Black PR or conflict: "Theater. On removal »without a building, but with a rhino

Black PR or conflict: "Theater. On removal »without a building, but with a rhino

Director - Igor Pekhovich

Spectacle jazz

Monospectacle Igor Pekhovich - Laureate of International Festivals (Moscow 1996, Kiev 2002, TheSpis 2004), participant in the international festivals "Monocl" 1997 in St. Petersburg and "Constellation" 2003 in Riga.

Participate: Igor Pekhovich - Actor of the Moscow Theater on Taganka, Vadim Rules - Double Bass.

From the press: "Igor Pekhovich is a truly" Orchestra ". The traditional declamation he turns into bright theatrical act - as if on stage is not alone, but dozens of actors, and not a monologue sounds, but a conversation of many people. Fancy, tragic, with a furious temperament, with an idyllic wreath on unwitted hair, wrapped in a white sheet - or Toga, or a strait shirt, - he convinces each word, every sound of a deep, rich, almost singing voice. Pekhovich does not allow the audience to miss a minute and forces to follow the poetic word, as behind the tense criminal plot. But not only and not so much plastic and directorial finds amazing the skill of Pekhvich. Perhaps the main advantage of the performance is the opening of a new Brodsky. Its complex philosophical poetry becomes surprisingly understandable. The connection of jazz improvisations with Poaching Brodsky gives an unexpected effect, clarifying the content of poems, informing them with energy. It is from the rhythm that the image of the time and the image of the poet is a free man who challenges the time. Pekhvich accompanies an excellent musician Vadim Rules on the double bass. But it is even difficult to call the accompaniment - the music is a fabric of the performance, millstone, grinding a person in Truch. Resistance to this - and there is a life of a person who remained letters on a sheet ... ".

Duration: 50 min without intermission

The land plot in the heart of Vasilyevsky Islands is once again becoming a stumbling block. Street-art project "Theater. For removal, "said that the theater will be located in the future building, and the authorities and the official developer did not even hear about it.

Recently, the leadership "Theater. The removal "announced that alleged general contractors CJSC Concert Monarch notified them to suspend construction at the facility, which is located at the address 11th line V.O. , house 56, due to discovery in the land of a woolly rhinoceros.

The director of the project Danil Vachechen so convincingly told everyone a soucheling story, they say, due to the archaeological find, the theater could lose the building on which he expected. It was assumed that the construction was completed by the end of this year.

According to the artistic director Alexei Ershov, the project has already prepared a unique program and concluded contracts with artists and directors from Russia and neighboring countries. However, the unexpected news of the foundes found the remains of the sorewood yosi let all the cat under the tail.

Director of "Theater. For removal, "I clarified that in connection with archaeological excavations it is now incomprehensible, whether the project will be located in this picturesque place.

"We have a federal order, and who owns the building and the plot, decide in the construction committee",

- assured the Vachechen correspondent "washing78".

However, who and when the official paper issued the theater, the director did not tell. Requests send a copy of the document or comment on how the head of the theater also ignored.

On the passport of the object, demonstrated by the theater, the "North-West Directorate for the construction and reconstruction of cultural facilities" was as a state customer.

The press service of the "Washing78" department reported that the shield, which was discussed, believable: "The Directorate has no construction facility on Vasilyevsky Island, 11 Line, 56. Of course, it may have other information from the city committee for construction. . "

However, the call to the administration did not give positive results. The Committee said: "In this section of the work is not conducted. In addition, we are only dealing with AIPA objects. "

Photo from place of construction.

"Washing 78" appealed for clarification in the group of companies "Monarch". "Theatre. On the removal "calls this organization a general contractor. In the St. Petersburg branch, we were answered that construction work on Vasilyevsky island is not conducted.

"We have the only object in St. Petersburg - the complex in the village of Murino. Of course, we are a group of companies, therefore, it is possible that any organization and is engaged in the project, but definitely not the "Monarch of St. Petersburg". In the Moscow office of the "Moika78" correspondent, they switched several times from the operator on the operator, but in the end, no one removed the tube.

According to the Service of the State Construction Supervision and Examination of St. Petersburg, the construction permit is really there. But it is issued for the construction of a residential building. The developer is numerical "House on the 11th" LLC.

The site of the real estate portal is also said that the developer of the LCD "Heart of the Island", which must accommodate at the above address, is the "house on the 11th". At the same time, the case of the complex was planned to pass in 2-3 quarters of 2018.

In the above company, they do not know anything about the construction site. The girl at the other end of the wire was surprised by the tone: "And there is no house at all." And after adding that it does not have the authority to disclose information on the object.

At the same time, the media wrote that several years ago, the owner of the land plot on Vasilyevsky Island was the billionaire Evgeny Gurevich, co-owner of the Adamant holding. We sent a request for construction to the company, we promised to answer. However, while "washing78" information from the Holding "Adamant" did not receive.

This week representatives of the theater project "Theater. For removal "distributed amazing information: the workers who built the platform on the Vasilyevsky Island for the project, allegedly started the remains of a woolly rhinoceros - because of this, the construction of space was suspended. The director of theater Danil Vachechen even said that he was joking with his colleagues in the joke of Josea - in honor of Joseph Brodsky, "who once promised that he would come to die on Vasilyevsky Island." Many inattention believed in this news (including, we admit).

Now it is already clear: both the rhino, and most importantly, the construction of the theater itself is a hoax in the spirit of the famous television suite of Sergei Kurekhin and Sergey Sholokhov "Lenin - Mushroom". At the same time, the "Theater itself. On the removal "still exists, and the audience praise its production. We tell everything you know about the draw and that in fact build on the 11th line of Vasilyevsky Island.


The information shield on the construction of the theater at the address 11th line V.O., 56, appeared in November 2017. The space was to be taken to the beginning of 2019. Muscovites are indicated as a general contractor and designer - "Concern Monarch" and "Mosproekt-2". At the time of publication, the company's material did not respond to the Village request.

But replied the "customer" of construction - in the press service of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, they reported that they did not have information about such an object: "On the shield depicted the wrong emblem of our department (with official symbols you can see the link). According to information received from the North-Western Directorate for Construction, Reconstruction and Restoration, it also has no construction facility at the specified address. Based on this, we can conclude that the shield presented is unrealistic and has nothing to do with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. "

The fact that history with construction is most likely a joke, began to suspect in November. In the profile committees of the Smolny - Committee on Culture, KGA, the Construction Committee - The Village reported that they did not know anything about the construction of the theater at the specified address. "The Committee does not have information about the theater, did not receive documents for consideration," the KGA press service said. And in the press service of the Committee on Culture, they suggested that the story "looks like a fake."

Publication from the theater. On removal (@t_navynos) Nov 9, 2017 at 8:47 pst

According to the Service of the State Construction Supervision and Examination of St. Petersburg, on the 11th line of V.O., 56, there is indeed construction - but not the theater, but a residential building. In Gosstroyadzor, they also reported that "the developer of an apartment building was obliged to dismantle a false information shield on the 11th line of Vasilyevsky Islands", which "introduced confusion citizens." The "Construction Organization itself is brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a warning," the organization's press service noted. Anna Fridental's press secretary explained The Village, which was dismantled by the theater's information shield. And to the responsibility, LLC "House on the 11th" was attracted, since it was precisely this organization should follow the content of construction, including the fence.


The fate of the very plot with a non-existent building of the theater is also difficult. In 2011, he acquired it for 110 million rubles, Andrei Likhachev. Later, it turned out that the buyer acted in the interests of the co-owner of the Adamant Holding, Billionaire Evgenia Gurevich. After half a year, Gurevich said that a residential building will be erected on the acquired site.

In 2015, LLC "House on the 11th" was registered. In 2016, the developer received permission to build two buildings of the LCD "Heart of the Island". In November of the same year, they were demolished on the site of the building (including pre-revolutionary fluels). At the same time, the "canoner" edition noted that the planned building will be higher than the adjacent building. The six-storey house designed the architectural bureau "A. Len "Sergey Oreshkina (at the time of publication did not answer the request of The Village). Operation planned in the second quarter of 2018.

Since 2016, there was no new information about the construction of the LCD. "There was a lot of time, but a new building on the 11th line, 56a, as was a mystery, and remained," reported on profile resources. Publicly developer refuses to comment not only by history with the "Theater. For removal "and rhino, but also the status of the object itself on the Vasilyevsky island.

Earlier, the project was performed by the Trust Group of Companies. The head of the press service of Alexander Sablin reported The Village: "At the moment, the contract with the owner of the land has finished its action. However, its composition included an agreement on non-disclosure, according to which the HC "Trust" cannot disclose information about the project. Regarding the construction of the theater, we do not have information. "

Eyewitnesses who visited the 11th line, 56, reported The Village that the information shield about the construction of the theater there is no longer. But on the fence, the passport of the object is hanging on the construction of a residential building "with built-in premises and an underground car park." At the same time, no signs of construction behind the fence are still not observed.


March 11, on the eve of the story with the discovery of the remains of a woolly rhino on Vasilyevsky island, a student of the theater Faculty of Sprggati Polina Prokofiev wrote to the Village editorial office. She sent his interview with the art leader "Theater. For removal "Alexei Ershov. Among other things, at the beginning of an interview, Alexey says that he participated in the draft director Mikhail Patlasov "The purpose of the visit". Mikhail himself at the request of The Village to describe Alexei Ershov answered like this: "Everything they say and do is a fake created for PR."

Editor-in-Chief of "Kanoner" Dmitry Warnikov indicates that "Jurlitsa GBUK" Theater. The Village "does not exist" (The Village could not be found to find a state budgetary establishment of culture with a similar name).

Recently, the name of Joseph Brodsky began, as if, to erect into the cult. It is possible as the last world-recognized great domestic poet. He put one after another monuments, films are removed about him, and recently the theater on Taganka also put another performance about the poet.

The main and only role was chosen by the laureate of international awards Igor Pekhovich - a person who is fluent in both the technique of the game, and improvisation. Also, throughout the performance on the stage there is a double bassist Vadim Rules, occasionally asking a rhythm with his deaf accompaniment. During the performance, the actor passes through different states reading the verses of Brodsky, then a rapid half-blood, then breaking on the cry, then chatting individual words, then in the rhythm of the double bass, it flips with his fingers to the speech. For one hour, Pekhovich shows that he can be anyone - and an elevated symbol in a wreath of laurels and a tunic, and an equally romantic lonely rejection, distraught from the space room, and a dancer, and a sufferer. Having driven by his voice and illustrating the words of grotesque gestures and dressing up, he changes the pathos of classics on jazz light notes or permanent solitude.

All this looks pretty colorfully and expressive. But by the middle of the play, the viewer is already so accustomed to constant metamorphosis of the character, which is no longer always able to keep the hall's attention, and the transition to the ending turns out to be the opposite so calm and smoothed with the previous episode, which does not immediately become clear that "here it is all ended. "

The main question that occurs after watching "life ...", - Is Brodsky? Yes, and in general, is it possible to read this poet out loud, and if possible, how exactly? After all, all this exaggerated drama rue committed does not fit with the world of closed in itself, quite calm, but internally tense poet. A person, at least once hearing audio recordings of Brodsky, who reads his poems, knows that it is difficult to understand the meaning of heard. Only the intonation of the poet and music of sounds speaks much more about his inner complexity, about its tasks and decisions. It is clear that on stage in this way it is impossible for a long time to hold the attention of the audience, but this fact does not mean that the actor must fall into the opposite extreme of meticulous chewing of the text, dismemberment of meaning, in order to make it more understandable in simplified form.

The imaginary minimalism of the formulation (one actor, the lack of decorations, the minimum accompaniment) is destroyed by a little masquerade dressing of Pekhvich and excessive theatricalness of gestures, sounds and accents. As a conclusion from the foregoing - the formulation is very controversial: there are many both successful and unjustified moments that encourage many important issues.