Fonvizin is an ignoramus description of the characters. Characteristics of heroes

Fonvizin is an ignoramus description of the characters.  Characteristics of heroes
Fonvizin is an ignoramus description of the characters. Characteristics of heroes

In Russia: statesmen, nobles, serfs, servants, self-styled fashionable teachers. The main characters: the ignorant Mitrofanushka himself and his mother, the lady-serf woman of the 18th century - Mrs. Prostakova, who controls everything and everyone - in her hands and the household with servants who are not considered by her to be people, and own husband, whom, without hesitation, she can beat, and the upbringing of Mitrofan's son - in fact, she is not burdened with his upbringing and education, but only diligently fulfills the fashionable conventions of society and her position in it: “I scold, then I fight, so the house keeps ".

A minor is a young nobleman who has not received a written certificate of training from a teacher. The underage were not accepted into the service, they were not given the so-called. wedding memorials - documents permitting marriage.

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    The idea was developed by Fonvizin at the end of 1778 after returning from France, where he spent about one and a half years, getting acquainted with jurisprudence, philosophy and social life the country that gave the world advanced educational doctrines. The work on the "undergrowth" will take the writer about three years and will be completed in 1782. There is also a text, presumably from the beginning of the 1760s, on the same theme and with the same name, but different characters and plot (the so-called "Early" Minor ""); it is not known whether this play belongs to the young Fonvizin or to some of his anonymous predecessors.


    • Prostakov- the head of the family. The person himself is "small" and weak. He tries to please his wife in everything: “With your eyes, they see nothing,” he says at the beginning of the work, when she asks about the caftan. Loves his son. “At least I love him, as befits a parent, this and that clever child, that and that reasonable, amusing, entertainer; sometimes I am beside myself with him and with joy I truly do not believe that he is my son. " Can't read. When asked to read the letter sent to Sophia, he only replies: "It's tricky."
    • Mrs. Prostakova- his wife, the main negative character of the play. He loves his son very much and seeks to marry him to Sophia, after he learns about her inheritance. A noblewoman, because of which she believes that everything is allowed to her.
    • Mitrofan- their son, an ignoramus. A rather lax boy.
    • Eremeevna- “mother” (that is, the nurse) of Mitrofan.
    • Pravdin- a government official, called upon to sort out the affairs of the Prostakovs. He learns about Prostakova's atrocities, as well as that she is stealing Sophia. With the help of Starodum and Milon, he incriminates Prostakova and takes away her estate in favor of the state.
    • Starodum- Sophia's uncle and guardian. It was because of his condition that Prostakova tried to marry Mitrofan to Sophia.
    • Sophia- Starodum's niece, an honest, decent, educated and kind girl.
    • Milon- a young officer, Sophia's beloved, it was he who prevented her abduction.
    • Skotinin- brother of Mrs. Prostakova. He wants to marry Sophia. Loves pigs.
    • Kuteikin- a former seminarian, teacher of Mitrofan.
    • Tsyfirkin- a retired sergeant, teacher of Mitrofan.
    • Vralman- German, former coachman, but posing as a scientist. Hired to teach Mitrofan "in French and all sciences", but in fact he does not teach anything, but only interferes with other teachers.
    • Trishka- self-taught tailor.
    • Servant of Prostakov.
    • Valet of Starodum.


    The production of "The Nedorosl" was associated with many difficulties. Having received a refusal in St. Petersburg, the playwright in May 1782 leaves with the actor I. A. Dmitrevsky to Moscow. But here, too, failure awaits him: the "censor of the Moscow Russian theater", frightened by the audacity of many remarks, does not let the comedy enter the stage.

    A few months later, Fonvizin still managed to "break through" the production of the comedy: on September 24, 1782, the premiere took place in St. Petersburg (the Free Russian Theater, aka the Karl Kniper Theater), where the role of Starodum was played by I. A. Dmitrevsky, Pravdin - by K. I Gamburov, Tsyfirkina - A. M. Krutitsky, Skotinina - S. E. Rakhmanov. On the extraordinary success of the play "The Minor" when it was first staged on stage in Volny Russian Theater on Tsaritsyno Meadow testified unknown author"Dramatic Dictionary": "The theater was incomparably filled, and the audience applauded the play with throwing purses."

    The success of "Nedoroslya" was enormous. It was staged on their stage by university students. Many amateur productions have appeared.

    In 1926, the director Grigory Roshal shot the film "Lord Skotinin" based on.

    The meaning of comedy

    Fonvizin's comedy was read and studied by all subsequent generations - from Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov to our time. The meaning of the piece is enduring:

    • “Everything in this comedy seems like a monstrous caricature of everything Russian. And yet there is nothing caricature in it: everything is taken alive from nature ... ”(N.V. Gogol).
    • “His fools are very funny and disgusting, but this is because they are not fantasy creations, but too faithful lists from nature” (V. G. Belinsky) (citation: Study of the Comedy “The Minor”).

    However, Catherine II understood the freedom-loving meaning of the work, which dared to offend the state and social foundations. “After the publication in 1783 of a number of satirical works, Fonvizin's attempts to publish anything in print were suppressed by the empress herself. V last decade of her reign, Catherine II openly followed the path of brutal reaction, of which Fonvizin became a victim. In spite of serious illness, he was eager for activity. In 1788, he conceived the idea of ​​publishing a journal "Friend of Honest People, or Starodum", received permission and began to prepare material, but by order of Catherine the journal was banned. Shortly before his death, Fonvizin asked Catherine for permission to publish a translation of Tacitus, but permission was not given. ”He played the role of Prostakova in student performances.

  • Thanks to "Ignored" name Mitrofanushka like the word itself undergrowth, has become a household word for an ignoramus, ignoramus or dropout.
  • The work was written in the village of Strelino (now the Solnechnogorsk District of the Moscow Region).
  • In the materials for the magazine "Friend of Honest People, or Starodum" there are two letters representing the plot continuation of "The Minor": a letter from Sophia Starodum complaining that Milon had married her and soon cheated on her, falling in love with a "contemptuous woman", and a response letter from Starodum, comforting his niece.
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    “The Minor” is a play in five acts, written by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. Cult dramatic work XVIII century and one of the most striking examples of classicism. It went into school curriculum, was repeatedly staged on the stage, received a screen embodiment, and its lines were disassembled into quotes that today live independently from the original source, becoming aphorisms of the Russian language.

    Plot: a short summary of the play "The Minor"

    The plot of "The underachiever" is well known to everyone else from school years, however, we still recall summary plays to recall the sequence of events.

    The action takes place in the village of Prostakovs. Its owners - Mrs. and Mr. Prostakovs and their son Mitrofanushka - live a quiet life of provincial nobles. Also, the orphan Sofyushka lives in the estate, whom the mistress took in her house, but, as it turns out, not out of compassion, but because of the inheritance, which she freely disposes as a self-proclaimed guardian. In the near future, they plan to give Sophia for Prostakova's brother Taras Skotinin.

    The mistress's plans collapse when Sophia receives a letter from her uncle Starodum, who was still believed to be dead. Stradum is alive and well and goes on a date with his niece, and he also reports a fortune of 10 thousand in income, which he inherits to his beloved relative. After such news, Prostakov begins to court Sophia, whom she still has little regard for, because now she wants to marry her for her beloved Mitrofan, and leave Skotinin with nothing.

    Fortunately, Starodum turned out to be noble and honest man, wishing his niece well. Moreover, Sophia already had a betrothed - officer Milon, who had just stopped with his regiment in the village of Prostakovs. Starodub knew Milon and gave the young people a blessing.

    In despair, Prostakova tries to organize the abduction of Sophia and force her to marry her son. However, even here the perfidious mistress suffers a fiasco - Milo saves his beloved on the night of the abduction.

    Prostakova is generously forgiven and not brought to justice, however, her estate, which has long aroused suspicion, is transferred to the state guardian. Everyone leaves and even Mitrofanushka leaves his mother, because he does not love her, as, in general, no one else in the world.

    Characteristics of heroes: positive and negative characters

    As in any classic work, the characters in "The Ignorant" are clearly divided into positive and negative.

    Negative heroes:

    • Mrs. Prostakova - the mistress of the village;
    • Mr. Prostakov is her husband;
    • Mitrofanushka - the son of the Prostakovs, an ignoramus;
    • Taras Skotinin is the brother of the Prostakovs.


    • Sophia is an orphan, lives with the Prostakovs;
    • Starodum is her uncle;
    • Milon - officer, beloved of Sophia;
    • Pravdin is a government official who came to supervise affairs in the village of Prostakovs.

    Minor characters:

    • Tsyfirkin - teacher of arithmetic;
    • Kuteikin - teacher, former seminarian;
    • Vralman - a former coachman, posing as a teacher;
    • Eremevna is Mitrofan's nanny.

    Mrs. Prostakova

    Prostakova is the most striking negative character, and indeed the most prominent character in the play. She is the mistress of the village of Prostakovs and it is the mistress who, having completely suppressed the weak-willed spouse, establishes lordly orders and makes decisions.

    At the same time, she is completely ignorant, devoid of manners, often rude. Prostakova, like other members of the family, cannot read and despises science. The mother is engaged in the education of Mitrofanushka only because it is so in the new world society, but true value does not understand knowledge.

    In addition to ignorance, Prostakova is distinguished by cruelty, deceit, hypocrisy, envy.

    The only creature she loves is her son Mitrofanushka. However, the mother's blind absurd love only spoils the child, turning him into a copy of himself in a man's dress.

    Mr. Prostakov

    The figurative owner of the Prostakovs' estate. In fact, everything is led by his domineering wife, whom he is madly afraid of and does not dare say a word. Prostakov has long lost his own opinion and dignity. He cannot even say whether the caftan sewn by the tailor Trishka for Mitrofan is good or bad, because he is afraid to say something other than what the mistress expects.


    The son of the Prostakovs, an ignoramus. In the family he is lovingly called Mitrofanushka. And, meanwhile, it’s time for this young man to go out in adult life, but he has absolutely no idea about it. Mitrofan is spoiled by maternal love, he is capricious, cruel towards servants and teachers, pompous, lazy. Despite many years of lessons with teachers, the young master is hopelessly dull, he does not show the slightest desire for study and knowledge.

    And the worst thing is that Mitrofanushka is a terrible egoist, for him nothing matters except his own interests. At the end of the play, he easily abandons his mother, who loved him so unrequitedly. Even she is an empty place for him.


    Brother of Mrs. Prostakova. Narcissistic, narrow-minded, ignorant, cruel and greedy. Taras Skotinin has a great passion for pigs, the rest is of little interest to this narrow-minded person. He has no idea about family ties, heartfelt affection and love. Describing how well his future wife will heal, Skotinin only says that he will give her the best light. In his coordinate system, this is precisely what conjugal happiness lies.


    Positive female image works. A very well-mannered, kind, meek and compassionate girl. Sophia received a good education, she has an inquiring mind and a thirst for knowledge. Even in the poisonous atmosphere of the Prostakovs' house, the girl does not become like the owners, but continues to lead the way of life that she likes - she reads a lot, reflects, she is friendly and polite with everyone.


    Uncle and guardian of Sophia. Starodum is the author's voice in the play. His speeches are very aphoristic, he talks a lot about life, virtues, intelligence, law, government, modern society, marriage, love and other pressing issues. Starodum is incredibly wise and noble. Despite the fact that he clearly has a negative attitude towards Prostakova and those like her, Starodum does not allow himself to stoop to rudeness and open criticism, and as far as slight sarcasm, his close-minded “relatives” cannot recognize.


    Sophia's beloved officer. The image of a hero-defender, an ideal young man, a husband. He is very fair, does not put up with meanness and lies. Milo dared, and not only in battle, but also in his speeches. He is devoid of vanity and base prudence. All the “suitors” of Sophia spoke only about her condition, while Milo never mentioned that his betrothed was rich. He sincerely loved Sophia even before she had an inheritance, and therefore in his choice the young man was not guided by the size of the bride's annual income.

    “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married”: the problem of education in the story

    The key problem of the work is the theme of the provincial noble upbringing and education. Main character Mitrofanushka gets an education only because it is fashionable and "so it is." In fact, neither he nor his ignorant mother understands the true purpose of knowledge. They should make a person smarter, better, serve him throughout his life and benefit society. Knowledge is acquired through labor and can never be forcibly placed in someone's head.

    Home education Mitrofana is an empty shell, a fiction, a provincial theater. For several years, the would-be student has not mastered either reading or writing. The comic test that Pravdin arranges, Mitrofan fails with a crash, but because of his stupidity he cannot even understand this. He calls the word door an adjective, because they say it is attached to the opening, he confuses history with stories that Vralman tells him in abundance, and Mitrofanushka cannot even pronounce the word “geography” ... too tricky.

    To show the grotesque nature of Mitrofan's education, Fonvizin introduces the image of Vralman, who teaches “in French and all sciences”. In fact, Vralman (a surname that speaks!) Is not a teacher at all, but a former coachman of Starodum. He easily deceives the ignorant Prostakova and even becomes her favorite, because he professes his own teaching method - not to force the student to do anything through force. With such zeal as that of Mitrofan, the teacher and the student are simply loafing around.

    Upbringing goes hand in hand with acquiring knowledge and skills. For the most part, Mrs. Prostakova is responsible for it. She methodically imposes her rotten morality on Mitrofan, who (here he is diligent!) Perfectly absorbs mother's advice. So, while solving the problem of dividing, Prostakov advises his son not to share with anyone, but to take everything for himself. Speaking about marriage, mother speaks only of the bride's wealth, never mentioning emotional affection and love. Such concepts as courage, courage, valor are not familiar to the ignorant Mitrofan. Despite the fact that he is no longer a toddler, he is still cared for in everything. The boy cannot even stand up for himself during a clash with his uncle, he immediately begins to call his mother, and with fists the old nanny Eremeevna rushes at the offender.

    The meaning of the name: two sides of the coin

    The title of the play has a direct and figurative meaning.

    Direct meaning of the name
    In the old days, teenagers were called undersized, young men who had not yet reached the age of majority and did not enroll in civil service.

    Figurative meaning titles
    A fool, an ignoramus, a narrow-minded and uneducated person, regardless of his age, was also called an undersized person. WITH light hand Fonvizin, it is this negative connotation that has stuck with the word in modern Russian.

    Every person is reborn from an underage youth into an adult man. This is growing up, a law of nature. However, not everyone turns from a dark, undereducated, half-educated person into an educated, self-sufficient person. This transformation takes effort and perseverance.

    Place in literature: Russian literature XVIII centuries → Russian drama XVIII century → Creativity of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin → 1782 → Play "Minor".

    "The Minor" is a play by DI Fonvizin. Analysis of the work, the main characters

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    The main characters of the comedy "The Minor"

    Building character Prostakova, DI Fonvizin conveys the complexity and inconsistency of human nature. The playwright seeks to render "a service to humanity" by showing him what is the nature of a person, even insignificant, evil, enjoying his right to offend other people. Hating slavery, despising serf-owners, D.I.

    Prostakova is a rude, despotic and at the same time cowardly, greedy and mean-spirited nature, representing the brightest type of Russian landowner, at the same time revealed as an individual character - the cunning and cruel sister of Skotinina, a power-hungry, calculating wife tyrannizing her husband, a mother who loves without mind of his Mitrofanushka. And this individual characteristic allows you to show all the terrible force of serfdom disfiguring a person. All the great, human and sacred feelings of Prostakova are distorted. That is why even love for her son - Prostakova's strongest passion - is incapable of ennobling her feelings, for it manifests itself in base, animal forms. Her mother's love devoid of human beauty and spirituality.

    The denouement to which DI Fonvizin's comedy leads was conditional. Actions Pravdina, government official fulfilling the will " supreme power", Were not confirmed by the Russian reality of that time. They reflected only the moods, aspirations of a certain part of the enlightened nobility and therefore were perceived as advice to the government about possible way regulation of relations between landowners and peasants. Because of this, the image of Pravdin in the comedy was not real, but conditional, ideal.

    The image is more vitality Starodum. But he is also a rare phenomenon in the noble environment, judging by the relation of Pravdin, Milon, Sophia. They see him not as an ordinary nobleman, but as a person with special “rules”. And indeed it is. The image of Starodum is associated in the comedy with the expression of the ideas of that part of the progressive nobility that was in opposition to the reign of Catherine and condemned her actions. Outwardly, Starodum's dialogues with positive characters were based on the discussion of moral problems and education, but on the issues raised in them and coverage of different sides public life they were broader and criticized depravity modern courtyard("Crowds of stingy flatterers"), the condemnation of the monarch, whose soul is not always "great", "so as to take the path of truth and never turn away from it." The indignation was caused by the abuse of serfdom ("it is illegal to oppress one's own kind"), the first estate forgotten its duties.

    Although Starodum and Pravdin could not realize their ideals in public practice, their judgments, taken together, made the comedy ideologically consonant with political tragedy. This was the new thing that introduced the playwright through the images of Starodum and Pravdin into the structure of "The Minor". The comedy was communicated with a socio-political focus.

    As was customary in classicism, the heroes of the comedy "The Minor" are clearly divided into negative and positive. However, the most memorable, vivid are still negative characters, despite her despotism and ignorance: Mrs. Prostakova, her brother Taras Skotinin and Mitrofan himself. They are interesting and controversial. It is with them that comic situations are associated, full of humor, bright liveliness of dialogues.

    Positive characters do not evoke such vivid emotions, although they are resonators that reflect author's position... Educated, endowed with only positive features, they are ideal - they cannot create lawlessness, lie and cruelty are alien to them.

    Heroes negative

    Mrs. Prostakova

    History of upbringing and education She grew up in a family characterized by extreme ignorance. She did not receive any education. I have not learned any moral rules since childhood. There is nothing good in her soul. Serfdom has a strong influence: her position is the sovereign owner of serfs.

    Main character traits: Rude, unbridled, ignorant. If he does not meet resistance, he becomes arrogant. But if he encounters strength, he becomes cowardly.

    Relation to other people In relation to people she is guided by rough calculation, personal gain. Merciless to those who are in her power. She is ready to humiliate herself in front of those on whom it depends, who turns out to be stronger than her.

    Attitude to education Education is superfluous: "People live and lived without sciences."

    Prostakova as a landowner A convinced serf woman, considers the serfs to be her full property. Always dissatisfied with her serfs. She is outraged even by the illness of a serf girl. She plundered the peasants: “Since we took away everything that the peasants had, we cannot rip anything off. Such a disaster! "

    Attitude towards family and friends Despotic and rude towards her husband, she pushes him around, does not put him in anything.

    Attitude to his son, Mitrofanushka Loves him, tender to him. Caring for his happiness, well-being is the content of her life. Blind, unreasonable, ugly love for his son does not bring either Mitrofan or Prostakova herself anything good.

    Features of speech About Trishka: "Swindler, thief, cattle, thief's mug, fool"; addressing her husband: “Why are you so perverted today, my father?” addressing Mitrofanushka: “Mitrofanushka, my friend; my heart friend; son".

    Has no moral concepts: she lacks a sense of duty, philanthropy, feelings human dignity.


    (translated from Greek "showing his mother")

    About upbringing and education Accustomed to idleness, accustomed to hearty and plentiful food, free time conducts on the dovecote.

    The main character traits Spoiled "mama's son", who grew up and developed in the ignorant environment of the serf local nobility... Not devoid of cunning and quick-wittedness by nature, but at the same time rude and capricious.

    Relationship to other people Does not respect other people. Eremeevna (nanny) calls her "an old hrychovka", threatens her with harsh reprisals; he does not speak with teachers, but “barks” (in the words of Tsyfirkin).

    Attitude towards enlightenment Mental development is extremely low, experiencing an irresistible aversion to work and learning.

    Attitude to family and close people Mitrofan does not know love for anyone, even for those closest to him - mother, father, nanny.

    Features of speech It is expressed in monosyllables, in its language there are many vernaculars, words and phrases borrowed from the courtyards. The tone of his speech is capricious, dismissive, sometimes rude.

    The name of Mitrofanushka has become a household name. This is the name of young people who do not know anything and do not want to know anything.

    Skotinin - brother of Prostakova

    On upbringing and education He grew up in a family that was extremely hostile to enlightenment: "Don't be that Skotinin who wants to learn something."

    Main character traits Ignorant, mentally undeveloped, greedy.

    Attitude towards other people This is a fierce serf-owner who knows how to “rip off” the rent from his fortress peasants, and there are no obstacles for him in this occupation.

    Main interest in life Animal house, pig breeding. Only pigs cause in him a disposition and warm feelings, only to them he shows warmth and care.

    Relation to family and friends For the sake of the opportunity to marry profitably (he learns about Sophia's condition) is ready to destroy his rival, the nephew of Mitrofan.

    Features of speech The non-expressive speech of an uneducated person, often uses rude expressions, in speech there are words borrowed from courtyards.

    This is a typical representative of small feudal landlords with all their shortcomings.

    Teacher of Russian and Church Slavonic. The underachieved seminarian "was afraid of the abyss of wisdom." In his own way, cunning, greedy.

    Teacher of history. German, former coachman. He becomes a teacher, because he could not find a coachman's job for himself. An ignorant person who cannot teach his student anything.

    Teachers do not make an effort to learn anything about Mitrofan. They are more likely to indulge the laziness of their student. To some extent, they, using the ignorance and ignorance of Mrs. Prostakova, deceive her, realizing that she will not be able to verify the results of their work.

    Eremeevna - Mitrofan's nanny

    What place does it occupy in the Prostakova's house, its distinctive features? Serves more than 40 years in the Prostakov-Skotinins' house. Selflessly devoted to her masters, slavishly attached to their home.

    Attitude to Mitrofan Not sparing himself protects Mitrofan: “I will die on the spot, but I will not give up the child. Sunxia, ​​sir, just poke your head around. I'll scratch out those thorns. "

    What became Eremeevna for long years Serf service She has a strong sense of duty, but no sense of human dignity. There is not only hatred for their inhuman oppressors, but even protest. He lives in constant fear, in awe of his mistress.

    For her loyalty and devotion, Eremeevna receives only beatings and hears only such addresses as "beast", "dog's daughter", "old witch", "old hrychovka". Eremeevna's fate is tragic, because she will never be appreciated by her masters, she will never receive gratitude for her loyalty.

    Heroes are positive


    About the meaning of the name A person who thinks in the old way, giving preference to the priorities of the previous (Peter's) era, preserving traditions and wisdom, accumulated experience.

    Education Starodum An enlightened and advanced person. He was brought up in the spirit of Peter's time, the thoughts, morals and activities of the people of that time are closer and more acceptable to him.

    The civic position of the hero is a patriot: for him honest and useful service to the Fatherland is the first and sacred duty of a nobleman. Demands the limitation of the tyranny of the feudal landlords: "It is illegal to oppress your own kind with slavery."

    Attitude towards other people A person is assessed according to his service to the Fatherland, according to the benefits that a person brings in this service: "I calculate the degree of nobility according to the number of deeds that a great master has done for the Fatherland ... a noble state is nothing without noble deeds."

    What qualities are honored as human dignity? An ardent defender of humanity and enlightenment.

    The hero's reflections on education Pays more value to moral education than to education: “The mind, if it is only the mind, is the most trifle ... Good manners give a direct price to the mind. Without him smart man- a monster. Science in a depraved person is a fierce weapon to do evil. "

    What traits in people cause the hero's righteous indignation

    "Having a heart, have a soul - and you will be a man at all times."

    Pravdin, Milon, Sophia

    Pravdin An honest, impeccable official. An auditor entitled to take custody of estates from cruel landowners.

    Milon, an officer, faithful to his duty, in a patriotic mood.

    Sophia An educated, modest, sensible girl. She was brought up in the spirit of respect and reverence for elders.

    The purpose of these heroes in comedy, on the one hand, is to prove the correctness of Starodum's views, and on the other hand, to shade the ill-will and ignorance of such feuds as the Prostakov-Skotinins.

    ", - one of first-class works Russian literature. The playwright portrayed in it, first, the ignorant old education of noble children; secondly, the gross arbitrariness of the landlords, their inhuman treatment of the serfs.

    About the main characters of the play, Mrs. Prostakova , and her son, Mitrofanushka , you can read in especially dedicated articles on our site: Characteristics of Mrs. Prostakova in Fonvizin's "Minor" and Mitrofan's characteristics in Fonvizin's "Minor". Next, we sketch out the other characters in the play.

    Heroes of the "Minor" Fonvizin

    Prostakova's husband , the father of Mitrofan, is a timid and weak-willed person, so downtrodden and intimidated by his wife that he has neither his desires, nor his opinions. “In front of your eyes,” he says to his wife, “mine can't see anything.”

    Skotinin, brother of Prostakova , - a comic face. He is depicted a little caricatured with his exaggerated passion for pigs, which he himself innocently explains as follows: "People in front of me are clever, and among pigs I myself am the smartest." He received the same upbringing as his sister, and is just as rude as she: he treats pigs “not like an example better than people”; but in his whole figure there is a kind of comic good nature, which, however, stems from extraordinary stupidity. His name, just like the names of others actors, selected by Fonvizin in accordance with the properties of their characters or occupations.

    Fonvizin. Undergrowth. Maly Theater performance

    A few strokes, but very vividly, depict Mitrofan's teacher, retired sergeant Tsyfirkin and seminarian Kuteikin. Tsyfirkin teaches Mitrofan arithmetic, which his name hints at; this is an honest old soldier. Kuteikin says that he left the seminary without completing the course: "being afraid of the abyss of wisdom." He is a completely ignorant person; the only thing that remained with him from his stay at the seminary was his manner of using often Church Slavonic expressions; moreover, Kuteikin is greedy and greedy, “an insatiable soul,” as Prostakova characterizes him.

    The name of another teacher - a German Vralman- very aptly composed of the Russian word "liar" and the German "mann" (man). In the person of Vralman, Fonvizin shows what kind of foreign teachers in those days taught noble children "all sciences." Vralman was a coachman for a long time: having lost his job, he became a teacher, only in order not to starve to death. In the Prostakovs' house, as a foreigner, he is given special honor and preference over other teachers. He receives a salary of three hundred rubles a year, while an honest Tsyfirkin should receive only ten. Prostakova lists all the benefits that Vralman receives in their house: “we sit down at the table with us; our women wash his linen; where necessary - a horse; at the table - a glass of wine; for the night - a tallow candle. " Prostakova is pleased with the German: "he does not bondage a child." The cunning Vralman found a wonderful way to please his mistress, while hiding his ignorance at the same time: he not only does not teach Mitrofanushka anything himself, but also prevents other teachers from studying with him, indulging Mitrofan's laziness, praising him in every possible way in front of his adoring mother.

    In the face Eremeevna, Mitrofan's "mother", Fonvizin was the first to depict the type of an endlessly devoted, selfless serf serf, which in Russian literature was reflected in several images, male and female. Savelich, in "The Captain's Daughter" by Pushkin, Evseich, in "Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson" by Aksakov, Natalia Savishna - in "Childhood and Adolescence" by Leo Tolstoy. In life, this type is known to everyone in the person of Pushkin's nanny, Arina Rodionovna. How many of us have a dear, beloved face associated with the name of "nanny" ... It is surprising that this very type is found only in Russian literature, in the Russian people!

    But unlike other heroes and heroines of Russian writers similar to her, Eremeevna is a completely unhappy creature, not appreciated by anyone: it is not for nothing that she serves in the Prostakovs' house! For her faithful forty years of service and love, she receives only insults, abuse and beatings. "Am I not zealous to you, mother?" in tears she says to Prostakova, “you don’t know how to serve more ... I’d be glad not only that you don’t regret your belly ... but everything is disagreeable.” Tsyfirkin and Kuteikin ask her how much she gets for her service? - "Five rubles a year, but five slaps a day," replies Eremeevna sadly. Even her pet, Mitrofanushka, is rude to her and insults her.