Charles perrault stories. Scenario of the quiz based on the tales of Sh

Charles perrault stories.  Scenario of the quiz based on the tales of Sh
Charles perrault stories. Scenario of the quiz based on the tales of Sh

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Lesson objectives:

  • recall the biography and work of Charles Perrault;
  • to expand the understanding of fairy tales;
  • to increase the creative interest of children;
  • develop moral character traits.


  • presentation;
  • multimedia projector;
  • cards with the names of fairy tales.

Event progress

I. Organizational moment.

How I would like
Live in a magical house
Where fairy tales are kept
Like poetry in an album
Where the old ladies are the walls
Gossip at night
About everything in fairy tales
seen with their own eyes

Where is the fire in the fireplace
Creates coziness
And on the bookshelf
Miracles live
Where in an old armchair,
Slightly creaking with a pen,
Composes fairy tales
My friend - Charles Perrault

Our today's meeting is dedicated to the wonderful French storyteller Charles Perrault.

II. Biography of Charles Perrault.

So, a long time ago, in one country (it is called France) there were five brothers. They were so similar to each other that they even wrote in the same handwriting. The elder brother's name was Jean Perrault, and he became a lawyer. Pierre Perrault became the main tax collector. Claude trained to be a doctor. Nicola Perrault became a learned theologian and mathematician. And the youngest - Charles Perrault - devoted himself to state affairs. Member of the French Academy, physicist, anatomist, linguist ...
But Charles Perrault's public services were soon forgotten, because something completely different was remembered - the tales of the Secretary General. And they were remembered so strongly that after many years people love, appreciate and read these tales with pleasure again and again.

Charles Perrault invented extraordinary stories and incredible adventures, in which good fairies, and evil witches, and beautiful princesses, and simple good-natured girls took part. And now, for many, many years, these heroines have been familiar to people all over the world. People appreciate and love the tales of this kind and inspired artist. And how not to love, how not to appreciate them, if in them, simple and clear in their plot, one can feel the soul of the great master of the word. His fairy tales teach to appreciate the true beauty of life, to love work, goodness, courage, justice.

I think you, too, know and love the fairy tales of Charles Perrault since childhood. And today we will once again visit the magical world of his fairy tales, find out which of you is a connoisseur of his fairy tales. A fabulous quiz will help to do this, the participants of which will be the teams of primary grades.

III. Creativity of Charles Perrault.

Let's remember what tales Charles Perrault wrote:

IV. Travel through fairy tales.


The game involves 6 teams. Each team player (except for the captain) answers a question about a fairy tale. If you answered correctly - 2 points. If the team helped 1 point.

Fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"

  • What did Little Red Riding Hood collect on the way to her grandmother? (flowers)
  • What was in her basket? (pie and butter pot)
  • Where was Red Riding Hood's grandmother's house? (behind the forest, behind the mill)
  • Who attempted to kill grandmother? (Wolf)
  • Who saved Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood? (lumberjacks)
  • How many questions did Little Red Riding Hood ask the disguised wolf? (4)
  • Fairy tale "Cinderella"

  • What material is Cinderella's shoe made of? (from crystal)
  • Who did the rat turn into in the fairy tale "Cinderella"? (to the coachman)
  • Why was Cinderella called Cinderella? (sat in the corner on a box with ash)
  • How did Cinderella go to the palace for the ball? (on a carriage)
  • How many mice did the carriage take? (5)
  • What has become of Cinderella's old dress? (in a ball gown)
  • Fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

    1. What inheritance did the miller leave to his sons? (mill, donkey, cat)
    2. What did the cat in boots call his owner? ( Marquis de Carabas)
    3. What was the first gift a cat presented to a king on behalf of its owner? (a rabbit)
    4. How many times has the cannibal made his transformations? (2)
    5. Who actually owned the meadows, fields, mill, garden? (to the cannibal)
    6. How did the cat eat the man-eating giant? (asked him to turn into a mouse)

    The Sleeping Beauty fairy tale

  • What did the old fairy predict for the princess? (death by spindle)
  • What did the fairy do to keep the princess from feeling lonely in 100 years? (the fairy put everyone in the palace to sleep, but except for the king and queen)
  • How old was the princess when she fell asleep? (16)
  • Who woke up right after the princess? (dog Puff)
  • Why did the castle seem impregnable? (a dense forest has grown around)
  • What decree did the king issue to his subjects? (prohibit, on pain of death, spinning and keeping spindles and spinning wheels in the house)
  • Fairy tale "Boy-with-finger"

  • Why did Thumbnail's parents decide to get rid of the kids? (there was a terrible famine, there was nothing to feed them)
  • How many children did the woodcutter have? (7)
  • How did the children manage to return home the first time? ( they found their way through the pebbles that the boy-with-finger threw on the road)
  • How did Thumbnail Boy want to bring his brothers out a second time? (with bread crumbs)
  • Whose house did Thumb Boy and his brothers come across? (Ogre's house)
  • What did Thumb Boy take from the Ogre? (boots of the runners, a bag of gold)
  • Captains competition: fairy tale "Fairy gifts"(If the captain answers the question, he brings the team 1 point, if he does not know the answer, then the captain of the other team answers and earns her 1 point)

    1. How did the younger sister differ from the older one? (she was kind and beautiful)
    2. Where did the younger sister have to go 2 times a day? (to the source for water)
    3. Whom did the kind girl meet? (to the fairy)
    4. What was pouring out of the mouth of the youngest daughter when she began to speak? (flower or gem)
    5. What was pouring from the mouth of the eldest daughter? (snake or toad)
    6. Who met a beautiful girl more often? (young prince)


    (After reading the assignment, the teams raise a card with the desired fairy tale. If it is correct, they get 1 point. The last team gets 0.5 points.)

    Slide 14, 15, 16, 17

    Guess station.

    1) know this rogue
    No one to outwit:
    A cannibal like a mouse
    Managed to swallow.
    (Puss in Boots)

    2. This tale is not new,
    The princess slept in it,
    Fairies wicked then guilt
    And a spindle prick.
    (Sleeping Beauty)

    3.Life has not endowed him with beauty,
    But she rewarded me with her mind beyond measure.
    The mind helped him to become happy.
    Who can guess his name?
    (To Rike with a tuft)

    4.All his wives suffered an evil fate -
    He took their lives ...
    What a villain! Who is he?
    Say the name soon!
    (Blue Beard)

    Slide 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.

    Lost and found. From which fairy tales are objects lost?

    1. Cinderella
    2. sleeping Beauty
    3. Thumb Boy
    4. Fairy gifts
    5. Puss in Boots


    • Pearls, roses, well, politeness, rudeness, toads, frogs (Fairy gifts)
    • Silly beauty, clever prince, fairy, portrait (Rike with a tuft)
    • Ring, chest, skin, king, pie, donkey (Donkey skin)
    • Brothers, forest, cannibal, white pebbles, golden wreaths (Boy with a finger)

    Slide 24, 25, 26.

    Station Musical

    Little Red Riding Hood's song from the movie "Little Red Riding Hood".
    Sergei Prokofiev Waltz from the ballet Cinderella.
    P.I. Tchaikovsky music for the ballet The Sleeping Beauty.

    The fabulous stories of Charles Perrault are known to everyone. They have inspired many composers to create pieces of music. The directors and screenwriters also paid attention to the amazing tales of this author, and many wonderful films have been created based on his works. Perrault's fabulous characters come to life in amusement parks, on theater stages, in computer games and remain among the most beloved, as they did hundreds of years ago.

    History of French fairy tales

    In 17th century France, classicism was the dominant trend in art. Including in the literature. The works of ancient authors were considered a role model. During the reign of King Louis XIV of France, the cult of antiquity flourished in art.

    Mythological plots and heroes of ancient stories prevailed in the works of painters and poets. They glorified the triumph of reason and duty over feelings and, of course, glorified the power of the monarch, supposedly uniting all the forces of the nation. Soon, the interests of the bourgeoisie came into conflict with the interests of the powerful monarch, and opposition sentiments intensified throughout France.

    The mood of society, naturally, was reflected in art. Among French writers, a dispute ensued about the superiority of ancient and modern authors. A few opponents of classicism argued that it is possible to write beautiful works without imitating ancient authors. In addition, the new authors are superior to the ancient ones already in that they have the best knowledge and outlook.

    Among the initiators of this historic debate about the need for change was Charles Perrault, a royal official and a member of the French Academy. In his work "Comparison of Ancient and New Authors", he urged authors to reflect modern life, draw images and plots from the surrounding reality, and not from ancient literature.

    about the author

    Charles Perrault was known primarily as a poet and publicist, one of the founders of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Painting. Even writing fairy tales for children, he remained a moralist and used his works to educate and develop a personality. But before listing the works, including the list of Charles Perrault's fairy tales, I would like to acquaint readers with the life story of the writer.

    Charles Perrault was born on 01/12/1628 in the family of a judge. His parents were concerned about the education of their children, and at the age of eight, the boy was sent to college, like his brothers. All of them studied well and were never punished with rods, which is absolutely not typical for that time. While still in college, Charles was engaged in literary research, but after disagreements with his teacher, he decided to leave his studies.

    He studied biblical texts, the works of the Church Fathers and secular writers, the history of France and was engaged in translations. At the same time, Charles attended law lessons and soon became a certified lawyer. Having bought a license, Perrault holds the position of a lawyer for some time. But this quickly bothers him. Charles decided to gain a foothold at court and, leaving the practice of law, he got a job as a clerk to his brother, who held the position of chief tax collector.

    In 1663, Charles holds the post of secretary at the Academy of Inscriptions and serves under the leadership of Jean Colbert, Minister of Finance of France. Charles Perrault also worked as a controller at the Royal Buildings Inspectorate. A jack of all trades, Perrault was directly involved in the creation of Versailles, he also wrote the first guide to the maze of the Versailles Gardens.

    A rather prolific writer, Charles wrote both light poetry, such as the gallant Dialogue of Love and Friendship, and "impressive" works on the theme of architecture. Many of his works have been forgotten, although they represent a rather extensive list. But forever entered the history of literature and, in addition, brought its author worldwide fame a small list of Charles Perrault's fairy tales.

    Founder of the fairy tale genre

    Perrault, in order to prove the correctness of his words, decided to show by his own example that morality can also be extracted from plots that reflect folk life and modern life. He took up the processing of folk tales, which at that time were not considered at all as a separate literary genre. As a result, Charles Perrault published fairy tales in 1697. The list in alphabetical order of the works included in the first collection of "Tales of Mother Goose" looks like this:

    • "Cinderella";
    • "Puss in Boots";
    • "Little Red Riding Hood";
    • "Thumb Boy";
    • "Rike with a Tufted";
    • "Blue Beard";
    • "Sleeping Beauty";
    • Fairies.

    The tale "Rike with a tuft" belongs to the pen of the author himself. Seven other works in the collection represent folk tales he heard from his son's wet nurse. The writer has ennobled well-known folk stories with his inherent humor and talent. I omitted some details, added new ones. And the tales, faceted by the great master, became widely known outside the literary circle.

    The works were instructive in nature, which the author noted in the title of the collection - "Stories with Moral Instruction." Charles Perrault showed his compatriot writers that a folk tale, no worse than ancient works, can be instructive in nature.

    A fashion for fairy tales has appeared in secular society. Gradually, works of other authors began to appear - philosophical tales, ancient stories in a modern presentation and tales of their own composition. The next editions of the collection "Mother Goose" include three more fairy tales by Charles Perrault. List in alphabetical order:

    • "Griselda";
    • Donkey Skin;
    • "Funny desires".

    Thanks to all this, an independent literary genre began to develop.

    The list of Charles Perrault's fairy tales is small, as a lawyer, academician and dignitary, he was afraid that such a frivolous occupation would cast a shadow on him. Therefore, he published the first collection, indicating the name of P. D'Armankur's eleven-year-old son. Nevertheless, Paris learned the truth that the author of fairy tales was none other than Charles Perrault very quickly.

    Author's works

    In 1653 Charles Perrault published The Wall of Troy. In writing a parody poem, he relied on his many years of research. Perrault, like his brothers Claude and Pierre, defended the superiority of new writers over the ancients. For Boileau's treatise "Poetic Art", he wrote the works "The Age of Louis the Great" and "Parallels of the Ancients and New".

    To prove his assertion that his contemporaries are no worse than the ancient authors, he publishes an impressive volume "Famous People of France in the 17th century", where he collected biographies of famous historians, artists, poets, scientists of the 17th century.

    In the philosophical study Apology of a Woman, the father tells his son about the need to marry. In beautiful language, the author talks about the virtue of a woman, about love, about serious and tender feelings, about mercy and compassion. In short, he teaches his son to look for an ideal wife - a “pearl” in the sea of ​​life. Other works of the author:

    • Portrait d "Iris" (1659);
    • Ode sur la paix (Ode to Peace, 1660);
    • Ode aux nouveaux convertis (Ode to the Converts, 1685);
    • La Création du Monde (Creation of the World, 1692).

    In 1755, Charles wrote "Memories of My Life", in which he spoke about important milestones in his life: service with Colbert, editing of the first French dictionary, works dedicated to the king, translations, a three-volume comparing ancient and modern authors. But he did not mention a word about the collection "Mother Goose", and it was this list of Charles Perrault's fairy tales that became a masterpiece of world culture.

    What are his tales about?

    The author's works written for children are very popular in all countries. Despite the somewhat French grace, the fairy tales of Charles Perrault have taken their rightful place in literature. Fun, entertaining, with a touch of folk poetry, they naturally reveal the foundations of human morality. These magical and wonderful stories are much easier for children to perceive than moralizing conversations.

    Charles Perrault perfectly showed through the example of his fairy tales that children are able to notice good and bad, good and evil. Having amused themselves with the beauty and cuteness of the fairy tale, they learn the necessary lessons. Undoubtedly, fairy tales leave room for imagination, and children believe in the miracles of fairy tales. But, as soon as the time comes, they will learn to distinguish between the imaginary and the real. And the lessons learned from the first books will stay with them forever.

    The first collection in Russian

    Perrault's Fairy Tales were translated into Russian by the famous writer I. Turgenev and published in St. Petersburg in 1867. Turgenev worked on the translation for almost 2 years and, judging by his articles, was dissatisfied with its quality. Despite this, his translation has been considered one of the best for more than a century. The illustrations by Gustave Dore gave a special charm to the first edition.

    Let us list once again the fairy tales of Charles Perrault. A complete list of them looks like this:

    • Griselda (1691);
    • Cinderella (1697);
    • Puss in Boots (1697);
    • Little Red Riding Hood (1697);
    • Thumb Boy (1697);
    • Donkey Skin (1694);
    • Rike with a Tufted (1697);
    • Bluebeard (1697);
    • Ridiculous Desires (1693);
    • The Sleeping Beauty (1696);
    • Fairies (1697).

    The collection was a resounding success and was translated into many languages ​​of the world. Many musical works, cartoons and feature films and even masterpieces of classical ballet have been created based on fairy tales.

    Irina Volzhankina
    Scenario of the quiz "Journey through the fairy tales of Charles Perrault"

    Instill in your child a taste for reading

    Best gift,

    which we can do to him.


    To educate children to love fiction;

    Introduce children to the biography Charles Perrault;

    To consolidate knowledge about the works of the great storyteller obtained in the course of reading;

    Help understand the content of the work by paying attention to the title fairy tales;

    Develop the ability to guess literary riddles.

    Preliminary work:

    Inform children about the game- quiz.

    Reading and acquaintance with works Charles Perrault.

    Prepare information about the writer.

    Presentation creation.

    Exhibition of drawings and handicrafts based on the writer's works.


    Illustrations based on the works and books of the writer, the costume of the Red Sha-kidney, tasks on cards, cut pictures, portraits Charles Perrault, prizes.

    Musical accompaniment:

    Little Red Riding Hood's song from the movie "Little Red Riding Hood".

    Sergei Prokofiev Waltz from the ballet Cinderella.

    PI Tchaikovsky music for the ballet The Sleeping Beauty.

    Course of the lesson:

    Children freely enter the hall to the music of PI Tchaikovsky “The Sleeping Beauty”.

    The hall is decorated with children's works on theme: "Darling fairy tale» ... Demonstration of a portrait on the big screen Charles Perrault.


    There is a leaf, there is a spine,

    Not a bush or a flower.

    No paws, no hands

    And he comes to the house as a friend

    She will lie on her knees,

    He will tell you about everything,

    What it is?

    Children's answer: Book.

    Educator: Right guys, do you like books?


    Yes, I love listening when Mom reads.

    And I like looking at illustrations.

    Educator: Today we have an unusual lesson with you, we will talk about the literary genre - fairy tale... We will now commit journey to the magical world of fairy tales... What words usually begin all fairy tales?


    Once upon a time, there were…

    Educator: Do they end?


    That's the end of the fairy tale ...


    First station: "Find out picture fairy tale» .

    Educator: Guys, illustrations for what fairy tales do you see in front of you?


    Puss in Boots

    sleeping Beauty

    Tom Thumb

    Educator: What unites all of these fairy tales?

    Children's answers: All these fairy tales were written by Charles Perrault.

    Educator: All these fairy tales by one author.

    (Children sit on high chairs)

    Educator: (shows the portrait of Sh. Perrault)

    A long time ago, almost 400 years ago, at the time of the Musketeers in faraway France, he lived storyteller Charles Perrault... He had 4 brothers. They were so similar to each other that they even wrote in the same handwriting. All boys received a good education. The elder brother's name was Jean Perrault and he became a lawyer. Pierre Perrault became the main tax collector. Claude trained to be a doctor. Nikola Perrault became a learned theologian and mathematician. And the younger - Charles Perrault- devoted himself to state affairs. Member of the French Academy, physicist, anatomist, linguist ...

    Charles Perrault he came up with extraordinary stories and incredible adventures, in which good fairies, and evil witches, and beautiful princesses, and simple good-natured girls took part. And now for many - many years, these heroines are familiar to people all over the world. People appreciate and love him. fairy tales... And how not to love, how not to appreciate them, if the soul of the great master of the word is felt in them. His fairy tales teach to appreciate the beauty of life, love work, goodness, courage, justice.

    And now there is no person in our country who has not heard of Little Red Riding Hood or Sleeping Beauty.

    I think you also know and love from childhood fairy tales by Charles Perrault... And today we will find out which of you is a connoisseur of it fairy tales.

    Second station: "Creation Charles Perrault» .

    Educator: Let's remember which fairy tales were written by Charles Perrault:


    1. Sorceress (Fairy Gifts).

    2. Cinderella.

    3. Puss in boots.

    4. Little Red Riding Hood.

    5. Thumb-boy.

    6. Donkey skin.

    7. Gingerbread house.

    8. Blue beard.

    9. Sleeping beauty.

    10. Hohlik (To Rike with a tuft).

    Educator: (Red Riding Hood enters under the Little Red Riding Hood Song).

    Guys, come out dancing with Little Red Riding Hood.

    Physical education

    Little Red Riding Hood: I have an envelope with tasks, I can't do it alone. Will you help me? (Takes out the task cards from the basket)

    Children: Let's help.

    Third station: "Assemble the mosaic".

    Each group is given a picture cut into pieces.

    Exercise: Collect drawing and name fairy tale.

    1st group collects illustration on the table fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood";

    2nd group - to the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty";

    3rd group - to fairy tale "Cinderella";

    4th group - to the fairy tale "Puss in Boots";

    5th group - to the fairy tale "Boy with a finger".

    Fourth station: "Guess".

    Educator: Each of you has under the chair invisible, as magic, boots are runners, we put on shoes.

    We go to journey through fairy tales.

    1. Know this rogue

    No one to outwit:

    A cannibal like a mouse

    Managed to swallow.

    (Puss in Boots)

    2. This the tale is not new,

    The princess slept in it,

    The evil fairies are wine,

    And a spindle prick.

    (Sleeping Beauty)

    3. Life did not endow him with beauty,

    But she rewarded me with her mind beyond measure.

    The mind helped him to become happy.

    Who can guess his name?

    (To Rike with a tuft)

    4. All his wives suffered an evil fate -

    He took their lives ...

    What a villain! Who is he?

    Say the name soon!

    (Blue Beard)

    5. A tiny little one with a big soul,

    Nimble and agile

    Nimble, fast, naughty,

    Brave and perky

    He is resourceful and smart, fair and dexterous,

    He will always find a way out

    Of any gimmicks.

    (Tom Thumb)

    6. A girl walked in a dark forest

    To a kind grandmother - an old woman

    Shoes, vest, hat,

    And in the hands of flowers an armful

    And a basket of treats

    With pies and jam.

    (Little Red Riding Hood)

    7. Loves work, is modest,

    I'm not indifferent to anyone

    With her kindness she took

    Does business quickly.

    Any outfit suits her,

    Everyone is drawn to her in a crowd.

    Doesn't offend anyone

    Abuse humbly accepts

    And so she

    So beautifully named.


    Educator: Why was a beautiful kind girl called Cinderella?

    Children's answers:

    From the word "Ash".

    Because she was so tired that she was resting sitting in the corner on a box with ash.

    For her heart of gold.

    Fifth station: "Eliminate unnecessary"

    Exercise: Leave only illustrations to fairy tales. Perrault.

    (Remove pictures from fairy tales: "Aybolit", "Ugly duck", "Thumbelina")

    Sixth station: "Lost and found"

    Tasks: From which fairy tales lost items? (Help me find the addressee)

    Exactly at midnight I ran away

    And, stumbling, lost

    At the king's ball

    Crystal slipper

    1. Cinderella (glass slipper)

    2. Sleeping beauty (spindle)

    3. Thumb-boy (white stones)

    4. Little Red Riding Hood (a basket of pies, a pot of butter)

    5. Puss in boots (boot)

    Seventh station: « Quiz»

    What was pouring from the lips of the younger sister when she began to speak?

    (Flower or gem) Enchantress (Fairy Gifts)

    What inheritance did the miller leave to his sons?

    The miller lived in this world,

    His children have matured.

    All inheritance, dying,

    He left them a will.

    Here is the legacy list that:

    Mill, donkey and cat.

    We thought for a long time,

    And brotherly shared:

    The older brother took the mill,

    (I was very happy with the inheritance,

    The middle one took himself a donkey,

    (So ​​the rumor told us).

    The youngest got a cat

    He sat down to think at the gate. Puss in Boots

    What was in Little Red Riding Hood's basket?

    (Pies and a pot of butter) Little Red Riding Hood

    Who saved Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood? (Lumberjacks) Little Red Riding Hood

    What did the little boy take from the Ogre?

    (Walking Boots and Pouch of Gold) Tom Thumb

    Who did the rat turn into? fairy tale"Cinderella"? (Into the coachman)

    How many children did the woodcutter have? (Seven) Tom Thumb.

    What order did the king issue to his subjects? (Prohibit spinning and keep a spindle and spinning wheel in the house) Sleeping Beauty.

    How old was the princess when she fell asleep? (16) Sleeping Beauty.

    How did the cat eat the Ogre Giant? (Asked him to turn into a mouse) Puss in Boots.

    A vegetable turned into a Cinderella carriage? (Pumpkin) Cinderella.

    An item without which you cannot create fairy magic? (Magic wand) Cinderella.

    What was the first gift a cat presented to a king on behalf of its owner? (A rabbit) Puss in Boots.

    Educator: Well done boys!

    Discussion of the problem

    - What they teach us fairy tales. Perrault? What conclusion can be drawn?

    There are many fairy tales

    Sad and funny

    And live in the world

    We can't live without them

    Let the heroes fairy tales

    Give us warmth

    May goodness forever

    Evil wins!


    Little Red Riding Hood:

    Thank you, you helped me complete all the tasks and it's time for me to return to my fairy tale... But I did not come to you empty-handed and I want to donate a book « Tales by Charles Perrault» so that you read them.


    (Picks up a book and reads)

    How I wish

    Live in a magical house

    Where are stored fairy tales,

    Like poems in an album.

    Where are the old women walls

    Gossip at night.

    About everything in fairy tales,

    We saw it with our own eyes.

    Where is the candle fire

    Creates coziness.

    And on the bookshelf

    Miracles live.

    Where in an old armchair,

    Slightly creaking with a pen,

    Composes fairy tales

    My friend - Charles Perrault.

    Little Red Riding Hood:

    I also brought a treat for the guys. (Handing out treats).

    Educator: Guys, it's time for us to go back.

    I propose now to draw the heroes of my beloved fairy tales.

    To the music of S. S. Prokofiev "Cinderella" children leave.

    North-Kazakhstan region

    Taiynshinsky district

    village Mironovka

    MSI "Mironovskaya secondary school"

    Social teacher Igibaeva Zh.A.

    Travel game scenario
    Based on the work of the French writer of the jubilee in 2013 - Charles Perrault.
    "Along fairy trails" for students in grades 2-4.


    1. To increase the creative interest of children.
    2. Teach a thoughtful reading of a literary text; the ability to build your own judgments.
    3. Develop observation, the ability to compare the plots of famous fairy tales
    4. To bring up in children the ability to see and feel the beauty.

    Before the start of the game, students and teachers gather in the assembly hall, where they receive route sheets, according to which the children will have to visit various fairy-tale stations and complete various tasks. The guys will visit 7 stations, and after that they will return to the assembly hall, where the results of the game will be summed up. Before the start, each team receives an envelope with letters from which it is necessary to add a word and find out the name of their team. At the stations, students receive 1 point for each correct answer. Preliminary preparation for the holiday consists in children reading the fairy tales of Charles Perrault.

    1. Station "Portraits" ... Guess the character of the fairy tale by the description.

    1. You are the favorite of your mother and grandmother. You like to pick flowers and collect bouquets. You forget not to talk to strangers. Who will save you from death? (Answer: woodcutters.)

    2. Who knew how to turn into any beast? (Answer: giant ogre.)

    3. You are the youngest son in the family, very smart and reasonable. You have saved the lives of yourself and your brothers more than once. Who will you serve with the king? (Answer: a messenger.)

    4. You are a fairy. Your goddaughter really wants to go to the ball, so you have to conjure. What transformations will you make? (Answer: pumpkin - into a carriage, mice - into horses, lizards - into lackeys, a rat - into coachmen.)

    5. Who lived in the castle, located in an impenetrable thicket of trees and bushes? It was rumored that it belongs to a cannibal ... (Answer: Sleeping Beauty.)

    2. Station "Mathematical".

    1. How many horses were harnessed to Cinderella's carriage? (Answer: 6.)

    2. How many days did the ball in the fairy tale "Cinderella" last? (Answer: 2 days.)

    3. How many fairies were there at the princess's birthday party? (Answer: 8.)

    4. How many brothers did Little Boy have? (Answer: 6.)

    5. How old was the Little Boy? (Answer: 7.)

    6. How many sons did the miller have? (3).

    7. How many times has the Cannibal made his transformations? (2, lion, mouse)

    8. How many years did the enchanted princess have to sleep? (100 years)

    9. How old was the princess when she fell asleep? (16)

    10. How many cases and devices made of pure gold were ordered for sorceresses? (7).

    3 . Station "Lost and found". Name unnecessary and explain your decision.

    1. Windmill, wolf, cat, girl. (Answer: the cat is not in the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".)

    2. Slipper, watch, mouse, cannibal. (Answer: the cannibal is not in the Cinderella fairy tale.)

    3. Carriage, courtiers, peasants, merchants. (Answer: there are no merchants in the tale "Puss in Boots".)

    4. Yarn, spinning wheel, loom, spindle. (Answer: The loom is not in the "Sleeping Beauty" fairy tale.)

    5. Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Fairies. (Answer: only three tales belong to Ch. Perrault, too much - the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast".)

    4. Station "Changeling" Guess what kind of fairy tales hid behind the shape-shifters.

    1. "Black Beret" ("Little Red Riding Hood")

    2. "Dog in Sneakers" ("Puss in Boots")

    3. "Pierre without a bang" ("Riquet-crest")

    4. "Red mustache" ("Blue beard")

    5. "Giantess Girl" ("Thumb Boy")

    6. "The Waking Witch" ("Sleeping Beauty")

    5. Station "Why and why?"

    1. Why didn't the wolf eat Little Red Riding Hood right in the forest? (Answer: I heard the clatter of woodcutters' axes.)

    2. Why did the miller's youngest son believe Kot? (Answer: he indulged in tricks, hunting rats and mice, which means he was dexterous and quick-witted.)

    3. Why did Cat need boots? (Answer: to make it easier to wander through the forest.)

    4. Why wasn't the old fairy invited to the party? (Answer: for more than 50 years she did not leave her tower, and everyone thought that she had died long ago.)

    5. Why did the young fairy hide behind the curtain of the bed in the nursery? (Answer: so that her wish is the last and she can save the princess.)

    6. Who has not fallen asleep in an enchanted castle and why? (Answer: a king and queen, so that there is someone to rule the kingdom.)

    7. Why did the prince find himself in an enchanted castle alone, without an entourage? (Answer: only trees and thorny bushes parted in front of him.)

    8. Why the second time Thumbnail Boy couldn't find his way out of the thicket? (Answer: the birds ate bread crumbs.)

    9. Why did the mother love the eldest daughter in the fairy tale "Fairy Gifts"? (Answer: she looked like her - rough)

    10. Why did the cat come up with a new name for its owner? (Answer: only a nobleman with a title could succeed at court.)

    6. Station "Artist-illustrator" With your eyes closed, draw a cat's face for the tale of Ch. Perrault "Puss in Boots"

    Literary game based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault

    Slide 1.

    Who is this person whose portrait you see?

    How are these dates related to this great man?

    Yes, this is Charles Perrault and the dates of his life.

    Why do we remember him and spend a week of children's books dedicated to his work?

    (He would have turned 380 in 2008.)

    What do you know about him?

    Slide 2.

    Once upon a time there was a rich nobleman in Paris and he had four sons and three daughters. The eldest, Claude, was a famous architect, author of the Louvre's Eastern façade, physicist, archaeologist and mechanic, one of the middle brothers, Nicolas, became a priest, the other, Pierre, a financier and lawyer.

    On January 12, 1628, twins were born in one of the wealthy Parisian houses, they were named François and Charles. Together they were destined to live only six months - six months later, little Francois died. Charles grew up withdrawn, tongue-tied, constrained, experienced difficulties in communicating with peers. The parents had no illusions that something worthwhile would grow out of Charles, they even considered the youngest son not entirely normal. However, Perrault's father tried to give all his sons a good education, and Charles was sent to school - to the College of Beauvais. On the very first day, he disgraced himself: to the teacher's question, what was his name, he could not give an intelligible answer. The teacher was very surprised at the boy's "abilities" - after all, Perrault's three older brothers were his best students! Until the age of three or eleven, the Beauvais College was a complete nightmare for Charles: additional hours of classes, teachers trying to squeeze out at least one intelligible answer from him. Here he had no friends, except that the same as he, Boren, a fat outcast, who had even worse than Charles. And if classmates-nicknames were afraid to offend Charles, because his older brothers came to school for him, then Borein got it for two.

    One chilly Parisian morning, three teenagers pushed Boren into a puddle and with disgusting pleasure began to dip his face in the mud. Charles, who was present at this scene, could not stand it. Hardly anyone will be able to explain what happened to him at that moment, but he rushed at the villains with such wild rage that they were at a loss. He bit them, scratched, beat, tore out their hair, not remembering himself from anger and hatred. The offenders, who belonged to the most notable noble fa-miles of France, did not know how to behave in such a situation - they were brought up in an atmosphere of posturing and gallantry (of course, for their circle), and here such open rudeness! Besides, they are not used to being rebuffed.

    The next morning, a miracle happened - for the first time in five years, Charles volunteered to answer the lesson himself and, under the amazed gazes of the teacher and classmates, without hesitation in beautiful Latin, translated a huge passage from Plutarch!

    From that day on, Charles's life changed dramatically - he became one of the first students, graduated from school and entered the university, where he received his legal education. True, as a lawyer, Perrault practiced for a very short time. At about 25 years old, Charles began writing poems, some of which he dedicated to the king.

    Charles Perrault, it turns out, was an important government official - the king himself consulted with him. Perrault was even president of the French Academy, founded in 1635 by Cardinal Richelieu. His apartments were in the Louvre, and then in Versailles. There were legends about Perrault's wealth, and it was not by chance: only in Paris he had eight houses, and not far from the city of Troyes - his own Rosier castle. Perrault wrote touching stories about the poor daughter of the forester Cinderella, about the impoverished son of a miller, who, after the division of property, only gets a cat, about a poor woodcutter who, due to poverty and hunger, leads his seven children to the forest to be eaten by wolves and among them - Thumb-Boy ...

    Charles Perrault, of course, did not invent fairy tales himself, he remembered some from childhood, others learned during his life, because when he sat down to fairy tales, he was already 65 years old. But he not only wrote them down, but himself turned out to be an excellent storyteller. Like a true storyteller, he made them terribly modern. In Russian, Perrault's tales were first published in Moscow in 1768 under the title Fairy Tales of Sorceresses with Moralities, and they were titled like this: "The Tale of a Girl with a Little Red Hat", "A Tale of a Man with a Blue Beard", "The Tale of the Father Cat in Spurs and Boots", "The Tale of the Beauty Sleeping in the Forest" and so on. Then new translations appeared, they came out in 1805 and 1825. Soon Russian children, as well as their peers in other countries, learned about the adventures of Little Boy, Cinderella and Puss in Boots. And now there is no person in our country who has not heard of Little Red Riding Hood or Sleeping Beauty.

    On May 16, 1703, Charles Perrault died in Paris. He was buried in the Parisian cemetery of Saint-Be-nois. At the beginning of the 19th century, his remains were transferred from the closing cemetery to an underground non-cropland

    Slide 3.

    Guess the name of the tale.

    The tale of the poor daughter of a forester.


    Slide 4.

    The tale of the beggar son of a miller, who, after the division of property, gets only a cat.

    ("Puss in Boots".)

    Slide 5.

    The tale of a poor woodcutter who, due to poverty and hunger, leads his seven children into the forest to be eaten by wolves.


    Slide 6.

    The tale of a princess who fell asleep after an injection about a handicraft item for 100 years.

    ("Sleeping Beauty".)

    Slide 7.

    The tale of a little girl in a bright headdress visiting her sick relative. ("Little Red Riding Hood".)

    Slide 8.

    The tale of a certain man with a blue beard. ("Blue Borough