Features of the spiritual sphere. Sphere of spiritual life - knowledge hypermarket

Features of the spiritual sphere. Sphere of spiritual life - knowledge hypermarket
Features of the spiritual sphere. Sphere of spiritual life - knowledge hypermarket

The spiritual sphere of society is a complex of certain social subsystems in which people live and operate. The essence of each of them is that they represent a business, intellectual, moral or ideological component of human relationships.


The spiritual sphere is organized purposefully and reflects not material, but the moral inclinations of a person. It includes its worldview and mathematical qualities. Creating around itself such a sphere is necessary for.

Being under the influence of this sphere and inspiring it, the personality creates its moral environment and consumes spiritual values \u200b\u200bthat have not yet in their intellectual potential. The purposefulness makes it give birth to:

  • various theories;
  • works of art;
  • meaningful ideas.

Personality Lines inner world and spiritual relationships with others. In order for this value row to be qualitative, it needs consumption of values \u200b\u200balready created by others and capable of satisfying its spiritual requests.

What is a spiritual sphere in principle? This is not a biologically specified condition for existence. It is the fruit of human socialization, his desire for the development and becoming as a recognized person. Even animals need to communicate with themselves like not only at the level of instincts. Man is above ordinary animal. As Gorky said, a person sounds proudly. So he should strive for social Soffeim.which can ensure the development of its spirituality and full-fledged labor activities.

What is the basis of spiritual life

The basic elements that determine the structure of the spiritual aspirations of the personality and society are:

  • morality;
  • religion;
  • education;
  • the science;
  • art;
  • culture.

Their functional relationship is obvious. In principle, only it ensures the harmonious development of man and its successful interaction With the outside world.


Under morality are understood certain rules Conduct adopted in society. At its origins in all human societies there were extensive representations of people:

  • about evil and good;
  • unacceptable and acceptable;
  • incorrect and true;
  • low and sublime.

The existence of morality adopted by mankind already in the early stages of its history is due to the need to regulate the combination of social processes, eliminate periodically arising chaotic and protest phenomena. Moral sends these processes into a certain political or economic channel specified by the epoch.

IN modern societies This function complies with the constitution, regulating the rights and obligations of its citizens. Their independence from the voluntarism of power is designed to guarantee judicial institutions. The law in the controversial situation becomes a manifestation of the foundations of the existing morality. He toughly links the behavior of the person with certain norms accepted by society.


Performed, in many respects similar to morality: it also organizes huge masses of people. But the organizing force becomes not the worldly power, but the power of God: a kind of supernatural being possessing ideal qualities to orient their activities is unquestioned. The main sign of any, not subject to criticism of the adoption of the postulate religion. Faith in this postulate provides the church, independent missionaries, expanding the circle of believing fluff, and one or another degree of inquisition - the fight against dissent, disciplining the believer population.

IN antique Greece For this, Ostracism was applied - evicting unwanted of policies, in medieval Europe Heretics could easily get to the fire. Today, the morals are much softer: everyone has the right to choose himself, to worship him God or not.


Unlike religion, the personality declares to know the natural reasons for social and scientific progress or regression. Gives a person the knowledge necessary for this, becoming the main factor for awakening interest in the surrounding. The appropriate skills occur on the knowledge, from the skills - skills that allow the obtained information into reality and transform unsatisfactory on the characteristics of the part of life.

Man uninformed powerless before circumstances, it is difficult for him to communicate with the prepared people. He hardly understands what is happening around, and he feels no one in need of a constantly evolving world.

The science

Higher manifestation of education. This intellectual institute constantly leads to the system and deepens the knowledge available in humanity. On this basis, new argued ideas are produced, which are systematized from time to time and more accurate knowledge generate. The peculiarity of science is relatively religious knowledge of its objectivity. It is characterized in that it seeks to display various objects and phenomena in their realexisting independently of subjective perception. Scientific activity Responsible both by urgent and strategic demands of society and contributes to its scientific and technical development.


It is an important part of the moral sphere, in a sense alternative science. It can be considered as a means of entertainment, manifestation of skill, delivering to people a variety of emotions and aesthetic comfort. Other distinctive feature The arts acts the ability to influence the thoughts of various representatives of the Company. It gives food for artistic and scientific reflections. The consequence of many artworks more than once were great scientific discoveries.

Also, art is an effective ideological means. Immediately affecting the public, it causes people a certain attitude towards what is happening around.

Awakens high feelings:

  • makes feeling compassion for neighbor;
  • reveals the problems that exist between people;
  • indicates the path to strengthen friendship.


This is a generalized achievement of all elements of the spiritual sphere, which are described above. It includes morality and education, and science, and art. Through the culture, the most significant values \u200b\u200bof one or another society are opened, on the basis of which the traditional society of society is created and national customs, giving the opportunity to spiritually link various generations and saturate their experiences of predecessors.

In the era of globalization constantly interacts different cultures. Formerly, closed cultural formations include traditions and customs of other peoples, gradually eliminating their difference. Intercultural communication allows you to fully reveal the moral potential of the most of different nationalities. Often it makes it relate to them with respect, adopt the best and thereby enrich your own culture.


Expansion of the spiritual sphere in public Life means an increase in chances to change your life and the life of those surrounding for the better. Developing intelligence and moral qualities and implementing them in society, the personality becomes more popular in society, enjoys it confidence. Ultimately, this leads to the spiritual rise of the entire society and its moral evolution.

Culture we call everything that created by the hands and mind of a person, the whole artificial one - different from nature - the world of phenomena, which cannot exist without human care.

Culture may be moral, scientific, economic, legal, political, etc. In everyday consciousness, the culture merges with "culture", i.e. spiritual and moral property of personality. Among the most appreciated qualities cultural man Consciousness, organization, responsibility, erudition, modesty, accuracy, justice are mentioned.

Culture forms a person as a mature human being - unlike an animal, which acquires generic signs directly from birth. It is unlikely that all generic signs received a scope for development: they are talking about this unique abilities inherent in few people.

The culture forms a person as part of society, when he assumes a certain mandatory minimum culture and is included in a particular group with specific ways of thinking and behavioral principles.

Culture comes with a person to cultural heritage In wider volume, contributes to the assimilation of other cultures - foreign languages, professional skills, acquiring a wide humanitarian culture.

Culture forms individuality, developing abilities, predetermined by natural deposits, biography, life experience.

In turn, culture is created, develops and persisted both by individuals and society as a whole. And the attitude of society to culture is obliged to be quite meaningful.

Artistic culture, or art. Aesthetics - a system of someone's views on art.

Tolstoy: "Call in yourself a tried feeling and, causing it in yourself, through movements, lines, paints, sounds, images, pronounced words, convey this feeling so that others have experienced the same feeling - this is the activities of art.

Art has human activity, consisting in the fact that one person deliberately, well-known external signs transmits other feelings experienced by him, and other people infect these feelings and worry them. "

This is determined to emphasize:

- Art sector is primarily feelings, emotions.

- Consciousness of the act of creativity

- The importance of the intention of the subject, i.e. Creator.

Viewer, reader, listener, can limit the role of the object, (I like it - I do not like it), and maybe go on, i.e. Try to judge the intentions of the artist and how much the artist coped with his task. It is only important here to remember that the artist should be judged by the laws that he admits himself.

You can divide art onto classic and romantic (Zhirmunsk). In classical art, the work is important in itself, it does not contain the character of the creator, it is consonant in nature itself. And the romantic artist seeks to express himself first of all himself, considering that this is exactly what he will affect the feelings of another person.

The ideology of Soviet times a great place assigned reasoning about the form and content in art.

Goethe said that for true artist The incentive for creativity is not life, but works of art created by another Creator. This is a very honest thought, fully contrary to the settings of the communist leaders, according to which the artist is obliged to depict life.

Knowledge artistic work Starts with purely emotional perception. Then the desire comes to understand how the way the artist reaches his goal - infected you with his feeling. In the future, I want to understand the artist deeper, you begin to be interested in the other works, his personality, his fate. A person who experiences creative abilities, the needs of his own creativity, penetrates the creative laboratory of the artists who struck his artists, thus passing the stage of apprenticeship.

"... a means of communication of people connecting them in the same feelings."

("Fine what I like, regardless of the meaning" Kant.)

Culture "People's", "elitar" and "mass".

Folk culture - traditional, homogeneous, reflects the nature of the people. Her source is the village. It is deep and inert. From the folk culture, artists draw material, rethinking it and filling with philosophical and moral content.

ELITARIAN CULTURE - Creative Avangard, Laboratory. These are groups, studios, circles, inside which they speak in a special language, available only dedicated. Here the works are born new, unprecedented, here artists learn from each other, here Genius give birth.

Mass culture is created for the wide urban masses "industrial" way. It has a lot of nervous, imitative and standardized. It is calculated in advance for a fairly low level of perception.

Of course, there are intermediate forms, when a large-scale work, designed for broad masses, includes elements of both elite and folk art. (Film about Stirlitz).

Moral assessment of culture. Tolstoy spoke of good or bad art - depending on which sense of reader or the viewer is affected by the artist. The most important criterion of moral assessment is the religious state of society.

In the USSR, atheism and pseudoreligious cults dominated, art largely replaced religion. It is it works best masters I wake high morality in people, gave hope for the future.

The problem of preserving and selection of culture.

The problem of the cultural elite: support for new and incomprehensible

Education. Media.

Our culture will have to remember its christian origin - both directly from Orthodoxy and through the influence of Western Christianity. And already on this database, it is necessary to comprehend and either accept, or reject the latest influences, in abundance offered by the World Information Pole.

Even again, it is necessary to say that the return to the Christian basics, the religious sources of culture does not mean the refusal of the achievements of humanism. On the contrary, it is a spiral movement up, to a new stage of development, where scientific thought is combined with a religious world, where freedom combines with responsibility, where there is a way, truth and life.

Today, all this has to prove. Today, too many do not find the strength to overcome the stereotype acquired in the adjustic childhood, according to which the faith for educated person is prateric. And it is these people today form television programs, newspaper strips, organize mass "cultural events". We have the right to expect that cultural figures are the first to overcome the mentioned stereotype, especially since part of them did it in the "stagnant" years, when a fair courage was required for this.

A self-developing society cannot let culture on samonek, given that art can not only educate, but also corrupt the soul of man. It's time to determine how society should have an impact on the culture.

Entertainment mass culture should be limited only by the law, i.e. Here only the decomposing influence described by law should be prohibited. This part of the culture is not funded by the state, but is self-sufficient.

The state should support culture that has a beneficial effect on man. However, the decision on full or partial financing should be made not by one officials. Support is needed here areopag culture,consisting of the authoritative figures of culture, science, religion, politicians. Recommendations of the culture of culture are fundamental to material support or, on the contrary, for restrictive measures in relation to primarily television and radio programs.

There is a problem of the formation of the most of the area itself. It is clear that he cannot be elected by all elections. On the other hand, it is hardly possible to give the approval of the aropag to the deposit of cultural workers themselves in order to avoid corporate influences. However, some decisions, even if not perfect, can be found; The main thing is to take the first step and finish with the undivided authorities of anonymous editors and directors of programs, to open the veil of secrets over those who depends tomorrow the public consciousness.

In modern cultural literature, as the main structural elements of the culture, which make up its system-forming kernel, most often allocated main types of culture for the main areas of human vital activity or the areas of cultural creativity. Regarding their quantity and names, there are different points of view 2, but it is advisable to allocate 4 main spheres and, accordingly, the main types of culture:

1. Material and technological culture (in the literature, it is sometimes used to designate this type of culture: "Material culture", " social culture"And others. Name) - This is a culture that is formed and operates in the field of human logistical and its results. The tools of labor, dwelling, everyday consideration, vehicles, labor skills and methods of practical activity, processed areas, breakthrough channels, etc. It was this field of activity that a person can change its natural environment and survive as a biological creature.

Engineering activities should also be attributed to material and technological culture. The word engineer happened from Lat. "Ingenium" is a cunning, inventive. In modern meaning, the engineer's figure appears in the XVIII century with the emergence of large machine production based on the conscious use of scientific knowledge in the production process. The engineer of his activity, as it, combines science with production, becomes a conductor of science in production. So scientific knowledgeIn itself, the element of another, spiritual activity becomes elements of material and technological culture.

The material and technological culture should also include certain traditions, cultural scenarios of production activities, certain relations between the people of their norms, without which it is impossible, organizational principles, etc.

2. Social culture (or "socio- political culture ) culture that is formed and functions in the field social organizationcomprising an individual to the life of a social collective and makes its life as a social being and a member of a certain state education. The interaction of the individual and the state is mediated by many different cultural forms, which are included in this type of culture: the type of government and the form of the Board; legal system in society, including existing laws, judicial system, correctional institutions, etc.; Social structure of society (the division of society on class, classes, etc.), parties that form the ideology of these social groups, ideologies themselves, etc.

3. Spiritual culture- This is a culture that is formed and operates in the sphere of spiritual production of society (the production of ideas, images and other spiritual phenomena), the appointment of which is to meet the spiritual needs of a person. The term "spiritual" has a narrow meaning ("religious") and wide meaningwhich includes the diversity of man's needs in self-development as a personality, addressing it to higher values \u200b\u200band the relevant experience of previous generations and epochs: the need for knowledge and education, communication and moral improvement, religious consolation and experience, aesthetic creativity and pleasure, etc. Therefore, the spiritual culture includes such elements like morality and art, religion and science (in the aspect of the study of the world), philosophy and mythology, the system of education and education in society.

4. Household culture(or "culture of everyday life" is a culture that is formed and operates at the level of non-professional activity in the process life together In the family, with friends, neighbors, etc. It must be said that this layer of culture was studied very little. Until the twentieth century, the culture was predominantly spiritual culture, that is, the sphere of spiritual improvement of a person, his desire for an exalted ... But the cultural studies of the twentieth century expanded the understanding of the essence of culture, indicating that culture organizes all the lives of people, the distinguishing them from animals. The scope of household life can not be an exception, since it has its own functions in human life and society. The term "everyday life" by the end of the twentieth century has become one of the key concepts of cultural studies and all modern humanitarian knowledge as "human life technology in general" in the vital element of ordinary events of individuals.

If you still try to summarize this "vital element" of many people, then you can attribute consumer culture:

Family shape and the whole system of family-marriage relationships;

The basic principles and forms of relations between older and younger, a man and a woman, etc.

Basic principles and forms of family education;

Principles and forms of home holidays, guest visits, etc.;

Travel organization;

Food traditions;

The basic principles of the domestic organization of the dwelling;

Hygiene forms and generally physical culture man;

Features of the subject environment surrounding a person at home;

Norms of sexual morality;

Traditions of wedding rituals;

Organization of the life of children;

Ethical and aesthetic norms, customs, rituals, symbols associated with the eternal problems of human life - love, death, childbirth, etc.

Form of costume and traditions Odds;

and many many others. Moreover, to build a clear hierarchy of these elements is still predica.

An important part of the functioning and development of society is his spiritual life. It can be filled with a rich content, which creates a favorable spiritual atmosphere of people's life, a good moral and psychological climate.

In other cases, the spiritual life of society may be poor and small, and sometimes real confusion reigns in it. In the content of the spiritual life of society, its truly human essence is manifested. After all, spiritual (or spirituality) is inherent only to a person, stands out and elevates it over the rest of the world.

The main elements of the spiritual life of society. The spiritual life of society is very complex. It is not limited to various manifestations of the consciousness of people, their thoughts and feelings, although it can be said with a complete basis that their consciousness is a rod, the core of their personal spiritual life and the spiritual life of society.

The main elements of the spiritual life of society include the spiritual needs of people aimed at creating and consuming relevant spiritual values, as well as the spiritual values \u200b\u200bthemselves, as well as spiritual activities on their creation and generally spiritual production. Elements of spiritual life should also include spiritual consumption as the consumption of spiritual values \u200b\u200band spiritual relations between people, as well as the manifestations of their interpersonal spiritual communication.

The basis of the spiritual life of society is spiritual activity. It can be viewed as the activity of consciousness, in the process of which there are certain thoughts and feelings of people, their images and ideas about natural and social phenomena. The result of this activity is certain views of people to the world, scientific ideas and theories, moral, aesthetic and religious views. They are embodied in moral principles and the norms of behavior, works of folk and professional art, religious rites, rituals, etc.

A special type of spiritual activity is the spread of spiritual values \u200b\u200bfor the purpose of their assimilation possible large number of people. The main motivating forces of spiritual activity are spiritual needs.

The task of increasing the level of culture of spiritual consumption is faced. In this case, the consumer needs to bring up by attachment to real spiritual culture. To do this, it is necessary to develop and enrich the spiritual culture of society, to make it affordable and interesting for every person.

The production and consumption of spiritual values \u200b\u200bis mediated by spiritual relations. They actually exist as a human relationship directly to one or another spiritual values \u200b\u200b(he approves them or rejects them), as well as his relationship to other people regarding these values \u200b\u200b- their production, distribution, consumption, protection.

Any spiritual activity is mediated by spiritual relations. Based on this, such types of spiritual relations can be distinguished as cognitive, moral, aesthetic, religious, as well as spiritual relations arising between the teacher and the student, the educator and those whom he brings up.

It should be noted that the term "culture" comes from the Latin word Cultura - cultivation, processing, education, development. Initially, he meant the cultivation of the soil, its cultivation, i.e., a change in her man in order to obtain a good harvest.

The revival era philosophers identified culture as a means of forming an ideal universal personality - a comprehensively educated, educated, beneficially affecting the development of sciences and arts, promoting the strengthening of the state. They raised the problem of civilization as a certain public device other than barbarism.

It should be accepted with numerous researchers that culture is purely social phenomenonassociated with human life activity. Such a definition reflects in culture only the most common, since we can say the same thing human society. It means that in the very definition of the concept of "culture" should be contained that which distinguishes it from the concept of "society". It was noted that the fusion of cultural and social exists only at a very low stage of the development of society. As soon as the public division of labor begins - separation of agriculture from cattle breeding, crafts from farming; trade from farming, cattle breeding and crafts, so begins rise in itself social problems.

In the same way, unlawfully identify spiritual production with spiritual culture. Spiritual production is the production of all sorts of ideas, norms, spiritual values, and spiritual culture is also the production of spiritual values \u200b\u200bthemselves, and their operation and consumption, including education, education, various forms of human life and communication. And here there is a closest connection between spiritual production and spiritual culture and the interaction, but one to another does not boil. Spiritual culture includes spiritual production and determines it, and spiritual production promotes the development of spiritual culture.

As you can see, the desire to find out the problem of the ratio of culture and society with necessity leads to an understanding of culture as a system of material and spiritual values \u200b\u200binvolved in socially progressive creative activity humanity in all spheres of being and knowledge, his public relations, public consciousness, social institutions, etc. The system of spiritual values \u200b\u200bis the system of moral and others social norms, principles, ideals, installations, their functioning in specific historical conditions. It should be noted that culture does not boil down to values \u200b\u200bas ready-made results. She absorbs the degree of development of the person himself. Without a person there is no culture, as there is no culture in a static state. Culture is inseparable from all the vital activity of a person who is its carrier and the Creator. Man There is a creature primarily cultural and historical. His human qualities are the result of the assimilation of the language, the value orientations of society and the social or national community, to which he refers, as well as the experience and skills to work, traditions, customs, spiritual and material values \u200b\u200bthat have taken from the preceding generations and created by them.

Culture is a measure of human in man, the characteristic of its own development, as well as the development of society, its interaction with nature.

The problem of human dimension was notified even in antiquity.

It is impossible not to note the importance of personal measurement of culture in terms of human relations to nature. Today we are already talking about ecological culture, which reflects the attitude of a person to nature, its morality. This environmental morality should now act as a categorical imperative personality, states, society. A person comes to the world not as a manufacturer and not as a person, but as a person. He learns the natural, and social qualities of his being in the form in which they find them in its environment, because it cannot choose one or another type of society or the level of development cultural values. A person is the element of the "Nature - Man - Society" system, through which nature changes, and society, and the person himself. And by what the personal dimensions of the person himself, what its value orientations depend on (if there are certainly certain objective conditions, the results of its activities. Therefore, consciousness and responsibility, mercy and the love of nature - this is far from full list human qualitieswhich is measured by the opposition of a person with nature, the ecological culture of a person.

When we talk about the environmental culture of society, it should be noted that "good technology" (one, which is focused on the preservation and recreating nature) gives respectively " good ecology». Environmental culture Societies associated with concern about the harmony of man and nature absorbs and material, and spiritual values, employees and nature, and man as an integral part.

The main elements of the spiritual life of society are:

Spiritual activity;

Spiritual values;

Spiritual needs of people;

Spiritual consumption;

Individual consciousness;

Public consciousness.

Culture is essential various spheres Society's life: production, political and legal, etc. This aspect of the sociological cut of the culture structure allows you to distinguish such elements as the culture of production, political culture, legal culture etc.

Production is one of the most important areas of society. It is divided into spiritual production and material.

Spiritual production is the production of products that satisfies the spiritual needs of a person (books, paintings, articles). Thus, spiritual production is the culture itself, but not taken by itself, but in a socio-economic and institutional context.

Material production is, firstly, the production of products that satisfies the material needs of a person (in food, clothes, dwelling), and, secondly, production materialsWith the help of which the needs for communications, product transportation, spiritual needs are satisfied.

For example, the production of players, televisions cannot be attributed to spiritual production, since the player or TV itself does not satisfy spiritual needs. It serves only a tool, thanks to which the spiritual product becomes an affordable consumer.

In the socio-economic aspect, the material production as a whole and spiritual production has a certain similarity - these are ownership of production tools, forms of profit distribution, etc. However, this similarity is very relative: spiritual production and in this regard has its own specifics, in addition, Different industries of spiritual production differ significantly among themselves.

Even more spiritual and material production differ in each other by the product, the technology of its manufacture, on the organization of labor.

At the same time, these differences should also not be absoluting. Currently, along with the preservation of differences, the path and tendency towards rapprochement between spiritual and material production; No wonder we are talking About the leisure industry, industry show business, etc.

Bearing in mind the differences and similarity between spiritual and material production, we will continue to use the generalized concepts of "production", and, accordingly, "social production", etc.

Following the methodological scheme proposed in the previous section, to determine the concept of "culture of production", it is necessary to find out the anthropological aspects of this phenomenon and its functional specificity. In accordance with this, the concept of "culture of production" can be given the following most common, preliminary definition: "CULTURE OF PRODUCTION" - these are ways and results of the development and use of the human potential of public production entities in order to increase its effectiveness and increasingly satisfying on its basis of the Company's interests Separate social groups and personalities.

Since the subject of social production acts, in particular, individual enterprises, we can talk about the culture of production in relation to the characteristics of a particular enterprise, industry, plant, factory.

In addition, considering that the concept of "production culture" relates to the concept of "subject of activity", it makes sense to allocate two levels in its structure: management and mass. Regarding each of them, taken separately, probably more appropriate to apply the concept of "labor culture". Synthesis of the labor culture of management and mass levels and gives a certain state of production culture.

Insofar as modern production - This is the scope of applying the latest achievements of science and technology, the first absolutely necessary sign of the culture of production is the presence of a large amount of professional knowledge and skills in its participants.

The leading growth of science compared to production causes the dynamic development of the latter, the emergence of new industries and according to professions. From here such a criterion for the culture of labor and management, and mass level, as the ability of employees to constantly replenish their knowledge, willingness to master the new activities in the new conditions.

Great and indisputably the significance of the aesthetic culture of the employee. Feeling of proportions, harmony or disharmonic combination of various elements, sensitivity to color combinations Not only contributes to the production of high-quality products, but also make an employee who is physically not capable of marriage, the increasing content of the workplace. Highly developed dynamic production is impossible without high culture Communication of its participants. Otherwise, the rhythm failures, inconsistency and simply inhuman atmosphere, which inhibits the development of production is inevitable.

Special attention deserves the question of the place of moral culture of the employee in the structure of the culture of production.

Prejudice is widespread, according to which capitalism creates such powerful economic incentives to work, which does not need moral motivation labor activity. However, this is not the case. As you know, the economic successes of developed capitalist countries are largely fluidized by ethics of Protestantism, according to which the diligence is associated with cruelness are essential moral values.

In this regard, it becomes clear that in front of the culture in which the influence of religion is weakened, an acute problem arises, which is necessary to give the secular rationale for the rules and principles of labor ethics.

The specific criterion of the managerial level is the ability to organize work, engage in human potential and primarily the personal interests of the participants in production, in order to achieve its effectiveness.

Thus, it is safe to say that the labor culture reflects the general state of the culture of society. It is not surprising because labor is the most important view human activity and sphere the greatest application And, consequently, the development of his essential forces. Therefore, an increase in labor culture, which is a condition for the prosperous development of any society, requires the improvement of the entire system of its culture. And vice versa, the increase in labor culture will certainly respond to increased cultural level All society.

Political culture. Politics is an area of \u200b\u200brelationship between various social groups and states. One of its parties is a political culture, which in this sense can be considered as an independent sphere of culture, having its own territory in social space. However, political culture at the same time is necessary component Not only political, but also other activities: artistic, manufacturing and even leisure. In this second sense, the concept of "political culture", as well as the concept of "moral culture", correlates with the concept of "subject of activity" as one of the characteristics of the latter.

Based on the above considerations and methodological principles used earlier, the concept of "political culture" can be defined as follows: "Political culture is the methods and results of human development as a subject of politics."

Like the production culture, political culture can be structured on management and mass levels. Each of them, in turn, can be structured to the perfect and real, spiritual and practical layers, etc.

More This issue will be reviewed in section 3 of this tutorial.

Legal culture. A very complex sociocultural phenomenon is right. It arose in response to the needs of society in a clear normalization of relations between different social actors: individual individuals, social groups, states. Another side of this need was to be created a system of supervision, monitoring compliance with established norms and a system of punishment for retreat from norms.

Satisfying this dual need - in creating and improving the system of norms and controls for their observance - it became possible with the advent of the state.

State control over compliance with the norms of relations between people is what sharply distinguishes the right from morality. Observation of the norms of morality is watching society.

Another difference between the rights from morality is that the rules of the right are expressed with marginal expressiveness and are enshrined in the laws, while morality norms are less distinct, allow a larger interpretation range, less imperative.