The image of the Faust in the site of the Guete, an essay. Analysis of the work of "Faust" (Goethe)

The image of the Faust in the site of the Guete, an essay. Analysis of the work of
The image of the Faust in the site of the Guete, an essay. Analysis of the work of "Faust" (Goethe)

Throughout the work, Faust passed an amazing path, full disappointment, pain, as well as joy and unexpected discoveries. This man sold his soul to the Devil in order to know the foundations of the universe. He has few ordinary, ordinary knowledge that almost all have. He is eager to more, seeks to disclose the secrets, receiving new revelations. Faust learned to appreciate the knowledge. As it looks like many representatives of mankind, who want to know the secrets, to disclose them and ready for it even what is expensive that the Faust is controversial at the very beginning - he is inspired, then he is tormented by doubts and continues to be solved for suicide, thinking that Life passed in vain. The Faust is overcome by completely different, even opposite feelings and emotions. The period passes the one who understands that the surrounding reality is not the limit, there are no boundaries in it, which means you need to go to the flight, dive into the depths of the unidentified one. Faust personifies a constant movement, constant work, through all this it is possible to know not only the world around, but also himself. Faust was obsessed with the knowledge of the truth. Many are looking for it, sometimes subconsciously, but still seek. It doesn't matter what are the times - faasts or modern, the inner essence seeks to free themselves from lies, get truth, knowledge. He dedicated his lives to research, but I realized that this would not give anything, would not lead to truth, since it was not consisting of facts, calculations and evidence. That is why Faust decided to such a risky act - to sell his soul to the devil. The Goethe is ready to pay any price, he suffers, surviving ups and falls - this is a strong and volitional man who is despite what his soul wants. But to achieve something not enough just inspiration and dreams, because you have to go through a desperate path of tests and difficulties. Positive quality This character is the desire to be free and happy, as well as help this achieve and other people. The image of Faust is inextricably linked with the theme of the meaning of life, so watching the hero, you start thinking about own Life, about her meaning and meaning, is there a valuable thing in it, what did the Faust sees in his? Is it possible to surrender to dreams, pursuit of something new and undisclosed? Faust lived carelessly, satisfying his desires, but when he had the opportunity to build a dam, he realized that he was born to this case, this is his real purpose and meaning of life. So and in every person laid a gift that you need to spread in myself, to disclose that he become a step, and then the basis for a new life. Also, this hero can learn to appreciate everything in life, do not regret it, and take all How proper, to find this real happiness. It is especially noteworthy that the name of Faust translated from Latin means happy and lucky. The lived life of Faust was bright, she did not take a gift for the hero himself. Of course, there is a chance after all searches to remain without the desired answers, but it is better to such a life than the world of illusions. But one thing is distinguished by the Faust from other people. He found what he was looking for, managed to achieve unity with nature, understood that it was an integral part. At the end of his life, the hero is completely satisfied - "Stop the moment, you are fine!". Who can boast of such an achievement? Such awareness, internal completeness and self-sufficiency? Alas, few. He showed that for ordinary, gray life, earthly goals and dreams, there is something that can be achieved and it is redeemed, the main thing to meet this.

In the image of the chief hero of the Faust tragedy, Goethe sees not only the reflection of himself, but also a person of his time, the period of education, the heyday of German culture and philosophy.

Goethe and Enlightenment

Johann Wolfgang Goethe unconditionally combined all signs of genius. He was a poet, a prose, an outstanding thinker, Yarym's adherent of romanticism. It is on it that one of the greatest eras in Germany ends - enlightenment. The man of his country was instantly adopted in the ranks of the most prominent German philosophers. His sharp style immediately began to compare with Volterovsky.


Goethe was born in 1749 in a wealthy family of patrician. The foundations of all sciences were taught at home. Later, the poet came in but it was not enough. He also graduated from the University of Strasbourg. After the treatise of the "suffering of a young vertebe" was published, global fame came to him.

Goethe long time He held an administrative position in Saxen-Weimar Duke. There he tried to self-realize, convey the advanced ideas of the century to all the rest and serve for the benefit of society. Becoming Prime Minister Weimar, he was disappointed in politics. His active position did not give to engage in creativity.

Italian period

The writer fell into depression and left to restore his strength to Italy, the country of Renaissance, Musdevrov Da Vinci, Rafael, philosophical search for truth. It was there that his style of writing was formed. He again begins to write stories and philosophical narrations. Upon his return, Guete leaves himself the post of Minister of Culture and the work of the head of the local theater. Duke in his friend - Shiller and often consults with him in important affairs of the country's policies.

Goethe and Schiller

One of turnstanding moments In the life and work of Johann Wolfgang became acquaintance with Schiller. Two first-class author not only together begin to develop Weimar classicism, founded by Goethe, but also constantly pushing each other to new masterpieces. Under the influence of Schiller, Goethe writes several novels and continues to work on the "Faust", which the Friedrich wanted to see. Nevertheless, "Faust" came out only in 1806, when Schiller was no longer alive. The first part was created under the tireless tracking of Ekkerman, the personal secretary of Goethe, who insisted at the exit of the tragedy to print. The second part of the venue of the author himself was released posthumously.

Faust tragedy

Without too much exaggeration, it can be declared that Faust is the main work of the poet. The tragedy in two parts has written for sixty years. According to the "Faust" one can judge about how the evolution of the writer's creativity. Creating passages in certain periods of your life, Goethe concluded the whole point of life in this tragedy.

Dr. Faust

The poet did not come up with the main line of the plot, he took her from folk tales. Later, the story of Faust Thanks to the very thinker, many writers will retell, intently this plot is based on their books. And Goethe learned about this legend when he was only five years old. Boy he saw a puppet theater. It was told a terrible fairy tale.

The legend is partly based on real events. Okhann-Georg Faust, doctor by profession ever lived. He was engaged in having traveled from the city to the city and offered his services. If traditional medicine did not help, he was taken for magic, astrology and even alchemy. Doctors more successful and famous in their environment said that Faust was a simple charlatan, which could spend any naive person. Healer's disciples at the university, where he did not teach him, with great warmth responded about the doctor, considering his truth seeker. Lutherans called him the devil's service. The image of Faust was mounted in all dark corners.

This Faust died with very mysterious circumstances, completely suddenly, in 1540. At the same time, legends began to decide on it and build speculation.

Faust image in tragedy Goethe

The work of Faust is a long life Path A person who is endowed with a special look at the world, the ability to feel, worry, disappointed and hope. The main character Concloses a deal with the devil just because he wants to comprehend all the secrets of the world. He wishes to find the elusive truth of being, to find the truth, constantly looking for more and more knowledge with despair. Soon he understands that he himself will not be able to find answers to questions, will not be able to reveal all the secrets.

For the sake of knowledge, the hero is ready to pay any price. After all, everything that is in the life of Faust, everything that drives them is the search. Goethe gives her hero to the full range of all existing emotions. In the work, it is in ecstasy from what discovered a grain new information, then on the verge of suicide.

The main task of the hero is not just to know the world, but to understand yourself. The image of Faust in the tragedy "Faust" with something reminds his life does not rotate in a circle, it does not return to the origins. He is constantly going only forward, making new discoveries, exploring the unknown. For receiving knowledge, he pays his soul. Faust is well aware of what he wants, and for this is ready to cause the devil.

Maintenance positive featureswho absorbed the image of Faust in the Faust tragedy is perseverance, curiosity, goodwill. Main character It doesn't just seek to master new knowledge, he wants to help others with them.

The image of Faust in the tragedy of Goethe has a negative qualities: the desire to gain knowledge immediately, vanity, doubts, carelessness.

The main character of this work teaches that it is impossible to look back and regret something, you need to live a real, look for what makes a man happy. Despite the terrifying deal, Faust lived absolutely happy lifeNever until the last moment I have not regrets about her.

Image of Margarita

Margarita is a modest girl, naive in many matters, became the main temptation for the already elderly hero. She turned the whole world of the scientist and forced him to regret that he was not dominated over time. The poet himself very much loved the image of Margarita in the Faust tragedy, probably identifying him with the biblical Eva, who submitted the forbidden fruit of Adam.

If all the years of your life Faust relied on his mind, then, having met this ordinary girl on the street at first glance, he begins to rely on the heart and feelings. Margarita after a meeting with Faust begins to change. She shifts her mother to get on a date. The girl is not so careless, as it may seem in its first description. It is direct evidence that appearance can be deceptive. Having met Mephistophele, the girl subconsciously realizes that it is better to go around the party.

The image of Margarita Goethe took from the street of his time. The writer often saw the pretty and good girls whom fate throws in extremes. They can't get out of their environments and doomed to spend their lives as they did their families. In an effort to more, these girls are increasingly falling down.

Having found his happiness in Faust, Margarita believes in the best outcome. However, a series tragic events Does not allow her to enjoy love. Her brother kills Faust himself, not wanting to. He curses before his sister's death. On this misfortune does not end, and, having linked more due, going crazy, Margarita is in prison. At the time of complete despair it is saved by the highest strength.

The image of Mephistofel in the Faust tragedy

Mephistofel is fallen Angelwhich leads the eternal argument with God about good and evil. He believes that the person is so spoiled that, and yielding to even a small temptation, he can easily give him his soul. Angel is confident that humanity is not worth salvation. Faust, according to Mephistofel, will always be on the side of evil.

In one of the rows of the product, Mephistopheles is described as the traits that had sharp claws, horns and a tail. He does not like scholasticism, preferring to go away from boring sciences. Being evil, helps, not knowing how to find the truth of the hero. The image of Mephistople in Faust is complicated from contradictions.

Often, in conversations and disputes with Faust Mephistophel, manifests itself with a true philosopher who watches with interest to the acts of man, progress. Nevertheless, when he communicates with other people or evil spirits, picks up other images. He does not lag behind the interlocutor and supports talking to any topics. Mephistofel himself says several times about what does not possess absolute strength. The main solution always depends on the person, and it can only take advantage of the wrong choice.

Many thoughts of Goethe him were invested in the image of Mephistople in the Faust tragedy. They expressed B. acute criticism feudalism. At the same time, the devil is made on the naive realities of the capitalist sensation.

Despite the superficial similarity of the demon and the main character, the image of Mephistople in the Faust tragedy is absolutely opposite to him in the main thing. Faust seeks wisdom. And Mephistofel believes that there is no wisdom. He believes that the search for truth is an empty occupation, because it does not exist.

Researchers believe that the image of Mephistople in Faust is the subconscious of the doctor himself, his fears are in front of an unknown. At that moment when good begins to fight evil, the demon talks to the main character. At the end of the work of Mephistofel remains nothing. Faust voluntarily recognizes that he has reached the ideal, recognized the truth. After that, his soul gets angels.

Hero of all time

The eternal image of Faust became a prototype for a variety of heroes new literature. Nevertheless, he seemed to complete a whole string of literary "single", accustomed to fight with life problems Alone. Of course, the image of Faust has notes of a sad thinner of Hamlet or an expressive defender of mankind, desperate Don Quixote, and even Don Juan. Faulas Faust is most likely to come to the truth in the secrets of the Universe. However, at the time when Faust does not know borders in his search, Don Juan stops on the needs of the flesh.

Each of the listed heroes has its own antipodes that make their images more complete and partially disclose the inner monologue of each. Don Quixote has Sancho Pansa, Don Juan - Assistant Sganarel, and Faust fights in the philosophical battles with Mephistofel.

Effect of work

After entering the light of the tragedy about the desperate lovestness of knowledge, many philosophers, cultural studies, researchers found the image of Faust Goethe so exciting that even singled out a similar type of man who called the Spengler called "Faustsky". These are people who realize infinity and freedom and strive for her. Even at school, children are asked to write an essay, the image of the Faust in which should be fully disclosed.

On literature, this tragedy has had a significant impact. Inspired by Roman Poets and Prosaiki began to reveal the image of Faust in their creations. There are hints on it in the works of Bairon, Grabbe, Lena, Pushkin, Heine, Manna, Turgenev, Dostoevsky and Bulgakov.

1.15. The image of Faust.

In the form of Faust, faith is embodied in the limitless possibilities of a person. In Faust, the hot desire to know the meaning of life, the desire to absolute, the desire to go beyond the limits that limit the person.

In one of his letters, Sigmund Freud wrote: "When a person sets the question of the meaning and value of life, he is unhealthy, since neither one or other objectively exists." And another psychologist Viktor Franky said this: "I consider the specific human manifestation Not only to raise the question of the meaning of life, but also to question the existence of this meaning. " Einstein at one time noticed that the one who feels his life deprived of meaning is not only unhappy, but also is unlikely viable.

In the process of looking for Faust, overcoming the contemplation of the German social thought, put forward the act as the basis of being. In the work of Goethe, there was a reflection of the brilliant works - dialectics (monologue of the Earth's spirit of conflicting aspirations of the Faust itself).

Goethe removes the metaphysical opposite of good and evil. The attitude and skepticism embodied in the formation of Mephistople becomes driving powerHelping the faast in his search for truth. The path to creating passes through the destruction - this is the conclusion that N.G. Chernyshevsky, comes Goethe, summarizing the historical experience of his era. History Gretchen becomes an important link in the process of finding Faust. The tragic situation arises as a result of an insoluble contradiction between the ideal of a natural person, how the Faust of Margarita is represented, and the real appearance of a limited girl from the Meshchansky environment. At the same time, Margarita is a victim of public prejudice and dogmatism of church morality. In the desire to approve the humanistic ideal Faust appeals to antiquity. The marriage of Faust and Elena acts as a symbol of the union of two eras. But this unity is only an illusion - eating disappears, and the son of dies. The result of Faust's quest is the belief that the ideal must be carried out on real land. At the same time, Goethe already understands that a new bourgeois society, created on the ruins of feudal Europe, is far from the ideal. The 19th century, delivered to the complex complex of the 19th century, retains educational optimism, but turns it to future generations when free work will be possible on free land. In the name of this bright future, a person must fight.

"Only that worthy of life and freedom, who every day goes to battle!" - This is the final conclusion arising from the optimistic tragedy of Goethe.

1.16. The image of Mephistophele

After Faust, the second main acting person - Mephistofel. He embodies the complete denial of all values human life And the virtues of man at all.

Mephistofel - Damn, Mosnutseum ADA, this image was borrowed by Goethe from an old legend. Leaving the name, the poet completely changed his character. Goethe Mefistofel does not look like a trait from folk beliefs. IN spiritual terms He embodies high culture Thoughts, but thoughts of skeptical and cynical, denying everything good and kind in life.

Nevertheless, it cannot be determined as a "negative" character. Mephistopheles - a complicated figure. He fully talks about himself that he is

Part of the power of the one that no

Creates good, wishing everyone evil.

In the fight against Mephistophele, the nature of Faust was tempered, his energy and will grew to great achievements. Such a satellite was needed by the Future, and this is already in the "prologue in the sky" it was clearly expressed by the Lord.

In the mouth of Mephistofel, Goethe invested some of his thoughts. He endowed this character with his critical observations over negative phenomena of reality.

But Mephistofel does not express everything that he thinks. He is available only part of a comprehensive mind of the great poet - thinker, and moreover, not in all respects and not always. Faust is more embodied by the fact that Goethe himself, but he does not completely merge with his creator.

Goethe stands over both of these images. He created them, put his own in each, but to understand the thoughts of Goethe need to proceed from the work as a whole. Only so you can truly understand that I sought to express my great creation to the poet.

The action is developing in the constant struggle of Faust and Mephistofel. They are essential from each other, but at the same time are completely opposite. Faust is fighting for the advantages of a person, Mephistofel wants to humiliate by all means.

Mephistopheles, as we remember, delivered to the satellites by the Future, then so that he does not calm down. Damn all the time the Faust pushes on bad, but healthy and noble starts in the soul of Faust always win. We see this at the very beginning of their union.

Mephistofel helps the Faust of rejoening thanks to the Wizard potion received from the witch. From the sixtieth year old, Faust turns into a blooming, full of thirty-year-old man.

Mephistofel does not believe in the elevation of Faust's aspirations. He is convinced that it can easily be able to prove his insignificance. The first thing that he offers a rejuvenated hero is to visit the zucchini, where students who have thrown up the teachings. He hopes that Faust betrayed drunkenness along with reckless walks. But that they only cause disgust, and he is in a hurry to leave the orgy of the drunks. So tolerates Mephistofel first. Although a relatively small defeat.

Mephistopel has in stock other temptation. The witchcraft potion should awaken the sensuality of Faust, and the devil decides to play it.

With Mephistofel - and the first one wonders over. The combination of Elena and Faust in the second part there is a compound together two different ideals - ancient classic and medieval romantic. Connecting Elena and Faust, Goethe connects the classics with romance, sets, to some extent, the connection of times, the direct connection of the first with the second. Elena - another stage, another step of the stairs ...

Despulsion belonged to the dogmatic pedanotism of the variety of scientists, which at all times, clinging for authorities and "axioms", slowed down the development of sciences. He opposes two types of scientists - Faust and Wagner. Restless creative dissatisfaction achieved - distinctive trait first. Scholarship, not knowing doubts, vulgar, stupid complacency, cutoff from the people and real life - ...

...; The same dreams owned the consciousness and all generation of "storms and onslaught", together with whom Guete performed on a literary field. The analysis of the tragedy Goethe "Faust" as the reflection of the educational artistic thought and the top of world literature showed that, of course, it is unlikely possible to put the "Faust" in the framework of any one literary direction or flow. The tragedy is immeasurably wider, volume, ...

In the light of the plastic material in which the shine plays - right from the sky, to which the hand is reached - right from the sushi. The love of Goethe and Pushkin to the sea - angry, demanding, butter, even engineering at its base. Maybe creative work on the seashore, the construction of an artificial barrier is the most classic of all those, the quintessence of the classification of the new time. Greek classic - ...

In his life, Goethe traveled a lot. He visited Switzerland three times: this "paradise on earth" by the time of the Goethe was repeatedly sick. Goethe traveled through the cities of Germany, where it was encountered with an amazing phenomenon - puppetable playing performances, in which the main actors were a certain Faust - Doctor and Warlock and Damn Mephistofel. It is with a national tradition that the principles formulated by Aristotle lose the permafrost principles for Goethe.

An indelible impression of Goethe was Italy. She became the original frontier, identifying a new one - the classic direction in the work of Goethe. But she enriched the poet with such impressions that have already prepared and exits beyond the system of "Weimar Classicism."

In Venice, Goethe gets acquainted with the theater of masks. It seems to me that it was the image of this theater of masks reproduced Goethe in Fauste, or rather in the Valpurgian night in the first part and in the ball - Masquerade with the emperor at the courtyard in the 2nd part. In addition, in the second part of the work, the place of all action is some kind of classical - antique Italian landscapes, and in many scenes Goethe, stylizing, begins to express in the rhythm of poems of antique authors. And this is not to mention the plot ...

As noted earlier, the trips in Germany led Goethe to the plan of "Faust". The theater represented a story about Dr. Faust and Mephistophele as a cheerful, ironically - satirical comedy. But this is the theater, and he always reflects the thoughts, the Duma, and the lifestyle of the people himself. And Goethe appealed to written sources - chronicles and legends. From the chronicle to find out a little bit, but the legend said that the boy had once born from quite prosperous parents, but from the earliest years he showed a bold temper. When he gone his parents and uncle was advised to learn him at the Bogoslovsky Faculty. But the young Faust "left it a godly lesson" and engaged in the study of medicine, as well as in the interpretation of chaldean ... and Greek signs and writing. " In the soon he became a doctor and, while very good. But his interest in magic led to the fact that he called the Spirit and concluded a contract with him ... It was a purely religious assessment of the situation; Here, Faust and Mephistofel were finally and irrevocably condemned here, and all the mines were warned and dealt - they were instructed in God-fearing life. Mofistofel throughout the legend deceives Faust, and the island conflict could be formulated as follows: "The conflict between good and evil", without further proceedings, which is good, and that evil ... Mephistofel, here represents the side of evil, offered knowledge and with him Power, and from Faust required only a renunciation of Christianity. Mephistofel was just one of the demons, but take away not special.

Goethe transferd this legend to the current soil. In "Faust" turned out to be organically merged the most different elements - Start of drama, lyrics and epic. That is why many researchers call this product with a dramatic poem. Faust includes elements, various and their artistic nature. It has scenes in real - domestic, for example, a description of the Spring folk walk on day off; Lyrical dates of Faust and Margarita; tragic - Gretchen in the dungeon or moment when Faust almost stopped the life of suicide; fantastic. But the fantasy Goethe ultimately is always associated with reality, and the real images of frequent are symbolic.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe tragedy about Faust arose from Goethe soon early. Initially, he turned out two tragedies - "Tragedy of Knowledge" and "Love Tragedy". At the same time, both of them remained insoluble. The general tone of this "Pra - Faust" is gloomy, which is generally not surprising, since Goethe managed to fully save the flavor medieval legendAt least in the first part. In the "Pra - Faust" scenes, written in verses, are interspersed with prosaic. Here in the personality of Faust combined, titanism, the spirit of protest, glowing to the infinite.

On April 13, 1806, Goethe recorded in his diary: "He graduated from the first part of the" Faust ". It is in the first part of Goethe "describes the characters of the two main characters - Faust and Mephistofel; The second part of Goethe more attention pays attention to the environment to the world and public building, as well as the ratio of ideal and reality.

In shape, this is a drama for reading, according to the genre of the philosophical poem. There is no direct author's words, everything is given to acting persons: monologues, dialogues, chasters. It has quite complicated, but at the same time a transparent composition. Starts with two triggers: 1. Prologue in the theater (for which there is a theater in particular, art in general - director: the audience pay for tickets, the act: words, fame, the satisfaction of the vanity, the response of the author-Goethe: Art exists to open people insoluve , unknown way of self-expression creative personality, knowledge of knowledge). 2. Prologue in heaven, serves as an introduction that pushes to the string. Before God, he appears to Mofistofel's moon, he declares that God made a mistake by creating people that they were evil, insidious and from them to get rid of them. There is a dispute between God and Mephistofel, the result of which the experiment becomes. Contract a contract: to experience people, as a guy choose the old scientist Faust. If Mephistofel proves that the person is negligible, cunning, then God will destroy humanity. Faust becomes an experimental being, but it is responsible for all people in the world. The prologue follows the 1st part (person's personal life), 2 part (man and society) and epilogue.

1 part: The division goes to episodes and scenes. The beginning - the Cabinet of the Faust, 80-year-old old man, almost all his life he lived alone. His life was reduced to knowledge captured in books, knowledge of distracted. He almost knew nothing about the world outside the office. Faust obsesses the idea of \u200b\u200bknowledge, he is close to death, he must admit that his life lives in vain. Because of this fear, he appeals to the spirits of the elements, they are, but no one can give an answer to his questions. He becomes worse and unbearable. Under the influence of fear, Faust comes out of the cabinet. He has nothing to do with people who live next to him. Goethe draws spring, a holiday, and before the Faust there is no business. Here he comes a memoil from adolescence. Father Faust was a doctor, and when the son was 14 years old, a terrible epidemic began. Senior Faust tried to save people, discharged the medicine, but there are even more people from them. His intervention is not only useless, but also disastrous. After that, Faust Son goes into the gate.

In order not to deal with people Faust goes into the field. Where a poodle marks him. The owner returns home and poodle slippers to him. When the midnight beats, the poodle turns into Mephistople. He tries to negotiate with Faust that he will fulfill his desires, makes young if Faust signs the contract with one condition: Faust will live as long. So far I will not say "the moment you are fine, stop, wait!". Faust is not subject to the temptations that Mephistofel tests. The Faust is seduced by the Faust of Eternal Feminine and signs an agreement with Mephistophele. Faust gets the opportunity to live a second life, fundamentally different. But he may be higher people, watch them. In the office he returns, but only to leave forever. In his house settled his student Wagner. After the conclusion of the contract, they go to the city, in the zucchini where students are going. Seduction to wine and fun, Faust is not amenable (a song about flea - the impact of favoritism). Further goes to the witch's kitchen, boiler boils there, Owl and Cat are watching. This potion drinks Faust and youth is returned to him. He draws attention to urban holidays, he meets with Margarita (Gretchen). She is an unfortunate man, lives in the suburbs, pretty, modest, good-apartment, devout, caring, she loves children very much. She has younger sister. When a rich young man comes to her, drawn by compliments, wants to spend, she is trying to deviate, saying that no beauty and she becomes even more desirable for Faust. Mephistofel advises to present a dear gift (casket with stones), but his first saw his mother and she ordered her daughter to attribute him to church. For the second time, the casket was not Margarita, and the neighbor Marta, which becomes Faust's package and gives the jewelry Gretchen when there was no mother. The donor becomes mysterious and interesting for her, she agrees for a night date with him. The girl is virtuous, as evidenced by the song "Ballada about the Fulsky King", which she sang. Love, which gete shows - a test for a woman, besides destructive. Margarita loves Faust unrequited, becomes criminal. On its conscience 3 crimes (she carries themselves on complete loneliness) - Sleeping aunt mother, in one unfortunate day the mother does not wake up from the overdose of sleeping pills, Valentine's and Faust duel, Valentine is doomed, he fought the hand of Faust, Margarita is the cause of his brother's death, Margarita Topit Baby Daughter from Faust in a swamp (Chtonic Wednesday) . Faust throws her, she is interesting for him only while he achieves it. Faust forgets about her, he does not feel obligations to her, does not remember her fate. Left alone, Margarita takes steps that lead it to repentance, forgiveness. It becomes known about her murder, and it is planted in a dungeon, she should chop off his head as a mother's mother.

At the end of the 1st part, an important episode "Valpurgiyeva Night" appears. In the midst of the fun in front of Faust, the ghost of Margarita arises, and he demands to deliver it to her. Mephistofel performs and transfers the Faust to the dungeon of Margarita, he caresses the repentance and wants to save the beloved. But Margarit refuses, she does not want to follow Faust, since Mephistofel is with him. She stays in the dungeon, the night already ends, and the first rays must come the executioner. Mephistophel persuades Faust to run and it will obey. At this time, the voice is heard from heaven "saved". Margarita takes over all responsibility, pays life for the soul. When Faust die, among the righteous souls sent to meet His soul, there will be a soul of Margarita.

Physical, cosmological aspect, aspect associated with the category "Ideal". When Faust pronounces this phrase, stops a moment, the time is broken, the axis of the earth is shifted, the movement of the sun changes, a large space catastrophe has come, this trap does not notice Faust. Stop the moment - it means to achieve the absolute, know the ideal. And the nature of the ideal is. It is impossible to implement it, you can only strive for it. Thus, Mephistofel violates the law of the Universe ("Philosophical Trap"). Love turns out to be not unambiguous. What is happening between Faust and Margarita is severe and cruel.

System images

The image of Faust. He is controversial at the very beginning - then he is inspired, then he is doubtful and in the future it is solved for suicide, thinking that life has passed in vain. The Faust is overcome by completely different, even opposite feelings and emotions. The period passes the one who understands that the surrounding reality is not the limit, there are no boundaries in it, which means you need to go to the flight, dive into the depths of the unidentified one. Faust personifies the constant movement, permanent labor, through all this it is possible to know not only the world around, but also himself.

Faust was obsessed with the knowledge of the truth. Many are looking for it, sometimes subconsciously, but still seek. It doesn't matter what are the times - faasts or modern, the inner essence seeks to free themselves from lies, get truth, knowledge. He dedicated his lives to research, but I realized that this would not give anything, would not lead to truth, since it was not consisting of facts, calculations and evidence. That is why Faust decided to such a risky act - to sell his soul to the devil.

Hero Goethe is ready to pay any price, he suffers, worries ups and falls - this is a strong and volitional person who is despite what his soul wants. But to achieve something not enough just inspiration and dreams, because you have to go through a desperate path of tests and difficulties.

The positive quality of this character is the desire to be free and happy, as well as help this achieve and other people. The image of Faust is inextricably linked with the theme of life, so watching the hero, you begin to reflect on my own life, about its sense and meaning, is there a valuable thing in it, what did the Faust in his? Is it possible to surrender to dreams, pursuit of something new and undisclosed? Faust lived carelessly, satisfying his desires, but when he had the opportunity to build a dam, he realized that he was born to this case, this is his real purpose and meaning of life. So in each person there is a gift that you need to spread in yourself, to disclose it to become a step, and then the basis for a new life.

Form Mephistople In "Faust" is quite complicated - along with the fact that this is the spirit of negative, negative spirit, he is still at the same time a spirit that is a physician. And in this era, as Guete says, it appeared what we call the light and were accustomed to consider creation. The universe is not a certain closed unity, where the parts are well applied to each other, the universe initially imbued with the principle of development, the principle of creation, creativity. The unilateral world of Lucifer was corrected by the introduction of a light-base start, the presence of light corrected the world of matter and the world of nature, created by Lucifer. Lucifer's case would end fiasco if the Trinity had not covered his activities, did not give her meaning. This activity inside the matter, internally, as it is illuminated by the light of three hat, and, thus, Lucifer and its beginning, his messenger on the Earth Mephistophel all the time give action movement. At the same time, they want to build, create a kind of destruction, leaving for the matter, leaving in darkness, and at the same time create the opportunity to cover human activity for the Divine and give it meaning. 9 This is the philosophical structure, the mythological concept that Goethe invests in the "Faust". He breaks creative activities for two starts - on the one hand there exists a Faust, with another Mephistofel, which actually moves the action, he becomes the driving start of the Goethe tragedy.

Faust for the first time sees Gretchenleaving the cathedral. The girl had just confessed, and we immediately understand that the most important feature of the heterian heroine is its piousness. In God, she believes sincerely and with all his heart. Moral and religious for it are united, but at the same time in the character of Gretchen it is impossible to find anything that he would have resembled a hypocrite. And at the same time, this is absolutely worldly nature. The heroine of Guete is perfectly aware of his estate position, the testimony of this is its first brief conversation with Faust. Morality and girlfriend go her hand in hand with the order of things installed in the world. For a girl, it is unthinkable to go beyond their estates. Although Faust is not a nobleman, but Gretchen takes it for such, instantly recognizing the difference between them13. This item serves not only the correct transmission of historical color, this is the essence of the character of the Grenkhen. Faust is delighted with the beauty of the girl, and the physical attractiveness of the heroine, and the first thing that covers it is simple. The idea does not occur to the educated hero that Gretchen is a person and that it must be earned. Faust wishes to possess Gretchen, and Mephistofel is infinitely glad that in Faust, finally, the lust was awakening, the region of the human psyche, which, in his opinion, is entirely managed by Mephistofel himself. But in this situation, the features fall into an unenviable position, because Faust wants to use it as a banal pimmer, to make one of the most despicable professions in the medieval profession. Faust inexorable, pension, he says Mephistofel, is a devilish occupation. Damn, of course, humiliated, although perfectly catches the nature of the request of Faust. Everything goes according to his scenario, but it turns out that Mephistofel has no power over the girl, because Margarita who came out of the temple is located under the canopy of Divine blessing. There. Where the legislation of God is fully carried out, where creation is under the complete control of the divine mind, there is no space for the activities of the demonic forces. And Mephistopheles with indignation states that Gretchen is absolutely clean and innocent creature.

Martha "This is a full contrast of Gretchen, she doesn't feel anything about the death of her unborn spouse and, having learned that he did not leave anything to her, quickly forgets him. In addition, Mephistofel attracts her attention to himself to her enough guaalent behavior. In order to confirm the death of a husband, according to custom and legal norms, a second witness is necessary, and it appears - this is a Faust. The whole scene is a kind of quartet, two pairs are played - Gretchen and Faust, Mephistofel and March. Mephistopheles depicts a Volokut of himself, trying to take for forcing for March, and she is ready to marry him. The whole situation looks like a mixture of scenes - then Marta will appear with Mephistofel, then Gretchen with Faust. Gretchen falls in love with a handsome young cavalor. In the scene of a date, Faust has no complete love, until it is only an erotic feeling, but in the next stage - in the forest cave - a passion for Faust merges with a sense of nature. Nature has an impact that elevates his feeling.

Elena- transferred to the tragedy from greek mythology The perfect embodiment of beauty. Observing E. marks the triumph of Faust in his search for an absolute ideal. Images of E. and Paris are caused by Faust by magic, but the aesthetic ideal appears to him new epoch In its existence. Belief in the beautiful, correlating with antiquity, -Hened and Goethe himself, who considered that, upbringing the feeling of beauty, the art will arouse in them and the desire for freedom. E. At Goethe - the personification of the highest beauty, a pricked hero, who will have to go through the stages of approaching it, corresponding to the evolution of the concept of beauty in the Greeks. Faust appear three stages of the development of antique fantasy images. The lowest form images of fantastic beings (vulture, sphinxes, sirens). At the middle there are images of demigods, meal suits (centaurs), fantastic forest inhabitants (nymphs). At the third, the highest stage, Faust meets philosophers Fales and Anaksagor, seeking to understand the origin of the world. Only as a result of this wandering, Faust turns out to be prepared for a meeting with E., symbolizing the highest beauty and spirituality. The third act of the second master is depicting the Union of Faust and E., Magically resurrected at the time of her return after the defeat. In the scene "Before the Palace of Meal in Sparta", E. recalls episodes last LifeAs they are described in Iliad. The Union of Faust and E. is a symbol of the combination of classical antique and romantic medieval ideals, a union of beauty and intelligence. The fruit of this Union is the boy Euforye (in antique myif So called the son of E. and Achilla), combining the features of the parents: harmonic beauty and restless spirit. According to Goethe, the modern poet who has reached such unity was Byron.

Gomunkul- The image is unique, since only he can read the thoughts of Faust, to see his dreams. Only he is capable of natives of the European North of Faust and Mephistofel to lead in Ellade, and in it he born in the dark laboratory feels at home. Unlike the feature, which knows about ancient Greece, only when the Christian medieval interpretation, where the ideal of beauty - Elena appears the devil, worthy of participating in obscene madness on Blocksberg, the gomunkul knows everything about antiquity. He knows the pedigree Elena. Greece for him is a native element.

The philosophical understanding of the image of the homuncule as a symbol of the human entelech, a free spiritual essence, the monad, endowed with the gift of antibodies, the ability to comprehend the world to any experience entered Germany already in the 10ths of the last century thanks to the works of G. V. Hertza 1. Actually, this interpretation suggested by Goethe himself, as evidenced by the record of the Ramer of March 30, 1833: "On my question that Goethe thought, creating a homuncule. Ekkerman replied: Goethe wanted to imagine the entelech, mind, spirit. whatit enters into life until any experience: for the human spirit already detects the highest gifts, we have not learned all over everything, we bring a lot with you. He himself very much A. G. Astanzaturov Spirit flying in the flask. The figure of the homuncule in the second part of the "Faust" Goetheopened already very early, he looked around him, before the experience convinced him 2. " As the entelech of the homuncule interpreted Fritz Barca, finding the roots of the Guhether understanding of the Entelhoe Mountain of Plato, Dam. Jordano Bruno and Kant, and. Of course, Leibitsa. Enthelokhiya and Monad for Goethe interchangeable concepts. Under the monad of Goethe understood

entelch, manifested under certain conditions. Monad - limited

individuality of Entelchia.

It is indisputable that such a interpretation is an ideological extract, to which, of course, the image of the homuncule does not boil, on the contrary, a comprehensive analysis will also contribute to the ideological deepening of this image, and if Goethe understands him as an entelech, then his connection with others is especially important for it Figures tragedy.

The homunculus appears on the light after the unsuccessful attempt of the faust in the magical way to return to Elena and Paris. After the explosion, throwing the Faust to the ground, he was transferred to Mephistophele in his office, in hate to him. And exhausted, dwells in forgetting. At this time, Wagner starts to the decisive stage of his alchemical experiment, the purpose of which is to create artificially by man. Secondary in the tragedy arises the topic of alchemy.

12. The genre of fairy tales in which is the romantic literature (at least three authors of the selection of a student).

Romanticism (Fr. romantisme) - phenomenon european Culture In the XVIII-XIX centuries, which is a reaction to enlightening and stimulated by it scientific and technical progress; Idea I. artistic direction in European and American culture end of XVIII century - first halves XIX. century. It is characterized by an assertion of the intrinsicness of the spiritual and creative life of the person, the image of strong (often rebellious) passions and characters, spiritualized and healing nature. Since further development, German romanticism is distinguished by interest in fabulous and mythological motivationsWhat was particularly pronounced in the works of Brothers Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm and Ernst Gofman, we closer to Heidelberg romanticism.

Heidelberg Romanticism (HEIDELBERGER ROMANTIK) - second generation german romantics. The main representatives are Ahim von Arnim, Adhesivence Brentano, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Ernst Gofman. Writers turned to the idea " people's Duchet"And showed an increased interest in the national cultural and historical tradition. The idea of \u200b\u200bnational unity and the dissolution of individuality in the "folk body" dominates. The problem of overcoming the dualism of matter and spirit, nature and consciousness, feelings and intelligence is permitted in circulation of the artist to the national past, to the mythological forms of consciousness, to a deep religious feeling. Representatives of the school appealed to folklore as a "genuine language" of the people who contribute to it, the people, association. The growth of the national self-consciousness is primarily connected with state reformsNapoleon put on the territories captured by him. As part of the Heidelberg school, the first scientific direction was made in the study of folklore - the mythological school, which was based on the mythological ideas of Schelling and Schlelev's brothers.

The question of the relationship of literature and life still belongs to the number of controversial. It is unlikely that today you can take the metaphor of the standal, who liked the literature to the mirror. However, deny that the work of the writer is complex and sometimes unexpectedly determined by his life surrounding it, it is also impossible. The history of romanticism as a literary direction is a great confirmation of this.

The era of romanticism is one of the most interesting and most saturated periods of human history. French revolution, Grozny Napoleon's hikes, reproverable map of Europe, breaking the old lifestyle and century-old human relations - that was the time that the first romance was found.

However, the discrepancy between the ideals that advanced new reality, and the reality in which romance lived, made them go to the world of subjective experiences, oppose the beautiful and imaginary prose of life. Hence - insurmountable, injected into the whole mysterious, unusual, mysterious and mystical. From here - the appeal to the personality of a person, the desire to influence, above all, on his feelings, to hit the imagination. The literary fairy tale along with the laws of the genre, which she cannot fail, often borrow from the national tradition, those or other signs in one or another aggregate; This, in particular, is explained by the manifold literary fairy tales. So, the literary fairy tale is a multidimensional phenomenon, on the one hand preserving, thanks to the laws of the genre, continuity in relation to the folk fairy tale, and on the other - exposed to all sorts of influences, among which the most important - influence historical era And the impact of the author's will.

Studying folklore Proppage I noticed that there are constant and variable variables in the fairy tale. The functions of acting persons and their sequence belong to the constant. Under the function, proppage understands the action of the character in terms of its relationship for the action. In total, in a magical fairy tale, the proppage allocates 31 possible features. At the same time, many functions are located in pairs (the ban - violation, the struggle - victory, persecution - salvation, etc.). Also, functions are logically united in circles of actions of characters of a magical fairy tale, i.e. The fairy tale has only seven actors: the hero, the pest, the sender, the donor, assistant, princess, a false hero.

Brothers-writers seen in works of oral folk creativity their aesthetic samples, sources modern literature and the basis of Her. national Character. Their literary fairy tales are inherent in the association of magical, fantastic, ghostly and mystical with modern reality.

"German retellings" brothers Grimm, like the "children's and family fairy tales", caused a vote of the collector in many countries. The concept of "fairy tale" was entrenched behind the fairy tale of the people, but at the same time marked the literary fairy tale. At the same time, attempted the date of definition of a literary fairy tale. The priority belongs to Ya. Grimm, who seen the difference between the literary fairy tale from the people in the conscious authorship and in the inherent first humorous principle.

Dividing fairy tales on genres. In the collected works of Brothers Grimm presented fairy tales that belong to different genres:

Magic fairy tales ("Rapunzel", "Three Snake Leaflets", "Mrs. Meltelitsa"), which tells about different wonders, transformations, spells.

Tales of animals ("Wolf and Seven Cats", "Bremen and Street Musicians"), where, as in the fables, animals are granted those or other features of a human character.

Household fairy tales ("Henzel and Gretel", "Smart Daughter of the Peasant"), stories in which it is described about different cases from real life.

Hoffman He was a romantic artist. The nature of conflicts underlying its works, their problematics and the image system, itself artistic vision The world remains in his romanticism. As well as the Iensev, the majority of the works of Hoffman is the conflict of the artist with society. The initial romantic antithesis of the artist and society is at the heart of the writer's globility. With all his attempts to break out of its limits into the world of art, the hero remains surrounded by a real specific historical reality. Neither a fairy tale nor art can bring him harmony in this real world, which ultimately subordinate to themselves. Hence the constant tragic contradiction between the hero and its ideals, on the one hand, and reality - on the other. Hence the dualism, from which the Gofman heroes suffer, Dwymiria in his works, insoluability of the conflict between the hero and the outside world in most of them, characteristic bisclaimability creative manner Writer.

Gofman's fairy tales, such as the "Golden Pot" (Der Goldne Topf), Kroin Zaches (Klein Zaches), "MEISTER FLOH), etc., marked the further development of romantic self-awareness. The romantic flight of fantasy is slowly, but it is easily approaching them to the ground, to earthly issues. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe universal harmony here consistently destroys the recognition of the disharmony of everyday reality. Her depressing, but indisputable stability, hourly felt in all parts, extinguishes hope, gives rise to alarm, overwhelms fear. The view of the artist is no longer able to catch a comprehensive connection of things. In his eyes, the world splits into two unsalted spheres. The famous Gofmanovsky "Dvueli" comes from the fatal and finally conscious oppositeness of the ideal and reality, their practical incompatibility. What Tick was only guessing, it becomes an immutable truth for Hoffman.

Magic horny boy (Des Knaben Wunderhorn. 1806-1808) - Collection of folk songs, published by Ahima, Arimon and Clemens Brentano, who played in the history of German culture at least important rolethan famous fairy tales Brothers Grimm and the Collection of German Legends and folk bookscarried out geller. Like all the folklistic activities of German romantics, the initiation of Arima and Brentano was inspired by not indisputable ideological prerequisites, the defeat of nationalism (generated by the anti-Napolation pathos) and the cult of patriarchalness (opposed by bourgeois vitality) in the collection are clearly felt. However, the folklore was stronger than folklinists. "The Magic Horn of the Boy" is a genuine treasury of German folk creativity, unique and in terms of volume, and in genre diversity. Along with the tendentiously selected religious spiritual songs of the XVI-XVII centuries. (Among them - Luther's Psalms, Jacob Balda Catholic song) In the collection, the collection of people expressing the love of the people to their Fatherland, Soldiers and Social Protest Songs, in which the age-old hatred of simple people to oppressors are embodied: Feudals and Churchmen. Many songs wear ballads character, their heroes - noble robbers Like Robin Hood, the defenders of the poor and advocates of justice. Remarkable love folk songs, authentic in their undummines and marked depth of feelings. The collections of folk songs were taken back in the XVIII century. (The most famous works of Gerder and Burger in this area). The appeal of German poetry to emotional immediacy, song melodicity, manifested in the work of Ulanda, Merik, Lenaau, Kerner, a storm, which is decisive, predetermined by this collection.

/ / / The image of Faust in the tragedy Goethe "Faust"

Comprehensively talented German poet Johann Wolfgang Guete presented the world of Faust. This work affects the topic of the meaning of people's life at all times.

The protagonist of the tragedy is a scientist Faust, which is absorbed by the idea of \u200b\u200bknowing all secretions.

It is known that the hero had a prototype, which Goethe learned from an old legend. It is said there for a mysterious doctor Johanne Faust. He treated people not only by traditional methods, but also with the help of magic. In the fate of this person a lot of riddles, so he became a legendary hero.

The artistic image of the Faust on the page of the tragedy Goethe is transformed in accordance with the author's worldview. Faust Goethe is not just a doctor, a magician or alchemist, this is already a philosopher scientist looking for answers to global questions.

The image of Faust is multifaceted, the reader knows it gradually throughout the tragedy. But in the first monologue, the hero tells about himself. Faust says he has succeeded in many ways, but still remained a fool. Deep knowledge in philosophy, jurisprudence, theology did not open the hero of all secretions. However, he feels its superiority over many other scientists. Faust oppresses and what he spends almost all his time in the office among dusty books. Whereas in dreams hero stretches to beautiful nature, an interesting rich life.

To become happier, the hero resorts to magic and appeals to the spirits. And therefore it does not greatly shock the appearance. Faust concludes a deal with him, setting his soul.

Since the conclusion of the contract, Faust begins to carry out his dreams. Now it is available to him various knowledge and pleasure. Among the desires there is a place and love. Faust comes closer with, cute clean girl. Their feelings are mutual, however, love that begins with the help supernatural forces, doomed to the tragic end. Himself not wanting the hero ruins her beloved.

The second important woman in the life of the Faust is. She is the personification of the highest beauty in the poem. Antique beauty returns to life with the help of unearthly forces. The hero passed the preparation stages before an important meeting with Elena. To understand it, the hero is deepened in an ancient culture. Faust gets closer to Elena, and from their connection is born a beautiful and rebellious son Euforye, who lives not long, since it is a generation of two already incompatible worlds - antiquity and modernity of Faust. Elena disappears from the life of the hero.

Faust will know many secrets, but still does not feel like a real happy man. Testwords O. beautiful moment So do not sound from the hero's mouth. Finally, he decides to build a city to instill unfortunate people. And this decision becomes a fateful for him. The hero is aware that the real meaning of life in helping other people. Thanks to a good act, spiritual insight, Faust is forgiven at the end of the poem, as well as his beloved in the first part.

The image of Faust in the poem Goethe differs from the real Dr. Faust described in the legend. He is not just a scientist, a doctor, but a philosopher.