Lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin. Lyrical deviations in the Roman A.S.

Lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin. Lyrical deviations in the Roman A.S.

1. V. G. Belinsky about the novel Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin *.

2. Historism of the work.

3. Lyrical deviations In the novel.

The role of lyrical deviations in the creation of the "Encyclopedia of Russian Life". A. S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" is realistic work. V. G. Belinsky wrote that "Onegin" is poetic faithful true Picture of Russian society in famous epoch" Critic noted: "We see a poetically reproduced picture of the Russian society taken in one of interesting moments His development. From this point of view, Eugene Onegin is a poem historical in the full sense of the word, although there is no historical person among its heroes. "

The opinion of Belinsky to us, modern readers, cannot not seem interesting. But, on the other hand, what does the historicism of the work manifest? After all, the author does not speak any historical event. And the history of the life of a young nobleman is actually not so connected with historical epoch... But in fact, the novel brilliantly recreates the picture of the real life of that time is recreated largely due to lyrical deviations. They are in the work more than enough. The undoubted dignity of lyrical deviations is that the novel is not read as a story about private life Main character. They allow you to perceive the novel as the real "encyclopedia of Russian life," that was the way the work of V. G. Belinsky called.

There is a retreat of autobiographical nature in the novel. In them, the poet appeals to his past, talks about himself and own Life. Elegy tonality peculiar to the deviations of this character gives us the opportunity to impartially watch ideological evolution The poet itself, to realize how he himself changes as the novel says. The creation of "Eugene Onegin" occupied by Pushkin about eight years. This is a very significant term within human life. And if we consider that the poet died on a duel relatively in young age (thirty seven years), then for him short life Eight years - a huge period. Great importance They have lyric deviations in which the poet speaks of the culture of that time. He addresses the theater and literature, calls the names of the most famous artists and culture:

Magic edge! There in the old years,

Satires bold lords,

Blown phonvizin, friend of freedom,

And enterprising princess;

There lakes are unwashed Dani

Folk tears, applause

With junk seed divided;

There our Katrenin raised

Cornell genius genius;

There brought the barn Shakhovskaya

Their comedy noisy swarm,

There and Didro walked fame,

There, there is under the sense of kulis

My junior days rushed.

It can be understood that Pushkin is proud of them. It disassembles perfectly in the present and past, feels his robust with the world of beautiful. No less interesting are lyrical deviations in which the poet argues about Moscow:

Moscow, I thought about you!

Moscow ... How much in this sound

For the heart of Russian merged!

How many in it responded!

Here, surrounded by his oak,

Petrovsky castle. Gloomy ON.

Recently proud of glory.

Napoleon waited in vain,

The last happiness is ecced,

Moscow crankshake

With the keys of the old Kremlin:

No, I did not go Moscow

To him with a guy.

Moscow in the representation of Pushkin himself is closely connected with the fate of the Russian people. The poet does not accidentally remember Napoleon wishing to conquer Russia. The fact that the native country has surrendered, according to the author, regularity, because Russian people to the last drop of blood are ready to defend their state.

Thanks to the author's retreats, the reader is revealed bright paintings. Of these, you can learn more about the features of the life of the provincial landlords, the life of the peasants. Many says O. folk customs. Life of the family of Larina, provincial landowners, closely related to life simple people. We learn about the fact that the "habit of cute ancient" is necessarily respected in their family, we also see how they spend time, how they are having fun:

They stored in life peaceful

Habits of cute antiquity;

They have oily fat

Russian pancakes were found;

Twice a year they are govli;

Loved round swing,

Swimming songs, dance;

On the day of Tritizn, when the people yawning listens to prayers,

Uminno on the bunch of dawn they dropped the tears three;

They kvass as air was consumed,

And at the table, their guests wore dishes by ranks.

We have the impression that the life of rural landowners is more harmonious than the life of the brilliant secular society. The contradictions, false and hypocrisy, peculiar to noble people:

But all in the living room takes

Such a rampant, vulgar nonsense;

All in them so pale indifferent;

They are even boring;

In fruitless dryness speeches,

Distrosions, gossip and news

Thought will not break up for day

Although it is not enough, even though Naobum;

The languid mind will not smile

Do not get drogle heart, though for a joke.

And even stupidity is funny in you will not meet, the light is empty.

How great the role of lyrical retreats in the novel "Yevgeny Onegin", brilliantly wrote Belinsky: "The retreats made by the poet from the story, his appeal to himself was fulfilled by an extraordinary grace, incessia, feelings, mind, acute; The personality of the poet in them is a loving, so humane. In his poem, he knew how to touch so much, hinting about so much that belongs exclusively to the world of Russian nature, to the world of Russian society! " This connection of the work with real life Russian societies XIX. The century is even felt now, despite the fact that us, modern readers, separates the tremendous time interval from Pushkin time. We will be suppusted with Pushkin rows, give the opportunity to better learn and understand the story native country, her past. It is not by chance that the novel "Evgeny Onegin" is considered one of the best works Russian classical literature.

In Russian classic literature There is no work equal to the wealth of the subject pushkin novel "Eugene Onegin". On the pages of the novel, the poet not only tells about the fate of his heroes, but also shares his creative plans with the reader, speaks of the literature, theater and music, about ideals and tastes of contemporaries. He enters the imaginary controversy with his critics, argues about nature, it is ironsisted about the morality and the morals of the local and secular nobility. Thanks to lyrical retreats, the plot of love and friendship grows into the unfolded picture of the era, is created holistic image Russia. first third XIX. century. The paintings of the author are shown in the romance picture of modern Pushkin of Russian culture.

In the lyrical retreats of the first chapter, the author talks about the achievements of Russian theatrical art, remembers the last love ("I remember the sea before the thunderstorm ..."), gives an essay of the secular morals ("The Tromitsa of Big Light!"), expresses his opinion on the habits of the secular "Lviv" ("To what is unfortunately arguing with light ? Custom despot DM Hedgehog people ").

The topic of love, for the first time, sounded in the first chapter of the Roman (an elegic memory of the poet about M. Volkonskaya), in the future repeatedly becomes a reason for the author's retreats. Commenting on the "submission" in which Onegin rejected the love of Tatiana, Pushkin protects the hero from possible accusations, emphasizing that Onegin "Not for the first time ... revealed the soul direct nobility." Stanza dedicated to Lensky's love to Olga, painted by a soft irony ("He was loved ... At least he thought so ...").

Pushkin addresses the romance and to the topic of friendship. At the end of the fourth chapter, the author recalls the carefree atmosphere of friendly pirosh. The memory develops into a joking hymn friendship. The poet comes in here to the shaped parallelism: as a reliable friend is better than windy coquette, so "AI" is preferable "Bordeaux".

In connection with the narrative of the friendship of Onegin and Lensky, the theme of egoism, Russian "Napoleonism" arises. "We are all looking at Napoleon ..." - notes the poet, emphasizing that egoism - typical trait generation.

The artistic discovery of Pushkin became realistic images of the Russian nature, which many pages of the novel are dedicated. The author describes all seasons, accompanies landscape sketches The main events in the fate of heroes. So, Tatiana's letter scene is preceded by a description of the night garden, and the picture of the village in the morning ends: the shine goes out. There Valley

Through the pa vapor it clear. There's flow

A significant part of the author's digits is devoted to the problems of the Russian language and literature, the topic of creativity. So, in the fourth chapter, Pushkin leads an imaginable controversy with "criticism of strict", which requires odd solemnity from poetry and encourages poets to lose the "elegance wreath of poor". For Pushkin, the soda - who has learned the genre, but the author opposes himself and modern "tear poets", the imitative work of which is drawn to the conquest of "nice-languid" beauties.

In the lyrical retreat of the seventh chapter sounds patriotic themeThe poet reveals here as a citizen of Russia, one of her loving sons:

Moscow ... How much in this sound

For the heart of Russian merged!

On the pages "Eugene Onegin" the poet is divided with the reader reflections about creative process creating a novel. It complains about the difficulties associated with the use of foreign language words; At the end of the third chapter, he lightly declares, interrupting the story, which should "relax"; In the fifth chapter reports that he intends to "this fifth notebook / from retreats", and, finally, completing the novel, says goodbye to his heroes, and with the reader.

Summing up the said, remember the words of V. G. Belinsky, who wrote that "Evgenia Onegin" reflected "all life, the whole soul, the whole love" of the poet, his "feelings, concepts, ideals."

IN patriotic classic With difficulty there is a product as thematically rich as a masterpiece of literature "Eugene Onegin".

Variety of threads of deviations

In each chapter of his creation, Alexander Sergeevich talks about the life of heroes, and also reveals his creative plans, argues on the topic of literature, music, theatrical art, talks about ideals and preferences of contemporaries.

The poet begins an imaginary discussion with critics, tells about beauty native nature, Ironia speaks regarding the moral obstacles of the nobility. Due to the presence of numerous deviations, the plot of friendship and love grows up to detailed description Epoch, thereby creating a single image of our country of early XIX century. Through the prism of the copyright, the reader meets Russian culture.

At the beginning of the work, the poet writes about the successes of the domestic theater, placing memories last love ("I remember the sea before the thunderstorm ..."), briefly describes the way of life of society of those times, gives an assessment of habits of the Lord from higher Light ("To what is fruitlessly arguing with the century ...").

Love and friendship in the retreats of the poet

A love topic affected at the beginning of the novel, namely the lines about Mary Volkonskaya, subsequently, not once a reason for lyrical deviations.

Leaving comments to the "Ovdli" Evgeny Onegin with the words of rejection of the feeling of Tatiana Larina, Alexander Sergeevich rises to the side of the hero, thereby acting as a defender of Onegin, pointing that he "revealed the soul direct nobility."

Lines describing the love of Vladimir to the youngest of the sisters of Larina, contain notes of sarcasm ("He was loved ... at least I thought so ...").

The poet does not bypass the topic friendly relationship. In the last stanches of the fourth chapter, Alexander Sergeyevich writes about the pleasant atmosphere of gathering in a circle of friends and composes comic anthem to friendship. The author holds parallels: true friend And the coquette, Bordeaux and Ai ("But you, Bordeaux, like a friend ...").

Talking about the friendly relations of Onegin and Lensky, the author raises the problem of egoism. "We are all looking at Napoleons ..." - notes Pushkin, focusing on the fact that narcissism - characteristic feature young generation.

Description of Russian nature

The artistic discovery of the poet was unsurpassed retreats about the greatness of their native nature, which several pages of the work are given. Alexander Sergeevich makes descriptions of all seasons, competently accompanies the events in the life of characters with landscape sketches.

Here is the moment where main character He writes a love message, begins with the image of the night garden and ends with a description of the village morning. Also, the poet talks about his own feeling of the surrounding world.


Most relaxed conversations illuminate problems native language, Literature, affects the creative component. For example, the author enters into a debate with critics requiring from lyrics of the other idleness, calling the poets to throw out "Elegy Wreath." For Alexander Sergeevich, Oda is an outdated genre, but Pushkin puts in comparison of himself and other creators whose messages are aimed at conquering dreamy young ladies.

The text there are arguments about the writing process of the work. The reader hears complaints of difficulties caused by application foreign words. In the end of the third chapter, the author easily reports that he interrupts writing, because he needs a rest, and through the chapter decides that in the literary creation an oversupply of his thoughts. Finishing the work, says farewell words.

In the penultimate chapter, the subject of discussion is patriotism. The author appears in front of readers as a true patriot: "Moscow ... How much in this sound ...".

At the end of reasoning, it is worth mentioning the words of V. G. Belinsky. In his opinion, in the literary creation reflected feelings, views and ideals of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin.

What do we call lyrical retreat? Maybe in terms of the development of the plot, is it generally unnecessary in the work? First, distracts from the main line. Secondly, - Lyrics, and we have events and conflicts, a story about the actions of the main characters or, at worst, description of nature. But such an opinion is superficial. If you think about it, then the purpose of any work is not the development of the plot, but the implementation of the author's ideas related to it, his response to the events of historical or modern to the author of views on life.

Pushkin and stepped himself on the pages of the novel "Eugene Onegin", became next to the heroes, telling about the personal meetings and conversations. It is from the words of the author, we are in many ways to learn the character of Onegin, it is his memories and evaluations that are becoming a time for reader. Lyrical retreats in the novel - not just cute memories of the author's life, not only the outbreaks of his bright personality, and the true and brightest illustration of the Russian life of the first quarter XIX. Century, written the greatest artist, sprouts, of which, wonderfully intertwined, were developing, cropped paintings.

For example, a lyrical retreat of female legs - like a comic, funny, like outline on the fields of drafts, which insensitively draws his hand, until the mind gives rise to a string. But his end of youthful love: I remember the sea before the thunderstorm:

How I envied the waves,

Running Bourno Chered

With love to lie down to her legs!

How I wanted then with the waves

Touch your nice feet! -

Not a random outbreak-vision of young Mary Raevskaya, but an important detail of the narration, because it is tragic fate This proud and brave female Pushkin will come back more than once. Isn't her dedication and respect for her husband will sound in the last answer to the favorite Heroine Pushkin - Tatiana! It is its loyalty and self-sacrifice that the ability to live a debt to loved ones symbolizes for the poet the soul of a Russian woman. Or a lyrical retreat of Moscow, about the Napoleonic invasion of 1812, permeated with a sense of pride for the fact that

... did not go Moscow my

To him with a guy.

Not a holiday, not a reception gift,

She prepared fire

An impatient hero.

Pride for his capital, for his homeland, a sense of involvement in her story, the feeling of her inalienable particle is characteristic of the Russian nature of the Pushkin contemporary and like-minded person. From this, the desire to change the state courts, the Decembrists paved the way to the Senate Square and Siberia Rudniks. In lyric retreats, we see the plexus of personal with public, the voice of the heart and soul and mind calls. Here is another lyrical retreat - at the beginning VIII chapter. The result of a separate segment of life and creativity, when muse


And the glory of our old

And hearts are thriftless dreams

When the poet proudly says:

Old man kestin noted us

And, in the coffin, blessed.

Immediately remember that Derzhavin and Pushkin have a lot of general topics in poetry and one of them - "I will have an erect monument to myself ...". No, no extra lyrical deviations. IN ingenious novel The ingenious Russian poet is nothing "superfluous", because the "encyclopedia of Russian life", written by a great poet and a bright person, is complicated from the events meaningful by his mind, and feelings who excited his soul.

1. The role of lyrical deviations in Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

Specialists are in the novel by Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" twenty-seven lyrical deviations and fifty-dimensional lyrical inserts. Some of them occupy just one line. His enemies, his friends (it may be the same thing). It was cleaned and soy. Others are very extensive, and if they are connected, they form two independent chapters in their volume.

"I am not writing a novel now, and the novel in verse - the devilish difference" - said A.S. Pushkin about the beginning of work on the "Eugene Onegin", emphasizing his non-traditional. Poetic speech implies a certain author's freedom, which is why in the eighth chapter the author calls his novel in verses "free".

Freedom of the Pushkin Work is primarily a relaxed conversation with readers, the expression of the author's "I". Such a free form of narration allowed Pushkin to recreate the historical picture of the modern society, speaking by the words V.G. Belinsky, write an "Encyclopedia of Russian Life."

One of the most important topics of authoring deviations in Evgenia Onegin is an image of nature. Throughout the novel in front of the reader, winter with fun games of the children and skiing on the "tidy fashionable parquet" of ice, and Spring is "the time of love". Pushkin draws a quiet "Northern" summer, "caricature of southern winters," and undoubtedly, he does not disregard his beloved autumn.

The landscape exists in the novel along with the characters, which allows the author to characterize their inner world through relations to nature. Stressing the spiritual proximity of Tatiana with nature, the author highly appreciates the moral qualities of the heroine. Sometimes the landscape appears to the reader as he sees Tatyana: "... she loved to warn the saunas on the balcony," "... I saw Tatiana in the back of the White Yard.

It is impossible not to note the author's descriptions of life and morals of the Company of that time. The reader learns how the secular youth was brought up and spent the time, and the albums of the county ladies even open. The author's opinion on Bals, fashion, attracts the attention of acute observation.

What brilliant lines are devoted to the theater. The playwrights, actors ... We ourselves get into this "magic edge," where Fonvizin shone, friend of freedom, and changeable princess, "we see flying like fluff from the mouth of Eol", Istomine.

Some lyrical retreats in the novel are directly autobiographical. This gives us the right to say that the novel is the history of the person of the poet itself, the personality of creative, thinking, extraordinary. Pushkin - and the creator of the novel, and his hero.

"Eugene Onegin" was written by Alexander Sergeevich for seven years at different times, under different circumstances. In poetic lines, describe the memories of the poet of the days, "when in the lyceum gardens" to him began to "be a muse", about forced expulsion ("Will the hour of my freedom come?"). Ends the poet his creation sad and bright words about the lived days and gone friends: "There are no other things, and those are ..."

As if with close people, Pushkin is divided with us, readers, reflections about life:

Who lived and thought, he can't

In the soul, do not despise people ...

But sad think that in vain

There was a youth of you ...

The poet worries his poetic fate and the fate of his creation:

Perhaps in the summer will not pick up

Stanza, terms of me;

Perhaps (flattering hope!)

Points future ignorant

On my glorious portrait

And palloon: that was the poet!

They expressed in lyrical retreats and literary addictions Alexander Sergeevich, his creative position implemented in the novel:

... just retell you

Loyal of the Russian family

Love captivating dreams

Yes, our parties.

Friendship, nobility, devotion, love love, highly valued Pushkin. However, the life of the poet was not only with the best manifestations of these moral values, therefore such lines arose:

Who love? Who can you believe?

Who will not change one? -

The heroes of the novel as if the "good friends" of his creator: "I love Tatyana so much", "the many Eugene was to the many", "... I heartily love my hero." The author does not hide his attachment towards heroes emphasizes his difference with Onegin so that the "mocking reader" did not reproached him in the fact that he was "namara" he is his portrait. It is difficult to agree with Pushkin. His image lives on the pages of the novel not only in his heroes.

The poet speaks with us lines of lyrical retreats, and we, his descendants, have a unique opportunity through the century to talk with Pushkin.

Alexander Sergeevich invested his mind into Roman, his observation, life and literary experience, knowledge of people and Russia. He invested his soul into him. And in the novel, maybe more than in his other works, the growth of his soul is visible. As A. Block said, the creation of a writer - "External results of the soul underground growth." To Pushkin, to his novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" it was applied to the fullest.

Autumn road. And in the general mood of the copyright monologue, and in rapidly changing paintings, a hint of a bird-triple is clearly felt, from which this lyrical retreat is separated by a large chapter dedicated to the adventures of Chichikov. The story of the main hero of the poem is completing the author's statements representing sharp objections to those who can shock as the main characterAnd the poem as a whole, ...

Nests, "" War and Peace "," Cherry Garden ". It is important that the main character of the novel as it opens the whole gallery" unnecessary people"In Russian literature: Pechorin, Rudin, Oblomov. Analyzing the novel" Eugene Onegin ", Belinsky pointed out that in early XIX. The century educated nobility was the estate, "in which the progress of Russian society almost exclusively expressed," and that in "Onegin" Pushkin "decided ...

True, you will change immensely ... Now our roads are bad, bridges are forgotten rot ... and so on. the most important topicDead souls"Related to the topic of Russia. The road is an image that organizes the entire plot, and himself Gogol introduces into lyrical retreats as a man's path. "Before, long ago, in the summer of my youth ... I had fun to approach the first time to an unfamiliar place ... now ...

Bellinsky called the novel "Encyclopedia of Russian Life". And indeed it is. Encyclopedia is the referred to the system, as a rule from "A" to "I". Such is the novel "Eugene Onegin": if you carefully view all lyrical retreats, we will see that the thematic range of the novel is deployed from "a" to "I". In the eighth chapter, the author calls his novel "free". This freedom is ...