Resistant tin soldier fairy tale. Tale Resistant Tin Soldier - Hans Christian Andersen

Resistant tin soldier fairy tale. Tale Resistant Tin Soldier - Hans Christian Andersen
Resistant tin soldier fairy tale. Tale Resistant Tin Soldier - Hans Christian Andersen

There were once twenty-five tin soldiers who were cast from one large tin spoon, and therefore they were all like, as if brothers, with guns on shoulders and in the same red-blue uniforms. All, except for the last, twenty-fifth ... There was not enough tin, and therefore he had only one leg. But on this only leg, he stood as firmly as the rest on two.

The resistant tin soldier loved the little dancer, who was standing on one leg in front of her toy castle, - and, if you look out of the box, in which the soldiers lived, it seemed that she was also only one leg. The soldier thought that his perfect wife would come out of her.

But the troll living in Tabakcoque, the old and wise, came across the beauty to a small tin soldier and focused on him a terrible misfortune.

But the tin soldier was resistant and did not pay attention to him.
And here is the fault of the evil troll or by itself it happened that. The next morning, when the soldier stood on the windowsill, the wind gust suddenly blocked him, and he flew down, right on the bridge, where it was stuck between two cobblestones.

Little boy, the owner of the toys, and the maid went out on the street and were looking for a soldier for a long time. But, although they almost came to him, they still didn't see it ... they soon went rain, and they had to return to the house. And the tin soldier lay on the pavement and sad. After all, he did not know if she would ever see his beautiful dancer ...

When the rain ran out, two boys appeared on the street.
- Look, Tin Soldier! Said one. - Let's send him to swim!
And so they made a boat from the newspaper, put the soldiers in her and let them go to the wastewall.

- God, save me! - Thought Tin Soldier. - What are the terrible waves, and the course is so strong!
But, despite fear, he stood everything just as straight and storm.
And the boat sailed and sailed along the wastewater and suddenly slipped into the sewer tube. There was a darkness of even the eyes of the ride, and the poor little soldier saw nothing to anything.
"Where am I sailing? - he thought. - This evil troll is to blame. Oh, if only my little dancer was with me, I would be ten times brave! "

And the boat sailed everything forward and forth, and here ahead cut the light. Water from the pipe, it turns out, drove straight into the river. And the boat is spinning a wolf, and with her together and the tin soldier. And the paper boat scorn with a board of water, wedge and started sinking.
When the water closed over his head, the soldier thought about a small dancer ... The paper was completely spacing. But suddenly the soldier swallowed a big fish.

In the stomach, the fish was even darker than in the sewer tube, but the courage did not leave the soldier. And then the fish began to rush and twitch.

But the fish dropped, then brightened the bright light and whose voice exclaimed: - See, it's a soldier!

It turns out that the fish was caught, attributed to the market, and there she bought the cook from the very house where all the adventures of our soldier began. He was rendered again into the nursery, where he was already waiting for a little dancer.

About fairy tale

Resistant Tin Soldier: Short Love Story

The fairytale on the whole world, a tale of a rack tin soldier was first published in 1838. The story invented by the author, and not taken from the folk tales, entered his popular collection of "Tales, told by children."

It is said that Hans Christian Andersen inspired a piece of tin, which he found in a chimney. Yes, it may well be! Bright fantasy, the subtle perception of the world can give impetus for writing a masterpiece on the basis of one blow of the breeze.

Persistent Tin Soldier is a little sad fairy tale of loyalty and beautiful love. The story is recommended for reading at night or in a family circle with grandparents. The child already at 5 years old is able to feel the depth of sad story and draw conclusions about the persistent character of a small tin hero.

Note to parents and caregivers!

Children well remember a fairy tale told with emotions and deep inspiration. Pass the story in the faces, change the voice, doing focus on positive and negative characters (actions).

What did Andersen think about when he wrote his immortal work?

A piece of tin that the writer found in the ash, puzzled an inquisitive author. He thought, how could this lump in the form of a heart be in the oven? Hans immediately remembered her childhood, and the image of the master's toy affairs arose. Andersen brightly presented an old man in the apron and with corn arms, which melts the old tin spoon. The master poured the hot mass in the form and it turned out 24 soldiers, and on the 25th there was a little lack of material. The main character was born without a leg, but from this his character became even more resistant and fearless.

Why is the Character of Andersen Such Unfortunate?

All the heroes of the Danish writer have extraordinary fate and a special appearance. This is because the author of each character wrote from herself. Hans since childhood was a debt and an awkward child, and a non-obscure appearance brought many soulful suffering to the writer. But looking at pain and hostility of others, he achieved in the life of all goals.

What did the author wanted to say the defector?

Read the fairy tale with pictures online and learn the deep meaning of the old fairy tale. The story of the incredible stability of the main character is striking children's imagination. The pages are narrated by small and large readers, the soul of a loving and strong human spirit is deprived of fear, deception and meanness. After reading the fairy tale, the children will understand when there is a real sincere dream - there is nothing to fear in life. And if you met your destiny and loving halves, then you can pass fire, water and copper pipes.

Briefly about the plot of fairy tales

The story begins with the box in which tin soldiers lived. Children every day got them on the light of God and arranged games in the war. In the evening, all toys laid out in places, but a single-legged soldier did not want to live in a stuffy box. He wanted to dream and watch his beloved dancer, who forever froze in a graceful pose. Probably it was a ballerina carved from paper. She had one leg highly raised, and the shoulder decorated the magnificent skirt from the batted. On the chest at the dancer, a blue ribbon and a bright overflowing sparkle.

The soldier's in love did not reduce the eyes with a beautiful ballerina, and the evil troll living in Tabakcoque creaked his teeth, puffed and envied.

In the morning the soldier found children and put on the windowsill. A light breeze or a harmful troll collided the unfortunate down and from that moment the terrible adventures of the poor in love with romance began.

The chief hero will have to survive a lot of troubles and misfortunes before he meets his ballerina again. And how will the beautiful story end, the guys will know in the final of the fairy tales. Read the story along with the defore, learn them to dream of love and happy future.

It was once in the world of twenty-five tin soldiers, all the brothers, because they were born from an old tin spoon. A rifle on the shoulder, looks right in front of him, and the uniform what is magnificent - red with blue! They lay in the box, and when the lid was removed, the first thing they heard was:

Oh, tin soldiers!

It shouted a little boy and shook his hands. They gave him a birthday, and he now put them on the table.

All the soldiers turned out to be completely the same, and only

one, the only one was not a little bit like everyone: he had only one leg, because he was cast by the latter, and tin was not enough. But on one leg, he stood as firmly as the rest on two, and here it was with him and a wonderful story happened.

On the table where the soldiers found themselves, there was a lot of other toys, but the most noteworthy was the beautiful palace of cardboard. Through the small windows could be looked straight into the halls. In front of the palace, around the small mirror, which was portrayed the lake, stood a tree, and the wax swans floated on the lake and looked into it.

All this was where it was cute, but the Mile of everything was a girl standing in the door of the castle. She was also carved out of paper, but the skirt on it was from the subtlest batista; Through her shoulder, she had a narrow blue ribbon, as if the scarf, and a sparkle sparkled on her chest was not less than the head of the girl himself. The girl stood on one leg, stretching his hands in front of him, "she was a dancer," and the other threw it so high that the tin soldier did not see her, and therefore decided that she was also single-sided as he.

"That would be me such a wife! He thought. - Only she, see, from noble, lives in the palace, and I just have that the box, and then we have only twenty five soldiers in it, it's not a place there! But you can get acquainted! "

And he attached for a tobacco car, which stood right there on the table. From here he perfectly saw a charming dancer.

In the evening, all the rest of the tin soldiers, besides him, alone, were cast into a box, and people in the house went to bed. And toys themselves played

And to visit, and in the war, and in the ball. The tin soldiers turned in the box - after all, they also wanted to play, - but could not raise the lid. The nutcracker tumbled, the stall danced on the board. We rose such noise and gaps that the Canary woke up yes how to witness, and not just, and verses! Only Tin Soldier da dancers did not touch away from the spot. She still stood on one sock, stretching his arms forward, and he was Bravo standing on his only leg and did not give her eyes off her.

That made a twelve, and - click! - The cover of the tobaccochka bounced off, only it was not a tobacco, no, but a small black troll. Tobackerka was with focus.

Tin Soldier, - Troll said, - Do not look where it is not necessary!

But the tin soldier pretended to not hear.

Well, the moment the morning will come! - Troll said.

And morning comes; The children got up, and the tin soldier put on the windowsill. Suddenly, in the grace of Lee Troll, or from a draft, the window how to swing, and the soldier as will fly down his head from the Third Floor! It was a terrible flight. The soldier took himself to the air into the air, stuck with a horse and the bayonet between the stones of the pavement, and so stuck down his head.

The boy and the servant immediately ran to look for him, but could not see in any way, although they did not hit his legs. Krickni he: "I'm here!" "They probably would have found him, but only the soldier shouting in all her throat - after all, he was a uniform."

He began to rain rain, drops fell more and more often, and finally poured a real shower. When he ended, two street boys came.

Shoulder! Said one. - Von Tin Soldier! Let's send it to swimming!

And they made a boat from the newspaper paper, put a tin soldier into it, and he swam on the drain ditch. The boys fled next and clapped in their hands. Batyushki, what waves went through the ditch, what a rapid flow was! Still, after such a shower!

The boat threw up, then down and loose so that the tin soldier was trembling the whole, but he held a steady - a gun on his shoulder, head straight, chest ahead.

Suddenly, the boat dived under long walkways through a ditch. It became so dark that the soldier got into the box again.

"Where does it bearing? - he thought. - Yes, yes, all this troll! Ah, if she was sitting in the boat that the lady, then be at least twice the same, and then nothing! "

Here there was a large water rat, living near the coupled.

Passport is? She asked. - Passport!

But the tin soldier as the water in his mouth scored and only tightly squeezed a gun. The boat carried everything forward and forth, and the rat sailed after him. Wow! As she crossed her teeth, as shouting to toward the chips and Solminim:

Keep it! Hold! He did not pay duties! He is uncorpent!

But the course was becoming stronger and stronger, and the tin soldier has already seen the light ahead, as such a noise suddenly he was heard that any braveness would be frightened. Imagine, at the end of the bridge, the drain ditch fell into a large channel. For a soldier, it was as dangerous as for us to hide in a boat to a large waterfall.

Here the canal is completely close, it is impossible to stop. The ship was carried out from under the packer, the poor fellow kept himself, as he could, and even did not blink her eye. The ship launched three, four times, poured with water to the edges, and he began to sink.

The soldier was on the neck in the water, and the boat was immersed all deeper and deeper, paper twice. Here the water covered the soldier with his head, and then he thought about the adorable little dancer - not to see him more. In his ears he walked:

Forward strive, warriol,

Death will overtake you!

Here the paper finally messed up, and the soldier went to the bottom, but at the same moment he swallowed a big fish.

Oh, how dark it was inside, even worse than under the packer through the drain ditch, and even closely in addition! But the tin soldier did not lose courage and lay stretching in full height, not releaseing a gun out of the hands ...

The fish came in circles, began to extract the most wondrous jumps. Suddenly she froze, she struck exactly lightning. Light flared, and someone shouted: "Tin Soldier!" It turns out that the fish was caught, brought to the market, sold, brought to the kitchen, and the kitchen resolve her belly with a large knife. Then the cook took the soldier with two fingers for the lower back and brought to the room. Everyone wanted to look at such a wonderful little man - he would have done a trip to the belly of fish! But the tin soldier was not indulged. He was put on the table, and - what only miracles do not happen in the world! - He found himself in the same room, saw the same children, on the table there were the same toys and a wonderful palace with an adorable little dancer. She straightened on one leg, thickening another, - she was also persistent. The soldier was touched and almost cried with tin tears, but it would be unfortunately. He looked at her, she is on him, but they did not tell each other a word.

Suddenly, one of the kids grabbed a tin soldier and threw to the stove, although the soldier did not guilty. This, of course, set up a troll that was sitting in a tobacco.

A tin soldier stood in a flame, it covered a terrible heat, but whether the fire or love was or love - he did not know. The paint from him completely descended, no one could say why - from travel or from grief. He looked at the little dancer, she is on him, and he felt that she was melting, but she still held steadfastly, not releaseing from the hand of a gun. Suddenly the door to the room opened open, the dancer picked up the wind, and she, like Sylphide, fluttered directly into the stove to the tin soldier, flared up - and there is no her. And the tin soldier stated in a lounge, and the next morning the maid, the shabby ash, found a tin heart instead of a soldier. And from the dancer, one sparkle was left, and she was burnt and black, like coal.

Touching story about the love of tin soldier to a paper dancer ...

Resistant tin soldier read

There were once twenty-five tin soldiers, the native brothers on the mother - the old tin spoon, a gun on the shoulder, head straight, red with a blue uniform - well, the charm of what soldiers! The first words they heard when they opened their house-box, were: "Oh, tin soldiers!" It shouted, clapping in his hands, a little boy who gave tin soldiers on his birthday. And he now began to put them on the table. All soldiers were exactly the same, except for one that was with one foot. He was cast last, and tin was not enough, but he stood on his leg as hard as others on two; And he was just the most wonderful of all.

On the table where the soldiers were found, there were many different toys, but most of all rushed into the eyes of the Palace of Cardboard. Through little windows it was possible to see palace rest; Before the palace, around the small mirror, which was portrayed by the lake, stood a tree, and flooded the wax swans on the lake and admired their reflection of wax swans. All this was a miracle as cute, but the Mile was just a young lady, standing on the threshold of the palace. She, too, was carved out of paper and dressed in a skirt out of the finest batista; Through her shoulder, she was a narrow blue ribbon in the form of a scarf, and on his chest sparkled the socket with the face of the ladies itself. The young lady stood on the same leg, stretching his hands, "she was a dancer," and the other leg raised so high that our soldier did not see her, and thought that the beauty was also a single-legged, like him.

"That would be me such a wife! He thought. - Only she, as can be seen, from noble, lives in the palace, and I only have that the box, and then there are twenty-five pieces in it, she is not a place there! But it still does not interfere with. "

And he attached for a tobacker, which stood immediately on the table; Hence he was perfectly visible a charming dancer, who all stood on one leg, not losing equilibrium.

Late in the evening of all other tin soldiers put in the box, and all people in the house went to bed. Now the toys themselves began to play a visit, in the war and in the ball. Tin soldiers began to knock on the walls of the box - they also wanted to play, but could not raise the covers. Nutcracker tumbled, Griffel wrote on the board; There was such noise and gaps that the canary woke up and also spoke, and even poems! They did not touch only the dancer and the tin soldier: she still kept on an extended sock, stretching his arms forward, he cheerfully stood and did not sleep with her eyes.

Thought twelve. Schelch! - Tabakerka revealed.

There was no tobacco, but sat a little black troll; Tobackerka was with focus!

Tin Soldier, "Troll said," you have nothing to look! "

Tin soldier as if did not hear.

Well done! - Troll said.

In the morning, the children stood up, and the tin soldier was put on the window.

Suddenly - in the grace of whether the troll or from draft - the window was swollen, and our soldier flew his head down from the third floor, - only in the ears whistled! A minute - and he was already standing on the pavement up the foot: his head in a helmet and a gun was stuck between the pavement stones.

The boy and the maid were quitted now in search, but how many tried, they could not find a soldier; They almost fell on him legs and still did not notice it. Scrumbs he: "I'm here!" "They, of course, would have found him right now, but he considered an indecent shouting on the street, he wore a uniform!"

Began to stick the rain; Stronger, stronger, finally hung shower. When it turned out again, two street boys came.

Loose! Said one. - Von Tin Soldier! Send him to swim!

And they made a boat from newspaper paper, put a tin soldier there and put into the groove. The boys themselves fled next and clapped in her palms. Well well! That's how the waves went through the groove! The flow is so carried, - not wise after such a shower!

The boat threw and spit in all directions, so that the tin soldier was trembling the whole, but he kept steadfast: a gun on his shoulder, head straight, chest forward!

The boat suffered under long walkways: it became so dark, exactly the soldier again got into the box.

"Where is me? - he thought. - Yes, it's all the jokes of the ugly troll! Oh, if the beauty was sitting in the boat - for me, if one was doubled! "

At this moment, a large rat jumped out from under the carriages.

Passport is? She asked. - Come on the passport!

But the tin soldier was silent and tightly squeezed a rifle. The boat was carried, and the rat sailed after her. Wow! As she crossed his teeth and shouted to meet the chips and straws in towards:

Hold, keep it! He did not make a duty, did not show the passport!

But the course carried the boat faster and faster, and the tin soldier had already seen the light ahead, as suddenly heard such a terrible noise that would be aged any brave. Imagine, at the end of the bridge water from the groove rushed into a large channel! It was for the soldier as scary, as for us to ride on a boat to a large waterfall.

But the soldier was incurred further, it was impossible to stop. The boat with a soldier slid down; The poor fellow stayed still persistently and even the eye did not blink. The boat is spinning ... Once, two - filled with water to the edge and began to sink. Tin soldier found the throat in the water; Further more ... The water covered it with his head! Then he thought about his beauty: not see him more. In his ears he sounded:

Forward strive, about the warrior,
And death to safely go!

The paper broke out, and the tin soldier went to the bottom, but at the same moment the fish swallowed him. What a darkness! Worse than under the coupled, and even fear as closely! But the tin soldier kept steadfastly and lay, stretching out the entire length, tightly pressing the gun to himself.

The fish rushed there and came here, he made the most amazing jumps, but suddenly froze, like a lightning hit it. Little light and someone shouted: "Tin Soldier!" The fact is that the fish was caught, brought to the market, then she fell into the kitchen, and the kitchen resolve her belly was a big knife. The kitchen took the tin soldier with two fingers for the waist and carried into the room where everyone was escaped to look at the wonderful traveler. But the tin soldier was not indulged. He was put on the table, and - what does not happen in the world! - He found himself in the same room, saw the same children, the same toys and a wonderful palace with an adorable little dancer. She still stood on one leg, highly raising another. That's so durability! The tin soldier was touched and slightly cried with Tin, but it would be indecent, and he retained. He looked at her, she was on him, but they did not mention in any word.

Suddenly, one of the boys grabbed a tin soldier and threw him right in the stove. Probably, this is all the troll set up! A tin soldier stood embraced by a flame: he was terribly hot, from fire or love - he did not know himself. Paints from it completely tear, he was completely polished; Who knows from what - from the road or from grief? He looked at the dancer, she was, and he felt that she was melting, but he was still standing standing, with a gun on his shoulder.

Suddenly the door in the room swung open, the wind grabbed the dancer, and she, like Sylphide, fluttered directly to the stove to the tin soldier, flared up and - the end! And the tin soldier melted and frozen in a lump. The next day the maid burned out of the stove ash and found a small tin heart; From the dancers left one socket, and that the whole burned and blaked as coal.

(Ill. A. Archipova, ed. Children's literature, 1980)

Published: Mishka 01.11.2017 19:41 10.04.2018

There were once twenty-five tin soldiers, mother brothers - an old tin spoon; A rifle on the shoulder, head straight, red with blue uniform - well, the charm of what soldiers! The first words they heard when they opened their house-box, were: "Oh, tin soldiers!" It shouted, clapping in his hands, a little boy who gave tin soldiers on his birthday. He also began to put them on the table. All soldiers were exactly the same, except for one that was on one leg. He was cast last, and tin was not enough, but he stood on his one leg as firmly as others on two; And he was just the most wonderful of all.

On the table where the soldiers were found, there were many different toys, but the wonderful Palace of Cardboard rushed. Through little windows it was possible to see palace rest; Before the palace, around the small mirror, which was portrayed by the lake, stood a tree, and flooded the wax swans on the lake and admired their reflection of wax swans. All this was a miracle as cute, but the Mile was all the young lady, who was standing on the threshold of the palace. It was carved out of paper and dressed in a skirt out of the finest batista; Through her shoulder, she had a narrow blue ribbon in the form of a scarf, and the socket sparkled the size with the face of the ladies itself. The young lady stood on one leg, stretching his hands, "she was a dancer," and the other leg raised so high that our soldier could not see her at all and thought that the beauty was also a single one like him.

"That would be my wife! He thought. - Only she, as can be seen, from noble, lives in the palace, and I only have that the box, and then there are twenty five of us in it: she's not a place there! But it still does not interfere with. "

And he attached for a tobacker, which stood immediately on the table; Hence he was perfectly visible a charming dancer, who all stood on one leg, without losing equilibrium.

Late in the evening of all other tin soldiers put in the box, and all people in the house went to bed. Now the toys themselves play "to visit", "in the war" and "in the ball". Tin soldiers began to knock on the walls of the box - they also wanted to play, but could not raise the covers. Nutcracker tumbled, stylus danced on the board; Such a noise and gam rose that the canary woke up and also spoke, and even poems! They didn't touch only the dancer and the tin soldier: she still kept on an extended sock, stretching his arms forward, he cheerfully stood under a gun and did not drive her eyes off her.

Thought twelve. Schelk! - Tabakerka revealed.

There was no tobacco, but a small black beech - so focus!

- Tin Soldier, - said Buka, - you have nothing to look!

Tin soldier as if did not hear.

- Well, stayed! - said Buka.

In the morning, the children stood up, and the tin soldier was put on the window.

Suddenly - in the grace of whether the beech or from a draft - the window was swollen, and our soldier flew his head down from the third floor - only in the ears whistled! A minute - and he was already standing on the pavement up the foot: his head in a helmet and a gun was stuck between the pavement stones.

The boy and the maid were quitted now in search, but how much I tried, I could not find a soldier; They almost came to his legs and still did not notice him. Scrumbs he: "I'm here!" - They, of course, would have found him right now, but he considered an indecent shouting on the street: he wore a uniform!

Began to stick the rain; stronger, stronger, finally went a real shower. When it turned out again, two street boys came.

- Hey! Said one. - Von Tin Soldier! Send him to swim!

And they made a boat from newspaper paper, put a tin soldier there and put into the groove. The boys themselves fled next and clapped their hands. Eh-Ma! That's how the waves went through the groove! The flow and carried - no wonder after such a shower!

The boat threw and loose in all directions, so the tin soldier was all trembling, but he kept steadfast: a gun on his shoulder, head straight, chest ahead!

The boat suffered under long walkways: it became so dark, exactly the soldier again got into the box.

"Where does it bearing? - he thought. - Yes, these are all things of the ugly beech! Oh, if the beauty was sitting in the boat, it would be even darker for me! "

At this moment, a large rat jumped out from under the carriages.

- Is there a passport? She asked. - Come on the passport!

But the tin soldier was silent and held firmly held a rifle. The boat was carried, and the rat fled after her after her. Wow! As she crossed his teeth and shouted to meet the chips and straws in towards:

- Keep, keep it! He did not make duty, did not show the passport!

But the course carried the boat faster and faster, and the Tin Soldier had already seen the light ahead, as suddenly heard such a terrible noise that would be aged any brave. Imagine - At the end of the bridge, the groove fell into a big channel! It was for the soldier as scary, as for us to ride on a boat to a large waterfall.

But it was impossible to stop. The boat with a soldier slid down; The poor fellow was still on the string and did not blinked the eye. The boat is spinning ... Once, two - filled with water to the edges and began to sink. Tin soldier found the throat in the water; Next - more ... Water covered it with your head! Then he thought about his beauty: not see her more. In his ears he sounded:

Forward strive, about the warrior,

And death to safely go!

The paper broke out, and the tin soldier went to the bottom, but at the same moment the fish swallowed him.

What a darkness! Worse than under the packers, and even fear as narrowly! But the tin soldier kept steadfastly and lying in full length, tightly pressing a gun to himself.

The fish rushed there and came here the most amazing jumps, but suddenly froze, like lightning struck her. Lightly light, and someone shouted: "Tin Soldier!" The fact is that the fish was caught, brought to the market, then she fell into the kitchen and the kitchen resorted her belly to a large knife. The kitchen took the tin soldier with two fingers for the waist and carried into the room where everyone was escaped to look at the wonderful traveler. But the tin soldier was not indulged. He was put on the table, and - what does not happen in the world! - He saw himself in the same room, saw the same children, the same toys and a wonderful palace with a beautiful dancer! She still stood on one leg, highly raising another. That's so durability! The tin soldier was touched and slightly cried with Tin, but it would be indecent, and he retained. He looked at her, she is on him, but they did not cast a word.

Suddenly, one of the boys grabbed a tin soldier and threw him right in the stove. Probably, this is all the beech set up! Tin soldier stood by a flame. He was terribly hot, from fire or from love - he did not know himself. Paints from it completely tear, he was completely polished; Who knows why - from the road or from grief? He looked at the dancer, she was on him, and he felt that she was melting, but still held steadfastly, with a gun on his shoulder. Suddenly the door in the room swung open, the wind grabbed the dancer, and she, like Sylphide, fluttered right into the stove to the tin soldier, flared up, and - the end! And the tin soldier melted and frozen in a lump. The next day the maid chose ash from the stove and found it in the form of a small tin heart; From the dancers left one socket, and that the whole burned and blaked as coal.

Listen to fairy tale The Steadfast Tin Soldier Online:

There were once twenty-five tin soldiers, the native brothers on the mother - the old tin spoon, a gun on the shoulder, head straight, red with a blue uniform - well, the charm of what soldiers! The first words they heard when they opened their house-box, were: "Oh, tin soldiers!" It shouted, clapping in his hands, a little boy who gave tin soldiers on his birthday. And he now began to put them on the table. All soldiers were exactly the same, except for one that was with one foot. He was cast last, and tin was not enough, but he stood on his leg as hard as others on two; And he was just the most wonderful of all.

On the table where the soldiers were found, there were many different toys, but most of all rushed into the eyes of the Palace of Cardboard. Through little windows it was possible to see palace rest; Before the palace, around the small mirror, which was portrayed by the lake, stood a tree, and flooded the wax swans on the lake and admired their reflection of wax swans. All this was a miracle as cute, but the Mile was just a young lady, standing on the threshold of the palace. She, too, was carved out of paper and dressed in a skirt out of the finest batista; Through her shoulder, she was a narrow blue ribbon in the form of a scarf, and on his chest sparkled the socket with the face of the ladies itself. The young lady stood on the same leg, stretching his hands, "she was a dancer," and the other leg raised so high that our soldier did not see her, and thought that the beauty was also a single-legged, like him.

"That would be me such a wife! He thought. - Only she, as can be seen, from noble, lives in the palace, and I only have that the box, and then there are twenty-five pieces in it, she is not a place there! But it still does not interfere with. "

And he attached for a tobacker, which stood immediately on the table; Hence he was perfectly visible a charming dancer, who all stood on one leg, not losing equilibrium.

Late in the evening of all other tin soldiers put in the box, and all people in the house went to bed. Now the toys themselves began to play a visit, in the war and in the ball. Tin soldiers began to knock on the walls of the box - they also wanted to play, but could not raise the covers. Nutcracker tumbled, Griffel wrote on the board; There was such noise and gaps that the canary woke up and also spoke, and even poems! They did not touch only the dancer and the tin soldier: she still kept on an extended sock, stretching his arms forward, he cheerfully stood and did not sleep with her eyes.

Thought twelve. Schelch! - Tabakerka revealed.

There was no tobacco, but sat a little black troll; Tobackerka was with focus!

Tin Soldier, "Troll said," you have nothing to look! "

Tin soldier as if did not hear.

Well done! - Troll said.

In the morning, the children stood up, and the tin soldier was put on the window.

Suddenly - in the grace of whether the troll or from draft - the window was swollen, and our soldier flew his head down from the third floor, - only in the ears whistled! A minute - and he was already standing on the pavement up the foot: his head in a helmet and a gun was stuck between the pavement stones.

The boy and the maid were quitted now in search, but how many tried, they could not find a soldier; They almost fell on him legs and still did not notice it. Scrumbs he: "I'm here!" "They, of course, would have found him right now, but he considered an indecent shouting on the street, he wore a uniform!"

Began to stick the rain; Stronger, stronger, finally hung shower. When it turned out again, two street boys came.

Loose! Said one. - Von Tin Soldier! Send him to swim!

And they made a boat from newspaper paper, put a tin soldier there and put into the groove. The boys themselves fled next and clapped in her palms. Well well! That's how the waves went through the groove! The flow is so carried, - not wise after such a shower!

The boat threw and spit in all directions, so that the tin soldier was trembling the whole, but he kept steadfast: a gun on his shoulder, head straight, chest forward!

The boat suffered under long walkways: it became so dark, exactly the soldier again got into the box.

"Where is me? - he thought. - Yes, it's all the jokes of the ugly troll! Oh, if the beauty was sitting in the boat - for me, if one was doubled! "

At this moment, a large rat jumped out from under the carriages.

Passport is? She asked. - Come on the passport!

But the tin soldier was silent and tightly squeezed a rifle. The boat was carried, and the rat sailed after her. Wow! As she crossed his teeth and shouted to meet the chips and straws in towards:

Hold, keep it! He did not make a duty, did not show the passport!

But the course carried the boat faster and faster, and the tin soldier had already seen the light ahead, as suddenly heard such a terrible noise that would be aged any brave. Imagine, at the end of the bridge water from the groove rushed into a large channel! It was for the soldier as scary, as for us to ride on a boat to a large waterfall.

But the soldier was incurred further, it was impossible to stop. The boat with a soldier slid down; The poor fellow stayed still persistently and even the eye did not blink. The boat is spinning ... Once, two - filled with water to the edge and began to sink. Tin soldier found the throat in the water; Further more ... The water covered it with his head! Then he thought about his beauty: not see him more. In his ears he sounded:

Forward strive, about the warrior,
And death to safely go!

The paper broke out, and the tin soldier went to the bottom, but at the same moment the fish swallowed him. What a darkness! Worse than under the coupled, and even fear as closely! But the tin soldier kept steadfastly and lay, stretching out the entire length, tightly pressing the gun to himself.

The fish rushed there and came here, he made the most amazing jumps, but suddenly froze, like a lightning hit it. Little light and someone shouted: "Tin Soldier!" The fact is that the fish was caught, brought to the market, then she fell into the kitchen, and the kitchen resolve her belly was a big knife. The kitchen took the tin soldier with two fingers for the waist and carried into the room where everyone was escaped to look at the wonderful traveler. But the tin soldier was not indulged. He was put on the table, and - what does not happen in the world! - He found himself in the same room, saw the same children, the same toys and a wonderful palace with an adorable little dancer. She still stood on one leg, highly raising another. That's so durability! The tin soldier was touched and slightly cried with Tin, but it would be indecent, and he retained. He looked at her, she was on him, but they did not mention in any word.

Suddenly, one of the boys grabbed a tin soldier and threw him right in the stove. Probably, this is all the troll set up! A tin soldier stood embraced by a flame: he was terribly hot, from fire or love - he did not know himself. Paints from it completely tear, he was completely polished; Who knows from what - from the road or from grief? He looked at the dancer, she was, and he felt that she was melting, but he was still standing standing, with a gun on his shoulder. Suddenly the door in the room swung open, the wind grabbed the dancer, and she, like Sylphide, fluttered directly to the stove to the tin soldier, flared up and - the end! And the tin soldier melted and frozen in a lump. The next day the maid burned out of the stove ash and found a small tin heart; From the dancers left one socket, and that the whole burned and blaked as coal.