Literary quiz in the world of fairy tales middle group. Literary quiz "My favorite fairy tales" in the middle group

Literary quiz in the world of fairy tales middle group.  Literary quiz
Literary quiz in the world of fairy tales middle group. Literary quiz "My favorite fairy tales" in the middle group

Educator MBDOU number 5 "Smile"

Target: Assign with the children the names and characters of fairy tales familiar to children.

Tasks: To develop in children auditory attention, creative imagination. Raise children's interest in fairy tales.

Material: pictures depicting an attribute of a fairy tale; illustrations of Little Red Riding Hood, Kolobok, Mashenka, Bear.

Children enter the hall to the music "Smile" and sit down

Educator: Guys, smile at each other, see how our smiles have become brighter. Today we have an interesting and unusual quiz game where your knowledge and skills will be useful to you.

Do you like fairy tales? Do you know many fairy tales? This is what we will check today.

Well, let's start our journey? Then we go to the first stop, it is called “Guess a fairy tale.” I will read a riddle to you, and you will guess which fairy tale I’m telling you about.

1 .Swimming rolls,

The guy was driving on the stove.

Rolled through the village

And he married the princess.

(Russian folk tale "By the Pike's Command").

2 .Waited for mom with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house,

Who were these

Small children?

(Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids").

3 ... This baby girl

She slept in a white lily.

On her night a wicked toad

She took it to her in the swamp.

(G.-H. Andersen "Thumbelina").

4 .Tell you to our aunt

We are orphans

Our hut is without a roof,

And the floor was gnawed by mice.

(S. Ya. Marshak "The Cat's House").

5 ... I went to visit my grandmother,

She brought her pies.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Cheated and swallowed.

(Ch. Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood").

6 ... We will build a house for ourselves

Let's live gloriously in it!

We are not afraid of the wolf

We are three and we are strong!

(English folk tale "Three Little Pigs").

7. And the weaver with the cook,

With brother-in-law Baba Babarikha,

They want to harass her

They tell him to take over the messenger.

(A. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan").

8. Across the okiyana sea lies

Wonder Yudo whale fish

All his sides are pitted,

Palisades are dug into the ribs,

There is a fuss on the tail,

The village stands on its back.

(P. P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse").

9. But one day the root vegetable

Everyone was pulling - a hail of sweat.

The mouse is small, but still it

I helped to pull out the vegetable.

(Russian folk tale "Turnip").

10 ... Two mice played everything

They sang songs and danced.

Tumbling, having fun,

They didn't help the cockerel.

"Not me!", "Not me!",

They shouted with each other.

The cockerel got angry here,

He stamped his foot, got ruffled!

Here the mice are hiding,

Instantly turned into good ones.


Educator: Guys, it's time for us to go to the second station "Guess the fairytale hero."

1 ... He lives on the roof and loves to fly to visit his friend Kid. (Carlson)

2 ... The stepmother made her work until late and did not let her go to the ball. (Cinderella)

3 ... What was the name of the old woman in the cartoon about Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, who loved to do nasty things? (Shapoklyak)

4 ... This fabulous hero learned to write poems and play musical instruments and even flew to the moon ... (Dunno)

5 ... Who came to help Grandfather pull the turnip after Granddaughter? (Bug)

6 ... What was the name of the cat from the cartoon about Prostokvashino? ( Matroskin).

Educator: Well done, and you coped with this task. Our next station is "Guess which fairy tale this is from?". Now I will show you the pictures, and you will guess which fairy tale they are from.

(The teacher shows pictures, and the children name the fairy tale from which this object).

Golden Key ( The Adventures of Pinocchio)

Golden or simple testicle ( Ryaba Chicken)

Thatched house (Three pigs)

Birch bark box (Masha and the Bear)

Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood)

Dirty dishes ( Fedorino grief)

Educator: Let's see how you cope with the next quiz task. - "What kind of fairy tale are we talking about?"

1 The owners entered the house - they found a mess there.

2 . The mouse came to their aid, together they pulled out a vegetable.

3 . Heals different babies, heals birds and animals.

4 The apple tree helped us, the stove helped us ...

5 .We are not afraid of the gray wolf.

6 .Sit on a tree stump, eat a pie.

7 He pounded, pounded on the plate with his nose.

8 .Catch, fish, big and small.

9 .Look out the window, I'll give you a pea.

10 .And ran away from dirty and stockings and shoes.

11 . Come, cockroaches, I will treat you to tea.

12 .And what in the world is honey? In order for me to eat it.

13 .My light, mirror, tell me ...

14 .Do not drink from the hoof, you will become a goat.

15 The wicked old woman is even more angry ...

16 I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother ...

17 He hit the copper basin and shouted: "Karabaras!"

18 Pull the string, the door will open.

19 . Calm, only calm.

20 .Do not go, children, to walk to Africa.

Confusion Quest

Each team is offered a card with a confused tale. Having guessed the fairy tale, the children must say what is mixed up in it.

  1. Fairy tale "Ball, reed and shoe".

Once upon a time there was a ball, a reed and a shoe. They went into the forest to cut firewood. We reached the river and did not know how to cross the river.
The boot says to the ball:
- Sharik, let's swim on you!
- No, boot! - the ball answers. - Better to let the reed be pulled from shore to shore, we will cross over it.
The reed was pulled from shore to shore. The boot walked along the reed, and it broke. The boot fell into the water. And the ball laughed, laughed, and burst!

  1. Fairy tale "The Gnome and the Lion"

The lion made friends with the gnome, and they decided to sow peas together. The dwarf said: "I have a spine, and you, Lyova, a top."
A glorious carrot has grown; the gnome took the roots for himself, and gave Leva the tops. Lyova grumbled, but there was nothing to do.
The next year the dwarf says to the lion:
- Let's sow together again.
- Let's! Only now you take the tops for yourself, and give me the roots, - Lyova persuades.
“Okay, let it be your way,” said the dwarf and sowed the peas.
Good peas were born. The gnome got tops, and Lyova got the roots. Since then, the lion and the gnome have had friendship apart.

  1. Fairy tale "Lena and the Tiger"

Once upon a time there was a mom and a dad. And they had a daughter, Helen. Helen went to the forest for nuts and got lost. I came across a hut, and a huge tiger lived in the hut. She began to live with him, cook porridge. Lena decided to run away, baked pancakes and told the tiger to take them to mom and dad, and she hid in her backpack. The tiger came to the city, and there the cats began to meow at him! The tiger got scared, threw the backpack and ran away. And Lena returned to mom and dad safe and sound.

Educator: Next task "Name the fairy tale correctly"
The players need to remember and give the correct names for fairy tales.

Exercise "Change the ending of the fairy tale"
Game participants are invited to change the ending of the tale "Kolobok". How can you help a kolobok so that the fox does not eat it?

Options for tasks for playing "Fanta"

  • Sing a song of some fairytale hero;
  • say magic words calling for Sivka-burka;
  • brag like a hare from a fairy tale "Hare-boast";
  • turn the hut of Baba Yaga;
  • remember where the death of Koshchei is hidden, etc.

Variants of riddles

In a fairy tale, the sky is blue
In a fairy tale, the birds are scary.
I am Yablonka, cover me!
Rechenka, save me!
"Swan geese"

At the edge of the forest
There were two huts.
One of them melted
One stands as before.
"Zayushkina hut"

A thief stole wheat,
And Ivan caught him.
The thief turned out to be magic,
Ivan rode it.

Oh you, Petya-simplicity,
Blundered a little:
I did not obey the cat,
Looked out the window.
"Cat, Rooster and Fox"

There is no river or pond.
Where to drink water?
Delicious water
Hoof cleft.
"Sister Alyonushka
Ibrat Ivanushka "

I uttered a word -
The stove rolled
Straight from the village
To the king and princess.
And why, I don't know,
Lucky for a bummer?
"By magic"

Educator: - Well done, guys, did a good job with all the tasks of our quiz.

Svetlana Kaputskaya
Communication summary "Quiz on Russian folk tales" middle group

Software content.

Learning tasks:

1. Clarify and enrich children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.

2. Learn to recognize fairy tale on assignment.

Developmental tasks:

1. Remember the order of appearance of heroes in fairy tales.

2. Develop the ability to act in concert.

3. Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking.

Educational tasks:

1. To cultivate an interest in reading, love for oral folk art.

Wellness tasks:

Relief of muscle and nervous tension (physical minutes).


Artistic word (proverbs, riddles, explanations, encouragement, physical training, independent activity of children.

Vocabulary work:

Magic, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise.


"Fold fairy tale» (cut pictures, book, pictures with objects from fairy tales.


Audio recording with melodies, stand with books Russian fairy tales, laptop, tables, chairs.

The course of the lesson.

1. Motivational - incentive stage.

Music sounds Children enter group... There is a book on the floor.

Educator: Look, the book is on the floor. Should books be on the floor? Where should books be stored? Right, on the bookshelf, and where else? In library.

Educator. Everything that is created by the mind

Everything the soul strives for

Like amber at the bottom of the sea,

It is carefully stored in books.

Remember the proverbs about the book.

Children. A house without a book is a day without sun.

Whoever reads a lot knows a lot.

The book teaches to live, the book must be cherished.

The book is a small window, through which the whole world can be seen.

The book is small but mind-blowing.

The book will help in work and help out in trouble.

A good book shines brighter than an asterisk.

Educator. Poems are written in books stories, fairy tales... We have a book with fairy tales... How can you tell about a fairy tale what is she?

Children. Magic, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise, etc.

We will read it now and put it on the shelf. Guys, look, and the book is empty. Where is fairy tales? Oh, probably fairy tales offended that the book was mistreated and disappeared. There is some letter:

« Fairy tale- these are miracles and a magical land.

V many adventures in fairy tales,

many fabulous achievements.

But so that you will find fairy tales,

there is a lot to go:

difficult tasks,

funny dates.

Hey guys hurry up

v fairy tales you won't get lost!

And the signature: Your fairy tales».

Educator: guys, are you ready to pass the test and return fairy tales in a book?

(Answers of children)

2. Organizational and search stage.

First task.

Educator: V fairy tales very often another word is added to the character's name. I will call the name of the character, and you pick up to him fabulous word:

Cockerel…. (golden comb, Bunny ... (coward, Bear (clubfoot, Bunny (run, Volchok (gray barrel) Mouse .... (burrow, Frog .... (wah).

Well done.

Second task "Guess fairy tale»

There are riddles in the clearing

Guess without hints

Call dare

These fabulous friends!

There was a painted house,

Oh, how handsome he is!

The animals lived in it -

We didn’t grieve.

But the bear came

and let's roar.

The bear filled up the house,

I almost crushed my friends.

What is it fairy tale?


Who was the first to come to the building? (mouse, mouse, and who is the last? (Bear)

Why couldn't the bear enter the teremok? (the bear is big, and the house is small).

Well done, now listen to the next riddle.

We continue to guess fairy tales.

The kids opened the door, and they all disappeared somewhere ...

("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

Where did they go? (the wolf ate them).

And this is what fairy tales?

Girl sitting in a basket

behind the bear.

He, without knowing it,

carries her home. ...

("Masha and the Bear")

What did Masha say when the bear wanted to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie? (See see)

The fox drove the bunny ...

Bunny is crying "What a trouble!"

("Zayushkina hut")

Who helped the bunny and drove the fox out of his hut?


The chicken must run

Save cockerel soon

He was in such a hurry

Poor man, he choked.

("Cockerel and a bean seed")

Who helped the chicken to save the cockerel?

(mistress, owner, cow, blacksmith)

Oh you, Petya-simplicity,

Blundered a little:

I did not obey the cat,

Looked out the window.

"Cat, Rooster and Fox"

Who lured the cockerel?


I did not tremble in front of the wolf,

I ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

all the same got caught? ( "Kolobok")

Whom did the gingerbread man meet in the forest? (hare, bear, wolf, fox)- Who remembers what song the bun sang? (I left my grandmother and left my grandfather.)

3. Physical minutes

Now I'll take a stick and turn you all into koloboks (dance warm-up) for audio recording.

Third task: "Name fairytale character» .

She laid a testicle, but not a simple one, but a golden one.

(Chicken Ryaba)

Who found a rolling pin and got a chicken for it?

(Fox from fairy tales"Chanterelle with a rolling pin")

Who caught fish on the tail in the hole?

(Wolf from fairy tales"Little fox-sister and the gray wolf")

From the hoof he got drunk

and turned into a kid?

(Brother Ivanushka from fairy tales"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka").

The apple tree helped us,

The stove helped us

Good helped

Blue River.

Everyone helped us

They all covered us.

To mother and father

We got home.

(Brother and sister from fairy tales"Swan geese")

Educator: Good. Everyone did it. And our the quiz continues.

We all like to collect puzzles, now we will collect puzzles by fairy tales... In addition, you will need to name this fairy tale... Children choose envelopes with cut pictures (Masha and the Bear, Zayushkina's hut, Teremok, Cat, rooster and fox (children by groups collect puzzles) ... While children collect puzzles sounds fabulous music.

Fourth task "Knowledge test fairy tales»

1. Which of the heroes fairy tales drove a herd of cows from the forest home:

b) bear;

2. What did the fox offer the cockerel to look out the window?

a) peas;

b) a grain;

c) milk.

3. What kind of a hare had a hut in fairy tale"Zayushkina hut"?

a) log;

b) ice;

c) bast.

4. Who broke the golden testicle?

5. Which of the heroes fairy tales helped to pull the turnip after the Bug?

b) granddaughter;

Fifth task:

Educator: And now we will check if they can guess fairy tale on subjects.

Participants must name fairy tale, according to the proposed set of items (in pictures)... The teacher puts the sets on the flannelgraph.

1 set:

Bowl, bed and house in the woods - 3 bears

2 set:

Ice, rooster, hut - Zayushkina hut

3 set:

Hut on chicken legs, stove, river - Geese-swans

4 set:

House, frog, wolf - Teremok

5 set:

Fish, ice-hole, tail - Fox - sister and gray wolf

6 set:

Puddle, kid, witch - Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka

4. The final part.

Educator: Guys, we remembered a lot today Russian folk tales... Sounds fabulous the music educator takes the book. Guys look a fairy tales have returned to us... This suggests that you answered the questions well. quizzes and fairy tales have returned to us.

There are many funny and sad fairy tales,

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Let the heroes fairy tales give us warmth

May good forever triumph over evil

Quiz "In the land of fairy tales" for children of the middle group.

Literary quiz based on Russian folk tales for children of the middle group.

Botyakova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, educator of the Krasnoborsk school for children "Kolosok" Krasny Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region
Material description: the material will be useful for teachers, music directors and parents in order to organize a literary quiz with children of the middle group.
Target: the formation of interest among preschoolers in fiction.
to consolidate the knowledge of children about Russian folk tales,
to form the ability to recognize fairy tales, their heroes;
develop an interest in Russian folk art;
to cultivate love for the book, respect for it.
Preliminary work:
reading Russian folk tales, examining illustrations, drawing illustrations based on fairy tales to decorate the hall, learning the fairy tale "Teremok" with children.
Equipment: house - teremok, animal masks for the performance, tape recorder, mirror, illustrations for fairy tales, chest, tablecloth, boots, hat, carpet, sword.
Methods: using riddles, poems, tests, showing a fairy tale, outdoor game.
Registration: in the center of the hall there is a small tower, on the side there is a "magic mirror", an oak with a chain, illustrations for fairy tales, drawings of children hang on the wall.
Participants: host, cat, children.
Entertainment progress:
Leading: April 2 - International Children's Book Day. This holiday is celebrated on the birthday of the Danish writer G. H. Andersen.

Today I invite you to take a trip to the amazing land of fairy tales. How can you get there? (Answers of children)... I propose to enter the land of fairy tales through an old magic mirror.
(Children together with the presenter pass through the "magic" mirror).
By the side of the sea, a green oak.
Golden chain on tom oak:
And day and night, the cat is a scientist.
Everything goes round and round in chains;
Goes to the right - the song starts
To the left - he says a fairy tale ...

(The learned cat appears.)
Cat: Hello guys! I am that learned Cat who tells fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales?
Children: Yes! "
To know the heroes of the books - everyone has to read books.
I read, I know a lot, and I wish you the same.
Those who have read many fairy tales will easily find the answers.
Yes, you already knew them for so long. Well, let's check it out?

Cat: To find out how well you know and love fairy tales, we will run a quiz. For each correct answer, I will give tokens and at the end of the quiz we will see who has more tokens - he won. So, the first task ...

1. Learn a fairy tale by a riddle.
1. I left my grandmother,
I left my grandfather
Guess without a clue,
Which fairy tale did I leave? (Gingerbread man)

2. The mouse has found a home,
The mouse was kind:
In the end of the house

There were many tenants. (Teremok)

3. The ugly one is so huge;
Not one, but ten like.
Grandfather, to pull out that vegetable
He called everyone to his help. (Turnip)

4 the house melted ice cold -
I asked for a bast.
She was sheltered by a bunny
He himself was left without a house.
The cockerel helped the hare.
Kick the fox out of the door. (Zayushkina hut)

5. Sister said:
"Drinking from a puddle is not good."
I did not obey my sister
Became a kid by morning. ( Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

Cat: I have a chest. It contains magical items. Now I will show them, and you can guess the full name of the item.

2. Fairy lotto: "Complete the name".
I say the first word, and you guess the full name of the magic item.
Boots - ... (walkers)
Sword - ... (kladenets)
Tablecloth - ... (self-assembly)
Magic carpet)
Invisible hat)

3. Learn the story from the passage.
Now listen to an excerpt from a familiar Russian folk tale.
a)"Grandpa bear, they will distribute tails there, please grab a ponytail for me!" (Hare from the fairy tale "Tails")
b)“Catch, fish, big and small. Catch, fish, big and small. " (The wolf from the fairy tale "Little fox sister and the gray wolf")
v) As I jump out, as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets. (Fox from the fairy tale "Zayushkin's hut")
G)"I'll sit on a tree stump, eat a pie" (Bear from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear")
e)"Apple tree, apple tree, hide us!" (Masha from the fairy tale "Geese - Swans")

An outdoor game: "A bear in the forest."

4. Game: Telegram: "Help!"
Cat: I will read the telegram, and you will guess the name of the tale.
"Help! The gray wolf wants to eat us! " (The wolf and the seven Young goats")
"Help! I gape at the crows and fell into the well! " ("The Fox and the Goat")
"Help! The fox took the chiseled spoon away from me! " ("Zhikharka")
"Help! The fox carries me over the dark forests, over the high mountains! " ("Cat, Rooster and Fox")
"Help! I choked on a grain of beans! " ("Cockerel and a Bean Seed")
"Help, bears are chasing me!" ("Three Bears")

5. Learn a fairy tale by illustration.
Cat: And now we will look at illustrations for Russian folk tales and guess their names. (On the wall there is an exhibition of illustrations based on the fairy tales "A goby a black barrel, white hooves", "Zhikharka", "A fox little sister and a gray wolf", "A cockerel and a bean seed", "Winter animals").
Children guess the name of the tale.
Fairy tale "Zhikharka"

Fairy tale "A bull, a black barrel, white hooves."

Fairy tale "Wintering of animals"

Fairy tale "Cockerel and a bean seed"

Fairy tale "Little fox sister and gray wolf"

6. Tests on Russian folk tales.

1. Which of the heroes of the fairy tale brought the Snow Maiden home from the forest:
a) wolf;
b) bear;
v) Fox.

2. What did the fox offer the cockerel to look out the window?
a) peas;
b) a grain;
c) milk.

3 . What kind of a hare had a hut in the fairy tale "Zayushkin's hut"?
a) log;
b) ice;
v) bast.

4. Who broke the golden testicle?
a) grandfather;
b) mouse;
c) a woman.

5. Which of the heroes of the tale helped to pull the turnip after the Bug?
a) cat;
b) granddaughter;
c) mouse.

6. Which of the heroes of the tale did not fall asleep on the grass and spied on Khavroshechka?
a) one-eyed;
b) two-eyes;
v) trig-eye

Fairy tale show: "Teremok".

There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
But live in the world
We cannot live without them!
Reading fairy tales, you find yourself in a wonderful, mysterious, mysterious world.

Cat: A fairy tale can be old and young, funny and sad, simple and wise. But evil, boring and stupid never happens! I give you a book with fairy tales. Goodbye, guys! Until next time!
The teacher and children "return" to the group through the "Magic Mirror".


for the middle group


    Teach children to quickly identify fairy tales by fragment

    Teach children to clearly and correctly answer the teacher's question, discuss well-known fairy tales

    To foster a love for fiction, for fairy tales. Develop the emotional sphere of children's imagination


Excerpts from different fairy tales, costume of doctor Aibolit

Course of the lesson

Aibolit (educator) enters


Hello my friends!

I am in a hurry to the country of Limpopo, the animals got sick there, but I got a little lost, on the way I met a storyteller, he said: "The guys will help you get back into the fairy tale." Can you guys help me?



Then my first task: find out which fairy tale I am from


Dr. Aibolit



K.I. Chukovsky


That's right guys, K.I. Chukovsky is a great, children's storyteller, wrote many interesting fairy tales for children. Let me still read excerpts from fairy tales to you, and you guess. Fairy tales are very worried because they are afraid that you do not remember, that you have forgotten what happened to the heroes of this or that fairy tale. Fairy tales ask: "... and now you, friends, get to know us!"

It didn’t lie on the window - it rolled down the path.

Who rolled it?




The kids opened the door, and they all disappeared somewhere.


"The wolf and the seven Young goats"


Shh! Someone talks:

I'm a mouse

I'm a frog frog ...

What fairy tale is this from?




That's right, and who else lived in the house?


Names the animals


But these wonderful animals from what fairy tale?

A bear came running and let's roar: ku-ka-re-ku! And the cuckoo on the bitch: - I don't want to shout "cuckoo", I bark the dog "woof - woof - woof"!


"Confusion", K. Chukovsky


This simple spoon is Kotova,

This simple spoon is Petina,

And this is not a simple, chiseled, gilded handle




"Now we need to carry grain to the mill, grind flour."

What fairy tale is this from? What were the little mice, and what were the cockerels?




Well done, guys, all my riddles have been guessed!

Guys, do you like to do exercises?



Let us rest, do some exercises!

Hands to the side,

Raised up, waved.

They hid them behind their backs,

They looked back over their right shoulder,

Over the left shoulder.

They sat down together,

Heels touched

They rose on their toes,

Put your hands down! (2 times)

Well done boys!

Help me do one more assignment. Remember who said so in Chukovsky's fairy tale:

    “Don't shout or growl,

we ourselves are mustaches,

we can do it ourselves


Cancers. "Cockroach"


    “If I stamp my foot,

I will call my soldiers

Into this room in a crowd

Washbasins will fly in "


Wash basin. "Moidodyr"


    "Oh, you, my poor orphans,

The irons and pans are mine!

You go home unwashed

I will wash you with water, the key one "


Fedor's grandmother. "Fedorino grief"


Guys, you have completed all the tasks of the storyteller! Thank you my friends! Now I can get to the country of Limpopo, where sick animals are waiting for me. And as a souvenir of myself, I will leave you this book, which was also written by K.I. Chukovsky. Read on. I must go, goodbye!

Fairy tale quiz "A journey through fairy tales"

(middle group)

Target: to introduce children to folk culture - knowledge of fairy tales


  • to intensify the knowledge of children about Russian folk tales;
  • promote the development of speech, attention, memory with the help of various tasks;
  • foster friendly relations in the team when performing joint tasks;
  • create conditions for guessing the character of the tale and the name of the tale from the description;
  • to form the ability to compose a whole from separate parts;
  • encourage children to find mistakes in the names of fairy tales.

Equipment: chips, cut pictures for fairy tales, easel, decoration: flowers scattered around the hall, presentation, prizes.

Quiz progress:

Educator: Good afternoon, friends! Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to our literary quiz "A Journey Through Fairy Tales". 2 teams will participate in it: "Kolobok" and the "Turnip" team.

Children, a letter from Cinderella came to us from a fabulous country. She found out that we would be traveling through fairy tales and asked for help. The evil stepmother turned her into a pumpkin, and in order to disenchant her, you need to complete all her tasks. Will the guys help Cinderella? (Yes)

Educator: And in order to get to a fairyland, you need to know and love fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales? Do you know many fairy tales?(Answers of children.)

Then let's go to the land of fairy tales, but the trouble is, you can't get there on foot, and you can't get there by car. How do we get there?

What vehicles are there in fairy tales?

(Children's answers: stove, mortar, running boots, broom, flying carpet).


Here we will fly on the flying carpet.

Let's join hands, close our eyes and say the magic words:

"One, two, three, fly our carpet to the land of fairy tales!"

Closer and closer fabulous land

Carpet - the plane slowly descends to the ground. We have arrived.


And here is the first task that we need to overcome. They open the chest, find a ball and a note there -

We will take turns asking questions to each team. You must answer quickly. A chip is given for the correct answer in each competition. So let's get started.

1 competition "Blitz Poll"

1. Whom did Kolobok meet during the trip? (with a hare, wolf, bear, fox)And let's remember the animals in the Tatar language?

2. What egg did Ryaba's chicken lay?(gold)

1. Who was Little Red Riding Hood going to?(to Grandma)

2. Who pulled the Turnip? (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse) (let's remember all family members in Tatar)

1. What were the names of the three piglets? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)

2. Who lost the crystal slipper? (Cinderella)

1. Whom did Thumbelina save?(swallow)

2. What Mukha bought at the bazaar - Tsokotukha? (samovar)

1. Who broke the golden testicle?(mouse)

2. What did the Wolf catch fish in the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Wolf"?(tail)

(the teacher throws a ball to the easels)

You roll, roll, ball,

From the ravine to the woods,

Just don't be in a hurry

Path - show the path.

Educator: Guys, the ball led us to the next task.

2.competition: "Guess the hero by the line"

To the team "Turnip"

- "... I sit high - I look far away" (Masha "Masha and the Bear")

To the Kolobok team

- "... I left my grandfather ..." (Gingerbread man "Gingerbread man")

To the team "Turnip"

- "... bug go ... pull" (Granddaughter "Turnip")

To the Kolobok team

“… We hear, we hear. Yes, it's not mother's voice "(kids" The Wolf and the Seven Kids ")

To the team "Turnip"

- "... the fox carries me beyond the dark forests" (Rooster "Cat, rooster and fox")

To the Kolobok team

- "... catch a fish small and large" (Wolf "Fox - sister and gray wolf")

To the team "Turnip"

- “Yes, I will not squeeze you: I myself will lie down on the bench, a tail under the bench, a chicken under the stove. ... "(" Chanterelle with a rolling pin ")

To the Kolobok team

- "... river - little river - cover me ..." ("Geese - swans")

Educator: You guys are great, you did an excellent job.

Physical education "Three Bears"

3. Physical culture minute "Three Bears"

Three bears were walking home. (Children waddle in place).

Dad was big - big. (Raise your arms above your head, pull up).

Mom with him is smaller. (Hands at chest level).

And my son is just a baby. (Sit down).

I went with rattles. (Stand up, hands in fists in front of the chest).

Dzin - dzin, dzin - dzin. (Children imitate playing with rattles).

Educator: Sit down the children on the chairs, the next task awaits us

(throw the ball to the multimedia board)

4. Competition. "Guess a riddle".

Each team in turn is offered a riddle, the answer is displayed on the screen in the form of a picture.

1. "The fat man lives on the roof, and he flies the highest." (Carlson)

2. "Near the forest at the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut, There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds and pillows." (Three Bears.)

3. "It's mixed with sour cream, it's chilled on the window, round side, ruddy side, who is this?" (Gingerbread man.)

4. "We ran away from the dirty pans and pans, she is looking for them, she sheds tears along the way." (Fedor.)

5. "Rides, rides on the stove, eats big rolls." (Emelya.)

6. "He is the kindest doctors of all, heals birds and animals, looks through his glasses, who is this?" (Aibolit.)

7. “I went to visit my grandmother, brought her pies, the gray wolf watched her, deceived and swallowed”. (Little Red Riding Hood.)

8. “With Piglet, he goes to visit, he loves honey, he asks for jam, who is, say it out loud, bear cub…”. (Winnie the Pooh.)

(The teacher throws a ball for the next task)

5. competition. "Name the fairy tale correctly"

(The teacher throws a ball

6th competition. "Collect a fairy tale"

Children receive one set of cut pictures for the plot of a Russian folk tale. Children need to collect an illustration for a fairy tale and determine its name.

(Cinderella comes out to the music)

Cinderella: Thank you children for disenchanting me.

I invite you to my dance.

Educator: dance, are your friends ready?

Play music louder, invite everyone to dance!

Children dance polka with Cinderella "Stand up, children, stand in a circle"

(cinderella treats children to sweets and says goodbye)

Educator: Guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. We joined hands, uttered the magic words: "One, two, three, fly our carpet to the kindergarten."

Here we are in kindergarten.

Did you enjoy traveling?

What did you like the most about our trip?

What country have we visited? ("Land of fairy tales")

- Today we have solved interesting and difficult tasks:

They guessed riddles, flew on an airplane carpet.

They helped Cinderella to return to her fairy tale.

Bottom line. And we give the floor to the jury. "

The word of the jury, the results (chips are counted). Quiet music turns on, children exchange their impressions of the holiday.