Tolkien John Ronald Ruel Lord of the Rings. Guide to Tolkina's books: how to navigate in the works of the professor? Is the European History hidden in the "Lord of the Rings"

Tolkien John Ronald Ruel Lord of the Rings. Guide to Tolkina's books: how to navigate in the works of the professor? Is the European History hidden in the
Tolkien John Ronald Ruel Lord of the Rings. Guide to Tolkina's books: how to navigate in the works of the professor? Is the European History hidden in the "Lord of the Rings"

John Tolkien is a famous English writer and philologist. One of the founders of modern fantasy. The author of the novels "Hobbit, or back", "Lord of the Rings", "Silmarillion".

Biography writer

John Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein in the Orange Republic. Now it is the territory of South Africa. In 1892. He worked at Peplebork College and Oxford University. He taught Anglo-Saxon. He held the position of professor. He was a researcher of English and literature. Along with the other and writer, Claiv Lewis was in the informal literary society "Incling", in which the novelties of fiction and fantasy were fond of fantasy.

His most famous novels are "Hobbit", "The Lord of the Rings" and "Silmarillion". His last son Christopher published after the death of his father. The three of these novels make up a collection of works on the fictional world of the Mediterranean. John Tolkien himself united his novels with the word "legendarium". This is a literary collection of fairy tales or legends.

It is worth noting that before Tolkien, many authors wrote novels in fantasy genre. However, his popularity was so great, and the novels had such an impact on the development of the whole genre, which today Tolkien is officially called Fantasy's father. Speaking at the same time about high fantasy.

In the list of the greatest writers of the 20th century, according to the authoritative British newspaper The Times, John Tolkien occupies a sixth place.

At war

The English writer did not stay away from the key military conflicts of the 20th century. Although in 1914 he literally shocked his relatives, without immediately posting on the front volunteer. At first he decided to get a scientific degree. Only after that, John R. R. Tolkien fell into the army in the rank of second lieutenant.

In 1916, as part of the 11th expedition battalion, he fell to France. He served as a link in the north of France, in the River Somme. In these places, he was directly involved in the battle on the ridge. Stormed the Swabian Reduce.

At the end of 1916, he fell ill, or as it was also called Volyn fever. Its carriers were Vershi, broken at that time in British bludges. In November 16 was a commissioned and sent to England.

During World War II, he was considered to the post of deciner. He even had learned in the London headquarters of the Center for Government Communications. However, in the end, the Government stated that it does not need it. So he never served again.

Death Tolkien

By the middle of the 20th century, John Tolkien, whose books were diverged by large circulations, was a famous and successful writer. In 1971, he lost his wife and returned to Oxford.

A year later, with a small doctors diagnosed in him dyspepsia, violation of the normal functioning of the stomach. The disease was accompanied by constant indigestion. Doctors prescribed a strict diet and banned drinking wine.

In the summer of 1973, he was visiting friends in Bornmouth. On August 30, at the birthday of Mrs. Tolchurst almost did not eat, but he drank a little champagne. Late in the evening I felt bad. By morning it was hospitalized. Doctors have installed a stomach ulcer. A few days later the pleurisy developed.

"Hobbit, or back and back"

The very first famous Roman Tolkien about the world of the Mediterranean "Hobbit, or back and back" came out in 1937. It tells the fascinating history of the journey of Hobbit Bilbo Baggins. In the wanderings, he leaves after a meeting with a powerful gandalph wizard. The goal of his campaign becomes treasures, which are stored on a lonely mountain, protected by a terrible dragon with a purple.

Initially, Tolkien wrote this book only with one goal - entertain your own children. However, the manuscript of this fascinating novel enters the eyes first to his friends and relatives, and then British publishers. The latter were immediately interested in a new original work, asked the author to finish the manuscript and provide it with illustrations. What did John Tolkien did. "Hobbit" for the first time appeared on the shelves of bookstores in the fall of 1937.

This novel became the first of the Universe of the Mediterranean, which the author has developed for several decades. Reviews acted as positive and critics, and from readers that Roman brought fame and profit to the author.

In his reviews, readers noted that for many this novel is in the first place in their personal readership rating that it is not similar to any work, despite the big volume, read it is worth everyone.

"Lord of the Rings"

John Tolkien, whose biography was closely connected with Fantasy genre, in 1954 he produces his new novel "The Lord of the Rings". This is the whole epic that publishers had to divide into several independent parts. "Brotherhood of Ring", "Two Fortresses" and "Return of the King".

The main character of the previous work, Hobbit Bilbo Baggins, goes on peace. His nephew Frodo he leaves a magic ring, which is capable of doing invisible anyone who possesses them. In the narrative, a powerful magician Gandalf appears again, which devotes Frodo to all the secrets of this ring. It has that this is a ring of all-grade created by the Dark Lord of the Mediterranean Sauron, living in Mordore. He is the enemy of all free peoples to which the hobbits belong. At the same time, the ring of alliance possesses his own will, it is able to enslave its owner or extend his life. With it, Sauron expects to subjugate all the other magic rings and win power in Mordor.

It is possible to prevent this by one way in one way - to destroy the ring. This can be done only in the place where it was forgotten, in the fire of the fiery mountain. Frodo goes to a dangerous journey.


Roman "Silmarillion" was published after the death of Tolkien. The book was published by His Son Christopher.

A new product is, in fact, a collection of legends and myths of the Mediterranean, describing the history of this fictional universe from the very beginning of time. "Silmarillion" talks about the events that occurred from the creation of the world of the Middle Ages.

For example, the first part is called Ainulindale. It tells how the Universe of Mediterrane originated. It turns out that music played a key role in this. This part of the novel is framed as a legend that Elf Rumila wrote.

The second part describes the characteristics of the main Divine creatures of this world. One of the parts is devoted to the foundation and fall of one of the largest states of the Mediterranean of Numenore.

British writer, outstanding linguite and founder of the literary fantasy genre. Its Peru owns the famous novels about the Mediterranean: "The Lord of the Rings", "Hobbit, or there and back" and "Silmarillion". He became a pioneer in creating adult fairy tales.


Tolkien successfully taught Anglo-Saxon and English and literature at Oxford University. There was a member of the company "Incling", where he was and his good friend Clive Lewis, the author of the "Chronicles of Narnia". In 1927, Tolkien was awarded the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Based on the heads and manuscripts of the Father, Christopher Tolkien, the son of the famous narrator, organized the publication of the so-called legendary - all additional stories, legends, history, explanations and real linguistic works related to the fictional world of Arda. The novel of Silmarillion became the most popular of the unnecessary works of Tolkien. It happened after the death of the author himself.

Although Tolkien did not become the first who became interested in the genre of fantasy, but the fullness of his works, the perfection of the plan, the thoughtful picture of the world make it a worthy title of the fantasy literature of the fantasy literature.

Rod Tolkinov

Most biographers converge in the opinion that Tolkany lead their own genus from Saxon artisans. In the XVIIV, the ancestors of Father John Tolkina settled in England. The surname of the writer comes from the word "Tollkiehn", which can be translated as "brave". According to Grandma John Ronald, among their ancestors, even the gogyenzollers themselves.

Mabe Saffield, which was destined to become the mother of the Great Author, was a native Englishman. Her parents lived in Birmingham and were quite successful merchants. Their store in the center of the city brought a stably good income.


January 3, 1892 John Tolkin appeared in South Africa. At this time, his parents lived in Bloemfontein, where Arthur Ruel Tolkin (1870-1904) held the position of Managing Bank. Two years later, the second child appeared in the Tolkin family - Hilary Arthur Ruel.

The terrible heat was a heavy test for young children, local nature was even more dangerous. Lions and snakes were part of the daily life of the British family. Tarantula bite caused the most serious illness of the juvenile john. To his recovery, the future writer was obliged to doctor Tornton Kuimby. According to critics, it is his image that the writer took as a basis when creating the character of the "Lord of the Rings" of Gendalf Gray.

In 1994, parents took the children back to the UK. In February 1996, Arthur Tolkina was not. He was tormented by rheumatic fever and as a result of the bleeding, the head of the Tolkien family left the world, leaving his wife and two sons with almost no livelihood.

Maber was forced to ask for help and at his family, which was not easy for her - the relatives did not approve her marriage. Tolkany settled close to Birmingham, in Sayirchele. The village really liked children. Gorgeous nature, hills and old trees made this place by paradise for boys. The family's income was more than modest, they hardly managed to reduce the ends meet. Being in the hardest position, the mother of two boys found consolation in religion, becoming a Catholic. This decision was the reason for the gap with relatives who adhered to the Anglican religion. Thanks to the mother, children also had solid religious beliefs. John Tolkin was a convinced Catholic until the end of his days. Under the influence of the writer, Clive Lewis addressed Christianity, but he was closer than the order of the Anglican Church.

Despite financial difficulties, the sons of Mabeble received a good education. Mother engaged in their upbringing. Already by four years, John Ruel knew how to read. This skill discovered the world of literature for the boy, laid the beginning of the formation of literary tastes. The fairy tales of the Grimm brothers were uninteresting to him, did not like the "Treasure Island", but he gladly reread "Alice in Wonderland" Carolla, "Book of Fay" Lang and all sorts of stories about the Indians. In addition to reading, Tolkien was fond of botany and drawing - especially he was able to landscapes. As a child, John is comprehended by the foundations of Latin and Greek, which became the first stone in the construction of an incredibly wide linguistic knowledge of the future university professor. In 1900, John became a student of the School of the King Edward, where his linguistic talent was appreciated. He studies the ancient'Galian, Oldenzvezhsky, Gothic, Welsh and Finnish.

Mother John Ronald was only 34 years old when her life was taken diabetes. In 1904, children left Sayirchel, returned to Birmingham. The custody of the church and a distant relative took care of them, Francis's father. Exhausted by Sayirchel's expanses, longing for the mother, John Ronald is completely immersed in books and painting. He is striking teachers with his erudition, showing a deep interest in medieval literature. Independently takes on the study of ancient language.

Close school friends of the writer were Jeffrey Smith, Christopher Wismen and Rob Gilson. Friends will remain John roads and after graduation. When Tolkina was fifteen years old, he, together with Kuzina Mary, came up with a new language, the so-called Nevtvosh. Later, fictional languages \u200b\u200bwill become a business card of his works, and thousands of people will strive to explore Tolkien Elfi speech.


Together with the twelve buddies in 1911, Tolkien traveled through Switzerland. From a letter written by John in 1968, it is known that this particular trip the world is obliged to appear on the light of the story of the fabulous journey of Bilbo Baggins on the foggy mountains.

In October 1911, Tolkien with the second attempt entered Exeter College in Oxford.

John Ronald met his first love in 1908. Her name was Edith Mary Brett, the girl was older than John for three years. Francis's father made a categorically against the enthusiasm of the young man, because because of the love of love, Tolkin could not go to the college on the first attempt. Not in favor of Edith played her Protestant religion. Guardian forced John to promise that until the age of 21, he would not meet with this girl. The writer agreed with the demands of Francis's father and did not support the contact with Edith to his majority.

At the University of Tolkin, following the advice of Professor Joe Wright, proceeds to the study of the Celtic language. He also deepens his knowledge in the field of Finnish linguistics.


In his 21st birthday, John wrote a letter Edith. In it, he suggested the girl to become his wife. But at this point, Edith was already engaged with another young man, believing that the long separation forced John Ronald to forget about her. Running the engagement, she answered consent to Tolkien's proposal. Respecting religious beliefs of the bridegroom, Edith even accepted the Catholic faith. In 1913, John and Edith officially engaged engines in Birmenham.

Having learned that Britain enters into war, Tolkien in 1914 became a student of the military training building, which allowed him to win the time required to end the university. After graduating with honors with honors, in 1915, John Ronald joined the regiment of Lancashir shooters in the rank of younger Lieutenant. The writer also passed the 11-month training program in Staffordshire - in the 13th battalion.

On March 22, 1916, the long-awaited Wedding of John and Edith took place. They married the Church of St. Mary in the city of Warwick. Newlyweds were prepared more than 55 years of happy life together, and these years were full of mutual understanding. From their union, three sons were born and the daughter of Priscilla ..

Already in July, Tolkien left the young wife and went to the front. The 11th battalion of the British expeditionary troops in which Tolkien served was sent to France. This journey is a future writer many years recalled with shudder. Despite the secrecy of movements, John managed to inform his wife about his location, thanks to the secret to the secret code.

November 16, 1917, John Ronald becomes the father of the boy, whom John Francis Ruel called.

War in life Tolkina

War was worse than all sorts of expectations. During the battle of Somme killed two old friends John - Smith and Gilson. All the horrors seen made Tolkien with a staunch pacifist. At the same time, he imbued with tremendous respect for his brethren on arms, struck by the courage, which is capable of ordinary people. Although Tolkien passed the deadly fate, he became a victim of another beat of war - a rapid typhus. The disease passed very hard and twice comrades were not already honored to see John Ronald alive, but he was able to defeat the disease, although he became disabled.

On November 8, 1916, Tolkien went home. The status of the author's health required close attention for a long time. He returned to Birmingham, where he thoughtfully worked by Edith for a slowly recoverable husband. There he works on sketches, of which Silmarillion was compiled later. When the disease retreated, Tolkien returned to the military camp, where he soon received the title of Lieutenant.


In 1918, the Tolkien family moves to Oxford, where John Ronald takes an active part in creating a universal dictionary of a new English language. In 1922, the writer is offered a professorship in Oxford University. Tolkien taught Anglo-Saxon and literature. Glory about the genius young professor rapidly spread through the scientific world.

In 1937, thanks to Wednes, Anuin, was printed "Hobbit, or there and back", written by Tolkin for his four children. The author was awarded the New York Gerald Tribune publisher premium. Unprecedented sales made a "hobbit" bestseller. The fairy tale had a storm success, and Sir Anuin noticed that it should be written and continued. Nobody expected the work on the second product of the cycle about the Mediterranean Tolkin will be taken so seriously. The trilogy "Lord of the Rings" came out only in 1954 and in a matter of days has won the popularity of British readers. Though Anuina, the work of Tolkina and had to do, he did not think that the novel was prepared for such success. The book was divided into three parts to facilitate the work of publishers.

John Ronald Ruel Tolkien

Wizard from Oxford.

It is now difficult to find a person who would not be familiar with the books of Tolkien - or at least with the films discontinued on their basis. The army of fans - "Tolkinistov", formed half a century ago, only grows every year. His few books have long and long occupied the top lines in the lists of world bestsellers, and the number of monographs and research devoted to both creativity and the biographies of Tolkien himself, already several times higher than its own works - and new ones appear every year. Meanwhile, Tolkien himself once said: "The study of the author's biography is the most empty and false way to knowing his works. Only the Guardian Angel or the Lord himself could show us a true connection between the facts of personal life and works of the writer. " But it does not stop anyone and does not interfere with anyone: each biographer is trying to find the most insignificant fact of his life correspondence in his books, and every plot twist in the novel is an analogy in the real life of the author. What makes millions of people all over the world do not just read his books - but believe in them, to build, even move into the world created and described by Tolkin? What makes them not only learn this world, his story and language, but also to describe it in detail - day after day, the line behind the line is the biography of his author?

In his books, the magic and magic, the magic of action and the magic of words. There are secrets, poetry, feats and adventures. In his long life there was nothing to do, except for several books that became its result. And yet the adventures and exploits, and the mystery are found in it.

According to the family legend, the last name "Tolkin" comes from German tollKuhn, -what does "recklessly, stupid brave" mean. The nicknamed it was given a ancestor of the writer, Georg von Gogenzollerne (who belonged to the youngest branch of the famous imperial house), fought under the banners of Ertzgertzoga Ferdinand Austrian at the siege of the Vienna Turks in 1529: in the seizure of the desperate courage, Georg alone sneaked into the enemy camp and captured the banner Turkish Sultan. However, German researchers take the name of the writer to more prosaic root, namely, to the name of the village Tolkynen. In Eastern Prussia. Be that as it may, in the middle of the XVIII century, Tolkany moved from their native Saxony to England. Grandfisher's grandfather, John Benjamin Tolkin, was a configuration of the piano, music teacher and owner

the sale of musical instruments - however, in commerce, he did not succeed and went bankrupt in 1877. The eldest son of John Benjamin and his second wife Mary Jane Stau, Arthur Ruel, did not go through his father's footsteps and preferred the banking trade and music. He became a good bank clerk - and in 1891 received an increase: the position of the manager of the African Bank's department in Bloemfontein - the capital of the Orange Republic (now - the province of a free orange state, part of South Africa). The need to go to the other end of the world paid off by a good salary and the possibility of fast career growth, unattainable at the time in the metropolis. A year later, his bride, Mabele Suffield arrived to him, and young people were married in the Cape Town Cathedral

April 16, 1891. Mabe was 21 years old, her husband is thirty-four. Exactly nine months old, the third of January 1892, Tolkinov is born the firstborn, surrounded by John Ronald Ruel. Two years later - February 17, 1894 - Mabel gave birth to the Second Son, Hilary Arthur Ruel. The last name became traditional for this branch of the family: the writer himself, and all his children were given to their sons - among others - the name of Ruel, borrowed by Benjamin from the Bible.

Memories of life in Africa at the future writer preserved very little, and they are also known to him according to his mother's stories: once a black servant, to whom the little John Ronald (this is how the boy was called in the family) seemed very beautiful for the whole day, dragged him out of the house To boast of their relatives, and another time the baby bit the tarantula - it was saved by a nanny-black woman, having swept the poison. From this case, many researchers make significant conclusions, considering tarantula with a prototype of spider horrors in Tolkien's books, for example, the monsters of the Ungoliant and its generation of Shelob, "although Tolkien himself was very sorted by such conclusions. It is known that he never suffered arachnophobia and generally denied that he remembered the day. During the same boy, Dr. Thornton Quinbi is considered one of the prototypes of Gandalph gray.

Arthur Ruel and Maber Tolkin with a little son and servants, Bloemfontein, 1892

Over time, it turned out that the hot African sun and rotten climate of Bloemfontein does not mostly affect the health of the younger Tolkinov, and it was decided that Mabell with sons will go to England, and Arthur will join them as soon as she collapses his affairs. In 1895, Mrs. Tolkin had arrived at his homeland and settled at Mabe's Parents in the village King Heath near Birmingham. Little John Ronald was shocked by England, her grass and trees, fields and forests: He never seen so much greens before. When snow fell at Christmas and dressed up the Christmas tree, there was no limit to his delight - after all, Eucalyptus dressed in Bloemfontein, and the snow was only in English newspapers. Traces of child admiration for nature will be noticeable in all his books.

Arthur sent letters, where he wrote, as he misses the family, as a meeting awaits ... And then a foreign letter came: February 15, Arthur Tolkien died from rheumatic fever.

Mabelas remained alone with two children in his arms, and it remained to hope for her only to help relatives. It originated from the respectable patriarchal English clan, the centuries of living in Middle England. Saffields from generation to generation were engaged in trade; Maber's parents, John Saffield and Emily Jane Sparrow, had a house and shop in the center of Birmingham. They were real British - leisurely, ingrown to the ground, practical, fulfilled by common sense and self-esteem. "Tolkien named, I, nevertheless, Saffield on tastes, abilities and education," said Tolkin later.

From the house of the parents in Birmingham Maber soon moved to the village of Sair-Houl nearby, where she was able to remove cheap accommodation on the occasion. The money left her husband was barely enough for her life. Her only joy was children, and the main consolation is religion. Over time, she - under the influence of his sister May - began to be inclined to Catholicism and in 1900 officially changed the faith by making pious Catholics and sons. This act dramatically removed her from relatives: to the Catholics, "contemptible papists", in England, traditionally treated very biased - the reason for this not one century of religious wars, persecution and mass repression. Neither Tolkany - the adherents of the Anglican Church, nor Baptist Suffield no longer wanted to have anything to do with the apostate.

But the mail did not give up and did not despair. She decided at that time to give children a good education: at that time, it included languages \u200b\u200band other humanitarian disciplines, and Mabeble, who played the piano and painted perfectly, knew Latin, German and French, he taught sons herself. She instilled in children Love for Botanic: John Ronald not only painted trees and landscapes perfectly well, but also knew all the surrounding plants on the name. Love and special attachment to the trees he retained for life.

As a child, John Ronald read a lot: he loved "Alice in Wonderland" and the collection of magical fairy tales Andrew Lang, the books of the founder of the English fantasy of George Mac Donald and the books about the Indians (but the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers and the "Treasure Island" he didn't like him at all). They and brother climbed all the surroundings of Sayirchel: there were the forest and the lake, the Cole River and an old mill, and everywhere they were waiting for adventures, knights and giants, princesses and dragons. "I so passionately wanted to meet with dragons," he recalled many years later. - Naturally, being small and not very strong, I would not want to meet with them on the outskirts. But still the world where they were, even so terrible as Fuffnir, seemed to me much more richer and wonderful. And to get there, I would not stand at the price. " It is not surprising that in childhood the boy wrote his own fairy tale, and, of course, she was about dragons. "I didn't forget her, except for one philological detail. My mother did not say anything about the dragon, but noticed that it was impossible to say "Green Big Dragon", you need to say "Big Green Dragon". I then did not understand why I still do not understand. The fact that I remember exactly this may be important: after that, I have not tried to write fairy tales for many years, but it was completely absorbed by the language. "

The boy really turned out to be a stunning talent for languages: Latin he absorbed, like a sponge, and in ancient Greek far surpassed his mother. It became clear that he was worthwhile to give it to a good school. Fortunately, one of the relatives agreed to pay training, and John Ronald entered the best Birmingham School of King Eduard. True, for this I had to leave Sayirchel in four years. "Just four years old," the writer recalled, "but they still seem to me the longest and influenced the whole of my life."

At school it turned out that the young Tolkina really an outstanding linguistic talent. He managed brilliantly in Latin and Greek, besides, thanks to the teacher of English literature, with the enthusiasm to declared Chosera children in the original, - became interested in medieval English, and then ancient English, and after a few months I read freely in the original "Beowulf" and a knightly novel "Sir Gavein and Green Knight." The same teacher gave Tolkuin an Anglo-Saxon textbook. Some of the disciples on the occasion sold the Tutorial Gothic. Mysterious inscriptions on railway wagons sent to Wells, in Tolkina interest in Welsh, and children's delight in front of the Dragon Fafnir - to Sagam on Staronorvezhsky. Moreover, it was not just a study of the gramman - Tolkien could calmly talk to them, write and even argue: Once on the school dispatch, playing the role of the Messenger of the barbarians, Tolkien found the traditional Latin Latin Lyubiting for Barbara and spoke at Gothic.

John Ronald Tolkin with Brother Hilary, 1905

But the Tolkina was not enough, and he began to design his own languages, invent alphabets and grammar. He invented the first similar language along with his cousins: he was called "Animal", and every word of his word corresponded to the name of the beast or birds. Then he was "Neshvosh", consisting of insane English, French and Latin words. There was still a "Naffar" language based on Spanish, and a language based on Gothic, and many others, many of them have been developed so much that Tolkien even composed poems on them. He believed all his life that his passion for the invention of languages \u200b\u200bwas a common thing, akin to children's edema: "The huge number of children has the fact that you call creative vest: it is usually encouraged and is not necessarily limited to something defined: they may not be desired painting or drawing, or music in a large volume, but, nevertheless, somehow create they want. And since the formation in the bulk of the linguistic, the creativity acquires a linguistic form. This is not at all out of a series of outgoing event "...

In school, John Ronald, contrary to expectation, was happy, he managed to have managed well in all subjects and even was a member of the rugby school team. However, again, happiness was shortly: at the very beginning of 1904, Mail Tolkien discovered diabetes - and six months later, on November 14, she died in the hospital. There were no means for treating diabetes then, but Tolkien was convinced that his mother killed relatives who turned away from her for religious reasons, and considered it almost the holy suffered for faith. "My dear mother was truly a martyr - not everyone gives such an easy way to his great gift, like Hilary and me, - he gave us a mother that he killed himself with difficulty and concerns, in order to strengthen us in faith," he will write nine years old later. Catholicism, which was given to him from his mother, Tolkien will be faithful to his lifetime. "Catholicism for Tolkien was one of the two most important components of his intellectual life," his official biographer John Carpenter will write.

In his testament, Mabes entrusted the sons to the parish priest Francis Ksawie Morganu, an outstanding person with a beautiful soul, strong will and a good heart, in whose veins was mixed by English, Welsh and Spanish blood. She couldn't do better choice: Francis's father sincerely loved the boys and did everything that was in his power so that they did not need anything. He instilled in John Ronald the interest in philology: there were many books in his house, from theological works to entertainment novels, and the boy read them with a drink, finally - how he said - felt the connection between the language and text.

Thanks to Father, Morgana took place, perhaps the most important meeting in the life of Tolkina. In 1908, Francis's father took the boys from the aunt's house, where they lived after the death of the mother, and transported them to the Pension Mrs. Falkner. The floor below lived Edith Mary Bratut, young Sernorzaya and a dark-haired beauty, who dreamed of becoming a concerted pianist and therefore rehearsed the days. At first, John Ronald fell in love with music, then dared to get acquainted with the performer. They got friends with Edith quickly: walked around the surrounding fields, and then sat on the balcony of a local tea, shelling passersby pieces of sugar. They had a lot of common - both orphans (Mother Edith died a year ago, she never knew her father), both needed love and care, and there is nothing surprising in that soon they discovered that they were in love with each other. They did not interfere with even the difference in age: at that moment John Ronald was sixteen, and Edith - nineteen.

Edith Bratt, 1907

Tolkien gave all his free time, and the study began to wonder it. When, in the fall of 1908, Father Morgana reported, which his pupil does instead of studying, he was very angry: Tolkina is waiting for a wonderful future, he must learn to brilliantly pass exams in Oxford and get a scholarship - to pay for the boy's training at the University of Morgan, Regret, there was no money, and the scholarship was the only chance for John Ronald to receive a higher education. Novels and Early marriage will only destroy his career - convinces the Father Morgan Pupil, and it is right: Tolkien failed to failed entrance exams. More precisely, he passed them, and quite well, but it was not enough to obtain scholarships. Then Morgan's father transported boys from the Pension Mrs. Falkner and forbade Tolkina to see Edith before the onset of the age of majority, that is, twenty-one: he could not meet with her, neither to correspond. This condition that leads to the memories of knightly vowes, John Ronald fulfilled with honor.

Having lost the Society by Edith, Tolkien creates a new one: he and three of his school comrades organize a "half-one" ChCBO Club - "Tea Club and Barrosian Society", obliged by his name to the club members of the club to cut tea in the School Library and located next to the Barrow Store. Tolkien - or in a joke, or seriously, "said that when members of the club were going together, their intellect enhances. The boys talked, dreamed, read each other their first literary experiments and hoped to conquer the world. As one of the members of the Chkbo Jeffrey Beich Smith, members of the Society considered themselves "who received a spark of the flame - as a community, undoubtedly, and perhaps each separately - which was intended to light a new light in the world, or that the same reinstalled the light old light; Chkbo was also destined to serve as evidence of God and Truth. " Friendship of four Barrovists continued after school.

In the summer of 1911, Tolkin with twelve friends traveled through Switzerland, having done the way from Interlaken to Lauterbrunnen. Later in one of the letters, he confessed that this journey was served as the prototype of the travel of Bilbo Baggins and twelve gnomes in the foggy mountains. According to the statements of biographers, from Switzerland Tolkien brought a postcard with the image of the picture of Joseph Madelenener called "Mountain Spirit": a gray-row old man, in a broad-brewed hat and a long raincoat, sat on a stone under the pine and fed with a white deer's hand. He kept this postcard for many years and, in the end, wrote on the envelope: "The origin of Gandalf." True, the last surveys found that the picture of this Madelerman wrote no earlier than the twenties, and how she fell to Tolkuin, unknown.

In the same 1911, Tolkien finally entered the Exeter College in Oxford, to the classic office. In college, life was still: meetings of ChCBO (all his members were in Oxford), rugby occupations, poems and, of course, learning languages. Read in the translation "Kalevala" prompted him to learn Finnish, and he fascinated him with his beauty and title, and Epos himself made it the impression on him that he began to dream of creating ever similar mythology and for England.

Meanwhile, on January 3, 1913, he was twenty-one. As soon as the hours pierced midnight, he wrote Edith and offered her to marry him. Perhaps if Morgan's father had not separated them, the first love, as it often happens, quietly would have faded themselves, but the prohibition served only to strengthen Tolkien's feelings. "Perhaps nothing else would have strengthened my will so much so that this novel becomes love for me for life (even if even this love from the very beginning was completely sincere)," Tolkien wrote later.

Edith replied that she was already engaged and soon she was going to marry his school girlfriend - after all she was sure that John Ronald had long forgotten her. A week later, Tolkien rushed to her in Cheltenham, where she then lived, and after a long conversation, Edith agreed to become his wife. The next day, she returned the bridegroom ring and announced the engagement with Tolkin.

Tolkin, Meanwhile, passed the first bachelor exams: it turned out that in classical philology his success was very good, but on comparative philology - just brilliant. According to the recommendation of Tolkien teachers, Tolkien was transferred to the British branch, where he could fully devote himself to the ancient Germann and old texts. In the Anglo-Saxon Poem "Christ" Kyuneulfa Tolkien stumbled upon a mysterious phrase: "Hello, Earendel, a brightened out of the angels, over the media to the sent". "I was struck by the exceptional beauty of this word (or a name)," he wrote later, - quite appropriate to the usual style of the Anglo-Saxon language - but beyond the extraordinary degree in this pleasant for hearing, but not the "secrefactory" language "... many years later, the same An excerpt will push to the immersion in ancient languages \u200b\u200bfor the hero of his unfinished novel "Lost Path": "I felt a strange trembling, as if something was moving in me, awakening from sleep. It was something remote, someone else's and beautiful, it was far from those with the words that I tried to comprehend, on the Old Antangian. "

In early 1914, Edith, at the insistence of the groom, passed into Catholicism. This decision was expensive to her: a homeowner, respectable Protestant, kicked out the newly-rotated Catholicau to the street, and their relatives and friends were collapsed with her. Nevertheless, she was happy, anticipating a wedding with her beloved. In the summer of 1914, they and John Ronald visited the Cornish coast: Tolkien, who saw the sea for the first time in the conscious age, was shocked to the depths of the soul - the motive of the sea, love and longing on him forever entered his work forever. In the same summer, he will write the poem "Journey Earendea of \u200b\u200bthe evening star", where the extensions of the ancient myths and the noise of the sea merged: the poem was described in the poem, which became a star. It is believed that "Travel Earendeia" was the first step on the path of Tolkien in the Mediterranean.

When the First World War began, Tolkien, contrary to the moods reigning among young people, did not rush to the front: at first he decided to finish Oxford. In late 1914, John Ronald met his friends on ChCBO: "This meeting helped me to gain a voice to express everything that I was looking for exit. I have always attributed this to inspiration that they instilled in us even a few hours spent together, "he recalled. Tolkien is increasingly composed of poems, and more and more often - in the "elven" language of Khania, created on the basis of Latin, ancient Greek and Finnish. This language, with a rather complicated grammar and its own Runic alphabet, Tolkien created the sound of the beauty of the sound and logic of linguistic constructions.

At the final exams in 1915, he received top scores and the first award, and only after that he was signed up by the volunteer in the regiment of Lancashir shooters, where he received the rank of younger Lieutenant. Several months, the regiment was moved along Staffordshire from the camp to the camp, and all this time Tolkien continued to occupy science, artificial languages \u200b\u200band poetry. Over time, Tolkien realized that the existence of a language without those who speak it was impossible - so a new impetus was given to the creation of the Mediterranean: the most beautiful of the languages \u200b\u200bcreated by him, Khania, Tolkien gave the elves living in the beautiful country Valina, where, at the end Ends, Earendil got - the name Tolkien changed in accordance with the rules of the elven language developed by him.

Finally, it became known about the emergence of shooters to France. Waiting for the ambulance - maybe forever - John Ronald Ruel Tolkien married Edith Mary Brother March 22, 1916 in the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Warwick. Honeymoon in length of the young people spent in the seaside town of Cleedon. Already on June 4, Tolkien left his beloved wife and departed to the front.

The regiment, where Tolkien fought, fought quite successfully and took a worthy participation in the famous battle on Somme - one of the largest operations of the First World War. And then, after sitting in the trenches and fruitless expectations, it is unknown what, His "Equal fever" His "Equal Fever" is a type of rapid typhoid, very common in the unsanitary warfare. In early November 1916, he is planted for a ship going to England, and the days until Christmas, Junior Lieutenant Tolkien spent in the hospital of Birmingham, and the Christmas holidays with Edith in Staffordshire.

The whole next year, Tolkien is in the hospital (the disease gave constant relapses), it serves in various camps in the territory of England, which in the end, allowed him to get the rank of lieutenant. Launch from idleness, he began to learn new languages \u200b\u200band bring his fantasies about the beautiful Valina and the inhabitants of his people at a more or less ordered form. For the emerging cycle, Tolkien chose the name "Book of Lost Legends": Many themes appear here, who later found their embodiment in Silmarillion - a story about Turin, Siege and Falling of the Gondolin and Nargotrond, Morgoth Wars ...

Tolkien during service in the army, 1916

November 7, 1917, they were born with Edith the firstborn, called John Francis Ruel Tolkin. At that time, Tolkien served in the next camp in the town of Gull, and Edith settled next to him. In their free time, they walked around the surrounding forests, overgrown by the Boligol, and Edith danced in a grove among flowers. So the most beautiful legend of Silmarillion was born - about how mortal faithful fever fell in love with the elven virgin ladies Lutieng Tinouwiel, who danced among the thickets of Boligolov. Lutin and all the beauties from the books of Tolkina had a single prototype - his beloved Edith, which he described like this: "Her hair was black, the skin is light, eyes - clear, and she could sing and dance."

In November 1918, a peace treaty was signed, and the war for England was over. But for Tolkien, the victory was not so unconditionally beautiful, as propaganda loved to speak about it. Two of his best friends, members of the ChCBBO, died in 1916. In the last letter, one of them wrote Tolkuin: "My main consolation is that if I'm flicking today at night - in a few minutes I have to go to the position, there will still be at least one member of the Great ChCBO in the world, which will be covered in words everything What I dreamed and what we were all converged on ... God bless you, my dear John Ronald! What I tried to say, let me tell you much later, when I won't be, if this is my fate ... "His" chosenness ", understood by him as the need to bear one further all that was intended for many, Tolkien felt all life. And forever the victories and happy ends in his books are overshadowed by sadness on the lost, feeling impossible to return to the past, sorrowfully on forever disappeared beauty and joy.

Tolkien filed a petition to allow him to return to Oxford "for the purpose of completing education." Soon he received the post of Assistant Lexicograf in the editorial office of the new dictionary of the English language (called Oxford): Tolkien answered the words on the letter w. Work on the dictionary demanded a lot of time, but Tolkien did not stop working on the "book of lost lesions" and even read one of them - "Drop Gondaline" - at the Student Essership Club of Exetere College. According to memories, usually the demanding audience took it unexpectedly well.

In the summer of 1920, Tolkien nominated his candidacy for the opening vacancy of the reader (approximately Assistant Professor) of English to the University of Leeds, and, to his own surprise, was adopted. It was in Leeds on October 22, 1920 that the second son is born, Michael Hilary Ruel, and on November 21, 1924 - the third, Christopher John Ruel. Tolkien loved her sons very much, told them for the night of fairy tales - many of them will turn into full-fledged literary stories, - and for Christmas wrote letters with pictures on behalf of Santa Claus. Every year, these letters have become more and more exciting; There were new characters - the grandfather's assistant is a white bear, a Snowman gardener, secretary Elf Ilbert and many others. In 1976, the messages were collected and published under the name "Letters of Santa Claus".

In a new place, Tolkien with his head went into scientific work. In 1922, he released a dictionary of medieval English, and then, together with Eric Valentin Gordon, who turned to Leeds from Oxford, prepared a new editorial office of the Translation of the Starengalian Poem "Sir Gavein and the Green Knight". At the same time he translated the allegorical medieval poem of the presumably the same author of the "Pearl", written by alliteration verses, and the poem "Sir Orfeo", a fancy mixture of an ancient Greek myth on ORFE with Celtic folklore. Together with Gordon, who became a close friend of Tolkina, they founded the student "Viking Club", which was going to read the sagas, drinking beer and sing comic songs on Gothic, Anglo-Saxon or Ancade, laid on well-known English melodies: In 1936, many of them They were collected and published - without the permission of Tolkien or Gordon - entitled "Songs for Philologists." True, most of the already small circulation burned down - only one and a half dozen copies survived.

He did not forget about Arda, as the world came up with him, and about his tongues: Sindarin, created by the model of Welsh, was added to Khania, "Elven Latin", the Elves of Beleriand will be spoken on it; Adunayk is the language of Numen, the fate of which Tolkien dedicates two unfinished novels, and several more, worked less detail. Later he wrote: "Language and names for me are inseparable from the plot, and my stories are only the background, thanks to which I can embody my linguistic addictions." The folding "Cycle Arda" Tolkin dreamed of doing - no little - mythology for England, giving a replacement for those myths and legends that were not written or were lost due to the invasion of Normans. "I decided to create a cycle more or less connected between my legends - from the legends of the global, cosmogonical scale to a romantic magic fairy tale; So that more significant ones are based on smaller in contact with the earth, and the smaller gained the magnificence at such a majestic background; The cycle that I could devote just the country of my England. It should be inherent in the desired atmosphere and property, something cold and clear that I breathe "air" (under the soil and climate of the North-West, I mean Britain and the domain of Europe, not Italy and Elladu, and, of course, not East), and at the same time he must possess (if I just managed to achieve this) that magic, elusive beauty, which some call Celtic (although in the genuine works of ancient Celts, it is rare); These legends should be "high", purified from all coarse and obscene and fit the more mature minds of the Earth, since an imbued poetry. Some legends I would have introduced completely, in detail, but many would have challenged only schematically. The cycles must be combined into a majestic integer - and, however, leave a place for other minds and hands for which the tools are paints, music, drama. " Arda, composed by Tolkin, is not another planet and not parallel reality, this is our world, only incredibly for a long time: in those days, the memory of which lives only in ancient legends and depths of memory. "Mediterranean is an objectively real world ... The theater of the actions of my legends is the land, the one we live now, although the historic period is imaginary," the writer explained many years later.

In 1924, Tolkien overcomes the next career stage, becoming the most young in the history of Leeds by Professor of English. However, his soul sought to Oxford: And when the Department of Professor of the Anglo-Saxon language was released in Oxford College in 1925 in Oxford College of Pembroke, he, without thinking, filed a request. He was accepted, and Tolkany returned to Oxford. There, June 18, 1929, Edith gave birth to his last child, daughter Priscilla Mary Ann Ruel.

In Oxford, Tolkien continued to participate in clubs. At first it was "honeycomb", created for reading and studying Icelandic and Norwegian sag. One of the members of the club was a teacher from Magdalene College Clive Steiplz Lewis, who became the closest friend of Tolkien. When "Harred" naturally, reading all the sagas, ceased to exist, Lewis founded the club "Incling", in whose title was and the word ink - Ink, I. inkling - Hint, and the meaning of the ink descendants. Among members of the Society were Major Warren Lewis (Brother K. S. Lewis), the doctor R. E. Heioud, Hugo Dyson and a friend of Lewis Owen Barfield, and who joined later writer Charles William. Almost all of the "Incling" club were nicknames: Tolkina called the Tolls. Club members were collected on Tuesdays in the beer "Eagle and Child", and on Thursdays in the living room at Lewis. New manuscripts were read and discussed, ideas were launched. It was on the edge of the Denmark of this club Tolkien in 1936 he read his famous "Hobbit" for the first time.

According to the legend, the hobbits arose by chance, on the eve of 1930, when Professor Tolkin checked the test work. In one of them there was an empty page - and Tolkin, not thinking, I took it and wrote on it, "there was a hobbit under the mountain under the mountain." Who are such hobbits, then no one else knew: later researchers brought this word from hob - Staroangalian Magic Being, Pickhead and Skodnik, and rabbit - rabbit. However, Tolkien himself said somehow that the only word that influenced him was the word hole - Nora, hole.

John Ronald, Edith and children.

The Hobbit was remembered by Professor. After a while, he, as usual telling his children a fairy tale for the night, composed the story about the Hobbit, to which twelve dwarves came to the guests. Of the traditional fairy tales, the hobbits got their shaggy legs and silent gait, and from the images of "comical bourgeois" from English novels - landiness, limited horizons, conservatism and common sense. In about 1936, Tolkien recorded a story about Hobbit Bilbo, but what to do with her next, did not know. As it often happens, the case intervened: one of the student professor was able to read the manuscript and so inspired that he brought her to the publishing house Allen & Unwin in which he worked out. Director Stanley Anvin, who believed that the books for children should evaluate the children, gave "Hobbit" to his eleven-year-old son Rainer, whose response was unlimited, but favorable: "She is good and should like all children aged five to nine years old."

In 1937, the "Hobbit, or there and back" came out of the press. The success was unexpectedly huge, and the second edition was launched. Next year, the book was published in America, where she was even more successful, and the newspaper Gerald Tribune. called the "Hobbit" "Best Children's Book of the Season." The main characters are a rustic and plutish Hobbit Bilbo Baggins, the Handalf Wizard, brave gnomes and noble elves, they loved readers on both sides of the ocean. The enthusiastic letters of readers and requests for the continuation appeared on Tolkien. "Dear Mr. Tolkin," said Professor twelve-year-old boy John Barrow, "I just read your book" Hobbit "in the eleventh time and I want to tell you what I think about her. I think that anything more wonderful I did not read ... If you wrote any other books, please do not tell me how they are called? " Publishers also hinted for the continuation, and for the beginning asked if there were other such things in Tolkien. He, not long thought, brought them Silmarillion and Letters of Santa Claus, but both of these manuscripts were rejected - readers, they say, they crave books about hobbits, and the point. After quite a long sentence, Tolkien agreed to write a "new hobbit", but it took long seventeen years.

At first, Tolkien honestly tried to write exactly a fairy tale about the hobbits who became him relatives and loved ones. The writer himself did not hide that in a sense he wrote them with himself: "I am actually a hobbit, a hobbit in everything, in addition to growth. I love gardens, trees and non-mechanized farms; I smoke a tube and prefer good simple food (not from the freezer!), And the French delights do not digest; I love and even dare to wear patterned vests in our dull time. I adore mushrooms (right from the forest); I have a rustic humor, and even the most benevolent critics find it tedious; I wonder Look and get up late (if possible). Traveling too infrequent. " However, gradually the continuation turned into something much more, absorbing Silmarillion, the characters of "lost legends" and the philosophy of Tolkien himself.

It seemed that the life of Tolkien in Oxford proceeded surprisingly and quietly. He was considered a good lecturer who knew even about such boring things as dead languages, to tell so that these are magical stories. Meetings of clubs, meetings with friends, walks in the picturesque surroundings, the upbringing of children, rare scientific publications - one of the vertices of his scientific work was the lecture "Beowulf: monsters and critics", later published a separate publication and forever changed the view of the researchers to this famous poem. In the memoirs, its office is described: Shelves with dictionaries and linguistic works, on the wall - Map of Mediterranean, a large paper basket, brands of pencils, two typewriters, inkwell, tubes and tobacco ... year slow tech after year, children grew up - John decided to become a priest And he left to study in Rome, Michael was thinking about the teaching career, Christopher - about the literary. "New Hobbit", gradually overshadowed in the Saga called "Lord of the Rings", was written very slowly; I didn't reach it, Tolkien rewrited entire chapters, changing the course of the history of the world invented. The Second World War, having stitched the whole world, also detained the writing of the novel: the professor was more worried about the fought sons, Michael and Christopher than those who stopped halfway the keepers. Later, he was repeatedly asked if the second world was influenced by his work, whether the "Lord" was not an allegorical description of her events. Tolkien explained: "It's neither an allegory, nor the reflection of modern events ... I sincerely do not like the allegories in all its forms and never loved. I prefer a story true or composed, with its diverse reflections in the thoughts and sensations of readers. " Tolkien himself said that if his readers certainly want to compare the feeling of horrors of the war described in the "Lord", with recent historical events, then such a relationship arises from the First World War than from the second. In one of the reviews, K. S. Lewis wrote that in the image of Tolkina "the war has a lot of characteristic signs of that war that my generation knew," the writer himself said in one of the letters that "dead swamps and approaches to Morannon are partly obliged to North France After the battle at Somme. " However, the most important thing that he ruled after the First World War - that all the wars are similar to each other, and they are all terrible, whether they are in the fields of Europe, in the valleys of the Mediterranean or in human souls. No wonder he equally relate to all the warring politicians - Hitler and Stalin, Franco (excuse to him, however, in one: the Republicans killed monks and burned the monasteries, while Franco defended the Catholic faith) and even the English premieres who made unpraussously many mistakes in Thirties and forties. Such a point of view did not add popularity among ordinary English, but in Oxford, where in the early twenties decided to consider any war evil, - he was not alone.

Another stumbling block served Catholicism Tolkina, the basis of his worldview. The fact that his best friend, Clive Lewis, does not believe in God, delivered him a lot of suffering, and Tolkien attached every effort to turn Lewis into Christianity. At first he managed to increasing Lewis to Deesma - faith in God without faith in church. Finally, after one long conversation, Lewis recorded in the diary: "I just switched from faith in God to the conscious faith in Christ - to Christianity. Long night conversation with Dyson and Tolkin pushed me to this. " However, Lewis, contrary to the expectations of Tolkien, was not joined by Catholic, but to the Anglican religion. He became very soon - thanks to the lectures and performances on the radio, a fairly famous preacher. However, Tolkien did not approve of this, the disapprovingly calling Lewis "a theologian for all." However, they were closest friends: when at the end of the thirties Lewis began to write later than the famous "cosmic trilogy" (the first novel "Outside the sceneous planet" came out in 1939), Tolkien did a lot in order for Lewis to complete and publish his novel - not without his protection "Planet" passed the publisher Bodley Head - After two others rejected her.

By the end of the war, the text "The Lord of the Rings" was almost completed, many of his parts were read at the "Incling" meetings. Lewis criticized the novel (especially he did not like the poetic inserts), but everywhere I gave about him the most enthusiastic reviews. Later Tolkin wrote: "I am in front of him in a non-payment and not at all because of any" influence ", as they usually understand; And because of that powerful support, which he provided to me. For a long time he was my public. Only he alone convinced me that my writing could be something big than the usual hobby. "

In 1949, Tolkien publishes a collection of fairy tales "Farmer Gales from Ham" - the capital tale is a graceful parody of a knightly novel; However, the book does not enjoy special success. Finally, Tolkien takes himself in his hands and finishes "The Lord of the Rings." Some time goes to the read, mapping and applications. Finally Tolkien proposes a manuscript to the publishing house Collins: His former publishers, Allen & unwin don't want to publish "the Lord" with "Silmarillion", as was conceived by Tolkin, and in Collins. It seems to agree. However, then they also refuse, rightly believing that a thousandthly novel to taste with an equally thick book of non-communal legends will not cause reader interest. And Tolkien relates "Lord" in Allen & Unwin.

Directors of the publishing house also believe that the novel will not be able to sell; But he likes it so much that it was decided to publish at least part: if it won't buy it, it will be possible for this. The "Lord" was divided into three parts, each invented the name, and in 1954 the light saw the first part of the famous novel called "Brotherhood of the Ring". Reviews were ambiguous: from delight to complete rejection. Reviewers wrote: "For a novel ... This is a phenomenally expensive book, and, apparently, I must treat it seriously, but I can not find any truly serious cause for this" (anonymous reviewer); "In recent years, I did not read anything that I would give me such joy" (Poet Winston Hugh Oden); "The heroes of the" Lord of the Rings ", the Hobbits are just boys, adult heroes - at best there are five-graders, and ... none of them knows nothing about women, except when he is!" (critic Edwin Muir). The second and third volume came out with a break in nine months - they sold out so well that Tolkien even regretted that he did not retire. The army of his fans grew with each new Tom. On the third channel of the Air Force, the novel was carried out; Throughout the country, readers opened discussion clubs, where they discussed the novel and his heroes. "Tolkina's books read children and academicians, hippies and housewives," writes English researcher D. Ryan. In 1965, the Pirate edition was published in the USA - not only the book on the cheaply could buy thousands of readers and the lawsuit around her did a good advertising to the novel. "The Lord of the Rings" composed so much to the nonconformist culture of the then American youth, which immediately became one of the cult books. The first living elves, trolls and gnomes appeared on the streets, wrote "Frodo alive" and "Gandalf to the presidents" on the walls. Tolpetania began, not ceasing so far.

The disputes of literary critic, trying to explore the phenomenon of Tolkina and the riddle of his novel, his ideas and plot moves. Even his genre is every interpreting in its own way - a modern epic, a fantastic novel, a linguistic saga ... However, everyone converges in one thing: this is a really great work, and it is better to read it once than ten volumes about him. Professor Tolkin himself, about the question of his book, answered: "The true topic of the novel is death and immortality; The mystery of love for the world, which owns the hearts of the race, doomed to leave him and allegedly lose; The longing, which owns the hearts of the race, "doomed" does not leave the world until it is completed ... His story. "

The writer itself the attention of the public at first settles: in the letter he admitted that, "like all the dragons, it is not indifferent to the flattery." He personally answered all letters and calls, talked with the hunt with the arriving fans. In addition, he finally got rich and could live without thinking about tomorrow. However, his, man deeply believer, quite grieved the fact that people preferred his book of the Bible, and his world is Christ. In addition, over time, the fans more and more annoyed the elderly professor: they came to lay on him, after following his wickets on the side of the road, and unceremoniously wrapped in the house. Americans, despite the difference in time, called him in the middle of the English night, calling the Panibrate American manner J.R.R.T., To chat on Khania or find out what the case has ended with the ring.

It is said that one day a visitor came to him and brought some old reproductions: landscapes on them with an amazing accuracy coincided with some descriptions in the "Lord". Tolkien assured that she first sees these pictures. Then the visitor, according to Tolkien, "... Small and ... I looked at me for a long time, while I suddenly did not say:" Well, of course, you are not so naive to believe that you yourself wrote this book? " And the writer replied: "Once I sinned with such thoughts, but now I don't think so more." Joke was just partly.

Professor with his beloved tube.

In the end, Tolkina had to change the phone number, and even the address: he still retired, and in 1968, they moved to the small resort town of Bournemouth in 1968. Here in November 1971, Edith Tolkin died - his only love, his Lutin. It is buried at the Catholic Cemetery in Oxford; At her grave at the request of Tolkina it is written: "Edith Mary Tolkin, Lutin, 1889-1971"

Professor Tolkin with his wife in the garden in Bornmouth.

After the death of his wife, Tolkien returned to Oxford, where she settled in the apartment at a Monto College, whose professor he was since 1945. In 1972, he was awarded the degree of doctor of literature, and in 1973 Queen Elizabeth honored his title of the Knight of the Order of the British Empire. Until the last days of his life, he composed, wrote letters, prepared for the press "Silmarillion", but never finished: however, it was understandable - there lived and developed the whole world, and how can the world's development?

At the end of August 1973, Professor Tolkien visited friends in Bornmouth. On the way back, he was cold and on September 3, 1973 passed away. He is buried in one grave with his wife, and on the stone by order of his son Christopher added the inscription: "John Ronald Ruel Tolkin, Verne, 1892-1973"

This text is a familiarization fragment.

From book 50 famous star couples by Scherbak Maria

Ronald and Nancy Reagan being quite mediocre on the screen, in his life, during the eight years old with brilliance, played the role of the President and the First Lady of America on October 4, 1981, in the next anniversary of his wedding, Nancy Reagan received a letter of the following content: "Dear

From the book John R. R. Tolkin. Letters Author Tolkien John Ronald Ruel

192 From the letter to Amy Ronald on July 27, 1956, I just got one letter on the topic of Ferodo's failure. It seems that few do not pay attention to this detail. But, based on the logic of the plot, this failure, as an event, is clearly inevitable. And of course she is an event much more

From the book J. R. R. Tolkin Author Alekseev Sergey Viktorovich

195 From the letter to Amy Ronald on December 15, 1956, one refinement: the relationship of Frodo to the weapon is something personal. He is no "pacifist", in the current sense of the word. Of course, its mainly terrified the prospect of the Civil War Among the Hobbits; But he also (I suppose)

From the book of mysticism in the life of outstanding people Author Lobkov Denis

251 To Priscilla Tolkin written four days after the death of K. S. Lewis. November 26, 1963Sendfield Road 76, HEDINGTON, Oxforddoroga My! Thank you very much for the letter ... .. so far I felt as it should be supposed to man in my age - like an old tree that loses his

From the book the secret life of great writers Author Schnakenberg Robert.

307 From the letter to Amy Ronald on November 14, 1968 I say now my wife (threefolder hours): "Some person goes to a black go, with a drawer in his hands, but only this is not from ours; Apparently, the error came out. You do not get up! I'll figure it out. "That's how I got four bottles of Portwine and

From the book The case: "Hawks and pigeons of the Cold War" Author Arbatov Georgy Arkadyevich

309 From the letter to Amy Ronald January 2, 1969 And now, my dear, about my name. My name is John: the name is among Christians enjoys both popularity and love; And because I was born on the eighth day after the feast of St. John the Evangelist, I consider it my patron

From the book of the author

From the book of the author

354 To Priscilla Tolkin is written from Dr. Denis Tolherst, four days before Tolkien died at the age of eighty one year. Wed, 29 Aug., 1973Littl-Forest Road 22, Bournemouth Treasted Prsk! Yesterday, about 3.15, arrived in Bt., I got safely - most cars

From the book of the author

Tolkien and Tolkin's policies were not in the strict sense of the "peer of the century", but it was precisely to the generation that had to become direct witnesses of many and many dramatic pages of the raven history of the XX century. He was born in 1892 in the capital of the state,

From the book of the author

Tolkien and religion we saw that throughout the conscious life, the question of "choosing faith" for Tolkien never got up. He was and remained Catholic - the choice is not the most unambiguous and not the most common in English conditions. Faith has always been for Tolkien one of the most important

From the book of the author

From the book of the author

John Ronald Ruel Tolkin John Ronald Ruel Tolkin did not just wrote a "Hobbit" fairy tale. Somewhere in the depths of the soul, he believed that he himself was a hobbit. "In fact, I am a hobbit (in all, except for sizes), he wrote to one of the millions of his fans. - I love gardens, trees and fields,

From the book of the author

Ronald Reagan with the election of Reagan by the president coincided with the new exacerbation of the "Cold War". In this exacerbation, the new president made a considerable contribution to his extremely anti-Soviet speeches (this, speaking in London, called the USSR "Evil Evil") and, most importantly, with his policy.

John Ronald Ruel Tolkien (John Ronald Reuel Tolkien). Born on January 3, 1892 in Bloemfontein, the Orange Republic - died on September 2, 1973 in Bornmouth, England. English Writer, Linguist, Poet, Philologist, Professor of Oxford University. The most famous as the author of the classic works of "High Fantasy": "Hobbit, or back and back", "The Lord of the Rings" and "Silmarillion".

Tolkien held the posts of Professor of the Anglo-Saxon Roblinsson and Bosworth in Pembroke College of Oxford University (1925-1945), English Language and Literature Mrthon in the University of Marton College (1945-1959). Together with a close friend, K. S. Lewis consisted of informal literary society "Incling".

On March 28, 1972, he received the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire (St.) from Queen Elizabeth II.

After the death of Tolkien, His son Christopher released several works based on the extensive corps of notes and unfastened father's manuscripts, including Silmarillion. This book, together with the "Hobbit" and the "Lord of the Rings", is a single collection of fairy tales, poems, stories, artificial languages \u200b\u200band literary essays about the fictional world called Arda and its part of the Mediterranean.

In 1951-1955, for the designation of most of this meeting, Tolkien used the word "legendarium" (English Legendarium). Many authors wrote works in the fantasy genre to Tolkien, however, because of great popularity and strong influence on the genre, many are called Tolkien "Father" of modern fantasy literature, implying, mainly "high fantasy".

In 2008, the British newspaper The Times put him on the sixth place in the "50 of the Greater British Writers since 1945."

In 2009, the American magazine Forbes called him the fifth among the dead celebrities with the largest income.

Most of the ancestors of Tolkien along the father's line were artisans. Tolkinov comes from Lower Saxony, but since the XVIII century, the ancestors of the writer settled in England, "quickly turning into the indigenous English", according to Tolkien himself. Tolkin took his surname from the German word Tollkühn, which means "reckless brave."

Several families with the Surname Tolkien and its options to this day live in the north-west of Germany, primarily in Lower Saxony and Hamburg. One German writer suggested that the surname, most likely, occurred from the name of the Tolkynen village near Roughbourg in East Prussia (now Northeast Poland), although to the lower Saxony there is far away. The name of this village, in turn, comes from the extinct Prussian language.

Parents of Mother Tolkien, John and Emily Jane Suffield (English Suffield), lived in Birmingham, where from the beginning of the XIX century owned a building in the city center called "Sheep House" (Lamb House).

From 1812 Prapraded Tolkina William Suffield held a book and stationery store there, and from 1826 Praded Tolkina, also John Suffield, traded there with decorative tissues and stockings.

John Ronald Ruel Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892 in Bloemfontein, an orange free state (now Fries Steight, South Africa). His parents, Arthur Ruel Tolkin (1857-1895), Governor of the English bank, and Mabel Tolkin (nee Saffield) (1870-1904), arrived in South Africa shortly before the birth of the Son in connection with the promotion of Arthur in service.

In childhood, Tolkina bitten Tarantul. A doctor named Thornton Kuimby cared for a sick boy, and, as they suggest, he served as the prototype of Gandalf Gray.

In February 1896, after the death of the Father of the family, Tolkinov's family returns to England. Left alone with two children, Mabel asks for help from relatives. The return home was hard: relatives of Mother Tolkien did not approve of her marriage. After the death of the father from the rheumatic fever, the family settled in Sayirchele (Eng. Sarehole), near Birmingham.

Male Tolkien remained alone with two young children in his arms and with a very modest income that had just enough to accommodate.

In an effort to find a support in life, she plunged into religion, adopted Catholicism (this led to the final discontinuity with the relatives-British) and gave the children a corresponding education. As a result, Tolkien stayed a deeply religious person all his life.

The solid religious beliefs of Tolkien played a significant role in circulation K. S. Lewis in Christianity, though, to the disappointment of Tolkina, Lewis preferred the Anglican faith of Catholic.

Mabel also taught his son the basics of the Latin language, as well as the love of Botanic, and Tolkien had loved to draw landscapes and trees from an early age. To four years, thanks to the efforts of the mother, the baby John could already read and even wrote the first letters. He read a lot, and from the very beginning, the "Treasure Island" of Stevenson and "Hammelnian Krystolov" Brothers Grimm, but he liked "Alice in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll, stories about the Indians, the works of George McDonald in the style of Fantasy and the "Book of Fay" Andrew Lang. Tolkien's mother died from diabetes in 1904, at the age of 34. Before his death, she entrusted the education of children by Francis Morgan, the priest of the Birmingham Church, a strong and extraordinary personality. It was Francis Morgan that developed an interest in philology in a little Ronald, for which he was later very grateful to him.

Preschool age Children spend on nature. These two years, Tolkuin had enough for all the descriptions of the forests and fields in his works.

In 1900, Tolkien enters the school of King Edward's King (King Edward's School), where he learned the Old Tangle language and began to study the other - Welsh, Anodnahvezhsky, Finnish, Gothic.

He early found a linguistic talent, after studying the Starovalist and Finnish languages, he began to develop "elven" languages. Subsequently, he studied at the Saint Philip School (St. Philip's School) and Oxford College Exeter.

In 1911, during training at the school of King Edward (Birmingham), Tolkin with three friends - Rob Gilson, Jeffrey Smith (English Geoffrey Smith) and Christopher Wismen (English Christopher Wiseman) - organized a sequer , referred to as Chkbo - "Tea Club and Barrosian Society" (English. T.C.B.S., TEA Club and Barrovian Society). This name is due to the fact that friends loved tea sold near the school in the Universion Barrow (English Barrow), as well as in the school library, although it was forbidden. Even after graduating from school, members of the CC supported the connection, for example, met in December 1914 in the House of Wismen in London.

In the summer of 1911, Tolkien visited Switzerland, he later mentions in a letter of 1968, noting that Bilbo Baggins's journey is based on the way, which Tolkin with twelve comrades did from Interlaken to Lauterbrunnen. In October of the same year, he began his studies at Oxford University (Exeter College).

In 1914, Tolkien signed up in the hospital of military training, in order to delay the call for military service and have time to get a bachelor's degree. In 1915, Tolkien graduated with honors from the university and went to serve as a lieutenant in a regiment of Lancashir shooters. Soon, John was called to the front and participated in the First World War.

John survived the bloody battle on Somme, where he died two of his best friends from the CC ("Tea Club"), after which he hated wars, fell ill with a rapid title and after a long treatment was sent home with disabilities. Subsequent years he dedicated a scientific career: first he taught at the University of Leeds, in 1922 he received the position of Professor of the Anglo-Saxon language and literature in Oxford University, where he became one of the youngest professors (at 30 years old) and soon earned a reputation as one of the best philologists in world.

At the same time, he began writing the cycle of the myths and the legends of the Mediterranean (Eng. Middle-Earth), which later becomes Silmarillion. In his family there were four children, for them he first composed, told, and then he recorded the "Hobbit", which was later published in 1937 by Sir Stanley Anuin. "Hobbit" He enjoyed success, and Anuin offered Tolkuin to write a sequel, but the work on the trilogy took a long time and the book was completed only in 1954, when Tolkien was already retired.

The trilogy was published and had a tremendous success, which was surprised by the author, and the publisher. Anuin expected that he would lose significant money, but he personally liked the book personally, and he really wanted to publish the work of his friend. For the convenience of edition, the book was divided into three parts so that after the publication and sales of the first part it became clear whether the rest were printed.

In 1914, the United Kingdom entered the First World War. Tolkien's relatives were shocked by the fact that he did not immediately signed up with a volunteer in the British army.

Instead, Tolkien began a training course, postponing the arrival in the army until he received a scientific degree in 1915. After that, he was a feasured in the Lancashir fusillers in the rank of second lieutenant.

He passed 11-month training in the 13th battalion in Staffordshire to Kannock Chase (Eng. Cannock Chase). "Gentlemen rarely meet among the bosses and, honestly, human individuals are also"- Count Tolkien in a letter to Edith.

On June 4, 1916, Tolkin, as part of the 11th battalion of the British Expeditionary Forces, in which he was moved, went to France. His moving on military transport inspired him to writing the poem The Lonely Isle ( "Lonely Island"). He later wrote: "The younger officers were in a state of shock for a long time. Parting with my wife then ... it was like death ".

Tolkien served by the communication on the Somme River, where he took part in the battle on the ridge of Tipal (English Battle of Thiepval Ridge) and the subsequent assault on the Swabian Redoubt (Eng. Schwaben Redoubt).

The battle time for the wife of Tolkina Edith was the greatest stress, she was afraid of every knock at the door, fearing that she would bring news about the death of her husband. Due to censorship adopted in the mail of the British army, Tolkien developed a secret code that used for writing letters home. Thanks to this code, Edith could trace the move of her husband on the Western Front map.

On October 27, 1916, Tolkien fell ill with a spicy fever distributed by the lshami, in a variety of inhabited in the pancakes.

Tolkien was released from military service and on November 8, 1916 sent to England. Many expensive school friends, including Gilson and Smith, have not returned from the war.

Weak and exhausted Tolkien spent the rest of the war in hospitals and garrisons, believing unfasteless health for the main service.

During its restoration in a rural house in Little Haywood (English Little Haywood) in Staffordshire Tolkin began working on "Book of lost ledges" (eng. The Book of Lost Tales), starting with "Drops of Gondolina" (English. The Fall of Gondolin).

Throughout 1917 and 1918, he survived a few exacerbations of the disease, but recovered enough to carry the service in various military camps, and leaving Lieutenant. At this time, Edith gave birth to their first child, John Francis Ruel Tolkina (Eng. John Francis Reuel Tolkien).

When Tolkien served in Kingston Upon Hull (eng. Kingston Upon Hull), they from Edith went to walk into the forest near the village of Rus (English. Roos), and Edith danced for him in the glade between the colors of Boligolov.

The first civilian work Tolkien after the First World War was the post of Assistant Lexicograf in 1919, when he, demobilized from the army, joined the work on the "Oxford English Dictionary", where he worked mainly on the history and etymology of the words of Germanic origin, starting with the letters "W".

In 1920, he ranked the reader (similar to the lecturer) in English in the University of Lida, and (from the hired) became there the youngest professor.

At the university, he released "Dictionary of the Middle Aglian Language" and published the final version of "Sir Gavein and the Green Knight" (together with the philologist Eric Valentine Gordon) - the publication, which includes the text of the original and comments, which are often confused with the translation of this work on modern English, created later by Tolkien along with translations "Pearls" ("Perle" - on the Mid-Indianglian) and "Sir Orfeo".

In 1925, Tolkien returned to Oxford, where he took (until 1945), the position of Professor of the Anglo-Saxon Rowlinsson and Bosworth in Pembro-College.

At the time of Pembroksky College he writes "Hobbit" And the first two volumes "The Lord of the Rings", Living at Northmur-Road 20 in North Oxford, where in 2002 his blue memorial plaque was installed.

In 1932, he also published a philological essay on Nodenens (also "Nudens" - the Celtic God of Healing, Sea, Hunting and Dogs), continuing Sir Mortimer Wheeler, when he left for the excavation of Roman Askletpion to Gloucestershire, on the Lidni Park.

In the 1920s, Tolkien took the translation BeowulfHe finished in 1926, but did not publish. As a result, the poem was edited by the son of Tolkina and was published by him in 2014, more than forty years after the death of Tolkina and almost 90 years since its completion.

Ten years after the end of the translation of Tolkin gave a very well-known lecture on this work, entitled as "Beowulf: Monsters and Critics"which had a decisive impact on research on Beowulf.

At the beginning of the Second World War, Tolkina's candidacy was considered to the post of decinteer. In January 1939 he was inquired about the possibility of serving in the Cryptographic Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the event of a state of emergency. He agreed and passed the course of study in the London headquarters of the Center for Government Communications. Be that as it may, although Tolkien was very insightful in order to become an decidifier, in October it was informed that at the moment the government does not need it in its services. As a result, he never served again.

In 2009, Daly Telegraph said that Tolkien for an unknown reason refused to be a recruit on an ongoing basis with a complaint of 500 pounds per year.

Although Tolkien could not stand Adolf Hitler and Nazism, he was shocked by the bombardment of Germany by the Allied troops. In 1945, Tolkien wrote the Son Christofera: "It is assumed that we have achieved that stage of civilization, on which it is possible to execute the criminal is still necessary, but there is no need to gloat or pull up by his wife and child, under the Gogot of the Orc of the crowd. The destruction of Germany, whether it is a hundred times deserved, - one From the nightmare of the world catastrophe. Well, we can do something powerless here. Such should be a measure of guilt, according to justice ascribed to any citizen of the country, which is not at the same member of her government. Well, the first war of cars, It seems that it is nearing its final, incomplete stage - despite the fact that as a result, alas, all had a meal, many orphaned or became cripples, and millions died, but won one: cars ".

In 1945, Tolkien became a professor of English and literature in the Oxford Marton College and remained in this post before resignation in 1959. For many years, he worked as a third-party examiner at Dublin University College (Eng. University COLLEGE Dublin).

In 1954, Tolkien received an honorary degree from the National University of Ireland (Dublin University College was its component).

In 1948, Tolkien finished work on the novel "Lord of the Rings" - almost a decade after the first sketch. He suggested the book by Allen & Unwin publishing house. According to Tolkien, simultaneously with the "Lord of the Rings" should have published "Silmarillion", but the publisher did not go to it.

Then in 1950 Tolkien offered his work to Collins publishing house, but Milton Waldman's publishing house (Milton Waldman) stated that the novel "is in dire need of cutting." In 1952, Tolkien wrote again in Allen & Unwin: "I will gladly consider the possibility of publishing any part of the text." The publisher agreed to publish Roman entirely, without cuts.

In the early 1960s, the Lord of the Rings was released in the United States with the permission of Tolkina by the publishing house Ballantine Books and had stunning commercial success. The novel fell on the fertile soil: the young people of the 1960s, enthusiastic hippie and the ideas of peace and freedom, saw the embodiment of many of his dreams in the book.

In the mid-1960s, the Lord of the Rings is experiencing a real "boom". The author himself recognized that his success flatters him, but over time tired of popularity. He even had to change the phone number, because the fans were bored with calls.

In 1961, Clive S. Lewis was troubled about the award of the Tolkin of the Nobel Prize in Literature. However, the Swedish academians rejected the nomination with the wording that Tolkien's books "in no way cannot be called the prose of the highest class." The award that year I received the Yugoslav writer IVO Andrich.

Also Tolkien translated the book of the prophet ions for publication "Jerusalem Bible"which was published in 1966.

After the death of his wife in 1971, Tolkien returns to Oxford.

At the end of 1972, he strongly suffered from indentation of the stomach, X-ray showed dyspepsia. Doctors have appointed a diet and demanded to completely eliminate the use of wine.

On August 28, 1973, Tolkien went to Bournemouth, to the old friend - Denis Tolcherst. August 30, on Thursday, he attended the event on the occasion of the birthday of Mrs. Tolcherst. I felt not very good, ate little, but I drank a little champagne. At night, it became worse and in the morning Tolkien was taken to a private clinic, where they found a bleeding ulcer of the stomach. Despite optimistic predictions at first, it was developing pleurisy to Saturday, and on Sunday night on September 2, 1973, John Ronald Ruel Tolkin died at the age of eighty of one year.

Spouses buried in one grave.

Tolkina family:

In 1908, he meets Edith Mary Brett, which had a great influence on his work.

Lyubility prevented Tolkin to immediately go to the college, besides, Edith was a Protestant and three years older than him. Father Francis took a honest word from John that he will not meet with Edith, until he fulfills 21 years old - that is, before the age of adulthood, when Francis has ceased to be his guardian. Tolkien fulfilled the promise without writing Mary Edith either row before this age. They did not even meet and did not speak.

In the evening on the same day, when Tolkina turned 21, he wrote Edith a letter, where he was explained in love and offered his hand and heart. Edith answered that he had already agreed to marry with another person, because he decided that Tolkien had long forgotten her. In the end, she returned the wedding ring to the bridegroom and announced that he was married to Tolkien. In addition, in his insistence, she accepted Catholicism.

The engagement took place in Birmingham in January 1913, and the wedding was March 22, 1916 in the English city of Warwick, in the Catholic Church of St. Mary. His Union with Edith Brett turned out to be long and happy. Spouses lived together for 56 years old and raised three sons: John Francis Ruel (1917), Michael Hilary Ruel (1920), Christopher Ruel (1924), and daughter of Priscilla Mary Ruel (1929).

Bibliography Tolkina:

1925 - "Sir Gavein and Green Knight" (in collaboration with E.B. Gordon) 1937 - "Hobbit, or There and Back" / The Hobbit Or There and Back Again
1945 - "List of Niggular Brushes" / Leaf by Niggle
1945 - "Ballad about Aotra and Itrun" / The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun
1949 - "Farmer Giles from Ham" / Farmer Giles of Ham
1953 - "Return of Beorknote, Beorkthelm's Son" / The Homecoming Of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son (Piece)
1954-1955 - "The Lord of the Rings" / The Lord of the Rings
1954 - "Two Fortresses" / The Two Towers
1955 - "Return of the King" / The Return of the King
1962 - "The Adventures of Tom Bombadila and other poems from the Scarlet Book" / The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses from the Red Book (cycle of poetry)
1967 - "The Road of the Vdal and Vdal goes" / The Road Goes Ever ON (with Donald Swannom)
1967 - "Kuznets from Big Vutton" / Smith of Wootton Major
1976 - "Letters of the Christmas Grandfather" / The Father Christmas Letters
1977 - Silmarillion / The Silmarillion
1980 - "Namemenor and Mediterranean Neonic Tale" / UNFINISHED TALES OF Númenor and Middle-Earth
1983 - "Monsters and Critics" / The Monsters and the Critics and others Esseys
1983-1996 - "Mediterranean History" / The History of Middle-Earth in 12 volumes
1997 - "Tales of the Magic Country" / Tales from the Perilous Realm
1998 - "Rowrandom" / The Roverandom
2007 - Children of Hurin / The Children of Húrin
2009 - "Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun" / The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun
2009 - "History" Hobbit "" / The History of the Hobbit
2013 - "Fall Arthur" / The Fall of Arthur
2014 - Beowulf: Translation and Comment / BEOWULF - A Translation and Commentary.

Tolkien John Ronald Ruel

Dates of life : January 3, 1892 - September 2, 1973
Place of Birth : City of Bloemfontein
English Writer, Linguist, Philologist
Famous works : "The Lord of the Rings", "Hobbit"

Objects named after Tolkien
* Asteroid (2675) Tolkien;
* LEUCOTHOETOLKIENI sea back from the system of underwater ridges of Naska and Sala and Gomez (Pacific Ocean);
* Staphilinidegabriaustolkienischillhammer, 1997 (Khandbari, InduwAkholavalley)).

John Ronald Ruel Tolkin
1892 - 1973

J. R. R. Tolkien was born in the family of the most ordinary bank employee, but in an extraordinary place - in Bloemfontein, a small town in southern Africa. But England became a real homeland for him, where his parents soon returned.
His father died when the boy (everyone called him the second name - Ronald) was only 4 years old. Mother had a tremendous influence on the warehouse of his character. It was a woman courageous and stubborn. Turning to Catholicism, she managed her sons, Ronald and his younger brother, to raise in the spirit of faith. It was not easy: indignant relatives, adherents of the Anglican Church, left the family of young widow without support.
Dreaming to give his children a good education, she herself taught Ronald French, German, Latin, Greek ... The boy entered a great school, became a scholarshot.
But Ronald's mother dies very early, in 1904 and Ronald with his brother remain in the care of their spiritual father, the priest Francis Morgana. He encouraged Ronald in his zeal to study ...
However, it was not able to enter Oxford from the first time. This is due to the appearance in His life Edith Bratt. The engagement with the girl was concluded a few days after his majority. The marriage was very happy: the spouses brought up 4 children and lived together for more than 50 years, until death.
Already at school, Ronald's great interest in ancient languages \u200b\u200band literature was noticeable: he studied Staroangali, Welsh, Anodnavezhsky, Finnish ... The same he is engaged in Oxford, where, after all, he comes in 1911 by graduating, he becomes one of The youngest university professors. War forces him to go to the front, but, returning, he renews scientific and creative activities.
It is at this time that in his imagination is the world that Tolkien will describe all his life. The world has grown, he appeared his own story and his characters, there was no choice for anything and there were those who talk to him - elves, immortal and sad ... Tolkien composed, not counting on publication.
But the publication still took place. And thanks to his fairy tale, "Hobbit, or back and back" (1937), Tolkien entered the literature.
And the story of writing a fairy tale was very unusual.
One day, Tolkien brought the phrase on a pure sheet "Hobbit lived in hole underground" and thought about it: "And who are such hobbs" ...? He began to find out. Hobbits turned out to be similar to people, but the truth is rather low. Talten, respectable, they usually did not rush to adventure and loved to eat well. But one of them, Hobbit Bilbo Baggins, was enlisted in history, full of a variety of adventures. It's good that with a happy ending ... One episode of the story, in which the hero found a magic ring in the caves of the nasty creature of Morod, as it turned out, tale tale with the next product of the sense, the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings".
Tolkin thought about the continuation of the "Hobbit ..." on the advice of his publisher - and took him with her habituality and scrupulousness for him. The number of pages increased everything. Only by the end of the 40s. The work was completed, and in 1954 the first epic was published. On a fabulous background, a truly "adult" novel turned. And not just a novel, but a philosophical parable about good and evil, about the decomposing influence of the authorities, about how sometimes weak people are able to commit what is not capable of strong; This is the epic chronicle, and the preaching of mercy, and much more. It differs from the traditionally fabulous and end of the novel. After the whole world, the world cannot return to its previous state, and the main character, the Hobbit Frodo, will never be so carefree as before. Wounds who sinister ring caused his heart, never suffer. Together with the elven ships, he goes to the endless sea, west, in search of oblivion ...
Tolkinovsky permanent desire for excellence, forced him and in the literary works to redo the written written in many ways, did not allow him to publish anything else, except for several children's fairy tales. Such as the "Farmer Giles from Hema", whose hero, a cowardly peasant, wins as a cowardly dragon. Or a fairy tale-allegory "Blacksmith from Big Vutton" (1967), a fairy tale that the magic world opens the man-eyed, if he is wise enough to accept it, and about what you need to accept the gift of fate and part with them with gratitude , if needed.
After the death of Tolkien, his son on the basis of Chernivikov published many more works of the Father, among them - "Letters of Santa Claus", "Mr. Bliss", etc.
Tolkien became famous as a children's writer, but his work goes beyond purely children's literature.
M. S. Rachinskaya
Children about writers. Foreign writers. - M.: Sagittarius, 2007.- p.48-49., Il.