Funny entertainment for the company at the table. Funny contests, riddles for a cheerful drunk company at the table

Funny entertainment for the company at the table. Funny contests, riddles for a cheerful drunk company at the table
Funny entertainment for the company at the table. Funny contests, riddles for a cheerful drunk company at the table

Is the solemn date approaching? How to celebrate the anniversary so that he is remembered and the culprit of the celebration, and all invited for life? Of course, it is necessary to prepare very well. And it applies not only to the festive table! On the anniversary should be carefully thought out. The lead will have to be treated when preparing them.

Games for adults

So, no feast will be cheerful and bright without any entertainment. Celebrating the birthday of the house, people sing songs, tell funny jokes and jokes, solve riddles. In a word, it is not necessary to miss. Paging contests for the anniversary - even the best way to discharge the situation, feel ease and ease.

Adult games are entertainment intended for a funny company sitting at the festive table. Watching for your celebration exactly what is necessary, the anniversary can be made simply unforgettable!

Games and contests are not only the lot of children. The main thing is the state of the human soul. Therefore, at the festival, adults will be able to return to themselves the joy of childhood and zador youth. You should not be afraid to be funny and eccentric, because, completely relaxing, moving away to universal fun, a person will get great pleasure and pleasure.

Sense of humor - the most important thing

Laughter, as you know, prolongs life. Therefore, all 55 years old, 65 years old or more must be accompanied by funny jokes. Guests will rest gorgeous on such a holiday, which doubly delighted the jubilee.

Cheerful, packaging contests can be carried out using a variety of attributes (writing accessories, paper, dishes, candies, etc.) or listening to the tasks of the master. Such classes do not just distract guests from drinking and eating, but also make it possible to get some kind of pleasant souvenir from the owners.

Many are known to date. However, you can come up with new, combining two or three to one. As a result, something is even more original and interesting.

Paging contests for the anniversary - without alcohol anywhere!

Of course, no holiday without alcohol costs. That is why many packaging contests on the anniversary in one way or another are associated with alcohol.

For example, you can conduct a so-called "sobriety test." It is necessary to ask for guests to say in turn "lilac dentimer" or "deoxyribonucleic acid". It is not difficult to stumble even sober person! Laugh of the whole company when performing this task is provided!

Another option of the "alcoholic contest" is a "happy well." A bit of water is poured into the bucket, and a glass is placed in the center with alcohol. Players take turns thrown into the "well" of coins. As soon as someone from the guests falls into a glass - he drinks her contents and takes all the money from the bucket.

Stormy fun alternates with calm contests

You can do even more interesting. Some cards are designated as special. For example, a team that stretched out the ace of suit is not your color, has the right to pay off a fine if you wish the opponent. Joker can bring the players three chips instead of one, etc. Loses, of course, the team who lost all their matches.

Surprise get always nice

There is another cool feast contest. Its essence lies in the transfer of each other boxes with surprises to the music. Suddenly, the music ships. The man, in the hands of which turned out to be a box, must get the first thing from the "magic box" the first thing and put it on him. Children's cap, and large pantalonians, and a huge bra may also be among such surprises. Competition always fun participants. Each of them tries to get rid of the box with a surprise as soon as possible, and each elongated thing is extremely pleased with others.

Competitions for attentiveness and guessiness

Over such tasks, you can not only laugh. Performing them, you can also fully show your seamless and attentiveness.

Paging contests for the anniversary, revealing the guesses of the participants, can be the most diverse. One of them is called "alphabet in a plate." The presenter should call some letter, and participants need to be found in its plate anything, on this letter starting (spoon, fish, onions, potatoes, etc.). The one who names the first thing will call himself next.

Competition for attentiveness is also quite interesting. It is held with too large feasts. Choosing a leading, guests tie his eyes.

After that, someone from the sitting in the hall goes beyond the door. The task of watering after removing the bandage is to determine who is missing, and also that it was on it that was worn.

"Value" contests

The scenario of the anniversary of 55 years (and more) must necessarily include tasks targeting a variety of life values, because at this age a person has already known a lot of things, I understood it. So, what are the essence of such competitions? The presenter can offer participants to draw on a piece of paper what they consider the most valuable in their lives. Moreover, Lefty should do it with his right hand, and right-handed left. The winner is the author of the original drawing.

However, it is possible to immediately dwell on specific values, important for all those present - on cash. Contest "Bankers" - great entertainment! To do this, you will need a large bank in which bills of different dignity will be folded. Players must try to calculate what amount is there without removing money. The prize receives one who is close to all to the truth.

And to eat and have fun ...

If the birthday is celebrated, only among "their own", you can spend a particularly funny competition called "Chinese". To do this, you will need to issue each participant by one set of Chinese sticks. Further before them is placed on a saucer with green peas or canned corn. Guests will need to show all their skirts to eat a submitted dish with sticks. The prize will get to the one who will cope with the task faster than all.

Products can be used and not intended!

You can pay attention to both non-standard games. Drinking for example, very often involve the use of the most ordinary products.

Suppose you can distribute to the participants to half the potatoes and by the knife, offering playing in real sculptors. The task of each author is to cut the best portrait of the conviction of the celebration.

You can share guests into two teams, handing them as much as possible candy. Participants must build locks for the birthday girl without using nothing but the sweets issued. The prize receives a team that will erect the highest structure.

Quite interesting is also to disobey Banana, as well as the most diverse techniques - tape, colored paper, fabric, ribbons, plasticine, etc. Guests must make a real masterpiece, decorating "source material". In this creative competition will be the most extraordinary approach.

By the way, you can use not only products. For example, you can compete in the manufacture of boat boats from paper napkins for a while. The winner will be the one who will create the biggest flotilla. In short, you can think of a lot of competitions. The main thing is to determine the use of attributes.

Toasts and greetings

It is often suited by the following contests. They are connected directly with toasts and congratulations.

For example, a presenter can offer each guest to remember the alphabet. That is, people sitting at the table must be a toast in order for each letter. The extreme starts with "a". It turns out something like: "And what a joyful day today! Our jubilee was born! Let's raise wine glasses for him! " Its neighbor falls, respectively, the letter "b". He can say next speech: "Be always the same kind, cheerful, healthy and happy! We support you in all your endeavors! ". Invent a toast, of course, is not so difficult. However, some guests get those letters to which the words come up with the move is still not easy. The prize to get the author of the most original toast.

And you can also hold another interesting competition. Some old newspaper and scissors are issued to each guest. For ten minutes, they need to raise the word or phrase from the presses to create a praise description of the jubilee. The most important thing is that everything is very original and fresh.

Right up riddles like and adults

Contests for adults are distinguished by a vast variety. Pouring riddles are allocated among them. It is only necessary to prevent them from correctly.

For example, a great option will be the game "Cunning SMS". Right at the table, without leaving your place, guests can laugh and have fun from the soul. The competition is that the master reads the text of the SMS message, offering those present to guess who exactly is the sender. The most interesting thing is: addresses are not ordinary people. Senders are a "hangover" (already on the way, I will be in the morning), "Congratulations" (only us will have to listen today), "toast" (do not drink without me), etc.), etc.

Competitions for speed and imagination

You can offer the guests of the holiday to show your fantasy. Each of those present, of course, is familiar with Andersen's fairy tales. Among them are the famous "Thumbelina", "Resistant Tin Soldier", "Ugly Town", etc. Very funny feasting contests will work with the task set before guests: to tell these fairy tales using the most special vocabulary - medical, political, military, legal .

The speed of thought present at the holiday will be able to reveal in the competition "Answer for a neighbor". The presenter sets the players a variety of questions. Opelness is not respected. The one whom the question was addressed should be silent. Reply for it - the task of the neighbor on the right. The one who is late with the answer is from the game leaves.

Observe silence

Guests will delight and especially original contests. For example, in the interruptions between noisy games, you can afford a little silence.

Here is an example of one of these games. Guests choose the king, who must be a gesture of his hand to call the players. One place next to him should be free. The one whom the king is chosen should get up from his chair, approach the "His Majesty" and sit down next. So the minister is chosen. The whole snag is that it is necessary to do all this absolutely silent. That is, neither the king nor the future minister should not publish any sounds. Even rustling of clothes is prohibited. Otherwise, the selected minister returns to his place, and the king chooses a new candidate. The "Tsar-Batyushka" itself for non-compliance with the silence "overthrow from the throne." The minister, who managed silently take his place, takes the place of the king, and the game continues further.

Another contest for the "most quiet" is an ordinary old kind "Molchanka". The presenter prohibits all those present to publish any sounds. That is, the guests can only communicate with gestures. It is necessary to be silent until the presenter says: "Stop!". The participant who made the sound to this point will have to fulfill the desire of the lead or pay a fine.

In a word, what kind of feasting contests you choose, they will definitely raise the mood to all guests will delight them. Even a fairly closed people can have fun, because such games are greatly liberated.

Resting and relaxing in the anniversary, guests will remember this beautiful day for a long time. The holiday will definitely be remembered by its originality and a favorable atmosphere - you can not doubt it!

Tasty and moving games and adult birthday competitions can be ridiculous and diverse. Birthday and guests will play with the same cast as children. Do not believe? Then offer them the following options for fun.

Each guest handle and note sheets are distributed. They are written the name of the gift that they would like to give a birthday girl if they had a magic wand. Gifts can be both material and intangible. Each note is signed. In the second bag there are notes with tasks.

The presenter is suitable for the birthday girl and offers him to choose one note from each bag. At first he reads what kind of gift he wanted to give. Then the host says: "This will certainly be with you if the author of the note fulfill the task." A birthday read what the assignment author should perform. After completing the task, the birthday girl pulls the following note, etc.


A cool and funny contest for the birthday of adults, which can be drilled or held in the center of the hall. The lead announces a competition for the best reader. Each wishes are a poem or stories. Guests are preparing, and then in turn read them, trying to do it as expressive as possible. At the end, the lead announces the winner. But! They become the one who has the biggest fist, a thin wrist or long hair. Here you can dream. Competition ends unexpectedly. But such an end is very happy guests, causes a lot of positive emotions. All guests who practiced reading are issued incentive prizes.


Each participant is issued on one straw and two glasses. 1 cup is filled with water. The task of participants is to fill the liquid from one glass to another using only the straw. The winner in this funny feast contest for the birthday of adults is the one who breaks more water. By the way, instead of water, you can take something and stronger. At the same time, it is possible and the power of the will strain!

"Guess who"

The host seats the birthday man on the chair and tie his eyes. Some suitable guests are suitable for it and hise the hand. The birthday man must guess who it was. If a birthday man, you can suggest that girls and women kiss it take turns on the cheek, and he determines which kiss was from his second half. A similar contest is held with the birthday girl. This option is suitable only for not very jealous steam so that the competition does not end sad.

"By letters"

The presenter distributes the wishing handles and sheets of paper. The task of participants is to draw up the greatest number of words from the letters named after the chief perpetrator of the celebration. The winner is determined by counting.

You can call new words in turn. If the word called one participant, then the second no longer has the right to repeat it. Thus, only new words are calculated. This funny adult female competition can be carried out not only at the table, but also on the scene. Variants can be varied at the request of guests.


This game loves everything. She will like any company, regardless of gender, age and social status. The essence of the game is to guess the character or the subject that the person is coming down in the center. The one who guessed, goes to the center, the previous participant makes him a word. The game is repeated again. You can play indefinitely, the winners and the losers are not here.

It can be offered to guests at the end of the evening when everyone will heal a little. The dull mood and fatigue of the pantomime as "Hand will remove." In this funny feast competition for the birthday of adults, children will be involved. Adults will only be surprised by their smelter and intelligence.

"Show the country"

This funny feast competition for adult birthday is great for companies that do not like to jump, run and shout, and just gather at home for a large table. The presenter folds into the notebook with the names of countries. Each participant takes out a note, reads the country written on it, and tries to portray it. You can show the flag, characteristic features, favorite dishes, attractions of countries. All anything, if only guests guessed the riddled country as quickly as possible.

"Gorge all blue flames"

Each participant is awarded boxes of matches with an equal number of matches. Task - how quickly you can burn the contents of the boxes. Matches can only burn one by one.


In the competition can participate from 5 to 10 people. Previously, inventing several names for participants. All of them must belong to famous characters. For example: Snow Maiden, Tsarevna-Nesmeyan, Emelya, Carlson, etc. Contestants pull notes with names. In 10 minutes, they need to come up with a character biography and tell it to guests. It is necessary to make it so that the guests do not immediately guessed, about whom is talking. The winner is the one who longer has laid the intrigue. This funny adult female competition is an excellent alternative to familiar mysteries.


Competition participants receive on toothpick and plate with a small portion of jelly. At the command of the leading contestants begin to eat jelly. Wins the one who for the specified amount of time to eat more than anyone. The winner receives a prize. All other participants are spoons, so that they can do their portion of jelly.


The participants are distributed magnets (the more they will be, the better). The task is to collect with the help of magnets as many metal objects as possible. Metal items are decomposed in advance by the leading and organizer in the hall, in secret places. To make a competition more interesting, places where metal items are hidden, you can designate on the map. It turns out a kind of "treasure search". The winner is determined by counting the metal objects.

"2 truths and 1 lie"

This funny feast contest for the birthday of adults does not require training, so it is possible to conduct it even in nature. Excellent and fun is such a competition in companies, where people do not know each other very well. Each guest calls about itself 3 facts. 2 of them must be true, and the third is a lie. The task of the rest of the guests is to recognize a false fact. You can do this by voting. If the guests did not guess, the player receives a prize. Facts about yourself can be written in advance on leaves. The presenter will take turns to remove and read them.

"Fast driver"

This competition is suitable for male companies. Each participant is a small typewriter on a rope and pencils. The task of contestants - as quickly as possible to strengthen the rope so that the machine is near the pencil.

"The owner of the most sensitive priests"

The presenter pre-prepares several scarves and handkerchiefs, which the participants will be tied up. In addition, it is necessary to choose several items that can be recognized using a "soft place". It can be plastic bottle, book, vegetables, spoon. You should not use fragile items, as well as items with sharp edges. Guests tie their eyes, put on the chair of any of the items and help sit down. If the participant correctly determined the subject, it is accrued 1 point.

The winner becomes the one who scored the greatest number of points. He is assigned the title of owner of the most sensitive priests. By the way, this funny adult female female competition must be removed on the video to make it possible to ride again.

"Modern fairy tale"

Guests are divided into 2 teams. Each team must choose a profession. For example, teacher and psychiatrist, lawyer and cook, etc. After that, each team reworks any folk fairy tale so that professional slang sounded in it. Can not play a team, but separate participants.

"Broken phone"

The more people will take part in the game, the more fun. The presenter makes the word and whispering it to the ear first participant. Each participant must pass the word as quiet as possible. The last participant voices the word in the form in which it reached it.

"Well no"

An excellent and funny feast contest for the birthday of adults in the style "Question-answer". The presenter writes in advance on pets of animals and characters. Guests must guess who it is, asking questions. Answer the leading questions can only "yes" or "no". A participant guessing an animal or character receives a card with his name or an appropriate picture. Wins the one who will collect the greatest number of cards. There will be more fun, if you write on paper names of objects. It can be household appliances, a female or male wardrobe, toys, toiletries, cosmetics, etc.


Guests are divided into pairs. One participant leading presents a note with the text and nuts that he needs to shove into the mouth. The second participant is handed paper and handle. His task is to recognize the text and write it as much as possible. Wins a couple who was able to quickly and accurately transfer the text to the partner.

"The most interesting story"

The presenter calls the phrase that the story begins. It should be funny and give the opportunity to easily come up with an interesting continuation. For example: "Sometimes ... rose mushrooms in the mouth ...". The next participant must come up with the following phrase, etc. In this game there are no winners and losers. During inventing history, the guests are daunting and cheered up.

Game "Panic"

The game does not require additional details, so you can play in any company. Guests are divided into a couple. You can do it if desired, but much more interesting if the pairs are determined by the lot. The presenter distributes pairs of small leaflets of paper and handles. Participants write on leaves any word that can only come to mind. You can write not 1, but at once a few words. The main condition for writing words - they must be nouns and real.

Notes fold into the bag and mixed. The host in turn is suitable for teams and offers one of the participants to pull the note with the word. His task explain the word to another team member. And he must do it as quickly as possible. The maximum taking time is 20 seconds. If the word was guessing - the note remains in the populator of the team. You can immediately remove the following note with the word. The team wins, which will gather the largest number of notes with the words.

"Drought-sweet tooth"

This competition must be prepared in advance, since it will take a lot of candies for him. Each guest is heated candy-lollipops. After the candy was in the mouth, the participants need to pronounce the phrase: "Sweet tooth-drum". And this is necessary to do it clearly and expressively. Of course, it will be not easy to do this, but the winner is waiting for the prize, so the participants will need to try. If all participants told the phrase more or less clearly, each is added another candy. The amount of candy can be gradually increased.

3 overall men are invited to participate in the competition. The presenter puts them so that they were at the same distance from each other. The task of "heroes" is to find his own woman in the crowd and bring her to the start. In advance, it is necessary to take care that men participate in the competition, the second half of which is also present at the festival. The winner is appointed by the main borty and receives a prize.

"Buttons and mittens"

A pair number of people participate in the competition. Participants are divided into pairs and become opposite each other. One host presents a shirt with a large number of buttons, and the second - mittens. Task - how quickly the buttons on the shirt can be fastened.

"Catch the candy"

The number of people - unlimited. Each participant is heard in a hat to which the candy on the thread is fixed behind. The task of contestants - as soon as possible to catch the candy and eat it.

Well, our magazine picked up the best contests, quizzes, jokes for a small cheerful company.

The main thing in the article

Modern drinking cheerful contests for a small fun company of adults

The beginning of the feast is always characterized by a little awkwardness, because familiar people are always going at the table. Therefore, to start cool contests and fun with the "interesting" subtext. For the start of the fun, intelligent contests are suitable, where the sober mind is involved.

  • Questions and answers. Prepare a paper with questions and answers in advance. For example, questions: "Do you often drink?", Do you like to laugh at others? " Answers: "Thoughts about this lead me to ecstasy" or "if no one sees." On the Internet, you can find thousands of questions and answers for this game. Preparing the paper in advance, divide them and let the table sitting at the table from each "handheel". All guests must take turns to read their question and answer.
  • Phanti. All those present are taken on one thing (keys, ring, clock). Everything is folded into one cuckra. Each of those present commends the task that must perform the one whose thing is the master pulls out of the Kulka.
  • Well no. Depending on the kind of activity or addiction of the crowd, choose the topic (animals, movies, colleagues). Someone alone makes an animal or man on the topic and answers the questions of the gathered only yes or not. All other ask the leading questions and guess the mandated.

Pagty quiz for a small adult company

Interesting fact: For the first time, such a concept, as a quiz appeared in our country, as a column in the "Spark" newspaper in 1928. After the intellectual contests began to spend in schools, higher educational institutions and even on television in the form of a television show (the field of miracles, what? Where? When?).

Today, quizzes are actively applied to drinking gatherings for envelope adult companies. The most popular can be attributed to:

  • Ask a Question. Pre-prepared cards with comic questions and answers. They are placed on two stacks. The first participant takes the cardboard with the question and reads it. Near the sitting must take a card with the answer and answer the question. Next, the answers take a card with a question and so in a circle, all guests must answer cool questions.
  • Historical bones. Two cubes are given to the crowd. Each of the guests throws the bones, and when a certain number falls out, it says what a significant event occurred in the year ending with the dropped digit. For example, 2 bones fell on, the playing must tell that he remembers the significant one from 1982, 1992 or 2002.
  • Guess. Each of those present writes their desire on the leaflet. All the notes are in the jar. The presenter pulls on one piece of paper and reads desires. Having written a guest is silent, and everyone else is trying to guess who guess such a desire.

Funny jokes for a fun company of adults

You can swallow over those present on the feast, thereby raising the mood to all others. For instance:

  • Comic dispute. You can argue with someone from the invited that you can drink 10 or even 20 cups of tea with lemon (more courageous can offer drink weak alcohol with lemon). The joke is that a whole lemon falls into the cup, respectively, liquid in it is very small.
  • Reading thoughts. Slices of songs are harvested in advance. The presenter comes to each guest and however reading their thoughts, and at this time passages from songs ("I want to marry, I wanted to marry ...", "Take me soon, plenty for 100 seas and kiss me everywhere ...", "Walking crazy Empress ... "). It turns out very funny and fun.
  • Boxers. Choose from the two guys of strong buildings that do not mind to measure forces. Give them boxing gloves and "Prepare" to battle. When the gloves are tied out, the presenter will have to give guys on chocolate candy and say that the one who first will win the candy in boxing gloves.

Pour comic contests and games for colleagues on corporate

Without corporate stands, no company is required. It is these events that allow colleagues to get acquainted closer and discover completely from the unexpected parties. For usually use team contests with symbolic gifts.

  • Tell me a story. The contest is aimed at writing a funny story. If colleagues are sitting at one long table, you can make two teams on the right and left side of the table. The lens on the sheet of paper writes the word or proposal of a certain topic associated with work, production, relationships in the team. Next, the sheet is transmitted on the table and each adds 1-3 words on the topic. At the end, the presenter reads the resulting stories. Whose story turns out funnier, the team and won.
  • Crocodile for colleagues. The game differs from the usual crocodile only by the fact that all those present write their name and position on the leaves that are folded into one container. In turn, each of the colleagues goes to the center, pulls out a piece of paper and tries to portray a colleague written on a piece of paper. One who is guessing, goes to show the next colleague.
  • Kiss a bird (bunny). The players become around and they say where the imaginary bird is kissing (bunny), it is impossible to repeat space for kisses. When the circle is completed, the lead announces that now each kisses the neighbor in the place where the bird kissed (bunny).

Movable funny games for an adult small company

In an adult company with an increase in degree, sexual energy and games are started to acquire ambiguous subtext. Therefore, for a fun pastime, you can invite the gathered to play rolling games.

  • Track. The game involves two teams. It will be more interesting if it will be a separate team of guys and girls. The rules of the competition provide for the folding of the track from the things of the team members. In the socket company such a competition can lead to unforeseen undressing. Wins the team whose track is longer.
  • Insert or fishing for adults. Several pairs are selected for the game. Men are issued tied for the rope pencils, and the girls clap on the knees empty bottles from under champagne. The task of men - from the distance to get into the neck of the bottle with a pencil.
  • Guess where I am. On the back of the contestants are attached with papers with a place where they are. The presenter sets questions with leading words. The contestant must answer the questions until he is guessing where he is. This contest can be viewed on a merry video presented below.

Foligious jokes and fun games for the elderly company

Older people also love to relax well, but not always the competitions with a double meaning are appropriate in such companies. Therefore, it is possible to play people for ... you can play such games.

  • Cheerful dressing up. You need to prepare a bag with a details in advance. To fold the hats, cool glasses, handkerchiefs, slots, sickness masks, caps, children's scarves, clown nose, etc. Now the host must come to each guest and offer him to get a thing and try it. All guests must stay in their outfits before the end of the game.
  • Why did I come for a holiday. Funny answers are harvested to the question: "Why did I come for a holiday?" (to eat, walk a new dress, was boring at home). Papers are distributed to those present, which are answered in turn, why they came to the holiday.

Funny drinking contests and games for a small female company

Female small companies not only gossip at the table, but also have fun at competitions and different games. The topics of fashion, gifts, families, workers will be relevant. To play the wonderful world of this can be in such games:

  • Smile. From the company, 3-5 girls are selected and each of them is made by the task of smiling:
    - a loved one;
    - as if he won a million;
    - So, if I saw a dear gift, etc.
    The remaining company ladies should guess that the smile seemed the basis.
  • Ladies handbag. For this contest prepares props in advance. There are different things in the bag (keys, cosmetics, accessories, not very female things). The woman involved in the competition tie their eyes. She pulls the subject from the handbag and tries to guess what it is. It is impossible to use the second hand.
  • Fashionista. Girls are a lipstick or pencils for lips. With the blindfolded eyes each should make her lips or make contour a pencil. For more fun, you can offer to paint the lips to each other.

Pouring entertainment for drunk cheerful company

The fun starts when the company slightly doded. Then "hide" shine, stiffness. Such a company can offer the following options for contests and "intellectual" quiz.

  • Sober checking. Inconsider the sobriety test sitting at the table. To do this, ask everyone to repeat the patter or complex words (router, lilac, etc.). Since the owner or lead can also be slightly drowned, then for this competition it is better to prepare paper with patches written on them.
  • Sea vodka. In glasses for guests who agree to play this game, pour water and only in one vodka. Each is given a tube. In the process of drinking the beverage in the glasses, guests are trying to guess where vodka. The same "lucky one", who got vodka, depicts with all their might that drinking water.
  • Deer. One of the company is withdrawn to another room and asked without words to show the deer present. At the same time, all those present are asked to pretend that they do not understand who shows the previously derived man. To show the deer guest will bring a storm of laughter and positive emotions at the jaws. Instead of deer, you can make a kangaroo, a hare or any other interesting animal.

Cheerful video contests for wedding feasts

Cheerful entertainment for guests at home for birthday or anniversary

For guests not bored on your holiday, offer them funny contests and games.

  • Chamomile. Very popular. Cardboard made an improvised chamomile. On the sheets are written different tasks for guests (to portray the March cat, kiss the third table sitting on the left side, etc.). The guest takes off the petal and performs the task written on it.
  • Who am I? Merry pictures with different funny funny heroes, animals, cartoons are prepared in advance. Cards are also made with questions of this character: "I look like on ..", "at work I like ...", etc. After reading the question, reading raises the card with the picture and shows it present.
  • Who knows the birthday book better (Jubilee). The presenter asks questions about the birthday or anniversary (year of birth, a favorite dish, with which weight was born). Each correctly answering the imaginary coin is given. Wins the one who makes more coins.

Family Feast: Comic Competitions, Games, Family Quiz

Since the family feast provides for the presence of both the youngest guests and people aged, the contests must be universal and like everyone to relatives. Native can be offered to play the following games:

  • guess. The participant tie his eyes and put a plate with any object in front of it. Using the fork, the participant must recognize what is on a plate.
  • I look like… The game is to prepare questions, which are based on "I look like" (I look like ... I look like ..., I like it in the morning ...) They are folded into one kulek. In another, the answers are harvested: an elephant, hedgehog, bus, etc. Each participant pulls the question and answer, after a funny combination is read out loud.
  • Guess the proverb. The presenter comes up with an inverted proverb, and those present should guess it. Here are some examples of proverbs.

If you work in a friendly team that loves good parties, then contests for a funny company will be accurately useful to you. Yes, and if you simply arrange parties from time to time for your friends or children, then you know what accommodation is interesting contests, especially when people in the company are not familiar too well with each other, but they still want to overcome embarrassment.

Why is it all necessary

Many people (let's not show your finger, but most often these are not the most positive our comrades) Sometimes they ask the question - why are all these contests? Usually I finish jokes or I am mentally answering that it will be boring otherwise. In fact, the reason, of course, is not bored. Any holiday for adults most often implies alcohol, and that guests are not too developed with the adoption on the chest, they need to distract them a little bit, cheering, and just raise to dance.

Another important aspect - embarrassment, with this I often come across when I arrange a party for my children or nephews. They have already come out of that age when you can just approach and start playing together, and when children unfamiliar among themselves are in one company, it is necessary to help them overcome a small chill in communication.

The only place where you can do without additional entertainment - a youth party in a good club, where and without fun contests for adults missing, and any adult company is better to help spend time with pleasure and fun.


You should not think that you can prepare the entire party, including drinking games for adults literally at the last second. I usually assume it for several days, because it will be necessary:
  • write a script;
  • pick up contests for adults;
  • find or buy requisite;
  • stocking of small prizes winners;
  • it is minimally to clarify (for example, if it is assumed that several major denthends from accounting will compete in jumping in the bag, then you need to check it in advance, whether the room will withstand such a scope and whether there is where to turn around).
Ideally, for all this needs an assistant.

Birthday toast game on birthday

How to prepare funny competition for birthday? It is best if they are at least a little connected with the culprit of the celebration. An example of the simplest wonderful birthday game - composed immediately at the table.

What will required for this entertainment? Pen and postcard in which you need to write in advance the congratulatory text, making passing instead of adjectives - you fill out with guests.

The text of the workpiece for congratulations of the birthday room:

Those who do not know what will happen in the end will become hard to praise the culprit of the celebration, lifting his best qualities (young, smart, beautiful, experienced), and those who are a little closer familiar with this type of drinking creativity, be sure to be screwed Sudden and caustic.

While guests praise the birthday girl, you diligently enter the words instead of missed adjectives, and then loudly and expressly read the result for a friendly laughter of the whole company.

Choose one or two moving birthday games - for example, a small quest that can be arranged anywhere. Do not make it too long, three or five steps will be enough.

By the way, if you have enough courage, then try to make the key to the key to the key, which is closed by a banquet room.

Good funny birthday competitions are obtained from ordinary restrictions - a game with forks makes guests moaning. To carry out this competition, you need to take several ordinary items (if you are happy about the birthday game, it can be especially strong gifts that cannot be scratched or split) and two table forks, as well as a dense handkerchief. The culprit of the celebration tie their eyes, give the plugs, with the help of which he can touch to a particular object, and suggest guessing that in front of him.

Children's or teenage holiday? Funny teens contests will help to discharge the situation are no worse than contests for adults. Fun entertainment can be carried out in the presence of four bananas and tokeret (and the coffee table comes down). The essence is simple - you need to get up on all fours, and taking advantage of the teeth to clean and eat a banana for a while.

Good contests for young people should be fun and very funny. Competitions for adolescents can be theatrical. Prepare several sets of props (ordinary household things in unexpected combinations - for example, a comb, blown light bulb and a cape on the chair in one set, and in the other - a mop, a soft toy and a bright plastic glass), and also slow down the multiple names of popular movies, oriented on Your audience is better to take what everyone becomes familiar.

The essence of the task is to play a scene from the film using the requisite. The winners are determined by applause.

"Sitting entertainment" at the table

And what if the moving contests for the feast are not suitable? In this situation, it is better to choose something neutral - ordinary verbal games at the table like the "crocodile" go very and very well.

"I'm in my pants"

Take ready or come up with your contests on adults - for example, you can use the idea "I have in pants."

No need to announce. Guests are sitting at the table, everyone says to her neighbor on the right name of the film, which he occurred to him. And remembers that his neighbor will tell him.

And then the master announces: now each of you take turns out loud to the following: "I have in pants ..."And then - the name of the film that your neighbor told you.

All guests alternately pronounce. It will be funny if someone in the pants will be "service novel" or "300 Spartans".


Funny contests at the table can be based on anything. For example, there are several varieties of "I" -Egra. One predominantly teenage - in it two players compete, who can fit in the mouth of the candies, after each candy need more or less clearly to say any stupid phrase, for example, "I am Tolstipped Growle".

An adult game variety is a little different - guests must be presented (pronounce the word with a serious and imperturbable look "I") In a circle, while one of them does not betray or distracts (by the way, laughter is also considered a defeat), and the presenter offers to other guests to give it a funny nickname.

After that, the fun begins, which combines all the packaging contests as a chain reaction - it is not very difficult to laugh, and after a couple of minutes, everyone has a nickname that it seems (for example: "I am a shaggy falcut", "I am a cheerful armp." "I am a pink-skinned loving", etc.)

In the next round, the second nickname let the second nickname, and he should pronounce it entirely ("I am a shaggy flankin - green Chingachguk").

Usually this game ends in a circle on the fourth, because everything is laughing! This competition is best to carry out when the guests are already a bit "on Vella."

Not only birthday contests are remembered to guests, but also the end of the evening. At any part, it will be appropriate to pay a little attention to guests, it will take several balloons (in terms of the number of present plus several about the reserve), and notes with good rhymed wishes - when the invited will begin to disperse or will need to change the mood to more positive, offer guests to choose their own ball Fate and burst it.

Collective readings of good wishes are usually accompanied by a good-natured laugh and raise the mood to everyone.

Examples of wishes can be downloaded below, and then print and cut:

Over time, you will collect your own collection of funny competitions for your birthday and you will understand the mood to understand what competitions will go with a bang on the holiday, and which better to arrange in a lung pin.

Save yourself universal contests for the company - so you can be sure that in any situation you will find something to do. If you are a beginner presenter and have a lot of experience, it is better to start a separate notebook for drinking games and contests, and also prepare props - for example, for some games you need card sets with recorded songs or movies.

As a rule, contests for a drunken company are often very scabes, and this is understandable - adult people in pinch are freamed.

The game "Why I came here"

Prepare entertainment that are associated with dancing or hugs, so guests can express all the warmth of the feelings relevant.

Game "I'll tell you the secret"

Interesting entertainment, to which you need to prepare a little - "I'll tell you a secret." What is the essence of the game? Everything is very simple - each of the guests pulls out a card from a hat with a pre-harvested funny text in verses (here you have to try). All cards begin with the words "I'll tell you the secret," and then an option is already possible, for example:
  • in secret, I will say that I don't wear linen if you laughed, now I will show;
  • in secret, I will tell you, I sit on a diet, only one grass eat, I do not look at the cutlets.

If you choose moving contests, like a better dance or run around the chairs, take care of the fact that there is enough space for the people of any dimensions feel comfortable.

Do you prefer contests for a small company? It happens that contests for parties are needed, but quite definitely will not be too big company, try to play something chamber and does not require a lot of people. These can be text games and contests for a small company, or verbal, for example:

  • burim;
  • writing a fairy tale on line;
  • phanti.


Offer guests to guess lines from songs. Examples can be downloaded here:

or TV transmission names:

Who are we actually

Want to find funny contests for the anniversary? Then specifically for you are invented karaoke contests for an adult company and a drinking game Who we are actually. This is a card game, guests take turns pull the cards and read the quatrains printed on them - usually everyone meets smiles and laughter.

But karaoke contests are a wonderful type of entertainment for a large company of adults, and the older is the most state of the game. You need to take away several participants, as well as establish the jury (usually its role is performed by all guests that gathered at the birthday table).

And then there is a regular karaoke match, but each participant should not just fulfill the song, but also artistically serve it - you can play on imaginary tools, use a simple props and invite the "spectators." Good mood is guaranteed to everyone!

In general, if you need to celebrate the birthday of the house, karaoke - a great way out for the entertainment of a different company at the table. It often happens that at the bottom of birth there are elderly relatives and young people, and just not too familiar people together - song games will help to combine everyone, and for tea with a cake you can play on board games - good, now they are enough.

If you decide to prepare interesting entertainment and games for a drunken company, it is better to refrain from what can be perceived insulting - unfortunately, people do not always separate the game genre from reality, especially if they are not sober, which often happens in the company of buddies and friends On holidays. Choose the most neutral of your fun competitions at the table, and keep a funny gaming toast at the ready, which in the case of the slightest negative will help you change the topic of conversation.

Do not store too many contests, playing the whole evening a man gets tired, whether he is at least drunk, even sober, but sometimes to play between the toast and drinking conversations, everyone will be happy. Those contests in which there were good preparation and organization, people like, are of the greatest interest - people like them.

In my personal piggy bank about fifty different fun games, and I can not say that this is a lot or a little - competitions for the birthday for children are not used as games for the company of adults.

Now you have ready-made contests for adults, and enough ideas to come up with an independent birthday competition or any other holiday that you want to make special!
The customs of our country are such that rarely whatever holidays are without the use of hot drinks. So, what can you have fun and raise the mood during the feast?

This game is known for a long time, and hardly someone in her did not play at least once. The meaning is as follows: 6 people present at the celebration takes on one thing, they are placed in a specially cooked bag.
Any of those who do not participate in the competition can ask: "What should this phanti do? "After receiving the response, the host shows what Phanto got this task. Phanta performs it.

Boxing match

This is a game for real men. To participate in it you need to find two volunteers who do not mind showing its strength.
A leading to everyone gives boxing gloves and offers a little damage, for example, to make a couple of exercises.
All other participants must create an atmosphere of voltage before the fight. After a few minutes, the master declares the beginning of the battle. Participants occupy a rack. At this very time, the presenter gives each of the players in chocolate candy.
The task of players is to deploy them. The participant wins the participant who will cope with this task faster than the other.
He is awarded the prize.

"Road to" Freedom "

Before starting the game, you need to organize two teams: one team of men, the other of women. The essence of the game is that every team makes a long rope from their own things. These things they must lay out in the line. The team wins the rope is longer than another team.


The presenter pre-makes several cards. Everyone written the first two lines from any song known to all. Several participants are selected - by number of cards. Each player needs to continue the song that he got. For each positive feedback, you need to give a small prize.

"Dress Lady"

A few pairs consisting of a man and women should take part in this competition. Men are awarded ribbon, one end of which needs to be fixed on the clothes of the girl, and the other end gets a man who must wind it around the woman. The couple is defeated in which the guy will cope with the task faster than others.
The winning team is awarded the prize.


Before starting this game, you need to organize several pairs. In terms of the number of pairs, the presenter must prepare in advance on a plate with ice cream and a dessert spoon. Players from each team are located at some distance from each other. One of the players should kill a small amount of ice cream and attribute him to his partner, but you need to carry without the help of hands - holding a spoon in the teeth. In the same position, this ice cream need to feed the second player. As a result, the couple is defeated, which is faster than another will eat its ice cream.

"Poor a loved one

Take part in the game should 2 pairs, it is desirable if they consist of a man and a woman. Each pair receives on chocolate candy, which they must deploy without hands. The rest of the audience will be quite interesting to see how participants will do it.


Before starting this game, the presenter must prepare pencils (by the number of participants) and the ring. All participants in the game (there may be no more than 10 people) should form a circle, and it is best to make men and women alternate with each other.
To any of the players leading hands a pencil, which puts on the ring. This ring participants must pass each other in a circle, with a pencil pencil.
Hands use forbidden. The game gets pretty funny.

Men must participate in the competition. The meaning of the game is as follows: Men sitting on a chair with a newspaper in their hands, at the same time read every newspaper. And they should sit in a rather relaxed pose, putting the leg to the leg and drowned one of the pantian (the foot should be visible).
And since the competition must identify the best reader, then they should read as much as possible and expressive, trying to overshadow each other with their talent. Texts for reading is best to choose different styles, it will be more interesting.
After the readers finish their speeches, the lead reports that in fact this competition for identifying ... the hairy leg itself. Therefore, the prize gets the relevant participant.


In the game, how many people wishing, with everyone can participate for themselves or everyone is combined in 2 teams.
Before starting the game, the presenter should prepare balloons, and their number must correspond to the number of players. The same need to prepare the usual stationery buttons and pieces of the ordinary adhesive plaster.
The balls are tied with a thread to any subjects, and it should be borne in mind that the length of the thread should be no more than 30 cm. The button must be pounded every piece of the leukoplower and fasten on the forehead. Such a fixture for piercing balls should be each participant.
The host explains the rules that are reduced to the following: each must burst as much as possible by the buttons as possible. Do not use your hands.
From the side the game looks very interesting and funny. If each player plays himself for himself, in the end you need to calculate the number of balls who burst on him.
If the game is command, it is calculated, respectively, the total number of burst balls.
For such an interesting competition, the winners, of course, should receive a prize.


The game involves 3-4 pairs of participants consisting of men and women. Mittens are issued to each man, and a bathrobe with buttons put on a woman.
The task of each participant is to fasten the buttons, and do it faster rivals.
The winner is the one who will cope with this task faster than the other.

Matching tournament

This game may consist of several stages. Multiple teams (3-4) must take part, 4-5 people each.
If the team takes the first place, it gets three points, second - 2; Third - 1 point.

Stages of this igrum1 are as follows:
1) go from the start to the finish line, holding a matchbox on a compressed fist;
2) carry match boxes on the back;
3) go with a matchbox on the foot;
4) Share the word feast of matches;
5) count matches;
6), etc.
The total number of points is calculated and the winning team is determined.


Before you start the game, you need to choose four participants. In turn, they themselves define their game partners.
Each participant is awarded at 10-12 small hair gums. The task of the participants is to decorate the hair of his cavalier as much as possible with a large number of gum.
Spectators should determine in which country the most "decorated" participant. The prize goes to them.

Find out the hand partner

The name of this contest speaks for itself. Several pairs of those who want to play are selected. The essence of the game is as follows: you need to determine with the blindfolded eyes, who exactly from men from her pair.
The couple wins, the participant of which the fastest of others coped with the task.

"Bearded jokes"

To participate in this game can everyone. It makes sense to the following: any of the participants begins to tell the anecdote; Someone from the rest of the players continues to tell, and on the chin he trains a piece of cotton. After 10 minutes of the game, the most "bearded" participant is determined. It is he who becomes the winner.

The time of this game is 3-4 minutes. There should be 3 people to participate. The task of the players is to make a festive menu, and each dish in this menu should begin with any selected drive letter. Within 3 minutes, participants remember all dishes known for them and write them down. As a result, the winner is determined. They will be considered the one who has the list is the longest.

"Fairy Character"

Leading before the start of the game should prepare a few cards with the names of fabulous heroes. The number of participants corresponds to the number of cards. Everyone should go to the table and, without saying a word, but using only faith and gestures, explain to all the rest, which hero he got.
This game may have several winners. They will be all those whose explanations understood and guess the audience. As a continuation of this game, you can offer participants a number of cards, naturally, the names of the heroes should already be different. Thus, several more players are sifted. And so on, as long as there are no 2 participants who, competing, determine which of them became the winner.

"Mysterious Prize"

Before starting the game, you need to identify the participant and prepare a gift: for this, any object that is intended as such, it is necessary to wrap in paper, to put a piece with any mystery from above. After that, again wrap the item and put the leaf with a mystery again, and so on. The number of layers can be any. The task of the participant is to deploy this paper, speak out loud to the guess. If the participant finds itself with the answer, any other player can enter the game, the first to guess the answer. In this case, it is already, and not the previous player continues the game. The prize receives the one who the latter gates a riddle.

"Mobile phone"

In this game, it is best to participate in all those present at the celebration.
The rules of the game are very simple: without leaving the table, the participants must start an account from the unit, but there is one feature: if the participant has got a number 3 or the number that ending with it, he must pronounce Din-Din instead of it.
If the figure 5 is "Don-Don", figure 7 - "Dzin-Dzin". He who is mistaken, drops out of the game. And the rest continue the game.

"Choose a prize!"

This is a very interesting game in the sense that each participant will receive a prize event. You need to prepare a few bags with gifts hidden in them. Before starting the game, the presenter should prepare several gifts. What will it be, the participants do not know.
Each bag hangs on a thread, which in turn is attached to the rope. It turns out that several bags should be on the rope.
The number of players participating in this game must correspond to the number of bags. All their eyes are tied and scissors are issued, with which they must cut from the rope along one bag.
This game does not assume the presence of a winner.

"Cinderella's shoe"

All participants must remove shoes and fold into a common bunch. After that, they tie their eyes and offer to find their pairs.
The participant wins the participant who coped with this task faster than others.


This competition is aimed at identifying the artistic abilities of the participants. You can play without leaving your place, and everyone can participate. All participants need to provide clean sheets of paper and wovers. The essence of the game is very simple: you need to draw any item on a given leading letter. Those who drew the same items, reach out. At the end, when 2 people remain, the most original drawing is determined, and his artist is awarded the first place.

"The discoverer"

Participants must fulfill the role of planet retarders. The role of the planets must perform conventional balloons. Several participants in a certain time should inflate as many balls as possible and draw on them after this figure of men.
The participant wins, who will have more figures than other participants.

"Family drink"

For this contest, you need to choose 4-5 participants. Props: Glass with wine or beer, teaspoon. Participants should have a poker content with a spoon. One who first coped with this task.

"Alcohol relay"

Very interesting game, suggests the motor activity of the participants. Two teams of participants of 5-7 people should be organized in each. The most important thing is that the number of participants is odd. The finish and start lines are noted, on which the participants of each team are built in 2 ranks. The finish line put a chair, an empty wineglass and a bottle of wine or beer or vodka is placed on it. This is determined by the participants themselves relay. The first player must reach the finish line, pour the contents of the bottle in a glass and return to the team, getting closer. Only after the first participant comes run, the second participant will enter the game. His task is to run to the chair and drink a pumped first player. And so continues until the bottle is empty.

"Best speaker"

This competition is to identify the best speaker among those present.
Try them to become several people. Each is issued "Chupa Chups" and is proposed to pronounce the patter ... with Chupa-Chups in the mouth. If the participant does not fulfill the task, he drops out of the competition. If it copes, he is given another candy, after which he must pronounce the next patter. The game continues as long as one participant remains. He becomes the best orator of the evening.

"Pass sheet"

This competition is very interesting. At least 8 people should participate in it. All of them get into the circle, and one of them is given a blank sheet of white paper. The participant must transfer this sheet to the next player holding it inhaled by air. If the leafoca is not transmitted to any reason, the participant drops out of the game.
The remaining 2 or 3 participants can be considered the winners. They, accordingly, are awarded prizes.

"Beer lover"

To participate in this competition, 2 volunteers are needed. They can be chosen from among beer lovers. Each participant is given a bottle of beer with a tail on the neck of the nipple. P1menno through the nipples they should drink this beer. The participant who coped with the task is faster than the other.

"Take the ball"

Each participant is issued on a new air balloon. Music is included, during the sound of which they must inflate this ball. The rules of this game assume that he will win the participant who has a larger ball or burst.
For this contest, it is best to choose a large ball.

"You are welcome"

The game is borrowed in the West, where she wore the name "Simon, Say". We have somewhat modified and for some reason got another name: "Please".
About 10 people can take part in the game. All of them get into the circle, in the middle there is a leading, which gives participants various teams. But participants must only perform those that begin with the words "please".
If the participant performs the team without this word, he drops out of the game.
Teams should sound quickly, so that the players do not immediately figure out, fulfill them this command or not. The remaining three people can be considered the winners.