Famous Russian composer who wrote Barcarol. Barcarol is a folk genre, or still professional? The song of gondolors in the work of great composers

Famous Russian composer who wrote Barcarol. Barcarol is a folk genre, or still professional? The song of gondolors in the work of great composers
Famous Russian composer who wrote Barcarol. Barcarol is a folk genre, or still professional? The song of gondolors in the work of great composers

"The student evening wave is barely noise under the oars of the gondola and repeats the sounds of the Barcarol" - these lines sound in the poem "Venice" Lermontov. But what is Barcarol? Not everyone knows about it, although they certainly heard beautiful, smooth, as if swinging on the waves of melodies. One of the bright examples is the old Neapolitan Song "Santa Lucia", who loved many.

Origin of the word

This genre was born in the most romantic city of Italy - Venice. "Barka" translates as a "boat". The verb "Rollar" in Italian means "testing a swing, swing." Thus, Barcarol is a "swinging boat" in the literal translation. Another name of the genre is the "Song on Water", "Gondoller" (from the Venetian "Gondolier" - the boatman).

History of origin

Venice is a unique city erected on 118 islands in the Adriatic Sea. There are practically no roads and streets familiar to us. Coming out of the doors of the house, you find yourself on the shore, and you can only get to the right place on the water. Numerous channels cut the city along and across. Long rowing Barki slide on them - Gondolas. From the moment of the occurrence of Venice, professional boatmen - gondollars.

Transferred passengers, rings traditionally hooked melodic, measured songs. Thus, Barcarol is a folk genre, whose hence was the Venetian gondollars. Their singing could be with the words. The plot of Barcarol described the weekdays and the aspirations of a simple boatman. Sometimes the performer is just beautifully sowed vowels. Slow, smooth melody imitated the rhythm of the waves swinging boat. The voice was broadcast for a long distance. For gifted singing data of the gondolors, it became an additional earnings.

Specific traits

Venice from the 17th century was famous for opera theaters and magnificent voices. In season, not only art connoisseurs came here, but also the great composers. Many of them were fascinated by a local flavor and romantic serenadas of gondolors. From the 18th century, Barcarol begins to appear in music dictionaries. The definition of this genre is formed.

The meaning of the word "barcarol" has since remained unchanged. This is a song that is performed in a non-standard size - 6/8. Such a rhythm resembles a measuringly raid waves, blows of fun about water. Music nature minor, lyrical. In the songs there are notes of dreaminess, bright bears.

Starting from the 18th century, in addition to folk barcarol, professional began to appear. Many composers tried themselves in this genre. Sometimes they neglected some characteristic features. So there were Barcarols using major Lada. There is a violation of the size. It can be 12/8, 3/4, etc.

Professional Barcarol

The shape of the form was observed in the era of romanticism with her interest in a folk, distinctive color. At this time, Barcarols vocal and instrumental were created. The first are the works of Mendelssohn-Bartholdi, Schubert ("Love Happiness of the Fisherman", "Barcarol"). Russian composer Glinka also tried himself in this genre. So it was created the work "fell asleep blue", poems to which N. Puppeteer wrote. Gondollars for choir are available at Brahms and Schubert.

What is barcarol instrumental? This is a very gentle and romantic melody, as if swinging us on smooth waves, sometimes replacing the swear. The genre was created by Mendelssohn-Bartholdi, Barkok, Fore. From Russian composers Piano Barcarols composed Tchaikovsky, Rakhmaninov, Lyadov. Particularly inspired by the work of Chopin, approximate to the poem "Dawn" Krasinki. In Barcarole OR. 60 of the great composer heard kisses, ardent recognition, whisper of lovers on the background of nature and the spruce of water.

Genuine folk music is also present in professional barcarol. The melodies of the gondolors published the Italian composer of Langing. These motives have formed the basis of the works of Beethoven ("24 songs of different nations") and a sheet ("Gondoller" from the cycle "Venice and Naples").

Songs of Venetian gondolors in opera

What is Barcarol in Opera? This is a vocal number performed in a characteristic pace and associated with the Venetian theme. For the first time, the gondoller sounded in the opera ballet "Venetian carnival" Frenchman Andre Campra. This happened in 1710 since many Italian and French composers were resorted to the Barcarol genre, including them in their operas. Giovanni Phaziello, Faddin Gerold, Daniel Berois, can be called Giovanni Phaziello.

Song sounds on the water and in the famous Openers "Othello", "Wilhelm Tella" Rossini. Jacques Offenbach turned on Barcarol in the "Tales of Hoffman." This is one of the most famous melodies. Sensual duet written for two female votes, creates a feeling of impending trouble. Roman Korsakov also invested Barcarol in the settling guest in his Sadko opera. Vennel was called Venice in Russia. The song draws an image of a distant city, where gentle warm winds are blowing, waves are splashing and love serenades sound.

So what is Barcarol? This is a soft rhythm, resembling incoming waves, a romantic mood, a special pacification. Listening to the Barcarol, we transfer to the world of winding canals, black gondola, colorful gondolors and singing melodies, flying over the water stroke.


June. Barcarol

Let's go ashore, there waves
Feet will be loss,

Will shine above us ...
(A. N. Plescheev)

Barka is an Italian word, means boat. Barcarole in Italian folk music was called the songs of a boatman, rower. Especially these songs were distributed in Venice, the city on embankments of countless channels, for which day and night moved by boats and sang. These songs were, as a rule, singers, and rhythm and accompaniment imitated the smooth movement of the boat under uniform bursts of cheerful. In Russian music of the first half of the XIX century, a large propagation of Barcarol was obtained. They became an integral part of Russian lyrical vocal music, and also reflected in Russian poetry and in painting.

The name of the play comes from the Italian word Barcarola. Like many borrowed words (for example, "Waltz", "Sonata", "Nocturne"), which came to us from other languages, it entered the Russian language and denotes a musical genre. In Italian, this word is formed from two words - Barca, which means "boat", "Barka", and Rolla - literally "onboard pitching". Thus, the musical plays in the genre of Barcarol are always inspired by the images of the water element, but not violent, swirl, and calm, with a measuring, lulling and having to be swaying. Originally Barcarol was the song of Venetian Gondolners - Gondolier. Songs of the gondolors who are in nature with their soft and peaceful, and there are, in essence, Barcarol. Filty features of Barcarol: Minor Flood (although major biccarols are known), three-tetral size (6/8), the fluctuating nature of the melody. History of music knows many barcarol : F. Schubert - "Barcarol", "Fisher's love happiness", M. Glinka - Romance "fell asleep blue ...", F. Chopin - Piano Piazza "Barcarol", F. Mendelssohn - Pieces from the "Songs without Word" cycle (OR. 19, № 6, or. 30, No. 6, or. 62, No. 5), Plays of A. Rubinstein (OR. 30, No. 1, orc. 45, or. 50, or. 104, No. 4 and Other, only six), A. Lyadov (OR. 44), S. Rakhmaninova (OR. 10, No. 3). All of them with all their diversity have typical barcaroll features.

We listen to the sound of the June Piece P. Tchaikovsky. We immediately note that it does not fit into a number of traditional Barcarol:

1) It is not threedolete, but a four-dollar, that is, on 4/4 on its note record; For rumors, she is rather two-dollar - two half in every tact;

2) with a large stretch here you can talk about the image of any water element, which usually in the plays of this kind is transmitted primarily - it is "Barcarol" - accompaniment; In accompaniment, nice and pleasant in itself, there is little felt "Water Summary" or "Easy Excitement", this is a typical accompaniment of the city romance. The nature of the melody is also quite a romance, although it is possible to accept it, since Barcarol does not contradict the song, but also still in a three-dollar, and not even meter;

3) The poem itself, from which the first stanza is taken as an epigraph, does not give a reason for the association with a barcarole.

Here is the poem entirely:


Let's go ashore; There waves
Feet will be loss;
Stars with mysterious sadness
Will shine above us.

There is a breeze aromatic
Kudri your develops;
Let's go ... sadly swinging,
Toplar is calling us.

In debt and sweetness
Noise on the branches,
We will rest from sorrow,
We are a fear of people.

Many they tormented us,
Tormented a lot, my friend:
Those - with their silly love
Those - endless enemy.

All we will forget as a month
In dark lazuries flashes,
All - as nature and god
Antheoth nightinglets!

In this poem, we invite us to "go ashore", that is, to come closer to the water (by no means go to the shore from the boat after, for example, riding in it); We hear how "the poplar to ourselves calls us", and we can "listen to the noise of the branches" - too, we must assume, on the shore, and not on the water. In a word, it suggests that the name of the play is somewhat random. As a music work, this play is wonderful, but it's not a barcarol at all. Rather, it looks like an Elegy romance like "Songs without words." She, like the rest of the plays in the "Days of the Year", is written in a three-part form.

The middle part makes a contrast - the obvious revival in several melancholic mood of the extreme parts. This part is in Major, her movement according to the remark of the composer is somewhat more busy, and then, in the course of development, music acquires an enthusiastic character. In this section, the plays especially appear differences in the interpretation of the work related, firstly, with differences in the text, which gives different publications of the work, secondly, with differences in emotional terms, with which this episode is performed by different pianists (we use each convenient Case to pay attention to the importance of music interpretation problems, that is, her living performance).

As for the first circumstance, the differences in the text is the person who is not familiar with the practice of notoization, it may seem strange if not to say wild. And the fact is that not always the musical works are printed precisely in the form in which they are written by the composer. Often in the author's text editors contribute their addition, corrections, all changes. And it happens in music to a much greater degree than, say, in the literature. Still, you need to possess a fairious courage to "edit" (in the sense, as it happens in music) written by Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky ... In the music, each editor considers himself to have the right to make a lot of its in the text, in this case, P. Tchaikovsky. So, in the middle section of this play in the publications (from some time), a remark of Allegro Giocoso appeared (Ial. - Soon, playfully), which is not in Avtographer Tchaikovsky 1.

Such, it would seem, a minor detail led to performers - artistic - errors that wrapped up with pregnursions against a good taste when the pianists began to show this bright and joyful episode for the outpouring of "turbulent passions" to demonstrate the "power of their senses". The contrast exigned in this way turned the joyful-inspired episode, after which he follows a cleaner phrase (she also added the absent Energico (ITAL - vigorous), you feel - adding the same kind!), In the expression of the inappropriate dramatic collision here. The design of the composer turned out to be distorted.

The listener at a concert, who does not know and who did not see the genuine author's record (tank) or an authorized lifetime publication trusting only the Contractor may remain in bewilderment if he has an artistic taste and sense of measure. The sense of action is that it is absolutely necessary to the performer of Tchaikovsky's music, so as not to fall into sustainability, sentimentality and false pathos. These progers are a really existing danger, because in Tchaikovsky's music there are really charm, and feeling, and patience. But no fake feelings.

So, after a busy and inspired middle part, the melodies and mood of the first part are returned, the Major of the middle section is again inferior to the place of Minor. This section is called reprise. But the repetition of the first part here is not literally - the main melody, which, by the way, is still entrusted to the female voice (it sounds in the Metzo Sopran Register), repeat the most extensive phrases of a clearly male voice in the baritone register. An expressive conversation is obtained - with questions, answers close to converging intonations or to other moments, on the contrary, distinguished from each other - in a word, literally a dialogue, as a human speech, in whose transfer P. Tchaikovsky was an unsurpassed master.

The scene is not so much in the boat as on the banks of the river or the lake - ended, lovers (no doubt that it was they who) left, one landscape remained ... melodies were dissolved, dimly swaying arpeggled chords (their sounds are taken on the piano not at the same time, but how It would be a scrap, like a guitar or arp) nod to us, as if they were masting with her hand for goodbye. All freezes ...

"Barcarol" at the life of P. Tchaikovsky became a very popular work. Dreaming with N. von Mecca considerations about the prevalence of his works abroad, the composer wrote on March 19, 1878: "I even found a surprise there completely unknown to me Dotola Arrangements, like, for example, Arrangement of Piana Barcarol (G-Moll) for violin with piano and Andante First Quartet for Flute. "

1 In the publications of our time, you can find an explanation that this remark first appeared in the publication P. Yurgpson. I dare to testify that in this edition (I now have before my eyes, and his title page we led in the opening article about the cycle) there is no remark.

Text Alexandra Maikapara
According to the materials of the magazine "Art"

On the poster: Rubens Santoro. Venice. Church of Jesuitov (End of the XIX - early XX centuries.)

Barcarol (Italian Barcarola, from Barca - boat) - instrumental or vocal play,
Having a prototype of the songs of Venetian gondolors; People's song of Venetian gondolors.

S. Dorofeev. Barcarole.

Barcarol is characterized by a moderate pace and a meter 6/8 or 12/8, with accompaniment,
depicting a splash of waves overboard a gondola.
Barcarol melody is characterized by smoothness, accompanied by elements are often used.
musical image.
The character of Barcarol is lyrical, often with a touch of melancholy or bright dreaminess.

Squeezed the carnival
On the fields of dew fell,
Month of land silver
Everything is calm, the sea is sleeping.
Waves Nursing Gondola ...
"SPIAY, Signora, Barcarol!
Mask black one
Behind me and sing! .. "
"No, Signor, not throw off the mask,
Not to songs, not to caress:
I am an ominous dream dream,
My heart is me. "
"Sleep dreamed, what is?
Dreams do not believe you, everything is empty;
Here is a guitar, not longing,
Sleep, Play and Kiss! .. "
"No, Signor, not to the guitar:
I dreamed to me that my old husband
At night, quietly with the bed got up,
Quietly went to the channel,
Wrapped his stylet in the floor
And in the closed Gondola -
Won, like this, there away -
Six dumb rowers entered ... "

Lev Mei.

I. K. Aivazovsky. Gondolier on the sea at night

In the XVIII century, Barcarol became a genre of professional music. Special distribution received
in the XIX century. In such biccarols, there are sometimes some typical signs of people
barcarol (for example, major power are used, size 12/8, 3/4).
The flourishing of this musical form came on the era of romanticism.
Barcarole as a genre of chamber vocal music is presented in the works of F. Schubert (Barcarol,
"Fisherman's love happiness"), F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdi, M. I. Glinka ("fell asleep blue"). Available
and choral barcarols - F. Schubert ("Gondolier"), I. Brahms (in "Twenty Romances and Songs
For female choir, OR. 44).

Many barcarols are written for piano. Of these, Barcarol OR is especially distinguished. 60 F.
Chopin - Piece, approaching the poem genre. Barcarol for piano wrote also
F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdi (plays from "Songs without words", or. 19 No 6, or. 30 No 6, or. 62 No 5),
P. I. Tchaikovsky (Barcarol from the "Seasons"), A. K. Lyadov (OR. 44), S. V. Rakhmaninov
(OR. 10 NO 3, for piano in 4 hands - or. 11 NO 1, for 2 piano - or. 5 No 1),
G. Forest (13 Barcarol), B. Bartok.

Some Barcarol is based on genuine folk melodies. For example, "Gondoller" F. Sheet from
Piano cycle "Venice and Naples" is based on the melody published Italian
composer of the Lagani of the People's Barcarol, which L. Beethoven has previously processed in his
"24 songs of different nations."

Claude Monet. Gondola.

The surface of the seas is reflected,
Rich Venice Street,
Raw fog smoked and moon
High strongholds accelerated.
A little visible to the distant wind
Student evening wave
Even water noise oars gondolas
And repeats the sounds of the Barcarol.

I feel it's night moan,
Like us, their peace of dissatisfied
But again a song! And again guitars ringing!
Oh, boyfriend, husbands, this songs are free.
I advise, although it hurts me,
Do not produce beauties of yours, wives;
But if you are in this moment are incorrect for yourself,
Then, friends! May the world will be between you!

And the world is with you, lovely Chichizbey,
And the world with you, Judah Melin.
Borrowed in the whims of the seas,
Love often grieves the bacon;
Though the judine reigns over the sea,
Persecutor eternal happy people
But the talisman of the desert lobsanya
Dream dreams takes the hearts.

Hand with hand, freedom giving eyes,
Sit in Floor and whisper between them;
She entries monthly rays
Mladu breast with a captivating hand
Sheltered Dopanchi leishes,
So that the young one is stronger to come to the mouths;
Meanwhile, they dressed, then sad, then cheerful,
There was a sound of ordinary Barcarol:

As in the Far Sea breeze,
Free forever my shuttle;
Like rivers fast bed,
Does not get tired of my paddle.

Gondola on water slips,
And the time for love flies;
Again the water comes
Passion never resurrected.

Mikhail Lermontov.

Starting from the opera "Venetian holiday" A. Campra (1710), Barcarol was used in operations
Mainly the Italian and French composers - J. Payzielo, L. J. F. Gerold
("TSAMPA"), F. Ohruber ("Mural of Portici", "Fra-Devolo", etc.), J. Rossini (Wilhelm Tella,
"Othello"), J. Offenbach ("Tales of Hoffmann"). Barcarol written widely known
Roman Korsakov ("Song of the Vedenets Guest") to Opera "Sadko". In the old days in Russia, Venice
called Vedenets, and for the Venetian merchant - Vedenets Guest - Composer composed Aria
in the rhythm and character of the People's Venetian Song - Barcarol.
In the twentieth century, Barcarol wrote Francis Pulenk, George Gershwin "Dance of the Waves", Leonard Bernstein.

Richard Johnson. Golden canal.

You with me.
Happiness is more not necessary.
The party will take me a longing.
With a quiet splash about granite fence
Stershes silver track river.

Two fragments
You flicker in your eyes.
Soft silk deals us love.
For the flow of imperceptibly floats
All that in the water turns our blood.

Barcarol - Ram Brown.

Barcarol is also sometimes called a gondolier.

Pierre Auguste Renoir. Gondola on the Big Channel in Venice.

The Italian word "Barka" means the boat. Derivative from him - Barcarol - Song of the boatman. Perhaps someone will be surprised: why are these songs that drink boatmen, give a special name! After all, they can sing the same as everyone ... But not. These songs are unusual as unusual and boatmen, their executing. Born in the wonderful Italian city of Venice. Built on numerous islands, Venice has almost no streets at all. Instead, the city cut through the channels. Right into the channels will be reached by door houses, long black boats are tied to the steps - Gondolas. In such boats, silently moving on endless ribbons of the channels, and Barcarols were born - songs of boatmen-gondolors. These songs are smooth and singers, in accompaniment - a dimensional swaying in a kind of rhythm, as if from one after another waves.
Composers loved the soft song Rhythm Barcarol (sometimes they call the Gondoller), and here, after the Venetian folk songs, bicarols appeared, created by composers of different countries, bicarol vocal and piano. Mendelson, we find Barcarol in his "Songs without words", at Tchaikovsky - in the collection "Seasons", this is a play "June". Barcaroli wrote Glinka, Chopin, Rachmaninov, Lyadov. And from Vocal Barcarol, the most famous and most unusual is written by Roman Corsakov. This is the "Song of the Vedenets Guest" in Opera "Sadko". Venice called Venice in Starin in Russia, and for the Venetian merchant - Vedenets Guest - Composer composed Aria in the rhythm and character of the People's Venetian Song, Barcarol.

Watch value Barcarol in other dictionaries

Barcarol - Barcarol, g. (IT. Barcarola) (music.). The genus of a musical or vocal product of a melodic nature at a slow pace. (By the name of the songs of Venetian Gondolors.)
Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Barcarole J. - 1. The song of Venetian Gondolors. 2. Vocal or instrumental work of a lyrical nature in the style of such a song.
Explanatory dictionary Efremova

Barcarol - -; g. [Ial. Barcarola from Barca - boat].
1. The song of Venetian Gondolners.
2. Instrumental or vocal product of lyrical character in the style of such a song.
Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov

Barcarol - (Ital. Barcarola - from Barca - boat), the song of Venetian Condolors; Typical soft, swinging motion of the melody, lyrical chracter. Many composers created vocal ........
Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Barcarol - - Song of Venetian Gondolners.
Historical Dictionary

Municipal budgetary educational institution Secondary school №2

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RESEARCHin music



Song of the boatman or music on the water?

Let's figure it out!


Chuskina Marina Vladimirovna Music Teacher

Work performed:

Malakhova Ekaterina - student 4 "s", MBOU SOSH №2

Potapova Evgenia - student 4 "s", MBOU SOSH №2

g. Bor.

year 2014

The purpose and objectives of the project .......................................................................... .3

Plan of research .. ......................................................... ... 3

Studying the genre of the Barcarol and the ability to find features and features of the genre in classical music .......................................................................................................

Conclusions ......... .. .............................................................................. .... 7

New knowledge .................................................................................. ..8

Interesting facts about composers .. ......................................................... 9

Literature ....................................................................................................

Applications ....................................................................................... 12.

    Dictionary of new terms ............................................................ ..13

    Photos and charts ....................................................................... ... 14

    Objective of the project

Studying the genre of Barcarol and the ability to find features (signs) of the genre in classical music.

Project tasks

    Search for information about the genre of Barcarol.

    Studying signs and damn Barcarol.

    To conduct a study, which from Russian composers wrote Barcarol, and if they were in Italy (Venice).

    Expand your horizons and replenish the vocabulary.

    Conduct survey among students of their class

II. Methods and means of research


    Comparison (observation).

    Conversation, survey.

    Work with computer.

III. Research Plan

    Advance hypothesis.


    Selection and study of additional materials on the topic of the project.

    Summing up the study.


    Project registration.

Object of study - Barcarol genre

Studying the theme "Years of Wanders" in the lesson of music, we met with an interesting romance of Glinka - the Barcarole "Venetian Night" and the play of Tchaikovsky "June. Barkarola".

Barcarol (from IT.Barka - boat) - Song of the boatman, rowing; Music genre in Venice.

Barcarol - Song of the Venetian Gondoller.

Why are the songs that sing the boatmen to give a special name? What is it connected with? Which of the Russian composers wrote Barcarol? Is this connected with a visit to Venice?

Barcarol was born in the wonderful Italian city of Venice. Built on numerous islands, Venice has almost no streets at all. Instead, the city cut through the channels. Right into the channels will be reached by door houses, long black boats are tied to the steps - Gondolas. In such boats, silently moving on endless ribbons of the channels, and Barcarols were born - songs of boatmen-gondolors. These songs are smooth and singers, in accompaniment - a dimensional swaying in a kind of rhythm, as if from one after another waves.

In professional music, Barcarol appeared at the beginning of the XVIII century first in the opera, later as an independent work for voice, choir, piano.

Hypothesis : We believe that all Russian composers who wrote famous Barcarols visited Italy. Studying the creativity of famous Russian composers, we suggested that the Russian composers were often in foreign trips in Italy and in particular in Venice.

We conducted a survey of class disciples. The results are shown in the diagram in Appendix No. 1.

We concluded that most of the guys heard about Venice - the city on the water. After the lesson, they found out and can tell Music genome Venice is known.

But who of the Russian composers wrote Barcarol and what features this genre do not know.

Therefore, we decided to work on this topic. And to acquaint with the results of our study not only the disciples of our class, but also everyone, the more ahead we were awaited by the week of music.

IV. Learning the genre of Barcarol and the ability to find the features of the genre in classical music.

Composers loved the soft song Rhythm Barcarol (sometimes they call the Gondoller), and here, after the Venetian folk songs, bicarols appeared, created by composers of different countries, bicarol vocal and piano. Tchaikovsky - in the collection "Seasons", this is a play "June". Barcarol wrote Glinka, Rachmaninov, Lyadov. And from Vocal Barcarol, the most famous and most unusual is written by Roman Corsakov. This is the "Song of the Vedenets Guest" in Opera "Sadko". Venice called Venice in Starin in Russia, and for the Venetian merchant - Vedenets Guest - Composer composed Aria in the rhythm and character of the People's Venetian Song, Barcarol.

Oh, this Italy! Sitting on the balcony with a warm night in Milan, "admiring the huge white-eyed cathedral and breathing the aroma of the night" (from the letter of Glinka), Mikhail Ivanovich reflected on how all this can be expressed in music.
So the Romance "Venetian Night" was born and the Venetian Barcarol was St. Petersburg.

As a result of the search, we revealed someone from the Russian composers wrote Barcarol. And they launched the main features of this genre. So: This is a glinka who wrote vocal Barcarol, Roman - Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, Lyadov and Rakhmaninov - instrumental Barcarol.

Roman - Korsakov after the end of the maritime corps made around the world in the military training clip: "Diamond". In the consequence of "maritime" impressions will affect his works and, in particular, in Opera Sadko.

Rachmaninov emigrated to the United States of America and lived there until the end of his days, and did not happen in Venice.

The whole life of Lyadov is connected with St. Petersburg, it was never in Venice.

V. . conclusions :

After analyzing the biographies of Russian composers, we came to the conclusion that Italy is a very musical country. She always attracted creative people to them - composers, poets, artists. Almost all famous composers visited Italy, but from Russian composers it was Glinka and Tchaikovsky. And everyone took away from there not only enthusiastic impressions, but also recorded in the notebooks themes of melodies, heard folk songs. Of these, then, as if musical souvenirs, arose and became very popular plays. The same measurement of the rhythm and smooth melody, as if dissolved above the water.

So, as a result of the comparison of vocal and instrumental ballads, we came to the conclusion that smooth, affectionate melody, a leisurely movement - everything reminds the song, we, as it were, hearing a thoughtful human voice, full of light dreaminess and peace.

In general, the works are a soft, swinging rhythm, lyrical melody - common features of these works, ease of escort, single rhythm, shaking, smooth melody, calm.

We talked about this country, listening to the music of Russian composers. Analyzing the melodies, made sure that there are no borders for music. The main thing is to transfer your vision of the world in which beauty lives everywhere. The song of the boat smoothly calmly became music on the water.

Vi .New knowledge

In the course of the project, we learned that the story and the TU of us in Russia there is a city in which rivers and channels are full of sadness, especially in a moonless shine at night ...

It is not by chance that the city was romanticized by Northern Venice.

What city are we talking about?

This is Petersburg. With his fogs, bred over the night with bridges and light sadness.

Here in St. Petersburg, in this "Northern Venice" could not not sound barkarol.

Spring night breathing

Light Yuzhnoy Krasya,

Quietly Brent Sluffed

Silver Moon ...

VII. Interesting Facts

    M. I. Glinka, Enchanted by Beauty of Venice, wrote Romance Venital night.

    Spring night breathing

Light south of red;

Quietly Brent proceeded,

Silver moon;

Reflective wave of fuel

Glitter transparent clouds,

And goes steam fragrant

From green shores.

Arch of azure, Tomny Ropot

A little throbby waves

Oranges, Mirts whisper

And love light of the moon

Upsua Aroma

And flowers and fresh herbs

And in the mouth of Torquat

Harmonic octave -

All pours secretly joy

Feelings dream the wonderful world

Heart beats, rushing

On love spring feast;

Gondolas slide on the waters,

Sparks sprinkle under the oars,

Sounds of gentle biccarol

They come with a light breeze.

These lines at the beginning of the XIX century wrote the Russian poet Ivan Kozlov. The most amazing what he wrote these lines, being completely blind, completely fixed, chained to bed. But in the imagination of this "cute blinding", as Pushkin called him, flew to where:

All pours secretly joy

Feelings dream the wonderful world

Heart beats

In the course of the project, we received many new knowledge that can apply in practice. We learned how to learn, hear the features of such a beautiful genre as Barcarol in the musical works. Found out about interesting cities, both in Italy and in Russia. And they realized that beauty is able to make a person for creativity.


1. Music encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow, Soviet Encyclopedia. 1991

2. Dictionary of the schoolchild "Iso of Art and Music". Moscow, "Contemporannik" .1997

3. Cycle "Biographies of composers" ("Komsomolskaya Pravda", 1998):

Glinka, T.2.

Roman - Korsakov, T.6

Tchaikovsky, t.1.

Lyadov Tom 12.

Rachmanins Tom 1.

4. "Where music lives." A. Klenov Moscow. "Pedagogy-Press" 1994

5. WWW. ru.wikipedia.org.

6. www.historystudies.org.

7. www.bibliopskov.ru.

8. www.erudit-menu.ru.

9. www.edka.ru.

10. www.glavRecept.ru.

11. www.recipes.in.ua.

Annex I.

Dictionary of new terms

Hypothesis (from ὑπόθεσις - "base", "assumption") - unproved statement, assumption or guess.

Hypothesis subsequently or , turning it into the established , or , translating Approvals.

Unproved and irrefutable hypothesis called open problem.

Barcarol (from IT.Barka - boat) - Song of the boatman, rowing; Music genre in Venice. Subsequently, they began to call the instrumental plays and vocal works of a singement character, in the melodies of which the measuring shocking of the boat and the splashing waves often be guessed.

Gondola, ITAL. Góndola (Venetian Gondola) is a traditional Venetian rowing boat. It is one of the symbols of Venice.

Historically was the main means of movement through the channels of the city, currently serve to entertain numerous tourists. According to historians in the XVIII century, several thousand Gondola numbered in Venice.

Licenses for this work can be inherited from the Father to the Son, as a result of what to get into the number of gondolors to man from the side is not easy.

Gondolier - Men's profession that requires great skills. It is usually transferred by inheritance from the Father to the Son. This profession is not to occupy romanticism, no wonder the gondolors have even a special kind of songs called Barcarol (from Ital. Barca - "Boat"). In 2009, the first woman appeared in Venice - a licensed gondolier.

Vedenetse- In the old days, Venice was called in Russia.

    Can you find out the features of Barcarol in music?

    Do you know which of the Russian composers wrote Barcarol?

Annex III

Mikhail Ivanovich GlinkaPeter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Nikolai Andreevich Anatoly Konstantinovich Lyadov


Rakhmaninov Sergey Vasilyevich Tchaikovsky PI

Seasons. Notes

Song of the Vedenets Guest from the Opera "Sadko"


St. Petersburg