The essence of the poem of Homer Odyssey. Odyssey

The essence of the poem of Homer Odyssey. Odyssey
The essence of the poem of Homer Odyssey. Odyssey

"Odyssey" is an epic poem attributed to the Homer, recorded in about the IX-VIII centuries. BC, telling about the wanders of Odyssey after the Trojan War.

"Homer's question"

In the literature, it is quite often a question about the authorship of a literary work, but there are two of the most famous questions - this is "Homerovsky" and "Shakespearean" questions. It is not known whether Homer existed in fact and whether he was the author of "Iliad" and "Odyssey." There are no documentary evidence, his name reported the tradition of attributing these texts to him. This question arose in the XVIII century, it was then that researchers "Iliad" and "Odyssey" were divided into two camps - unitarists and pluralists. The first were believed that both text were compiled by one author, the second believed that the text belongs to the oral tradition and at some point it was simply fixed that, for example, happened to the Song of Roland. The evidence of both sides seem to be quite convincing: the unitarists were written a number of works on the holistic composition of these two texts, which indicates belonging to their one author, in the extreme case "Iliad" wrote one author, and "Odyssey" is another. Pluralists paid attention to plot inconsistencies in poems and their obvious similarity with oral tradition. The breakthrough in this dispute was made by Rearry and Lord researchers, who proved that "Iliad" and "Odyssey" carry the prints of folklore epic tradition, they were passed on to the mouth of many generations, but the mentioned texts have reached us in the processing of several brilliant raids (epic performers texts). Despite the importance of the findings of Parry and Lord research, the "Homerovsky" question is still not permitted. With regard to the theories of these two scientists, there are completely different and often opposite theories regarding the existence of Homer, "Homers" or their complete absence.

The king of Islands Ithaca Odyssey became famous as a person who invented the Trojan horse, with the help of which was taken by Troy. After the victory over the Troy, the Greek-aheitsy went home, but Poseidon led a storm, so it was safely able to get safely wedge. Odyssey was to wait for ten years. During this time, most people on the island of Ithaca decided that he was killed, and began to demand that the wife of Odyssey Penelope chose a new husband and Tsar Itaka. The grooms are located in the Palace of Odyssey. Penelope's faithful to his husband said that he would not choose his spouse until he finished Savan (robe for the dead) for old Laerta, Odyssey's father. She has a cloth every day, and at night she was woven, but soon she was exposed in this. Telemakhu, son Odyssey and Penelope, was Athena in the form of a beggar and said that he had to go into the way to find at least some kind of Odyssey. Soon Telemakhu managed to find out that his father is alive. He was located on the island of Nymph Calypso, which was going to give him immortality. Zeus ordered Calypso to release Odyssey, he made a raft and sailed from her, but Poseidon raised the wind, and the raft broke. Odyssey turns out to be in the land of Feakov, their king of Alkina and his daughter, Svetiki, decided to help him. At the feast, Alkinao Odyssey asked to sing about the Trojan War, tears began to his eyes, then he opened his real name and began a story about his wanders. At first, Odyssey was at lotophots, then at the cyclops, where he with his people blinded the cyclopa of the Polyfem, Son Poseidon. The polfence prayed to the father, so that Odyssey lost the whole team and got to Itak not on his ship. So it happened. Then Odyssey hit the god of the winds of Elau, he gave him a bag with winds, which could not be untied, but during his sleep Odyssey his companions opened the bag, and they were taken away from Ithaca. Then the lenders were sinking eleven of the twelve ships Odyssey, the remaining sailed to the island of the sorcerer Kirki, who tried to turn them into pigs, but with Hermes, Odyssey managed to avoid this. He forced to tell Kirk, how to get to Ithaca, she informed him that it was necessary to go down to Aid to the deceased priests of Tiresy. He told Odyssey that all his troubles because of the resentment deposited by Poseidon. He also said that he should not be offended by Helios, because if they accepted the God of the Sun, then the return would be soon. Then Odyssey was reached by Siren, even having heard their singing, flew between Szillla and Charibda, preferring the Szillo Haribda. The last test was the island where the bulls of Helios grazed. While Odyssey slept, the last alive satellites were fried several bulls and accepted Helios. Zeus at the request of the God of the Sun destroyed the vessels Odyssey, and his logo he himself was thrown to the island of Calypso. This ended the story of Odyssey.

The next day he sailed to the ite. Odyssey turned on his island to be unrecognized. In his true appearance, Odyssey appears only to his son Telemakhu. Together they came to the palace, the grooms ridiculed the beggar of Odyssey. Penelope he said that her husband would soon fall free. Penelope arranged the competition between the grooms, they needed to pull the onions of Odyssey and shoot so that the boom was held at twelve rings. None of this was not possible, then I tried Odyssey - it was under power, after which he interrupted all the grooms with Telemach, and Penelope recognized her husband.

Poem Homer "Odyssey"

All Odyssey ships and all his satellites died. Almost perhaps, Odyssey fell on the island of brave sailors, whose king was wise alkina. The daughter of Tsar Navkaya led Odyssey to his father. Alkina gently accepted the guest and made a feast in his honor. On the feap of the blind teacher of Demok (the Greeks were believed that in the form of Demok, Homer portrayed himself) hit the strings and signed about the expirations of Achilles, about the wooden horse and the fall of Troy. I remembered Odyssey of the dead friends and cried. He opened the king alkino and told him about perennial wandering (Fig. 1).

He told Odyssey, as, having lost in the sea routes, he stuck to the island of one-eyed giant-cyclops. At the very sea, the Greeks saw a large cave and entered her. Soon appeared together with the herd of the Cyclops Polyfem cave, the son of the very lord of the seas of the Poseidon's god (Fig. 2).

Running the flock of sheep and goats in the cave, the polyfem fell out the entrance to her fragment of the rock. Nelaskovo met guests.

Horror embraced Greeks. Then Odyssey untied the leather fur with wine and "bravely full bowl stretched out the polyph." I liked the drink Giant. He suggested that he once call his name, promising to make him a gift. Clear Odyssey said:

"I'm called no one; I was given this name

Mother and father, and comrades so much of me. "

With an evil mocking, the cannibal responded to me:

"Know, no one, my kind, that you will be the very last

Eaten when I undertaken with other; Here is my gift. "

Here he fell at all inxicane.

Found the Greeks in the cave a huge stake, rolled it on the fire and knocked him out of his only eye. Wildly overwhelmed with polfels ...

Loud screams hearing, the disrupted cyclops were fled:

"Who is the polyfem, here is a deception of il fool?!"

He answered from the dark cave desperately wild

Ryvom: "Nobody! .." Cyclops shouted in the hearts:

"If no one, why are you so roaring? .."

There were cyclops in their caves. And in the morning connected Odyssey rams in three. Under each middle, one of the Greeks was tied. The polyfem pushed a huge stone from the entrance and, feeling the rams from above, released the whole herd. And with him and the Greeks ... Reaching the ship, they foamed the dark waters. Here and shouted Odyssey Cyclop: "Know, cannibal, that Odyssey dazzled you, the ruler of the ITAKA!" Having heard the name of his enemy, prayed to Polyfem Poseidon: "Oh, the Lord of the seas! My father! Let Odyssey never see debris. If he will reach the will of fate, let him return one, on someone else's ship and misfortune will find in his house! " Because Poseidon has been pursued by Odyssey.

Once Odyssey sailed past the island of Siren. These were evil sorcerers, half-semi-sends. The serenitions were lured by their sweet sirens and devoured them. The whole island Bell bones of the dead. Very wanted Odyssey Magic singing to listen and stay alive. He stuck her ears with wax comrades and asked him firmly tied to the mast. Wonderfully sang sirens. Forgot Odyssey about everything: about his rocky Ithaca, about his wife Penelope and son Telemak. He tried to break the ropes. But with a double strength, they pressed his faithful satellites. And only when the island of Sirena disappeared from sight, they tied Odyssey from mast.

Soon Odyssey and his companions again survived a deadly danger. "In fear of great, we passed the cramped strait," said Odyssey Tsar Alkino. From the rocky cave on one side of the strait made a terrible monster - Szill. It was a huge snake with six dog heads, each of which had the teeth acute in three rows. On the other side of the narrow Savior Savior, a no less terrible monster - Haribda burst. Three times a day, she crushed a huge mouth, absorbing black waters, and then mescause them back. Passing between Scylla and Charibda, Odyssey and his satellites "in the thrill of their eyes on the threatening death turned out."

After listening to the slanting story Odyssey, the king of Alkina commanded to equip the ship to deliver it to Itha.

Curse of the cyclopa came true: on someone else's ship, one, ten years after the death of Troy, returned Odyssey to his homeland. In the house, His uninvited guests had noble young men of Ithaca. They considered Odyssey dead, brazenly managed his good, woven Penelope's wife, mad over the son of Telemac, hoping to deprive his father's inheritance.

Penelope did not cease to believe that Odysseus was alive, and waited for him. She came up with a trick: I promised to choose a new husband, as soon as weaving the confusion of the funeral Father Odyssey (he was old and was preparing for death). In the afternoon, she was without tired of the fault, and the threads dismissed at night. The deception continued for three years, on the fourth one of the maids opened the mystery of the hostess.

Not wanting to be recognized, changed to Odyssey into paid clothing and under the guise of a beggar entered his house. The brown grooms drank and fir, forcing Penelope to choose a new husband. Finally, she announced that he would be a wife who would win on the shooting of Luke belonging to Odyssey. He herself hoped that no one would be able to even bend mighty onions. So it happened. He asked Odysseus to allow him to pull onions. Decided the groom that the beggar of the tramp lost the reason.

Ticking mighty onions, Odyssey, in trials solid,

Namig pulled the theater, and the arrow flew through the rings ...

Odyssey severely dealt with the grooms: "In his house, he destroyed all the grooms of the multiply ...". Raist killed rushed to Odyssey Palace, calling for revenge. With great difficulty, she achieved Odyssemi reconciliation with the story of Itaks.


  1. A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Svencitsky. Ancient world history. Grade 5 - M.: Enlightenment, 2006.
  2. Nemirovsky A.I. A book for reading on the history of the ancient world. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

And lotophogs

Soon, the Odyssey flotilla sailed to the island, on which many goats passed. The Greeks treated them with meat. The next day, Odyssey with one ship went to inspect the island. Soon, it turned out that fiercely giant-cyclops dwell on it, each of which had only one eye in the middle of his forehead. Do not know how to treat land, cyclops lived the sheet. They did not have any cities or authorities or laws. Cyclops lived one - each in his cave among the rocks. Seeing the entrance to one of these caves, Odyssey and his companions entered there, not knowing that it was the abdication of the cyclopa of the Polyfem, the son of the Sea god Poseidon, the fierce cannoy. The Greeks spread the fire, began to fry the goats found in the cave and eat cheese, walked around the walls in baskets.

The destruction of the Troy and the adventures of Odyssey. Cartoons

In the evening suddenly appeared by a polyfe. He drove his herd into the cave and laid a stone outlet, which was so huge that the Greeks had no opportunity to move it. After examining, the cyclops noticed Ellini. Odyssey explained to the Polyfey that he and his people float home with a long Trojan War, and asked the hospitality. But the polypham was buried, grabbed Odyssey two satellites behind the legs, he killed them with a blow to the heads of Seme and devoured, without leaving even bones.

Odyssey in the Cyclop Cave Polyfem. Artist Ya. Yordans, the first half of the XVII century

After graduating from his bloodthirsty feast, the cyclops looked loudly. The Greeks could not get out of the cave, as the outlet covered the huge stone. Having risen in the morning, the Polyfhem broke his head with two other satellites Odyssey, had breakfast and left the flock of herd, locked the Greeks in the cave of the same stone. But as long as he was absent, Odyssey took the trunk of Wild Maslina, sharpened his end, burned on fire and hidden under a bunch of manure. In the evening, Cyclops returned and dined two more people Odyssey. After catching in polite, Odyssey was taken by the polyph of a full bowl of strong wine. Never before trying the wine cyclop this heady drink really liked. Emptying another bowl, the polyfem asked his name from Odyssey. "No one is called me," answered Odyssey. "Well, then, no one, as a sign of my location, I will get you latter," the polyfem laughs.

Drunk cyclops quickly fell asleep with a dead dream, and Odyssey and his not yet eaten comrades rolled the trunk at the fire, walked into the only eye of the Giant and began to rotate.

Odyssey blinds the cyclope polyfem. Chernefigure Vase from Laconiki, Mid Vi in. to R. Kh.

Polyfem screamed loudly. Other cyclops escaped on his cry, asking for a neighbor, that she was staring with him.

- Nobody, my friends: I'm foul in your oversight. No one could damage me! - shouted with polyfem.

- If no one, - answered other cyclops, - what are you so roaring? If you are sick, then ask for help from your father, God of Poseidon.

Cyclops gone. In the morning, the polyfem was removed the stone from the entrance to the cave, became near and began to produce his herd on Palau. At the same time, he shained his hands to grab the Greeks, if they try to go out. Then Odyssey tied three rams and attached his people to them under the belly one. He himself fits under the belly at the leader of the Barani herd, holding from the bottom for the wool with his hands.

Polyfem, releasing the rams, fell their backs to make sure that no one rides the animals on top. Under the belly, the branches of the cyclops wake up his hands did not think. Odyssey and his satellites left under the rams from the cave and sat on the ship. After sailing, Odyssey shouted the polyph, which, becoming the blind, he will no longer be able to devour the unfortunate Skaltsev. The enjoyed polyfem threw a huge rock in the sea, which fell ahead of the ship and raised the wave, almost a thumping ship back to the shore. Throwing out from Sushi Six, Odyssey shouted:

- Know, Cyclops that crushers of cities blinded you, Tsar Itataki Odyssey!

The flight Odyssey from the island of the polyfem. Artist A. Böklin, 1896

The polyfem prayed to her father, God of the Seas Poseidon, asking for Odyssey along the way to the house there were many misfortunes. Cyclops threw the migrate another rock. This time she fell behind the ship's feed, and the wave raised by her ended the vessel of Odyssey in the sea. Having gathered around himself the rest of the ships, Odyssey left the island of cyclops. But God Poseidon heard the request of his son of the Polyfem and swore to fulfill her.

Odyssey on the island of Eol

Heroes "Odyssey" soon arrived on the islands of Eol - the Lord of the Winds. Ea and a whole month honored navigators. Before their sailing in the future path, he handed the fury tied with a silver thread. In this fur, Eala placed all the stormy winds suspended to him, except for the gentle Western Zephyr, who had to carry Odyssey's ships towards his native iteke. Eala said that Odysseus should not unleash the silver thread on the bag before sailing home.

The journey has become calm. Odyssey was already approaching Ithaca and even could distinguish the fires of the bonfires to it on it, but at that moment he dreamed from strong fatigue into a dream. Satellites Odyssey, who believed that in the bag of Ea, there are data to their leader's rich gifts, the silver thread was unleashed. The winds broke out and rushed home to Elau, chasing the Odyssey ship ahead. The heroes of Odyssey soon turned out to be on the island of Eol and began to ask him for help, but the angry God was driven by them.

Odyssey and lendrigons

Read more - see in a separate article

After leaving Eola, Odyssey sailed into the country of terrible giants of lednigons. Like cyclops, they were cannibals. Not knowing where they were listed, the Greeks entered the bay with a bottleneck, surrounded by sharp rocks, and moored at the place where the road was approached. Odyssey himself from caution did not introduce his ship to the bay. He sent three people to find out what is the island. Homer reports that these people met the enormous growth of the Virgin, who led them to their father's house, the leader of the ledrangons of the antipath.

Odyssey and lendrigons. Wall painting end i c. to R. Kh.

At the house on three satellites Odyssey attacked the crowd of giants. They chopped one of them, two others ran away. The cannibals rushed behind them began to throw from the rocks of the stones on the shods of the Odyssey flotilla. All ships standing at the sound edges were broken. Going to the shore, lednigons, like fish, rushed killed on the stakes and suffered with them at eaten. Odyssey barely escaped with one and the only ship standing outside the bay. Avoiding death, he and his comrades worked with elevals that there are strength.

Odyssey and circle wizard

Holding around the sea to the east, they soon reached the Island of Ei, where the sorcerer of the circce, the daughter of the God of the Sun Helios. For his father, she was the sister of the cunning king of Kolkhid Eeta, who had the Argonauts mined the golden fleece. Like this brother, like her niece of Medea, the circce was tempted in witchcraft and did not love people. Odyssey Odyssey Eurloch and with him another 22 people went to explore the island. In his center, on a wide melan, they saw the Tsiress Palace, around which wolves and lions wandered. Predators, however, did not attacked the people of Eurloha, and began to go to them, waving the tails. The Greeks did not know that these animals were actually people enchanted with circces.

The circce herself also went to the Greeks and, smiling friendly, offered them to the meal. Everyone agreed, except for cautious Eurloha. He did not go to the House of Circiers, and began to pry in the windows for what happened there. The goddess put delicious dishes with magical potions added to travelers. The poem Homer reports that when the Greeks took him, the circce touched them a magic rod, turned them into pigs and with a malicious grin drove into a pigsty.

Watching Eurloch returned to Odyssey and spoke about what happened. Odyssey rushed to cut out his comrades. On the way, he was Hermes God and gave a remedy that could protect the circle witchcraft. It was an odorless white "moth" flower with a black root. When Odyssey got to the house of Circei, she was invited to the table. However, by entering her treat, the hero, on the advice of Hermes, the magic flower nyukhal all the time.

Circeda stretches the Odyssey bowl with a witchcrop. Picture of J. U. Waterhaus

The circcer touched Odyssey with his rod with the words: "Go and pier on a naughty". But witchcraft did not affect. Odyssey jumped up and dried over the sword's circles. The sorceress began to ask for mercy, Slah, which would be good to handle the Odyssem and divide a married bed with him.

Odyssey and circle. Greek vessel OK. 440 to R. Kh.

Taking the oath that the circce will not cause him any harm, Homer's hero erase with her. He did not answer the Qircy's love affairs, until she took off her char not only with his comrades, but also from all the navigators enchanted by her. Odyssey lived for a long time on the island of Circe. She gave birth to three sons from him: Agria, Latina and Telegen.

Odyssey goes to the kingdom of Aida

Sticking on Ithaka and in his wife Penelope, Odyssey decided to leave the circle. She advised him at first to visit the underground kingdom of the dead God of Aida and to a question the shadow of the famous Peressia Peressia predictor about his future fate in his homeland. Homer's poem describes how Odyssey and his satellites, customized by the raised circces, floated to the north, to the edge of the world, where the Kimmerians tribe lives in a thick fog and twilight. In a place where the underground rivers, the Kocit and Phlegeton merge with Aherontom, Odyssey on the Council of the Circassia, sacrificed Aida and his wife Persephone Cow and Black Baran. The souls of dead people immediately got drunk sacrificial blood. According to the Council of the Circassia, Odyssey was to drive all the shadows to the sword until it arrives to drink the blood of the soul of Tiresia FIV.

The first to the place of sacrifice was the shadow of Elpenor - a satellite Odyssey, who a few days ago, drunk fell from the roof of the Tsiress Palace and crashed to death. Odyssey was surprised that Elpenor reached the kingdom of Aida, rather than his comrades who sailed there on a high-speed ship. Strictly following the words of the circces, Odyssey, overcoming pity in himself, drove the soul of Elpenor from the blood of slaughtered cows and a ram. He moved away from her even the shadow of his mother, anti-cycle, who also flew to where her son was standing.

Odyssey in the kingdom of Aida, surrounded by the shadows of the dead comrades

Finally was the Tiresi Fiiv. Having tricked blood, he told Odyssey that God Poseidon would be cruelly to pursue him for the blinding of the son, the cyclopa of the polyfem. Tiresiray convinced Odyssey by all their might hold his companions from the abduction of the bulls of the sunny God Helios on the island of Trinacria (Sicily). He said that the Odyssey was waiting for a lot of troubles, but he will be able to take revenge on his good. But at return to the homeland, Odyssey will not end. He must take the shippower and travel until they encounter people who have never seen seas. Where the paddle Odyssey will take a shovel, his wanderings will be completed. There, he should be sacrificed to the sacrificed Poseidon, and then return to Ithaca. Having lived there to deep old age, Odyssey will receive death from behind the sea.

After hearing Tiresia, Odyssey finally allowed his mother to drink blood. Then, the shadows of the dead wives and daughters of glorious heroes. According to Homer, Odyssey noticed among them the famous antiopu, the mother of Elena's beautiful Led, Women of Teas Fedra and Ariadna, as well as the Eraphila - the culprit of campaigns on seven dips and epigones.

Odyssey talked with the souls of his dead colleagues in the Trojan War: Agamemnon, Achille. An Ajax Temmonide is unfavorable to him did not negotiate conversations and went in gloomless silence. Odyssey saw how she senses the shadows of the dead judge of the underground kingdom Minoshow hunted Orion, Tantalt and Sisif suffer, saw the death soul of the Great Hercules.

Before continuing the path to Itha, Odyssey returned to the island of Circe. The wizard warned the hero that he would have to swim past the island of Siren, bloodthirsty women with the body and feet of birds (some legends narrate, the truth is that the sirens had fish and tails). The beautiful, charming singing they knead the sailors on their magic island and betrayed the lyout of death, breaking into pieces. It is said that Siren turned the Goddess of Love Aphrodite in the birds for the fact that these underwent maids did not allow anyone to deprive themselves. In the meadow of their island, the piles of human bones were visible. Cyrcela advised Odyssey to shit her ears with wishes so that they would not hear how sirens sing. If Odyssey himself wants to enjoy their excellent singing, then let him tie his satellites to tie himself to the mast and not to untie, in spite of any requests.

Odyssey and sirens. Attic vase, approx. 480-470 to R. Kh.

Now Odyssey had to go through between two closer-standing rocks in the midst of seawater, on which two disgusting monsters lived - Scylla and Haribda. Huge charibda ("whirlpool"), the daughter of the god Poseidon, sucks the mass of water three times a day and then he dried up with terrible noise. On the opposite rock, Szillobi, the daughter of terrible monsters of the Echidna and Typhon. It was a monster with six terrible dog heads and twelve legs. I worked out the entire district with a scholarship squeal, Szilllated from his cliff, caught the sailing by sailors, broke them the bones and devoured.

The odyssey ship between Szillla and Charibda. Italian fresco XVI century

To escape from Haribda, Odyssey sent his ship slightly closer to Szillla Utus, which grabbed six satellites with six pastes. Unhappy, hanging in the air, with screams stretched hands to Odyssey, but it was already impossible to save them.

Odyssey on the island of Helios Trinacria

Soon the eyes of the navigators appeared trinacria (Sicily), the island of Sunny God Helios, who is there seven herds of beautiful bulls and numerous octara sheep. Remembering the prophecies of the Tiresiia of the FIV, Odyssey took no bull, nor the Baran with his comrades. But, according to the story of Homer, the stay of the Greeks in the trinacria was delayed. The opposite wind blew thirty days, food reserves were exhausted, and the hunting and fishing were almost given nothing. Once, when Odyssey fell asleep, his hunger-tormented friend Eurohloh persuaded the hungry to overtake a few selected bulls, saying that they would raise the temple on Ithaka in gratitude to Helios. The sailors caught a few bulls, they stuck them and the meat was flooded.

Waking up and learning about it, Odyssey came terror. Helios complained about the municipality of travelers Zeus. When the Odyssey ship came out from trinacgrounds in the sea, Zeus lowered a strong wind at him and hit the lambray in the deck. The ship went to the bottom, and all who sailed on it, with the exception of Odyssey himself, drowned - as predicted in the kingdom of Aida Tirey Fiiv. Odyssey somehow knitted by the belt on the water of the mast and keel and kept on them. Soon he realized that the waves carry him to the rock of the Haribda. Hooking for the roots of Russes on the molding clock, he resisted on them until Haribda did not swallow the mast and keel with water, and then he did not release them back. Again grabbed the mast and starting to swear with his hands, the Odyssey sailed from the water.

Odyssey at Calypso

Nine days later, he was on the island of Ogigiya, residence of Nymph Calypso, covered with meadows with flowers and cereals. Calypso lived there in a huge cave overgrown with populas, cypresses and wild grapes. Beautiful-nymph welcomed Odyssey, fed him and put to sleep with him. Soon she gave birth from the navigator twins Wavifoy and Navnina.

Odyssey and Calypso. Artist Yan Junch

Seven years Odyssey lived at Calypso on Ohigi. But he did not cease to raise her native Ithaka and often spent time on the shore, looking into the sea distance. Finally, Zeus ordered Calypso to release Odyssey. Having learned about this, Odyssey tied the raft, said goodbye to the hospitable nymph and swam to his homeland.

But the hero's light ship accidentally saw his hater, the god Poseidon, who drove on the sea on the winged chariot. By sending a huge wave on the raft, Poseidon washed away Odyssey overboard. Sea is barely floated to the surface and somehow climbed into the raft. Next to him dropped from the sky in the image of the bird-Durd Merciful Goddess Levclothy (IOO). In the beak, she kept a wonderful bedspread, which had a property to save from death in the sea bunchery of those who wrapped in it. Poseidon shook the raft Odyssey of the second wave of terrible height. Thinking that this time the hero is no longer saved, Poseidon went to his underwater palace. However, the lifting covers did not give Odyssey to drown.

Odyssey on the island of Feaks

Two days later, the accomplice of weakening from the fight against the water element, he reached the island of Drepan, on which the tribe of Feakov lived. Here, on the shore, Odyssey fell asleep with a strong sleep.

Odyssey at the court of Tsar Feakov Alkinoa. Artist Francesco Aec, 1814-1815

The next morning, the daughter of the king and the queen Feaaki (Alkinoa and Arute), came with the maids to the stream to wash clothes. After working, the girl began to play the ball and shouted loudly when he fell into the water. This cry woke odyssey. Promotion of his nakedness by branches, he came out to the girls and a skillful speech caused a sympathy of Svika. The royal daughter led him to the palace, to his father and mother. King Alkina listened by the history of the travels of Odyssey, gave it and commanded to take the hero on the sea on Ithaca.

The sail of Odyssey from the country of Feakov. Artist K. Lorren, 1646

Being near the native island, Odyssey fell asleep again. The former Feaaki with him did not wake up the navigator, and attributed him to the shore, folding alongside the gifts of Alkina. When Feaaki returned to the ship into her pier, they struck their poseidon to the vessel on the vessel with his palm and turned it together with the stone team. Alkino, he began to threaten that he would destroy all the ports on the island of Feakov, falling asleep with their wreckings of a large mountain.

Odyssey and grooms

Return Odyssey to Italian

Waking up on Ithaka, Odyssey went away from the sea shore and met the goddess Athena on the way, who accepted the image of the shepherd. Not knowing that in front of him, Athena, Odyssey told her invented story, calling himself a Christian who fled from his homeland because of the murder and accidentally fell on Ithaca. Athena laughed and opened its true guise to Odyssey.

The goddess helped the hero to hide the gifts of Tsar Alkino in the grotto and made it unrecognizable. Odyssey's leather was covered with wrinkles, headed head, clothes turned into miserable bumps. In such a form of Athena, he took him to the hut of the minister of the kings of Ithaca, the faithful old Swine of the Evmee.

The son of Odyssey and Penelope, Telems, shortly before this, traveled to the companion of Odyssey in the Trojan War of the Spartan King Menel. On the way back from the walls of Troy Meneli also underwent a lot of adventures and misfortunes, was even in Egypt. Telemas asked the recently returned home Meal, if he had heard anything about Odyssey somewhere.

On Ithaka, everyone thought that Odyssey died, and 112 noble young men from this and neighboring islands, began to care for his wife, Penelope. By marriage on it, each of these young people hoped to receive the local royal throne. The grooms hated Telemach and were going to kill him when he returns from Sparta.

The groom, tells Homer, asked Penelope to choose one of them into the husbands. She first refused flat, saying that her husband Odysseus, no doubt, is still alive. But the persuasion of the young men were very persistent, and Penelope outwardly agreed to elect a new spouse. However, she said that he would do it only after the Sathersa Sathersa in the event of the death of the old father Odyssey, Laerta. Three years of Penelope sat over Savan. Store loyalty to her husband and deceiving the grooms, she is the day of the fault, and in the evening secretly dismissed all the work done in the day. For three years, the grooms were died in the Palace of Odyssey: they drank his wine, cut and ate his cattle belonging to him, cleared his property.

Having met the warm appointment in the Evmee, Odyssey had not yet disclose his real name and called a foreign wanderer. At this time, Telemas returned to Itha from Sparta. The thought to hurry home inspired His Goddess Athena. She also brought Telemacha in the Evmey's hut, where his father was. During their meeting, Athena, for a while he returned Odyssey former appearance, and the son and her father learned each other. Odyssey decided to act against the grooms surprise and therefore he did not allow the telemakhu to talk about who he was. Telemars should not be devoted to this mystery even his mother, Penelope.

Reolate again by the image of the beggar, Odyssey went to his house where the grooms were singing. Nobody recognized him on the way, and the rude gestivity of Melanfiy even thrown into the legitimate king of Ithaca with Branju. On the palace yard Odyssey saw his faithful hunting dog, Argus, once a strong and hunch, and now he had a dumping from old age on a pile of manure. Having learned the owner, Argus wilted the tail, stirred up the muzzle - and died.

Evmey brought Odyssey to the hall, where the feast of the grooms was walking. The Telemis, who was present here, pretended that he did not know the aliens, and gently invited him to the table. Continuing to pretend to be a beggar, Odyssey went along the table, asking for the grooms of union. But these greedy and arrogant boys are unceremoniously chasing it. The most shameless groom, antinea, threw a bench in Odyssey, to which before this put his legs. Local beggar IR, fearing that the stranger will now compete with him for the remains of food left by the grooms, began to drive Odyssey from the hall. Washed to put himself with the bravery, Iar caused Odyssey on a fist fight. Antine's height, having heard it, walked and promised to treat the winner of the fight with goatic stomachs.

Odyssey threw the upper part of Lochmotyev and went to Ira. Seeing the powerful muscles of Odyssey, the beggar was terribly strained. Odyssey piled him to Earth the first fist's blow. Looking at the shock of two old vagrants, the groom died from laughter. Then they continued to appeal, and in the evening they went home. When no one left in the hall, Odyssey ordered the Telemakhu to remove and hide into the storeroom hanging on the walls of the groom's weapons.

Meanwhile, Penelope, who served a stranger who came to her house, called him to himself and asked if he had heard of the Westa about her missing her husband Odyssey. Odyssey has not yet been opening to her, saying only that her husband is alive and must come back soon. Penelope told Odyssey's old cormalitis, Eurorslee, wash the feet of his feet. By bringing the water, Eurorsleia suddenly saw Odyssey his old scar on her thigh. She screamed from joy and surprise, but Odyssey put her finger to her lips, giving it to understand that the time to open his presence of Penelope had not yet come.

The servant of Eurcrileia ishes his legs to Odyssey

The next day, the newly assembled to smear the grooms became noisily demand that Penelope makes the final choice and called one of them with her husband. Penelope announced that it would be for the one who had enough strength to pull the strong bow of her former husband Odyssey and shoot him so much so that the arrow flew through the holes in twelve axes. The bow, which is talking about, was once donated by Odyssey Ifit, the son of that Hero of Eurita, who competed in shooting with Hercules himself. Several grooms tried to bend onions, but could not. It could make telemons, but the view told him to postpone the onions aside and took himself for him. Telemakh took the mother from the hall to the inner rooms, grabbed onions, easily pulled him and fired it. The boosted arrow flew through the holes of the twelve axes.

Odyssey became with a bow and arrows at the entrance to the hall, and Telemis - next to him, holding a spear and sword. By killing the next shot, the antique, Odyssey called his true name to the grooms. The grooms rushed to the walls behind a heavy weapon, but they saw that he was not there. Most of them them, however, had swords. Extending them, the groom rushed to Odyssey, but he with an extraordinary accuracy hit them with his arrows. Telemas brought from the pantry, spears and helmets for their father and his two faithful servants - Evmee and Filotia, who, having learned the owner, became next to him. One after another Odyssey killed all the grooms besides the heads of the foreman and singer Femia. There were also several palace maids who were buried with the grooms and helped them to discharge Odyssevo heritage.

Beating the grooms odyssem. From the picture of Schwab

Tie Telta Odyssey with the inhabitants of ITAKI

Homer tells further how Odyssey went to Penelope, he opened her and told about his adventures. He met with his old father, Laert. But in the morning of the Palace, the reserving residents of Itaks came to the Palace - Rafie Antinous and other killed grooms. Odysseus, Telemis and Laerts entered them into battle with them, which was stopped only the intervention of the goddess Athena Pallades. The relatives of the killed grooms began with the Odyssee of litigation, which was transferred to the decision of the Son of the Great Achille, the epirian king of the neopolme. Neuctolence ruled that Odyssey for murder must leave Ithaca for ten years, and the heirs of the grooms are to pay for the telemakhu damage during this period, which has fallen into the tsarist property.

Last journey Odyssey and his death

Latest legends say that Odyssey decided to devote the years of his expulsion to delight Poseidon, who still did not forgive him the murder of his son. On the advice, received, Odyssey went to be wagered with an oral on the shoulder. The path was lying through the years of Epirus. When the hero has reached the FPROTY removed from the sea, the locals who have never seen themselves asked that he drags on his shoulder for a shovel. Odyssey brought a gratitude to Poseidon and was forbidden to them. But his expulsion period from his native island is not yet expired. Without having no opportunity to return to Ithaca, Odyssey married Tsaritsa Ferphotes Callidic. She gave him a son, polypoyta.

A nine years later he inherited the FDSPROT Kingdom, and Odyssey finally went to Ithaca, which is now the rules of Penelope. Telemah left the island, for Odyssey received the prediction that he would die of his own son. Death came to Odyssey, as Tiresi predicted, because of the sea - and indeed from the hand of the son, but not from Telemach, and from Telegen, the son of whom the hero arrived with the magic of the circces

Odyssey became the second after the "oriad" poem, the creation of which is attributed to the great ancient Greek poet Homer. According to the researchers, the work was written in the VIII century BC, perhaps a little later. The poem is divided into 24 songs and consists of 12110 poems. Presumably, Odyssey was created on the Major Coast of Eldlands, where the Ionian tribes lived (Turkey is currently located on this territory).

Probably the right-"Odyssey" does not exist. Nevertheless, many plots and mythological heroes mentioned in the poem have already existed at the time of creating a work. In addition, in the poem you can meet the echoes of the Hett mythology and the Minoan culture. Despite the fact that many researchers find the features of certain Greek dialects in Odyssey, no of the regional variants of the language does not correspond to. Perhaps Homer used the ionic dialect, but a huge number of archaic forms testifies to the membership of the Mycenaean era. The elements of the aolian dialect discovered, the origin of which is unknown. A significant number of flexive forms used in the poem have never been used in a live speech.

Like "Iliada", "Odyssey" begins with the appeal to the Muse, which the author asks to tell about the "hyperthere".

The poem describes events that occurred 10 years after the fall of the Troy. The protagonist of Odyssey, returning home after the war, was captured to Nymph Calypso, which refuses to let him go. The faithful wife Penelope is waiting for Odyssey in Ithaka. Numerous applicants for hand and heart are woven daily. Penelope is sure that Odyssey will return, and refuses to everyone. The gods gathered to the Council make a decision to make their envoy Athena. The goddess comes to Telemakhu, the son of the main character, and encourages him to go to Sparta and Pilos, to learn about the fate of Odyssey.

Nestor, the king of Pilos, transmits some information about the Ahase leaders, and then invites him to contact Melana in Sparta, from which the young man learns about the fact that his father became a captive Calypso. Having learned about the departure of the telemacha, the numerous grooms Penels want to arrange an ambush and kill him when he would return home.

Through Hermes, the gods give the order Calypso to let go of the prisoner. Having received the long-awaited freedom, Odyssey builds a raft and goes into swimming. Poseidon, with which the main character is in conflict relationship, raises a storm. However, Odyssey managed to survive and get to Sleria Island. Here, Feaaki live - navigators with high-speed ships. The main character meets the dog, the daughter of the local king Alquinoa, who suits the Pier in honor of his guest. During the holiday Odyssey tells about his adventures that happened to him before he hit the island of Calypso. After hearing the story of the guest, Feaaki want to help him return home. However, Poseidon is trying again to kill the Odyssey hateful to him and turns the Fao ships in the cliff. Athena turned the main character in the beggar old man. Odyssey goes to live to a pig power.

Returning home, Telemas was able to avoid an ambush, arranged by the grooms of his mother. Then the son of the main character sends an eumey to the pig's pig, where he meets his father. Having come to the palace, Odyssey discovered that no one would know him. The servants are mock and laugh at him. The main character intends to take revenge on his wife's grooms. Penelope decided to arrange a competition between applicants for hand and heart: you need to skip the arrow through 12 rings, using her husband's bow. Only the true owner of Luka could cope with this task. Odyssey tells his wife the secret, which was known only to them two, thanks to which Penelope finally recognizes the spouse. The angry Odyssey kills all the servants and grooms of his wife. The relatives of the killed rebellion, but the Odyssey manage to conclude the world with them.

Despite the fact that the main feature of the character of Odyssey is heroism, the author does not try to emphasize this line. Events occur after the completion of the war in three, that is, the reader does not have the opportunity to assess the main character on the battlefields. Instead, the author wants to show completely different qualities of his character.

The image of Odyssey has two unlike each other. On the one hand, this is a patriot, devoted to his homeland, loving son, spouse and parent. The protagonist is not just a talented warrant, it is perfectly versed in trade, hunting, carpentry and maritime business. All the actions of the hero leads an insurmountable desire to return to the family.

The other side of Odyssey is not so ideal as the first. The author does not hide that the brave warrior and the seawater feels pleasure from their adventures and in the depths of the soul wishes to return home. He likes to overcome all sorts of obstacles, pretend and go for tricks. Odyssey is able to show greed and cruelty. He, without thinking, changes his faithful wife, lies for his own benefit. The author indicates minor, but very unpleasant details. For example, on the feast, the main character chooses the best piece. At some point, Homer understands what "overwhelmed the stick", and rehabilitates Odyssey, forcing him to mourn dead comrades.

Analysis of the work

Chronology of events

Odyssey herself, that is, the wanders of the main character, took 10 years. At the same time, all the events of the poems fit in 40 days. Researchers from the US National Academy, relying on the Astronomical pointers mentioned in the work, were able to establish that the main character returned home on April 16, 1178 to our era.

It is assumed that the character Odyssey appeared long before the creation of the poem. Researchers believe that the protagonist is a doggy figure, that is, the image was created by the ancient Greeks themselves, but borrowed. Going to Greek Folklore, Odyssey received an erode name.

The poem can detect at least 2 folklore plots. First, this is the plot of the son who went to search for his father. Secondly, the plot about the head of the family, who returns to his homeland after long years of wanderings for one reason or another. The husband, as a rule, returns on the wedding day of his wife with another man. Spouse, counting the first husband dead, trying to re-arrange his happiness. The Wanderer first nobody recognizes, but then it is still possible to identify on some sign, for example, a scream.

It is possible to carry out analogies not only with an ancient Greek folklore, but also with the well-known works of world literature. The most striking example is the novel "Dead Souls".

Features of the work

"Odyssey" has a symmetric composition. This means that the beginning, and the end of the poem is devoted to events in Ithaka. The composite center becomes the story of the main character about his journey.

Style narration
Description of the wanders are under the first person, that is, says the main character directly. A feature is traditional for the works of this genre. This technique is known from Egyptian literature. It was often used in the folklore of the navigators.

Translator Arkady Arkadyevich Kazan

Editor Tatyana Borisovna Kazanskaya

Editor Irina Arkadyevna Kazanskaya

© Homer, 2017

© Arkady Arkadyevich Kazan, translation, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-8177-9

Created in the Intellectual Publishing System Ridero

110th anniversary of my father who returned from the war

105th anniversary of my mother waiting for her husband

Light memory of the wing, waiting for her husbands from the war


Arkady Kazan

2017 year


The modern Russian person is extremely difficult not only to understand the works of the Great Homer, but also to read them. The translations of the poems performed by the Great Poets of the XIX century are written by the archaic allowchant Russian language, where they do not say today, and do not write. Large difficulties delivers reading the poetic text that does not subordinate to the strict rhythm, deprived of the rhyme, and not built into foreseeable strangers.

The proposed arrangement of the text of Odyssey Homer puts itself a task, to convey to the modern reader a great poem in its maximum fullness, while maintaining all the named actors and names, without exception, in the form, in which they are presented in Homer. The order and number of poetic lines in each of the 24 songs are saved. The maximally eliminated from the text of archaisms and long multiple epithets, which is why the poem acquires new dynamics and expressiveness.

The rhythmic system of the poem is represented by a five-axis anapest (three-seater, with an emphasis on the third syllable), with constant alternation of female and male endings stanz. The graphic system of the poem is accepted in the image and likeness of the system of Dante's comedy, with a breakdown of three lines; The first and third line of each three-wing rhymes with the second line of the previous three-wing, which gives a connected text throughout such a long work convenient for reading.

For a clear understanding of the meaning and action of the poem, each song is preceded by a brief presentation of its prose content. At the end of the poem, the necessary references are presented on the nominal number of names and the names of the poem, with brief explanations of each name and name:

- Alphabetical list of storage gods, mentioned in the poem;

- Alphabetical list of Homer's heroes and actors of the poem;

- Alphabetical list of other names and concepts of the poem.


With undoubted authorship of the Great Homer, the poem "Odyssey" is strikingly different from the poem "Iliad". If Idiad is a majestic historical epic, in which the Olympic gods act as the people of previous generations, dedicated in the memory of living people; Odyssey, - the unrestrained flight of the author's fantasy, in which, with the exception of the Olympic gods, is hidden some reality of the world surrounding the author.

This is the immortal nymphs-goddess living somewhere on the distant islands, and the giant-cannibal lednigons, and the giant-cannibals of cyclops, and peaceful lotuses that feed on in one color of the lotus, and friendly feques, whose ships themselves find the road in the seas. Add to this terrible monsters, - Scylla and Charibda; Siren, fascinating travelers with their beautiful songs; countries where there is no sunlight, so do not know where the east, where the West; God of Eol, holding winds locked up and managing them. And what stands the gloomy kingdom of the dead, Asid, where he directs his way to Odyssey to the soul of the Prophet Tiresia. Yes, and the scene of beating more than hundreds of Brideins Penelope Father and son in a limited space of the dining, albeit the royal hall is unrealistic. Injury, you are questioning each of the scenes of Odysseas, right up to the murder of Tsar Agamemnon, an unfaithful wife, sinned with his brother's cousins. Yes, and the culmination of the Trojan War - the input of the Trojan horse, full of armed warriors, in the walls of Ilion, causes a lot of questions.

It is amazing, - if we consider the scene lines of Odyssey, in the detachment from the narration of Homer, the plot lines of the New Testament are involved in the mind.

Take the plot about the three shepherds, Evmee, a pilate and Melanfia, meeting and accompanying Odyssey when returning to their homeland, immediately come to mind three shepherds-Magni, Kaspar, Valtasar and Melchior, who meet the Virgin and Baby of Christ after the Nativity of Christ. In the plot about the aid of Odyssey in AID, there is a convergence in Hell of Christ after his crucifixion until the resurrection of the dead. Remarkably appeared before the Odyssem in Aid's souls, the mayors, daughter Preta, the grandson of Sisifa, who gave birth to Zeus's son of Lockra, and preserved virginity, like the Most Maiden Mary, who gave birth to Christ, and the deceased virgin.

The plot of the beating of satellites Odyssey giants-cannibal ledrasions, reminds of beating babies in Bethlehem; The plot of the giant-canned Polyfem, reminds about the covenant of Christ to pass his flesh and blood, which replaces bread and church wine, besides the covenant, - there is no other God in heaven; The plot of the wrong wife of Cleener, covenant, - do not commit adultery. In this series, you can also put the plot of the struggle and victory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (which is the Goddess of Athena) on the strong world of this, - the plot of the beating of the broth Penelope. Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, - canonical Christian Trinity.

Even small details - the plot of ties Odyssey to the mast of the ship when passing the island of Siren, his tied to the mast of the ship during shipwrecks, resembles the plot of the crucifixions of Christ on the cross; The plot of the appearance of his nagim before Svikae with his friends, - the plot of the phenomena of Christ is wives after the resurrection, and much more.

Separately, it is worth saying about the strange custom of dilution of wine with water before it is used during the peaks, and the videos of the gods. The usual grape wine is not so tight; If it is still diluted with water, it will be a drink for quenching thirst, but not causing ochmellation on the feasts. But if you eat alcohol as a drink, drinking it without dilution with water will not work, which brightly shows the plot of intoxication of the giant-ogyolic cyclopa with undiluted wine Odyssey. In addition, the grape wine will quickly determine if not in the cold cellar conditions; they can be poisoned; Alcohol does not deteriorate with long-term storage, occupying a little volume in the Scarbie troops. Here, just, remember the evangelical plot of the conversion of water in Wine Jesus Christ, where Christ orders to add water into large vessels.

Yes, one can say, in a huge poem, Homer consumes almost all the plot lines of human relations and passions, reflected in the evangelical teaching of Christ, but the coincidence of the plots of three shepherds, the aid to dilute wine with water, can hardly be called random in this context . Do evangelists write off, or vice versa, is a question that requires research.

The genealogy of Gomer's gods mentioned in the poem

Initially, there was a gloomy, immeasurable chaos, in which Gaya was born (earth). Gay gave birth to uranium (heaven) and entered into marriage with him. From this marriage, Titans were born (Japet, Koy, Feba, Ocean, The Afony, Mnemozin, Femis, Cron, Reia, Crowd, Hyperion, Tayya), as well as cyclops, storuchny (hactonheira) and Erinnia.

Titan Cron marked with his sister, Titanide Rey. From this marriage born the Olympic gods of the first generation (Gera, Zeus, Demeter, Poseidon, Aid, Gestius). By the name of his ancestor of uranium, all Olympic gods are called uranides, along with other descendants of uranium.

Supreme Olympic God Zeus (Diy) Cronid married his sister, Olympic goddess hero. From this marriage born the Olympic gods of the second generation (Gefest, Hebia, Ilfia, Ares).

In addition, the Olympic gods of the second generation include numerous children of Zeus and descendants of uranium from other women who were presets. Further generation from Zeus begins a generation of heroes. Many of the second and subsequent generations of heroes take part in the events described by the Homer of the Trojan War.

Thus, the genealogy of the gomer gods is very short. From chaos to the Trojan war, only 4-5 generations of gods and heroes are stacked, which can be put in the period of time about 150 years. We can say, - Odyssey returned home in 150 after the birth of the Earth from Chaos. It is wonderful - when aid in Aid, Odyssey sees there the soul of the Giant of Titia, the Son of Gay (Earth), as the most ancient titans.

????????? ?
Song first

Ten years ago, the Trojan War was completed by the Troada, ruining and burning her capital, orion. All the surviving heroes return home, one cunning king of Ithaca, Odyssey, who brought the immortal glory of the Motherland, - Ellade and Argos, still wandered over Belo Light. Since he went to the Trojan War, leaving his wife Penelope with a breast baby with his son Telemach, passes for twenty years. Odyssey loses all his ships in wanders, all comrades. He loses the last comrades after they, despite the strict ban of the gods, eat the cows of the sunny God, Helios of Hyperion. God Poseidon is angry with Odyssey for the blinding of his son, the cyclopa of the Polyfem, and does not allow him to return home, to Itha. For a long time, Odyssey is located on the island of Ogigiya, at the daughter of Titan Atlanta, the Nymph Calypso, who wishes to make it his spouse, promising immortality and eternal youth for it.

However, the timing appointed by the gods to stay Odyssey away from the debris, expire. God Poseidon briefly departs at this time to the inhabitants of the reverse side of the Earth, Ethiopams, accept their victims. At this time, the rest of the gods gather at Olympus at the Supreme God of Zeus, to solve the fate of Odyssey, for which the Goddess of Athena asks. Zeus commemorates the fate of Tsar Agamemnon, killed by his nephew of the auspices, the son of Fiesta, Brother Athrey, in collusion with the wrong wife of Agamemnon, Cliudernone. They commit murder, despite the warning of the gods, transferred to them by Hermes. Zeus also recalls the fate of the egista himself and the cliques killed by the son of Agamemnon Oest, to revenge for the death of his father. For the murder of Mother Oresses pursue the evil goddesses of revenge Erinnia.

Odyssey suffers on the island of the goddess-nymph Calypso, not knowing how to return home. The goddess Athena suggests sending God Hermes by the Bulletin to Nifim Calypso, with the order to send Odyssey home, to which Zeus agrees; The very goddess of Athena goes to Ithaca, to the son of Odyssey, Telemakhu; Let he go to Pilos to the tsar Northar, and in Sparta to the king of Meal, asked about the disappeared father. Arriving in Ithaca, the goddess of Athena finds there a good hundred grooms woven to the wife of King Odyssey, Penelope, who feat in the palace of King Odyssey, erupting his reserves, despite the protests of telemace. The rulers of different islands are gather here - the Dulihia, Zakynthos, and the ITATIC itself; The marriage with a widow of Basiles will give them a great honor, and the opportunity to become Basilev himself. Telemas meets the goddess of Athena, which appeared in the image of the cop, Tsar Tafossev, a long-time friend of Laerta, Odyssey's father, as if traveling to Temes behind the gland. Telemas express his goddess his troubles; Athena is indifferent to the broth penelosh and prophesate to them death, saying Telemakhu, - his father is still alive. The goddess recalls his journeys with the Odyssem, says - Telemis is very similar to the Father. She offers Telemakhu to convene a collection of the Ahetsev, and demand, - let the groom clean the house of Odyssey; Then go to Pilos and Sparta, learn about the disappeared father, then the goddess flies. Telemas, seeing this, understands what she was talking to God.

Penelope's grooms come, singer singer, who sings about the events of the Trojan War. Penelope goes to the grooms, asks the femistry to sing about something else, but the leaders stops the mother, sending it to the female half. Telelam firmly appeals to the grooms, "let them leave his house, and wove the mother of her father Ikaria, as it should be. The grooms are rude by Telemakhu and survey about His Guest; Telemachs are disgusting and says, "will collect a collection of Ahaseians tomorrow to cut the grooms. The night comes, the guests are diverted at home, Telemis also goes to sleep, accompanied by their babysitting, the old woman of Slave Eurorsleia, thinking about the proposals of the goddess Athena about the meeting and a trip to Pilos and Sparta.

Odyssey is sleeping in cunning, muse

The Citadel of the Holy Troy destroyed, wandered since

Cities visited many people, arguing in customs;

Suffered on the seas, about salvation to take care of the

Cute life, return comrades faithful to the depression. (five)

But at the same time he did not save his comrades, he was also in the reproach -

The sacredness of themselves committed themselves during life -

Helios of the hyperionide of eating fat cows.

Returning home God deprived of this with ukriznaya.

Oh, goddess, daughter diya, tell me and about that a few words, - (10)

The rest at the time, avoiding the faithful death,

They were at home, the war was escaped, and the sea of \u200b\u200bOkov.

Only him, in his wife and the debris, a heart

Queen Calypso, goddess and nymph, holding

In Grote, Light, wanted, spouse to become faithful. (fifteen)

Traced the year, and the year came ran away,

Calling when they intended the gods to return.

He, however, and there, on Ithaka, could not avoid

Evil Labor, although there was a friend. Compassioned, swear

Gods a lot to him. Continuous one Poseidon (20)

Odyssey chased so that he did not touch the earth.

The oscillator of the earth here in the country of Ethiopians left,

Ethiopians that land on the other side is inhabited -

Where Hyperion went, and where he went to the sunrise.

Taking the victims of many bulls and rams from them, (25)

God enjoyed, sitting on the feast. Other all

Were in the house at Zeus Vladyka, in Olympus is extensive.

Here the parent husband and the gods addressed everyone, -

In the heart, in the memory was the lady azerish, definitely

That orest is killed, Agamemnon Son, between those. (thirty)

He turned to the Immortal God Zeus, messenger literally:

"Strange, people willingly in all the gods, we blame us!

Evil comes from us, they say, but, because, by the way,

Death, against the fate, against yourself, everyone wants to attract?

So the aetis is not the fate of it, in spite, he is an atridge spouse, (35)

Major when returning to a dedication of it, took the wives?

The death of Grozny knew he, - His gods set species, -

Smelly Hermes Argoebike, - To think, did not bother,

Neither to kill him nor his wife in wives to take. It is seen,

For the atridge will come from orvesting revenge, - only mature, (40)

Wishes to join the possession of his deception.

Did not manage to Hermes, the benefit wishing a aetist, like a lion,

Convince his hearts. Because that soul was paid. "

Sulfur, the goddess of Athena said then:

"Ah, the father is our crony, from the rulers of all the highest! (45)

The truth is, you are, - the death is deserved, more than ever.

Let them die and anyone who is what happened!

For the king Odyssey hurt my heart always, -

He, unhappy, in trouble, and from lovely away, on an arc

Sea island, in place, where the PUP will overgrow land, (50)

Forest forests; The goddess on it lives

Daughter of Titan Atlanta, who for the abyss over his strength,

Herculese pillars itself stores; Arch of heaven like

Full stars - he picked up his pins into powerful shoulders.

Sorrow taken, the daughter of Titan's unfortunate warms, (55)

Soft, ingratiating speech all the time its seductive

So I forget Odyssey about Ithaka. But, passionately cherishes

See the eye at least smoke ascending the land of the earth, -

Thinks about the death of one. Is it really not moving

Odyssey, the hearts of the string to you, Olympic? Away, (60)

He brought victims of saints in Argiv courts

In three, being himself? So what are you angry, Zeus? "

Replies Zeus, collecting clouds big:

"Wounds the word of yours, from the fence of the teeth sinking!

As I could forget about the Divine Tom Odysheushe, (65)

Outstanding the thought between mortals, with the hunt for all

I bring victims to us, the immortal rulers of the sky?

Poseidon-Agricherts to Him who has no measures

Anger feeds for the fact that the cyclops are incomparable

The eye is deprived of them - a booard, whose strength cyclopam as example (70)

Presell was; He was born from nymph FOOS,

Daughters of Trorkin, the guard of a free sea, Schker

With Poseidon-Vladyka asleep in the cave. And, strictly,

Odyssey since then the winner of the seas Poseidon

Well, we think we who now have gathered here, -

How to go home to him. Poseidon is dropped

Anger, - he will not be able to argue with all the immortal after all

Against the will of the immortal gods will throw their own way. "

Sulfur, the goddess Athena said then: (80)

"Oh, the crony father is our, you are superior to the rulers!

Kohl pleased with the blessed gods, so that he returned there

Odysseus chipped, in a depression, tell Hermes

Artist, Argoubian, decision, yes, -

To the nymph in braids, woven, on the island of Ohigiya demon (85)

Rush, to transfer our inflexible words, -

So that his homeland was returned by Odyssey, in the troubles honest.

I'll go to the Ithaquets, so that his son is there first

Will to inspire the will, and put the courage in the heart, -

At the meeting of all hairy Ahetans, convening, (90)

Grooms to drive out that murdered in the house immensely

From Otara sheep, low-speed horned bulls.

And then send sandy and Sparta to Plos, probably

To explode about a nice father, coming from dreams,

So that in people a good glory affirmed about him. " (95)

And she tied to her legs shine of beautiful soles,

Ambrosyne, everywhere with dunzens nice

Over the earth is boundless, even over the water.

In the hands of taking a battle spear, completed steel, -

Very strong; They beat people under them, (100)

Nicky goddess anger, father's daughter almighting.

Flew goddess from the top of Olympus thunderstorm, -

Becoming in Ithaka at the house of King Odyssey, like a cloud,

At the threshold of the gate, and with a spear of their sharp in hand,

A stranger taking, the taphos of the rulers of the Mental Oblichie, (105)

Grooms prideous caught. They are light

Soul delayed themselves, with a zeal in dice playing,

Sitting on the skins of bulls, they eaten on a picnic.

Vinolrypia, together with servants, tried at home, -

Those - wine, pouring into crater, interfering with water, (110)

Those - Washing tables by a sponge noise, shifted

To the middle, and put on them a lot of meat mountain.

Telemis the boginship noticed everyone better.

Hearted with a heart, he silently sat with their gorn, -

It seemed to him how the parent had a mighty, (115)

Would he dispersed all the grooms at home, captured

Mr. possession, and his power again took steeper.

With the grooms of Sites, he saw Athena, jumped

And headed for the door, soul ashamed that innocent

Forced to stand a wanderer at the entrance; Approach, grabbed (120)

He for the right hand of the aliens, he accepted him, -

And friendly, the speech of the wallasta brought him:

"Alien, enter! We treat you across the oldest

Feeding satisfying, then tell us, - you came to what ", -

So said and went. And behind him and Pallada Athena. (125)

How they entered the house that high, according to

The peak of the guest to the high column is stolen and pulled

In the urn smooth with spears, where there is still a lot

Odyssey of other copies, a powerful spirit in the offense.

And he led it to the beautiful throne on appearance; (130)

I sat down, the stack of the cloth, the bench moved under my feet.

Near himself placed on a carved chair, from the offense

Grooms so that the guest is not sitting there, with arrogant together,

Disgusted to food did not feed, aggravated by the game;

Inspoke to secretly about his father, with interest. (135)

Here is a beautiful jug of golden with man-made water,

Taz Silver was set by the maid

To wash; After putting the table small,

Put the honorable keeper of bread, trying

Snack in different ways adding, stocks, readily giving. (140)

Kravychy put before them on dishes, their upwards rising,

Meat of different, Cups near them are golden feeding;

Vinolrypius walked that matter, blasting wine.

Giddeal in the hall entered the groom; in rows

In order, it was rejected on chairs and chairs; And from the edge (145)

The maid came to them; And they sat down the hands washer.

Bread to the basket to the top of the servants filled them,

Vinolrypia lily drink into crater; pumped

Those immediately hands up to food dragged.

As a glandier drinking and eating quenched, tasted, (150)

Suddenly I wanted all the hearts of the grooms, they rested,

Dance, music is eager, - the devastants of beautiful peters.

And Kifaru is an excellent femistry, the Bulletin gave in hand, -

It had to be involved to sing for the grooms.

The singing raised Kifaru and began a beautiful song. (155)

Seruogrozza Athena then Telemah brought again,

Leaning his head so that no one heard them to lead:

"Do not get angry, my guest is my dear, what will I say?

Only one thing on the mind here, - Kifara, yes songs.

They cripple here other people's wealth, trembling, - (160)

Husband; White bones were rotten somewhere; rain

Wets in the praha, the wave shakes in the sea, just horror.

If you saw that he keeps the track on Ithak,

Wish it better to have more advantage

What clothes and gold here accumulate a little by little. (165)

Angry fate he, however, eradicated, and no strength tolerate

Consolation, although some of the people claim -

He will come! But the day of returning his death was hidden!

Well, now I tell me, not hiding anything from me -

Who are you? What kind of? What else did the city live? (170)

On which ship came to us, flying by the sea,

Shipers were brought to the iteak? Tell me

Not walking here, I guess, I got to us?

So they say frankly, I don't need to lie, -

For the first time you come here, Ile before happened, (175)

Guest be your father? They had a lot of them

In the previous years, guests, with people a lot of parents communicated. "

Sulfur, the goddess of Athena said immediately:

"You will answer your questions with the frankness of complete, -

Name, - ment; My Father, - Anchila Multiple, Just (180)

I always boiled; And I myself am Vladyka Tafossev,

Loving loving, here with their came in the ship;

To the strangers for the steel sailing in the Wine Sea,

In the city of Long Tekes, and food with iron. In MGL.

Its ship established, nonritone of the forest where Krokh, (185)

Song first

Muse, tell me about a highly different husband, which
Long wandered since destroyed the sacred Troy,
Many people in the city visited and the customs saw
Many spirit suffered on the seas, about saving
Life of His and return to the subcircuit comrades faithful.
Nevertheless, he did not save his comrades, no matter how hard it tried.
Own themselves, they wanted themselves with sacredness:
Ate, madness, cows Helios Hyperionide.
The day of returning home forever he was deprived of them.
Muse! About this and tell us, starting where you want.
All the others at the time, avoiding the death near
There were also at home, equally and the war avoiding the sea.
Only him, in his wife and the debris of the heart
Nymph-Queen Calypso, goddess in the goddess held
In the grotto deep, wanting it to her by his spouse.
But flowed the year, and for a year came when it was
The son of Laerta gods is appointed to the house to return.
Also, however, and there, it could not avoid it
Many works, although there was a friend. Commonwealth are full
There were all the gods to him. Only one poseidon continuously
He drove Odyssey, he deposited his land did not reach.
There was Poseidon at this time in the distant country of Ethiopians,
The extreme parts of the earth at both ends of those inhabited:
Where the hyperion goes and where he rises in the morning.
He took the hacatoms of bulls and rams from them,
He enjoyed, sitting on the feast. All the rest
The gods in the titles of the Kreonid father were assembled.
With speech to all of them, the parents of husbands and the gods addressed;
On the heart, in the memory was Vladyka Eggs Storm,
Life Agamemnonid devoid, copper orette.
Remembering him, he turned to immortal cright with the words:
"Strange, as people willingly blame the immortal!
Evil comes from us, they say, but not
Death, fate, contrary to yourself, are enthusiastic?
So the aetis is not the fate of him in spite of his spouse atridge
Took my wife, killed him when returning to the depression?
The death threatening he knew: we have punished strictly,
Darling Argoubita Hermes sent, so that he did not bother
Neither kill himself nor his wife to take himself to his wife.
Revenge for the attrid will come from Ores, when, indignant,
He wishes to join the possession of its country.
So told him, the benefits wishing, Hermes; But he could not
Hearts to convince him. And for this, the auspiece paid. "

The truth said you, - he deserved such death.
So let and everyone will die, who would have accomplished this!
But my heart breaks for the king Odyssey:
Tolerates, expensive, he troubles, from lovely away, on an arc
Waves island, in a place where the PUP is acquired by the sea.
Forest island; Goddess lives on it,
Daughter of the Atlanta Cause, to which the abyss
The sea is everything and which the supervision of the poles has:
Between the earth and the sky, they are, losing them.
Sorrowfully detached, keeps the unfortunate daughter of Atlanta,
Soft and inspired speech all the time its incolment
To forget about his ITAKA. But, passionately wishing
See even smoke ascending land, thinks
Only about the death of one Odyssey. Is it really not touched
Cute heart to you, Olympian, the fate of his evil?
He did not honor you on the plain of the Trojan
Near Argyvian ships? So what are you, zeus, indifferent? "
She answering, said the collecting clouds Krochiyon:
"What the words you flew out of the fence tooth!
How could this be forgotten about the divine I Odyssey,
So outstanding the thought between mortals, with such a hunt
Victims of the gods bring, the lords of the widespread sky?
But Poseidon-Agriculture is not measurable
Anger is glowing for the fact that cyclops polyfes
Eyes deprived of them - Cyclops whose power between other cyclops
The most great was; He was born from Nymph Foosa,
Daughters of Trorkin, the guard unallowfully noisy sea,
In contact with Poseidon-Vladyka, which joined the cave deep,
From this point, the oscillator of the Earth Poseidon Odyssey
Does not kill, but away drives away from cute debris.
Well, we think we all who are here on the Olympus today,
How to come back home to him. Poseidon is dropped
His anger: he will not be able to argue with all the immortal
And against the will of the universal gods to do selflessly. "
Zeus said then Sovokaya Virgo Athena:
"About our parent Cronide, from the rulers of all the highest!
If you want now all-saved gods to return
Mirasay could have a multitude in a depression, I would order Hermes
Argoubic, solutions to your performer, nymph
In braids, beautifully woven, on Oggy's island immediate
Rush and she transferred to our decisions,
To the Motherland was returned by Odysseas multipitious.
I will go to the itek, so that there is Odyssev son
Cheerful more to inspire and put him courage in the heart,
So that the collection of long-haired ahetans convening
All the grooms he expelled killing in the house without an account
A bunch of sheep and horned bulls inxious.
After that I will send him to Sparta and Pilos Sandy,
To explore about a nice father and his returns,
Also that in people a good glory approved. "
Cut, she tied the gold soles to the feet,
Ambrose, everywhere with wind dungers
And over the ground Impressed and over the water.
In the hands took a combat spear, an isopted with copper, -
Heavy, strong; They beat Athena Heroes,
Anger on yourself with the lived goddesses of the mogue.
Rugged a rapidly goddess with high peaks of the Olympic,
Became in the same country at the yard Odysseeva at home
Before the threshold of the gate, with a spear with its own sharp palm,
The image of adopting a stranger, the taphos of the ruler of the cop.
There, the ghenykhs proudly found. They are in front of the door
The soul was delighted, with diligence in the dice playing,
Sitting on skins of bulls, they themselves killed.
In the hall of the Bulletin, together with agranny servants at home
These - wine poured into craters, interfering with water,
Those - Having watched tables with a sponge, put forward
They are for the middle and put on them in abundance of meat.
The first of all the boriformists noticed the goddess.
Heart pegs with lovely, he silently sat with the grooms.
And it seemed to him, as the parent had a mighty,
How did he dispersed all the grooms at home, would capture
The authorities will again and would be the possessions of his master.
In the thoughts of such, with the grooms sitting, he saw Athena.
Quickly headed for the door, having sneaks, so long
Stranger at the entrance to stand forced; And hastily approaching
He took for the right hand of the aliel, he accepted his spear,
The voice has raised and with the speech of the winged to him turned:
"Rejoice, Wanderer! Enter! We treat you, and then
I'm satisfied with food, you will tell us what you need. "
So he said and went. And behind him and Pallada Athena.
After they entered into the house of Odyssev high,
Guest spears he put to a high column and put
In the smooth show, where there is still a lot
Copies of other Odyssey, mighty spirit in misfortunes.
After the goddess he led to the beautiful chair,
The cloth Clasp, sat down, and pulled up a bench.
Near himself placed on a carbon chair, in remote
From the grooms to the guest, next to the arrogant sitting,
Did not get disgusted to food aggravated by their noise
Also, so that in secret to ask him about the father remote.
Immediately a beautiful golden jug with a man-made water
In the Taza Silver was set by the maid
For washing; After putting the table, it is smooth.
Bread put a venerable key to them, a lot
Eschings of various adding, willingly give them from stocks.
Kravychy put before them on dishes, raising them high
Miscellaneous meat and the Cups near them placed golden;
The Bulletin approached them with something, blameing wine.
Noisily entered the groom's groom's courtyard in the hall
And in order, it was rejected on chairs and chairs; With water
Heralds approached them, and they were washed their hands.
To the top of the bread in the shopping basket they put it,
The boys poured a drink into crater to the edge.
Hands immediately ready for food. They stretched out.
After the glare of drinking and food was broken,
The new grain lit the hearts of the grooms: I wanted
Music, dance - the addieces of the most beautiful pyr.
Femomia Bulletin Kiifara beautiful handed over:
Before the grooms, he wanted to sing unwittingly.
Femiius Kifara raised and began a beautiful song.
And then he turned to the telemons to the coordinate Athena,
Going to her head, so that no one has heard a stranger:
"You will not get angry, the guest is my dear, that I say?
Only one on the mind here is from these - kifara da songs.
No wonder: they are crushed here for other people's wealth -
Husband, whose white bones, driven somewhere, rain
Watches on land Ile in the sea, fierce waves swing.
If they saw that he returned to ITACK,
Everyone would be wished to better have a progressive leg,
What to rich, and shook out clothes and gold here.
Evil fate he, however, is empty, and there is no
We are comforted, although some of the people claim:
He will still. But no! His day of return died!

Who are you? Parents who? What city are you from?
And on what ship you came, what kind of expensive
Shippers were brought to visit us? Who are they themselves?
After all, it's not walking here, I guess I got to us.
Just this say frankly, so I know well:
In the first time you come here to Ile with long-standing father
Have you been to the guest? Much arrived last years
Our guests in the house, for a lot with people, my parents called. "

"I will answer your questions with frankly:
My name is a cop; My father is a multitude, and this
I am glad to boast; And I myself am Vladyka Tafossev
Weekly, came in his ship with their own;
On the Wine-Cherry Sea sailing to foreign messengers
In the city of distant Tekes, and food with shiny gland.
I set my own ship under the slope of the forest neuon
In the pier Retre, far from the city, near the field.
Proudly I declare that we are with the same friend
Long guests. When you visit the hero of Laerta,
You can ask the old man about it. They say it does not go
More he is in the city, but, the troubles suffer, live far
In the field with the old maid, which feeds and sew
The elder when, on the hills of the vineyard, dried out,
Old members their ownsts, returns to the house he.
I am now: they said that he was already at home, your father.
It can be seen, however, the gods will be bored with him.
But he did not die on the Earth Odyssey worst, believe me.
Somewhere in the sea is wide, on the island weaving,
He stayed alive and languishes under the rule of ferocious,
Wild people and can not leave, no matter how darling.
But I will take it to predict - and what about it
The opinions of the gods and how, I guess, everything will accomplish,
Although I am not a prophet at all and do not know how to guess the birds.
Will not be long since he is cute in separation
If even his even iron chains were kept.
In tricks, he will come up with how to progress.
You tell me now, not hiding anything from me:
Genuinely see the Son Odysseeva in you?
Scary you head with him and eyes are beautiful.
Often last time we met with him before
In Troy, he went, where and others
The best of Argiwan on ships Crotoboki floated.
After me, I did not meet with me with my one. "
She answering, said the judicial son of Odysseyev:
"I'm on your question, our guest, I will answer quite frankly:
Mother says that I am the son of Odyssey, but I myself do not know.
Can anyone know, from which father he was born?
I would be happy when I had a parent
Husband, in his poses to old age peacefully lived.
But - between all people, the most unfortunate -
He is my father, since I wished to learn from me. "
Again, he told him the worship of Virgo Athena:
"It can be seen, pleased with the immortal, so as not without fame in the coming
Your genus, when this is like you, gave birth to Penelope.
Well, tell me now, nothing hikes from me:
What for lunch here? What is the collected? Why do you need it?
Will the wedding here or a feast? After all, it does not go to the folding.
It seems that guests are unbridled in the house
Your claims. Shame would felt any reasonable
The husband, who looked here, the behavior of their vile seeing. "

"Once you, my guest, asked and wished to know, then find out:
Once full of wealth was this house, was respect
All at the time when it was still here that husband was.
Now, a different solution of hostile gods accepted the gods,
Having made it between all her husbands an invisible eye.
I would have grudging about him, if he died,
If in the Trojan Earth, he died between comrades
Or, having graduated from the war, his friends would have passed away.
Would be embarrassed over him since the hill hill funeral,
The son of great glory for all times he left.
Now Garpii took him in defectiously, and he left
Everyone's forgotten, obscure, and the son left to share
Only sadness and sobbing. But I'm not only one of it
Crying; Other Mount Mount The cruel gods sent:
The first people to power that the islands here inhabit
Deputy, and Dulichi, and Zakynthos, covered with thick forests,
And stony to our itek, - strive stubbornly
Mother to force my marriage and grab property our.
Mother and in marriage Hate does not want to join and can not
Their attracks end put, and they ruin
My female house and soon destroy me. "
In the indisciencement he answered Pallada Athena:
"Mount! I see now, as you have a remote
Need it to put your hands on shameless aliens.
If now, turning, he got up in front of the door of the house
With a steam of copies in hand, with a shield with its strong and in the helmet, -
How I first saw the hero at a time when he
In the house we had fun at the feast, while sitting in the bowl,
To us from the ethers, arrived from El, Mermer Son:
Also and there he visited Odyssey on his ship quickly;
Poison, mortal people, searched, so that he could smear it
Copper arrows their own. However, IL refused
Give him poison: he was ashamed of the soul of the gods he was immortal.
My father gave him, because he loved him scary.
Before the grooms when it appeared in such a form,
Short-sovereign steel b they are very bitterly!
This, however, in the Lona the gods of all-in-law hidden, -
He will revenge if Ile not, returning back
In the house your native. And now I would suggest you think
How to do so that all the grooms are removed from the title.
Listen to me and to what I say, treated with attention:
Tomorrow, the citizens of the Ahasey conversion at the collected, openly
All tell them, and God for you will be witnesses.
After the demand, so that all grooms on the houses went through;
Your mother, if her spirit again wants to marriage,
Let him return to the father a multi-power, his birthplace into the house;
Let him go a wedding, giving giving big,
How much to get his daughter is cute.
Well, to you, - My reasonable advice you can, be performed:
The best ship with twenty worker rowes, go
And about the father of the disappearance of the disappeared; True from mortals
Someone can tell me about him, Il Solva will tell you
Zeusova - most of all she brings news people.
In Pilos earlier, you know what the divine Nestor will say,
To Rusom, after Mennel, go to Sparta;
He arrived home, he was the last of all medial ahetans.
If you hear that your father is alive, that he will come back home
Year waiting for him, patiently demolishing his oppression;
If you hear that he is dead, that there is no more in the world
Then, returning back to the father's cute earth,
In honor of his hill, you pour the grave, as you can guarantee
Chin funeral on it and in marriage mother will give up.
After you do all this, you end all this,
In his heart and in the mind perfectly think about what
Means of all the grooms in your dentals to finish
Cunning or openly. Guys live trifles
Time passed for you, not already now your age.
Il is unknown to you that with Divine was a orette,
What he got the glory, plaguing with a cunning aetist,
Ottuse, father of his glorious life deprived?
I see, my friend is my friend, that you are great and beautiful,
You are not weaker, you will also be glorifying;
But it's time for me to come back to my fast ship:
Satellites are waiting and probably in the soul are indignant by me.
Well you take care of yourself and what I said, consider ".
Again, the TV glasses suggested by the guest answered:
"The right, my guest is, you are talking to love with me,
Like a father; I will never forget tips.
But wait, although it seems to see, you hurry on the road.
I am going earlier from us, grasp themselves a cute heart.
With joyful spirit, then you will take it on the ship you are a gift
Valuable, beautiful that I will bring to my memory,
Both between guests and the owners are pleasant to each other. "
So answered him by the master of V. Athena:
"No, do not delay me now, I hurry on the road.
The gift is that the cute heart encourages you to hand me
I, returning back, I will come home and go home with him,
Dar having received the dear and give you the same. "
POLVILA and deployed the worship of the V. Athena,
Like a fast bird, fluttered into the window. Covered
His power and courage. And he is more than before
I remembered the father of dear. And, in his heart, reflection
In the thrill, the soul came, navained that he was talking to God.
Immediately back to the grooms headed a husband's husband.
Sang in front of them the singer famous, they were sitting,
Listening to silence. He sang about the return of sad from Troy
Rati Ahetsey, who sent to the parlad of Athena.
In the uppermost, inspired by hearing singing
Elder Ikaria Daughter, Penelope is reasonable. At once
She descended from above with a high staircase at home,
But not alone; With her, two maids went down together.
In the hall going to the grooms, Penelope, the goddess
Has become near the jamb leading to the dining room,
Cheeks closing a shiny covered, and nearby
With her, on both sides, diligent steel maid.
Crying, singer inspired so Penelope said:
"Femuses, you know so many other admiring soul
Songs, what singers are placing gods and heroes.
Sing of them, before the meeting sitting, one. And in Molchania
Guests will be heated by wine. But Pringvi started
Sad song; sorrow she fills me in the chest
Cute heart. I fell to a lot of worst grief.
Husband is so deprived of this, I can not forget about the dead,
Such a fill with his own and Hellad and Argos. "
Mothers did the judgic son of Odyssev objected:
"My mother, that you interfere with the singer in pleasure our
Then sing than in the soul he burns? Not a singer in that guilty -
Zeus here is guilty, which workers painfully people
Everyone in the soul moists what he wants. It is impossible to annoy
Once he wished he wanted the fret of the ill-fated danayrs.
People are most admired usually
Song, which imagines themselves is new.
Spirit and heart to blame and make themselves listen.
Not one Odyssey did not have to do the home,
Many also did not return home from under Troy.
Better come back to yourself and deal with your business -
Yarn, cloth; Order, so that the servant immediately
Also took. Speak - not a female thing, and the case
Husband, all more - mine; I have one lord. "
So he said. Having wiles back Penelope.
Son is a reasonable word deeply penetrated into her soul.
Top rising to myself with the maids, cried for a long time
About Odysheusa she, about his wife's love, as long as
Sweet dream did not cover her eyelids of the goddess of Athena.
And the grooms at this time were noisy in the shady pane;
Strongly everyone wanted to rest on the bed with Penelope.
With the speech of such a telelaim, the judgment appealed to them:
"About the groom Penelope, arrogant, proud people!
We will now appeal, enjoy. Shume stop!
So it's nice and sweet to listen to the wonderful eyes
Husband is like this, - by singing equal to God!
Tomorrow morning we'll get it on the square, open the collected,
There I will tell you the whole people to immediately
My house cleared you. And with the peers, arrange it differently:
Means do not eat on them, alternating the houses.
If we find you, what is for you and more pleasant and better
One person has a wealth to destroy free, -
Cry! And I will discourage support for the gods of the foggy.
Maybe the case of Retribution will give Cronon:
All you will die here, and the penalty for it will not be! "
So he said. Grooms, borrow with the annoyance of the lips,
Bold words were surprised that suddenly heard.
Immediately to him, the antimony appealed, born by Evail:
"Ourselves, probably gods you, telemars, teach
So loosely boasting and so talking brazenly.
Zeus is rid of us, so that you are in the arms of iteke
By our king, I have the right to be right away! "
And, objection to him, the instrumental telestela:
"You are not angry with me, antique, but I tell you that:
If Zeus was given me, I certainly accepted.
Or, in your opinion, there is nothing worse than it?
Reign - the case is not bad at all; Right soon
In the house of the prince of wealth, and he himself in honor of the people.
But between noble ahaeis in the arms of the ITAKA waves
There are many other, young or old, which
The authorities could go, since the king Odyssey did not.
But I have one to stay by the owner of the house,
Like slaves, for me Odyssey king given! "
He began to say Eurons, born polomb:
"On Telemas, this is in the Lon of the Gods of Almighty Hidden,
Which of the king of the king on Ithaka will be ours.
Nevertheless, what is yours here, and in the house you yourself are the owner.
It is hardly available until the inhabitant is ITAKA,
Anyone who would stick to your hurt your property.
But I would wanted to find out my miley, about the present GUTE:
Who is this guest and where? The fatherland is what
Is it famous for what kind of genus and tribe? Where he was born?
With the news to you about the return of your father, he came
Or did it come here, to the ite?
Immediately disappeared, he did not wait for it to get to know us here.
On a human person, he does not like a person. "
And, responding to him, the instructions of the judgment:
"For the return of the Father, Eurons, I have no hope.
I do not believe any wilds from somewhere coming
I do not want to listen to the darisians to which, appearing
Different gadels in the house, without end my mother resorts.
Traveler I am the guest of the guest on my father, he from Tafos,
Ment, calls himself an intelligent son
With pride, the Lord itself he is in the vicious tampsum. "
So told Telelam, although he knew that he was talking to God.
The same, engaged again with secrets and dance,
They treated them and waited, the evening would come close.
Missed so, having fun. And the evening shook black.
They got up then and went home to face.
The son of King Odyssey is a beautiful courtyard in his high
Moved sleeping peace, the circle is well protected.
Thinking in the heart of many things, he went there for sleep.
With a torch in each hand ahead of him was EuroSlee,
Daughter House of Domobyt Opana, born from Pensenor.
Purchase once Lanert will do his own
Young teen, twenty bulls for it pay,
And on a par with the home wife, he read her in the house,
But so that the wife is not angry, the bed did not share their bed with her.
She was with a torch in each hand. From slave loved
All she is more and since childhood he brought him.
The doors opened the telelands at the skilled bedroom,
Sat down on the bed and, soft chiton through the head removed,
This chiton threw his old woman to his arms.
She shook the chiton, the folds skillfully folded
And on the flask near the exact bed hung. After
The old woman was quietly from the bedroom, a silver handle
The door was pretended for me, attracted the leaf of the belt.
Night overshadowed on bed, covered with sheepskin soft,
He pondered about the road in which the name was Athena.