Analysis of the artwork garnet bracelet theme of love. Garnet bracelet: main characters, perspective, analysis

Analysis of the artwork garnet bracelet theme of love. Garnet bracelet: main characters, perspective, analysis

« Garnet bracelet»

The story of A.I. Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet", published in 1910, is one of the most poetic works of art Russian literature of the XX century. It opens with an epigraph referring the reader to famous work J1. van Beethoven's sonata Appassionata. To the same music theme the author returns at the end of the story. The first chapter is an expanded landscape sketch, revealing the contradictory changeability of the natural elements. In it A.I. Kuprin introduces us to the image of the main character - Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, the wife of the leader of the nobility. At first glance, a woman's life seems calm and carefree. Despite financial difficulties, Vera and her husband have an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding in the family. Only one small detail alarms the reader: on her birthday, her husband gives Vera earrings made of pear-shaped pearls. Involuntarily, doubt creeps in that the heroine's family happiness is so firm, so indestructible.

On the name day, she comes to Sheina younger sister, which, like Pushkin's Olga, shading the image of Tatiana in Eugene Onegin, contrasts sharply with Vera both in character and appearance... Anna is playful and wasteful, and Vera is calm, reasonable and economical. Anna is attractive, but ugly, and Vera is endowed with aristocratic beauty. Anna has two children, and Vera has no children, although she passionately desires to have them. An important artistic detail, revealing Anna's character, is a gift that she makes to her sister: Anna brings Vera a small notebook made from an old prayer book. She enthusiastically recounts how she carefully selected leaflets, clasps and a pencil for the book. To faith, the very fact of altering the prayer book into a notebook seems blasphemous. This shows the integrity of her nature, emphasizes how much the older sister takes life more seriously. We will soon learn that Vera graduated from the Smolny Institute - one of the best educational institutions for women in noble Russia, and her friend is famous pianist Zhenya Reuters.

General Anosov is an important figure among the guests who have come to the name-day. It is this man, wise in life, who has seen danger and death in his lifetime, and therefore, who knows the value of life, who tells several stories about love in his story, which can be described in artistic structure works as plug-in novellas. Unlike the vulgar family stories told by Prince Vasily Lvovich, Vera's husband and owner of the house, where everything is twisted and ridiculed, turns into a farce, the stories of General Anosov are filled with real life details. Gak arises in the story of the dispute about what is real love... Anosov says that people have forgotten how to love, that marriage does not at all imply emotional closeness and warmth. Women often marry in order to get out of care and be the mistress of the house. Men - from fatigue from single life. The desire to continue the race plays a significant role in marriage unions, and selfish motives are often not in the last place. "And where is love?" - Anosov asks. He is interested in such a love for which "to accomplish any feat, to give up his life, to go to torment is not labor at all, but one joy." Here, in the words of General Kuprin, in fact, reveals his concept of love: “Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world. No life comforts, calculations and compromises should concern her. " Anosov talks about how people become victims of their love feelings, about love triangles that exist contrary to all meaning.

Against this background, the story of the telegraph operator Zheltkov's love for Princess Vera is considered in the story. This feeling flared up when Vera was still free. But she did not reciprocate. Contrary to all logic, Zheltkov did not stop dreaming about his beloved, wrote her tender letters, and even sent a gift for her birthday - a gold bracelet with pomegranates that looked like drops of blood. An expensive gift makes Vera's husband take steps to end the story. Together with the brother of Princess Nikolai, he decides to return the bracelet.

The scene of Prince Shein's visit to Zheltkov's apartment is one of the key scenes of the work. A.I. Kuprin appears here as a true master-rsalist in creating psychological portrait... The image of the telegraph operator Zheltkov is typical of the Russian classical literature 19th century image little man... A notable detail in the story is the comparison of the hero's room with the wardroom of a cargo ship. The character of the inhabitant of this modest dwelling is shown primarily through a gesture. In the scene of the visit of Vasily Lvovich and Nikolai Nikolaevich Zheltkov, he rubs his hands in confusion, then nervously unfastens and fastens the buttons of a short jacket (and this detail in this scene becomes a repetitive one). The hero is agitated, he cannot hide his feelings. However, as the conversation develops, when Nikolai Nikolaevich voices a threat to turn to the authorities in order to protect Vera from persecution, Zheltkov suddenly transforms and even laughs. Love gives him strength, and he begins to feel his own righteousness. Kuprin focuses on the difference in mood between Nikolai Nikolaevich and Vasily Lvovich during the visit. Vera's husband, seeing a rival, suddenly becomes serious and judicious. He tries to understand Zheltkov and says to his brother-in-law: "Kolya, is he really to blame for love and is it possible to control such a feeling as love - a feeling that has not yet found an interpreter for itself." In contrast to Nikolai Nikolaevich, Shane allows Zheltkov to write a farewell letter to Vera. A huge role in this scene for understanding the depth of Zheltkov's feelings for Vera is played by a detailed portrait of the hero. His lips turn white like that of a dead man, his eyes fill with tears.

Zheltkov calls Vera and asks her for little - about the opportunity to see her at least from time to time without showing her eyes. These meetings could give his life at least some meaning, but Vera denied him that too. Her reputation and the peace of mind of her family were dear to her. She showed cold indifference to the fate of Zheltkov. The telegraph operator turned out to be defenseless against Vera's decision. The strength of love feelings and maximum spiritual openness made him vulnerable. Kuprin constantly emphasizes this defenselessness with portrait details: a child's chin, a gentle girlish face.

In the eleventh chapter of the story, the author emphasizes the motive of fate. Princess Vera, who had never read newspapers for fear of getting her hands dirty, suddenly unfolds the very sheet where the announcement of Zheltkov's suicide is printed. This fragment of the work is intertwined with the scene in which General Anosov says to Vera: “... Who knows? - maybe yours life path, Vera, crossed exactly the kind of love that women dream about and which men are no longer capable of. " It is no coincidence that the princess recalls these words again. One gets the impression that Zheltkov was indeed sent to Vera by fate, but she could not discern selfless nobility, subtlety and beauty in the soul of a simple telegraph operator.

The peculiar construction of the plot in the work of A.I. Kuprin lies in the fact that the author makes the reader a kind of signs that help to predict the further development of the narrative. In "Olesa" this is the motive of fortune-telling, in accordance with which all further relationships of the heroes are formed, in "Duel" - the officers' conversation about a duel. In The Pomegranate Bracelet, the bracelet itself is a sign foreshadowing a tragic denouement, the stones of which look like drops of blood.

Having learned about the death of Zheltkov, Vera realizes that she had a presentiment of a tragic outcome. In his farewell message to his beloved, Zheltkov does not hide an all-consuming passion. He literally deifies Faith, referring to her the words from the prayer "Our Father ...": "Hallowed your name».

In literature " Silver Age"The atheist motives were strong. Zheltkov, deciding to commit suicide, commits the greatest Christian sin, because the church prescribes to endure any spiritual and physical torment sent to a person on earth. But throughout the course of the development of the plot A.I. Kuprin justifies the act of Zheltkov. It is no coincidence that the main character of the story is named Vera. For Zheltkov, thus, the concepts of "love" and "faith" merge into one. Before dying, the hero asks the landlady to hang a bracelet on the icon.

Looking at the late Zheltkov, Vera is finally convinced that there was truth in Anosov's words. By his act, the poor telegraph operator was able to reach out to the heart of the cold beauty and touch her. Vera brings Zheltkov a red rose and kisses him on the forehead with a long, friendly kiss. Only after death did the hero receive the right to attention and respect for his feelings. Only by his own death did he prove the true depth of his feelings (before that Vera considered him crazy).

Anosov's words about eternal exclusive love become the through-going motive of the story. V last time they are recalled in the story when, at the request of Zheltkov, Vera listens to Beethoven's second sonata (Appassionata). In the finale of the story, A.I. Kuprin sounded another repetition: "Hallowed be thy name", no less significant in the artistic structure of the work. He once again emphasizes the purity and sublimity of Zheltkov's relationship to his beloved.

Putting love on a par with concepts such as death, faith, A.I. Kuprin emphasizes the importance of this concept for human life in general. Not all people know how to love and stay true to their feelings. The story "Garnet Bracelet" can be regarded as a kind of testament to A.I. Kuprin, addressed to those who are trying to live not with their heart, but with their reason. Their life, correct from the point of view of a rational approach, is doomed to a spiritually devastated existence, for only love can give a person true happiness.

Each generation asks itself questions: Is there love? What is she like? Do you need it? The questions are difficult and it is impossible to answer them unequivocally. A. Kuprin is an unsurpassed master of the pen capable of asking such questions and answering them. Kuprin loves to write about love, this is one of his favorite topics. A feeling of nagging melancholy and at the same time enlightenment comes after reading the "Pomegranate Bracelet".

A modest postal worker selflessly loves the princess. For seven long, painful years, Zheltkov loves a woman whom he has never even met. He just walks after her, collects the things she has forgotten, breathes the air that she breathes. And what letters he writes to her! As a token of his love, he gives her a garnet bracelet, which is very dear to him. But Vera Nikolaevna is offended and tells everything to her husband, whom she does not love, but is very attached to him. Shein, Vera Nikolaevna's husband, is sorting out the relationship with Zheltkov. He asks not to bother his wife with letters and gifts anymore, but allows him to write a farewell letter of apology. This was the reason for Zheltkov's suicide. The realization that he would never achieve the love of his ideal, that his days would be empty and cold, pushed Zheltkov to a terrible act.

“Hallowed be thy name!” - with such enthusiastic words Zheltkov leaves life. And hasn't Vera Nikolaevna lost the opportunity to love? Not everyone can love. Only a person with a pure, unblemished soul can surrender to this feeling. The modest Zheltkov, who can be overlooked in the crowd, is opposed to the rich, callous people of the secular circle. But the soul, what kind of soul he has ... She is not visible, she is not in clothes. You can only feel it, love it. Zheltkov was unlucky. No one could see his soul.

I cried when I read this work. Experiences Zheltkova reread several times. And his letters to his beloved woman? They can be learned by heart. What is the depth of love, self-sacrifice and self-denial. They say that now they cannot love like that. Probably. General Anosov in his story says that there is no love, and in our time there was none. It turns out oh eternal love all generations think, but only a few manage to recognize it.

Kuprin wrote The Garnet Bracelet in 1911. Until now, his work has not lost its relevance and relevance. Why? Because the theme of love is eternal. If there were no love, we all became callous, iron machines without hearts and conscience. Love saves us, makes us human. Sometimes, it happens, because of love, blood is shed. It hurts and cruel, but it cleanses us.

I want to experience in my life happy love... And if there is no reciprocity, well. The main thing is that there is love.

Option 2

In the story of Alexander Kuprin, with extraordinary subtlety and tragedy, it describes true love, although unrequited, but pure, indisputable and sublime. Who, if not Kuprin, should write about this great feeling. "... Almost all my works are my autobiography ..." - the writer remarked.

... The main character Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, who stood out for her kind-heartedness, courtesy, education, prudence and special love for children, whom she could not have. She was married to Prince Shein, who was in bankruptcy.

On Vera's name day, the husband presented earrings, the sister presented an antique prayer book made in the form of a notebook. Only close relatives were at the holiday, as a result of which the holiday turned out to be good, everyone congratulated the princess. But, on any holiday, something can happen, and so here.

The main character is brought another present and a letter. This gift - a garnet bracelet for the writer was of great importance, since he considered it a sign of love. The addressee of this gift was a secret admirer of Princess G.S. Yolkov. He was a thirty-five-year-old man, a thin build with a puffy face, who worked as an official. His feelings for a woman seethed for eight years, it was unrequited love, reaching the point of recklessness, Zheltkov collected all the items that belonged to or held in the hands of his beloved.

With his present, he showed his feelings in front of the entire Shein family. The spouse and relatives decide that it is necessary to return the present to the owner and explain that this is an indecent act on his part. Vera's husband, in a conversation with a fan, shows his nobility, he sees that Zheltkov's feelings are genuine. Soon, the princess from the newspaper learns about the suicide of her admirer. She has a desire to look at a person, even after his death.

Being in the apartment of the deceased, Vera Nikolaevna realizes that this was her man. Feelings for the spouse have long faded away, only respect remains. An important symbol is the letter left by Zheltkov's beloved.

V fiction the theme of love is considered the main one, it is one of the main elements of society.

Story analysis for grade 11

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The recognized master of love prose is Alexander Kuprin, the author of the story "The Pomegranate Bracelet". “Love is disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward, the one about which it is said“ strong as death ”. Love, for which to accomplish any feat, to give up one's life, to go to torture is not labor at all, but one joy, "- such love touched an ordinary official middle hand Zheltkova.

He fell in love with Vera once and for all. And not an ordinary love, but one that happens once in a lifetime, divine. Faith does not attach importance to the feelings of its adorer, lives full life... Marries a quiet, calm, good person from all sides, Prince Shein. And her quiet, calm life begins, not darkened by anything, neither sadness nor joy.

Special role assigned to Vera's uncle, General Anosov. Kuprin puts into his mouth the words that are the theme of the story: "... maybe your life path, Vera, has crossed exactly the kind of love that women dream about and which men are no longer capable of." Thus, Kuprin in his story wants to show the history of love, albeit unrequited, but nevertheless, from this irresponsibility, it did not become less strong and did not turn into hatred. Such love, according to General Anosov, is a dream of any person, but not everyone gets it. And Vera, in her family life, there is no such love. There is something else - respect, mutual, for each other. Kuprin in his story tried to show readers that such sublime love is already a thing of the past, there are only a few people left, such as the telegraph operator Zheltkov, who are capable of it. But many, the author emphasizes, are not at all able to understand deep meaning love.

And Vera herself does not understand that she is destined to be loved. Of course, she is a lady who occupies a certain position in society, a countess. Probably, successful outcome such love could not have been. Kuprin himself probably understands that Vera is not in a position to connect her life with the "little" man Zheltkov. Although it still leaves her one chance to live the rest of her life in love. Vera missed her chance to be happy.

The idea of ​​the work

The idea of ​​the story "Garnet Bracelet" is the belief in the power of a true, all-consuming feeling, which is not afraid of death itself. When they try to take away the only thing from Zheltkov - his love, when they want to deprive him of the opportunity to see his beloved, then he decides to die voluntarily. Thus, Kuprin is trying to say that life without love is meaningless. This is a feeling that does not know temporary, social and other barriers. No wonder the name of the main one is Vera. Kuprin believes that his readers will wake up and understand that a person is not only rich in material values, but also rich inner peace, soul. The words of Zheltkov “Hallowed be thy name” are a common thread throughout the story - this is the idea of ​​the work. Every woman dreams of hearing such words, but great love is given only by the Lord and not everyone.

The work "Pomegranate Bracelet", the analysis of which we will now cite in this article, is read by everyone - both students and adults who graduated from school a long time ago. And all because Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is great master short prose, his stories, so vividly describing the brightest feelings, have their own unique style and help to understand the subtle notes of the soul of a Russian person. That is why now we will consider the analysis of the story "Garnet Bracelet".

What a story

The basis for the plot of the story was real story that Kuprin recognized. The love of one telegraph official for a married lady led to the fact that he could no longer hide his feelings and decided to give her a gift. So, the main character, whose name is Sheina Vera Nikolaevna, is presented with a very interesting decoration. Not only that, judging by the note, the gift was made by a secret admirer, it says about the properties of the green pomegranate. And the gift is a garnet bracelet. The giver is sure that the owner of this stone gets the opportunity to foresee.

In the analysis of the story "Pomegranate Bracelet" it is important to note that the green pomegranate becomes, as a symbol of passionate love and passionate feelings. Princess Sheina, who received the gift, decides to tell her husband that she received such a gift and even gives him the attached note to read. The reader soon learns that the hero of Zheltkov's story is the secret admirer. He serves as a minor official and has long been in love with the princess. Although after it becomes known about him, Zheltkov receives threats from his brother Sheina and other offensive words, thanks to his love he endures everything.

In the end, in order to divert shame from his beloved, Zheltkov takes his own life. Even without making a deep analysis of the story "Garnet Bracelet", it is clear that the princess only after these sad events understands how deep and pure the feelings of the poor official Zheltkov were. But she understands not only this, but also something important.

Kuprin reveals the theme of love

The image of Zheltkov, which runs like a red thread through the entire story, shows what kind of selfless and self-sacrificing love can be in a person's heart. Without betraying his feelings, Zheltkov decides to say goodbye to life. However, changes are taking place in Princess Sheina, and this is thanks to the love of Zheltkov. Now Vera again wants to feel that she is loved and wants to love herself, and this becomes central theme the story "Garnet Bracelet", which we are now analyzing. After all, during the time that main character married, she practically forgets about feelings and goes with the flow.

What meaning did Kuprin put into the symbol of the garnet bracelet? Firstly, thanks to this bracelet, Princess Vera realized that passion and love could be experienced again, and secondly, having received such a gift, she blossomed and fell in love with life again, again her days were filled with colors and emotions.

Alexander Kuprin in his works great value gave the theme of love, and it is clearly visible in the "Garnet Bracelet". Love like pure feeling, should be in the heart of a person. Although the ending in the story is sad, the main character remained happy, because she understood what feelings her soul is capable of.

AI Kuprin has one cherished theme. He touches her chastely and reverently. This is the theme of love. He created many vivid works of art, remaining faithful to the heroes and high, romantic and boundless love.

One of the most beautiful and sad love stories is The Garnet Bracelet (1911).

The writer will discover the great gift of love in the most ordinary setting, in the heart of a simple, unremarkable-looking person. And the world of vulgarity, well-fed complacency will be shaken by that beautiful and all-consuming, albeit unrequited feeling that, like * great happiness, the poor official Zheltkov, the hero of this story, experienced.

The special strength of the "Pomegranate Bracelet" is given by the fact that love exists in it as an unexpected gift in the midst of everyday life, in the midst of sober reality and settled life. The unprecedented gift of lofty and unrequited love became Zheltkov's “tremendous happiness”. This raises him above other heroes: the rude Tuganovsky, the frivolous Anna, the conscientious Shein and the wise Anosov. The beautiful Vera Nikolaevna herself leads a familiar, seemingly drowsy existence, expressively shaded by a coldish autumn landscape falling asleep nature. Faith is "independent and regal calm." This calmness destroys Yolkov.

The story is not about the emergence of Vera's love, but about her spiritual awakening, which takes place first in the sphere of forebodings, and then in internal contradictions. The letter and gift, already sent by the Zheltkovs - a bracelet with five deep red ("like blood") grenades - cause "unexpected" alarm in the heroine. From that moment on, a painful expectation of misfortune grows for her, right up to the presentiment of Zheltkov's death. At the request of Tuganovsky - to disappear, Zheltkov, indeed, ends his life.

Faith's Farewell to Ashes young man, their only "date" is a turning point in her inner state. On the face of the deceased, she read "the same pacified expression" as "on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon." “In that second, she realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by.”

The writer endowed his heroine with much greater opportunities than just a person's disappointment in himself. In the finale, Vera's excitement reaches its limit. To the sounds of Beethoven's sonata - Zheltkov bequeathed to listen to it - Vera, in tears of pain, repentance, enlightenment, comprehends "life, which humbly and joyfully doomed itself to torment ... and death." Now this life will forever remain with her and for her under the final refrain of the story: "Hallowed be thy name!"

Kuprin wept over the manuscript of the "Garnet Bracelet". He said that he had never written anything more chaste. Surprisingly sensitively, the writer included a story about a tragic and only love in the atmosphere of the southern seaside autumn. The brilliant and farewell state of nature, transparent days, a silent sea, dry corn stalks, the emptiness of summer cottages left for the winter - all this gives a special bitterness and strength to the story. And the gentle whisper of trees, a light breeze enlightens the heroine's bitterness, as if blessing her for faithful memory about Zheltkov, for sensitivity to genuine beauty, imperishable love.

The theme of love never dried up in Kuprin's prose. He has many subtle and excellent stories about love, about waiting for love, about its tragic outcomes, about its poetry, longing and eternal youth. Kuprin always and everywhere blessed love. He sent "a great blessing to everything: earth, waters, trees, flowers, heavens, smells, people, beasts and eternal goodness and eternal beauty, enclosed in a woman."