Lesson in the second youngest group on the topic: "Visiting a fairy tale. The project "Favorite fairy tales" in the second youngest group

Lesson in the second youngest group on the topic:
Lesson in the second youngest group on the topic: "Visiting a fairy tale. The project "Favorite fairy tales" in the second youngest group

Using fiction In class B. children's garden - the most powerful means of development harmonious personality. Reading helps to improve mental, aesthetic, speech abilities and baby skills. In the second junior group More attention should be paid to reading, to educate love for the book. Build the work process itself can be completely different - it depends on the tasks and the subject of the selected work.

The benefits of reading fiction for children 3-4 years

In children of 3-4 years, there is an active development of imagination, cognitive processes. The child is already able to emotionally evaluate and comprehend the texts of the works: empathize with the heroes, to evaluate, draw conclusions.

Reading fiction develops creative thinking, brings up love for reading, nature surrounding the world. The collective reading in the group helps the educator to reveal for the kids the world of relationships between people, the features of life in society.

Reading fiction develops figurative thinking

Reading books is a path, on which skillful, smart, thinking teacher finds the way to the heart of the child.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The following goals of reading classes in the second youngest group are set:

  • making a complete presentation of the world;
  • development of spoken speech skills;
  • continued acquaintance with artistic word;
  • development of the ability to design answers to questions;
  • development of the perception of artistic images;
  • admission to the culture of reading, the formation of love for the book;
  • development of an emotional reaction to events in artwork.

Books help children to explore and understand the world around

The tasks of holding a specific classes can be:

  • familiarization of children with literary works, familiarity with new writers;
  • replenishment vocabulary, familiarization with new words;
  • skill formation expressive reading, intonation;
  • expanding knowledge of the environment (for example, familiarity with the professions during the study of the poem of S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?").

How to read with children of the second youngest group

In the second younger group it will be useful to use the following techniques in class:

  • artistic word - text reading;
  • the story of the teacher - here you can read the text or retell it, using various means to help: toys, puppet theater, pictures, diamers;
  • learning by heart;
  • individual reading and choral progress;
  • connection of two types of arts - view pictures, listening to music along with reading;
  • staging (for example, playing the Fairy Tale "Rack" with finger toys or figurines);
  • didactic games.

It should be read daily. Be sure to be equipped with a book area to which kids will have permanent access. There must be placed several books studied by the program, as well as books recommended for studying free time. At the age of 3-4 years daily reading Before bedtime after lunch.

Better when parents also support the recruitment of the child to read

Before reading the work, children should read it to himself and conduct his analysis. Here you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Determine that the child can understand himself in the book, and what needs to be explained for better assimilation.
  2. Talk in the text passages and words that will help develop a speech when they are repetition (for example, the educator reads the passage: "Goats, children! Spring, discouraged! Your mother came - Milk brought ..." ("Wolf and Seven Cats"), then reads Once the phrase and asks the guys to finish it).
  3. The intonation moment: the teacher should highlight the emotional moments by intonation.
  4. Selection of illustrations for book.

Conduct more comfortable classes without overloading children of unnecessary information and fatigue will contribute:

  • changing educational gaming techniques (for example, after reading a verse S. Marshak "Fairy Tale of a Stupid Mouse" you can spend the game "Find a lot");
  • alternation of group and individual responses of kids (both verbal and pronounced motor);
  • inclusion in the occupation of demonstration materials (toys, figures, drawings, etc.) - it pleases the kids, helps focus their attention;
  • the use of actions that will require the guys to change the pose, move (for example, "Children, let's look for, where the kitty hid" - and look at the chairs and tables). This technique significantly revives the occupation, revitalizes the imagination of the baby and prevents fatigue.

The organization of reading on the example of the Russian folk fairy tale "Kolobok"

Tasks of classes - to introduce the guys with a fairy tale "Kolobok", teach them word formation.

Children younger preschool age easier to perceive text accompanied by illustrations

The occupation can be added as follows:

  1. The introductory part. The educator spends a conversation with children, asks who a kolobok, if the guys heard about him before (from home reading, cartoons).
  2. Then reading the tale of the fairy tale: "I knead the dough on sour cream, rolled the bun ..." (kids demonstrate their hands, as a bun).
  3. Expressive reading of the fairy tales (here it is worth emotionally to allocate the moments of joy when the kolobka can run away from animals so that the children be happy, and the moment of grief, when Lisa was deceived by his cunning).
  4. The educator repeats along with the children, which spoke different animals koloboku ("Kolobok, Kolobok, I eat you!").
  5. A verbal game ("Guys, and now play! I will tell you words that mean a big subject, and you say the words that indicate the same objects, only smaller: the table is a table, a cup - a cup").
  6. The tutor then shows the children's drawings to the fairy tale "Kolobok", saying that many famous artists Pictured a kolobka.

The teacher must fully use the necessary methodological techniques for mastering the material, the development of the skills of the hearing, the understanding of the read. Expressive reading the work helps the guys better remember the material and give it an assessment. When discussing the read, you can use a comparison of the situation in the book with a comparison of the case of life, suggest with the answers.

Expressive reading will help you need to remember the material

When choosing the subject of classes, it will be very useful to link it with some holiday, the time of the year for better mastering the material by the guys.

Table: Perspective plan for fiction (fragment, author Natalia Aleksandrovna Artyukhova)

Month Subject What directions are sent
September Pooh "Break" Sasha Black
  • Introduce the work of Sasha Black;
  • calculate sympathy in children with the help of the tutor's story.
Russian folk fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox"
  • Introduce children with Russian folk fairy tale;
  • learn to answer questions about the content of fairy tales;
  • develop auditory perception; Rail interest in fiction.
Russian folk fairy tale "Three Bear"
  • Continue to acquaint children with Russian folk fairy tale;
  • briefing obedience and feeling of empathizing a girl who lost in the forest.
October Reading the Russian folk tale "Kolobok"
  • Introduce a fairy tale "Kolobok";
  • learn to listen to an artistic work;
  • respond to questions on its content;
  • consider illustrations;
  • develop an auditory perception.
Reading poems A. Barto from the "Toys" cycle
  • Introduce children with poems A. Barto;
  • educate good feelings, positive emotions;
  • learn to listen;
  • learning to reproduce phrases from the text and the quatrain themselves.
Reading poems A. Block "Bunny" and A.Plecheva "Autumn"
  • Attach to poetry;
  • develop poetic hearing;
  • cause sympathy for the hero of the poem;
  • teach memorizing poems.
November Russian People's Songs-Pissels "Kisa-Murysenka", "Seed Cattle on Torzhok"
  • Introduce children with Russian folk fun;
  • cause appropriate emotional attitude towards heroes.
Russian folk fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"
  • Before the consciousness of children, the plan of fairy tales;
  • help in evaluating characters;
  • relieve good feelings to loved ones.
Reading poems about mom
  • Attach children to poetry;
  • develop poetic taste;
  • form good relations To his mother, the desire to make her pleasant.
Reading a fairy tale in verses K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"
  • Teach children emotionally perceive the poetic work, aware of the topic, content;
  • cause a desire to memorize and expressively reproduce a quatrain.
December Russian folk fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"
  • Introduce the Russian folk fairy tale "Masha and the Bear";
  • help the children understand the hidden design of the girl Masha (as she tricks the bear to attribute her to her grandfather's grandmother).
S.Ya. Marshak "Tale of a stupid little mouse"
  • Introduce a fairy tale "about a stupid little mouse";
  • call a desire to listen again;
  • show images of heroes;
  • rail interest in artwork.
Russian folk fairy tale "Fox and Wolf"
  • Introduce a Russian folk fairy tale "Fox and Wolf";
  • introduce the images of fox and wolf, with the characters of the heroes of the fairy tale;
  • educating love for Russian folk art.
January L. Voronkova story "Snow is going" Introduce artistic work, reviving children's memory of their own impressions of the snowfall.
Russian folk fairy tale "Neveling and Fox"
  • Continue to acquaint children with Russian folk creativity;
  • to acquaint the Russian folk fairy tale "Neveling and Fox", with the image of foxes from other fairy tales;
  • learn to listen to works, answer questions.
E. Charushin story "Volchishko"
  • Give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe lifestyle of animals;
  • rise love for animals, sympathy for their cubs that fell into trouble.
February Russian folk fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats"
  • Introduce a fairy tale, call the desire to listen to the work again and remember the goat song;
  • raise love for animals;
  • sympathy for cubs that fell into trouble.
Z. Alexandrova poem "My Teddy"
  • Introduce the poem of Z. Alexandrova "My Bear";
  • raise good feelings;
  • bring positive emotions.
Russian folk fairy tale "Mitten"
  • Introduce children with the Russian folk fairy tale "Mitten";
  • promote general emotional development;
  • learning to speak out about the character of the heroes of the fairy tale.
Russian folktale
"Cockerel and bean grain"
  • Continue to meet Russian folk fairy tale;
  • teach to comprehend characters characters.
March E. Blaginina, poem "That's what mom"
  • Introduce the poem by E. Blaginina "That's what mom";
  • rail in children good feeling, love for mom.
Reading a poem A. Plecheev "Spring"
  • Introduce a poem;
  • learning to call signs of spring;
  • develop poetic hearing;
  • rail interest in art.
Russian folk fairy tale "Fear eyes are great"
  • Introduce children with Russian folk fairy tale and remind famous folk tales;
  • learn to retell a fairy tale;
  • training speech.
L. N. Tolstoy Story "The truth is all more expensive"
  • Bring the thought of the author to the consciousness of children (you should always tell the truth);
  • help remember story;
  • develop memory, thinking.
April Reading the Russian folk tale "Gus-Swans"
  • Introduce a Russian folk fairy tale "Gusi-Swans";
  • contribute to the education of obedience;
  • learn to answer questions on the content of the work.
K. Chukovsky Reading the story "Chicken"
  • Introduce the story of K. Chukovsky "Chicken";
  • expand knowledge of children about animal life;
  • learn to understand illustrations.
Russian folk fairy tale "Hall-black barrel, white hoofs"
  • Introduce the Russian folk fairy tale;
  • relieve a sense of empathy to the heroes of the fairy tale.
May Reading the story "Holiday" I. Thai
  • Introduce the story of Y. Thai "Holiday";
  • support with children joyful mood and interest in the description of the festive event.
V. V. Mayakovsky "What is good - what is bad?"
  • Introduce the poem of Mayakovsky;
  • learning to distinguish good and bad deeds.
S. Marshak poem "Baby in Cells"
  • Introduce the bright poetic images of animals in the poem of Marshak;
  • develop poetic hearing, memory, attention.

In pedagogical practice there is great amount Materials to help educators for conducting classes.

Project " Magic world fairy tales

(Junior Group)

Routing Project

Type of project : Group, artistic and aesthetic.

Project participants : Children of the second younger group, educator, music leader, Parents.

Duration : short-term - 2 weeks


Fairy tales - the most ancient of the common forms of oral folk creativity. And in century technical progresswhen reading artistic literary works, including fairy tales, replaced the games on computers, tablets and phones, watching cartoons, there is a decrease in the development of the people of the spiritual wealth of the people, its cultural and historical experience. The relevance is that this project combines funds and development methods creative abilities and communicative skills of children.

Problem modern society: Acquisition of children to traditional Russian folklore. It is known that in oral folk art, as anywhere else has more special features of Russian character inherent in him moral values, ideas about good, beauty, courage, hardworking, loyalty. All this we can see in Russian folk fairy tales. It is fairy tales that are material for learning children of junior preschool age. Development of speech.

Children know little Russian folk fairy tales.

Objective of the project: Create conditions for the admission of children to interpretation of folk creativity through fairy tales through different kinds Activities.

Project tasks:


    To introduce and consolidate the knowledge of children about Russian folk fairy tales.

    Form a desire to be similar to positive characters fairy tales


          Enrich children's dictionary, develop oral speech.

          Develop expressive speech through the participation of children in dramatization, puppet, desktop Theater.


                Educate interest in fairy tales; We instill with children the rules of safe behavior on the example of fairy tales.

                Educating the ability to listen to an adult, perform the appropriate actions proposed by the educator.

Estimated results:

Formed interest in the oral folk creativity - fairy tales.

Children have ideas and knowledge of many Russian folk fairy tales, know their content.

They know how to imitate the image of the heroes of fairy tales to distinguish good and evil; characterize actions, behavior; Express emotions and understand the feelings of others.
- Children are confidently involved in the drainage of fairy tales.

Enrichment of the vocabulary stock.

Project Product:

    Registration of the exhibition of children's books "Our favorite fairy tales"

    Creation with parents of the book "Sketching your favorite fairy tales"

    Lapbuk "Visiting fairy tales"

    Presentation of the project on the pedagogical council

Stages of project implementation

1 Stage: Preparatory (Project Development)

Determination of the problem and relevance of the project;

Setting goals and objectives;

Determination of forms and methods of work;

Collection of information, literature, additional Materials;

Work on the preparation of the stages and the plan to implement the project; - Creation of RPPS:

    Make Russian Folk Fairy Tale

    Creating didactic project games

    Top up the music and theater center with masks for staging fairy tales, moving games.

    Pick the card files: " Finger games based on fairy tales "; "Riddles on the heroes of the fairy tale", "Moving games for fairy tales"

Stage 2: Practical (project implementation)

Education area

Forms of work with children

Socially communicative development

    Didactic games: "Tell me a fairy tale in plots," "What a fairy tale is a hero," "learn whose shadow", "good-evil in fairy tales"

    Music - didactic game "Show who it's" (correlate music with tales characters, teach to imitate the movements of children)

    The educational situation "What are you tales?" (To form the interest of children to fairy tales, cause the desire to listen to them).

Cognitive development

    Consider illustrations for fairy tales

    View any fairy tale to choose children

    The conversation "What happened to a kolobom who left to walk without demand?" (Safe Conduct Rules)

    Labor activity: "Let's show chanterelle as we work"

Speech development

    ODO for the development of speech "Favorite fairy tales"

    Showing the desktop theater "Kolobok"; Staging fairy tales "Rack", "Teremok"

Artistic and aesthetic development

    OOD on the laying "Cockerel"

    Chl: reading throughout the project of favorite fairy tales of children; Guessing mysteries about the heroes of fairy tales.

    Game on "Skuski"

    Joint activities of the teacher and children: the design of the "Izbushka for chanterelle"

    Staging a fairy tale "Babushkin Dvor" together with the music director.

Physical development

Breathing exercises "The chicken", "geese fly"

Outdoor games: "At the bear in Bor", "Sunshine Lisa", "Gusi-Gus"

Work with parents:

Introduce parents with the project

Attract parents:

    to work together with children and the educator.

    for the design of the book "Sketching your favorite fairy tales"

Increase the pedagogical competence of parents in raising children of junior preschool age through oral folk creativity.

Consultation in the information corner:

    "Family reading value"

    "The fairy tale that she gives children"

3 Stage: Final (generalizing)

    According to the results of working with parents, the design of the book "Sketching the beloved fairy tales"

    An exhibition of books of children "Our favorite fairy tales"

    Creation together with the parents of the book "Sketching your favorite fairy tales"

    Staging the fairy tale "Babushkin Dvor" when interacting with the music director.

    Creating a Lapbuka "Visiting Tales"

Used Books:

    Basic general education program preschool education OOP "from birth to school" ed. NOT. Veracses, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva

    "We live in the Urals" Tolstikova O.V.

    "Methods of work with a fairy tale" Ryzhova L.V.

    "Scenarios of fairy tales for interactive classes With children »Uleva E.A.

    "Abstracts of complex-thematic classes. The second junior group. " Golitsina N.S.

    "Classes for children 3-5 years on social and communicative development." Kolomiychenko L.V., Chugava G.I., Yugova L.A.

    "Socially - moral education children from 2 to 5 years. Abstract classes. " Miklyaeva N.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V., Akhtyan A.G.

    "Project method in preschool education." Toolkit. Kochkin N.A.

Reading the literature contributes to the moral development of children and the correct perception of the surrounding world, form attention and abtends. It is important to select books by age, to explain to children actions of characters and the opposition of these actions.



An exemplary list of references to read children in the 2nd younger group.

Russian folklore

Songs, sweatshops, shafts. "Finger-boy ...", "Zainka, baptize ...", "Night came, ..", "Forty, forty ...?" I'm going to the beach, to my grandfather ... "," Tili-bom! Tili-bom! ... "; "Like our cat ...", "squirrels sitting on a cart ...", "ah, kachi-kachi-kachi", "lived at babous ...", "Chiki-Chiki-Chicali ...", "Kisa-Murysenka ...", "Zarya-charge ..."; "Herbal Mravka.,", "Three chicken outdoors ...", "Shadow, Shadow, Potten ..", "Ryabushchka chicken ...", "rain, rain, forest ...", " ladybug.., "," Rainbow arc ... ".

Fairy tales. "Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky; "Wolf and a kids", arr. A. N. Tolstoy; "Cat, cock and fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya; "Swan geese"; "Snow Maiden and Fox"; "Hall - black barrel, white hoofs", arr. M. Bulatova; "Fox and hare", arr. V. Daly; "Fear is great", arr. M. Serovoy; "Teremok", arr. E. Charushina.

Folklore peoples of the world

Songs. "Ship", "Bravetsy", "Little Fairies", "Three Zverlyov" English, arr. S. Marshak; "What a crash", per. With Latvian. S. Marshak; "Buy onions ...", lane. With Schotl. N. Tokmakova; "Talking frogs", "Failured Udod", "Help!" Per. With Cache. S. Marshak.

Fairy tales. "Mitten", "Koza Dereza" Ukr., Obr. E. Blaginina; "Two greedy bear", weng., Arr. A. Krasnova and in, Wediev; "Stubborn goats", Uzb., Obr. Sh. Sagdullah; "Sun is visiting", per, from Slovak. S. Mogilev and L. Zorina; Lisa-Nyanka, Per. with Finsk. E. Soyny; "Kravets-well done", per. With Bulgarian L. Mushroom; "PY", Belarus, Obr. N. Mealik; "Forest Bear and Razbar Mouse", Latvian., Obr. Y. Vanaga, per. L. Voronkova; "Rooster and Fox", lane. With Schotl. M, klyagina-kondratyeva; "Pig and Korshun", the fairy tale of the peoples of Mozambique, lane. With Portugue. Yu. Chubkova.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. K. Balmont. "Fall"; A. Block. "Bunny"; A. Koltsov. "Winds blow ..." (from the poem "Russian Song"); A. Plescheev. "Autumn has come ...", "Spring" (in Sokr.); A. Mikey. "Lullaby song", "Swallow has suffered ..." (from Novogreic songs); A, Pushkin. "Wind, wind! You mighty! .. "," Our light, sunshine! "," Month, month ... "(from" Tales about dead princess and. seven heroes "); S. black. "Break", "about Katyusha"; S. Marshak. Zoosad, Giraffe, Zebra, "White Bears", "Ostrichnok", "Penguin", "camel", "where dinner a sparrow" (from the cycle "Baby in a cage"); "Quiet fairy tale", "Tale of a smart mouse"; K. Chukovsky. "Putanaca", "Stolen Sun", Moidodyr, "Muha-Codochoha", "Hedgehog laugh", "Christmas tree", "Aibolit", "Miracle tree", "Turtle"; S. Grodetsky, "Who is it?"; V.Bestes. "Chicken chicken", "bull"; N. Zabolotsky. "How mouses with cat fought"; V. Mayakovsky. "What is good and what is bad?", "That neither page is an elephant, then a lioness"; K. Balmont, Komariki-Makariki; P. Kosyakov. "All she"; A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl Chumazay"; S. Mikhalkov. "Song of friends"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Jadda"; I. Tokmakova. "Bear".

Prose. K. Ushinsky. "Cockerel with family", "Point", "Vaska", "Lisa Patrikeevna"; t. Alexandrova. "Burur Bear"; B. Zhitkov. "As we went to Zoological Garden," "As we arrived in Zoosad", Zebra, "Elephants", "as an elephant bought" (from the book "What I saw"); M. Zoshchenko. -Un bird "; G. Tsyferov. "About friends", "When there is not enough toys" from the book "About chicken, sun and a bear"); K. Chukovsky. "So not so"; D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The fairy tale about the brave hare is long ears, oblique eyes, short tail"; L. Voronkova. "Masha-Crashing", " Snow goes"(From the book" Snow goes "); N. nosov "Stairs"; D, HARMS. "Brave Hedgehog"; L. Tolstoy. "Bird Sweet Nest ..."; "Tanya knew the letters ..."; "Vari had chizh, ..", "Spring came ..."; V. Bianki. "Swimming Bashing"; Yu Dmitriev. "Blue Shalashik"; S. Prokofiev. "Masha and Okay", "When you can cry", "Tale of an uncompatible mouse" (from the book "Tales Machines"); V. Suteev. "Three kittens"; A. N. Tolstoy. "Hedgehog", "Fox", "Petushki".

Works of poets and writers of different countries

Poetry. E. Vier. "Hedgehog and drum", per. with Mold Ya. Akim; P. Voronko. "Sunny hedgehog", per. with ukr. S. Marshak; L. Mileva. "Figure and gray clothes", per. With Bulgarian M. Marinov; A. Miln. "Three foxes", per. from English N. Slepakova; N. scored. "Pencil", per. with ukr. 3. Alexandrova; S. Kapugikyan. "Who is more likely", "Masha is not crying" per. with arm T. Spendiary; A. Boss. "Rain", per. With Bulgarian I. Maznina; "Sings Checklets", lane. With Bulgarian I. Tokmakova; M. Karem. "My cat", per. With Franz. M. Kudinova.

Prose. D. Bisset. "Frog in the mirror", per, with English. N. Shereeshevskaya; L. Moore. "Crazy raccoon and one who sits in a pond", per. from English O. Exodinova; C. Yangchansky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Bear Ears"), per. with Polish. V. Prikhodko; E. Behlerova. "Capacity", lane. with Polish. G. Lukina; A. Boss. Three, Per, Bulgarian. V. Viktorova; B. Potter. "Ukhi-Tukhti", per. from English O. Exodinova; J. Chapek. "Difficult day", "in the forest", "Yarinka doll" (from the book "The Adventures of Pesca and Nets"), per. . Czech. G. Lukina; O. Alfaro. "Kozlik-hero", lane. With Span T. Davyantz; O. Punk-Yat. "The late night, Dukha!", Per. With Romanian. M. Olsufyeva, "not only in kindergarten" (in Sokr.), Per. With Romanian. T. Ivanova.

Approximate list for learning by heart

"Finger-boy ...", "like our cat ...", "Okuchechik, Ozerechik ...", "Mice water dance.,.", Rus. nar. Songs; A. Barto. "Bear", "Ball", "Ship"; V. Berestov. "Petushki"; K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree" (in Sokr.); E. Ilina. "Our Christmas tree" (in Sokr.); A. Plescheev. "Rural Song"; N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?".

Borozdina Julia Aleksandrovna,


Madou kindergarten № 186 of Tyumen

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Abstract integrated direct educational activities In the second younger group

Types of childhood activities: integrated.

Software content:

Continue to teach children with the help of the educator to dramatize small passages from folk fairy tales;

Educate emotional responsiveness;

Develop cognitive interest in children, curiosity, imagination and creative activity;

Learn to move at the educator in a certain direction;

Develop the dialogic form of speech;

Continue to teach expressively to tell poems;

To form a benevolent attitude of children to each other.

Preliminary work: Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Kolobok", viewing illustrations to a fairy tale, dramatizing a fairy tale using a desk theater.

Equipment: Audio recordings "Heavily sighs grandmother and grandfather", Song "Kolobka", funny music, grandmother's house with grandfather, grandparents dolls, bunny toy, pencils, christmas trees, glove theater Cook Wolf, Mask Bear, Big Foam Tree, Material blue color, soft modules for building bridge, foxes, fox mask, bolobok toy, salt dough.

Structure occupation

Org. moment

Sounds audio recording "Grandma and Grandfather sigh"

Educator:- Oh, guys, you heard someone sigh so hard?

Yes, this is grandmother with grandfather.

Why are they so sad sit?

Children: Probably they have something happened.

Educator: Let's ask what happened why they are so sad?

Educator:Grandma, grandfather, what happened to you? Why are you sad?

Grandmother: HOWO, I baked a bunker, but I put it on the windowsill set, and he gave himself. We miss him so much and what now we do, do not know?

Educator: Guys, what to do?

Children: Help Found Grandma and Grandfather Kolobka.

Educator:Guys, do you agree to help grandparents?

Children: Yes

Educator: Well, then let's go with you and looking for him, and we will refund my grandparents.

Children along with the educator go under a funny song, performing movements. (Tilting to the sides, turn around them)

Educator: Guys Look, who is sitting on hemp?

Children: Bunny.

Educator: And you know that the bunnies are very cowardly. Let's quietly not seen a kolobkin?

Hello bunny, Tell me please not met here Kolobka?

Bunny: Hello, I will tell you if you tell me a poem about me. I sooo love to listen poems.

Educator: Guys, does anyone know the poem about the bunny? And maybe we will tell Aurora.

At the bunny ears
sticking on top of the top
He loves delicious
Listic cabbage.
Runs fast
and jumps deftly
All because
He eats carrot!

Bunny:Oh, what good poem, Thank you. And I saw a kolobka, but he gave me away from me to those herringbones.

Educator: Thanks, bunny. Well, guys let's go on our way.

Children along with the educator go under a cheerful song, performing movement.

Educator:- Oh, guys look, who is it near the Christmas tree so angry? (The educator clothes gloves wolf)


Educator:And the truth, the wolf as if he did not eat us and how we go past him. What to do? And let's scare a wolf.

Baby expansion wolf performing, mimic exercises and growls.

Educator:Well done you coped perfectly, now the road is free. We go ...

Children along with the educator go under a funny song, performing twoincenses.

Educator:Guys Look, who is this tree sleeping?

The child puts the bear hat and pretending to sleep.

Children:This is a bear.

Educator: Let's, we will turn into the bears and passed it, maybe he will not notice us. He is very big.

Children go like bears.

Bear: Who walks here, wanders?

Educator:Misha, hello, did you meet a kolobkin?

Bear:And I will tell you if you help me move to the other side of the river.

Educator: Guys how can we get to the other side.

Children: to build a bridge.

Look the river very wide, Tomost, what should be?

Children: Long

Children build a bridge from soft modules, then go through it.

Educator: Well, here we are with you and moved through the river. Speak, Misha, met a kolobka?

Bear: I met, but only he gave me. Won to that house.

Educator: - Ah, won ... Guys, let's see, whose house is it?

Children: Foxes.

Educator:Let us ask her, did she not meet a bun?

The child clothes a fox hat and goes beyond the house.

Educator knocking (Tuk - Tuk)

Lisa comes out of the house, catching the tail.

A fox: Who knocks me to me?

Educator: - Head of chanterelle is me with the guys. We are looking for a bun, which and the grandmother left the grandfather. Have you not met him?

Fox goes for a house takes a kolobka in his hands, coming out, stroking it.

A fox: I met. He's visiting me, the songs sings me. I really love his songs to listen.

Educator: And there at home his grandmother and grandfather are waiting, bored. We came for him.

A fox: No, and I will be bored without him. But if you are singing a song. That I will let go of a kolobka.

Educator: Guys, since Lisa loves to listen to the song Kolobka. Then let's drink her song.

I am a bun, I'm a kobokok,
Ruddy side, ruddy side.
In Ambaru, I met
Survised on scrapers.

At the sour cream, I disturb
And on the window is cold.
And he left the grandfather,
And he left grandmother.
And from the hare you went away,
And you left the wolf.

And you left the bear.

And from you Lisa Krasa, I also run away.

A fox: Oh, what a cheerful song turned out, thanks guys. Take a kolobka and carry his grandparents. And you come to visit me a kolobok.

Educator: Thank you Lononka.

And the guys go back back.

Children along with the educator go, under the merry song marching, back, pass through the bridge.

Educator: Grandma, grandfather we found your kolobok.


Grandmother:thanks guys.

Where did you find it?

Did you find it?

Who did you meet on your way?

Grandmother: Oh, the poor, suffered.

Educator:Grandma, here is your bun. But we also liked it very much, such he is good, cheerful. We are so sorry to part with him.

Grandmother: Do not be upset. I am impoverished for your help test and you yourself can ride a kolobka.

Educator: - Thank you, grandmother.

Guys, let's sit down with you at the tables and ride your kolobka.

Children are sitting at the tables and ride from the salt dough of the bun.


  1. Antipina A.E. Theatrical activity in kindergarten. - M.: TC Sphere, 2006.
  2. Goncharova O.V. and others. Theatrical palette: the program of artistic and aesthetic education. - M.: TC Sphere, 2010.
  3. Mahaneva MD Theatrical classes in kindergarten. - M.: TC Sphere, 2001.
  4. Shoryina TA Holidays in kindergarten. - M.: TC Sphere, 2010.

l."Certificate of publication in the media" series A № 0004984

We invite teachers of the pre-school education of the Tyumen region, YNAO and KhMAO-Ugra publish their methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, author programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed abstracts and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), Forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish from us?

Project in the second youngest group "Favorite fairy tales"

Project type : Artistic and aesthetic

By the nature of the contacts: Inside the group

By number of participants: Collective

By duration: short-term (2 weeks)

The relevance of the project:

Folk fairy tales - the most ancient of the common forms of oral folk creativity, present to all nations, such a fairy tale reflects the beliefs, the deployment, the dominant features national Character, exposes class relations, at the same time exposing the ancient life, which is often reflected in individual works - household fairy tales, fairy tales about animals, magical fairy tales.

Formulation of the problem:

Children know little Russian folk fairy tales.


Create a positive emotional mood. To form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian folk fairy tale through various types of activity.


  • create knowledge of tales content
  • form a desire to be similar to positive heroes
  • develop the ability to transmit image fabulous hero speech, movements, gestures, faithful.
  • educate interest in fairy tales
  • instilling the rules of safe behavior on the example of fairy tales.

Estimated result:

Children will get acquainted with many Russian folk tales, their content will know.

Learn in games - dramatizations, puppet theater, Table theaters pass their hero.

Attracting parents to further participate in the activities of the Group (contests of drawings, crafts, replenishment of the developing medium, etc.)

Game motivation:

During the familiarization of children with fiction, through the arrival of the grandmother - a storytelligence to acquaint children with Russian folk tales (who writes R.N. with. Who transmits them from generation to generation) - names, content, discussion of the heroes of fairy tales, highlighting positive and negative Damage.

Material and technical resources necessary for project implementation: literature, illustrations, phonograms for dramatization.

Stages of the project:

Search - identification of the problem;

Analytical - selection and analysis of literature;

Practical - implementation of outlined activities;

Presentation - dramatization of the fairy tale;

Control - summarizing work.

Project implementation:

Education area


Speech development


Conversation "Who writes fairy tales?".

"The wolf and the seven Young goats". The conversation "who came to our house."

"Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka"

Conversation "Do you need to obey adults"

Socially communicative development

Game activity

The game "Puppet Theater".

Game - dramatization

Desktop theaters

Physical development

Motor activity

P. / Game "Hares and Wolf".

P. / Gius game.

P. / Game "Sparobushki and Cat."

P. / Game "At the Bear in Bor".

Horror "Gori, Gori clear."

P. / game "Fox on the hunt".

Motor activity

  • The logo exercise "Kitten - Shalun".
  • Pass as the heroes of fairy tales (slurry, like a frog, pass like a bear i.t.)

Cognitive development

Speech activities

Game activity

Talking R.N.S. "Fox with a Rock".

"Call a fairy tale."

D. / Game "Find a fairy tale on the subject."

The game "Guess the hero of the fairy tales."

Game "Learn a fairy tale in illustration."

Artistic and aesthetic development

Reading work

Fairy tales "Sister Alenushka and Brother Ivanushka", "Zhikharka", "Masha and the Bear", "Geese - Swans", "Fox - sister and grey Wolf"," Crane and Heron ".




"Clean the hero of the fairy tale"

"Susting carrots"

"Fabulous fish"

"Bowler for three bears"

Pre-work Applique "Teremok" (roof and window)

Scene "How the animals mushrooms collected"

Suggest the words of the fairy tale "Teremok"

Dramatization fairy tales "Teremok

Constructive activities

"Cot for Mishutka."

"Build teremok for toys." Exhibition of drawings "My favorite fairy tale." (Together with parents).

Final event:

Game - dramatizationon the fairy tale "Teremok" and artistic creativity Plasticiography - Naple Walls "Teremka", Decoration of peas and buckwheat. (Preliminary work - the applique of the roof and the teremka window)

purpose : Develop the memory of children, the ability to guess the names of Russian folk fairy tales, on the riddle and visual pictures of the fairy tales. To form children's ability to transfer their character to the tales "Teremok", speech, fairy tale, gestures and actions. Develop the skills of working with the plasticine in the creation of the teremka: to fill a small piece from the whole and pulling the finger to fill the contour of the object, without getting off the contour. Develop the fingertips of the fingers using peas and buckwheat to decorate a house. Rail interest in fairy tales, accuracy in working with plasticine.

Move : The arrival of grandmother - Fairy tale: "Hello children, did you know me? And I came not alone, I brought friends! Meet them! " Children are included in the costumes of the tales of the Teremok. (Sit down with other children). "And with me, I brought a chest with surprises. Here is the first surprise: I told you a lot of fairy tales, I showed a lot. Tales are asked, and now, you, friends, learn us! " (I get pictures - fragments of fairy tales and I read a riddle, children guess:

  1. On sour cream disturbed, on the windshield,

Round side, ruddy side, rolled ... Kolobok.

  1. Oh you petya - simplicity

spook a little:

Did not obey cat

Looks out in the window ("Cat, cock and fox")

  1. And the road is far away

And the basket is not easy,

I would sit on Penos,

Eat the Pie ("Masha and the Bear")

  1. In the fairy tale sky blue,

In the fairy tale birds are terrible,

Ratchy, save me

You save me and brother ("Geese - Swans")

  1. Near the forest at the edge,

Three live in the hut,

There are three chairs and three circles,

Three beds, three pillows,

Guess without tips,

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? ("Three Bears")

  1. Everyone is known to Russia

Waited for mom with milk,

And let the wolf in the house,

Who are these ... Little children ("Wolf and Seven Cats")

Grandma - Fairy Tale:Well done, all my riddles guess, everyone learned fairy tales.

Let's rest and build a gnome house:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (turns to the right, left, hands on the belt),

We will build and play (squats),

big house, high build (hands up, on socks),

windows put, roof cut (show hands the window, hands above your head - imitation of the roof),

here is what beautiful house (hands in front of him, showing at home),

will live in it old gnome (cotton hands)

Grandma - Fairy Tale: And now, dear viewers,

Do you want to see a fairy tale?

In any fairy tale there is a job

Girls and boys lesson.

The game is the dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok".

2 part:

Grandma - Fairy Tale:Make a gift"Teremks" for my fabulous heroes.You have already started work, I know, let's continue. Here are your teremks (distribute the work of children). I propose a sample of work that should turn out. What painted the walls of the teremk? Correctly plasticine, pressing a small piece and smear along the walls without leaving the contour. When the whole wall is painted with plasticine, you can decorate peas or buckwheat that you have in plates.

Independent activities of children. Grandmother - Fairy Tale Provides help as needed, reminder, uses a sample show, etc.

Evaluation from grandmother - Fairy tale: Well done, very tried. For this, here is my surprise from the chest - new books with fairy tales and treats (candy).

Farewell and making grandmother - fairy tale.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

Kindergarten number 8 "Tale"


in the second younger group

"Favorite fairy tales"

Developed: Educator

Kalinina T.P.