What is 1 payment period in heat supply. Sample thermal energy supply contract concluded between legal entities

What is 1 payment period in heat supply. Sample thermal energy supply contract concluded between legal entities

thermal energy

In the face acting on the basis of hereinafter referred to Energy supplying organization", On the one hand, and in the face acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as" Subscriber", On the other hand, hereinafter referred to as" Parties ", concluded this Agreement, later" Treaty", Undeserted:


1.1. The energy supplying organization undertakes to submit to the Subscriber to thermal energy, at:, and the subscriber undertakes to accept and pay for consumed thermal energy within the terms and conditions provided for by this Agreement.

1.2. The estimated amount of thermal energy supplied by the subscriber under the contract is determined in the amount of GKAL per year with the distribution of the month :.

1.3. The amount of payment for thermal energy is determined according to the order of the management of state regulation and control in electric power industry No. from "2014

1.4. In the execution of this Agreement, as well as on all matters, not agreed by the Agreement, the Parties undertake to be guided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government Decisions, the Rules for Accounting Heat Energy and Coolant, the rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants, solutions of state authorities in Areas of regulation of tariffs for thermal energy and other applicable regulatory acts of the Russian Federation.


2.1. The power supply organization is required:

2.1.1. Serve thermal energy to the subscriber in the amount provided for by the terms of this Agreement.

2.1.2. Provide uninterrupted supply of thermal energy into the applicable subscriber networks after presenting a power supply organization at the beginning of the heating season of acts of repair, setup, hydropneumatic flushing and crimping, belonging to a subscriber of networks and systems of heat consumption, as well as in the absence of a subscriber's debt before the energy supply organization for previously consumed thermal energy.

2.1.3. The boundaries of responsibility for the condition and maintenance of heat center are determined by the bilateral act of the power supply organization and the subscriber, drawn up by the parties, and are an integral part of the contract (Appendix No. 1).

2.2. The subscriber is obliged:

2.2.1. In a timely manner, within the time indicated in this Agreement, paying actually consumed thermal energy.

2.2.2. In cases of changes in bank details, report in writing of a power supply organization within a day.

2.2.3. Ensure the safety of the operation of the heating network and the health of the equipment used.

2.2.4. To inform the power supply organization about the discovered injuries in the heat supply system, leaks of thermal energy, about all faults and disorders in the operations.

2.2.5. For permanent communication with the power supply organization, coordination of various issues under the terms of the contract, with the release and termination of the supply of thermal energy, the Subscriber appoints its responsible authorized in the person acting on the basis.

2.2.6. The subscriber has no right to connect or give permission to connect to its subabonent networks without a written permission of a power supply organization. In case of finding a unauthorized connection of subabonents to the subscriber networks, a power supply organization has the right to terminate the supply of thermal energy to the subscriber.

2.2.7. Do not allow the leakage of network water more than% of the amount of thermal networks of the subscriber.

2.2.8. When the meter is installed, provide monthly information about the flow rate of thermal energy in writing to the number of current month. Otherwise, the number of heated thermal energy will be determined in accordance with the calculated indicators established by paragraph 1.2 of this Agreement.

2.2.9. The inclusion of repaired heat consumption systems after planned or emergency repair of objects is performed only with the permission of a power supply organization.

2.2.10. Prepare for the heating season of the heating network and the heat consumption system, the start of heating is performed only on the basis of the hydraulic testing of the heating systems in the energy supply organization.

2.2.11. Sign an act of providing services to the number of the month following the calculation.

2.3. The power supply organization has the right to:

2.3.1. Conduct the control removal of instructors of accounting devices.

2.3.2. To make urgent measures to prevent and eliminate accidents, to fully or partially disable the subscriber's heat supply system, followed by the report on the reasons for disconnecting and troubleshooting the accident.

2.4. Break in the supply, termination or limitation of the supply of thermal energy is allowed by agreement of the parties.

2.5. The power supply organization has the right to warn the consumer for days, stop or limit the supply of thermal energy in the following cases:

  • non-payment of a payment document for thermal energy in the terms established by the contract;
  • non-compliance with the requirements of the power supply organization to eliminate defects in thermal networks;
  • unauthorized connection by Subabonent Subscriber;
  • attaching the systems of heat consumption to the instruments of thermal energy accounting or violation of the heat accounting scheme;
  • holding planning and preventive repair and maintenance of thermal networks and devices;
  • violation by the subscriber of the hydraulic and temperature modes of heat consumption (overestimation of water temperature in the return pipe compared to the temperature schedule, power water pollution, etc.)
  • reduction in the quality of thermal energy due to the fault of the Subscriber to the values \u200b\u200bthat violate the normal functioning of the heat installations of the power supply organization and other subscribers;
  • preventing a representative of a power supply organization for inspecting networks and devices, control and removal of readings of instruments of accounting, installation of seals, controlling the mode of heat consumption, supervision of the technical condition and operation of the heat consumption system.

3. Accounting for thermal energy, the procedure for calculations and payments

3.1. The number of heated thermal energy is definitely on the basis of calculations (Appendix No. 2) and is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Prior to installation of devices, the number of heated thermal energy is determined in accordance with the calculated indicators established by paragraph 1.2 of this Agreement.

3.2. The subscriber pays the power supply organization thermal energy at the rate established by the state regulation of tariffs, rub. Excluded VAT for 1 Gcal.

3.3. Calculations under this Agreement are carried out monthly on the basis of invalid and acts for the provision of services by transferring funds to the current account of the energy supply organization until the number of the month following the calculated one.

3.4. Calculations for the consumed thermal energy can be carried out in terms of the coordination of the parties in whole or in part in any form, somehow the relative of the existing debts, securities, exchange and other, with the mandatory design of the relevant documents.

4. Responsibility of Party

4.1. In case of violation of the timing of the payment, the subscriber pays a power supply organization a penalty in the amount of% of the amount of debt for every day of delay.

4.2. In the event of a consolidation by a thermal energy by the subscriber, over the amount provided for by the contract for the corresponding period, unauthorized connection of subabonents, the Subscriber pays a power supplying organization a fine in the amount of the five-time cost of consumed thermal energy.

4.3. The date of charges of the amount of penalty (fine, percent), as well as the compensation of losses under this Agreement, the parties agreed to consider the recognition date by the debtor's obligation to pay the penalty (fine, interest), compensation for damages or the date of entry into force of the court decision, which establishes the debtor's duty By payment of penalty (fine, percent), damages.

5. Term of the contract

5.1. This Agreement shall enter into force with "2014 and operates according to" "2014 and is considered annually extended, if a month before the expiration of the term does not follow by one of the parties to the refusal of this agreement or the conclusion of a new contract. If one of the parties to the end of the contract is made a proposal to conclude a new treaty, the relationship of the parties to the conclusion of a new contract is governed by this Agreement. When concluding a contract with the Subscriber for the first time and before the settlement of disagreements under the contract, the supply of thermal energy is carried out on the terms of a power supply organization.

5.2. The party has the right to terminate the contract ahead of schedule, notifying the other party in writing in no less than a day before the date of termination of the contract.

6. Other conditions

6.1. Parties are exempt from liability for full or partial failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement, if it was due to the circumstances of force majeure, namely the fire, flooding, earthquake, strike, lockout, and other disasters, as well as emergency emergency and inevitable party events, if these Circumstances will directly affect the execution of the contract. At the same time, the deadline for the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement is moved proportionally time during which such circumstances acted, or for the term that will be agreed by the parties.

6.2. During the days from the moment of the circumstances referred to in P.6.1, the party must notify them in writing the other side.

6.3. Tariffs (changes to them) are applied to heat energy from the date specified in the order of management of state regulation and control in the electric power industry without notifying the subscriber.

V. V. Kovalchuk, Vice President,
NP "Russian heat supply"

The analysis of the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the rules for the provision of utilities to citizens (PP of the Russian Federation of 05/23/2006 No. 306) In order to respond to the burning question - can (whether it has the right) or is obliged to provide communal services to the heat supply organization?

One of the most painful levels of heat supply, which has passed a lot of discussions, and more opinions were expressed, the question is - what kind of thermal energy is for the consumer - row or service, and where the border on which the goods are transformed into the service. And although almost always industry experts came to the conclusion that thermal energy is a special type of product, in practice, to implement this approach in contractual relations, especially in the housing and communal sector, it was impossible. This was primarily due to the lack of legal norms and the uncertainty of civil-legal relations between residents of an apartment building and a heat supply organization arising under the power supply contract (Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The adoption of the new Housing Code (LCD) and, in recently, the rules for providing utilities to citizens finally put an end to the prolonged dispute.

We analyze the norms of these documents.

According to Part 2 of Art. 161 LCD RF, there are three ways to manage an apartment building:

1) directly manage the owners of the premises in an apartment building;

2) HOA control, housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative provided for by the Federal Law;

3) Legal management regardless of organizational and legal form or an individual entrepreneur (managing organization).

When using the second and third method of controlling the question - where the goods ends and the service begins - it does not occur. There is a provider of thermal energy, there is a third party (UO, HOA, LCD), which at the entrance to the house buys energy and then provides utilities to residents.

The largest disputes causes the supply of thermal energy when choosing a direct control method. In essence, the norms of the LCD RF and FZ No. 210 the owner of the premises (resident) must have a direct contract for the supply of thermal energy with a heat supply organization. EU-

lee guided only by these provisions, the situation remains unchanged. However, the adopted rules for the provision of utilities concretize the conditions and procedure for the supply of thermal energy when choosing the owners of the premises in an apartment building of the immediate management method.

We will conduct a brief analysis of the rules.

In this regulatory legal act, the concept is introduced "Executor"- i.e. The person who, on the one hand, is obliged to perform the function of the communal resource acquirer, which includes thermal energy, and on the other hand, directly providing utilities (here and then on the text of the fat, the terms, whose definitions are contained in the rules - approx. auth.).It is assumed that the performer may and himself be a manufacturer of utility resources (for example, in the case of using autonomous boiler room).

Thus, the first conclusion: utilities should always have a "performer" on the basis of purchased or communal resources themselves. And the second conclusion, I repeat, thermal energy is a communal resource, on the basis of which a communal service is subsequently provided, providing comfortable living conditions of citizens in residential premises of an apartment building.

The question remains unresolved: can it (whether the right) or is obliged to provide communal services to the heat supply organization? For a response to it, we will analyze clause 7 of the rules and the definition of "domestic engineering networks".

P. 7 Rules says: "In the absence of the owners of the premises in an apartment building (in case of direct control of such a house) or owners of residential buildings of the contract concluded with performerthese owners enter into an agreement on the acquisition of cold water, hot water, electrical energy, gas and thermal energy, as well as evidence, directly with the corresponding resource-supply organnization .... "

Comment: If the management contract is absent, as there is no organization-performer of utilities, the residents directly conclude an agreement on the acquisition of thermal energy (important! - municipal resource) with a heat supply organization.

"... in this case, the resource supplynizization is responsible for the mode and qualitycold water supply, hot water, electrictricary energy, gas and thermal energy, andalso drainage on the border of networks, enteringin the general property of ownerspremises in an apartment building orappropriate owners of residential buildings, with municipal infrastructure systems ..... "

Comment: The border is defined on which the delivery ends resourceand the responsibility of the heat supply organization for the characteristics of this resource is the place of section of the supply and domestic engineering systems.

"... while maintenance outdoor engineering systems (i.e. engineering equipment inside a house intended for the provision of utilities - by definition from the rules - approx. Auto) carried out by persons involved in the contract by the owners of the premises in an apartment building or owners of residential buildings, or these owners independently, if the contract with a resource-supplying organization is not provided for other ..... "

Thus, the maintenance of engineering systems in the house and, as a result, the provision of utilities can be carried out both by third parties and the heat supply organization. At the same time (important!) The service of "inside" is the right, and not the responsibility of the heat supply organization, i.e. She may agree with the proposal of owners to provide additional services for them (at unregulated prices!), but may require the attraction of third parties to perform these functions. In any case, on the border of the house, the obligations and responsibilities of the heat supply organization for the supply of thermal energy as a resource are completed. Next, normal contractual relations on the provision of utilities are beginning, in which the heat supply organization can only participate voluntarily, but not forced. On the other hand, the heat supply organizations, as experience shows and has a practice, in many cases interested (or at least they should be interested in "entering the house" and independent service of the domestic systems used for heating. Since from the state of these systems and, accordingly, from quality heat consumptionlargely depends on the reliability and quality of heat supply as the main activity of the heat supply organization (TSO). An illiterate operation of intramonomous networks by third parties, ultimately, can create much more problems for TSO than the problem of self-maintenance. Especially, given that the service of "insightry" is one of the ways to diversify the TSO business and the possibility of obtaining additional income.

Summarizing the foregoing, I would like to note once again that the delimitation was introduced: to heat supply - the supply of a resource (product) to the "wall of the house" or another border of the section, and to provide utilities using a resource called "Heat Energy" - these are two different businesses for Heat supply organization. The first is burdened with many conditions, the current number of state regulation of prices (tariffs), publicity of concluded contracts and a number of other restrictions. The second is a normal market method for obtaining additional income on the concomitant form of activity, besides, enhancing the reliability and quality of the main activity.

On marketing research on the topic:
Research of the resource market - and energy saving of the city of Moscow

3. Energy Suppliers Market in Moscow.

Energy suppliers are companies that deliver and implement energy resources at free prices to consumers in order to extract profits. Suppliers buy and sell the rights to receive energy resources. Thus, the right to energy resources is broken away from its material carrier, and in fact, the energy supplier conducts trade in non-energy resources, but property rights.
If we talk about the production and distribution of electricity, gas, water with such enterprises in the city of Moscow over the years, then the situation is as follows (Chart No. 3.1):

Graph number 3.1 Index of production by type of economic activity "Production and distribution of electricity, gas, water" in Moscow (as a percentage of the previous year)

As can be seen from Graphic No. 3.1, the production index of economic activity "Production and distribution of electricity, gas, water" in the city of Moscow tends to reduce.
The structure of energy supplies in Moscow is presented in Scheme No. 3.1

Scheme No. C.1 Structure of energy supplies in Moscow.

Recalling the data of the Federal State Statistics Service, the number of existing organizations in the Moscow market for the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water in 2007 amounted to 725 organizations, it is 67% more than in 2005. As can be seen from this data, the production market and the distribution of energy resources in Moscow is demonopolized every year. Also, these data indicate the development of the market of released power, its mechanism is disclosed in chapter No. 1.
Despite a large number of existing organizations in the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, today, several large companies remain the main suppliers of energy resources in their segment (Table No. C.1).

Table # 3.1 Main suppliers of energy resources in Moscow

If we talk about the profitability of enterprises for the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, then for 2008 it was 14.2% in Moscow. According to this indicator, Moscow is a leader in comparison with other subjects of the Federation. If we talk about the Russian Federation as a whole, the profitability is 4.9%, which is 2.9 less than in Moscow.
More information about the main suppliers of energy resources in the city of Moscow will be disclosed in the following sections of the study.

Of all the foregoing, both in chapter number 2 and in this chapter, it can be concluded that in the city of Moscow the need for energy resources (demand) increases every year, and to satisfy this need becomes more difficult. Therefore, it can be stated that the demand exceeds the offer.

3.1 Suppliers of thermal and electrical energy in Moscow.

The main generating companies for the supply of thermal and electrical energy of the city of Moscow are OJSC and JSC Moscow United Energy Company (OJSC "MOEK"). They account for about 95% of electricity generation and about 79% of thermal energy (Chart No. 3.1). The electro- and heat supply of the city of Moscow, mainly carried out from 14 thermal electrotocentrals (CHP) of Mosenergo, 42 district heat stations (RTS), 31 quarter heat stations (CCC), about 110 small boiler houses (MK) OJSC MOEK and About 800 departmental energy sources.

Chart number 3.1 Share of development and thermal and electricity in Moscow.

On the territory of the city of Moscow, except Mosenergosbyt OJSC, OJSC Teploshbyt, OAO MOKEK, have more than 25 power supply and energy-free companies that release electricity to end users. The main competitors of these three large companies are the following energy sales and energy supplying companies:

1) LLC "Rusenergosbyt". The share of LLC Rusenergosbyt M in the Moscow region market is 3.3%. Strategic segment of activity - enterprises and objects of OJSC "Russian Railways". Rusenergosbyt LLC has the status of a guaranteeing supplier in 19 regions of the Russian Federation in the areas of responsibility of Russian Railways. Since 2009, the Moscow Government has chosen Rusenergosbyt LLC as a counterparty for the experiment on the implementation of payment for electricity through a single payment document (END) on the territory of the Eastern and Southeast Administrative Districts of Moscow.

2) OJSC "VSK - Energo". The share of OJSC "VSK - Energo" in the market of the Moscow region is 0.9%. The main strategic segment of activity is the objects of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

3) Companies created on the basis of municipal networkslocated in the Moscow region, having a guaranteeing provider status ("Guaranteeing the Second Level Supplier"). The aggregate share of these organizations in the Moscow market and the region is 8%. Since 2009, 6 guaranteed second-level providers received the status of the subjects of the wholesale market. These include CJSC "Balashikhinskaya Electrical Sheet", MUP "Ivanteyevskie Electrics", MUP "United Eastrin Electric Grid", Zaravskaya Electrose CJSC, OJSC "Krasnogorsk Electric Network", OJSC "Electroset" of Mytishchi.

Balance The capacity of all power plants in Moscow and the Moscow Region, which are members of the energy companies in 2008 on electricity 9.1 million kW, on thermal energy 34.93 thousand Gcal / h. (Chart No. 3.2), it is 4% of the entire capacity of the Russian Federation. These power plants occupy a sixth place for this indicator, yielding only to such regions as, Tyumen region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Sverdlovsk region.
Electricity production on power stations was 52.8 (billion kilowatt-hours) for 2008, which is 5% of the total electricity production in Russia.

Chart number 3.2 Power of all Moscow power plants (million kW)

As can be seen from schedule No. 3.2, Moscow power plants since 2005, increase their capacities.
Energy suppliers exercise electricity trading and power in the wholesale market using the following mechanisms (the interaction "Supplier-consumer"):

  • the market of regulated contracts - Electric energy trade (power) at adjustable prices (tariffs approved by FTS in power plants) on the basis of contracts for the sale of electrical energy and power. In 2010, Mosenergo entered into 1,076 regulated contracts for the sale of electrical energy and power with 23 counterparties.
  • the market for a day - Electric energy trade at free prices, determined by competitive selection of price applications of buyers and suppliers carried out per day before the start of delivery.
  • balancing market - Electric energy trading at free prices, determined by competitive selection of applications of suppliers and participants with regulated consumption, carried out no later than an hour before the supply of electrical energy in order to form a balanced production and consumption of electrical energy.

The price policy of Moscow energy supply and energy sales companies is based on the legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow. Tariffs for electrical and thermal energy are the object of state regulation. The main legislative acts in regulating tariffs for electrical energy are the Federal Law of 14.04.1995 No. 41-FZ "On the state regulation of tariffs for electrical and thermal energy in the Russian Federation", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2004 No. 109 "Basics of pricing against electric and thermal energy in the Russian Federation ", the order of the Federal Tariff Service of 06.08.2004 No. 20-E / 2" On approval of methodological instructions on the calculation of regulated tariffs and prices for electric (thermal) energy on the retail (consumer) market. " Electricity tariffs establish energy commissions. Such commissions exist in all regions of Russia. They are formed by local authorities (in Moscow - the Government of Moscow, in the Moscow region - the Government of the Moscow Region), which also control the work of these commissions.

The process of setting tariffs is extremely transparent. The tariff for end users is made from the tariff for the purchase (generation), energy transport services, sales and other services. Companies manufacturing, transmission, electricity marketing direct all necessary materials with relevant calculations, containing information on the production costs necessary for the development of profits and the balance of electricity. Received documents are studied by members of the REC for validity. In addition to the staff of the Commission, the Special Expert Council is engaged in assessing the requirements of energy, which includes independent economic scientists. Given the recommendations of the Council, REC makes its decision.

Thus, the energy supply and energy sales companies of Moscow take minimal participation in the process of formation of prices for electricity. The change in the tariff does not depend on the employees of this area, but is the result of an independent assessment and a thorough analysis of the economic substantiation of their needs.
This paper presents tariffs for thermal and electrical energy, both for individuals and for legal entities of Mosenergosbyt OJSC (Table No. 3.2)., OJSC Teploshtsyt (Table No. 3.3).

Table # 3.2 Tariffs for electrical energy for the population of the city of Moscow from 01/01/2010 (Cop / kWh)

Electricity tariffs *

City population and consumers equivalent to the population

Electric stove

Gas stove

SingleTaric Accounting with the use of the one-step tariff

Two-tariff accounting with the use of a tariff differentiated by the zones of the day

day (from 7:00 to 23:00)

night (from 23:00 to 7:00)

Multi-tariff accounting with the use of a tariff differentiated by the day zones

night (from 23:00 to 7:00)

peak (from 7:00 to 10:00 and from 17:00 to 21:00)

half-screen (from 10:00 to 17:00 and from 21:00 to 23:00)

* Electricity tariffs are established by the Resolution of the Regional Energy Commission of the city of Moscow of December 21, 2009 No. 106. All prices are subject to VAT.

Table No. 3.3 Tariffs for thermal energy implemented by Mosenergo to consumers in Moscow in 2010 * (rub. / Gcal)

* Tariffs are established by the REC Resolution of Moscow of December 18, 2009 No. 104
Tariffs for legal entities due to the large amount of information are submitted to Appendix No. 6.

In addition to the regulated pricing for energy, there are irregular pricing on the market. Starting in 2007, the volume of electrical energy (power) sold in the wholesale market at adjustable prices is systematically decreased.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07.04.2007 No. 205 defined the following stakes for the sale of electricity and capacity at adjustable prices (tariffs) (taking into account the characteristics of the formation of electricity supply and power to the population) from the production of electrical energy and power defined for the wholesale market in the approved balance FST in Russia for 2007. For 2010, this share is at the first half-year-35 - 40%, at the second half of 15 - 20%. From January 1, 2011

Electrical energy and power will be fully supplied in free (unregulated) prices. Thus, a civilized and competitive market for energy resources will be formed, where the possibility of changing the sales company as a mobile operator will appear, and the pricing mechanism will be dominated by administrative instructions. Unfortunately, such a mechanism in practice led to a sharp increase in unregulated electricity prices. For example, the growth of unregulated prices in 2010 by 2009 amounted to: FGUP MMPP "Salyut" - 12.8%, OJSC "Moscow Tire Plant" -27.1%, OJSC "Silver Bor" -13.2%. According to the market operators, this phenomenon is temporary, until the competitive market for energy resources is finally formed, as evidenced by foreign experience in the introduction of unregulated tariffs.

Energy saving in the production and distribution of energy resources. In the context of the restrictions on the supply of natural gas and a complex environmental situation in the city of Moscow, the solution of the problems of energy capacity deficiency is an extensive method only by entering new power sources and networks is unacceptable. Improving energy efficiency of systems should be provided through the implementation of a complex of software energy-saving activities. The main purpose of these activities should be to reduce the consumption of primary fuel, electrical and thermal energy in the production, transportation and distribution of energy while maintaining a reliable and high-quality energy supply of consumers of the city, as well as minimizing the negative impact on the environment.

The main technical measures to improve energy efficiency in the production, transportation and distribution of energy in the city of Moscow are:

  • commissioning of new energy sources based on highly efficient pair-gas technologies (electric efficiency at least 51%, subject to full loading of thermal power);
  • optimization of the operating modes of the power sources and the distribution of heat loads on the basis of the annual adjustment of the energy supply schemes (the annual potential of energy saving, implemented by the redistribution of heat loads between the RTS of OJSC MOCEE and the CHP of Mosenergo OJSC in the summer and transitional periods, is estimated by the value of 590 thousand tons .t.);
  • reducing energy consumption for their own needs in the production of electrical and thermal energy (fuel economy for the period under consideration 2009-2013 G.G. will be the amount of about 2075.6 tsp.);
  • the use of unloaded industrial selections of turbines to produce low-precious thermal energy;
  • reducing losses in transmission and distribution of thermal and electrical energy;
  • the closure of ineffective, morally obsolete and physically worn out departmental heat sources;
  • development of schemes for optimizing the loading of energy sources owned by industrial enterprises;
  • the use of output generators in excess pressure generators for generating electrical energy, cold;
  • the introduction of an increased temperature schedule at the CHP of the city of Moscow in the summer to ensure the operation of the absorption machines in the cooling systems for the purpose of useful use of heat;
  • deep utilization of heat of the outgoing gases of boiler installations with installation of automation systems;
  • reconstruction of water treatment plants of heat sources, modernization of heat exchangers;
  • reconstruction of central thermal points, heat exchangers. For example, modern lamellar heat exchangers have heat exchange efficiency above 3-5 times than traditional;
  • installation of frequency converters on CTP and pumping stations. In the international and Russian practice of energy saving, the use of LDG is one of the most efficient and rapidly paid off projects. Therefore, all newly introduced and reconstructed CTPs of OJSC MOEK are necessarily equipped with similar equipment. The economic effect of the use of LDG is consisted of electricity savings, water and thermal energy to heating cold water;
  • translation of the CTP at the ITP with the installation of the heat meter, while the costs may decrease in approximately the amount of about 16% for heating and 67% of DHW;
  • the introduction of modern types of insulation of pipelines (PPU, PPM isolation) for example, an "ecoflex" type. Thermal losses of such a pipeline (for example, "eco-kvatro" - 13.21 W against a conventional steel pipe with thermal insulation - 120 W / m) almost 10 times lower, and the reliability of trouble-free work is ten times higher.

3.2 Water suppliers in Moscow.

The main and sole provider of water resources in the city of Moscow is the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise "MosVodokanal" (MGUP "MOSVODOKANAL"). MGUP "Mosvodokanal" is the largest water company in Russia, providing water supply and water supply services by more than 13 million in residents. The daily Moscow water treatment stations are given to consumers about 4.5 million cubic meters. meters of drinking water. The amount of water supply and drainage services rendered in 2008 was 1,537 million cubic meters respectively. M and 1,523 million cubic meters.
Balance Production - Water consumption in Moscow in 2009 looks like this (Table No. 3.4)

Table No. 3.4 Balance Production is the consumption of water resources in Moscow (2009).

P / P.

Name of the indicator



Volume of water raised

thousand cubic meters

Volume of purchased water

thousand cubic meters

Water volume passed through treatment facilities

thousand cubic meters

Water is applied to the network of all

thousand cubic meters M.

Released water to consumers (all drinking and technical quality)

thousand cubic meters M.

including According to water metering devices

Water loss in networks total

Including water consumption for their own needs MGUP "Mosvodokanal"

On technological needs

For household needs

Out of wastewater from consumers of services

thousand cubic meters M.

Received wastewater to sewage treatment facilities

thousand cubic meters M.

The length of water supply networks (in one-pipe calculus)

Number of artesian wells

Number of pumping pumping stations

The main consumer of water resources in Moscow is the population, it accounts for 71.3% of water. (Chart №.3.2).

Diagram No.3.2 . The main consumers of water in Moscow.

Due to such a significant consumption of water resources in the population, the MGUP "Mosvodokanal" focused his focus on saving and rational use of resources in this segment. The main activities on the efficient use of water resources are as follows:

  • equipment of residential buildings and social domestic buildings with domestic water metering devices;
  • equipment of apartments with individual water metering devices;
  • use in residential buildings and apartments Muscovites of water-saving reinforcement (valve heads with a ceramic shuttle assembly for household mixers and a set of reinforcement to the "compact" washbasch).

In March 2009, the concept of developing the urban program "Clean Water" was approved at the meeting of the Government of Moscow. In accordance with this concept, the city provides for the following measures for water conservation and rational water use:

  • reduction of losses in the system of water supply and sewage economy;
  • organization of monitoring of all water consumer users in the city in terms of assessing the state of domestic sanitary and technical systems of buildings;
  • replacement of drinking water water for technical water for a number of consumers with the relevant technical and economic and sanitary and hygienic substantiation;
  • improving water consumption accounting;
  • completion of the transition to the calculations of managers with the population for the actual water consumption, based on the readings of the accounting devices;
  • carrying out work on normalization and pressure control;
  • improving the technology of detecting water leaks;
  • reduction of irrational water use at the enterprises of the city;
  • construction of circulating water supply systems;
  • installation of anti-vandal sanitary fittings in the cultural and consumer sector and budgetary organizations.

If we talk about the mechanism of pricing on water resources of the city of Moscow, then it is identical to the pricing mechanism for fuel and electrical resources and is presented in paragraph 5.1. Resolution of the Regional Energy Commission of Moscow No. 71 of November 23, 2009 "On the establishment of tariffs for goods and services of the ISUP" MOSVODOCANAL "in the field of water supply and water disposal for 2010," from January 1, 2010, tariffs for water supply services are approved and entered into operation Waterships (Table No. 3.5).

Table number 3.5. Tariffs for water supply and drainage services in Moscow in 2010

Cold water supply of consumers of any group of technical water is carried out at a rate of 5.70 rubles / m3.

3.3. Gas suppliers in Moscow.
The main suppliers of gas on the territory of Moscow are such companies as GUP "Mosgaz", LLC Mosoblgazppostavka, OJSC "Moscow Gas Company", OOO "Moscow Regional Company for the sale of gas". Let us consider in more detail each participant in this market.

GUP "Mosgaz" Created in accordance with the order of the Energy and Energy Department of September 24, 1992 No. 89 in reorganization (transformation) of the previously active Moscow City Production Association "Mosgaz". The founder of the enterprise is the city of Moscow represented by the Department of Property of Moscow. The company is located in the departmental submission of the Department of Fuel and Energy of the city of Moscow. "Mosgaz" is a completely independent enterprise that has an extensive territorial and production structure. In his jurisdiction of Moscow gas management in terms of gas consumption, the length of gas networks and structures, technical equipment is the largest among such farms in Russia. Main indicators of GUP "Mosgaz" - operation of 7320 km of networks, transportation of more than 30 billion cubic meters of gas per year, gas supply of more than 500 industrial enterprises, 16 CHP, 70 district and quarterly heat stations; 2 million apartments with a population of more than 5 million people.

LLC "Mosoblgazpostavka" It is an independent gas supplier in Moscow. The organization of the organization is regulated by the Regulations on ensuring the access of independent organizations to the Gazprom gas transportation system and the Regulations on ensuring the access of organizations to local gas distribution networks, approved by the Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation. Currently, the company has firmly taken its niche at the Gas Market of the city of Moscow and received well-deserved consumer confidence. To date, more than 1000 contracts are concluded, both with large enterprises and enterprises of secondary and small businesses. Almost half of consumers who purchase gas from Mosoblgazppostavka LLC are industrial enterprises with foreign capital.

OJSC "Moscow Gas Company" It was established in November 2005 by the Government of Moscow and Rosneft. The company was established in order to increase the efficiency of the gas market in Moscow, attracting alternative suppliers of gas, reforming housing and communal services, including by participating in small-medium energy programs.

The Moscow Gas Company supplies dozens of clients natural and liquefied gas. The company operates with the largest industrial enterprises (SIBUR, IMPEXNEFTECHEM, SG-TRAN), and with small private companies using gas as heating, fuel and electricity transformation (Shesh-Besh restaurants network, network Pharmacists "36.6", Moscow Winery, plant of ice cream "Ice-Fi", etc.).

LLC "Moscow Regional Company for Gas Implementation" (Mosregiongaz LLC) is the largest company among regional gas enterprises in Russia: the annual volume of gas supplies to consumers is more than 40 billion m3. More than 9,000 gas supply contracts are concluded with electric power industry enterprises, cement industry, agrochemistry, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, construction industry, agrarian-industrial complex, the Ministry of Defense, housing and communal services and public utility enterprises. Since the beginning of 2007, Mosregiongaz LLC is a gas supplier for Mosenergo and OJSC MOCE.
In this work, to understand the estimated price of natural and liquefied gas in Moscow, we present the tariffs of Mosregiongaz LLC, since they more fully reflect the rates of other suppliers and fluctuate within 20%.

The size of the wholesale gas for consumers of Moscow is presented in Tables 3.6 (with the exception of gas implemented by consumers against which the principles of state regulation are applied, provided for by P15.1-15.3 of the main provisions of the formation and state regulation of gas prices and tariffs for transportation services On the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 29.12.2000 No. 1021).

Table # 3.6.

Size of fees in Moscow for supply-sales services (rubles / 1000 cubic meters) by consumer groups with gas consumption volume (MULSKUB.M. / year)

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What is heat supply and what are the subjects of heat supply?

Heat supply is to ensure thermal energy consumers with thermal energy, coolant, including power maintenance.

Thermal energy is an energy resource, with the consumption of which the thermodynamic parameters of coolants (temperature, pressure) are changed.

The thermal supply subjects are the thermal energy consumer, the heat supply organization, the heat treatment organization, a single heat supply organization.

A single heat supply organization in the heat supply system (hereinafter - a single heat supply organization) is a heat supply organization, which is determined in the heat supply scheme by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation for the implementation of state policy in the field of heat supply, or local self-government body on the basis of criteria and in the manner which are established by the rules of the organization of heat supply, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The heat supply organization is an organization that sells consumers and (or) heat supply organizations produced or acquired thermal energy (power), coolant and owning on the right of ownership or other legitimate sources of thermal energy and (or) thermal networks in the heat supply system, by means of which heat supply is carried out. Consumers of thermal energy.

The thermal energy consumer is a person acquiring heat energy (power), coolant for use on ownership of it or other legal foundation of heat-consuming installations or to provide utilities in terms of hot water supply and heating.

Heating control organization - an organization that provides services for the transmission of thermal energy.

What is a single heat supply organization?

A single heat supply organization in the heat supply system (hereinafter - a single heat supply organization) is a heat supply organization that is determined in the heat supply scheme by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation for the implementation of state policy in the field of heat supply, or local government body on the basis of criteria and in order which are established by the rules for organizing heat supply.

The powers of the federal executive body authorized to implement state policy in the field of heat supply include the approval of the heat supply schemes of settlements, urban districts with a population of five hundred thousand people or more, as well as cities of federal significance, including the definition of a single heat supply organization.

The authorities of local governments of settlements, urban districts on the organization of heat supply in the respective territories include the approval of the heat supply schemes of settlements, urban districts with a population of less than five hundred thousand people, including the definition of a single heat supply organization.

In the heating system, a single heat supply organization is obliged to conclude a heat supply contract with any inflowable thermal energy consumer, which is contained in this heat supply system.

A single heat supply organization is obliged to conclude contracts for the supply of thermal energy (power) and (or) heat carrier with respect to the volume of thermal load, distributed in accordance with the heat supply scheme.

A single heat supply organization is obliged to conclude contracts for the transmission of thermal energy and (or) coolant in the amount necessary to ensure heat supply of thermal energy consumers, taking into account the loss of thermal energy, coolant when they are transmitted.

The heat supply contract is public for a single heat supply organization.

A single heat supply organization is not entitled to refuse to the thermal energy consumer in concluding a heat supply agreement, subject to the compliance with the specific consumer of the technical conditions of the connection (technological connection) to the thermal networks belonging to the objects of capital construction.

Relationships of heat supply organizations and consumers of thermal energy

Consumers of thermal energy acquire thermal energy (power) and (or) heat carrier at the heat supply organization under the heat supply contract.

Consumers connected (technologically affiliated) to the heat supply system conclude heat supply contracts with heat supply organizations and acquire heat energy (power) and (or) coolant at adjustable prices (tariffs) or at prices determined by the agreement of the parties to the heat supply contract.

A single heat supply organization defined by the heat supply scheme is obliged to conclude a heat supply contract with any applied thermal energy consumer, the heat-consuming attachments of which are in this heat supply system.

The person owning the sources of thermal energy on the right of ownership has the right to conclude long-term heat supply contracts with consumers.

The person owning on the right of ownership of or otherwise by the sources of thermal energy has the right to conclude heat supply agreements with consumers in cases established by the rules of the organization of heat supply approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Single Heating Organization and Heating Organizations, ownership of thermal energy and (or) thermal networks in the heat supply system and (or) heat networks in the heat supply system are obliged to conclude contracts for the supply of thermal energy (power) and (or) heat carrier with respect to the volume of thermal load distributed in accordance with the heat supply scheme.

What are the essential conditions of the heat supply contract?

The heat supply contract is public for a single heat supply organization. A single heat supply organization is not entitled to refuse the thermal energy consumer in conclusion of the heat supply contract, subject to the compliance with the consumer issued to it in accordance with the legislation on the urban-planning activities of the technical conditions of the connection (technological connection) to the thermal networks belonging to the objects of capital construction (hereinafter referred to as technical conditions).

The conditions of the heat supply contract must comply with the specifications. The heat supply contract must contain the following essential conditions:

    treaty volume of thermal energy and (or) coolant supplied by the heat supply organization and the consumer purchased;

    the thermal load of heat-consuming thermal energy settings with a thermal load for each object and types of heat consumption (for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, carrying out technological processes, hot water supply), as well as heat quality quality parameters, thermal energy consumption mode (power) and (or ) coolant;

    information on authorized officials of the parties responsible for fulfilling the terms of the contract;

    responsibility of Parties for non-compliance with the requirements for the quality of heat supply parameters, violation of the mode of consumption of thermal energy and (or) of the coolant, including responsibility for violating conditions for the amounts, quality and values \u200b\u200bof thermodynamic parameters of the return coolant, condensate;

    responsibility of consumers for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations for the payment of thermal energy (power) and (or) of the coolant, including obligations under their preliminary payment, if such a condition is provided for by the Treaty;

    the obligations of the heat supply organization to ensure the reliability of heat supply in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, other compulsory requirements for ensuring the reliability of heat supply and the requirements of these Rules, as well as the relevant obligations of the consumer of thermal energy;

    procedure for calculations under the contract;

    the procedure for carrying out the accounting of thermal energy consumed and (or) coolant;

    the volume of thermal loss of thermal energy (coolant) in the thermal networks of the applicant from the border of the balance sheet to the accounting point;

    volume (value) of the permissible limitation of heat supply for each type of on-load (for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, technological processes, hot water supply).

The agreement of the heat supply is attached to the act of distinction of the balance sheet accessory of thermal networks and the act of distinguishing operational responsibility of the parties.

The terms of the heat supply contract should not contradict the documents for connecting the heat-consuming consumer installations.

What documents are needed to conclude a heat supply contract?

To conclude a heat supply contract with a single heat supply organization, the applicant sends a single heat supply organization a request for the conclusion of a heat supply contract containing the following information:

    full name of the organization (surname, name, patronymic) of the applicant;

    location of the organization (place of residence of an individual);

    the location of the heat-consuming installations and the place of their connection to the heat supply system (thermal entry);

    thermal load of heat-consuming installations for each heat-consuming installation and types of heat load (heating, air conditioning, ventilation, implementation of technological processes, hot water supply), confirmed by technical or project documentation;

    treaty volume of thermal energy consumption and (or) heat carrier during the term of the contract or during the 1st year of the contract, if the contract is concluded for a period of more than 1 year;

    contract time;

    information about the estimated mode of consumption of thermal energy;

    information on authorized applicant officials responsible for the fulfillment of the terms of the contract (with the exception of consumer conditions);

    calculation of heat loss of thermal energy (coolant) in the applicant's thermal networks from the border of the balance sheet to the accounting point, confirmed by technical or project documentation;

    bank details;

    information about the existing thermal energy metering devices, coolant and their technical characteristics.

The following documents are attached to the application for the conclusion of heat supply contract:

    certainly certified copies of shutdown documents (including a certificate of state registration of rights to immovable property and transactions with it) confirming the right of ownership and (or) other consumer law with respect to real estate objects (buildings, buildings, structures) in which There are heat-consuming installations (if available);

    contract of administration of an apartment building (for managing organizations);

    charter of the partnership owners of housing, housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative;

    documents confirming the connection of the applicant heat-consuming installations to the heat supply system;

    commissioning permission (in terms of capital construction objects, for which legislation on urban planning activities, it is planned to obtain a permit for commissioning), permission to put into operation of the power plant (for heat-consuming installations with heat load 0.05 Gcal / hour and more Capital construction objects, for which legislation on urban planning activities, it is envisaged to obtain a permit for commissioning) issued by the authority of the state energy supervision;

    acts are the readiness of such heat-consuming installations to the heating period, compiled in the procedure established by the legislation.

Note that as documents confirming the connection of the applicant's heat-consuming installations in the prescribed manner to the heat supply system, issued acts on connecting, accession, technical conditions with a mark on their execution, outfits and tolerances of heat supply organizations are used.

What is the procedure for concluding a heat supply contract?

To conclude heat supply contract with a single heat supply organization, the applicant sends a single heat supply organization a request for the conclusion of a heat supply contract.

In the absence of information or documents necessary for the conclusion of a heat supply contract, a single heat supply organization is required within 3 working days from the date of receipt of such documents to send the applicant a proposal to submit missing information and (or) documents. The necessary information and documents must be presented within 10 business days. The date of receipt of the application is the date of submission of information and documents in full.

A single heat supply organization is obliged within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the properly executed application and the necessary documents to send the applicant 2 copies of the signed draft agreement.

The applicant within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the draft treaty is obliged to sign the contract and 1 copy of the contract to send a single heat supply organization.

In the event of non-submission by the applicant of information or documents necessary for the conclusion of the heat supply contract, or inconsistency of the application to the conditions for connecting to thermal networks, a single heat supply organization is obliged after 30 days from the date of the applicant's directions to the applicant on the submission of the necessary information and documents in writing to notify the applicant on the refusal to conclude Heat supply contracts indicating the causes of such a refusal.

The heat supply contract concluded for a certain period is considered extended for the same period and under the same conditions, if a month before the end of its term, none of the parties declares its termination or to conclude a contract for other conditions.

How is the cost of thermal energy (power) and (or) coolant for legal entities determined?

It should be noted that the payment of thermal energy (power) and (or) of the coolant is carried out in accordance with the tariffs established by the regulatory authority, or prices determined by the Agreement of the Parties, in cases provided for by law.

Tariffs for thermal energy (power) supplied to consumers can be established by the regulatory authority in the form of a single way or two-line tariff.

The coolant tariffs are established by the regulatory authority in the form of a single-time tariff.

Tariffs for thermal energy (power), the coolant tariff may be diff-frounted depending on the type or parameters of the coolant, the range of re-ducts of thermal energy, other criteria that are determined by the foundations of pricing in the field of heat supply.

The establishment of tariffs in the field of heat supply is carried out in order to ensure common tariffs for thermal energy consumers (power), heat carrier in one area of \u200b\u200bthe unified heat supply organization and related to the same category of consumers, for which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for differentiation of thermal energy tariffs (Power), coolant, with the exception of consumers who concluded:

    heat supply contracts and (or) contracts for the supply of thermal energy (power), coolant at prices determined by the Agreement of the Parties regarding the volume of such supplies;

    long-term heat supply and (or) contracts for the supply of thermal energy (power), coolant using long-term tariffs regarding the volume of such supplies.

Consumers pay thermal energy (power) and (or) heat carrier heat supply organization at the rate established by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of tariffs for this category of consumers, and (or) at prices determined by the Agreement of the Parties in cases established by the Federal The law "On heat supply", for the consumed volume of thermal energy (power) and (or) coolant in the following order, unless otherwise established by the heat supply contract:

    35 percent of the planned total cost of thermal energy (power) and (or) coolant consumed in the month for which payment is made, it is made until the 18th day of the current month, and 50 percent of the planned total cost of thermal energy (power) and (or) coolant consumed in the month for which payment is carried out is made before the expiration of the last number of the current month;

    payment for actually consumed in the past month of thermal energy (power) and (or) heat carrier, taking into account funds previously made by the consumer as payment for thermal energy in the estimated period, is carried out until the 10th day of the month following the month for which payment is carried out . In the event that the volume of the actual consumption of thermal energy and (or) the coolant over the past month is less than the contractual volume determined by the heat supply contract, the amount of the paid amount is counted at the expense of the upcoming payment for the next month.

The Government of the Russian Federation establishes the criteria in accordance with the consumers of thermal energy, heat supply organizations there is a duty to provide ensuring the fulfillment of obligations for the payment of thermal energy (power) and (or) coolant supplied under heat supply contracts, heat supply contracts and supply contracts, heat supply contracts Energy (power) and (or) coolant concluded with single heat supply organizations. When this criteria is established, the Government of the Russian Federation proceeds from cases of non-fulfillment or improper performance by these consumers of heat energy, heat supply organizations of obligations on the payment of thermal energy (power) and (or) coolant. At the same time, it does not arise the obligation to ensure the fulfillment of obligations on the payment of heat energy (power) and (or) of the coolant in consumers of thermal energy, heat supply organizations that do not have unfulfilled obligations on the heat of thermal energy (power) and (or) coolant.

In what cases is the restriction of electricity consumption?

Restriction and termination of thermal energy supply to consumers can be administered in the following cases:

    failure or improper performance by the consumer obligations for the payment of heat energy (power) and (or) coolant, including obligations for their preliminary payment, if such a condition is provided for by the contract, as well as the violation of the terms of the agreement on the amount, quality and values \u200b\u200bof the thermodynamic parameters of the returned coolant and (or) violations of the mode of consumption of thermal energy that significantly affect the heat supply of other consumers in this heat supply system, as well as in case of non-compliance with the required technical regulations of the mandatory requirements of the safe operation of heat-consuming installations;

    termination of obligations of the parties under the heat supply contract;

    identification of the facts of ill-treatment of thermal energy (power) and (or) coolant;

    the emergence of emergency situations in the heat supply system;

    the presence of consumer appeal on the introduction of restrictions;

    other cases stipulated by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation or the heat supply contract.

Unified consumption of thermal energy is the consumption of thermal energy, coolant without a conclusion in the prescribed manner of the heat supply contract, or the consumption of thermal energy, coolant using heat-consuming installations connected (technologically attached) to the heat supply system with a violation of the installed connection order (technological connection), or consumption thermal energy, heat carrier after the introduction of heat supply limitations in the amount exceeding the permissible consumption volume, or the consumption of thermal energy, the coolant after the presentation of the heat supply organization or the heating system on the introduction of limiting the supply of thermal energy or stopping the consumption of thermal energy, if the introduction of such a restriction or such Termination must be carried out by the consumer.

The procedure for limiting and stopping the supply of thermal energy is determined by the treaty of heat supply, taking into account the provisions of the legislation.