a rag!
Madam, what do you want from him? England surrendered.
Why is the war going on? Don't they read your newspapers?
Remembered! He did shoot a deer. But through the chimney.
Bravo! The wedding dress suits you very well.

It suits every woman.
- Especially for you!

It's a shame that it's only worn once a year.
- You will wear it every day.
We will get married every day. Good idea?
Excellent. You just need to get a divorce first.
Have you forgotten that the divorce proceedings will begin in half an hour?
It started a long time ago. Since I saw you.
If you knew what gift I have prepared for you!

How many days in a year?
- 365.
Take your time with the answer.
It's hard to speak with so many sympathetic eyes looking at you.
Divorce is disgusting not only because it separates spouses
but also because the man is called free, and the woman - abandoned.
No. Don't feel sorry for me, gentlemen.
Do not humiliate me with pity, have mercy on yourself.
My husband, gentlemen, a dangerous person!
20 years of my life was given to him!
For 20 years I pacified him. I kept him within the boundaries of family life.
And thus she saved life. Your life. Society life from him!
But you yourself are severing our bonds.
Well ... Then you only blame yourself. Not scary.
It’s not scary that I’m abandoned. Not scary.
It's scary that he is free!
Think about it, gentlemen judges!

What is she talking about?
- The Baron is hiding.

And what does he say?
- It is clear that, you scoundrel, he says.

Crazy crazy, unfortunate liar.
- And what does he want?

It is clear what, so as not to throw.
- It is logical.
... He must be supervised by either the state or the family!
I think the family is safer!

Karl, why is it so late?
- In my opinion it's too early, not all nonsense has been said yet.

Karl, I beg you.
- I understand. Not a single extra word.

By the way, I made an amazing discovery.
- What now?!
You will all gasp! This will transform life in our city.
Baron, I beg you, I just beg you, just not today!
Answer just one question: How many days in a year?

OK. The rest will be later.
Called Baron Karl Friedrich Jerome von Munchausen!
I am here, Mr. Judge.
Mr. Baron, what can you tell the court on the merits of the case?

It depends on what you think

January 1, 1980 New Year brought a real gift - the premiere of the film The Same Munchausen, based on the work of Rudolf Erich Raspe, took place. Literary work became the basis for a motion picture, but by and large the film is an independent cinematic work. Not a single spectator is left indifferent by the soulful play of the actors, the grandiose scenery, the entertaining plot and, of course, the statements and dialogues of the characters. In our selection you will find the most popular movie quotes that will cheer you up and remind you of the best shots from the movie.

A two-part melodrama tells the viewer about the adventures of Baron Munchausen. He was an inventor and a romantic, but his words had a tendency to come true. Munchausen was special not only for this - he also did not know how to lie. The plot revolves around the baron's love for the young girl Martha and the main character's dreams of marrying her. Happy lovers are always trying to prevent ex-wife Munchausen, which he himself considers a mistake of his youth.

In the role of Munchausen - Oleg Yankovsky, for him this is not the first joint picture with Zakharov. The film also stars Alexander Abdulov, Lyubov Polishchuk, Inna Churikova, Igor Kvasha and other luminaries contemporary to movie time.


Unfortunately, with a living wife, you cannot remarry.
- When alive? Are you offering to kill her?

Aren't you considering the offer not to marry again?)

To get it back, you have to get yourself back.

Before looking for someone, you need to find yourself.

I am an ordinary woman. Don't ask more of me than I can.

Persondoes what he can and does what he can.

This is a mistress, let's clarify: you have a mistress - to your health! Now everyone has mistresses. But you shouldn't be allowed to marry her, it's immoral!

To be a mistress is low, to marry a mistress is even lower.

Is it night?
- Night.
- And how long?
- Since the evening.

In nature, everything is natural)

This is the fate of all great people - their contemporaries do not understand them.
- Contemporaries - perhaps. But we are relatives!

To understand a great person, you yourself need to become such.

Thomas! Are you happy that we have May 32nd !?
- Actually, not very much, Mr. Baron. On June 1st I get paid a salary ..
- You did not understand.

What is not clear here: one more day before the paycheck ...)

Divorce proceedings will begin in half an hour.
- It started a long time ago. The day I saw you.

And this is how it turns out: before people have time to come together, they already disperse ...

Divorce is disgusting not only because it separates spouses, but also because the man is called free, and the woman is abandoned.

Gender inequality and injustice exist even after divorce.

The truth cannot offend.

Believe me, you can.

Wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning!
- Not punishable.

Getting up at 6 in the morning is normal, but at 10 - not quite ...

It cannot be that one smart person does not understand another ...

Why can't, maybe. They are too smart to understand anyone other than themselves.

You are a great man, Baron Munchausen, but all the same, dust falls on you.

Everything and everyone is gathering dust in this world.

Every husband, returning home after a week's absence, tries to deceive his wife, but not everyone will think of to claim that he was on the moon!

It's almost a talent to come up with a good excuse for yourself.

She ran away from me two years ago.
“In truth, Baron, in her place I would have done the same.
“That’s why I’m not marrying you, but Martha.”

You think she won't run away ?!)

Daughter of a pharmacist - she is the daughter of a pharmacist.

And there is nothing to demand from her the habits of an aristocrat.

In Germany, having the surname Müller is like not having any.

And if in Russia I’m Pushkin, so now I’m without a family name?

Karl, why is it so late?
- In my opinion, it's too early: not all nonsense has been said yet!

Late is when there is absolutely nothing to say.

Where is the commander?
- He's in command!

Everyone goes about their own business.

War is not poker! It cannot be announced whenever you like!

War is not a game and cannot be played.

Lord, why did England not please him ?!

You better tell me who or what pleased him, after all, everything is not so ...

Aside, please. You will leave altogether.

Why didn't you like me so much, huh?)

A clever face is not yet a sign of intelligence.

A sign of intelligence is the right actions, balanced decisions and thoughtful words.

The fact is that time in heaven and on earth does not fly the same way. There - moments, here - centuries ... Everything is relative. However, it takes a long time to explain.

If there is something to do in life and there is no time to count the minutes, then on earth, time flies very quickly.

Long live divorce! It removes the lies that I hate so much!

Now what, not a wedding, but singing a divorce?

A minute is enough to fall in love. Sometimes you have to live together for twenty years to get a divorce.

Love is also not eternal, otherwise there would be no divorce.

We were sincere in our delusions!

What a person always does from pure heart so it is wrong.

Let us be frank: I am also not satisfied with many things, I also disagree with many things! Yes Yes! In particular, I am not happy with our calendar - and not the first year. But I do not allow myself to break down!

For some, the weather is not like that, for some, power, but for the calendar to be bad, this is already something new.

The waist is ten centimeters lower than in peacetime.
- Below?
- That is, higher.
- And the chest?
- What's the chest?
- Leave it in place?
- No, we take it with us.

We will carry all ours with us.)

All love is legal if it is love.

And if I love my mistress, is that also legal?)

And they said - such an intelligent person!
- Well, you never know what people say ...

What, it’s not clear that they lied?

At one time Socrates told me: Get married. If you come across a good wife, you will become happy. Bad - you will become a philosopher. It remains to be seen which is better.

Maybe then it is better not to marry at all?

These are not my adventures, this is not my life! She's slicked, combed, powdered and castrated!

Every year in the Museum of Baron Munchausen (Latvia) the offensive of May 32, mentioned in the film "The Same Munchausen", is celebrated. Baron Munchausen, signing the divorce papers, dates them to May 32 - according to his calculations, an error has crept into the calendar over the past millennia, associated with a more accurately calculated period of the Earth's revolution around its axis, and this year there should be one more day. But the ideas of the baron are of no interest to anyone, everyone perceives his act as another challenge to public order.

Film directed by Mark Zakharov with the inimitable Oleg Yankovsky in starring immediately won the hearts of the audience, and after being released in 1979, it was disassembled into quotes. This is a real masterpiece that you want to revisit over and over again - and each time find new meanings.

- Truth is what is in this moment considered to be true ...

You say - hunting ...
- I say?
- Well, well, don't say, think.

Are you saying that a person can lift themselves by their hair?
- Necessarily! A thinking person is simply obliged to do this from time to time.

- Mister Baron has been expecting you for a long time. He has been working in his office since morning, locked himself up and asked: "Thomas," he says, "has Mr. Pastor arrived yet?" I say, "Not yet." He says: "Well, thank God." Very much waiting for you.

Mr. Baron went hunting in the forest and there he met this bear. The bear rushed at him, and since Mr. Baron was without a gun ...
- Why without a gun?
- I say: he went hunting ...
- And when the bear rushed at him, Mister Baron grabbed him by the front paws and held him until he died.
- And from what did he die?
- From hunger. As you know, the bear eats by sucking its paw, and since the baron has deprived him of this opportunity ...
- And what do you believe in all this?
- Certainly. You yourself saw how thin he is.
- Who?
- Bear.
- What bear?
- Which you saw.

- Frau Marta, I didn't hear: what time is it?
- The clock struck 3, the baron - 2, therefore, only 5.

Are you tired of waiting for me, dear? Sorry, Newton got me late.

We will beat through the chimney.

I got it. Duck! With apples. She seems to be well done.
- She seems to have doused herself with sauce on the way.
- Yes? How sweet of her!

She ran away from me two years ago.
“In truth, Baron, I would have done the same in her place.
“That’s why I’m not marrying you, but Martha.”
- Unfortunately, with a living wife, you cannot marry again.
- When alive? Are you offering to kill her?
- God forbid you, baron!

“But you are allowing kings to divorce.
- Well, kings on special occasions, as an exception, when it is necessary, say, for procreation.
- For procreation you need something completely different.
- The Church should bless love!
- Legal!
- All love is legal if it is love!
- It's just your way!
- What do you advise?
- There is nothing to advise here: live as you lived. Only according to civil and church laws, the wife who is no longer your wife will still be considered your wife!

- I was told - an intelligent person.
- Well, you never know what they talk about a person!

Well, I can't change because of every idiot!
- Become like everyone else, Karl! I'm begging!
- As everybody? What are you saying? Like everyone else ... Do not fly on cannonballs, do not hunt mammoths, do not correspond with Shakespeare ...

- What are you screaming at night?
- Is it night?
- Night.
- And how long?
- Since the evening.

I mean, the duck is ready.
- Let her go. Let it fly.

- Do you want to hang this daub in the house?
- How does she bother you?
- She makes me angry! Chop it to pieces!
- Don't you dare! He claims that this is the work of Rembrandt.
- Whom?
- Rembrandt.
- Lies.
- Of course it's a lie, but the auctioneers are offering twenty thousand for it.
- Twenty? So sell.
- To sell is to admit that it is true.

Challenge your father to a duel.
- Never!
- But why?
- Firstly, he will kill me, and secondly ...
- And the first is enough.

I am already 19 years old, and I am just a cornet! And no perspective! I was not even allowed to maneuver!
- Manyo-yevry!
- They were not allowed to the maneuvry! The colonel said that he refused to accept reports from Baron Munchausen at all.

- Baroness, how does this Amazon costume suit you! Ramkopf, you are adorable as always! How are you, cornet? I see that it is good!
- Judging by the abundance of compliments, you are again with bad news.

- The man destroyed the family, drove his wife and child out of the house!
- What a child! I am an officer!
- I drove out my wife with an officer!

You have a mistress - to your health! Now everyone has mistresses. But you can't be allowed to marry them. It is immoral!

- But is it a fact?
- No, this is not a fact.
- This is not a fact ?!
- No, this is not a fact. This is much more than a fact. And so it really was.

Being in some nervous overexcitement, the duke suddenly grabbed and signed several petitions for divorce with the words: "Free, all free!"

- So, we finished badly. Duel! Mr Ramkopf, you old friend our family, you do a lot for us. Do one more.
- Neither, nor, nor, nor, nor!
- Be my second.
- Never!
- But why?
- First, he will kill the second too ...
- Yes.
- Killer!

Your Highness, is it all about our left wing? It is unreliable.
- The center worries me too ...

- Maybe, in this case, you should still raise the top from above and lower the bottom from the bottom?
- Let's do it! Two rows of darts on the left, two on the right. The whole solution is in the waist! Where do you think we are going to make the waist? At chest level!
- Brilliant! Brilliant, like everything is true.
- It is at chest level. Sixty six. I will not allow the waist line to drop to the hips. One hundred fifty five. After all, we are the center of Europe, I will not allow any Spaniards there to dictate terms to us. If you want a cut-off sleeve, please. If you want a pleated skirt with darts, I accept that too. But I won't let the waistline go down!

- Rise at 6 o'clock in the morning !!!
- Not punishable.
- from 8 to 10 - feat.
- what does it mean?
- This means that from 8 to 10 in the morning he has a feat planned. Well, what do you say, mister burgomaster, about a man who goes out every day to a heroic deed, as if to a service?
- I myself serve, madam. Every day at nine in the morning I have to go to my magistrate. I will not say that this is a feat, but in general there is something heroic in it.

Lord, why did England not please him ?!

War is not poker! It cannot be announced whenever you like! War is ... war!

Do we leave the breasts in place?
- No, we take it with us!

Where is my military uniform?
- Please, Your Highness, please!
- What about ?? Me - in this? Single-breasted? What are you? Don't you know that no one is fighting in a single-breasted one now? Ugliness! The war is on the doorstep, and we are not ready! No, we are not ready for war!

- Gentlemen, officers, let's check our watches! How many now?
- 15:00!
- 15 and a quarter!
- Or rather?
- Plus 22!

Baron Karl Friedrich Jerome von Munchausen! You have been ordered to be arrested. In case of resistance, force is ordered.
- To whom?
- What to whom?
- Who to use force in case of resistance, you or me?
- Not understood…
- So, maybe send a messenger to ask again?
- It's impossible.
- Right. We will both carry out the order. Is it logical?
- Uh-uh ...
- And this is good. One minute. This means that it is done something like this. Aside, gentlemen! You will leave altogether. And, of course, dancing! The inn after all.

It's all right, Your Highness. Baron Munchausen will be arrested any minute. He asked me to tell them not to disperse.

Once he went into the forest without a gun.
- In what sense, without a gun?
- Well, in the sense of the bear.
- Not a bear, but a mammoth. But he shot it with a gun.
- From a gun?
- Yes. Cherry pits.
- Cherries!
- He shot, firstly, not with cherries, but currants. When they flew over his house.
- The Bears?
- Well, not mammoths!
- And why, then, did all this grow in the deer?

- What is this?
- Arrested.
- Why an orchestra?
- Your Highness, at first the celebrations were planned. Then the arrests. Then they decided to combine.
- And where is our guard? Where are the guards?
- Obviously, bypasses from the flanks.
- Whom?
- Everyone!

Your Highness, don't go against your conscience. I know you noble man and in my heart, too, against England.
- Yes, in my heart I am against it. Yes, I don't like her. But I sit and keep quiet!
- No, it's not a duke, it's a rag!
- Madam, what do you want from him? England has surrendered!

Why is the war going on? Don't they read the newspapers here?

- I remembered! He really shot a deer! But through the chimney!

Have you forgotten that the divorce proceedings will begin in half an hour?
- It started a long time ago. Since I saw you.

Divorce is disgusting not only because it separates spouses, but also because the man is called free, and the woman is abandoned.
- What is she talking about?

The Baron is hidden.
- And what does he say?
- It is clear that: "scoundrel", he says, "crazy crazy, unfortunate liar" ...
- And what does he want?
- It is clear what: so as not to throw.
- It is logical.

Karl, why is it so late?
- In my opinion, it's too early: not all nonsense has been said yet.

- How so: for 20 years everything was fine, and suddenly such a tragedy.
- Sorry, Mr. Judge, the tragedy lasted 20 years, and only now everything should be fine. It was a difficult 20 years, but I don’t regret it!

There are couples made for love, we were made for divorce.

Since childhood, Jacobina did not love me and, to her credit, she managed to evoke reciprocal feelings in me. In the church, when the priest asked whether we want to become husband and wife, we unanimously answered: "No!" - and we were immediately married. After the wedding, my wife and I went on a honeymoon trip: me to Turkey, she to Switzerland. And for three years they lived there in love and harmony.

I am protesting! You are insulting my client!
- The truth can not offend, dear lawyer!

A minute is enough to fall in love. Sometimes you have to live together for 20 years to get a divorce.

At one time, Socrates once told me: “Marry without fail. If you get a good wife, you will become happy, a bad wife, you will become a philosopher. " I don’t know which is better.

And long live the divorce, gentlemen! It removes the lies that I hate so much!

Give in, Lord! You have already endured so much ... well, be patient a little more!

Thomas, are you happy with our May 32nd?
- Actually, not very much, Mr. Baron. The first of June I get paid my salary.

Are you looking forward to a new day?
- It depends on what falls. If it's Sunday, then it's a shame. And if it's Monday, why do we need two Mondays?

Lord, why didn't you marry Jeanne d'Arc? She agreed.

But I told the truth!
- Yes, to hell with her, with the truth! Sometimes you have to lie. You see, lie! Lord, I have to explain such obvious things to Baron Munchausen!

May 32, 33rd, and so on ...
- Well that's just wonderful! And don't be so tragic, my dear. Look at this with your inherent humor ... With humor! .. In the end, Galileo also renounced it.
- That is why I have always loved Giordano Bruno more ...
- In the end, I have always respected your choice: a free shoulder line ...
- So what is our June today?
- First.
“Don't complicate things, Baron. Secretly, you can believe.
“I don’t know how to do it in secret. I can only openly.
Since nobody needs an extra day of spring, let's forget about it. It's hard to live on a day like this, but easy to die.
I was not afraid to sound funny. Not everyone can afford it.
- What if you are not afraid and ...
- Eliminate! Or ... bring it closer?
- Connect!

We will not pour water from Munchausen, gentlemen! There is no need. He is dear to us just like Munchausen ... like Karl Friedrich Jerome ... and whether his horse drinks or does not - this does not bother us.
I'm scared to remember. I dreamed of a duel with my father. I wanted to kill him ... We all killed him ... Murderers !!!
- How much of carnations?
- Two thalers!
- How is it two thalers? They are sluggish!
- Sluggish. Ha ha ha! Our baron, while he was alive, was also cheaply valued. And he wilted - he became dear to everyone!

- In Germany, having the surname Müller is like not having any.
- All kidding ...
- I quit a long time ago. Doctors forbid.
- Since when did you start going to doctors?
- Immediately after death.

And they say that humor is useful. The joke, they say, prolongs life.
- Not everyone. The one who laughs prolongs, and the one who jokes shortens.

Good boy?
- 12 kilograms.
- Running?
- Why? Walks.
- Chatting?
- Silence.
- Smart boy, he will go far.

My funeral alone gave me more money than my entire previous life.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of your death. Do you want to ruin our holiday?
- Today at midnight at the monument.
- At the monument. To whom?
- To me.
“You’re dead!
- Died!

For the fourth time we are driving this hog past His Highness, and His Highness, excuse the expression, smears and smears! Would you like to drive it out for the fifth time?
- Not! Inconvenient. He already remembered it in person.
- Who will win?
- Duke of the hog!

Do what you want, but so that in half an hour it will be dry, light and bearish in the forest!

By the way, Baron, I wanted to ask you for a long time: where did you get the bears?
“I don’t remember. In my opinion, in the forest.
- No, this is impossible. They have not been found with us for a long time.

So, gentlemen, I have invited you to tell you the most unpleasant news. Damn it, that's a great start line. I'll have to suggest it to someone.

These are not my adventures, this is not my life. She's slicked, combed, powdered and castrated!
- Ordinary editorial revision.
- Dear Jacobina, you know me: when they cut me, I endure, but when they supplement it, it becomes intolerable.

And you have changed a lot during this time, mister burgomaster.
- And you didn’t do it in vain.

Frau Martha, we are in trouble: the Baron has risen! There will be trouble!
I hate it! Everything! Duel! Shoot here! Through the scarf!

I'm on duty. If they decide that you are Munchausen, I will fall on your chest. If they decide that you are Mueller, I will put you in jail. That's all I can do for you.

Lord, do you really need to kill a person to understand that he is alive ?!

And my advice to you: do not rush to become the widow of Munchausen. This seat is still occupied.
- You are facing a prison.
- Wonderful place! Here next to me Ovid, Cervantes ... We will knock.

Do you really think that he will fly?
- To the moon, of course!
- She's not even visible.
- When it is seen, the fool will fly. The Baron likes it to be harder.

Well, let's confess.
- I've been doing this all my life. But nobody believed me.
- Please, ease your soul.
“It happened by itself, pastor. I had a friend - he betrayed me. I had a loved one - she renounced. I'm flying light.
- Well, say something goodbye!
- What to say?
- Think. There is always something important for such a minute.
- I ... I will wait for you!
- Not that!
- I ... I love you very much!
- Not that!
- I will be true to you!
- Do not!
- They put in raw gunpowder, Karl! They want to stop you!
- Here.

The pharmacist's daughter - she is the pharmacist's daughter!

Now I will fly away, and we are unlikely to see each other. But when I return, next time, you will be gone. The fact is that time in heaven and on earth flies differently: there - moments, here - centuries.
Lord, how tired of dying!

Where is the commander?
- He's in command!

Join me, mister baron. Join us.
But understand, Baron Munchausen is famous not because he flew or did not fly, but because he does not lie.

- When I return, let it be six o'clock.
- Six in the evening or six in the morning?
- Six days!

I understand what your trouble is: you are too serious. A clever face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All the stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. Smile, gentlemen. Smile!