Anniversary Writer Holiday for reader Exhibition. "Information and Library Association

Anniversary Writer Holiday for reader Exhibition.
Anniversary Writer Holiday for reader Exhibition. "Information and Library Association

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World Civil Defense Day
(In 1972, an international organization of civil defense was established. In Russia, this day has been celebrated since 1994)

International Day of Combating Drug addict and drug business

World Writer Day
(It is noted by decision of the Congress of Pen Club from 1986)

International Women's Day
(In 1910, at the International Conference of Socialist in Copenhagen, K. Zetkin proposed annually to spend the day of solidarity of workers of women of all over the world. In Russia, it is celebrated from 1913)

World Poetry Day
(It is noted by the decision of UNESCO from 1999)

World Water Day
(It is noted by the UN decision from 1922)

Baby and Youth Book
(Held annually since 1944. The first "Name Day's books" passed on the initiative of L. Cissile in 1943. in Moscow)

Employee Day Culture
(Established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation 27.08.2007)

International Day Theater
(Installed in 1961 IX Congress of the International Institute of theater)

Child movie day
(Established on January 8, 1998 by the Government of Moscow on the initiative of the Moscow Children's Fund due to the century of the first show movie for children in Moscow)

Russian Student Day (Tatiana Day)
(Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Day of Russian Student" of January 25, 2005, No. 76)

Memorial Day of the Young Hero - Anti-Fascist
(It is noted since 1964 in honor of the dead participants of the anti-fascist demonstrations - the French schoolboy Daniel Ferie (1962) and the Iraqi boy Fadil Jamal (1963)).

Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day

International Native Language Day
(It is noted from 2000. At the initiative of UNESCO in order to preserve the cultural traditions of all nations).

Defender of the Fatherland Day
(Adopted by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation in 1993)

Day laughter. International Day Birds
(In 1906, the International Bird Protection Convention was signed)

International Children's Day
(Celebrated from 1967 on the birthday of H.K. Andersen by decision of the International Children's Book Council (IBBY))

World Health Day
(Celebrated from 1948. By decision of the UN World Assembly)

Cosmonautics Day
(Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1962. in commemoration of the first flight of a person in space)

World Earth Day
(It is noted from 1960. by the decision of UNESCO in order to unite people in environmental protection)

International Dance Day
(It is noted from 1982. by the decision of UNESCO on the birthday of J.zh. Novore (1727 - 1810), French balletmaster, reformer and theorist of choreographic art)

Spring and Labour Day
(May Day, the Day of International Solidarity of Workers, was celebrated in the Russian Empire from 1890. The Russian Federation is celebrated as a holiday of spring and labor since 1992)

Victory Day
(Set to commemorate victory over Hitler's Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945.)

International Family Day
(It is noted by the UN decision from 1994)

International Museum Day
(Celebrated from 1977 by decision of the International Council of Museums)

(Celebrated from 1986 in honor of Slavic enlighteners Kirill and Methodius)

(Installed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1995. In honor of the foundation in Russia, the State Public Public Library on May 27, 1795)

World Culture Day. World Day without tobacco

(Established in 1949 at the Moscow session of the Council of the International Democratic Federation of Women)

International Children's Day - victims of aggression

(It is noted by the UN decision from 1972)

Pushkin Day of Russia
(Established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1997)

Russia Day

Memory Day and Sorrow
(Established by the Presidential Decree on June 8, 1996. in honor of the memory of the Defenders of the Fatherland and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945.)

Day of the State Flag of Russia
(Established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1994)

All-Russian holiday

International Literacy Day
(Noted from 1967 by the decision of UNESCO)

International Day of Mira
(It is noted by the UN decision from 1981. on the third Tuesday of September)

World Sea Day
(Notes from 1978. At the UN initiative on the last week of September. In Russia, this day is celebrated on September 24)

International Day of the Elderly. International Music Day
(It is noted by the decision of UNESCO from 1975)

International Animal Day
(It is noted from 1931. On the day of the name of Francis of Assisi - Defender and Patron of Animals)

International Teacher's Day
(It is noted by the decision of UNESCO from 1944)

International School Library Day
(Established by the International Association of School Libraries, noted in the 4th Monday of October)

International Day Tolerance
(Declaration of tolerance principles adopted by UNESCO in 1995)

World Child Day
(It is noted by the UN decision from 1954. November 20 - the day of adoption in 1989. Convention on the Rights of the Child)

World greetings day
(Two brothers came up with this holiday - Michael and Brian McCormack from the US state of Nebraska in 1973 (this day should be greeting with ten unfamiliar people))

World Information Day
(Established on the initiative of the International Academy of Informatization)

Mothers Day
(Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1998. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of November)

November 24 to November 30 All-Russian week
(Established by the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, the Central Committee of the VLKSM, the joint venture of the RSFSR, the WTO in 1974)

Day of the heroes of Fatherland
(It is noted since 2007 in accordance with Federal Law No. 231-FZ dated October 24, 2007. "On Amendments to Article 1.1." On the Days of Military Fame and Memorable Dates of Russia ")

International Human Rights Day
(In 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted a universal declaration, proclaimed by everyone to life, freedom and inviolability)

World Children's Television Day
(It is noted on the UNICEF initiative (United Nations Children's Fund) from 1992)

Nauma Day
("The Prophet Naum will put on the mind". Sovage the custom on the first day of December, according to the old style, to give the departures to the learning towards the dehcans, retired soldiers and other rural certificates, so-called certificates of diplomas)

Week of Science and Technology for Children and Youth.
The week passes from 4 to 10 January 2012.

Day of Reserves and National Parks
(It has been celebrated since 1997 on the initiative of the Center for Wildlife Protection, World Wildlife Fund in honor of the first Russian reserve - Barguzinsky, who opened in 1916)

Day of Russian sert
(Celebrated since 1991 in honor of the release of the first issue of the Russian printed newspaper "Vedomosti" by the decree of Peteri in 1703)

Day of Russian science
(On this day in 1724 Peter the first signed a decree on the basis of the Academy of Sciences in Russia).

Day of Orthodox book
(It is noted by order of the Sacred Synod from 2010 in honor of the release of the Apostle - the first Orthodox book in Russia).

Culture Day
(Celebrated from 1935 on the day of signing of the International Treaty - the Peace Covenant, or the Roerich Covenant)

International Day of Monuments and Historical Places
(It is noted since 1984 established by UNESCO's decision).

World Print Freedom Day
(Noted by the decision of UNESCO since 1991)

Sun Day.
(It is noted by the decision of UNESCO since 1994)

All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Loyalty
(It is noted on the initiative of the deputies of the State Duma from 2008)

International Day Chess
(It is noted by the decision of the World Chess Federation since 1996)

Day of Tsarskostsky Lyceum
(On this day, the Imperial Tsarkoselsky Lyceum opened in 1811)

United Nations Day
(October 24, 1945, the Charter of the United Nations has entered into force, since 1948 it is observed as the UN Day)

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation
(The Constitution adopted by a national voting in 1993. It is noted in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Days of Military Fame and Memorial Dates of Russia")

Day of the epic hero of Ilya Muromets

Children's Cinema Day (established on January 8, 1998 by the Moscow Government on the initiative of the Moscow Children's Fund in connection with the Counter

International Day "Thank you." Is it on the UN and UNESCO initiative.

Russian Day (celebrated since 1991 in honor of the release of the first issue of the Russian printed newspaper "Vedomosti" by decree of Peter

International Anniversary Day An unusual holiday appeared in the United States in 1986, under the name of the National Anniversary Day.

Russian Student Day (Tatiana Day).

The Day of the Military Glory of Russia is the day of removal of the blockade of Leningrad (1944).

The Day of the Military Glory of Russia is the Victory Day in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943.

The day of the memory of the young hero-anti-fascist.

Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day).

The day of memory of the Russians who performed official debt beyond the Fatherland (celebrated since 2011).

International day of the native language (celebrated since 2000, on the initiative of UNESCO in order to preserve the cultural traditions of all peoples

Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Orthodox book.

World Writer Day.

International Women's Day.

World Poetry Day.

World Water Day (noted by the UN decision from 1922).

Week children's and youth book.

Employee Day Culture.

International Day Theater.

Day laughter. International Day birds.

International Children's Book Day.

World Health Day.

Cosmonautics Day.

Culture Day.

The Day of the Military Glory of Russia - Ice Bottomier (1242). There is international day of monuments and historical places.

World Earth Day.

International Dance Day.

Spring and Labour Day.

Radio day.

Victory Day.

International Day Family (noted by UN decision since 1994)

International Family Day (It is noted by the UN decision since 1994)

International Museum Day

The holiday appeared in the calendar in 1977, when at the next meeting of the International Council of Museums, the proposal of the Russian organization about the establishment of this cultural holiday was made. Since 1978, the International Museum Day began to be celebrated in more than 150 countries.

Day of Slavic writing and culture

The holiday is known as the memory day of Slavic enlighteners - the brothers Kirill and Methodius. In 1991, by Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, he received state status.

All-Russian Library Day

(Installed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1995 in honor of the foundation in Russia of the State Public Library on May 27, 1795)

World Culture Day

International Children's Day

One of the oldest international holidays. The decision to hold it was made in 1925

At the World Conference devoted to the welfare of children in Geneva. History is silent

Why this children's holiday was decided to celebrate exactly June 1. One of the versions in 1925

China Consul General in San Francisco collected the Chinese grouporphans and arranged for them

Festival of dragon boats), the date of which came on June 1. By good fortune,

the day coincided with the time of the "children's" conference in Geneva. After World War II,

when the problems of preserving the health and well-being of children were more relevant, in 1949 in

Paris held the Congress of the Women, at which the oath of the unwanted struggle for the provision

durable world, as the only guarantee of children's happiness. A year later, in 1950 on June 1 was held

the first international day of protection of children, after which this holiday is held annually.

International Children's Day has a flag. On a green background, symbolizing growth, harmony, freshness

and fertility, stylized figurines are placed around the earth sign - red, yellow, blue, white and black.

These human figures symbolize variety and tolerance. Earth sign, placed in the center, is a symbol of our shared house.

International Children's Day - victims of aggression

( Established in 1949 at the Moscow session of the Council of the International Democratic Federation of Women )

World Environment Day

( It is noted by the UN decision from 1972)

Pushkin Day of Russia, Russian Day

The holiday is celebrated annually. State status of the poet's birthday received in 1997 according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2011, the President of Russia signed a decree on the annual celebration of the June 6th Day of the Russian Language.

The document states that this memorable date was established "in order to preserve, support and

the development of the Russian language as the nationwide property of the peoples of the Russian Federation, funds

international communication and an integral part of the cultural and spiritual heritage of world civilization. "

As part of the program of support and development of multilingualism and cultural diversity, the Russian language is also noted in the UN.

International Day of Friends

Holiday is conceived precisely to, regardless of life circumstances and various peripetias, we reminded your friends about how important they are for us to please them.

Russia Day

Day of Russia, or the day of adoption of the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia, as was called this holiday until 2002, is one of the most "young" public holidays in the country.

Day of Memory and Grief - The beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941)

International Olympic Day

In June 1894, an international congress on the problems of physical education took place in Paris, in which representatives of 12 countries participated. On June 23, his report presented the enthusiast of the Renaissance of the Olympic Movement Baron Pierre de Coubert. In it, he introduced the audience with the organizational basics of the Olympic Games developed by him. Congress approved the offer of Baron Pierre de Couberten to revive the tradition of ancient Greek Olympiads in order to hold "competitive games with an invitation to participate in all nations every four years." It was then that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was created. The post of Secretary General IOC took Pierre de Coubert. Congress decided to hold games I Olympiad in 1896 in Greece. In 1967, the International Olympic Committee decided: on June 23 to consider the International Olympic Day.

Friendship Day and Unity Slavs

This holiday was established in the 90s of the 20th century and was created in order to different branches of Slavic peoples.

09/18/2018 Book exhibition "Anniversary of the Writer - a holiday for the reader!"

In the framework of the decade declared by the President of the Decade, special attention is paid to working with children, their involvement in cultural life, acquaintance with works of art, literature. In the library, as a social institution, spiritually - moral education is one of the priorities in the work. One of the most important topics in the formation of spiritual and moral consciousness is to promote literature on writers, fiction, classical literature. From year to year, anniversaries of famous writers, poets, playwrights and other figures, who left their mark in world literature are celebrated. Employees of the children's library and, in particular, the children's center of reading and creativity, special attention is paid to the dates of the anniversaries of children's writers in 2018.

For six months in the Children's Center for the Reading and Creativity of the Central City Children's Library, the book exhibition "Anniversary of the Writer is a holiday for the reader". This exhibition is the best reason to revive the names of the geniine feather, enjoy their amazing novels, stories and verses. Anniversary is always a holiday, and of course - cake! The appearance of a paper art object at the book exhibition attracts the attention of children, this purpose also serves as a placement of books, forming the similarity of the book cake. The literary "Cake" consists of fairy tales, leads, novels, detectives - books whose authors, writers - Yubiles 2018. Visitors with pleasure "taught" by the pieces like - I liked books. You can treat the book every reader, the tree of knowledge gives the readers to "disrupt" the sheet and find out the name of the writer - the jubilee, whose works are presented at the exhibition. Candles on the cake - another play moment of the exhibition, the author's quotes are concluded, read and guess their belonging can every reader. The exhibition materials are actively used in mass events. So, in September, four events were held with schoolchildren of 2.4 and 9 classes, as well as with preschoolers, the theme of which was acquaintance with the work of children's writers - anniversaries of 2018. The events visited 133 people.

Prepared and spent ch. Librarian Shapina Yu.B.

On November 8, 2016, the Toguchin Central Library gathered lovers of books, colleagues, guests to celebrate the anniversary: \u200b\u200b85th birthday from the birthday of Mikhail Yakovlevich Chernenka and the assignment of his name to the Toguchin Central Library.

The leading solemn rally was discovered by the words: "There are names whose glory is so strong that it will not erase her meaningless years. It will remain in the long century the shrine of the country, the shrine of the people. "
The head of the Toguchinsky district Sergei Sergeevich Pohinin appealed to the meeting with the welcoming speech.
In his speech, he noted the meaning of the creative path of M. Chernenka not only for the area, but also for the region, noted that the name of Mikhail Chernenka, the Toguchinsk Central Library, is a significant event for the district, the first name library will appear on the Toguchinsky district map. "
Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Toguchinsky District, Alexander Petrovich Mendrull presented the Jubilyaker a copy of the decision of the eighth session of the Council of Deputies of the Toguchinsky District of the Novosibirsk region of the third convocation "On the assignment of the Toguchin Central Library named after M. J. Chernenka".

The right to open a plate with the new name of the Institution "Toguchin Central Library named after Mikhail Chernenka" provided Sergey Sergeevich Pyhtin, Alexander Petrovich Mendrull, active readers of the library and admirers of the talent writer Olga Filippovna Zotovaya and Nikolai Ivanovich Glebov, and, of course, the anniversarier - Mikhail Chernenka.
After opening a new signboard of the library with the name of the writer, the leading Pownuna T. I., the head of the regional literature department, Vigiienko V.N., the main bibliographer of the TMCB, invited everyone to continue the holiday in the Library named after Mikhail Chernenka.
The anniversary part of the meeting began with the poetic gift of the Faith Lebedeva - the poem dedicated to the jubilee, the "master of the word" and congratulations on the jubilee from the head of the district S. S. Puffin.

A continuation of the event was the demonstration of the video film - congratulations "Writer of our city", which was prepared by the staff of the Toguchin Central Library named after M. Ya. Chernenka.
Then there was a lot of congratulations, good words and heart wishes in honor of Mikhail Yakovlevich. The mental words in the address of the jubileery and the library were told by Igor Nikolayevich Reshestnikov, Minister of Culture of the Novosibirsk Region.

Then the leading holiday provided the word Sergey Ivanovich Goncharov, the head of the city of Toguchin, T. P. Savilova, Head of the Department of Culture of the Administration of the Toguchinsky District. They spoke about his human qualities, about his love for the book and to read, that Toguchintsy is proud of their countryman!
On behalf of the library community of the Novosibirsk Region, which was the initiator of the name of the famous countryman of the Toguchinsky Central Library, director of the Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library, President of the Novosibirsk Library Society, and Member of the Public Chamber of the Novosibirsk Region Svetlana Antonovna Tarasova, congratulated the writer with the anniversary of the Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library. She noted that "... With the name of the writer, the work of the library should be built more meaningfully, interesting, especially with the readers of young age."
In this solemn day, Mikhail Chernenka Colleagues on the writing workshop came to congratulate: Anatoly Borisovich Shalin, writer, head of the Novosibirsk Writer Organization of Writers of Russia and Novosibirsk writer Dmitry Gennadevich Ryabov. Sincere words of appreciation and congratulations were made from the Toguchinist science fiction writer Roman Glushkov, representatives of the creative association of the Toguchinsky district "Muza".

Natalia Nikolaevna Ankudinova, the editor-in-chief of the Toguchinsky newspaper, was pleased with the best wishes for the Yubililyra, and many years of cooperation with the writer.
Irina Vasilyevna Omelchenko, Head of the personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Toguchinsky district congratulated the annubilera on behalf of the people of the courageous profession that were prototypes of his books.

In the solemn day of the beloved writer, on behalf of the experts and faithful fans of his work, Nikolai Ivanovich Glebov, reader of the Toguchin Central Library and Elena Valeryevna Makarova, Head of the Local Lore Zaletsovka Museum of Novosibirsk.

The director of the Library named after Mikhail Chernenka Svetlana Valentinovna Distyur noted that with the assignment of the library named after our countryman, the team assumes great responsibility, but it will try to deserve this name. Together with her, M. Chernenka congratulated the young readers - Diana Mikheeva and Anya Filippov. Mikhail Chernenka's name was entered in the book of "Honorary Followers of the TCB", the reader of which he is since 1940.
The head of the district S. S. Pyhinin announced that now the Mikhail Chernenka Award will be assigned in the area every year.

The meeting ended with a normal cake, informal communication. The presentations were able to get acquainted with the information stand "Jubilee investigation", the exhibition "Heads from the life and creativity of Mikhail Chernenka", take part in the survey "My favorite book Mikhail Chernenka", take pictures with my favorite writer, take an autograph.
Undoubtedly, it was nice to hear good reviews and warm wishes from guests to the library address. We hope that this day will fit in a red string in the history of the library case of the district, and our library will justify and proud to wear the name of a talented writer - Countryman Mikhail Yakovlevich Chernenka.

On March 22, 2018, the Children's Library held a festive opening of the week of children's book - 2018. Theatrical representation - "Anniversary of the Writer - a holiday for the reader."

This year, the week of children's book celebrates anniversary. She marks 75 years old and all these years she gives children pleasure, the joy of reading, luxury communication with the work of talented writers.

Pupils of kindergarten "Topolak" came to congratulate the readers of the children's library with a holiday and prepared for them the elegant dance "Menuet".

Then the ceremoniester, who submitted to the Queen and her beautiful sisters, appeared to the guys, was a prose, liru and a fairy tale. They congratulated young guests and prepared wonderful gifts in the form of works of Yubiles 2018, executed by the participants of the club "Theater of the Book."

The first gift was presented by Lira. In the performance of the C. Mimikhalkov's poem, the poem of S.Mikhalkov sounded "As it were, we lived without books," and such a rare phenomenon as a fable in the "Moshka" prose inspired by Morozov Danil.

The next gift presented the prose. Her young friends staged the story of V. Dragunsky "Enchanted Letter", which could not leave anyone sad and indifferent.

The most generous gifts brought the queen to the tale. Her subjects presented with young readers the play "King for some reason the second" on a fairy tale in verses S. Ya. Marshak. It showed scenes from the life of the sage king and his family - the young princess of the destent and strict, but fair queen. Costumes, scenery and musical accompaniment were chosen in the style of the XVII century. This gift was the pearl of the holiday. But on this surprises, the fairy tales did not end, because the storyteller from Denmark was invited to visit young lovers of books - Andersen, as whose roles made by the nuts Grisha. Andersen was very happy to meet the admirers of his talent and prepared for the guys the riddles in their fairy tales. After all of them were solved, the great storyteller thanked readers and gave way to Queen's tale, which conducted a parade of literary heroes. Carlson and Aibolit, Pinocchio and Cat in Boots, Malvina and Red Hood came to the parade. But in order for them to come to the guys, it was necessary to remove the oblivion from their books and solve some more poems of mysteries. Children quickly coped with these tasks, and in the award they were represented by the staged song "in the ABC Kingdom". After the issue of the Queen's room, the book announced that her ball comes to an end and all participants in the theatrical presentation came to the scene with the execution of the library anthem "Expenditive Good".