Parkinson's disease: What to do to happen a miracle? Surprising from Parkinson Valentin Gaft about a sharp deterioration in health - "This is true Valentin Gaft sick with cancer: Parkinson's disease.

Parkinson's disease: What to do to happen a miracle? Surprising from Parkinson Valentin Gaft about a sharp deterioration in health -
Parkinson's disease: What to do to happen a miracle? Surprising from Parkinson Valentin Gaft about a sharp deterioration in health - "This is true Valentin Gaft sick with cancer: Parkinson's disease.

Valentin Gaft believes that disease - This is old age and he does not want to hold the last days of his life in a hospital bed. The actor is committed to new impressions and endeavors. He until the last played ten performances a month, was ashamed to even ask for a vacation and assured that she had to work until they would not fall.

In September 2013, Gaft spoke: "In general, I treat television. But I really didn't like it when I was told on NTV, as if I was sick and soon. Removed me in the hospital, where I passed the planned examination: how to pour myself water and shed past the cup - with everyone it happens. But on NTV they said that I have broken coordination of movements. I would like to not be "fried", but showed and wrote the truth. I am alive, by age is healthy and in a relatively good creative form.

To date, there is no effective tool that might help save a person from Parkinson's disease. The people of old age in particular feel the consequences of the disease on themselves, since against the background of old age, the memory and coordination of the movements are inclusted.

Last week, the "Song of the Year" concert was held in the sports complex "Olympic". One of the participants of the event was Joseph Kobzon. After speech, the artist talked to journalists. In particular, Kobzon confirmed the information that Valentin Gaft and Oleg Tabakov are seriously ill.

These donations go to the development of the scientific activities of the funds, support and organization of assistance to patients with Parkinsonism. There are many videos, on which you can see how Muhammed Ali is fighting with Parkinson's disease, trying to independently perform elementary self-service actions.

According to statistics, over 4 million people suffer from this severe illness. Among them may be not only the most ordinary grandfather from the house opposite or the old woman with which you constantly faced in the neighboring bakery. Among the affected Parkinson's disease there are famous people who know the whole planet. And the history of each of them can appear for simple patients with a bright example of the struggle for the extension of active life.

And in the spring of last year, doctors quit him with their suspicions about Parkinson's disease. The actor himself even said that he has one disease - old age. But, he is not going to slow down the pace.

A colleague Gafta Said Bugov recently told reporters about the state of the health of his comrade. According to him, Valentin Iosifovich is now in the hospital, because the other day it was operated on. The fact is that recently the actor injured his hand as a result of an unsuccessful fall. Turning to health workers on a planned inspection, it turned out that the Gafta would be hospitalized for the operation.

Among other celebrities suffering from the disease, everyone remembers the Pope of the Roman John Paul II. The disease was especially reflected in his speech. The founder and leader of the Communist Party Mao Tsedun because of Parkinsonism had to leave politics, like Joe Cook, the former Prime Minister of Australia.

One of the richest people of the planet, the founder of the Microsoft Empire, Bill Gates announced in 2012 that painting Parkinsonism. Millionaire Carefully hid his disease for more than 10 years and did not recognize even the children who were afraid to scare for their ailment. But the most stopped Gates fear Condemnation and rejection in society.

People's Artist Valentin Gaft is hospitalized with acute pain. Fresh material on January 8, 2018

There are eyewitness evidence that Parkinsonism was at Hitler. To maintain an active lifestyle, personal doctors gave him a drug previtin drug, analogue of methamphetamine. Apparently, long-term drug use and influenced the fact that Hitler fell ill with Parkinson's disease in recent years of life. This was manifested as a strong shiver in his left hand, which he had to force the finiteness with his other hand.

"Valya Gaft and Oleg Tabakov are seriously ill, and I want them, and everyone who is susceptible to the disease, wish the speedy recovery," said the singer.

Many know the beauty of Olga Ostrumov on the roles in popular films: "And dawns here are quiet," "Let's live to Monday" and others. The actors got married right in the hospital, where Valentine lay after the transferred operation. The last marriage has significantly affected the life of the actor. Favorite woman was able to resurrect perishing soul.

Russian channels buried the famous actor Valentine Gafta. Now "buried", but not a buried cult actus prepares judicial claims against television drivers.

What is the diagnosis of Valentina Gafta comments doctors. News to this hour.

Moreover, his speech manner, which can be characterized as a slow, long, also causes questions and suspicions of damage to the brain. However, Klitschko rejected all rumors about the presence of Parkinsonism, only letting it. Therefore, accurately claim that the athlete is sick, we do not take it.

A shiver in the left hand, slow and inadvertent speech does not interfere with it to continue his career, since Freddie believes that work on bags, the need for permanent coordination of hands and eyes in training contributes to the slowdown in the progression of the disease.

Valentine's roles of Gaft were fascinated and continuing to cool the viewer. The actor first appeared in the cinema in 1956, an interesting fact that he preferably played the role of French or villains. Geverinz from seventeen moments of spring and butler Brasnet from the movie Hello, I am your aunt, this is his first notable appearance in big cinema.

As for the 82-year-old Valentine Gafta, he was hospitalized at the end of June with sharp pains. The next day, the media appeared in the media that the relatives of the actor did not confirm the information about his hospitalization and doubted the competence of the publication, which was the first to publish the news. It should be noted that Valentin Gaft has already fallen into intensive care in 2014. Then the actor successfully made an endoscopic operation.

Kobzon's story about Valentine's Heavy Disease Gaft Video Information. Recent events.

If the health of the Gaft is silent, then more about Oleg Tobakov is known. Recall, now actor Located on the verge of comes. He can't talk, but also does not realize anything and does not perceive.

Then a lot of things were in the theatrical life of Igor Galnikov. And he hopes that there will be a lot of things and will be ... Klezlekov in several performances of the theater studio in the south-west, then with this role came to the Moscow Dramatic Theater named after Nicholas Gogol. Successfully played in the play Gregory Gurvich "Reading a new play", in the battery-cabaret "Bat".

The daughter of Gaft took several suicide attempts. The latter turned out to be "successful" ... Olga's death found out late in the evening, after another performance. Daughter's death Valentin Gaft experienced extremely hard. And a few years after the death of Olga, he learned about the fact that he had a completely adult son, the existence of which he did not guessed.

In addition, on the air of the Russian propaganda television channel NTV in the film dedicated to the "black lists" of cultural figures, which is prohibited by entry to Ukraine, the actor broke out by insults to the President of Peter Poroshenko.

We will remind, earlier, rumors appeared in the media that Valentine Hafta is harvested by a spouse, Actress Olga Ostrumova. The artist himself chose not directly answer the question of relations in his family.

Happy Aptics Baelttin GAFT GOCPITALISHIPOVAN C OCTER BOIN. Main news Today 11.01.2018

The creative evening of the actor was scheduled within the framework of the Kineluba "Yeltsin Center". GaFF was to read poems, epigrams, as well as to answer the questions of the audience.

After this performance, on the same small scene, Mkhat came out and passed, however, just a few times, the play "Hamlet in the spicy sauce" on the same feature of Aldo Nicholas, where the artist played Froggi's chefs in Elsinor Castle.

Valentin Iosifovich Gaft (born on September 2, 1935, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984). Valentin Gaft was married several times. The first wife was the mannequin Elena Isorgin. The second was marriage with Ballerina Inna Eliseeva, they were born daughter Olga, but in the early 1980s, Gaft and Eliseeva divorced. Olga's daughter died in September 2002, committing the life of suicide. The current wife (since 1996) is Actress Olga Ostrumov, he was baptized in Orthodoxy under Gafe.

He directly spoke to journalists: "Love produces the best human qualities, cleans. This is especially clear when your life has passed when you understand more and feel sharper. Love reduces the road to faith - as a religion. You know, if you want this to say about this from the stage out loud, love must be senior. Valentin Iosifovich himself about his sores in one of the interviews said: "I have one disease - old age! And it is not treated. But I do not want to lie in the hospital and wait for the end. I still want to do much more. "

SHOCK! Valentin Gaft is seriously ill! What happened to him?

Valentin Iosifovich Gaft (born on September 2, 1935, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984). Valentin Gaft was married several times. The first wife was the mannequin Elena Isorgin. The second was marriage with Ballerina Inna Eliseeva, they were born daughter Olga, but in the early 1980s, Gaft and Eliseeva divorced. Olga's daughter died in September 2002, committing the life of suicide. The current wife (since 1996) is an actress Olga Ostrumov, under the influence of which Valentin Gaft was baptized in Orthodoxy.

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Unfortunately, for fans of Valentina Gafta, this is not the first reason for his health over the past months. In early December, on the telexiety "Song of the Year", Joseph Kobzon said that Valentin Gaft is seriously ill. "Valya Gaft and Oleg Tabakov are seriously ill, and I want them, and everyone who is susceptible to the disease, wish for a speedy recovery," said the singer, without specifying what kind of disease the actors are fighting.

As in the profession, and in his personal life, the Gaft could not achieve harmony. He was married three times before met a woman who was able to gain happiness. This woman became the actress Olga Ostrumov. They met on the filming of the film "Garage", but in those years both were not free. And therefore, the relationships were tied only after many years.

"I can say that today the state of Oleg Pavlovich is stable," he told. - All indicators, including blood indicators, are improving. He had an appetite. He gradually began to get up. We are watching a positive trend. So the agents of ritual services please do not worry. "

What is the diagnosis of Valentina Gafta comments doctors. Detailed information.

"We rehearsed the day before," said the actor Said Bugges, busy with Gaft in this performance. - Valentin Josephovych, of course, knew that he had a planned survey, and was going to play a performance at the appointed date. However, during the inspection, it turned out that it requires an urgent operation, since it is possible to infection. Soon after the operation, he will return to the theater. "

The roles of Valentine Gafta fascinated and. The actor first appeared in the cinema in 1956, an interesting fact that he preferably played the role of French or villains. Geverinz from seventeen moments of spring and butler Brasnet from the movie Hello, I am your aunt, this is his first notable appearance in big cinema.

The theater "Sovremennik" canceled the performance with the participation of the actor, who was supposed to take place on Friday, December 15. Theater is noted that the production "So far space" is postponed to February 5, 2018.

Recall that the artistic director "Tabakcoque" at the end of November was urgently hospitalized in the first town hospital. According to media reports actor state He worsened the day after hospitalization very much, and on November 29, the doctors were emergency to operate Tabakov, setting him a special tube so that he could breathe with the ead of the lungs.

Many know the beauty of Olga Ostrumov on the roles in popular films: "And dawns here are quiet," "Let's live to Monday" and others. The actors got married right in the hospital, where Valentine lay after the transferred operation. The last marriage has significantly affected the life of the actor. Favorite woman was able to resurrect perishing soul.

Valentine's roles of Gaft were fascinated and continuing to cool the viewer. The actor first appeared in the cinema in 1956, an interesting fact that he preferably played the role of French or villains. Geverinz from seventeen moments of spring and butler Brasnet from the movie Hello, I am your aunt, this is his first notable appearance in big cinema.

"Unfortunately, Valentin Gaft fell ill and cannot come to a creative evening. You can return tickets tomorrow from 10:00 (08:00 MSK) at the box office. The actor wants To come to Yeltsin Center and in Yekaterinburg, so we hope that the creative evening will take place closer to the fall, "clarified in the" Yeltsin Center ".

Recall that the artistic director "Tabakcoque" at the end of November was urgently hospitalized in the first town hospital. According to media reports, the state of the actor has deteriorated very much the day after hospitalization, and on November 29, the doctors unexpectedly operated to Tabakov, setting him a special tube so that it could breathe in the ead of the lungs.

"Unfortunately, Valentin Gaft fell ill and can not come to a creative evening. You can return tickets tomorrow from 10:00 (08:00 MSK) at the box office. The actor wants to come to Yeltsin Center and in Yekaterinburg, so we hope that the creative evening will be closer to the fall, "clarified in Yeltsin Center.

At the People's Artist of the RSFSR Health Problems, so the play "While there is space" with his participation decided to transfer to July. This news has become a surprise for his fans. Most recently, Valentin Gaft traveled to Georgia, where he had a creative evening.

82-year-old Valentin Gaft was to go to the scene of the "contemporary" on May 28, but the production "While there is space" with the participation of the actor, unexpectedly postponed on July 8. The theater explained changes in the schedule of artist's disease and apologized to the audience for those delivered inconveniences. Those who do not fit the new date, offered to pass tickets to the ticket office within a few days.

Journalists hurried to contact Valentin Josephovich to find out how he feels. The actor confirmed that he was unhealthy, so the performance was postponed. At the same time, the artist hurried to calm fans.

"The information corresponds to reality. I no longer feel, but not to such an extent, so as not to play, I do not play it is quite purely physically, it is not related to some terrible diseases. Everything is fine, it happens. Do not panic. There is a cold, there are all sorts of things, "Valentin explained Iosifovich correspondents.

Most recently, Gafe felt well and even went on tour to another country. An eighteenth of May, the famous artist visited Georgia, where his creative evening was scheduled. The meeting of fans with the actor took place in the Free Theater in Tbilisi.

Spectators looked at the fragments of films with Valentina Iosifovich (both popular and less well-known), listened to fragments from his books, and also familiarized themselves with numerous epigrams dedicated to the colleagues of the star on the workshop.

However, on the air of the Star program, Gaft unexpectedly appeared before the audience in a wheelchair. Friends of the People's Artist of the RSFSR told that he suffers from Parkinson's disease. Valentin Iosifovich himself tries not to complain about health problems.

"I feel no matter, but I still ask me to call me into new projects. Sometimes the name is, and then refuse. Like, I'm squealing before my eyes. And I live, I want to work, "the actor said.

Familiar Gafta noted that the work makes him forget about all the difficulties. "Sometimes we lead it to the scene, he with difficulty moves, feels terrible. And then goes on stage, and the problems with health as if you are miracle, "one of the stars friends shared.

In a recent interview, Valentin Gaft noted that he plans to reach the scene in the summer. While the actor did not come to himself, a couple of performances with his participation will be canceled.

Recently, he starred in the program "Hi, Andrei!" On the TV channel "Russia", dedicated to the late actress Natalia Gundareva. "Valentin Josephovych came to us with an assistant who cares for him," said Natalia Galkovic editor. "He came in Hungry, and we, of course, fed. An elderly person, already for 80, feels no matter. I noticed that His failures in memory appeared. "


Parkinson's disease, which suffers from Gaft, is neurological character with chronic signs. Progresses slowly and striking people of older old age. The main manifestation of the disease is a pronounced violation of motor functions. This disease is called otherwise "shaking paralysis", which indicates its main symptoms: constant trembling and increased muscle stiffness, as well as the complexity of the execution of directional movements.

"I need care and that doctors have always been nearby," crying Gaft. He explained why he continues to play in the theater and does not refuse to go to the TV show: "Medicines are now expensive, medical procedures are also. But I don't pay so much on television, like, say, Vitaly (Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. - Approx. Ed.) . To her half a million for the program is detained, and I - from five to 50 thousand. But I am glad and unusually! "

The artist understands that its age and the status of optimism is not added. "I don't want to become a burden for someone but walking to me really hard. I live, I have little left, and I understand it. My colleagues from the" contemporary "Tamara Diageeva and Sergey Shekhovtsev recently left the life. I was not on Their funeral himself, I myself am moving. I do not ask anything from the leadership of the contemporary, in the theater and without me there is someone to help, "the sick gaft" Express newspaper "quotes. She also publishes a heartbreaking photo of the artist, which looks thin, emaciated and tired.

A creative meeting with the actor was supposed to be held in the presidential center. B. N. Yeltsin in Yekaterinburg on June 27. However, on June 26, it became known that the state of health of the Gaft does not allow him to meet with fans, reports TASS.


"Unfortunately, Valentin Gaft fell ill and can not come to a creative evening. You can return tickets tomorrow from 10:00 (08:00 MSK) at the box office. The actor wants to come to Yeltsin Center and in Yekaterinburg, so we hope that creative evening It takes place closer to the fall, "clarified in the" Yeltsin Center ".

The creative evening of the actor was scheduled within the framework of the Kineluba "Yeltsin Center". GaFF was to read poems, epigrams, as well as to answer the questions of the audience.

We will remind, earlier, rumors appeared in the media that Valentine Hafta is harvested by a spouse, Actress Olga Ostrumova. The artist himself chose not directly answer the question of relations in his family.

"We are all good with the wife of Olya witty. In autumn she will have an anniversary, I will definitely note. And poems, and gifts - everything will be! The main thing - it would be health. And in general, I now have all the thoughts about work, and not that You ask. It's all the little things in life! " Said Gaft. Perhaps unpleasant gossip influenced the state of the actor's health.