Traveling on the mainland. Playing animals of Africa in unconventional equipment Plant and animal world of Africa

Traveling on the mainland. Playing animals of Africa in unconventional equipment Plant and animal world of Africa
Traveling on the mainland. Playing animals of Africa in unconventional equipment Plant and animal world of Africa

As promised, I post a lesson for drawing a landscape.
In this landscape, I used:
1. Paper for oil painting. Format A3.
2. Oil paints - Belil, Natural Siena, Siena Logging, Strongied Yellow, Cadmium Yellow, Mars Brown Light.
3. Mastichin №1012, №1017
4. Brush №4, №10 of the bristle.
5. Linen oil for dilution.

So. We write like such a landscape. I removed animals, left only the sky, the sun and tree.

To begin with, we are determined with the palette of this photo.
I chose such colors.

The first thing we need to do is indicate the contours of our beautiful tree. You can use the grid in order to accurately lay the tree on the canvas. I did not use the grid and relied on my own eyes.)) Next the surface of the canvas with a diluted Siena Zhbya.

I did not wait for the drying of the paint and soaked the excess oil of the thealatte paper.
At different from the photo, I placed the sun in the center of the sheet. Used a conventional glass of suitable diameter.

So that light paint for the sun is not mixed with the background, I carefully wiped the paint in the sun with toilet paper.

Preparing the color for the sun.
I used Siena Natural (very little bit), the cadmium yellow, Belil. Mastered Mastichery.

After that, very gently caused the paint by Mastichean on the sun. You can apply paint with a brush, so the outlines of the Sun will be more detached. Tree is not painted, otherwise we will have to wait for the drying of paint at least 3 days. And only after it draw a tree.

Looking at the photo I mix color for the bottom of the sky Mars Brown Light + Cadmium Yellow + Belil. This is the part of the sky is the soot.
Next, apply a strip focusing on the photo. Tree, I also do not paint.

Next strip for the sky. I mix the remaining paint with yellow cadmium and leaks. The third strip is already underway with the addition of stronciana yellow. Try to feel color gradation from the sun.

We proceed to the "crown" of the sun.
To do this, I used the previous paint mixing it with Bellyl and Strontician Yellow. Focus on the photo when mixing colors. Will notice that the brightest slice of the sky is located directly in the crown of a tree over the sun. Under the sun is a darker sky. I applied the paint with a masticine, you can use the brush as it seems more convenient for you. I did it so.

The sky is light around the sun, but closer to the edges of the canvas sky darkens.

I leave a place for branches of a tree. And proceed to the silhouette of the Earth and the trunk of the tree. Paint pure mars brown. I really like the texture of smears from Mastichene, so I use it to apply paint.

We continue to paint the silhouette of the tree and branches. Look at the photo, the crown of the tree almost completely closes the sky, only small lumets remain. I tried to add the outlines of the grass, but this should be done already in the conclusion of the picture. Herb still do not touch.)))

I love to work with the "wet" oil, without fearing, I applied on top of the dark paint "Lumets" sky with light paint. This should be done with a mastikhin, otherwise the paint is mixed.

Looking at the picture in general, I decided to add more crown to the tree. Also on top of the "wet" oil. Add tree branches with a brush. Do not worry to write on top of the "wet" oil, but it is worth doing it carefully. I add a dark cloud to the right.

Now we write the grass. Tassel with a thin end applied Mars brown strips. We try to make different strips in the height. Top down.

My picture is ready.

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The child has repeatedly heard about such a country as Africa. Birds fly there in the fall, crocodiles, elephants, lions live there. Baby I would like to look at all this live. And to help him in this, offer to draw African savanna.

Savannah is a steppe with rare trees and bushes, a high thick herb. There are various animals, birds, insects.

The child will be interested in portraying a new landscape. And after graduation, he can add African animals to make a landscape more realistic.

You will need:


Initially, the sheet should be divided into two parts of the horizon line. It is needed in order to be clear where the trees draw, and where - clouds.


The foreground is part of the picture that is closer to us. Draw a low hill in the foreground, since the savanna is uneven.


Objects in the background are fuzzy. Wavy lines depict the outlines of other hills that are far away.

Tree trunk

And on the average plan, draw a tree trunk. Note that it is even more uneven than the trees familiar to the child.

Basic branches

The most common trees of Africa - Acacia and Baobabs. These trees have a subtle trunk, but very wide Crown, under which animals are collected. Therefore, the side branches should bend on the parties.

Let the child tries to draw on its own, because for drawing branches does not need a ruler.

Little branches

Small branches that depart from the main, grow several immediately.

The more you draw branches, the wider the Croon will be. The branches ends approximately one line.

Top view the outlines of a thick crown.

The sun

The sun in Africa is much closer to Earth than in the Nordic countries. It is depicting in the form of a large circle, which half hid behind the horizon.

Will erase unnecessary lines.

Elephant's outlines

Against the background of the Sun, depicting an elephant is one of the animals of Africa. If the child is difficult to immediately draw a small animal, you can use and practice.


If you have an outline, form an animal's head. Draw big ears, trunk and tissue.

Relieve an elephant image and erase unnecessary lines.


Make animal lines more smooth and add small parts.

Crown of wood

The crown of wood is depicting small wavy lines similar to sheep wool.

The second continent in size on the planet Earth is the mainland of Africa. The first in size is mainland Eurasia . There is still a part of the world, which is also called Africa. In this article will be considered Africa as the mainland of the planet.

In its area, the size of Africa is 29.2 million km2 (with the islands - 30.3 million km2), which is about 20% of the entire surface of the planet's sushi. Mainland Africa is washed by the Mediterranean Sea on the northern coast, the west coast is washed Atlantic Ocean , in the south and east, the continent is washes Indian Ocean And the northeast coast is washes the Red Sea. In Africa exists 62 states , Of these, 54 independent states, and the population of all the mainland is about 1 billion people. By clicking on the link you can see the full list of Africa countries in the table.

The size of Africa from north to south is 8000 kilometers, and if you look from the east to west, then approximately 7,500 kilometers.

Extreme points on the mainland of Africa:

1) The easternmost point of the mainland is Cape Rasha Hafun, which is located in the territory of Somalia.

2) The northernmost point of this mainland is Cape Blanco, which is located in the Tunisia Republic.

3) The most western point of the continent is Cape Almadi, which is located on the territory of the Republic of Senegal.

4) And, finally, the southernmost point of the mainland of Africa is a needle cape, which is located on the territory of the South African Republic (South Africa).

Relief Africa

Most of the mainland make up the plains. The following relief forms are dominated: Highlands, plateaus, stepped plains and plateau. Conditionally divide the mainland on high Africa (where the heights of the mainland reach the size of over 1000 meters - southeast of the mainland) and low Africa (where the heights reach the size preferably less than 1000 meters - the north-western part).

The highest point of the mainland - Kilimanjaro volcano, which reaches a height of 5895 meters above sea level. Also in the south of the mainland there are dragons and capacities, in the east of Africa there are Ethiopian Highlands, and south of it is East African Plateau, in the north-west of the continent there are atlas mountains.

In the north of the mainland there is the largest desert on the planet - sugar, in the south there is a desert of Kalahari, and in the south-west mainland there is a desert Namib.

At the same time, the lowest point of the mainland is the bottom of the salt lake ASALAL, the depth of which reaches 157 meters below the sea level.

Climate Africa

The climate of Africa can be put in the first place from all the mainland heat. This is the hottest mainland, as it is completely in the roast climatic belts of the planet Earth and intersects the line of equator.

Central Africa is located in the equatorial belt. This belt is characterized by a large precipitation and there is no change in the seasons. South and norther from the equatorial belt are subequatorial belts, which are characterized in the summer season of the rains, and in the winter dry season at high air temperatures. If you follow on the south and north after the subequatorial belts, then the Northern and Southern Tropical Belt followed by respectively. Such belts are characterized by low precipitation at quite high air temperatures, which leads to the formation of the desert.

Inner waters of Africa

The inner waters of Africa in their structure are uneven, but at the same time extensive and extensive. On the mainland, the longest river is the River Nile (the length of its system reaches 6852 km), and the Congo River is considered the largest river (the length of its system reaches 4374 km), which has become famous for the fact that the only one crosses from all the equator rivers twice.

There are on the mainland and the lake. Lake Victoria is considered the biggest lake. The area of \u200b\u200bthis lake is 68 thousand km2. The greatest depth reaches 80 m in this lake. The lake itself is the second in its area on the planet Earth from fresh lakes.

30% of the sushi of the continent of Africa make up the deserts in which the reservoirs may be temporary, that is, at times completely dispel. But usually underground water can be observed in such desert regions, which are in the artesian basins.

Vegetable and animal world of Africa

Mainland Africa has become famous for its diversity of both plant peace and animal. On the continent, wet tropical forests are growing, which are replaced by a parel and savannahs. In the subtropical belt you can meet mixed forests.

The most common plants in African forests are palm trees, Saibi, Rosyanka and many others. But in the savannas most often you can meet spiky shrubs and small trees. The desert is characterized by a small variety of plants growing in it. Most often it is herbs, shrubs or trees in oases. Many desert areas do not have vegetation at all. Special plant in the desert is considered a plant Velvichia is amazing which can live more than 1000 years, it releases 2 sheets that grow throughout the life of the plant and can reach a length of 3 meters.

Diversified in Africa and animal world. In the areas of Savannah very quickly and well grows her grass, which attracts a lot of herbivorous animals (rodents, hares, gazelles, zebras, etc.), and respectively, predators that feed on herbivorous animals (leopards, lions and so on).

The desert at first glance may seem uninhabited, but in fact there lives a lot of reptiles, insects, birds that hunt mostly at night.

Africa became famous for such animals as an elephant, giraffe, hippopotamus, a wide variety of monkeys, zebras , leopards, barren cats, gazelles, crocodiles, parrots, antelopes, rhinos and much more. This mainland is amazing and unique.

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