The most famous theatrical productions of the world. The most famous opera theaters of the world: list

The most famous theatrical productions of the world. The most famous opera theaters of the world: list
The most famous theatrical productions of the world. The most famous opera theaters of the world: list

Despite the fact that cinema has existed for a long time, the theaters are popular as in the old days.

Yes, and can the picture compare with the game of the actor "live", when the feeling of the spirit of the performance literally vital in the hall?

Both ballet, and opera, and comedy, and musical, any production can stagger all feelings.

So today we will talk about theaters, and although this rating is called the top of the best theaters, there are no best or worst here and the separation conditionally.

Each theater is unique and unique, its atmosphere, actors, history.

So if you do not see any of the famous theaters here, do not hurry with the conclusions, it is impossible to tell about everything, and the separation, as already mentioned above - conditionally.

La Scala

1. Let's start with Italy, because it can be called one of the cradle of the theater, because here, along with Greece and France, many theatrical traditions were born. There were theaters during Rome and in the Renaissance, so the contribution of this country in theatrical art We are indisputable. The best Theater of Italy is deservedly considered "La Scala" in Milan.

It was built on 1776-1778, and his title is obliged to the Church of Santa Maria Business Scala, which was located in this place to the theater.

There is a legend that when booking the foundation was found an antique block with the image of the pillad's mime, as if the blessing of the ancient gods to the future theater. The theater hall accommodates up to 2,800 people. By the way, it is customary to come dressed in black.

IN different times Here they loved the work of Bellini, Verdi and Pucchini. Also in "La Scala" took place balls and even once there was a corrida.

Grand Opera

2. In France, the "Grand Opera" theater believes the most famous, although its official name is "National Academy of Music and Dance". Founded in 1669 by the poet Perenom and Composer Camber with the signature of Louis XIV. This theater survived the century, French revolution, changed a lot of titles, but remained one of the best.

The building in which it is located today is built by architect Sh. Garnier in 1875. The hall accommodates 2 130 people. The performances put on the scene "Grand Opera" for three and a half centuries are difficult to list.

Initially, these were works french composers, then Italian and German. In the twentieth century, the premiere of the opera "Mavra" of Stravinsky took place.

Vienna Opera

3. "Vienna Opera" can also be bypass. Austria has always been proud of its composers, which is why they love to put Opera Mozart so here. Also, the premiere of the entire wagone cycle "Ring Nibelongov" was held.

The "Vienna Opera" was built in 1869, the inner decoration strikes with luxury and majesticity.

At the end of the 19th century, this place was the focus cultural life Europe. Here, so far, traditionally, the famous "Opera Ball" is held every year, which goes from around the world.

Covent Garden

4. Self famous Theater. In England - London "Covent Garden". It was founded in 1732. In the form in which it appears now, has been preserved from the last restoration in 1856. Is different high levels Actors' games and relevant fees.

In the 19th century, sang here the best performers of that time, such as Malibran, Tamburini, Julia Griezi.

The building itself is enveloped by mystery and legends about ghosts, so suitable "foggy albion". Designed for 2 250 seats.

Metropolitan opera

5. New York "Metropolitan Opera" The most famous theater in the United States and at the same time the most modern one of all listed here.

It was founded in 1883, it differs in the absence of such a luxurious decoration, as in other theaters. But here many applied modern technologies, such as the running line in the back of the chair.

Initially, in the metro opera, the opera loved to put Wagner. Also, as in England, operas in the original language are put here. The fees performers are modest here than in other places, but singing on this stage is still very prestigious.

The hall is large, accommodates 3,625 people. What is interesting, the theater is not state and is found on the means of individuals and donations of firms.

6. In Russia, one row with the above theaters can be put " big theater". It was founded in 1776, then the building where it is located now appeared in 1825.

The premieres of Tchaikovsky opera - "Mazepa", "Voevoda", "Cherevichki" and Rakhmaninov - " Surround knight"," Aleco "and" Francesca and Rimini ", and Rakhmaninov performed as a conductor.

On the stage of the "Bolshoi Theater" give performances and visit troupe from La Rock and Vienna Opera. Designed for 2 155 seats.

7. Sydney Opera "- the masterpiece is rather an architectural, rather than theatrical.

This place became a symbol of Australia, here are both performances and various shows, no usual theatrical designYes, and the repertoire is not classic. But maybe it is such a representation of the creators about the theater of the future, because Sydney Opera was built only 37 years ago. By the way, the queen Elizabeth itself opened her.

8. Another non-classical theater is "Broadway".

This is not a building, it is traditions. Once "Broadway Theater" meant that this is one of the small theaters located on the relevant New York Street, today this concept is embedded a completely different meaning.

On Broadway I invite the actors for one or a few seasons, there is no permanent troupe, and the performance goes while he is interested in the public. That is why many pulls here because of a variety. The traditions of the "Broadway Theater" have arisen near the century ago.

Arena di Verona

9. "Arena di Verona", there is no analogues to this theater in all over the world, because it is built at the time of the emperor of August in the first century of our era. This is an oval Roman amphitheater, and what is the most interesting, functioning.

Arena di Verona. Photo - Ennevi.

Three hundred years already on this scene are given performances, and in Roman times, gladiators were died and tournaments were held.

From 1913 annually in the summer it takes opera Festival. They put mostly spectacular performances, such as "Aida", which opened the first of these festivals, "Turandot", "Carmen". "Arena di Verona" is able to accommodate up to 16,000 spectators at the same time, which is unable to one hall of classical theaters.

10. The largest theater South America It is the "Colon Theater". It was founded in 1857.

Located in Buenos Aires and can accommodate up to 2,478 people at the same time. At the time of construction, the first building of the theater was the most advanced among the operas, gas lighting and devices for special effects were used here.

The modern building opened in 1908, in addition to sedentary seats, it was designed for 500-1000 standing people. Here they often put Russian performances, such as "Boris Godunov", "Sadko", "Eugene Onegin".

Tickets for world-famous theaters ideas must be booked long ahead. Let's try to find out than these attractions attract theatrons from all over the planet and how much is a ticket to best Theater. World.

Of course, in this list, there is clearly lacking of big or Mariinsky theaters, but we decided to devote a separate article to the most famous theaters of Russia.

The most famous theaters of the world

In the capital of Europe, life boils. Paris, London, Milan - not only mods and tourists with cameras flock here. Intellectuals are delighted - connoisseurs of architecture, theater, opera, ballet and music.

Covent Garden Theater


The capital of Great Britain is rich in theaters with history. It was on the stage of the London "Globe" for the first time the plays of Shakespeare was supplied. But although the Globus, who survived two reconstructions, works today, the status of the most famous Theater of London has a Royal Opera House on Covent Garden, home scene of the royal ballet and royal opera.

Modern building is already the third. In 1732, the theater for the first time opened the doors for the audience who came to look at the "secular customs" on the play of William Congriva. After 76 years, the Covent Garden building destroyed the fire. 9 months left for recovery. The newly earned theater was pleased with the "Macbeth" public. In 1856, the theater burned down again, but in two years he was revived from the ash as we can see it now.

The large-scale reconstruction of the theater was held in 1990. Now its 4-tier hall accommodates 2268 visitors. The cost of tickets to the theater Covent Garden varies from 15 to 135 pounds.

Grand Opera


The most famous Theater of Paris - Grand Opera. In 1669, Louis XIV "Gave Good" on the foundation of the Opera House of Pierre Pierre and Composer Robert Camburu. For centuries, the theater changed the name and location several times, until in 1862 he was in the IX district of Paris, in the building of Charles Garnier, built in 1875 by architect Charll Garnier.

The facade of the theater is luxurious - it is decorated with four sculptures (personification of drama, music, poetry and dance), as well as seven arches. Warning building Majestic shining dome.

The scene of the Grand Opera was prevented over the years of the existence of the opera of German, Italian and French composers. It was here that the premiere of the opera of the Stravinsky "Maur" took place. Today's name is the Palace of Garnier, and he is hardly the most visited world theater.


Austria - the birthplace of many classics: Gaidna, Mozart, Beethoven, whose music went to the basis of Vienna classical music school. Perhaps that is why the most famous opera theater of the world can be confidently called the Vienna Opera.

The opera building was built in 1869. The opening was marked by the Opera of Mozart "Don Juan".

Since the theater building was built in the style of an extremely common neoressance, it was repeatedly subjected to a merciless criticism - the facade of the building seemed to residents of Vienna boring, unsuccessful.

In second world War The theater was partially destroyed, but in 1955 his solemn re-opening with Opera Fidelio Beethoven occurred. By the number of ideas with Vienna Opera None of the other opera theaters cannot be compared. For 285 days a year, about 60 operas are placed in this building in Ringstrasse. Every year a week before the first day of the Great Catholic post, the Vienna Ball is held - the event listed in the list of intangible cultural wealth protected by UNESCO.

La Scala

Milan \u003e.

It is in Italy the Renaissance era originated modern opera Art. In 1776, the Milan architect Juseppe Piermarini attered a piece of land on the site of the destroyed church of Santa Lucia della Rock. It was decided to build on it the Opera House, as a result, called the name from his "ancestor".

During the construction of the foundation under the ground, they found a marble slab with the image of the ancient Roman lyciser of the pilad that the builders perceived as a sign of over.

The "recognized Europe" of the composer Antonio Salieri became the first opera of La Scala Theater. It was on these walls that the orchestras of Gavartentendy Janndrea, Arturo Tuscanini and Ricardo Mutu sounded first.

Today La Rock is rightfully read by one of the most famous theaters of the world. This is the first after the Milan Cathedral, which inspect the tourists who arrived in Milan.

Last time The reconstruction of the theater was held in the early 2000s. The discovery took place in 2004, and the Opera Salieri "Updated Europe" was again shown on the updated scene.

Palace of Catalan music


Pretty young (compared with the previous one) Theater, the Palace of Catalan music in Barcelona opened the doors for musical aesthets in 1908. Barcelona love Spanish modern Gaudi, and therefore it was decided to build the country's main concert hall in the same style - the waves and spirals here prevail over the straight lines.

The facade of the palace recalls that in Spain, as anywhere, European and Arab cultures have been closely intertwined.

But main feature The concert hall is its lighting. The light is completely natural. The dome of the Catalan music Palace is made of colored glass mosaic. The rays of the sun, refraart, create an indescribable effect!

Sydney Opera House


Sydney Opera can not be called the most visited in the world, but it is definitely the most recognizable and unusual theater. Her white sail-shaped walls became one of modern Miracles Sveta.

The opening ceremony took place in October 1973 with the participation of Queen Elizabeth II.

Everyone knows what it looks like Sydney Theater. Outside, now look at how it looks inside - what a delightful combination of futurism and gothic!

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe building exceeds two hectares. Inside, you will meet without a small thousand rooms, because the building is "headquarters" for the Australian Opera, Sydney symphony orchestra, National ballet and Sydney theater troupe.

The highlight of the theater is spent energy, fully comparable to the power consumption of a small Australian town.



We know a lot about European theaters, and what about the theater in the east? What features, in particular, Japanese theater culture?

The classic Japanese theater combines on stage and drama, and music, and dance, and poems. The scenery of the ideas is uncomplicated, which cannot be said about masks and kimono actors. The meaning of the presentation is - toughiewho does not take off the unprepared viewer unfamiliar to japanese culture And it is not able to understand many subtle references to mythology, literature and history.

The best and big opera theaters The world will shock with their magnificence and beauty. The famous American photographer and traveler David Leventi has photographed these architectural masterpieces for five years. He called "portraits of theaters" to his project.

Let's enjoy it amazing photoswhich transmit all the greatness and beauty of the inner luxurious decoration of theatrical halls.

In the interiors of theaters, stucco, gilding, velvet seats, sophisticated lodges and huge candelabra chandeliers prevail.

Big Theater, Moscow, Russia

The Big Theater is one of the largest Russian and world theaters of the opera and ballet. The complex of buildings is located in the center of Moscow on theatrical square.

Initially, it was a state-owned theater, which was together with a small uniform Moscow troupe of the imperial theaters. Periodically, it changed him: he was subordinate to the Moscow Governor General, then the Petersburg Directorate. This continued until the revolution of 1917 - after nationalization there was a complete separation of small and large theaters.

Mariinsky Theater, St. Petersburg, Russia

Famous russian Theater. Operas and ballet of St. Petersburg, his branch is in Vladivostok. It was founded in 1783 by Empress Catherine Great. He was part of the imperial theaters of Russia.

The corresponding decree stateed that the theater serves "to manage spectacles and music."

Opera Garnier, Paris, France

Garnier Paris Opera is one of the most famous theaters of the opera and ballet of the world.

It is located in the Garnier Palace in one of the districts of the city, near the metro station of the same name. The construction is a sample of eclectic architecture in the style of Boz-AR.

At one time the theater was called the Paris Opera.

Monte Carlo Opera, Monte Carlo, Monaco

Opera in Monaco was elevated by the project of Architect Charles Garnier in the 1870s by order of Prince Charles III. Favorable geographical location (Mediterranean Sea), as well as railway It became priority factors that influenced the decision on the construction of the theater.

The theater hall is designed for 524 places. It can enjoy tool music, opera, ballet, and earlier and art reading performed by the actress Sarah Bernard.

Theater La Phenic, Venice, Italy

This Venetian Opera House opened in May 1792 by the premiere of Phazzielo Opera "Agrigent Games".

The name of the opera occurred from the following circumstance - the theater was reborn twice as Phoenix from the ashes. The first time after the fire of 1774 and the second - after the courts. The theater was burning back in 1837 and 1996, but each time he was restored, the last restoration lasted 8 years.

During the First World War, the opera was closed.

La Scala, Milan, Italy

The famous Milan La Scala Opera House was founded in 1778. Designed building architect Giuseppe Piermarini in 1776-1778. At the site of the Church of Santa Maria della Rock - hence the name.

Opera House San Carlo, Naples, Italy

Opera House San Carlo is one of the oldest European opera theaters. He was built by order of Charles III on the site of the old building of the Opera San Bartolomeo. The discovery took place in November 1737 by the formulation of the opera of the Neapolitan composer Domenico Sarro "Achilles on Skiros".

In 1816, a fire occurred in the theater. Architect Antonio Nikkolini was engaged in the restoration of the structure.

The building was restored in 1845 and 1854, as well as after bombing 1943. In the theater 1386 visual sites.

Municipal Theater, Piacenza, Italy

One of the local masterpieces Italy is the building of the municipal theater in Piacenza. Since its opening, the Opera presented to the audience to the court almost all the classical main works of the world opera repertoire.

Romanian Ateneum, Bucharest, Romania

The building of the Romanian opera was built in the center of Bucharest on the project famous architect From France - Albert Galleron. Maintenance construction works Finished in 1888.
On the first floor of the building there is a beautiful conference room with excellent scenery. Above him - an audience of 650 seats. The hall is decorated with a fresco-high height of 75 m with historical plots. Romanian Ateneum is the main concert hall of Bucharest.

Opera House DrotningHolm, Stockholm, Sweden

The theater was built in 1766 by the project of Karl Adelkranz. The main tones of the building - light yellow, columns or balconies are not here. Opera House resembles an administrative building. Such an external simplicity is more than compensated by the internal content of the theater.

Opera House "Colon", Buenos Aires, Argentina

Famous Argentine Opera House. In the mid-1850s, in this country, the opera was at the peak of his popularity and heyday. In April 1857 took place grand opening Theater formulation of the opera Giuseppe Verdi "Traviata". The building accommodates about 2,500 spectators.

Metropolitan Opera, New York, USA

This American opera troupe was founded in 1880 as an alternative to the Music Academy. Metropolitan opera is one of the most famous and prestigious opera theaters of the world.

Oslo Opera House, Oslo, Norway

The Norwegian National Opera House is located on the banks of Oslo-Fjord (Peninsula Bjorvik). He is state institutionwhich is managed by the Norwegian government. Oslo Opera House is one of the large public buildings in the country.

Opera House Four Seasons Center, Toronto, Canada

Opera House in Toronto is the main stage platform of the Canadian opera and the national ballet of Canada. The opening of the opera took place in 2006.

Royal Opera House Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom

In the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden can enjoy the opera and ballet performances.

This theater building is the third in a row, which was built in this place. The theater was erected in 1858 and reconstructed in the 1990s. The hall is designed for 2268 viewers.

Royal Opera House, Stockholm, Sweden

This Swedish Opera House was built in 1782. Today the repertoire of the theater consists of opera performances and ballets.

Also in the theater there is a symphony orchestra.

Bavarian State Opera, Munich, Germany

German Opera House built in 1653. Together with the Bavarian State Ballet, the Bavarian Opera gives 350 opera and ballet representations per year.

Hungarian State Opera House, Budapest, Hungary

The largest Theater of Hungary was founded in 1884, at that time, the opera troupe separated from National Theater. The first director of the theater was the composer and conductor Ferrenz Erkel - author of the Hungarian anthem.

Municipal Opera House, Bologna, Italy

The Communal Opera House Bologna was built on the site of the Palace of Benetivo - the last Signora Bologna.

Palace of Catalan Music, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

The Palace of Catalan Music was built by architect Luis Domainek-I-Montaner in the style of Catalan Modern. The opening of the theater took place in 1908. In 1997, the Palace of Catalan Music included in the list world Heritage UNESCO.

Spectators can see here musical performances, listen to concerts of symphonic and chamber music, Jazz and Catalan song.

Among the lovers of music are the fans of ancient, but very interestingly of its manifestation - operas. But even if you are indifferent to opera music, you will most likely admire the beauty of her abode - the Opera House. This top 10 of the most beautiful opera theaters of the world will talk about the delightful buildings and will "hold" you for luxurious halls.

10 Theater Royal, Covent Garden

Royal Theater in Covent Garden Located in London, in United Kingdom. This theater occurs with opera and ballet performances. He is the home scene of the royal opera and the royal ballet. The modern building of the theater is the third building that was built on the place. It was built in 1858, after which he was reconstructed at the end of the twentieth century. The hall can accommodate 2268 spectators.


Sydney Opera House Located in Sydney, in Australia. This theater was erected in architectural style Expressionism. The roof of the building is the shell, similar to the sail. Thanks to him, this Opera House looks special. It is one of the most famous sights of Sydney, and in general Australia, perhaps. The construction of the Sydney Opera House began in 1959, and ended - in 1973.

8 Opera Royal De Versailles

Royal Opera Versailles is the opera and dramatic theater located in palace and Park Ensemble Versailles Palace, in the city of Versale, in France. Of particular interest is that the building of the theater was erected completely from the tree, and then covered with painting resembling marble. Construction ended in 1770. In the hall can accommodate from 712 to 1200 viewers. This Theater deserved admiration for its size: he is the largest palace theater in the world.

7 Gran Teatro Del Liceo

Large Opera House "Liseo" Located in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin Spain. It was opened in 1847. The audience has an area of \u200b\u200b360 square meters and is able to provide places of 2292 viewers. Thanks to this, this theater is one of the largest opera theaters in Europe.

6 Teatro di San Carlo

Opera House "San Carlo" Located in Naples, in Italy. This Opera House is the oldest in Europe. His discovery was held on November 4, 1737. The theater can accommodate 3300 people. The majestic theater interior in combination with acoustic perfection allows the viewer to feel visual and auditory admiration during the opera.

5 Cosal Theater.

This Opera House is located in Prague, in the Czech Republic. Was erected in the style of classicism in 1783. Ordered the construction of the theater Count Franz Anton (Frantishek Antonin) Nostic Rinek. Now the characteristic part of the theater repertoire makes up the works of Mozart.

4 Markgrafliches Opernhaus.

Marcgrafs Theater Located in Bayreuth, in Germany. Theater was built in mid XVIII century as a court opera house. The building has a Baroque style and is considered an excellent style representative called "Baireit Rococo".

3 Opera House in Harbin

This Theater is located in the city of Harbin, China. This building has a very unusual, even bizarre form. Inside the unusual interior is hidden, which creates the impression that this theater is from sleep or from the world of fantasies. Big hall Designed for 1600 spectators, and small - at 400 spectators.

2 State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia

This Opera and Ballet Theater is also called a big theater. He is in Moscow, in Russia. The building of the Bolshoi Theater opened for theater lovers in 1856. In this theater, three visual halls: the main scene ( Historical scene), New scene (small scene) and Beethovenskaya hall. 1740 people can accommodate in the auditorium of the main scene. Auditorium New scene May take 928 people. The Beethoven Hall is designed for 320 people.

1 Opera Garnier

This theater is also called: Grand Opera or Opera De Paris. Opera Garnier (Paris Opera, Grand Opera)How easy to guess, is in Paris, in France. This is the thirteenth Opera Paris, which appeared after the official recognition of this type of musical dramatic art. Louis Xiv. In 1669. Outside, the building attracts the attention of passersby with its rich beauty. In a huge audience hall, which combines red and gold color, hanging chandelier weighing 8 tons. This Opera House is enveloped by atmospheric of mystery, because in it "lives" the legend of the Ghost Opera (this theater inspired Gaston Lero to create the famous novel).

If you visit some of these opera theaters, these beautiful and majestic buildings impregnated with music will long leave a vivid impression in your memory.

The 12 most beautiful and majestic world opera theaters. Opera theaters have always been considered a symbol of wealth, enlightenment and greatness. The place where arts, luxury, power, intrigue and secrets lived, and that is why the rulers of all european states I tried to promote each other in the monumentality of the buildings and interior interior. IN this moment The significance of the opera performances did not have lost its popularity, but in most cases the theaters of the opera and ballet are more perceived as a kind of attraction than the leisure site. La Scala.
Milan, Italy

In the history of the opera, there is no other opera theater, just as revered, as often copied, as often mentioned as a reference for comparison as "La Scala". But "La Scala" is not only beautiful place For opera performances, this is the most symbol of the opera - the Italian opera.

The theater building was built in 1776-1778 on the site of the Church of Santa Maria Della Rock, from where the theater got its name "La Scala" - Opera House in Milan. It is curious that when excavating the site for the construction of the theater was found a large marble block, on which a pendant was depicted - the famous mime Ancient Rome. It was perceived as a good sign.

The theater building built by architect J. Piermarini is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It is withstanding in a strict neoclassical style and is distinguished by impeccable acoustics. During World War II, the theater was destroyed and restored in the original form engineer L. Ski, which was reopened in 1946. The "rock" (as the Italians theater is called) opened in August 1778 by two operas, including specially written to this case by Opera A. Salieri "Recognized Europe". Opra de Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo, Monaco

Monte Carlo Opera House stands on the shores of the Mediterranean, it is connected to the casino lobby from red marble. The construction of a building took only six months, and as a result, it turned out an extremely whimsical facade in the style of the second empire with unusually richly richly decorated towers and sculptures, the authors of which were Gustav Dore and Sara Bernard. By the way, the author of the architectural project of the Opera House, Charles Garnier shortly before that completed the construction of the Grand Opera building in Paris.

Teatro di San Carlo
Naples, Italy

San Carlo (Teatro San Carlo - Opera House in Naples was opened in 1737. In 1816, he was again restored after the fire. The theater building developed by the architects Giovanni Antonio Medrano (Angelo Carasale) for the monarch from the Burbon Dynasty of Carlos III Neapolitan.

The largest dawn Theater survived in 1809-40, when his head was the famous Impresario Barbayia. The new theater admired not only thanks to the works of art, which were set in the theater, but also thanks to his architecture, gold decoration, and luxurious blue upholstery (blue and gold colors are the official colors of Burbones). On the stage of the theater, the world premieres of the series of Rossini Donizetti and Giuseppe Verdi were held. Mariinsky Theatre
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Mariinsky Theater is a symbol of Russian culture. Souluscript Its troupe has been conducted since 1783, when a large theater was opened in St. Petersburg, where the St. Petersburg Conservatory is located now. By order of Catherine, the Great at the site of this building was erected by a large (stone) theater, splendor and magnificity exceeding the largest theaters of Europe. It opened in 1783 by the submission of Phazielo's opera "on the moon."

In 1802, the theater rebuilt the architect of Tom de Tomon, in 1836 he reconstructed Albert Kavos. Magnificent decorative finish spectator Basically preserved to this day. Dazzling white sculptures, soft gilding gilding, blue upholstery and drapery tone - such a festive colorsistic hall sound. A bright picturesque flaf is made by E. Frachioli according to the sketches of Professor K. Duzi. Hasive, three-tiered bronze chandelier with crystal suspension and candelabra are made on the donations of the merchant K. Plock, awarded the gold medal "In consideration to such a special artistic merit." Palais Garnier
Paris, France

For two hundred years of existence, Paris opera changed thirteen different halls. And none of them corresponded to the role that Opera played in the highest French light. In 1852, Napoleon III came to power. In the same year, he decided to start the cardinal renewal of the capital.

The works were assigned to a person, by no means Parisan in spirit, which only thought about the economic development of the city and did not experience any nostalgia in the old Paris. Competition for the creation of the opera theater collected 171 project. All Matters of Architecture, including Viol-le-Duke himself, presented their work. However, a little-known young man came out the winner, Charles Garnier, in whose asset there was only the Roman Grand Prix at 1848.

In the decoration of the interior of the Theater Garnier used many rococo style elements. Despite the entire Nausea and a variety of techniques, often not friends with each other, the building as a whole produces the impression of harmonious and monumental. Apparently, therefore in 1923 he was counted among the architectural monuments protected by the state. Bavarian State Opera
Munich, Germany

Bavarian State Opera (Bayerische Staatsoper) is one of the leading opera scenes of Germany. Located in Munich (2,100 places). Founded in 1818. In 1963, he was opened after restoration by the play "Woman without shadow" R. Strauss. The prototype of this building was theater "Odeon" in Paris.

The building of the Bavarian Opera was built on the site of the former Franciscan monastery. In 1818, the theater opened the doors to visitors, but the last and a year later burned down her dwarf. Residents of the city believed that this one was punished over. But already in 1825, the Bavarian opera reopened, and the presentations in it go to this day. Mikhailovsky Theater.
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The brilliant history of the Mikhailovsky Theater began with the choice of the architect of the building. A subtle connoisseur of art, Alexander Bullelov builds the building of the first city musical Theater., entering it into the already established ensemble of art area, and therefore the facades of the theater are performed according to the projects of Karl Rossi for the "rhyme" with the building of the Mikhailovsky Palace.

Bryullov created a magic box: that the theater is hidden behind the modest facade, you can guess only on the roof, where the dome over the auditorium A high box of scene is visible. All shine imperial theater It is concluded inside: silver and velvet, mirrors and crystal, painting and modeling.

The theater hosts ballet master classes of leading teachers in Europe and America. At the invitation of Faruha Ruzimatov, Natalia Makarova, Jennifer Gube, Zhilberas, Siril Atanasoff, Mikhail Messer worked with the ballet troupe of the Mikhailovsky Theater. Among other things, the Mikhailovsky Theater participates in the Festival "Art Square" and is one of the cultural sites of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Teatro Amazonas.
Manus, Brazil

The Amazonian Opera House - the second largest theater in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, in the city of Manaus. Designed in 1881, opened in 1896, at the height of the so-called rubber fever in Brazil, becoming one of the characters luxurious and serene life Times Beautiful era Western civilization. Hit contemporaries with his pompous. After the end of rubber boom came to the launch, but in the early 1990s was renovated again. Capacity 701 people. There is a partner, a burner and an amphitheater.

Romanian athenaeum
Bucharest, Romania

Romanian Ateney is a concert hall, built in neoclassical style and opened in 1888. A small park is broken in front of the building with the statue of the Romanian poet Micah Eming. The inner dome of the building is painted by frescoes depicting key points of Romanian history. A declared symbol of Romanian culture, Ateney in 2007 was included in the list of European cultural heritage.

Metropolitan Opera House.
New York, USA

One of the largest theaters of the world - the Metropolitan Opera opened on October 22, 1883 by the Schell Opera Presentation of the Faust opera. In the first years, the theater preferred Wagner Operators, and the German Tarpery was led by conductor Leopold Damros. In the old building, the Metropolitan Opera was held the premieres of the works of Giacomo Pucchini: "Girl from the West" in December 1910 and, in December 1918, Triptych "Cloak", "Angelica's sister" and "Gianni Skisci". In October 1958, the premiere of the opera "Vanessa" Samuel Barbara, awarded Pulitzer Prize for Outstanding musical composition.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Metropolitan Opera was considered to be along with the Vienna Opera House and the La Scala Theater in Milan leading opera scene World.

Abbreviated it is often called "Met". Theater is open seven months a year: from September to April. The performances go daily. From May to June the theater goes to tour. In addition, in July the theater gives free performances in the parks of New York, collecting great amount Spectators. OSLO OPERA HOUSE.
Oslo, Norway

New Opera House - the largest cultural institution In modern Norway. In addition, the opera building is the first example in world architectural practice, when visitors can vouch in intermission freely on the roof of the theater having a smooth gathering towards the sea. White, similar to Iceberg, the opera building rises straight from Oslo Fjord. The attached roof, trimmed with plates of white Karars marble, descends to water and can also be used as a platform for recreation.

The building was designed by the Norwegian architectural bureau Snoehetta, on the project of which the library in Alexandria was previously built. The main scene of the opera is designed for 1.365 viewers, two small scenes - at 640. Orchestral pit main scene Located below the water level. Drottningholm Palace Theatre.
Stockholm, Sweden

Kopoil Kapl XVI HYCTAV and EGO CEMNY live in Drotningholm Palace C 1981 RODA, ZAYAYA EGO NEWOPE POES. Etho Fedset NaChalii in 1662 MODY for KOPLEs Davagep X EleoNOPs PO PPOEMTY APXITEKTOPA Hydigameca Teccina Taken in Ceple "Bapokko", typical for all.

Faults PACPLES NA OTPOBE LOVEEN, NEADKO CEntpa of the city. The Palace is a court theater, one of the oldest existing theaters in the world. He was founded in 1766 the Queen of Walgar Falika, and built architect K.F. Delkranz. Ballet troupe Theater revives the production of the 18th century. The palace is surrounded by a luxurious park with a regular French part, decorated with arbors and labyrinths, and landscape English part with picturesque lawns and ponds. B 1991 MODY DPTNETINGXILM DICE FEDICS, CO COVIA PAINT, TEATPOM AND KITAKIA PAYNOEMA, was included in the help of UNESCO.