Short magic fairy tales Author unknown. Good fairy tales written by children

Short magic fairy tales Author unknown. Good fairy tales written by children
Short magic fairy tales Author unknown. Good fairy tales written by children

Tale from Lenya Hon

Ilya vs. Three Dragons.

One boy lived on the world. He was played in the courtyard at home. His name was Ilya Morichin. Ilya was elected, because he was the son of Zeus - God of Lightning. And he could manage lightning. When he went home, he got into the magic world, where he met a rabbit. The rabbit said he had to defeat the three dragons.

The first dragon was green and was the weakest, the second - blue - a little bit more comfortable, and the third one is the strongest.

If he defeats them, he will return home. Ilya agreed.

He won the first with ease, the second is slightly difficult. He thought the third would not win, but the most rabbit came to his aid, and they won it. Ilya finally returned home and lived long and happily.

Tale from Ani Modorskaya

Night conversation.

There was a girl named Lida, who had so many toys that he was simply impossible to keep track of everyone! One evening the girl lay down early sleep. When hemet, all toys came to life and began to talk.

The first to speak dolls:

Oh! Our hostess recently wanted to make us hairstyles and put us on, but never completed it! - said the first doll.

Oh! We are such rabbang! - said the second.

And we, - said toy rats and mice, - already for so long ago and dust! The hostess still does not want to wash us.

But the mistress loves me very much, "Lida's favorite dog said. - Plays with me, hairs, clothes.

Yes! Yes! - told the figure figurine from the porcelain collection, - and it often rubs us. We do not complain about it!

Here they joined the conversation of the book:

She didn't even read me, and I really disappoint me! - said the book of fairy tales.

And Lida loves us and read everyone, said adventure books.

And we, knocked the whole regiment of books, - did not even start.

The jumps were revived:

This girl appeals well with us, and we will never talk about her badly.

And here Zabubnil Furniture:

Oh! As I am hard to stand under the weight of all these books, "said the bookcase.

And to me, a chair, very good: I wipe me and give pleasure that they are sitting on me. So nice you need.

Here something spoke in a ward cabinet:

And my mistress is delivered only on holidays, when she has a good mood! Therefore, I am very well maintained, - said the dress.

And I broke my lid three months ago and did not wear because of the hole! It's a shame! - said trousers.

And the bags say:

Hostess takes us with me always and often forgets everywhere. And brushes us rarely!

And textbooks say:

We are the owner of Lida loves the most. She puts us in beautiful covers and erases a pencil from our pages.

For a long time, things talked about life from Lida, and in the morning the girl did not know, the dream was it or not? But still she dressed and combed dolls, folded the toys, read the book, put the books on the shelves, so that the closet was easy to stand, stuck in the trousers, cleaned his handbags. Too she wanted her things to think about her well.

Tale from Tsybulko Nastya

He lived somewhere far the knight. He loved a very beautiful princess. But she did not love him. Once she told him: "If you fight the dragon, then I will love you."

Began Knight fighting the dragon. I called my horse and says: "Help me overcome a strong dragon."

And the horse was magical. When his knight asked him, he flew over and above.

When the battle began, the horse took off and pierced the Dragon's heart with a sword.

Then the princess loved the prince. They had children. When the sons grew up, the father-prince gave the horse to them. Sons fought on this horse. All they had good, and lived for a long time and happily.

Fairy Tale from Parvatkin Dasha

Sonya and golden nut.

She lived in the light of the girl, called her Sonya. In the autumn she went to school.

One day, early in the morning, Sonya went out to walk. In the middle of the park stood old oak. On the branch of oak hung a tire-swing. Sonya always swung on this swing. She, as always sat on this swing and began to swing. And suddenly she fell on his head. It was a nut ... Golden Walnut! Sonya took him and carefully examined. He really was all of gold. Attended the Sonya began to pay attention. She was frightened and abandoned the nut, but I understood what mistake I did: Walnly split, became gray and rusty. Sonya was very upset and put the fragments in his pocket. Suddenly she heard that someone was talking at the top. Raising my head, Sonya saw the protein. Yes, yes, these proteins spoke. One of them jumped to Sona and asked:

What is your name?

Me - Sonya. But do the proteins know how to talk?

That's funny! Protein itself, and he also asks whether proteins say!

I'm not a squirrel! I am a girl!

Well, okay, then look in the puddle, girl!

Sonya looked at the puddle and turned pale. She was protein!

How did it happen?

You probably broke the Golden Walnut!

How can I back the girl?

Go to the old oak. Scientist Philin lives there. If you beat him in the dispute, he will give you a silver walnut. Discuss him and get home by the girl. Take my Belchonka - He knows the answers to all Filinnov.

Took Sonya Belchonka and climbed onto the oak. For a long time she climbed and even fell 3 times. Sonya climbed into a massive large branch. Where the scientist Schill was sitting.

Hello, squirrel!

Hello, Uncle Filin! I need a silver walnut!

Okay, I will give you a nut, if you beat me in the dispute.

For a long time they argued, and the belchonok from the sonyth tail suggested everything.

Ok, take a nut, you beat me!

Jumping Sonya from oak, thanked the Belchonka, and he broke the nut.

Sonya came back home by the girl, and the protein came from this day.

Tale from Lieberman Glory.

Chapter I.

He lived, the knight called his glory. Once he called his king and says:

We have a lot of knights, but you are so strong. You must cope with the sorcerer, it is very strong. On your paths will be ghosts and its monsters, they are all strong.

Well, I will go, just give me a sword.

We give.

I went.

With God blessing!

He took the knight of the sword and went to the sorcerer. It goes on the road, sees - in front of him on the road ghosts stand. They began to attack him, and the knight was fighting as he could. I won them all the same knight and went further. Going, goes and saw a monster. And his knight won. He finally came to his goal - to the sorcerer. Fought fame with the sorcerer and won. Came than the glory to the king and says:

I won him!

Well done! Here you have a reward - 10 gold chests.

I do not need anything, and your gold will save.

Well, okay, go, go.

I went to our brave home and fell asleep. He woke up at the dawn and saw a sorcerer with ghosts. He won them again. Now they are afraid of all bad creatures.

Chapter II.

Many years have passed, the knight became much stronger. He began to notice that his robusts. He went to look for thieves, the forest passed, the desert and found robbers, and there were five of them. He fought with them, one leader remained. The knight and chapter won one feather sword and returned home.

Chapter III

I went once a knight for reconnaissance to the robbers, and there were 50 of them. Suddenly the robbers noticed the dragon. Rogues in fear ran away. Round fame to the dragon, the fight began. Fuck a week. Dragon lost. Evening came. Loe to sleep our hero. And dreamed of a sorcerer.

Did you think that got rid of me? I will collect the army and capture the country! Ha ha ha!

And disappeared.

So it happened. The war began. Fought long. But our country won! Returned and knight home! And everyone heard happily.

Tale from konokh nadi

Curious fly.

There was a fly. She was so curious that he often got into trouble. She decided to find out who was such a cat and flew to his searches. Suddenly saw in the same house on a large red cat window. He lay and warmed in the sun. Flying flies to the cat and asks:

Mr. cat, you can find out what you are called, and what do you eat?

Meow! I am a homemade cat Murcot, I catch in the house of mice, I love to enjoy the sour cream and sausage, - the cat answers.

"I wonder if he is a friend or enemy?" - I thought Fly and began to ask further.

Do you eat flies?

I do not know, I need to think. Go tomorrow, I will answer you.

A curious fly flew the next day and asks:

You thought?

Yes, - Cat replied the cat, - I do not eat flies.

I suspected anything, fly flew closer to the cat and again began to ask my questions:

And who are you afraid most of the most kind of Murcot?

ABOUT! Most of all I am afraid of dogs!

Do you like fruit?

Is there too many questions, dear fly? - asked the cat and, grabbing her with two paws, threw himself in his mouth and ate. So it was not a curious flies.

Tale from Dubrovnko Misha


Snowflake was born high in the sky in a big cloud.

Grandma Cloud, why do we need winter?

To hide the earth with a white bedspread, hide from wind and frost.

Oh, grandmother, - Snowflake surprised, - I'm small, and the earth is huge! How do I urine it?

The land is large, but alone, and you have millions of sisters, "said cloud and shook his apron.

In the air, zamigalo, flew snowflakes to the garden, to the house, on the courtyard. They fell and fell, until they covered the entire light.

And the wind did not like the snow. Previously, it was possible to scatter everything, and now everything under the snow was covered!

Well, I'll show you! - Slotted the wind and became snowflakes from the ground to blow.

Doul, blew, but only the snow from one place to another tolerates. So and verse from annoyance.

Here frost undertook to work. And the sister-snowflakes alone closely pressed, so spring and waited.

Spring came, the sun harvested, rose millions of blades on Earth.

And where the snowflakes went?

And nowhere! Early in the morning on each edge of Rosinka-droplets. This is our snowflakes. They shine, overflow - millions of small sunshine!

Mamed Parwana Tale

There was one merchant. He had two daughters. The first called by Olga, and the second Elena. One day he arrived at the merchant brother, and he says to his merchant:

How are you?

I'm all good. And Elena with Olga in the forest of berries collect.

And at that time, Olga Sister left in the forest, and home itself returned. She said to her father, became a merchant to rush.

After some time he heard the merchant that his daughter was alive, that she was the queen and her two sons of the hero. I arrived a merchant to the daughter of Elena, he told him the whole truth about his sister. In the anger, the merchant ordered his servants to execute his first daughter.

And they began to live with Elena - to wait and find good.

Tale from Israpilova Ruslana

Golden bird

Lived were a barin with a lady. And they had a son Ivan. The boy was hardworking, helped and mom and dad.

Once the Barin asked Ivan to go with him to the forest for mushrooms. The boy went to the forest and worn. Barin and his wife were waiting for him, and never waited.

Night has come. The boy walked, where the eyes look, and suddenly saw a small house. He went there and saw Cinderella there.

You will not help me find a way home?

Take this Bird Golden, she will tell you where to go.

Thank you.

Went a boy behind the bird. And the bird was invisible day. Once the boy fell asleep, and, waking up, could not find a bird. He was upset.

While the boy slept, he grew up and turned into Ivan Petrovich. He met his beggar grandfather:

Let me help you, I will answer you to the king.

They came to the king. And he says to them:

The case to you, Ivan Petrovich, take a magic sword and royal supplies and bran Dragon head, then I will show you the way home.

Ivan agreed, went to the dragon. Next to the dragon was a high stone staircase. I invented Ivan how to overcome the dragon. Ivan ran quickly along the stone staircase, jumped on top of the dragon. The dragon was all shook, threw back the head, and at that moment Ivan cut off his head.

Ivan returned to the king.

Well done, Ivan Petrovich, - said the king, - this dragon eaten everyone, and you killed him. Here you are for this map. On it you will find the way home.

Ivan came home, sees mom and dad sit down and cry.

I returned!

We were delighted and embraced.

Petrol Kati fairy tale

Tale of a man and a wizard.

He lived was a man. He lived poorly. He went somehow once into the forest behind the rush and lost. He wandered around the forest for a long time, he was already dark. Suddenly he saw a fire. He went there. It looks, there is no one by the fire. Near the hut stands. He knocked on the door. No one opens. A man entered the hut, and it was completely different in another place - instead of the dark forest, a fairy-tale island with emerald trees, with fairy-tale birds and beautiful animals. The man walks on the island, can not be put on. Night came, lean he sleep. In the morning I went further. She sees the Falcon of the tree sits, it can not take off. It came up with a man to falcon and saw his arrow in his wing. Pulled the man an arrow from the wing and left her, and Sokol says:

You saved me! From now on I will help you!

And where am I?

This is the island of a very evil king. He does not like anything other than money.

And how will I get back home?

There is such a Wizard Aid that can help you. Let's go, I'll give you to him.

They came to Aida.

What do you need?

How can I go home?

I will help you, but you have to fulfill my order - get the rarest herbs. They grow on the unknown grief.

Men agreed, went to the mountain, I saw the stuffed with a sword there, which the mountain was guarded.

Falcon says: "This is the guard of the king!"

It is a man and does not know what to do, and his falcon rushes him.

Grabbed the sword a man and became stuffed to fight. He was fought for a long time, and Falcon did not sleep, claws in the face clutched. The man did not lose in vain, swollen and so hit the chounder, which scarecrowed on 2 parts.

He took her herbs and went to the wizard. Aid was already waiting. Gave him a man herb. Became the AIM potion cook. Finally welded, sprayed the whole island internion and said: "Disappearance, king!"

The king disappeared, and Asid rewarded the man - sent him home.

Returned man home rich and happy.

Tale from Hosak Denis

How Lesson stopped lazy

Three brothers lived in one forest. One of them really did not like to work. When the brothers asked him to help them, he tried to think of the reason to slip away from work.

Once a subbotnik was announced in the forest. All hurried to work, and our fox decided to escape. He rested to the river, found a boat and went into swim. The boat suffered within the flow and carried into the sea. Suddenly began the storm. The boat turned over, and our lesson was thrown to the shore of a small island. There was no one around anyone, and he was very frightened. The fox understood that now everything will have to do it yourself. Himself to get food, build a dwelling and a boat to get home. Gradually, he began to get everything, as he tried very much. When the fox built the boat and got to the house, everyone was very happy, and the fox understood that this adventure was a good lesson. More he never hid from work.

Leather Fale Tale

Katya in a magical country

In one city there lived a girl named Katya. Once she went to walk with girlfriends, saw on the swing of the ring and put it on his finger.

And suddenly it was found on the forest clearing, and on the clearing three paths.

She went to the right and reached the same clearing. Went left, saw a hare and asks him6

Where did I get it?

In the Magic Country, - the hare is responsible.

She went straight and went to the big castle. I entered Katya in the castle and saw that around the king his servants run there and here.

What happened, your highness? - asks Katya.

Koschey immortal stole my daughter, "the king is responsible," if you return it to me, I will return you home. "

Katya returned to the gland, sat down on Perenok and thinks how to help her princess. Started to her hare:

What are you thinking about?

I think the princess save.

Let's get off her together.

Let's go

They are, and the hare says:

I heard recently that the blasts are afraid of light. And then Katya came up with how to save the princess.

They reached the hut on the couch legs. They entered the hut - the princess is sitting at the table, and the Koschey is about it. Katya approached the window, fascinated the curtains, and melted by blasphemous. One raincoat remained.

The princess hugged the princess:

Thank you very much.

They returned to the castle. The king was delighted and returned to Katya home. And it became all good.

Tale from Musalean Arsen

Tsarevich and Three-headed Dragon

He lived, was the king, who had three sons. They lived very well until they came to them invinciblethree-headed dragon. Dragon lived on a mountain in a cave and suggested fear for the whole city.

I decided the king to send the eldest son to kill the dragon. Dragon swallowed the eldest son. Then the king sent the middle sown. He swallowed him.

I went to the fight younger son. The closest path to the mountain passed through the forest. He walked for a long time in the forest and saw the hut. In this hut, he decided to wait the night. Tsarevich went to the hut and saw an old wizard. The old man had a sword, but he promised him in return for the lunar grass. And this grass grows only from Baba-Yaga. And went Tsarevich to Baba Yaga. While Baba Yaga slept, he narrowing the lunar herb and came to the wizard.

Tsarevich took the sword, killed the trothed dragon and returned to the kingdom with his brothers.

Fairy Tale from Fedorova Ilya

Three heroes

In ancient times, people were poor and earned with their work: Pathel, Earth, Cattle was grown, etc. And Tugars (mercenaries from other land) periodically attacked the village, took the cattle, stole and robbed. Leaving, burned the harvest, houses and other buildings.

At that time, Bogatyr was born and his Alyosha called. He grown strong and helped everyone in the village. One day they commissioned him to deal with Tugars. And Alyosha says: "I can not alone cope with a big army, I will go to other villages for help." She put on the armor, took the sword, sat down at the horse and went on the road.

Going into one of the villages, he found out from the locals that helya Muromets Ilya Murometh lives here with an incredible force. Alyosha headed for him. He told Ilya about Tugar raids on the village and asked for help. Ilya agreed to help. Owing armor and taking a spear, they went on the road.

On the way, Ilya said that he lived in the neighboring village named Dobryny Nikitich, who also agrees to help them. Dobrynya met the heroes, listened to their story about Trading Tugar, and three of them headed to the Tagar.

On the way, Bogatyri came up with how unnoticed to go through the guard and capture their leaders. Going to the mill, they changed in Tugar's clothes and in such a way that they carried out their plan. Tugarin was frightened and asked for forgiveness in exchange for the fact that he would no longer attack them. They believed him and let go. But Tugarin did not restrain his word and continued raids on the village with even greater cruelty.

Then three heroes, collecting the army from the residents of Siel, attacked Tugar. The battle lasted many days and nights. The victory was for the residents of the village, since they fought for their lands and families, and they had a strong will to victory. Tugars, frightened such an onslaught, ran into their distant country. And a peaceful life continued in Sylakh, and the hedgehogs took up their former kind of good deeds.

Tale from Terentieva Danil

Unexpected meeting.

In one kingdom, the queen lived alone with his daughter. And in the neighboring kingdom there lived the king with his son. Once the son went to the glade. And Tsarevna came to the glade. They met and began to be friends. But the Queen did not allow daughters to be friends with the korphic. But they secretly friendly. Three years later, the Queen found out that Tsarevna is friends with the korphych. 13 years of Tsarevna was sharpened in the tower. But the king instructed the queen and married her. And the queen on the princess. They lived for a long time and happily.

Fairy tale from Smirnova Kati

Adventures of Alyonushka

There was one peasant, and he had a daughter named Alyonushka.

Somehow a peasant left for hunting and left Alyonushka alone. He grieved, she grieved, but there was nothing to do, she had to live with Kotom Vaska.

Somehow Alyonushka went to the forest on the mushrooms, yes by berries and got lost. She went, she walked and stumbled upon the hut on the couch legs, and Baba Yaga lived in the hut. Alyonushka was frightened, I wanted to run, but nowhere. On the trees, Filin sit, and the wolves have wolves. Suddenly the door creaked, and Baba Yaga appeared on the threshold. The nose with crochet, claws curves, dressed in rags and says:

Fu, Fu, Fu, the Russian Spirit smells.

And Alyonushka in response: "Hello, grandmother!"

Well, hello, Alyonushka, pass, if it came.

Alyonushka slowly entered the house and dumbfounded - on the walls of the skull of humans hang, and on the floor, the carpet of bones.

Well, what are you standing? Come walk, stove, dinner comprehensive, and if you can't do it, I'll eat you.

Alyonushka obediently flooded the oven, prepared dinner. Baba-Yaga was founded and says:

Tomorrow I will leave for a whole day for my deeds, and you look at the order, and if you want to disobey, I'll eat you, "I went to sleep and scared. Talked Alyonushka. From behind the furnace came the cat and says:

Do not cry, Alyonushka, I will help you get out of here.

The next morning Baba-Yaga left and left Alyonushka alone. The cat tears from the furnace and says:

Let's go, Alyonushka, I'll show you the way home.

She went with a cat. Long walked, went to the clearing, see - the village is visible away.

Thanked Cat's Girl for Help and went home. The next day, his father came from hunting, and they began to live, wait, yes to find good. And the cat Vaska lay on the oven, sang a song and ate sour cream.

Fairy Tale from Kirsanova Lisa

Lysine fairy tale

He lived, there was a girl named the world. She had two girlfriends of Hahal and Babab, but nobody saw them, and everyone thought it was just a children's fantasy. Mom asked Light to help and did not have time to look back, as everything was removed, stroked and asked with surprise:

Daughter, how quickly did you cope with all the affairs?

Mom, I'm not alone! Khahal with Bababa help me.

Stop inventing! How can! What kind of fantasy? What a hahal? What a bubba? You have grown!

Light was silent, lowered his head and went to his room. She waited for his girlfriends for a long time, but they never appeared. A completely tired girl fell asleep in her crib. At night, she dreamed of a strange dream, as if her girlfriends were captured towards the evil invalidunes. In the morning, the lights everything was treated.

What happened? - Mom asked, but the light answered nothing. She was very worried about the fate of his girlfriends, but could not admit to his mother.

Passed the day, then the second ...

One night, the light woke up and surprised by the door, which glowed against the wall. She opened the door and found himself in the magic forest. Things were scattered around, broken toys were lying around, they were not refilled beds, and the lights immediately guessed that these are the possessions of the sorcerer. Light went through the only free path to cut out his girlfriends.

The path led her to a large dark cave. Light was very afraid of darkness, but overcame his fear and went into the cave. She reached a metal lattice and saw his girlfriends behind the grille. The lattice was closed by a large castle.

I will definitely save you! Just how to open this castle?

Khahal and Babab said that the sorceress of Nuradyuha threw the key somewhere in the forest. Light ran along the path search for a key. She wandered for a long time among the abandoned things, while suddenly did not see the tip of the key under the broken toy.

URA-A-A! - shouted light and ran to open the grille.

Waking up in the morning, she saw his girlfriends near the bed.

How glad I am again with me! Let everyone believe that I am a fifteentifier, but I know that you really are !!!

Tale from Borovkova Ilya

There was a boy Vova. Once he seriously fell ill. That just did doctors, but he did not get better. Once at night, after another visit, Vova's doctors heard how his bed was quietly crying mom. And he swore to himself, which will definitely recover, and never his mother will cry.

After the next reception of drugs Vova fell asleep. Woke his incomprehensible noise. Opening his eyes, Vova realized that he was in the forest, and his hare was sitting around him and eats carrot.

"Well, woke up? His hare asked.

What do you know how to talk?

Yes, I also know how to dance.

And where am I? How did I get here?

You are in the forest in the country of dreams. The evil wizard was transferred here, "the hare replied, continuing to chew a carrot.

But I need to go home, my mother is waiting for me there. If I do not return, she will die from longing, - Vova sat down and cried.

Do not cry, I will try to help you. But you are waiting for a difficult road. Raise, breakfast berries and go.

Vova wiped the tears, rose, caught fire with berries. And their journey began.

The road passed through the swamps, deaf forest. They had to overcome the rivers. In the evening they went to the clearing. On the clearing stood a small house.

What if she eats me? - Frightened asked Vova hare.

It can eat, but only if you do not guess her three riddles, "said the hare and disappeared.

Vova remained quite alone. Suddenly the window in the house opened, and the sorceress looked out from there.

Well, what are you standing? Come to the house. I'm waiting for you for a long time.

Vova, lowered his head, entered the house.

Sit down at the table, now we will dine. I suppose for the whole day hungry?

And you will not be me?

Who told you that I eat children? Hare probably? Ah, Better! Here I will catch him and with pleasure.

And he said again that you make me three riddles, and if I guess them, then you will return me home?

Did not lie the hare. But if you do not guess them, you will stay forever in the service. You sing, and then begin to make riddles.

The first and second riddles of Vova could easily solve. And the third, the latter was the most difficult. Vova thought she would no longer see mom. And then he realized that the sorceress was guess. The answer of Vova very angry with a sorceress.

I do not go out, you still have to help me.

With these words, the sorceress climbed under the bench behind the rope under it. Vova, no longer thinking, rushed out of the house. And ran that there are urine from the house of the sorcerer, where the eyes look. He fled everything and ran ahead, afraid to look back. At some point, the Earth from under the legs of the voyas seemed to disappear, he began to fall into an infinitely deep pit. From the fear of Vova shouted and closed his eyes.

Opening his eyes, he saw that he was lying in his bed, and his mother was sitting next to him and strokes him head.

You slowly shouted at night, I came to calm you, "Mom told him.

Vova told his mother about his dream. Mom laughed and gone. Vova dropped off the blanket and saw there Nesternated carrots.

From that day, Vova went on amendment, and SPU5IER and went to school, where his friends were beneficial.

Unusual story

Bright lake, 6 years

One day in the spring, early in the morning, when the sun has just woken up, a wonderful story happened to my grandfather. It was so.

The grandfather Vanya went to the forest on mushrooms.

Going slowly, the song is purring under the nose, a stick under the Christmas tree mushrooms are looking for. Suddenly sees - the hedgehog sits on a grinding and crying bitterly. Hedgehog had a broken leg and sick. Grandfather regretted the hedgehog, shouted his leg, treated him with sweet lollipop. The grandfather loved lollipops very much, because he had no teeth and chewing real candy he could not. Hedgehog really liked Grandfather Lollipops. He thanked him and ran to his kids.

But after a few days, the hedgehog with his sons brought a grandfather on his back a lot, many mushrooms and asked to live at the grandfather under the house with his whole family. They all eating sugar mushrooms together and suck delicious lollipops.

Questions and tasks

If the hedgehog settled at home, what would you treat him?
Why did the hedgehog wanted to live with his grandfather?
Have you ever seen the hedgehog? What is the character of this forest animal?
What forest gifts can be made of candy? Come up with several forest candy recipes and draw them.
o All children are small hedgehogs. Every hedgehog should tell than and how he will help the grandfather.

Polyana Fey.

Lily Pryatkin, 7 years old, Kiev

Little fairies were living on the flower glade. They lived together and loved to help people, especially children.

One day a little girl came to flower glade. She cried bitterly, because she had a finger cut. She did not notice anything, except for pain. Then the faces surrounded it with a dense ring and smaghed together with their wings. The girl felt relief and stopped crying. Fairies asked the sun's rays to dry tear girls to dry, and she began to listen to everything around. She heard flowers smell, buzzing insects and sing birds. And the fairies she was told that the world around is beautiful that the wound on the finger will heal soon, and should not be very upset.

One little fairy brought a tiny plantain leaf and put it on a wound. Another asked God's cow playing with the girl in the game "Rain or bucket". And the third - called the breeze, so that he would invite the girl dissected her hair.

And the girl has become so good that she began to smile and play with Faymi. After that, the girl always came to the clearing fairies, if she was bad.

When she grew big, she did not forget the clearing with Fairy and in a difficult moment always called the little fairies to the rescue.

Questions and tasks

How would you help the girl on the spot?
Distribute to children cards with the names of different qualities. Children must come up with fairy taught someone or other quality.
Recall any hard situation from your life and think about how you could help in this situation, different characters of fairy tales, for example: fairies, breeze, sunbetes, etc.
Imagine that good fairies invited you to the holiday of forest fairies. Draw this holiday and tell about him.


Makarova Olya, 8 years old

He lived was a boy Kolya. He had new shoes. But his shoes lived very badly. Kohl them is not shore: not soap, did not clean and threw it anywhere. They did not know the shoes, what to do. Then they decided to take Kohl to the shoe factory so that he looked at how much work should be done to sew such wonderful shoes. The next day, the shoes took Kohl to the factory so that he looked like a piece of leather shoes appear. The factory was huge, and Kolya was surprised how many masters and cars need to sew shoes. Then an important woman approached them. She greeted and asked her shoes as they were doing and whether their Kolya would be saved. The shoes sighed sadly, but were silent. They did not want to complain about their owner. Kola was very shameful, and he said thanks to an important woman for her work.
Since then, Kolya is always the coast of their shoes, because he saw how much work needed to sew such shoes.

Questions and tasks

How will Kolya take care of their shoes after this incident?
Tell us how you care for your shoes.
What qualities should the owner be posted so that his shoes rejoice in life?
Talk to your most beloved shoes, and then tell everyone what she told you about.
How can shoes thank a person for his care? Come up and draw a fairy tale about how your shoes care about you.
Discuss with children, how to care for shoes at different times of the year and in different weather.

P Auchk

V. Vanchekov, 8 years old

He lived was a small spider. He was completely alone and burned very much that he had no friends. Once he decided to go and find friends. There was spring, the sun silently, and on the grass gloss dew. Two moth flew over the green meadow. One white, and the other is red. They saw a little spider, and white moth asked him:
- Why are you so sad?

Because I have no friends, "said the spider.

But the moths with spiders are not friends, because the spiders do not know how to fly, "said white moths.

And the red moth said:
- Let's be friends with you, I will teach you to fly.

Fucers were very happy and agreed. Since then, they have become friends and passed together over the meadow. Moth on the wings, and spiders on a balloon from the web.

Questions and tasks

Imagine that in a balloon from the web with a spruce you make a trip over the ground. Draw your busket and tell about him.
Tell us about your friend who taught you something.
What can spiders teach moths?
Distribute to children cards with drawings of different insects. Each of his insect should tell what he can teach any other insect. For example: what an ant can teach a rainworm, a butterfly - an ant, etc. Then children draw as different insects taught each other.
Divide children into groups of three people. One child in the group - spider, two others - moths. Children must come up with small staging about the friendship of the moth and spiders.

Golden droplets

Yana Dankova, 8 years

It was a sunny day. The sun shone brightly brightly. On the bush were drops of dew, as if gold. Then I went to Kuste and wanted to take them. As soon as I touched, everything disappeared. And I really burned, but the sun seems that I cry, and whispered to me: "Do not cry. Everything will be fine, just not cry." When I heard these words, I was so glad that I wanted to jump and sing the songs. And suddenly I saw on the bush the same dew droplets. I went to Kuste, sat on the pebbles and looked at the golden drops.

Questions and tasks

How would you calm the girl in place Sunny?
Have you ever calmed the sun? Tell us and draw how the sun helped you in different situations.
Imagine that the sun gave the girl's magic dew droplets. Each droplet could fulfill her desire. Draw a girl's desired. In the drawings of each other, children tell what desires and how the droplets performed.

Verba and her leaflets

Sasha Timchenko, 8 years

I walked around the park and saw a flock of leaves. They fell to the ground. The willow began to be sad. And the leaves that fell from her, too lit up. But when they fell to the ground, they wrote an offer: "Cute Verba, you loved us, and we love you too."

Questions and tasks

Distribute to children cards with drawings of sheets of different trees and ask them from the face of these leaves to thank the tree for his care for them.
You can distribute the cards cards with drawings of different trees and ask them from the face of these trees to say goodbye to their leaves.
Come up and draw a fairy tale about how a flock of leaves decided to travel to the southern countries with migratory birds.

Fairy tale flowers

Naumenko Regina, 9 years

He lived, there was a girl called Hope. Hope was beautiful as a rose. She had white, with pink cheeks, and Emerald eyes. But her character was very prickly. She often collaps people with their ridicule, like spikes. Once, the hope loved a very beautiful young man. His she never colola and talked to him gentle. But it happened that her favorite young man forgot about her and did not want to come to her anymore. Hope is very sad, but did not want to talk about the young man anything wrong. Girlfriends persuaded hope to prick the young man. They spoke:
- Once he forgot you, crung him with his spikes.

I love him and I don't want to harm him, "Hope answered.

But hope could not live without a loved one. Then she picked herself, her red blood shed, and hope turned into a wonderful red rose.

Questions and tasks

Children are distributed cards with drawings of different colors. Each child in turn calls any one quality with which this flower is associated with him. Then children draw a magic bouquet of those flowers, which will teach a person to those or other qualities.
Draw roses faith, love, happiness, joy, peace, etc., and tell us about how these roses helped people.
Do you think if your favorite hopes left her, would have changed her character?
Draw hope and her beloved in the image of various colors.

Good heart

Zagnaya Marijka, 9 years old

Lived on white light little pretty girl. She was very beautiful, with white hair, blue eyes and a good gentle heart. Once, mommy went to work, and her daughter took to her neighbor, so that she looked after her.

The neighbor was a lonely woman, and she did not have children. She treated the girl with cookies and went to walk with her. The neighbor kept the girl for the hand and brazulously bragish, what her beautiful daughter she had. The girl never deceived anyone and did not love when they deceive others. She realized that their neighbor would really like to have a daughter. And after a walk, when Mom came home, the girl told her all.

Mom thought for a long time and invented. She baked a huge, delicious pie and invited a neighbor. The neighbor came and was very pleased with the cake and so cute people. They sat and talked for a long time, drank tea, ate pie. And when a neighbor decided to leave, the girl gave her a fluffy white puppy. The puppy squeaked and licked his new hostess right into the nose. Neighbor burst out of happiness. And since then they always walked together - a neighbor with her puppy and a girl with her mother.

Questions and tasks

Come up with a recipe for a cake that Mom baked with your daughter, and draw it.
What was the mother's mom? What would you do in her place after the girl tell you about the deception of a neighbor?
Come up with any fun game, which played in the park Mom with my daughter, a neighbor and puppy.
Draw good hearts mom's mom and her daughter.

Babushkin Dubochk

Misha leather, 8 years old

Lived in the big city of Grandma. She loved the nature so much that he planted under the window of the dubs. He was so small that she could not withstand the weights of the cinema if she sat down on his twig. Grandmother took care of his oak and every morning he greet him, looking out of the window. And the grandmother had a small grandson who often came to visit her. Together they walked to her dubbing and cared for him. Then they sat down next to the side, and the grandmother read the grandson of the fairy tale. Every summer they photographed at Dubochka, and then rejoiced, watching the kid and the village. Dubochka has many new twigs, and he no longer bent under the weight of the birds.

Ducks always looked forward to when the grandson comes to visit the grandmother. He loved to listen to the tales with him very much and led them later to his friends: birds, sun, wind and rain. One day, the grandson came to her grandmother, but they did not come out to the dubbing and did not even greeted him. Ducks waited-waited, but never waited. Then he asked the sparrobe to look into the window and find out what's the matter. The sparrows flew upset and told that his friend was in bed, he had a high temperature, and sore throat. Dubs very alarmed and called all his friends to help.

The rainy droplets were drinking the boy in a living spring water, the sun rays warmed him the neck, the breeze cooled a hot forehead, and the birds sang such a wonderful song that he immediately became fun. And the disease retreated.

Thank you, Dubok, for your help, "the boy said to his friend the next day.

Soon the boy went to school. Both of them grew up and good for the joy of grandmother. The boy listened to fairy tales and thought that when they both would rise and become big, he would come to the oak already with his children and would also read the fairy tales under the widespread thick foliage of oak. From this thought in the soul became warm and calm.

Questions and tasks

Come up and draw a fairy tale that my grandmother told her grandson and dub.
Draw a tree with which you are friends or dream to make friends, and tell me about him.
Watch children into groups and ask them to come up with different situations when dumps and boy will come to each other for help.
Distribute to children cards with drawings of different inhabitants of the Earth - trees, colors, animals, birds, etc. Children should from the face of those who got on cards, tell, than and how they would help the boy would recover.

Snowflakes under the cherry

Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years

Enchanted garden hassle in winter silence. Snowflakes-gunki calmly sleep under the spreading branches of Cherry. Dreamed in snowflakes an interesting dream. As if they were circling around the cherry, and the cherry says them: "What are you funny, my favorite kids," and then strokes them and hugs. Snowflakes-gunki felt affectionate warmth and instant woke up. They labored, because they were not kids, they were cherry, but the cherry comforts them: "Do not be sad. As the sun prigerates, you will become droplets and merrily ride to my roots."

So everything happened. Souls of snowflakes, flocks loved their good comforter. In the spring, they rolled towards her roots and became her real kids: who leaves who was a flower and cherry. The dream of snowflakes-flock came true.

Green Cherry.

Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years

All cherries are ripe, only one berry remained green and small. She saw her beautiful, red berry and tells her:
- Let's be friends.

Red Cherry looked at her and replied:
- I do not want to be friends with you. I am so beautiful and red, and you are green.

I saw a green cherry big cherry and tells her:
- Let's be friends.

I will not be friends with you little, and I am big, "answered a large cherry.

I wanted a little cherry to make friends with a ripe berry, but he did not want to be friends with her. So there was a little cherry without friends.

One day, all the cherries from the tree collected, only the green remained. Time passed, and she ripened. There was not a single berry on none of the tree and when the children found a cherry, they were very delighted. We divided it at all and ate. And this cherry turned out to be the most delicious.

Birth of snowflakes

Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years

There was a winter. On the eve of the New Year, her daughter was born. Winter did not know how to call it. She told everyone about the birth of winter crumbs and asked what a name to give her, but no one could come up with a name.

Litched winter and went to Santa Claus to ask for help. And he answers: "I can't help. No time I am preparing for the new year."

Meanwhile, the daughter came running towards the mother of winter and says:
- The wind is very kind. He helps everyone. I told him that I want to learn to dance, and he taught me. Here, look, - and she spoke in dance.

Daughter, you are very beautiful dancing, "the winter daughter praised.

Mom, but why are you so sad? Probably tired, was preparing for the new year?

No, I just have a lot of things, "Mom replied," and you run play. "

He told him the winter about everything, and suggested her the wind fly to ask the snow how to call his daughter.

They flew to the snow, and winter says:
- Snow-brother, you probably know that my daughter was born?

I know, because I do not alone appear on earth, but thanks to your daughter. She helps me.

Help me for my daughter's name to come up with, - asked Winter.

I know what kind of name she gives - Snowflake. From my name - snow.

That's how the winter daughter was called snowflake. And they all the fun together celebrated the New Year.

Questions and tasks

Come up with your own names for different seasons and explain why you called them so.
How would you call the snowflake if they didn't know her name?
What other kids have a mummy of winter, and what is their name? (Metelitsa, Ice, Yeah, Snow Maiden, etc.) Draw winter gifts that will prepare people from different winter kids. In the drawings of each other, children are guessing what kind of winter kids gave people some kind of gifts.
What are your affairs to remake Mom Winter for the New Year? Draw the most important winter business.

Tale of four deaf

Indian fairy tale

Not far from the village of Shepherd Pashe Sheep. It was already at noon, and the poor shepherd was very hidden. True, he, leaving the house, ordered his wife to bring himself in the field to have breakfast, but his wife, as if on purpose, did not come.

Purchased a poor shepherd: it's impossible to go home - how to leave a flock? Togo and look that they will paint; Stay in place - Even worse: Hunger is tortured. So he looked there, here he sees - Tagalari mows her grass for his cow. The shepherd went to him and said:

Leggles, kind friend: see how my herd does not disperse. I just go home to breakfast, and as for the breakfast, I will immediately return and generously reward you for your service.

It seems that the shepherd came very prudently; And indeed, he was small smart and cautious. One thing was bad: he was deaf, and so deaf that the gun shot over the ear would not make him look back; And what is all worse: he said something with a deaf.

Tagliaari heard no better shepherd, and therefore it's not wonderful that he did not understand the word from the shepherd speech. It seemed to him, on the contrary, that the shepherd wants to take his grass from him, and he shouted with his heart:

What do you care about my grass? Not you mowed her, and I. Do not catch my cow with the famine for your herd so that your herd is satisfied? What do not say, and I will not give this grass. Go away!

With these words, Tagalari shook his hand in the anger, and the shepherd thought he promises to defend his herd, and, calmed down, hurried home, intending to ask his wife his good cobby, so that she would continue to forget to bring her breakfast to him.

Suitable shepherd to his house - looking: his wife lies on the threshold, crying and complains. You need to tell you that yesterday she carelessly attempted on the night, but they say more - raw peas, and you know that the raw peas in the mouth is sweeter than honey, and in the stomach of hard lead.

Our good shepherd tried, as I knew how to help my wife, put it in bed and gave a bitter medicine, from which she became better. Meanwhile, he did not forget and breakfast. For all these troubles, there was a lot of time, and in the soul of poor shepherd became restless. "Something is done with the flock? Like long before trouble! " - thought shepherd. He hurried to grind and, to his great joy, soon saw his herd quietly grazing in the same place where he left him. However, as a prudent man, he recalculated all his sheep. They were exactly the same as much as before his departure, and he told himself with relief: "Honest man This Tagliaar! We must reward it. "

In the herd, the shepherd had a young sheep; True, chrome, but perfectly fattened. The shepherd took her on his shoulders, went to Tagliaar and told him:

Thank you, Mr. Tagalari, what to beat my herd! Here is a whole sheep for your work.

Tagliaar, of course, did not understand anything from what the shepherd told him, but seeing the lame sheep, cried with a heart:

And what is your work, that she is lame! How should I know who I was exploring her? I did not come to your flock. What do I care about?

True, she is lame, "the shepherd continued, not hearing Tagalari," but still it is a glorious sheep - and young and fat. Take it, grilled and be boring for my health with your buddies.

Will you get away from me finally! - shouted taglari outside of herself from anger. "I say to you again that I didn't break the legs of your sheep and not just didn't fit your herder, but didn't even look at him."

But since the shepherd, without understanding him, still kept a lame sheep in front of him, praising her on all the frets, then Tagalari did not suffer and swung on his fist.

The shepherd, in turn, getting angry, prepared for hot defense, and they would, right, would have risen if they did not stop them, who passed by riding a horse.

We must tell you that the Indians have a custom when they speak of anything, asking for the first counter to judge them.

Here is a shepherd and Tagliaar and grabbed, each for his part, in the unde of the horse, to stop the upper.

Make mercy, "said the rider shepherd, - Stop for a minute and judge: which of us is right and who is to blame? I give this man a sheep from my herd in gratitude for his services, and he in gratitude for my gift almost nailed me.

Make mercy, "Tagalari said," Stop for a minute and judge: Which of us is right and who is to blame? This evil shepherd blames me that I was drew his sheep when I did not fit his herder.

Unfortunately chosen by them, the judge was also deaf, and even they say, more than they are both together. He made a sign of his hand, so that they silenced, and said:

I have to admit that this horse is definitely not mine: I found it on the road, and since I really hurry into the city according to an important thing, then to quickly sleep, I decided to sit on her. If she is yours, take it; If not, then let me go as soon as possible: I have no time to stay longer.

Shepherd and Tagalari did not hear anything, but for some reason he imagined that the ride decides not in his favor.

Both of them even louder shout and screaming, reproaching in injustice of the elected intermediary.

At this time, the old Brahmin appeared on the road. All three disputes rushed to him and became in vain to tell their business. But Brahmin was as deaf as they.

Understand! Understand! - he answered them. - She sent you to simplify me, so I turned home (Brahmin spoke about his wife). But you will not succeed. Do you know that all over the world there is no one grossier than this woman? Since I married her, she forced me to make enough sins that I did not wash them off even in the sacred waters of the Ganga River. Better I will eat alms and spend the rest of my days in someone else's edge. I decided firmly; And all your persuasions will not make me change my intention and again agree to live in one house with a evil wife.

The noise rose more than the former; Everyone was shouted with all my might, without understanding one of the other. Meanwhile, the one that the horse stole was jealous of the running people, accepted them for the owners of a stolen horse, jumped with her and ran away.

Shepherd, noticing that it becomes late and that his flock completely dispersed, hurried to collect his sheep and drove them into the village, bitterly complaining that there was no justice, and attributing all the grief of the current snake day, which was overwhelming the road at a time when He came out of the house, - Indians have such a sign.

Tagliaari returned to his huggy grass and, having found a fat sheep, the innocent reason for the dispute, wrapped her shoulders and carried her to himself, thinking to punish the shepherd for all the insults.

Brahmin got to the near village, where he stopped spending the night. Hunger and fatigue seized his anger somewhat. And the relatives came on the other day and persuaded the poor Brahmin to grind home, promising to put it up with a grumpy wife and make it obedient and more comfortable.

Do you know, friends, what can come to mind when you read this fairy tale? It seems that this is: there are people, big and small people, who, although not deaf, and not better than deaf: what they say - do not listen; What you assure - do not understand; Make them together - they speak, not knowing what. They quarrel without reasons, they are offended without resentment, and they themselves complain about people, on fate or attribute their misfortune to ridiculous signs - wanted salt, broken the mirror ... So, for example, one friend never listened to the fact that the teacher spoke him in class and Sat on a bench as if deaf. What happened? He grew up a fool with a fool: for that he will take it, nothing he managed. Smart people regret it, the cunningly deceive him, and he, see if, complains of fate, as if unityful was born.

Make mercy, friends, do not be deaf! Ears are given to us to listen. One smart person noticed that we have two ear and one language and that, it became necessary to listen to us more than speak.


rustic watchman. - Ed.

the minister in the Indian temple. - Ed.

I invite everyone to subscribe to our fabulous journal "Famous and unknown fairy tales". In it we print fairy tales from different magazines. Here is one of the future newsletters. And you can already read it :))

Three hunter

French fairy tale

There were three hunters.

Two went naked, and there were no clothes on the third.

Hunters had three guns.

Two guns were not charged. The third did not have a charge.

The hunters came out of the city at sunrise and went far. Far, far and even further.

Near the forest, they shot three hares and two of them missed. And the third hare escaped from them. They put it in his pocket to the hunter, which did not have clothes.

Oh my god! they said. - How do we welcome that hare, who ran away from us

And here, three hunters again set off.

Finally came to the house without walls, without roof, without ray, without windows, without everything.

Three hunters three times loudly knocked on the door: Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

The owner who was not at home, responded:

Who is what you need

Will you be able to lend us a pot to us to cook that hare, who ran away from us.

Oh, my God, friends, I have only three pots: two things are broken down, and the third is not good anywhere!

Oh and delicious got roast!

The poem on this fairy tale (it was on my plate performed by Lifshitz and Lewenbuk, along with a fly-tonic, multicolored family. Very loved this record! Now there is digitization in the network. I found and rejoiced :))

One day, three friends hunter lived.
Each clothes have nowhere to do!
Therefore, two were ones.
And the third there was nothing to wear.

The cartridges each had so much
What the trouble just happened to the guns:
One without cartridges did not shoot anything,
And two were uncharged were always.

Once friends went hunting,
And each in a huge hare hit.
But two of the dead they missed
And the third killed from them ran away.

Friends rose to the threshold unfamiliar
And they knocked on the door: Tuk-Tuk-Tuk!
The owner who was not at home
Now I rose and went on a knock.

Three friends and hunter sighed three times
And the owner began to ask:
-You do not give us a big saucepan,
So that in her who fled the hare cook?

Saucepan? Please how much please!
There are three of them, and not that one!
But two collapsed and became unfastened,
And in the third saucepan - no lid, no bottom!

But now the tale of the junction came up.
Firstly - finally finally finished
When, secondly, a fairy tale is completed,
Thirdly then the end comes.

The fairy tale is a small miracle,
Without her in the world boring to live,
Even when we will adults,
That we can not be a fairy tale forget. Different fairy tales on the planet,
There are kindness and beauty in them,
Children are rejoiced to wise fairy tales
Dream always comes in them!

Yes, many interesting fairy tales are written. And even more fairy tales - good, good, smart. On this page you will find fairy tales invented by small fairy tales - children of preschool and younger school age. OK? Of course, about animals. About what? About the most important: about friendship, kindness, about mutual assistance.

Children of my older group (MK Dow Pavlovsky kindergarten number 8, Voronezh region) wrote (with small and their parents to help) Several fairy tales that we combined into the collection "Autumn fairy tales of the Magic Forest."

And the children themselves came up with fabulous heroes and made illustrations to their fairy tales.

Autumn fairy tales of magical forest

Stick or let's get acquainted.

In one small magic forest there lived - there was an old man - a lench. He was very kind and wise. The ladner helped all forest residents. And there were a lot of them in the forest: Turtle Torter, hedgehog barbed, Snake Mrs. Catti, Medal's Bear, Bunny Pumpchar, Owl Sovuka, Bird Milashka, Fox Cher, Swan Lebedenok. And the Lesovka followed the people to offend his forest: they were not lit, did not break the trees, did not ruin the bird nests, the primroses did not tear off the animals.

Berry jam

Once he came to the woods of a saddle-rigid baggage.

- What happened, Medok? - asked the old man - why are you so sad?

- We quarreled with a fox cherry. I saved a whole basket of berries, and she ate her. And now we do not talk to her.

"What to do? How to reconcile friends? " - thought the loving. He thought for a long time, but I could not think of anything. And once, when the Lesovach was put into order in the forest, he saw a whole melany of forest berries. "Idea!" He thought. The ladner asked to help chanter and bear in collecting berries. Long they collected them. There were so many berries that friends and founded, and the full baskets were collected. And then everyone drank tea with berry jam. And the rest of the forest inhabitants called to visit the woods. So came up!

Mrs. Katty found a friend.

Mrs. Catty is a long pink snake, lived in a cozy mink nearby. She wore a nice pink hat with a yellow flower and was very proud of it. Every morning, Mrs. Catty crawled out of his mink and warmed up in the sun. And she really loved to crawl on fallen autumn leaves, because they had fun rustled! Mrs. Katty was very good, but no one knew about it. All forest residents were afraid of the snake and went to her mink side. It was upset by Mrs. Catty, because she so wanted to have a real friend!

And once, when Katty, as usual alone, he was warmed in the sun, she suddenly heard that someone was crying plaintively. The snake quickly crawled around where the cry came from, and suddenly saw that the fox was drunk in a deep hole. She could not get caught and cried bitterly.

"Do not cry," the snake shouted to frightened chanterelle, "I'll pull you now!" Mrs. Katty lowered his long tail in the pit. "Hold on to my tail strong" - she shouted by chanterelle. The fox of the Schitra grabbed the snake, and she crawled. It was hard for a snake because chanterelle was very hard. But Katty coped with this difficult task. Since then, Katty's snake and Cherry Cherry became true to friends. Now they have fun together with autumn leaves and warmed on the sun.

How a bear was polite

In the very most common forest in Berorcogue, a bear cereal lived. He was a terrible sweet tooth! But most of all in the world he loved honey. For this, the bear was nicknamed by Medical. Once, when the bear ended all honey, he went to the wild bees, which lived in a large hive on the tree. The Medoc climbed onto the tree, looked in the hive, then he put his paw in there and he threw a whole handful of honey. Bees got angry at him, and let's bite ache! Bear rushed to flee from all legs, but the bees turned out to be faster. They caught up with a Medsk and let's bite it, saying: "Do not take someone else!" Medoca returned to Berloga with empty hands. Bear thought and decided that we had to go behind honey, when the bees would not be at home. He waited when the bees flew to the Polyana to collect nectar and climbed into the hive. Medoca did not even suspect that the bees-guards were left in the hive, who immediately rushed to the sweet tooth. Bear barely feet taken.

Sits a medical board on hemp and crying.

- Why are you crying? - asked the loving, which was passed by.

- I wanted to take honey at bees, and they do not give, but only bite. You know how hurts!

- Pick up? Without asking? Now it is clear why the bees got angry with you. The next time you just ask them honey, just ask you to be very polite. And do not forget about the magical word "please". The next day, the Medoca again went to the hive. He was very afraid that the bees appease him again, but by giving all her courage, asked so politely as soon as he could: "Cute bees, please give me a little of your delicious honey." And then a miracle happened: the bees did not pounce on the bear, and flew into the hive and flew out from there with a big deck of honey! "Luggagest, treat!" - Delivered satisfied bees. Since then, the teddy bear never forgot to talk the magic word "please"!

Tea drinking

He lived in the forest bunny jagged. Once he thought: "I'm tired of this grass! I will go - ka, look something delicious. It would be good to find a sweet carrot! " The bunny smiled, remembering how the carrot salad cooked herself in the morning and littered. On the edge where the bunny lived, the carrot did not grow up, and the jumper went on her searches in the thicket of the forest. Such large trees grew here that the sun's rays were hardly made through the branches. The jump was scary, he even wanted to cry. And then he saw someone's burgrel. From the Berloga came out bearish a meal and asked the bunny:

- How are you, buddy? What are you doing so far from home?

"I'm looking for a carrot," replied the thrumper.

"You're not growing carrots in the forest."

"Very sorry, and I so want sweet."

- Not trouble, I have a whole deck of fragrant sweet honey. Go to visit me to drink tea with honey.

Bunny gladly agreed. And after the tea party, the bear came across the jump to the house so that the bunny was not scary!

Barbed defender.

Under the big stump in the mink there lived a gray hedgehog barbed. He called him so because he had terrible sharp needles. Just real spines! Of course, no one wanted to play with the hedgehog: everyone was afraid to progress.

Once in the magic forest appeared an evil hungry wolf. He saw a bunny of the junction and began to sneak into him gently. It noticed the hedgehog who was sitting on hemp and sad. The hedgehog immediately curled into the ball and rolled right under the feet of the wolf. The wolf screamed from pain and bounced aside. The hedgehog rolled over the wolf. He again and again colole with his sharp needles of the wolf, until he ran away from their magic forest.

How well, that you have such sharp needles, "the bunny said the junction, who approached the Hedgehog - if not you and your spines, I would eat the wolf.

All the forest inhabitants were glad that the hedgehog saved the porch. And the loving asked the hedgehog to become a defender of forests and protect everyone from an evil wolf. And, the wolf, remember the sharp needles of hedgehog, never appeared in the magic forest.


In the magic forest, Owl Sovka lived. She was completely young, so not very wise. Once, she woke up and saw that wild ducks were preparing to fly away somewhere.

The sovuka was very surprised.

- Where are they going to fly? - asked the Sovice at the Loving.

- Wild ducks it's time to fly away into the warm edges - the ladner answered her. - There is warm and a lot of food for them.

- Wow! I need to fly there, once there is so good!

Sovice asked the ducks to take her to her flock. Duck agreed. The next morning, the ducks waited for a long time, but she never appeared. Without waiting for the summistry, they flew without her. It turns out that the Sovice slept. After all, Owls are night birds: they wake up at night, and in the morning they lay down and sleep until the evening. So there was a sovice to winter in the magic forest! But she was good here!

Turtle Torter and her friends.

On the shore of the forest pond there lived a turtle of Tortila. Every day she slowly crawled along the shore, and when it was afraid or wanted to sleep, she pulled her little head and paws in the shell. The life of the turtle was boring and monotony. She had no friends, and she felt very lonely. Now, one day, in the early morning, the turtle was havingdrugated under the rays of the sun, lay on the shore and the ringing song came to her from far away:
The sun rose, ve-seed!
Morning has come, ve-seed!
Bunny woke up, ve-seed!
All smiled, ve-seed!

Soon the turtle ran a gray bunny joy and greeted with her words:
-Good morning!
- Good! She answered him.
- What is your cheerful song!
- Want, we will sing it together?
And they panked loudly:

The sun rose, ve-seed!
Morning has come, ve-seed!

All smiled, ve-seed!

A merry song heard the gathering hodges of the spiny, and hurried to a forest pond.
- Hello, greeted the barb of the Torter and the Pug.
- What a cheerful song you have! Can I sing her together with you?
- Sure! Threesome we will be more fun!
And they sing together:

The sun rose, ve-seed!
Morning has come, ve-seed!
We have already woken up, ve-seed!
All smiled, ve-seed!

On their cheerful song swam to the shore of Swan winch.
- What is your friendly company and a funny song! he said.
"Let's sing all together" suggested the thrumper.
Suddenly, everyone heard that someone was crying under a bush.
All hurried there and saw a little bird cutie.
- What are you crying so bitterly? - she asked her tortila.
- I had a trouble, she answered. The wind rose and I accidentally fell out of the nest. I still do not know how to fly, and how I get back, I do not know. "Sit down to me on the ward, and I will give you to your Genzdyshko." Cutie did it. The winch took off and delivered the chick to the place. Thanked Milash Warf and Potholes Wing. And all friends got a favorite song:

The sun rose, ve-seed!
Morning has come, ve-seed!
We have already woken up, ve-seed!
All smiled, ve-seed!
We will be friends together,
Happiness, joy, kindness to give!

The turtle was very glad that she had so many wonderful friends. The time spent with them was the most wonderful for it.

I was not kept and I compose a fairy tale about the birds cutie. True, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe plot was suggested by children.

Patient Gorlyshko

In the magic forest grew old large - pre-established tree. On one of the branches of this tree was a small nest made of feathers and blades. I lived in this nest bird cutie. Crawled Cutie early: before all the forest inhabitants, and began to sing their cheerful song. Each morning, Milashka flew over the magic forest and sang so bengling and joyfully that all forest residents had a mood. From the song of this little bird, everyone had good and joyfully in the soul, from this all became kinder.

Once, the forest residents woke up with one gloomy autumn morning and could not understand anything - why are they so sad and dreary? The rain that began to drizzle just spoiled the mood even more. Forest inhabitants came out of their berry and holes, out of - under Kohg and stones, frowning and sniffer. "What happened? Why and I, and my friends today have a bad mood? " - thought the loving. He began to look closely, listening and here everything understood: today there were no songs of cutie. What could happen to her? To find out, the ladner went to the old large tree, on which the little singing lived.

"Cutie!" - called the birds a loving. The bird, having flown in the nest flew to him. She sat down on the shoulder and a quiet hoarse voice said that she had happened to her and why she didn't sing at that morning.

Cutie woke up before the usual and, already gathered it was to sing, as Suddenly he saw a spring. Water in it was so transparent and fresh! And how beautifully glittered water droplets, overflowing with different colors in the sun's rays. Milashka immediately wanted to drink this pure water. She flew to the spring and began to drink small sip. Water in the spring turned out to be very cold, just ice. Milashka understood that the cold water could not drink, but the driver was very tasty. She saw and saw. "Well, here, got drunk, now it's time to sing my morning song, which is waking up the magic forest and all its inhabitants!". Little Pevunya opened the keyboard to sing a ringing and gently, but instead of her neck heard a rough hoarse cry. And then the cutie felt how much the neck hurts!

Now she could not sing.

"What to do? How to help Milashka? " - thought the loving. A woodpecker lived on the big pine, a loving went to him.

- Dear Dweath, you are called the "Forest Doctor". Maybe you will cure the neck of our Milashka?

- No, I am flying only trees: we save them from insects and larvae. And you can cure cutie myself. Everything you need for this is in your forest. Honey asking wild bees. It will reduce the sore throat. Raspberry grows near the lake. It will reduce the temperature. And on the edge of the forest, the rose hips. It will help the patient to strengthen and gain strength.

The Lesovka thanked Wooden and went to the clearing, where forests were already gathered. The lenovka told everything to his friends and they decided to help: a bear went to the wild bees to ask a little honey, chanterelle of raspberries, grooming with a hedgehog was narrowing the whole basket of a roshovenik, from which the lenovka welded a healing decoction, Swan Lebedenk gave some feathers to warm the cutie, and turtle Torter volunteered all this to take Milashka. But everyone politely abandoned her proposal: after all, everyone knows how the turtle moves slowly, and I had to help Milashka urgently! The ladner himself was all right and soon Milas recovered. She could sing again. And her songs were even better and calling, because she sang for friends who did not leave her in trouble.

We really hope that you like our fairy tales. And if, and you want to compose a fairy tale about animals, it will be great!

Send us and you will definitely see it on our website!