Sexy Horoscope Aries. Bad feathers character

Sexy Horoscope Aries. Bad feathers character
Sexy Horoscope Aries. Bad feathers character

The nature of Aries is incomparable with the personal features of people born under the auspices of other signs of the zodiac. They are number one. Both in the zodiac cycle and in life. Their main features, issuing a natural leader, make it possible to understand anyone - in front of it is a targeted, temperamental, stubborn Aries. However, it is not even a small part of the qualities inherent in people who were born in the period from April 20.

Zodiac characteristic

Aries is a fiery sign. The element in many respects determines the temperament of people who appeared under his patronage. They have quick-tempered and hot character, highly developed intelligence, a live mind.

They are impatient in trifles and are not located to long explanations, because they themselves are grabbed on the fly. Often, because of its impurity and rapidness, these people make and repent of this, by the way, they categorically refuse. Recognize your own wrongness and oversight? Yes, nothing in life!

Aries explosive temperament, and their hotness and warmth attract people. In accordance with the elements, they are recommended to choose "air" or "fiery" friends. But only not "water". Here, everything, as in nature - either fire evaporates moisture, or she will put it.


The nature of the eves has both positive and negative sides. Well, first - about the pros.

These people are well given to the ability to make competent solutions, whatever the question concerned. They are talkative and dynamic, optimistic and vigorous - one of the presence of Aries in the company is able to raise the mood to everyone.

Also these people are vigorous, brave, active and attractive. Often, it is Aries that becomes a soul of a company (men, as a rule) and a key, authoritative employee in the team.


Negative qualities in the nature of the Aries are also enough. These are their impatience, superficiality, self-confidence, stubbornness and love of command. The latter is the main drawback. Aries are inborn leaders and commanders, and everyone should obey them, agree with them. They live according to the following principle: "There are only two opinions - my and wrong."

Aries - the most rigid sign. People born under his patronage are impulsive, and their power is very rude. Therefore, many Aries are individuals who are impatient, often not counted with the feelings of others. If they prevent them, they come in fury and rage. And they face what they consider unfair - the devastating sadism will appear at all. Or bring yourself to self-destruction.

In interpersonal relationship

Talking about the character of the sign of Aries, it should be noted that the individuals born in the period from March 21 to April 20 are considered one of the most devoted and faithful friends among all others. They themselves consider closest only favorites - those who are tested by time. But there are many friends with friends.

Honesty, readiness to help at the right moment, beat "for their" to the end - that's what makes them faithful comrades. In addition, Aries will never get into the soul! The interlocutor prefers something to teach or does not want to talk about what happened in life in detail? His Aries will not torture.

Particularly sensitive should be remembered that representatives of this fiery sign are not telepaths. That is, they can not notice someone else's burning or depression for months. In many ways, due to the fact that in their presence, many mood rises. Their behavior is not indifference. If they find out that they have a close misfortune, then the breasts will stand on his defense. Sometimes the problems of loved ones are more important than their own.


The character of a ram-girl is somewhat different from male. So it should be touched upon separate attention.

At Aries-Women, the character is strong, and the will is inflexible. She solves any problems. This feature never sits without a case - it is vital to do something constantly. Such a woman will never show that she is tired and experienced difficulties. She doesn't need pity. And help too. In any case, it manages his head and perseverance, accurately going to the target target and achieving the best results.

What does she love? Be the center of attention, receive compliments and praise, cause admiration. And even know that she is listening to her advice. To be for someone authority is one of the joys of all Aries.

And, of course, this bright and attractive woman never suffers from lack of fans. She has a lot of admirers. But despite your chosen one will always store. The value of feelings is above all. You can not swap them.


What features are representatives of the strong half of humanity? The character of a man-male can be described in two words - the riot of emotions. They have a passionate temperament, they are impulsive, sometimes impatient and even prone to dictatorship, love to impose their own opinion and do not know how to doubt their exorbitant pride in time.

But at the same time, they have a lot of advantages. Men-Aries are people action and progress. They are zealous, they like to learn and know something new. And they are also peculiar to them - in the time of misfortunes you can count on them.

Plus, the whole man-Aries are full of creative energy and interesting ideas! Yes, because of this, sometimes tiring with them, but it is not boring.

But in public and social life these people are true fighters and rebar. Throw someone to challenge, and subsequently cope with the test, they will not be difficult for them. True, Aries are sometimes too confident in their superiority over others, because of what they can lose. In such situations, they need a person who will be tactfully and competent to him that their eccentric decision would not hurt to revise. It still needs to be able to. And she listens to Aries not everyone - only one who is more or less authoritative for him.

Love and marriage

This topic should also be touched upon attention, telling about the features of the character of Aries. For their nature, these people are monochrobes. So dubious pleasures and lung ties are not for them. In marriage, as a rule, they enter once and for life. And if there will be some problems with the second half, then the Aries will make everything to strengthen their union.

It is believed that representatives of this sign are the most faithful in the entire zodiac cycle. They will never live a double life, having fun on the side. If relations with a partner are finally and irrevocably ruined, then Aries will ruin this relationship. The same applies to situations when he begins to experience a passion for someone else.

Of course, this man is very jealous. The reason for distrust can even become an interested opinion, accidentally abandoned on an attractive passerby. Therefore, the harmonious union of the Aries may only be able to develop with a person most valuable in relationships, devotion, honesty and frankness.

Aries opens a new zodiac cycle, refers to the element of fire, has a special charisma (quality) of the discoverer, initiative and purposefulness. Even possessing a calm temperament, the Aries never forget about their goals and, as a rule, sooner or later achieve the desired one. The initiative and activity of representatives of this sign makes it possible to find new tasks that Aries poses in front of their followers. To catch up with the idea and to light her fire for others for the Aries is more important than bringing the case to the end. Routine duties, sequence and pedantry - are not strong features of this sign. The pressure, short-term powerful effort, the search for the goal and intelligence in the fight - that's what distinguishes the Aries from other signs of the zodiac.

Character character

The dedication of the Aries also provides its energy for a while. Fast loss of interest in the launched, the need for new impressions often pushes Aries to risky classes and professions. In communication is straightforward, sometimes even too, but sincerely as children. This sincerity often borders with tactlessness, can turn rudeness. But the Aries themselves cannot hold offense for a long time, the relationship sharply, I do not regret the past. If someone or something causes interest, then Aries is ready to overcome any obstacles to come closer to the desired object, but often quickly disappointed in people and in classes.

Creatively gifted, stubborn, when they are lubricated, strong in spirit - these are excellent sportsmen sprinters, commander, rescuers, reporters in the theater of hostilities, researchers and travelers. Can choose their profession to ministry and maintain order, or are on the other side of the rule of law. In any case, the choice depends on the personal horoscope. Representatives of the first sign of the element of fire are driven by high ideals, elevated feelings, including harmony and beauty. But often the rudeness of pressure and stubbornness break the fragile harmony, sending the Aries in search of a new clean beauty.

Energy sign

Aries are fearless, stubborn, selfish and requires special attention to others around him and its plans. It should not be in his way, if the Aries conceived something, would achieve this by any means, sometimes breaking the borders of the morality. Falling by a new idea, he spends energy more than necessary, but quickly restores forces. The worst for Aries is a loss of interest in the case that he occupied. Pause and delays, paper Volokol, minor details may find a hunt to achieve the desired.

Aries without energy flow idea is a pitiful spectacle until it finds a new goal. Depression, as a result of the loss of interest, does the will and makes the Aries intolerable in communication for a while. Do not endure blind subordination, prefer to occupy senior positions or work alone. I do not notice how the enemies are pronounced because of a strong desire to rivalry. The trouble is always coming unexpectedly, because Aries does not notice his mistakes, does not recognize the cunning of enemies, hates secret manipulations. Disadvantages of Aries - continuation of its merits. Aries are intolerant, stubborn, overestimate themselves, they lack patience, they are prone to quarrels and cannot give way. It would be necessary to learn to ask for forgiveness to be tolerant to others, but they are not able to listen to other people's advice, which leads to difficult situations. Weak place - the absence of self-discipline and reluctance obey conventionals. It often harms and career and in the development of the necessary connections. In the life of the Aries, the periods of success alternate with crises.

Love and Aries

Aries are very important to take care of commens, representatives of this sign love to provide close to everyone necessary, often skillful masters of various crafts.

Love means a lot for representatives of this fiery sign. In love prevents long-term relationships if the partner knows how to preserve interest in himself, shares the diverse interests of Aries and is ready for adventure. Our ideals and integrity of nature is the main quality of Aries, which allows to create long-term unions. In love is passionate and persistent, sometimes despotic. They require full returns from the beloved, but they themselves consider their emotionality to be a weak place, try to suppress feelings so as not to fall dependent on your loved one.

Aries compatibility with other signs

The best unions are obtained with twins and aquarius. Representatives of the earthly element are too realistic to look at the ideas of Aries, so the long union is difficult to save. Other signs of the cardinal cross - cancer, scales and Capricorn - can become real partners for Aries in the presence of general global goals. Representatives of these signs activate each other to achieve the goal, but irreconcilable contradictions may arise that it is difficult to solve peacefully. With counterparts for the element of fire, the best partnership is possible with Sagittarius, which is able to direct the energy of the Aries to the very high unattainable ideals, but with lion getting harder because of the egocentrism of both signs.


We strive to lead, be independent, they need to compete and win. Often hearty and loving, have success in women. Ambitious

Women Aries

They can act at the expense of the strength and pressure of others, like the Master of Eastern Martial Arts, but often turn out to be involved in men's games and may lose independence, without noticing the threat of "captivity" in time.


It turns into special attention due to impulsivity and frequent change of interest. It is difficult for them to blindly obey and require daily mobility, physical exertion are required for the health of the kid. To maintain interest at school, direct pressure on a small Aries should not be provided, it is better to find new aspects of the subject of the subject, causing additional interest, expanding the boundaries through travel and practical skills. Children-Aries love to do alone. For the development of coordination and unloading the nervous system, children are very suitable oriental martial arts and dancing in various styles.

Health sign

In the matter of health, the Aries is important not to overload the nervous system, sleep well, follow the state of the vessels and the work of the kidneys, as well as avoid head injuries. Friendly Aries spends a lot of energy and needs a calorie food containing enough phosphorus - the main level in the energy balance of the body. Aries usually does not pay attention to food - eats anything and what fell. The most useful, but hard-filled is to eat regularly at the same time.

Life cycles often coincide with the 11-year period of solar activity, when the personal cycle of the Aries is updated, you can safely put new tasks that are radically different from previous activities.

Geographically, the sign of the Aries corresponds to the country of Germany and the city of London.

Celebrities, born under the sign of Aries:Adolf Hitler, Gary Oldman, Reese Witherspoon, Alexander Tsekalo, Erich Fromm, Vladimir Klitschko, Elton John, Keira Knightley, Harry Hudini, Quentin Tarantino, Sarah Jessica Parker, Lady Gaga, Maxim Gorky, Celine Dion, Vincen Van Gogh, Lime Vaikule, Yuen McGregor, Nikolay Gogol, Sergey Rakhmaninov, Sergey Lazarev, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Marlon Brando, Robert Dini Jr., Hit Ledger, Jackie Chan, Valentina Matvienko, Igor Akinfeev, Jeremy Clarkson, Irina Khakamada, Sergey Shnurov, Alla Pugacheva, Leonardo da Vinci , Ivan Urgant, Charlie Chaplin, Victoria Beckham, Elena Temnikov, James Franco, Basta, Maria Sharapova, Dmitry Nagiyev

Aries - sharp, hot-tempered, impulsive people. They have a strong and impellent character, and they strive for leadership, they want to be the first in everything.

At the same time, they do not care what they may seem before other tactless, too straight, narcissistic. Do not bother them and the reaction of other people on their behavior.

Aries absolutely can not afford to silence when you can intervene and express your point of view. Let it diverge with others, let him put someone in an awkward position - this Aries do not notice. The main thing is that they are frank and not indifferent, they will not remain aside, they are fighters for justice: it justifies them in their eyes.

Indeed, the Aries rushes to the battle selflessly, brave, with hot confidence that everyone should do.

They always want to succeed in everything, be recognized, they do not expect any mercy and defend their interests.

Aries are easily falling into anger, irritation, but also cool up. It is usually benevolent, although ironic, people, with a good smile, the favorites of their surroundings. With all his quick temper, they know how to be prudent, settle relationships, recognize their guilt. They do not consider to appear to appear with the obese and in concern: their sense of justice wins.

In the pursuit of the championship of the Aries self-confident, but not without reason: they are first and become. They are pushing forward thirst for recognition and glory. They are unshakably confident that everyone can do everything better, and often it happens! As a rule, these are people who seek everything that they conceived.

What helps in this hairdo?

First, their optimism. They believe even in no feasibility. And they really believe in yourself.

Secondly, an amazing charge of energy. Aries do not know how to idle and go to the goal, but not waiting for her approximation.

Third, the ability to go across, defeated any obstacles. And the more barriers and difficulties, the more interesting they are, the more rapidly moving towards the desired success.

Fourth, success. Being instigators of all sorts of undertakings, they are confident in luck.

It is good to be like-minded Aries: you can take a deal without fear and doubt for a common thing with him, as the success will certainly be. In general, Aries love to attract people to them with their energy and successfulness, they like that they make people happy.

Make noble deeds - the need for people of this sign of the zodiac. It elevates them, causes the love of others, gives Aries a sense of satisfaction. They are not considered with them, if you need to help others. They are selflessly rushing to help - with the same energy, with which they protect their interests. If a person who has provided Aries, he does not express gratitude, the Aries can disappoint this, although he is not waiting for her and charity is absolutely disinterested. Eggishness on such people of Aries will not be held and again ready for the patronage - they crave it and adore to be necessary for everyone today, now.

And in general, residents are important today. Today, and not tomorrow they need success. They do not remember the past, and tomorrow has not come to think about it.

Other people next to Ovy look fad. He suppresses them with his scope, energy, generosity gestures. It is mainly engaged in his problems, and other people with their concerns are not interested in him. Yes, he shared them already: on the "bad" and "good", enemies and friends, and it makes no sense, just once to spend time on reflections on them. He is always clear to him: it is white, it is black. Nuances do not exist for him.

Impatient, explosive Aries can be calm, courtesyless, not running on conflicts. Sometimes they can embrace depression, especially since they are trusting, like children, and often find themselves disappointed in others. But the thirst for life and activity does not give them to be in this state for a long time, and stability in whatever it is not peculiar to them.

So vivid, extraordinary these people, so boil the life in them, that they cannot do not attract people to themselves. And next to them, people feel the joy of life and happiness that the Aries give them.

The famous first sign of the zodiac - Aries, everything begins with it. Let's consider in this article in more detail the features of the character of the Aries, its features, temperament and much more ...
So, with Latin Aries-Aries. People who are born in the period March 21 - April 20 and are them.

Perhaps you are more than once asked: "Why is the first sign of the zodiac?".

Actually, surprisingly, the answer is quite simple, - Aries is the energy itself, the birth, a kind of original source of life and, as a result, not surprising that Aries is the first among the twelve signs of the zodiac. We can say that it opens the cycle. But moving closer to the topic.

What is the character of Aries?

Since the sign of the sign is Mars, and the welfare is Pluto, then Aries has the character of these planets. The main features of the character can be called: onslaught, initiative, activity, stubbornness, egocentricity, borestolubie, straightness, recklessness. It is because of that character that the symbol of this sign of the zodiac is a ram. A kind of habits of this animal inherited Aries.

People who are Aries, by their nature leaders, it is important for them to achieve the goal of something wrong. It is about this sign of the zodiac that it can be said that he is able to go through his heads. "The goal justifies the funds" - one of the favorite quotes of Aries. This phrase is especially characteristic of people who have Pluto has a strong position in the natal map.

Aries, first of all, from the element of fire - therefore, their energetic, power, activity should not be surprised. He is a cardinal sign, as a result of which he is the discoverer, a researcher, it is important to him, the ability to express oneself.

Aries strive to quickly achieve the goal, capable of leading the crowd for itself, independent. This is a sign of conquerors, winners. They, something resemble a star, which burns brightly, but not long.

Because of its Cardinality, Aries do not like monotonous, tedious work or any occupations associated with accounting. For them, the feeling of meaninglessness is unbearable, they need a really worthwhile goal, then for what to work.

What are the features of the character of Aries bright?

Unfortunately, many Aries, especially if the Mars or the Sun is brightly expressed in the radix, both in work and in his personal life, - despoty, are unable to come to a mutual agreement, they are too stubborn, which would recognize their mistakes, quick-tempered, are pretty It is hard to communicate - they have only 2 opinions: mine and wrong.

However, it should not be considered that all Aries are such, there are quite powerful leaders who inspire subordinates, courage and sincerity, conquer the hearts of women.

They are not inherent in cowardice, because they themselves almost never betray friends, the betrayal of their loved ones is very hurt, forgive betrayal, betrayal - for Aries - feat. Usually, they simply strike out a person from their lives, although they have a lot of pain.

The co-guard, Pluto, gives a random powerful energy, such people have a strong health and are quite rare.

Many people born under this sign own a good potential for esoteric practices, meditations, spiritual teachings.

Most of the powerful black mages are born under the sign of Aries and Scorpio. As an example, remember why one of the images of Lucifer is a ram?


Summing up if you are aries, do not worry if some features of the Aries do not coincide with yours. All people, including you, affect not one solar sign (zodiac sign), and many other other factors that can be understood by learning to analyze the natal card. I hope the question: "What is the character of Aries?" We revealed and let's move on to the second sign of the zodiac, to the traits of the character of Tales.

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Text: Sasha Gluvene

The constellations under which we were born can affect our character and choose a partner. The site represents a cycle of articles in which you will tell about representatives of all signs of the zodiac.

Do not consider this article as the truth in the last instance. "Ideal" representatives of any sign of the zodiac, 100% appropriate under the above description, in nature does not exist, as there are no phlegmatics, cholerics, melancholics and sanguits in its pure form. Nevertheless, get a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you need is quite real. In any case, we do not encounter you to launch the already established relationship, if suddenly it turns out that according to this text you do not fit each other.

Woman - Aries

It is not so easy to understand. It impresses a weathered, cold-blooded person, sometimes it seems that it refers to men with some prejudice. But this is just visibility, because the woman is Aries is a real actress: charming, controversial, temperamental and unpredictable. She changes his role so quickly that if her companion would be a person with a quick fast response speed, then after some time he would certainly feel that his head was circle.

Her speech is impulsive, often she has something on the mind, then in the language, Aries does not give himself a little labor first to think, and then talk, because rubs the truth-uterus in the face.

Women - Aries, as a rule, bored once. These contests in the skirt choose their own classes that enjoy physical, bodily level: tennis, walking under the sail, snowboard, Pilates, sex finally!

Aries are in love ... in love, she is romantic from nature and considers sex one of the most pleasant aspects of life. From her lover, she is waiting, first of all, sex, and not a decent care and custody, she does not need the second father.

Do not hurry to blame the "lamb" in the levity - despite the fact that the spontaneity and adventurism in her blood, she is not at all windy. Among Aries - every second idealist, each third is a philosopher, but quality data does not interfere with them to make decisions. If she says "Come on!", That is exactly what it means, this feature attracts men to her.

The key to the heart of the Aries is flattering, it can infinitely listen to compliments in its address, especially if they are addressed to her body. Not in the nature of the Aries pass by the mirror and not admire himself. "Bashek" is painted very moderately, considering that, by and large, their appearance in the correction does not need.

They do not have the needs for useful, practical gifts, the main thing for them is emotions. Aries from the soul will be delighted by some pajama of silk, but still will continue to sleep in the costume of Eve, because so a comfortable body.

A man who marries her will have to be content with the role of the Deputy Boss or to prepare for a central war in which there will be no mercy. Because of the need to be independent and inability to sit at home from the "lamb" often arise in marriage. If it is jealous, then in it, rather, says the pride and offended pride, rather than the sense of ownership. Aries feel absolutely unhappy if they quarrel with husbands or lovers. However, they themselves are capable of bringing any "to the handle."

Woman Aries is convinced that money was created in order to spend them. She loves to go left with money to the left and right, the overrun of the funds does not frighten it. "Barashka" is confident that if today finances sing romances, tomorrow they will surely fulfill the life-affirming march.

There are many optimist among Aries that manage to retain their cheerfulness to a deep old age, rejoicing every new day in the morning.

Aries in bed

Erotic, passionate, sexy - if she is given to a man, then it does it, first of all, in order to enjoy the most partner, the partner will get the honorable second place.

"Bashek" do not consider the bedroom the only suitable place for sexual fun and do not mind to have sex in the back seat of the car or office sofa. She does not care for long preludes, if a woman - Aries is experiencing lust, then even before the candles go out and will respond to the latest tactics of the romantic melody, her man will be lying on his back, and in the pose of "rider" from above.

She needs a worthy lover to become a strong, hardy who can curb her aggressiveness and help to see the sky in diamonds. If a man does not suit the "lamp" in bed, she will prefer to find another, for hardly represents his life without sex "at the highest level".

She is a leader in love games and prefers to make love in the positions of the "woman from above" to control the process itself, setting the pace and rhythm of movements. On the way to orgasm, she prefers not to restrain his emotions - shouts, moaning, scratched .... Aries often leave their "markings" on male bodies.

Their desire to dominate sometimes pushing the Aries to the BDSM, one of the typical erotic fantasies - a man whom Mrs with a wagon makes Kunnilingus.

What a man needs her

Boring before the dislocation of the jaws of Liegehogo or "okuukanny" Mamenkin Son - the Sun - Aries is obviously not a couple. She needs a real "energizer" with the leader's deposits.

Aries are suitable

"This attracts the like" - according to this principle, a woman is a wonderful woman - Aries. Yes, from time to time they will be "beyond" with each other, will not cost no other clarification of relations, but then a turn of sweet reconciliation will come to bed and family idyll.

Another wonderful option is a man - lion, their novel will be so fermented, passionate, which is sparking, slipping between these two, will be noticeable with the naked eye. Between these two possible, real feelings are deep and delicate. "Barshka" is sufficiently gently scratching the defenseless bass king beasts (both in direct and figuratively) to keep it on a short erotic leash.

A man - the Sagittarius can make a competition of a woman - Aries in terms of traction to a variety, so that they are unlikely to be bored together. As for sex, the best pair cannot be wished, they are created for each other. If still a certain feeling of "festeriness" appears, the remedy will help the fresh wind of change.

Male - Taurus Also a good party for Aries, only a spoon of jealousy in a barrel with love can spoil the relationship - because of her "barus" the wedding ring may seem the link from the cautious chain. He is an ideal partner for sex for one night.

A man - the scorpion of a woman-Aries turns, as he wants, he often feels her beloved toy, which is kissing and hugging, then throw angle. Despite these sensations, Scorpio will still reach the Aries. And she, playing his love, one day can feel irreplaceable, and .... will remain with him.

Aries are not suitable

For a happy life with a woman, a man-based man, the scales love themselves too much, and she will not impress their cowardice and prunes at all.

The male girl is extremely important a feeling of proximity, rituals and routines - so this novel is doomed, for it is not necessary to demand from a woman - Aries discipline and subordination to the rules.

A man - the twin "Barashka" is slightly afraid, he thinks her very attractive special, but her desire for an open demonstration of his feelings and emotions scares him.

Cancers and Capricorn seem to be impulsive and slow and slow.

A man is a fish, though energetic, but its energy is directed absolutely into the opposite of the Aries side - in this case, it is not about the novel, but even about Platonic friendship.

Aquarius as well as the Aries themselves, tend to flirt on the side and "to the left", so that even with other favorable circumstances, without mutual reproaches in infidelity, it is unlikely to cost, and the secret will definitely be apparent.