Where are the Million Salary Culture Masters. "Cultural Shock": Salary of Khrukov in the Russian Federation The Ministry of Culture Salary report

Where are the Million Salary Culture Masters. "Cultural Shock": Salary of Khrukov in the Russian Federation The Ministry of Culture Salary report

21:22 - REGNUM Mariinsky Theater, Moscow Art Academic Theater named after A. P. Chekhov and the Small Theater were among cultural institutions with the most highly paid leaders. This is evidenced by the data published by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on the monthly salary of managers, deputy and accountants of federal state institutions and enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Culture, for 2016.

Among the heads of cultural institutions are the highest paid, with a large margin from their colleagues, was the artistic director, director of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev. On average, per month in 2016, he received 12 million 857 thousand 163 rubles.

In second place in wages, the General Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Russian National Library" was Anton Likhomanovwith a salary of 1 million 220 thousand 171 rubles. The artistic director of the St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic is followed by the artistic director. D. D. Shostakovich Yuri Temirkanovwhose average monthly salary, according to the ministry, amounted to more than 976.2 thousand rubles. Behind him - General Director of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin" Elena Gagarin With salary 964.2 thousand rubles.

Attention and average monthly salary of the director of the Moscow Art Academic Theater is noted. A. P. Chekhov Oleg Tabakova. He earned almost 936 thousand rubles in 2016 per month. Among the leaders, the general director of the State Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky from 839 thousand rubles.

Among the leaders of other famous institutions, you can allocate the artistic director of the small theater Yuri Solmanwhich declared 746.7 thousand rubles per month. In turn, the head of the Grand Moskovsky State Circus Edgar sparse earned in 2016 an average of 499.7 thousand rubles per month.

Average monthly salary of famous musicians Yuri Bashmeta, head of the State Symphony Orchestra "New Russia" and Vladimir Spivakova, Khuduka of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, amounted to 330 thousand and 347.5 thousand rubles, respectively.

Extremely impressive salaries receive accountants of theaters leaders: so, the chief accountant of the Mariinsky Theater Marina Babushkina 632.8 thousand rubles declared monthly, and Deputy Director of Finance Theater, Chief Accountant of the Moscow Theater. A. P. Chekhov Irina Sokol. - 642.2 thousand rubles.

In third place with a noticeable lag should Anna Fur. from the state theater of nations with 337 thousand rubles, following her - Larisa Lobanova From the Ekaterinburg State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater with an average salary of 327.2 thousand rubles per month.

Finally, the five highest paid accountants closes Stammer's love From the Moscow State Academic Children's Music Theater. N. I. Sats - she earned 238.4 thousand rubles per month. According to the estimates of the Ural Meridian IA, the average amount of remuneration of accountants of cultural institutions that came to the list of the Ministry of Culture is about 226 thousand rubles per month.

Meanwhile, among the lowest-paid theatrical arts, the head of "Satiron" was Konstantin Rikinwhich received a monthly average of 247.5 thousand rubles each month. At the same time, Satiron's accountant Irina Miroshnikova earned 92.7 thousand rubles per month.

It should be noted that there is a case when the chief accountant received more than the director of the institution in 2016 - this situation has developed in the Ekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater. There, director Andrei Shishkin. earned an average of 272.5 thousand rubles, while an accountant Larisa Lobanova Received 1.2 times more - more than 327.2 thousand rubles per month

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on its site published data on the monthly salary of the heads of subordinate institutions for 2016

The average age of leaders of the leading theaters of Moscow has already exceeded 80! Why do the masters of culture are in no hurry to go to a well-deserved rest, even if their strength is on the outcome?

The answer to this question may lift in the report of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. On its website, it published data on the monthly salary of the heads of subordinate institutions for 2016.

FOR REFERENCE: Yuri Solomina (Small Theater) and Oleg Tabakov (MHT of Chekhov) at 81. Alexander Shirvinde (Satira Theater) - 82, Tatiana Doronina (MCAT. Gorky), Galina Volchek ("Contemporary") and Mark Zakharov ("Lenk") - 83 years old. Some of them are hardly moving independently, but they are ready to come to work even in a wheelchair.

The highest paid paid to Kryuku and the director of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev. On average, every month of last year he received 12 million 857 thousand 163 rubles. His colleague from the St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic, according to the Ministry of Culture, earned 976.2 thousand rubles per month. A general director of the Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin" Elena Gagarina (daughter of the first cosmonaut) salary salary 964.2 thousand rubles.

My dear old men: Solomin, Shirvindt, Zakharov

A little less - 936 thousand - fell on the card Oleg Tabakovu. But, in addition to the leadership of the MHT, Oleg Pavlovich, as you know, is also headed by theater "Tabakcoque" and theater College. These institutions are financed from the budget of Moscow, but the data on salaries of their cultural workers did not publish the capital's departure. Therefore, at the moment it is not known, for example, about the salary Mark Zakharov, Alexandra Shirvindta, Galina Wolf. Their theaters are also funded not from the federal, but from the Moscow budget.

Galina Volchek. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Among the leaders of other famous "foci of culture" stand out Yuri Solomin. Its average salary in 2016 was 746.7 thousand. Colleague Yuri Mefodievich from Mkat Tatyana Doronina The amount has declared almost half less - 389.6 thousand.

Head of the Big Moskovsky Circus Edgar sparse Every month of last year received 499.7 thousand. One of the lowest paid Konstantin Rikin From "Satirona" - 247.5 thousand rubles.

Famous musician Yuri Lozu. - Which, among other things, has economic education - they did not surprise the size of the salary of the arts.

- Our budget and not such loads will endure, - Irrose. - Where does it, how are not from the budget, take salaries to these cultural figures? After all, they do not produce anything. It's a shame that there are no work among our oligarchs. They themselves did not create anything, live on an oil needle. Hapnuli at one time on the privatization of folk wealth, and now in the mustache do not blow. So our articles just adjusted: they know where to take money. Either from the same oligarchs or from the state, which for them, in essence, is the oligarch. Therefore, for the poor, ordinary people, culture does not do anything, only for the rich! Therefore, films are not for the people removed, and the performances are not for the people put.

In the theater, the Director receives a million rubles, and the installer of the scene - in thirty - forty times less, - continues Lose. - And from the latter, by the way, the safety of actors depends. Is it fair? It is necessary to cut this insane difference in earnings. I also get more of my musicians, but not at the same time! These are my colleagues, and they work as much as I and I stand behind me on stage, play. So the conscience does not allow me to rip off.

Translated from the stationery to Russian - it became known how many years earned the theaters and orchestras, director of museums and institutions of culture, art academies and restoration workshops. Absolute leader for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2016 became Valery Gergiev.

The declared income of the artist of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev amounted to 154 million rubles. Second place occupied artistic Director of the Small Drama Theater Lion Dodin: almost 113 million rubles. Recall that it was with the performance of the theater of Leo Dodin that the "price" scandal was connected: the cost of the "Hamlet" tickets with Liza Boyarskaya and Danila Kozlovsky The main roles shown in Moscow reached 20 thousand rubles.

Bronze medalist in terms of income has become khuduju National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia Vladimir Spivakov (76 million rubles.).

Among the most highly paid cultural figures, Tkzhima mean: khudruk MHT them. Chekhov Oleg Tabakov (69 million rubles.), director of the Museum-Manor "Arkhangelsk" Vadim Zadorozhnaya (47 million rubles), kryukruk St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic. Shostakovich Yuri Temirkanov (44 million rubles), khudruka theater of Nations Evgeny Mironov(37 million rubles.), khuruce State Symphony Orchestra "New Russia" Yuri Bashmet (35.5 million rubles), khuduju State Academic Symphony Orchestra Vladimir Yurovsky (34 million rubles), rector Vgika Vladimir Malyshev (33 million rubles).

And who are the judges?

Naturally, this information has not been ignored by social network users. On the Internet sprinkled with ulcer comments. "Question" with whom you, cultural figures? "Found an answer in the 21st century. With oligarchs))) "- this is one of the most innocuous replicas to the list of list leaders. How important are these reproaches? And whether Internet joker knows how these millions are made?

Known leading channel "Culture" Julian Makarov talks like this:

- Let's try to take a look at this question from such a part: the baily orchestra, for example, Mariinsky Theater goes on tour. Or orchestra under the control of Spivakov, or Temirkanov orchestra, the list can be continued for a long time. At whatever continent these teams went, their concerts will be held on the most famous and prestigious sites. They do not have and cannot be a loser at sports (when they were calculated on dozens of gold medals, and only doping scandals received). There can be no empty halls, bad feedback in the press. Nothing that disgraces our country, these teams simply cannot have. There are only winnings, only strengthening the authority of Russia in the eyes of the rest of the world as the largest cultural power! In our sport, much more significant numbers appear. Enough to remember a rather meaningless football player Hulchwhich bought for 60 million euros. At the same time, the same football is nothing but disappointment (primarily in the international sports arena), deep regret and huge holes in the budget does not bring. That is, one footballer, we sometimes earn more than all the outstanding cultural figures together. Why didn't you hear such jokes to the athletes? All people who have fallen in the top ten are musicians, actors, directors - work for the country's benefit, giving hundreds of concerts during the year, conducting festivals, putting in search of new talents. Separately, I also note that neither the ministry or cultural figures are not afraid to be open, transparent. This can only be welcomed.

And you are weak?

- Certainly, condemning and envious voices discussing this list, or rather, the amounts presented in it may well sound, "Makarov continues. "But let's offer anyone to try to work even for a lot of money in that chart, in which, for example, the leader of the list works, Valery Abisalovich Gergiev. I am very familiar with this person, really proudly in friendship with him and I know perfectly well that its working capacity, its loads are simply unthinkable for an ordinary, even very well-friendly person. He really works 22 hours a day! And not just sitting in the office, but spends two or three symphonic concerts or opera per day: not the essence, whether it is about rehearsals or performances. Somehow, being in the Mariinsky Theater, I witnessed how Gergievs endured the marathon at 18 o'clock for the conductor during the celebration of the anniversary of Prokofiev. Let's find such a person who can live in such a schedule! Therefore, those money that, in particular, the Gergiev earns, I think is not just adequate: they are underestimated. Valeria Abisalovich knows all over the world! And there are many European conduits whose names are known to units, but which are obtained by 3 million per year, or even more. And it does not confuse anyone. Both the Gergians, and Temirkanov, and Spivakov, and Yurovsky, and all the others from the list presented do everything that the name of Russia sounds in the context of the highest achievements of culture and art. These are professionals in their case, and seriously discuss their income seems to me that it is stupid and not quite interesting.

On the website of the Ministry of Culture, not only the total income of the employees of the subordinate institutions, but also their average monthly salaries. And the numbers are mostly far from those that are found in the salary statements of some state corporations.

The average monthly salary of the heads of institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture, for 2016:

Institution Position Full name Salary, rub.
State Academy. Mariinsky Theatre Hood Hands. and director Gergiev V. A. 12 857 163,0
St. Petersburg Academy. Philharmonic them Shostakovich Hood.ruk. Temirkanov Yu. H. 976 285,0
State Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin" Gene. Director Gagarina E. Yu. 964 210,0
Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov Hood Hands. Tabakov O. P. 935 994,2
State Hermitage Gene. Director Piotrovsky M. B. 839 076,0
State Academy. Small theater of Russia Hood Hands. Solomin Yu. M. 746 698,0
State Academy. Theater them Vakhtangov Hood Hands. Tuminas R. V. 661 421,0
State Academy. big theater Gene. Director Urin V. G. 559 271,0
Great Moscow State. Circus on Vernadsky Avenue Director Spared E. V. 499 717,0
State Theater of Nations Hood Hands. Mironov E. V. 458 919,6
State Tretyakov Gallery Gene. Director Togulova Z. I. 436 013,0
Moscow Art Academy. Theater them Gorky Hood Hands. Doronina T. V. 389 686,0
State Academy. Big Symphony Orchestra of Russia. Tchaikovsky Hood Hands. Fedoseev V.I. 376 193,0
Mosfilm Cinema Concern Gene. Director Shakhnazar K. G. 355 803,0
National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia Hood Hands. Spivakov V. T. 347 510,0
State Symphony Orchestra "New Russia" Hood Hands. Bashmet Yu. A. 330 336,0
Theater "Satirikon" them. A. Rikin Hood Hands. Raykin K. A. 247 513,0
State Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin Director Lisp MD 198 061,0
State Museum-Reserve "Kulikovo Field" Director Gritsenko V. P. 171 421,0
State Museum-Reserve "Mikhailovskoe" Director Vasilevich G. N. 152 751,0
Tula state weapons museum Director Kalugina N. I. 137 098,0
Academy. Small dram. Theater - Theater of Europe Hood.ruk. Director DODIN L. A. 116 221,0
Ros. Academy of Arts The president Tsereteli Z.K. 65 327,5

- the work of employees of cultural institutions, in particular, museums, and in Europe, and in America - the work is highly paid, - comments director of the Museum-Reserve "Kulikovo Field" Vladimir Gritsenko. - The fact that someone seems to have the same museum workers or leaders of major libraries earn too much, stereotypes that have come from Soviet times appear. In the Union, everyone received a little, and employees of the cultural sector, including officials, were at all the most low-paid. "Ah, a librarian, ah, a museum employee, they work for the idea. So let him continue to work for it! " Approximately such an opinion was told. And I do not understand why a person is not just with skillful hands, but also with his head, must receive a penny for his work. A person who retains history for the future, the culture of his country. Therefore, I can only welcome the fact that the salaries of cultural workers, despite the difference with salaries in other areas, change for the better.

What is missing about them?

- People tend to be preserved for a variety of reasons, regardless of the profession, - shutters film critic Victor Matizen. - But in this case I personally did not hear that someone from our actors and other cultural figures complained about the shortage of personal money. Personal income, fees, salary of the same Eugene Mironov, for example, is clearly not a reason for complaints. When the theaters are complaining about the lack of funds, they are crying first about the fact that theaters are very poorly supplied. And even the high cost of tickets (although I myself did not do with such calculations) does not allow you to recoup the content of art troupe, the buildings of theaters, the production of performances and so on. Fame brings money, and good, it is natural and understandable. And there is nothing to complain. But the complaint about the fact that the state lets very little money for culture, I think, are valid.

At least fourteen theaters in 2013-2017 entered into more than 60 contracts for a total amount exceeding 97 million rubles with their own leaders as individuals or individual entrepreneurs. Theaters hired their art leaders as actors and directors, and also rented their premises and details for the productions.

Thus, the head of the "Helikon-Opera" Dmitry Bertman received from his theater on average at about 440 thousand rubles. For the formulation of one performance, the head of the Pushkin Theater Evgeny Pisarev - 480 thousand rubles, the head of the theater in the south-west Oleg Leushin - 180 thousand rubles, the head of the Gogol Center, Kirill Serebrennikov - 345 thousand rubles. For the acting game in his theaters, Oleg Tabakov and Oleg Menshikov earned more than 600 thousand per month, Nadezhda Babkin - 520 thousand per month.

Yuri Kuklachev concluded two contracts for renting premises with his own son by 3.76 million rubles, and Pavel Slobodkin took two years to remove the premises of his theatrical and concert center from the company, which owns 50% of the shares, for 38.6 million rubles. At the same time, they all continued to receive the salary of the art leaders of state theaters.

As a rule, the deals from the face of the theater were signed by deputy art leaders. Obviously, they depend on their immediate bosses and cannot make decisions contrary to their interests. So it does not exempt the leaders of theaters from the conflict of interest.

All contracts are on a non-alternative basis - with the only supplier. In justifying the contract, it was indicated that the art leaders of theaters are better than others can put performances and fulfill their roles.

IP Evgeny Pisarev performs in the performance of the director Evgenia Pisareva (photos from the Pushkin theater site)

In addition, the verification of the fact of approval is predicted: hypothetically, the leaders of theaters can coordinate the transactions in the cultural department by the back of the prosecution after receiving the request for the Prosecutor's Office on the provision of documents on transactions.

For example, the play "Green Zone" Evgenia Marcelli was shown before coordination with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Apparently, in the field of ballet and other types of arts, we can well compete with the rest of the civilized world. At least, if not according to the quality of performances, then by incomes of leaders of theaters. The Ministry of Culture unveiled data on the monthly salary of stars, which "rule" by the subordinate cultural institutions.


Valery Gergiev turned out to be the richest - Kryuku and at the same time director of the Mariinsky Theater. In 2016, he received 12,857 163 rubles a month.

In Moscow, the greatest salary of Oleg Tabakov. Only on the post of artist MHT. Chekhov he earned 935 € 994 (this is not counting the "tobacker" and theatrical college led by them).

A little more modest appetite at the head of the Small Theater Yury Solkin - 746,698 rubles. Next comes Khudruka theater of them. Vakhtangov Rimas Tuminas with a salary in 661 421 ruble and Peterbursz - Andrei Mighty of BDT them. Tovstonogova, which was paid 603,235 rubles.

Vladimir Urim's Gedirerer Vladimir Urim from the budget got 559,271 rubles. Valery Fokin from the Alexandrinsky Theater for a card every month "Capal" at 517,434 rubles.

Evgeny Mironov from the theater of Nations deserved 458,919 rubles. Illustrated Tatyana Doronin from MCAT them. Gorky - 389,686 rubles. The list of Alexey Borodin from the youth theater is closed - it has 353 358 rubles. It turns out that Borodin gets 35 times less than the Gergiev.