Essay on the topic of modern balls who he is. Writing on the topic: Sharikovshchina today in the story of the dog's heart, Bulgakov

Essay on the topic of modern balls who he is. Writing on the topic: Sharikovshchina today in the story of the dog's heart, Bulgakov
Essay on the topic of modern balls who he is. Writing on the topic: Sharikovshchina today in the story of the dog's heart, Bulgakov

(1 option)

The creative way of Bulgakov is full of drama. In the literature he joined, having rich life experience. After the university, which he graduated from the medical unit, Bulgakov worked as a Zemsky doctor in the Nikolskaya Hospital of Sychevsky County. In 1918-1919, he found himself in Kiev and was a witness to Petlyurovskaya "Odyssey." These impressions were reflected in many of his novels, right up to the "White Guard" novel and the "Turbine Days" Pieces. Bulgakov did not immediately accept the revolution. After the war, Bulgakov began working in the theater and newspapers. Arrival

In Moscow, in the fall of 1921, Bulgakov took up journalism. Bulgakov sought to solve the most acute problems of time, be original and in philosophical views, and in satire. The result was sharp contradictions in his works. One of them was the "dog heart."

The basis of the plot events in the work was the real contradiction. Professor Preobrazhensky, a physiologist with a world name, opened the mystery of the pituitary gland - the appendage of the brain. The operation that the scientist did over the dog, transplanting the human pituitary in his brain, gave unexpected results. The ball not only acquired a human appearance, but he was given all the features of the character and peculiarities of Nature of Klima Chu Grückkin, twenty-five years old, drunkards, thiefs in heroin.

The place of action of the "dog heart" of Bulgakov tolerates to Moscow, on the prechisten. Realnna, even naturalistic Moscow, transmitted through the perception of the ball - the homeless PSA-Krani, "Knowing, life from the inside, in its urgent form.

Moscow Times of Napa: with chic restaurants, the "dining room of the normal nutrition of the servants of the Central Council of the National Economy", where the soup "from Skyuchi Solonina" is boiled. Moscow, where "proletarians", "comrades" and "gentlemen" live. The revolution only distorted the appearance of the ancient capital: turned inside out her mansions, her income houses (like, for example, the Kalabuhov house, where the hero lives).

One of the main characters of the story, Professor Preobrazhensky, the world-famous scientist and the doctor belongs to such a "compacted" and gradually displaced from life. It does not touch it - the fame protects. But he was already visited by representatives of the house management, showing a tireless care for the fate of the proletariat: it is not too much luxury to operate in the operating room, there is in the dining room, sleep in the bedroom; It is enough to connect the viewing and office, a dining room and a bedroom.

Since 1903, Preobrazhensky lives in the Kalabukhov house. Here is his observation: "... Until April 1917 there was not a single case that there would be no one pair of Kalos from our parade at the bottom of the general unlocked doors. Notice, here are twelve apartments, I have a reception. In April 17th, one day all the Kalos were disappeared, including two pairs of my, three sticks, coats and samovar at the Swiss. And since then, the calic part has ceased to exist. Why, when all this story began, all began to go in dirty caloes and boots on the marble staircase? Why removed the carpet from the front staircase? What the hell removed flowers from sites? Why electricity that rotched for 20 years two times, in the present time gently goes out once a month? " "Destroy", "answers the interlocutor and Assistant Dr. Bormental.

"No," Filippovich Philippovich objected completely confidently, - no. What is this your destroy? Old woman with a key? Yes, it does not exist at all. Destroy is not in closets, but in the heads. "

Destroy, destroy ... The idea of \u200b\u200bthe destruction of the old world, of course, was born in the heads, and the heads of thinking, enlightened, and long before the appearance of the chairman of the Schunderman's jack and his team. Along with this problem of the reorganization of society, the problem of what the revolution of a person has brought the problem of the formation of a new Soviet person.

"Wild" man balls is experiencing a word. He becomes the object of verbal shark attacks, which protects the interests of Sharicikov "like a worker".

Sharicikov is not at all embarrassing what he lives and feeds at the expense of Preobrazhensky. It was the ball "TRANSFER" to the apartment of Professor. The principle of Sharicikov is simple: why work, if you can take away; If one is a lot, and the other is nothing, you need to take everything and divide. Here it is, Shvondderov processing of the Sharikovsky primitive consciousness!

Similar work was carried out over millions of people. As you know, the Leninsky slogan "Robble Lost!" It was one of the most popular in the years of revolution. The high idea of \u200b\u200bequality was instantly degenerated into a primitive equalization. The experiment of the Bolsheviks, conceived to create a "new", improved person, is not their business, this is a matter of nature. According to Bulgakov, the new Soviet person is the symbiosis of the stray dog \u200b\u200band an alcoholic. We see how this new type is gradually turning into the owner of life, "Recommended to read the dialectic of Marx and Engels."

The fantastic operation of Professor Preobrazhensky was as unsuccessful as the Great Communist Experiment with history. "Science still does not know how to pay animals in people. So I tried, but only unsuccessfully, as you can see. Talked and began to go to primitive state, "the Transfiguration is recognized.

Bulgakov in the story "The dog's heart" with a huge impressive force, in his favorite manner of Grotesque and humor raised the question of the power of dark instincts in a person's life. Faith In the fact that these instincts can be changed, Bulgakov has no writer. Sharikovshchina is a moral phenomenon, and everyone shall fight him inside him,

(Option 2)

The work of Bulgakov is the vertex phenomenon of the Russian artistic culture of the 20th century. Tragic the fate of the master, devoid of opportunity to be printed, heard. From 1927 to 1940, Bulgakov did not see any of his own lines in the press.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov came to the literature already during the years of Soviet power. He experienced all the difficulties and contradictions of the Soviet reality of the thirties. His childhood and youth are associated with Kiev, the subsequent years of life - with Moscow. It was in the Moscow period of the life of Bulgakov, a story "Dog's heart" was written. In it, with brilliant skill and talent, the topic of disharmony was revealed, brought to the absurdity due to the intervention of a person in the eternal laws of nature.

In this work, the writer rises to the top of satirical fiction. If satire states, then satirical fantasy warns a society about the coming hazards and cataclysms. Bulgakov embodies their conviction in the preference of normal evolution before the violent method of invasion of life, he speaks of the terrible destructive strength of self-satisfying aggressive innovation. These topics are eternal, and they have not lost their meaning and now.

The story "The dog's heart" is characterized by an extremely clear author's idea: the revolution accomplished in Russia was not the result of the natural spiritual development of society, but an irresponsible and premature experiment. Therefore, the country must be returned to its former state, without allowing the irreversible consequences of such an experiment.

So, look at the main characters of the "dog heart." Professor Preobrazhensky - Democrat on origin and beliefs, a typical Moscow intellectual. He serves the holy science, helps a person, never hurt him. Proud and majestic, Professor Preobrazhensky and raslets with old aphorism. Being a luminarion of Moscow genetics, a brilliant surgeon is engaged in profitable operations on aging ladies.

But the professor thinks to improve the nature itself, he decides to compete with his life itself, create a new person, transplanting the dog part of the human brain. So the balls appear on the light, embodying a new Soviet person. What are his prospects for development? Nothing impressive: the heart of the stray dog \u200b\u200band the human brain with three triggers and a pronounced passion for alcohol. That's what a new person should develop, a new society.

Balls by anything wants to get out of people, to become no worse than others. But he cannot understand that for this it is necessary to do a long spiritual development, labor is required to develop intelligence, horizons, mastering knowledge. Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov (so now called the creature) puts on lacquered boots and a poisonous color tie, but the rest of his suit is dirty, untidable, tasteless.

A man with a dog temper, the basis of which was Lumen, feels like a master of life, he brazen, Chvanquing, aggressive. The conflict between the professor of Preobrazhensky and man lumines is absolutely inevitable. The life of the professor and the inhabitants of his apartment becomes a hectic hell. Here is one of their household scenes:

"... the cigarettes on the floor do not throw, in the hundredth time I ask. So that I no longer hear a single crucial word in the apartment! Do not spit! Won Perevitelnitsa, - Disgrace Professor.

"Something you are me, dad, hurt," suddenly said a man. "

Contrary to the discontent of the owner of the house, the balls live in his own way: the day sleeps in the kitchen, idle, creates all sorts of disgrace, confident that "now everyone has its right." And in this he is not alone. Polygraph Poligrafovich finds an ally represented by the Schwonder-Local Chairman of the Household. He bears the same responsibility as a professor, for a man's monster. Svonder supported the social status of Sharicikov, armed with his ideological phrase, he is his ideologue, his "spiritual shepherd". The swordder supplies Sharicikov "scientific" literature, gives it to the "study" of the correspondence of Engels with Kautsky, the animal creature does not approve a single author: "And then they write, they write ... Congress, the Germans ..." The conclusion is doing one: "It is necessary Share. So the psychology of Sharicikov was developed, he instinctively learned the main campaign of new owners of life: Grab, Warm, take all the created. The main principle of a socialist society is a general equalization, called equality. We all know what it led to.

A starry hour for Polygraph Polygraphovich was his "service." Having disappeared from the house, he appears before the amazed professor a fadakie, full of dignity and respect for himself, "in a leather jacket from someone else's shoulder, in the leather shredded pants and high English shoes." Incredible smell of cats now broke throughout the front. He presents the paper to the paper, which states that the comrade of the balls consists of the head of the city's cleaning department from stray animals. I made him a swander there.

So, the Bulgakovy ball made a dizzying jump: from the stray dog, he turned into a sanitary engine for cleaning the city from stray dogs and cats. Well, the persecution of your own - the characteristic feature of all the balls. They destroy their own, as if noted the traces of their own origin ...

The last chord of the Sharicovsky activity is denominations on Professor Preobrazhensky. It should be noted that it is at the thirties that the denunciation becomes one of the foundations of a socialist society, which would be more correct to call the totalitarian. Only such a regime may have based on denunciation.

Sharikov alien shame, conscience, morality. He has no human qualities, there is only meanness, hatred, malice.

However, Professor Preobrazhensky still does not leave the thoughts to make a man from Sharicikov. He hopes to evolution, gradual development. But there is no development and will not, if the person himself does not seek him. Good intentions of Preobrazhensky turn around the tragedy. It comes to the conclusion that violent intervention in the nature of man and society leads to disastrous results. In the story, the professor corrects his mistake, turning Sharicov back to the PSA. But in life such experiments are irreversible. Bulgakov managed to warn about it at the very beginning of those destructive transformations that began in our country in 1917.

After the revolution, all the conditions were created for the appearance of a huge number of balls with dog hearts. The totalitarian system is very promoted. Due to the fact that these monsters penetrated all areas of life, Russia and is now experiencing difficult times.

Externally, the balls do not differ from people, but they are always among us. Their inhuman essence is manifested all the time. The judge condemns the innocent to fulfill the plan for the disclosure of crimes; The doctor turns away from the patient; Mother throws her child; Officials who have bribes have become in the order of things, ready to betray their own. All the highest and holy turns into one's opposite, since they woke up in them and sheeps them in the dirt. Coming to power, the nonhuman is trying to determine everyone around, as nonhumans are easier to manage. They all human feelings are replaced by instinct of self-preservation.

The dog's heart in the Union with the human mind is the main threat of our time. That is why the story written at the beginning of the century remains relevant and now, serves as a warning of future generations. Today is so close to yesterday ... At first glance it seems that everything has changed that the country has become different. But consciousness and stereotypes remained the same. It will take place not one generation before the balls will disappear from our life, people will become different, will not be the vices described by Bulgakov in his immortal work. How do you want to believe that this time will come! ..

Consider the image of Sharicikov from the story of the "Dog's Heart". Bulgakov in this work does not simply talk about an unnatural experiment. Mikhail Afanasyevich describes a new type of man who has not appeared in a scientist's laboratory, but in the Soviet reality of post-revolutionary years. Allegoria of this type is the image of Sharikov in the story of the "Dog's Heart". The plot basis of the work make up the relationship between large scientists and the ball, artificially created from the dog by a person.

Evaluation of life PsS Ball

The first part of this story is built in many respects on the inner monologue of the stray half-starne PSA. It estimates the street life in its own way, gives the characteristics of characters, the morals, the life of Moscow, the NEPA time with a variety of tea, shops, restaurants on meat with craters hated dogs. The ball is able to appreciate the affection and welcome, sympathize. He, oddly enough, well understands the social structure of the new country. The ball of the newly owned owners of life condemns, and about the Preobrazhensky, an old intellectual from Moscow, knows that he will not "kick the foot" of the hungry dog.

Exercising Preobrazhensky's experiment

In his life, this dog is happy, in her opinion, an accident - a professor takes her to her luxurious apartment. It has everything, even a few "unnecessary rooms". However, the professor is not needed for fun. He wants to implement a fantastic experiment: the dog will have to turn into a person after the transplantation of some part. If a preobrazhensky becomes Faust, then his second father, who gave his own pituitary gland, is Chugunkin Klim Petrovich. Bulgakov very briefly gives the characteristics of this person. His profession is a game on balalaica. It is poorly complicated, the liver as a result of the use of alcohol is expanded. Chunugkin died in beer from the blow to the knife in the heart. The creature, which appeared after the operation, inherited the essence of his second father. The balls are aggressive, Chvanvalny, brazen.

Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov

Mikhail Afanasyevich created a bright image of Sharikov in the story of the "Dog's Heart". This hero is deprived of the ideas about culture, about how to behave with other people. After some time, the conflict is brewing between the creation and the creator, the polygraph of Polygraphovich ball, named "Gomunkulus", and Preobrazhensky. The tragedy is that "man", barely learned to walk, finds reliable allies in his life. They submit a revolutionary theoretical basis for all his actions. One of them is a swordder. Sharicov learns from this hero about what he, proletarian, there are privileges compared to Preobrazhensky, professor. In addition, he begins to understand that the scientist who giving him the second life is a class enemy.

Behavior of Shariarikov

Complete the image of Sharikov in the story of Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" by several more strokes. This hero is clearly aware of the main Credo of the newly new owners of life: Warm, robby, pick up the others created, and most importantly - strive to the equalization. And the dog, once grateful by Preobrazhensky, no longer wants to put up with the fact that the professor settled "one in seven rooms." The balls brings the paper according to which he should allocate an area of \u200b\u200b16 square meters in the apartment. m. Polygraph of Alien Moral, shame, conscience. There are no others in except for malice, hatred, meanness. It breaks more and more every day. Polygraph Polygraphovich is not informed, steals, drinks, sticks to women. Such is the image of Sharikov in the story of the "Dog's Heart".

Star Hour of Polygraph Polygraphfovich Sharikova

New work becomes for Sharicikov his starry hour. Former homeless dog makes a dizzying jump. It turns into the head of the deputy for cleaning Moscow from homeless animals. Such a choice of the ballot profession is not surprising: those like them always want to destroy their own. However, at the reached polygraph does not stop. New details complement the image of Sharikov in the story "Dog's Heart". A brief description of its acts next.

History with typist, inverse transformation

The balls appear after some time in the apartment of Preobrazhensky with a young girl and says that he paints with her. This is a typist from his submissions. Balls declares that they will need to evict the border. In the end, it turns out that he deceived this girl, composed many stories about himself. The last thing that makes the balls, comes to Preobrazhensky. A charger-professor of interest to us, it is possible to turn a person back into the dog. It is good that Preobrazhensky realized that the nature of violence does not tolerate.

Balls in real life

In real life, alas, the balls are much more abuse. Agel, self-confident, not doubting that they are all allowed, these semi-arms lumines brought to a deep crisis our country. This is not surprising: violence on the progress of historical events, neglect of the laws of development of society could only make balls. Polygraph in the story turned back to the dog. But in life he managed to go long and, as it seemed to him and suggested another, the nice way. He traveled people in the 30s-50s, as by the nature of the service sometime homeless animals. He carried through his whole life suspicion and dog anger, replacing the dog's loyalty, which became unnecessary. This hero, having entered a reasonable life, remained at the level of instincts. And he wanted to change the country, the world, the Universe in order to be easier to satisfy these animal instincts. All these ideas spend in the created image of Sharikov in the story "Dog's heart".

Man or animal: What distinguishes balls from other people?

The balls are proud of low origin, its inoxide. In general, he is proud of all low, which is in it, because only it raises it on those who stand out by mind, spirit. Such Preobrazhen people need to be pushed into the dirt so that the balls can be elevated above them. The balls appear outwardly do not differ from other people, but the unhwerly essence is waiting for a suitable moment. When it comes, such creatures turn into monsters waiting for the first opportunity to grab their prey. This is their true face. Sharices are ready to betray their own. They all have a holy and high turns into their opposition when they touch it. The worst thing is that such people managed to achieve a considerable power. Having come to her, the unhwreatment seeks everyone around it to determine in order to make it easier to manage the herd. All human feelings are withdrawing

Sharikov today

It is impossible not to turn to modernity, analyzing the image of Sharikov in the story of the "Dog's Heart". A brief essay on the work should contain a few words about today's balls. The fact is that after the revolution in our country, all conditions were created in order for a large number of similar people. Very promotes the totalitarian system. They penetrated all areas of public life, they live and now among us. Balls are able to exist, no matter what. The main threat to humanity today is a dog heart with a human mind. Therefore, the story written at the beginning of the last century and today remains relevant. It is a prevention of future generations. It sometimes sometimes has become different during this time. But the image of thinking, stereotypes, neither for 10, will not change in no 20 years. Not one generation will change before the balls will disappear before our life, and people will become other, devoid of animal instincts.

So, we reviewed the image of Sharikov in the story of the "Dog's Heart". The summary of the work will help you get to know this hero. And read the original story, you will discover some details of this image, omitted by us. The image of Sharikov in the story of MA Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" - a great artistic achievement Mikhail Afanasyevich, like all the work in general.

Still Gogol wrote about the grave share of satirik, whose life is not among the knights without fear and reproach and beautiful ladies, but among all freaks. Reading the story of Satirik Bulgakov, we see such monsters (besides, without hope, find a scarlet flower). Moreover, it is interesting that in many works of Bulgakov events begin with the fact that some genius makes a kind of discovery, which can change the life of mankind. So in the story "The dog's heart": Professor Preobrazhensky, the genius of the sexual revolution, in search of a more radical means for its money clients produces an experiment that gave a sudden and stunning result. Poligrafovich balls, triumphant Ham, entered the world. No one, except for Hama, this mutant and could not be, because its starting material is a stray dog \u200b\u200band a dead proactive frequenter. But in the end, with the help of education, this creature could acquire not only the type of man, but also the qualities of a person. However, who could instill human quality "neoplasia". Mr. Preobrazhensky does not do the most necessary at that time, but the most profitable business in medicine. We will not see him with a book. He prescribes newspapers. It turns out about the missing galoshs, unclean parade, destroying in a close. Intellectual! Then, from the unhealthy raw basements, the workers' families, "sealing" people with surplus of the living spaces moved from terrible barracks. The Christian would have to welcome the improvement of the life of the "brothers of his own", the doctor too. But in all this unpleasant, but the necessary process, Preobrazhensky saw only the infringement of his amenities. He wanted to sleep in the bedroom, dining in the dining room, take patients in look, and guests in the living room. How unpleasantly struck him that Polygraph Polygraphovich began to attach a room in this apartment! I can not get rid of the thought that it was just that it was almost the main reason for his destruction. Other people engaged in education. Schwonders are able to adapt to the prevailing idea of \u200b\u200bthe era. Perhaps they do not even pretend. Perhaps they are even really ready to give their lives to this case. Like Krylov: "The helpful fool is more dangerous than the enemy" ... But they invested their mutant in the mutant - the prevention of thought. Years have passed. The country is still the same ruin. The grandchildren of Preobrazhenski and Schwonders came to the world. The idea of \u200b\u200bSharicikov came true all divided equally, and each received a paper with the title "Voucher" (almost the dog name!). Student's swords went to parliaments and now explain how it was all bad earlier, forgetting that their grandfathers participated in all this korth. It turns out that Sharicikov can be obtained without the help of a dock - from the usual Homo Sapiens, if there is no one again to take up his upbringing. In this sense, the story M. A. Bulgakov is a serious warning to all of us.

The concept of "Sharikovshchina" appeared in our language due to the story of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" created by the writer in 1925. Traditionally, it is considered that this work was thinking as a political satire, the purpose of which was to appear the vices of the post-revolutionary society and question the very idea of \u200b\u200binterference in the natural course of history.

The main story is based on the experiment conducted by Professor Philip Philippovich Preobrazhensky over the courtyard PsOV Ball. The scientist was looking for a way to rejuvenate the body, and for this he transplant the dog's internal organs of the recently died drunkard and debosshire Klima Cavigun.

This experiment was a success, and from ordinary mongrels, the ball turned into a person who proclaimed himself with a polygraph of Polygraphovy Sharicov. This character is a collective way and personifies a typical representative of the proletariat and the values \u200b\u200bof this social class.

After the revolution, such people received unexpectedly a large number of rights that, according to Bulgakov, led to the detection of their true essence. Egoism, encroachment on someone else's property, the complete absence of moral principles and absolute illiteracy is, this is usually understood under the phenomenon of the ballkins.

How does the balls behave? He drinks, swears with the swiss words, will cut out and does not recognize the authorities. However, it does not prevent him from quickly catching the Bolshevik ideas about social equality: "And the fact that one in the seven rooms settled ... And the other hangs, in the weed boxes the food is looking for."

Still Gogol wrote about the grave share of satirik, whose life is not among the knights without fear and reproach and beautiful ladies, but among all freaks.

Reading the story of Satirik Bulgakov, we see such monsters (besides, without hope, find a scarlet flower). Moreover, it is interesting that in many works of Bulgakov events begin with the fact that some genius makes a kind of discovery, which can change the life of mankind.

So in the story "The dog's heart": Professor Preobrazhensky, the genius of the sexual revolution, in search of a more radical means for its money clients produces an experiment that gave a sudden and stunning result. Poligrafovich balls, triumphant Ham, entered the world. No one, except for Hama, this mutant and could not be, because its starting material is a stray dog \u200b\u200band a dead proactive frequenter. But in the end, with the help of education, this creature could acquire not only the type of man, but also the qualities of a person.

However, who could instill human quality "neoplasia". Mr. Preobrazhensky does not do the most necessary at that time, but the most profitable business in medicine. We will not see him with a book. He prescribes newspapers. It turns out about the missing galoshs, unclean parade, destroying in a close. Intellectual!

Then, from the unhealthy raw basements, the workers' families, "sealing" people with surplus of the living spaces moved from terrible barracks. The Christian would have to welcome the improvement of the life of the "brothers of his own", the doctor too. But in all this unpleasant, but the necessary process, Preobrazhensky saw only the infringement of his amenities. He wanted to sleep in the bedroom, dining in the dining room, take patients in look, and guests in the living room.

How unpleasantly struck him that Polygraph Polygraphovich began to attach a room in this apartment! I can not get rid of the thought that it was just that it was almost the main reason for his destruction.

Other people engaged in education. Schwonders are able to adapt to the prevailing idea of \u200b\u200bthe era. Perhaps they do not even pretend. Perhaps they are even really ready to give their lives to this case. Like Krylov: "The helpful fool is more dangerous than the enemy" ... But they invested their mutant in the mutant - the prevention of thought.

Years have passed. The country is still the same ruin. The grandchildren of Preobrazhenski and Schwonders came to the world. The idea of \u200b\u200bSharicikov came true all divided equally, and each received a paper with the title "Voucher" (almost the dog name!). Student's swords went to parliaments and now explain how it was all bad earlier, forgetting that their grandfathers participated in all this korth. It turns out that Sharicikov can be obtained without the help of a dock - from the usual Homo Sapiens, if there is no one again to take up his upbringing. In this sense, the story M. A. Bulgakov is a serious warning to all of us.