Tale: "Miracle Yudo. Fairy Tale Ivan - Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo

Tale: "Miracle Yudo. Fairy Tale Ivan - Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo

Audio support Ivan Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo oral work folk creativity. A fairy tale can listen online or download. Audiobook "Ivan Peasant Son and Wonder Yudo" is presented in MP3 format.

Audio Stack Ivan Peasant Son and Wonder Yudo, Contents:

Audio stack Ivan-Peasant Son And Miracle Yudo - listen online performed by professional reader on our website!

She lived on white light. One family is parents and three sons. Suddenly, the Miracle-Yudo merciless attacked them to their land, and the older sons went to beat the monster. Ivanushka is the younger, did not want to stay at home - equipped and his parents in the path road.

Mental of the wanderer met, who told where you can get bouquet swords, I listened to the elder and took weapons in the cave and reached the village by the enemy, where they jarred.

Then they got brothers to Kalinov Bridge, stayed with a guard, so as not to be frowning to the other shore!

The first older brother in Karaul went, but fell asleep. And the Ivan-peasant son traveled in the next, saw the soup hexed and shoved him.

The next night went the second brother - the story was repeated, only the monster was already nine.

Ivanushka himself went for the third time - he struggles with the twelve-round miracle-yood, calls brothers to help, and they sleep!

Finally, they woke up, they helped Ivan, but only early was a victory to cut - not the end of another online audio train!

Wife and Mother Miracle-Yuda decided to revenge the brothers - alone decided to turn a well with a poisoned water, the other - apple tree with fatal fruits, and the third - a soft carpet burning everything that falls on him.

But Ivan's conversation overheard their conversation and destroyed the evil spirits. Returned brothers B. father's house And healed happily.

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Fairy Tale Ivan - Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo

russian folktale

Fairy tale "Ivan - Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo" Summary:

The fairy tale "Ivan - the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo" about the three brothers. As the miracle-yudo attacked the village and went the brothers to save the village. On the way, they met an old man - provided his brothers with swords, then the old woman, from which they rested. When they came to the place, they decided to on to be on to be on the night. On the first night, the elder brother went and slept all night, and Ivan fought and mandes. In the second night, the middle brother went on to duty and also fell asleep - Ivan again fought with a miracle yood. And on the third night, Ivan went to dudge and again fought and mandes, and finally won it.

But Ivan was overhearding the conversation of three miracle-pointed wives yes mother, about how they decided to take revenge on the brothers. Ivan did not say anything to the brothers and they began to return to the village. And wheels of the wonder-yuda and water were poisoned, and the apples poisoned were put on, and the carpet-plane was applied - they tried to kill the brothers. But Ivan knew about their plan and each time saved his brothers. So they are alive - healthy and returned home. And they began to live yes, wander the field to plow and collect bread.

The fairy tale reveals the theme of peaceful labor and protecting the native land. The main character, Ivan - the peasant son, is an expressant of the main thought of the fairy tales. He personifies himself top Qualities simple people - force, courage, resourcefulness, courage. It is he saves native land And their brothers from danger from enemies.

Fairy Tale Ivan - Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo Read:

In some kingdom, in some state there were an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The younger was the name of Ivanushka.

They lived - they were not lazy, they worked the whole day, the lot of plowed and bread seeded.

Suddenly, in that kingdom-state, the news is gone: the miracle-yudo is going to attack on their land, to destroy all people, the cities-sat down fire to burn.

They shoved the old man with the old woman, lit up. And the sons console them:

"Do not grieve, father and Mother, we will go to the miracle yudo, we will fight with him to death." And so that you do not so much, let the Ivanka stay with you: it is still very young to go to fight.

"No," says Ivan, "I am not at home to face, you have been waiting for you, I will be happy to fight with a miracle!"

He did not become an old man with an old woman Ivanushka to hold yes to discharge, and they equipped all three sons in the road. Bouquet brothers took bouquets, took someone with bread-salt, sat down on good horses and drove.

They rode, they drove and arrived at some village. They look - there is no living soul, everything is improved, feast, it costs one small hut, barely holds. They included the brothers in the hut. Lies on the stove of the old woman yes she sweats.

- Hello, grandmother, - say the brothers.

- Hello, good well done! Where do you keep the way?

- We go, grandmother, on the River Cormorodina, on Kalinov Bridge. We want to fight the miracle, to fight, not allowed to do.

- Oh, well done, they took about it! After all, he, the villain, ruined everyone, loosened, I betrayed the death. The closest kingdom is at least a ball. And here it became here. On this side, only I have left: I can see, I am a mound-yu and the food is not gung.

We spent the brothers from the old woman, in the morning I got up early and went back in the road.

Drive up to the Smorodine River, Kalinov Bridge. All over the shore are human bones.

Found the brothers an empty hut and decided to stop in it.

"Well, brothers," says Ivan, "we drove into an alien side, we need to listen to everything and look closely. Let's take turns on the watch to walk, so that the Miracle Yudo through Kalinov does not miss the bridge.

The older brother went to the watch on the first night. He passed along the shore, looked at the currant river - everything quietly, no one, not to hear anything. He lay down the bush under Rakitov and fell asleep firmly, scared loudly.

And Ivan lies in the hut, can not fall asleep. Will not sleep, it does not sleep. How time went over for midnight, he took his sword bouquet and went to the Smorodine River. Looks - under the bush, the elder brother is sleeping, I will rather snoring. Ivan began to wake him up, hidden under Kalinov Bridge, it is worth moving.

Suddenly, on the river, the water was excited, the eagles shouted on oaks - the miracle yudo goes out about six heads. He left for the middle of Kalinov bridge - the horse stumbled under him, the black ravery was growing on his shoulder, behind the black dog sophisticated.

Says a miracle yudo hexagon:

- What are you, my horse stumbled? Why, the Black Raven was fixed? Why, black dog, tremended? Or a little, what Ivan is the peasant son here? So he was not born not yet, and if he was born - so did not fit the battle. I will put it on one hand, another prince - only wet will be!

Ivan came out here - the peasant son, from under the bridge and says:

- Did not poured, Miracle Yudo Pogano! Without steering a clear falcon, early feathers puck. Without recognizing good well done, there is nothing to blame him. Come on better power try; Who will overcome, he will boast.

They came together, they were gratifying yes so cruelly hit that the earth was granted.

Miracle-yuda was not lucky: Ivan - the peasant son, with one scope of his heads three heads.

- Stop, Ivan - Peasant Son! - shouts miracle yudo. - Give me Ridge!

- What kind of distribution! You have a miracle yudo, three heads, and I have one! This is how you have one head, then resting.

They came together again, hit again.

Ivan - The Peasant Son cut off the miracle and the last three heads. After the cutting torso on the small parts and disastened to the currant river, and six goals under Kalinov bridge folded. He himself returned to the hut.

The elder brother comes in the morning. Asks him Ivan:

- Well, what did you see anything?

- No, brothers, past me and fly did not fly.

Ivan him did not say a word for it.

Middle brother went to the other night. He looked like, looked like, looked around and calmed down. He climbed into the bushes and fell asleep.

Ivan and did not hope for him. How time went over midnight, he immediately gotting up, took his sharp sword and went to the Smorodine River. He hid under Kalinov Bridge and began to guard.

Suddenly, on the water river were excited, the eagles cried on oaks - the wonder-Yudo ninth-headed goes. Only on Kalinov drove the bridge - the horse stumbled under it, the black raven on the shoulder was growing on his shoulder, behind the black dog sophisticated ... Miracle-Yudo Konya - on the sides, crow - on feathers, PSA - on the ears!

- What are you, my horse stumbled? Why, the Black Raven was fixed? Why, black dog, tremended? Or a little, what Ivan is the peasant son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born - he did not fit the battle: I will kill him one finger!

Ivan jumped up - the peasant son from under Kalinov bridge:

- Wait, miracle-yudo, did not appeal, arrived before the work! More unknown, whose will take.

As Ivan Ivan, with his bouquet sword, two, and demolished the six goals from the Chuda-Yuda.

And the miracle Yudo hit - on the knee of Ivan in the cheese, the land was vannel. Ivan - the peasant son captured the handful of earth and threw his opponent directly into the eyes. While the wonderful Yudo glazes rubbed yes, I was removed, Ivan quit him and the rest of the heads.

Then he took a torso, shedding on small parts and disastened to the currant river, and nine goals under Kalinov resigned the bridge. He himself returned to the hut, lay down and fell asleep.

Middle brother comes in the morning.

"Well, that," Ivan asks, "didn't you see what?"

- No, near me, not one fly flutter, none of the mosquito squeezed.

- Well, if so, let's go with me, brothers dear, I'll show you a mosquito and fly!

He led the Ivan brothers under Kalinov Bridge, showed them a miracle yudo head.

- Here, - says, - what are the flies here and mosquitoes fly! You do not fight, but at home on the stove lie.

Solded brothers.

"Sleep," say, "poured ...

On the third night, Ivan Ivan himself was going to go.

"I," says, go to the terrible fight, and you, brothers, do not sleep all night, listen: how to hear my instorts - let me hurry to help me and hurry to help me.

Ivan came - the peasant son to the Smorodine River, stands under the Kalinov Bridge, waiting for.

Only went time for midnight, the cheese of the Earth was injected, the water in the river was excited, the buoy winds were dried out, the eagles were shouted on oaks ... Miracle-Yudo twelve-headed. All twelve heads whistling, all twelve fire flames are pis. Horse miracle-yuda about twelve wings, wool at a horse copper, tail and mesh iron. Only drove a miracle yudo to Kalinov Bridge - a horse under it stumbled, the black ravery was growing on his shoulder, the black dog was sophisticated behind. Miracle Yudo Konya Web on the sides, Crow - on feathers, PSA - on the ears!

- What are you, my horse stumbled? Why, the Black Raven was fixed? Why, black dog, tremended? Or a little, what Ivan is the peasant son here? So he has not yet been born, and if he was born - he did not fit the battle: I'm just the Danube - it will not be left!

Came out here from under Kalinov Bridge Ivan - Peasant Son:

- Wait to boil: no matter how to do!

- That's you, Ivan - Peasant Son! Why did it come?

- On you, enemy strength, see your fortress try.

- Where do you try to try my fortress! You fly in front of me.

Replies Ivan - Peasant Son Miracle, Yudu:

- I came to your fairy tale to tell you or listening to you. I came to fight to death, from you, damned, good people Rose!

I was swollen Ivan with his sharp sword and quit the miracle-yudu three heads. Miracle Yudo picked up these heads, shovel on them with his fiery finger - and immediately all the heads increased, as if she had not fallen from shoulders.

I was bad to Ivan - the peasant son: a miracle yudo whistle stuns him, burning the fire, sicks, squeezed, he rows the land in his cheese. And he himself laughs:

- Do you want to rest, recover, Ivan - the Peasant Son?

- What kind of rest! In our opinion - Bay, Ruby, do not take care of yourself! - says Ivan.

He whistled, Garked, threw his right globe into the hut, where the brothers remained. Mittens all glasses in the windows risen, and the brothers are sleeping, they do not hear anything.

Ivan gathered with the forces, swung again, stronger than the former, and chuck down the miracle-Yudu six goals.

Miracle Yudo picked up his heads, silently fought with a fiery finger - and again all heads in the field. He rushed here to Ivan, scored him on the belt in the crude earth.

She sees Ivan - it's bad. He removed the left mitten, launched into the hut. The mittens of the roof broke through, and the brothers are all sleeping, they do not hear anything.

For the third time Ivan was swollen - the peasant son was even stronger and chuckled the miracle-yudu nine goals. The miracle yudo picked them up, shouted the fiery finger - the heads again risen. He rushed here on Ivan and drove him to the ground on the very shoulders.

He removed Ivan his hat and threw in the hut. From that hit, the hut was stuck, slightly on the logs did not roll.

Here only the brothers woke up, hear - Ivanov horse loudly rzhet yes with chains rushing.

They rushed to the stable, descended the horse, and after him, and the Ivan themselves ran to the aid.

Ivanov horse came running, began to beat the wonder-yudo with hooves. Slap wonder-yudo, hurt, became the sparks of the horse to sink ...

And Ivan - the peasant son, meanwhile, got out of the ground, she brought the fighter finger and the fighter compartment. Once, let's cut off his head, the sneak all to one, the torso on the small pieces of the slam and dismissed everything into the currant river.

Brothers resort here.

- Oh, you, Sonya! - says Ivan. - Because of your sleep, I did not pay a little head.

He brought his brothers to the hut, washed, fed, drank and slept to sleep.

In the morning, Rovenko Ivan got up, began to dress up.

- Where did you rose in such a year? - They say the brothers. I would have breakdown after such a trip.

"No," Ivan answers, "I am not at rest: I will go to the River Cormorodine my handkerchief to look for - churches.

- Hunt for you! - They say the brothers. - Let's go to the city - buy new.

- No, I need it!

Ivan went to the Smorodin River, he moved to the shore through Kalinov Bridge and sneaks to the wonderful-pointed stone chambers.

It came to the open window and began to listen, do not plunder here and what else. It looks - the three wonderful wives of his wife are sitting in the ward, the old snake. They are sitting yes they are consolidated.

Elder says:

- I will remove Ivan - the peasant son for my husband! I will run ahead when he will come back with the brothers home, we will scratch the heat, and I shouted the well with the well. They will want to eat water and from the first throat burst!

- That you thought well! - says the old snake.

The second said:

- And I run ahead and blundering an apple tree. They want to eat on the apple - here they will break into small particles!

- And you did well! - says the old snake.

"And I," the third says, "sleep on them and Drema, and I will drive ahead and drowned in a soft carpet with silk pillows. The brothers will want to lie down, relax - then they will burn them with fire!

Replies snake to her:

- And you invented well! Well, my daughter's daughter-in-law, if you do not thwate them, then tomorrow I myself catch up with them and all three swallowing.

He heard Ivan - the peasant son all and returned to the brothers.

- Well, you found your handkerchiefs? - Ask brothers.

- And cost time to spend it!

- Stoyed, brothers!

After that brothers gathered and drove home.

They ride the steppes, ride meadows. And the day is so hot that there is no patience, thirst for the vulneur. Looking brothers - standing well, in the well silver bucket floats.

They say they are Ivan:

- Come on, the brother, let's stop, the cold water can be drunk and drink horses.
"It is not known what kind of water in that well," Ivan answers. - Maybe rotten da dirty.

He jumped off his horse, began to smoke this well with a sword yes chop. Oversized well, zared in a bad voice. Suddenly the fog went down, the heat was sleeping, and I don't want to drink.

- Here you see, brothers, what water in the well was! - says Ivan.

How long, briefly - saw apple trees. Hang apples ripe and rosy.

They jumped off the brothers with horses, they wanted to tear the apples, and Ivan - the peasant son ran ahead and let's sneeze with a sword yes to chop. Oversized apple tree, screamed ...

- See, brothers, what is the apple tree? Tableless apples!

They drove, they drove and very tired. Watching - lies on the field the carpet is soft, and on it a paddle pillows.

- Passion on this carpet, a little a little! - They say the brothers.

- No, brothers, not gently will lie on this carpet! - answers Ivan.

Brothers were angry with him:

- What are you for the pointer to us: it is impossible, another can not!

Ivan in response neither the word did not say, took off his Kushak and threw on the carpet. Skushak flames broke out - nothing remained in place.

- So it would be with you! - Says Ivan to the brothers.

He approached the carpet and let's sword a carpet and pillows on small pillars to chop. He cut, scattered to the parties and says:

- In vain, you, brothers, grumbled at me! After all, the well, and apple trees, and this carpet - all the wonderful yudo wife were. They wanted to destroy us, but did not manage to them: they themselves died!

A lot of whether you never moved - suddenly the sky was darkened, the wind was overwhelmed, the old snake herself was flying behind them. He rushed to fall from the sky to the Earth - wants to swallow Ivan with the brothers. Here, well done, do not be bad, pulled out of their cats of the roads on Pudi Solol and threw the snake in the mouth.

Snake was delighted - thought that Ivan - the peasant son with the brothers captured. He stopped and began to chew salt. And how it was typical, I realized that this was not good well done, again rushed into the pursuit.

She sees Ivan that the trouble is inevitable, - painted the horse in all acumes, and the brothers behind him. Skakali-jakali, jumping-jakali ...

Watching - worth the forge, and in that blacksmith, twelve blacksmiths work.

- Blacksmiths, blacksmiths, - says Ivan, - let us go to your blacksmith!

The blacksmiths of the brothers, they themselves for them for the twelve iron doors were closed for twelve iron doors, twelve wrought-iron castles.

The snake flew to the blacksmith and shouts:

Blacksmiths, blacksmiths, give me Ivan - the peasant son with the brothers! And to her blacksmiths in response:

- Slap the tongue of twelve iron doors, then take!

I got a snake licking iron doors. Lizal Lisala, Lizal Lisala - eleven doors shed. There is only one door ...

Tired snake, village rest.

Here Ivan - the peasant son jumped out of the forge, raised the snake yes, from all over, he hit her about cheese. She scattered with small ashes, and the wind that dust in all parties dispelled. Since then, all miracle-yuda da snakes in that edge increased, without fear, people live began.

And Ivan - the peasant son and brothers returned home, to the father, to the mother, and they began to live yes, the field to plow and collect bread.

In some kingdom, in some state there were an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The younger was the name of Ivanushka. They lived - they were not lazy, they worked the whole day, the lot of plowed and bread seeded.

Suddenly, in that kingdom-state, the news is gone: the miracle-yudo is going to attack on their land, to destroy all people, the cities-sat down fire to burn. They shoved the old man with the old woman, lit up. And the sons console them:

Do not grieve, father and Mother, we will go to the miracle yudo, we will fight it to death. And so that you do not so much, let the Ivanka stay with you: it is still very young to go to fight.

No, "says Ivan," I'm not going to stay at home and you wait for you, I will be happy and I will fight with a miracle!

He did not become an old man with an old woman Ivanushka to hold yes to discharge, and they equipped all three sons in the road. Bouquet brothers took bouquets, took someone with bread-salt, sat down on good horses and drove.

They rode, they drove and arrived at some village. They look - there is no living soul, everything is improved, feast, it costs one small hut, barely holds. They included the brothers in the hut. Lies on the stove of the old woman yes she sweats.

Hello, grandmother, - say the brothers.

Hello, kind well done! Where do you keep the way?

We go, grandmother, on the River Currant, on Kalinov Bridge. We want to fight the miracle, to fight, not allowed to do.

Oh, well done, they took about it! After all, he, the villain, ruined everyone, loosened, I betrayed the death. The closest kingdom is at least a ball. And here it became here. On this side, only I have left: I can see, I am a mound-yu and the food is not gung.

We spent the brothers from the old woman, in the morning I got up early and went back in the road.

Drive up to the Smorodine River, Kalinov Bridge. All over the shore are human bones.

Found the brothers an empty hut and decided to stop in it.

Well, brothers, "says Ivan," we drove into an alien side, we need to listen to everything and look around. Let's take turns on the watch to walk, so that the Miracle Yudo through Kalinov does not miss the bridge.

The older brother went to the watch on the first night. He passed along the shore, looked at the currant river - everything quietly, no one, not to hear anything. He lay down the bush under Rakitov and fell asleep firmly, scared loudly.

And Ivan lies in the hut, can not fall asleep. Will not sleep, it does not sleep. How time went over for midnight, he took his sword bouquet and went to the Smorodine River. Looks - under the bush, the elder brother is sleeping, I will rather snoring. Ivan began to wake him up, hidden under Kalinov Bridge, it is worth moving.

Suddenly, on the river, the water was excited, the eagles shouted on oaks - the miracle yudo goes out about six heads. He left for the middle of Kalinov bridge - the horse stumbled under him, the black ravery was growing on his shoulder, behind the black dog sophisticated.

Says a miracle yudo hexagon:

What are you, my horse stumbled? Why, the Black Raven was fixed? Why, black dog, tremended? Or a little, what Ivan is the peasant son here? So he was not born not yet, and if he was born - so did not fit the battle. I will put it on one hand, another prince - only wet will be!

Ivan came out here - the peasant son, from under the bridge and says:

Did not poured, Miracle-Yudo Pogano! Without steering a clear falcon, early feathers puck. Without recognizing good well done, there is nothing to blame him. Let's better try to try; Who will overcome, he will boast.

They came together, they were gratifying yes so cruelly hit that the earth was granted.

Miracle-yuda was not lucky: Ivan - the peasant son, with one scope of his heads three heads.

Stop, Ivan - Peasant Son! - shouts miracle yudo. - Give me Ridge!

What kind of distribution! You have a miracle yudo, three heads, and I have one! This is how you have one head, then resting.

They came together again, hit again.

Ivan - The Peasant Son cut off the miracle and the last three heads. After the cutting torso on the small parts and disastened to the currant river, and six goals under Kalinov bridge folded. He himself returned to the hut.

The elder brother comes in the morning. Asks him Ivan:

Well, what, did not see anything?

No, brothers, past me and fly did not fly.

Ivan him did not say a word for it.

Middle brother went to the other night. He looked like, looked like, looked around and calmed down. He climbed into the bushes and fell asleep.

Ivan and did not hope for him. How time went over midnight, he immediately gotting up, took his sharp sword and went to the Smorodine River. He hid under Kalinov Bridge and began to guard.

Suddenly, on the water river were excited, the eagles cried on oaks - the wonder-Yudo ninth-headed goes. Only on Kalinov drove the bridge - the horse stumbled under it, the black raven on the shoulder was growing on his shoulder, behind the black dog sophisticated ... Miracle-Yudo Konya - on the sides, crow - on feathers, PSA - on the ears!

What are you, my horse stumbled? Why, the Black Raven was fixed? Why, black dog, tremended? Or a little, what Ivan is the peasant son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born - he did not fit the battle: I will kill him one finger!

Ivan jumped up - the peasant son from under Kalinov bridge:

Wait, miracle yudo, did not appeal, before the work arrived! More unknown, whose will take.

As Ivan Ivan, with his bouquet sword, two, and demolished the six goals from the Chuda-Yuda. And the miracle Yudo hit the knee of Ivan in the crude land, I vannel. Ivan - the peasant son captured the handful of earth and threw his opponent directly into the eyes. While the wonderful Yudo glazes rubbed yes, I was removed, Ivan quit him and the rest of the heads. Then he took a torso, shedding on small parts and disastened to the currant river, and nine goals under Kalinov resigned the bridge. He himself returned to the hut, lay down and fell asleep.

Middle brother comes in the morning.

Well, that, - Ivan asks, - did you see anything overnight?

No, neither one flies flew near me, none of the komar next to me.

Well, if so, let's go with me, brothers dear, I will show you and mosquito and fly!

He led the Ivan brothers under Kalinov Bridge, showed them a miracle yudo head.

Here, - says - what are the flies here and mosquitoes fly! You do not fight, and at home on the stove lie.

Solded brothers.

Sleep, - Say, - Powed ...

On the third night, Ivan Ivan himself was going to go.

I, - Says - I am going to a terrible fight, and you, brothers, do not sleep all night, listen: how to hear my instance - let me hurry my horse and hurry to help me.

Ivan came - the peasant son to the Smorodine River, stands under the Kalinov Bridge, waiting for.

Only went time for midnight, the cheese of the Earth was injected, the water in the river was excited, the buoy winds were dried out, the eagles were shouted on oaks ... Miracle-Yudo twelve-headed. All twelve heads whistling, all twelve fire flames are pis. Horse miracle-yuda about twelve wings, wool at a horse copper, tail and mesh iron. Only drove a miracle yudo to Kalinov Bridge - a horse under it stumbled, the black ravery was growing on his shoulder, the black dog was sophisticated behind. Miracle Yudo Konya Web on the sides, Crow - on feathers, PSA - on the ears!

What are you, my horse stumbled? Why, the Black Raven was fixed? Why, black dog, tremended? Or a little, what Ivan is the peasant son here? So he has not yet been born, and if he was born - he did not fit the battle: I'm just the Danube - it will not be left!

Came out here from under Kalinov Bridge Ivan - Peasant Son:

Wait to boil: no matter how to do!

It's you, Ivan - Peasant Son! Why did it come?

On you, enemy power, see your fortress to try.

Where do you try to try my fortress! You fly in front of me.

Replies Ivan - Peasant Son Miracle, Yudu:

I came neither fairy tales tell you, not yours. I came to fight to fight, from you, damned, good people to get rid!

I was swollen Ivan with his sharp sword and quit the miracle-yudu three heads. Miracle Yudo picked up these heads, shovel on them with his fiery finger - and immediately all the heads increased, as if she had not fallen from shoulders.

I was bad to Ivan - the peasant son: a miracle yudo whistle stuns him, burning the fire, sicks, squeezed, he rows the land in his cheese. And he himself laughs:

Do you want to rest, recover, Ivan - the Peasant Son?

What kind of rest! In our opinion - Bay, Ruby, do not take care of yourself! - says Ivan.

He whistled, Garked, threw his right globe into the hut, where the brothers remained. Mittens all glasses in the windows risen, and the brothers are sleeping, they do not hear anything.

Ivan gathered with the forces, swung again, stronger than the former, and chuck down the miracle-Yudu six goals.

Miracle Yudo picked up his heads, silently fought with a fiery finger - and again all heads in the field. He rushed here to Ivan, scored him on the belt in the crude earth.

She sees Ivan - it's bad. He removed the left mitten, launched into the hut. The mittens of the roof broke through, and the brothers are all sleeping, they do not hear anything.

For the third time Ivan was swollen - the peasant son was even stronger and chuckled the miracle-yudu nine goals. The miracle yudo picked them up, shouted the fiery finger - the heads again risen. He rushed here on Ivan and drove him to the ground on the very shoulders.

He removed Ivan his hat and threw in the hut. From that hit, the hut was stuck, slightly on the logs did not roll.

Here only the brothers woke up, hear - Ivanov horse loudly rzhet yes with chains rushing.

They rushed to the stable, descended the horse, and after him, and the Ivan themselves ran to the aid.

Ivanov horse came running, began to beat the wonder-yudo with hooves. We saw the miracle yudo, hurt, became the sparks of the horse to sink ... And Ivan - the peasant son, meanwhile, got out of the ground, she brought the fighter to the mound-yudu. Once, let's cut off his head, the sneak all to one, the torso on the small pieces of the slam and dismissed everything into the currant river.

Brothers resort here.

Oh, you, Sonya! - says Ivan. - Because of your sleep, I did not pay a little head.

He brought his brothers to the hut, washed, fed, drank and slept to sleep.

In the morning, Rovenko Ivan got up, began to dress up.

Where did you rose in this early? - They say the brothers. I would have breakdown after such a trip.

No, "Ivan replies," I am not at rest: I will go to the River Cormorodine my shawl to look for - churbed.

Hunting! - They say the brothers. - Let's go to the city - buy new.

No, I need it!

Ivan went to the Smorodin River, he moved to the shore through Kalinov Bridge and sneaks to the wonderful-pointed stone chambers. It came to the open window and began to listen, do not plunder here and what else. It looks - the three wonderful wives of his wife are sitting in the ward, the old snake. They are sitting yes they are consolidated.

Elder says:

I will find I Ivan - the peasant son for my husband! I will run ahead when he will come back with the brothers home, we will scratch the heat, and I shouted the well with the well. They will want to eat water and from the first throat burst!

That you thought up well! - says the old snake.

The second said:

And I drove forward and blundering an apple tree. They want to eat on the apple - here they will break into small particles!

And you thought well! - says the old snake.

And I, - Says the Third, - I will sleep at them and Drema, and I'll drive ahead and drowned with a soft carpet with silk pillows. The brothers will want to lie down, relax - then they will burn them with fire!

Replies snake to her:

And you invented well! Well, my daughter's daughter-in-law, if you do not thwate them, then tomorrow I myself catch up with them and all three swallowing.

He heard Ivan - the peasant son all and returned to the brothers.

Well, did you find your handkerchiefs? - Ask brothers.

And cost time to spend it!

Stone, brothers!

After that brothers gathered and drove home.

They ride the steppes, ride meadows. And the day is so hot that there is no patience, thirst for the vulneur. Looking brothers - standing well, in the well silver bucket floats. They say they are Ivan:

Come on, the brother, let's stop, the cold water drove and drink horses.

It is not known what kind of water in that well, - Ivan answers. - Maybe rotten da dirty.

He jumped off his horse, began to smoke this well with a sword yes chop. Oversized well, zared in a bad voice. Suddenly the fog went down, the heat was sleeping, and I don't want to drink.

You see, brothers, what water in the well was! - says Ivan.

How long, briefly - saw apple trees. Hang apples ripe and rosy.

They jumped off the brothers with horses, they wanted to tear the apples, and Ivan - the peasant son ran ahead and let's sneeze with a sword yes to chop. Oversized apple tree, screamed ...

See, brothers, what is the apple tree? Tableless apples!

They drove, they drove and very tired. Watching - lies on the field the carpet is soft, and on it a paddle pillows.

Pass on this carpet, a little bit! - They say the brothers.

No, brothers, not gently will lie on this carpet! - answers Ivan.

Brothers were angry with him:

What are you for the pointer to us: it is impossible, another can not!

Ivan in response neither the word did not say, took off his Kushak and threw on the carpet. Skushak flames broke out - nothing remained in place.

So it would be with you! - Says Ivan to the brothers.

He approached the carpet and let's sword a carpet and pillows on small pillars to chop. He cut, scattered to the parties and says:

In vain, you, brothers, grumbled at me! After all, the well, and apple trees, and this carpet - all the wonderful yudo wife were. They wanted to destroy us, but did not manage to them: they themselves died!

A lot of whether you never moved - suddenly the sky was darkened, the wind was overwhelmed, the old snake herself was flying behind them. He rushed to fall from the sky to the Earth - wants to swallow Ivan with the brothers. Here, well done, do not be bad, pulled out of their cats of the roads on Pudi Solol and threw the snake in the mouth.

Snake was delighted - thought that Ivan - the peasant son with the brothers captured. He stopped and began to chew salt. And how it was typical, I realized that this was not good well done, again rushed into the pursuit.

She sees Ivan that the trouble is inevitable, - painted the horse in all acumes, and the brothers behind him. Skakali-jakali, jumping-jakali ...

Watching - worth the forge, and in that blacksmith, twelve blacksmiths work.

Blacksmiths, blacksmiths, "says Ivan, - let us go to your blacksmith!

The blacksmiths of the brothers, they themselves for them for the twelve iron doors were closed for twelve iron doors, twelve wrought-iron castles.

The snake flew to the blacksmith and shouts:

Blacksmiths, blacksmiths, give me Ivan - the peasant son with the brothers! And to her blacksmiths in response:

Slap language twelve iron doors, then take!

I got a snake licking iron doors. Lizal Lisala, Lizal Lisala - eleven doors shed. There is only one door ...

Tired snake, village rest.

Here Ivan - the peasant son jumped out of the forge, raised the snake yes, from all over, he hit her about cheese. She scattered with small ashes, and the wind that dust in all parties dispelled. Since then, all miracle-yuda da snakes in that edge increased, without fear, people live began.

And Ivan - the peasant son and brothers returned home, to the father, to the mother, and they began to live yes, the field to plow and collect bread.

In some kingdom, in some state there were an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The younger was called Ivan. They lived - not lazy, they worked without tired. Suddenly, in that kingdom-state, the news is gone: the miracle-yudo is going to attack their land, to destroy all people.

They shoved the old man with the old woman, lit up, and sons and they say: we will go to the miracle-yudo, we will fight with him to death.

The old man with the old woman was equipped with sons in fallen road. They took the brothers whip bouquets, cotton with bread and salt, sat on good horses and drove.

They rode, they drove and arrived at some village. They look - there is no living soul, there is one little hut. They included the brothers in the hut. Lies on the stove old old woman.

Good well done. Where do you keep the way?

We, grandmother, on the currant river, on the Kalinos Bridge. We want to fight the miracle, to fight, not allowed to do.

Well done, for a good deed, took up!

We spent the brothers from the old woman, and in the morning they went back to the road.

Drive up to the Smorodine River, to Kalin Bridge. All over the coast are swords and bows are broken, human bones.

Found the brothers an empty hut and decided to spend the night in it.

Well, the brothers, "says Ivan," we drove into the direction of someone else, long, we must listen to everything and look closely. Let's take turns at the watch to walk, so that the miracle-yudo via the Kalinsky Bridge do not miss.

On the first night, the elder brother went to the watch. He passed along the shore, looked behind the River Cumenodina - everything quietly, not to see anyone. Lit under Rakita Kush and fell asleep.

And Ivan does not sleep. How time went over for midnight, he took his sword bouquet and went to the Smorodine River. Looks - under the bush, the older brother is sleeping.

Ivan did not wake him up, hidden under the Kalin Bridge.

Suddenly, on the river, the water was excited, the eagles shouted on oaks - the miracle-yudo approaches six heads. It left for the middle of a kalin bridge - a horse stumbled under it, his black raven was growing on his shoulder, behind him the black dog was sophisticated.

Says a miracle yudo hexagon:

Well, my servants are faithful! Or a little Ivan-peasant son here? So he was not born not yet, and if he was born, he did not fit the battle: I put it on one hand, another stopper!

Ivan came out here - the peasant son from under the bridge and says:

Did not poured, Miracle-Yudo Pogano! Let's better try to try.

They came together, but so hit that the earth groaned.

Ivan - the peasant son with one crazy demolished the sword of the mound-yudu three heads.

Screaming miracle yudo:

Give me to stay!

You, miracle yudo, three heads, and I have one. This is how you have one head, then resting.

They came together again, hit again.

The Ivan-Peasant Son cut off the miracle-yudu and the last three heads. Rumidate torso on small parts, dismissed the currant in the river, and the six heads under the Kalinus bridge folded. After that the hut returned and went to sleep.

Middle brother went to the other night. He looked like, looked around, then climbed into the bushes and fell asleep.

Ivan and did not hope for him. How time went over for midnight, he took a sharp sword and went to the River Cormorodine. He hidden under the Kalinus Bridge and became a guard.

Suddenly, on the river, the water was excited - the miracle-yudo approaches the nine heads. Ivan came to meet him - he called on the fight.

As Ivan, Ivan his bouquet sword, and demolished six goals from the Chuda-Yuda. And the miracle yudo hit - on the knee of Ivan in the crude land, I vannel. Captured Ivan handful of sand and threw his opponent in the eyes. While the wonderful Yudo glazes rubbed, Ivan quit him and the rest of the heads. Then the squeezed torso on the small parts, disassembled into the currant river, and nine heads under the Kalinus bridge folded. He himself returned to the hut, lay down and fell asleep.

Middle brother comes in the morning.

Did you see what's the night of what? - asks Ivan.

Near me, neither the fly did not fly, nor a mosquito.

If so, let's go with me, the brothers, I will show you and mosquito and fly!

He led the Ivan brothers under the Kalinos Bridge, showed them the miracle yudo head. Solded brothers.

On the third night, Ivan Ivan himself was going to go.

I, - Says, - to the terrible fight, I, and you, brothers, how to hear my whistle - let me hurry to help me and to help me.

Ivan came - the peasant son to the Smorodine River. Only went time for midnight, a miracle-yudo came out about twelve heads. All twelve heads whistling, pysut fire. Horse Miracle-Yuda about twelve wings ah, wool at a horse copper, tail and mane iron.

It was out of the Kalin Bridge Ivan - the Peasant Son.

That's you, Ivan! Why did it come? - asks miracle yudo.

I will beat you with you, from you, damned, good people to get rid! - Ivan replied, swung at his sharp sword and quit the miracle-yudu three heads. Miracle Yudo grabbed these heads, spent on them with his fiery finger, attached to the necks - and immediately all heads increased.

I had a bad Ivan: a miracle yudo whistle stuns him, burns fire, he robbed his knees to crude ground.

Ivan was gathered with the forces, swollen once again and chuckled the miracle-yudu six goals. Miracle Yudo picked up his heads, spent the fiery finger, attached to the necks - again heads risen. He rushed to Ivan - scored him on the belt in crude land.

For the third time, Ivan was swollen - the peasant son, quit the miracle-yudu nine goals. The miracle yudo picked them up, spent the fiery finger, put on the necks - the heads again risen. He rushed here to Ivan and vannel him in the ground on the very shoulders ...

He removed Ivan his hat and threw in the hut. From that hit, the whole hut was stunned. Here only the brothers woke up, discovered the stable, descended the horse, and after him, and Ivan themselves were run to the aid.

Cooking Ivanov's horse, began to beat the wonder-yudo with hooves. And Ivan got out of the ground, I was illuminated, the fartheart mound compartment and let's chop his heads. All the sneakers, the torso on small pieces crumbled into the river the currant river.

The brothers came running here, they took Ivan to the hut, washed, they fed, we drank and slept.

Early in the morning Ivan got up and went to the miracle-pointed stone chambers. Three wonderful yudo wife are sitting in those chambers and mother, the old snake, plot as Ivan to take revenge. I listened to their speech Ivan - the Peasant Son and returned to the brothers.

Brothers gathered and drove home. They ride the steppes, ride meadows. And the day is so hot and sultry, I want to drink. Looking brothers - standing well. They say they are Ivan:

Let's stop, cold water drip.

Scumped Ivan from the horse and began his well with a sword to chop. Oversized well, zared in a bad voice. The fog went down, the heat slept - and I do not want to drink.

They rode, they drove, were very tired. Look - overlapped on the grass. Patterned carpet. They wanted to lie on that carpet, and Ivan him did not say a word, took off her Kushak and threw on the carpet. Cousham flashed with a flame and burned down - nothing left.

Ivan came to the carpet, drove it into pieces and says:

Both well, apple tree, and a carpet - all this wonderful yudo wife were. They wanted to destroy us, but did not manage to them: Died themselves!

Suddenly the sky was darkened, the wind overwhelmed, the earth thugged: the old snake herself flies. He rushed to fall from the sky to the Earth - wants to swallow Ivan with the brothers. She sees Ivan - the trouble is inevitable, painted the horse in all acumes, and the brothers behind him. Watching - worth the forge, and in her blacksmiths work.

The blacksmiths of the brothers were launched, they were closed for twelve iron doors and twelve forged castles.

The snake flew to the blacksmith and shouts:

Blacksmiths, give me Ivan with brothers.

And to her blacksmiths in response:

Slap language twelve iron doors, then take!

I got a snake licking iron doors. Lizal Lisala - eleven doors shed. Alone remained, the last door ...

Tired snake, village rest. Here Ivan - the peasant son jumped out of the forge, grabbed a snake yes from all over the scope hit her about stones. Snake crumbled into small pieces, and the wind dispelled them in all directions. Since then, all miracle-yuda da snakes have disappeared in that region - people live to live without fear.

And the Ivan-Peasant Son with the brothers returned home to his father to his mother. And they began to live yes, wander, as before the field plow, rye and wheat sow.

All the best! To new meetings!

"Ivan - the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo" - the work of Russian folklore, which fascinates children with no one hundred years. The fairy tale shows the feat of the simple peasant Ivan. He went with the older brothers on the battle with the snake, nicknamed miracle-yood. Three brothers are in turn of the bridge, from where the enemies come from. On the first night Ivan not sleep, although the older brother is in the post. He goes and sees that the cloudy sleeps. The monster appears at midnight, Ivan cuts his three heads. How many battles would have to have, and what other dangers are waiting for the brothers, find out with children from a fairy tale. She teaches courage, intelligence and ability to stay together in a difficult hour.

In some kingdom, in some state there were an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The younger was the name of Ivanushka. They lived - they were not lazy, they worked the whole day, the lot of plowed and bread seeded.

Suddenly, in that kingdom-state, the news is gone: the miracle-yudo is going to attack on their land, to destroy all people, the cities-sat down fire to burn. They shoved the old man with the old woman, lit up. And the sons console them:

Do not grieve, father and Mother, we will go to the miracle yudo, we will fight it to death. And so that you do not so much, let the Ivanka stay with you: it is still very young to go to fight.

No, "says Ivan," I'm not going to stay at home and you wait for you, I will be happy and I will fight with a miracle!

He did not become an old man with an old woman Ivanushka to hold yes to discharge, and they equipped all three sons in the road. Bouquet brothers took bouquets, took someone with bread-salt, sat down on good horses and drove.

They rode, they drove and arrived at some village. They look - there is no living soul, everything is improved, feast, it costs one small hut, barely holds. They included the brothers in the hut. Lies on the stove of the old woman yes she sweats.

Hello, grandmother, - say the brothers.

Hello, kind well done! Where do you keep the way?

We go, grandmother, on the River Currant, on Kalinov Bridge. We want to fight the miracle, to fight, not allowed to do.

Oh, well done, they took about it! After all, he, the villain, ruined everyone, loosened, I betrayed the death. The closest kingdom is at least a ball. And here it became here. On this side, only I have left: I can see, I am a mound-yu and the food is not gung.

We spent the brothers from the old woman, in the morning I got up early and went back in the road.

Drive up to the Smorodine River, Kalinov Bridge. All over the shore are human bones.

Found the brothers an empty hut and decided to stop in it.

Well, brothers, "says Ivan," we drove into an alien side, we need to listen to everything and look around. Let's take turns on the watch to walk, so that the Miracle Yudo through Kalinov does not miss the bridge.

The older brother went to the watch on the first night. He passed along the shore, looked at the currant river - everything quietly, no one, not to hear anything. He lay down the bush under Rakitov and fell asleep firmly, scared loudly.

And Ivan lies in the hut, can not fall asleep. Will not sleep, it does not sleep. How time went over for midnight, he took his sword bouquet and went to the Smorodine River. Looks - under the bush, the elder brother is sleeping, I will rather snoring. Ivan began to wake him up, hidden under Kalinov Bridge, it is worth moving.

Suddenly, on the river, the water was excited, the eagles shouted on oaks - the miracle yudo goes out about six heads. He left for the middle of Kalinov bridge - the horse stumbled under him, the black ravery was growing on his shoulder, behind the black dog sophisticated.

Says a miracle yudo hexagon:

What are you, my horse stumbled? Why, the Black Raven was fixed? Why, black dog, tremended? Or a little, what Ivan is the peasant son here? So he was not born not yet, and if he was born - so did not fit the battle. I will put it on one hand, another prince - only wet will be!

Ivan came out here - the peasant son, from under the bridge and says:

Did not poured, Miracle-Yudo Pogano! Without steering a clear falcon, early feathers puck. Without recognizing good well done, there is nothing to blame him. Let's better try to try; Who will overcome, he will boast.

They came together, they were gratifying yes so cruelly hit that the earth was granted.

Miracle-yuda was not lucky: Ivan - the peasant son, with one scope of his heads three heads.

Stop, Ivan - Peasant Son! - shouts miracle yudo. - Give me Ridge!

What kind of distribution! You have a miracle yudo, three heads, and I have one! This is how you have one head, then resting.

They came together again, hit again.

Ivan - The Peasant Son cut off the miracle and the last three heads. After the cutting torso on the small parts and disastened to the currant river, and six goals under Kalinov bridge folded. He himself returned to the hut.

The elder brother comes in the morning. Asks him Ivan:

Well, what, did not see anything?

No, brothers, past me and fly did not fly.

Ivan him did not say a word for it.

Middle brother went to the other night. He looked like, looked like, looked around and calmed down. He climbed into the bushes and fell asleep.

Ivan and did not hope for him. How time went over midnight, he immediately gotting up, took his sharp sword and went to the Smorodine River. He hid under Kalinov Bridge and began to guard.

Suddenly, on the water river were excited, the eagles cried on oaks - the wonder-Yudo ninth-headed goes. Only on Kalinov drove the bridge - the horse stumbled under it, the black raven on the shoulder was growing on his shoulder, behind the black dog sophisticated ... Miracle-Yudo Konya - on the sides, crow - on feathers, PSA - on the ears!

What are you, my horse stumbled? Why, the Black Raven was fixed? Why, black dog, tremended? Or a little, what Ivan is the peasant son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born - he did not fit the battle: I will kill him one finger!

Ivan jumped up - the peasant son from under Kalinov bridge:

Wait, miracle yudo, did not appeal, before the work arrived! More unknown, whose will take.

As Ivan Ivan, with his bouquet sword, two, and demolished the six goals from the Chuda-Yuda. And the miracle Yudo hit the knee of Ivan in the crude land, I vannel. Ivan - the peasant son captured the handful of earth and threw his opponent directly into the eyes. While the wonderful Yudo glazes rubbed yes, I was removed, Ivan quit him and the rest of the heads. Then he took a torso, shedding on small parts and disastened to the currant river, and nine goals under Kalinov resigned the bridge. He himself returned to the hut, lay down and fell asleep.

Middle brother comes in the morning.

Well, that, - Ivan asks, - did you see anything overnight?

No, neither one flies flew near me, none of the komar next to me.

Well, if so, let's go with me, brothers dear, I will show you and mosquito and fly!

He led the Ivan brothers under Kalinov Bridge, showed them a miracle yudo head.

Here, - says - what are the flies here and mosquitoes fly! You do not fight, and at home on the stove lie.

Solded brothers.

Sleep, - Say, - Powed ...

On the third night, Ivan Ivan himself was going to go.

I, - Says - I am going to a terrible fight, and you, brothers, do not sleep all night, listen: how to hear my instance - let me hurry my horse and hurry to help me.

Ivan came - the peasant son to the Smorodine River, stands under the Kalinov Bridge, waiting for.

Only went time for midnight, the cheese of the Earth was injected, the water in the river was excited, the buoy winds were dried out, the eagles were shouted on oaks ... Miracle-Yudo twelve-headed. All twelve heads whistling, all twelve fire flames are pis. Horse miracle-yuda about twelve wings, wool at a horse copper, tail and mesh iron. Only drove a miracle yudo to Kalinov Bridge - a horse under it stumbled, the black ravery was growing on his shoulder, the black dog was sophisticated behind. Miracle Yudo Konya Web on the sides, Crow - on feathers, PSA - on the ears!

What are you, my horse stumbled? Why, the Black Raven was fixed? Why, black dog, tremended? Or a little, what Ivan is the peasant son here? So he has not yet been born, and if he was born - he did not fit the battle: I'm just the Danube - it will not be left!

Came out here from under Kalinov Bridge Ivan - Peasant Son:

Wait to boil: no matter how to do!

It's you, Ivan - Peasant Son! Why did it come?

On you, enemy power, see your fortress to try.

Where do you try to try my fortress! You fly in front of me.

Replies Ivan - Peasant Son Miracle, Yudu:

I came neither fairy tales tell you, not yours. I came to fight to fight, from you, damned, good people to get rid!

I was swollen Ivan with his sharp sword and quit the miracle-yudu three heads. Miracle Yudo picked up these heads, shovel on them with his fiery finger - and immediately all the heads increased, as if she had not fallen from shoulders.

I was bad to Ivan - the peasant son: a miracle yudo whistle stuns him, burning the fire, sicks, squeezed, he rows the land in his cheese. And he himself laughs:

Do you want to rest, recover, Ivan - the Peasant Son?

What kind of rest! In our opinion - Bay, Ruby, do not take care of yourself! - says Ivan.

He whistled, Garked, threw his right globe into the hut, where the brothers remained. Mittens all glasses in the windows risen, and the brothers are sleeping, they do not hear anything.

Ivan gathered with the forces, swung again, stronger than the former, and chuck down the miracle-Yudu six goals.

Miracle Yudo picked up his heads, silently fought with a fiery finger - and again all heads in the field. He rushed here to Ivan, scored him on the belt in the crude earth.

She sees Ivan - it's bad. He removed the left mitten, launched into the hut. The mittens of the roof broke through, and the brothers are all sleeping, they do not hear anything.

For the third time Ivan was swollen - the peasant son was even stronger and chuckled the miracle-yudu nine goals. The miracle yudo picked them up, shouted the fiery finger - the heads again risen. He rushed here on Ivan and drove him to the ground on the very shoulders.

He removed Ivan his hat and threw in the hut. From that hit, the hut was stuck, slightly on the logs did not roll.

Here only the brothers woke up, hear - Ivanov horse loudly rzhet yes with chains rushing.

They rushed to the stable, descended the horse, and after him, and the Ivan themselves ran to the aid.

Ivanov horse came running, began to beat the wonder-yudo with hooves. We saw the miracle yudo, hurt, became the sparks of the horse to sink ... And Ivan - the peasant son, meanwhile, got out of the ground, she brought the fighter to the mound-yudu. Once, let's cut off his head, the sneak all to one, the torso on the small pieces of the slam and dismissed everything into the currant river.

Brothers resort here.

Oh, you, Sonya! - says Ivan. - Because of your sleep, I did not pay a little head.

He brought his brothers to the hut, washed, fed, drank and slept to sleep.

In the morning, Rovenko Ivan got up, began to dress up.

Where did you rose in this early? - They say the brothers. I would have breakdown after such a trip.

No, "Ivan replies," I am not at rest: I will go to the River Cormorodine my shawl to look for - churbed.

Hunting! - They say the brothers. - Let's go to the city - buy new.

No, I need it!

Ivan went to the Smorodin River, he moved to the shore through Kalinov Bridge and sneaks to the wonderful-pointed stone chambers. It came to the open window and began to listen, do not plunder here and what else. It looks - the three wonderful wives of his wife are sitting in the ward, the old snake. They are sitting yes they are consolidated.

Elder says:

I will find I Ivan - the peasant son for my husband! I will run ahead when he will come back with the brothers home, we will scratch the heat, and I shouted the well with the well. They will want to eat water and from the first throat burst!

That you thought up well! - says the old snake.

The second said:

And I drove forward and blundering an apple tree. They want to eat on the apple - here they will break into small particles!

And you thought well! - says the old snake.

And I, - Says the Third, - I will sleep at them and Drema, and I'll drive ahead and drowned with a soft carpet with silk pillows. The brothers will want to lie down, relax - then they will burn them with fire!

Replies snake to her:

And you invented well! Well, my daughter's daughter-in-law, if you do not thwate them, then tomorrow I myself catch up with them and all three swallowing.

He heard Ivan - the peasant son all and returned to the brothers.

Well, did you find your handkerchiefs? - Ask brothers.

And cost time to spend it!

Stone, brothers!

After that brothers gathered and drove home.

They ride the steppes, ride meadows. And the day is so hot that there is no patience, thirst for the vulneur. Looking brothers - standing well, in the well silver bucket floats. They say they are Ivan:

Come on, the brother, let's stop, the cold water drove and drink horses.

It is not known what kind of water in that well, - Ivan answers. - Maybe rotten da dirty.

He jumped off his horse, began to smoke this well with a sword yes chop. Oversized well, zared in a bad voice. Suddenly the fog went down, the heat was sleeping, and I don't want to drink.

You see, brothers, what water in the well was! - says Ivan.

How long, briefly - saw apple trees. Hang apples ripe and rosy.

They jumped off the brothers with horses, they wanted to tear the apples, and Ivan - the peasant son ran ahead and let's sneeze with a sword yes to chop. Oversized apple tree, screamed ...

See, brothers, what is the apple tree? Tableless apples!

They drove, they drove and very tired. Watching - lies on the field the carpet is soft, and on it a paddle pillows.

Pass on this carpet, a little bit! - They say the brothers.

No, brothers, not gently will lie on this carpet! - answers Ivan.

Brothers were angry with him:

What are you for the pointer to us: it is impossible, another can not!

Ivan in response neither the word did not say, took off his Kushak and threw on the carpet. Skushak flames broke out - nothing remained in place.

So it would be with you! - Says Ivan to the brothers.

He approached the carpet and let's sword a carpet and pillows on small pillars to chop. He cut, scattered to the parties and says:

In vain, you, brothers, grumbled at me! After all, the well, and apple trees, and this carpet - all the wonderful yudo wife were. They wanted to destroy us, but did not manage to them: they themselves died!

A lot of whether you never moved - suddenly the sky was darkened, the wind was overwhelmed, the old snake herself was flying behind them. He rushed to fall from the sky to the Earth - wants to swallow Ivan with the brothers. Here, well done, do not be bad, pulled out of their cats of the roads on Pudi Solol and threw the snake in the mouth.

Snake was delighted - thought that Ivan - the peasant son with the brothers captured. He stopped and began to chew salt. And how it was typical, I realized that this was not good well done, again rushed into the pursuit.

She sees Ivan that the trouble is inevitable, - painted the horse in all acumes, and the brothers behind him. Skakali-jakali, jumping-jakali ...

Watching - worth the forge, and in that blacksmith, twelve blacksmiths work.

Blacksmiths, blacksmiths, "says Ivan, - let us go to your blacksmith!

The blacksmiths of the brothers, they themselves for them for the twelve iron doors were closed for twelve iron doors, twelve wrought-iron castles.

The snake flew to the blacksmith and shouts:

Blacksmiths, blacksmiths, give me Ivan - the peasant son with the brothers! And to her blacksmiths in response:

Slap language twelve iron doors, then take!

I got a snake licking iron doors. Lizal Lisala, Lizal Lisala - eleven doors shed. There is only one door ...

Tired snake, village rest.

Here Ivan - the peasant son jumped out of the forge, raised the snake yes, from all over, he hit her about cheese. She scattered with small ashes, and the wind that dust in all parties dispelled. Since then, all miracle-yuda da snakes in that edge increased, without fear, people live began.

And Ivan - the peasant son and brothers returned home, to the father, to the mother, and they began to live yes, the field to plow and collect bread.