Who leads the transfer that where. Boris Hook: "The first three years of work in" What? Where? When?" There were an incessant nightmare

Who leads the transfer that where. Boris Hook:
Who leads the transfer that where. Boris Hook: "The first three years of work in" What? Where? When?" There were an incessant nightmare

This transfer has been firmly in the grid of broadcasting the first channel for several decades, where it has been from the moment of education. Times demanded updates that affected the design of the studio, rules, tournament schemes. Those who constantly remained behind the scenes were changed. Who is leading "What? Where? When?" - This and other questions will look further.

Simple rules and main mystery

It is considered one of the first television intellectual games. The rules are quite simple and understandable. Six people from the team must correctly answer questions sent by the viewers. One minute is assigned to it. In the case of an incorrect response, the money supplied to the money (estimated amount of the question) is sent to the viewers.

From somewhere on top there is a voice of the lead. Neither connoisseurs nor the audience see him, and for a long time everything was interesting for anyone who is leading "What? Where? When?" Is this a person who is alive, or a mounted voice? Of course, there were guesses, but now this fact leaves no doubt. Especially since the leading transmission has changed several times. Despite this, the image of an invisible person still remains the main trick of the program.

Age - not vice

The creation of the TV game is rooted in history and dates back to 1975. It was then that for the first time Vladimir Voroshilov presented his brainchild. He became a man who implemented his own idea about what the transfer should be, and for a long time remained her permanent leading. Initially, the rules differed from those who are familiar to the current viewer, but in general the overall atmosphere of the game remains for many forty years.

Almost immediately was invented the famous "wolf", which is a symbol of the program. He solved what question would be considered, who will respond. Later, the game was positioned as a television youth club. During the existence, the program has a huge number of fans. But are they so good they know all her remote?

For example, few people remember that at first Voroshilov had a relation to the transmission as its creator. He remained behind the scenes, watching what was happening from the outside. In this case, it is quite logical question about who is leading "What? Where? When?" On the first game. Many will be surprised, but the debut release was under the guidance of Alexander Maslyakov. He gave way to Vladimir Yakovlevich, and he returned to his "club cheerful and resourceful."

First, there was no team of viewers. She appeared later. And because Vladimir Voroshilov personally came up with the first tasks. When these duties were removed from him, the editors had to rake thousands of letters, looking for the most interesting questions. Since 1991, indispensable changes associated with the usual rules of the game. So, it turned into an intellectual casino. According to the audience, such a name most accurately reflected the actual essence. Transmission made money to make money by his own mind, which was especially relevant in a difficult period for the country.

New faces, old trends

In 2001, Vladimir Voroshilova was not. It was a big loss for the program, but the channel's management did not intend to close it. The new leading became Boris Hook. "What? Where? When?" I did not undergo global changes, but I added intrigue notch. In the first releases, where Boris participated as a lead, with the help of a computer distorted his voice so that no one could guess who is hidden in the commentation booth. After some time, he revealed the person, but refrained from the appearance in the frame.

He fell on television in adolescence. His mother was the main assistant to Vladimir Voroshilov in the creation of the transfer. Moreover, she married him. Vladimir Yakovlevich, thus, became for a hook by stepfather. From the first editions, he was sitting next to Voroshilov, looking for his technique and experience. For a long time led "Love at first sight" and "Brane Ring".

With the arrival of Boris in the game, many celebrated his atypical judicial style, which did not always like the connoisseurs and viewers. At the same time, the transfer "What? Where? When?" It became more rich and emotional. The main thing is that the intellectual excitement is still felt in it. In addition to its present position in the game, Boris Hook remains the vice-president of the club association. He also occupies the guiding position of the company "Game-TV".

Modern relevance

Having become acquainted with the path that the program has passed since its inception, now we know who is leading "What? Where? When?" Today, the transfer did not lose their friendly popularity. You have to admit that the game has become more commercialized. But the spectators are all expecting new series with the same interest, and next opportunities are opened in the knowledge of the things around us.

In 1989 he graduated from MGTU. Bauman. By profession - engineer designer.

First Deputy General Director of the "Game-TV" television company.

Vice-President of the International Association of Clubs "What? Where? When?".

What? Where? When?

In the game "What? Where? When?" Only his voice is heard. At first after the death of Voroshilov, the editors hid the leading transfer from both the audience and from the experts: his voice was distorted with the help of a computer, a cousin Voroshilova came to the site (experts thought he was playing the game).

But later, the hook revealed the person, his last name began to appear in the credits. At the moment, the hook has shown on the air twice - October 26, 2007 and December 27, 2008.

Despite the fact that the hook of leading transmission only since 2001, he participated in the preparation of more than 100 games - he first got at school age in the Dictator. Student at school and institute, worked on the program "What? Where? When?" As an assistant director, director, author, music editor. For 10 years, during each direct ether, he worked in the speaker near Vladimir Voroshilov.

Best days

"What? Where? When?" broadcast live. Boris Hook himself notes that in recent years the game "What? Where? When?" It became on the one hand, more commercialized, and on the other, more emotional and more spectacular. At the same time, the game did not lose the intellectual excitement, and B. Hook's judicial style also caused repeated complaints from the viewers.

Boris Hook - presenter, screenwriter and director of television programs "What? Where? When? "," Branin Ring "and" Love at first sight. " In addition, Boris Hook is the first deputy general director of the "Game-TV" television company and the vice-president of the International Association of Clubs "What? Where? When?".

Boris Hook was born in Moscow in the family of Alexander Hook, engineer-designer, and Natalia Stetsenko, who worked by co-authored and the first editor of the TV game "What? Where? When?". By the way, Boris in the family attended another notorious relative: the great-grandfather Petr Savelyevich was considered the first violin in the Minsk Theater of Opera and Ballet.

The parents of the future TV host were classmates, met long before the wedding, but after the birth of the son they lived together only 4 years. Soon Natalia married again for his colleague, which was also greatly influenced by the upbringing of Boris.

At school, the boy was much better given humanitarian objects, and in addition, Boris was interested in creativity - the hook studied at the music school in the class of guitar and once again performed with Bardovsky songs. Theer, the surprisingly for those surrounding it was the decision of Bori to enter the university, who graduated from his father - MSTU named after N. E. Bauman. Nevertheless, the young man managed to successfully end the Technical University and receive the profession of engineer-designer.

However, in a direct specialty, Boris Hook did not work, and immediately officially employed on TV studio. In the Ostankino TVBashne Boris became an employee of the youth editorial board of central television.

A television

Boris Hook's biography turned out to be predetermined by the TV presenter family. In Studios, Boris spent time from school age, which is not surprising when mother and stepfather earn this interesting job. Boris often helped in the speaker TV program "What? Where? When? ", Another when Vladimir Voroshilov led the game. And it is Boris that owns the authorship of the rules "Loser's experts forever leave the club", which the boy came up with 12 years. A little later, the young man worked as a director's assistant, and in high school and student years he served as a music editor and "commanded" musical pauses.

In 1990, Boris for the first time tried himself as director of an independent project. The hook belonged to the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a dynamic intelligent game "Brane Ring". And since 1991, Boris Hook began to appear in front of the audience in the role of the TV presenter's entertainment show "Love at first sight", which for 8 years led along with the permanent co-host Alla Volkova. A curious situation has developed around these two programs. Boris Hook directed "Brane Ring", who led the famous expert, and Kozlov, in turn, worked as a director of the romantic transfer, which Boris led.

After the death of the TV host Vladimir Voroshilov in 2001, the hook took the chair of his stepfather in the game "What? Where? When?". Also six years before the death, Vladimir Voroshilov promised to give Shaw Boris, but the hook in response said that he was ready to work on TV shows, but only Vladimir Yakovlevich should lead the show.

Although the first time information about who replaced the TV presenter was carefully hidden. Moreover, both from the audience and from the experts. Boris Alexandrovich's voice was specially distressed with the help of a computer program, and for complete disorientation to the studio, Voroshilova, dressed in a tuxedo, came to the studio, and rapidly rushed into the speaker room.

For the first time, Boris Hook seemed as the official TV presenter "What? Where? When?" Only in 2007, and then the cameras managed to fix the TV presenter from the back. And only a year later, Boris Hook came out and talked with connoisseurs when awarding Andrei Kozlov's title by the Master.

Boris Aleksandrovich tries to maintain the traditions that Voroshilov and Stetsenko have invested in the game, but it does not want to lag behind. For example, now questions from TV viewers are commercials for both traditional mail and on the Internet and even with the help of SMS. But the main atmosphere of intellectual excitement remains unchanged.

Boris Hook stood at the origins of this popular intellectual TV game and confident that the game "What? Where? When?" It became, on the one hand, more commercialized, and on the other, more emotional and spectacular. In an interview, the TV presenter stated that the money spoil the experts.

Personal life

For the first time, Boris Hook married in 1990. His wife was called Inna, and she was a microbiologist by profession. In this marriage, the spouses were born the son of Mikhail and daughter Alexander, who graduated from prestigious universities in the UK. The son became an economist, and his daughter received a bachelor's degree of the arts. Boris and Inna lived together just under 10 years old, but with children, his father retained his close relationship and always takes them with him to rest along with the new family.

The second wife of the hook - Anna Antonyuk. The woman worked in the economic sphere, but after marriage left work and focused on the conduct of household and upbringing two daughters, Alexandra and Varvara. As you can see, in two different families, Boris called the first daughters the same name Sasha. As journalists learned, this is a family name: in the family hook of almost all grandmothers and great-grandmothers were also called.

Boris Hook now

In 2016, Boris Hook and the connoisseur of the club became the guests of the popular Tok show "Evening". TV presenter and participant of the game told TV viewers about the traditions of the intellectual game and explained why the experts "What? Where? When?" And today continue to play tuxedo. Also guests' guests answered the question of whom they consider the best connoisseur, and told what it means for the club and intellectual game.

January 2, 2017, Boris Hook again went to the game hall of the intellectual game "What? Where? When?". This is the fourth time for the entire period that the hook leads the game. The first time took place in 2008, the second - 28 December 2013, the third - December 26, 2015. It turns out, Boris Hook went to the connoisseurs only in the winter series of games (finals of the year).

In November 2017, the intellectual club attracted the attention even those who were not a fan of the TV game. And Alexander Druz arranged a scandal on the shooting of the intellectual program "What? Where? When?".

The scandal provoked a comment by Boris Hook, who noticed that the Kim Galachyan nodded in the hall nodded, having heard the right guess at the table. The TV host addressed Alexander Friend and Andrei Kozlov with a request to help figure out the situation. This gesture of the judge and masters considered the tip and did not count the correct response to the players.

Roshovan Askerov said that Alexander Abramovich no longer exist for him and called the Action of the Friend "forgiveness," and the master is "insignificance." Askerov refused to shake the rival on this game Elena Potanina. Alexander Owl in response said that Askerov "lost a reputation in front of the millions of television viewers."

In 2016, opponents had already arranged a similar scandal on the game. Alexander Druz quarreled with Rovshan Askerov after the first game of the spring series, and the reason for the conflict between the experts was the question of tomatoes, which the Askherov team gave an ambiguous answer.


  • 2001 - "What? Where? When?"
  • 1991-1999 - "Love at first sight"
  • 1990 - "Brane Ring"

"My mother, Natalia Ivanovna Stetsenko, worked on television, made different programs and constantly took me a little on the shooting. On "and well, girls!" I first traveled on the tractor, because the participants competed, who will plow the field faster, first sat on the horse - the participants were jumping on horseback. And then Mom, together with her husband, Vladimir Voroshilov, removed "And well, guys!". And there I managed to ride a motorcycle, hold the machine gun. I all ran around Vovka (so I called in the childhood Voroshilov, and when I started working together, I began to contact you and by the name-patronymic - Vladimir Yakovlevich). When I was eight years

Nine, Mom said that for her new transfer "What? Where? When?" We need to urgently come up with a question. Well, it is necessary so necessary. In those years, I was fond of chess, so I wrote a chess task. My question sounded the very first, could not give the right answer to him, and I got a prize - the book "Eureka". I do not even know where she is now: I have not seen her thirty years old. Then Voroshilov regularly spoke to me about "What? Where? When? ", Consulted ... But it is not necessary to think that he considered me a brilliant child, dismantling in television programs better than professionals. Just he was always interested in people who think not as he, and it could be a cleaner, doctors who were treated, neighbors in the chair in the plane. Mom laughed at him, because, sitting down in a taxi, he immediately spoke about "What? Where? When?" With a taxi driver: how best to do it? I do not exclude that some of their advice he embodied. At least, he listened to mine. When I was 19 years old, Voroshilov introduced the rule invented by me: the loser team leaves the club forever. From 12 years I constantly helped Voroshilov. I remember very well, as in 1981 he took Alexander Friend's club, he was then in a checkered white and blue shirt.

- Immediately understood that he is a future star?

- No, but Sasha and the star became only in a few years. Although in the history of the game entered in 1982, even when was on the second roles: became the first connoisseur discarded for the hint. Then, when he was "caught" for this, the second time, actually suggested not he, and I! Stood behind him, and it was my voice that heard Voroshilov. And I and I did not know the answer: there were other connoisseurs next to me. But I could not confess ...

- Did you communicate with friends, other players?

- No, they were decently older, and we have little intersected interests. Three times they called me to the gatherings after the game, and, of course, I was interested with adults. And when I ran school, I talked a lot with Alexander Bialko: he was engaged in physics with me, prepared for admission to the institute. I was going to go on the father's footsteps, in MWU named after Bauman. On the exam, I received a three physics. And this meant that even if I get on the other objects of the top five, scholarships still do not see the scholarship, so in the written exam in mathematics I have led myself quite brazenly. That day I needed to go somewhere. I solved four tasks in 40 minutes - and was so sure about the correctness of the answers that he did not take it for the fifth at all. She was complicated, I would have shifted an hour and a half with her. Dad in secret of me agreed with a familiar teacher Baumanki, that he will come to the exam and check my job. He came in an hour later after the start, looking for me among two hundred or three hundred applicants - but, of course, unsuccessfully. When I returned home in the evening, my mother threw: "You are looking for dad! Did you not go to the exam?! "

- A rare applicant boasts such calm!

- I generally have such a feature: if I have something enough, I do not see the point of spending strength and time for something more. 52 people arrived at my stream, and graduated from 18. I was among them. When they studied at the fifth year, we were announced that the distribution would not be, but Muscovites could be attached in Moscow. There were two options: the pipe plant, which was in the place of the current "Gorbushka", and Research Institute, located at the end of the Ryazan Prospect. I approached me more, but the plant was essentially closer to home. And I already suffered with long distances: Every morning I spent twenty hours on the road to the institute. In general, I could not choose. But here they decided to spend in Mariupol Congress "What? Where? When? ", And Voroshilov sent me there. Andrei Kozlov, with whom I met there, organized this event, and Voroshilov said: "Yes, you do not need to do not at the factory, nor in research. Come to us".

I agreed, but ... I would never have thought that it would be so terrible! The first three years were an incessant nightmare! Remember how Raykin? "My father, Sidorov-senior, Drals Me, Sidorov Jr. like Sidorov Kozu." Only I did not drag my father, but Voroshilov. It was not only impossible to be talented, but also simply impossible. My position was called "Assistant Director", and I had to consist of Voroshilov and practicing both the program and his personal questions. I did not understand the first autumn, the morning is now or evening, which is around. Voroshilov could call at seven in the morning with the question that could be solved at lunch or at all tomorrow, although he knew that I was two or three hours.

- Voroshilov was not only impossible talented, but also impossible. With Mom Natalia Stetsenko and Vladimir Voroshilov (1995). PHOTO: Archive of the television company "Game TV"

When Vladimir Molchanov came to my place in 1992, his position was already called the "referent". The cases of Volodya's programs did not touch. And everything hung on me at once: repair of the Voroshilovskaya car, buying products, issues related to directing work, with decorations and details, with shooting and installation. Now these questions decide not one person, but a few ... In addition, I was older in the "musical pauses", and here I am terribly unlucky: I began to work in that year when Voroshilov was laughed calling foreign singers and musicians, and I was forced to deal their tickets and hotels. Voroshilov had tender relationships with Finnair Finnish company, and I had to persuade artists to fly to Moscow through Helsinki for a long time. For example, some Dutch singer said: "I can fly directly from Amsterdam. I will buy tickets on the spot, and you will return money in Moscow. " I said: "We can't go to it! We will send tickets to you, but you will fly through Helsinki. " - "But why?! Also uncomfortable! " And so with each.

And in 1990, after the new year, Voroshilov decided to shoot "Brane Ring". And he instructed me, the young director Kola East and his assistant Ira Zadvornova - a very inexperienced, green three-chapter dragon - to independently organize a program, as they say, turnkey. And it was ... Unbearable. I was so exhausted and spent so many nights without sleep, which once cut down right on the planers in the room, where they argued, shouting each other, 15 people! At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that in the usual state I can not sleep at night and even at night, for example, in the plane, I fall asleep only after the gigantic dose of sleeping pills ... It was utopia - think that three newcomers can fully make a program, and the Master will just come and sits In the chair of the lead. As a result, when Voroshilov came shortly before the start of the shooting came to the studio, it turned out that everything should be reassured urgently. And we spent the unforgettable two days!

- I did not want to leave?

- What I'm leaving, I spoke regularly. Then Voroshilov had weakened the grip for a while.

- And your mom could not tell him "don't mock the child"?

- She did not know all the nuances, because there was a lot on the phone, and she did not hear our conversations. We only sat at meetings together. But to quarrel at the meeting - it was like tea to drink, no one paid attention to such nonsense ... Looking at the first editions of "Brane Ring", Voroshilov said: "I am not interested in doing more, I want to concentrate on" What? Where? When?". Naturally, the question arose, who will then be the leading "Brane Ring". "Yes, even Boria," he replied. But I did not even have time to start preparing the program. Events in 1990 were particularly stormy. On August 25, I married Inna, and in September an English producer flew to Moscow who wanted to sell the Soviet television of the program that his company did. Since they were mostly gaming, "SovietExport" invited Voroshilov as an expert, and he called Natalia Ivanovna and me. We all seemed monotonous: people stand, click on the buttons and answer questions. Funny and unusual appeared only "love at first sight" - it was bought. I had to become a director, and Andrei Kozlova was going to make the lead. Once on the qualifying round, when Andrei was not, I took his place, and Voroshilov laughed: "On Bore can be seen how much he understands anything in love affairs! Let and think of the mind-reason together with the viewers. " And the truth, the saturated goats looked man experienced, and it might seem that he looks at what was happening a little bit from above and hesitates, and I made an impression of naive nerd in my glasses. So there was a casting. Of the year two, then Kozlov was the director of "Love ...", which I led, and I was a director of "Brane Ring", which he led, and after he became the director,

And the leading "Brane Ring", and I - "Love ...". By the way, due to the fact that we had such a reduction in everyday life, funny situations have repeatedly arose. Our sound engineer, intelligent Natasha Plutulov, somehow called the technical director of the television center and said: "I need complex technical devices for" Love ... ". The head of the service, having heard a bold statement from the 55-year-old lady, fell in precipitate. In another time, we went to Ostankino in the Bitch of the elevator with the editor of Valentina Alekseevna Andreva after the installation "What? Where? When? ", And the Valya in full silence exhaled tiredly:" Yes, Boria, only one I do not know - when we are "love ..." We will do ... "

- Did you like to "love at first sight"?

- Yes, although it was very difficult. The actors and directors say that the comedy requires much more effort than the tragedy. So it's easier for me five games "What? Where? When?" Conduct than one frivolous "love at first sight." On the set of "Love ..." there were a lot of improvisations. If you do not know what to say, and how to joke, is a very tense moment ...

- I'm easier for five games "What? Where? When?" Conduct than one frivolous "love at first sight." With the co-host - Alla Volkova (a frame from the program "Love at first sight", 1990). PHOTO: Archive of the television company "Game TV"

- And the editors could not help?

"I'm inconvenient in this sense: I categorically can't voice what someone came up with. And even if the editors told his joke in advance, I was not interested in to repeat it to the public. I came up with something - and silently keep in my head to the right moment.

- It's hard so ...

- But it was even harder to hide work on "love at first sight" from Voroshilov! From 1991 to 1998, we removed about 200 issues. No, he did not touch me seven or eight days, which went to shoot the program block. But say Voroshilov, they say, you are not up to "What? Where? When? ", Because other shooting on the nose, it would be a deadly number! We are therefore filming two or three dozen issues for one approach, which otherwise it was not possible to carve time. Voroshilov with a creak gave us a month for this, but to prepare four live broadcasts "What? Where? When?" It was assigned three months, and the first two were very heavy.

- I want to ask, was there anything easy?

- day of direct ether. Voroshilov on this day was a quiet, calm, did not swear with anyone, did not touch me. It was not difficult to sit with him on the air, so I considered it practically a weekend. True, the next morning, Voroshilov again began to drive me as Sidorov Google ... Only three years after the start of work I learned to cope.

I understood that Voroshilov shouts, scandalite and demands the moon from the sky not because Samodor, but because he cannot decide something, does not know how to do it better, and therefore wildly nervous. And when I became able to protect him from some such problems and could simply say: "Do not mind, I myself decide," we have changed relationships. But still the year in 1996 called me once at four o'clock in the morning and demanded to immediately bring him home by Betacam cassette (professional equipment for television. - Approx. "TN") with a record of the program. And to watch her at home he was not on what! But that night I was not the first to whom he called, "just no one else took the phone.

- And becoming a director leading and the general contractor "What? Where? When? ", Probably, visited themselves on the other side of the barricades and also called the staff at night?

- No, honestly! And in general, when I call to employees, I always ask first, is it convenient to talk.

- You have half a team for more than a dozen years old worked with Voroshilov and remembers you yet a child. When did you become the leader, the relationship changed dramatically?

- Relationships changed gradually. Of course, now they are not as in my 10 years, and at 20, and in 25. I remember how the Valya editor slept, when in 1989 someone in a conversation dropped the phrase: "And the struggle will be your chief ..." So she Then she laughed, could not stop: "Oh, the struggle will be the chief! A ha ha ha! " But there are employees who have not grew up, they indulge in my eyes. Andrei Lysenko, whom spectators can remember as the head of the hall that worn "black box" came to us twenty-year-old student. His friend wanted to participate in "Love at first sight," and Andrei waited for him on the qualifying round. Editors, noting a curly handsome, said: "Boy, let's try you and you." And he first took part in the program, then he began to work as an assistant director, and now the director himself, my right hand.

- I heard that you are during the Ether "What? Where? When?" Invented to communicate with cards. To keep silence in the dictator and save time, they simply showed a card, for example: "Druz sleeping", "Tip" or "give the word to another."

- No, it was just invented by Voroshilov. I started writing cards and questions after him. I guess I am the only lead in the country, which still writes everything personally and by hand. During the preparation, I have all the hands with marked by markers. When I write questions, it's better to delve, and if I just give them to read, read it, but will not immerse the material on the desired depth. So, even if you get bored, I forcing myself.

- Following Voroshilov began to write from the hands of the card and questions. So I'm better to delve. During the preparation for the shooting, I have all the hands of marked with markers. In the speaker room of the program "What? Where? When?". Photo: photoxpress.

- When after the death of Voroshilov, the program began to lead, it was furnished as a mystical detective ...

- No one in our television company "Game TV" even in the head did not come that someone except Voroshilov could do the program! But Konstantin Ernst convinced us to try, to spend at least another series. They became convulsively to search for the lead and realized that first of all we think about a low voice, as much as possible to Voroshilovsky. But how could a man from the side to "enter" in the subtleties of reference?! Vladimir Yakovlevich died on March 10, and the game should have come out already in May. The time to introduce a foreign person to the case was not just in the edge - it, consider, was not at all. Probably, the goats could cope without much training: he still led his relative transmission. For me, to know "What? Where? When?" In general, it was not difficult: I led all the runs and could stand at night from the bed and pronounce all the necessary texts from any place. But my voice is much higher than Voroshilovsky and, as we considered a friendly, he lost heavily in expressiveness! Caused a synchronist who translated the international games "What? Where? When?". He had a very beautiful low voice - Voroshilov at one time was looking for a timbre, which would sound no worse than his own. They conducted a rehearsal where the synchronist translated me from Russian into Russian - and realized that another option was needed. In my speech, joy and disadvantage were felt, attitude to the players, and the synchronist spoke monotonously. He does not know, I will continue to scribble further or wrap a second, and there is no time in my voice. And someone offered to process my voice on the computer - disguise and make low. Honestly, today I do not understand what we were so afraid. But we distorted my voice so much that he sounded completely metallic. I revised the first program for a year or two years ago - God forbid, I will dream of such a voice at night! The Mysterious Brother Voroshilova, Yuri Borisovich, was involved in the mystery. He was a clockwork comrade and enabled with the inspiration to the draw, but it was still inconvenient to me.

- No one in our television company did not even occur to anyone that the program can do someone except Voroshilov! But Konstantin Ernst convinced to try to spend at least another series. At the TEFI awards ceremony (2011). Photo: Julia Khanina

- Why?

- Before the game, he came to the "Jaguar" Voroshilov, in a black tuxedo, was rapidly held in the dictator - but on this, the spectacular part of his work ended.

The next five hours Yuri Borisovich was to sit in a corner at the stool completely silently - and could not go anywhere. In the meantime, the experts and employees set the identity of the mysterious guest, I was engaged in our usual jeans and a sweater, I communicated with the connoisseurs - and ran into the announcement five minutes before the start of the ether. The operation was developed in the situation of strict secrecy, even a part of the film crew did not know about it - and after the first program, none of the employees and experts have calculated me. Only one uninitiated man realized that I was led by the program, my dad. And when I began to take advantage, said: "Yes, okay, you think I will not know you!" On the second program, the correct version appeared from the friend. He told Kozlov's guess, and she could not let Sasha on a false trail. "Yes, it is Borya," he admitted, "just don't tell anyone!" And Sasha on a big secret said just a couple of players ... So many of the terrible mystery have already learned many. But we did not count on it for a long time. When the spring series ended, decided to continue the game without Voroshilov.

I remember, then I immediately went on vacation and got sick there. I lay with a temperature under forty and in half a dream saw a dream: we are talking to Voroshilov, and he says to me that since we have 12 sectors on the game table, they intersect under right angles, and solid crosses are obtained. Then I realized that the sectors should be 13, and how to fill the 13th sector, I already invented. By the way, Vladimir Yakovlevich loved the number 13. I had a home phone in my old apartment, in which this number was repeated three times, and he jokingly said that I wanted to buy a phone number.

- He was generally carried away by such things - numerology, astrology?

- As I said, it was in principle very interested in people who thought not as he was, - and here ... We advised the famous astrologer of Valery Icetovsky in the 1990s, he was Horoscopes Vladimir Yakovlevich, Natalia Ivanovna and other employees, He advised who from the experts is better to plant for one game table, which artists invite to the "musical pause." We looked at the ice as in Fakir: he gave some advice, and if you followed them, I received the desired result, although you did not see a logical connection. In addition, Valery Alexandrovich was a very charming person and it was interesting to listen to - just understood at the same time it was not easy. What, for example, means "Sun Sun to Jupiter"? And for him everything was so obvious that he could not find the words. "Well, the Sun Square to Jupiter, you don't know?!" Somehow we agreed that I would come to his work at two in the afternoon. And the ice was very optional, nonpunctual. On the eve calling: "Tomorrow in two?" - "Yes, only call before departure." I'm sitting in the office, in half the second I call him: "I go away?" And he: "I can't talk, call an hour in two" - and immediately the phone turned off. I am stuck: I have the rest of the day planned. After two hours I call back, and he says: "What did you want?" - "We had to meet two ..." - "Oh, listen, I can not". " "Actually, we agreed last night." "Well, well, I'll call you five." I called five, agreed to meet in half the seventh, but I waited for him for another minutes at the entrance. Finally he came out. We chatting, and he talks about one expert: "He behaves like the type of virgin." I ask: "How is it?" - "Well, he is bored as you! That's how you called me today, called! "

- Does he personally advised you?

- Do not indulge as astrology. He felt that I was pulling me in this sphere. After all, astrology is based on mathematical calculations that need to be enraged in the right, understandable words. And I and Mathematics are very close, and Russian.

- More often a person is given something one ...

- My moms with dad was so. Dad is talented in exact sciences, but does not remember that "Libi-Shi" with the letter "and" is written: when he wrote his mother's mom, called her "cute chizyk". And my mother in my education teacher of the Russian language and literature, but thinks like this: "50 percent of funds we spend on one, 15 - to another, 30 - on the third and 40 - on the fourth." "Mom, you have already had 135 percent, but maybe only 100." - "A, yes, really."

- And your children whose talents inherited?

- My first child, Misha, inherited my and grandfather mathematical abilities. However, Ice always said that Misha need sports cultum events to lead. Though we are accustomed that our astrologer is usually right, listened to him with perplexity: the Misha perfectly gave the exact sciences when he studied at school. They are well given now, and he graduated from the University in Edinburgh. Became an economist. But a year and a half ago put the entire city on the ears - fascinated all the game in "What? Where? When?". Son with great pleasure organizes games: people are going on Tuesdays ... And to answer questions to him, as I, not very interesting, attracts His Orgprcess. Studying in the first year, he tried to create a Russian-speaking football team, but did not work out: many worked training. And then we introduced it to our deserved connoisseur Oksana Petrunko - she lives for many years in Edinburgh and teaches at Mishkin University, - and it came across it to a new idea. The son is generally crazy when there is a team for which he can come up with a case. When was small, and the grandmother came to the country and gave him her neck for the mess, the son instantly organized the rest of the children for cleaning. Externally, Misha is not very similar to me, but the voice is now one to one like me, and relatives stopped understanding who calls them.

Senior daughter, Sasha, from childhood was my copy: figure, hands, complex, face. But in 15 years she sat on a very strict diet, heavily lost weight and became a copy of her mother - my first wife, Inna! Inna, we laugh that she is a thinning me. Sasha's character is strong, directorial. She went to theater studio at seven and went there on his own, although it was far from home. And when she was about 13-14 years old, she after the next final performance said that she wouldn't go there much, because the director does not understand anything. Now she is studying in London at the university, specializes in media: makes plots for radio and television, writes articles. Although, since it draws well, originally went to advertisement. And this is not exactly from me. I draw as a chicken with a paw, and although Voroshilov never helped me with the lessons, once he made two drawings for me before a new year, so that five fives for them. But for the cat and the Christmas tree depicted by a person who graduated from the art institute, I put four! We counted that I can't paint in principle to draw on the top five ...

- Misha in Scotland, Sasha - in England. Do they go to each other or found only when both in Moscow are?

"When Misha had a difficult situation, he lived in Sasha in London." But in general, their relationship is similar to the sceners with one-way movement: Sasha runs for Misha.

She is younger for three years and all the time stretches to the elder brother, it is eager to communicate, and he pretends that she does not notice. Moreover, Misha since childhood wonderfully communicated with the younger, played with them, but for Sasha always made an exception. We said that Misha loves all children in the world except Sasha. However, if Sasha threatened the slightest danger, he instantly got up on my piles, rushed to save. And now: Sasha's young man led himself wrong - Misha rushes to understand. My sister is fine and she wants to communicate just like that - "Sasha, do not touch me." With Sasha-younge and from Varai - my daughters from the second marriage - he is not so often seen. Only if we are going to relax together or it is for an hour or another joys on a visit, extinguishing in Moscow. But in these rare visits, after 15 minutes, one hangs on his neck, the second in his arms, and he jumps with them and fun.

- Sorry, why did you name with both daughters with Sasha?

- I have a "terrible" story with Sasha: both grandmothers Sasha, the great-grandmother Sasha, the great-grandfather Sasha ... and when we had a daughter and in our daughter, we called it in honor of them all.

But Anya, my second wife, also always dreamed of calling Sasha's daughter. And I, of course, agreed. Sasha-younger tells me: "Dad, I understand everything, you called Sasha-elder in honor of all my relatives, and you called me Sasha, because my mother wanted. You tell me one explain. Why, when you were born cooking, did you not call it Sasha too? " (Smiles.) By the way, Varya is the only one child who is very interested in "what? Where? When?". She is trying me from a nursery: "Dad, I want to ask the connoisseurs of question!" And I explain to her that I can not ask them a question invented by my daughter, is not good. She once returned to this topic. "Dad, and I also invented this question. Can I ask him? " "No, no question of my child cannot be asked for connoisseurs." And when last year, the correspondent came to shoot my family for the program "Tonight with" and cooking got to the camera, she said: "I have a question for connoisseurs!" I asked some kind of question, and Malakhov hooked for him. And the dream of my child came true: Andrei sat in the studio, Nural Latypov was sitting in the studio, and a bunch of other experts, and they were asked the Varvara issue a hook from Moscow: "How did the word" bouquet "come from?" Varya was terribly proud and stopped demanding from me the impossible.

- Varya is the only child who is very interested in "what? Where? When?". She is trying me from a nursery: "Dad, I want to ask the connoisseur questions!". From left to right: with children - Alexander, Mikhail, Alexandra, Barbara - and wife Anna. PHOTO: Archive of the television company "Game TV"

- Do you take children with you on the ether?

- No, I do not let. For a long time they explained to them that I could not be distracted on the shooting. I warned: "If you are ready that you go past, and I don't even look at your side, then come. But it is better not necessary - I need to be very concentrated. " And they are not particularly rushing. Only cooking is experiencing. She knows the son of Grigory Guselnikov and sees that he sometimes happens in the hall. After each such case, they are waiting for reproaches: "Why are you allowing you to stand there, but I do not?"

- How can you work with mom for 26 years?

- On the one hand, it is hard. But on the other - the work allows us to see often. It is only bad that production conflicts affect relationships, because it is not always possible to clearly divide: here we are employees, and here the son with mom. Now I am more trying to take care of her, it was fencing from everything, and before we had a tougher relationship: when I just came, Natalia Ivanovna did not give me a descent and if someone could have forgive the oversight, then I flew to me. Then, in the period of becoming it was important that everything was strictly in my opinion - and the point. But my mother in children values \u200b\u200bthe most independence, and herself grown to me.

Boris Kroj.

A family: Mother - Natalia Stetsenko, CEO "Game-TV" (wife and co-author Vladimir Voroshilova, one of the creators of the game "What? Where?" When? "); wife - Anna Antonyuk, economist; Children - Mikhail (23 years), economist, graduate of the Edinburgh University, Alexander (20 years old), student of the London University of Arts, Alexander (14 years old), Varvara (10 years)

Education: He graduated from MSTU (MVTU). Bauman.

Career:in 1989 he began working as an assistant director from Vladimir Voroshilov in the program "What? Where? When?". He was the lead and director of the program "Love at first sight", the director of the program "Brane Ring", in May 2001 he became the leading, director-director and general contractor program "What? Where? When?"

// Photo: Krasikovina Natalia / photoxpress.ru

"Somehow went into the house toys to buy something as a gift to my friend of three years old. I saw a top of a jumping horse and bought two at once, the second one. He played without leaving the house, ten days, "Vladimir Voroshilov recalls, the creator and leading transmission, the first ether of which took place exactly 43 years ago. It is this top that will endure the audience, which adopted the TV screens, waiting for an exciting game.

Initially, the game was a family quiz, in which participants received as a gift sets of books. During the first few years, the transfer was modified and looking for the format that we used to see - a team of experts fights with the team of the spectators, answering the questions of the audience. Wins the team first scored six points. The creators of the Program are confident that stunning success and unpleasant relevance is related to the fact that, unlike many other television intellectual games, "What? Where? When?" It is not a game for knowledge and erudition, but on intelligence and ability to reason. It is impossible to disagree with how it is interesting to observe a rapid discussion and a chain of reasoning of talented experts, at the same time trying to find an answer to himself.

The name of the leading TV shows for a long time remained a mystery for the audience. And for Vladimir Voroshilov, the nickname "Incognito from Ostankino" was consolidated. Who is hidden behind a terrible voice, the audience learned only five years later, when the broadcast ended with the words: "he conducted the transfer of Vladimir Voroshilov."

After his death, the leader was taken by his successor - Boris Hook. It was he who, being a 12-year-old boy, composed the first questions for experts, and became the first winner from the experts to the viewer. The symbol of the transmission is the Philin FOMKA - a crystal figure with its image is given to the best player of the final games. Later, a new prize was introduced - "Diamond Owl", which is awarded the best player of the year. Hundreds of different items visited the most popular "black box" of Soviet television: a skull, toilet paper, a wedding dress, a kochan cabbage, swimsuit-bikini, a jar with urine, alarm clock, and a live butterfly.

For several years, the game was a unique transmission, where it was possible to see the performances of foreign performers for the first time. Already quite soon, on September 16, a new season of games of the autumn session begins.

// Photo: Krasikovina Natalia / photoxpress.ru

Recalling past seasons and a brilliant game of connoisseurs, it is interesting to know how the fate of the most famous intellectuals, for which millions of spectators have been observed from year to year.

Roshman Askerov, the owner of the "Crystal Owl", the captain of his own team, recalls that the victorious fascination appeared in childhood - when he was 14 years old, he wanted to like the girl, and to stand out, created the school game "What? Where? When?". The girl did not work out, but the love of intellectual game appeared.

For the first time, Roshovan participated in the game in 1998. At that time he was a journalist, a sports observer. Roshovan admits that the popularity that shelted him was very pleasant to him, but at the same time disciplined, and kept in a tone. There was a case that popularity played on the arm when it was necessary to interview one famous person.

Now Rovshan is held by PR Director of the Baku magazine. But the main pride of the connoisseur is his own club of intellectual games "Without fools", which he opened two years ago with his many years of partner on the Club of the Cognot Boris Levin. Games take place every week on Wednesdays and Thursdays. In addition to Moscow, the game takes place in other cities - Sergiev-Posad, Sochi, Adler, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod and Tashkent.

Ilya Novikov, the two-time owner of the "Crystal Owl", the owner of the "Diamond Owl" at the moment continues to successfully lead the lawyer activities. Become a lawyer, and the criminal lawyer Ilya wanted from 12-13 years old. I remembers how in childhood I read a book about a fictional character - Perry Mason, - practitioner of the Los Angeles lawyer. The game for him was always only a hobby, hobby, and not work.

It says that participation in the program briefly eclipsed him as a lawyer - people perceived Ilya, as a connoisseur, and Showman. According to Ilya, he is often recognized on the street in Russia and there are people who think that he has been recorded in his employment book - "Expert." On the question of participation in the new seasons, is responsible that in the near future it is not going to return.

Boris Belozers, the youngest captain of the game, the owner of the "Crystal owl" this year graduated from the International Institute of Energy Policy and MGIMO Diplomacy in the direction of the World Economy and international energy cooperation, is now engaged in various intellectual games as a lead and author of the issues. It will be a participant in the winter series of games.

Recall that participation in the game is not for the expert means of earnings. Cash prizes are received only by the winning TV viewers. All experts have a favorite job and participate in the game for the sake of Azart and interest.