Gravity Falls City: Is there in real life. Is there a city of gravity Falls actually?! All about the city of Gravity Falls

Gravity Falls City: Is there in real life. Is there a city of gravity Falls actually?! All about the city of Gravity Falls

Good day!

Friends, I do not know how you, and I adore cartoons. It does not matter whether this is a cartoon or a cartooner. It doesn't matter even what public it is designed: on the smallest or adults. The main thing is that for me he was essential. So I reviewed them a huge set.

And if with full-length animation films everything is clear - they can be for both adults and children and for those and others at the same time, then with animated series it is different. Each of them is focused on its age category. But! There is one cartoon series (in fact, maybe more, but I have already seen one), which can be described as "family." It can be watched for children (of course, not quite small), he loves teenagers and it is interesting for adults. And it is called Gravity Falls (Gravity Falls).

What is GRAVITY Falls?

This is an American animated series released Disney studio in 2012. The series of the series unfolds in the American town of Gravity Falls, where two twins and sister Dipper and Mail Pains come to visit their Pradeadda.

Initially, our heroes are not at all delighted with the fact that they will have to spend all summer in American outback, periodically helping the rogish uncle in a shop for tourists. However, then it turns out that the town of Gravity Falls is not so simple, and the twins will face amazing things! In the literal sense, amazing and mystical.

In this series there are all:

  • gnomes, unicorns, zombies and other inhabitants of nearby forests;

    villains, both from real and parallel worlds;

    cute teenage love;

    touching family plots;

    true friendship;

    pile of riddles;

    of course, adventures.

And all this is seasoned with a good portion of humor. Without vulgarities and combustion. And plus to everything, the series is cool and nicely painted.

main characters

    Dipper Pines (Mason "Dipper" Pines)

    Mabel Pines

    Stanley Pains "Pradlady Stan" (Stanley Pines "Grunkle Stan")

    Zus Ramirez (Soos Ramirez)

    Wendy Curda (Wendy Corduroy)

    Stanford Pines "Grandford Ford" (Stanford Felbrick Pines "Grunkle Ford")

Gravity Falls is one of the most popular animated series of recent years, he has an army of fans and dozens of various awards. I will not tell about it in detail about it, because this cartoon is better to see (I revised ^ _ ^), well, and plus to everything, on Wikipedia there is a good article.

Now I want to raise the 5 most top-end issues related to this series:

  1. Will the 3rd season be?
  2. Who created this animated series?
  3. Is there a foul gravity?
  4. Where is the Gravity Falls?
  5. Where to buy diary dipper?

Let's start with the most painful.

Gravity Falls 3 season

Millions of fans around the world were, to say "strongly" - it means nothing to say, upset by the fact that after two seasons this project was closed. Yes, I also upset. Yes, I also want the third season \u003d)

The creators openly declared that Gravity Falls was not planned, as a long-playing series, and that two seasons are quite enough. However, rumors that the third part will be going to now. There are a lot of missions, and after all, what is the most interesting thing - if you ask the Google "Graviti Falls 3 Season 3" He will find it. But, this is either a closure of unscrupulous sites, which, under the sauce of the third season, pushed the first and second, or rollers made by the serial fans.

However, "Let's go back to our Baranas", the main question has remained open: will the season number 3 or not? Friends, will be! I do not know how it will be called, season 3 or new Dipper and Mable Adventures, but the continuation will be. This was announced in July last year Alex Hirsche in his twitter:

Gravity Falls Graphic Roman officially announced! New stories! Bashed monsters! End to your fantasies!

In other words, new adventures will be, but in format, roughly speaking, comics. I do not like comics, so I'm not cold from this news \u003d) but the fans can be glad. It remains now only to wait when Alex draws her.

Often, a lot of people worked on the animated series:

    Directors: John Aoshima, Aaron Springer, Joe Pitt, Rob Renzetti, Matt Braly, Stephen Sandoval, Sanil Hull

    Producers: Alex Hirsche (executive producer), Tobias Conan Costa, Brown Doell, Suzanna Olson, Rob Renzetti

    Scriptwriters: Alex Hirsche, Michael Riant, Tim McKeon, Ori Wenington

    Composer: BRAD BRIC

    Studio: Disney Television Animation

... Dipper & Mabel, The Imaginary Cartoon Babies WHO Live in My Brain
... dipper and maleb, imaginary cartoon kids living in my brain

It was Hirsch who created the main concept of the entire series, by the way, in a 11-minute student roller, which was failed to the Disney studio. So the gravity of Falls began.

By the way, if you adore Gravity Falls and still have not subscribed to Hirsch on Twitter, it is in vain. I am not a fan of the series, and on the multiplier signed, it sometimes gives funny twittes \u003d)

Well, seriously, where are you still one of the first, you will see Stenbla? BUT? The same!

Stanbel IS Here to Give You Nightmares

Stena is already here to give you nightmares

In general, if you want to subscribe -

Friends, no matter how much you want, but this city is completely fictional, however, with the features of the real cities of the United States. In general, I think you have noticed that in gravity Falls is very and very much fiction (well, except for the gnomes and unicorns, of course \u003d)).

But now we are talking about the town. What do we know about him from the plot of the cartoon?

Gravity Falls (Gravity Falls, which is a little closer to its original writing) was founded by the 8,7st US president Kentin Trimble in 1872 in the Oregon Valley of the same name. But let's in order:

  1. Ancient times the valley (which will be called the gravity of Falls) inhabited aborigines, but the indigenous population left these places, because their shaman predicted that the end of the world (strangeddon) would happen here;
  2. Then there came the gold killers who, by the way, called this place "damned earth". I think it is clear why \u003d)
  3. Then, on this "Damned Earth", the Tramblibs found himself, which, after another unsuccessful horse's trip, decided to organize the gravity Falls settlement in these parts;
  4. At first, the gravity of Falls was a small village that flourishes at the time of the "gold fever", and then the "flannel fever". But everything has the end - the gold kits soon left these places, since they all had dismissed dinosaurs living in the mines;
  5. In the mid-19th century, the population in the city has increased dramatically;
  6. Nowadays, gravity Falls Sleepy town among Oregon forests.

But it's all in the universe invented Khirsh and Co., and what in real life? As I said, in the reality of such a city in Oregon. Moreover, it is not in the United States, in general, and the screenwriters themselves say that there is no type of the town. But there is something similar:

    landscapes of the fictional city are very similar to the landscapes of Oregon;

    in the plot of the cartoon, it is said that in the forests, near Graviti Falls took place landing UFO, in reality, in Oregon, also seen "flying plates";

    some fans still believe that the real place The Oregon Vortex - there is some kind of gravity Falls;

    there is still an opinion that the fictional town is drawn from the real settlements of Vortex and Boring (both of them, by the way, abnormal zones).

One way or another, you can guess and search for coincidences, you can only know the truth only scripts.

Falls Gravity Diary in Russian

Finally, the last question: where to buy a diary of the dipper (in Russian), as well as coloring Graat Falls and, of course, comics (graphic novels).

Friends, I ran through shopping, of course, on the online store and the price served. Therefore, I can confidently say that the diary, comics, coloring, stickers and other are:

    on ozone;

    in the chitai city;

    in the labyrinth.

On ozone, in general, that is not only (and I am not only about the cartoon), but this store, all the same, expensive. But for the two remaining links for the ladies (I myself used their services, and I was satisfied). There you will look there, and choose what you need.

* Gravity Diary Falls, for me so, a great gift! Yes, and the price is very pleasant, for such, partly even, the souvenir book. I'll get exactly, but in German \u003d)

  1. The name Gravity Falls is literally translated as "gravity falls", perhaps there is a reference to the paranormality of the terrain.
  2. This animated series is a leader in the number of riddles in the series. In each of them, there is some secret attitude: from encrypted messages that can be found in the form of graffiti on the walls, paper leaves on the table, paintings, and so on. To take at least a puppy from the hallucinations of the MAYBL, which the back-ones say: "You should not trust Stan."
  3. The number of "Easter eggs" in the cartoon, too, phenomenal. There are references to books, games, movies and a lot.
  4. A part of the episodes of the life of the main characters is drawn with the biography of Alex Hirsha and his sisters Ariel, who became the prototype of the baby Mailed.
  5. And Zus Ramireps was drawn with Alex's Friend.

Start of the series (video passage)

Now I will slowly spin, but before I finally say goodbye, I want to attach a piece of the first series of the first season, so to speak, for familiarization \u003d)

Now everything is exactly, to new meetings, friends.

In this article you will learn:

"Gravity Falls" is an animated television series of the studio "Disney". The cartoon series at first sight seems nursery, but after several episodes it becomes clear that adults will find a lot of interesting things here. Inimitable humor, many references to popular culture, high-quality animation and, of course, an incredible number of mysteries and secrets - this is what the animated series love thousands of fans worldwide.

The plot of the works revolves around two main characters - children named Dipper and Maber. Parents send twins on the summer holidays to the cousin by name, in the town of Gravity Falls in Oregon. The city itself and the surrounding area contain a huge number of abnormal phenomena and creatures, and riddles and secrets accompany the heroes all the time.

History of the founding of gravity Falls

Gravity Falls is a small town on the unaccluents of the United States of America, or rather, somewhere in the middle of the state of Oregon. The settlement is no different from hundreds of those across the country, except that all the abnormal events of the United States are concentrated here (if not the whole world).
The secret of this is shrouded in the fog of the past.

True Founder Gravity Falls

It is reliably known that the city founded Quentin Trimble. This extravagant man is known for the age of eight and a half president of the United States. The eighth and a half, because the fact of the country's revenue itself was hidden. And this is due to the fact that the president was amazingly stunning.

So, the city of Gravity Folz was founded by Tramblibs at the moment when the unlucky president rode a horse. Backwards. Naturally, such a style led to a fall - with a pretty high hill. The place in which Quentin Tramblbles landed, he called gravity Falls (literally - "gravitational fall", "drop from gravity").

The head of the United States of America was unpleasant surprised by the next anticipation of the eighth of the eighth of a half president, so the fact of the foundation of the city was saturated. For descendants, the founder of gravity Falls became Nathaniel Natvest, which marked the beginning of the genus of Naturestov - the rich city. The descendant of Nathaniel is his great-grandfather of Pasigique, one of the main opponents of Mail.


Main places of the city

The main attraction of Gravity Falls is a hut wonderland - The building in which the main characters arrived to and come for the summer. The hut miracles is at the same time home, and a souvenir shop, and a museum. Paradoxically, but here, in the center of the Mystical Town of the United States, fakes and tricks for curious tourists are collected. Stan earns on visitors as soon as it can, while constantly deceiving them and lucavie. Wendy and Sousse also works in the hut store. However, the building itself is paying much more mysteries than it may seem at first glance.

Hut miracles

Falls gravity forest contains an overwhelming part of the miracles of the town. The forest surrounds the settlement from all sides, and the most amazing creatures live in its depths. Among them: Dwarfs, men (half men - half brands), giant spiders, volatile skulls and many others!

Lake Graviti Folz is very close to the city. It is surrounded by high cliffs, and on the one hand has a sandy beach. Many residents are resting here or engaged in fishing. According to the legend, Lake lives in the lake. In the center of the reservoir is the island - a head-shaped island-beast - on which the colony of Bobrov is located.

General view of gravity Falls

Creatures from the series

The animated series shows a huge number of fictional creatures - funny and really terrible, harmless and dangerous. Here are the most interesting of them:

  • Gnomes. Merry dwarfs wishing to make Mabel your queen. Curly, but can create a giant gnome from their bodies.
  • Mugotaurs. Allusion on minotaurovs, fastened on the courage of semi-semi-semi-semi-punching. Aggressive, but ready to help the dipper become more courageous.
  • Zombie. Disgusting decomposing creatures that can be defeated by triple symphony. Very aggressive and dangerous.
  • Dinosaurs. They were sharpened in amber in the mine under the city. High temperatures melted amber, releasing monsters to freedom.
  • Bow-shaped island beast. The giant head in the form of the island, flying behind the dipper and mail in the mini-episode. Gemini managed to escape.
  • Multi-bear. Two injured bodies with four legs and hands and eight heads. The dipper defeated the bear, proving his courage, but did not kill him.
  • Shail Shifter. Dangerous monster who can take any appearance. Found heroes in the cave, subsequently frozen and neutralized.
  • Bill cipher. A powerful demon in the form of a yellow triangle, which can obey the mind of people. The main antagonist of history.

Gnome of gravel Falls

Urban holidays

In Gravity, Falls love to celebrate the holidays. The main ones are:

  • Day opening of the fishing season. Almost the entire city flows down to the lake on this day, when the time of fishing is officially opened. In the episode of the series, the heroes are trying to unravel the mystery of the allegation, allegedly living in the lake.
  • Party in miracles hut. The largest disco of the city, which is satisfied with Stan Pines in order to draw attention to its goods. During the party, the dipper clones itself (repeatedly).
  • Return of miracles hut. Meeting dedicated to the opening of the store for the second time after the victory over Gydon Gliful. Zombies appear in the series, whom dipper, Mail and Uncle Stan are overcome.
  • Letoin. The holiday, which the townspeople celebrate June 22, as summer Halloween. Instead of pumpkins in summer, lights from watermelons are cut. The episode shows the creepy Letowinsky Lovkach.

Day of Pioneers - Another Holiday Gravity Falls
  • In the US, there is a place that wears a very similar to gravity folse name. This is a city named Oregon Volze. It is possible that the authors of the series referred to him.
  • The main characters of the animation series - Dipper Pines and Mabin Pines - Gemini. They were "sketched" from the main author of Gravity Falls Alex Hirsha and his twin sister named Ariel.
  • Another connection with Ariel - a girl in childhood dreamed of his own piglery. That is why Mailed and got a pig in the series.
  • Some of the television series characters differ in that they have four fingers on each hand. At the other heroes, everything is in order - five fingers. The creators of the series explain this aesthetics. Just some heroes looked well with four fingers, while others - with five.
  • The final of the series is still far away, but the authors have already rebelled that in the last series the final departure of the twins from Gravity Falls home will be shown.
  • In the end of each episode, an incomprehensible set of letters appears. In fact, this is an encrypted message that belongs to either the last series or next. You can decipher the phrase by carefully listening to the whisper, which sounds at the end of the initial screensaver. Scriming the whisper with the ass in advance, you will get the key to the cipher.
  • In gravity, Falls literally each frame is a cipher, reference or "Easter egg". On the Internet there are a lot of thematic forums, in which participants are trying to solve the secrets of the series and predict the plot.

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The cartoon series Gravity Falls saw the light in 2012 and since then gained very popular popularity. To date, there are two seasons, the last of which began on February 15 of this year.
His main plot unfolds around 12-year-old Twins Mail and Dipper Pines, who spend their summer holidays in the small town of Gravity Falls, which is located in Oregon. Its name is translated into Russian as "Dangerous Fall". In his district, many strange creatures live in the forest and river, and under water there is a huge, terrible head. According to the history of the town, it was founded in 1842 by Sir Lord Quentin Rumbl III, after he fell from the cliff on the horse in this place.
From the moment the cartoon appears on the screen, everything became terribly interesting - is there a city of gravity Falls actually or is it fiction?
Unfortunately, this is really another invented city. It in fact does not exist that does not really exist - neither in Origor, or anywhere else in the United States as described by its film creators.

On the other hand, his image combines several different towns of American depths, similar to each other "like two drops". After a long analysis and reflection, the fans of the cartoon came to the conclusion that he at least combined the towns of Vortex and Boring in the same state of Origor. About them, long time is the glory of some paranormality.

The valley of Gravity Falls actually does not exist, because it created a spacecraft when landing. And in this state never landed! Although in Origon state again there is one little similar place. See for yourself:

So a lot of mysteries are of course. But do not forget that this is just a cartoon and he is the fruit of the author's fantasy.

Many of those who watched the cartoon about this locality, would like to know if there is a gravity of Falls in fact, or this is another fiction of the scriptwriters. To understand this issue, let's talk more about what is the city where it is in accordance with the plot of a cartoon picture.

Is there a gravity folster in real life?

Before answering the question, there is a gravity folse, let's turn to the information known to us from the cartoon. So, according to the plot of the cartoon painting, this settlement is located in the American state of Oregon, in terms of population and the total area it is quite small, that is, in fact, is a certain analogue of the cottage settlement or a provincial town. It was founded in 1842, after one of the characters fell from a horse in the same name with the name of the village of Valley. It does not occur in it significant from the point of view of world news of events, and it is practically not known to anyone, except for the inhabitants of this settlement. According to the plot, a certain mystical creatures live in gravity and its surroundings, with which the heroes are contacted.

Now we will deal with whether the town of Gravity Falls is actually. So, if we look at the list of settlements in the state of Oregon, we will not find a similar settlement. Of course, many believe that it is so small that it is simply not included in similar lists, but looking at the US detailed maps, we also make sure it is simply not.

The scenario themselves also recognize that the city of gravity Folz exists only due to their imagination, and you will not find such a settlement in any American state. Of course, some similar features of this town and real settlements you can detect can be detected, but it is nothing more than coincidence. When creating a script, the authors did not set themselves the task to copy the real settlement, on the contrary, they wanted to come up with an unusual and mysterious town. To fully avoid certain coincidences with real cities and natural zones, they, of course, failed, because there are many provincial settlements similar to each other as 2 drops of water. Therefore, if you wish, you can find a very similar settlement, but, which is real, and not invented, for example, such towns like Vortex and Boring, located all in the same state of Oregon.

"Gravity Falls" ("Gravity Falls", Gravity Falls) - a cartoon series about the adventures of brother and sisters Dipper and Mabel, which has tremendous popularity thanks to an outstanding plot collision and a warm, lamp atmosphere. The series came out from 2012 to 2016 in the form of two logically completed seasons.

Who created "Gravity Falls"? The appearance of "Gravity Falls" We are obliged to a talented graduate of the California Institute of Arts Alex Hirsha. Alex was lucky - he is doing his loved welfare all his life. It is engaged in Eastovo, with extinguishing the fruits of its imagination into bright animation pictures. An inspirational animator with burning eyes, extraordinary thinking and zador noted director Disney. So Alex Hirsch got into the "Mouse House", where he was given complete freedom of action: just create. And Alex created "Gravity Falls".

Alex Hirsch was not 30 years old when he created his masterpiece

Of course, at first there was a concept. Like any artist, the creator of "Gravity Falls" pushed out of his experience. An inexhaustible well of inspiration for him was the childhood. Holiday time he, together with his sister-twin Ariel, often Korotal in the village of Uncle. It is difficult to imagine the generation of smartphones, but the main entertainment in the absence of a TV (no tablets and speech) for Alex and Ariel became their own imagination. In search of miracles, the guys studied the nearest neighborhood and lured leprechauns to traps. Viewed "Secret Materials" and "Twin Pix" a lot contributed to child interest in mysticism.

It is not surprising that the protagonist "Gravity Falls" Dipper is a copy of Alex as a child. In one exception - the dipper is really a full-fledged participant in miracles in reality. Mable, of course, is similar to Ariel, in 12 years she also loved the multicolored sweaters and fell in love every week. The cartoon "Gravity Falls" tells how the dipper and Mailed spend the summer at their cousin Stan. Uncle Guys does not believe in magic, although he holds the "miracles" hut - a museum for curious tourists. But if the "huts" exhibits are just a fake, then beyond the world, the world is tatting a lot of secrets requiring a solution. And the local gravitifolz leather is wandering, and the mermaid on the branches is sitting, and every other evil spirits are not averse to the acquaintance with the main characters.

Main characters surrounded by mysteries

The cartoon "Gravity Falls" raises classic fantastic and mystical themes: travel in time, cloning, body sharing, "Butterfly effect", the call of the dark forces, etc. In this case, the animated series cannot be called exclusively childish. Yes, the Creator of "Gravity Falls" was focused on what he would be interested in to look at 12 years. However, the project was very successful in an adult audience. Alex sincerely believes that the cartoon will be in demand in people of any age if he likes his creator from the soul.

When the author of "Graviti Falls" Alex Hirsch showed his developments by Disney bosses, he expected anything - until the invasion of Mickey Mouse and the seizure of all frightening monsters. However, no significant adjustments occurred, and the work of Alex found her viewer. After the release of the "gravity of Falls" on the screens, the author of the animated series woke up famous. In his interview, he admits that he did not expect such success, such a passion, with which adults and children will try to solve cartoon riddles. At the moment, the cartoon "Gravity Falls" is no longer produced, but remains loved for numerous project fans. Whether there will be any continuation of "gravity fouls" - a film, a series or special, is still unknown.


In "Gravity Falls", all seasons are devoted to the adventures of the twins Dipper and Mabel in the gravity town of Gravity Falls, full secrets and mysteries. Twins who came to see their uncle show that the city is not as simple as it seems. "Gravity Falls" 1 season begins with a mysterious incident - finding a certain "diary 3", in which an unknown story told about what monsters and what miracles can be met in these places. The author of the diary warns: to believe anyone can not. The cartoon "Gravity Falls" 1 season is devoted to the rays of the secrets of the town, as well as to meet many monsters designated in the diary. The immutable participants of the adventure are the dipper, maleb, their uncle Stan and Zus, a wonderland worker, where all the main characters live. Heroes will face to face with Dwarns, Letowinsky Lovkach, men, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, revived wax figures, own clones, dinosaurs and many other amazing creatures, most of which are quite dangerous.

Dipper and diary №3

The main antagonist Gravity Falls 1 season is the baby Gideon, outstanding himself for psychics. The main goal of the Gideon is to get the right to the hut miracles. At the end of the season, the audience will learn that so manits the little tyrant in this hut. Typically, the heroes can be soldered with all the Intrigations of Gideon, but in the final the villain will take revenge. Also at the end of the "Gravity Falls" of the 1st season, the villain appears Bill Cipher caused by Gideon, he will try to take possession of the mind of Stan Pines. Among other cartoon intrigues "Graviti Falls" 1 season - Unrequited Love Dipper in Wendy, a red-haired employee of the wonderland, for which the dipper will have to compete with a robbie musician. Gideon fell in love with Mable, but she souls are the other boys, for example, Rusal or participants of the pop group "A couple of times."

Among the most popular episodes of the series "Graviti Falls" 1 season is a series "Dipper and Attack of Clones" about how the dipper decided to make its own clones with a strange printer to organize the ideal invitation of Wendy to the dance. The top view is also a funny series "Run or fight", in which the dipper animated a pixel character of a computer game for victory over Robbie. He loved the audience and the series "Time ago!" Traveling Dipper and Mailed in time.

The cartoon "Gravity Falls" 2 seasons continues the topic of mystical secrets of the town. The history of the traveler in time, Gideon revealed and imprisoned, a hut miracles returned to the Pienes family, Dipper and Maleb learned the mystery of Zombies, Liligolfers, Unicorns, the Ghost Mansion of Natvatov and other incredible creatures. Also, the twins will have to face the revollable characters of games, terrible animatronic, help Uncle Stan run into the mayors and reveal the secret of the old man McGaake, which he himself does not remember.

In the "Gravity Falls" of the 2 seasons, we will learn more about the minor characters - the images of the Zose, Pacific and Robbie receive their development. But ahead of the disclosure of the main secrets of the animated series: Who is the author of the diaries, and what is Stan doing in his basement? To find out who wrote diaries, in the Gravity Falls 2 Seasons, Dipper and Maleb are risky. In their search, they discover that in the diary No. 3 there are inscriptions written by invisible ink. They also find a laptop of the alleged author and are trying to hack, which leads the dipper to trouble. Finally, the twins will recognize the terrible secret of Uncle Stan about the universal portal, his family and the past.

Dangers are waiting everywhere

For many issues, the cartoon "Gravity Falls" of the 2 seasons of the main characters terrorizes the cunning and cherish bill cipher, who conceived something terrible. The villain decided to destroy the world and puts out the plan of strangeddon, but will he get to realize his plans to life, and the Pines family reflect his attack? What role does the baby guideon play in this confrontation? How will the fate of the Pienes family decide? The answers to these questions are in themselves the final "Gravity Falls" 2 seasons. The cartoon "Gravity Falls" 2 seasons are rich in superpopular series. Among them are an action-series "in the bunker", where the company meets allegedly the author of the diary, and the dipper is recognized in his feelings of Wendy, as well as an incredibly dynamic episode "not the one seems to", revealing the truth about the author of the diaries. One of the best episodes in the franchise is recognized as the episode "Tale of Two Stana". At the same time, the "Game of Blendin" about the scene is considered the most dramatic and touching. It is impossible not to note the final episodes of the series "Gravity Falls" - "Strangeedon": truly frightening, intriguing and caused a flurry of emotions from fans.

In addition to ordinary episodes, the spectators caused a special issue of "Gravity Falls: Between Pines", where Alex Hirsch talks about the sections of the animated series.

Will it be released on season 3 "Gravity Falls"?

"Gravity Falls" 2 seasons are barely ended, and the audience is already waiting for "Gravity Falls" 3 seasons. The Internet literally exploded with questions: Will there be a continuation of "gravity of fouls"? When will "gravel fouls" 3 season, release date - is it known? In the end, will there be 3 gravity fouls in general? However, to universalizing the fans of the cartooner, his creator Alex Hirsch announced that "gravity Falls-3 should not wait. The cartoon ran out. Not because of the ratings or desire disney, the author of the project itself decided to complete it.

Heroes say goodbye to the audience

This is a simple explanation - "Gravity Falls" 3 seasons will not be, because the history of the dipper, Mail and the town itself has an interesting beginning and no less worthy completion. The animated series is endowed with not static heroes, measured in time, and living characters who have passed the path of development. As Alex Hirsch himself notes, we live during remakes, prequel and sequels, because people like to return what they once loved. Alex does not deny that someday returns to the left world and will make not only the third season, but also "Gravity Falls" 4 seasons, a special issue or remreed. But this, as they say, is already a completely different story.

Now that fans learned what to expect when the 3rd gravity of Falls will be released, there is no need, their attention is riveted to the new project of Alex Hirsha on the Fox Channel. Who knows, perhaps it will be his new masterpiece.

Mini episodes

In addition to the 20-minute series of animated series, you can see the short films "Gravity Falls". Mini-episodes last 2-2.5 minutes. There are several themed issues of short films. One of the most popular among them is "Gravity Falls: Mabel Tips." These short films are made as a pseudocional video day Mailed, filmed at the camera. In mini-episodes, the girl gives advice on art, fashion and dates. Like the entire series "Gravity Falls", mini-episodes of "MAYBL Tips" are abundant with jokes.

In another themed cycle, mini-series reveals the secrets of gravity fols diary of the dipper. Episodes are also made in a video know format, the dipper with the camera is pursued by the monsters and monsters, as well as inherent in him seriously trying to classify the mystical phenomena of gravity fouls. Mini-episodes "Magazine Anomalies Dipper" allows the audience to learn more about the mysterious inhabitants of the town.

"Gravity Falls: Dipper Anomalies, Meeting with Monster Island

Its series of short films is devoted to ZUS, or rather his skills in the field of repair. As you know, life in the hut miracles is conjugate with dangers and breakdowns. "Repair with ZUS" is a video blog about how to fix things that are broken as a result of the next alteration and careless circulation. The main thing, then not to break again, which repaired.

Would you like to explore the program of transmission of such a strange tv gravity Falls? Then the issues of mini episodes "Public Television Gravity Falls" will delight you with a new portion of surrealistic humor. Sketches from the life of the sharpened Gideon and the duck-detective attached.


Dipper Pines - One of the key heroes of "Gravity Falls". Dipper is a kind and sound twelve-year-old boy, which fell a lot of adventures. The name of the hero, apparently, is a nickname: it is translated from English as "bucket", while on the forehead at the Dipper "Constellation" moles in the form of a bucket. According to the hero, gravity Falls Polon Tyne. Some of his guesses turn out to be true, and then the dipper embarks on investigation. Often, such investigations lead to unexpected results. In his quest, the dipper often turns out to be more than other heroes of "Gravity Falls". Despite the fact that among the inhabitants of the hut, miracles usually consent reigns, the dipper sometimes becomes the object of jokes of the rest of the characters, which is very worried. The main drama "Gravity Falls" - Dipper and Wendy. The dipper is unrequited in love with the Vendy's Girl from Gravity Falls, a lot of the cartoon series is dedicated to Dipper attempts to conquer her heart.

Male Pains. - Also a very popular character "Gravity Falls". Dipper and Mailed - Gemini, however, in contrast to her brother, Mable is more fun and immediate. The new adventures of the mail from "Gravity Falls" refers to the delight. As a fond of nature, she loves various hobbies, bright clothes, communication with Candidy and Grendy girlfriends, as well as their pig nicknamed Pukhl. It is worth a new pretty guy to appear in "Graviti Falls", Mable immediately strives to fall in love with him. If the image of the dipper is largely written off from its creator, then Mabel from "Gravity Falls" resembles a sister Alex Hirsch - Ariel.

The main characters of "Gravity Falls"

Stan Pines - The owner of the wonderland who has a dipper and maleb. It falls by a cousin grandfather, children call him Uncle Stan. To all the wonders of gravity Falls of walls refers to the famous fraction of skepticism, but in the second season it turns out that Stan and himself is involved in some mystical secrets. Stanford from "Gravity Falls" is a big amateur to make money on tourists and watch TV.

Zus - A good-natured wonderland cleaner, a frequent acting face of the Dipper and Mabel adventure. Zus from "Gravity Falls" gets its development as a character in the second season. The guys help him get rid of the complexes and believe in itself. In the original Zeys, Alex Hirsch himself voiced.

Wendy - Girl fifteen years old, daughter lumberjack and cashier in miracles hut. Wendy from "Graviti Falls" loves to hang out with friends and does not really like to work. He is the subject of the Adoration of the Dipper Pienes, but perceives him as a friend or younger brother. The efforts of the Dipper Dipper, since Wendy like Robbie more, gravel Falls knows him as a local rock musician.

Gideon - Hero-antagonist animated series "Gravity Falls". Characters often fall into trouble because of his goats, as Gideon is hostile to the whole family of Pains, except for the MAYBLE, which was in love. Looks like a child dressed in an adult costume. In addition, Gideon from Gravity Falls is a local star, a magical show organizer. In fact, Gideon is a spoiled child and home tyran.

Bill Cipra

Bill Cipra - The main villain "Graviti Falls". Bill Cipher is a magical creation that looks like a triangle with one eye. As a powerful demon, it is capable of very evil and insane acts. Anticipates the heroes in several series, and at the end of the 2 gravity fouls seasons, Bill Cipher suits the local apocalypse - strangeddon, creating chaos in gravel fouls. Monsters attack the town, and it seems that in the series no one can cope with an angry Bill Echipra.


Voiced by the animated series "Gravity Falls" Actors of a professional level. So, the dipper in the original tells the voice of the American actor Jason Ritter, and Maib - Actresses of the comedy profile Kristen Shaal. In the doubles, the role of Anton Kolesnikov and Actress Natalia Tereshkova are voiced in the dubbing.

Alex Hirsch also put his hand to the voice acting of the characters, his voice broadcasts Uncle Stan and Zus. Among the invited stars of the Cartoon Cartoon "Graviti Falls" are the singer from the group N Sync, who voiced the favorite group of Mail "A couple of times", hip-hop performer Kulio, TV journalist Larry King and the Voice of Disney Mark Justin.

Secrets and Easterca

Easter eggs "Gravity Falls" lead even an adult audience of the animated series into a state of child curious curiosity. Indeed, in the series there are a lot of allegories, ciphers, mysteries, references and symbols. So, consider the most important secrets of "Gravity Falls".


With a careful watch, it is easy to detect the ciphers of "Gravity Falls". Cryptograms are in the screensaver, over the series and in the credits. They are quite amenable to decoding due to unacceptable manipulations with the alphabet. Using the decoding of the messages, you can learn many secrets of "Gravity Falls". The decryption mechanism will prompt a voice at the end of the screensaver. Some cryptograms in the end turn out to be just jokes from the "If you read it, you have to walk and try to make friends." However, in encrypted inscriptions, there are valuable information, for example, it is said that any of the heroes lie and is not at all the one seems to.

Standard cryptogram


At the end of the screensaver, the audience hears the mysterious whisper, resembling the phrase "I'm still here." When playing a phrase in the opposite direction, you will hear the phrase "three letters back" - a hint of decoding the cryptograms using Caesar cipher. The phrase varies several times for the series: "Change and on I" - a hint to use the Atbash cipher, "26 letters" - a hint of decoding with the cipher of the substitution, in the second season, the whisper suggests the use of cipher of the virus, and in one series says: "Stan Not the one seems to be. Lovers break their heads recommend to contact the TV series in the original voice acting.

Everyone was seen in "Graviti Falls" Circle Bill Cipher. In the picture depicting a circle with bille ciffer inside, there are many strange characters. All the symbols of the circle correspond to any of the characters: Star-comet - Mable, Question mark - Zus, Spruce - Dipper, Broken Heart - Robbie, Crescent We have seen on the fez Stan, etc. If you look around, outside the circle you will find binary Code, alchemical symbols, matrix of geometric conversion and code to the game of the prefix "Dandy".

Riddles "Gravity Falls": Circle Bill Cipra

Presence Alex Hirsha

In "Gravity Falls", secrets and easter eggs are connected with the creator of the cartoon. Alex Hirsha can be found in the cartoon: the lower part of his face appears in the screensaver of the cartoon series, he juggles next to the crocodiles in the television screensaver of the "bottomless pit" episode, sits in a tram in the episode "Roadside attraction", is one of the participants of the "throne of frozen agony" Bill Cipher and depicts a magazine cover in a series of "Tale of Two Stan". In addition, the presence of Alex Hirsha can be felt, having met the wonders in the interiors the letter h - the first letter of the name of the Cartoon Creator (from English Hirsch). Also in some series, the number 618 is the date of birth of Gemini Gemini (June 18).

Number 618 everywhere


Many riddles "Gravity Falls" are references to various films, cartoons and other media educational phenomena. There are a lot of them, take at least a lolffin and dundagrena from the episode about traveling in time, they are a parody of the actor Dolph Lungeren and the film "Universal Soldier". Babba Group, the song of which Dippara liked, hints at the well-known ABBA group. When deciphering the page of the diary flashes in one mini-episode, using the A1Z26 cipher, you will find the words from the Sailor Moon screensaver. Restaurant, where Gideon is waiting for Mable, is a copy of the "Black Wigwam" from the TV series "Twin Pix". The "brought-to-brought" series refers us to the anime "worn by ghosts". In the second series of the second season, the monster from the heads of the Dipper and Mailed seems to be a creature from the film "Something". One day, Stan picks up a ball at some traveler, where we see the Sauron Oco. In the cave witches in the second season, the hand creates a throne similar to the throne from the "Game of Thrones". In different releases there is a huge number of references to the games - Fallout, Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, etc. This list can be continued infinitely, as the animated series "Gravity Falls" literally woven from Easter.

Songs and music

Music "Gravity Falls" perfectly corresponds to the atmosphere of the animated series - all fans on the shower of the cheaper melody of Gravity Falls OST from the screensaver. Also in the series you can hear songs and funny melodies playing during the arrogance of the adventures of heroes. When creating a project, several composers offered their screensaver's screensaver, but as a result, a variant of Brad Brick was chosen. It was he who composed almost all the songs of "Graviti Falls", making an excellent musical design to the TV series.

Brad Brick is a composer and songwriter, known in many Disney projects, Nickelodeon, MTV and BBC. He owns the famous song "Gravity Falls" "Girl Disco", which the Babba group is performed in the cartoon - a parody of ABBA group with their "Dancing Queen" pop. Also, his authorship of the song Mabez from "Graviti Falls" called "Do not lose faith", "I - Gideon", "will be so forever", "Vandy", "singing salmon", "Song Wandy", many other songs and space music "Gravity Falls". The song Bill Cipher is worth a separate attention, as this villain is a favorite villain among many fans of the series.

Fans of solidifying riddles can be advised to find the original Soundtrack "Gravity Falls", music from the screensaver will make you break your head. Listen to whisper at the end of the song "Gravity Falls", remotely reminding the words "I'm still here" (in English). Play the phrase in the opposite direction - and you will hear the phrase "three letters back". Thus, the song from the "Gravity Falls" screensaver hints at Caesar cipher to decrypt cryptograms.

In addition to original music, there are quite a lot of fanart - various clips and songs about "gravel fouls", including in Russian.

Video Games

Official games about the series "Gravity Falls" has not yet been created. However, there are quite a lot of flash games based on this cartoon. Among them are especially popular quest "Graviti Falls: Hut Miracles", "Gravity Falls - Cherical Golf", "Gravity Falls Falls", as well as various games about "Gravity Falls" for two, races, puzzles, races, dress ups, coloring and tests With the participation of characters from the animated series. Connoisseurs of the stories about the dipper and mail may try their strength in the game "How well you know gravity Falls", lovers are understandable to play "Gravity Falls: Pony", and Minecraft fans will like the game "Minecraft: Gravity Falls".

Books and comics

Disney has released a whole series of official books and comics on the basis of cartoons about gravitis Falls. Comics "Gravity Falls", including several issues, repeat the plot of the series and are made in its stylist. Also has a great popularity of the comic "Gravity Falls: Monochrome World". This is an unofficial edition, the "monochrome world of gravity fouls" is fanfic, that is, free fantasy on the theme of the same name of the animated series. However, the graphics of this comic is just as free from the stylistics of the hand drawn cartoon, more reminding the anime comics. It is also worth noting that one of the most famous author's comics for "Gravity Falls" is the Comic "Immortality" dedicated to the atrocities of Bill Cipher. Fanfishes "Gravity Falls" have incarnation not only in comics, but also in stories. Often they raise traditional themes for such a genre, very distant from the original story.

The most famous book of "Gravity Falls" from Disney is the same relic of gravity Falls "Diary 3", the prototype of which is depicted in the cartoon. Falls gravity diary is a colorful illustrated encyclopedia about monsters and riddles of the town of Gravity Falls. Alex Hirsch himself worked on the creation of a mysterious diary. Also, the fans of the animated series will be interested to extract the book "Gravity Falls: Diary of the Dipper and Maleb", where the reader will find a complete instruction on survival in gravity Falls. It is thirsty to create a creative notebook "Think as Dipper and Maleb" and the book "Dipper and Mabl. Treasures of the Pirates of Time ", in which the reader of the waven choose the turn of the story of the plot.


The "Gravity Falls" attribute is very popular with the fans of the animated series. At the moment there is an official series of figures with characters of this cartoon. Figures "Gravity Falls" are produced by Disney Corporation, they really acquire them in the online store "Disney" or in thematic parks. In the sets you can find a toy dipper, mabel, stan, silence, guideon, gnome, fluff and bill cipher.

The official set of "Lego: Gravity Falls does not yet exist, but the homemade vessels of the miracles hut and its inhabitants are distributed. In addition, in stores you can find soft toys "Gravity Falls", Coloring "Gravity Falls", Stickers and Accessories. To all admirers of "Gravity Falls" Things of the characters of the animated series - Fesca Stan, the Capper, various T-shirts, backpacks, stationery, magnets and posters with a cartoon symbolism. On request "Clothing" Gravity Falls "" You can find even sweaters of Mail and scarves with the image of the cover of the mysterious diary number 3.

Criticism and perception of the public

The animated series "Gravity Falls" received enthusiastic reviews of critics and spectators. The project has many awards, among them several Awards Annie, win in British Academy Children "S Awards and other awards. In Russia," Graviti Falls "was named after the year of the year according to the version of Mirf. The series" Not the one who seems "was shown as the best episode On television, along with the most popular episodes of modern serials.

According to experts and the public, "Gravity Falls" - the most successful DISNEY project in recent years. The animated series is estimated so highly due to an extraordinary thoughtful and multi-layer plot that Alex Hirsch has finished easter and jokes. Also marked the attractiveness of the characters "Gravity Falls": the audience is not without pleasure find themselves in them, they are noticing their "reality". Indeed, the main characters of the cartoon are not static stereotypical images, these are living characters spied by the project creator in ordinary life.

Despite the general approval of the animated series, there are separate critical comments on the "gravity of fouls". They mainly concern:

  • the lack of real positive characters among the heroes, "examples" for the children's audience,
  • discredits of the world of adults,
  • occult symbolism and subjects, "satanic" subtexts, ridicule over confessions,
  • inappropriate for the children's audience of episodes (Kiss Tobby with a cardboard woman, a wedding of men with a thrush, hints for same-sex police love),
  • violence (cruel appeal of heroes with monsters, and monsters with heroes),
  • harm for children due to the lack of morality and advanced false morality.

Episode Hallucinations MAYBL

Cartoon connoisseurs lead counsels: Family members Pines love each other and despite everything demonstrate mutualization. They sincerely take care of loved ones and speak on the side of good. As for the moral and moral problems, then, as it should be, the vices are exhibited here in the negative light - they are either ridicule or grieved the heroes. As for the occult symbolism, Alex Hirsche is only prompting, hinting on the fact that it should not be taken seriously. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about any harm that can potentially inflict a child "Gravity Falls", the reviews of the children themselves on the cartoon are the most positive. Despite the abundance of opinions, the animated series "Gravity Falls" is a high-quality project, a magnificent metaphor of growing up, slow summer days on the village of grandfather. Most likely, so it will remain for the nostalging spectators.