Kindergartens in the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War. For preschoolers about the war

Kindergartens in the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War. For preschoolers about the war


To acquaint children with the Great Patriotic War

To foster respect for the Defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions, specific historical facts available to children and causing them strong emotions, pride in their people, love for the motherland

To develop an idea of ​​different types of troops, to clarify who the defenders of the fatherland are


A laptop, pictures of pilots, tankmen, sailors, gunners, infantrymen, field kitchens, children of war, destroyed buildings, the capture of the Reichstag, a parade on Red Square in 1945, a recording of the song "Cranes".

D: -Victory Day

Q: - Right. Victory Day is both joyful and sad. He is happy because our people won a victory over fascist Germany, and sad because we got this victory at a very high price. I want to read you a poem, it will take you into the past, and you will find out how it was.

Everyone was sleeping peacefully at dawn,

The night is as dark as a shadow

And the inhabitants of the earth did not know yet

What a terrible day was born.

Didn't know that in the twentieth century

It will become the blackest day

Rivers will turn red with blood

The earth will burn with fire!

When the citizens of our country learned that the war had begun, everyone who could hold weapons went to the front. Everyone helped in the war - women and children. The war was fought on land, in the air, and on the water.

Guys, who defended us in the air?

D: - pilots

And on the water?

D: - sailors

And on earth?

D: - tankers, infantry, gunners.

Guys, how do the soldiers march, you know? Let us, too, swami march.

Physical education "At the parade":

Like soldiers in a parade

We walk row by row

Left - one, left - one -

Look at us.

Everybody clapped their hands

Amicably, more fun!

Our feet knocked -

Louder and faster!

We'll hit the knees

Hush, hush, hush.

Handles, handles raise

Higher, higher, higher.

Our pens are turning

Down again.

We spun on the spot

And they stopped.

Lined up again

We went to the parade again

Ra - two, one - two,

It's time for us to study.

Q: - Guys, the soldier's life was difficult. The food was cooked in a special oven. See how it looks (picture of a field kitchen). It is called a field kitchen. During the fighting, many soldiers were wounded and nurses provided them with medical care right on the battlefield, and after that and after that they were carried on stretchers to doctors. And in between battles, the soldiers watched a movie, listened to and sang songs. I suggest listening to the song of the war years (incl. Recording of the song "Cranes").

During the war, the Nazis took prisoners of people, among whom were children. They kept them behind barbed wire, starved them.

The war has brought a lot of destruction. Houses, kindergartens, schools, libraries, theaters, hospitals, etc. were destroyed.

But after four long and terrible years the long-awaited victory came. Our soldiers planted the flag of our state on the most important building in Germany.

We hoisted on the Reichstag

Our Red Army flag.

This flag flies over the world

It sparkles and turns red.

The scarlet flag says to everyone:

"Fierce Enemy Defeated"

After the war, everyone hurried home, where their relatives were waiting for them: parents, wives, children. A parade of winners was held on Red Square. All military men were greeted with flowers. Until now, we go to the parade and bring flowers to the veterans with us as a sign of respect and gratitude for the peaceful sky overhead.

So that people remember those terrible days, monuments were erected, songs, poems were written, pictures of the war were drawn.

In our city there are many monuments to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War. In the next lessons we will talk about them in more detail and visit some of them.



Summary of the educational situation

On patriotic education "Children about the Great Patriotic War" in the senior group (for Victory Day)



The course of the educational situation:

D: -Victory Day

Everyone was sleeping peacefully at dawn,

The night is as dark as a shadow

And the inhabitants of the earth did not know yet

It will become the blackest day

Rivers will turn red with blood

The earth will burn with fire!

D: - pilots

And on the water?

D: - sailors

And on earth?

Physical education "At the parade":

Like soldiers in a parade

We walk row by row

Left - one, left - one -

Look at us.

Everybody clapped their hands

Amicably, more fun!

Our feet knocked -

Louder and faster!

We'll hit the knees

Hush, hush, hush.

Handles, handles raise

Higher, higher, higher.

Our pens are turning

Down again.

We spun on the spot

And they stopped.

Lined up again

We went to the parade again

Ra - two, one - two,

It's time for us to study.

We hoisted on the Reichstag

Our Red Army flag.

This flag flies over the world

It sparkles and turns red.

The scarlet flag says to everyone:

"Fierce Enemy Defeated"


Summary of the educational situation

On patriotic education "Children about the Great Patriotic War" in the senior group (for Victory Day)


  • To acquaint children with the Great Patriotic War
  • To foster respect for the Defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions, specific historical facts available to children and causing them strong emotions, pride in their people, love for the motherland
  • Develop an understanding of the different types of troops, clarify who the defenders of the fatherland are


A laptop, pictures of pilots, tankmen, sailors, gunners, infantrymen, field kitchens, children of war, destroyed buildings, the capture of the Reichstag, a parade on Red Square in 1945, a recording of the song "Cranes".

The course of the educational situation:

D: -Victory Day

Q: - Right. Victory Day is both joyful and sad. He is happy because our people won a victory over fascist Germany, and sad because we got this victory at a very high price. I want to read you a poem, it will take you into the past, and you will find out how it was.

Everyone was sleeping peacefully at dawn,

The night is as dark as a shadow

And the inhabitants of the earth did not know yet

What a terrible day was born.

Didn't know that in the twentieth century

It will become the blackest day

Rivers will turn red with blood

The earth will burn with fire!

When the citizens of our country learned that the war had begun, everyone who could hold weapons went to the front. Everyone helped in the war - women and children. The war was fought on land, in the air, and on the water.

Guys, who defended us in the air?

D: - pilots

And on the water?

D: - sailors

And on earth?

D: - tankers, infantry, gunners.

Guys, how do the soldiers march, you know? Let us, too, swami march.

Physical education "At the parade":

Like soldiers in a parade

We walk row by row

Left - one, left - one -

Look at us.

Everybody clapped their hands

Amicably, more fun!

Our feet knocked -

Louder and faster!

We'll hit the knees

Hush, hush, hush.

Handles, handles raise

Higher, higher, higher.

Our pens are turning

Down again.

We spun on the spot

And they stopped.

Lined up again

We went to the parade again

Ra - two, one - two,

It's time for us to study.

Q: - Guys, the soldier's life was difficult. The food was cooked in a special oven. See how it looks (picture of a field kitchen). It is called a field kitchen. During the fighting, many soldiers were wounded and nurses provided them with medical care right on the battlefield, and after that and after that they were carried on stretchers to doctors. And in between battles, the soldiers watched a movie, listened to and sang songs. I suggest listening to the song of the war years (incl. Recording of the song "Cranes").

During the war, the Nazis took prisoners of people, among whom were children. They kept them behind barbed wire, starved them.

The war has brought a lot of destruction. Houses, kindergartens, schools, libraries, theaters, hospitals, etc. were destroyed.

But after four long and terrible years, the long-awaited victory came. Our soldiers planted the flag of our state on the most important building in Germany.

We hoisted on the Reichstag

Our Red Army flag.

This flag flies over the world

It sparkles and turns red.

The scarlet flag says to everyone:

"Fierce Enemy Defeated"

After the war, everyone hurried home, where their relatives were waiting for them: parents, wives, children. A parade of winners was held on Red Square. All military men were greeted with flowers. Until now, we go to the parade and bring flowers to the veterans with us as a sign of respect and gratitude for the peaceful sky overhead.

So that people remember those terrible days, monuments were erected, songs, poems were written, pictures of the war were drawn.

In our city there are many monuments to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War. In the next lessons we will talk about them in more detail and visit some of them.

Article "Duty of wartime educators"

Chukmareva Maria Nikolaevna, teacher, MBDOU Pychassky kindergarten № 2, p. Pychas, Udmurtia
Description: This article will introduce and remind preschool teachers about the requirements and conditions of the educational work of kindergartens and the specifics of the pedagogical activity of educators in wartime.
Appointment: the material will be useful for preschool teachers, young specialists in the field of preschool education, senior educators, students.
Target: development of an active civic position and patriotism among teachers based on historical facts.
Tasks: to acquaint with certain aspects of the educational work of kindergartens during the Great Patriotic War; to expand the ideas of teachers about the significance of the immortal feat of educators during the war; foster a respectful attitude towards the profession, towards the valiant history of their homeland.

The quiet feat of the teachers ...

The war, which unexpectedly fell upon the civilian population of Soviet cities and villages, made its demands on the educational work of kindergartens. She forced to urgently, on the go, destroy many questions of preschool methods: how to protect the child's psyche from destructive shocks, how to use events at the front to educate children to love the Motherland, how to develop their hatred of the Nazis.
The educators who remained with the children did not perform feats. They simply rescued babies whose fathers fought, and mothers stood at the machines. Most of the kindergartens became boarding schools during the war, children were there day and night. And in order to feed the children in a half-starved time, to protect them from the cold, to give them at least a little bit of comfort, to occupy them with the benefit of the mind and soul - such work required great love for children, deep decency and boundless patience. What a pity that the quiet feat of wartime educators and nannies has not yet been appreciated at its true worth ...

The duty of educators in those difficult war years was to protect children from the dangers and unrest of wartime, to create conditions in which children can live peacefully, develop normally, forgetting what they have experienced. Therefore, in kindergartens, the atmosphere of a family was created, which every child needed, it was necessary to surround him with maternal affection, attention, care, which made it possible to successfully influence children, develop the necessary character traits and behavior in them.

Educators showed a lot of creative initiative in order to distract children from the hardships of life in all ways and brighten up their existence. They came up with riddles, invented various surprises.
To give children joy, to raise their vitality, to return children's laughter to them is a way of distracting from the difficult reality with exceptional strength, realized by holding holidays in kindergartens.
Educators brought up children on examples of selfless devotion and courage that our soldiers showed, freeing the Motherland from the fascist hordes. Children grew up in a heroic era, which is saddened in their minds, will determine their attitude to life. Therefore, the question of how to acquaint children with the Great Patriotic War to what extent it is possible to bring them closer to the events taking place interested and worried every teacher. This work demanded great sensitivity, thoughtfulness and caution from educators; it was necessary to remember the impressionability of a small child, his fragility, nervous system, and the peculiarities of his thinking. The task of the educator was, using the example of heroism, courage, selfless labor, to develop children for the Motherland, to influence their character, to arouse the desire to be like the best people of the country. Working with children, the sensitive educator tried to remind them less of the war, conducted various games, activities, entertainment with them so that the children would calm down and take a break from their experiences.
With children of different ages, the teacher carried out different work. For example: with younger preschoolers - 3-4 year olds, the educators did not conduct special conversations about the war, although the children already knew about the war and were interested in it. But this topic was too complicated and difficult for young children. Almost every child at the front had one of his relatives, and among the children there was often talk about dads, about letters received from them, about their awards. And of course the teacher showed interest, took part in conversations, and was happy with her pupils.
During the walk, the teacher could draw the attention of the children to the Red Army soldiers who were passing next to the territory of the kindergarten. Fighters were invited to many kindergartens for the holidays. The kids showed them their drawings, gave them their toys, asked them how they beat the Germans, and solemnly promised to help drive the enemy away. The stories of the fighters inspired the children, strengthened in them and in their educators the faith in victory, love for the motherland.

For kids, clear, artistic pictures or photographs were selected, depicting pilots, cavalrymen, riflemen, tankmen. Poems and songs about the Red Army were learned with the children, the games "Pilots", "Red Army men" were held. Thus, the interest of young children in the war was satisfied, love for the Red Army was brought up, and the most elementary visual representations were given.
Senior preschool children - from 5 to 7 years old - were introduced in the simplest form to some of the events of the war. They were told about the victories of our troops, about the exploits performed by the soldiers, commanders, partisans, about the work of the rear to help the army, about the Timurovites who took care of the families of the mobilized. The choice of such stories demanded careful attention from the educator. The story had to be simple, short and at the same time figurative and entertaining. Then he will be understood by children. Will be remembered, will deeply affect them. Some of the stories were illustrated with clear and expressive photographs of their newspapers and magazines.
Each story had to be structured in such a way as to create a cheerful mood in children, instill confidence in victory over the enemy.
In addition to all this, the educators have always supported the initiative of the children in correspondence with the front. Sending letters to the soldiers of the front made a great impression on the children. They talked about it at home, and many mothers brought their husbands' addresses. This is how the correspondence of the entire kindergarten team with the fathers of the pupils began.

Heads of kindergartens and educators, cleaners and nannies, and cooks and caretakers also worked selflessly and selflessly. Young and old, just starting work - all were seized by a common feeling: to save children, keep them healthy, preserve their childhood, return them joy and carefree laughter, educate them as the country demands, not lose heart in front of difficulties, resist hardships, fulfill their duty to the front.

Preschool institutions performed their sacred duty with pride and valor. They did not know fear, did not doubt victory, did not flinch before the most difficult trials.

1. L.E. Raskin "A Year of Working with Preschoolers in Leningrad" from the archive of the magazine "Preschool Education" - No. 1, 2015
2. A. Volkova, D. Mendzheritskaya "Children and War" from the archive of the magazine
"Preschool education" - No. 10, 2014

War Conversations


Dear guys, you were born and live in peacetime and do not know what war is. But not everyone can experience such happiness. In many places on our Earth, military conflicts take place, in which people die, houses, industrial buildings, etc. are destroyed. But this cannot be compared to what the Second World War was like.

The Second World War- the largest war in the history of mankind. It was unleashed by Germany, Italy and Japan. 61 states were drawn into this war (14 states on the side of Nazi Germany, 47 on the side of Russia).

In total, 1.7 billion people, or 80% of the total population of the Earth, took part in the war, i.e. 8 out of every 10 people participated in the war. Therefore, such a war is called world war. 110 million people participated in the armies of all countries. World War II lasted 6 years- from September 1, 1939 to May 9, 1945

Germany's attack on the Soviet Union was unexpected. A blow of an unknown force was struck. Hitler attacked the Soviet Union (this is how our Fatherland was called earlier) immediately over a large area - from the Baltic Sea to the Carpathian Mountains (almost along our entire Western border). His troops crossed our border. Thousands and thousands of guns opened fire on peacefully sleeping villages and cities, enemy aircraft began to bomb railways, stations, airfields. For the war with Russia, Germany prepared a huge army Hitler wanted to turn the population of our homeland into slaves and make them work for Germany, wanted to destroy science, culture, art, and prohibit education in Russia.

The bloody war continued for many years, but the enemy was defeated.

The great Victory that our grandfathers and grandmothers won in World War II over Nazi Germany has no analogues in history.

This 2016 marks 71 years of the Great Victory in World War II. It is called"A great victory"because this is the victory of sane people in the most terrible world war in the history of mankind, which fascism imposed on him.

Why is the war called the Great Patriotic War?

THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR -the largest war in the history of mankind.The word "great" means very big, huge, huge. Indeed, the war captured a huge part of the territory of our country, tens of millions of people took part in it, it lasted four long years, and the victory in it demanded from our people tremendous exertion of all physical and spiritual forces.

It is called the Patriotic War because it is a just war aimed at defending one's Fatherland. Our entire huge country has risen to fight the enemy! Men and women, the elderly, even children forged victory in the rear and on the front lines.

Now you know that one of the most brutal and bloody wars in the history of Russia was calledThe great Patriotic war... The victory of the Red Army in this war is the main event in the history of Russia in the 20th century!

Germany's attack on the Soviet Union was unexpected. On these June days, tenth graders finished school, and graduation balls were held in schools. Boys and girls in bright elegant clothes danced, sang, greeted the dawn. They made plans for the future, dreamed of happiness and love. But the war brutally ruined these plans!

On June 22 at 12 noon, Minister of Foreign Affairs V.M. Molotov spoke on the radio and reported on the attack on our country by Nazi Germany. Young people took off their school uniforms, put on overcoats and went to war right from school, became fighters of the Red Army. The fighters who served in the Red Army were called the Red Army.

Every day, echelons took the fighters to the front. All the peoples of the Soviet Union rose to fight the enemy!

But in 1941 the people with all their might wanted to help their country in trouble! Both young and old people were eager to go to the front and enrolled in the Red Army. In the first days of the war alone, about a million people signed up! Queues gathered at the recruiting offices - people tried to defend their Fatherland!

In terms of the scale of human sacrifice and destruction, this war surpassed all the wars that have taken place on our planet. A huge number of people were destroyed. More than 20 million soldiers were killed on the fronts in combat operations. During the Second World War, about 55 million people died, of which almost half were citizens of our country.

May 9, 1945 for Russia has forever become a great date - VICTORY DAY over Nazi Germany.


1. When did the Great Patriotic War start?

2. Why is it called that?

3. Which country started the war?

4. What did Hitler want to do with our people?

5. Who stood up to defend the Fatherland?


The difficult, hungry and cold war years are called the dashing, evil years of the military. It was hard for all of our people, but it was especially hard for young children.

Many children were left orphans, their fathers died in the war, others lost their parents during the bombing, still others lost not only their relatives, but also their homes, fourths ended up in the territory occupied by the enemies, the fifth - in captivity by the Germans.

Children - weak, helpless, found themselves face to face with the cruel, merciless, evil force of fascism.

War is not a place for children

War is not a place for children!

There are no books or toys here.

The explosions of mines and the roar of cannons

And a sea of ​​blood and death.

War is not a place for children!

The child needs a warm home

And mothers are affectionate hands,

And a look filled with good

And lullaby songs sounds.

And Christmas tree lights

A fun ride from the mountain,

Snowballs and skis and skates

And not orphanhood and suffering!

Here is the story of two little girls, whose fortunes were rushed by the war. The girls' names were Valya and Vera Okopnyuk. They were sisters. Valya is older, she was already thirteen years old, and Vera was only ten.

The sisters lived in a wooden house on the outskirts of the city of Sumy. Shortly before the war, their mother fell seriously ill and died, and when the war began, the girls' father went to the front. The children were left completely alone. Neighbors helped the sisters to enter a vocational school at a tractor factory. But soon the plant was evacuated beyond the Urals, and the school was closed. What was to be done?

Vera and Valya were not taken aback. They began to watch on the rooftops, extinguish incendiary bombs, and helped the sick and old people go down to the bomb shelter. A few months later, the city was captured by the Germans. The girls had to see and experience all the horrors of the occupation.

One of them recalled: “They drove people out of their houses and drove them on foot, took them away in cars. Some never returned to their homes. The Germans drove people to the square and made them watch how our people were hanged. The city was hungry, cold, there was no water. "

The sisters decided to flee to Kiev. They made their way along the paths along the highways, collecting spikelets that fell out of cars during transportation. We spent the night in heaps of hay. The girls wandered for a long time, until they finally found themselves on the outskirts of Kiev.

Some kind old woman took pity on the hungry, ragged and dirty children. She warmed them up, washed them, gave them boiling water, and treated them to boiled beans. The sisters stayed with this grandmother. Her sons beat the enemy at the front, the old woman lived alone.

But our troops entered the city. How many tears and joy there were! All young people - boys and girls - ran to the military registration and enlistment offices. The little sisters ran too, but they were told that they were still too young. However, they had such a bitter childhood that the girls considered themselves quite adults. They wanted to work in the hospital, but they refused here too. But one day, many wounded soldiers were brought to the city, and the doctor said to the sisters: "Come on, girls, help."

“It so happened that we stayed in the hospital,” Vera recalled.

The girls began to help the orderlies, learned how to dress, and fed the wounded Red Army soldiers. If there was a free hour, the sisters arranged a concert for the fighters: they read poetry, sang songs to the guitar, danced. They wanted to cheer up, cheer up the wounded soldiers. The soldiers loved the girls!

One day Vera, among the soldiers walking through the city, saw her uncle, her father's brother. She rushed to him. And soon the girls received their first letter from their father. My father thought that the sisters had died, and was infinitely glad that Vera and Valya were found, asked them to take care of themselves, wrote that when the war was over, they would be together again. The whole hospital was crying over this letter! Vera recalls.

The war distorted the fate of not only the children who found themselves at the front, but also those who were in the rear. Instead of a carefree, happy childhood with funny games and fun, small children worked for ten to twelve hours on machines, helping adults to make weapons to defeat the enemy.

Everywhere in the rear, production facilities were created that produced defense products. Women and children 13-14 years old worked on the machines. “Children, poorly dressed, swollen from hunger, never got enough sleep, they worked on a par with adults. As the head of the shop, my heart sank when I saw them warming themselves by the stove or nesting at the bench, ”recalled a veteran of a military plant in Korolev, near Moscow. V.D. Kowalski.

Another veteran, N.S. Samartsev, said: “We did not reach the workbench, and they made special stands from boxes. They worked by hand - a hammer, a file, a chisel. By the end of the shift, they fell off their feet. If only you can get 4-5 hours of sleep! They did not leave the shop for two weeks and only at the beginning of the month, when the tension was less, they slept at home. "

The schoolchildren, as best they could, tried to help the front-line soldiers to raise their morale, instill faith in victory, and cheer them up with a kind word.

They wrote letters to the soldiers, collected parcels for them. Sewed and embroidered pouches for tobacco, knitted warm woolen mittens, socks, scarves.

The song "Little Valenka" sounds, muses. N. Levy, ate. V. Dykhovichny.


1. Tell us about the life of children during the difficult war years.

2. How did the children help the adults in the rear?

3. What did the schoolchildren send to the soldiers at the front?


On the way to the Great Victory of the Russian people, there were also defeats in battles and many important victories, events: the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow, the liberation of Russian cities, allied countries, but one of the main ones is the signing of an act of unconditional surrender between Nazi Germany and the victor countries ( Great Britain, the Soviet Union, the United States of America and France).
This happened on May 9, 1945 in the capital of defeated Germany - Berlin. From that day on, it became known to the whole world that Nazi Germany was completely defeated.

Every year on May 9, people celebrate this date solemnly. In our country, May 9 is a public holiday dedicated to Victory Day. On this day, people do not work, but congratulate war veterans and celebrate.

The bloody war continued for many years, but the enemy was defeated, and Germany signed an act of unconditional surrender.

May 9, 1945 has become a great date for Russia forever. For the sake of this happy day, millions of people died, fighting for the freedom of Russia and the whole world. We will never forget those who burned in tanks, who threw themselves out of the trenches under a hurricane of fire, who lay down on the embrasure, who did not spare their lives and overcame everything. Not for the sake of awards, but so that you and I, guys, can live, study, work and be happy!

The names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are forever preserved in the memory of the people.

Alexander Matrosov sacrificed his life, closing the embrasure of the enemy bunker. Alexander Matrosov saved the lives of his comrades in arms.

General D.M. Karbyshev, finding himself in the clutches of the enemy, did not surrender, did not betray the Fatherland and was cruelly tortured by the Nazis. After much torture, they took him out naked in the bitter frost and poured water on him until the general turned into an ice statue.

The young partisan Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was brutally tortured by the Nazis, but did not betray her comrades in arms.

There are a lot of heroes of the Great Patriotic War. But the names of many thousands of soldiers who performed feats and gave their lives for their homeland remained, unfortunately, unknown.

To preserve the people's memory of them, in many cities where fierce battles were fought, there are tombs of the Unknown Soldier, memorials and monuments ... Near them an "eternal flame" burns, flowers are laid to them by those whose peaceful life they defended in battles.

Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

A great victory

Great war victory

We must not forget!

Grandfathers defended in battles

Sacred Motherland.

She sends to battle

The best of their sons.

She helped with prayer

And his righteous faith.

In the great war, victory

We must not forget,

Grandfathers defended for us

And life, and the Motherland!

On May 9, 1945, the first Victory Parade was held in Moscow. Thousands of people with bouquets of flowers took to the streets of the capital. People laughed, cried, strangers hugged each other. Indeed, it was a holiday of all the people "with tears in their eyes"! All rejoiced at the greatest victory over the enemy and mourned the dead.

The victorious warriors marched in orderly rows along the streets of the capital. They carried the banners of the defeated enemy to Red Square and threw them onto the cobblestones of the ancient square.

Women, children, youth and elderly people greeted the brave fighters with tears of joy, gave them flowers, hugged them, congratulated them on their victory.

On this day, a solemn parade of troops took place on the Red Square of the capital, and in the evening the sky over Moscow flashed with bright lights of victorious fireworks.

The streets of the capital bloom with smiles of joy, lush bouquets of flowers and bright balls, solemn music sounds.

In the memorable places of the capital - on Poklonnaya Gora, at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, on the square in front of the Bolshoi Theater, veterans-front-line soldiers gather. Their chests are decorated with orders and medals received for their exploits in the Great Patriotic War. They share with us, their grateful descendants, stories about the dashing wartime, meet with their fighting friends. Celebrations are held in all cities of Russia!

The years go by. Sixty years have passed since the Great Victory. Alas! War veterans have grown old, many of them over eighty years old. There are fewer and fewer living participants in the war.

Dear friends! We will be grateful to them for the fact that they won in a fierce battle with the enemy, defended their native land and peaceful life for us. Let's be worthy of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers!

The song "Victory Day" is played, music. D. Tukhmanova, lyrics V. Kharitonov.


1. When do we celebrate the Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War?

2. Tell us about the heroes of the war.

3. How is Victory Day celebrated in our country?

4. What monuments and memorials to the fallen soldiers do you know?


In terms of the scale of human sacrifice and destruction, the Great Patriotic War surpassed all wars that took place on our planet. A huge number of people were destroyed. More than 20 million soldiers were killed on the fronts in combat operations. During the Second World War, about 55 million people died, of which almost half were citizens of our country.

The horror and losses of World War II united people in the struggle against fascism, and therefore the great joy of victory swept in 1945 not only Europe, but the whole world.

In the battles for their homeland, Soviet soldiers displayed amazing courage and fearlessness. The battle was fought for every piece of land.
The enemy has been defeated!

On May 9, 1945, we celebrate Victory Day over Nazi Germany. This is how the war veteran recalls this day: “It was Victory Day. It is truly a joy with tears in my eyes. Everyone jumped out of the dugouts because there was shooting all around. But then there were shouts: "The war is over!" All strangers to each other, strangers, hugging, crying, laughing. " With fire from a thousand guns, machine guns, machine guns, rifles, like a salute, our soldiers marked the end of the Great War. And then there was an amazing silence. Not a single shot ... This peaceful silence was so awaited by millions of people, already accustomed to bombing, explosions, sirens howling, and the roar of guns.

Hear how a Russian soldier, who found himself in a foreign land, not far from a German city, met the first day of peace.

First day of the world

Fragrant thick silence

Neither a shot sounds nor an explosion.

The war ended this morning

And even though there is a stranger around

I miraculously survived, I am alive!

Friends I remembered those who never

Will not come out at the hour of dawn for mowing

Who does not throw a seine into the river,

Who will not be doused with dew in the spring.

I didn't want to kill or burn

I felt only the call of my native land,

But in my memory I vowed to keep Friends,

that we have perished in a foreign land!

The song "We need one victory" by B. Okudzhava sounds.


1. When do we celebrate Victory Day over Nazi Germany?

2. Ask mom, dad, grandmother to tell you about who from your family took part in the Great Patriotic War.

3. What is their fate?

Kindergartens in the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War

The first enemy air raid on Moscow was made exactly one month after the start of the war - on July 22, 1941. The situation was becoming dangerous, and it was decided to evacuate kindergartens to districts remote from Moscow. According to the plan for the evacuation of children's institutions, all metropolitan areas were assigned to certain areas of the Moscow region - Zaraysky, Yegoryevsky, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Naro-Fominsky and others. Many kindergartens of departments and enterprises moved even further - to the Gorky region, and later, having moved to the position of boarding schools, were transferred to the deep rear. Already in August 1941, kindergartens in Moscow practically ceased to exist, in the evacuation they turned into boarding-type institutions.

But they often did not have time to settle down in new places. The Nazis attacked so quickly that children from some areas, such as Naro-Fominsk, had to be returned to Moscow as soon as possible. For this purpose, bus transport was provided at the disposal of the Public Education Departments. At night, on the deserted streets of darkened and wary Moscow, then one could meet columns of buses with children returning to the city. During these transfers, some of the guys had to go through an air raid alert. Here is how the former methodologist-inspector for preschool education of Zhdanovsky district A.V. describes such a case. Nikulitskaya. She accompanied one of the last convoys of bus returning from the Moscow region.

“On October 15, I received an order from the Department of Public Education to take the children out of the Yegoryevsky District to Moscow for distribution to their parents. On October 16, I took the children on the bus. About twenty kilometers from Yegoryevsk (in the village), our bus got stuck in the mud. Adults traveling with children helped the driver - they collected stones, straw, etc. At this time, an enemy plane began to circle over the bus. The driver advised me to take the children out of the bus. When the older children saw the fascist sign on the plane, they became worried, and the little ones began to cry loudly. To calm the children down, to divert their attention, I invited everyone to look at the big cloud and wait for our fighter planes to take off from there and drive the fascist plane away. The children stopped crying and looked closely at the cloud. Soon, three of our fighters actually appeared, but from the opposite side from the cloud. The children heard the noise of engines, turned and saw how our fighters surrounded and drove the enemy plane. The children forgot their fear - they clapped their hands, squealed with delight, jumped, telling how our pilots surrounded and drove the plane.

Later, these guys were attacked three times on their way to the distant rear. Three times we dressed the children and prepared them to leave the carriage. These were terrible moments - we had a huge responsibility to keep the children alive. We told the kids that we would go for a walk, and the older ones, six or seven years old, were told the truth. But the guys were a little worried - they were sure that our fighters would drive away the fascists as then, near the bus: “Do you remember how our pilots drove them away? So now they will be chased. "

All the children who returned to Moscow had to go again - this time deep to the rear. "

Since October, the Departments of Public Education have been working hard to organize the mass export of children of preschool and school age. From July until winter, Moscow children are evacuated eastward - to the Saratov, Chelyabinsk regions and even to the foothills of the Tien Shan.

This is how one of the employees of the boarding school No. 8 of the Leningrad region, who arrived in the Krasnoborsk region of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, recalls this:

“The steamer arrived at dawn, but there were a lot of people at the pier - they were representatives of Soviet and party organizations who came out to meet us and give their fatherly welcome to the children who arrived from the capital of the Motherland of Moscow ... People whom, in fact, we saw for the first time , turned out to be so close to us, so dear. Soon, collective farmers - Tatars from the village of Boltachevo arrived to take us to our new place of residence. 38 wagons arrived. They were accompanied by young, elderly and old collective farmers. With what affection they greeted our kids and, as with love, on a fatherly basis, they seated them on collective farm carts. We had to go 35 kilometers. The path was difficult, it was raining, the roads were blurred, the trainload, loaded with children and things, slowly moved along the country road. We arrived at the village of Boltachevo at three o'clock in the morning, but they were waiting for us. A clean and warm room was prepared for us in the village council. The children were fed and immediately put to bed. "

Another employee of the boarding school recalls with gratitude the Komsomol members, who carried all the children from the steamer in their arms, and then the luggage.

The boarding school of the Soviet district in the Sverdlovsk region was also warmly received. The head of the group of kindergartens of the Sverdlovsk OBLONO A.P. Nechaev, who showed great concern for organizing the life of the evacuated children.

Procurement of fuel was the main task throughout the life of the boarding schools in the evacuation. A lot of fuel was required: to cook food, wash clothes, wash children and, of course, to heat living quarters. In some places, in severe frosts, it was necessary to heat the stoves twice a day. All personnel, both educators and nannies, took part in fuel procurement. They fell trees, sawed, and brought them to the boarding school. Quite a large share of this work fell on the shoulders of schoolchildren. Preschool children also helped, whose duties included the delivery of firewood on sleds to the stoves: it was required to put firewood on the sleds, transport them and then fold them neatly. It was real work, and the children understood well its importance and necessity.

At first, upon arrival from Moscow, the children ate well: they received food from a centralized supply in accordance with the established limit, they also used the food they brought with them; with great difficulties, but they prepared vegetables for the winter.

However, the hardships of the war soon began to affect baby food. In 1942, the limits were lowered. This was especially felt by boarding schools located not far from city and regional centers. It should be noted that the service personnel were at the local supply allocated for all evacuees, and practically were very poorly provided with food. It was very difficult to get additional products at lower prices. To do this, they often had to ride horses to remote areas, sometimes in a fifty-degree frost and blizzard. This forced the collectives of the boarding schools to think seriously about subsidiary farming, and where there were the necessary conditions and where assistance was provided by local organizations, such farms were created.

The boarding school of the bakery № 2 began to organize its subsidiary farm by purchasing seed potatoes with the money collected from the employees, planting it and receiving a crop of 25 tons, which fully satisfied the needs of children and adults. Then they bought two piglets, and in two years they raised forty-eight pigs, bought a cow, and the weakened children were provided with milk. Hay was cut for a cow and two horses. The boarding school managed to get 3.5 hectares of land at a distance of 10 km. This land was sown with millet and sunflower.

Many kindergarten directors and teachers, accustomed to urban living conditions, became organizers of agriculture during evacuation. In the surviving work plan of the head of one of the boarding schools, it was envisaged to arrange a kitchen, provide the boarding school with firewood during the thaw, purchase flour on the market, and provide the horse with hay. It was also planned to make an ice-hole for rinsing clothes, sheds for children from the sun, to pave a road to the kitchen, to pave it with brushwood and manure. But the biggest place in the plan was given to the upcoming spring work. The task is to get the district executive committee to secure eight hectares of land for the boarding school, allocate a cow and a horse for better provision of sowing, and expand the pig farm.

The boarding school workers had to learn a lot, overcome many difficulties, show persistence and ingenuity.

Before the spring work, the collective farm took the previously issued horse from the boarding school of the 2nd State Bearing Plant, and it was required to cultivate three hectares of land for crops of millet, potatoes, vegetables and melons. Instead of a horse, a camel was sent to plow. “This specific animal cries, spits in all directions, does not want to walk along the furrow, shows stubbornness. But we made the camel plow. They put on special robes - let him spit, they led him from both sides - they forced him to walk in the furrow - and plowed three hectares. " Later, this boarding school had three cows with calves, three horses, chickens, piglets and goats. The boarding school cultivated 15 hectares of land, collected up to 16 tons of hay. Upon returning to Moscow, two and a half years later, all the animals were transferred to the local orphanage, and with them agricultural implements - three carts, two carts, two sledges, two plows, water barrels, three hundred cubic meters of firewood, 3000 dung. All this economy was created by a relatively small team from scratch.

Where there was a well-established subsidiary farm, children and adults lived comfortably.

As a rule, boarding schools were headed by knowledgeable and experienced teachers, and among the educators there were many masters and pioneers of preschool education in Moscow, who were directly involved in the creation of the kindergarten system. They tried to protect children from the horrors of war, worked selflessly so that children would not starve, and ensured that each child had a separate bed. Even on the way, a firm order of life was established: sleep, raising children, eating, classes and walks always at the same time.

It has already been mentioned that schoolchildren also left with kindergartens - mainly children of the service personnel, as well as brothers and sisters of younger children, whose parents were at the front and asked not to separate their children. The boarding school teachers have set themselves the task - under any conditions, schoolchildren should not lose a single year of study. Where there was such an opportunity, children went to school, and where there was no such opportunity, preschool teachers took over the training. Verification tests were conducted by teachers. Head of the boarding school E.I. Semenova, responding to a request from the head of the Department of Public Education of the Bauman District, reported:

“With the schoolchildren, on our own from October 16, 1941, we began systematic study according to the program. In the first grade we have seven students, in the second - six, in the third - eight, in the fourth - five, in the fifth - three, in the sixth - two, in the seventh - one. An experienced teacher Bessonova taught in the first grade. She also studied mathematics with students of the sixth and seventh grades. The teacher Spiridonova taught the children of the second grade in Russian, and Komarova in arithmetic. In the third and fourth grades, the teacher Bessonova studied. The teacher Kopeikina taught natural science and botany, Koloskova - geography. I had to lead history, physics, chemistry ”.

All educators treated the assigned work with full responsibility, although they worked without any additional payment. In addition to the usual six-hour work with preschoolers, they spent another four hours daily “at school”.

It was difficult with textbooks, manuals and notebooks. “We only had two ABC books,” complained one of the teachers who taught a group of children who had reached the age of seven by the fall of 1941.

The Moscow children lived in the evacuation for more than two years. In the fall of 1943, the Government allowed the return of all evacuated children's institutions to the capital, and soon the boarding schools set off on the opposite, also difficult path. It was lengthy as the railways remained congested. We traveled in boxcars in autumn, so we had to bother a lot about fuel, hot food, take care to protect children from colds and other diseases. But no one had any fear that a vulture would come flying in and drop the bomb. All difficulties were now brightened by the joy of returning home.

One can imagine how grown-up children were greeted in Moscow. After all, many of them returned home as schoolchildren in the second and third grades. And many words of gratitude were heard these days by the boarding school workers for their hard work in the evacuation.

But not all preschool workers left the city in the first months of the war. After the closure of kindergartens and mass evacuation, the teachers, methodologists, and managers who remained in Moscow were given the positions of commandant, watchman or stoker. They were entrusted with supervising the empty premises of kindergartens.

Preserved information that among those who worked on the creation of defense fortifications on the outskirts of Moscow were at least 500 educators, nannies and other employees of closed kindergartens. Many of the kindergarten workers ended up at logging operations, as there was an urgent need to provide Moscow with fuel. A significant part of educators decided to work in factories, plants and other enterprises of the capital. The documents of the Department of Public Education of the Bauman District indicate that the teacher of kindergarten No. 8 M.N. Shenkalovich worked as a turner, was a stakhanovka, teacher R.I. Gluskina was awarded a republican prize for excellent work at a military plant, the head of kindergarten No. 25 Merzlikina worked as a control foreman, a kindergarten teacher Monakhova worked as a house manager and received the challenge Red Banner for order and cleanliness in homes.

Unfortunately, the surviving information about the preschool workers who went to the front is extremely scarce. It is known that the preschool inspector of the Pervomaisky district Slivinskaya died defending Leningrad. Near Mozhaisk, a kindergarten teacher of the Bauman region, Natasha Yanovskaya, a nineteen-year-old girl who went to the front as a volunteer and was awarded the medal "For Courage", was killed. Two Lavrinov's sisters volunteered for the front from kindergarten No. 15. Kindergarten teacher number 40
O.I. Petrova went to the front with her husband and received a medal "For the Defense of Moscow". Kindergarten teacher № 10 MP Kuznetsova was wounded at Stalingrad, she was also awarded a medal. The teacher of kindergarten No. 6 of the Moscow Military District was an anti-aircraft gunner at the front. Among those who went to the front was Anna Nikitichna Shevyakova, a teacher in the kindergarten of the Dynamo plant, which opened in the first year after the revolution. In the forties, she headed preschool work in Moscow. For military merits and valor shown at the post of deputy chief of a field hospital, A.N. Shevyakova was awarded the Order of the Red Star and two medals.

In October 1941, refugees moved through Moscow from the places occupied by the enemy.

For their organized dispatch further to the rear, an evacuation point was created in Gorokhovsky lane. Every day more and more destitute families arrived here, echelons were formed here, refugees of all ages were housed in the school building, hastily converted into a hostel.

Another evacuation point was located on the territory of the former Rostokinsky district of Moscow. Preschool workers M.G. Khlopova, E.B. Genings, V.V. Obydov and T.S. Babkina decided to help the kids who were there to get used to the unusual disturbing situation and brighten up their stay in the evacuation center a little. Having packed board games, picture books, colored pencils in their backpack, they went to the children.

Elizaveta Borisovna Geninings recalls: “At first, the administration of the checkpoint did not welcome us very warmly, but we were persistent. The dorm decor was not suitable for classes, but we were not embarrassed by this, settled down on an empty bed, got a small table and invited the children to see what we brought them. From all the beds in the room, children began to gather for us, at first timidly, distrustfully, but then, attracted by bright pictures, they became bolder. Interested in the fairy tale that I began to tell them, the children from all over the room came closer and closer, surrounding me with a tight ring. "

All four teachers took turns coming to the dormitory every day, trying to diversify their activities. Among the children there were also those who, for various reasons, were delayed in the evacuation center for a week or two or even a month. They became good helpers with other children.

The same work at another evacuation point, through which many refugees from Ukraine passed, was carried out by students of the Pedagogical Institute named after I. IN AND. Lenin under the guidance of teachers E.A. Fleerina, L.N. Krasnogorskaya, N.A. Metlova, E.I. Zalkind. Here, thanks to the efforts of teachers and students, a cozy atmosphere was also created - "an oasis in a large room littered with things and overcrowded with anxious people", where work with children was carried out. Similar work was carried out at metro stations, which served as bomb shelters.

In the Zheleznodorozhny district of Moscow, with the direct participation of the teacher of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute N.A. Metlov, a children's room was organized. District methodologist Z.S. Ternovtseva writes in her memoirs that music sounded in this room. Nikolai Afanasyevich turned on the gramophone and played the records he had selected, the children sang, played a lot, and it was all the more interesting for them that the “big uncle,” as they called him in conversation with their parents, was studying with them.

Disadvantaged children who lost their homes and constantly heard the oppressive conversations of adults about the horrors of war and the loss of loved ones, getting into the cozy atmosphere of children's rooms and seeing the friendly faces of their educators, soon forgot about the war and the worries that fell to their lot, joined the game, had fun. This caused the joy and surprise of adults. “Fathers! - exclaimed one amazed mother, who saw her three-year-old baby dashingly dancing "Russian", stamping his feet in felt boots. - All day today I whimpered, I asked to go home - and where is he, our home? And now look how she dances! .. "

The teachers' care was felt not only by children, but also by their parents. They warmly said goodbye when they had to leave, warmly thanked them for their attention to their children: “How well they thought up that they were working with the children. And then our children have already forgotten that there are toys in the world ... " This is what the parents said when they took their children out of the children's rooms.

In Sokolniki and Frunzensky districts, kindergartens were opened, where children who found themselves homeless, suffered from enemy raids or who arrived from districts of the Moscow region were admitted. Here they found shelter until their further fate was decided.

A.Ya. Uspenskaya:

“On December 13, 1941, she was appointed head of kindergarten No. 8, which was the first to resume work at the Lublin railway junction. Gradually, in a building built for a nursery and designed for 100 children, we opened 5 groups with a total of 165 children. The opening of the institution was combined with a New Year tree. The windows were masked with black paper. The tree was not lit, but it seemed to all of us especially bright, shiny and beautiful. The room was cold and the children were wearing coats. The main characters - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - were educators. And the children had fun.

Spring 1942. Around the building, on both sides, there was a large deserted square. We took one side for group plots, the other took for potatoes. But in order to plant potatoes, make flower beds and plant trees, we cleared the area from stone, rubble, coal, slag and glass left over from the construction of houses surrounding the kindergarten. Flowers were sown and planted unpretentious, but bright. We planted poplars and elms, they are unpretentious, take root in any conditions and grow quickly. For seedlings they went on foot to the aeration fields and carried them on their shoulders.

With good care, our site soon turned green. People passing by smiled, admiring the beauty of our site.

Each group needs its own canopy-veranda. We had no material for this. We learned that railroad racks were being thrown away at the railway warehouse, and asked to leave them for our kindergarten. And in this way, five verandas were built over the summer. They were without a floor, only a roof and a barrier slightly taller than a child. Climbing plants were planted around the verandas. The necessary shade and coolness have been created. "

Reading these memoirs, you sincerely admire the energy and genuine, effective patriotism of the teachers who have surrounded the children of the frontline soldiers with care and love.

At the end of December 1941, walking groups of children began to appear. In certain areas, necessarily near bomb shelters, children gathered for 2-3 hours. They studied and played with them. At the end of January 1942, when the enemy was driven back 350-400 kilometers from Moscow, each district was allowed to open a kindergarten in a bomb shelter.

Life was then complicated by the constant threat of air raid, and you had to always be on your guard. The descent of children into the bomb shelter was practiced in every detail and taking into account all conditions. For example, upon a signal, all children quickly put everything that they have in their hands - a doll, a shovel, a flag - in a certain place and stand one after the other in the established order. They descend silently, slowly, so as not to push the one in front, stop at the door leading to the shelter, which must be opened by an adult.

The organization of children's meals was a great difficulty. “The kitchens were located in other rooms and were sometimes quite far away - a few tram stops away. The cleaning lady had to make at least two trips every day: there - with a sled and empty dishes, and from there - with full pots and cans tied to the sleigh.

Kindergartens existed in bomb shelters for a relatively short time. With the onset of spring, it became damp there, and the children were allowed to move upstairs.

From the first days of February 1942, 25 kindergartens began to work in Moscow. In the summer, 149 more kindergartens were restored. By the end of 1942, there were already 202 thousand children in 258 kindergartens, which was one third of the pre-war time.

With the restoration of kindergartens, a shortage of equipment began to be felt. So, at the beginning of 1943, two thousand children could not sleep during the day due to the lack of cots. Often, upon admission to kindergarten, parents were required to bring dishes for their child. There was not enough linen, blankets, pillows, furniture.

Soon, the question of the selection of cadres of educators arose very acutely. When educators temporarily employed in institutions and enterprises began to return to work, the administration often obstructed this transition, and the Moscow City Department of Public Education had to achieve the adoption of a special order prohibiting the delay in the transition of school teachers and kindergarten teachers to work in their specialty. Together with experienced personnel, young girls had to be recruited without any training. Therefore, already in 1942, short-term courses for educators on the basis of seven-grade education were created in some areas.

In November 1943, the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council adopted a decision "On measures to expand the network of kindergartens", which provided for the manufacture of equipment, household equipment, toys, benefits and improvement of the financial situation of kindergarten workers.

In 1943, the first sanatorium kindergartens and groups for children with tuberculosis intoxication were opened. Higher requirements were imposed on their organization. They provided for an increased nutritional standard, increased pay for teaching staff and no more than 25 children in a group. With the ever-growing need to assign children to kindergartens, on the one hand, and the lack of free premises, on the other, in each district the task was set - to open a kindergarten for 100 places for the most weakened children or to open a regular kindergarten and take in additionally more fifty children left without supervision during the mother's work. Ultimately, sanatorium-type kindergartens were opened in all districts of Moscow and were of great importance in the struggle for the health of children.

At the beginning of 1943, in a new composition under the leadership of E.I. The City Preschool Methodical Office was opened by Radzina. In 1944, preschool classrooms appeared in all districts of Moscow, and massive methodological work began. The focus was on the organization of hardening of children and proper nutrition. Courses for cooks were organized in the districts. In practical classes, they exchanged their best experiences. As a result of the work carried out, the quality of children's nutrition has improved, and raw vegetables have begun to be widely introduced into the menu.

However, catering in kindergartens remained difficult. The difficulty was in the delivery of food from food bases, in the timely receipt of children's cards from the parents, as well as in a timely report on their expenditure. Products were issued from the bases only upon presentation of a report on the redemption of cards for the last 10 days of each month. Sick children were given food at home, so in the afternoon it was often possible to meet the child's relatives with pots and jars, waiting to receive food. Over the past few days, the abandoned children were given dry food. Strict control over nutrition was carried out by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, which determined the complete attachment of food to the child's portion in a laboratory way.

In order to make children's life more diverse, to give them pleasure and distract from difficult experiences, “leisure evenings” began to be held in kindergartens. After an afternoon snack, the music director came to the children, who had been included in the staff since 1944. These classes did not pursue educational goals - the task was to create a good, cheerful mood in the children. Shows of puppet and shadow theaters were widely practiced.

In the winter of 1942-1943, in the districts of the Moscow region, liberated from the invaders, they began to improve their lives. The destruction was so great that much had to be started anew. Moscow launched work to provide assistance to particularly affected areas. The departments of public education were instructed to assist in the restoration of schools, kindergartens and other educational and educational institutions. According to the remaining incomplete data, equipment for ninety-seven thousand rubles was collected in Moscow, 153 educators were trained to work on playgrounds in the sponsored areas.

Today it is difficult for us even to imagine the hardships and hardships that befell the preschool workers of the war years. But they overcame them. And many were helped by the thought of loved ones - fathers, husbands, sons, who were at the front at that time.

I would like to cite the story of the head of the boarding school N.V. Korzhets:

“We were running out of wood at the boarding school. The collective farm only gave a horse in the evening to transport them out of the forest. The day was difficult, and all the workers were so tired that I did not dare to ask for them and went on my own. Creepy, the moon is shining. I got to our firewood, loaded the sled, tied it up as best I could, and set off. But the way back turned out to be very difficult - the road is narrow, there is a lot of snow, and besides, the firewood touches the bushes, the horse barely pulls or stops altogether. I try to help her, nothing comes of it. I am desperate, but I remember that it was even more difficult for my boy there, at the front, that at that moment, perhaps, death threatened him - and I again push the cart, he starts to move. So we crawled out of the forest ... "

And then came the long-awaited Victory Day.

Oksana Vesnina


Direction of the project:

natural - scientific

Project type: creative, group, short-term.


The patriotic feeling does not arise by itself. This is the result of a long, purposeful educational impact on a person, starting from childhood. In this regard, the problem of moral and patriotic education of preschool children is becoming one of the most urgent.

As a result of systematic, purposeful educational work, elements of citizenship and patriotism can be formed in children.

You cannot be a patriot without feeling a personal connection with the Motherland, not knowing how our ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers loved, cherished and protected it.

It should also not be forgotten that war is one of the most important historical experiences and practices in the formation, reproduction, education and perception of a real man. The image of a warrior remains one of the key symbols of masculinity. This is especially important for modern children. For normal development, boys and girls need a vague image of a real man to gradually become a reality, finding its embodiment in specific people.

That is why we considered it necessary to illuminate for children the feat of our people during the Great Patriotic War.


the modern generation does not know anything about the Great Patriotic War.

Objective of the project:

upbringing in senior preschool children moral and patriotic qualities and feelings of pride in their homeland.

Project objectives:

to expand and systematize the knowledge of children about the Second World War.

to form moral and patriotic qualities: courage, courage, the desire to defend their homeland.

to encourage children to show interest in the history of their country.

to bring up in children a respectful attitude towards the older generation.

respect for family photos and awards,

Project participants

: children of the older group, parents, educators.

Duration of the project

Terms of project implementation:

February, March, April.

The main forms of project implementation:


watching presentations and films about the war;


consultations for parents.

Stages of project implementation:

Preparatory stage (informational - cumulative, organizational)

collection of literature on this topic;

drawing up a work plan;

development of project content

conversations on the topics: "The Great Patriotic War", "Why is the war called the Great Patriotic War."

Main stage (practical)

reading fiction:

Poems and stories about the Great Patriotic War "Victory will be ours",

S. Alekseev "From Moscow to Berlin",

K. Paustovsky "The Adventure of a Rhino Beetle"

N. Hodza "The Road of Life"

VN Sementsova "Ficus leaf"

listening to musical compositions about the war:

- "Victory Day" by D. Tukhmanov,

- "Cranes"

- "Holy War" lyrics. V. Lebedev-Kumach,

- "Katyusha" M. Blanter,

V. Alkina "Farewell of the Slav",

conversations with children on topics:

"Children and War", "Exploits of Children - War Heroes" (from the series "Children of War"); "Holiday. Victory Day";

thematic classes on topics:"War for Children", "Victory Day", etc.

The story of the great-grandfather, one of the pupils, Ivan Ivanovich Melnik about the difficult years of the war.

Show children presentations on the following topics:"Children are heroes", "Heroes of the Second World War", "We are proud of you."

Consultation for parents:"How to tell a child about the war?"

Exhibition design: "Thank you for the victory!" (military uniform, photographs, photo albums of brothers, dads, grandfathers, great-grandfathers who served in the ranks of the armed forces of the Soviet and Russian army, (responsible parents of pupils and educators).

Conducting a sports holiday"Zarnitsa" (participants: children, parents)

Exhibition of crafts dedicated to the Second World War.

Excursion: to the eternal flame, the monument to G. Ye. Sobyanin, laying flowers to the fallen heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

excursion to the village library.

Productive activity with children on the topic: "Technology of the war years", making holiday cards for veterans, home front workers.

The final stage


GCD on the topic: "What do I know about the war?"

defense of a project in a kindergarten;

exhibition of handicrafts (together with parents) on the theme: "In memory of the war";

creation of the album "You are our pride" - war veterans and home front workers in Vov of our village;

Estimated result of the project:

1. The knowledge of children about the Great Patriotic War has been expanded.

2. Strengthened the skills of productive activity in the creation and design of the album "You are our pride".

3. A respectful attitude towards the participants in the war, home front workers, a respectful attitude towards family photographs and relics (medals, orders, etc.) has been formed.

4. Continue to form the moral and patriotic qualities of the pupils.

Project activity product

Creation and design of the album "You are our pride" - participants in the war and home front workers in the Second World War in the village of Igrim

Summary of the thematic lesson

in the older group

"For children about the war"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the military awards that were awarded to soldiers during the Great Patriotic War, with the banner of Victory, which was hoisted over the Reichstag; foster respect for the feats of arms of soldiers and commanders, pride in their people, love for the Motherland.

Equipment: collection of stories "Children - Heroes of the Great Patriotic War"; a stand with photographs of orders and medals; image of the Victory Banner, visual and didactic manual "The Great Patriotic War in the works of artists" (publishing house "Mosaic-Synthesis", reproductions of paintings by O. Ponomarenko "Victory", V. Bogatkin "Storming the Reichstag", musical recordings of songs from the times of the Great Patriotic War.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

At the beginning of the lesson we listen to a fragment of the song "Victory Day" (music by D. Tukhmanov).

Educator: What holiday is mentioned in this song? (This holiday is called Victory Day.) What kind of victory was it? (It was a victory in the war.)

What is this war called? (This war is called the "Great Patriotic War.")

What do you think the word "fatherland" means? (The country in which we were born and live. The country of our parents - fathers and mothers and our ancestors. Our homeland is Russia.)

2. Assimilation of new material

Educator: Children, soon our country will celebrate the Victory Day. On this day, on the streets of the city, you can meet veterans - soldiers of that distant war. May holiday - Victory Day - Celebrated by the whole country. Our grandfathers wear it. Combat orders. Today we will see awards - orders and medals, which were awarded to soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. (Examination of photographs with orders.)

Educator: The Great Patriotic War lasted four and a half years.

She brought many troubles and grief to the Russian people - many cities and villages turned into ruins, thousands of people died. Defending their homeland, soldiers and commanders fought without sparing their lives.

Educator: What do you think, for what a warrior could receive an order or medal?

In the first years of the war, soldiers and commanders were awarded the Orders of the Red Banner, the Red Star, medals "For Courage", "For Military Merit."

In the course of the battles, it was required to highlight the feats of the fighters, to celebrate the art of military leaders. Then the Orders of the Patriotic War, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky and others were approved.

For the valiant defenders of the hero cities, special medals “For the Defense of Leningrad”, “For the Defense of Sevastopol”, “For the Defense of Moscow” were made.

Even children were awarded orders and medals (photographs of children).

Educator: Guys, what do you think, awards were given only at the front? And those people who worked in the rear also performed feats? Were there female heroines among the defenders of the Fatherland? Today we have learned a lot about the awards with which heroes were awarded during the Great Patriotic War. We will keep the memory of these people forever.

3. Viewing the presentation

Victory Day is one of the most revered holidays in our country. MAY 9, 1945, is drifting further and further away from us, but we still remember at what cost this victory went to our people.

It is on MAY 9 that all residents of our huge country celebrate the great Victory Day holiday. On this day, military parades are held in all cities, flowers are laid at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, veterans are congratulated, and festive fireworks are given. (Slide 1-2).

But why are the veterans, participants in that great war, so sad, why do tears cover their eyes? What do they remember on this day? What kind of war was it? At what cost did our people get the victory? (Slide 3).

Our story will go about that great war today. This was when our country, Russia, was called the USSR, when your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers were young, beautiful, full of strength. They were happy, dreamed of the future, thought that everything would be fine in their life. But their dreams did not have to come true.

A terrible force has appeared in the world - fascism. Tank tracks screeched, bullets whistled. Step by step, the Nazis captured one country after another, destroyed cities, blew up monuments, robbed and killed people. And they were getting closer and closer to our Motherland. (Slide 4).

On June 22, 1941, without a declaration of war, the Nazis attacked our homeland. Bombs rained down, enemy soldiers stepped on our Earth, the Great Fatherland War began. (Slide 5).

All the inhabitants of our country took up arms and stood up to defend our Motherland. (Slide 6) - The Sacred War song.

The enemy was very strong. It was difficult for our fighters. The soldiers of our army beat the enemy in the air, on the water and on the ground and drove him from the vastness of our land. The battles went on both in the summer heat and in the winter cold. They fought on a par with men (Slide 7-8-9).

The hardest thing was for children during the war. Kindergartens and schools were closed. Many children were left completely alone, their parents were killed. And some boys became "sons of regiments", their hungry and unfortunate, soldiers took to themselves, and the children went into battle with them, fighting very bravely. The war has weaned children from crying. The children have clearly learned their lesson - if you cry, they will shoot you. The burden of war adversity and calamity fell on their fragile shoulders. (Slide 10, 11, 12). And they really dreamed of a peaceful life. The poem "I play with soldiers."

And in the far rear, women and children worked in military factories, made planes, weapons, shells, dug trenches, tried to help their fathers, sons, husbands, and the front. (Slide 13, 14).

But no matter how hard it was for our people at the front and in the rear, there was always time for music and songs. It was the music that raised the fighting spirit of our soldiers and led them into battle, it was the songs that added strength and raised the fighting spirit of our people. (Slide 15). Chastushki, song "Katyusha".

This bloody war lasted for four long years. During this time, a huge number of not only soldiers died, but also civilians. (Slide 16-17).

And then came this long-awaited day - MAY 9, 1945. The war ended on that day. Our troops defeated the fascists not only on the territory of our country, but also liberated the inhabitants of other countries. (Slide 18). Our soldiers performed many feats during the Second World War. Poem by G. Rublev "It was in May ..."

The whole country rejoiced at the victory, but this joy was with tears in its eyes, because in every family, in every house someone died in this terrible war. Every year people bring flowers to the monuments, defenders of our Motherland, to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Poem "Victory Day"

No one will ever forget the feat of our people during the Great Patriotic War. Song "Victory Day".

4. Physical education "Our Motherland is strong"

5. Securing new material

At the Kremlin wall in the capital of our Motherland, the hero-city of Moscow, the Eternal Flame is burning at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This is the fire of our memory, a symbol of the fact that we remember those events.

There is another very important symbol - this is the Victory Banner.

Educator: Let's look at the image of the Victory Banner.

What color is the Victory Banner? (The Victory Banner is red.)

What is depicted on the banner? (The Victory Banner depicts: a star, a hammer and sickle, inscriptions.)

In those days, our country, Russia, was part of a state called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The state flag of the Soviet Union was red with a gold star and gold hammer and sickle. The hammer and sickle are symbols of labor and workers, those who work in factories and plants, grow bread, the star is a symbol of the defenders of the Fatherland. These symbols are also depicted on the Victory Banner, only they are applied to the panel with white paint. The inscriptions on the Victory Banner indicate which military unit this banner belonged to.

The events associated with the Victory Banner took place at the very end of the Great Patriotic War. And before that, in heavy battles, Soviet troops liberated their homeland from cruel invaders. They also liberated many other countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Austria - and, finally, they took the capital of Nazi Germany by storm - the city of Berlin.

In the center of the city, battles unfolded for every house, for every street. The storming of the building of the fascist government - the Reichstag - was especially difficult. To overcome the stubborn resistance of the Nazis, we had to fight for every floor, for every room. And now, finally, the assault groups of Soviet soldiers climbed to the roof. The Victory Banner fluttered over Berlin - this meant that the war was over, the long-awaited victory had been won. Then the Victory Banner was transported to Moscow to participate in the Victory Parade.

6. Reflection

I propose to draw the Victory Banner.

The song "Dark Night" is played

Conversations about the Great Patriotic War


Dear guys, you were born and live in peacetime and do not know what war is. But not everyone can experience such happiness. In many places on our Earth, military conflicts occur, in which people die, houses, industrial buildings, etc. are destroyed. But this cannot be compared with what was the Second World War.

World War II is the largest war in human history. It was unleashed by Germany, Italy and Japan. 61 states were drawn into this war (14 states on the side of Nazi Germany, 47 on the side of Russia).

In total, 1.7 billion people, or 80% of the entire population of the Earth, took part in the war, that is, out of every 10 people participated in the war, 8. Therefore, such a war is called world war. 110 million people participated in the armies of all countries. The Second World War lasted 6 years - from September 1, 1939. to May 9, 1945

Germany's attack on the Soviet Union was unexpected. A blow of an unknown force was struck. Hitler attacked the Soviet Union (this is how our Fatherland was called earlier) immediately over a large area - from the Baltic Sea to the Carpathian Mountains (almost along our entire Western border). His troops crossed our border. Thousands and thousands of guns opened fire on peacefully sleeping villages and cities, enemy aircraft began to bomb railways, stations, airfields. For the war with Russia, Germany prepared a huge army Hitler wanted to turn the population of our homeland into slaves and make them work for Germany, wanted to destroy science, culture, art, and prohibit education in Russia.

The bloody war continued for many years, but the enemy was defeated.

The great Victory that our grandfathers and grandmothers won in World War II over Nazi Germany has no analogues in history.

May 9, 1945 has become a great date for Russia forever. For the sake of this happy day, millions of people died, fighting for the freedom of Russia and the whole world. We will never forget those who burned in tanks, who threw themselves out of the trenches under a hurricane of fire, who lay down on the embrasure, who did not spare their lives and overcame everything. Not for the sake of awards, but so that you and I, guys, can live, study, work and be happy!

The names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are forever preserved in the memory of the people.

This 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory in World War II. It is called "Great Victory" because it is the victory of sane people in the most terrible world war in the history of mankind, which fascism imposed on him.

Why is the war called the Great Patriotic War?

THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR is the largest war in the history of mankind. The word "great" means very big, huge, huge. Indeed, the war captured a huge part of the territory of our country, tens of millions of people took part in it, it lasted four long years, and the victory in it demanded from our people tremendous exertion of all physical and spiritual forces.

It is called the Patriotic War because it is a just war aimed at defending one's Fatherland. Our entire huge country has risen to fight the enemy! Men and women, the elderly, even children forged victory in the rear and on the front lines.

Now you know that one of the most brutal and bloody wars in the history of Russia was called the Great Patriotic War. The victory of the Red Army in this war is the main event in the history of Russia in the 20th century!

Germany's attack on the Soviet Union was unexpected. On these June days, tenth graders finished school, and graduation balls were held in schools. Boys and girls in bright elegant clothes danced, sang, greeted the dawn. They made plans for the future, dreamed of happiness and love. But the war brutally ruined these plans!

On June 22, at 12 noon, Minister of Foreign Affairs V.M.Molotov spoke on the radio and announced the attack on our country by fascist Germany. Young people took off their school uniforms, put on overcoats and went to war right from school, became fighters of the Red Army. The fighters who served in the Red Army were called the Red Army.

Every day, echelons took the fighters to the front. All the peoples of the Soviet Union rose to fight the enemy!

But in 1941 the people with all their might wanted to help their country in trouble! Both young and old people were eager to go to the front and enrolled in the Red Army. In the first days of the war alone, about a million people signed up! Queues gathered at the recruiting offices - people tried to defend their Fatherland!

In terms of the scale of human sacrifice and destruction, this war surpassed all the wars that have taken place on our planet. A huge number of people were destroyed. More than 20 million soldiers were killed on the fronts in combat operations. During the Second World War, about 55 million people died, of which almost half were citizens of our country.

The horror and losses of World War II united people in the struggle against fascism, and therefore the great joy of victory swept in 1945 not only Europe, but the whole world.

May 9, 1945 for Russia has forever become a great date - VICTORY DAY over Nazi Germany.

1. When did the Great Patriotic War start?

2. Why is it called that?

3. Which country started the war?

4. What did Hitler want to do with our people?

5. Who stood up to defend the Fatherland?


The difficult, hungry and cold war years are called the dashing, evil years of the military. It was hard for all of our people, but it was especially hard for young children.

Many children were left orphans, their fathers died in the war, others lost their parents during the bombing, still others lost not only their relatives, but also their homes, fourths ended up in the territory occupied by the enemies, the fifth - in captivity by the Germans.

Children - weak, helpless, found themselves face to face with the cruel, merciless, evil force of fascism.

War is not a place for children

War is not a place for children!

There are no books or toys here.

The explosions of mines and the roar of cannons

And a sea of ​​blood and death.

War is not a place for children!

The child needs a warm home

And mothers are affectionate hands,

And a look filled with good

And lullaby songs sounds.

And Christmas tree lights

A fun ride from the mountain,

Snowballs and skis and skates

And not orphanhood and suffering!

Here is the story of two little girls, whose fortunes were rushed by the war. The girls' names were Valya and Vera Okopnyuk. They were sisters. Valya is older, she was already thirteen years old, and Vera was only ten.

The sisters lived in a wooden house on the outskirts of the city of Sumy. Shortly before the war, their mother fell seriously ill and died, and when the war began, the girls' father went to the front. The children were left completely alone. Neighbors helped the sisters to enter a vocational school at a tractor factory. But soon the plant was evacuated beyond the Urals, and the school was closed. What was to be done?

Vera and Valya were not taken aback. They began to watch on the rooftops, extinguish incendiary bombs, and helped the sick and old people go down to the bomb shelter. A few months later, the city was captured by the Germans. The girls had to see and experience all the horrors of the occupation.

One of them recalled: “They drove people out of their houses and drove them on foot, took them away in cars. Some never returned to their homes. The Germans drove people to the square and made them watch how our people were hanged. The city was hungry, cold, there was no water. "

The sisters decided to flee to Kiev. They made their way along the paths along the highways, collecting spikelets that fell out of cars during transportation. We spent the night in heaps of hay. The girls wandered for a long time, until they finally found themselves on the outskirts of Kiev.

Some kind old woman took pity on the hungry, ragged and dirty children. She warmed them up, washed them, gave them boiling water, and treated them to boiled beans. The sisters stayed with this grandmother. Her sons beat the enemy at the front, the old woman lived alone.

But our troops entered the city. How many tears and joy there were! All young people - boys and girls - ran to the military registration and enlistment offices. The little sisters ran too, but they were told that they were still too young. However, they had such a bitter childhood that the girls considered themselves quite adults. They wanted to work in the hospital, but they refused here too. But one day, many wounded soldiers were brought to the city, and the doctor said to the sisters: "Come on, girls, help."

“It so happened that we stayed in the hospital,” Vera recalled.

The girls began to help the orderlies, learned how to dress, and fed the wounded Red Army soldiers. If there was a free hour, the sisters arranged a concert for the fighters: they read poetry, sang songs to the guitar, danced. They wanted to cheer up, cheer up the wounded soldiers. The soldiers loved the girls!

One day Vera, among the soldiers walking through the city, saw her uncle, her father's brother. She rushed to him. And soon the girls received their first letter from their father. My father thought that the sisters had died, and was infinitely glad that Vera and Valya were found, asked them to take care of themselves, wrote that when the war was over, they would be together again. The whole hospital was crying over this letter! Vera recalls.

The war distorted the fate of not only the children who found themselves at the front, but also those who were in the rear. Instead of a carefree, happy childhood with funny games and fun, small children worked for ten to twelve hours on machines, helping adults to make weapons to defeat the enemy.

Everywhere in the rear, production facilities were created that produced defense products. Women and children 13-14 years old worked on the machines. “Children, poorly dressed, swollen from hunger, never got enough sleep, they worked on a par with adults. As the head of the shop, my heart sank when I saw them warming themselves by the stove or nesting at the bench, ”recalled a veteran of a military plant in Korolev, near Moscow. V.D.Kovalsky.

Another veteran, NS Samartsev, said: “We did not reach the workbench, and they made special stands from boxes. They worked by hand - a hammer, a file, a chisel. By the end of the shift, they fell off their feet. If only you can get 4-5 hours of sleep! They did not leave the shop for two weeks and only at the beginning of the month, when the tension was less, they slept at home. "

The schoolchildren, as best they could, tried to help the front-line soldiers to raise their morale, instill faith in victory, and cheer them up with a kind word.

They wrote letters to the soldiers, collected parcels for them. Sewed and embroidered pouches for tobacco, knitted warm woolen mittens, socks, scarves.