How to draw a big owl. Huge selection; draw owl

How to draw a big owl. Huge selection; draw owl

Who are considered the wise and mysterious in the world of feathery? Bird that lives nightlife and keeps a lot of secrets? Of course, this owl is beautiful, with a rich plumage and incredibly big clever eyes. She always caused the interest of artists. Today we suggest finding each inquisitive how to draw owls.

If only the heroine of the famous cartoon about Winnie Pooh has been associated before with its image, now the forest beauty can be seen as decoration on clothes, notebooks, in the form of gift statuettes. Therefore, learn to portray a popular bird will be a fascinating occupation and for the ASPs, and for beginners.

In order to get wonderful drawings that one in one will be similar to the original, you do not need to be a professional. Find enough to a sheet of white paper, simple pencils and a good mood. After all, it is known that all that is being done with joy and desire is easily given and is doubly wonderful.

At the first lesson, "how to draw the owl of Phatepno", we offer to practice on the scheme of a small bright chick, sitting on a green tree branch. First and second step - Remove the pencil two mug and beak triangle.

Third and fourth step- Denote the body in the form of an oval and from two sides add to it small semicircular wings. It will be head, wings and eyes.

In the last stages We indicate the mask around the eyes, from the side of the Taurus at the bottom of the paws in the form of four strips. Take a little ears and feathers teeming him. We supply the line, depict the latest missing parts, and then paint the picture. It turned out a nice gentle countertop.

The following scheme fully fully reveals the secrets of how to draw owl pencil. It looks like a living, and it seems now the twig and the bird will throw up with their big wings to take off into the sky.

You should start with the image of thin ovals - big and slightly smaller, then draw the wing.

Now it is necessary to make the owl expressive eyes, a long beak, foot and add plumages.

Using only simple pencils of varying degrees of softness to portray lines on the head, the fluff on the breast and feathers on the wings.

The pictures of such owls do not need paints, it looks great and in gray - such an important thoughtful with a deep insightful look.

How to draw the next Soviet will understand each. Especially this scheme will become interesting for children, since together with drawing, you can learn a poem about a small chick.

With an unusual description, the child performs work much more fun and easier, the image turns out brighter, more cheerful, more beautiful.

Let's try to portray the pencil stages to another image of the bird of the bird. The main distinguished features can be considered a small beak and huge gas, smart and very deep. Their expressiveness should be emphasized by owls in the figure.

She has a small neck, but at the same time it turns almost 180 degrees. On the paws in the bird powerful claws, the tail resembles a fan, and the wings are covered with always unusual patterns of plumage.

Here is another interesting scheme for drawing. It depicts a cute counsel, but a little sad. Add a small smile in the beak, you can turn it into a fun and cheerful bird. This will not spoil his wise and mysterious appearance, on the contrary, will give him even more attractiveness.

Choose your favorite guide, learn to draw owls on paper and delight the results not only yourself, but also others. And may you always accompany creative successes and luck!

Hello, dear friends!

Today we are visiting the night bird - Owl. Do not think that the picture depicting Filina is something not quite practical, and it will be useful only to illustrate a fairy tale about Winnie the poch. Sophisticated - creating very interesting not only your lifestyle, legends and symbols, they all have an extraordinary color of plumage and big eyes, and this should be interested in you as an artist. Let's look at the beautiful images of the feathers and learn how to draw owls.

Materials for drawing

In order to get a good sketch, it is enough to have a desire to draw, a sheet of paper and a simple pencil. More interesting will work if you apply:

  • graphite pencils;
  • paper for sketches;
  • add a few strokes with colored pencils.

If you know how to use ink and feather, you can create a very beautiful graphic work. Also, a good effect can be obtained painting patterns on the feathers with a black marker.

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Where to begin

The fat ball of thick and lush feathers is well hiding the features of the structure of this bird. The silhouette of Filina can be entered into fairly simple forms.

Let's a little complicate our task and try to portray the owl in several angles, consider how to draw her portrait, paws, wings and feathers.

Direction shape and silhouette

We begin with a line that will designate the direction of the bird's body, its posture, and also denote the silhouette of a simple geometric figure.

Do not neglect the line - it will help create a symmetrical drawing, and the bird body will keep the balance. Build a figure pushing out the line.

After we posted a bird on a sheet, the image should be slightly detailed, make the silhouette and parts of the body clearer. We specify the shape of the head, wings, tail, add paws.

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The main external distinguishing feature of the owls from other species of birds is big round eyes, a small flat, but sharp beak. To properly designate the eyes and beak, you should spend a vertical line, divided into half the head. Next, two horizontal lines will designate the eye frame.

  • Eyes Very expressive, with big pupils almost round, are at a fairly large distance from each other. Almost all types of these birds have an expressive halo feathers around the eyes, they are highlighted with a beautiful pattern or color.

  • Beak Hooked is slightly lower than the center of the eyes. Often he is well hidden among the feathers, and we see only the most tip. In fact, the beak is large enough and widely revealed, the owl can even swallow the mouse entirely.
  • Filin's head often paint with ears - This is another feature of these feathered. Over the abnormal sinks are long sensitive feathers. These pasty ears help excellently hear and accurately determine the source of noise. Incredibly acute hearing in a pair with vision help this kind of birds hunt at night.
  • Neck Very short, it is not visible and the impression is created, as if her is not at all. Nevertheless, this part of the body owls is more than mobile, they can turn their head to 180 degrees and more.

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Feather predators are hunting not only with the help of vision and hearing, but also strong, deft and clawed paws. Because they are covered with dense plumage, most often we can see well and distinguish only claws.

Pictulate claws simple enough, especially if you draw the Filina sitting on the branch. Usually we see only three front cogging, the average is slightly more than the rest. In fact, there are four claws - one outset back, and helps the bird grab, hold on and not to produce production from the paw.

Wings and Tail

When the bird flies or landing, we can make a good look at the shape of the wings and the tail, as well as evaluate the beautiful pattern on the feathers.

The tail is very similar to the fan, all the features of the same shape and size, neatly painted. The wings do not have any features other than beautiful patterns, on the tips - there are the largest and most powerful feathers, on the body minor feathers.

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In nature, there are many species of compact, and they are common worldwide. The color of the plumage of these birds directly depends on the habitat. Most often, they are painted with brown and grayish paints under the color of trees, among which they live. White owls - live in the north among the snow, reddish sepures - among the residential buildings, gray-brown - live in forests, there are also earthen owls.

Regardless of the type and habitat, feathers of all birds are painted very interesting and beautiful patterned spots. Show these drawings will be easier if you can understand and comply with the rhythm of the ornament.

Video Tutorial

Watch the video How to draw owe stages:

Work for inspiration

If you want to portray something beautiful and plausible, look for suitable nature to avoid gross mistakes. Because it will be possible to sit in front of your eyes with your own eyes, let's only see the most brave and dexterous, let's look at the photos for sample and inspiration.

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These photos are clearly visible how beautiful nature decorated these birds. There is a very interesting legend and the cartoon about where the owls are in the feathers.

But excellent graphic work:

Good afternoon, we are again in touch and ready to draw again! We hope you are also ready. The last thing we painted with you were tulips, it was a couple of weeks ago, just on March 8. Today we will show how to draw the owl of the phased pencil. Look a little ahead and warn you, the most difficult thing in today's lesson will be working with color. To paint the owl that you draw, you will need a large number of nerves and time!

To conversation about owls! Are you owl or larks? Do you understand what we mean? When do you work more comfortable? Happy or night? We have in different ways. The author of our drawing Dasha is still the larks (although he loves to sleep), she works in the afternoon, well, or in the evening. But many, on the contrary, can not work in the afternoon or they do not like. They are more likely to work at night: no one distracts, there are no temptations to extract news tape VKontakte or see funny vidos on YouTube.

Here we are between the case and ask you about your bird accessories! So what are you owl or larks? If Owl, then you simply must cope with our today's lesson and draw this owl (the benefit that everything is painted). There can not even be questions. But if you are a lark, then ... let me think ... you should also cope with the task and draw this owl. If we handle, then we will definitely make a special lesson in the phased drawing specifically for you. Guess who will we draw? Right, lark !!! But it will be a little later.

By the way, if you are not our regular reader, then click on the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + d keys, this will allow you to add our site to bookmark your browser. By adding a site, you definitely do not miss our article with a graduate diversity of the lark.

Step 1:
To begin with, we need to draw two circles, this is the basis of our owls. Two circles in the form of the eight, the upper part is slightly smaller, for the head, the bottom circle for the Taurus owls, slightly more. At the bottom immediately draw the paws, more precisely the cooper coochness, because our owl sits on a tree branch.

We draw the basis, contour, our owl

Step 2:
At this stage of the lesson Draw the outline of the wing of our bird, as well as the branch of the tree, on which she sits.

Draw a bitch tree, on which Owl sits and her wing

At this stage, draw two lines on the facet of owls, one vertical, different horizontal, in the location of the lines will be the point where the beak must be drawn.

Draw the beak

Step 4:
We start drawing eyes, they are big and convex. You need to draw two circles, one, it is an eye contour, the other is pupils. Luminaires and chandeliers.

Draw your eyes

Step 5:
We continue to draw the face of our owls, draw circles around the eyes.

We continue to draw a face

Step 6:
We draw the plumage of our owls, on the wings, on the head.

Draw feathers on wings

Step 7:
Our owl looks at a round item similar to a soap bubble. This item is invented by the artist for fixing the view of the owl. This is an abstract object, you can draw it or not. The view of the owls watches these bubble, her pupils are chained to him.

Draw pupils of owls

Step 8:
We begin to decoke the owl.

We begin to decoke in our owl

Step 9:
We continue to decorate our owl.

Decrade owl

Step 10:
Declause owl. Breast owls just darker.

Decrade the chest of the owl

Now on their own, decorate the eyes of the owl, the bitches of the tree, on which Owl sits. Well, it seems to be everything! Successful drawing! Now you know, !

Larisa Borisov

When light of stars in the night silence

Sits on the old tree owl.

I fell asleep everything, no soul is visible.

Owl decided: Time to fly!

Draw in the center of the sheet with a simple pencil a large long oval.

In the upper part of the big oval, draw the second oval smaller, placing it across the first.

Draw two contacting circles, writing them into the second oval, is the eyes of the owl. Bottom, spend two lines - this is the future branch.

Take a triangle - beak. Draw inside a large tummy tummy owls, the line of oval will notice the wings. Draw ears, pupils, claws on a branch, tail.

Will erase extra lines. Color the eyes and belly of owls with yellow pencil (we drew wax crayons) . Cutting the tail, wings, head and ears Draw feathers on your stomach, paint the rainbow mesh in front of the eyes. Dark brown pencil squeeze the sprig and pupils of the eye. Coloring claws and beaks, leaving their centers with light - so they look the volume. And then you can proceed to design background. Here are the work of children of our older group.

Painting With the help of geometric shapes - it's fascinating and accessible! We will be happy if our master Class Someone will come in handy!

Thanks for attention!

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The wisest bird in the world is owl.

All hears

But very scary words.

The more hear -

The less chatting.

Ah, this is not enough for many of us.

Boris Nodoka

Here with such a poem will begin today our drawing lesson. Today we will find out! - already were. Now the bird is more serious! Features The behavior and lifestyle of owls led to the fact that they are attributed to many different qualities. When truthful, and when not very. But nevertheless, Owl is a symbolic bird. For the image of this bird is characterized by a secret: intimate, frightening, gloomy and night. Perhaps because Owl leads a nightlife, sees in the dark and silently flies. This bird can turn the heads for 180 degrees, she has a very "insightful" look, almost not moving in the afternoon. The symbol of owls means wisdom, erudition, thoughtfulness, reasonableness and is often a signature sign of organizations related to science and enlightenment. We start drawing.

Step one. We start from my head. Hold it in the very center of the sheet. In the center of the head, the auxiliary lines in the form of a cross: the level of the eyes, mouth and nose. To the head we draw a torso. On the sides, as it should swallowing, conducting the lines of the wings. Wings must be symmetrical. Together, they are like something like. On the wings will depict short curved lines, then they will turn into feathers. Under the bird below, we draw a fairly large arc - the contour of the tail. At the bottom of the torso, you will make foot with curls. Step second. We draw in detail the claws of the owl. Inside the contour we show the torso that converges to the legs. On the horizontal level will make eye. And then on all the body of the owls we draw feathers: along the lion line, along the tail. In this case, the feathers should not be the same and they can also be different. Especially large feathers draw the axial line. Step Three. On the main area of \u200b\u200blarge revealed wings, we draw small curved lines depicting the plumage. In some places we will show them thicker, in some - less often. Consider carefully belly owls and try to make it too. We put the label at the place of the beak. Step fourth. Very important detail -. We draw pupils and circles around the eyes themselves. Show the drawing on the top of the top and torso. Pitch fifth. No less responsible stage of the lesson. In the picture, we had a lot of small details. Now carefully need to erase all auxiliary lines. Well, I was ready for owl. You can paint. Try again to draw.