What is the meaning of mystical finals of the story N.V. Gogol "Shinel"? Why in the story of the sinsel fantastic end

What is the meaning of mystical finals of the story N.V. Gogol "Shinel"? Why in the story of the sinsel fantastic end

Meaning of mystical finals Test N.V. Gogol "Shinel" is that the justice that Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin could not find during his lifetime, still tricked after the death of the hero. The ghost of Bashmachkina breaks over coin with noble and rich people. But a special place in the final occupies a meeting with a "one significant person", which after the service decided to "come to one familiar lady, Carolina Ivanovna." But in the way the strange incident happens to him. An unexpected official felt that someone grabbed him very much for the collar, it was someone who was the deceased Akaki Akakievich. He pronounces a terrible voice: "Finally, I caught you for the collar! You need your bosom and you need! "

Gogol believes that in the life of every person, even insignificant himself, there are such minutes when he becomes a person in the highest understanding of this word. Turning overcoats from officials, Bashmachkin becomes in his own eyes and in the eyes of "humiliated and offended" by a real hero. Only now Akaki Akakievich is able to stand up for himself.

Gogol resorts to fiction in the last episode of his "overcoat" to show the injustice of the world, his inhumanity. And only the intervention of otherworldly power can change this state of affairs.

It should be noted that the last meeting of Akakia Akakiyevich and the official became significant for a "significant" person. Gogol writes that this incident "made a strong impression on him." The official became much less likely to speak his subordinate "How do you dare, do you know who in front of you?". If he pronounced such words, then after he listens to a person standing in front of him.

Gogol in his story shows all the inhumanity of human society. He calls to look at the "little man" with understanding and pity. The conflict between the "little man" and society leads to the uprising of the random and humble, albeit after death.

Thus, in "Sineli", Gogol appeals to the new Hero type for him - "Little Man." The author seeks to show all the lives of a simple person who has nowhere and can not find support. He can not even answer offenders, because too weak. In the real world, it cannot change and enthusiasm justice, so Gogol introduces fiction in the narration.

The value of the design of the coolel in the same name N.V. Gogol

In the "Sineli", the socio-moral motive of other, earlier leads of Gogol unfolded. It lies in the thoughts on the wealth of the human spirit, not destroyed, but only deeply hidden in the very depths of the existence of people distorted by a bad society. Gogol was guided by the idea that these values \u200b\u200bof the spirit, scored by vulnerable, and therefore, should be resurrected and blooming, albeit in some uncertain circumstances. This topic in the "Sineli" was particularly acute.

Basically, the story of N.V. Gogol is the figure of the humiliated, deprived of the joys of the life of Akakia Akakievich Bashmachkin. In the disclosure of the character of this hero, an important feature is performed by the image of the cooler. Shinel is not just an object. This is a goal for which Bashmachkin is ready for self-restraint, on cutting funds, and without that very limited. And getting from Petrovich New Shinel - a holiday for him, "the triumpa day."

Shinel purchase precedes a description of the life of Akakia Akakievich. Here shown the tragedy of a "little man" in the conditions of a big city. The story shows his struggle for existence, deprivation, the inability to satisfy the needs of life, among whom the acquisition of a new sheel is included. The routine work of Bashmachkina in the Department cannot provide the smallest and necessary. Therefore, the chinel personifies the hero for this, what he seeks. But, in addition, it shows how a little need to this person.

Gogol depicts in his story, as the most modest, the most insignificant smile of fate leads to the fact that in the semi-in-room Akaki Akakievich begins to move and awaken the human. He has no sheer, but there is only a dream about her. But in Bashmushkina, something has changed, because in front of him, ahead, some event. Moreover, this is an event carrying joy. In whitight, something happens for him, whereas this hero did not exist for himself, but for the deprived of the meaning of the work, which absorbed his being. For the sake of Shineli Bashmachkin goes to the victims. Akakiya Akakievich is not so difficult to carry them, because he "fed spiritually, wearing the thoughts of his eternal idea of \u200b\u200bthe future sinel." It is very curious that this hero detects the idea, and even eternal! Gogol notes: "Since then, as if he got married ...". And then the author describes the state of Bashmachkina: "He became somehow more lively, even a harder character ... From his face and from the actions it disappeared his doubt, indecisive ... The fire was sometimes shown in his eyes, even the most daring and brave thoughts fled in my head: not Lay whether, for sure, the cunits on the collar. "

The courage of the thoughts of the updating Akakia Akakiyevich does not fit the cunnits on the collar; But it does not cause laughter. The Court is not available to the means of Akakia Akakievich; To dream about her - it means to dream of something inherent to "significant persons", with which Akakiya Akakiyevich, previously, did not occur to equal. But pays attention completely different. Just the dreams of an unfortunate stainer on the crankcorank lining so straightenfully changed Akakia Akakiyevich. What would be with him and with all the scored, humiliated and empty, if they were given existence worthy of man, gave a goal, scope, dream?

Finally, Shinel is ready, and Akaki Akakievich stepped on a step forward along the path of resurrection in him. Let the "Customs did not bought, because it was exactly the road, and instead they chose the cat's best, which was found in the shop." Nevertheless, the event was accomplished. And in Akakia Akakiyevich, we see a new one again: he "even laughed", comparing the old hood with a new chinel, "he had gone to the fun and after dinner did not write anything, no papers, and so little squatted on bed." And emotions, and fun, and Sibertism, and life without written papers - all this was not previously from Akakia Akakievich. In the soul of this hero, even some playful ideas moved: on the road, he saw a playful picture in the store window, "she joked and grinned." And on the way back, drinking visiting champagne, Akaki Akakievich "I even ran up it was suddenly, it is not known why, for some kind of little, which, like zipper, passed by and which every part of the body was performed by an extraordinary movement."

Of course, Akaki Akakievich remains with all this Akakius Akakievich, and the outbreaks of something new sick in it. But they are, and it is they who will lead to the interchange of the story. We see a turning point when Akaki Akakievich robbed, humiliated, destroyed. Moreover, he is on the edge of the coffin, in delusion. And here it turns out that there are really unexpected things in this heroch. He knows who his killer, and from his timid humility there is little left. Death relies in a man's shoe.

Akaki Akakiyevich, who has experienced the fear and the deceased most from fear, inspired by him a significant face, now, after death, he began to inspire the fear of others. It scares a lot of people, including carriers of seats on beables, raccoon and bear fur coats, that is, precisely significant persons. All the outrage of this hero against the life he lived was manifested after his death. And the key is key here, the acquisition of which made it possible to see the human beginning in Bashmachkin. The chinel was a reason for the entire protest of a little man against the existing order of life. We can say that there is life in the story before buying overcoats and after it. In the story of the chinel is of great importance. She personifies, on the one hand, the subject is financially necessary and, on the other, the subject that allows to revive the human validity of a person.

Meaning of mystical finals Test N.V. Gogol "Shinel" is that the justice that Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin could not find during his lifetime, still tricked after the death of the hero. The ghost of Bashmachkina breaks over coin with noble and rich people. But a special place in the final occupies a meeting with a "one significant person", which after the service decided to "come to one familiar lady, Carolina Ivanovna." But in the way the strange incident happens to him. An unexpected official felt that someone grabbed him very much for the collar, it was someone who was the deceased Akaki Akakievich. He pronounces a terrible voice: "Finally, I caught you for the collar! You need your bosom and you need! "
Gogol believes that in the life of every person, even insignificant himself, there are such minutes when he becomes a person in the highest understanding of this word. Turning overcoats from officials, Bashmachkin becomes in his own eyes and in the eyes of "humiliated and offended" by a real hero. Only now Akaki Akakievich is able to stand up for himself.
Gogol resorts to fiction in the last episode of his "overcoat" to show the injustice of the world, his inhumanity. And only the intervention of otherworldly power can change this state of affairs.
It should be noted that the last meeting of Akakia Akakiyevich and the official became significant for a "significant" person. Gogol writes that this incident "made a strong impression on him." The official became much less likely to speak his subordinate "How do you dare, do you know who in front of you?". If he pronounced such words, then after he listens to a person standing in front of him.
Gogol in his story shows all the inhumanity of human society. He calls to look at the "little man" with understanding and pity. The conflict between the "little man" and society leads to the uprising of the random and humble, albeit after death.
Thus, in "Sineli", Gogol appeals to the new Hero type for him - "Little Man." The author seeks to show all the lives of a simple person who has nowhere and can not find support. He can not even answer offenders, because too weak. In the real world, it cannot change and enthusiasm justice, so Gogol introduces fiction in the narration.

What does "live" mean for the main hero of the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRY"?

What does it mean to live for MTSY? This is not to see the gloomy walls of the monastery, but bright colors of nature. It is not languishing in stuffy fasteners, but inhaling the nightness of forests. This is not to be inclined in front of the altar, but to experience the joy of meeting with a storm, thundering obstacles. Not only in thoughts, but also in the sensations of MTSERI hostility, alien monks. Their ideal - peace, self-denial, for the sake of serving a false goal, rejection of the joys of earthly existence in the name of eternal happiness "in the holy transcendent plant." Mcsry all his creature denies. Do not rest, but anxiety and battle is the meaning of human existence. Not self-denial and voluntary capture, but the bliss of liberty - this is what is the highest happiness.

Live for the chief hero of the poem Lermontov - it is finally your homeland, the place he remembers from childhood. It is no coincidence that Mcyri says that all life in the monastery in which he dwells is nothing, and three days spent on freedom is a whole life for him. Living for MTSYS - it is not only to find your native land, but also to gain real freedom. The initial tragedy is laid in these searches. Caucasus (the symbol of the very ideal) remains for the hero unattainable

Let me explain the act of the hero of Dan during the game on the Majdain and express his point of view. (Sergey Lukyanenko "Alien pain").

The problem of "Alien pain" Today in the world as never relevant: the blood goes, blood is poured. "Alien pain" should not be, a person has no right to remain indifferent to someone else's grief, because he is a man.

The action of the story S. Lukyanenko (Fantasy) occurs in the "future". At first glance, this is the future seems happy, because people have learned not to suffer - "turn off the pain", cancel death, restore a person.

People play strange games: hunt each other, they kill, and it is not scary to them, because it is worth incorporating the program "Recovery" - and the person arises in its original form as integrity. Electronic, computer games replaced real life, we studied a person to suffer, sympathize, empathize ... The time of universal fun has come, there are no reasons for despondency.

But it seems so only at first glance. The main hero of Dan is not like everyone else. During the game on the Maydanek (and this is the former German concentration camp) he fell out, out of the role. Rushed on the SSEs with bare hands. And the game was called an "armed uprising". All Already Owl ... Dan turned out to be a man, not a robot. He remembered what kind of sieves ...

Thus, the author raises another relevant problem in the story: the problem memory. Does the future people forget fascist camps, grief, the suffering of empty people? Is it really to play and have fun in Majdain?

In the "future" game became synonymous with life ... Favorite girl asks the wild for us, the present, the question:

Dan, why didn't you shoot me?

Indeed, there is nothing to fear: the regeneration system will work. Play because there is nothing more to do.

"Pretend to manage machines that have not needed to manage for a long time? Sitting in the laboratory, trying to teach a person to see not only in infrared, but also in ultraviolet rays? Or wait for a queue on the colonization of the next planet? There the game will become a reality ...

I dont know. But why did she start, the game?

She shrugged. Since people gained immortality, probably. The game is life. What is the main feature of life? The desire to kill. What is the main feature of the game? The desire to kill. In the stage - on Pearl Harbor, where the water boils and at once, the ships are drowning, and the bombers led by suicide bombers on the Kursk arc, where the tanks are sinning with the ground and blood into one solid black com; In Hiroshima, where the flame of an atomic explosion flames again and again ...

But once for the first time it was not a game! They could not play, dying truly! They led to the battle something else! They rushed to barbed wire concentration camps not because it is very interesting! And after all, Den felt, almost felt this unknown, incomprehensible when in the beautiful stage "Maidaek" looked at the well-fed, fastened SCS, beating children ... He rushed forward not because he wanted to spoil the game, to refine. He just could not otherwise. He almost understood! And they do not want or can no longer understand. The game lasted too long. "

He was killed by the evening of the second day. The house has stormed marines, green berets, Samurai Dynasty Tang and the SS Brigade from the Division "Dead Head". They died, resurrected, went into battle again. And he shot, knowing what was already removed from the memory of the regenerating system ...
And after all, Dan won - he stopped the game.

The meaning of the mystical final of the story of N. V. Gogol "Shinel" is that the justice that Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin could not find during his lifetime, still enthusiame after the death of the hero. The ghost of Bashmachkina breaks over coin with noble and rich people. But a special place in the final occupies a meeting with a "one significant person", which after the service decided to "call one familiar lady, Carolina Ivanovna." But in the way the strange incident happens to him. An unexpected official felt that someone grabbed him very much for the collar, it was someone who was the deceased Akaki Akakievich. He pronounces a terrible voice: "Finally, I caught you for the collar! Your coinelles and I need! "
Gogol believes that in the life of every person, even insignificant himself, there are such minutes when he becomes a person in the highest understanding of this word. Turning overcoat from officials, Bashmachkin becomes in their own eyes and in the eyes of "humiliated and offended" by a real hero. Only now Akaki Akakievich is able to stand up for himself.
Gogol resorts to fiction in the last episode of his "cooler" to show the injustice of the world, his inhumanity. And only the intervention of otherworldly power can change this state of affairs.
It should be noted that the last meeting of Akakia Akakiyevich and the official became significant for the "significant" person. Gogol writes that this incident "has made a strong impression on him." The official has become much less likely to speak his subordinate "How do you dare, do you understand who in front of you?". If he pronounced such words, then after he listens to a person standing in front of him.
Gogol in his story shows all the inhumanity of human society. He calls to look at the "little man" with understanding and pity. The conflict between the "little man" and society leads to the uprising of the bad and humble, albeit after death.
Thus, in "Sineli", Gogol appeals to the new Hero type for him - a "little man." The author seeks to show all the lives of a simple person who has nowhere and can not find support. He can not even answer offenders, because too weak. In the real world, it cannot change and enthusiasm justice, so Gogol introduces fiction in the narration.

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What is the meaning of mystical finals of N. V. Gogol "Shinel"