Sewing and selling bed linen: personal business experience. Business in the trade of lingerie and tights

Sewing and selling bed linen: personal business experience.  Business in the trade of lingerie and tights
Sewing and selling bed linen: personal business experience. Business in the trade of lingerie and tights

Encyclopedia: lingerie store is a retail outlet specializing in the retail of panties, bras, stockings and other intimate wardrobe items for women.

The number of underwear brands is increasing every year, and this is no coincidence: lingerie never goes out of fashion, and the demand for it is growing on average by 40-60% per year. A small lingerie store is a great option to start or expand your business. Wondering if a lingerie store is profitable? You may find our tips useful.

Step by step to a profitable lingerie store

Step one: choose a strategy

Before you open your lingerie store, determine its format. In many respects, the choice of strategy depends on the characteristics of the settlement or area where the outlet will be opened. For example, in a respectable area of ​​a large developed city, you can focus on the sale of luxury lingerie - according to analysts, these products provide the highest profitability, allowing you to increase sales by 60% in the first year of operation. At the same time, keep in mind that trade in lingerie of the "premium" class requires significant start-up investments.

A more economical and simpler option is to trade in economy-class underwear. Such a shop would be appropriate in a residential area.

In either case, you should take care of the assortment - the wider it is, the more interesting your outlet is for customers. Despite the fact that the sale of lingerie is practically not subject to seasonality, keep in mind that on the eve of the summer season, swimwear can be offered for sale, and starting from autumn it is better to expand the assortment with warm pantaloons and tights.

Step two: we recruit staff, create an atmosphere

One of the important conditions for the successful trade in lingerie is an attractive sales assistant who is well versed in the product. He needs not only to find an approach to each client, but also to be able to assess the features of the figure and complexion of the client in order to advise the winning option.

Renovation and interior design are important ingredients for success. The store should be light and spacious enough. Be sure to include fitting booths with mirrors, shelves and hooks for bags. Take care of the heating - no one wants to try on clothes if the room is cold.

Important: provide good service, put yourself in the customer's shoes. What would you like? If you listen to the wishes of customers, they will suggest new services to you, and this will only benefit your business. For example, if now you do not have in your assortment the color or the size of the bra that the client would like, suggest that she order it. Provide options for exchange or return of goods. Remember that by displaying the tried-on product on the counter, you violate sanitary standards. Therefore, you need to provide special samples for fitting.

Step three: preparing the legal and material base

Register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company). If you don't have your own premises, you need to rent it, registering the contract properly.

For a start, a small room will be enough. Experienced participants in this market niche assure that 7 m2 is enough to equip a trading floor. Do not forget that you also need a utility room and at least a small warehouse. Try to find premises away from clothing markets and supermarkets of economy trade - they create strong competition, attracting the attention of almost the entire consumer audience.

In terms of hardware, you will need:

Counter 1.5–2 m long;

In addition to showcases, there are mannequins;

Racks for hangers.

Where can I get the money?

The following advice from experts will help you navigate how much it costs to open a lingerie store: it is better to form an assortment so that for every square meter of retail space there is a product for 1000 dollars. Add to the basic calculations 30% - for unforeseen expenses.

If you are planning to take out a loan, consider the data of analysts - they assure that the profitability of a successful lingerie store can reach 40%.

Underwater rocks

The main danger for the owner of a lingerie store is disgruntled customers - they will quickly notify their friends and acquaintances about your mistake, depriving you of potential customers. Therefore, pay special attention to the quality of services and products offered. Please read the Consumer Protection Law carefully. It is imperative to know the sanitary norms and rules for the sale of underwear - your point of sale will inevitably become the object of attention of inspection services.

Summing up

Having your own lingerie store can be a lucrative business. But for this you need to calculate everything in advance, study the intricacies of this area, choose the "correct" location for your future store and create a comfortable environment for employees and visitors.

Approximate data:

  • The monthly income is 450,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 119,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 485 800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 5 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will draw up a detailed business plan for a lingerie store with cost and income calculations.

Description of the service

This business plan presents the idea of ​​opening your own lingerie store. It is this product that is the basis of the product range. Additionally, you can find hosiery in the store. Who is the target audience? What market segment does the store occupy? What price category can you find? All these questions will be answered in the presented business plan.

Market analysis

Today, a rather difficult situation is developing on the Russian market due to the protracted crisis. And this applies to all industries. The only exception is the grocery sector. It is no coincidence that we consider underwear as our main product. Clothing is one of those industries that holds on pretty tightly.

A true woman is not used to saving on herself. Beautiful lingerie is considered an indispensable attribute of any fashionista. That is why this product was chosen as the main sales unit.

I must say that 2015 was a rather difficult year for the Russian market. Many stores in the segment have closed due to unprofitable operations. But why, then, do we advise you to open a lingerie store? There are several reasons for this. Firstly, competition in this segment has sharply decreased, especially in small towns. This will allow a newcomer to the industry to immediately reach a fairly large chunk of the market. As for prices, according to many analysts, it is not worth reducing the cost of a product. If people cannot afford to buy a thing for 1,000 rubles, then they are unlikely to be able to do it for 900 rubles. That is why you need to build your pricing policy based on the planned profit..

The main rivals in this industry are well-known brand stores... The advantage over them can be a more affordable price and work in different outlets. also pose a serious danger. They work at favorable prices and on favorable terms. Another group of buyers is also dangerous - this. Moreover, this includes expensive branded online boutiques and stores selling domestically produced items at very low prices. It's pretty hard to fight them, but you can. The first step is to differentiate the circle of buyers. Online shopping is gaining popularity, but not everyone uses this type of sales today.

Our store will operate in the middle price segment. The main product will be for women. For men, the assortment will be much smaller. Lingerie will occupy about 98%, everything else - various hosiery... Such a spread will be as beneficial and suitable as possible.

I would like to note that the rent has grown quite seriously. This is another reason to choose underwear. There will be enough space for a store of 10-30 m 2... The cost of renting such a room will be optimal. For novice businessmen, this type of store is also suitable because the size of the initial investment turned out to be small. The purchase of goods requires about 150-200 thousand rubles... If you compare with the same clothes, then the size of the investment is an order of magnitude lower.

I would like to dwell in some detail on who will supply the products to the store. In this case, you can work either with large suppliers, making bulk purchases from them, or with manufacturers of goods, buying it at an even more favorable price. Many will say that the second option is undoubtedly more profitable, but there is one very important nuance. The manufacturer cannot provide a large assortment of goods, but the suppliers sharpen their work just for this. The ideal option would be to combine work with both sellers.

So, our store will operate in the middle price segment in the leased area (we will choose a shopping center, since this option will help to significantly reduce advertising costs). We will focus on the quality of the product and its aesthetic component. This will help attract women of different incomes.

I would like to note that the brand is not so important for people when choosing underwear, so the emphasis should be placed on the quality and appearance of the product. Only 3.5% have adherence to certain brands, choosing lingerie for themselves in the store.

SWOT analysis

When creating the concept of a lingerie store, one cannot but pay attention to internal and external factors that can significantly affect the operation of the enterprise. If we talk about the external component, then it is divided into opportunities and threats. The former, in skillful entrepreneurial hands, can only strengthen their positions, while the latter, in the absence of due attention, on the contrary, can only worsen the situation in the market.

So, in this case, external factors will include:

  1. Possibilities
  • Market expansion. This opportunity came after a sharp decline in the number of sellers and stores in 2015. With the right government policy, the industry in 2016 can start working at an accelerated pace.
  • High demand for the product. This is due to the need to buy underwear, regardless of how much free money is in the family. The second factor driving demand is a possible economic recovery.
  • Niche growth in this market segment.
  • The opportunity to expand your activities, retrain from a lingerie store to a clothing store.
  1. Threats
  • High level of competition. This is due to the work of well-known brands in the market, and to the revitalization of the segment, the emergence of completely new opportunities.
  • The introduction of various laws, taxes, which will become a serious obstacle to the development of your own business. This includes domestic and foreign policy. The first can affect competitors within the country, the second - on the import of goods.
  • Instability of the economic situation within the country. This factor seriously complicates the work in any branch of trade. This is primarily due to price fluctuations, which negatively affect contractual relations with product suppliers.
  • Inability to take out a bank loan on favorable terms. This is also due to the serious current situation in the country.

As for internal factors, the entrepreneur can adjust them on his own, use them in his own interests. They are more flexible than external ones. So, internal factors include:

  1. Strengths
  • High quality of goods and services, which ensures high demand from buyers.
  • The ability to attract new partners to cooperation, thereby increasing the range and volume of available products. In the long term, not only horizontal, but also vertical expansion is possible, due to the ability to work in related niches (clothes, shoes, etc.).
  • The availability of working capital allows them to accumulate and use with the greatest efficiency.
  • The opportunity to work with foreign manufacturers, which will allow us to offer our customers not only high-quality, but also ultra-fashionable goods.
  • The ability to use technological developments of colleagues from Western countries, which will significantly increase the efficiency of work (we are talking, first of all, about convenient software that can facilitate the work with goods, their accounting, as well as store management).
  • Highly qualified personnel, which will be trained by the entrepreneur himself, having previously studied the structure and studied the basics of marketing, sales techniques and other data that will increase the efficiency of salespeople.
  1. Weak sides
  • High costs. They are directly related to demand. If it is not there, then the costs for the most part remain unchanged, which can lead to losses in the store.
  • Lack of experience can cause the store to be underperforming. This can also provoke ineffective functioning. Therefore, before starting work, it is very important to study the scope of work in as much detail as possible.

Opportunity assessment

Total: 89 hours per week, 382 hours per month.

Our lingerie store will be open seven days a week. For service we need 2 sellers, they will work in shifts. Here you can choose a schedule by agreeing it with them in advance. Most preferred would be 2 through 2.

The premises will be cleaned by the staff of the shopping center where the store will be located. The mall administration will also be responsible for advertising inside the building.

The responsibilities of the sellers will include customer service, accounting for goods, placing them inside the store, and calculating the proceeds. For greater convenience of customers, the store will be able to pay for goods using plastic cards. In this case, the proceeds will be transferred to the bank account of the organization. You can open it in some banks and for free, and the annual service does not cost so much.

In our case, an entrepreneur will be engaged in advertising and work with suppliers. Hiring an administrator will be unprofitable, since the store will be small. With the expansion or opening of a new outlet, you can hire a person with experience in this field.

For internal documentation, it will be prepared by a third party. Hiring an accountant would also be impractical. The entrepreneur will resort to outsourcing.

The store will be located in the city's shopping center. A room with a size of about 30 m 2 will be sufficient. Inside there will be a counter for the seller, a fitting room, a small room for storing stock. The seller will pay particular attention to the efficient distribution of goods in the store. There will be couplets of hangers, stands for promotional goods, several mannequins to demonstrate more spectacular bustiers, corsets, stockings, gowns and shirts. There will be mirrors in the fitting room.

To improve the quality, the store will pack each item sold in bags free of charge.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Registration or. Since the store will be small, it makes sense to stick with the first option. When registering your own company, you do not need to wash out all the OKVED codes. In our case, these will be:
  • 52.42.2 - Retail trade of underwear;
  • 52.42.6 - Retail trade of hosiery.

If you plan to expand the assortment in the near future, you should think about introducing additional codes so as not to deal with re-registration later.

  1. The entrepreneur can choose either UTII. In the first case, two options are possible - the USN "Income" 6% or the USN "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  2. It is obligatory to have a certificate of entry in the general commercial register. In our case, the store will be open on the territory of the shopping center, which will determine the receipt of the necessary document.
  3. You will need to obtain permission to carry out trading activities.
  4. The conclusions of the State Fire Inspection and Rospotrebnadzor are required.
  5. It is obligatory to have a formal lease agreement, a garbage collection agreement.
  6. Permission for outdoor advertising will be required, if any.
  7. Don't forget about the tax office.
  8. You will need Goskomstat codes.
  9. If you plan to sell any product that requires a license, you will need to obtain it.
  10. Employees must have medical records (do not forget about the regularity of commissions).
  11. You will need a list of goods and certificates for them.
  12. Do not forget about the need for a sanitary passport.

Documents such as a contract for the removal of solid waste may not be needed if the cleaning is carried out at the expense of the lessor and he has a general contract for the maintenance of the entire building. In this case, a certified copy will suffice.

Marketing plan

Our store will be small, so it would be impractical to carry out large-scale promotions. The main leverage will be the shopping center. Inside there will be posters and information about ongoing promotions. At the opening, the store will be decorated with balloons, welcome messages. A sign will be placed on the facade of the building. In the future, the following methods should be used to advertise the store:

  • Carrying out promotions, days of sales... Their frequency will be agreed with buyers. Preliminary stocks and the need for their sale will be analyzed. Small discounts on goods from the past season can be arranged constantly by organizing a special tray with products and information about the discount provided.
  • Adding information to city catalogs... This will be done by the entrepreneur. But to open your own website with such production volumes is impractical. But when expanding your store, you will need to think about this first. Then contextual advertising can also go into action, informing buyers through their group on social networks.
  • Distribution of flyers near the shopping center... This will help increase the flow of visitors who will be interested in buying quality lingerie at affordable prices.

All this will allow attracting customers to the store, increasing the prospects of the organization. In parallel with the development and promotion of his own store, an entrepreneur should think about how to improve interaction with suppliers. Perhaps he will be able to get more favorable conditions or attract large companies, including international ones, to cooperation. All this contributes to the further development and opening of new points.

Calculation of projected income

The markup for an item in the lingerie segment can vary from 100% to 300%. We will take the figure of 150%, as it is closer to the middle price segment.

The average daily earnings will be about 15,000 rubles per day. Hence the monthly revenue will be 450,000 rubles... Of these, 180,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase of goods.

Production plan

So, for work, we need a room with an area of ​​30 m 2, as already mentioned above. For effective functioning you will also need:

  • dressing room;
  • hangers;
  • mannequins;
  • shelves;
  • racks for placing goods;
  • trays with legs for placing auction goods;
  • showcases;
  • a computer;
  • software;
  • sofa;
  • an armchair or chair for staff;
  • equipment for scanning the barcode of goods.

Video surveillance in a small shop is not required. But the software will greatly facilitate management.

The salary of the sellers will be 30,000 rubles. The total payroll will be 60,000 rubles.

Organizational plan

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax: 450,000 - 310,000 = 140,000 rubles.
  • Tax (calculated as 15% of the difference between income and expenses): 140,000 * 0.15 = 21,000 rubles.
  • Net profit: 140,000 - 21,000 = 119,000 rubles.
  • Profitability: 119,000 / 450,000 * 100% = 26.44%
  • Payback: 485,800 / 119,000 = 4.08. Consequently, the store will pay off in 5 months.


The main risks of this industry are:

  1. Unprofessional working salesmen.

Such a factor can significantly reduce the profit received and negatively affect the functioning of the store. Irresponsibility can lead to differences during audits.

To save yourself from these negative consequences, it is worth working seriously with the staff, checking the hired employees for competence and professionalism. To assess the quality of service, you can send a mystery shopper to the store and do it systematically.

It is imperative to teach employees how to properly work with hardware and software. This will make it easier for them to work and increase the transparency of everything that happens in the store for the entrepreneur.

It is important that the seller is aware of the manufacturers, the composition of the goods, the quality of the brands provided. This will help the client choose the most suitable product for himself and his loved ones.

  1. Increased costs.

This also applies to the rent and the cost of the goods supplied. To avoid trouble, you need to establish long-term relationships with the tenant and suppliers, draw up their documents.

  1. Increased competition

This factor can be smoothed out by building customer loyalty. This requires the product to be relevant, of high quality, fashionable and affordable.

Important: Remember that you can independently draw up a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seemed incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity, or if you saw a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for the attention!

A whole industry is engaged in the sale of lingerie, in which there are several segments, such as trade in expensive lingerie, trade in mid-price lingerie, sale of cheap lingerie, underwear of non-standard sizes, etc. Here we will consider information on how to open this store, what you need for this and also consider tips for starting and running a business.

The advantages of this business

Compared to other trading platforms selling ordinary clothes, lingerie stores have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • unlike clothing fashion, lingerie fashion trends persist for a long time;
  • a small room is enough to open an underwear outlet;
  • underwear is convenient for sale due to its commercial characteristics. It takes up little space in the warehouse and on the counter, practically does not deteriorate;
  • sale of underwear is carried out with a significant trade margin: up to 300% when selling expensive underwear and from 100% when selling underwear in the middle price category.

How to open a lingerie store

So, consider the information on how to open a lingerie store, what is needed for this, how much does it cost to open.

Briefly about the main thing

It is most advisable to open stores with an expensive assortment of underwear in large cities. In small towns and cities, it is better to target middle-class buyers who choose a product based on its price.

Lingerie trade can be carried out in several, the most common forms:

  1. underwear... Its opening is possible without significant investment, since there is no need to rent a retail space and hire a large staff of sellers. The cost of its creation will be much lower than the purchase of the right to lease retail space in any shopping center.
  2. Lingerie store with a small marketplace... Typically, these outlets are located in crowded places and busy streets. Due to the small area of ​​the working space, there are significant rental savings. The downside is the lack of a rich clientele visiting large shopping centers.
  3. Large (separate) lingerie store... Considerable funds are needed to open it. The store itself of this level is usually located in large shopping centers with a high flow of clientele and is designed to sell high and medium-price lingerie.

The level of profitability of any lingerie store primarily depends on the volume of sales generated. It is a profitable business with a 100% mark-up on the product. And the higher the class of the product, the greater the trade margin.

The store can operate and generate a stable income all year round. This is due to the fact that the demand for lingerie is not subject to seasonal changes.

Outdoor advertising is the most effective way to inform potential customers about the existence of your store and its location. In addition to outdoor advertising, sales can be run, which are also highly effective in attracting a regular clientele. If the lingerie store is located in a crowded area, the advertising costs will be negligible. In this case, the bulk of buyers will simply enter from the street and make spontaneous purchases.

Choosing a place

For successful trading in this very delicate product, it is necessary to seriously approach the issue of choosing a retail space. First, you need to decide on the format of the outlet, whether it will be a large shopping pavilion or a small store. Each formation has its own criteria for choosing a premise, both in terms of area and location, and hence the cost of a trading platform.

A small lingerie store must meet the following criteria:

  • located in a crowded (walk-through) place;
  • have a retail space of at least 10-20 square meters;
  • the size of the room should be enough to create at least 2 fitting rooms;
  • in the retail space, you need to create showcases of a large area.

For small lingerie stores, it is necessary to choose the most crowded places: walkways, pedestrian crossings, small shopping centers, places located close to markets, clothing stores and large food centers.

There is no need to trade in underwear in premises without a showcase and low traffic of people, even if this will lead to savings in rent.

Before the start of the store, it is necessary to make repairs, including the installation of mirrors, fitting rooms, cabinets for storing stock of goods, hanging shelves for the presentation of goods with appropriate lighting. The aesthetic design of the shop window plays an important role.

How much does it cost to open such a store?

All costs when opening a lingerie store are associated with the purchase of the necessary equipment, the initial batch of goods and the payment of rent. No expensive equipment is required. It is enough to buy cabinets, shelves, a display case and decent lighting fixtures. The first batch of goods should contain a wide range of different sizes of underwear. According to experts, the amount of 80 thousand rubles is enough for its purchase. The total cost of opening a small store will be about 300 thousand rubles.

If you are going to open a small stall, or an Internet store, then the start-up capital can be much less. When you open an online store, the income from sales does not depend on the location of the retail space and can reach the amount received from the sale of lingerie on large trading platforms. But it all depends on the site's advertising and traffic.

When planning to create a lingerie store, you need to take care of collecting a mandatory set of documents or entrust its registration to a law firm or a lawyer.

There are several fairly simple rules, following which, you will definitely achieve success in the underwear trade:

  • Try to create an individual atmosphere in the store that will differ from the trade pavilions of competitors: add more light or, on the contrary, dim the lighting, create an exclusive interior;
  • Conduct regular trainings with your staff to improve the quality of work and increase sales;
  • Change the assortment of goods as often as possible. Its regular change will facilitate the arrival of visitors to the store who want to see and possibly purchase new items;
  • When returning an item, please accept the event with a smile on your face. Many women buy lingerie spontaneously and may wish to return it the very next day after purchase. And if the goods are not damaged, then they have the right to return it. You should not make a complaint to such clients. This will only discourage women from buying "random" goods in the store.
  • Experiment constantly and buy underwear in small quantities from different manufacturers. Thus, you will be able to determine the best selling product range.
  • Do not keep “stale” goods on the store shelves, but, on the contrary, lay out new items in the most conspicuous place.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 6 minutes


Selling lingerie online is a great way to start your own business. There are several ways of doing such a business - you can resell purchased goods from a supplier or produce products yourself. How to open a website for the sale of lingerie, and what starting capital is required for this, you will find out on our resource.

Registration of an online lingerie store - what documents do you need?

In order to start selling lingerie over the Internet, you must go through the official registration of the store. The first step is to decide on the form of activity. It can be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC.

If we talk about trading via the Internet, it is still preferable to choose an individual entrepreneur, because this way of doing business has a number of advantages:

  • Minimum registration costs.
  • No need for authorized capital.
  • Possibility not to register a legal address.
  • Low tax rates.
  • The minimum required documents for reporting.

The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur is quite simple and consists of the following steps:

  • Registration and application submission at the place of residence.
  • Approval of the corresponding OKVED code.
  • Registration with the Tax Service and the Pension Fund.
  • Bank account opening.
  • If necessary, order a print.

Registration usually takes a maximum of 30 calendar days. With successful business development and a significant increase in sales, an individual entrepreneur can always be re-registered as an LLC.

We make a high-quality website for the sale of lingerie, we study competitors

The next important step in creating a successful online lingerie store is the development of a high-quality and user-friendly website. It is better to entrust this work to professionals in their field, so you should turn to experienced webmasters for help.

The site must have photos of the product corresponding to its real appearance. To do this, you need to attract a good photographer. In addition, an accurate description should be placed under each product - what fabric the linen is made of, what size and color variations are available.

You also need to provide full information regarding the individual entrepreneur. - his name, address, phone number and other data. It will not be superfluous to attach scans of registration documents. This will help to significantly increase the level of customer confidence.

Among other things, on the website of a good online store, it is imperative to place a feedback window so that a potential buyer can quickly ask a question of interest.

As for the design, for a start, you can limit yourself to a simple layout. The main thing is that the site has all the information the client needs. After promotion of the store, the design can be replaced with a more stylish and recognizable one. .

What you need to open an online lingerie store

  • Selection of assortment

After registering a store and creating a website, you need to purchase an initial batch of linen. It should include a fairly wide assortment - models of various shades and styles in all existing sizes. Before choosing, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the product - all products should be made exclusively from natural fabrics. If you plan to purchase a product, for example, in China, then it is advisable to order several trial options before buying a batch to check the quality.

  • Finding lingerie suppliers with favorable prices

In the role of a supplier, you can select one manufacturer or several at once. It is preferable if, nevertheless, models from different suppliers will be present in the store's catalog. You can order linen from both domestic and foreign brands. It all depends on what audience you plan to target the online store. For example, expensive Italian or French brands are suitable for the elite segment. For the middle class, more popular and budgetary options are suitable - Russian and Chinese.

  • Staff

The minimum staff of an online lingerie store at the initial stage should include the following employees:

  1. Supervisor ... He also usually acts as the creator of the store.
  2. Sales Manager ... For a start, one person may be enough, but with the increase in sales, it is necessary to increase the number of people who accept and process orders.
  3. Purchasing manager ... Responsible for the selection of suppliers and the uninterrupted delivery of goods to the store.
  4. Logist ... Controls the direct delivery of goods to the client.
  5. Advertising manager ... Engaged in online mailings, promoting products in social networks and forums, placing contextual or banner advertising.

Such a list is, of course, indicative. Sometimes, at the start, an entrepreneur successfully performs all duties on his own or with the involvement of only one manager. But with a certain promotion of the store, you cannot do without a differentiated staff of employees.

  • Organization of delivery

Another important point is the competent organization of the delivery of goods.

The most common options are:

  1. Express delivery.
  2. Self-service pickup.
  3. Delivery by Russian post.
  4. Express delivery services.

For a beginner entrepreneur, mail delivery is most suitable. It makes it possible to send orders by cash on delivery, which in some way can protect the seller from the fact that the products are not taken from the warehouse. However, if you wish, you can use the other three types of delivery.

  • Advertising and promotion of an online lingerie store

Of course, the most important indicator of the success of any online store is high sales and the presence of many regular customers. In order to attract people it is necessary to organize an effective advertising campaign.

  1. Using contextual advertising ... Contextual advertising is an advertising window that appears in Yandex, Gooogle or Rambler when searching for information on a specific topic. The main advantage is "unobtrusiveness" to a potential client.
  2. By placing internet banners on popular resources ... Such advertising allows you to go to the advertiser's website and get acquainted with the services it provides. However, according to statistics, the percentage of visitors coming to the site through a banner usually does not exceed 1%.
  3. Thanks to the creation and on the forums .

A ready-made business plan for an online lingerie store - how much will it cost to open, costs and first profit

The most important advantage of opening a remote lingerie store is savings, because with this option of doing business, you do not need to rent a special room, install showcases, mirrors and other equipment. So, when opening an Internet boutique, you will need to spend only on registration of an individual entrepreneur, as well as on the product itself. On average, initial costs are about 100,000 rubles .

The profitability of a store directly depends on sales, as well as on the mark-up on the product. Usually, the extra charge for linen is set at 100-150%, so the monthly profit can easily reach 50,000 rubles ... Thus, the payback period of the project can be only a few months.

Usually, entrepreneurs open online lingerie stores without raising borrowed funds. However, if the required amount is still not available, then for help you can contact

The lingerie store has always been attractive for consistent profit. Delicate peignoirs, nightgowns - do not go out of fashion, and confidently occupy a good position in the retail sales sector. The business has been known since the 80s, even then the demand for underwear began to grow. Excellent indicators of profitability prompted entrepreneurs to develop this direction in the future. Based on the experience of professional traders and leaders in the global industry, it is easy to open a lingerie store without having a lot of opportunities.

Getting to know the formats of activities

Before starting a business, you should define the form of activity. The sale of lingerie is carried out in several ways:

  • A small shop for trade is characterized by an area of ​​up to 20 sq. m., and is located in the busiest parts of the city.
  • A large outlet requires a lot of money to open. The store is located in business centers, where there is a large flow of clientele. Lingerie in this store format is billed at a high cost.
  • Online store. The option does not require huge investments, it is enough to attract suppliers and create a website with a product catalog.

The profitability of any lingerie store depends on the volume of sales, at which they make a 100% mark-up on the product.

How to get started

Competitor market analysis is a start in any business. Researching the sales area of ​​other entrepreneurs will reveal the pros and cons of doing business. Underwear is popular, therefore it is present at every step of the buyers - markets, branded clothing stores always highlight the underwear trade department. Competitiveness in this case is determined by nuances:

  • Purchase of various branded models.
  • Territoriality.
  • Lingerie category - expensive, average cost, cheap and non-standard sizes.

It takes into account the demand for a certain type of product, therefore, opening a store, an entrepreneur purchases goods in various versions. Being ahead of the competition is a basic rule in business.

There is always risk

It is not necessary to be a professional in the field of trade; it is enough to identify problems at the initial stage of business. The main risk in the field of sales is an illiquid product. Income falls and slows down the development of trade. In this case, discounts on goods and all kinds of sales are arranged. How to open a lingerie store without risks? The solution is the sequence of actions and the study of all segments of this business area. Stages:

  1. Choosing the location of the store. The right option is to rent a room in a place where there is a lot of traffic (points near shopping centers with good transport links).
  2. Decide on the premises. A small area of ​​15-25 sq. m., the best option is to rent an office in a business center. Advantages: low pay, saving of personal time - the management of the shopping complex is in charge of the paperwork.
  3. Equipping with equipment. How to start arranging the premises? The main factor is that the assortment in the store must be available to the buyer, therefore, special racks for underwear are purchased. We prevent theft of things by using magnetic tags on each item of goods. It will not do without hangers, mirrors and a cash register that records daily sales proceeds.

Starting a lingerie store from scratch is no problem if you follow the tips and tricks.

Activity registration

Business legality is a basic rule for all entrepreneurs. Clearing the activity will provide protection and prevent problems with local governments. The easiest way is to open an IP. The advantages are a minimum of reporting, freedom at disposal with current accounts, and a simplified tax system. Next steps:

  • Contacting the registration authority.
  • Provision of the required set of documents (conclusion of a lease agreement, information about individual entrepreneurs, certificate of payment of state duty).
  • Obtaining a license to conduct business in the selected territory.
  • Providing the size of the authorized capital.

Important: The registration certificate gives the right to conduct business legally. The document is valid for 3 years.

Supplier selection

For a lingerie store, you will need a product. There are several purchasing options:

  • Direct cooperation with manufacturers.
  • Assortment ordering from wholesalers.
  • Franchise work.

A comfortable format for an entrepreneur - suppliers. This will ensure a constant order of goods.

Important: the presence of invoices and certificates for products is required.

A car is suitable for the transportation of linen, or you can use the services of special companies. It all depends on the capabilities of the entrepreneur.

We form an assortment

Underwear acts as the basis of profit, therefore the selection of the assortment is carried out carefully, taking into account all the nuances. The main rule is the variety of goods, the buyer should get the right to choose. Formation features:

  • Color range of products.
  • Size range.
  • Material.

These are the main characteristics of underwear. In addition, you should purchase accessories that are in demand in the warm season - swimwear, pareos, scarves and hats. You should not give up expensive branded models - there will always be a client for chic lingerie. The recommended ratio for this product is 15% of the total amount of products. Do not forget about non-standard sizes of underwear - this is part of the overall picture of the assortment. The right solution would be to sell underwear from 2 or 3 manufacturers. This will create a certain circle of regular customers for the store. An online catalog with the proposed models must be present, the client, without leaving home, can familiarize himself with the products

Advice: you should not hang only small sizes of linen on the display case, the product should correspond to a different category of customers (large or medium build).


Staff formation is an important point when starting a lingerie store from scratch. It is enough to choose experienced specialists who understand lingerie and fashion, are friendly and quickly make contact with customers. Where to begin? Post a vacancy on the Internet. Hire two consultants and set a flexible schedule. It will not do without an accountant for reporting and working with the tax service. Today's industry is an industry where a seasoned salesperson contributes half the success in generating income.

We attract clients and work for the result

The business card of the store is the final stage in the business. The entrepreneur should include all the interesting concepts for promoting a lingerie store. Success factors:

  • Colorful signboard.
  • Distribution of booklets and leaflets.
  • Creation of the official website of the company.
  • Electronic mailing to clients on the Internet.
  • Realization of a corner for customers in a store (a comfortable sofa and a small table are installed).

It will not be superfluous to arrange a special promotion for customers on the opening day - offers in the form of bonus cards, pleasant gifts and trifles. Tell the client about the possibilities when ordering goods on the Internet. Running an advertising campaign will provide the entrepreneur with a constant stream of customers.

We count finances

The total start-up capital for opening a lingerie store from scratch will be approximately 470,000 thousand rubles.

  • Purchase of products - from 185,000 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment - from 40,000 thousand rubles.
  • Registration - from 5000 thousand rubles.
  • Premises rental - from 50,000 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising campaign - from 35,000 thousand rubles.
  • Salaries to employees - from 125,000 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - from 30,000 thousand rubles.

The payback of the project depends on the monthly profit. The lingerie business will generate net income after 10 to 12 months.

  1. Variety of assortment. Changing the product in the store will double the flow of customers. A loyal customer is always interested in new models of lingerie entering the store.
  2. Creation of favorable conditions. The introduction of a zest to the work of the store. This will differentiate the entrepreneur from the competition. There are different options: dim light, the presence of contrasting colors, a bright extravaganza in the interior.
  3. Conducting trainings with staff. Develop a special training program for employees, including new techniques in communicating with the buyer. Shop consultants can develop and gain experience. It is possible that instructions can be created on the Internet, which employees can get acquainted with outside of working hours.
  4. Communication with the buyer. If the product is returned, this situation should be treated with a smile. The buyer is susceptible to stress and tries to avoid conflicts.

I would like to open a lingerie store from scratch, use the recommendations and advice of experts.