Family activities in the library. Scenario for an extracurricular event "to the library with the whole family"

Family activities in the library. Scenario for an extracurricular event "to the library with the whole family"

On May 15, Russia celebrates the International Day of the Family, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993. Illustrated book exhibitions were arranged for this event in the libraries of the Central Library System: "Family, Love and Fidelity" (Afoninskaya Village Library-Branch No. 16), "Island of Family Treasures" (Chernishikha Village Library-Branch No. 30), "Patron saints of the Family" ( Slobodskaya rural library-branch No. 23). For readers, literature reviews were conducted and electronic presentations were demonstrated.

May 14, 2015 in MBOU secondary school with. Works for junior schoolchildren The Rabotkinskaya Rural Children's Library - Branch No. 6 held an educational and game program "Family is the Root of Life". Children were not bored at the event. The game part of the holiday was filled with contests: "Collect a proverb", "Who is the most economical?" and "The Nimble Tailor". They took an active part in competitions for riddles about the family, remembered the books they had read.

On May 15, in the Bolshemokrinsk rural library - branch No. 31, together with the rural house of culture, a competitive game program "A family in a heap is not scary and a cloud" was held. The purpose of the event: to expand children's ideas about the family as the greatest universal human value, to show that peace in the family is the main condition for the well-being, happiness and health of all family members.

The event was fun and interesting. In the program, the children were to participate in educational and game contests: "Draw a house blindly", "A house where a big and friendly family will live", "Let's help Cinderella", "When mom is not at home", "Tie a kerchief," My light, a mirror , tell". Workers of the rural House of Culture held a merry relay race "Sport is a Family Business". For the event, book exhibitions "The Image of the Family in Fiction" and "We and Our Family" were prepared, at which literature about family education and hobbies was provided, where you can relax with your family, how to spend your leisure time. The guys were happy to get acquainted with the drawings presented at the "My Family" stand.

Family competition "The whole family to the library"


1. Instilling a love of reading fiction.

2. To involve parents in organizing the leisure of their children.

Holiday progress:

The song is playing

A. Rybnikov and Yu Entin "Knizhkin House"

Host 1. 1
Attention! Attention!
Children and parents
Would you like to fight?
Who is the best book reader
And who is whose favorite hero?

Lead 2
It is not without reason that it is said in clever words:
“We owe all the best books.
Books are read by both young and old
Everyone is happy with a good book. "

Lead 1
I read books - it means I think
I think means I live, not sour.

Lead 2
In the book there is wisdom, tears and laughter,
There are enough books for everyone today.

Lead 1
Children and parents, would you like it, it's time to start our game
"The whole family to the library."

Lead 2 .

Today our guests are families who love reading and books, great connoisseurs of literature. At the end of each competition, the jury sums up the results. The correct and complete answer will be estimated at five points.

Lead 1. And who of them is the most-most reading family, will be determined by our jury.(represents the jury members) .

Golovyashkina N.V., school director

Pozdnyakova S.V., methodologist

Lead 2 ... Family teams are taking part in our competition today ...(represents team members).

1 team - the Starkov family: mother Irina Borisovna, daughter Alina;

2 team - the Postnikov family: mother Natalya Nikolaevna, daughter Julia;

3 team - the Belolipetskiy family: mother Olga Viktorovna, daughters Olesya and Elizaveta.

4 team- the Lebedevich family: mother Oksana Borisovna, sons Yaroslav and Zakhar

In our competition, we will draw lots to determine the order of the teams' performances.

Lead 1 ... To determine who will start first, we will draw lots, which will take place in an unusual literary way. Our magic box contains tasks with encrypted numbers, that is, with works with numbers in their names. Enter the correct answer and you will find out your serial number.

    E. Veltistov “Million and ……………. (one) day of vacation "

    E. Schwartz "……. (Two) brothers"

    Yu. Olesha "... ... (Three) fat men"

    K. Ushinsky “……. (Four) desires)

Lead 2

1 competition is called "Crossword". After answering the questions of the crossword puzzle, you will find out the name of the first book printer.

The first book printer.

    A card where the reader's data and the title of the book are recorded.

    It demands a book after a slob-reader.

    A book that will tell you everything.

    The place where you can take the book home.

    Activity consisting of questions and answers.

    Part of the book.

    Part of the book where you can find out about the poem or story you need.

While the teams are solving the crossword puzzle, the fans and I will hold a quiz.

Lead 1

2nd competition. Flower legends

The legend is read out - to find out what kind of flower we are talking about.

    An old Slavic legend tells: the bold Sadko was loved by the water queen Volkhova. Once, in the moonlight, she saw her lover in the arms of the earthly girl Lyubava. The proud princess turned away and went. Tears rolled from her beautiful blue eyes, and only the moon witnessed how these pure tears turn into delicate flowers, studded with magic pearls. Since then, this flower has been considered a symbol of pure and tender love. (Lilies of the valley)

    Her homeland is Persia. There is a poetic legend: once the goddess of flowers and youth Flora, accompanied by the Sun and the goddess of the rainbow Iris, descended to earth. After mixing all the colors and colors of the rainbow, they began to shower them on the meadows and forests. Having reached the northern corners of the Earth, the goddess found that all the colors were spent, only purple remained. Then Flora splashed lilac paint on the bushes, and a luxurious one grew…. (Lilac)

    The Latin name of this flower "Galactus" comes from the Greek words "gala" - milk and "Actus" - a flower, i.e. milky white flower. An ancient legend says: when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it was snowing heavily and Eve was cold. Then, in order to somehow calm her down and warm her, several snowflakes turned into a flower. Hence, hope became the symbol of the flower. (Snowdrop)

    In England, this flower is sung by poets, in fairy tales it serves as a cradle for little fairies and gentle elves. His homeland is Persia, from there he migrated to Turkey, and in the 19th century he came to Europe. In Holland there was a cult of this Flower. In Amsterdam, two stone houses were bought for three flower bulbs. (Tulip)

    According to one of the legends, Hercules mortally wounded the ruler of the underworld, Pluto, and the young doctor healed his wounds with the roots of a plant, which he named after the doctor. This flower is considered the king of flowers and a symbol of longevity (Peony)

    She is present in the coat of arms of the city of Rhodes. Ancient Iran, the country of the Persians, was named after it Polistan. According to Anacreon, she was born from the snow-white foam that covered the body of Aphrodite when the goddess of love came out of the sea. Who is she, the queen of flowers? (The Rose)

    In the East, there is a legend about a cruel Chinese emperor, who once learned that a sun flower grows on distant islands, from which an elixir of youth can be prepared. Of course, the emperor immediately wanted to get it, but he could not do it, since only a person with a pure heart could pick this flower. The emperor sent hundreds of young men and girls for the flower, but the young people, conquered by the beauty of the island, remained to live there. So on this island the land of the rising sun was founded, and the flower was made a symbol of Japan. (Chrysanthemum)

    What flower admires itself all its life: looks at itself and cannot get enough? (Narcissus)

    They say that this flower grew from a small speck of dust that fell to Earth from a star at the time when vegetation on the planet was born. (Aster)

Lead 2

3rd competition "Working with a book"

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Artist.

A) Give the definition of "Ancient art"

B) What can you tell about the panorama (there is also a diorama) by the artist F.A. Roubaud "Battle of Borodino".

C) Name one of the most famous paintings by K.P. Bryullov. Tell us about her.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Athlete .

A) Give the definition of "Substitute"

B) Tell us about the sports competitions of equestrian in Russia. Who is the founder of equestrian sports in Russia?

Q) Surfing - what is it?

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Naturalist

A) tell us about the oldest human companion (Bird)

B) What is an arboretum?

C) Who is I.V. Michurin?

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Technician

    Give the definition of "tape recorder"

    Tell us about the fight against corrosion.

    Who is Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev.

Lead 1

4 competition "Meeting at your request."

You will see and hear the hero of the fairy tale and have to guess: who he is, from which work, who is the author of this work. You write down your answer on a piece of paper and quickly give it to the jury.

First hero: "Good afternoon! I was in such a hurry to see you that I did not have time to put my dress in order. You see, it is torn here and there, crumpled, and there are so many stains ... But all this is not because I am a slob. I just have no time these frills broke when I climbed a tree in the menagerie. And these - when we ran in complete darkness, tearing the bushes, to the palace, pastry shop. And all the stains I got already in the pastry kitchen, when we were looking for the Wow, what was going on there: we overturned cans, plates, dishes, and all this flew with a clatter and thunder. The scattered flour spun like a column, And suddenly I found it - a saucepan without a bottom! Did they recognize me in this form? Yes? (Suok, Yu. Olesha, "Three Fat Men").

Second hero: Trouble happened to my named brother. And to save him, I had to go a long way. It was very difficult and sometimes even dangerous. I met a lot on my way, many helped me, but I could only save my brother myself. A friend of mine asked a wise woman for me: "Can't you give the girl something that will make her stronger than everyone else?" And the woman replied: "Stronger than she is, I cannot make her. Can't you see how great her strength is? Don't you see that both people and animals serve her? After all, she passed barefoot half of the world. If she herself cannot to penetrate the queen's chambers and help her brother, then we will not help her even more! Now tell me, what are the names of me and my brother? (Gerda and Kai, H.H. Andersen, "The Snow Queen").

Third hero: Good day! Wow, how many boys you have! Interestingly, and who is involved in their upbringing? Isn't this a very difficult matter? Here I recently had to deal with one boy. How rude he was! Do you know how he sat? - bending your leg under you. He drank coffee straight from the pot, stuffed almond pies whole in his mouth and swallowed without chewing. And he climbed into a vase of jam with his hands and sucked them. Of course, I forbade him to behave like that. And besides, this boy was devoid of any ability for arithmetic. You are probably already clear who I am and who this boy I am trying to raise? (Malvina and Buratino, A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key and the Adventures of Buratino")

Lead 2

5 competition ... Now is the time to present the homework to the family teams on the topic “Reading family ". The teams will share with all of us their thoughts on reading, talk about their favorite childhood books, and perhaps recommend them to modern schoolchildren. Very important and significant is the fact that it will be family teams that will perform. I cannot but quote the words of the great Plutarch in this connection:"The essence of education is not the acquisition, but the use of books" , and I think that the stories of our families will be a vivid confirmation of this.

(There is a knock on the door).
Lead 1:

Who's there?
Postman Pechkin: It was me, the postman Pechkin, who brought you telegrams, only the senders are unknown, find out who sent you the telegrams.

6 Contest "Telegram"
1. “Let people, birds, animals be friends with you!
We wish you every success! Tom and Jerry.)

2. Let the snitches disappear, you know-it-alls!
Hello and congratulations from ... (Dunno.)

3. A film about me is a great picture!
I wish you a lot of happiness! .. (Buratino.)

4. Prefer transport on foot,
Go to the forest! Greetings ... (Goblin.)

5. I wish you, friends, a long road!
I will save you from the flu! .. (Cipollino.)

6. Let your body be strong, strong!
One of the turtles ... (Donatello.)

7. I promise everyone a piece of the pie!
And chicken legs! .. (Baba Yaga.)

8. Let the white fluff fall to the ground!
More gifts for you! .. (Winnie the Pooh.)

9. Eat more fruits and vegetables!
Iron health to you! .. (Kaschey.) "

Host 2. 7 Contest "Guess the melody"

Many popular works have been made into films, cartoons or feature films have been made based on them. And the songs that sound in them are no less popular than the pictures themselves. In the "Guess the melody" contest you have to guess the melody, name the hero who sings it, or the film where this song sounds. And also name the author and the title of the work for which the films were staged.

    The song is about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat. (The song of Little Red Riding Hood from the movie "Little Red Riding Hood". Charles Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood")

    A song about the professional secrets of furry scammers.

The song of the fox Alice and the cat Basilio from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio". A. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

    A song about the benefits of winter recreation in the countryside. ("If there was no winter" from the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino". Eduard Uspensky "Winter in Prostokvashino")

    The song of a malevolent old woman capable of bad deeds. (Song of the old woman Shapoklyak from the cartoon "Crocodile Gena". E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena")

    Song about friendly support in a long journey (Song of friends from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians". The Brothers Grimm "The Musicians of Bremen")

    The song is about the perfect nanny. "Lady Perfection" from the movie "Mary Poppins, Goodbye". Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins")

    The song is about a disinterested approach to choosing a life partner. "Song of Fun from the cartoon" The Flying Ship "Andrei Belyanin" The Flying Ship ")

    The song is about one of the spring months spent in an interesting and favorite place in the city. ("Winged swing" from the film "The Adventures of Electronics" Veltistov E. "The Adventures of Electronics")

    Song about the possibility of traveling to the future ("Beautiful is far away" from the film "Guest from the Future" Kir Bulychev "Guest from the Future"

8 competition Ask your opponent ..

Each family asks the rival team about the question.

Lead 1

9.competition. "Write a story"

Nine words are called

Travel, adventure, island, cave, mystery, note, boat, book, treasure.

Assignment: Create a 9-sentence adventure story in five minutes.

Staging of the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" in a new way

Jury. The family is recognized as the most reading family today ... The head of the family is presented with a book ...

Lead 2.

Well, friends!
The time to say goodbye came so quickly!
We say goodbye to everyone!
Until next time!

Lead 1.

We wish you happiness!
So that all dreams come true
With nice mood,
So that you do not part!
I wish you health for hundreds of long years!
And this, really, is worth a lot.
There are many creative victories in work,
In family life - peace and quiet!

Joke questions

    A garden story about a family contract. ("River")

    A sewing accessory that contains a mortal danger for a long-liver. (Needle)

    Gift of the forest that poor girls went after (Brushwood)

    The braggart who rolled (gingerbread man)

    Initial product for cooking fabulous cabbage soup or porridge (Ax)

    The most friendly communal apartment (Teremok)

Guys, in front of you is a chest, it is not simple, but magical, it contains various fabulous objects, and which ones, you will find out.

Goroshina - G. Andersen - "The Princess and the Pea"

Umbrella - G. Andersen - "Ole Lukkoye"

Lemon - D. Rodari - "The Adventures of Cipollino"

Shoe - Ch. Perrault - "Cinderella"

Basket - Ch. Perrault - "Little Red Riding Hood"

Washcloth - K. Chukovsky - "Moidodyr"

walnut shell,






1. In what fairy tale do fruits and vegetables act as living beings? (J. Rodari "The Adventure of Cipollino")
2. What is the name of the policeman's uncle in the work of Sergei Mikhalkov? (Stepan Stepanov)
3. In what fairy tale does a girl go to the forest for flowers in winter? (S. Marshak "Twelve months")
4. With what words do many Russian folk tales end?
5. In what fairy tale did the children not recognize the mother's voice and got into trouble? ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

Lead 1 ... While the families are working, we will read the “Fairy Tale Announcements” and guess their addressees.

1. Who wants to exchange an old broken trough for a new one or an apartment for a new house? Turn into a fairy tale ...(A.S. Pushkin. "About the fisherman and the fish")
2. Fashionistas and fashionistas! Who wants to get a magic mirror that can speak? Our address…
(AS Pushkin. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs")
3. For work on the farm you need: a cook, a groom, a carpenter. Bonuses and remuneration are paid based on the results of the work for the year. My address…
("The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda")
4. For those who cannot wake up in the morning when the alarm goes off, we offer you to buy a cockerel made of pure gold, which will help you out anytime, anywhere! Address…
("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")
5. Trading company "Buyan" offers imported goods: sables, black-brown foxes, Don stallions, pure silver, gold. And all this at affordable prices! The firm is waiting for you! Company address ...
("The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")

Target: Revitalizing family reading through library and family collaboration.

Equipment: empty medicine boxes; bumps made of paper, felt-tip pens, blank paper, pens, cubes; oranges, milk, bread, cookies, cereals, pasta, vegetables.

Hall decoration: balloons, family photos, an exhibition of books for family reading, children's drawings.

LEADING. Hello dear children and parents! We have invited you to the family game "Dad, Mom and I are a friendly family." Family is the most important thing in a person's life. Family - these are close and dear people, without whom we cannot be. And when the word "family" appeared, we will find out by listening to the poem.

1st STUDENT. When did the word "family" appear?

Once upon a time the earth did not hear about him ...

But before the wedding Adam said to Eve:

- Now I will ask you seven questions -

Who will give birth to children for me, my Goddess?

And Eve quietly answered: "I am."

"Who will bring them up, my queen?"

And Eve dutifully answered: "I am."

- Who will prepare the food, my joy?

And Eve also answered: "I am."

- Who will sew the dress, wash the linen,

Will he caress me, decorate my home?

“I, I,” Eve said quietly, “

I, I, I, "she said to the famous seven I's.

This is how the family appeared on earth.

LEADER. Where does a family start? With understanding, kindness and concern. I think this is the kind of relationship that prevails in your families. In May, an annual holiday is celebrated that is associated with the family.

2nd PUPIL. There is no such holiday in the calendar,

But for us he is important in life and fate,

We just couldn't live without him

Enjoy the world, learn and create.

LEADER. What holiday are we talking about? Of course, about Family Day, which is celebrated on May 15th.

3rd PUPIL. There are so many words in the world -

Like snowflakes in winter.

But take these for example:

The word "I" and the word "we".

4th STUDENT... "I" is lonely in the world,

There is not much good in the self.

One or one

It's hard to deal with adversity.

5th STUDENT. The word "we" is stronger than "I".

We are family and we are friends.

Together we and we are one!

Together we are invincible!

LEADER. So let's get started!

  1. Family business card

You can tell a lot about each family, you can even write an interesting book called "The Family". Imagine that we are now going to flip through the pages of this book.

(Presentation of families.)

  1. Family proverbs

At all times, the family was held in high esteem. There are many sayings and proverbs about her. (Assignment: you need to make a proverb from letters.)

- Family in a heap - clouds are not scary.

- There is discord in the family, and I am not happy at home either.

- The whole family is together - and the soul is in place.

- Without a root and the grass does not grow.

- What are the parents, so are the children.

- A land without water is dead, a man without a family is a barren flower.

- From a good tree - good fruit.

  1. Contest for experts

Name fairy tales, stories that reflect family relationships. (You can use the books that are at the exhibition, for example, Ch. Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella", GH Andersen "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "Thumbelina").

  1. Competition "Morning"

It's no secret that many of us love to sleep. It's so hard sometimes to force yourself to get out of bed. And what happens when the alarm clock hasn’t ringed for some reason? Let's imagine the situation. In the morning, parents rush to work, dress themselves and dress their children. The first family to dress their child wins.

  1. Breakfast competition

You managed to dress the children, but now try to feed them. Dads peel an orange, and mothers divide them into slices and send them to their child's mouth. Whose child eats an orange faster, that family wins.

  1. Contest "Shop"

It so happens that mom is not at home ... But who will cook you dinner? Of course, dad. It has long been believed that men in the family are earners. Now we will see how they buy the necessary products. The winner is the family in which dad purchases the most groceries in the store.

  1. Competition "Pharmacy"

Now there is a competition for moms. When you come home after work, you find your children are sick. You go to the pharmacy for medicines. The winner is the family whose mother gets the medicine faster.

Scene "Mom's helpers"

LEADER OF CHILDREN. Mom comes home from work

Mom takes off her bots.

Mom walks into the house

Mom looks around.

MOTHER. Was there a raid on the apartment?


MOTHER. Did a hippo come to see us?


MOTHER. Maybe not our floor?

GIRL. Our. Seryozha just came

We played a little.

MOTHER. So this is not a collapse?


MOTHER. Didn't the elephant dance with us?


MOTHER. It turned out to be very glad

That I was worried in vain.

  1. "Helpers"

There is a lot of rubbish on the floor ( newspaper balls). On command, the children collect garbage in bags. The one who collects the most garbage wins.

  1. Family Hockey Competition

Let's see how you spend your leisure time. Dad, moving the cube with a club, reaches the chair, goes around it and at the start passes the cube to mom, and then to the children. The family that finishes the game faster wins.

  1. "Four-legged friends"

In our life we ​​cannot do without our smaller brothers. Pets become family members that we love and care for. This competition will be dedicated to four-legged friends. In front of each family - paper and a felt-tip pen. On command, we begin to draw animals, in turn: dad, mom and children, until the drawing is finished.

  1. Competition "Difficult transition"

Imagine that there is a swamp in front of you. It can withstand small children and adults can drown. The little ones will help you get you across the swamp to the other side. Children are given three bumps, on which parents will walk. And the children should go ahead and move the bumps. This competition is for speed and correctness of execution.

  1. "Walk in step"

We tie mother's leg to father's. You need to get the child across the river, but he must not touch the floor. Think about how you will cope with the task ( take the child in your arms, on your back, etc.).

  1. "The whole family together"

First, dad runs in a hoop from start to finish, then mom and child join him.

Playing with the fans(while token counting is in progress)

Everyone loves fairy tales: both adults and children. Many fairy tales attract us with one name. Your task is to guess the real name of the tale.

- "Dog in mittens" ("Puss in Boots")

- "Gray bush" ("The Scarlet Flower")

- "Domestic geese" ("Wild swan")

- "Vasily the Preglupy" ("Vasilisa the Wise")

- "Iron Castle" ("Golden Key" )

- "Fedino happiness" ("Fedorino grief")

- "Green cap" ("Little Red Riding Hood")

- "Rubik's Cube" ("Kolobok")

Auction "Sport"

The winner is the one who names the sport last.


LEADER. We have no winners today. The most important thing is that during the game, friendship, attention, and fun reigned. I wish every family prosperity, happiness and love, joy and understanding. Continue to love the library and read books together.

May the family game be remembered for you

May all adversity pass by

May all desires come true

And the library will become native!

Post Views: 5 776

Family Reading Library Model
"Library and Family: Facets of Interaction"

Glukhova Tatyana Viktorovna, methodologist Lebedeva Tatyana Viktorovna, deputy. Director for Innovation and Methodological Work
Municipal cultural institution "Centralized library system of the city of Saratov"

1. Substantiation of social significance and description of the problem.
The family is an important element of the education and upbringing system, where traditions, customs, and legends are the backbone. Reading is socially important for a child. Teachers, psychologists and librarians have long and convincingly proved that through reading a child gets the opportunity to independently assimilate the knowledge and experience of mankind, to improve his own thinking and personality as a whole. Today, the family does not have any or almost all kinds of conversations with children about books. Raising the need for reading in a child, teaching him to read creatively means giving him the ability to draw knowledge and spiritual strength from a book. According to experts, the consequences of a decline in interest in reading, including fiction, can be the most severe. To prevent this from happening, the family and the library must join forces.
At present, the share of Russians who do not read at all or read only from time to time is increasing. According to statistics, in 1991, 79% of the inhabitants of our country read at least one book a year, then in 2005 this figure was 63%. The proportion of young people who regularly read fell from 48% in 1991 to 28% in 2005. The traditions of family reading are being lost: in the 1970s, 80% of families regularly read to children, today only 7%.
Library-family interaction is the most effective way of introducing family reading to adults and children.

2. Prerequisites for creating the program:
The creation of family reading libraries in the structure of the Central Library System of the city of Saratov falls on the beginning of the 90s and is considered as the implementation of a comprehensive program of comprehensive family support.
There are 3 family reading libraries in the Centralized Library System of Saratov. They have the name of the library, educational and leisure centers "World of the family" (b / f N7, 23/36) and "Family. House. Gen. Leisure "(b / f N9).
The opening of family reading libraries was aimed at attracting large families, socially unprotected strata of the population to the library, helping them in raising children, rational organization of free time, and reviving the traditions of family reading.
The work on creating family reading libraries began with identifying and clarifying the position of library readers. A survey of readers was carried out, an analysis of their forms, which confirmed the great interest in the problems of the family.
The three libraries, despite their common goals and objectives, are different. Each of them has its own characteristics and traditions, its own contingent of readers. To create libraries, branch libraries located in remote areas of the city were selected. These are the so-called "sleeping areas" that do not have a wide network of other cultural institutions. The material base of the libraries also played an important role. All three branches have spacious premises, the ability to freely place and regroup library funds, to allocate areas for holding public events, classes with certain groups of readers.
The branch library N23 / 36 is a complex of two libraries N 23 for adults and N 36 for children, united under one roof. The merger of the two libraries made it possible to use their premises more rationally: to allocate new departments and service areas. Equipped with a cozy living room for public events, a hall for periodicals, an exhibition hall. An important role was played by the creative potential of library collectives, individual inclinations and capabilities of specific librarians.
The next stage in the creation of a family reading library is the regrouping and reorganization of the library holdings. In the open access fund of each of the libraries, a thematic complex of literature “Family. Gen. Leisure ”, which concentrates literature on family problems, raising children, rational housekeeping, and a healthy lifestyle.
In b / f No 7, during the formation of the complex, literature was selected from the funds of the reading room and the subscription. But all the literature on the topic was concentrated in one place - on the subscription. In b / f N 23/36, a complex of literature is also presented in the children's department. In b / f N 9 it is colorfully decorated and is a permanent book exhibition on the subscription “Family. House. Gen. Leisure"
Libraries work closely together with educational institutions of the city, municipal institutions of additional education (music schools, preschool institutions), centers of social services for the population, public organizations, cultural and educational organizations, teenage clubs, studios, circles.
It has become a tradition to hold family holidays, “family gatherings”. On March 15, in the library-branch N 7, a family holiday "In the family is our future" was held, dedicated to the Year of the Family. 50 families attended. On June 24, the same library hosted a family holiday "Boys and girls, as well as their parents!"
Since the beginning of the year, the Central City Library has been conducting lecture classes "Family and Society" for young people and students. Topics of lectures: "Love story - history of society", "National characteristics of the Russian family", etc.
In the MUK "Central Library System of Saratov" special attention is paid to the problems of young families. In family reading libraries, this work is ongoing. Thus, in 2007, 31 young families were identified in the library-branch N 7, the Library and Information Center "World of the Family", who are provided with information assistance on family problems, raising children, rational housekeeping, healthy lifestyles, etc. In 2008, the Reading Family Benefit was held, in which the most actively reading families of the library microdistrict took part. Families-participants presented the genealogical tree of the family, talked about family traditions, participated in competitions, one of which was an advertisement for "Favorite Book"
B / f N 9 annually for Mother's Day holds events for mothers with the active involvement of children. Very popular among the readers of Library No. 9 are game events for parents and children - "The Finest Hour", the ecological game "Robinsonada", the literary quiz game "My Light, Mirror, Tell ...". Events b / f N 9 have their own specifics - they are, as a rule, theatrical holidays. Among them - the holiday of initiation into readers "Little Red Riding Hood and Her Friends in the Book Kingdom", the theatrical Knowledge Day (based on the fairy tale "Twelve Months"), theatrical excursion "Meeting with the Library" for first graders and their parents, a theatrical New Year's Eve for different groups readers of "New Year's abductions and magical transformations." The library room allows events to be held separately for parents and children at the same time.
Library N 9 closely cooperates with the music school N 14, located with it in the same building. In the library, students of the music school perform at events such as "Evening of Romance", "Chopin Evening" for children and parents.
Family Reading Libraries place particular emphasis on working with young people.
In b / f N 9, the "Muse" club has been created for youthful readers. The club has its own permanent composition, organizational core. All library readers can attend events held within the club. The club's program is varied. Here debates are held on moral and ethical topics - "Love is a huge country", "To smoke or not to smoke"; various holidays are held - New Year, St. Valentina, KVN, "Laughter is a serious matter" (by April 1); "Knight's Tournament", etc. To the 200th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin, the members of the collective prepared dramatizations based on his works "The Young Lady-Peasant", "Dubrovsky", "The Queen of Spades".
3 generations of children have changed in the "Muse" club. Its first composition meets twice a year.
The branch library N 23/36 in its work with young people pays special attention to moral and legal issues. Organizes meetings with lawyers such as "Rights and Responsibilities of Minors". On the occasion of Family Day for teenagers, a discussion "Your Difficult Parents" was held. At the present time, a series of measures for the prevention of drug addiction has been developed and is being implemented for young people and parents.
Library N 23/36 continues to work to help the career guidance of adolescents. Testing, psychological examination in order to determine the abilities for the chosen profession, questioning of parents are carried out. This work is carried out jointly with PAGS specialists and psychologists. The lecture hall "Human Psychology for Parents and Teachers", which is conducted by a psychologist, has been developed. There is a lecture hall “ABC of Education” for parents.
On the basis of the complex of pedagogical literature, the Days of Information from the cycle "World of the Family" are held.
Much attention is paid to the elderly. For about 10 years in b / f N 23/36 there has been a club "Communication" for war and labor veterans. Family gatherings "Winter evenings" are held in b / f N 7 for elderly readers. All family libraries hold literary and musical evenings for the Day of the Elderly and Victory Day.
"Health Service", established in b / f N 23/36, maintains close contacts with the social center "Mercy". On its basis, a series of lectures on phytotherapy “Your health is in your hands” was held. For children and their parents, “Safety Lessons” are held, which include play-based instruction in the rules of behavior on water bodies, roads, etc.
In 2008, held mini-research "Book and library in family life"... The aim of the study was to identify the attitude of the leaders of children's reading (parents) and their children to books and reading (including reading in the family), the library, knowledge of the interests of their children. 10 children's affiliate libraries took part in the study.
200 questionnaires were distributed, 192 questionnaires were processed. Among the respondents there are 13 men and 178 women aged 22 to 72 years. 55% of them have higher education and 30% with specialized secondary education. Most of them (65%) visit the library with their child. More than half of the respondents (58%) answered that their child loves to read. But at the same time, TV (video) is in the first place among the interests of the child (60.4%), and reading is in second (49%).
The majority of respondents place the responsibility for organizing children's reading on the family (92%). Second place is given to schools (sometimes kindergartens) (32%). The responsibility for organizing children's reading on the library is assigned by 14% of the respondents.
You can encourage your child to read by reading aloud in the family. This is the opinion of 55.7% of the respondents. 63.5% of respondents read aloud with children. The highest rate of such answers was among respondents with higher education - 67.9%. Sometimes 30.2% of the respondents read aloud with their children. And about 6% admit that they do not read aloud with a child. For respondents with higher education, this indicator is 2.8%.
47% of respondents consider it necessary to discuss what they have read. 34% of respondents consider it necessary to recommend and offer literature.
More than half of the respondents (64%) believe that reading and discussing books in the family develops the child's speech and imagination. Reading and discussing books in the family affects the development of the child. 55.2% of the respondents think so. 31.3% believe that reading and discussing books brings families closer together.
88.54% of all respondents have a home library (among the respondents, 75.86% with secondary education, 87.72% with specialized secondary education, 92.45% with higher education).
The composition and core of the family library depends on the education of the respondents.
Among respondents with higher education, the core of the library includes classics, then books of a cognitive nature, then reference books and encyclopedias, and an entertaining book in last place.
For respondents with secondary specialized education, the first place is given to books of a cognitive nature, reference books and encyclopedias, an entertaining book, and in last place - classics.
Among respondents with secondary education, an entertaining book is in first place, followed by books of a cognitive nature, classics, and reference books and encyclopedias - at the end of the list.
Additionally, they were listed further in descending order: children's literature, fairy tales, special literature (respondents with higher education), science fiction, detective stories, literature on history, history of civilizations, adventure, literature necessary for school.
The vast majority of those who answered the questionnaire (89%) were able to name their child's favorite books, or his reading preferences. But 11% did not name their child's preferences and did not provide any reasoning for their answer. It can be assumed that they either do not know the preferences of their child, or his reading taste is varied, or it can be assumed that the child practically does not read (within the framework of the school curriculum).
The majority of respondents, 65% or more, visit the library with their child.
More than half of the respondents 52% admitted that the home library does not meet the need for information. Satisfied - 30% of respondents. About 20% did not answer this question.
But it should be borne in mind that most of the answers to the questionnaire were adults who visit the library, read, know the book and are able to introduce their children to reading.
The study does not cover those who do not go to the library. And their relationship to the book and the library, as well as to the reading of their children, remains unexplored. And this is the reason for another study.
Independent research on family problems was carried out in separate libraries of the system. For example, "Modern family:" for "and" against "- branch library number 22. The survey was carried out among students and teachers of the chemical-technological technical school. The age of students is 16-17 years old. Teachers are people who have experience of family life, certain problems in the family. This can be seen from the answers of the respondents.
The desire to see the family as a reliable rear is the desire of every person. This is the opinion of 55% of students and over 71% of teachers. But it is alarming that 20% of young people consider the family a “hot spot”. This indicates a dysfunction in family relationships.
To the question "What is a complete family?" 60% of young people and 64% of the older generation believe that they are grandparents, parents and children, and 40% of young people and about 30% of the older generation believe that a complete family is only parents and children. Today's young families try to live separately from their parents and grandparents. Large families living together: several generations in one apartment are now practically nonexistent. To the question "Who should be the breadwinner in the family?" the younger and older generations gave different answers to family problems.
Many years of experience in the work of family reading libraries has shown its promise, made it possible to analyze and comprehend the results, and draw certain conclusions. This project was developed taking into account the existing gaps and developments.

3. Objectives of the project:

  1. The revival of family reading as a factor contributing to the strengthening and development of family relations.
  2. Formation of information culture and culture of family reading.
  3. Enhancing the prestige of the library profession.

4. Objectives of the project:

  1. Organization of family leisure and reading, contributing to the upbringing of children in the family, strengthening family ties, mutual understanding between parents and children based on a common interest in the book.
  2. Family information support.
  3. Popularization of literature to help educate morality, preserve and form a culture of family relations.
  4. Uniting efforts of libraries, educational authorities, administrative and public organizations, mass media in familiarizing families with reading.

5 expected results:

  1. Development and implementation of a family reading library model.
  2. Increase of book distribution of literature to help education of morality, preservation and formation of a culture of family relations.
  3. The increase in the number of library users, due to the popularization of family reading.
  4. Raising the information culture and reading culture of the family.
  5. Creation of a comfortable environment for family communication within the walls of the library as a factor contributing to the strengthening and development of family relations.
  6. Improvement of the material and technical base of the library.
  7. Creation of stable partnerships with local education authorities, administrative and public organizations, the media in introducing families to reading.

6. Terms of project implementation:
The project has been implemented for two years (2008-2009)

7. Resources for project implementation:
It was decided to initially implement the family reading library model project on the basis of branch libraries N 23, 36.
7.1 Material and technical base of libraries for the implementation of the project of branch libraries N 23, 36.

7.2 Library staff.
According to the staffing table, there are 14.5 staff in two libraries:
Librarians 10 units
Head library 1 (13 bit)
Head child services sector 1 (12th grade)
Head youth service sector 1 (12th grade)
Chief Librarian 1 (12 grade)
Librarian subscription 2 (9th grade)
Librarian of the hall of periodicals 1 (9th grade)
Librarian of the children's subscription 1 (10th grade)
Senior Librarian 1 (12th grade)
Librarian of the reading room, d / o 1 (9th grade)
Cleaner pr. And sm. rooms 3 (2nd category)
Janitor 1 (1 rank)
Worker 0.5 (3 digit)

7.3 Printed products: leaflets, booklets, bookmarks, digests.

7.4 Media: local radio appearances; publication of materials on the activities of the family reading library in city newspapers: Zemskoye Obozreniye, Saratovskaya Oblastnaya Gazeta, Saratovskaya Panorama, KP in Saratov, Nedelya Oblast ', Sovfax.

8.Partners of the library in the framework of the project.
Libraries work closely with:

  • administration of the Leninsky district (deputy head for the social sphere - V.P. Klevtsova). In 2007, the library N 23, 36 was awarded a diploma for the 3rd place in the regional competition for the best design of the facade and the adjacent territory of organizations and enterprises.
  • Deputy of the Regional Duma IM Vodyanenko and VP Sinichkin, with the support of VP Sinichkin, the library was redecorated.
  • Deputy of the Saratov City Duma in the Lenin constituency N 15 Koldin Vladimir Aleksandrovich.
  • Children's Art School N 20.
  • CTPS "Spring".
  • Organization of Veterans of the Leninsky District of Saratov.
  • The Center for Social Services for the Population of the Leninsky District of Saratov (CSON) has drawn up joint plans for working with the family.
  • schools of their microdistrict N 44, 49, 56, 101 and gymnasium N 87.
  • teenage clubs "Covesnik" (head Bolotova L. N.) and "Harmony" (teacher-organizer Tugulukova O. V.).
  • preschool institutions of microdistrict N 222, 216, 232, 242.

9. The main content of the project.
9.1 Development of internal documentation of the family reading library.

9.2 The main directions of work of the structural divisions of the family reading library within the framework of the project.

9.2.1. Family information support

  • Improvement of the reference and information apparatus.
  • Provision of information services: execution of bibliographic references, development of family reading programs, provision of Internet services, use of full-text legal bases "Garant", "Consultant +".
  • Organization of psychological services: individual counseling for families, group counseling (round tables, evenings of questions and answers, trainings, conversations).

9.2.2. Popularization of literature to help educate morality, preserve and form a culture of family relations... Tasks of service departments:

  • To study the interests and requests of readers (analysis of family reader forms, questionnaires, express polls, analysis of questionnaires). To increase the issue of specialized literature for this purpose, to complete the collection of books and periodicals, to purchase audio and video materials; to disclose the funds of the library; organize a thematic complex, highlight thematic racks;
  • Introducing readers to family reading. In this direction, develop and conduct cultural and leisure activities (excursions, conversations, quizzes, library lessons, literary games, contests, quizzes, meetings with interesting people, organization of joint leisure and educational events, creative contests) and programs:
  • Family reading program "Growing up with a book I am"
  • Family reading program "Know Your Self".
  • Family Reading Program "Create Yourself".
  • Family Reading Program "The Future Is Born Today".

Individual work with the reader remains an important point. It is planned to organize family reading according to the developed programs.

Family reading program "Growing up with a book I am"

Reader purpose: for families with children of preschool and primary school age.
Purpose of the program:

  • Encourage the child to think about the work of literature, to promote the formation of his independent thinking and consolidate the need for reading.

Program objectives:

  • Increase in the number of library readers and book distribution of specialized literature.
  1. Joint reading of the literature offered by the program with the child;
  2. Family performance of creative assignments;
  3. Close collaboration of librarians, teachers and parents.

Name of the event

Duration of the


Library event forms

A family. Book. Library.

Aug. Sept

Parents: Answer the questions of the "Book in my family" questionnaire.
Children: Listen to the conversation at school "How to be able to read well"; prepare for a mini-conversation: "My favorite books."
  • Analysis of questionnaires;
  • I'll take you to the library.

    September October

    Parents: Listen to and record the child's story about the library trip.
    Children: add an illustration to the story and come up with a title for the story.
  • Excursion of children to the library;
  • Exhibition of books on the family reading program;
  • A fun family literary game "Journey to the Kingdom of Books".
  • Summing up the results of the family competition "My first trip to the kingdom of books."
  • Tales from Grandma's Chest


    Parents: Reading Bazhov's fairy tales; Joint creative task "Continue the tale ..."
    Children: Take part in the video survey "My Favorite Fairy Tale"
  • family holiday "A fairy tale comes to the house ..."
  • book exhibition "Favorite fairy tales of my family".
  • summing up the results in the competition of family teams.
  • Dedication to readers


    Family: family reading of books on the list.
    Parents: Preparing costumes, gifts, tea drinking.
    Children: prepare for theatrical scenes, make snowdrops for the New Year's family matinee. Learn New Year's poems.
  • book exhibition "Your first books".
  • theatrical performance "Dedication to readers".
  • consultation for parents "The role of illustrations in the book".
  • acquaintance with the list of references for family reading for January.
  • Kaleidoscope of winter events "New Year's Lights"

    December - January

    To family: family reading of books on the list. Take part in the family quiz "New Year's Tale"
  • New Year's family party "Tale on the New Year's Eve".
  • Family quiz "From a fairy-tale chest".
  • Acquaintance with the list of references for family reading for February.
  • "Where has it been seen, where has it heard": a holiday of cheerful boys and girls


    To family: family reading of books on the list.
    Parents: Preparing for a poem competition "The Witch from Childhood" (based on the work of Agnia Barto).
    Children: Learn the poems of A. Barto
  • Theatrical quiz based on the works of A. Barto.
  • Literary lotto
  • Poetic competition between parents and children "Continue the lines".
  • Familiarity with the family reading list for March.
  • Knight Tournament


    To family: family reading of books on the list. Preparation for the competition "Gentlemen" (best congratulations to mom, better with dad).
    Children: Prepare creative works for the exhibition "From the bottom of my heart".
  • Holiday "Knight's Tournament".
  • exhibition of creative children's works "From the bottom of my heart".
  • "Competition of gentlemen".
  • Familiarity with the family reading list for April-May.
  • "Opening the door to the fairy tale" (creativity of A. Pushkin)


    To family: family reading of books on the list. Preparation of family creative work "Opening the door to a fairy tale". Preparation of costumes for children. Filling out the questionnaire: “Year with the library -“ for ”and“ against ”.
    For children: participation in the quiz "Tales of Grandmother Arina". Filling out the form "I am a reader"
  • Fancy-dress ball "At the Lukomorye".
  • Exhibition of family creative works "Opening the door to a fairy tale".
  • Rewarding the winners of the creative works competition "Opening the door to a fairy tale".
  • Friends, our union is wonderful (Summing up the results of the first year of work on the project)


    Family: prepare a creative report "Year of the Family in the Library".
  • Holiday "Friends, our union is beautiful."
  • Round table for parents on the problem of organizing summer family reading.
  • presentation of the summer reading program for junior schoolchildren.
  • analysis of questionnaires.
  • Summer family readings


    To family: family reading of books on the list. Preparing for a family competition of creative works based on read books.
  • Book exhibition: "We read, we had a rest."
  • Exhibition of creative family works "World of family hobbies".
  • Celebration "It's great that we are all gathered here today."
  • Joyful reading


    Preparing for the "Autumn Skit"
  • Parent-teacher conference: introducing the family reading program for the second year of the project
  • Exhibition of methodological and pedagogical materials on the organization of family reading for parents
  • Consulting on the topic "Happy Reading".
  • Festive autumn skit "Autumn swung the brush."


    Families unite and prepare a theatrical performance “We read, we had a rest”.
    Children: Take part in the design of an exhibition of drawings, crafts from natural materials and a poetry competition.
  • Festive autumn skits
  • Exhibition of handicrafts and drawings "Autumn swung the brush."
  • My family


    To family: family reading of books on the list. Drawing up a family pedigree tree with a description. Preparation for the competition "Old Album" (Photo and an interesting story about the person / people depicted on it, the captured event, a fact from the history of the family)
  • Review at the exhibition "Family in the history of the Saratov region: traditions and rituals."
  • Celebration in the library "My family".
  • Summing up the results of the "Old Album" competition.
  • Summing up the results of the children's essay competition.
  • "Give good to people"


    To family: family reading of books on the list. Together with parents, write an essay based on the books read: "Is it easy to be kind?"
  • Holiday "Give good to people".
  • Exhibition of family compositions "Is it Easy to Be Kind?"
  • Merry Christmas


    To family: family reading of books on the list. Preparation of a Christmas show, carols costumes, gifts.
  • Matinee, theatrical performance. "Christmas Star".
  • Christmas quiz.
  • Favorite family magazines


    Family: chooses a favorite magazine, prepares a presentation of a column or the entire magazine in any form
  • Exhibition-viewing of the magazines of the family reading library and a survey around it.
  • Family competition "Magazine Fireworks".
  • "Poetic Russia"

    March, April

    To family: family reading of books on the list. Prepare a story about a poet whose poetry made a deep impression.
    Children: Learn the poem of this poet, draw a drawing.
  • Literary and musical composition "Poetic Russia".
  • Exhibition of children's drawings.
  • Book exhibition.
  • "I love you my city"

    To family: family reading of books on the list. Prepare work for the photo contest "My favorite corner".
    Children: learn a poem about their native land.
  • Book exhibition "City over the Volga River"
  • Exhibition of family photographs "My favorite corner".
  • Literary and musical composition "I love you my city".
  • "I am growing up with the book"


    Family: preparation for the family holiday "We are happy, we are together." Filling out questionnaires.
  • Book exhibition “We grew up with the book together”.
  • Family holiday "We are happy, we are together"

  • List of family reading books for families with children of senior preschool and primary school age "Growing up with a book I am".

    1. Bazhov P. P. Danilo-master. Selected Tales. // Treasures of the Russian Fairy Tale. - M.: GIF "Ros. Books. Sobr. ", 1993. - 272 p. : ill.
    2. Barto A. Poems.
    3. Bianki V. Stories and fairy tales. - M.: Helikon, 1992. - 219 p. : ill.
    4. Voronkova L. F. Girl from the city. Tale.- M.: Sov. Russia, 1982 .-- 112 p.
    5. Biblical legends in drawings / Artist. V. Khramov, Yu. Zhigunov, A. Akishin, I. Savchenkov. - M.: Panorama, 1992 .-- 96p. : ill.
    6. Biblical legends / Comp., Retelling by Z. Gurevich, N. Shestopalova. - SPb. : Respex, 1996 .-- 608p. : ill.
    7. Hoffman, Ernst T.A. The Nutcracker and the Mouse King: A Tale. - M.: Argus, 1995 .-- 96 p. : ill.
    8. Durov V.L.My animals.- M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 128 p. : ill.
    9. Pocket encyclopedia of phenomena. Unusual children. Unknown known families. - SPb. : Delta, 2001 .-- 367 p.
    10. Knorre F. F. Salty dog. Story. - M.: Det. lit., 1981 .-- 32 p.
    11. Martyshkin V. S. Your pedigree. - M.: Shkolnaya Pressa, 2000 .-- 223 p. : ill.
    12. Orchestra: a collection of poems for children / A. A. Blok [and others]. - M .: Det. lit., 1983 .-- 228s .: ill.
    13. Pushkin A.S. Fairy Tales. - M .: Eksmo, 2006 .-- 112s.
    14. Saratov on old postcards / author-comp. E. Maksimov, V. Valeev. - Saratov: Privolzh. book ed., 1990 .-- 160 p. : ill.
    15. Tyutchev F.I. Poems and poems. - M.: Helikon, 1993 .-- 68 p.
    16. Fet A.A.Lyrics. - M.: Artist. Lit., 1965 .-- 183 p.
    17. Time keepers. Museums of Saratov and the Saratov region. - Saratov, 2000 .-- 2008 p. : ill.
    18. Charskaya L. New family. Russian story: stories for children. - M.: Russian Mission, 2005 .-- 192 p.

    List of summer reading books for families with children of senior preschool and primary school age "Growing up with a book I am".

    1. Andersen G.-H. Fairy tales. - M.: Drofa-Plus, 2004 .-- 64 p.
    2. Bianki V.V. Stories and fairy tales. - M.: Samovar, 2004 .-- 112 p. : ill.
    3. Zakhoder B. Favorite poems. - M.: Ast-Press, 1996 .-- 336 p. : ill.
    4. Nosov N. Mishkina porridge. Stories and stories. - M.: Eksmo, 2005 .-- 687 p. : ill.
    5. Uspensky E. Fairy tales and poems. - M.: Astrel, 2004 .-- 415 p. : ill.

    Family Reading Program "Know Your Self"

    Reader Purpose: For families with middle school children.
    Purpose of the program:

    • Revival of the Russian tradition of family reading;
    • To lay the foundations of morality, citizenship in the younger generation and help in understanding their own I.

    Program objectives:

    • Combining the efforts of the library, educational institutions, families in introducing children to reading.
    • Strengthening the institution of the family through shared family reading and discussion of the reading.

    Terms of work on the program:

    1. Joint reading of literature with the child according to the proposed program;
    2. Participation in activities of all family members;

    Name of the event

    the date of the

    Form of conducting

    "Marathon of parenting meetings"


    Speech at parents' meetings: presentation of the family reading program, conversation "Traditions of family reading in Russia";
    Distribution and analysis of the “Book in My Family” questionnaire among parents.
    Introducing parents to a list of reading programs for middle school children.

    "Meeting point - library"


    Excursion of children to the library;
    Exhibition of books on the family reading program;
    Dissemination and analysis of the “Book in My Family” questionnaire among children.

    Readers' conference "Difficult time of growing up" based on the book by V. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"


    Viewing the movie "Scarecrow";
    Readers' conference "Difficult time of growing up" based on the book by V. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"
    Book exhibition “What children read a hundred years ago. Creativity of Lydia Charskaya ".

    An hour of open thoughts "Good scattered through the pages"


    Book exhibition-reflection "Hurry to do good";
    An hour of open thoughts "Good scattered across the pages", based on the book by Lydia Charskaya "Princess Javakh".

    Travel game "A country that is not on the map"


    Book exhibition
    Travel game "A country that is not on the map", based on the book by L. Kassil "Conduit and Swambrania".

    Exchange of views "There is always room for feat in life"


    Book exhibition-quiz and conversation around it "Heroes of Mukhina-Petrinskaya are waiting for you."
    Exchange of views “There is always room for feat in life”, based on the work of V. Mukhina-Petrinskaya “Ships of Sandy”.

    Thematic discussion "Not to lose humanity"


    Thematic discussion "Not to lose humanity", based on the book by G. Belykh, L. Panteleev "Republic Shkid";
    Book exhibition-reflection and conversation around it "Choose freedom".

    Round table "Don't go with the flow"


    Round table "Don't go with the flow", based on the book "The Fugitive" by N. Dubov.
    Speech by the representative of the children's room of the police.
    Speech by a psychologist.
    Book exhibition "Your rights are a citizen".

    In the world of periodicals


    Presentation of periodicals for children of secondary school age "In the world of periodicals".
    Exhibition - viewing periodicals.

    Friends, our union is wonderful


    Final family literary brain-ring under the reading program "Friends, our union is wonderful."
    Exhibition of family creative works according to the reading program (essays, crosswords, crafts, drawings).

    A list of family reading books for families with children of middle school age "Know Your Self".

    1. G. Belykh, L. Panteleev, Republic of Shkid. The story. - Saratov: Privolzh. Book. ed., 1980.
    2. Dubov N. Fugitive. The story. - M.: Soviet writer, 1991.
    3. Zheleznikov V. Scarecrow. The story. - M.: Ast: Astrel, 2003.
    4. Kassil L.A. Conduit and Schwambrania. The story. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1985 .-- 288 p.
    5. Mukhina-Petrinskaya V. Ships Sandy. Novel. - Saratov: Volga book. ed., 1995.
    6. Charskaya L. Princess Javakh. The story. - Saratov: Privolzh. Book. ed., 1992.

    Create Yourself Family Reading Program

    Reader Purpose: For families with older school children.
    Purpose of the program:

    • Revival of the Russian tradition of family reading;
    • Unions of parents and youth in the reading community;
    • Offer adolescents a safe way to organize their leisure time.

    Program objectives:

    • Combining the efforts of the library, educational institutions, and families in introducing young people to reading.
    • Strengthening the institution of the family through shared family reading and discussion of the reading.
    • Increase in the number of library readers and book lending of specialized literature.

    Working conditions on the program:

    1. Joint reading with high school students of the literature offered by the program;
    2. Participation in activities of all family members;
    3. Close collaboration of library, teachers and family.

    Name of the event

    the date of the

    Form of conducting

    Parent's Meeting Marathon


    Speech at parents' meetings: presentation of the family reading program for young people, conversation "Traditions of family reading in Russia";
    Distribution and analysis of the questionnaire among parents "The book and the library in the life of the family."
    Introducing parents to the list of youth reading programs. Book exhibition "Inspiration of Tomorrow".

    "Tale of the war years"


    Family historical and literary evening "Tale of the War Years" (To the Victory Day);
    Exhibition of family relics (photos, letters, personal belongings) of wartime "In memory of our page";
    Book exhibition "Dedicated to Victory".

    "Let's continue the conversation"


    Family Hour of Communication "Let's Continue the Conversation", based on the results of the family reading program;
    Questioning of parents and young people "Family reading: yes or no."

    List of Family Reading Books for Families with High School Children "Make Yourself".

    1. Akunin B. Extracurricular reading: a novel in 2 T. Vol. 1. - M.: Olma-Press, 2006.
    2. Bulgakov M.A.Master and Margarita. - M.: Sovremennik, 1984.
    3. Vishnevsky A.G. Evolution of the Russian family. // Echo of the Planet - 2008. - N 7. - p. 4-11.
    4. Gorenko E., Tolstikov V. The nature of one's own “I”. - Minsk: Polymya, 1998.
    5. Children's encyclopedia. Say yes to life.
    6. Children's encyclopedia. Healthy lifestyle.
    7. Children's encyclopedia. Dad, mom, you and I.
    8. Dovlatov S. Reserve. Zone: notes of the overseer. - M.: Peak, 1991.
    9. Kabakov A.A.Everything is fixable: chronicles of private life. - M.: Vagrius, 2006.
    10. Carnegie D. How to be happy in a family. - Minsk: Potpourri, 1996
    11. Kapponi V., Novak T. Myself an adult, a child and a parent. - SPb. : Peter, 1995.
    12. Kulikova R. Dream princess. [About love and marriage] // Wings. - 2007. - N 8-9. - with. 21.
    13. We and our family. - M.: Young Guard, 1998.
    14. Orlov Yu. Self-awareness and self-education of character. - M.: Education, 1997.
    15. Pelevin. V.O. Chapaev and Emptiness. - M.: Vagrus, 2003.
    16. Tale of Bygone Years. 1941-1964 / Comp. L. Bykov. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2005 - 896 p. - In the content: In the trenches of Stalingrad / V. Nekrasov, Ivan / V. Bogomolov. Everything flows / V. Grossman
    17. Family - a time of change, or a time of eternal values: what is the Year of the Family in Russia // Smena. - 2008. - N 6. - p. 14-18.

    Family Reading Program "The Future Is Born Today"

    Reader purpose: for a young family.
    Purpose of the program:

    • Revival of the Russian tradition of family reading;
    • Attracting young families to the number of active readers;

    Program objectives:

    • Uniting the efforts of the library and family to encourage children to read.
    • Strengthening the institution of the family through shared family reading and discussion of the reading.
    • Increase in the number of library readers and book lending of specialized literature.

    Terms of work on the program:

    1. Joint reading of literature by the whole family, offered by the program;
    2. Participation in activities of all family members;
    3. Game program for the whole family;
      Book exhibition "Reading, Learning, Playing".

    "How to Protect Your Child"


    Safety lesson “How to protect your child”, with the participation of an inspector from the children's room of the police;
    Book exhibition and review "Safe Childhood". 5. "Reading Together" October Loud readings for children of primary school age "Reading Together";
    Review of novelties of children's literature for young parents "New in children's literature of the Volga region" (special issue "Volga XXI century).
    Announcement of the children's drawing competition "My favorite fairytale hero". 6. "New Year is knocking at our house" December New Year's carnival "New Year is knocking at our house";
    Exhibition of children's works "My favorite fairytale hero".

    Family Reading List for Young Families "The Future Is Born Today."

    1. Gurevich L. M. Child and a book. - M.: education, 1992.
    2. Polozova T. D., Polozova T. A. I owe all the best in me to books. - M.: Education, 1990.
    3. Torshilova E. M. Aesthetic education in the family. - M.: Art, 1989.
    4. Strelkova L.P. Lessons from a fairy tale. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990.
    5. Holt J. The key to children's success. - SPb. : Delta, 1996.
    6. Bim-Bad B. On the benefits of family-wide reading aloud. // Family and school. - 2008. - N 5. - p. 18-19.
    7. Chudakova M. About "captains". // Family and school. - 2008. - N 3. - p. 18-19.
    8. Heim G. J. Children and us. - SPb. : Crystal, 1996.

    10. Project budget.
    The project is funded from budgetary funds.