Presentation of classes for an interactive board (middle group) on the topic: Presentation of fairy tales. Presentation for the occupation of the environment (preparatory group) on the topic: Presentation for children "Visiting a fairy tale"

Presentation of classes for an interactive board (middle group) on the topic: Presentation of fairy tales. Presentation for the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic: Presentation for children
Presentation of classes for an interactive board (middle group) on the topic: Presentation of fairy tales. Presentation for the occupation of the environment (preparatory group) on the topic: Presentation for children "Visiting a fairy tale"

Municipal Preschool General Education

Kindergarten №24 "Mermaid".

The project "Visiting a fairy tale."

Completed the teacher Molotkova

Marina Olegovna

Podolsk 2016 year.

The project "Visiting a fairy tale."

Duration of the project: 1 month.

In January 2016, children 2 junior Group Together with the teacher of the hammer Marina Olegovna expanded their knowledge of Russian folk fairy tales.

Topic: "Visiting a fairy tale."

Relevance: One of the most important tasks of the child's development preschool age It is the development of the spiritual wealth of the people, its cultural - historical experience.

The relevance of the topic is seen in the admission of children to the traditional Russian folklore. Children are well perceived folklore works due to their soft humor, unobtrusive didactics and acquaintances life situations. Based on this, the acquaintance of children with folklore works Promotes the development of speech, replenishment and enrichment of their vocabulary stock. In oral folk art, as anywhere there are more special features of Russian character inherent in him moral values, idea of \u200b\u200bgood, beauty, truth, courage, hard work, loyalty. All this we can see in Russian folk fairy tales. It is fairy tales that are excellent material for teaching young preschool children to develop speech. The characters of fairy tales are familiar with children, the tale language is very expressive, rich in figurative comparisons, has simple forms of direct speech. It is very important to use theatrical games, dramatization games in our work, scene games On the themes of familiar children of folklore works.

Based on the foregoing, a problem arose: the need for a device in a group of cozy "home" for books (fairy tales). Finally, only in the corner of the book the educator has the opportunity to instill the skills of the culture of communication and handling a book.

Objective of the project:

To introduce children with Russian folk fairy tales, to educate interests and love for fairy tales, desire and ability to listen to fairy tales, play fairy tales.

Project tasks:

1. Promote speech development in children as a means of communication.

2. To involve children in theatrical activity.

3. Training the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher.

4. Involve children in the conversation during the viewing of illustrations.

5. Brief desire to help each other, cohesion.

Project development:

Pick up methodical, cognitive, artistic

literature, illustration material.

Choose materials for game and theatrical activity.

Conversations with parents about reading Russian folk fairy tales.

Project participants:

Children, teacher.

Stages of project execution:

Organization of project activities.

Organization of reading Russian folk fairy tales.

Usage by heart of available literary works.

Drawing of the heroes of fairy tales.

Theatrical activity.

Final Event: Staging the tales of "Teremok".

Preliminary work:

  • Choose material and equipment for classes, conversations, games with children.
  • Fine activity.
  • Organization of reading Russian folk fairy tales.

Cooperation with parents:

Participation in the exhibition on the topic: "Visiting a fairy tale."

Joint activities with Dow teachers.

Collection of methodical literature.


"My favorite character".


"Vegetables on a plate."


Familiarization with fiction.

Reading Russian folk fairy tales.

Theatrical activity.

Staging a fairy tale "Repka".

Expected results:

  • Creating an object environment that contributes to the attachment of children to Russian folk fairy tales.
  • The use of Russian folk fairy tales in the active speech of children.
  • Expanding the ideas about Russian folk art.
  • Involvement of each child in creative activity.

3rd stage. Presentation of the project.

Staging a fairy tale "Repka".

Used Books:

Sample secondary program preschool education

edited by N.E. Veracses, TS.comorova, M.A.Vasilieva Moscow 2014.

Collections of Russian folk fairy tales.

Developed speeches in kindergarten, V.V.German Moscow 2015

4th stage. Improve the level of accumulated practical knowledge: encourage children to use different ways To achieve a goal, stimulate to further encouraging actions and discoveries.

The final stage:

Exhibition of children's work on the topic "Visiting a fairy tale."

Staging a fairy tale "Rust", "Teremok".

Joint affiliate activity.

Tale "Pink". (setting)

Children view illustrations

to Russian folk tales.

Thank you

Russian folk tales. Folk fairy tales entered into themselves wisdom and everyday experience accumulated by mankind for many centuries. "The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint ..." It is difficult to overestimate the importance of fairy tales for the development of a child: a fairy tale teaches courage, honesty, kindness, develops a sense of excellent. Tell your child a fairy tale, he will definitely draw something useful from it.

Literary leisure In Russian folk tales in the middle group. In the middle group. Tasks: Acqualing children to actively participate in the holidays, using skills and skills obtained in classes; develop the speech of children, expand the active dictionary, intensify oral speech, develop articulation and diction; expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, to seek the plastic image of the playing of the heroes of the play, improve the elements of acting skills, instill love for oral folk creativity; educate in children love for artistic literature; through literary works consolidate the rules and norms of behavior; Show children amazing world fairy tales, their wisdom and beauty; consolidate love and respect for fairy tales; Maintain a positive emotional attitude of children from a meeting with the favorite heroes of fairy tales, where wins, friendship, courage.

Travel course. Educator. Guys, today I invite you to visit the fairy tale. I know that you all love them very much. "Grandma, tell us a fairy tale" - you could hear a hundred, and two hundred years, and five hundred years ago. Grandmother took a spindle or needles in the hands and asked: "What kind of fairy tale, grandchildren?" He tells the grandmother a fairy tale, he will come or knit. Guys, who invent fairy tales? And people came up with fairy tales and told one another; So through the century, fairy tales reached us. Guys, and what words do you start fairy tales? Children. There were lived, there was lived. Educator. And what is a fairy tale? Children. Unusual story, with animals. Unusual events happen to heroes. Magic. They say animals, things, birds. The fairy tale is a fictional work. What happens in it does not really happen, but by reading them, you can learn good, good actions. Educator. And how do fairy tales end? Children. Good wins evil a happy ending, we rejoice with the heroes tutor. Guys, we read a lot of fairy tales. And now we will spend a quiz, let's see. Who can know Russian folk tales well. 1 task (slide show 5-12)

Fizkultminutka B. dark forest There is a hut in the dark forest there is a hut. (Children walk.) It stands back in advance. (Children turn.) In that hut there is an old woman. (Threatened with your finger.) Grandmother Yaga lives. (Threaten the finger of another hand.) The nose with a crochet, (shown with a finger.) Eyes are big, (show.) Like coals burn. (Knock your head.) Wow, what an angry! (Running on the spot.) Through the hair stand. (Hands up.)

Didactic game "Guess the fairy tale" 1) on sour cream disturbed, on the window it is boosted, round side, ruddy side rolled down ... (Kolobok) 2) Although she lived in the cellar: Pulling his grandfather with a grandmother from the garden. (Mouse from Russian folk fairy tale "Repka") 3) On the field of the forest stood the house painted, all the animals could hide, what kind of house? (Teremok) 4) There is no river nor a pond - where is the water get drunk? Very tasty water - in the pumme from the waters. (Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka) 5) In the fairy tale, the sky is blue, in the fairy tale birds are scary. Ratchy, save me, you save me and brother! (Gus-Swans) 6) Buck Yes, kicked the bow with my nose, did not swallow anything and stayed with the nose. (Fox and Zhuravl (Russian Fairy Tale) 7) Everyone is known in Russia, waited for mom with milk, and wolf entered the house. Who are these little children? "(Seven goat) 8) champion on turns on the spot? (Hut on the couch legs from Russian fairy tales)

Didactic game "Fairy Ball" Children stand in a circle. One of the children in the hands of the ball. He throws the ball with any child and calls fabulous hero. For example, geese swans. The one who caught should call the effect of this hero. For example, fly. Then he must call any other fabulous hero and throw the ball to another, which will call the action of the hero.

Didactic game "Name correctly" name the nickname dog, which in a Russian fairy tale helped to drag a repkah? a) chestnut; b) bug; c) ARTEMEM; d) ball. In Russian fairy tales lisuchik - sister, bunny-shooter, goat -... who? a) dragonfly; b) the recess; c) turquoise; d) Dereza. What Russian fairy tale exists? a) "duck-storks"; b) "Kura-turkey"; c) "Gus-Swans"; d) "Eagles Sokol". What rivers flow between fabulous ferrous shores? a) milk; b) creamy; c) kvass; d) honey. How did the furnace treated the girl in the Russian fairy tale "Geese Swans"? a) pancakes; b) patties; c) kissel; d) porridge. What legs are the hut in Russian fairy tales? a) goat; b) curiy; c) elephants; d) in boots. In what vessel, Zhuravl put the treats in the Russian folk fairy tale? a) in the jug; b) in a plate; c) in a bowl; d) in the saucer.

Nomination " Multimedia technologies In the pedagogical process in Dow

purpose presentations:in the game, entertaining form to promote Development of children's speech, expanding the vocabulary stock.Deeperate and expand the knowledge of children about fairy tales, the development of creative imagination by working on Russian folk fairy tales.

Social and personal development:rail a friendly attitude towards others, the desire to assist, be careful. Accommodation for theatrical games.

Artistic and aesthetic development: withlooking for a positive emotional state in children during musical accompaniment. Development of productive activity Drawing. To be able to perform musical and rhythmic movements.

Cognitive-speech development:Develop the ability to build a dialogue in the process of communication and answer questions complete offer. Brief love for oral folk creativity. Develop a grammar system of speech. Intensify the mental activity of children. Develop connected speech, memory, logical thinking, creative imagination. Exercise in the ability to select definitions for a given word, select words with a given sound, develop word formation skills. Find the place of sound in the word. Clarify and expand vocabulary. Ability to solve riddles; form a phonderatic perception; exercise in the development of a sense of rhythm; Forming intonation expressiveness of speech.

The presentation contains animations, Interesting tasks in the form of games that attracts a child.

Presentation "Travel to the country of fairy tales"

Abstract Classes "Journey to the country of fairy tales"

Quiz for children of preschool age on the fantastic "Rack" with a presentation

Jabina Irina Vladimirovna
Position, place of work: Tutor MDOU. kindergarten general collaborating species №43 "Pine", Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, Village Kaleevo
Description of the material: methodical development Quiz may be interesting to educators and teachers working with children of preschool age. Questions are designed for children 3 - 6 years, which are already familiar with the Russian folk fairy tale "Pink". The quiz will show how well the children understood the fairy tale, remembered her characters, as well as questions with support for illustrations will help preschoolers to remember the fairy tale and reproduce its content. Quiz contributes to the development of memory, attention, logical thinking and speech. Such work with a fairy tale stimulates the cognitive activity of children, helps to consolidate the account skills, continues to familiarize with geometric shapes. Experience shows that preschoolers easily cope with questions, they are interested. Therefore, the quiz is well suited for a holiday or just for the organization and diversity of leisure of preschoolers.
Presentation created by B. powerPoint program 2007. Each illustration on the slide appears by clicking. When creating a presentation, I took advantage of the instructions from the Material Materials Tatstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna:

Purpose: Identifying knowledge and understanding by preschoolers of the Russian folk fairy tale "Repka".
Tasks: educate love for Russian folk fairy tales;
maintain a positive emotional attitude from meeting with the heroes of the fairy tale;
develop the ability to listen and hear the question, respond full of responses;
intensify the cognitive and speech activity of children;
improve the ability to recognize geometric shapes;
Improve account skills.
Preliminary work: Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Pink", conversation about the heroes of the fairy tale, beat the Fairy Tazzle "Rust" (Staging, Puppet or forest theater), viewing illustrations with a picture of fairy tale characters.

Questions Quiz:

1. What fairy tale is this picture: "Ryaba chicken", "repka", teremok "? (In the matter of senior preschool children, I use the word "illustration")
Answer: "Repka"

2. What did the grandfather planted?
Answer: Repok.
Here you can ask children to call what we see separately and in one word ("vegetables"). And also ask where and how these vegetables grow, what color are they, why do they need, how many vegetables in the picture? (For children of younger preschool age, let's say "a lot" answer)

3. What figure looks like a repka?
Answer: a circle
Here you can specify the names geometric figures, Discuss their signs, compare what they are similar (color, size) and what differ (form). Suggest to count on how many figures. (For children of younger preschool age, let's say "a lot" answer)

4. What rose repka?
Answer: Big
We specify the size and second repka (small). Compare them in shape, color, we consider repka.

5. Who called grandfather?
Answer: grandma
After the answer to the question we are discussing what happened when the grandmother came. Who is still depicted in the picture?

6. What was the name of the dog: Tuzik, Bobik, Bug?
Answer: Bug

7. Who came the last to pull repka?
Answer: Mouse
After the children call the mouse, you can offer them to remember what happened when the mouse came. Who is still depicted in the picture?

8. What heroes were not in the fantastic "repka"?
Answer: Medveda
After the children name the bear can be offered to call them all those depicted in the picture individually and in one word ("animals"). Suggest to count how many animals. (For children of younger preschool age, let's say "a lot" answer)

9. How many people pulled out a repkah? And how many animals?
Answer: 3 people, 3 animals.
(For children of younger preschool age, let's say "a lot" answer)

10. What do we teach the Tale of "Rust"?
Answer: Everyone together and is easier to fulfill the common cause. Even the smallest are able to assist and benefit.
On the final stage Quiz can be all together and to play the fairy tale events together.
Then you can offer preschoolers to tell about who and how they help.

Presentation on the topic: Quiz for children of preschool age on the Fairy Tale "Repka"