"Analysis of the poem V. Brysov" Young Poet

"Analysis of the poem V. Brysov" Young Poet

The poem "EVERYTHING" was written by Bryusov in 1895 and entered the collection, the name of which is translated from French as "masterpieces". He was published in 1845, in a year he endured the reissue. The poem entered the cycle "Poems about love." It is dedicated to actress Natalia Alexandrovna Daurosaes, who performed under the pseudonym Raevskaya on the stage of the Moscow German Club. Bryusov broke up with her in 1895

Literary direction and genre

Bruce himself attributed this poem to the genre of intimate lyrics, but there is a philosophical component in it. The lyrical hero is trying to understand the philosophy of love and separation. An attempt to analyze what is happening raises the hero on personal experiences. It finds regularity in the development of events and consolation in the fact that the thrown in love will not comfort himself.

Such a generalization, perfect shape, high style, abstract vocabulary (always, never, enthusiasm dreams) are characteristic of the works of symbolism.

Theme, the main idea and composition

The poem is written in three eights (octets), which Busery did not divide spaces. Obviously, he wanted to convey the continuity of the physical and intellectual sensual movement of the hero.

The first stanza of Pushkin poem with the same name was the epigraph: "EVERYTHING COME. There is no connection between us. " In it, the lyrical hero comes to the conclusion that love is not created for him, because he rejected his beloved and part with her, continuing to love and wanting for his beloved ... new happy love. Brysov's lyrical hero is also experiencing parting, but comes in different ways.

The first eighty is devoted to the movement of the hero on the night city. He is excited something, but this is a happy excitement: he cannot overcome the delight of dreams, sings. The second eighty sounds the contrast: the lyrical hero declares that he broke up with his beloved forever. This thought seems to him ridiculous and strange, because the girl continues to be beloved and ever been desirable.

The third stanza reveals the essence of the experiences of the lyrical hero, it was in it the philosophy of the poem: the torment from the parting can be sweet, flour - cause delight.

Probably, this feeling is familiar to many loved. They decide to part, their tormented flour, but in the depths of the soul, as well as the Lyric Hero of Brysov, hope that the edge of the separation will not go.

The composition of each stanza ring. The first starts and ending the night. The second begins with approval about separation forever, and at the end of the lyrical hero puts this statement in doubt. The last stanza begins and ends with consolation and oblivion ("enthusiasm with the heart of Bajukay").

The theme of the poem is parting with the beloved and the experience of this feeling. The main idea: Even the pain can be sweet, and the flour creates delight. When a person is in love, then the evil turns into a good and source of inspiration, energy, life.

Trails and images

The main means of transmitting the messenger thoughts of the running person - the repeats of the words (night, forever, enthusiasm, flour), synonyms and single-handed words (inexpensive, strange; intense, run, running away; Favorite, ever-desired). Refrain sounds: "What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unspecified, strange."

Bryusov uses ascending gradation to injected emotional arousal: hurry, run, running away; Heart by Bajuka, I am looking for a flock, enthusiastic looking, enthusiastically by the heart of Baucus.

The city in the first stanza is not hostile to the hero, but, on the contrary, helps him. Long narrow streets, pusty The sidewalks (epithets) help the unhindered movement of the hero in the space of the city, so it is necessary at the time of spiritual confusion. Manying long Shadows (epithets) connect the lyrical hero with the space of the city, and stainless Tunes (epithet) - with all generations of loved. Inversion focuses on epitheats.

Night called light and quiet (epithets) also contributes to walking. Oxymoron bright night, transparent nightit suggests the spring of St. Petersburg with his white nights. But the poem is written in November, and Bryusov was a Muscovite. Epithet light Acquires a symbolic meaning: it is a night of illusion, enlightenment, understanding.

The world of feelings of the lyrical hero is revealed using metaphor and epithets: unclear foggy Reniece of years without love, thought inexpertured, dreams of dreams, "enthusiasm by the heart of Bajukuy", the spring of beauty in the flour, "I will revel with an exquisite flock."

The beloved hero is named beloved, ever-desired (epithets). Face eternal Glindow (metaphor, epithet) - a turning point in the life of a lyrical hero. He has already made a decision, but even this evening was next to the beloved, still experiencing the last conversation and does not believe that he is the last.

The lyrical hero was able to combine a happy past and the future in a single blister, which taucles in his dreams.

Size and rhymes

Stanza, which is written poem - octet with the rhymes of Ababababab, or Siciliana. The poem is written by a multiple anaper. Men's rhyme alternates with dactilic, which makes a speech similar to the words of a breathable, an excited person.

  • "Young poet", analysis of the poem of Bruce

Bruce is better to start with short information about the poet, especially since he is an outstanding personality.

Valery Bryusov burst into the world of poems at the end of the nineteenth century as a representative of the "young", new poetry (symbolism) created by him, according to the example of the French, Malarma and Rambo. But not only symbolism was interested in the young poet. Somehow he puzzled the public with his shocking monidity of pale legs, thus stating about the right of the artist for not limited creative freedom.

For the happiness of connoisseurs of poetry, Bruces did not limit himself only by experiments: he developed his poetic talent, filling the works by historical events and images from his own life. Often he was the heroes of his poems, he made characters of history or myths, while under the influence of the emergence of all new and new collections was an illustration of how the poetic skill of Brysov grew up and fastened.

But freedom appreciated the poet above all. In his early poem called "Creativity" there is no concrete hero, or rather, he is the contemplator. And his eyes see what is happening.

But the analysis of the poem of Bruce "Creativity", as well as any other work, must begin with the instructions of the day and the year of its creation. It was written first of March 1895 and entered the collection of "young" poems "masterpieces".

The analysis of the Brasov poem once again confirms the author's main idea that the artist is free in the choice of the topic, and even the mystical process of creation can become it.

The fact that the work refers to symbolism, says a lot. For example, the vocabulary that the author uses for the image of strange, unusual images: Latinum blades (spread in the form of a five leaves), as if purple bizarre hands on the wall of the enamel drawn do not line, but sounds, not disturbing "ring-and-sonic silence."

A strange fantastic world appears in front of the reader: there are no transparent gazebos ("kiosks"), "unocclied" creatures that are brilliant in the light of two moons, or rather, the Lazorus Moon and the "naked" (without clouds) of the month. And the whole process is shrouded in secrets and dreams.

The analysis of the Bruce poem revealed the use of such expressive tools like a bloom and sounding. In the text, violet and loosal colors are present, and for some reason the enamel wall is associated with white, although, apparently, it was meant the quality of its surface - smoothness. The sonor of frequently repeated "l", "p", "m" and "n" is designed to create a feeling of slowness, smooth movements, as if everything happens under water. Music of this poem fascinates!

Compositionally built original: the last line of quatrain becomes the second in the following four lines. The analysis of the poem of Bruce shows that the lines, repeating, are connected to each other, creating a solid stream of fantastic consciousness and feelings.

Brucers poem "Creativity" unfolds slowly, as if saying that nothing is created immediately, you can never know anything for sure. Image images, fuzzy, they gradually guess the lyrical hero. Perhaps this painful process of looking for essence and is called "flour of creativity"?

All the poems of Bruce, dedicated to the process of creation, unites one major idea: creativity is infinite and freely, it can not be comprehended, it is afraid of clarity and loudspeat. As soon as the illusory image turns out to be in bright light under the gaze of an inquisitive critic, it is scattered off, without giving any opportunity to study it closely and carefully. Such is his air and fragile nature!

Home\u003e Overall

"I die because of love ..." (according to the novel M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita")

(Letter Margarita Master)

Sky ... Spring Clean Sky ... Calm, serene ... It is forever, because there is not for myself ... Heaven give ease of cigarette clouds, an endless flight of thoughts, hope ... Hope to meet you, despite the fact that it is necessary to live a lifetime in torment and Flour ... I no longer hope to see you on the ground of this, sinful, shared land ... My soul melted along with the snow, flew away with a blizzard in the kingdom of eternal ice, where the evil North Wind mercilessly "twist" her snowflake ... but somewhere in the secret The corner of my heart is still a little light of hope, the last focus of the fight against the darkness of loneliness, void ... "I believe! Something happens! Can't happen, because for what, in fact, a lifelong flour sent me? I confess that I lied and deceived and lived a secret life hidden from people, but still it is impossible to punish it so cruel. Something will certainly happen, because it does not happen so that something has drawn forever. " You disappeared so suddenly, saying nothing, I do not explain anything. And yet I know, you did not throw me, somewhere beats your heart in the beat with my ... Believe me, I live only for you, I love only you and I will find you, my master, even if I have to sell the soul to the Devil ... I will do it without thinking! Every day I go out to the place where I met you once. Remember, then there was a sunny spring day, I carried a disgusting yellow flowers in my hands. Among the sulfur and spray crowd, among thousands of gloomy persons, I caught your gaze and understood: "I loved this man all my life ..." How I want to see your eyes again, notice your experienced look ... every morning I get an old album in which it is stored Your photograph, a book of savings ticket office with the contribution of ten thousand to your name (I did not take advantage of these money: they still need us. I sincerely believe in it), wept between the sheets of cigarette paper Petals of dried roses and part of the notebook into a whole sheet written on a typewriter And with the burnt left edge. That's all that left me; I still keep my heart to this day ... The memory of you excites my heart, makes you cry ... the memories wrap my thoughts, like fog ... I can't think anything else ... I just remember and dream ... I don't know where you are. All my searches ended in failure. But the distance and time is not domineering over a true feeling. Tests sent to me by fate harden my character, my love for you has become even stronger and deeper. I feel something should happen. And this is something will remove the shacks from my soul, we will again be together, we will find the deserved peace ... Together ... And your favorite roses will be blown up on the heart. I write to you these lines, although I know that you never read them. But what can be done with a loving suffering heart? It believes and waits ... Lord, do not goubi my soul, "I die because of love," Give only one moment with him, with a master ... PS: Spring breeze, reliable my arcs, if the master is alive, whispering him these lines, remind He is that I love him and holy staring love in my heart ...

Yumakaeva I.

Hello, Grigory Aleksandrovich! Now I am confused, for I do not know and I am afraid of that position in which I certainly, I committed exactly as any person who had the opportunity to recognize you in his life. Please, do not spin smirder and call a sad smile on your face - I will not repulse this message and not enthusiastic recognition. I am that invisible, which does not have the right to judge you at all. Well, you will probably want to know the reason that prompted me to write to you. Allow You are well aware of people: "A strange thing is a human heart, and female in particular." But you can't understand yourself. No one can. Are you guessing? No, I am not regretful, although you absolutely noted a special instability, unfortunately, inherent in the female soul. You were just right in the fact that there were always power over women, without making any effort to this. Anyone will love you ... What can I say with you? Do not be surprised, but you can only hit you for a while, I understand it. Do you think that one who can bother everything? Yes, you are right, it is an absolutely irreplaceable occupation - guess your thoughts. I just want to know: how, why does this demonic person appear? Are you hopeless? I do not think. Are you laughing? Do not. Man himself creates his story. Do you think you can not be attached to? Yes, only you are to blame. I am sure that you have the most lively part of the heart, otherwise you could not be so fulfilled by suffering and pain. You feel this pain, and therefore alive, how are those high ideals, to which you always strive. There is no limit to perfection, this is true. If you reread this letter from the very beginning, you will not see anything special in it. Perhaps something will seem naive you. Perhaps I will try to find what you are afraid, you are scared because you know how to cause love for yourself, but you are afraid of exactly what you do not feel joy. Therefore, you do not love anyone. As if something was tired, broke, fell and crashed, and thoughts continued to walk through the only route, coming to fragments. Permanent pain brings to insension and displaces love. But what to do, this world is built on the love of one. I wrote to you then to ... To know what you are. Please forgive me if I squandered your soul with my stupid speculation. I know you hope. Do not part with hope, because it is the small candle in the damned darkness of hopelessness. Farewell.

P.S: We ourselves bring focus to our life.


Charkin W.

Where: where and shine, and life, and the noise of sheets, dismantling talking votes, the breath thousands of plants! And half a day, a voluptuous heat, and the aromatic dew is always moisturized nights, and the stars are bright as the eyes like the gaze of the Georgian! To: Hello, Hero Hero of Our Time, is the courtesy of Gregory Aleksandrovich! I am very glad that I had the opportunity to write a letter to you. After reading about you, learning what kind of man you, I wanted to communicate with you. No matter how flatstically sounded, but believe me, you are my most beloved hero. Never met such a person like you. If you allow, let's go through the pages of the novel. So, I open the book ... It is always difficult to start, but even harder from the first chapter. Forgive me, Grigory Aleksandrovich, that forcing you to dive into the saddest and heavy memories. Bal ... Do not think that I am going to judge you or reproach something, no! I am sure that you yourself already "executed." The first impression that I had about you after reading this chapter, that you are an egoist, what else on Earth it is necessary to search. I ask you, do not be offended at me. I think it is better if we talk with you, not a cry of soul. You know, it is Baul that I understand more than other girls with whom we still have to meet. I, too, the girl is another (not Russian) nationality, maybe it sounds stupid, but I feel that with Bala and I are connected by deep roots. It is even not surprising that you are interested in it: her mysteriousness, inaccessibility. You like a small child who saw a candy with a brilliant label. She loved you, guarded ... Rough, of course, it said, but I feel, sooner or later she would have died ... Think what life would be waiting for her? Permanent loneliness, unrequited love ... It's like a bird without wings. It's time to finite talking about this chapter, since I have turned the soul to you; But before I finish, I will not wait ask for a question: would you like to see it again, but already in another world? In my opinion, Bal was a "wild white horse", which you were able to take under the boils. I open the next page ... How not to say about Maxim Maximovich, about this good and trusting headquarters-captain. You know, he reminds me with Savelyach from the "Captain's Daughter", which you undoubtedly read. The same helpful, harmless person. He told us a lot about you. He considered you a friend, a friend, and maybe even son. Although these are only my assumptions. ... Tell me, how do you feel about Maxim Maksimich gave your diary to the creator of the novel? Are you angry with him? Having read at the end of these lines "... a tear of the annoyance at times glittered at his eyelashes, - Of course, we were friends, - well, what kind of birth in the current century! .. What is in me?" - So wanted to hug M. M. and whisper to whisper on the ear: "Everything is wrong! He always respected you and never forget you. " I hope I would not lie to him? So we approached your magazine. I have long wanted to ask: And you have a diary since childhood or from the moment you visited Tamani? Recently read about the Bermuda triangle, about which you most likely do not know. Bermuda Triangle is such a place in the ocean, where ships and aircraft disappear for inexplicably reasons. Immediately came the idea that Taman is a prototype of the "triangle", only ships are missing here, but personal belongings. We get acquainted with Undine, Undine with the "right nose." You mention about her nose more than once: "... and especially the right nose - all this was challenged for me. Although in its indirect glances I read something wild and suspicious, although in her smile there was something uncertain, but such a power of prejudices: the right nose brought me crazy ... ". You feel so thin female beauty. Where in you? Maybe from parents? On this line, let's finish this chapter. Ahead of us will be waiting for a meeting with Prince Mary ... To be honest, I do not know where to start anyone. I will try to start with the Pereshnitsky. I feel, now you smiled at a smile, which reflects sadness and pity, and in the eyes immediately appeared a picture of a duel. Is not it? Nice and skillfully you laughed at him. Huschnitsky was your shadow, he only saw you through, and you hated him for it. So strange, he opened up, spoke about his feelings, asked the Council. Did he not understand what it end? Maybe he had his evil intentions. Alien soul - dotmon ... Gradually, we go to the main heroine of this chapter. Mary ... What a gentle and cute name, absolutely suitable young princess. She reminds me of a small fluffy kitten, which you tease with a bright club; He first frowning, shows his claws, trying to take away the tangle from you, and then she gets used to you, feels your care, cares about your warm hands, purr ... and you played them, gave him a tangle and left him one. Brutally ... Here you say: "Another would be in my place offered the princess Son SOEUR ET SA Fortune; But I need to marry me some kind of magic power: no matter how passionately I loved the woman if she only gives me to feel that I should marry her, - Forgive love! My heart turns into a stone, and nothing will dispel it again ... "," So you still loved Mary? Are you so easily able to burst out? .. I almost forgot about Dr. Werner. With my word, the doctor immediately arises an association with strict and serious "uncle", but Dr. Werner is the full opposite of my associations. I know almost nothing about his life, so I do not risk talking about him. Perhaps you yourself write me about him in a letter? No matter how sorry, but we are already on the last chapter. I am very superstitious, I believe in signs, fortune telling. I always think about life: When will it end? How can I live it? Why do I live? Sometimes I want to know the date of my death, and why not? Why should we be afraid of old women with oblique? But I probably would never have time to manage my own destiny. I think you understand what I lead to Vulich. Vulch is an unpredictable person, an honest player. Now you will not meet such people. Surprisingly, at first glance, determine the death day of man? I have a trembling on the body ... Have you ever had such cases in life? Did you see anyone else's death on the face? You already guess who I missed. Of course, your love, your faith ... Recently heard this expression: "- How is your name? - Vera. - And full? - Confidence…". True, beautiful? In the novel we are found unusual names: Bal, Mary and Ondin. They seemed to be hidden something mysterious. And here Vera ... nothing mysterious. She completely revealed her feelings, her love, did not blame you in anything, she just believed you ... Now, I'm sure you remembered the letter and keep it in your hands. So could write an unfortunate woman who loved his whole life only one person: "We break forever; However, you can be sure that I will never love the other: my soul has exhausted all your treasures on you, your tears and hopes. Favoring time you can not watch without some contempt on other men, not because you were better than them, oh no! But in your nature there is something special, you have one characteristic, something proud and mysterious; In your voice, no matter what you say, there is a power of invincible; No one knows how to constantly want to be loved; No evil happens so attractive, nothing does not promise so much bliss, no one knows how to better use its advantages and no one can be so truly unhappy as you, because no one tries to assure themselves so much. " I know you hard. We must leave you one. I finish my letter. Thank you, Grigory Aleksandrovich, for the path done with me. All the best ... 11/21/2009 With respect, Sabina

Boltaeva S.

Analysis of the poem Text Analysis is a type of work in which the functional and systemic approach to learning the language is carried out, and interprecote control is also clearly detected. Working with text develops language flair in students, contributes to the elimination of grammatical, stylistic and speech mistakes, significantly deepens the stylistic and semantic perception of works of fiction.

Analysis of the poem K. Balmont "Swan"

The poems of the silver century are distinguished by the title and melody, they contain a deep meaning, the secret, which everyone opens in its own way. One of the bright representatives of the symbolist poets of the silver century is K. Balmont. In his verses, the features are visible characteristic of symbolism: a description of the inner world of man and his feelings, the image of reality through images. In the poem "Swan" Balmont reveals, perhaps the feelings of some person, and maybe the condition of his soul through the image of a dying swan. The author was used by the reception of personification: Swan suffers, suffers like a person: it cries the swan dying he with his past says. Before the death of Swan thinks about the lived life, he wants "non-returnable return", complains of his fate in the evening: why are these complaints so sad? Why is this chest beating? Balmont in his poem creates the unity of nature and man, because swan is only an image with which the tragedy of the human soul is revealed. All feelings and experiences of the swan echo with nature:

Creek sleeps. Mirror water is silent.

The singing of the swan is accompanied by a whisper of the root:

Swan sang all quieter, everything is sadder,

And they whispered the roots.

Bright antithesis ("And in the sky, the evening is burning / and burning and does not burn.") Shows the same uncertainty, the same confusion in nature, as in the soul of the swan. Thanks to numerous epithets, the reader can better understand the mental state of the swan ("Swan dying", "White Swan", "Fast Synchter", "at the death hour"). In order to emphasize the attention on individual words and phrases, the author in the whole poem uses inversion. Each quatrain is a period - a rhythm model, in which the thought increases, reaches the vertices, after which the topic receives its permission. But at the same time, all quatrains make up a holistic work. With the help of homogeneous members, the author shows how strong and different feelings overwhelm the soul of the dying swan ("Everything with alarming, with pleasure ..."). The struggle of feelings is also shown by antithesis ("not alive he sang, but a dying ..."). With the help of comparative revolutions, the author identifies the feelings of a swan with nature ("Whose song hears, sad, / as the last sigh of the soul.") Rheistle issues show the hopelessness of the situation: why are these complaints so sad? Why is this chest beating? The author asks questions to which no one knows the answer, and this gives the reader the opportunity to reflect on life. With the help of Oxyumoron ("Non-returnable return") and a paradox ("that before death, the eternal, reconcile, / saw the truth for the first time.") Balmont wants to show the ruthlessness of this world, an inexorable time. The harmonicity of the poem gives AnaFora: everything with anxiety, with pleasure, everything that love hoped,

And when the star flashed long, and when the fog got up in silence. Lexical Repeat ("Swan sang all quieter, everything is sadder ...") The author uses the work to enhance the emotional level. In order to concentrate the attention of the reader on separate phrases, the author used the parcel:

...: For sure, he at the lake of his beloved forgiveness.

And when the star flared the star, ... the author beautifully and concisely outlined his thoughts, writing a poem by amphibrachi with pyrical and using cross rhyme. The name "Swan Song" would come to the poem of Balmont "Swan" - the last song, some latter important thing in life. By his poem, Balmont makes you think for what we live for? What we are looking for in this world? These philosophical questions tried to highlight many of the poets of the Silver Age: A. Boya, A. Aakhmatova, A.Blok. The poems of the Silver Age are an invaluable heritage that will be remembered forever.

Makurina Yu.

Analysis of the poem V.Ya Brysov "Evening after the rain"

From the mud of spring streets, from the bustle of the working days, from empty conversations and problems, I love to go into a secluded corner of nature, where everything is simple and understandable, where every blade is, every animal lives in harmony and rest, keeping cleanliness and pristine charm. Nature keeps the qualities that God endowed her when he created this world. Nature is God's temple, and a person is part of him. This idea sounds in the poem V.Ya. Brysov "Wind after the rain." The author uses the epithets "sad", "long-suffering" in combination with the word "wind". The wind as a natural phenomenon flew out every corner of the planet, learned a lot about another life, I realized that I would not live in peace and harmony everywhere, the order and morality reigns everywhere. The man turned away from the pure, God's start, plunged into darkness. From this "Wind, sad, long-suffering." But the author gives this phenomenon a special meaning. The wind is not only worried, he is trying to fix something. V.Ya. Bryusov uses personification: "... sowed a crystal rain on me," it means that the wind enlightens a person, disperse divine gifts from the sky. The epithet "Crystal" is used in the value of pure, noble. In addition, Crystal is not water, he beats most, thereby trying to "reach" to the conscience of man, awaken his excellent start, laid down by God. V.Ya. Bryusov does not accidentally describe the spring ("... I, sprinkled by the May rain") Nature after the rain. Spring - time when everything starts to live again, with a clean sheet, on which a new story will be written, not related to the past. And that this story was the beginning of something eternal and beautiful, you need to be cleaned ... I sprinkled by the May rain, - Priest, who cursed before altar. Before the altar of a person gets his knees when God asks God for God, asks to let go of sins. And God always forgives if the request is sincerely, truly repentance. The bright epithet "sprinkled by the May rain" proves that God has been smart. In the church, when the babies cross, the priest sprinkles him with holy water. The author wanted to say that the May rain, the first, clean is the Holy Water and that God rebuilt the "deceased" man, giving him the faith in the beautiful, hardening his spirit. It becomes clear the lines from the poem "... The first shadows in the quiet gave". This is a metaphor. The author wanted to say that in harmony with nature, with him, with the God of man waiting for a light, quiet, serene future. V.Ya. Bruce finishes the poem by the word "... an hour of reconciliation with the world of land!". Then a small instant, when all the bad wash "Holy Water", when the soul is forgiven when a person did not have time to put a new blossom - this is the instant of the spiritual unity of the sky and the Earth. Utopia, who thought, probably, creating this world. Religious motifs are traced in the use by the author of such words as the "altar", "Priest" ("... Priest, who cursed before altar"), "Temple" ("... concerned, like a temple"). In the poem there are delicate, warm tones: green ("... shadow green"), blue ("... Lip-autumn"). Green, as you know, a symbol of peace of mind and harmony. Blue color - symbol of the sky, something high and immense ... The coloring helps the author show the unity of God and nature, which means a person. Also in the poem there are rhetorical exclamations that allocate the main thoughts of the author, force the reader to pay attention to them and think ... ("... Hour of reconciliations with the world of land!").

Yumakaeva I.

Diary ____________________________________________________________ The diary as a genre of fiction is a product in which the story is conducted from the first person with marginal frankness in the form of everyday or periodic records. In the diary the author describes the events of personal and public life, analyzes his own feelings and experiences, actions of other people. The characteristic features of the diary is monological, confessional, trusting intonation and an arbitrary composition. All this gives him a reliability, convincing the reader in the unreasonable events of the events. As a genre of writings, a diary can be used if you need to transfer your own deep personal impressions and experiences caused by works of art, as well as in cases where your task is a detailed study of the inner world of heroes. The writing is written on behalf of the literary hero or a fictional (real) author of the work.

Tatiana's diary

Without love, life loses any meaning. To go different and do not fall in love with anyone - it means that they do not live at all. Try. Do not try - consider what I did not live at all.

Anthony Hopkins

July 16: Today, Lensky visited us again. He was with his new friend Onegin. An interesting person is this Onegin ... is good, smart, restrained. I want to see him again, learn closer. August 6: Oh! What no you go about us with E.! I will feel it in the groom, they talk about the wedding. Oh, as it is stupid and ridiculous, but as I want it to be reality ... These gossip creation with me incomprehensible: it is annoyed and gratifying them to listen to them! Oh, really, I'm in love? My soul so long wanted to know this unknown leisurely feeling, comparable only with the sunrise and morning dew! Pure, like a tear, and kind, as the word of my dear nanny, a sense of love ... 11th August: Now I read novels with great attention and pleasure, imagine what happiness is waiting for me. I dream, I hope I believe ... Yes, I love it! I am waiting for him how Svetlana was waiting for her beloved, I love him as devoted and selflessly, as Lisa loved Erast. Yesterday I revealed my secret Nian. She is sorry for me, she thinks I'm sick, but it's not like that! I thoughtfully, pale and sad only from torments that make my soul, from longing for ... August 22: Oh! How hard, as painfully, how painfully keep these feelings! Ronya tears, breathing in the garden in the garden, I found the answer in dim and inspirational shine of the moon. I will write him a letter in which I will cut out all thoughts and feelings, my whole pain. He will not leave me if he experienced a drop of pity for my miserable share, because I hand it my destiny. 24 August: There is no answer ... I do not find myself places, I'm waiting ... a day stretches after day, with each coming night the fire of hope in my soul goes out ... 25-th of August: He came, we spoke in the garden. His appearance was harshs and Grozen, his eyes seemed to be burned out of me, and I immediately understood everything ... After his words, I, barely breathe, fell on his hand, and we went home. All of course for me ... No more scarlet sunsets, ringing trills, shine of night stars, dreams and hopes ... Ah, Eugene, what did you do with me? 2 years later, September 4: I did not think that fate would bring us again. How I changed my life, but I changed more. My children's naivety disappeared, with all I'm calm and unworn. Onegin did not expect to see me. His eyes are now shiny just like mine glittered, and the heart is compressed from pain and whines. All this is close and understandable to me. Evgeny is trying to return the past, but he will not hear more words from me, which I once wrote in the letter. Now everything is different: I am a wife who should keep the honor of her husband. I love E.O., but no one will ever know about it ...

Tatiana's diary

From February 20, 1825. When he fell to my legs, pale, passionate, Eugene, it is not difficult to guess who I shed tears at that moment. Why is he here? Madman. Requires my love. Where did his love before? Too late. I do not blame him. I swore, I am married, I love the other. Love him. Our love is our fault. This is madness! You can not do it this way! No you can not… Dated July 14, 1823. Inevitability. We are not. We will never be. I am broken. We met in the garden at the Alley. Silent. Like the formidable shadow of my Eugene. The look is cold. He explained. Cute refusal, advice and sermon, lesson ... I wounded for life. Forget all. Forever and ever. For centuries. Out of sight, out of mind… Dated July 5, 1823. The awareness of the fact that my love suddenly arose from it is nowhere, it's only my love, love without reciprocity and passion, collapsed by a heavy stone, destroying everything that I called you. ... But still somewhere the hope is worse. But still, nevertheless, still ... From July 3, 1823 I'm in love. Too love captures me. He is the hero of my novel, my guardian angel. I can not be silent! Notice this to ... to that ... I decide to the beloved to express all the feelings of my soul. I believe that they will be justified. Dissolve falling into the rose sea hopes ...

Aleva M.


    Granin A.E., Shiliova OG Essay in literature. Methodical manual. - Volgograd: Publishing House "Brothers Grinins" 1998. Materials of the site

"In all words - the seal events ..."

Collection of creative work.

Shamsutdinova Regina Yurevna

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Poem V.Ya. Bruce "In the Future", one of the most beautiful and spiritual poems of the poet. It is not the most famous among readers, but its soulfulness, the lyricity is simply oolely.

The poem is small, consists of three stanz. In each stanza four lines. The cross rhyme is used.

Immediately, from the first line, the romantic mood of the poet sounds in the first stanz.

The words "aromate Azali" create peculiar, quiet music of verse. This music is heard to the poet, he writes about it in the second line. The poet hears music in a half, not intrusive. These are not real sounds, these are sounds of poetry, thoughtfulness. They are heard of sadness, light, like breathing, as a breath of soul. This is the third and fourth rows.

Reading the second Storm, it seems that the poet's gaze is directed into the sky. In the immense gave heights there is a planet, where she languishes. ... This tells us the first and second line, the second stanza. The poet dreams, he imagines her, he hopes. It seems that together with the view there, the soul flies into the sky. The poet seems to come into contact with the same lonely and sad soul. The third and fourth line is filled with this movement, this hope.

In the first line, the third stanza poet claims that he heard his native sounds of someone else's soul, he got in touch with these sounds, he heard his music in them. The second line confirms, he hears really native poet sounds, native tomgle. In contact with not even glances, but rather thought, somewhere there, in space, finding and feeling kinship, the poet speaks about a moment of happiness, miga of unity. This is the third and fourth lines, they complete the poem.

After reading the poem V.Ya. Bruce "In the future", for a long time you still hear the lyrical song of the Soul of the Great Poet.

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Updated: 2012-03-10

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Poetry V. Ya. Bolsova.

Today at the lesson we will talk about the work of one of the main representatives of the Russian symbolism, the "senior" symbolist, the Moscow symbolist V. Ya. Bolsova. We will reveal his life and creative ways, I will identify the main meaning of his creativity, analyze his poem and fulfill independent work on the analysis of poetic text.

I. Life and creativity of the poet.

Published the magazine "Scales". Due to its comprehensive activities, he became a "live classic".

"About close your pale legs." Shocked the public.

It distinguishes this is a famous poverty and oddity poem.

V. Rozanov wrote a whole article about this verse.

V. Solovyov wrote that the poem should continue.

Bruisov Valery Yakovlevich (1873 - 1924) - Poet, Prose, theorist of literary studies, translator.
Born on December 1 (13th - truly style) in Moscow in a wealthy merchant family. The grandson of the merchant who made himself a dizzying career. The father of the future poet brought up his son in the spirit of advanced ideas of the sixties. Brucers recalled: "The father's portraits of Chernyshevsky and Pisarev hung over the father's table. I was brought up ... in the principles of materialism and atheism. " N. N. Nekrasov was particularly honored in the family.

Stages of Creativity Bolsova:

Stage I - 1890 - E GG.

The desire to make an impression of the public at any cost.


"Masterpieces" (1894).

"This is me" (1897). Characterized by the desire for unusualness, surprise.

"At night" (1895).

"Young poet" (1896). A rather unexpected look at ourselves. Bryusov writes a poetic testament to himself.

In this poem, he gives advice. 1st advice: live the future; 2nd Council: Love yourself; 3 - XIV: worship art.

"Creation". Can not understand anything. Magic rhythm poem fascinates.

The poet in the presentation of Brysov is a medium.

His task is only fixing, write down.

Before the reader, the process of the new world.

In 1894 - 1895 Pubs three collections "Russian symbolists", which included many of his own poems.

In 1894 - 1897 Brysov quoted in remote corners of Russia.

Stage II - 1900 - 1907. V. Ya. Bryusov writes the most famous poems. The heyday of the work of Bruce.

"TERTIA VIGILIA" - "Third Guard" (1900).

URBI ET ORBI "-" CITY AND MIR "(1903). After the release of this collection, the recognized leader of Russian symbolism. Enjoy authority - both among the peers-symbolists and among the literary youth. His reputation is a strict "Master", "Mag", "Priest" of culture.

"Stephanos" - "Wreath" (1905).

Reremends the attitude towards the poetic collection. It offers to call the poetic collection as "novel in verse."

The poet came up with and implemented the theoretical program. In practice, this program, the idea was implemented by A. A. Blok.

The main topics of Brusov's creativity:

1) The topic of the city (URBUS). For example, the city of Rome. The city of Brysov - the center of attention, the center of the world. In the XIX century The lyrics were associated as a walk in nature. Bryusov is a poet of civilization. The city is a symbol - the flourishing of mankind. Focused on the European tradition, in particular, at Verjars (Belgian poet symbolist, who translated Bruces). The phenomenon of urban culture appears. The city of Brysov Ambivalenten - the symbol of the city has two opposite meanings: a symbol of human power and a symbol of slavery. The city is a testimony of human power over nature. The city has its own rhythm. The city rises around the alarm clock and beep from the factories. The city is a symbol of life, where a person does not depend on nature, from the so-called gods.

"Glory to the crowd" (1904), "Horse Bale" (1903).

The city appears in a negative key. The poet sends to Middle Ages. The city is a trap separated from nature. The city is a prison that a man himself built himself in which he planted himself. The city is subordinate to the "glands", that is, cars. Machines manage human life.

Duality prevails in the image of the city. Bryusov uses words that come into contradiction: "autocratic columns".

Brysov's city is a collective image in which there are features like an ancient Rome and St. Petersburg, Moscow.

2) the theme of love. A. White: "Poet of Passion."

Dark irresistible force that captures a person and subordinates him. Passion, rock storm. Love is a bodily attraction, a bodily connection.

"Love" (1900). The image of ambivalenten. Love introduces a person to the mysterious heights of the universe. Dark strength and at the same time power high.

"Anthony" (1905).

"In Damascus" (1903).

In the work of V. Ya. Brysov prevails a mystical erotic, which was characteristic of writers at the time.

The way of spiritual display, and the place where love occurs is a temple.

3) the topic of the revolution. He spoke against the party of Bolsheviks and Lenin. V. I. Lenin wrote an article "Party Organization and Party Literature", in which he insisted that every person should be a member of the party. Literature must perform the functions exclusively state. Bruce spoke against this in his article "Freedom of speech". The ideas of the Bolsheviks free poet shared the same as the ideas of the royal. For Bruce, the revolution is a spiritual transformation, and full-fledged as needed. On the one hand, Bruce sings the anthem of the revolution, but on the other hand, he describes the revolution as a destructive force. Compare with Gunns - European medieval tribes that destroyed the West Roman Empire.

"Coming Gunns" (1905). The lyrical hero is welcomed and at the same time relates to them hostile. The lyrical hero of Brysov welcomes the destructive power of the revolution. Varvars, savage, innocent children who revive humanity are in the poem.

The lyrical hero examines itself as "humus", from which a new civilization will grow.

III Stage - 1908 - 1917. The poet is experiencing a heavy creative crisis.

In 1908, the novel "Fireman Angel" was published, in which the complex personal relationship between Brysov, Andrei White and Nina Petrovsk, was reflected.

IV stage. 1917 - 1924

Some revival that brings the revolution 1917

After the October Revolution of Bruce, having entered into the party, becomes a literary official: Hears various departments in the drug addict, organizes the Supreme Literary and Art Institute. Rector of the Literary Institute, Professor MSU, Member of the Mossovet. He participated in the preparation of the first edition of the Big Soviet Encyclopedia. Scientific poetry. I tried to combine poetry and science: "The world of electron and N-measurements." The poet died of inflammation of the lungs.

II. Analysis of poems.

"Young poet" (1896).

The young man is pale with the gaze burning,

Now I give you three covenants:

The first acceptance: do not live in

Only the coming - the poet area.

Remember the second: do not sympathize with anyone

Himself love is limblessly.

The third store: worship art,

Only him, indifferently, aimlessly.

The young man is pale with the eyes of embarrassed!

If you accept my three covenants,

Silently Pada I'm a fighter defeated,

Knowing that in the world will leave the poet.

What is the art of Bryusov?

Art, Bryusov, gectic. It is worshiped with the artistic gift, his work is worshiped as a deity: "Worship the art, / only him, is undivided, aimless."

"Dagger" (1903).

Ile Never to dive your blade from the voice of the Golden (M. Lermontov from the scabbard, he shut off her eyes, as in the past days, honed and sharp. Always with people, when the thunderstorm is noise, and a song with a storm Ever sisters. When I did not see neither keenness or forces, when everything under the yoke was cloned silently, I went to the country of silence and graves, in the century, mysteriously. How I hated all this life, the shameful-petty, wrong, ugly, but I just laughed at the call sometimes, not believing in timid calls. But I had fallen a cherished call of the pipe, barely spread the fireballs, I am feedback to you, I scream, I am a songbreeding, I am the second thunder from the skyskle. Dagger poetry! Bloody Lightning Light, as before, ran through this loyal steel, and again I am with people, then that I am a poet. Then that zipper sparkled. That in this poem reveals V. Ya. Bryusov. - This poem is a declaration that reveals an understanding by the poet of the essence and tasks of poetry. - What can you say about the image of a lyrical character? "- Both the name and epigraph (" Ile Never to the voice of a gym / from the gold knife will not dive your blade ... ") Refer to the image of the Lermontov lyrical hero. - The Lyrian hero of Brysov is also proud, strong, self-confident:" I am a songbook of struggle, I'm the second thunder from the skyskle "). - Bryusov - the poet of an intellectual nature, in his work a lot of rational, coming from the mind, and not from feeling. - What thought, the thesis logically develops a poem? "-" The poet is always with people when the thunderstorm is noise, / and the song from the storm forever sisters. " - What explain to the second and third storage poems? - The second and third stanzas explain the care of the lyrical hero from the "shameful-petty, ugly" life in historical exotic. - What opposes the hero of the Meshchana humility? - Dagger poetry! Bloody Lightning Light, as before, ran through this loyal steel, and again I am with people, then that I am a poet. Then that zipper sparkled.

What can you say about the vocabulary of the poem?

Vocalism - sublime, sonorous, solemnly raised.

What does the vocabulary of the poem?

Matches the high confusion of the poem.

What is the intonation and syntactic designs "Dagger"?

The intonation and syntactic designs "Daggeda" bring it to a high speech speech.

Okay! Strict organized, harmony, the harmony of the poem is typical and for Bruce's creativity as a whole.

In the modern life of his life and in the depths of centuries, the poet reveals a high, decent, beautiful and approves it in his poetry as samples, the foundations of human existence.

III. Independent work of students. Analysis of the poem.

Give a holistic analysis of poem to choose from. As examples, you can take "love" and "Anthony".


There was a quiet hour. At the feet there was a surf.
You smiled, pallpierine:
"We will meet ... to the new date ..."
That was a hoax. And we knew with you

that forever that evening we were forgated.
Puntsy flames are called heaven.
Sails sacked on the ship
Above the sea cries of chaps were distributed.

I watched the in the distance, tight sadness full.
Flashed ship, with a sailing that paid
Medium of gentle, emerald foam waves,
As a white swan, the wings spread.

And here it took him into the vastness.
On the sky with pale golden
Suddenly the cloud foggy rose
and laid a bright amethyst.


You're on sunset sky, solemn times, like gigid stand, Anthony, like a bright, unforgettable sleep. Fought for the people of Tribuny emperors - for power, but you, beautiful, forever young, one altar put - passion! The victorious Laurel, and the Skipter of the Universe, and the rata of the broken blood threw on the scales, appreciated, -You turned the love! When the fate of the Mirasday of the foamed jet foamed, -venets and Purple triumvirats were trained on a kiss. When one feature, Delilava, the Big and Shame, - they turned his fodder, so as not to look at the desired gaze. Like Nimb, love, your Siaganenad by all who died, loving! Blessed, who has wandered, and shame, and death for you! Oh, let me pull the same, and in an hour, when the battle is not over the battle, like a fugitive, the ship has his own to the Egyptian stern!

IV. Poem analysis plan.

2. The history of the creation of a poem when it is written, by what reason who is dedicated to.

3. Theme, idea, the main idea (about the poem). Quotes from text confirming conclusions.

4. What artistic means is revealed by the author, theme and idea of \u200b\u200bpoem. If the author belongs to any literary grouping: a symbolist, akmeist, a futurist, then it is necessary to choose examples proving that we have a work of a poet symbolist, aqmeist or futurist:

1) Pick in the text "Key" words and samples that reveal the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poet, to make "chains" of keywords.

2) to analyze the art techniques that use

3) It must be remembered that due to the use of certain artistic techniques, the word in verse means more than in everyday speech, i.e. More than its lexical meaning, which is fixed in sensible dictionaries. The word acquires a new meaning, there are new links between words. So it creates a poetic image that reflects the uniqueness of the artistic manner of the author.

5. Rhythm verse, poetic size.

6. The image of a lyrical hero, as it corresponds to the image of the author:

V. Homework.

Finish at home Analysis of the poem. Prepare a message on the work of such writers as Andrei White and Konstantin Balmont.