System of commentary comment to the classic text. Word about the regiment Igor: historical and literary commentary monument

System of commentary comment to the classic text. Word about the regiment Igor: historical and literary commentary monument
System of commentary comment to the classic text. Word about the regiment Igor: historical and literary commentary monument

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Task: detailed explanation of the principles of textual work, the rationale for the choice of the main text, received dating and attribution of works, motivating the introduction into the main text of the correction.

Textural comment is a combination of information characterizing the state of the literary heritage of the writer and cover the direction and nature of the work of the Textologist in the preparation of the text of each given work to the publication. In accordance with this, comments should contain the following sections:

List of all sources of text. A comprehensive list of all sources of text located in chronological order. Manuscript and printed sources are grouped separately. If the source is printed - its full bibliographic description. If there are other editors of works that are printed in this volumeYou must specify in which department and on what source it is printed.

Justification of attributions. It is found only when the work is not signed by the author name. In this case, the study, proof.

Justification of dating. Date definition is necessary in all cases. Sometimes it is a brief reference, sometimes unfolded arguments.

A brief overview of the text history. In the chronological sequence, all stages of the author's work over the work are revealed. The detailed characteristic of the sources presented in the first section is given.

A list of corrections made to the main text. Corrections are indicated by page, in a systematized form: Correcting censorship distortions, corrections of editorial clocks, correction of the error of the typesetter and the correspondencers, corrections of the author's defaults, context corrections.

The character of commenting is changing from the publication profile. A thorough is needed to us for the scientific publications of classics, because There is a task to establish canonical text, which will then be replicated in mass editions.

The main text is a source whose text is most accurate and fully reflects the ideological and artistic design of the writer.

Historical and literary

Task: in a laconic form to present full picture The fate of the work in connection with the epoch, explain to his reader ideological content And artistic skill of the writer. To tell about how the work was encountered by readers and criticism of that time, to reveal its value for the modern reader, to reveal the value of the work in the life and work of the writer, etc.

Ensharges content with an introductory article.

All this information usually make up the content of the accompanying article. She is at the beginning, comments at the end.

Post-room comments can also be a historical and literary nature, but more specifically relate to the text. A small note containing the most important nodal moments of the socio-political life of the era, which threatened the work and link them with a further analysis of this work, with the disclosure of the author's plan. Put a work in touch with your time - to facilitate the reader an understanding of it, and in some cases and find the only correct way to clarify the content disguised by the author.


Task: give explanations mentioned in the work of objects, persons, events, i.e. To submit information about the realities. Interpretation and only then inform.

To make the work most fully and correctly perceived not only in the general ideological and artistic meaning, but also in all the details of its content.

Real comment is tied to the text. It should be not just a formal directory, but a real commentary content, that is, it must first interpret the text, and then inform the reader. Comment Publishing textual linguistic

Types of realities: geographical, ethnographic (names and nicknames), mythological and folklore, domestic, social and historical (institutions, organizations, titles, titles, historical reminiscence).

Real comment may belong to editions of any destination. They differ only to the full coverage of material and the degree of details of the described information.

The forms of the form of real comments are diverse: from short information, references to alphabetical and systematized pointers, glossary, or illustrated documentary material.

Vocabulary (or Linguistic)

Purpose: explain to the reader the words and speech turnover, which differ from the usual word in modern literary language And therefore may not be understood by the reader or understood.

Archaisms, neologisms, dialectisms, foreign borrowing, professionalism, words with changed meaning, folk etymology, etc. - all this material for comments. Explanations of the grammar and the language of the writer are given, including syntax and phraseology.

Unlike the real comment, the interpreted word is the object of language analysis.

There are also such comments:

Biographical comment. It gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe vital path of the writer, about the influence of certain events on his work. Often not comments, but chronological canvas.

Iconographic comment. This illustration. It is a list of Ill-yi and all the necessary explanations for them.

You can distinguish comments on the placement in the text:

The substitution contains information necessary in the course of reading, at the bottom of the strip, under the lines of the main text, and the space with or without a ruler is separated. Text and other comments are accompanied by a number or asterisk *.

For Square sometimes indicate page numbers.

Marginal comments. Out of whole. Located on the side field in relation to the main text. In publishing practice 2 types of its location:



They are convenient to the reader, as they allow you to compare text and comment. For example, in the "grief from the mind" of 1980 or some of the publications of "literary monuments".

    The history of the opening of the "Words" and the causes of the appearance in the text "dark places". Analysis of difficult to understand the phrases "Words".

    Historical commentary of persons and events (participants of the campaign, its causes, circumstances and consequences for Kievan Rus).

    Genre nature "Words". The combination of folklore and book, lyrical and epic began in the "Word". Methods of manifestation copyright.

    The style of monumental historicism in "Word."

    Historical and literary analysis of the following "words" fragments:

    prologue (the function of entering into the embodiment of ideologically-artistic design of the work; the role of the tradition of the Boyana in the creative consciousness of the author's "Word");

    charges in the hike and scene of the solar eclipse (similarity and difference in the image of these scenes in the chronicles and in the "Word");

    very dream "and" Golden Word "Svyatoslav (historical and fictional start in the interpretation of Svyatoslav's image, the role of the "golden word" in the embodiment of ideological design);

    plach Yaroslavna (Folklore tradition of crying; history and fiction);

    return Igor from captivity (The reasons for the violation of historical facts in the final, the difference in the author's position to the described events and heroes in the "Word" and the chronicle source).

7. The artistic meaning of "Words" in the history of Russian literature.

    Read the ancient Russian text "Words" and its translation to modern Russian, write out several "dark places" having miscellaneous interpretation In the scientific literature, and determine their meaning (for example, "Boswavi vnei", "Kisani Debr", "Tmututorokan Block", "Karna and Zhla", "Dutch grandson", "Velezov's grandstitch", "Trojani's garbage", "Stremboras "," Buckryan Sleeve "," Sereshira "," Porpiji "," swords of haraluzhny "and others); Determine and justify your position.

    Relying on the chronicle story placed in the Ipatiev Chronicle, geographical map And the pedigree table of Russian princes, prepare a story about the campaign of Prince Igor at the Polovtsy Steppe. Compare the image of the event event in the "Word" and in the chronicle story. What is the difference? How to evaluate the events of the chronicler and the author "Words"? Make appropriate extracts. What, in your opinion, is due to the difference between their positions?

    Write out of the text "words" examples of images of objects (persons, phenomena) with a large (1) spatial, (2) temporary, (3) hierarchical distance. Is it possible on the basis of your statements to conclude a monumental historic style in the "Word"?


Word about the regiment Igor:800 years. Old Russian text. Transfers and translating. Poetic variations. - M., 1986.

Chronicle story of the campaign of Prince Igor// Tale Ancient Russia: XI-XIIV. - L.: Lenzdat, 1983; Chronicle Tale of the campaign of Prince Igor(from the Ipatiev and Lavrentievsky Chronicles) // RDD: XIIVek. - M.: Art. lit., 1980.

Likhachev D.S."Word about the regiment of Igor". Historical and literary essay. - M., 1976.

Eremin I.P."The word about the regiment of Igor" as a monument to the political eloquence of Kievan Rus. // Eremin I.P. Lectures and articles on the history of the ancient Russian literature.

Fishermen B.A.Peter Borislavovich. Search by author "Words about the regiment of Igor". - M., 1991.

Robinson A.N.Solar symbols in the "Word about the regiment of Igor" // "Word about the regiment of Igor". Monuments of literature and art of the XI-XVII centuries. - M., 1978.

Practical lesson number 5

The opinion is widespread that the comment on the literary work is of an authentic interest only in literary review

© John Morgan Studio / Glitche

The opinion is widespread that the comment on the literary work is of an authentic interest in only the literary critic, who is accustomed to not enjoy reading, but to prepare books - like Emil Zol, likening the surgeon, disseminated the human person. In fact, a thoughtful, thorough comment is able to open a book from the new side and for a reader who does not apply for scientific lavs. Moreover, it is better to read it is not postfactum, but in parallel with the main text, otherwise there is a risk of missing the important details.

Ulysses James Joyce

Comment by S. Khoruget

Translator Victor Golyashev, who gave the Russian audience Trumen Hood, Ken Kizi and Thornton Wilder, during his speech for the project "Open Lecture" said that the first publishing review of Russian translation "Ulysses" was "80 pages of hatred". In the USSR, the Roman Joyce saw the whole world in 1989 on the pages of the journal "Foreign Literature", and four years later, already in the new state, was published separate publication With an extensive commentary of Sergey Khoruzh. Actually, Viktor Hinkis began to translate "Ulysses" to Russian, but he did not have time to complete, and after his death, the task of explaining almost every phrase in the novel went to the sorcement. Trying to conquer "Uliva", not referring to a comment every minute, not that it would be quite useless: there is a special, intuitive language in the book, and it is possible to enjoy it without deep immersion in mind games Joyce. However, Koruzhiy not only interprets numerous allusions on real historical characters and other literary works, but also denotes the support points of the "Ulysses" composition and allocates the main topics of each episode. Without their understanding, the Joyce flow of consciousness, alas, sometimes it seems to be empty sticks of words.

"Moscow - Petushki" Venedikta Erofeeva

Comment by E. Vlasova

Significantly inferior to "Ulysses" in the amount, the poem of Venedikt Erofeeva "Moscow - Petushki" is quite comparable to the joyce novel from the point of structure, subjects and poetics: the autobiographical hero, the motive of the wander, the image is close, but inaccessible beloved and so on. True, if the concepts that Joyce operates, sometimes cause bewilderment even at the indigenous Irish, then Erofeev everything seems to be extremely clear: the Kremlin, cologne, hairy legs of bitter. It would seem that here comment? In fact, most of The poems of Yerofeev represents a parody of other texts - starting with the Radishchevsky "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" and ending with the newspaper notes of Soviet times. Although the detailed comment by Edward Vlasov to Petushkam was in the Pooh and the dust, the ideolog of the art group "War" Alexei Plider-Sarno for the too straight interpretations and the desire to find literary parallels where they are actually no, he is worthy of attention because Reveals the meaning of "Petushkov" for the development history domestic literature - as a grand monument of proisic conceptualism.

"Evgeny Onegin" Alexander Pushkin

Comment by V. Nabokova

For the first time, "Eugene Onegin" in English translated Briton Henry Spolding back in 1881. Since then, the English-acting reader saw not one dozen translations of the Pushkin novel in verses and its fragments. The most famous today is the translation performed by Vladimir Nabokov and published in 1964 in New York. Unlike most of his predecessors, Nabokov sought not to ensure that the English version of Onegin was folding and refined, but to the transfer of the exact contextual value of the original. So that the audience understood, in what cultural, historical and living conditions, the heroes of Pushkin lived, Nabokov provided his translation to the extensive comment, over which he worked for 15 years, and called it a "cabinet feat." Not retreating from the image of a meticulous, but ironic criticism, Nabokov talks about what hairstyle It was fashionable to wear in Russia XIX. Century, as girls in Rus guess on the narrowed and why the female legs speak with this trepidation with Pushkin. In a word, the work of Nabokov and in itself the dignity of the title of "Encyclopedia of Russian Life", which was awarded "Onegin" Belinsky.

"Diamond MY Crown" Valentina Kataeva

Comment by O. Lekmanova, M. Reikina, L. Vigoof

Although Valentin Kathaev himself repeatedly said that he did not consider the "diamond of my crown" by memoirs, and claimed that the book was a "free flight of fantasy, based on true incidents", for subsequent generations, his novel became a store of knowledge about Katheva's contemporary writers. Olesha, Babel, Bulgakov, Pasternak, Yesenin, Mandelshtam - who is not only in "AMV" under deliberately naive, almost children's nicknames like the "Klyover", "Vull" and "Konarmeya". Of course, in order to find out in the Mayakovsky commander, a big mind is not necessary, but with less well-known characters the situation is much more complicated. Therefore, Comment by Oleg Lekmanova, Maria Reikina and Leonid Vigoofa - this is not only a literary and cultural study, but also, on the one hand, a kind of key to the novel, and on the other, an attempt to separate his documentary component from artistic: after all, "my diamond "- Flusted memories, and katas places sinned against the truth. For example, according to researchers, he exaggerated the degree of closeness of his relations with Yesenin and issued their "cap acquaintance" for "open friendship."

Gustava Miirinka Gustava

Comment by V. Kryukov

The mystical essence of Prague, which today serves as an excellent bait for hundreds of thousands of tourists, has found the most complete reflection in the novel of the Austrian writer-expressionist Gustav Miirinka "Golem", based on the Jewish legend about the Glinyan Giant. According to legend, he was created by Rabbi Iheud Ben Ben Betzalel, whether to help the farm, whether to protect the Prague Jewish ghetto from the pogroms. In the novel, Mairinka Golem becomes an embodiment of chtonic horror, man's fear in front of the unknown. Short, but a thorough comment of the translator Vladimir Kryukov is valuable not only by the fact that it gives the key to the Kabbalistic novel symbolism. Prague from Mairinka is depicted as a labyrinth of dark, mysterious streets, in which the damn itself will be broken. The hooks restores the geography of the movements of the movement of the Pernata athanasius in the city, giving the reader the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of the hero and try to find the same house where in the room without doors hides their gooler - rolling soul of ghetto.

"Odyssey" and "Iliad" Homer

Commentary E. Solunsky

Comment, the volume of which exceeds the volume of the work itself, not uncommon: take at least the mentioned work of the Nabokov. Byzantine church leader, historian and writer Eustafius Solunsky, who lived in the XII century of our era, went substantially further: his commentary on the "Odyssey" and "Idyada" of Homer in modern edition It takes seven volumes. Homer's texts of Eustafia considers both in a philological and historiographic inspection: he analyzes the lexical composition of the poems, argues about the boundaries of the truth and fiction in them and trying to find evidence that some of the events of Odyssey could take place in reality, since the memory of them allegedly Stores Mediterranean. In addition, Solunsky criticizes his colleagues-scientists for paying attention to the first of all to "Iliad", and "Odyssey" is neglecting because of the abundance of fabulous motives. Despite the fact that today in the scientific world is no longer given visible preferences to any of the optotes creative heritage Homer, in the eyes of the mass audience "Odyssey" really still remains rather a book for children and adolescents, and "Iliad" is the desktop book of intellectuals.

"Adventure of the Brave Soldier Schweika" Yaroslav Gashek

Comment S. Soloucha

Perhaps only in such a country as the Czech Republic, where the cities in the ancient temples live completely atheists, a full toilet joke could be a full toilet joke, who, using his idiotic straightness, the stone on the stone did not leave Militarism from politics. True, this is a big question, who suffers idiocy, is Sewing or all who surrounds it. The contemporaries of Gashek thought as if the popularity of "Schweika" would be short: they say, a novel, a merger of details, which will not say anything to those who did not live in Austria-Hungary in the 1910s. Well, let's say where to know from the new generation that in the Prague beer "Bowl really served as a paul license? Nevertheless, thanks to the infinite charm of the main character and the great skill of Gashek-Satirik, "Schweik" still cheating on the planet. Fill the same gaps in knowledge european history and the life of the beginning of the 20th century will help the comment by Sergei Soloux to the Russian translation of "Schweika", where there are information about the real addresses mentioned in the book, and analysis of the characteristics of the character language, and the Panorama of the First World War, doubly relevant also because these days This event seems to finally begin to go out of the shadow of the slaughterhouse of the slaughterhouse number 1939.


Historical and literary commentary on this poem should be started with the history of the city of Kitezh and about the emergence of Lake Svetloaryar. It is said that the legend of concealing the sacred habitat is the pearls of the Slavic epic. Many studies books, poems, Opera Roman-Korsakov "Tale of the Legend invisible hay Kitege and Virgo Fevronia. " What is hiding behind beautiful legend About the city, "Lesshey" in Lake Sveloyar, without conquering the Tatar-Mongolian IGU during the Batiev invasion.

1. The story of the city of Kitty goes back to the times of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, that is, to XIII century. However, according to Alexander Assov, the origins of this legend should be sought in an even earlier period - the Doharistian history of Russia. This is not so simple, because in the Orthodox religious tradition, paganism so closely intertwined with Christianity, which is divided, what the legends belong to one, and what myths are different, quite difficult.
Lake Svetloyar, in which, according to legend, hid the sacred town of Kitem, is located in the Volga region, and from very long time it is known as the center of the pagan faith. The name of the lake occurs from two old-Russian words: "light", that is, clean, righteous, and "Yar", which is the root name of the pagan solar deity of Yaril, who worshiped the ancient tribes of Slavs. IN modern world Lake Svetloyar is subjected scientific researchthat fails, but with Lake Svetloyar, many legends of the pre-Christian period are connected. Grad is mentioned in them. He is referred to in the ancient sacred source of the pagan faith - the "Star Book of the Kolyady".
According to one of the legends, the magic semi-competitor of Kitomras, which was a powerful wizard and the builder of ancient temples, as well as the God of wisdom and Khmeley Kvasura, were born in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Svetloaryar. From their names and the name of the city is the name.
In the area of \u200b\u200bLake Svetloyar lived slavic tribe. Berendev. The more of their descendants have retained the legend that since ancient times in Kitege was one of the largest religious centers of the cult of Yarily. This place was considered sacred for Russian princes.
With the baptism of Russia, kite, like many other major centers of the pagan cult, was turned into a center orthodox faithAnd the princes continued to visit him. Thus, the city of the kite as was the religious center of Russia, and remained.
Many orthodox churches They were built on the site of the region, as it was believed that such places are special - they are sources of severe positive energy. The names of the ancient gods gradually changed the names of the saints, but the place of worship itself higher powerhaving a truly magic energy remained the same. That is why Lake Lake Svetloyar since ancient times is located in the legends and mysticism. According to the legend, it is in these places only believers can see the city and his temples.

According to the Christian chronicles, Grad is a big kite on the shores of Lake Sveloyar was built by Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich, the son of Vsevolod is a big nest. In addition to large quarties, there was also a small kite, who grew up with his grandfather - Yuria Dolgoruk (Rostov-Suzdal and the Grand Kiev Prince). There was a lot of churches in a large cystard, and he was erected all of the white stone, which was at the time the sign of wealth and purity. However, the legends united these two different cities, and so a mystical and mysterious ship-hail appeared.

3. Alexey Azov, guided by the legends and chronicles of that time, was able to recreate the true picture of the events of those distant times. In 1238, after the ruin of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, Khan Bati broke the camp on the City River. After the next unequal battle, Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich with the remnants of his troops retreated into a small kite. However, Baty took him an attack, and the prince with the remnants of the troops miraculously managed to hide in a large quay.
At that time, on Earth, Russian Yuri Vsevolodovich remained almost the only organized force opposing the Tatar-Mongolian invasion. The battered the authorities over the world and rushed as soon as possible to go further - to Mediterranean Sea.But to leave in the rear of proud and incontended Russian prince was afraid. And then he ordered to torture all Russian prisoners to give the protected roads leading to the kite. The warriors were silent because they knew: to give the sacred city - it means to persuade myself and eternal curse. Only one could not stand torture - Grishka Courtyard. He was afraid of torment and death and agreed to the enemies to the Russian shrine. The path was not easy and lay among impassable swamps and forests. But the traitor knew secret trails and was able to bring the Tatar-Mongol army to the sacred city. When Khan Bati approached the city, he saw that people were not going to fight him, they would pray. Surrection of the suffering of Rusichi from the invaders, God cleared over the deposited. In the eyes of Khan Batya and his troops, the sacred city plunged into Lake Svelolyar and did not get to the plundering and destruction of a merciless enemy.

Thus, for Russian people, the city is becoming a symbol of unwitting holiness and purity, which, according to the beliefs, there is no place in vicious reality.

Let us turn to the topic of creativity M.V. Voloshina the author of the work "Kitege" in Russian literature.

M.A.Voloshin (Maximilian Aleksandrovich Kirienko-Voloshin, 1877-1932) held a special place among the symbolists. With the symbolists, it was united by public indifference, passion for medieval mysticism, Indian philosophy, modern occult. Voloshin himself pointed to his creative intimacy with Balmont, with whom he was associated with interest in the fate of ancient cultures, meditation over the course of history, lyrical contemplation. However, in contrast to the symbols of Voloshin was a bright master picturesque paintingsIn his verses attracted specific, visible images, which brought together the poet with the subsequent school of modernism - aqmesis. Voloshin was a talented painter, and it affected his poetry: Vashin verses are as colorful and expressive as drawings. Voloshin landscapes and his manner of letters highlighted it from the environment of symbolists with their foggy images, decorative landscapes. He himself defined his style as "neorealism", which he understood as a combination of impressionism and symbolism.

The poem "KUMIT" is written on August 18, 1919. This poem fell into the "Ways of Russia" cycle, at the end of this poem, as in all other poems M.A.Volshina, is written in which city a poem was created. But it was in this poem that there is a clarification when it was written "during the onset of Denikin" (this offensive of General Denikin to Moscow occurred during the 1919 civil war). This poem occupies a fairly important place in this cycle, because in this poem it is told about very early history, Namely, everything began, like this poem.

Throughout the first part of the "Kitezh", the image of fire is traced, which in poetry of different peoples can be interpreted in different ways. But it is in this poem this symbol You can understand not otherwise as a symbol of purification.

1. All Rus is a fire. Non-dayted flame

From the edge to the edge, from the century to the century

Buzzing, roars ... and a stone crashes.

And every torch is a man.

Not ourselves, like our ancestors,

Let's go? A hurricane

Swelled it and sink in the smoke

Forests and villages of fire.

People do not realize, they themselves divorced this "bonfire" (not in vain M.A.Voloshin of each person is associated with a torch: "And every torch-man") and people themselves must pay for the perfect. After all, the country so long was burning with the flames of the rebellion, one after the other broke out war, as if the coal would never go out. And why in this passage used the outdated word "flap" and how is it related to the theme of fire? Floating is an estate in ancient Russia, consisting of people living on the fire - in a great manor - and nursing with their work. These are all manufacturers of material values, seeing the meaning of their life in the work and the use of the results of this work with the benefits for themselves (peasants, professional artisans, hunters and shepherds, urban guards and other people who have dedicated themselves to the protection of native settlements, trade routes, And during the wars, the backbone of the national militia). These people refer to war to the war, which means to the theme of fire.

Next, analyzing this poem, we are facing such geographical concepts as Sergiev, Optina and Sarov. According to Pedotov, "Sarov and Optina - here are the two hottest fire, which the whole of Russia was warmed." But what do these lines mean?

Neither Sergiev nor Optina nor Sarov -

People do not leave the bonfire:

They will leave, fleeing from fires,

On the bottom of the silver lakes.

Under the optical here, the world famous monastery is optical desert. This monastery was told about the "Neckless Lampade of the Necessant Prayer, a truly Christian love and the focus of mobility ..." Optina was for Russian people of Holy Earth, the third time after paradise and the Christian community during the days of the apostolic.

Sarov, or Sarov Monastery (Sarov Assumption desert) - this is a former male monastery based in early XVIII In the city of Sarov, Tambov province (now Sarov is a part of the Nizhny Novgorod region). Known as a place where it hijacked rev. Seraphim Sarovsky, revered Orthodox devotee and holy.

Sergiev, or Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra, in church literature Usually Holy Troitskaya - Sergiyev Lavra is the largest Orthodox male Stavropigial Monastery of Russia, located in the center of Sergiev Posad of the Moscow region, on the Korchur River. It was founded in 1337 by Rev. Sergey Radonezh.

All these folk shrines, as they say in the poem "... will leave, fleeing fires, at the bottom of the silver lakes ..." Here we first arise the image of the underwater city, which appears as the eternal dream of the Russian people. And only chosen and truly sacred land was awarded, this God's mercy: he left the harsh reality, from eternal life in captivity of Inogensev. After all, water is also a symbol of purity, and only such shrines are worthy of salvation.

So, given to the flow of Tatars,

Holy Kievskaya Rus

I left the ground, bonded by Svetoer ...

But the fire will not be rejected!

I myself am fire. Rebellion in my nature

Following the move of the poem, we are first faced with a way lyrical hero Poem, which is personified here. The lyrical hero himself identifies himself with fire, saying: "I myself am fire. The rebellion in my nature ... ", implied by this personality stormy, restless. Further, he is trying to convey to his readers, that any human impulse and desire, like fire, you need our frameworks and borders. As an example, it leads to the construction of new cities, as if by prisons, in which the person pounds.

But the chain and the edge are needed to him.

Not for the first time, dreaming about freedom,

We build a new prison.

Outside of will copper Peter. -

Lights Bezovsky game.

Here are also mentioned geographical concepts Two Russian capitals: Moscow (Center of Russia) and St. Petersburg ( cultural Center Russia), which here is presented in the form of a metaphor "Will of Copper Peter". The mention of the two of these greatest cities for Russia is not by chance, because, according to the lyrical hero, we are not given more space outside them. Not in vain, he compares the development of new lands with the "fires of a demonic game" in the swamp, which can be far away, lead to death without specifying the road road. So in history, leaving the old dependence, you get under a new one.

And not at that habit of ways

Where is the call of a supreme and ethuted

Underwater than churches.

Holy Rus does not have absolutely nothing to do with earthly existence, because her heirs made a marriage country, there was no holiness in it. "Holy Russia is covered with a sinful ruus" - with the help of this metaphor the author shows the device of Russia (its history): there, at the top, the earth is sinner, which seems to close the other world, the holy land that is not created for everyone. And this false world, built only on economic relations, blocks the path to the bright, pure, sacred, but not all people are given to hear the call of "underwater blesses of churches".

Now go to the second part of this poem. It describes many stages of the entire centuries-old Russian history. It is this part of all three parts of the poem can be attributed to the direction of impressionism, in which the author M.Voloshin sought to convey his fleeting impressions from the ever-changing world. Here and the internecine wars that arose at the very beginning of its existence, between the sons of the princes of Svyatoslav, Vladimir Krasnoy Sunny and Yaroslav Wise for the sections of the lands:

Here and the subordination of the prince by Ivan Kalita Rostov and Novgorod Prince, and the subordination of other princes of "flap" by his children Semiyon Gordy and Ivan Krasnoy (Prince of Moscow from 1325), Grand Duke Vladimir (from 1328). Ivan red played big role In the union of Russian lands around Moscow after the death of Kalita.

Surround children Kalita

She was selected flap.

In the following rows, we see a comparison of Moscow princes in the face of Moscow itself with the "spider-cruster", insect, the color of which is always adjusting to his environment. So the Moscow kings did not differ at all with their nobility, and the cunning and ability to adapt under all: to humiliate before stronger opponents, and get benefits using weaker.

In the quiet nights, star and frosty,

Like a bunch of a spiderman,

Moscow has nailed with dark and terrible

Your close, humble circle.

Here the rules to all the believer and the headphone,

And there was a fierce and strict

Moscow Prince - "Publishing and Krasnik

The Lord, "God - Homes!

According to the author, Russia does not develop properly, her story seems to be repeated in a circle. Russian princes do not take into account the mistakes of their predecessors, trying to show their power, building the inhuman beauty of the city and the facades, competing with each other, and do nothing for the good of the country. It must be said that there is a mention of two Russian kings: about Ivan IV Grozny and Vasylius Vasilyevich (1415 - 1462), Great Prince of Moscow (from 1425), which was nicknamed dark

Further follow the lines in which we are represented by Moscow by the eyes of M.Voloshina, but, alas, is not presented as beautiful city, in which all the magnificence of the Russian Earth is collected, and as a mixture "... Palace, Prisons and the Monastery" (the beauty of the Palace, there is no freedom, as in prison, the monastery is their own order):

Nest Boyar, Yurodiv, Smirenitz -

Palace, prison and monastery,

Where twenty years the slaughtered baby

Drawl circles like bat.

Under the image of a "slaughtered baby" here is meant Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich, son of Ivan IV. And then the impostor appeared, who issued himself for him (Lhadmitry). And the phrase "hello circles, as the bat" testifies only to his inability to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors. I did not know where to go from exposure.

In the following rows, we seem to us the reign of the first king of the Romanov dynasty - Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova (in comparison with the "Ring of Cats and Mares"), the ancestors of which was Andrei Ivanovich Mare and his son Fyodor Andreyevich Cat.

Breaking bone, pulling the veins,

Moscow was built the throne,

When a cat and mare

Pozharski reign led.

The stitching "Pozharsky kinging" says that the people's militia headed by Dmitry Pozharsky in 1612 was able to save our country from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders who captured Russia after Flemmither's flight II.After the expulsion of the InoMtsev from the Russian Earth, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky ( 1578 - CIRCA 1641) contributed to the focus of Mikhail Fedorovich (1596 - 1645), the first Russian king from the Romanov dynasty (from 1613

In the next passage we are talking On the reign of another brightest representative of the Romanov dynasty - Peter the Great, who was the first Russian emperor. But in this poem. And M. Voloshin depicts Peter I as "Antichrist", which not only built the city of St. Petersburg, in the name of his greatness on human bonesBut I tried to like to more up Russia, thereby crossing the historical traditions of the Motherland.

Antichrist-Peter Spaled Blub

Gathered, pulled and spoke,

Under the spilled bump, the Neva River is meant here, on which the city of St. Petersburg was built. Peter the Great forgot and violated all the laws of nature and the commandments of Christianity, and later "paid" for the fact that he tried to claim an unpredictable and unsuitable person to the element, such as the river. In the work of A.S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" tells about flooding, Peter I tried to curb the river, but now, even after his death, people die. And here there is also a city theme under water, but only in this case the water purifies all the dirt accumulated in the world.

The sciences of book taught.

In these rows, the attempts of Peter Europe are pronounced by the country. Tsar-reformer challenge the people of the beard. Streng. Introduced a new fashion, as well as increased the formation of the population. All nobles and noble people said exclusively French words, thereby not keeping our native language, we do not keep history. It must be said that these reforms were perceived in the bayonets. Hence the comparison "Walking on the Dub".

Also M.A.Voloshin strongly criticized the empress. He believed that the fat Empress had sacrificed on huge eggs, of which officials were sitting, city executioners.

Empire, leaving Narou Croat,

Sitted from eggs

Here, it is said that after the reign of Peter the first ("Crow", which "broke through" a move in Europe), the empress came to replace him: Ekaterina I, Anna John, Anna Leopoldovna, Elizabeth Petrovna and Catherine Great. All of them in the representation of M.A.Volshina compared with "chicians", because the fate of all five empress with historical inevitability was reflected on the fate of Russia - the country, in whose expression of the philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev, female soul, Ever after seeing and not by the rest anywhere. From here and the line "Empire ... Suspended from eggs" ...

Under roaking coronated flesh

His five Empress.

Almost all 5 Empress except one - two were

Foreign blood. Catherine The second was a German, Elizabeth Petrovna was half of Jewish blood, Catherine First - Lithuanian Jewish. Hence the phrase:

Bayonets Siagan Ozren

The Russian throne defended.

Many Jews occupied places on the throne and at the courtyard all kinds of executions and the fortresses were intimidated by the most prominent Russian nobles - Golitsyn and whole nest of dolvalukov.

There is a struggle for survival, for money, career and power. Flower flaws: betrayal and lies, violence and meanness, cynicism and hypocrisy. Beyond the limits of secrets sometimes, like from the dungeon, the languages \u200b\u200bof the flame are broken. "

And broke out with a whistle from under the throne

Flames -

On the light of darkness, on the will of the Polon -

Elements, passion, tribes.

In the next quatrain, the author arises hope, for the restoration of the autocratic, but already a man's power represented by the new king of Russia, let them even in the images of such folk traitors-leaders, like Pugacheva, Razin and Mazepene, which seemed to "mean coffins":

Anathema of the Church of Okod Okov,

Movered from coffins

Mazepa, Rassen and Pugachev -

Student of other centuries.

"Anapale church defeated laws ..." - know breaks free from church curses for sins against the church, for the renovation of faith. But also the Orthodox Church betrayed Anathema and People's Chiefs ...

Summing up the second part, which describes a plurality of centuries-old Russian history, M.A.Voloshin finishes it with the following quatrain:

All overshadowed in blood

You have left the earth of the frenzy -

Yes, Russia suffered a lot and suffered over all its centuries-old history. Since Rublev, a lot of blood was praised, in the struggle for justice, for best life. But in spite of everything, she still remained the "earth of the Earth's Earth", which is constantly in a state of excitement, passion. Indeed, in the mentality itself, the Russian people laid such qualities as the latitude of the soul and the ability to self-sacrifice. And true love is always sacrificing ...

Earth, recovery love.

In the third part of the poem "KUMIT" author M.A.Voloshin expresses (but in rather ironic form) absolute confidence is that the history of Russia repeated again. Moskovskaya Rus in this poem - "close, robing circle". Russian people who are accustomed to in all their centuries-old history are under the "Net of the Rocky Power", which will be bored with the price of many human lives freedom:

They will go - molten years

Folk storms and reges:

Yesterday, tired of freedom,

Harvested, requiring chains.

Builds again the barracks and the rid

Erect a broken throne,

And he will leave to be silent into his burgots,

Work on the fields like no.

And, sobering from blood and ugar,

Tsareva Rejoicing Beach,

All these lines are referred to the abolition of serfdom, despite the fact that it has already been canceled, people who were slaves will want to become dependent. After all, they are not accustomed to live, obeying only by themselves, and also not used to respond to their actions on their own.

And again here there is a theme of fire. But the image of fire is different here; "Hells a bright candle" means he will light light illuminating, whose life Path. Here you can understand the fire and as a symbol of self-sacrifice for the sake of others:

From rogue agon

He will give a sneaking candle.

This "reverse" process according to the poet symbolist is inevitable, because this is a value, namely, it is the ideal essence of the world. We live on the earth of sinner, "Our whole Rus-Bonfire" and there is nothing to change anything else, there is no other. Earth life is only a divergent, distorted representation of being. Comprehensive the highest world can be faithful through religion. Therefore, it remains to be taken away, praying and of course to believe, to believe in an unprecedented city called the municipality - the only ray of light in the dark Russian kingdom.

Pray the same, Take the same, Take

On the shoulders of the cross, on the throne.

At the bottom of the soul buzzing underwater kite -

Our unfulfair sleep!

The poem "KUMIT" appeared in 1919 - terrible, incomprehensible time for Russia. Crimea, civil war, the offensive of "Red Terror". Why exactly to the image of a divy - the city of myth - drawn M.Voloshin? Ship is the image of all Russia?

Legend talks about how at the occurrence of the troops of Batya, the kite, together with all the residents, was covered by the waters of the Lake Svetloary.

The rebellious spirit of residents of the village, and did not want to conquer Tatars, is the spirit of Russia itself. There was not a single era, when it was calmly on Earth Russian. The reasons for this are the characters, the thoughts of the people themselves. "None of the episodes, nor Optina, nor Sarov people do not want a fire," writes M. Voloshin. Yes, the overthrown of humble man's soul, monasteries, cannot repay the flames, because, blinded by the beard of feelings, people cannot find the road to shrines, but through them to God, roads: the devil leads. Not in the holy lake plunged Russia, but in sin.

Pictures of the frightening past of Russia pass before the eyes of the Picture of the Punching Passage of Russia: Russian Princess Crusher Rusy Knife, the cruel government of Ivan the Terrible, Troubles Time Godunov, the Russian Federation, Anti-Russian reforms of Peter I, the reign of Catherine I, Anna John, Anna Leopoldovna, Elizabeth Petrovna, Catherine II (Say Russia has a female soul).

Negatively estimated in the poem activity of Peteri

Ostrig, out and, overlooking the pussy,

Sciences book taped ....

And Russia became German, the fucking, nasty.

Bayonets shyunim insane

In the mixture of Bloody Holstein with Württemberg

The Russian throne defended.

The consequences of destroying the entire original Russian - inhuman rebellion, riots and bloody violence, war, revolution ...

But the author does not believe in the death of Holy Russia. The Russian man, freed from everything he constrained him from the most terrible deeds, is cut off from drunk rampage and consciously concludes himself in the shackles. Doesn't people self, without supervision and prisons, to hold herself from the earliest? Can!

From rogue agon

He will give a sneaking candle.

Not a torch, and the candle should be lit in himself. Here is the way to salvation. The kite is the symbol of the saint beginning in the soul of each while the hidden and unable to rise from the depths.

M. A. Voloshin - a man of diverse giving, poet, artist, critic, researcher. Various aspects creative activity Voloshin is interrelated: in his poems - the dorms and observation of the painter, in his landscapes - the poet's meditation about the fate of the native country.

In one of the letters of 1919, Voloshin recognized: "I am writing poetry solely on modern topics "Russia and revolution", "... The deploying historical tragedy is deeply captured by me."

On August 18, 1919, M. A. Voloshin wrote a poem "KUMIT", in which the image of the underwater city appears as the eternal dream of the Russian people. The real Russian history in the whole length is evil.

In the history of Russian culture there is no more popular legend than the legend of invisible Grad. "Of local legend With the exact geographic center, it turned "into a nationwide symbol." Kite is one of the popular topics associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bnational self-consciousness, that's how it sounds: "I won some Russian principalities, Khan Bati found out about the cyinga and ordered him to capture him. The horde soon reached the walls of the city. To the surprise of Mongols, the city had no fortifications at all. His residents were not even going to defend themselves and only prayed. Seeing this, Mongols attacked the city, but they had to stop. Suddenly, the fountains of water poured out of the ground and began to buy the city and the invaders themselves. The attackers had to retreat, and they just could see how the city was immersed in the lake. The last thing they saw was a cross on the dome of the cathedral. And soon there were only waves on the site of the city. "

This legend gave birth to numerous incredible rumors that reached the present day. It is said that only those who are pure heart and soul will find the way to the kite. In his poem, Voloshin reflected his dream that we find a kite, i.e. Steel clean.

In the poem, the author appears a magnificent historian: the history of Russia unfolds to our gaze. Bright and unusually just a few lines, the poet pounces the picture of his homeland. And now we get up in front of us terrifying, terrible images of fires from the live flesh.

Gallery of historical characters in lyrics Voloshina is a kind of collection of moral freaks, spiritual cripples, despots, madmen. The same picture appears in front of us in the poem "KUMIT".

M. A. Voloshina, who firmly chose the continuity of the thousand-year-old tradition, is preserved by the Christian character of the client legend.

The kite appears at him at the same time and as a symbol of the invisible Saint Rus, and as a symbol of real but lost historical Russia.
So folk vera in the material existence of the invisible, but real city Givered first portable values toponym "kite", and then an intangible, but capacious symbol national Image World.

The Kitege is mythological city, whose unusual fate has become the subject of Russian legends and legends.

Lake Sveloyar, in which, according to one of the legends, hid the sacred city of Kitem, is located in the Volga region. Running the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, Khan Bati broke the camp on the City River. After the next unequal battle, Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich with the remnants of his troops retreated into a small kite. However, Baty took him an attack, and the prince with the remnants of the troops miraculously managed to hide in a large quay. Seeing the arrogant enemies of Hallerance, the inhabitants of Big Divine and Warriors Yuri Vsevolodovich began to pray to God. Hearing Molba Rusich, God cleared over the deposited. In the eyes of Batya and his troops, the sacred city plunged into Lake Sveloyar and did not get a merciless enemy for looting, dishonor and death.

The holiness of his waters spread to the degree and its inhabitants. Therefore, the image of the city, inhabited by the righteous, who passed unsaturable through the sacred water and switched to the best world. The legend says that the lake has falched the kite to the conclusion of times, and only before the end of the world he will again rise from the water, and the army of Yuri Vsevolodovich will come from the gate of the sacred city to come to the court of God with all Christian souls.

Many book research and artistic works are written in terms of legends. One of them in front of us - the poem MA Voloshin "KUMIT".

In his work, Voloshin is trying to comprehend the history of Russia, gives its assessment with historical events and historical personalities. The content of the poem is a compound of various segments of the historical time of the formation of Russia transmitted through the prism of the author's perception. Heavy, oppressive dooms forced Voloshin to take over the pen. In the words of the poet, bitterness is heard from the awareness of common chaos, everything is most powerful to Russia in the terrible period of approval of new truths, a new world order:

... not the first time, dreaming about freedom,

We build a new prison.

Yes, outside of Moscow - outside our stuffy flesh,

Outside the will of the copper Peter -

We have no roads: we drive us on the swamp

Lights Bezovsky game ...

Used by the author of the epithets ("People's Bonfire", "Stuffy flesh", "molten years"), metaphors ("stone cracks", "Gromsali Rus"), expressive comparisons (Russia - bonfire, a torch - man, Moscow Prince - "Publishing and The Srip of the Lord, "Moscow -" Lyut's Cross Spider ") fully transmit all the pain of the poet's soul, unable to be silent more.

The situation in Russia was never absolutely quiet and calm. Wars, civil workers, struggle for power, false and betrayal existed at all times ... But the wholeness of the spirit and unshakable faith in holy ideals always hurt her.

At the beginning of the poem MA Voloshin mentions three important spiritual centers: Sarov, Optina, Sergiev, called the names of Russian saints. Thanks to their bright thoughts and acts, the faith of a person was fixed in the ideals of good and love, which is a bright confirmation of which the work of B.K. Zaitseva " Rev. Sergiy. Radonezh ".

And then in the poem M. Voloshin begin to sound the names of other historical persons: Ivan Kalita, Ivan the Terrible, Falsitria, Vasily Dark, Andrei Mare and his son Fedor Cats, Pozharsky, Peter I, Mazepa, Stepan Razin, Emelyan Pugacheva. Interpretation of the images of some of them is well known to the modern reader according to such works by A.S. Pushkin, like "Poltava", "Copper Horseman", "The Story of Peter the Great", " Captain's daughter", "Boris Godunov". In the generalized name "Five Empress", the names of the five real Russian government governments are guessed: Catherine I, Elizabeth Petrovna, Anna Joanovna, Anna Leopoldovna and Catherine II, known in Russia under the name of Catherine Great. Each of these heroes Maximilian Voloshin gives a very unflattering assessment.

The times of Ivan Kalita and its closest descendants the author characterizes as:

Hands crawled Rus knives.

Surround children Kalita

Untrue, violence, robbery

She was selected flap.

And indeed it is. As you know, Ivan Kalita contributed to the Union of the Moscow Principality with the Golden Horde. For the horde, he collected tribute from the Russian lands. People's discontent cruelly stopped. Also known is the fact that one day, having come to the Tver parish, Kalita with Tatars burned cities and villages, captured people.

Next, Voloshin compares Moscow with a spider that weaves its networks in the quiet nights. It is also no coincidence. Time of Troubles In Russia began since the reign of Vasily Dark. But no less tragic time came with the era of the Board of Ivan the Terrible. According to a number of historians, Ivan IV politician was a despotic nature, the authorities acquired human-naughty features. This is evidenced by mass executions and murders, the defeat of Novgorod and other cities. "Between other serious experiences of fate, over disasters of the specific system, over Iga Mongols, Russia was supposed to experience a thunderstorm of the amples-tormentover: he resulted with love for autocracy, because she believed that God would send an ulcer, and earthquake, and tyranov; I did not preven the iron skip in the hands of John and twenty-four years demolished the destroyer, arming the only prayer and patience, "so characterizes the Board of Ivan the Terrible N.M. Karamzin.

The deepening of the story helps to understand what kind of serious times people experienced, no matter how disasters he suffered. And, probably, not once dreamed of such underwater ship-haldo, where it would be possible to hide from all adversity and torment. But a person who was overwhelmed in vices, no road there. That is why the author says:

Holy Russia is covered with a sinful rus

And not at that habit of ways

Where calls a supreme and unearth

Underwater than churches.

Blagovest churches! It seems to me that it is the bell ringing that gives people hope and strength. After all, if climbing the bell tower, you can feel freedom and feel like a bird. Perhaps such a dream was cherished in his soul every resident: just to feel free from the laws of the rulers.

Antichrist-Peter Wooded Balb

Gathered, pulled and spoke,

Ostrig, audited and, swallowed on the pub,

The sciences of book taught ...

The poet says that Peter really conducted positive transformations in Russia: the reform of local self-government, the reform of finance and budget, the formation of a new army, the transformation in the fleet, the provincial reform of the formation of the Senate and the Board, the birth of a new culture.

Separately mentioned a decree on shaving beard. From 1699, a special duty who wearing a beard was charged, who paid it was given a specially minted bon - a beard sign.

However, during transformations, Russia has lost its originality, which inherent special spirituality inherent in it, and therefore the converter's king turned into a king antichrist.

After Peter I, the Russian Empire ruled Catherine I, Elizabeth Petrovna, Anna Joanovna, Anna Leopoldovna and Ekaterina II. They were all sequences of the course of Peter, and therefore, in Russia, Russia became "German, Jeinny, Merzka".

So Maximilian Voloshin told the story of the formation of the Russian state: from Kievan Rus to the Russian Empire. It seems to me that, despite all the bitterness and despair, which swept the poet, he is full of faith in the spiritual revival of Russia, able to make it a great and invincible country:

But now, as in the days of the old falls,

All overshadowed in blood

You have left the earth of the frenzy -

Earth, recovery love.

That is why the poem "KUMIT" Maximilian Voloshina produces

This material is part of the set of training materials Alla Balandina.

Comment - This is a system of additions to the text, in its totality in more detail its meaning. Comments are especially necessary to the modern reader to understand the works of the past.

Comments differ in the tasks facing them, and commenting objects.

The following types of comments differ:

1. A real comment explaining the realities (various objects of the material and spiritual life of society, which are found in the work - facts, historical names, events, etc.)

2. Historical and literary comment revealing the meaning and artistic features works, its meaning and place in the historical and literary process;

3. Vocabulary, explaining words and speech turnover, incomprehensible reader, and built in the form of an alphabetic dictionary;

4. Textural commentary containing information of a textureological nature;

5. Historical and textal commentary comprising information on the history of creating and examining the text of the work;

6. Editorial and publishing commentary comprising an explanation of the principles and techniques for the preparation of the text of the work to print.

To fulfill the tasks of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in literature, the first three comments are relevant.

purpose: In a concise form, to present a complete picture of the fate of the work in connection with the era, explain to the reader his ideological content, to tell about how the work was encountered by readers and criticism of the time, reveal the value of the work in the life and work of the writer, etc.

It is necessary to link the work with its time - to facilitate the reader an understanding of this connection, and in some cases and find the only correct way to clarify the content disguised by the author.

Real comment

purpose: Give explanations mentioned in the work of objects, persons, events, i.e. Information about the realities. Interpretation and only then inform.

Types of realities: geographical, ethnographic (names and nicknames), mythological and folklore, domestic, social and historical (institutions, organization, titles, titles, household items).

Forms of real comments are diverse: from short information, certificates to alphabetical and systematized pointers, glossaries, or illustrated documentary material.

Vocabulary (or linguistic) comment

purpose: Explain to the reader the words and speeds of speech, which differ from the usual word in modern literary language and therefore may not be understood by the reader or understood.

Archaisms, neologisms, dialectisms, foreign borrowing, professionalism, words with changed meaning, folk etymology, etc. - All this material for the dictionary comment. Explanations of the grammar and the language of the writer are given, including syntax and phraseology.

Unlike the real comment, the interpreted word here is the object of language analysis.

During execution olympiad task Type: "Create a historical and literary commentary to the text (excerpt from text)" The elements of not only the historical and literary, but also a real and linguistic comment actually show their erudition as much as possible.

Examples of the performance of the historical and literary comment

1) Literary-Professional is made as a single, connected text.

Freedy April, the next day after the attempted Karakozov on Alexander II, Nekrasov visited several high-ranking persons, including the son-in-law M. N. Muravyeva Egermeusers Sergey Shuvalova, Minister of the court Adlerberg, G. A. Stroganova, in order to find out what should wait after Karakozovsky shot "Contemporary", and received from them a very disappointing information about this. On the sixth of April, at the emergency meeting of the literary Foundation, he, together with his other members, signed a loyal address to Alexander II. Theory April at a solemn lunch in the English club in honor of the Savior Tsar, O. I. Commissioner Nekrasov read the poem dedicated to him. April on a solemn lunch in the English club to consider M. N. Muravyeva Nekrasov read the praised the last "Madrigal" ... This fact was especially indignant to the former "allies" of Nekrasov.

However, on the eve of this speech, Nekrasov received from F. Tolstoy note, in which he informed him that the fate of the contemporary was already predicted and all the troubles of Nekrasov were in vain. On the twenty-sixth of April, Nekrasov released another "book" (No. 4) of the "contemporary", not only printed poems in it by the Commissar, but also placing a large loyal article Rosanova on April 4th.

Among the society, the opinions of "treason" of Nekrasov are growing with their ideals. However, it is not. This fact is confirmed by the fact that on the evening of April 16, returning from the English club, being in a shock, Nekrasov writes their poem:

Rejoices the enemy, silent in feasible

Yesterday, shaking his head

And you and you came out in embarrasses,

Standing permanently before me

Great sufferers shadows

About whose fate so bitter I sobbed,

At whose coffins, I kneel

And the oaths of revenge repeated Grozno.

But shouting impersonal: here!

Hurry to the argument to a new slave

And navigating a bold kiss

Unfortunate to the shameful post.

("Refracts the enemy, silent in feasible ...")

No less indicative and the other fact. Shortly after the release of the April issue of the "contemporary" Nekrasov was not afraid to appear on the apartment just arrested Eliseeva. This is how this episode of Eliseev describes in his memories: "On the other day, after my arrest of Nekrasov, the brave appeared to me on an apartment to inquire: what happened and how. I speak Brave because none of my comrades and in general, none of the employees of the contemporary decided to do this. For from the very moment, the news of the Karakozov shot became known to all of St. Petersburg, all those tested to the literature, that hour realized that no matter how much the case was the case, but the literature, who settled with us, is still the first will be attracted to the answer, and Therefore, all settled at home, trying as little as possible to have messages, excluding, of course, cases of extreme need. " (Eliseev G. Z. from memories // 37: 128)

But no matter how great were victims brought by Nekrasov in April 1866, they did not reach their goal. From the "The Case of the Special Commission, chaired by Prince P. P. Gagarin (began on May 13, 1866, decided on August 21 of the same year)" It appears that the Commission, at the insistence of M. N. Muravyeva, at the meeting on May 23, decided to "instruct the Minister of Internal It is now at all to stop the publication of the "contemporary" and "Russian Word" (42: 174). On June 1, Dwypin, who replaced Nekrasov, who left in Carabijah, as the chief editor of the Sovremennik, received an official notice of the journal ban. All the actions of Nekrasov, aimed at saving the magazine were in vain. Moreover, the forced rapprochement with the "conservative camp" associates of Nekrasov was perceived as a betrayal, most of them did not understand the forced nature of this measure. Nekrasov turned out to be like a "double blow" - from the ideological enemies and from yesterday's associates and like-minded people. Nekrasov experienced several shots. The first blow is what he is forced to "refraart himself", refraart his beliefs. The second blow is the intactness of these actions. And the third, the strongest thing is that all his yesterday's friends turned away from him. In society grew the mood of mistrust to Nekrasov, condemning his actions.

2) Students as a number of statements from the text, accompanied by a commentary of semantic difficulties

A.S. Pushkin "D.V. Davydov "

You singer, you are a hero!

Failed to me for you

With thunder, on fire

Jump on a mad horse.

Rider of Smirny Pegasus,

I wore an old Parnassa

From fashion released uniform:

But in this service is difficult

And here, oh, my rider is wonderful,

You are my father and commander.

Here is my Pugach - at first glance

He is visible - Plut, Cossack straight!

In front of your detachment

The ledger would be a dashing.

Denis Vasilyevich Davydov - contemporary A. S. Pushkin, who achieved success in military career: I wore the title of Lieutenant General, was commanders of one of partisan detachments during Patriotic War 1812.

"You are singer, you are a hero!"

Denis Davydov is known not only as a Russian warrior hero, but also as a Russian poet, a representative of "Hussar poetry" or "one of the most poetic persons in the Russian army" (according to his own characteristic).

"I did not manage to you

With thunder, on fire

Jump on a mad horse ... "

Pushkin studied at the Tsarskostsky Lyceum and was still very young when Napoleon invaded Russia. He and his comrades dreamed of the "grouse of the cannon" and "mad horse", rushed into battle, hidden by a patriotic feeling. But no one has managed to take part in hostilities.

"Rider of Smirny Pegasus,

I wore an old Parnassa

From fashion released Mundir »

Pegasus - In Greek mythology - a winged horse, lovers of music, a symbol of inspired poetic creativity.

Parnassus - Sacred Mountain in Greece, was considered the habitat of Muses and Apollo.

Most likely, Pushkin hints in these lines of his commitment to the Lyceum years to the canons of classic poetry exacerbating already at the time, while Poetry D.V. Davydova wore the features of romanticism.

"But in this service is difficult

And here, oh, my rider is wonderful,

You are my father and commander ... "

Pushkin still studied in a lyceum when D.V. Davydov, the legendary partisan, became known as a poet. His poems had a great influence on creativity. young poetThe "soldier" rhymes found a response and in the works of Pushkin. Examples can serve as poems "Pouring Students", "Delvigu". Well, of course, the poem itself "the singer, you, the hero ..." is written in the spirit of Denis Davydov's poetry.

"Here is my Pugach - at first glance

He is visible - Plut, Cossack straight! "

This poem was sent by Pushkin Davydov, who arrived in St. Petersburg in 1836, together with the book "History of Pugachev Bunth" a year after its release. Rows contain a hint of the characteristics of Davydov - his direct temper, the fervor and straightformers associated with Cossacks. No wonder he was so loved by the Cossacks themselves, solarmed by him.

Vorozhtsova Anastasia, 10th grade

Tags: Historical and Literary Commentary, Text Analysis, Poem Analysis
Alla Balandina
Certificate of Publication No. 1050536 from January 30, 2017