Blue phone booth doctor who. History of the tardis

Blue phone booth doctor who. History of the tardis

Doctor Who- British sci-fi television series of the company BBC about a mysterious alien time traveler known as “ Doctor". Together with his companions, he explores time and space, traveling in the TARDIS spaceship.

Doctor Who was hit twice Guinness Book of Records(as the longest running sci-fi series and as the most successful sci-fi project), won several awards such as BAFTA(British Academy Television Awards) and NTA(National Television Awards). He is recognizable all over the world, fragments of the series are shown in many scientific programs, and in Great Britain almost everyone has watched Doctor Who at least once - this is practically a classic of cinema!

The series is divided into two parts: Classic series(or Old School, Old School, from 1963 to 1989, as well as the 1996 film) and New episodes(or New School, Newschool, revived TV series, since 2005). In Russia, the Classic Doctor is practically unknown, but the 2005 episodes were broadcast twice on TV channels. STS, NST and Carousel... Doctor Who also has three direct spin-offs (or spin-offs): "Torchwood"(known in Russia as Alien Hunters), The Sarah Jane Adventure and "Class"... Unfortunately, the first two spin-offs are already closed, as is the series. "K9" from the Australian company ABC, indirectly related to Doctor Who.

The main character of the series - Doctor... He is more than 2000 years old (at least, he claims so), his real name is not known to anyone (some people mistakenly believe that his name is Theta Sigma, but this is just the old nickname of the Doctor from the Academy, which was mentioned a couple of times in the series). V this moment he is the last of his people, Time Lords(Originally - Time Lords, so fans often call them Time Lords). Home planet of the Doctor, Gallifrey, was destroyed in The Last Great Time War(but then, according to the plot of the series, it turns out that everything is not so simple). In the same war, the main enemies of the Doctor were killed - far away(which, however, did not prevent them from repeatedly appearing in the New Series).

More than 50 years have passed since the first broadcast of Doctor Who, and, naturally, no actor could have starred in the series for so long. Therefore, the creators of the series came up with a loophole - if the Doctor dies, his body is completely rebuilt. This process is called regeneration... Not only the Doctor's appearance changes, but also his character, manners, tastes. To date, the Doctor has been played by 13 actors (8 in the Classic and 5 in the New Series). Because of this change, there is a "numbering" of the Doctor's incarnations. The current Doctor ( Peter Capaldi) is the Twelfth Doctor. Previously, it was believed that the Doctor has thirteen lives in total, that is, one day he will have to die, but in one of the series "The Adventures of Sarah Jane" the Eleventh Doctor claims that he can regenerate 507 times (perhaps as a joke). Although the writers claim that while "The Doctor" will be watched, it will continue, because in science fiction everything is possible. At the end of the seventh season, the Doctor received a new set of regenerations, so his adventures continue!

The doctor is almost always not alone; companions travel with him. It's not just people from different eras and planets, but also robots, aliens, even the Time Lords. The very first companion of the Doctor was his granddaughter, Susan. Now a girl named Bill (played by Pearl Maki) travels with the Doctor.

In the Doctor's universe (also called Whoniverse) Time travel is not only possible, but also an integral part of the series. The Doctor's Spaceship - TARDIS (TARDIS, Time And Relative Dimension (s) In Space) has a "chameleon" system, which should rebuild the exterior of the ship to the environment. At the moment, the system is broken, so the TARDIS looks like an ordinary blue police box from the 60s (it has been "stuck" in this state since the days of the First Doctor). Inside, the TARDIS is huge, it has many rooms and rooms, but usually in the series we see the console room. The TARDIS is a living being, she (and the female TARDIS) has a heart. In one episode, the soul of the TARDIS even moves into the body of a woman.

From alien gadgets, in addition to the TARDIS, the Doctor often uses sonic screwdriver... She is capable of many things, from opening / closing doors to hacking into computers. The screwdriver first appeared in the Classic Series during the time of the Fourth Doctor, but was rarely used by the Doctor. In the New Series 2005 we see a screwdriver in almost every episode. The Doctor has repeatedly changed its appearance - at the moment, it resembles the TARDIS in design and glows blue.

Also, the Doctor sometimes resorts to using a slightly telepathic paper - it shows people what its owner wants.

TARDIS(eng. The TARDIS [ˈtɑː (r) dɪs] (Time And Relative Dimension (s) In Space) is a time machine and spaceship from the British television series Doctor Who.

A product of Time Lords technology, the well-controlled TARDIS can take its passengers anywhere in space and time. The inside of the TARDIS is much larger than the outside. Its appearance can change ("chameleon" system). In the series, the Doctor mismanages the ship - he stole a disused Type 40 TARDIS (once called a TT capsule, whose chameleon system was damaged and the TARDIS itself was "stuck" in the form of a 1963 London police booth). It was stolen from Gallifrey, where it was obsolete.

The TARDIS in the classic series was also referred to simply as "ship," "capsule," or even "Police Box."

Doctor Who has become such a big part of British pop culture that not only the shape of the phone booth has become associated with the TARDIS, but the word TARDIS itself is used to describe anything that is more on the inside than on the outside. The TARDIS is a registered trademark of the BBC.

Main characteristics

The TARDIS grow, not make (The Impossible Planet). They draw energy from several sources, but primarily from the core of an artificial black hole, the Eye of Harmony, created by the legendary Time Lord Omega. In The Edge of Destruction (1964), the source of power for the TARDIS (aka "the heart of the TARDIS") is located under the console, namely under the central column, the raising and lowering of which indicates that it is functioning.

Other items required for quality work The TARDIS and those required from time to time include mercury (used in a liquid state), the rare Ceylon-7 ore (Vegeance on Varos, 1985), and "arthron energy." The latter is a form of temporal energy generated by the minds of the Lords, which also aids the operation of the TARDIS (The Deadly Assassin, 1976; Four to Doomsday, 1982, etc.).

Before the TARDIS is fully functional, it must first be coupled with the biology of the Overlord, which is usually accomplished by simply directing the TARDIS over the Overlord, at least for the first time. This came from yet another Rassilon device, part of the Overlords' biological makeup, giving it a symbiotic relationship with the TARDIS and the ability to withstand the physical stress of time travel (The Two Doctors, 1985). Without this adaptation, molecular disintegration will result; this ensures that there is no misuse of time travel, even if the TARDIS technology is copied. Once the time machine completely took over, but, nevertheless, with a margin in a device called a "briole nebulizer" it could be used by any kind.

Under the laws of the Overlords, illegal use of the TARDIS incurs "only one penalty," in the sense of death. Aside from its ability to travel in space and time (and occasionally in other dimensions), the most surprising characteristic of the TARDIS is that it is much larger on the inside than on the outside. This is because the TARDIS is “spatially transcendental,” meaning that its outer and inner parts are in different dimensions. In The Robots of Death (1977), the Fourth Doctor tries to explain this to his companion Leela, using an analogy like this: a larger cube can appear in a smaller one if it is in the distance, but is directly available at some time. According to the Doctor, interdimensional engineering was the key to the Lords' discoveries. Because of this unusual aspect of the TARDIS, entering a ship for the first time is usually shocked and disbelieving as a result. Susan, the Doctor's "granddaughter", stated that she named the TARDIS: "I made (it) from initials." Be that as it may, the word "TARDIS" (Time And Relative Dimension In Space) is used in the same way to describe the other transporting capsules of the Overlords.

Also in the 2005 series on Rosa Tyler's mobile, the "Tardis is calling" is displayed, which means that this abbreviation can be written this way (like NATO instead of NATO). As shown in The Trial of a Time Lord (1986), the experience gathered by the TARDIS and its crew can be recorded and revisited in the Matrix, the Lords' computer system that stores all of their knowledge. The Doctor in this episode, by his protests, implies that it is not normal for the TARDIS to communicate with the Matrix.

The Doctor's TARDIS

The Doctor's TARDIS is an obsolete type 40 TT capsule (probably "TT" should be taken as "time travel"), which he unofficially "borrowed" when leaving his home planet, Gallifrey. In the "Planet of the dead"he claims to have stolen her

There were 305 registered 40 types, but all the rest did not pass the commission and were converted into new, improved models (The Deadly Assassin). However, over the years, changes appear in the main console room, and the Second Doctor's statement in The Three Doctors (1972) is “Ah! I see you tweaked the TARDIS slightly. I don’t like it. ”Suggests that the Doctor updated the TARDIS systems on a case-by-case basis, assuming that this implies that the ship's internal architecture reconfiguration abilities affect the console room as well.

The TARDIS was already old when the Doctor first picked it up, but how old it is is unclear. In The Empty Child, the Ninth Doctor claims to have "900 years of travel in a phone booth" behind him, meaning that his TARDIS is at least that old (and apparently even older) at the time.


As already noted, although the TARDIS is capable of transforming into something from the external environment, at the Doctor it was stuck in the form of a public police telephone booth (when it landed in 1963 and began to materialize around a real booth), because its camouflage system broke - literally " chameleon device ". What exactly is the breakdown has never been specified.

The system was first mentioned in the second episode of the series, where the First Doctor and Susan noted that it broke, but without a technical name. The system was originally called "camouflage" (The Time Meddler, 1965). The name was changed to "camouflage system" in Logopolis (1981). Attempts to repair the disguise were made in Logopolis and Attack of the Cybermen, but the TARDIS's successful transformation into organ form and intricate gateway was short-lived, and the TARDIS soon returned to its original state. In Boom Town (2005), the Ninth Doctor hints that he gave up trying to fix the system only a while ago, getting used to the booth - "I already like it."

Cosmetically, the appearance of the police booth remained practically unchanged, although small changes did appear over the years. For example, the sign on the door hiding the telephone changed - instead of black letters on a white background, white on black and white on blue appeared at different times. Other updates include constant movement of words on the panel, from Urgent Calls to All Calls. The Police Box badge has not changed since Season 18. The TARDIS used to have a first aid kit on the door, but it quickly disappeared. In The Empty Child, it is revealed that the TARDIS, regardless of appearance as the phone does not work because it is not connected.

Despite its anachronistic appearance as a police booth, the TARDIS's presence rarely raised questions when it materialized. In Boom Town, the Doctor simply noted that people are oblivious to strange things like the TARDIS, echoing a similar thought by the Seventh Doctor in Remembrance of the Daleks (1988) that humans have "amazing powers of self-deception." In most series, the outer doors of the TARDIS booth operate separately from the serious interior doors, although sometimes both sets can be opened in the same way, allowing passengers to look directly outside and vice versa. The entrance to the TARDIS is opened and locked from the outside with a key that the Doctor keeps personally, only occasionally giving copies to his companions. In the 2005 series, the key is also associated with the TARDIS, capable of signaling its presence or delaying its arrival. The signal is manifested in the heating and glow of the key. The TARDIS key ranged in design from the usual "Yale" key to the Egyptian key of life with an alien twist - during the Third Doctor. It reappeared as the "Yale" key in the 2005 series.

The security level of the TARDIS has varied from story to story. It originally had 21 different holes, and the key would melt if misplaced (The Daleks, 1963). The First Doctor was also able to unlock the TARDIS with his call (The Web Planet) and restore it using the light of the alien sun, guiding it through the diamond in the call (The Dalek's Master Plan).

The change in the design of the keys suggests that the Doctor also changed the locking system every time, which in some cases did not always work. In Spearhead From Space (1970), the Third Doctor said that the lock has a metabolism detector, so even if someone illegally possesses the key, the doors will still not open. The Ninth Doctor claimed that through the doors of the TARDIS "the hordes of Genghis Khan could not break through - believe me, they tried very hard" (Rose, 2005). In fact, several humans managed to simply wander into the TARDIS without any problems over the years, including those who later became the Doctor's assistants.

The doors are supposed to be closed during the flight; in Planet of Giants, the opening of doors during dematerialization caused the TARDIS and everyone in it to shrink to doll size. In The Enemy of the world(1967) taking off while the doors were still open resulted in an immediate decompression — blowing the evil Salamanders out of the TARDIS. The Second Doctor and his companions clung to the console, and the crisis ended only when Jamie was able to close the doors. In The Warriors "Gate (1981), the doors opened during the flight between the two universes, admitting tharila Birok.

The Time Lords (as well as their peers) are able to redirect the flight of the TARDIS (The Ribos Operation, 1978), as Rani, the Overlord, once did (The Mark of Rani, 1985). Rani used Stattenheim's remote control to summon her TARDIS. In The Two Doctors, the Second Doctor also used Stattenheim's handheld controls. In the final episode of 2005, the Ninth Doctor turned on the TARDIS using a sonic screwdriver, sent Rose home, and simultaneously activated the TARDIS's alarm program from outside. The outer dimensions can be amplified through the inner ones under extraordinary circumstances. In Frontios (1984), when the TARDIS was destroyed by a Tractor-induced meteor shower, what was inside partially fell out of the booth, but the Doctor ultimately tricked Gravis, the Tractor's leader, by recreating the ship. In The Father's Day (2005), a temporal paradox led to a wound in time, throwing out the interior of the ship and leaving the TARDIS with an empty shell of a telephone booth (and, as you know, not working). However, the Doctor tried to use the TARDIS key in combination with a small electric charge to retrieve the ship, although the process was interrupted and the TARDIS recovered on its own, after the paradox was resolved.

Interior view

Even through the doors of the booth, you can see that the TARDIS is huge. The exact capacity of the TARDIS was not specified, but in addition to the living quarters, the interior contains an art gallery (which is actually a non-operational station), a bathroom with a swimming pool, a medical department and several brick-walled warehouses (all shown in The Invasion of Time, 1978). Parts of the TARDIS can be isolated from each other or altered; The doctor at Castrovalva was able to tell about 25% of the structure of the TARDIS to provide additional credibility. Despite the common misconception that the TARDIS is infinite within, it is not. In Full Circle (1980) Romana states that the weight of the TARDIS in Alzarius' gravity, similar to that of the Earth, was 5 * 10 6 kg. Perhaps this meant the weight of its interior furnishings, since it has been shown on several occasions that the TARDIS is so light that several people can easily lift it (like an ordinary booth).

The apparent architecture of the future in the TARDIS is "rounded". In the context of the TARDIS, this means that decorating the walls of rooms (including cantilevers) and corridors is based on a circle. Some rounds hide the devices and mechanisms of the TARDIS (this is shown in many series - The Wheel in Space, 1968; Logopolis, Castrovalva, 1981; Arc of Infinity, 1983; Terminus, 1983 and Attack of Cybermen, 1985). The designs of the rounds ranged from bases carved on a black background, to photographic images printed on the walls, to transparent, luminous discs in later series. In the second cantilever room, most of the round pieces were in wood paneling, with some of the decor appearing in glass splashes. In the new series, round pieces are also present, built into the walls of the new console room.

Other rooms include living quarters for many of the Doctor's companions, although the Doctor's own bedroom has not been mentioned or shown. Also in the TARDIS is Room Zero, protected from the rest of the universe and providing a calm environment for the Fifth Dotcore during its post-regeneration period - and this is only among the 25% known to the Doctor! Although the inner corridors were not shown in the 2005 series, the fact that they still exist was reflected in the Unquiet Dead, where the Doctor gave Rose some very clear directions on the way to the TARDIS wardrobe. The wardrobe was mentioned several times in the original series and was featured in The Androids of Tara (1978), The Twin Dilemma (1984), Time and Rani (1987). Updated version The wardrobe from which the Tenth Doctor chose new clothes was shown in The Christmas Invasion (2005) as a large multi-level room with a spiral staircase. Many rooms are promised to be shown in subsequent episodes.

Most often from the rooms, the console is shown, where the flight control panel is located. In the original series, the TARDIS has at least two control rooms - the main one, with white walls, with a futuristic look, very often used throughout the history of the program, and the second, used during the 14th season, with a more antique look, with wood paneling.

In the Third Doctor's series The Time Monster (1972), the TARDIS's console room was dramatically altered, even the round ones. However, in the next episode, the Doctor put everything in order. In the 2005 series, this room became domed, with organically looking supporting columns. Now the inner doors are missing, but the outer doors - the booth doors - are clearly visible from the inside of the TARDIS. How such a radical change occurred is not explained, although it is believed that the TARDIS healed itself after serious damage, a kind of "regeneration".

TARDIS console

The main feature of the control rooms, in any known configuration, is the TARDIS console, which contains the instruments that control the ship's functions. The appearances of the main control room varied widely, but were always divided into driving parts: pedestals controlling the periphery, and a moving column in the center, bouncing up and down as the TARDIS flew like a pump. While opinions vary, the layout of the panels implies that they are designed to control more than just one. Therefore, it is believed (although it is not mentioned anywhere) that the TARDIS should be controlled by three to six Time Lords. This may explain why the Doctor tends to run around the console maniacally while piloting the TARDIS. The console can be operated independently of the TARDIS. During the Third Doctor, he disconnected the console from the TARDIS while repairing it. In Inferno (1970), the Doctor got rid of a disconnected console in a parallel universe.

The center pillar is also called the "time rotor", although the name was first used in The Chase (1965) to refer to another instrument on the TARDIS console. Nevertheless, this term in relation to the column has existed for quite a long time. At the moment, this definition is practically not used. The second room was smaller, with controls hidden under wood paneling and no central pillar.

In the new series, the main console is located in a circle and is divided into six segments (which confirms the version "from three to six"), and the column and panels always glow green, again connecting to the ceiling.

In the new episodes, the console is more conspicuous than the previous ones, and with some junk from various doctoral eras, including a little bell and a "bike pump", later identified in Attack of the Graske (the Tenth Doctor's interactive mini-episode) as a loop controller funnels. Two other controllers, the spatial stabilizer and the vector tracker, have also been identified, but somewhat vague. And as shown in World war Three, a working phone is now attached to the console. The Doctor's control over the TARDIS has been controversial over the course of the episode. At first, the First Doctor could not accurately pilot the TARDIS, but naturally, as he gained experience in practice, he managed the ship better and better.

After The season Key to Time (1978-79) The Doctor placed a number on the console, and it prevented him (and delayed the powerful and evil Black Guard) from knowing where the TARDIS would be next. This device was eventually removed (Leisure Hive, 1980). In the new episodes, the Doctor demonstrates good command of the TARDIS, although he sometimes made mistakes, such as returning Rose to Earth a year later than planned (Aliens of London, 2005) or landing in 1879 instead of 1979 (Tooth and Claw, 2006). In Boom Town, a portion of the TARDIS console opened to reveal something glowing, described by the Doctor as the "heart of the TARDIS" (or its "soul"). In The Parthing of the Ways (2005), it was shown that the "heart" is connected with the powerful energy of the funnel.

TARDIS systems

Because the TARDIS is so old, it tends to break. The Doctor often crawls headlong underneath the panels, with or without some courtesy, occasionally giving the console "perceptual support" (a good punch on the console) to keep it working. Alternatively, the essence of the TARDIS could be based on something like this. Amplification of recovery, control, and support often conspired on the TARDIS devices throughout the show, creating a fun irony that highly propelled the time-space machine that sometimes became an obsolete and unreliable piece of junk.

Control systems

The TARDIS possesses a telepathic device, although the Doctor prefers to operate it manually. In Pyramids of Mars (1975), the Fourth Doctor tells Sutek that the control of the TARDIS is isomorphic, implying that only the Doctor can control it. However, this characteristic appears and disappears in dramatically appropriate situations, and the Doctor's various companions were able to not only fly the TARDIS, but even help pilot it.

It is assumed that either the Doctor lied to Sutek to get rid of him, or the isomorphic characteristic is a guard, and the Doctor can turn it on and off at any time convenient for him.

In Journey's End (2007), the doctor reveals that the TARDIS is designed for six pilots, but he has to handle it alone, which is how he explains the eerie shaking and throwing around the console.

In addition to the noise accompanying dematerialization, in The Web of Fear (1966), the TARDIS console also glowed rhythmically during landing, although the main flight indicator is the movement of the center column. The TARDIS also has a scanner that the crew can use to examine the outside environment before leaving the ship. In the 2005 series, the scanner display is mounted on a console and is capable of displaying television signals - as well as various computer functions.

In some episodes of the First Doctor, the console room also contained a machine distributing food between the Doctor and his assistants. This machine disappeared after the first few episodes, although it was mentioned in connection with the creation of the TARDIS kitchen.


Some of the TARDIS's other functions included a force field and a Hostile Displacement System (HADS), which could teleport the ship if it was attacked (The Krotons, 1968). The force field may no longer exist now, as an external device, the extrapolator (The Parthing of the Ways), was connected to provide it. Chleister's bell rings when “ natural disasters"(Logopolis).

The interior of the TARDIS matches "interdimensional temporal grace" (The Hand of Fear, 1976). The Fourth Doctor explained what it means to feel things without leaving the TARDIS. The practical effect of this is that no weapons can be used inside the TARDIS. But apparently, this system is unreliable and constantly breaks, as the weapons fired at both Earthshock (1982) and The Parthing of the Ways. In Arc of Infinity, the Fifth Doctor planned to fix this device, but was distracted by the events of the series.

Other systems

The TARDIS also grants its passengers the ability to understand and speak any language. This was previously described in The Masque of Mandragora (1976) as a "gift from the Time Lord" that the Doctor shared with his companions, but this "gift" was ultimately attributed to the TARDIS telepathic field (The End of the World, 2005). In The Christmas Invasion, it is revealed that the Doctor is himself a necessary element for this ability. Rose was unable to understand the Sycoraxes while the Doctor was in a post-regeneration crisis. In The Impossible Planet (2006), it is said that the TARDIS is normal in translating inscriptions; in this episode, the TARDIS was unable to translate the alien inscription, and the Doctor said it meant the language was "incredibly" old.

At times, the TARDIS shows signs of its own consciousness. In episodes starting with The Edge of Destruction - and this is the second episode since the start of the show - it persistently hints that the ship is "alive", has intelligence and is connected with those who travel in it; The Eighth Doctor called the TARDIS "sentimental." In The Parthing of the Ways, the Doctor left a message to Rose, where he, confident that he would never return, asks her to "let the TARDIS die." Later in the same episode, Rosa says that "this thing is alive", although it is not known whether she spoke literally or figuratively.


Other TARDIS have also appeared in the series. Rani's TARDIS took the form of a red double-decker bus number 22. The Master had his own TARDIS, a more advanced model. His disguise is fully functional, so he appeared in various forms, including a grandfather clock, fireplace and ionic column.

- The TARDIS used from 2005 to 2010 on display at BBC Television Center… Wikipedia

  • Back in 1963, Sidney Newman, S.E. Webber and Donald Wilson broadcast new project- an educational scientific program, the purpose of which was to tell children about significant historical events with the help of the main character - a time traveler. This hero - Doctor - is a native of the planet Gallifrey, a representative of the great race of the Lords of Time. He is eccentric and very smart, he has his own opinion on everything and is angry at first, but with the development of the plot, his character is revealed, he shows concern and compassion. His personality is multifaceted. He has 13 lives, and when fatally damaged, he is able to regenerate completely changing his body and character. Improves over time, the main character is revealed, the episodes become more serious and the series also becomes dramatic.

    The Doctor's companions also play an important role in the series, of which there were more than 35 at the moment. The first companions are school teachers Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton, as well as Dr. Susan, were brought in to develop the story. They ask the Doctor about the places and times in which they are, and also get into trouble, from which the Doctor helps them get out. The Doctor's companions change quite often. Some leave by on their own, someone is forced to do it. Almost every goodbye is hard for the protagonist. In one of the episodes, the Doctor himself notes that in the end each of his companions has a heart.

    Well, its most important and permanent companion is the TARDIS - a machine for traveling in space and time, looking like a telephone booth of the fifties. She is not just a machine, but a sentient being that was raised on the Doctor's home planet. Although he claims to have borrowed his Tardis, in one episode she claims that she stole it herself because she wanted adventure.

    Since the Doctor travels through the universe, he often meets representatives of other races. Aliens are found in many episodes and are mostly invaders trying to enslave or destroy humans. His main enemies, also from another planet, are the Daleks. Due to the fact that the series began at a time when special effects were difficult to implement, now the Daleks, like many, look a little comical, but very popular.

    Now Doctor Who is not just a TV series - it is a whole universe. It publishes books, radio shows, computer games, cartoons. The series also has four spin-offs: The Sarah Jane Adventures, K9 and the Crew, K9 and Torchwood. The series itself has received a huge number of awards and great love million viewers.

    Information leaks are persecuted, despite the atmosphere of the strictest secrecy. New showrunner Chris Chibnell, known for his detective story with David Tennant, is strictly against any spoilers. At Comic-Con, Chibnell reassured fans that not a grain of excess would be revealed before the premiere. Even when the role of Thirteenth Jodie Whittaker wanted to tell an insignificant fact about the plot, she had to consult with the showrunner.

    However, it is also the most ambitious, happened with an excerpt from episode 1. The BBC even went to an American court to find the culprit. Later, one of the photographers "accidentally" published promotional shots, but they were removed in time. And in less than a month, it broke out new scandal.

    A photo of the new TARDIS, the Doctor's time machine, has been posted online. After each regeneration, the TARDIS, adjusting to the new owner, and in this case, the owner, changes its interior. Which is why she's in flight at the end of last season - the TARDIS needs time to refurbish. Interestingly, the photo was taken by someone from the crew, whom all the creators knew well. This was confirmed by Season 11 production designer and designer Arvel Jones, who also worked on, while laughing at the unlucky sink: “It turns out that a photo of the TARDIS interior has been leaked, and that alone makes me paint! The very fact that this disgusting shot was taken by a person who has no idea about art and lighting makes me crimson with anger! "

    As we can see, the new TARDIS is very tasteful. Obviously, the Doctor will not fall for long and will find her again. Those skeptical of the woman in the role of the Doctor joked that the TARDIS would be pink this time, and of course they were wrong. The Ninth and Tenth Doctors were dominated by the golden scale, the Eleventh and Twelfth were blue, and now they were replaced by a bolder purple. The panels on the walls, which have already become a permanent attribute, have transformed into a kind of "honeycomb" (or facets precious stone?). The control console looks more compact in the midst of all this splendor, however, this can be a trick of the prospect, because usually in the series we do not see the TARDIS from this angle.

    Did you like the fresh look of the most iconic "Doctor's Wife"? Be sure to share your impressions in the comments below!

    Updated October 16

    In episode 2 of season 11, the new Doctor Who met her TARDIS. The time traveler's spaceship has truly changed, not only internally, but externally as well.

    Especially for the exit new series, the showrunners of the series spoke in more detail about the TARDIS and revealed a new design. The show's production designer, Arvel Vin Jones, showed which attributes were added to the control panel. The new TARDIS did not become digital and modern, the creators made it more practical and manual, so that the Doctor could control it using different levers. The central crystal is the embodiment of the idea of ​​a source of energy for the "Doctor's Wife". It focuses all the energy that the ship needs for travel. The inspiration for the wall design of the TARDIS comes from the treetops.

    We continue to continue, today on the agenda is the TARDIS. Natasha conducted this research before the Jubilee and stretched it out into three records under the code name “ Mechanic Smith's Favorite Woman". Especially for the community, the text was corrected, shortened and brought to mind. But it still has too much and little about the Doctor's home, friend and ship. About the booth from which everything begins.

    This thing is called the TARDIS. T-A-R-D-I-S: Time and Relative Dimension in Space... (TARDIS: Time and Relative Dimension in Space) (c) Ninth Doctor

    Let's get a little clever. The Doctor's TARDIS is an obsolete type 40 TT capsule ( probably "TT" should be taken as "time travel" - "time travel"), which he unofficially "borrowed" when leaving his home planet. There is another version of this event: the Doctor claims that he stole the TARDIS, the TARDIS claims that it was she who stole the Doctor.

    From different episodes and seasons, we know that the TARDIS are not just machines, they are living things that grow ( like plants) on Gallifrey. Rather, they are grown and transformed. TARDIS can be upgraded. There is a TARDIS museum, from where the Doctor took his girlfriend.

    The TARDIS is powered by several sources, but primarily from the core of an artificial black hole, « Eyes of Harmony"Created by the legendary Time Lord Omega. In "T he Edge of Destruction"(1964) we learn that the source of the TARDIS's power ( he is "the heart of the TARDIS") is located under the console, namely under the center column, which, when raised and lowered, indicates that it is functioning.

    But the "Eye of Harmony" did not appear in the TARDIS immediately, but with the Fourth. Yes, Eight has moved it from the console to a separate room that is not easy to open. The ninth speaks about the "Vortex of Time", but we will return to this later.

    In addition to basic energy, the TARDIS needs other elements necessary to perform well. They are required from time to time, include mercury ( used in liquid state), rare ore Ceylon-7 (" Vengeance on varos", 1985) and" arthronic energy ". The latter is a form of temporal energy generated by the minds of the Overlords, which also aids the operation of the TARDIS (“ The deadly assassin", 1976 and" Four to doomsday"1982, etc.).

    Oh, this is the TARDIS. My house. She has been one for so many years... (with) Second Doctor

    The TARDIS was already old when the Doctor first took it, but how old it is is not very clear. The second claimed that she had been with him for 400 - 450 years. The Ninth Doctor claims that behind him “ 900 years of phone booth travel».

    An important detail: in order for the TARDIS to fully function, it is combined with the biology of the Time Lord. This is Rassilon's invention, which provides a symbiotic relationship with the TARDIS and the ability to withstand the physical stress of time travel (" The two doctors", 1985). What is this for? To protect the TARDIS, its Overlord, from being captured, copied, and even from allowing the TARDIS to triumph over the Overlord. This happened once.

    Under the laws of the Time Lords, illegal use of the TARDIS incurs "only one penalty" - death. But it was the Doctor's TARDIS that was stolen (and from the museum where she gathered dust) apparently no one counted ... theft. I think, in the words of the Doctor, rather a love confession, a metaphor - denoting his eternal connection with his beloved.

    Eleventh Doctor: You never took me where I wanted!
    TARDIS: But, always there - where you needed.

    But the most important thing about the TARDIS is different: she ( undoubtedly) live. The fifth often says that she - as a woman, always demands to be persuaded a little. The TARDIS often shows its will. For example, trying to throw Jack off, she dashed off to the end of time. She distinguishes between satellites. It is hard for those who annoy her. But her main feeling and care is the Doctor himself. It's funny how the TARDIS and the Doctor often clash. Apparently the Doctor is desperately trying to prove his "seniority".

    TARDIS: You look like a nine-year-old trying to fix a motorcycle in your bedroom. And you never read instructions.
    Eleventh Doctor: I always read instructions.
    TARDIS: There's an inscription on my door. You passed her for seven hundred years. What is it about?
    Eleventh Doctor: These are not instructions.
    TARDIS: There is an instruction at the bottom. What is it about?
    Eleventh Doctor: "Reveal".
    TARDIS: Yes, and what are you doing?
    Eleventh Doctor: I push.
    TARDIS: Every time, seven hundred years. Police booth doors open outward.
    Eleventh Doctor: I think I deserve the right to open my door the way I want.

    If we talk about the nature of the TARDIS, then you can safely find its features in the Doctor. For me, she is even more adventurous than he is. I'm sure she likes to soar into the sky with a roar, fall rapidly and even fall apart.

    Jamie: Please try to take off smoothly this time. We don't want to scare her.
    Second Doctor: Take off smoothly? Take off smoothly ?! How nervous we are!

    The Doctor pays his TARDIS with the same coin. She spends long hours of love in unsuccessful attempts to regulate her work, fix love trivia, and adjust her course.

    Peri: Is the TARDIS not working properly again?
    Sixth Doctor: Does it work wrong? Does it work wrong? WORKING WRONG !? After all the work I've done on it !?
    Peri: After all, I just asked a simple question!
    Sixth Doctor: Indeed, but that was the wrong question!

    But it is the TARDIS that instantly distinguishes the Doctor, removes all questions. Anyone caught in it instantly realizes:

    the Rose: This thing is not from Earth.
    Ninth Doctor: Yeah.

    Appearance and disguise

    People are probably wondering what four people are doing in a small booth.... (with) Jack

    Everyone knows exactly what the TARDIS looks like. More precisely, it is not known why she looks like that. The doctor said several times that the problem was that it broke. " chameleon device". What exactly is the breakdown has never been specified. The system was first mentioned in the second episode of the series, where the First Doctor and Susan noted that something had broken, but without a technical name. In 1965, in the series " The time meddler"The device was designated as" camouflage ", then changed to" camouflage system "in" Logopolis"(1981). The sixth twice tried to change the form, but (alas) only in the images of an organ and some intricate gates. The Ninth Doctor hints that he gave up trying to fix the system only a while ago, getting used to the booth: “ I like it anyway».

    Cosmetically, the appearance of the police booth remained practically unchanged, although small changes did appear over the years. For example, the sign on the door hiding the telephone changed, the color of the letters changed. Other updates included constant movement of words on the panel, from Urgent Calls to All Calls. The Police Box badge has not changed since Season 18. In one of the episodes, the Doctor is surprised that the TARDIS is ringing, because, regardless of its appearance, it does not work as a phone, since it is not connected.

    This is not to say that disguise does not work. So Ninth, on Jack's phrase, says that the TARDIS rarely raises questions, that people are used to not noticing strange things. A very similar thought is expressed by the Seventh in “ Remembrance of the Daleks"(1988) that people have" amazing ability of self-deception". What did Pushkin say about this? Yes Yes, " we are lazy and not curious».

    The entrance to the TARDIS is opened and locked from the outside with a key that the Doctor keeps personally, only occasionally giving copies to his companions. Since 2005, such a key has been able to signal the arrival of the Doctor. Then it heats up and glows from the inside. The TARDIS key varied in design from a common key to a very exotic shape during the time of the Third Doctor.

    However, the TARDIS 'appearance often misleads even satellites. Fragile, wooden. Sometimes the Doctor makes extensive use of this.

    Richard Nixon: But ... who are they and ... what is this booth?
    Eleventh Doctor: This is a police booth. Can't read? I'm your new secret exchange agent from Scotland Yard. Codename: Doctor. These are my best employees: (points in turn at Amy, Rory and River) Legs, Nose and Mrs Robinson.

    TARDIS inside, consoles

    Eleventh Doctor: I just fell to the very end, straight to the library. It was damn hard to get upstairs.
    Amelia Pond: You are all wet.
    Eleventh Doctor: I was in the pool.
    Amelia Pond: You said you were in the library.
    Eleventh Doctor: So there was a pool.

    The exact capacity of the TARDIS has never been specified, but in addition to the living quarters, the interior contains an art gallery ( which is actually a non-working station), a bathroom with a swimming pool, a medical department and several brick-walled warehouses (all shown in “T he Invasion of Time", 1978).

    Parts of the TARDIS can be isolated from each other or altered; dropped. Fifth Doctor in " Castrovalva”Admitted that he himself saw only 25% of the entire structure. Tegan is horrified, because the first time she got into the TARDIS, she was lost. Adrik needs a thread to get to the main console. But the TARDIS is not limitless.

    V " Full circle"(1980) Romana argues that the weight of the TARDIS in Alzarius' gravity similar to the Earth's gravity was 5 * 106 kg ( 5000 tons). Perhaps this was referring to the weight of her internal furnishings, since it has been shown on several occasions that the TARDIS is so light that several people can easily lift it ( like an ordinary booth).

    Want to get a better look at the TARDIS consoles in your

    ... The Wheel in Space, 1968
    ... Logopolis, 1981
    ... Castrovalva, 1981
    ... Arc of Infinity, 1983
    ... Terminus, 1983
    ... Attack of Cybermen, 1985.

    The TARDIS of Newschool is dedicated to several episodes of the Eleventh period at once, including the key " The Doctor's Wife", 2011.

    But, one way or another, the TARDIS is always "rounded". The designs of the rounds ranged from bases carved on a black background to photographic images printed on the walls to transparent, luminous discs in later series. In the second cantilever room, most of the round pieces were in wood paneling, with some of the decor appearing in glass splashes. In the new series, round pieces are also present, built into the walls of the new console room.

    Other rooms include living quarters for many of the Doctor's companions, although the Doctor's own bedroom has never been mentioned or shown. Also in the TARDIS was " Zero room", Shielded from the rest of the universe and providing a calm environment for the Fifth Doctor. True, it was then lost.

    Although the inner corridors were not featured in New School, it is a fact that they still exist. Remember, Ninth gave Rose some very clear directions on how to get through the TARDIS wardrobe by mentioning them.

    Yes, there is also a wardrobe! It was mentioned several times in the original series, it was modernized several times and ( finally) was featured in " The Androids of Tara"(1978)," The twin dilemma"(1984)," Time and rani"(1987). An updated version of the wardrobe ( The tenth chooses his famous costume in it.) is shown in New School as a large multi-level room with a spiral staircase.

    The heart of the TARDIS for 50 years has been the console, which houses the flight control panel. In the original series, the TARDIS has at least two control rooms. The main one, with white walls, has a futuristic look, very often used throughout the history of the program, and the second, which was used during the 14th season, is more antique in appearance, with wood paneling.

    In the Third Doctor's series " The time monster"(1972) the console was first changed, which did not forget to mention the Second in the famous" Three Doctors". Then we learned that the TARDIS, like the Doctor, is capable of regenerating. His phrase will be repeated by the Tenth already to the Eleventh in " Day of the Doctor".

    A! I see you changed the TARDIS slightly. I do not like... (with) Second Doctor

    There is one more thing to note. The TARDIS console is designed for six people ( from three to six, according to various hints). For example, the Tenth of his gop-company speaks about it. This also explains well why the Doctor rushes around the console so maniacally, piloting the TARDIS.

    The console can be operated outside the TARDIS. The Third Doctor detached the console from the TARDIS while repairing it. V " Infern o ”(1970) The Doctor got rid of a disconnected console in a parallel universe.

    In New School, the main console is located in a circle and is divided into six segments ( which confirms the version "from three to six"), and the column and panels glow slightly green, reconnecting to the ceiling. She is more striking than the previous ones. It includes many different parts from various doctoral eras, including a small bell and a "bicycle pump", later identified in " Attack of the graske» ( interactive mini-episode of the Tenth Doctor) as a "funnel loop controller". Eleventh has a working phone on his console. Sometimes he uses a phone attached to the outside.

    Special abilities

    It's funny that the First Doctor is learning, really learning to operate the TARDIS. The fifth is already setting up a "locator" to find the TARDIS, effectively a theft alarm. The ninth still makes ridiculous mistakes ( confusing the year, for example), The Eleventh actually "rides" on it, masterly "planting" the TARDIS " like an airplane during a thunderstorm on a tiny heel". Ridiculously, it looks like Twelfth again doesn't remember how to operate his TARDIS.

    But, in addition to being able to travel through time and space, the TARDIS is equipped with a number of "specific" capabilities.

    Emergency Program One means that I am fighting enemies who should never get this car.(with) Ninth Doctor

    Thanks to him, so we learned that the TARDIS is equipped with a program to automatically send Companions to their own time... She also removes and disables the TARDIS so that no one else can use it.

    Another famous special. the ability of the TARDIS helps us and the Companions understand the entire universe without too much stress.

    Tenth Doctor: Well, she spoke French. Moreover, in French of that period.
    Mickey: O did not speak English. I heard her.
    the Rose: (quiet) This is the TARDIS translating for you.
    Mickey: What, even French?

    I do not know if this is specific to all TARDIS, or only the TARDIS of the Doctor, who himself knows millions of languages, but in special. episode of 2006, we saw that “ TARDIS translator Fell silent when Ten passed out and returned with him.

    Alex: Wait, he speaks English.
    the Rose: Do you speak English?
    Chieftain of the Sycorax: I will never speak this wretched language!
    the Rose: If you don't speak english(pause) so he is alive(pause), he is back.

    Another wonderful feature of the TARDIS lies in its relentless concern for all living things within itself.

    Safety fuse. Living beings from remote rooms are automatically transported to the main control room. (c) Eleventh Doctor

    The TARDIS protects not only within itself, but from outside intrusion. Ingress protection levels are another special feature.

    Interestingly, this level of security for the TARDIS has varied from story to story. Initially, the coveted key had 21 different holes, and the key melted when placed in the wrong place (“ The daleks", 1963).

    The First Doctor was able to unlock the TARDIS with his call (" The web planet") And restore it using the light of the alien sun, directing it through the diamond in the bell (" The Dalek's Master Plan»).

    The change in the design of the keys suggests that the Doctor also changed the locking system every time, which in some cases did not always work. V " Spearhead from space(1970) The Third Doctor said the lock had a metabolism detector, so even if someone illegally possesses the key, the doors will still not open.

    The Ninth Doctor claimed that through the doors of the TARDIS " the hordes of Genghis Khan could not break through, believe me, they tried very hard» (« Rose", 2005).

    But, most interesting of all, a few people managed to simply wander into the TARDIS without any problems. For example, Tigan. But what again suggests that the TARDIS lives by its own will. After all, Tigan, Andrik and many others, wandering into the TARDIS, became her companions.

    Doors also behave arbitrarily. For example, in " Planet of giants The unauthorized opening of the doors during dematerialization caused the TARDIS and everyone in it to shrink to doll size.

    V " The Enemy of the World(1967), taking off while the doors were still open resulted in immediate decompression — blowing the evil Salamanders out of the TARDIS. The Second Doctor and his companions clung to the console, and the crisis ended only when Jamie was able to close the doors.

    Again "but", in addition to the will of the Doctor and the TARDIS itself, the Time Lords are also capable of controlling it. For example, Rani once redirected a TARDIS flight (“ The ribos operation", 1978). The Time Lords "returned" the Sixth to the TARDIS, and the TARDIS to Gallifrey. The TARDIS Master stole from Ten.

    Remote access to the console was demonstrated by the Doctor himself, when Ninth, using a sonic screwdriver, turned on the TARDIS, sent Rose home and simultaneously activated the program from outside. The tenth blocked the flight with a screwdriver, also hijacked by the TARDIS Master from outside.

    We learned that the TARDIS can be converted into a paradox ( thanks to Master and Ten). That she herself is a paradox, and that a paradox can destroy her. Now let me be quiet, otherwise we will get lost in the end.

    The TARDIS also has a telepathic device, although the Doctor prefers to operate "manually". V " Pyramids of mars(1975) The Fourth Doctor says that the control of the TARDIS is isomorphic, implying that only the Doctor can control it. But we have seen with our own eyes how the Doctor's companions were able to not only fly the TARDIS, but even help pilot it. Some of the satellites were "bringing" the TARDIS back to the Doctor: Teegan, Thurlow, Rose. But it is possible that the isomorphic characteristic is a guard one, and the Doctor can turn it on and off at any time convenient for him.

    In some episodes of the First Doctor, the console room also contained a machine distributing food between the Doctor and his assistants. Then the car disappeared irrevocably, although that would explain what the Doctor and his companions eat.

    Some of the other functions of the TARDIS included " force field" and " hostile displacement systems y "(HADS), which could teleport the ship if attacked (" The krotons", 1968). The force field may no longer exist now, since an external device, an extrapolator (“ The parthing of the ways»).

    « Chloister's call"Sounds in case of" natural disasters "(" Logopolis»).

    The interior of the TARDIS matches "interdimensional temporal grace" (" The hand of fear", 1976). The Fourth Doctor explained what it means to feel things without leaving the TARDIS. The practical effect of this is that no weapons can be used inside the TARDIS. But apparently, this system is unreliable and constantly breaks down, since the weapon was firing, for example, at “ Earthshock"(1982). The Fifth Doctor planned to fix this device, but was distracted by the events of the next episode.

    One TARDIS can materialize into another if both TARDIS are captured in exactly the same location. V " Logopolis The Master tricked the Doctor into materializing his TARDIS around the Master's TARDIS, creating a repeating spatial loop in which each TARDIS appeared in the control room of the other.

    Let's dwell on this, because the TARDIS's abilities are limitless, as are the possibilities of human fantasy.


    The TARDIS is "spatially transcendental," meaning that its outer and inner parts are in different dimensions. V " The robots of death(1977) The Fourth Doctor attempts to explain this to his companion Leela using the following example as an analogy. A larger cube can appear in a smaller one if it is in the distance, but is directly accessible at some time. According to the Doctor, interdimensional engineering was the key to the Time Lords' discoveries.

    Eleventh Doctor: Is it hard to digest? Yes, a small box on the outside and a large room on the inside!
    Rory: This is a parallel dimension ...
    Eleventh Doctor: (puzzled) Yes, in essence it is a parallel dimension
    Rory: After the Prisoner Zero incident, I read a lot about it - FTL travel, parallel worlds ...
    Eleventh Doctor: I like it better when someone says, "She's more inside than outside."

    Odschool and newschool are sometimes confused in concepts, which is understandable. Of the above, we will clarify only one detail. Every device in the TARDIS is as alive as she is. Let's remember:

    the Rose: I looked inside the TARDIS ... and the TARDIS looked into me.
    Ninth Doctor: Have you looked into the Vortex of Time ?! Rose, nobody should do this!

    Rose's feat almost repeated the Chinese girl in the story about the Eighth, where the Whirlwind tried to absorb the Master, who has no rules for anything. One way or another, the TARDIS is also a ship.

    Victoria: What are these pens?
    Second Doctor: What these?(presses the levers)
    Jamie: Instruments to control our flight.
    Victoria: (ironic) Flight?
    Jamie: Well, yes. We travel through time and space.

    It's nice to know that the TARDIS is flying. Both ships and birds are capable of flying. Alive and technogenic, inspired by human flight. We have long noticed that the "flight" of the TARDIS is highly dependent on who is flying it.

    River: They went hyperspeed, we are losing them! Don't lag behind!
    Eleventh Doctor: I'm trying!
    River: Use stabilizers!
    Eleventh Doctor:There are no stabilizers here!
    Rive R: Blue buttons!
    Eleventh Doctor: The blue buttons don't do anything, they're just ... blue.
    River: Well, yes, they are blue! Blue stabilizers!(presses a button and the noise of the TARDIS engine stops) See?
    Eleventh Doctor: Well, yes. It got bored. These are skukozatov! Blue skucers!

    It is also pleasant that all complex alien devices have recognizable terrestrial counterparts that help us ... to believe.

    Captain Avery: Steering wheel?
    Eleventh Dokto R: Atomic accelerator.
    Captain Avery: He guides him.
    Eleventh Doctor: No! Like ... yes.
    Captain Avery: (pointing to various TARDIS controls) Steering wheel, telescope, astrolabe, compass. The ship is like a ship.

    The TARDIS also has a scanner that can be used by the crew to examine the outside environment before leaving the ship. In the Newschool series, the scanner display is mounted on a console and is capable of displaying television signals - as well as various computer functions. Time does not stand still.

    About love

    the Rose: (nervous) So what about you? What are you going to do next?
    Doctor: (surprised) Well ... Back in the TARDIS. Like before.

    The only companion that never left the Doctor was the TARDIS. People and beings have come and gone, but the TARDIS ( house, friend, vehicle) has always remained. According to the Doctor, in any incomprehensible situation, you need to do one thing - to flee to the TARDIS. Later? Run on it!

    Uh, Amy. This is ... well ... she's my TARDIS. She is also a woman. She is a woman and she is my TARDIS.(with) Eleventh Doctor

    Yes, no matter how we laugh, the TARDIS is a very woman. Jealous, stubborn, stubborn. Who else is able, falling apart to pieces, to think and help the one who brought you to this.

    TARDIS: Your door? Do you understand how childish it sounds?
    Eleventh Doctor: You are not my mother.
    TARDIS: And you are not my child.

    For fifty years, the TARDIS has been hijacked, blown up, drowned, altered. The doctor sat her down mercilessly, sometimes not knowing where. Lava rushed at it, pouring acid rain, ships crashed into it. You are amazed how often the Doctor leaves his TARDIS no matter where, boldly rushing away from her. Whether in the dark or in the void ...

    Eleventh Doctor: Zn You know, since we talk with our mouths, and this is not an opportunity that happens often, I just want to say, you know, you have never been very reliable.
    TARDIS: Have you been?

    Yet the Doctor's affection cannot be overlooked. It is marked by each of the satellites. Sometimes bewildered, sometimes amused by tenderness for ( as it seems to them) car.

    Sarah: Did he stroke the TARDIS?
    the Rose: Yes! Yes, he did that! I already tell him, "Would you two like to be left alone?"

    A very different meaning of the TARDIS is voiced by River. Which itself is to some extent a child of the TARDIS. Do not forget that many of the abilities of the Time Lords were acquired precisely through travel to the TARDIS, due to the fact that their biological and genetic code is associated with the TARDIS. It is no coincidence that “ the Doctor's wife"We call both River and the TARDIS.

    I saw whole armies running away from him, and as if nothing had happened, he returned to his TARDIS and opened the doors with a snap of his fingers. Doctor in the TARDIS. Next stop: Everywhere... (with) River

    Everything strives in the TARDIS. The TARDIS is not only the Doctor's home, not just a part of it ( so much so that after death it becomes his tomb), she is his fortress. It is no coincidence that Donna finds the only thing that can calm him down: “ Doctor, it's okay. We're in the TARDIS. We are safe».

    The TARDIS changes the people caught in it. Everyone. Gives you special strength. The TARDIS is the greatest part of the Doctor myth. A magnificent invention, which is so easy to lead to the most important thing. We are all, yes, we are all - much more from the inside than from the outside.

    TARDIS: Are all people like that?
    Eleventh Doctor: Which?
    TARDIS:So much more on the inside ?!

    Everything that is dear to us: inside - more than outside. Have you noticed? Perhaps that makes it so difficult for us to talk about love. I hope one day I will still catch the centenary of my favorite show. I can't imagine what the Doctor and his companions will look like, how my descendants will draw the TARDIS consoles for themselves, but one thing is clear. How I get to know the Doctor. Anytime and anywhere.

    Amy Pond, there is something extremely important you need to know about me because your life will one day depend on it. I'm definitely a booth nut!(with) Eleventh Doctor

    Great noise

    Eleventh Doctor: Did you park us? But we didn't sit down!
    River: Of course they sat down!
    Eleventh Doctor: But there was no noise.
    River: What is the noise?
    Eleventh Doctor: Well, this ...(breathing hysterically, imitating the characteristic sound of the TARDIS)
    River: This noise should not be, you are not pressing the brakes.
    Eleventh Doctor: But the noise is great! I love this noise!

    It is unrealistic to pass by this. By this sound in the phone, we identify like-minded people, we hear this most beautiful noise in our dreams, it is with it that any episode begins. It's hard to believe, but sometime (for example, in “ The Web of Fear", 1966) in addition to the noise accompanying dematerialization, the TARDIS console also glowed rhythmically during landing, now the main flight indicator is the movement of the central column.


    Donna: T Have you seen a small blue booth by any chance?
    Wilfred Mot: Is this some kind of slang?
    Donna: No, I am literally. If you ever see a small blue booth flying in the sky, shout out to me, grandpa. Oh just shout out.

    Yes, Donna! Yes! No one can say better. The TARDIS is freedom. The freedom to imagine, believe, love, and wait.