Business plan of a construction company. How to open a construction company from scratch: Example Business Plan

Business plan of a construction company. How to open a construction company from scratch: Example Business Plan
Business plan of a construction company. How to open a construction company from scratch: Example Business Plan

The opening of its own construction company is associated with certain nuances. Some of them will be considered in this article.

In general, building and repair business is very diverse. To narrow the subject of consideration, we will bring large construction business and numerous specialized enterprises beyond the article. It will be discussed here about the most widespread spheres of construction activities and the organization of a small construction enterprise.

By itself, the construction sphere is one of the oldest. Compare with age of humanity. And whatever the peripetics did not occur, always remained popular and popular services. With a thoughtful approach, it is usually cost-effective business. The approach is convenient to reflect in a business plan of a construction company. In addition, this form is generally accepted and can be in demand when receiving loans, or attracting investors.

Characteristic features of business

To understand the essence of the industry, it is necessary to carry out a small analysis. Select characteristic features from the total array, divided by groups, etc. You will not dive deep into the history of the question. The modern stage of the industry's development is characterized by the explosive appearance of new materials, equipment, technologies, concepts and views on the problems of construction. To the end, they have not yet formed and then it makes sense to talk about some finite awareness. The world is at the stage of the formation of concepts, most likely, there is a tendency to "multipolarity" in everything, including in the construction industry.


Construction companies conveniently subdivide:

  • repair and construction company (construction and repair of various building structures);
  • repair and finishing company (repair and finishing indoors);
  • specialized Firm (construction of specialized buildings - pools, storages, etc.);
  • universal firm.

It is possible to conveniently allocate companies by volume:

  • large (with a permanent staff, own equipment, offices and other);
  • medium (small enterprises mainly with hired staff and technology under the object);
  • small (individual master, small brigades "Shabashnikov").

In addition, at the present stage of development, two categories of companies can be distinguished:

  1. Companies engaged in construction under the order;
  2. Companies offering new developments.

Such gradation is possible due to the following patterns.

There is a sharp appearance on the market of new technologies. In the social sphere, the emergence of new concepts of life text (revenue income, a few housing, the organization of life space itself, in production a significant change in technological chains and, accordingly, the requirements for structures for placing industries, etc.). This requires the latest developments and technologies.

On the other hand, the social sphere is very inert and has a large proportion of conservatism. Therefore (purely evaluation categories, no one has conducted research on this)) approximately half of the clients prefers traditional construction and repair, tested by time. Of course, modern materials are used, but the concepts of construction and lifefriend are affecting the minimum way.

Having determined the basic idea to optimize costs, significantly reduced costs. It also concerns the promotion of the company on the market, i.e. Marketer part of the business plan of the construction company.

Services of the construction company

Usually, the standard set of services of a universal construction company includes:

  • conducting survey work;
  • project work;
  • construction work of any complexity;
  • repair work of any complexity.

Companies try to include a larger range of services. And the construction of an apartment building, and the construction of cottages, and the construction of various specialized structures. This approach in terms of inclusion in the types of activity makes sense, but for promotional purposes is not always justified. Many prefer narrow specialists to masters for all hands.

Equipment and premises

It all depends on the company's format. General recommendations for equipment are as follows. If the frequent use of the equipment is supposed, it is better to purchase it. Otherwise, you can use equipment for rent. Rent in addition to everything will save from the need to maintain complex equipment. Optionally, the equipment should be purchased immediately, there are, for example, leasing capabilities (actually a loan secured by the acquired equipment).

With premises the same story. If there is equipment, then the premises for its storage and maintenance are required. With construction materials you can work with a wallary, or if necessary and large volumes, you should organize your own.

Points of sale

One of the sales points is the company's head office. The longest projects are offered, the better the office should be issued.. Although in most cases for small construction companies, a sufficiently small room in any place with the appropriate offered equipment services (furniture, a computer for projects for projects, a hall for meetings and negotiations, etc., depending on the company's format).

Next point of sales - Internet. For a large company desirable its website. For very small, announcements are suitable on thematic forums with the possibility of feedback.

Also sales points can be agents, other companies.


For the construction of a residential house of licensing is not required. The form of organizing an enterprise can be chosen as IP and incorporation. For small firms in the overwhelming majority of cases, IP is sufficient.

The standard document package will be required:

  • constituent documents (depending on the form of ownership);
  • external documents (contract contracts, lease and other);
  • internal documentation (a list of documents can be very significant, divided into organizational documentation and analytical: sales, profits, cost, etc. in various cuts).

In addition, additional documents may be required for definite activities:

  • SRO (self-regulatory organizations) - when building buildings more than 3 floors, with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 1500 square meters and a number of other conditions;
  • construction permit - it turns out in local self-government bodies in the design of the construction object;
  • design license - if you plan to provide design services;
  • license to engineering surveys during construction - if appropriate works are planned.

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It is selected depending on the format of the company. In most cases, it is convenient to divide on a constant and temporary.

Permanent personnel are the leadership, specialists of the company, professional masters, as well as people who are in demand constantly in the specifics of the enterprise's activities.

Temporary - staff that is selected under the object. Here you can dial the brigade with handymen, but it is advisable to put a competent wizard on them. Since the company's promotion on the market largely depends on the quality of work. Constant low quality sooner or later will lead to financial instability. In this regard, miracles do not happen if only all competitors will not have the same low.

At the same time, payment for personnel is recommended to establish a piecework to motivate the final result. The constant component is needed by key specialists to hold them in the firm. The piecework is desirable to focus on the final result and not only for timing, but also for a number of other indicators. At the moment there are several salary calculation programs and establishing prizes on criteria. There is an interesting calculation program, oriented not only to individual indicators, but also on the overall work of the team as a whole - it financially stimulates the team to cohesion into a single whole and orients problems.


There is quite a lot of competition in this area. The situation as a whole such that in traditional construction competition is sufficiently high. The specialized sector is somewhat lower, but usually there is a demand below and the requirements for the enterprise above, which means the initial costs above. Anyway high-quality construction company with the staff of professionals in the market is always in demand.

In innovative construction, competition is somewhat lower. And taking into account the fact that innovations in the construction sphere arise almost every day enough just to find an area with very low competition at the moment. But then there is a problem in the conviction of the client in what he needs it.

Some common comments

It happens to simply analyze the market of proposals and demand to develop your business offer. But there is a probability of miscalculation.

For sample. At this stage of development in our country, it is possible to identify such a pattern. Part of the fellow citizens has accumulations and trying to somehow save them, the other part is trying to build a business on the rent, i.e. . From here there is a demand for a certain residential and non-residential property (apartments, offices, shops). While it is in demand, but clearly this model cannot last long. Therefore, to focus, say, the construction of exclusively business centers is to lay certain risks for the future.

(Unbelievers can be reminded of the Soviet Union, whose adepts were disadvantaged - it would stand forever as the third Rome. But the eternal city is not the same as the eternal empire. So here, usually for those who do not want to analyze - the collapse comes unexpectedly.)


Marketing for the construction company depends solely on its goals. In any case, it should be. In the current market of services, marketing may not be engaged only for one or another reasons for service monopolists. Indeed, for Gazprom, the marketing component does not have a decisive value. He will have advertising or not - it still will have gas to buy gas and at the prices that will be installed.

Marketing implies advertising and work with customers. Advertising for small companies sufficient ads, newsletters, Internet promotion, outdoor advertising. For large companies, a separate, worked out advertising plan is desirable.

In terms of customer service:

  • system of discounts, bonuses;
  • various preferences to regular customers;
  • work with agents.

The marketing plan should include an analysis of the effectiveness of the business promotion tools themselves. That is, the effectiveness of advertising companies, the return of agents, the effect of bonuses, etc.

Financial plan

The final link of the business plan is the financial plan. The main goal of business projects is still an earnings. In the financial plan, the expenditure, revenue part is reflected, access to the payback point, project profitability and some more indicators depending on the specifics of the project, its implementation and further existence.

It does not make any sense to bring specific calculations. Since the cost range is almost zero (brigade's apartment repairs without an office, without complicated equipment) to very decent amounts. The yield and profitability are also different. Some relatively typical calculation will not lead.

For example, construction firm, IP is engaged in small repair of apartments (pasting wallpaper, laying of linoleum, laminate, tiles), no additional workers. There is no office and warehouse. Search for clients on recommendations.

In this case, the consuming is reduced to expenses for registering the enterprise, pay taxes and purchase some tools. Materials are provided by the customer. Conditionally costs 5-20 thousand rubles.

Profitable part of the attacks from such firms: 10-100 thousand per month. But the business is unstable enough. The payback period of investments does not make sense. Usually in such projects it pays off before the discovery, i.e. Start working, having agreed on the first object.

Another example. Middle construction company. Repair of apartments, offices. A couple of permanent employees, office, brigades repairmen hired, cargo transport, advertising costs.

It should be noted that in the realities of our country to obtain a contract for large objects should be laid in the expenditure part of the rollback. By some estimates up to 10% of the contract amount. Materials in costs are not laid, it is believed that the customer prepayment (a common practice of 30%) pays them.

The revenue part is also unstable: from 0 to 1.5-2.0 million per month. The payback period is from 1 year to 3 years.

If you have knowledge in the construction sphere, they can be successfully applied and create their own construction company. To have an idea of \u200b\u200byour future business, its development and direction need a competent business plan.

But what to stop, how to choose a business idea so that it meets your interests and wallet? If you are going to do similar activities, then our recommendations for you.

How to choose your niche?

As the analysis of the building market, such services are most popular, such as:

  • Work on laying tiles;
  • Assembly of stretch ceilings;
  • Construction of small cottage houses and economy class cottages;
  • Works on the construction of terraces, veranda in summer construction and other buildings.

This is a small list of rapidly payback to business ideas in this area. All this is achieved through modern building technologies and inexpensive equipment for work.

What can you start?

  • If you do not have extra money to pay for the construction team, and you are going to start working alone, you can provide wallpaper stabbing services, wall decoration or laying ceramic tiles. For other works, for example, on the assembly of stretch ceilings, one cannot cope.
  • As we have the institution, all construction work is transferred for the warm season. And if you give preference to the construction of country houses, terraces, veranda, then winter will have to be left without work. But plastering, equipping or repairing office buildings can be all year.
  • For those who have a creative veil, and who loves to apply their fantasy, the best construction is suitable. To organize such a business, you will need to buy a lot of tools, but it will pay off rather soon.
  • If you prefer the assembly of stretch ceilings, you will have to hire utility workers. You will need to purchase heat guns and tensioning material, you will need to rent a place to accept applications and storage of equipment. Tip: To make things going well, enter into an individual contract with the manufacturer of stretch materials and fastening systems.
  • You can look at another idea: drilling wells in the private sector. Any landlord owner is sooner or later thinking about autonomous water supply and hires a drilling company for work. If you are going to engage in drilling wells, you will need a rig, rings and workers. Work does not stop, it is in demand at any time of the year. If you do not have money purchases or rental equipment, you can start such a business with manual drilling. True, this process is long and time consuming, but you will earn the right starting capital.

About all the nuances of this sphere in the 21st century - on the following video:

Basics of a business plan on an example of a repair company

So that business develops purposefully, you need to create a business plan for the development of the enterprise. This document is needed for the owner, and for potential investors, it is necessary to come up with all seriousness. If you want to define priorities for yourself, then it should reflect all future income and expenses, there are ways to achieve the company's greatest profits, the entire technological process is described. And if you are going to take advantage of credit funds, it must present profit indicators and the necessary calculations have been carried out.

Document structure

  • Title page. The company name is written here, all contacts. If there is, lead a list of founders.
  • Then goes introductory text. This indicates the idea of \u200b\u200ba business, the sphere of activity, where entrepreneurship is expected. It is also necessary to indicate what your organization will differ from other similar firms, most favorable parties, make small economic calculations. You can also describe the most typical works that you will deal with the success of the success of other companies operating in the same sphere.
  • Main part. It is necessary to make an analytical overview of the services provided in this area, it is desirable to provide figures that will indicate the lack of enterprises in this area of \u200b\u200bservice. You must also tell you what means you use to achieve your goal: advertising or other marketing methods. If you have already found a company that is ready to provide you with a job, then you need to write about it with all the details: contracts for the provision of services, surnames and contact details of customers.
  • Now go to K. description of personnel Your organization. Start from the governing lineup: what kind of education is the leader, what is his work experience in this area. We also specify which staff of you need to work, and whether you have a need to attract third-party employees if the scope of work will increase. You need to write a resume for the entire staff of the future personnel: what you see them, what abilities and skills they should possess.
  • Economic calculation: Select your method of organizing financial activities. We must describe the amount of starting capital, the possible investment, the wage foundation. We also consider the alleged income and expenses, we calculate the term for which the company can pay off completely and then brings only profits. We need to predict variables and permanent costs: constant include employee wages, rental, social and insurance payments, taxation. To variable costs, the cost of building material can be attributed, pay for temporary employees, the costs of the advertising company. Based on the calculated data, it is necessary to predict activities at least 3 years of work.
  • After drawing up the forecast you need estimate possible risks: Will the organization be in demand in the future and will there be a profit from its activities.
  • Complete business plan conclusions: You can write an extended introductory material and include various additional materials: copies of contractual obligations, tables with calculated calculations, copies of statutory documents.

What to pay attention to document

Many novice businessmen do not write their own business plan, but simply download from the Internet and not even edit under their activities. Even if the downloaded plan fully meets your sphere, you risk losing your original ideas.

It is not necessary to make a special focus on the demand of your business, they say, for a professional employee, work will always be, and repairing its apartments will be all the same. So writes most of the newly-handed entrepreneurs, and in their plan to indicate specific data: the number of perceived residential facilities, the number of customers on cosmetic or designer repair of apartments. Write about whether there is a queue for repair work, describe what amount of work can be performed for a certain period, payment rates.

The bulk of the plan is economic calculations, where you need to describe the alleged income and expenses of the company.

For example, you will need to purchase a special equipment, the cost of which can be about 10 million rubles, you will also need construction tools, you need to give a full list of their price list. Certificates for marketing accompaniment: Promotion of the company in the media, creating billboards and simple advertising on radio and television. You will also need a room to accommodate an office, calculate details of the rental funds, specify them in your plan. To open a business, you may need about 10-11 million rubles.

If this is a low-dimensional figure for you, then you can reduce it if you do not acquire a new technique, and for example, to buy the ex-in use: it is cheaper, and it is possible to work on it for some time until your own funds appear on it.

Imagine a full payback to the company: what amount you are going to earn monthly, what services you will provide, their estimated value. From these data, output full payback formula, indicate its estimated period.

How is personnel information filed?

The famous expression "Frames decide everything" did not lose its relevance and in the construction sector. You must give a complete description of your future employees: the number of employees of a particular qualification according to your activities, how many certified employees do you want to hire, and how much will work without qualifications with handymen.

It is desirable that some have a construction education in the specialty, which is involved in your field, specify their number in the document. If you are engaged in the construction of country houses, then the staff must have builders of different specialties familiar with the construction of buildings.

What documents do you need?

In order for the activity of your company to be legal, it must be registered in the tax inspectorate, put pressure on:

  • You must decide on the financial and legal form of your company: it can be. To do this, it is necessary to solve the general meeting of members of society, if the form is chosen as ltd., or a simple decision on the organization of the enterprise, if you work as an individual entrepreneur. With all documents, you need to contact the tax inspectorate and apply for registration.
  • To keep any financial activity, we need a settlement account in the bank, better if it is a state financial institution. Write an application for opening an account, get details.
  • Order for your company printing and stamps, they will be needed to execute financial documents.

Many work must be certified, that is, it is necessary to contact a self-regulating organization to obtain admission to conduct a certain type of construction work. To do this, you need compulsory membership in the organization, all construction firms that provide services must enter into it.

What do you need to get orders?

To be recognized in the construction market of services, you need to carry out comprehensive marketing of the company:

  • Organize advertising in any available places, put shields with your list of your services and prices, then get the order will be much easier.
  • You can on construction work, so you can declare yourself, and many customers will learn about your existence.
  • But tenders are usually aimed at the search for a large construction organization, but contests are to find small firms for repairs, for example, in a preschool or school educational institution. And in this case, the choice falls on companies that declare small rates.

Sometimes it can happen that a large enterprise won a competition for producing a large amount of work, but she passes a small company, and it is a chance to get a job for a long time, that is, to take part in the subcontract.

For a beginner construction organization, it is important not to spoil your business reputation: to carry out work on conscience, without marriage. And then rumors about you will scatter around the city, and customers will become more.

In any period of time, construction will be a requested service, the demand for coming every day grows. As in all other investment projects, there will be their own features and nuances here, so at the initial stage there will be an important task to compile a competent business plan of the construction company. We will study the highlights that will help you to delve into the essence of the question, and understand whether to open a similar business. Also, we denote how much money will be required to open a small construction company.

The first thing is worth noting: for this direction of business is characterized by very high competition. You need to remember that the slightest error can cost the construction company of large financial losses. This market is quite tough, it requires high costs both from the point of view of finance and in terms of time.

Construction business can be rightfully called the most rating activity. This area will be really profitable and promising, however, for success, you will have to make efforts. At the initial stage you will need to decide on the construction category:

  • civil Engineering;
  • industrial engineering;
  • road construction.

In order to choose a suitable construction direction, it is necessary to carefully analyze the market. It is important to understand that according to the second two directions, competition will be much lower. However, carrying out civil construction, the businessman gets the opportunity to provide himself with great profit.

Considering the civil engineering market, it can be said that recently there is a real tendency to reduce the level of demand for apartments in high-rise buildings. At the same time, private houses are growing. In most cases, these are small cottages that can be attributed to the economy class and the middle class.

Modern young people prefer not to buy ready-made houses, but engage in construction on their own. This allows them to satisfy their tastes and requirements. Orders for the construction of houses are transmitted to private construction companies. In this regard, a very relevant idea will be low-rise construction of private houses as a business. Will this business benefits? Like large and small construction business is characterized by great profitability. Of course, sometimes there are periods of decline in demand for services, however, with competent management, the business owner does not face the package.

Low-rise construction is less risks, in contrast to large civil construction. This is an excellent option for the initial entrepreneurial stage. Starting its activities from low-rise construction, the love of a businessman can expand the business and cover other spheres. The only nuance with whom will have to face - a seasonal factor. In winter, the number of orders for low-rise construction decreases.

The main advantage of the construction business is its profitability, which is within 50 70%. This means that investment in the investment project will pay off in a very short time, during the year they will significantly increase. This is a really profitable and profitable business, however it is important to understand that you will probably have possible problems, as well as pitfalls.

Speaking of possible problems, it is necessary to relate the opportunity and desires of a businessman. Prepare to the fact that the business in the construction direction will require significant investment investment at the start, especially if you want to open a serious construction company. Opening your own construction company, it is not recommended to immediately cover most of the market, that is, working in several directions. Make a phased plan for realizing activities and clearly follow him. It is better not to take a lot of orders at once if you know that you cannot perform them with the help of the production facilities that you have at your disposal.

The market for the construction of buildings and structures does not lose its popularity. This market segment is developing dynamically, thanks to the development of technologies, new construction works are also being actively introduced. Those who want to start their business in this field can stop relatively high competition in this industry. However, with the competent settlement of business priorities, and the knowledge of the relevant nuances of entrepreneurship in this area can be achieved by confident business success and stable income. To achieve such goals, a business plan must first be drawn up, where all project economic indicators will be calculated. After all, it is for their meanings, first of all, an investor pays attention to when he is given a business plan for consideration. According to the method of planning a business based on the construction company, this project has a lot in common, as the data is essentially different, business projects have a lot in terms of the equipment used, professional qualities of personnel and so on. Returning to the project of a construction organization, it can be noted that such a business can be launched consistently passing three main stages. These steps consist of:

  1. Passage of registration procedures as a legal entity, and the provision of business with the necessary seals and form.
  2. Obtaining permits.
  3. Drawing up a business plan.

1. At the first stage associated with the passage of the registration procedure, the entrepreneur should decide on the organizational and legal form of a legal entity. The most suitable option is IP or LLC. Then it is necessary to arrange a round seal of the organization and acquire it forms. You must also open the personal account in the bank. 2. Since since 2010 has been canceled licensing of construction activities, the receipt of the relevant document is abolished. For an organization, it is necessary to ensure only admission to the SRO (self-regulating organization). 3. Drawing up a business plan is key not only for the successful work of the organization in the future, but also a favorable presentation of the project to investors. The business plan is a detailed description of the opening business with calculated project economic indicators. It should give a detailed description of the planned construction organization, name the chosen organizational and legal form, and transfer the types of services provided. Number standard services The construction company includes:

  • geodesic and survey work in the places of alleged construction;
  • work on finishing and repairing any complexity;
  • construction work of any complexity (including low-rise buildings and objects).

A positive assessment of the investor will cause a remark about the possible expansion of the services provided. An assessment of the economic situation that develops in this segment of the market should be given, which also makes it possible to understand whether the discovery of the selected view of the business is appropriate in this region, and how successful will be successful.

Personnel search

The choice of future employees should be approached very responsibly, since from their ability to perform professional duties directly depend on the formation of the company's image, and further demand in its customer services. However, it is not necessary to carry out the entire spectrum of construction work to take on the permanent basis of employees, as it is fraught with significant costs of wage fund. For a number of labor-intensive work requiring the use of special construction equipment, temporary-based workers can be involved. Such works include:

  • geodesic;
  • geological;
  • design work;
  • delivery and lifting oversized cargo and other.

All other works should be carried out by permanent employees of the company. Minimum working brigade Must consist of:

  1. plumber;
  2. plasterer;
  3. painter;
  4. an electrician.

It is desirable that these posts do not combine one person, and each specialized part of the work performed a separate worker. Also in the state should a foreman who controls all the directly construction part of the works, an architect, as well as an office manager who will be engaged in receiving calls from customers and answers to their questions.

Premises and equipment

For a construction company, it is necessary to rent a room in which its office will be located. Such a room can be placed in a residential building and be an apartment, re-equipped under the office. Therefore, in addition to standard furniture items - tables and chairs for customers, The office should attend:

  • telephone;
  • a computer;
  • printer / scanner.

So for specialized works, the special equipment can be attracted on time grounds, then it is not necessary to acquire such installations. For the successful work of the construction company, it is enough to purchase a truck for the transportation of building materials to the place of direct use. In addition, workers need to provide the following tool:

  1. screwdriver;
  2. lobzik;
  3. perforator;
  4. laser level;
  5. slab;
  6. drill;
  7. hammers;
  8. tool kits and so on.

Advertising strategy

  • opening your own website firms;
  • advertising ads in the media;
  • distribution of leaflets and booklets on the streets and near public transport stops.

The creation of your own website refers to one of the most successful ways to attract additional clientele, since on the Internet resource you can place samples of work performed, the approximate cost of services, to tell the potential customers about new construction projects and services and so on.


The obligatory stage of making a business plan is to calculate the financial plan of the project and related economic indicators. Expenditure part This plan includes:

  1. Purchase of special equipment - 10 000 000 rubles.
  2. Buying a building inventory and tools - 1000 000 rubles.
  3. Office rent - 250,000 rubles per year.
  4. The implementation of the advertising strategy, transportation costs and representative expenses - 220,000 rubles per year.

When counting the costs, it turns out that the starting capital for the opening of the construction company is 11,270,000 rubles. Future incomes of the firm in the framework of the construction of construction works are more than 1500,000 rubles per month. With this level of monthly income, the business will pay off in less than 12 months of work.

For 350 rubles, our partners, with a guarantee of quality. In open access, on the Internet, it is not.
Business plan content:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the facility
5. Marketing Plan
6. Technical and Economic Equipment Data
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and Economic Justification of Investments
10. Conclusions

The presented video gives several tips to those who wish to open a business related to the construction industry.


The construction industry does not lose its popularity from the consumer, which is why the opening of a construction company can become a successful business project, subject to the observance of the nuances of the management in this area and compile a competent business plan.

Page readers can download free and use in the future when drawing up your own business project.

Companies providing services for construction and interior decoration always enjoy a high level of demand. This is due to the desire of the population to increase its living area or improve the existing. Therefore, many entrepreneurs are thinking: how to open a construction company from scratch.

But despite the demand of this business, do not count on a simple and fast start. Construction business requires analyzing the service market, the level of demand and competitive environment. In almost any city, there are a large number of and large, and small players of this market.

Experienced companies offer a full range of services - from small finishing works before developing a project and construction of turnkey buildings.

Choice of specialization

How to start organizing a construction business? To build a business plan at the first stage, it is necessary to determine the specialization. Do not think that a newcomer will simply cover the full range of services. It is recommended to start with one segment and constantly develop, offering new services.

There are the following areas of construction work:

  • interior decoration of the room, repair work;
  • construction of production facilities;
  • road construction;
  • construction of residential buildings.

The above services also include preparatory work and disassembling buildings. Many construction firms today practice a number of additional services:

  • renting equipment, technicians, workers;
  • making building materials and their implementation;
  • development of project documentation.

Business registration

From the beginning of the activity, it is recommended to register a future construction company. What is needed for registration of permits? Start with the choice of legal status. You can work as an individual entrepreneur or as a legal entity (LLC).

IP is the operationalization of registration, minimum of documents, simplified reporting. But LLC gives more opportunities for further development, the main one is cooperation with investors, business partners. In addition, all financial obligations, a legal entity pays only by authorized capital, in contrast to the PI, in which personal property can withdraw in debts.

Entry into SRO

Without entering the SRO (self-regulatory organization), your activity will not be considered legal. In order to become her member, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • certificate of registration of a business entity (a copy certified by the notary);
  • extract from EMRL;
  • statute (if you registered as a legal entity);
  • certificates of workers (engineers, construction machinery operators, etc.).

Equipment and machinery

Novice companies are not easy to provide themselves with the necessary technologies from the first days of work. The number and types of the necessary equipment depend on the spectrum of the work performed. For one brigade, workers will need technologies worth from 20 thousand dollars. But if your starting capital is limited, the necessary equipment can be rented or to buy in lease. This cost of expenses should also include the purchase of a car for transportation of equipment, materials and workers.

Personnel search

Combating workers can be found on the announcement, in specialized universities and colleges, recruitment agencies or among familiar. Pay attention to the workers who come from the depths or neighboring countries with low levels. They can be qualified professionals, while not to demand a lot of money for their services.

Search for customers

The income level will depend on the number of orders. How to declare yourself in the construction market, which is full of competitors:

  • Participation in tenders. In contests for the construction of large objects of industrial importance, a newcomer has nothing to do, as they are focused on solid construction firms. But here are the tenders of schools, kindergartens and other institutions for repair work by a young construction company to win "under power", since the main criterion is the cost of services provided. Competently compiled business plan for the construction company and the low price for the services will give a good start in the construction business.
  • Arrangement with developers. Every year new objects are surreated in our country. Since any apartment requires finishing work, not always developers cope and are looking for assistants.
  • Participation in subcontracting programs. Many large construction companies received an order, use the services of small firms, which perform a number of additional services.

The main advertisement of its services is "Sarafan Radio". Having received high-quality services, your client will certainly tell about the company to his colleagues and acquaintances. Recommendations from loved ones in any business serve as the most effective marketing.

Financial calculations

Significant investments that are needed to open a business are one of the shortcomings. In addition, get ready for the delay in working capital with unfinished construction work.

To open a construction company, starting investments will be directed to the following costs:

  • purchase of tools - 1 million rubles;
  • purchase of technology - 10 million rubles;
  • transportation costs, paperwork, tax pay - 100 thousand rubles;
  • rent of warehouse, office organization - 200 thousand rubles.

The above costs can be reduced twice, if you refuse the office, rent a special equipment.

But if you competently organize a business and conclude contracts with customers, you can download costs for the year. On average, profitability is 50-60%.

Difficulties and risks of business organization

Construction business has its pitfalls. The main risks that are waiting for you at the start can be called:

  • unqualified or dishonest personnel;
  • lack of orders or reducing the amount of work (for example, due to economic instability, inflation);
  • the cost of building materials;
  • tax growth;
  • delay in the commissioning of the object, which will lead to late payment for construction services;
  • competing pressure;
  • economic difficulties - the fall of the national currency rate, inflation.

Commercial offers

If you are a manufacturer or supplier of equipment, an expert or provide a franchise in this area, then email us through the contact page. Below we will place information about your offer and your contacts.
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→ 11.03.2016


The page publishes only useful for other feedback, in which it is indicated that a person has experience in this matter.


    I will share my own experience of opening a construction business, I hope that this will be interesting to someone. Will start with the fact that he was educated in the specialty engineer. And graduated from the University of Construction University. He studied so-so, with a triple on the four. At all, it did not imagine what I would do at the end of study, as it really did something real only in practice after the third year. Oddly enough, the creation of own construction business of desires did not arise then. I decided to receive second education, economic.
    Only after that, more or less specific ideas about their own business began to appear. Moreover, no matter how strange it sounds, the main thoughts were associated with the first to be developed by the construction formation.
    To begin with, I found a partner in the face of an old friend. A small office premises acquired on the total money, considering the rental of inefficient investment. At the first stage, they put a real and all-time task - just start working, without trying to compete with the shark of the construction business.
    Then registered our own LLC, then entered the SRO. Despite such an abundance of abbreviations, the procedure did not imagine much difficulty. In both cases, they cost small blood and very lowest costs. True, in a situation with SRO we simply received a certain installment in the implementation of not such small mandatory payments.
    The next stage of the formation was the definition of the types of work that we planned to do. Naturally, it was quite logical to start with small hotels. For its own advertising, a wide variety of products used to fly to flyers distributed in the new buildings of the city. One way or another, they fell a couple of sufficiently large objects associated with budget financing. This was the first serious success.
    Then I had to solve problems with obtaining the admission of SRO, which at first we managed to delay. In general, the amount of the contribution to such an organization is with a minimum package of the received tolerances of approximately 400 thousand rubles. This Money SRO receives, and then they settle the dead cargo on the accounts of the organization. You can discuss as much as you like to discuss the intelligence of such financial costs, but the current legislation does not provide other opportunities to participate in any serious construction business.
    Anyway, we, of course, paid money. Currently, we have a pair of relatively large contracts, one of which is a decoration of kindergarten in the new quarter. The main problem in the work is a high level of competition among construction organizations. It is enough difficult to count on high profitability, the main focus is on the increase in the amount of work performed. This method of profit is quite reasonable in current conditions is considered more efficient.