Theatrical festivals of Italy. All Music Festivals Italy

Theatrical festivals of Italy. All Music Festivals Italy
Theatrical festivals of Italy. All Music Festivals Italy

In Italy, it is constantly something happens, and it is simply impossible to keep track of all the Movida. This is not about political events with statuettes of the Milan Cathedral, flying to get acquainted with the smiling physiognomy of the Prime Minister. Not about alien ships with dark-skinned desperate navigators, who were allocated once again to the shores of Calabria. And not even about earthquakes. This is about the events of more cheerful, namely about holidays, festivals and other entertainment events throughout Italy. Events will be indicated as large-scale, it seems carnival in VeniceAnd completely minor, but I personally interesting - like campaigns for chestnuts in the forest over the Lake Como with a group of like-minded people. On some I hope to visit personally, on others, perhaps you will be able to visit you. The list will be constantly updated and provided in chronological order. Our tours in Italy and day trips from Milan will be connected with some events, more on which you can learn more about the respective pages.

Please note that the dates of events may change, so before organizing a visit, I advise you to check all the information on the official website or contact your directly.

Events in Italy in March 2019

March 1-10, 2019. in Agrigento Stated old planned Minda Festival. The festival is devoted to the main competitions of international folklore ensembles, but the almond itself will not be ignored - dishes with nuts will be supplied throughout the regional manifold in all restaurants of the city.

April 9-14, 2019. in Milan The main event of the furniture industry will pass, i Saloni.. During the week, Milan Zakoleokes will be a refuge of novice designers, whereas in the main exhibition center of Rho Fiera, huge pavils will take the most famous world manufacturers of interior objects, textiles, ceramics and plumbers.

May 15-18, 2019. Historical auto owners can take part in Lenandar iTALY ROME ROME ROME BREAM. A limited number of cars from around the world is allowed to participate in 1927-1957. Those who have failed to purchase retro-auto, you can just enjoy an unusual spectacle.

May 17-19, 2019. Milan Immerse yourself in music. In the framework of the annual festival Pianocity concerts will be organized Piano music In quiet private courtyards, in museums, book libraries, on the streets and even musicians at home. All the most interesting, as usual, by appointment.

May 17-19, 2019. In the town But that on the Sicily Annual infiorata is planned - flower holiday, during which Nicolaci Street (Nicolaci) is decorated with a mosaic of multicolored petals. Dramatic smells, concerts and views are also included in the "Menu".

Oh, as I love May! Events throughout Italy So much that you want to break. May 25-26, 2019., for example, it is desirable immediately on 20 parts - one mini katka in each region to send to open House Days.. After all, when you can still look into residential houses, full of architectural and designer raisins? ..

Venetian Carnival (Carnevale Veneziano)

One of the most famous and significant events in the Italian calendar is a carnival in Venice, which is held in February-March immediately before the beginning of the Great Post. By the way, the word "carnival" itself already symbolizes the post and translates from the Latin language as "goodbye, meat" (Carne Vale).
Folk festivities are stretched for 10 days, during which it does not happen! The dressed (mainly tourist) crowd moves through the streets of the city, everything is having fun and take pictures with the owners of the most gorgeous masquerade costumes, the scenes of Commedia Dell "Arte (Comedy Masks) are played, in the theaters there are performances on the appropriate themes, and in the walls of magnificent palaces are arranged Bali Masquerades for the most elite public.

Well, and the main stage, as always, the San Marco Square is becoming the most interesting events of the carnival. It all starts on the holiday called Festa Delle Marie, which reminds viewers about the famous history of the liberation of excellent Venetian, abducted by pirates from Istria. Another iconic representation of the carnival is the so-called flight of angel (Volo del Angello) or the flight of the Turk (Volo del Turco), during which a wonderful girl in the angelic attire makes a breathtaking flight from the Stater bell tower of the Cathedral of San Marco to the Palace of the Doge. For his history, Venice saw not one accident in the execution of this trick, so every time the audience with a fading of the heart look at the flight of a beautiful angel.

Venetian historical regatta (Regata Storica)

Another, a slightly less popular event in Venice is the historical regatta, conducted on the main transport artery of the city of Grand Canal on the first Sunday of September. In addition to the magnificent masquerade taking place on the streets and squares of Venice, the riot of paints is unfolding on the water. Here are luxurious carved boats, and parade gondolas, and many other types of vessels decorated under the old days. In the evening, as a rule, by half the fifth, they are all ready to take part in the regatta.

The competition is divided into 4 stages: youthful, female, male and, finally, the most spectacular is the champions race. After passing almost the entire Grand Canal twice (there and back), the court finishes at the CA Palace "Foscari, where the winners award ceremony occurs. The championship is becoming a fireworks, started directly from the water and accompanied by music.

Chess game in Maostic (Partita A SCACCHI)

Not leaving the Veneto region (emphasis on the first syllable!), We will move a little north of Venice, in a small town of Maostota, on the main square of which every two years in mid-September, the most real living chess tournaments are held!

The history of this unusual game began in the 15th century, when the local ruler decided to turn the square from his palace in a chess board and playing alive people, four of whom, of course, is involved in the party right on horseback. One day, two cavaliers were launched at the eldest daughter of the ruler. To resolve the dispute, the father commanded to hold a chess duel, the winner of which would be the hand and heart of beauty, and the loser as a punishment was obliged to marry younger sister (probably not so beautiful))) Thus, both the ruler's daughters were attached to the wives and all Satisfied besides, perhaps the loser))))

In addition to the game itself during the festival, a parade of presentation participants are held in magnificent vintage outfits, dancing with flags, as well as traditional feverwork.

Competition of light designers in Turin (Luci D "Artista di Torino)

We will continue the festo-trip over the north of Italy already in Turin, where at the end of the autumn - the beginning of winter is a competition of lighting installations created by leading designers. At this time, usually strict Turin turns into a fabulous city. Somewhere over the street does the many constellations of the solar system, somewhere merge into the kiss glowing men's and female figures. Turin Square is covered with hundreds of multicolored light bulbs, and covered shopping galleries, on the contrary, as if they would gain sky. Every corner of the city is decorated original and unique. Especially winning the work of designers look at Christmas-New Year's time, when the atmosphere of the holiday is found throughout the city, and elegantly decorated ate effectively complement the picture of lighting installations.

Holiday White Madonna in Portovener (Festa Della Madonna Bianca)

Now we will move to a little south in a small seaside town of Portovenere, where annually on the night of August 16, celebrations are held in honor of the local patroness, White Madonna. The legend says that it was this holy that this holy helped the Portovenere to get rid of two misfortunes: a terrible epidemic of the plague of 1399 and endless internecine wars. Since then, White Madonna has been recognized as a patroness of the city, and the holiday in her honor became one of the most important for the porter and at the same time also the most beautiful!

Celebrations begin after the evening messes, when night is already descended on the rocky Ligurian coast. The festive procession ignites about two thousand torches and, together with the icon, White Madonna moves along the picturesque cape to the Church of San Pietro. The spectacle is unimaginable beautiful! Well, the culmination of celebrations, as usual, becomes a firework, launched over the waters of the local harbor.

Racing in Siena (Palio Di Siena)

In one of the most pretty, in my opinion, the towns of Italy, Siena, twice a year (July 2 and 16), historical horse racing are held. In competitions, animals and riders from ten of seventeen contrald (districts) of the city are involved in the competition, which are chosen by lot just three days before the ramp. After that, the horses are contained in the district church under special protection, in order to their life did not bring rivals, and immediately before jumps, the priests necessarily bless animals to win!

Traditionally, there is a solemn procession with flags before jumps. The same action occurs on the main square of the city, where a completely crazy atmosphere reigns. Residents of each district come here with flags and songs to support their representative, as well as shout something unpleasant to rivals, it is officially permitted. Very similar to football passions, right?! The jumps themselves are literally a few minutes, during which the competition participants make three circles in the area. Riderists are allowed to behave not in the best way: it is allowed to kick rivals and face them with horses. But the most interesting thing is that jumps wins the animal that will come to the finish line first, while the rider is completely optional!

Just the other day I was asked about the festivals of the opera and classical music in Italy. It is no secret that this country is not only famous for the beautiful architecture, breathtaking scenery and rich history, but famous composers who were born here: Jacob Pucchini, Joakkino Rossini, Giuseppe Verdi ... Every summer, in many cities of Italy, musical and opera festivals are held, for which Guests come from all over the world. The most popular will be speech today. I will leave their names, the dates, a brief description, as well as links to sites. The article will be divided into geographical principle since the northern regions of Italy.


Street, lake Maggiore

Festival in Straza.
Stresa Festival

One of the most important festivals of classical music in Europe every year passes on Lake Maggiore, which is in the north of Italy. It is also known as a week of music in a street. The history of the festival began in 1961 on the initiative of the lawyer from the Aristocratic Venetian family Italian Trentinla de Daverio, whose papa was the director of the La Scala Theater in Milan and the La Feniche Theater in Venice. The festival in Streza is also an excellent start for young performers.

Dates of the festival

  • July 14 - September 8


Tickets from 5 euros



Opera Festival in Arena di Verona
Arena Opera Festival

For more than a hundred years, with breaks for the time of the first and second world wars of the walls of one of the oldest Roman amphitheators of the world, the opera festival takes every summer. His story began in 1913, when the opera singer Giovanni Zenatello and Impresario Otton Rovato from Verona offered to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Giuseppe Verdi formulation of the Opera "Aida" in the walls of the arena. Her feature was that the scenery was not drawn, but voluminous, that is, according to modern standards, it was a performance in 3D. The first statement had an incredible success. Franz Kafka, Maxim Gorky and many other famous people arrived at the opening. That is why every year in the schedule of the festival there is a formulation of the Opera "Aida".

At different times, such famous opera singers and singers appeared on the scene, as: Maria Callas, Luciano Pavarotti, and Placido Domingo still can be heard here.

Dates of the festival

  • June 21 - September 7

In a programme:

  • Aida (statement of 1913)
  • Aida (modern interpretation)
  • Troubadour
  • Carmen
  • Traviata
  • Yearning
  • Performance of Placido Domingo
  • Carmina Burana

Ticket price from 22 euros

Schedule of performances can be viewed on the official website.


Festival in Ravenna
Ravenna Festival, Ravenna

The music festival was equally founded in 1990 on the initiative of Christina Matszavlia Muti. It combines many cultural genres: symphonic ethnic music, opera, theater, ballet, musicals, jazz.

Dates of the festival

  • November 1 - 10



Florentine Music May
Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.

The Festival of Academic Music for the first time took place in 1933 in Florence and is rightfully considered the oldest festival of this kind in Italy and the second in Europe after Salzburg. It was originally conceived as a opera, but a ballet, symphony concerts, solo performances, etc. were gradually added to the program.

Schedule and date of events See on the official website

Opera Festival Pucchini
Festival Puccini, Torre Del Lago

Every year in the summer in Tuscany on the shore of Massachukkoli Lake, the Opera Festival named after the famous Italian composer Giacomo Puccini is held. It was here that he lived for a long year and wrote many of his work. The festival was first organized by the friends of Puccini Jovakkino Forkano and Pietro Maskanya in 1930.
The performances take place in the open-air theater Teatro Dei Quatromilla, which has 3200 seats.

Dates of the festival in 2017

  • July 6 - August 24

Tickets from 19 euros



Opera Festival Rossini in Pesaro
Pesaro Rossini Opera Festival

Every year in August in the homeland of the famous Italian composer Giacomo Puccini in the city of Pesaro, the opera festival of his name is held. Its feature is that it is within its framework that the composer's less well-known works can be heard.

Dates of the festival

  • August 11 - 23


Tickets from 20 euros


Opera Festival Siferuserio, Macerata
Sferisterio Opera Festival, Macerata

It takes place every summer at the Spheristererio Theater in Macerata. It was built in 1829 on the project of Ireneo Alandiri and was originally used to play the ball, knights tournaments, bulls and other events. In 1921, the first stage of the Opera "Aida" Giuseppe Verdi was presented here. This year is considered the starting point of the Opera Festival in Macerta, who passes here every year. A long break was made for the period of World War II and the subsequent years of recovery after its end.

Siferuserio is famous for its excellent acoustics, as well as the longest scene in Europe.
In different years, such famous opera singers and singers appeared here, like: Luciano Pavarotti, Montserrat Caballe, Placido Domingo, Renato Brusson, etc.

Dates of the festival

  • July 19 - August 11


  • Carmen
  • Rigoletto
  • Macbet

Tickets from 20 euros



Festival of two worlds, Spoleto
Festival Dei Due Mondi, Spoleto

The festival is considered one of the most important in Umbria. He was created in 1958 on the initiative of the composer Jan Carlo Menotti. His idea ended in combining two different cultures and two different worlds - European and American.

The festival unites musicians, artists and artists. He achieved more recognition internationally. That is why, every year Umbria takes honorary guests from around the world.

Dates of the festival

  • June 28 - July 14

The schedule of events, as well as the cost of tickets can be viewed on the official website of the festival:



Opera Festival in the topics of Karakalla in Rome
Teatro Dell'Opera Di Roma Festival d'Estate Alle Terme di Caracalla

The festival feature is that the evenings are under the open air in place, where the terms of the emperor Karakalla were located at the beginning of the first millennium.

We chose the most interesting festivals in Italy and made up the calendar of Italian holidays so that you can plan an unforgettable vacation at any time of the year. What holidays and events in Italy will not visit, there will definitely be beautiful, tasty and soulful.

What to see in Italy in 2017

Date in 2017EventLocation
January 5-6BefanCountrywide
January 6 - March 1Orange batsIvrea
February 11-28.Venice CarnivalVenice
March 19.Racing on donkeysTorrita di Syen
April 9-12Vinitaly wine exhibitionVerona
May 1-4Holiday Holy Ephysio.Cagliari
June 16-17Holiday Holy RanieriPisa
July 7-16Jazz Festival Umbria JazzPerugia
July 2, August 16Siena PalioSienna
September 20-27Fashion WeekMilan
October 7 - November 26International White Triofel FestivalAlba
novemberOliva OlivaEmpire-Onelia
December 24-25.ChristmasVatican, Rome

The most interesting holidays in Italy in January

Photo: Simone Zucchelli, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The old witch of Befana on the eve of Catholic baptism is already two thousand years old looking for the baby Jesus, to finally give him his gift. Since the children in Italy a lot, the witch leaves gifts to everyone so as not to miss. And January 6 in Italian cities, carnavals pass the stuffed pohana. Give the embroidered sock and multicolored carboni - sweets, symbolizing coalges that are taken instead of gifts to naughty children. And also grab the funny Figure Witch, which will guard your home all year.

The most interesting carnivals in Italy in February

January 6 - March 1, 2017 Carnival and Orange Fights Ivrea, Piedmont Region, 60 km from Turin Airport

Photo: Cristiano Gatti, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Noisy and fragrant orange battles in the town of Ivrea are spent annually in honor of the brave daughter Melnik, who half a thousand years ago rebuilt against the right of the first night and cut off the head of the local Tiran. The carnival itself lasts for almost two months, and the orange battles this year will be held from February 26 to 28. If you want to participate in the battle between the teams of commoners and guards, think out the equipment, because the blow of the orange can even knock down. In addition to battles, do not miss the tasting of traditional carnival dishes on Ottidati Square February 12. In the "Fat Beans" menu Fagioli Grassi and a polusa polusi.

Every year half a million guests come to Venice every year. The carnival starts 12 days before the ash environment - one of the main Catholic holidays of Italy. In 2017, a large opening of the carnival was scheduled for 18:00 on February 11 in the Cannaregio district. On February 12, at 12:00, do not miss the boat procession, and on February 18 and 19, the competition for the best mask and Festa Delle Marie is an old holiday of the liberation of Venetian girls, abducted by pirates from Istria.

Photo: Edisonblus, CC BY-SA 3.0 Via Wikimedia Commons

Funny jumps on stubborn donkeys in Tuscany are assembled annually tens of thousands of tourists, and for residents of Torrita di Siena, this is not the main event of the year. Because of the competitions, you will have time to take part in a costume parade, look at the medieval falcon hunting and buy in the fair of local souvenirs - Cantucci cookies, painted ceramics and checkbox with a symbols of the area for which they are sick.

The most interesting events in Italy in April

In early April, the 51st international exhibition of wines and alcoholic beverages Vinitaly will be held in Verona. This is the world's largest fair, which presented winery of all regions of Italy. There are also promoted as Wine Houses of Marketi Di Barolo or Podzhio Di Hundreds, and tiny, whose wine can only be tried in the vicinity of the village where it is produced, and here at this exhibition. A ticket for one day with unlimited tasting costs 50 €.

The holiday in honor of St. Ethysio is to wait for Sardinia in 2017 to wait for the May holidays. You will take part in the grand solemn procession and, together with the pilgrims, take the statue of Holy from the Cagliari church to the Cathedral of Nora. The townspeople will appear with petals, you will admire horse riders in historical costumes and listen to live music performed by the best teams of the province. And you will try strange Sardinian Delicates: Casa Martzu is a sheep cheese with jumping worms and Bottaru - dried by Cefali café.

Photo: Raquelalva, CC BY-SA 3.0 and GFDL Viawikimedia Commons

The evening of the first day of the feast of the patron of Pisa of St. Ranieri is completed by Lumaro - the festival of lights, during which the local decorated Arno lamps. Waving more than one hundred thousand lanterns, the river is launched a couple more hundredth thousand candles. The spectacle is literally the fire! The next day, all the inhabitants and guests go to whore the team of the city on the sailing regatta di-san Ranieri.

July 7-16, 2017 Jazz Festival Umbria Jazz Perugia, Umbria Region, 163 km from Florence Airport

One of the steadfast jazz festivals of the world is held in Perugia since 1973. In different years, there were bi bi king, Eric Clapton, Chik Coria, Miles Devis, Charles Mingus, Elton John, Bobby Macferrin and even Lady Gaga. The entire city's platform is becoming the entire city: in the historic center you will hear live music on the square on November 4, at the Stadium of Santa Juliana, in the Pavon Theater and even in local pizzerias and just on the streets.

The most interesting events in Italy in August

These noisy jumps are held twice a year: July 2 and August 16. On the competitions of riders, jumping without saddles, traditionally compete teams of Siena districts - contraps. At the show, you will plunge into the atmosphere of the medieval holiday: the wind figures are fluttered in the wind, the ladies in the embroidered dresses are fanmed by fans, and the crowd of fans with a truly Italian temperament chant the names of favorites. The Siena horse racing is completed on the whole world. Each contra favor presents a treat in his area, so do not miss the chance to taste the Siena Piri's pasta with fragrant herbs, salami from the meat of the breed of Chint-Ceseza, as well as local cheeses of Pekorino-delle-Krete-Cesesei and Martzolino.

On the weeks of fashion in Milan, the future comes out on the podiums. What will be fashionable in the spring and summer of 2018, you will see in late September 2017 on the posts of houses Fendi, Giorgio Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Moschino, Gucci, Prada and Alberta Ferretti. Invitations for events registered, and they are not so easy to get them. Even if you don't get to the center of fashionable views on Gattamälata Street, you do not miss the most interesting: on the streets of the city these days put huge screens and broadcast a picture from the podiums.

The most interesting festivals in Italy in October

October 7 - November 26, 2017 International Festival of White Truffel Alba, Piedmont, 93 km from Turin Airport

Photo: Chris Pople, CC BY-ND 2.0

Gourmet from all over the world flocking in the fall into Alba on one of the world's largest and oldest fairs in the world. In total, the pair of slices of the most expensive mushroom in the world will turn the spaghetti plate into a high kitchen dish. One kilogram of Italian tRIFOLA D "Alba Madonna - Truffle type Tuber Magnatum - costs about 2,500 euros. At the festival can also be enjoyed by Piedmont and Ligurian sausages and drink young wine. And if you get to Alba on October 23, look at the solemn procession of juggler with flags.

The second half of November, accurate dates for 2017 have not yet been announced by Oliva Empire-Onelya, Liguria, 112 km from Genoa Airport

At the weekend in the second half of November in the town of Empire-Onelia in Liguria, "Italian Gold" - olive oil. At the olive olive festival, you will taste the oil from different regions and find out, is it true that it tastes different. At the fair, buy local wine "Pigato", goat cheese "Della-Brigask", a pharynut - chickpeas and mirekee - bread in the form of a rose. And here it is necessary to taste the builder - crumbly ligurian pie - and ice cream from olive oil.

The most interesting holidays in Italy in December

Meeting Catholic Christmas is more interesting in the very heart of Catholicism - Vatican. The solemn Mass here begins on Christmas Eve, December 24 at 21:30, in the Cathedral of St. Peter. If you do not have time to get a free ticket to the temple, hold a chairs on St. Peter Square and meet the pilgrims from all over the world. Admire the Christmas tree - for the right to give her Vatican a lot of countries and cities compete. In 2016, this honor went to Italian Trento. Consider the traditional vertically, the figures in which more human growth, and the next day, listen to the appeal of the Pope of Roman to believers.

Order in advance to avoid tiring waiting in the queues. That's right? Do you plan to visit the Opera, which Italy is so famous, or concerts, whose program is sometimes very saturated and diverse? We bring to your attention list of best Summer musical festivalsYou can enjoy outside air, Under the lunar light, in the ancient, fascinating places of Italy. So, after visiting museums and attractions, take your best outfits (men - a dark suit, ladies - evening dress) and join music lovers from around the world!

1. Roman Opera House - Terms of Caracalla

The final chord of your trip in should be a visit to the performance on its summer platform among the majestic collapsies of the ancient term Karakalla. The Romans call them the main scene "Roman Estate" (Roman summer), which has long been famous for its diverse and bright program.

The terms were obtained in honor of the Roman emperor Antonino Karakalla, who during his board (211-217 AD) managed to create a monumental structure - the second largest public baths. Using modern vocabulary, this ancient Roman complex can be called a sports and entertainment center.

The terms have found their theatrical life in 1937. Summer music seasons attracted here the best world performers. Voices sounded in ancient walls Mary Callas and Benjamino Gieli, the famous trio of tenors shone here Placido Domingo, Jose Carreras and Luciano Pavarotti.

In 1993, the concert hall in the ancient ruins was closed on a seven-year restoration, and in 2001, the summer seasons in the terms of Caracalla were resumed.

The opera or ballet performance in the ancient ruins will produce on you, without a doubt, an indelible impression.


It is worth hurrying with the purchase of tickets - they are bought very quickly.

Where: The terms of Caracalla are located on via Delle.Terme DICaracalla, 52, A 15-minute walk from the Grand Circus.

2. Arena di Verona

Rate Opeer at best! Ancient Roman Amphitheater, built in Verona OK.30 G.N., is the third largest building of Italy of this type and is world famous as the greatest concert area. Open-air can accommodate up to 14,000 opera gourmets.

Before the performance, certainly, not forgetting to turn on the juliet house on the route, enjoy a glass of wine in one of the numerous restaurants on Piazza Bra and tune in to a meeting with beautiful!


Where:Arena di Verona is located in Piazza Sconce, in the heart of the city's central part

3. Opera Festival Pucchini

Puccini Festival, which is the event of summer in Torre del Lago (Tuscany), is held in honor of the famous Italian composer and his operas. Jacomo Puccini appeared in 18 km from here in the city of Lucca, and in Torre Del Lago is a memorial villa, where such opera such as "Bohemia", "Tusca", Madame Batterflys were written by the composer. The festival was first spent in 1930, 6 years after the death of Pucchini, and since then it is attracted annually about 40,000 spectators. The performances take place on an open amphitheater, which accommodates more than 3,300 people.


Where:Torre Del Lago - west from Lucca and south from Viareggio. Easy to get from Lucca, Pisa and Florence.

4. Opera Festival Siferuserio

An open-air isna, where this annual opera festival is held, was conceived in 1819 as a playground for the ball. But by the 1900s, she took possession of the opera - the first was the "norm" of Bellini in 1914. To date, the Siferuserio Theater is one of the best European places for opera performances.


Where:the picturesque area of \u200b\u200bMacerata in the region.

5. Music festival in Ravello

Since 1953, an international music festival is held in the city of Ravello on the Amalfi coast, known as the "Wagnerovsky" name. It is here that at Villa Rufolo Wagner wrote fragments of his opera "Parsifal". Usually performances and are held at the Rufolo villa, but in the summer, with good weather, you can enjoy the concerts outdoors.

Performances and concerts:

- Schedule you can see

Where:ravello concert society holds concerts in the room and outdoors in various places of the city.

Have you ever been to these musical festivals? Tell us!