The location of the painting of the privala hunters. Perov, Picture of "Prival Hunters": Description, Interesting Facts

The location of the painting of the privala hunters. Perov, Picture of
The location of the painting of the privala hunters. Perov, Picture of "Prival Hunters": Description, Interesting Facts

Looking at the "Prival Hunters" Vasily Pereova, the modern viewer is unlikely to notice that the picture shows the same nonsense, as in the hunting bikes, which "etched" one of the characters

Picture of "Prival Hunters"
Canvas, oil, 119 x 183 cm
Year of creation: 1871
Now stored in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.
Two author's copies of the paintings are located in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg and in the Nikolaev Regional Art Museum named after V.V. Vereshchagin in Ukraine

"What is the beauty! Of course, the Germans will also understand, but they will not understand how we are, that it is Russian and what he is lying in Russian. After all, we almost hear and know what he says, we know the entire turnover of his lies, his syllable, his feelings, "Fedor Dostoevsky praised, admiring expressiveness and reliability of the types. However, the scene of the three comrades is not true in detail at all. The characters are incorrect to handle the weapons, and their equipment and mining relate to different types of hunting. It seems the painter chose the topic in which he understood little.

In fact, Perov perfectly understood in the hunt. The artist went to the beast, as his first biographer Nikolai Sobyko expressed himself, "at all times the year and without tired," afterwards even shared experiences in sketchs for the magazine "Nature and Hunting", which published Naturalist Leonid Sabaneev. Ultimately, the hunting hunt was worth the artist of life: because of the medium-picked out in the forest, the Persian developed a charity, from which he died, without surviving up to 50 years.

And "Prival Hunters" of Perov created as a picture of a joke, so that the viewer who understands the viewer laughed at her no less than above the very clarified hunting stories.

1. Skeptic. The peasant, laughing at the story of the Barin, was written from a doctor, an amateur artist and writer Vasily Bezonova. Perov portrayed him by commoner, emphasizing that the hunting excitement, like this meal on the grass, unites the nobles and their servants.

2. Newbie. He was so heard by the storyteller, that I forgot to light the cigarette. Judging by the new, who did not have time to wear out in the forests of Tulup and dear equipment, the character became interested in hunting recently. Perov wrote a gullible neophyte from the 26-year-old Nikolai Nagornov, in the house of which his friends of Kuvutynikov and Bessonov were usually going to go hunting together.

3. Hare Rusak. Professor RAS Valentin Golovin noted: on a molting of the animal can be determined: the action takes place in late autumn. It is strange that the carcass is not damaged: according to the rules of the hunting of the killed hare, it was necessary to break down (poke the dagger between the blades), spack (cut off the front paws) and shook (insert in the saddle).

4. Ryabchik. Forest bird could not be killed on the same hunt as the hare-rusak, the inhabitant of the fields.

5. Rotary. In the role of a landowner - a storyteller Persu posed a friend, police doctor Dmitry Kuvutynikov. In 1880-1890, the doctor, together with his wife, organized a literary and artistic salon in his home. Kuvutynikov and landscape officer Isaac Levitan, with whom Sofya cheated her husband, became the prototypes of the heroes of the Chekhovsky story "Peargun".

6. Boots. Newbik shoes, as Professor Golovin noted, also issues the inexperience of the character: at such high heels it was very uncomfortable to hunt.

7. Binoculars. The narrator binoculars of the old model, the first half of the XIX century, which indicates a solid hunting experience.

8. Rozhok.. It was used on the pith hunt to collect in the flock of the hounds, but there are no signs of the flocks. The only dog, in different versions, or greyhound, or the setter is legal. On the pith hunting does not need a gun, as the game takes the dog. And on the rifle does not need a horn.

9. Gun. An experienced hunter, so as not to clog the channel of the trunk, never put a rifle to the dulp on the ground. Especially if it is a first-class, expensive weapon of the English firm "Enfield", as here.

Vasily Perov

1834 - Born on January 2 (n. Art.) in Tobolsk. The artist was the extramarital son of Baron Grigory Kröndere, who served there by the provincial prosecutor.
1841 - For a beautiful handwriting, he received a nickname pen from the teacher, which became the name.
1853–1862 - Student of the Moscow School of Painting, Scary and Architecture.
1861 - Posted paintings "Rural Cross in Easter" and "Sermon in the village".
1862–1864 - visited Germany and France.
1862–1869 "He was married to Elena Shains, three children were born in marriage, but only the son of Vladimir lived before the adulthood.
1866 - Created "Troika" and "The arrival of the goover in a merchant house."
1870–1877 - consisted of a partnership of mobile exhibitions.
1872 - Recently married, on Elizabeth's friend.
1882 - Died from CHAKHETOP in Kuzminka (now the district of Moscow).

Photo: Fine Art Images / Legion-Media

"Prival Hunters" (1871)

When I tell you my truthful bikes, I remind myself to my left hunter myself, and my friends - and incredulous, like medium, and minor, as right.

The picture is known for absolutely any resident of our country. She is in textbooks, she is on the walls in many homes, even on the candy candy candy. We know her by heart. Still, a couple of moments that you may not know, I will tell.

"To be quite an artist, you need to be a creator; and to be a creator, you need to study life, you need to raise the mind and heart, to bring up not to the study of state-intensive intensists, but in emergency observation and exercise in the playback of types and inherent inclinations ... This study needs to configure the sensitivity to perceive the impressions so that no item does not Wanted past you, not reflected in you, as in a clean, right mirror ... The artist should be a poet, a dreamer, and most importantly - a European worker ... Who wishing to be an artist should become a full fanatics, living and eating one art and only art " .
V.G. Peters "Our Teachers"

Vasily Grigorievich Persov was born on January 4 (December 23 at the old style) of 1833 in Tobolsk, in the family of the provincial prosecutor Baron Grigory Karlovich Kröndere. The boy was illegitimate, his parents married later. All his younger brothers received the titles of Barons and the name Kröndere, Perov received the last name of his godfather - Vasilyev, later the artist changed her on the nickname "Perov", given in childhood for success in cleaning. A real father of the boy, Baron G.Kr. Krident was a liberal formed by a person played the piano and violin, knew several foreign languages \u200b\u200band painted even the poems. Here is the last one and the reason for the fact that some time after the birth of Vasily, the Baron for free-industrial poems was retired.

Return now to the picture.

And Perov wrote it not alone, but in tandem with another famous artist - Alexei Savrasov. They taught together in the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Share Savrsova is not known to us, but there is a curious moment.

Perov wrote two options for "prival hunters": the first is stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, and the second is in the Russian Museum. The second version of Perov writes in a few years. Did he appealed to Savrasov again?

And the hunters are all the real people! Friends of the artist.

Dmitry Kruvinikov's doctor portrayed in his famous painting "Prival Hunters" Artist V.G. Monov. Hunter-storyteller on the left - it is he. Two other characters paintings are written with friends Kruvinikov: A hunter-skeptic is a doctor and an amateur artist Vasily Vladimirovich Bessonov, and the young hunter - Nikolai Mikhailovich Nagornov, a relative of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy (he was married to his niece - Varvar Valerian Tolstoy).

The picture very much like the audience, but some celebrities sharply criticized her.
They didn't like unnatural exaggerated emotions

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin criticized the painting for the lack of immediacy: "As if there is some actor when showing the picture, to whom the role is prescribed to speak aside: this liar, and this carnival, inviting the viewer does not believe the hunter's lieuer and have a chance. Newbie hunter.

The landscape in the picture is written significantly better, composite it is closely related to the characters. There is something anxious in the surrounding nature - in the piercing wind, in the fruitful autumn grass, in the gloomy horizon. The sky is tightened with clouds, not to avoid thunderstorms.

The most pronounced figure is, of course, an elderly hunter on the left, passionately telling his comrades about his adventures on the hunt. The second hunter, that in the middle, middle-aged, listens to the elderly hunter, scratches the ear, can be said, the narrator clearly causes him a laugh by another bike, and he clearly does not trust him, but at the same time he still wondering. A young hunter, on the right, carefully and trustfully listens to the Ruskazni of the old hunter, is likely, he himself also wants to tell him about his hunt, but the old man clearly does not give him words to say.

I am not a hunter, but a friend is a hunter, he told me that there are many inaccuracies in the picture.

The dog in the background, apparently, the setter, and with the legabons they do not hunt the hares. The aunt's lying referee, it is its prey, but the picture is also present in the picture, and it is used only when hunting with hounds. In addition, when the hunt for Tetherov is open (and, by the way, it is found in the forest, and not in the field), a hunt for a hare is closed. But, whether the hunt was opened in that century, I do not know. He also said that a respected hunter so a gun would not quit - the trunk will be clogged, the trigger will break. These are terrifying from a modern hunter.

On the network and such a story about the picture I was found, only the link lost. But read:

"Prival Hunters" is one of the most popular paintings of the outstanding artist of the second half of the XIX century Vasily Grigorievich Perov.
Until recently it was believed that the artist wrote two options for this painting. But there is an assumption that the author created three pictures of the "Prival Hunters". And one of them was kept in the Nikolaev Museum as a copy ...

The most famous picture of Vasily Perov in the last century made a furor at the exhibition in Europe along with the Repin "Burlaci on the Volga". After the exhibition, the fabric bought a famous Tretyak Collector, the second author's version of the artist wrote for the king, and now he is in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. Sensation - the third version of "Hunters" was discovered in the Nikolaev regional museum.

The canvas was investigated for two years. The picture was written without a sketch with a pencil, and immediately with paints - it was in such a manner who worked Vasily Perov. The "Nikolaev" picture of the same size and written in the same 1871, as the work that is stored in the Tretyakovka. And the option that Perov wrote for the king and which is kept in St. Petersburg, created later - in 1877, - and less in the area.

The results of the research Kiev restorers were provided to the Tretyakov Gallery. There agreed with the conclusions of experts from the National Art Academy; The authorship of Perova is still under consideration.

Until now, it remains a mystery, who actually was the artist of pen? Critical realist, Movie Vg Monov was another of almost all outstanding painters of his time.
He had Christ region, which may explain how Perov could write such a canvas as "prival hunters", in the XIX century. The picture is directly stupid by encrypted messages, mathematical formulas and prophetic predictions.

Many years ago, the Russian Museum staff noticed that the Women-a dressing man took place at the end of the working day in the village of Perov, not far from the "Prival Hunters". The work was outweighted several times, but the result was the same. And caretaker, and visitors to the museum, and excursions are most grouped and spent time in this picture.

Some studies were conducted, which revealed a real anomaly. The air temperature in this picture has always been 2.6 - 2.8 degrees higher than in the rest of the halls. The mechanical clock in the picture Pereova slowed down, and quartz mechanisms began to shoot down rhythm and even stopped. The picture was strangely acted on people.

The canvas was subjected to infrared radiation and X-ray. The picture received an image of three men, very much someone resembling. The snapshot was printed and ... An Yalta conference originated! To the left, a little leaning forward, Iosif Stalin was sitting and confucted by something. Opposite him, putting hands on paralyzed legs, Roosevelt was sitting, and between them, skeptically looking at Stalin, Winston Churchill. Having imposed on the picture a transparent map of Europe, the experts were amazed. Stalin's arms accurately indicate the opening line of the second front, while the right hand rests on the coast of Normandy, where he occurred after seventy and small years of landing the Allied Asiant.

If you calculate in a percentage of the area occupied by three figures of hunters, to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe painting, then we will get an accurate figure in the percentage of the total share of the three countries of England, America and Russia in the production of weapons in relation to the rest of the world for 1945! The killed game in the right corner of the picture, circled by one line, is strangely reminded of the outline of the defeated Japan. And if the same line connects the eyes of three hunters, we will get an accurate geometry of the Bermuda triangle.

Perov ideally placed his characters in parts of the world in relation to the gun, lying a little right and below the center of the picture and meaning the equator. This is the first thing that rushes in the eye ...

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The painting of the hunters on the privala feathers wrote in 1871. In this work, the artist portrayed three hunters vacationers on the prival, after successful hunting. Artist Perov must admit and himself was a passionate fan of hunting. More than once in his life, the artist saw similar scenes, because he himself was a member of all kinds of cheerful baakeks, the robs and unprecedented stories about the hunt with their comrades hunters after a difficult but interesting hunting. Display a similar scene on the canvas, show different characters of acting persons, without any offensive, it can be said that the topic is close to the spirit of the simple people. As a result, there are three hunter with prey, not two and not four and three, in general, the holy Trinity against the evening, a few sad landscape, in the cloud sky still flying birds, a small breeze is felt, clouds are condensed.

It is carefully registered by the artist's texture of student items, without a doubt everyone looks without a zadyrinka, here hunting trophies, acknowledged hare, partridges, hunting rifles, a horn with a network and another hunting attribute required for hunting. But it's not the main thing in the picture, the task of Perov in this work all the same three hunters with their different characteristics. The most pronounced figure in the painting of the privala hunters is of course the elderly hunter, passionately telling his companions about his obvious or not entirely adventures on the hunt, a fragment from what about he says: here is the annoying hands to the side, the second hare missed He was already twice as much first, the first thing I successfully shot. The second comrade is that the survey of the average years old, also an experienced hunter with irony listens to the elderly hunter, scratches the ear, one can say the narrator clearly causes him a sarcastic smile of his hunting, the next and untrue bike and he clearly does not trust him, but at the same time he really does not care he thinks. A young hunter that on the right carefully and trustfully listens to the gaze of an old burnt hunter, it is likely that he himself also wants to tell him about her hunt for a partridge, but the old man clearly does not give him and say words. The plot of the paintings of the privala hunters turned out to be direct anecdotal, relative to other works of Perov. Contemporaries from different ways to work the master, Saltykov-Shchedrin criticized the artist for unnaturally looking by hunters, as if actors were playing and not live hunters. And Stasov V.V. On the contrary, enthusiastically admired the picture comparing it with the stories of the Turgenev writer. No matter how it was, the picture hunters on the prival fell in love with the people, the hunters themselves are very enthusiastic about this work. Nowadays, copies of this painting are considered a gift standard for avid hunters. Therefore, in the house, a good hunter necessarily hangs on the wall such a plot and sometimes with other persons of the heroes of the picture. In the work of the artist Perova, this work and paintings are: the pigeon, fisherman and birds are associated with some departure from the ostrichritic cloths of 1860s. And the painting of the prival hunters is written by Perov in two copies, the original is stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, and a copy of the picture in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. Secrets of great paintings: "Prival Hunters"
Looking at the "Prival Hunters" of Vasily Perov, the modern viewer hardly notices that the picture shows the same nonsense, as in the hunting bikes that one of the characters are depicted.

Picture of "Prival Hunters". Canvas, oil, 119 x 183 cm
Year of creation: 1871. Now stored in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

Two author's copies of the paintings are located in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg and in the Nikolaev Regional Art Museum named after V.V. Vereshchagin in Ukraine.

"What is the beauty! Of course, the Germans will also understand, but they will not understand how we are, that it is Russian and what he is lying in Russian. After all, we almost hear and know, about what he says, we know the entire turnover of his lies, his syllable, his feelings, "Fedor Dostoevsky praised, admiring expressiveness and reliability of the types. However, the scene of the three comrades is not true in detail at all. The characters are incorrect to handle the weapons, and their equipment and mining relate to different types of hunting. It seems the painter chose the topic in which he understood little.

In fact, Perov perfectly understood in the hunt. The artist went to the beast, as his first biographer Nikolai Sobyko expressed himself, "at all times the year and without tired," afterwards even shared experiences in sketchs for the magazine "Nature and Hunting", which published Naturalist Leonid Sabaneev. Ultimately, the hunting hunt was worth the artist of life: because of the medium-picked out in the forest, the Persian developed a charity, from which he died, without surviving up to 50 years.

And "Prival Hunters" of Perov created as a picture of a joke, so that the viewer who understands the viewer laughed at her no less than above the very clarified hunting stories.

1. Skeptic. The peasant, laughing at the story of the Barin, was written from a doctor, an amateur artist and writer Vasily Bezonova. Perov portrayed him by commoner, emphasizing that the hunting excitement, like this meal on the grass, unites the nobles and their servants.

2. Newbie. He was so heard by the storyteller, that I forgot to light the cigarette. Judging by the new, who did not have time to wear out in the forests of Tulup and dear equipment, the character became interested in hunting recently. Perov wrote a gullible neophyte from the 26-year-old Nikolai Nagornov, in the house of which his friends of Kuvutynikov and Bessonov were usually going to go hunting together.

3. Hare Rusak. Professor RAS Valentin Golovin noted: on a molting of the animal can be determined: the action takes place in late autumn. It is strange that the carcass is not damaged: according to the rules of the hunting of the killed hare, it was necessary to break down (poke the dagger between the blades), spack (cut off the front paws) and shook (insert in the saddle).

4. Ryabik. Forest bird could not be killed on the same hunt as the hare-rusak, the inhabitant of the fields.

5. Rota. In the role of a landowner - a storyteller Persu posed a friend, police doctor Dmitry Kuvutynikov. In 1880-1890, the doctor, together with his wife, organized a literary and artistic salon in his home. Kuvutynikov and landscape officer Isaac Levitan, with whom Sofya cheated her husband, became the prototypes of the heroes of the Chekhovsky story "Peargun".

6. Boots. Newbik shoes, as Professor Golovin noted, also issues the inexperience of the character: at such high heels it was very uncomfortable to hunt.

7. Binoculars. The narrator binoculars of the old model, the first half of the XIX century, which indicates a solid hunting experience.

8. Horn. It was used on the pith hunt to collect in the flock of the hounds, but there are no signs of the flocks. The only dog, in different versions, or greyhound, or the setter is legal. On the pith hunting does not need a gun, as the game takes the dog. And on the rifle does not need a horn.

9. Guns. An experienced hunter, so as not to clog the channel of the trunk, never put a rifle to the dulp on the ground. Especially if it is a first-class, expensive weapon of the English firm "Enfield", as here.

Artist Vasily Pov

1834 - Born on January 2 (n. Art.) In Tobolsk. The artist was the extramarital son of Baron Grigory Kröndere, who served there by the provincial prosecutor.
1841 - For a beautiful handwriting, he received a nickname pen from the teacher, which became the name.

1853-1862 - Student of the Moscow School of Painting, Scary and Architecture.
1861 - Posted paintings "Rural Cross in Easter" and "Sermon in the village".

1862-1864 - visited Germany and France.
1862-1869 - He was married to Elena Shains, three children were born in marriage, but only the son of Vladimir lived before the adulthood.

1866 - created "Troika" and "Arrival of Governess in a merchant house."
1870-1877 - consisted of mobile exhibition partnership.

1872 - Recently married, on Elizabeth's friend.
1882 - Died from Chatheka in Kuzminka (now the district of Moscow).