Historical myths and legends. The most beautiful legends and parables! Treasures and treasures

Historical myths and legends. The most beautiful legends and parables! Treasures and treasures
Historical myths and legends. The most beautiful legends and parables! Treasures and treasures

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We are confident that many of you still believe in unicorns. It seems miraculous to imagine that they still exist somewhere, and we just did not find them yet. However, even myifu about such a magic creature is very prose and even somewhat frightening explanation.

If it seems to you that websitevery skeptical and no longer believes in magic, then at the end of the article you are waiting for the most real miracle!

Great Flood

Scientists believe that the basis of the legend about the Great Flood was the memory of Large flood, whose epicenter was interfluid. At the beginning of the last century on the excavations of the tomb, the clay was found, which was separated by two cultural layers. Only the catastrophic spill of the tiger and Euphrates could lead to the appearance of such a phenomenon.

According to other estimates, for 10-15 thousand years before. e. Incredible flood happened on Caspian, who spilled on an area of \u200b\u200babout 1 million square meters. km. The version was confirmed after finding scientists in the territory of Western Siberia of marine shells, the nearest range of the distribution of which is located in the zone of the Caspian Sea. This flood was so powerful that bosphor's place existed a huge waterfallThrough which in a day approximately 40 cu. km of water (200 times more than the volume of water passing through the Niagara Falls). The stream of such power was at least 300 days.

This version seems insane, but in this case, accuse the ancient people in the hyperbolicization of events can no longer!


In modern Ireland, there are still legends about gigantic growth people who can create an island, just throwing a handful of land in the sea. The endocrinologist Marta Corbonic came to mind the idea that ancient legends may have a scientific justification. Incredible, but researchers found what they were looking for. A huge number of inhabitants of Ireland have discovered mutations in the AIP gene. It was these mutations that caused the development of acromegaly and giantism. If in the UK a carrier of a mutation of 1 for 2,000 people, then in the province of MID-Olster - every 150th.

One of the famous Irish giants was Charles Byrne (1761-1783), its growth was over 230 cm.

Legends, of course, give the giants with great strength, but in fact not everything is so rosy. People patients with acromegaly and giantism often suffer from cardiovascular diseases, they have problems with vision and frequent joint pain. Without treatment, many giants may not live up to 30 years.


The legend has several sources at once. Firstly, The life of people has always been associated with the forest. From the deepest antiquity to us reached the rock paints of hybrids of people and animals. People wanted to be stronger, they chose themselves a totem animal and wore it a skin. On the basis of these believers, narcotic drugs worked, which soldiers accepted before the battle and imagined themselves invincible wolves.

Secondly, Belief in the existence of a weaker was also supported by the presence of such a genetic disease, as hypertrichosis - Abundant hair growth on the body and face, which was called "Werewolf Syndrome." Only in 1963, the doctor Lee Illis gave the disease Medical Justification. In addition to the genetic disease, there was a mental, known as licycartopy., during the attacks of which people are deprived of the reason and lose human qualities, considering themselves wolves. In addition, there is an aggravation of the disease in certain lunar phases.

By the way, the wolf from the world famous "Red Caps", according to, was not someone else, as is worn. And he did not eat grandmother, but razor his granddaughter.


The theory of bones of dinosaurs and dragon bones finds its confirmation in Mongolia. There in various geographical names there is a word "dragon". This is due to the fact that in some areas of the desert Goby dinosaur bones can easily find any person, because they lie on the surface of the earth's layers. There are many of them even now, so much that all the time excavations are underway illegally.
An important detail: There are no such myths in Africa, as well as access to dinosaur remains.

However, why in the human consciousness dragons appear in the form of reptiles, with scales and claws? This question is explained by the observation of people. The appearance of the skeleton is similar to the bones of modern lizards., snakes, crocodiles. Increased these beasts many times - and a dragon was obtained. And, by the way, it is from lizards and snakes sometimes formed not alone, but two heads, just like some fairy dragons.


The image of the Kentaur was known for the II Millennium BC. e. Presumably he arose in Greece as The fruit of fantasies of representatives of civilized, but who did not know the riding riding, first faced with horse riders of some northern nomadic tribes: Scythians, Cassites or Tavrov. This explains the fierce temper of Centaurs. Nomads and in fact lived in the saddle, the masterfully shot out of the bow and the jumps were very quickly. The hyperbulsed fear of the farmer, who had seen a man first, so skillfully traveled in the saddle, could well turn into a story about the human hybrid and horses.

According to ancient Greek legend, under the Palace of Tsar Minosa was located a huge labyrinth, in which a formidable monster was sharpened, semi-pubened minotaur. Thirst for blood is tormented by a monster so hard that the roar will shake him.

The island of Crete, on which the monster dwells is very interesting to its seismic activity. Part of the island is located on the continent called Aegean stoveand the other part is on ocean Nubian Plate, Which moves right under the island. This geological phenomenon is called a subduction zone. It is in these zones that there is an increased risk of earthquakes. In Crete, the situation is aggravated by the fact that the African stove presses on the ocean nubian plate (and you imagine what it is huge), and the phenomenal thing happens: under the interaction of plates, the island is simply pushed to the surface. Since the emergence of civilization, Crete survived several such rates, some of them were up to 9 meters. It is not surprising that the ancient people seemed that a fierce monster lives in the depths, because each earthquake was accompanied by terrible destruction.


In the ancient Greek mythology, cyclops are groups of characters, in different versions these are divine creatures (children of gay and uranium) or a separate people. The most striking representative was the son of Poseidon Polyfem, whom Odyssey deprived the only eye. Also one-eyed was considered the Scythian people of Arimaspov.

As for the scientific substantiation of these myths, in 1914 the paleontologist Othenio Abel suggested that the findings in the ancient times of the skulls of dwarf elephants were the cause of the birth of the myth of cyclopes, since central nasal hole is easy to take for a giant eye. It is curious that these elephants met in the Mediterranean Islands of Cyprus, Malta, Crete.

Sodom and Gomorra

We do not know how you, but we always thought that Sodom and Gomorra are a very large-scale myth and rather some personification of vicious cities. However, this is a completely historical fact.

Already for a decade in the town of Tella El Hammam, an excavation of an ancient city is carried out in Jordan. Archaeologists are confident that they found biblical soda. The approximate location of the city was always known - the Bible described Sodomsky Pyaligudia in the Valley of the Jordan River. However, its exact location caused questions always.

In 2006, excavations began, and scientists found a major ancient settlement, surrounded by a powerful fortress shaft. According to researchers, people lived here between 3,500 and 1540 before. e. There is no other variant of the name of the city, otherwise the mention of such a large settlement remained in written sources.


Kraken is the legendary mythical sea monster of giant sizes, a culed mollusk, known according to the descriptions of sailors. The first extensive description was Eric Pontoppidan - he wrote that Kraken represents the animal "size with a floating island". According to him, the monster can grab the tentacles a large ship and pull it on the bottom, but much more dangerous whirlpool, which occurs with the rapid dive of Kraken on the bottom. It turns out that the sad end is inevitable - and in the case when the monster attacks, and when he surprises from you. Really terribly!

Justification of the myth about the "terrible Crank" Simple: gigantic squids exist and so on and reach 16 meters long.

When it comes to unicorns, we are immediately an elegant creature with a rainbow horn in the forehead. Interestingly, they are found in the legends and myths of many cultures. The most first images are found in India and have age more than 4,000 years. Later, the myth spread through the continent and reached an ancient Rome, where they were considered absolutely real animals.

The main "candidate" on the role of the original of the unicorn are elasmoteries - the rhinos of the steppes of Eurasia who inhabited in the Ice Age. Elasmoteries partly reminded the horse (albeit with the stretch) with an extremely long horn in the forehead. He is meant at the same time as the main megafauna. However, according to the materials of the Swedish Encyclopedia and the arguments of the researcher, Willi Lei, individual representatives could exist quite a long time in order to have to get into legends.

Bonus: Moses Trail

Surely each of us heard of the plot from the Bible, which tells how the sea was broken before Moses. But few people know that such a phenomenon can be seen near Chinko Island in South Korea. Here water between the islands are broken for an hour, opening a wide and long road! Scientists explain this miracle by the difference in time of sings and tides.

Of course, many tourists go there - in addition to simple walks, they have the opportunity and see maritime residents who remained on the land that opened. Surprisingly in Moses Tropez, what she leads from the mainland to the island.

Incredible facts

People are found legends and giving up since they discovered for themselves. Despite some truthful facts, most of the terrible legends still remain in fiction. However, urban legends, chilling blood, often may be true.

Sometimes the transformation of the tragic event in the legend helps people cope with the grief, as well as protect the younger generation from the realization of the reality of what is happening.

In this article, we have collected for you the most terrible city legends based on real events.

City's legends

Faceless Charlie


Children living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, love to tell the story about the faceless Charlie, as well as a green man. It is believed that Charlie was a workers in an enterprise, disfigured as a result of a terrible accident: some claim that the whole of wine is acid, and some - the power line.

In some versions of the story, it is argued that because of this case, his skin has acquired a green shade, but all versions unites the fact that Charlie's face was so disfigured that all sorts of features lost. According to believe, he wanders in the dark on oppressing places, such as, for example, an old abandoned railway tunnel in a southern park, known as the green man's tunnel.

For many years, curious teenagers attended this tunnel in search of traces of faceless Charlie. Many argued that they felt a light electrical stress and experienced problems at the vehicle institution after caused faceless. Others said that they saw the slight radiance of its green leather in the tunnel or night at the rural road.


Unfortunately, the lion's share of truth lies in this tragic history. The legend of Slegn Charlie appeared due to the fact that he had a completely real prototype - Raymond Robinson. In 1919, Robinson, who at that time was 8 years old, played with a friend at a bridge, through which high voltage tramways passed.

Raymond got terrible injuries after accidentally touched the power line. As a result of impact, he lost his nose, both eyes and hand, but survived. He spent the rest of his long life - 74 years old - closed in himself, and went out to walk only at night, but he was responsible for the friendly appeals of people to him.

Killer in the attic


This bloodflower story has appeared many years ago. She tells about a family that does not suspect that a dangerous uninvited guest settled in their house, secretly weakened in their attic. They disappear or moves, suspicious objects appear in the garbage. They are nice joking about the houses until the cruel killer who lives from them under sidel does not kill them in a dream.

The worst thing in this legend is that it would seem that it is quite possible - and this is actually so.


This story began in March 1922 on the German farm called Hinterkayfek. The owner, Andreas Gruber, began to notice that things are periodically disappeared in the house, they are not in their places. His family heard the steps in the house at night, as well as Andreas himself, on the eve of the tragedy, noticed other traces in the snow, but inspected the house and territory, did not find anyone.

At the end of March, the man who left these traces came down with the attic and cruelly dealt with the six inhabitants of the farm - the owner, his wife, their daughter, her two children 2 and 7 years old and their maid with the help of hoes. Their bodies were discovered only 4 days later, and it turned out that at this time someone cared for livestock. The personality of the criminal has not yet been established.


Night Doctors


Stories about night doctors In the past, it was often possible to hear from the slave owners who were intimidated by the slaves so that they did not run away. The essence of the legend is that there were some doctors who were writing at night, kidnapping black workers to use them in their terrible experiments.

Night Doctors caught people on the streets and took them into their medical institutions to torture, kill, dismember and cut organs from them.


This terrible story has a very real continuation. Throughout the 19th century, the grave was a big problem, and the African American population could not protect either his deceased relatives or themselves. In addition, medical students really conducted operations on living members of the African American Community.

In 1932, Alabama State Protection Service and Taskigi University launched a program on the study of syphilis. No matter how terrible it sounded - 600 African American men were taken for the work of the experiment. In 399 of them, there was already syphilis, and in 201 - no.

They were given free food and guaranteeing their grave after death, however, the program lost funding, but did not report anything to the participants about their terrible occasion. Researchers sought to study the mechanisms of the disease and continued to observe patients. They were told that they were treated from a frivolous blood disease.

Patients did not know that they were sick syphilis, or that they were needed by Penicillin for his treatment. Scientists refused to give any information about medicines or the state of their patients.

This story, seasoned with slave owners, traveling around at nights on horseback in white clothes for a long time in the dark-skinned people fear and tremble in front of the legend.

Killing Alice


This is a pretty young city legend from Japan. She says that from 1999 to 2005 in Japan there was a series of brutal murders. The bodies of the victims were worn, their limbs were tearned, and the distinctive feature of all the murders was that the name "Alice" was written next to each corpse of the blood of the victim.

The police also discovered on one playing card on each of the crime crime. The first victim was found in the forest, and parts of her body were risen on the branches of different trees. The second sacrifice had voice ligaments. The third victim is a teenage girl - the skin was very burned, the mouth was cut, the eyes were spilled, and the crown was sewn to her head. Two little twins have become the last victims of the killer - they made mortal injections until they slept.

It is argued that in 2005 the police arrested a person who discovered a jacket of one of the victims, but they could not tie it with any murder. The man argued that the jacket was presented.


In fact, such murders in Japan have never been. However, shortly before the appearance of this legend, the maniac, who was called a card killer, was played in Spain. In 2003, all Madrid police forces were thrown into the capture of a person responsible for 6 cruel murders and 3 attempts. Every time he left a killed playing card on the body. The authorities were in bewilderment - there was no connection between the victims or the obvious motive.

Everything that was known - they dealt with a psychopath choosing their victims randomly. He would never be caught if he had never come to the police himself. Alfredo Galan Sotillo turned out to be a card killer. During the judicial process, Alfredo changed the testimony several times, refusing recognition and claiming that the Nazis was forced to admit to the murders. Despite this, the killer was convicted for 142 years in prison.

Scary urban legends

Legend of Kropsi.


Among the residents of Staten Island Legend of Corpsi has been walking for several decades. She talks about a crazy murderer with an ax who escaped from the old hospital and hiding in the tunnels under the abandoned state school Willbrook. It comes out of shelter at night and hunting for children: Some claim that he has a hook instead of hand, and some - that he worms with an ax. The weapon for him does not matter, the result is important - to lure the child in the ruins of the old school and cut it into pieces.


As it turned out, the crazy killer was quite real. Andre Rand was the immediate culprit of the abduction of two children. He worked as a cleaner in this very school before her closure. There, children with disabilities were kept in terrible conditions: they were beaten, they were offended, they had no normal food or clothes. The homeless Rand returned to the tunnels under the school to continue the atrocities that previously reigned in this school.

The children began to disappear, and the body of 12-year-old Jennifer Schweiger was found in the forest near the Randa Camp. He was accused of killing Jennifer and another missing child. To the end it is not proven that these murders are his hands, however, the police managed to prove that he was involved in the abductions of children. He was convicted for 50 years of court. The location of other missing children has not yet been disclosed.

Nanny and killer on the second floor


The story of Nyan and the killer, hiding at the top - this is undoubtedly the classic of urban horror stories. According to this legend, a girl working in a rich family gets a terrible call. In almost all versions of history, the caller asks the nanny, whether she checked the children. Nanny calls the police, where it turns out that they call from the house where she is with children. According to most versions, all three find severely killed.


The reason for the spread of this terrible story was quite the real killing of a 12-year-old girl Janet Kristman, who looked after three-year-old Gregory Romac. In March 1950, when this cruel crime occurred, in Colombia, Missouri, was a terrible thunderstorm. Janet only put a child to sleep, as an unknown person entered the house and brutally raped and killed the girl.

In the main suspects for a long time, a certain Robert Muller was listed, the accused of another murder. Unfortunately, the evidence against Muller was only indirect, but he was still accused of killing Janet. After some time, he sued for illegal retention of custody, charges were removed, and he left the city forever. After his departure, such crimes stopped.

Legends based on real events



The story of a rabbit person appeared in about the 70s of the last century and, as many urban legends, has several versions. The most common of them says about the events that occurred in 1904, when the local psychiatric institution of the city Clifton, Virginia, closes and the need to carry patients to a new building appears. According to the classics of the genre, transport with patients falls into a serious accident, most of them dies, and the survivors escape to the will. All of them are successfully returned back ... In addition to one - Douglas Griffina, sent to a mental hospital for killing his family in Easter Sunday.

Shortly after his escape in the district, exhausted and disheveled rabbits carcasses appear in the trees. Some time later, local residents show the body of Marcus Wallster hanging from the ceiling underground transition under the railway in the same terrible state as rabbits before it. The police tried to drive the crazy in the corner, but he, running away, fell under the train. Now his troubled ghost wanders around the district and everything also hangs on the trees of rabbits.

Some even claim that they saw a rabbit person with their own person who was standing in the shadow of the underground transition. Locals believe that the one who dares to enter the transition to Halloween night will be found dead as the next morning.


Fortunately, this terrible legend is just a legend, and there was not really no crazy killer. There was no Douglas Griffin, nor Marcus Wallster. However, in the County of Fairfax, a person lived, who was unhealthy persecuted on rabbits and terrorized the locals in the 70s of the last century.

He rushed to passersby and pursued them with a small hatch in his hands. Some argued that one day he threw a hatch in the window of the passing machine. One incident occurred in the house of one of the locals. The crazy took an ax and a long handle and began to chop the porch of the unhappy house. He escaped until the police arrived and no one still knows who he is and what they dug.



The legend of the hook, perhaps the most common of all urban horror stories. It has several versions, every worse than the previous one and the most famous of says about a couple of love in the parked car. The radio fleece is suddenly interrupted to inform the listeners a terrible news - fled the cruel killer, a caring hook, and now he is hiding in that Park, where the lovers are located.

The girl hearing the news, asks her beloved to leave from there as quickly as possible. The guy is annoying, but they are going, and he takes her home. When they come, they find a bloody hook hanging from the door handle from the passenger seat.


Whether a couple gets to the house without incident, or a girl with horror hears how the fingers of her beloved touch the roof of the machine, when his bloody body hangs on the tree - the story appeared not by chance. In the late 1940s, a small and peaceful town shook a series of horrific killings. The culprit was nusted as a killer in the lunar light, but never was found.

At night, he killed young people in parked cars. Frightened inhabitants returned home long before the curfew announced by the authorities. The bloody crimes stopped as quickly as they began, in the lunar killer dissolved in the night.



In the city of Kuitman, Arkansas, for a long time he went the legend about the boy-ps. Locals argued that she narrates about evil and very cruel little boy who loved torturing defenseless animals, and then switched to his parents at all. After the death of the boy, his ghost dwells in the house, where he killed his parents, in the image of a receiving a half-cabinet, instilling horror and fear of people. People often notice His outlines in the room where he contained animals, which mocked.

Witnesses describe it as a major shaggy creature, resembling a dog with burning cat. Those who run past his houses notice that he is closely following them from the window of the house, and some even claim that the street for them was chased incomprehensible creature on all fours.


Once in the old house on Malberry Street 65 lived an evil and cruel boy named Gerald Bettis. His favorite occupation was the catch of neighboring animals. He had a separate room where he brought unfortunate. There he tortured them and cruelly killed. Over time, his cruelty began to appear in relation to the elderly parents. He was a huge growth and was overweight.

They say that it was he who killed his father, but I could not prove to anyone that he provoked his fall from the stairs. After the death of his father, he continued to mock his mother, holding her locked and the sea hunger. Law enforcement agencies intervened and they managed to save an unfortunate mother. Some time later, she testified against him for the cultivation and consumption of marijuana. He was sent to prison, where he died from overdose.


Black water


This pretty famous story begins with the fact that the usual family buys a new home. They are all fine until they open the crane, from where the black, muddy pour, the smelling water. After checking the reservoir with water, they detect the rotting body. It is not known when this legend was born, but a similar story really took place.


The body of Eliza Lam was found in the Water Reservoir at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles, California in 2013. Her death still remains a mystery, and the killer was not found. By the time guests began to complain about spoiled water and her body was discovered, it had already seen in the reservoir.

The most terrible legends

Bloody Mary


According to the terrible popular belief of Bloody Mary, in order to cause her an evil spirit, it is necessary to light the candles, turn off the light and whisper her name, intently looking into the mirror. When she comes, she can make both a number of safe deeds and terrible things.


According to research psychologists, if you look closely in the mirror for a long time, you can see how someone else looks at you in response, so most likely, the legend of Bloody Mary appeared not from scratch. The Italian psychologist Giovanni Caputo calls this phenomenon of the "illusion of someone else's face."

According to Caputo, if long and intently look at its reflection in the mirror, your field of view will begin to distort, and the outlines and borders will become blurred - your face will no longer look like before. The same illusion manifests itself when a person sees images and silhouettes in inanimate objects.

One businessman appealed to one of the local banks of New York with a request to provide him with a loan for three weeks in the amount of 1000 dollars.

As a collateral, he suggested his car to the bank - a sports Ferrari worth a quarter of a million ($ 250,000).

Who is stronger?

The parable of the ancient Greek sage Ezopa.

The sun and the wind argue, who is stronger, and the wind said: "I will prove, which is stronger. See, there is an old man in a raincoat? I bet that I could make him remove the raincoat faster than you. "

The sun hid behind the cloud, and the wind began to blow all the stronger and stronger until he turned into almost a hurricane.

Pull all the hard work for newbies - politics of many companies. Somewhere this rite is called a probationary period, somewhere - grandfather.

But almost everything is practiced.

Exception did not become the company "Jay Walter Thompson" (JWT)

The young manager James Yang came to work for them. At the same time, a batch of apples, beaten by frost and black spots, came to the company. Fruits were intended for mailing to customers, but, seeing, in what state they are, JWT management was horrified.

Managers close the heads what to do with apples. And they decided to entrust the sale of apples a novice.

Once, already being a millionaire, Henry Ford arrived in England. In the reference book of the airport, he asked any cheap hotel, if only it was not far.

An employee looked at him - his face was famous. Newspapers often wrote about Ford. And here it is here - in a raincoat, which looks older than himself and asks about the cheap hotel. The employee asked uncertainly:

If I'm not mistaken, are you - Mr. Henry Ford?

At all, you stick to me shame:
I am a bootiness, I'm a drunkard, almost a thief!
I am ready to agree with your words.
But do you deserve the sentence?
(Omar Khayam)

One person began to publicly insult Omar Khayama:

- You're a bootiness! You're drunk! You dozen!

In response to this, Jayyam only smiled and said loudly:

- I am ready to agree with your words ... Provided that you yourself are a worthy person.

And he turned to those present near people:

- Do you agree to call this person worthy?

- Not! -they said around people. - If it were a worthy person, he would not speak bad about other people.

In one city held a competition of the best artist.

And in the end, the jury chose the two best. But the judges could not decide which artists is the best. Then they appealed for advice to the sage.

The sage turned to the finalists with the question:

- How many flaws you see in your pictures.

One artist said:

"If I saw a flaw in the picture - I would immediately fixed it. This picture is flawless.

Modern legend.

Mark Zuckerberg says that for a long time negotiations on Facebook and WhatsApp. And negotiations did not give results.

For reference. WhatsApp appeared in 2009. He was founded by Jan Kum and Brian Extcast. In 2014, when WhatsApp had 400 million active users per month, Facebook wanted to buy whatsapp. From this merger should have won whatsapp, and Facebook.

Mark Tsuckerberg invited Jan Kum to his home, to discuss the conditions for the acquisition of WhatsApp once again.

Philosophical parable.

What people live in this city?

It was a long time ago. But this story is still alive.

One gray man was sitting near the oasis, at the entrance to one eastern city. A young man came up to the old man and asked:

- I have never been here. Tell me, old man, and what people live in this city?

The old man answered him a question:

- And what people were in that city? In the one of which you left?
- It was selfish and evil people. However, that is why I gladly left there!
- Well. Bad luck to you. And here you will meet exactly the same people, "the old man answered him.
- Well, I will go to the city.

Some weather, another person approached this place and asked the same question:

The most common legend of Narcissus,
Although there are other legends ....

Handsome young man named Narcissus lived.

He was the son of Kefis's river god. Nymph Echo, captivated by His beauty, suffered severely from unrequited love. In the end - ends, the echo went to the mountains and died there, leaving his voice.

It so happened that the heart of the young man did not meet the reciprocity.

In the punishment of Neemyda, he focused on Narcissus to experience once the all-consuming feeling of unrequited love.

And in a short time, the prophecy came true: In a hot day, the young man leaned over the streams to quench thirst and, seeing his own reflection in the mirror stroit of water, froze.

Narcissus was fascinated, in love with unconsciousness.

He did not sleep, did not eat, just admired himself, until he died. In place, where the soul left the body, the beautiful lonely flower rose with a dowel head.

Video of the legend of daffodil.

/ Narcissue Legend / Narcissus, Legend /

On the way there was a woman, beautiful like a fairy. Suddenly she noticed that a young man goes after her. She turned around and asked:

- Tell me why are you going for me?

The guy replied:

- Oh, the lady of my heart, your spells are so irresistible that they command me to follow you. You want to explain to love, because you captured my heart.

The girl silently looked for some time on a young man, and then said:

He lived a wise man. All loved him. But, as always, there was a young man who wanted to check his wisdom. He sat down his friends to teach the old man.

Sat the sage near his house and thought about something. Suddenly, young people approached and they began to rise and even insult a person, seeking to bring him out of themselves.

And again about the main thing about mutual understanding.
Someone once (whether this was John Gray with his useful books about relationships, or someone before him) came up with men from Mars, and women with Venus. Everyone heard about it, but no one perceives it seriously. Entering fiction is no more. Artifice. But after all, like any good metaphor, it can help better understand and see what we sometimes forget about. And well, when someone who recalls this appears

Beautiful and amazing legends have every nation. They are diverse on topics: legends about the exploits of heroes, stories about the emergence of the names of geographical objects, terrible stories about supernatural beings and novelists of lovers.

Definition of the term

Legend is an unreliable story about any event. It is very similar to the myth and can be considered its approximate analogue. But the legend and myth can still be called completely identical concepts. If we are talking about myth, then there are fictional heroes, who do not have any relationship to reality. The legend also allows for real events, later supplemented or embellished. Since they add a lot of fictional facts, they do not accept legends for reliable scientists.

If we take as a basis the classical meaning of the word, then the legend is a legend set out in artistic form. Such legends exist practically from all nations.

The best legends of the world - they will be discussed in the article.

Types of tradition

1. Oral legends are the most ancient look. They spread through stray obstellers.

2. Written legends are recorded oral stories.

3. Religious legends - narration of events and faces from church history.

4. Social legends - all other legends that are not related to religion.

5. Toponimic - explaining the origin of the names of geographic objects (rivers, lakes, cities).

6. Urban legends - the newest view that has been distributed in our day.

In addition, there are still many types of legends, depending on what the plot lies with them - zootropomorphic, cosmogonic, etiological, eschant and heroic. There are very short legends and long narrations. The latter are usually associated with history about the heroic accomplishments of any personality. For example, legend about or bogatyr Ilya Muromster.

How did the legends arise?

From Latin language Legenda is translated as "what should be read." The history of legends goes into the deep past and has the same roots as the myth. Not one of the reasons for many natural phenomena around him, made myths. Through them, he tried to explain his vision of the world. Later on the basis of mythology began to occur amazing and interesting legends about heroes, gods and supernatural phenomena. Many of them are preserved in the legends of the peoples of the world.

Atlantis - a legend of the lost paradise

The best legends arising in antiquity have lived to this day. Many of them still captivate the imagination of adventure seekers with their beauty and realism. The story of Atlantis suggests that there was an island in antiquity, the inhabitants of which have reached incredible heights in many sciences. But then he was destroyed by a strong earthquake and sank along with the Atlanta - his inhabitants.

It is necessary to express gratitude to the great ancient Greek philosopher Plato and an equally honored historian Herodotus for the history of Atlantis. An interesting legend worried about the minds of these outstanding scientists of ancient Greece. She did not lose her relevance and nowadays. A wonderful island, sunken millennia back, continue to look for now.

If a legend about Atlantis is true, this event will enter into the number of the greatest discoveries of the century. After all, there was no less interesting legend about the mythical three, in the existence of which Heinrich Schliman sincerely believed. In the end, he managed to find this city and prove that in the ancient legends there is some truth.

Rome base

This interesting legend is one of the most famous in the world. The city of Rome originated in antiquity on the shores of Tiber. The proximity of the sea gave the opportunity to engage in trade, and at the same time the city was well protected from a sudden attack of marine robbers. According to the legend, Rome was founded by Romul and Rem, fed with a wolf. By order of the ruler, they had to kill them, but a negligible servant threw a basket with children in Tiber, hoping she would thin. She picked up the shepherd and became a receptional father for twins. Improving and learning about his origin, they rebelled against a relative and took power from him. The brothers decided to establish their city, but during the construction quarreled, and Romulus killed Rem.

Built the city he called his name. The legend of the emergence of Rome refers to toponymic legends.

Legend of Gold Dragon - Path to Heavenly Temple

Among the legends are very popular about dragons. They have many nations, but traditionally it is one of the favorite those Chinese folklore.

The legend of the Golden Dragon says that there is a bridge between heaven and the earth, which leads to the Heavenly Temple. He belongs to the Lord of the world. Only clean souls can get into it. On guard, shrines are two gold dragon. They feel a unworthy soul and can break it when trying to penetrate the temple. One day one of the dragons was angry with the Lord, and he expelled him. Dragon went down to Earth, met other creatures and was born from him dragons of various masters. Vladyka was angry when he saw them, and destroyed everyone, except not yet born. Binding to light, they hid for a long time. But the Lord of the world did not destroy new dragons, but left on Earth as his governors.

Treasures and treasures

Legends about gold occupy no last place in the list of popular legends. One of the most famous and beautiful myths of ancient Greece talks about the search for Argonauts of the Golden Rune. For a long time, just a legend was considered a legend about the treasure while Henry Schliman did not find a treasure from pure gold at the site of the excavation of Mycene - the capital of the legendary king.

Kolchak gold is another famous legend. In the years of the Civil War, most of the golden stock of Russia turned out to be a large part of the gold tons of gold. Transferred it in several echelons. What happened to one echelon, historians are known. He was captured by the rebel Czechoslovak Corps and given to the authorities (Bolsheviks). But the fate of the remaining two unknown to this day. The precious cargo could be discharged into the mine, hidden or swallowed to the ground in a huge territory between Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk. All excavations that have been conducted so far (starting from Chekists), the result was not given.

Well in hell and library Ivan the Terrible

Russia also has its interesting legends. One of them, which appeared relatively recently, is among the so-called urban legends. This is a story about the well in hell. This name received one of the deepest man-made wells in the world - Kola. Its drilling began in 1970. Length is 12,62 meters. Created a well exclusively for scientific purposes. Now it is canned, since there are no funds to maintain it in working condition. The legend of Oh appeared in 1989, when the story was sounded in American television that the sensors, lowered to the very depth of the well, recorded sounds similar to the moans and cries of people.

Another interesting legend, which may well be truthful, speaks about the library of books, scrolls and manuscripts. The last owner of the precious meeting was Ivan IV. It is believed that she was in the dowry niece of the Byzantine emperor Konstantin.

Feeding that precious books in Wooden Moscow can burn in a fire, she ordered to place a library in the basements under the Kremlin. According to the seekers of the famous Liberia, it can withdraw 800 volumes of invaluable writings of ancient and medieval authors. Now there are about 60 versions on where the mysterious library can be stored.

Disputes between supporters of the theory of creatureism and evolutionary theory do not subside to this day. However, in contrast to the theory of evolution, creationism includes not one, and hundreds of different theories (if not more).

Myth about Pan-Gu

The Chinese have their own considerations about how the world arose. The most popular myth can be called the myth about Pan-Gu, a man-giant. The plot is as follows: at the dawn, the sky and the earth were close to each other so much that they merged into a single black mass.
According to the legend, this mass was an egg, and Pan-GU lived inside it, and lived for a long time - many millions of years. But one day, such a life was tired of him, and, having faded with a hunched ax, Pan-State got out of his egg, the splits of him into two parts. These parts subsequently became the sky and the earth. He was an unimaginable - such as fifty kilometers long, which, according to the standards of the ancient Chinese, was the distance between the sky and the earth.
Unfortunately for Pan-Gu and fortunately for us, Colossus was mortal and, like all mortals, died. And then Pan-State departed. But not as we do. Pan-GU departed truly cool: his voice turned into thunder, his skin and bones became a solid, and his head became space. So, his death gave life to our world.

Chernobogo and Belobog

This is one of the most significant myths of Slavs. He tells about the confrontation of good and evil - white and black gods. It all started like this: when there was only one solid sea around, Belobogi decided to create a land, sent his shadow - black - to perform all dirty work. Everything did the blackbody as it should, however, possessing the simulatory and proud, did not want to share power over the firm with Belobogo, having decided to drown the latter.
Beloboga from this situation was released, he did not allow himself to kill himself and even blessed the land, erected by blacks. However, one small problem arose with the appearance of sushi: its area grew exponentially, threatening everything around.
Then Beloboga sent his delegation to Earth with the aim of to withdraw from the Chernobogo, how to stop this matter. Well, Chernoboga sat down on the goat and went to the negotiations. The delegates, seeing the hell of the Chernobogogo groaning to them, were imbued with a community of the spectacle and broke out by wild laughter. Chernobogu did not understand, he was very offended and flatly refused to talk to them.
Meanwhile, Belobog, still wanting to save the Earth from dehydration, decided to arrange a surveillance for the black, make it easier for this purpose. The insect with the task has coped successfully and put the secret, which was as follows: To stop the growing sushi, it is necessary to draw a cross on it and say the cherished word - "pretty". What Belobogo did.
To say that the Chernobog was not happy - not to say anything. Wanting to take revenge, he cursed the Beloboga, and I cursed it very original: for my meanness, Belobogu was now supposed to eat bee feces. However, Beloboga was not confused and made beefall sweet, like sugar, - Honey appeared. About how people appeared, Slavs for some reason did not think ... The main thing is that there is honey.

Armenian duality

Armenian myths resemble Slavic and also tell us about the existence of two opposite beginners - this time male and female. Unfortunately, the myth does not answer the question of how our world was created, only explains how everything is arranged. But this is less interesting, it does not become.
So, here's a brief point: the sky and the earth are a husband and a wife who divided the ocean; The sky is a city, and the land - a piece of the rock, which he keeps on his huge horns no less huge bull - when he shakes the horns, the earth is bursting on the seams from earthquakes. Here, in fact, all - so Armenians represented themselves.
There is an alternative myth, where the land is in the middle of the sea, and Leviafan swims around it, trying to grasp it for his own tail, and the constant earthquakes also explained his bultias. When Leviafan finally hesitates his tail, the life on Earth will stop and come apocalypse. Have a nice day.

Scandinavian myth about Ice Giant

It would seem that there is nothing in common between the Chinese and the scandinals - no, Vikings also had his own giant - he was initially all, only his name was IMI, and he was ice and with a club. Before his appearance, the world was divided into Sullheim and Niflheim - the kingdom of fire and ice, respectively. And between them, Ginnungaga stretched, symbolizing absolute chaos, and there was an IMIR from the merger of two opposite elements.
And now closer to us, to people. When Imir swept up, together with then, a man and a woman came out of his right armpit. Strange, yes, we understand it - well, here they are, harsh Vikings, nothing can be done. But back to the point. The man was called a storm, he had a son of Bour, and Boera had three sons - one, Vili and Ve. Three brothers were gods and ruled Asgard. It seemed to them a little, and they decided to kill the great-grandfather imir, making the world from him.
Iirm was not happy, but no one asked him. In the process, he shed a lot of blood - enough to fill the sea and oceans; From the skull of the unfortunate brothers created the heavenly arch, the bones broke out, making the mountains and cobblestones from them, and the clouds made from the plundered brains of the poor imir.
This new world and the company immediately decided to settle: so they found two beautiful woods on the seashore - ash and alder, making a man from an ash, and from Alder - a woman, thereby giving the beginning of a human race.

Greek myth about balls

Like many other peoples, the ancient Greeks believed that before our world appeared, there was only a solid chaos around. There was no Sun, nor the moon - everything was seted into one big bunch, where things were inseparable from each other.
But a certain God came, looked at the confusion around the mess, thought and decided that all this was not good, and took up the work: he separated the cold from heat, a foggy morning from a clear day and everything in such a kind.
Then he began for the land, having rolling it into the ball and dividing this ball into five parts: it was very hot on the equator, on the poles - it is extremely cold, but between the poles and the equator - just right, you can't think more comfortable. Further, from the seed of an unknown God, most likely Zeus, in the Romans known as Jupiter, the first person was created - two-way and also in the shape of a ball.
And then he was broken upon him, making a man and a woman from him - future us with you.