Message on the topic of the image of Tatiana Larina. Image and characteristics of Tatiana Larina in the novel Evgeny Onegin Pushkin essay

Message on the topic of the image of Tatiana Larina. Image and characteristics of Tatiana Larina in the novel Evgeny Onegin Pushkin essay
Message on the topic of the image of Tatiana Larina. Image and characteristics of Tatiana Larina in the novel Evgeny Onegin Pushkin essay

In the novel, "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin managed to present all the variety of life to the modern Russia to him, to portray the Russian society "In one of the most interesting moments of his development," to create typical images of Onegin and Lensky, in the person of which was introduced "Home, that is, the male side" of this societies. "But almost above the feat of our poet is that he first reproduced, represented by Tatiana, a Russian woman," Belinsky wrote.

Tatyana Larina is the first in Russian literature a realistic female image. Mirosozing the heroine, her character, the spiritual warehouse - the weight is disclosed in the novel in detail, behavior is psychologically motivated. But at the same time Tatyana - the "cute ideal" of the poet, the "romance" embodiment of his dreams about a particular type of woman. And the poet himself often speaks about it on the pages of the Roman: "Letter Tatyana Previously; I am holy shore ... "," Sorry to me: I love Tatyana Moju so much! " And in the personality of the heroine to a certain extent, the globility of the poet himself was also embodied.

Readers immediately felt these copyrighted accents. Dostoevsky, for example, considered Tatiana, and not Onegin the main acting face of the novel. And the opinion of the writer is quite reasonable. This is a whole, uncommon, exceptional, with a truly Russian soul, with a strong character and spirit.

Its character remains unchanged throughout the novel. In various life circumstances, the spiritual and intellectual horizon of Tatiana is expanding, the experience, knowledge of human nature, new habits and manners, characteristic of another age, but does not change the inner world. "Portrait of her in childhood, so masterfully written by the poet, is only a developed, but not changed," wrote V. G. Belinsky:

Dick, sad, silent,

Like lan forest fearless

She in the family of his native

It seemed like a small girl ...

Child itself, in the crowd of children

Play and jump did not want

And often all day one

Some sat silently at the window.

Tatiana grew up a thoughtful and impressionable girl, she did not like noisy children's games, fun entertainment, she did not occupied dolls and needlework. She loved to dream alone or listen to nanny stories. The only friends of Tatiana were fields and forests, meadows and groves.

It is characteristic that, describing the village life, Pushkin of anyone from the "provincial heroes" does not depict against the background of nature. Habit, "prose of life", the absorption of economic concerns, low spiritual requests - all this imposed her mark on their perception: the local landlords simply do not notice the surrounding beauty, as she does not notice her Olga or the old woman Larina,

But not like Tatyana, the nature of her deep and poetic - she is given to see the beauty of the surrounding world, it is given to understand the "secret language of nature", given to God's light. She loves to meet "Sunrise", thoughts to worry to the shimmering moon, walk alone among the fields and hills. But especially Tatiana loves winter:

Tatiana (Russian soul.

Not knowing why)

With her cold Krasoy

Loved the Russian winter

In the sun of frost, frosty,

And Sani, and a later zarekoy

The glow of pink snows,

And MGLU of the baptized evenings.

The heroine, thus introduces the motive of winter, cold, ice in the narration. And winter landscapes then often accompany Tatiana. Here it exists in a clear frosty night for baptism. In a dream, she goes "on the snow member", sees "MANUFACTURE", covered with snow crops, bushes, swallowed by a blizzard. Before leaving for Moscow, Tatiana "Strays Winter Way". V. M. Markovich notes that the "winter" motive here "directly closely with the harsh and mysterious sense of measure, the law, the fate, which forced Tatiana to reject the love of Onegin."

The deep connection of the heroine with nature is preserved throughout the narrative. Tatiana lives according to the laws of nature, in full harmony with its natural rhythms: "It's time, she fell in love. So in the earth the fallen grain of the spring by fire is lively. " And communicating it with a nanny, faith "dedicers of common antiquity", dreams, gadanams, signs and superstitions - all this just strengthens this mysterious communication.

The attitude towards nature in Tatiana is akin to the ancient paganism, in the heroine, as if the memory of her distant ancestors comes to life, the memory of the genus. "Tatiana is all native, all of the Russian land, from Russian nature, mysterious, dark and deep, like a Russian fairy tale ... The soul is simple as the soul of the Russian people. Tatiana from that twilight, ancient world, where the firebird was born, Ivan-Tsarevich, Baba Yaga ... "- wrote D. Merezhkovsky.

And this "call of the past" is expressed, including in the inepless communication of the heroine with his native family, despite the fact that she "seemed to be a small girl." Pushkin depicts Tatiana against the background of the life history of her family, which acquires an unusually important meaning in the context of understanding the fate of the heroine.

In his vital history, Tatiana, not wanting this, repeats the fate of his mother, which was lucky to the crown, "not asking her advice," while she "sighed about a friend who he had a heart and mind much more than more ...". Here Pushkin seems to foresee the fate of Tatiana philosophical remark: "The habit of more than us is given: I have a replacement of happiness." We may argue that Tatiana is deprived of spiritual communications with his family ("she seemed to be a native family in his family"). However, this does not mean that there is no connection to the inner, deep, the very natural connection, which is the very essence of the nature of the heroine.

In addition, Tatiana since childhood brought up nanny, and here we can no longer talk about the absence of spiritual communication. It is nyan heroine that turns his heart secret, passing a letter for Onegin. She recalls in St. Petersburg about Nyan. But what is the fate of Filipian? The same marriage without love:

"How did you get married, nanny?" -

So, it can be seen, God ordered. Moved Vanya

Younger was me, my light,

And I was thirteen years old.

Two weeks walked Swaha

To my family, and finally

My father blessed me.

I cried bitterly with fear,

I have a slash with a slash,

Yes, they were told to church.

Of course, the peasant girl is deprived of the freedom of choice, unlike Tatiana. But the situation itself is marriage, the perception of it is repeated in the fate of Tatiana. Nianino "So, it can be seen, God ordered" becomes Tatianin "But I am completely given to another; I will be a good eyelid. "

In the formation of the inner world of heroin, the fashionable passion for sentimental and romantic novels has been played a major role. Her love itself is manifested by "in-book," she assigns "someone else's delight, someone else's sadness." Familiar men were Tatiana uninteresting: they "so little imagined her exalted ... imagination." Onegin was the new man in the "Rustic Wilderness". His mystery, secular manners, aristocracy, indifferent, bored species - all this could not leave Tatiana indifferent. "There are creatures that fantasy has much more influence on the heart than they think about it," Belinsky wrote. Not knowing Onegin, Tatiana represents it in a well-known image of the literary heroes: Malek-Adela, De Dinar and Verter. In essence, the heroine loves not a living person, but an image created by her "imagination rebellious."

However, gradually it begins to discover the inner world of Onegin. After his harsh sermon Tatiana remains in confusion, insult and bewilderment. Probably, everything heard she interprets in his own way, understanding only that her love rejected. And only visiting the "fashionable celia" of the hero, looking into his books that keep the "mark of a sharp nail", Tatyana begins to comprehend the Onegin perception of life, people, fate. However, opening it says not in favor of the elect:

What is he? Caught priests

Insignificant ghost, Ile more

Muscovite in Harold

Other people's configuration

Words trendy full lexicon? ..

Is he parody?

Here the difference between the heroes of heroes is especially proud of the difference. If Tatiana thinks and feels in line with the Russian Orthodox tradition, Russian patriarchalness, patriotism, then the inner world of Onegin was formed under the influence of Western European culture. As V. Nepomnya notes, Eugene's Cabinet - Fashionable Clay, where instead of Icons - Lord Bayron, a portrait, on the table - a small statue of Napoleon, the invader, the conqueror of Russia, the book of Onegin undermine the basis of the foundation - faith in the Divine beginning in man. Of course, Tatiana was amazed by discovering not only the unfamiliar world of someone else's consciousness, but also the world, deeply alien to her, hostile at the heart of his.

Probably did not leave her indifferent and ill-fated duel, the outcome of which was the death of Lensky. In consciousness it was formed quite different, not the book image of Onegin. Confirmation of this is the second explanation of the heroes in St. Petersburg. Tatiana does not believe in the sincerity of the feelings of Eugene, his persecution insult her dignity. Onegin's love leaves her indifferent, but now she cannot answer his feelings. She got married and devoted himself entirely to her husband, family. And the novel with Onegin in this new situation is impossible for her:

I love you (what to smear?),
But I'm given to another;
I will be the century to him true ...

In this choice of heroine, a lot has reflected. This is the integrity of it, not allowing lies and deceptions; and the clarity of moral representations, which eliminates the possibility of causing the grief to be an innocent person (her husband), frivolously disgrace him; and book-romantic ideals; and faith in fate, in the fishery of God, implying Christian humility; and laws of folk morality, with its unambiguing solutions; and unconscious repetition of the fate of mother and nanny.

However, in the impossibility of unity of heroes, Pushkin also laid a deep, symbolic subtext. Onegin is the hero of "culture", civilization (moreover, the culture of the Western European, alien to the Russian man at its very basis). Tatiana - Child of Nature, embodying the very essence of the Russian soul. Nature and culture in the novel are incompatible - they are tragically disconnected.

Dostoevsky believed that Onegin now loves in Tatiana "Only his new fantasy. ... Loves fantasy, because he himself is a fantasy. After all, if she goes after him, he will be disappointed tomorrow and look at his passion mockingly. He has no soil, it is the wind bearing wind. It is not like this [Tatiana] at all: she and in despair and in the suffering of the consciousness that her life died, still there is something solid and unshakable, to which her soul rests. This is her childhood memories, the memories of the Motherland, the Rustic Wilderness, in which her humble, clean life began ... "

Thus, in the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin presents us "apotheosis of the Russian woman." Tatiana affects us a depth of nature, originality, "imagination rebellious", "mind and will be alive." This is a solid, strong personality capable of climbing the stereo thinking of any social circle, intuitively felt moral truth.

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The image of Tatiana Larina from Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" is one of those that cause a feeling of admiration and pity at the same time. Her life path once again makes it think that the happiness of a person depends not only on the integrity of his actions and sincerity of intentions, but also from other people's actions.

Larina family

Tatyana Larina is an aristocrat of origin. Her family lives in a rural outback rarely leaving her limits, so all the communication of the girl is based on communicating with the closest relatives, nanny, which is actually equated to family members and neighbors.

At the time of the narrative, Tatiana's family - her father died, and his duties on the management of the estate took over the mother.

But in the old days, everything was different - the family of Larina consisted of Dmitry Larina, a brigadier for his position, his wife Polina (Praskova) and two children - girls, senior Tatiana and younger Olga.

Polina, in marriage Larina (her maiden name Pushkin is not mentioned), was forcibly married to Dmitry Larina. For a long time, a young girl was made from the relationship, but thanks to the calm moral husband and a good attitude towards his person, Polina was able to see the one of a good and decent person in the Council of her husband, to attach to him and even, later, fall in love. Pushkin is not going into the details of the description of their family life, but it is likely that a gentle attitude towards his spouses continued until old age. Being already in a solid age (the exact date the author does not call) Dmitry Larin dies, and the functions of the head of the family goes through Polina Larina - his wife.

Tatiana Larina appearance

About childhood and appearance of Tatiana at that time nothing is known. Before the reader in the novel, an adult girl appears. Tatyana Larina was not distinguished by traditional beauty - it was not much like girls capturing the hearts of young aristocrats on dinner dinners or balas: Tatiana dark hair and pale skin, her face is deprived of a blush, it seems some kind of absolutely colorless. The figure is also not distinguished by the sophistication of the forms - it is too loud. Gloomy appeal complements full of sadness and shirts. View. Against the background of his blonde and ruddy sister Tatiana looks extremely unattractive, but still it can not be called ugly. She has a special beauty other than generally accepted canons.

Favorite classes Tatiana

On an unusual appearance, the unusuality of Tatiana Larina does not end. Larina also had non-standard methods for leisure. While the bulk of the girls at the leisure was betrayed with needlework, Tatiana, on the contrary, tried to avoid needlework and everything that was connected with him - she did not like to embroider, the girl missed work. Tatiana loved to spend his free time in the company of books or in the company of his nanny - Philipyevna, which in its content was almost equivalent to actions. Her nanny, despite the fact that the origin was a peasant, was considered a member of the family and lived in citing Larina and after the girls had grew up and her services were not demanded as a nurse. The woman knew many different mystical stories and with pleasure retell their curious Tatiana.

In addition, Larina often loved to spend time behind the books - mostly the works of such authors as Richardson, Rousseau, Sophie Cotten, Yulia Cuder, Madame de Stelle and Goethe. In most cases, the girl prefers the books of romantic content, and not by philosophical work, although they contained in the author's literary heritage, such as, for example, in the case of Rousseau or Goethe. Tatiana liked to fantasize - in his dreams she was transferred to the pages of the novel read and acted in his Gresses in the appearance of one of the heroines (as a rule, the main thing). However, none of the love romance was a favorite book of Tatiana.

Dear readers! We invite you to familiarize yourself with which Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote.

The girl was ready to wake up and fall asleep only with Dream Dream of Martyn Zaeka. Larina was a very superstitious girl, she was interested in all unusual and mystical, attached importance to dreams and believed that the dreams did not take off simply, but contain some promise, whose value helped to decipher the dream book.

In addition, the girl could spend the clock, looking out the window. It is difficult to say at that moment she watched what was happening outside the window or indulged in Gres.

Tatyana and Olga

Larina's sisters differed significantly from each other, and it concerned not only external. As we learn from the novel, Olga was a frivolous girl, she liked to be the center of attention, she gladly flirts with young people, although she had already groom. Olga is a cheerful laughter, possessing classical beauty, along the canons of higher society. Despite such a significant difference, there are no enmity or envy between girls. Between the sisters firmly reigned affection and friendship. Girls with pleasure spend time together, you guess the shints. Tatiana does not condemn the behavior of the younger sister, but does not encourage him. It is likely that it acts on the principle: I act as I think necessary, and my sister, as I want her. This does not mean that one of us is right, and someone is mistaken - we are different and in it differently - there is nothing terrible in it.

Characteristic personality

At first glance, it seems that Tatyana Larina is Childe Harold in a female appearance, she is also sad and sad, but in fact, between her and the hero of the poem of Byrona there is a significant difference - Childe Harold is dissatisfied with the arrangement of peace and society, he is bored because What can not find a lesson who would be interested in it. Tatyana misses, because her reality differs from the reality of her beloved novels. She wants to go through something that they experienced literary heroes, but no reason for such events not to foresee.

In the society, Tatiana was mainly silent and dying. She was not like the majority of young people who were happy to communicate with each other, flirting.

Tatiana is a dreamy nature, she is ready for hours to spend time in the world of dreams and dreams.

Tatyana Larina was reading female novels and they took themselves the main features of the character and the elements of the behavior of the main characters, so it is full of romance "perfections".

The girl has a calm temper, she is trying to keep his true feelings and emotions, replacing them indifferent decency, with time Tatyana learned to do masterfully.

The girl rarely indulges to self-education - she spends his free time in the entertainment or just turns the clock, speaking aimlessly time. The girl, like all the aristocrats of that time, knows foreign languages \u200b\u200bwell and does not know the Russian language. This state of affairs does not like it, because in the circles of the aristocracy it was commonplace.

Tatiana lived secluded for a long time, her circle of communication was limited to relatives and neighbors, so the girl is too naive and overlooked, it seems to her that the whole world should be like that, so faced with Onegin, she understands how deeply mistaken.

Tatiana and Onegin

Soon, Tatiana appears the opportunity to fulfill his dream - to transfer one of his female novels from the plane of the world of dreams to reality - they have a new neighbor - Evgeny Onegin. It is not surprising that Onegin, who has a natural charm and charm, could not not attract the attention of Tatiana. Soon, Larina falls in love with a young neighbor. It is overwhelmed by the unknown Dotola's feelings of love, different from the one she felt in relation to her relatives and relatives. Under the pressure of emotions, the young girl is solved on a not thoughtful act - to admit the Onegin in his feelings. In this episode, it seems that the love of the girl invented and caused by a secluded lifestyle and the influence of love romance. Onegin was so much similar to all people surrounding Tatiana, which seems not surprising, the fact that he became the hero of her novel. Tatiana appeals for help to his books - she cannot entrust the secret of her love to someone and decides to solve the situation that has arisen independently. The influence of love novels on the development of their relationship is vividly noticeable in the letter, and the fact that Tatiana decided to write this letter as a whole.

At that time, such a behavior from the girl was indecent and, when promuling her act, could be destructive for her further life. What you can not say about the representatives of the beautiful sex at the same time living in Europe - for them it was an ordinary phenomenon and did not mean something shameful. Since the novels, read by usually Tatiana belonged to Peru European masters of the word, then the idea of \u200b\u200bthe opportunity to write a letter was the first to be permissible and only intensified under the indifference of Onegin and strong experiences.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the characteristics of which are briefly set out in the table.

In his letter, Tatiana defines only two ways to develop their relationship with Onegin. Both ways in their essence are cardinal and brightly opposed to each other, because they only contain pole manifestations, avoiding intermediate. In her vision, Onegin was supposed to either provide her family idyll, or to act as a tempter.

There are no other options for Tatiana. However, Pragmatic and, besides, Negin's not in love with Tatiana lowers the girl from heaven to the ground. In Tatiana's life, it became the first serious lesson that influenced its further formation of personality and character.

Eugene does not talk about the letter of Tatiana, he understands all his devastating power and does not intend to bring even greater grief into the life of a girl. At that time, Tatiana was not guided by common sense - she covered the wave of emotions, with whom the girl could not, in his inexperience and naivety, cope. Despite the disappointment and unsightly reality that Onegin opened her, Tatiana's feelings did not dry.

Holy sleep and its symbolism

Winter from Tatiana was a favorite time of the year. Perhaps because just at that time a batch week was fallen, in which the girls were guessing. Naturally, the superstitious loving Myster Tatiana does not miss the opportunity to learn their future. One of the important elements in the life of the girl becomes a holy sleep, which by legend was proper.

In the dream, Tatiana sees what she worries her most - Onegin. However, sleep does not promise her happiness. Initially, sleep does not foreshadow anything bad - Tatiana goes along the snow-covered glade. On her way there is a stream, which girl needs to overcome.

An unexpected assistant - a bear - helps her cope in this obstacle, but the girl does not feel neither joy nor thanks - it overwhelms the fear that increases, since the beast continues to follow the girl. An attempt to escape, too, does not lead to anything - Tatiana falls into the snow, and the bear overtakes it. Despite the premonition of Tatiana, nothing terrible happens - the bear takes her on his arms and bears further. Soon they turn out to be before the slag - here the terrible beast leaves Tatiana, telling her that a girl can warm up here - his relative lives in this halary. Larina enters the sense, but it's not in a hurry to go into the room - there is noise of fun and feast behind the door.

A curious girl is trying to survive - Onegin is the owner of the Shalash. The affected girl freezes, and Evgeny notes her - he opens the door and all guests see it.

It is worth noting that the guests of his feast are not like ordinary people - these are some freaks and monsters. However, this is not the most frightened the girl - laughter, in relation to his person, it bothers her more. However, Onegin stops him and seats the girl at the table, to drive all guests. After some time, Lensky appears in the slag with Olga than the discontent of Onegin. Eugene kills Lensky. On this dream Tatiana breaks down.

Tatiana's dream is an allyusia for several works. First of all on the fairy tale of A.S. Pushkin "Bridegroom", which is the unfolded "Sno Tatiana". Also, Tatiana's dream is a reference to the work of Zhukovsky "Svetlana". Tatyana Pushkin and Svetlana Zhukovsky contain related traits, but their dreams differ significantly. In the case of Zhukovsky, this is just an illusion, in the case of Pushkin - the prediction of the future. Tatiana's sleep really turns out to be prophet, in a short time she really finds himself on a shaky bridge and she helps him overcome a certain man, in his appearance similar to the bear, besides the relative of Onegin. And her beloved is not the ideal person, whom Tatiana depicted in his dreams, and by the Justion Demon. He in reality becomes Lensky's killer, shooting him on a duel.

Life after the departure of Onegin

Duel Onegin and Lensky in its essence occurred because of the very none of insignificant things - at the celebration of the birthday of Tatiana Onegin too loved with Olga, which caused the attack of jealousy at Lensky, the reason for which there was a duel, which was not completed safely - Lensky died on place. This event imposed a sad mark on the lives of all the characters of the novel - Olga lost his groom (their wedding was supposed to take place two weeks after Tatiana's name), however, the girl was not too worried about Lensky's death and soon married another person. Handra and Onegin depression significantly increased, he realized the whole severity and consequences of his act, staying in his estate for him was already unbearable and therefore he goes on the journey. However, Lensky's death made the greatest influence on Tatiana. Despite the fact that she did not connect anything with Lensky, except for friendly relations, and her position and views were only partially similar, Tatiana hardly experienced the death of Vladimir, who in its essence became the second significant lesson in her life.

Another unattractive side of Onegin's personality is found, but disappointment does not occur, the feelings of Larina in relation to Onegin are still strong.

After the departure of Evgeny, sadness girls are significantly enhanced, it is more common looking for solitude. From time to time Tatiana comes to the empty House of Onegin and with the permission of the servant reads in the book library. Onegin books are not like her beloved - the basis of the library of Onegin is byhron. After reading these books, the girl begins to better understand the characteristics of the nature of Eugene, because he is at its essence similar to the main heroes of Bairon.

Marriage Tatiana

Tatiana's life could not continue to leak everything in the same bed. The changes in her life were predictable - she was an adult, and she had to be married, because, otherwise, Tatiana had every chance to stay in old virgins.

Since it is not foreseen in the vicinity of suitable candidates, then Tatiana has only one chance to go to Moscow to the bride fairy. Together with his mother, Tatiana comes to the city.

They stop in the aunt Alina. The relative for the fourth year is sick with a consumers, but the disease did not interfere with her warmly to meet the visits of relatives. Heself, Tatiana is hardly perceived with joy of such an event in her life, but, looking at the need for marriage, put up with his fate. Her mother does not see anything wrong in the fact that her daughter will not marry love, because at one time it was accepted with her, and this was not a tragedy in her life, and after some time even allowed her to become a happy mother and wife .

A trip for Tatiana was not useless: she liked a certain general (his name in the text is not mentioned). A wedding took place soon. About the personality of her husband Tatiana little is known: he participated in military events and in its essence is a military general. Such a state of things contributed to the question of its age - on the one hand, the receipt of such a title demanded a significant time, so the general could already be at a decent age. On the other hand, personal participation in hostilities made it possible to move to the career staircase much faster.

Tatiana does not like her husband, but does not protest against marriage. Nothing is known about her family life, besides, this situation is aggravated by the restraint of Tatiana - the girl learned how to restrain his emotions and feelings, she did not become a fancut aristocrat, but with confidence he moved away from the image of a naive rustic girl.

Meeting with Evgeny Onegin

In the end, the fate played a fate with a girlfriend's joke - she again meets with her first love - Evgeny Onegin. A young man returned from the journey and decided to visit his relative, a certain General of N. He is in his house he meets Larina, it turns out to be the wife of the general.

Onegin was struck by a meeting with Tatiana and her change - she no longer looked like that girl crowded with youthful maximalism. Tatiana became wise and balanced. Onegin realizes that all this time he loved Larina. This time he changed with Tatiana role, but now the situation is complicated by the marriage of the girl. Onegin turns out to be a choice: to suppress your feelings or publicize them. Soon the young man decides to explain to the girl in the hope that she has not lost feelings for him. He writes Tatiana letter, but despite all the expectations of Onegin, there is no answer. Evgeny took possession of even greater excitement - the unknown and indifference only wandered it more and promoted. In the end, Eugene decides to come to a woman and explain. He will find Tatiana one - she was so similar to that girl with which he met two years ago in the village. Tatyana's touched by Tatiana admits that he still loves Eugene, but to be with him she can now - she is connected by the Uzami marriage, and being dishonest wife against her principles.

Thus, Tatyana Larina has the most attractive traits. The best features were embodied in it. At the time of youth, Tatiana, like all young people are not endowed with wisdom and restraint. In view of his inexperience, it makes some misses in behavior, but does it not because it is poorly raised or depraved, but because they have not yet learned to be guided by the mind and emotions. It is too impulsive, although in general the pious and noble girl.

The image of Tatiana Larina absorbed all the dreams of the author about the female ideal. Tatiana was left forever with the favorite heroine of the Great Poet and Prosaika. For the first time, the reader meets the heroine in the parent estate, followed by the mother of Larina's sisters. Tatiana's father is "kind small", a little "lagging" from the modern running time. Life in the family is calm, monotonous, patriarchal.

From the most young years, Tatiana differed sharply from other rustic children. She did not like ordinary children's fun, reminding "Farm Lan", which is good in solitude. The girl was raised on the legends of an old nanny and loved to drive time reading books. The atmosphere of "Starina" in his native estate instilled Tatiana faith in ancient customs, girlish divination, interpretation of dreams. Having matured, Tatiana turned into a dreamy and thoughtful young lady. Without possessing "screaming" beauty, it attracts people to a rich inner world, naturalness and primeness.

It is time for love. Tatiana, as if he lived in anticipation, when Oginine appeared on her horizon - mysterious and unknown. And the girl loved. Dusty, anxious and all soul. Exterpressed by exciting torments, Tatiana is being decided for a desperate step and writes a beloved letter with recognition. The real confession and myself hands with her in the hands of Yevgeny Onegin. Tatiana hopes to reciprocate, but her chosen one rejects it. He turned out to be alien to so sincere feelings and impulses.

Tatyana, without ceasing, loved Onegin. Even when he caused Lensky's death, her sister's groom. And when he went on a long journey. She attended his empty estate, trying to better understand the man who was loved. Two years later, the reader is again found with Tatiana. She is married to a noble prince. From that inexperienced and frank girl there is no trace. "New" Tatiana matured spiritually, became impregnable, but at the same time he did not lose his natural simplicity. Rotation in the highest light and the knowledge of the new position completely did not spoil it. Meeting with Onegin, definitely stirred in Tatiana Storm of feelings. But she did not show it. Having received a letter from him with a confession, the heroine pouring tears of sadness, but does not honor the former beloved answer. Once alone with Onegin, Tatiana does not hide that he still loves him, but at the same time he intends to preserve loyalty to the legal spouse. Tatyana's insults does not hold on Evgenia, but no reason for His hopes leaves.


So, she was called Tatiana.
Neither the beauty of his sister,
Neither the freshness of her ruddy
She did not attract any eyes.

Dick, sad, silent,
Like lan forest fearless
She in the family of his native
He seemed to be a girl alone.

She can't guess
To his father or his mother;
Child itself, in the crowd of children
Play and jump did not want
And often all day one
Singing silently by the window ...

Pensiveness, her girlfriend
From the most lulled days
The flow of rural leisure
Dreams decorated to her.

And there were children's leprosy
She is alien: terrible stories
Winter in the dark night
Captured more heart to her ...

She was too early to novels;
They replaced her all;
She fell in love with cheating
And Richardson and Rousseau ...

Her imagination has long been
Burning with black and longing,
Alcalo food fatal;
For a long time hearty tomgle
I knead her mother's chest;
The soul was waiting ... someone ...

The ardent monologue of Tatiana Larina on the feelings for the young hover is part of the mandatory school program. Using the strings about the first love and gusts of the soul, it is easy to catch courage and openness, which is so uncharacter for a laservation. This is distinguished by Tatiana from most literary images - naturalness and loyalty to ideals.

History of creation

The poetic novel, who considered the feat, first published in 1833. But the readers followed the life and love adventures of the young walk from 1825. Initially, Evgeny Onegin went out in literary almanachas on one chapter - the sort of 19th century series.

In addition to the main character, Tatyana Larina was attached to himself - a rejected beloved. The writer did not hide that the female character of the novel was written with a real woman, but the prototype name is not mentioned anywhere.

Researchers put forward several theories about the alleged Museum of Alexander Sergeevich. First of all mention Anna Petrovna Kern. But the writer experienced a carnal interest to a woman, which will be varied with the attitude of the author to Mile Tatyana Larina. The girl from Roman Pushkin considered the beautiful and gentle creation, but not the subject of passionate desires.

The heroine of the novel has common features with Elizabeth Vorontsova. Historians believe that the portrait of Onegin is written from the fan of the Graphon of Raevsky. Therefore, the role of literary beloved went to Elizabeth. Another weighty argument is Mother Vorontsova, like Larina's mother, married the unloved and for a long time suffered from such injustice.

Twice the wife of the Decembrist Natalia Fonvizin claimed that she was the prototype of Tatiana. Pushkin was friends with Natalia's husband and often communicated with a woman, but other evidence confirming this theory does not exist. The school comrade of the poet believed that the writer invested in Tatiana a particle of his own hidden traits and feelings.

Non-adequate reviews and criticism of the novel did not affect the image of the main heroine. On the contrary, most literary critic and researchers celebrate the integrity of the character. He calls Larina "apotheosis of a Russian woman", responds about Tatiana, as about "ingenious nature, not suspected of his genius."

Of course, the female ideal of Pushkin is shown in Evgenia Onegin. Before us, an image that does not leave indifferent, admires internal beauty and illuminates with light feelings of a young innocent young lady.


Tatyana Dmitrievna was born in the family of military, nobleman, who after the service moved to the countryside. The girl's father died a few years before the events described. Tatiana remained at the care of the mother and the old nanny.

The exact growth and weight of the girl will not be mentioned in the novel, but the author hints that Tatiana did not differ in attractiveness:

"So, she called Tatiana.
Neither the beauty of his sister,
Neither the freshness of her ruddy
She did not attract any eyes. "

Pushkin does not mention the age of the heroine, but, according to the estimates of literary critics, Thane has recently been 17 years old. This confirms the poet's letter to a close friend, in which Alexander Sergeevich shares his thoughts about the spiritual impulse of the girl:

"... if, however, the meaning and not entirely accurate, then the more truth in the letter; A letter of women, besides 17-year-old, and in love! "

Tatyana's free time is spent on conversations with nanny and reading books. Due to age, the girl close to the heart takes everything that the authors of love romance are written about. The heroine is waiting for a clean and strong feeling.

Tatiana is far from the girls of the youngest sister, does not like chatter and the noise of frivolous girlfriends. The overall characteristics of the main character - balanced, dreamy, an extraordinary girl. Native and acquaintances have the impression that Tanya is a cold and excessively reasonable young lady:

"She is in the family of his native
He seemed to be a girl alone.
She can't guess
To his father or his mother. "

Everything changes when Eugene Onegin arrives in the next estate. A new resident of the village is not at all similar to the former few familiar Tatiana. The girl loses his head and after the first meeting writes Onegin a letter, where he confesses to the feelings.

But instead of a stormy clarification of the relationship that the beloved novels of the girl are so famous, Larina is listening to the sermon from Onegin. Say, such behavior will lead the young lady in the wrong direction. In addition, Eugene did not create for family life at all. Tatiana is confused and confused.

The next meeting of the in love with a heroine and selfish rich is happening in winter. Although Tatiana is known that Onegin does not respond to her feelings, the girl cannot cope with excitement from the meeting. Own names for Tanya turn into torture. Evgeny, who has noticed Tatyana's tomorrow, pays for an exceptionally younger Larina.

This behavior has consequences. The bridegroom of the youngest sister is shot on a duel, herself quickly married another, Onegin left the village, and Tatyana again stayed alone with dreams. The mother's mother is concerned about - the daughter is time under the crown, but a cute Tanya refuses to all applicants for hand and heart.

Two and a half years have passed from the last meeting of Tatiana and Eugene. Larina's life changed noticeably. The girl is no longer sure if she really loved the young hanging. Perhaps it was an illusion?

At the insistence of Mother Tatiana married General N, left the village where he lived all his life, and settled with his spouse in St. Petersburg. An unplanned date on the ball awakens in the old familiar forgotten feelings.

And if Onegin is covered by love for an unnecessary girl, then Tatyana remains cold. The charming general does not show the location to Eugene and ignores the attempts of a man to get close to.

Only on a short moment of a heroine that stands on the onslaught of Love Onegin, removes the mask of indifference. Tatiana still loves Eugene, but never betray her husband and will not lean his own honor:

"I love you (what to smear?),
But I'm given to another;
I will be a good eyelid. "


Love drama from the novel "Eugene Onegin" is a popular plot for musical works and decrees. The premiere of the first film with the same name took place on March 1, 1911. Black and white mute kinocartine affects the main points of history. The role of Tatiana performed actress Lyubov Varyagin.

In 1958, the film-opera told the Soviet viewer about the feelings of Onegin and Larina. The image of the girl embodied, and executed the vocal batch.

The British-American version of the novel appeared in 1999. The director of the painting was Martha Fains, the main role was played. The actress was awarded the Golden Oda for the image of Tatiana.

  • Pushkin chose a distinctive name for a heroine, which was considered simple and tasteless. In the draft Larina is referred to as Natasha. By the way, the meaning of Tatyana is an organizer, founder.
  • According to scientists, the year of birth of Larina - 1803 by old style.
  • The girl speaks poorly and writes in Russian. Tatiana prefers to express thoughts in French.


And happiness was so possible, so close! ..
But my fate is solved.
I write to you - what is the bigger?
What can I say yet?
Do not sleep, nanny: so stuffy!
Open the window and sit down to me.
He is not here. I do not know ...
Look at the house, on this garden.