Foreign writers contemporaries. The best books of modern writers

Foreign writers contemporaries. The best books of modern writers
Foreign writers contemporaries. The best books of modern writers

To read any book requires time and often considerable. The number of books can be said, infinite, and life - alas, on the contrary. So, it is not necessary to read everything. Here then the difficulties arise: "What is good and what is bad?". But, there is one small subtlety that facilitates the search for a response to this question. Any book has already read anyone. In the worst case - only the author and the best - millions and millions. But the number of people who read one or another book does not always talk about the quality of the book. Especially tastes of people have a wide variety. So, it is worth choosing to start people whose opinion you can rely on.

100 best writers and 100 best books
XIX-XX centuries

That's how it all began. As a result, the plate turned out to be below. This is the result of a generalization of about 20 ratings, opinions of various literature authorities, lists of winners of various premiums (including Nobel). In these ratings there is nothing personally from me (author of this text: Andrei Matveyev). The only thing here is my choice of the period (19-20 century). Of course, these ratings do not say that all works should be read and biographies of all writers must be examined from crust to peel. Moreover, the basis of this list is basically Anglo-American ratings with a roll, which is natural, in English-language literature. However, the result was curious and familiar with him seem to be.

Andrei Matveyev, 2001

100 best writers

1. Faulkner William. (1897-1962) W. Falkner
2. Joyce James. (1882-1941) J. Joyce
3. Dickens Charles. (1812-1870) Ch. Dickens
4. James Henry. (1843-1916) James.
5. Woolf Virginia. (1882-1941) V. Wulf.
6. Hemingway Ernest. (1899-1961) E. Hemingway
7. Dostoevsky Fyodor (1821-1881) F. Dostoevsky
8. Beckett Samuel. (1906-1989) S. Bekket.
9. Mann Thomas. (1875-1955) T. Mann.
10. Orwell George. (1903-1950) J. Orwell
11. Conrad Joseph (1857-1924) J. Konrad.
12. Kafka Franz. (1883-1924) F. Kafka.
13. Steinbeck John. (1902-1968) J. Steinbeck
14. Tolstoy Leo. (1828-1910) L. Tolstoy
15. Lawrence D. H. (1885-1930) D. G. Lawrence
16. Nabokov vladimir (1899-1977) Vl. Nabokov
17. Sartre Jean-Paul (1905-1980) J.-P. Sartre
18. Camus Albert. (1913-1960) A. Kama
19. Below Saul. (1915-) S. Bello
20. Solzhenitsyn Aleksandr. (1918-) A. Solzhenitsyn
21. TWAIN MARK. (1835-1910) M. Twin
22. Mill John Stuart. (1806-1873) J. S. Mill
23. Morrison Toni. (1931-) T. Morrison
24. Roth Philip. (1963-) F. Rot
25. Emerson Ralph Waldo. (1803-1882) R. Emerson
26. IBSEN Henrik (1828-1906) Ibsen
27. Marquez Gabriel Garcia. (1928-) Markes.
28. ELIOT T. S. (1888-1965) T. S. Eliot
29. Freud Sigmund. (1865-1939) Z. Freud.
30. Melville Herman. (1819-1891) Melville
31. Forster E. M. (1879-1970) E. M. Forster
32. James William. (1842-1910) W. James.
33. Shaw George Bernard (1856-1950) J. B. Show
34. Yeats William Butler. (1865-1939) W. B. Yets
35. Fitzgerald F. Scott. (1896-1940) F. S. Fitzherald
36. Nietzsche Friedrich. (1844-1900) F. Nietzsche
37. WHARTON EDITH. (1862-1937) E. Worton
38. Rand Ayn. (1905-) E. Rand
39. Cather Willa. (1873-1947) V. Katter
40. Huxley Aldous Leonard (1894-1963) O. Haxley
41. ELIOT George. (1819-1880) J. Eliot
42. Hardy Thomas. (1840-1928) T. Hardy
43. Flaubert Gustave. (1821-1880) G. Flaubert
44. Whitman walt. (1819-1892) W. Wheatman.
45. Salinger J. D. (1919-) J. D. Sallinger
46. Stein Gertrde (1874-1946) G. Stein
47. Calvino Italo. (1923-1985) I. Calvino
48. Borges Jorge Luis (1899-1986) H. L. Borheses
49. RILKE RAINER MARIA (1875-1926) R. M. Rilke
50. Styron William. (1925-) W. Stayron.
51. Singer Isaac Bashevis (1904-1991) I. B. Zinger
52. Baldwin James. (1924-1987) J. Baldwin
53. Updike John. (1932-) J. Appdayk
54. Russell Bertrand. (1872-1970) B. Rassell
55. Thoreau Henry David (1817-1862) D. Toro.
56. Kipling Rudyard (1865-1936) R. Kipling
57. Dewey John. (1859-1952) J. Dewey
58. Waugh Evelyn. (1903-1966) I. V.
59. Ellison Ralph. (1914-1994) R. Ellison
60. WELTY EUDORA. (1909-) E. Welt
61. Whitehead Alfred North. (1861-1947) A. N. Whitehead
62. Proust marcel (1871-1922) M. Prost
63. Hawthorne Nathaniel. (1804-1864) N. Gotorn
64. McCarthy Cormac (1933-) K. McCarthy.
65. Lewis Sinclair (1885-1951) S. Lewis
66. O "Neill Eugene (1888-1953) Y. O "NIL
67. Wright Richard. (1945-) R. Wright
68. Delillo Don. (1936-) D. Delilelo
69. Capote Truman. (1924-1984) T. Keep
70. Adams Henry. (1838-1918) Adams.
71. Bergson Henri. (1859-1941) Bergson
72. Einstein Albert. (1879-1955) A. Einstein
73. Chekhov Anton. (1860-1904) A. Chekhov
74. Turgenev Ivan. (1818-1883) I. Turgenev
75. Neruda Pablo (1904-1973) P. Neruda
76. Wolfe Thomas Kennerly (1931-) T. Wolf
77. Warren Robert Penn. (1905-1989) R. P. Warren
78. Pound Ezra. (1885-1972) E. Pound
79. Brecht Bertolt. (1898-1956) B. Brecht
80. Cheever John. (1912-1982) J. Chiver
81. Mailer Norman. (1923-) N. Mailer
82. O "Connor Flannery (1925-1964) F. O "Connor
83. Chesterton G. K. (1874-1936) K. Chesteton
84. Pynchon Thomas. (1937-) T. Pinchon
85. Carson Rachel. (1907-1964) R. Carson
86. Achebe chinua. (1930-) C. Achebe
87. Golding William. (1911-1993) W. Golding
88. Maritain Jacques. (1882-1973) J. Marita
89. Robbe-Grillet Alain (1922-) A. Rob Grij
90. Paz Octavio. (1914-1998) O. Paz
91. Ionesco Eugene. (1909-1994) E. ionesko
92. Malraux Andre. (1901-1976) A. Malro.
93. Montale Eugenio. (1896-1981) E. Montale
94. Pessoa Fernando. (1888-1935) F. Pesosa
95. Pirandello Luigi. (1867-1936) L. Pilandello
96. Stevenson Robert Louis (1850-1894) R. L. Stevenson
97. Strindberg August. (1849-1912) A. Strindberg
98. Rushdie Salman. (1947-) S. Rushdi
99. Carroll Lewis. (1832-1898) L. Carolle
100. Malamud Bernard (1914-1986) B. Malamud

100 best books

1. Joyce James.
J. Joyce.
Invisible Man.
R. Ellison.
3. Steinbeck John.
J. Steinbeck.
The Grapes of Wrath
4. Proust marcel.
M. Prost. In search
lost time
5. Orwell George.
J. Orwell.
6. Faulkner William.
W. Falkner.
Noise and rage
7. Nabokov vladimir.
Vl. Nabokov.
8. Morrison Toni.
T. Morrison.
9. Marquez Gabriel Garcia.
One HundRed Years of Solitude
One hundred years of loneliness
10. Achebe chinua.
Things Fall Apart
C. Achebe.
And the destruction came
11. Fitzgerald F. Scott.
The Great Gatsby.
F. Fitzherald.
The Great Gatsby
12. Capote Truman.
In Cold Blood
T. Hood.
Absolutely cool
13. Huxley Aldous Leonard.
Brave New World.
O. Haxley.
About the wonderful new world
14. Salinger J. D.
J. D. Sallinger.
The Catcher in the Rye
15. Woolf Virginia.
To The Lighthouse.
V. Wulf.
On the Mayak
16. Lee Harper.
To kill a mockingbird
X. Li.
To Kill a Mockingbird
17. Flaubert Gustave.
Madame Bovalary.
Madame Story.
18. TWAIN MARK. The Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn.
M. Twin. Adventures
Hekelbury Finn
19. Lawrence D. H.
Sons and Lovers.
D. G. Lawrence.
Sons and lovers
20. Mann Thomas.
The Magic Mountain.
T. Mann.
Magic mountain
21. Joyce James. A Portrait Of.
J. Joyce.
Portrait of an artist in his youth
22. Camus Albert.
The Stranger.
A. Kama.
23. Warren Robert Penn.
All The King "S Men
R. P. Warren.
All royal Raint
24. Tolstoy Leo.
Anna Karenina.
L. Tolstoy.
Anna Karenina
25. Styron William.
Sophie "s Choice
W. Styrone
Sophie makes a choice
26. Carson Rachel.
Silent Spring.
R. Carson.
Silent Spring
27. Dostoevsky Fyodor.
F. Dostoevsky.
Crime and Punishment
28. James William. The Varieties.
of Religious Experience
W. James. Manifold
religious experience
29. Dostoevsky Fyodor.
The Brothers Karamazov.
F. Dostoevsky.
Brothers Karamazov
30. Eliot George.
J. Eliot.
31. Kafka Franz.
The trial
F. Kafka.
32. Faulkner William.
As I Lay Dying
W. Falkner.
On deathbed
33. Delillo don.
White Noise.
D. Delillo.
White noise
34. Thoreau Henry David.
G. D. Toro.
Walden or life in the forest
35. Wright Richard.
Native Son.
R. Wright.
Son of America
E. Worton.
Century innerness
37. Rushdie Salman.
MIDNIGHT "S Children
S. Rushdi.
Children of midnight
A Farewell to Arms
E. Hemingway.
A Farewell to Arms!
39. Heller Joseph.
J. Heller.
40. Mitchell Margaret.
Gone With The Wind
M. Mitchell.
gone With the Wind
41. Adams Henry.
Education Henry Adams.
42. Kipling Rudyard.
R. Kickling.
43. Forster E. M.
E. M. Forster.
Trip to India
44. Orwell George.
Animal Farm.
J. Orwell.
The Sun Also Rises
E. Hemingway.
And the sun rises
46. Lowry Malcolm.
Under the Volcano.
M. Lauri.
At the foot of the volcano
47. Bronte Emily.
Wuthering Heights.
E. Bronte.
Wuthering Heights
48. Conrad Joseph.
Lord Jim
J. Konrad.
Lord Jim.
49. Whitman Walt.
Leaves of Grass.
W. Whitman.
Leaves of grass
50. Beckett Samuel.
Waiting for godot.
S. Beckett.
Waiting for year
51. Faulkner William.
Light in August.
W. Falkner.
Light in August
52. Walker Alice.
The Color Purple.
E. Walker.
Purple color
53. Dostoevsky Fyodor.
The iDiot.
F. Dostoevsky.
54. James Henry.
The Ambassadors.
55. Kerouac jack.
J. Keroac.
On the road
56. Kuhn Thomas. The Structure.
of Scientific Revolutions.
T. Kun. Structure
scientific revolution
57. Freud Sigmund.
Z. Freud.
Interpretation of dreams
58. Below Saul.
The Adventures of Augie March
S. Bello.
Adventure Odi March.
59. Burroughs William S.
Naked Lunch
W. Burrow.
Naked breakfast
60. Tolkien J. R. R.
D. R. R. Tolkien.
Lord of the Rings
61. Melville Herman.
Moby Dick.
Moby Dick
62. Mill John Stuart.
J. S. Mill.
On freedom
63. Tolstoy Leo.
War and Peace.
L. Tolstoy.
War and Peace
64. Faulkner William.
W. Falkner.
Avasal Avasal!
65. Keynes John Maynard. Their
General Theory of Employment
Interest and Money.
J. M. Keynes.
General theory of employment
percentage and money
66. Beauvoir Simone De.
The Second Sex.
S. de Buduar.
Second floor
67. Agee James and Walker Evans.
J. Ejie. Walker.
Let's praise celebrities
68. Nabokov vladimir.
Pale Fire.
V. Nabokov.
Pale flame
69. Joyce James.
J. Joyce.
70. Forster E. M.
Howard "s end
E. M. Forster.
Howard End.
The Moviegoer.
W. Percy.
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Their eyes saw God
73. Morrison Toni.
Song of Solomon.
T. Morrison.
Song Solomon
For whom the bell tolls
E. Hemingway.
For whom the Bell Tolls
75. Solzhenitsyn aleksandr.
The Gulag Archipelago.
A. Solzhenitsyn.
Archipelago Gulag
76. Camus Albert.
The Plague.
A. Kama.
77. Woolf Virginia.
MRS. Dalloway.
V. Wolfe.
Mrs. Dalloway
78. Turgenev Ivan.
Fathers and Sons.
I. Turgenev.
Fathers and Sons
79. Pynchon Thomas.
Gravity "s Rainbow
T. Pinchon.
Rainbow gravity
80. Irving John.
The World According to Garp
J. Irving.
Peace from Garpa
81. Malamud Bernard.
The Fixer.
B. Malamud.
82. Proulx E. Annie.
A. Pruh.
Navigation News
83. Roth Philip.
Portnoy "s complaint
F. Roth.
Complaints of tailor
84. Vonnegut Kurt.
K. Vonnegut.
Slaughter number five
85. Lawrence D. H.
Women In Love.
D. G. Lawrence.
Lovers of women
86. McCullers Carson.
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
K. McCallers.
Heart - Lone Hunter
87. Conrad Joseph.
Heart of Darkness
J. Konrad.
heart of Darkness
88. Borges Jorge Luis.
H. L. Borges.
89. Malraux Andre.
A. Malro.
Purpose of man
90. Miller Henry.
Tropic of Cancer.
Tropic of Cancer
91. Rand Ayn.
A. Rand.
A source
92. Agee James.
A Death In the Family
J. Eji.
Death in the family
Collected Stories.
Yu. Welt.
94. Carroll Lewis. Alice "S.
Adventures in Wonderland.
L. Caroll.
Adventures Alice in Wonderland
95. Emerson Ralph Waldo.
R. U. Emerson.
96. Waugh Evelyn.
Brideshead Revisited
I. V.
Return to Brightshead
97. Rand Ayn.
Atlas shrugged.
A. Rand.
Atlant riped shoulders
K. Marx.
99. McCarthy Cormac.
All The Pretty Horses
K. McCarthy.
Horse horses. . .
100. Melville Herman.
Billy Badd Form-Mars

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According to the Internet database rating of Index Translationum UNESCO, Fedor Dostoevsky, Lion Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov - Russian writers, most often translated throughout the world! These authors occupy the second, third and fourth place in it, respectively. But Russian literature is rich in other names that made a huge contribution to the development of both Russian and world culture.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Not only a writer, but also a historian, and playwright, Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a Russian writer who declared himself in the period after the death of Stalin and the cultivation of the cult of personality.

In some way, Solzhenitsyn is considered to be the successor of Lion Tolstoy, since he was also a big beloved and wrote large-scale works about the lives of people and social processes that took place in society. Solzhenitsyn's works were based on the connection of autobiographical and documentary.

His most famous work - the "Gulag Archipelago" and "One Day of Ivan Denisovich". With the help of these works, Solzhenitsyn tried to draw the attention of readers to the horrors of totalitarianism, which modernly not yet written modern russian writers of that period; I wanted to tell about the fate of thousands of people who were subjected to political repression, were sent to the camp innocent and were forced to live there in conditions that it is difficult to call human.

Ivan Turgenev

The early work of Turgenev reveals the writer as a romance, which very thinly felt the nature. And the literary image of the "Turgenev Girl", which has long been represented as the image of a romantic, light and wounded, is now something none. At the first stage of creativity, he wrote poems, poems, dramaturgical works and, of course, prose.

The second stage of the work of Turgenev brought the author most of all glory - thanks to the creation of "hunter's notes". He first honestly depicted the landowners, revealed the theme of the peasantry, after which he was arrested by the authorities, who did not like such work, and sent to the link to the generic estate.

Later the work of the writer is filled with complex and multifaceted characters - the most mature period of the author's creativity. Turgenev tried to reveal such philosophical topics as love, debt, death. At the same time, Turgenev wrote his most famous and with us, and abroad the work called "fathers and children" about the difficulties and problems of relations between different generations.

Vladimir Nabokov

Creativity Nabokov completely comes against the traditions of classical Russian literature. The most important thing for Nabokova was the game of imagination, his work was part of the transition from realism to modernism. In the works of the author, the type of characteristic Nodokovsky Hero - a lonely, gentle, suffering, incomprehensible person with a touch of genius can be distinguished.

In Russian, Nabokov managed to write numerous stories, seven novels ("Masha", "King, lady, currency", "despair" and others) and two plays - before leaving in the United States. From that moment on, the birth of an English-speaking author occurs, Nabokov completely refuses the pseudonym Vladimir Sirin, who signed his Russian books. With the Russian language, Nabokov will work only once - when it will translate for Russian-language readers his novel "Lolita", which was originally written in English.

It was this novel and became the most popular and even scandalous-famous work of Nabokov - not too and amazing, because he tells about the love of a mature forty-year-old man to a teenage girl of twelve years. The book is considered rather rapidly even in our free-sisted age, but if disputes are still on the ethical side of the novel, then the word of the Nabokov is perhaps it is simply impossible.

Michael Bulgakov

The creative way of Bulgakov was not easy. Deciding to go to the writers, he refuses a doctor's career. He writes his first work, "fatal eggs" and "Devilia", setting up a journalist to work. The first story causes rather resonant responses, since it resembled a mockery over the revolution. The story of Bulgakov "The dog's heart", implanting power, generally refused to publish and, moreover, took the manuscript from the writer.

But Bulgakov continues to write - and creates the "White Guard" novel, according to which the play called "Turbine Days". Success lasted for a long time - due to the next scandal due to works, all performances on Bulgakov were removed from the shows. The same fate will subsequently comprehend and the most recent play of Bulgakov "Batum".

With the name Mikhail Bulgakov invariably connect "Masters and Margarita." Perhaps this novel was the matter of all his life, although he did not bring recognition. But now, after the death of the writer, this work is a success and in the overseas audience.

This product does not seem to no longer anything. Agreed to signify that this is a novel, but what: satirical, fantastic, lovingly lyrical? The images presented in this work are amazing and impressive with their uniqueness. Roman about good and evil, about hatred and love, about hypocrisy, challenging, sin and holiness. At the same time, during the lifetime of Bulgakov, the work was not published.

It is not easy to remember the other author, which would be so deft and the Metage could not expose all the falsity and mud of the mesh, the current power and bureaucratic system. Therefore, the Bulgakov and was subjected to constant attacks, criticism and prohibitions from the ruling circles.

Alexander Pushkin

Despite the fact that not all foreigners are Pushkin associated with Russian literature, unlike the majority of Russian readers, it is simply impossible to deny his heritage.

The talent of this poet and the writer truly did not have borders: Pushkin is famous for his amazing poems, but at the same time he wrote an excellent prose and plays. Creativity Pushkin received recognition not only now; his talent recognized other russian writers And poets are his contemporaries.

The subject of Pushkin's creativity is directly connected with his biography - events and experiences through which he passed for his life. Tsarskoye Village, Petersburg, time in exile, Mikhailovskoe, Caucasus; Ideals, disappointment, love and affection - everything is present in the works of Pushkin. And the most famous novel "Evgeny Onegin".

Ivan Bunin

Ivan Bunin is the first writer from Russia, which became the laureate of the Nobel Prize in the field of literature. The creativity of this author can be conditionally divided into two periods: before emigration and after.

Bunin was very close to the peasantry, the everyday of the simple people, which had a great influence on the work of the author. Therefore, among it the so-called rustic prose is distinguished, for example, "Sukhodol", "village", which have become among the most popular works.

A significant role in the work of Bunin also plays the nature, which many great Russian writers were inspired. Bunin believed: She is the main source of forces and inspiration, spiritual harmony, that every person is inextricably linked with it and in it lies the key to the rayster of the mystery of being. Nature and love became the main themes of the philosophical part of the Creativity of Bunin, which, mainly represented by poetry, as well as the stories and stories, for example, "Ida", Mitina Love, "Late Hour" and others.

Nikolay Gogol

After the end of the Nezhinsky gymnasium, the first literary experience of Nikolai Gogol was the poem "Hans Kühelgarten", which was not very successful. However, this writer was not embarrassed, and he soon begins to work on the play "Marriage", which was published only ten years later. This is a witty, colorful and living work in the Pooh and the dust will spread the modern society, which the main values \u200b\u200bmade prestige, money, power, and love left somewhere in the latter.

On Gogol made an indelible impression of the death of Alexander Pushkin, who were amazed and others russian writers and art figures. Shortly before that, Gogol showed Pushkin the plot of a new product called "Dead Souls", so now it was now believed that this work is a "sacred will" great Russian poet.

"Dead Souls" became magnificent satire to the Russian bureaucracy, serfdom and social ranks, and it is this book that is especially popular among readers abroad.

Anton Chekhov

Chekhov began his creative activity with writing short essays, but very bright and expressive. The most famous Chekhov with their humorous stories, although he wrote tragicomic and dramaturgical works. And most often, foreigners read the play of Chekhov called "Uncle Vanya", the stories "Lady with a dog" and "Kashtanka".

Perhaps the most basic and well-known hero of the works of Chekhov is a "little person", whose figure is familiar with many readers even after the "station caretaker" of the authorship of Alexander Pushkin. This is not some kind of separate character, but rather a collective image.

Nevertheless, the little people in Chekhov are not the same: one wants to sympathize, over others - laugh ("Man in the case", "Death of the official", "chameleon", "clever" and others). The main problem of creativity of this writer is the problem of justice ("Name Day", "Steppe", "Leshe").

Fedor Dostoevsky

Dostoevsky is most famous for the works "Crime and Punishment", "Idiot" and "Brothers Karamazov". Each of these works is famous for its deep psychology - indeed, Dostoevsky is considered one of the best psychologists in the history of literature.

He analyzed the nature of human emotions, such as humiliation, self-destruction, murderous rage, as well as states leading to madness, suicide, murder. Psychology and philosophy are closely connected with each other in the image of Dostoevsky their characters, intellectuals that "feel ideas" in the depths of their souls.

Thus, "Crime and Punishment" reflect on freedom and inner strength, suffering and madness, diseases and fate, pressure of the modern urban world per soul, and raises the question of whether people can ignore their own moral code. Dostoevsky together with Lvy Tolstoy - the most famous Russian writers around the world, and the "crime and punishment" is the most popular of the works of the author.

Lev Tolstoy

Who are associated with foreigners known russian writersSo it is with Lvy Tolstoy. It is one of the indisputable titans of world fiction, a great artist and man. The name is Tolstoy know all over the world.

There is something homerical in what an epic scope he wrote a "war and peace", however, unlike Gomer, he portrayed the war as a meaningless massacre, the result of the vanity and stupidity of the leaders of the nation. The work of "War and Peace" would like to have a certain outcome of everything that the Russian society survived for the period of the XIX century.

But the most famous worldwide is the novel of Tolstoy called "Anna Karenina". His willingly read with us, and abroad, and readers invariably seizes the history of the forbidden love of Anna and Count Vronsky, which leads to tragic consequences. Tolstoy dilute the story of the second storyline - the history of Levin, who dedicates life to his marriage with Kitty, the management of the economy and God. So the writer demonstrates us the contrast between the sin of Anna and the Virtue of Levin.

And watch video about famous Russian writers of the XIX century here:

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Is it worth reading fiction? Maybe this is aimless spending time, because such a lesson does not bring income? Perhaps this is the way to impose other people's thoughts and program for certain actions? Let's answer questions in order ...

Books are one of the greatest heritals of mankind. And if only the elected caste of people were available until the invention of the book printing of the book, then the books began to spread everywhere. In each new generation, talented writers were born, who created world masterpieces of literature.

Great works reached us, that's just we read the classics and less. Bite's literary portal presents to your attention 100 best books of all times and peoples that need to read. In this list you will find not only classic works, but also modern books that left their mark in history quite recently.

1 Mikhail Bulgakov

A novel that does not fit into the usual literary framework. In this story, philosophy and life, theology and fiction, mystic and realism, mystic and lyrics are mixed. And all these components are intertwined by skillful hands in a solid and bright story, which is able to turn your world. And yes, this is a favorite book book!

2 Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

The book from the school program, which is difficult to understand in a tender adolescence. The writer showed the duality of the human soul when black is intertwined with white. The story of Raskolnikov, who is experiencing an internal struggle.

3 Antoine de Saint-Exupery

A small story in which enormous life sense is concluded. The story that makes something different look at the usual things.

4 Michael Bulgakov

Surprisingly thin and sarcastic story about people and their vices. The story of the experiment, which proved that a person can be made from the animal, but it is impossible to bring an "animal" from a person.

5 Erich Maria Remarque

To tell about what tells this novel is impossible. Roman needs to read, and then understanding that this is not just a story, but confession. Confession of love, friendship, pain. History of despair and struggle.

6 Jerome Salinger

The story of a teenager, who shows his perception of the world with its own eyes, the point of the worldview, renunciation from the usual principles and maintenance of morality of society, who do not fit into his individual framework.

7 Mikhail Lermontov

Lyric-psychological novel, which tells about a person with a complex character. The author shows it from different sides. And the violated chronology of events, makes it completely immersed in the story.

8 Arthur Conan Doyle

Legendary investigations of Sherlock's great detective, which reveal the meanness of the human soul. Stories that tell me and assistant detective Dr. Watson.

9 Oscar Wilde

The story of pride, egoism and durable soul. A story that clearly shows that it can happen to a human soul suffered by vices.

10 John Ronald Ruel Tolkin

Fantastic trilogy about people and nonhumans who fell under the power of the ring of all-in-law and his lord of Sauron. The story of those who are ready for the sake of friendship and salvation of the world, sacrifice the most expensive and even their lives.

11 Mario Puzo.

Roman about one of the most powerful mafia families of America last century - the family of Corleon. Many is known for the film, so it's time to take reading.

12 Erich Maria Remarque

After World War I, many emigrants were in France. Among them and the talented German surgeon Ravik. This is the story of his life and love against the background of the war.

13 Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

The history of the Russian soul and nonsense. And an amazing style and tongue author causes proposals to play with paints and shades that fully reveal the story of our people.

14 Colin Maccalo

A stunning novel, which tells not only the love of men and women and complex relations, but also about feelings for the family, to native places and nature.

15 Emily Bronte.

A family living in a secluded estate, who has a tense atmosphere in the house. Complex relationships have deep roots that are hidden in the past. Hitclyf's history and Catherine will not leave any reader indifferent.

16 Erich Maria Remarque

Book of war on behalf of a simple soldier. The book about how the war breaks and cripples the soul of innocent people.

17 Herman Hesse

The book simply turns all the ideas about life. After reading it is already impossible to get rid of the feeling that you have become one step closer to something incredible. This book has answers to many questions.

18 Stephen King.

Paul Edgecomb Former prison officer, which served in a block for convicts for the death penalty. He tells the history of the life of suicide borneers who were destined to pass a green mile.

20 Victor Hugo

Paris 15th century. On the one hand, he is full of greatness, and the other is similar to the waste hole. Against the background of historical events, the story of love - Quasimodo, Esmeralda and Claude Frollo unfolds.

21 Daniel Defoe

Sailor's diary of the cracked ship and lived alone on the island of 28 years. He had to survive too much trials.

22 Lewis Carroll

A strange and mysterious story about a girl who in pursuit of a white rabbit turns out to be in another and wonderful world.

23 Ernest Hemingway

On the pages of the Book of War, but even in the world full of pain and fear, there is a beautiful place. An excellent feeling called love that makes us stronger.

24 Jack London

What can love make? Martin's love to the wonderful ruff forced him to fight. He overcame the many obstacles to become somehow big. The story of the spiritual development and formation of a person.

25 Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

A fantastic and fascinating fairy tale in which magic is intertwined with reality.

26 We Evgeny Zamyatin

Roman Anthutopia, in which the perfect society is described, where there is no personal opinion, and everything happens on the schedule. But even in such a society there will be a place for freezers.

27 Ernest Hemingway

Frederick voluntarily went to war, where he became a doctor. In the sanitary part, where even air is saturated with death, love is born.

28 Boris Pasternak

The beginning of the twentieth century. The Russian empire has already embarked on the path of revolutions. The story of the life of the intelligentsia of that time, as well as the book raises the issues of religion and affects the mystery of life and death.

29 Vladimir Nabokov

An instructive story about people who betrayed their ideals. The book about how light and beautiful feelings evolve into something dark and disgusting.

30 Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The greatest work, which delays in the story of Faust, who sold the soul to the devil. Reading this book can be passed on the path of knowledge of life.

31 Dante Aligiere

The product is three parts. First we fall into hell, so that the dates are all 9 circles. Then we are waiting for a purification, passing which you can redeem your sins. And only reaching the top you can get to heaven.

32 Anthony Burgess

Not the most pleasant story, but it shows the human essence. The story, as from any person you can make an obedient and silent doll.

33 Victor Pelevin

A difficult story, which is difficult to understand the first time. The story about the life of the decadene poet, who is looking for his way, and Chapaev leads to the enlightenment of Peter.

34 William Golding

What will happen to children if they are quite alone? In children, a subtle nature, which is pronounced quite strongly. And pretty good children turn into real monsters.

35 Albert Kama

36 James Clarell

The history of the English seaman, who will be the will of fate in Japan. Roman-epic, where there are historical realities, intrigue, adventures and secrets.

37 Ray Bradbury

A collection of fantastic stories telling about the life of people on Mars. They almost destroyed the land, and what awaits another planet?

38 Stanislav Lem

There is an ocean on this planet. He is alive and he has a mind. Researchers have a difficult task - to convey the knowledge of the ocean. And he will help embody their dreams ...

39 Herman Hesse

A book about the inner crisis that can happen to each. Internal emptying can destroy a person, if one day the person will not meet, who will give only one book to his hands ...

40 Milan Kundara

Immerse yourself in the world of sensations and feelings of a libertine Tomasha, who used to change women, just no one dared to pick up his freedom.

41 Boris Vian

Each friend has their own fate. Everything goes easily and simple. Friendship. Love. Conversations. But one event can change everything and destroy the usual life.

42 Ian Banks.

Frank tells the story of his childhood and describes the present. He has his own world who can collapse at any time. Unexpected turning points in the plot, give a special taste of the whole story.

43 John Irving

This book climbs the themes of family, childhood, friendship, love, treason and betrayal. This is the world in which we live with all the problems and disadvantages.

44 Michael Ondatja

There are many topics in this book - war, death, love, betrayal. But the main leitmotifs is loneliness, which can acquire a variety of forms.

46 Ray Bradbury

Books our future, and what will happen if they are replaced by TV and one opinion? The answer to this question gives a writer who was ahead of his time.

47 Patrick Zyuskind

The story of a crazy genius. All his life is smell. He will go to everything to create the perfect fragrance.

48 1984 George Orwell

Three totalitarian states, where even thoughts are controlled. The world of hatred, but there are people who else can resist the system.

49 Jack London

Alaska late 19th century. The era of the gold fever. And among the human larding lives a wolf named White Fang.

50 Jane Osten

In the family of Bennet there is only daughters, and the heir is a distant relative. And it is worth the head of the family, like young girls will remain with nothing.

51 Evgeny Petrov and Ilya Ilf

Who does not know the Ostap Bender and Kisu Vorobyaninov and their eternal failures that are associated with the search for ill-fated diagrants.

52 Fedor Dostoevsky

53 Charlot Bronte.

Jane has become an orphan early, and life in the house of aunt was far from happy. And love for a strict and sullen man is far from romantic history.

54 Ernest Hemingway

A small story of the life of the most ordinary person. But reading this work, penetrate the amazing world, which is full of emotions.

55 Francis Scott Fitzgerald

A magnificent novel that is filled with feelings. On the pages of the book waiting for the beginning of the 20th century, when people were full of illusions and hopes. This story about life values \u200b\u200band real love.

56 Alexandr Duma

We are all familiar with the adventures of D'Artagnan and his closest friends. Book of friendship, honor, devotion, loyalty and love. And of course, as other works of the author did not cost and without intrigue.

57 Ken Kizi.

This history will tell the patient of a psychiatric hospital. Patrick McMurphy enters the psychiatric department. That's just some think that he simply simulates his illness.

59 Victor Hugo

Roman describes the life of a runaway convict who is hidden from the authorities. After the flight, he had to survive a lot of tight, but he was able to change his life. That's just the Maver Police Inspector is ready to go to everything to catch the criminal.

60 Victor Hugo

The actor-philosopher met on his way of a worried boy and a blind girl. He takes them under his custody. Against the background of physical disadvantages, the perfection and purity of souls are clearly visible. And also this is an excellent oppression of the life of the aristocracy.

61 Vladimir Nabokov

Roman delays her unhealthy web of passion and unhealthy love. The main characters gradually go crazy, subject to their lowland desire, as well as their world around. In this book, I will definitely not be a happy end.

62 Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

A fantastic story that describes the life of Stalker Radric Shukhart, which extraterrestrial artifacts extract from the abnormal zones on Earth.

63 Richard Bach

Even a simple seagull can bother gray life, and the routine has come. And then the seagull dedicates his life to a dream. The seagull gives all his soul on the way to the cherished goal.

64 Bernard Verber

Michel got to the court of Archangels, where he would have to go through the weighing procedure of the soul. After the trial, he stands before the choice - to go to the ground in a new embodiment or steel angel. Angel's way is not simple as the life of ordinary mortals.

65 Ethel Lilian Wagoney

The story of freedom, duty and honor. And about different types of love. In the first case, this is the love of his father to his son, which survived many tests and passes through generations. In the second case, this is the love between a man and a woman who looks like a bonfire, he swears, then flashes again.

66 John Falez.

He is a simple town hall, lonely and lost. He has a passion - collecting butterflies. But one day he wanted to his collection of a girl who conquered his soul.

67 Walter Scott

The story of the novel will lead the readers in the distant past. At the time of Richard, the lion's heart and the first crusades. This is one of the first historical novels, which is obliged to read each.

68 Bernhard Slink

The book has a lot of questions that remain unanswered. The book makes thinking and analyze not only what is happening on the pages, but also your life. This is a story about love and betrayal that will not leave anyone indifferent.

69 Ayn Rand

Socialists come to power and take a course on equal opportunities. The authorities believe that talented and rich should impose the well-being of others. But instead of a happy future, the familiar world is immersed in chaos.

71 Somerset Maugham

The story of the actress, which all his life works in the theater. And what is the reality for her play on stage or a game in life? How many roles do you have to play every day?

72 Oldhos Haxley

Roman Antiutopia. Roman Satire. The world where Henry Ford became God, and the beginning of time is the creation of the first Ford T car. People are simply grown, and nothing about feelings do not know anything.

75 Albert Kama

Merso lives a removed life. It seems that his life does not belong at all. He is all indifferent and even his actions are impregnated with loneliness and renunciation.

76 Somerset Maugham

The history of the life of Philip. He is an orphan and throughout his life he not only seeks the meaning of life, but also himself. And most importantly understand the world and people.

77 Irwin Welsh

History of friends who once discovered drugs and euphoria. Each character is unusual and quite a smart. They appreciated life and friendship, but exactly until the moment when Heroin rose to first.

78 Herman Melville

Ahav Captain Whaling Ship set the purpose of his life - to the revenge of Whale named Mobi Dick. Wit Pueby too many lives to leave him alive. But it is worth the captain to start the hunt, how mysterious, and sometimes terrible events begin to occur on his ship.

79 Joseph Heller

One of the best books about World War II. In it, the author was able to show the meaninglessness of war and the monstrous absurdity of the state car.

80 William Falkner

Four characters, each of whom tells its version of events. And to understand what we are talking about, you need to read to the end, where the puzzles will be in a single picture of life and secret desires.

82 Joanne Rowling

83 Roger Zelazny

Classic fantasy genre. The chronicles are divided into two volumes of 5 books. In this cycle, mono find travel in space and time, war, intrigue, betrayal, as well as loyalty and courage.

84 Angey Saapkovsky

One of the best fantastic series. The series includes 8 books, while the latter is the "season of thunderstorms" is better to read after the first or second book. This is a story about the Witcher and his adventures, his life and love, and more about the girl Cirins, which can change the world.

85 Honore de Balzac

An amazing story about the infinite and sacrificial love of the Father to the children. About love that has never been mutual. About love that destroyed Father Gorio.

86 Gunter Grass

The story of the boy named Oscar Macerat, who, with the arrival of the National Socialists in Germany, refuses to grow in protest. Thus, he expresses his protest changes in the German society.

87 Boris Vasilyev

Piercing story war. About real love for parents, friends, and homeland. This story must be read to feel the entire emotional component of this story.

88 Standal

The story of Julien Sea and the soul, in which the confrontation of two feelings is coming: passion and ambition. These two feelings are so intertwined that they are often impossible to distinguish.

89 Lev Tolstoy

Roman-epic, which describes a whole epoch, deepening in the historical realities and the artistic world of that time. War will replace the world, and the peaceful life of the characters depends on the war. Many heroes with unique characters.

90 Gustave Flaubert

This story is recognized as the greatest work of world literature. Emma Bovarie dreams of a beautiful secular life, but her spouse, a provincial doctor, cannot satisfy her requests. She finds lovers, but can they fulfill the dream Madame Bovarie?

91 Chuck Palanik

No matter how they scold the work of this author, it is impossible to deny that his book "Fight Club" is one of the characters of our generation. This is a story about people who decided to change this dirty world. The story of a person who was able to resist the system.

92 Marcus Zusak

Winter Germany is 1939, when death is too work, and after six months, work will be added somewhat. The story of Lizel, about fanatical Germans, about the Jewish Drachun, about the theft and the strength of words.

93 Alexander Pushkin

Roman in verse tells a story about the fate of the noble intelligentsia with their vices and egoism. And in the value of history, a love story without a happy end.

94 George Martin

A fantastic story about another world rule the kings and dragons live. Love, betrayal, intrigue, war and death, and all for power.

95 David Mitchell

The history of the past, present and future. Stories of people from different times. But these stories make up a single picture of the whole world.

96 Stephen King.

Fantastic cycle of horror lords. In this series, weave the genres. In the books are closely neighboring horrors, western, science fiction and other genres. This is the story of the Roland Arrow, who is looking for a dark tower.

97 Haruki Murakov

The story of human destinies in Japan in the 60s of the twentieth century. History of human losses. Memories of the torus who will introduce a reader with different people and their stories.

98 Andy Weyr

By the will of the case of an astronaut remain one on the space base on Mars. He has a limited number of resources, but there is no connection with people. But he does not give up, he believes that he will return.

100 Samuel Bekket.

Amazing play, where everyone itself determines the mysterious personality year. The author makes it possible to find the answer itself to the question "Who is he?". Concrete person? Strong personality? Collective image? Or God?

In this top, I want to include many more books. Therefore, dear readers, write in the comments about those books that you consider the best. We will add books to the top and with your help to expand it to 1000 best books of all times and peoples.

"Russian literature is the only unhindered conductor in the wishes of the West to comprehend the secrets of the Russian soul, its culture and identity. No restrictions and prohibitions, political hostility and sanctions. I bought a tomik of the Russian classic and know myself quietly, dosing - sitting, lying, standing, in the subway, at home ... Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov ... Be careful with Chekhov - you can get into the drink ... "

Thoroughly with Russian literature, Zagred began to get acquainted through the writer Ivan Turgenev, settled in Baden-Baden in 1863. Racing with the most famous Western writers, cultural and artists, with intelligentsia and politicians of that time, Turgenev very quickly becomes the most famous and most readable Russian author in Europe. It is from the works of Turgenev that began comprehension by the Western reader of the whole depth and wealth of the Russian language.

In 1878, at the International Literary Congress in Paris, the writer was elected vice president; In 1879, he won the title of Honorary Dr. Oxford University. Chancellor of the German Empire Claudwig Gogenloe called Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev as the best candidate for the position of Prime Minister of Russia. He wrote about Turgenev: "Today I told with the smartest person of Russia."

But the main merit of Ivan Turgenev is propaganda. Throughout his overseas life, he tirelessly "promoted Russian literature as the most unpleasant within Russia itself. So, Europe met Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol ...

It is said that the literature of a country is interested when the interest in the country itself is manifested. Partly this is true. In relation to Russia, this interest from the West was never stopped and in the 21st century reached his peak. It is noteworthy that once discovered Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and many other prolific masters of Russian literature, the West does not cease to associate Russian literature and Russia itself with these great names. Of course, in this regard, modern writers have to be not easy, and oddly enough, Russian writers of the XXI century have to compete with Russian classics of the XIX century. After all, the demand for the export of Russian classics is still huge. The facts say about it:

The film "War and World" Lion Tolstoy speaks of the popularity of the Russian classic abroad - more than 7 different versions of the film. Another example is "Anna Karenina" - in different countries it was shielded about 18 times.

Chekhov still remains the leader in the number of foreign shields of the Russian classics - its works became the basis for movies / televersions about 200 times. It is part of the 3rd of the most extensive writers of the world.

"In the pleiad of great European playwrights ... The name Chekhov shines as a star of the first magnitude," George Bernard Show wrote at the beginning of the 20th century.

However, if Tolstoy and Dostoevsky in the West know more on the books, Chekhov rather do not read more, but "watching": the writer is little known as the author of humorous stories, but is rightfully considered the first magnitude playwright along with Shakespeare, Shaw and Uualdom. His plays are one of the most popular in the world. But Chekhov himself did not assume his future fame. He spoke his friend Tatiana Shcheckina-Cupelnik: "I will read seven years old, seven and a half, and then forget."

Another moment is amazing. Fame in the writing career directly depends on its "promotion". Writing is talented or ingenious - this is not enough. It is necessary to invest in advertising, in a self-esteem. And the best PR is a scandal. To take at least the world's glory of Nabokov, writing a scandalous "lolita" he could no longer write anything. The scandalous plot itself, and all attempts to ban the novel's outlet made it publishing an event and provided the book of huge circulation. Solzhenitsyn talentedly made the name "on politics" and the propaganda car helped him.

Now it is already difficult to play politics. It is almost impossible to realize a political intrigue on which you can take off. There are money.

Now in general, few Russian names are noticeable in the West - of course, primarily due to the language barrier. In pre-revolutionary Russia, there was no big difference between carriers of Russian culture and European. All educated people in Russia spoke well in English, in French, in German. Tolstoy almost received the first Nobel Prize in literature, Turgenev was absolutely recognized in Paris as a writer, Dostoevsky had a huge influence on Freud and on many others. Then there was a single multilingual culture. Now, on the contrary: globalization led to the fact that one English dominates. So it turns out that cultures are different, but the language of all writers is one. At the same time, it is impossible to say that the carriers of Russian culture became a victim of some special discrimination. It is just one dominant culture and it is English.

But we were distracted.

And yet, what Russian writers in modern standards are the most famous abroad?

Lion Tolstoy - "War and World", "Anna Karenina";
Fedor Dostoevsky - "Crime and Punishment", "Idiot", "Brothers of the Karamazov";
Anton Chekhov - "Uncle Vanya", "Lady with a dog", "Chestanka";
Alexander Pushkin - "Eugene Onegin";
Nikolay Gogol - "Dead Souls";
Ivan Turgenev - "Fathers and Children";
Mikhail Bulgakov - "Fat Eggs", "Master and Margarita";
Vladimir Nabokov - "Lolita";
Alexander Solzhenitsyn - "Archipelago Gulag", "One Day of Ivan Denisovich";
Ivan Bunin - "Sukhodol", "Village";
Alexander Griboedov - "Mount from Wit";
Mikhail Lermontov - "Hero of Our Time", "Demon";
Boris Pasternak - "Dr. Zhivago".

With modern Russian literature everything is much more difficult. Nevertheless, Polyna Dashkov, Dmitry Glukhovsky, Zakhar Prilepin, Mikhail Shishkin, Victor Pelevin, Sergey Lukyanenko, Boris Akunin.

In the 90s, the only modern Russian author, the books of which could be easily delivered in English, was Pelevin - despite this is still a specific reading. Over the past ten years, however, something has changed, translated and others - Boris Akunin had the greatest success: in England, his detectives are still well sold ... In the West, they love the Russian writer to be bearded and serious.

In England, it is clear, and how in the USA? According to the famous publicist Owen Mattyus (Owen Matthews), "The literature of modern Russia cannot offer the American reader brought up in the philosophical novels of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, what is able to return them to the" Magic Country ", open for them in the books of Classics." While the percentage of Russian literature in modern America does not exceed 1-3%.

Outlook Rospinje Vladimir Grigoriev believes:

"The fact that from our writers has not been stars lately, so it is largely due to extractive moments." Recall the growth of Mikhail Shishkin's popularity in Western European countries after he opposed the Kremlin's policy ... and vice versa - as soon as Zakhar Prilepin, who was quite successfully translated and published in English-speaking countries, began to support the so-called Novorossia, we began to experience certain difficulties In his promotion. "

That's really rolled back. At first, the sport turned into a political pressure tool, now literature. Togo look and the Bolshoi Theater will stop touring the world. Perhaps the excitement of Russian painting can even be down. But nothing. But we twice the more began to export gas, oil, tanks and kalashi ...

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