Apple compote - useful and delicious drink for infants. When to give and how to cook compote from dried fruits for infants: recipes with photos

Apple compote - useful and delicious drink for infants. When to give and how to cook compote from dried fruits for infants: recipes with photos
Apple compote - useful and delicious drink for infants. When to give and how to cook compote from dried fruits for infants: recipes with photos

The compote from dried fruits is a nutritious and healthy drink, which adore both children and adults. Differs in a saturated unique taste and pleasant smell. The drink is extremely popular in the cold season, when there are no fresh fruits and berries.

Compote from dried fruits for children up to a year - an incoming part of the diet, because the drink quickly and easily digested the gastrointestinal tract and is huge benefit for the growing organism.

The nutritionalness of the compote from dried fruits directly depends on its composition. For the preparation of a delicious and healthy drink, you can use the following dry fruits: apples, pears, cherries, prunes, raisins, apricot. To extract more valuable substances from dried and prunes, dried fruits are recommended to cut into several parts before cooking.

Dried fruits contain many useful substances

Competition benefit from dried fruit for children

Compote from dried fruits is very useful because all the necessary vitamins and trace elements are saved in the drink.

The benefits of the ingredients that are part of the compote:

    • Apple - contain important pectin for healthy digestion. Positive affects the work of the kidneys, cardiovascular and hematopoietic system.
    • Pear is a source of fructose, indispensable for normal operation of the pancreas.
    • Prunes - has an antibacterial effect, ensures the prevention of avitaminosis and anemia.
    • Figs - normalizes metabolism, strengthens immunity. If you had any generic problems, compote from dried fruits for a 10 month old child with figs will help the baby to grow and normally develop.
    • Kuraga - contains a whole storehouse of nutrients: phosphorus, vitamins Ai B, iron. Warns the problems with vision, normalizes the amount of iron in the blood.
    • Raisins - rich in potassium, which has a positive effect on the work of the cardiac system.

Dried fruits have therapeutic and common properties

Compote from dried fruits with a diarrhea in a child must necessarily contain pears that will help adjust the stool. But prunes, apricots and raisins will be useful to those who suffer from constipation, since they have a laxative effect.

Compote from dried fruit for children after a year older is especially useful during elevated body temperature. Abundant vitaminized drink prevents the increase in acetone and contributes to a speedy recovery.

Competition benefit from dried fruits:

    • normalizes digestion;
    • good quenching thirst;
    • satisfies the body with useful vitamins and microelements.

Than harmful compote from dried fruit children

The only contraindication for the use of a vitaminized drink is the individual intolerance to one of the components. If there is an allergy to compote from dried fruits in a child, it is necessary to identify the "dangerous" ingredient and no longer use it in the preparation of the drink.

When you can give a child compote from dried fruits

Many mothers who begin to give their babies not only water, but also other drinks, causing the question: Is it possible to 6 monthly child compote from dried fruits? You can enter the delicious and nutrient drink in the children's diet from four months. According to nutritionists, the product from dry fruit is much more useful for the children's organism than fresh. Especially in winter and spring, when there is a risk of acquiring "rich in nitrates" ingredients.

Often, moms are interested in: is it possible to compote from dried fruits to a monthly child? Any competent pediatrician will say that entering any food other than breast milk or mixtures can only after four months. If the baby was born in the summer and you notice that it torments his thirst, it is possible to quench it using ordinary clean water.

Recipes compotes from dried fruits

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in the preparation of the drink, but it is important not only to know how much cooking compote from dried fruits for a child, but also how to choose proportions. Otherwise, the drink will be not delicious or oversaturated.

Classic dried fruit compote

The usual compote from dried fruit is 7 months old and older is prepared from a mixture of apples, pears and at the request of the cherry. You will need 500-600 grams. dried fruits, 3 l. Water, sugar to taste. To enhance the properties of a beverage when boiling, a little citric acid can be added to the liquid. Such compote from dried fruits is useful not only to children, but also nursing mothers.

Compote from dried fruits can be prepared from fruit usual at any time of the year.

Easy compote from dried fruits - recipe for a child up to a year

If the compote from dried fruits for a child for 2 years may contain a large amount of sugar, then it is recommended to use the kids to use an exclusively natural drink. They differ and proportions that need to be calculated about 1 to 10. To compote the compote, it is recommended as useful as possible, it is recommended to insist on 5-6 hours.

Compote with raisins

If you want to prepare a compote from dried fruit to a child of 4 months, you should consider the easiest classic recipe. To prepare this drink you will need only two types of dried fruits - apples and raisins. Ingredients should be taken at the rate of 100 grams. per 500 ml. Water, given that dried fruits increase during cooking several times. Bring the fluid to a boil and leave it for 20 minutes. Next compote need to strain and add honey or sugar to taste.

Compote from dried fruit in a slow cooker

Compote from dried fruits for a child of 8 months can be prepared not only on the stove, but also in a slow cooker. The preparation of the ingredients is standard. The dried fruits are then placed in a multi-cooker capacity filled with water and the "quenching" mode is installed. Cooking time will take no more than half an hour. For drink to be more saturated, it is recommended to withstand it in the "heated" mode for several hours.

Comvertible from dried fruits can be easily prepared in a slow cooker

How to choose to choose dried fruits for compote

If you do not engage in self-preparation of dried fruits and prefer to buy ingredients for compote in stores, you should learn how to choose the products correctly. You should not pay attention to the appearance, because it is not always tasty and useful. Often, manufacturers for creating more attractive and presentable types of products are used when drying all sorts of additives (for example, sulfur dioxide), which are negatively reflected on the nutritional value of the finished drink. The most useful dried fruits are slightly wrinkled, with natural, without extraneous impurities by the smell.

Are you going to prepare compote from dried fruits for a child 1 year and could not determine the naturalness of the components? Then be sure to pay attention to the state of products when soaking. If the water acquired a yellow or orange shade - preservatives are in dried fruits. Drinking such a drink is dangerous for a children's body.

The baby should receive a sufficient liquid. In this case, he will be able to grow and develop. Compote from apples for infants in its composition has a large amount of vitamins and minerals. That is why it is recommended to include crumbs in the period of breastfeeding. Its regularly use significantly improves appetite and has a positive impact on the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. The compote from dried apples for infants is simply necessary, because its composition includes the following beneficial components:

  • vitamin C;
  • iron;

Additionally, it should be noted that an apple for a baby is also used to purify the enamel of the teeth. Due to this, it is possible to prevent the development of caries, which can strongly spoil the smile of the crumbs.

Apple compote can be welded from fresh fruit at any time of the year. They are perfectly stored and can well go before spring. Drink can also be prepared from the dried version of the apples. If the technology of their processing was correct, then all the necessary vitamins and minerals will remain in compote.

Start entering Prikorma

The doctors of the World Health Organization agreed that the first month to feed the child is only breast milk. Solid dust is allowed to give a child for 6 months. However, there is still no consensus in the matter of feasibility of entering beverages in the diet. Mommies most often can not completely refuse to dope. For example, the need for the procedure occurs during the hot season. An additional amount of fluid should be given by crumbs as an increased body temperature or diarrhea. If the baby has not yet turned three months, then it is allowed only to give a small amount of fluid. After this period, it is advisable to include juice and home compote in the ration. The last drink is very useful for the child, and with his cooking every woman will perfectly cope.

The question arises, how to cook compote, so that all the vitamins and minerals are preserved in it? Mommochm is recommended to stop their choice on green varieties of apples. Sugar is best not to use. This ingredient can be replaced with honey or fructose. Feed the baby drink better than room temperature. We should not forget about the possible manifestation of allergies. That is why, when entering the product, additionally follows the manifestation of the reaction of the body. If it is negative, the newborn will suffer from colic or changing stool.

Preparation of fresh fruit drink

Compote for infants is allowed to prepare from fresh or dried fruits. Fruits should be ripe and without visible flaws. If there were signs of defeat on them, then it is advisable to refuse to refuse immediately. Otherwise, the risk increases substantial harm to the digestive system.

The classic recipe for compotes from apples is as follows:

  • At the first stage, the fruits should be thoroughly rinsed. Additionally, they should remove the peel and seeds.
  • Next, the water is boiling into which the chopped fruits are satisfied. Its volume and ratio directly depends on the number of portions. Mommy should give a crumble exclusively fresh drinks.
  • In order to properly weld the compote, the liquid should be triggered in a boiling state of at least five minutes.
  • Additionally, it is recommended to enable a drink for twenty minutes.
  • In the last stage, the liquid is carefully fastened. If the baby has no allergies to honey, then at the end of the preparation, the ingredient is added to the total mass.

To prepare a compote best use green purified fruits

Experts recommend to give children only those apples that have grown in our country. Foreign fruits do not always have a clear origin, therefore there may be a detrimental effect on the organism of the crumbs. Additionally, it should be noted that with increasing boiling period, the taste of the compote will be more saturated. However, it practically will not remain useful for the body of vitamins and minerals. Mommy can add a pear or apricot into the drink. It is not recommended to mix an apple with grapes. These two products are poorly combined with each other. On their background, the risk of bloating and colic increases. Cases of stomach and intestine disorder were recorded.

Dried apples compote

Useful and delicious drink can be obtained from dried and fresh apples. The first option is the most preferred, because it has a soft effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Dried fruits do not lead to irritation of the mucous membrane. For example, they are allowed to eat people with ulcers and gastritis. With such diseases, it is impossible to eat fruits and vegetables in the latest form. Apples during drying retain all the vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the children's body.

To prepare a compote, it is also allowed to use a dry apple option. Recipe for receiving a delicious and useful drink:

  • You should pre-move all dried fruits and remove damaged. Next, they should be thoroughly rinsed.
  • To improve taste quality, fruits are soaked for one hour in water room temperature. Thanks to this, the fruits will become softer. In this case, it will be possible to significantly reduce the period of cooking.
  • Drinks are added to boiling water. Next, they should be boiled on a small heat for 15 minutes.
  • The umbaw should be supplied at room temperature. It is possible to improve the taste characteristics by adding a small amount of fructose.

For the first time to try to try compote the baby follows six months. It should be welded only from apples. Other ingredients will also need to be introduced in its diet gradually. Due to this, it will be possible to minimize the likelihood of an allergic reaction. For sweets, it will be possible to subsequently add raisins, kuraga or prunes.

It is allowed to add a small amount of honey. Pediatricians do not recommend giving sugar to children who have not yet fulfilled one year. It can negatively affect the formation of teeth and disrupt their enamel. It is recommended to make a cooking compote from dried fruit on slow fire. Intensive boiling will not allow you to preserve all the useful vitamins and minerals for the body. Additionally, it should be noted that before drying apples are cleaned from the peel. Otherwise, they should not be used to prepare beverages for the child.

Apple compotes like all children

In folk medicine, the compote from dried fruits is used to eliminate breast children colic. Such a drink helps to cope with disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Its positive effect is several times the one that has fruits and vegetables from abroad. Overseas products pass several treatments that not only kill all vitamins and minerals, but also can harm the organism of the crumbs. Cooking compote from apples will not work as a woman. He can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator and do not lose his healing properties. Apple drink can be complemented by other fruits. In this case, the useful composition will be guaranteed to enjoy it.

Compote for infants is very easy to cook. Pediatricians are recommended to enter from six months, on a teaspoon per day, in the first half. If the child does not get in weight, then it is recommended to introduce lures from 4-5 months. And today we will tell you how to cook the compote infants.

Enter compote to the diet of the baby is necessary, it is a storage room of the useful substances. Yes, in the process of cooking, many of them evaporate, but most remains. Children of the first year of life, constipation often happen, and compote from prunes and raisins copes with them.

Not all children drink water with hunting, and after all, the children's body is inclined to dehydration. Many mothers comes to the rescue. It is harmless, so you can drink it in the process of meals. The only rule, it must be room temperature.

So it turns out that the compote is better to drink, because it:

  • helps strengthen children's immunity;
  • improves the work of the digestive system;
  • it is an additional source of fluid.

How to cook compote

Compote - delicious and rich in vitamins and microelements of the drink. He fights the thirst perfectly. To cook compote to the baby, special knowledge and effort is not required. Take clean, filtered water and berries, fruits. Berries must fully mature, but not surp, without explicit defects. Compote components worth choosing from their region, no exotic guests. Green apples will be the right solution, they are less allergenic.

For drink to get tastier, the fruit is better cut by slices, and the berries are placed entirely. Before starting cooking, dried fruits with water for 15-20 minutes, to remove dirt and garbage. Cook compote for 15-20 minutes, without adding sugar.

Boil compote from a huge number of components:

  • fruits, up to the year, preferably green apples;
  • dried fruits;
  • raisin, prunes;
  • gooseberry;
  • black currant, etc.

In order for compote to be tastier and more useful, you must remember the three main rules:

The rule is the first - when choosing fruits, berries and dried fruits, pay attention to the appearance. Use whole, without stains, solid to the touch, inhabitant by color. If they are bright and soft, it testifies to processing a special tool prolonging storage.

The rule is the second - before cooking ingredients should be rinsed with running water, remove foreign parts (bones, frozen) and pour 15-30 minutes with water.

The third rule - during cooking it is necessary to remember that the ingredients are increasing in the amount. Therefore, 0.5 kg of fruit, take about 2 liters of water.

Recipes compotes

  1. Green Apple Compote
    When the kid's compote is started to enter the kid, then you should come from the time of year, if possible, it is better to choose fresh fruit. For the first time, take green apples. First they wash them, cleaned from the bones and divided on equal shares, poured with water and put on the stove. After boiling compote, it should be removed, to bite with a towel and leave to appease within an hour. Do not leave it on fire for a long time, so it will lose a large number of useful substances. An hour later, compote is ready to use.
    If the parents want to make the taste of the compote more pronounced, interleve the apples blender. From this he will not enriches a large number of vitamins, they already remained in the water. But it will get the necessary children's digestion to the fiber.
    After the child's body becomes accustomed to the drink from the apples, add pears into it. Only now water is worth pouring twice as much.
  2. Dried fruits compote
    At the end of winter, find fresh fruits that are still impossible even filled with vitamins. Dried fruits come to the rescue. It is better to choose those dried fruits that were dried naturally, and not with the help of the oven. Compote from dried fruit for infants will be tastier, from. When choosing dried fruits in the store, attention should be paid attention to the appearance: without defects, inadequate and hijacked to the touch. Dried fruits are thoroughly rinsed under running water.
    Fall asleep dried fruits is better in boiling water, for one handful of fruit, it is necessary to approximately 1 cup of liquid. Remove compote follows 15 minutes. The first time is better to boil the compote from dried apples, later add a pear, raisins, kuragu and prunes.
    If you leave the crouge and raisins for the night, you will get a delicious and useful compote without cooking.
  3. Compote from prunes
    When the child is prone to constipation, then the compote from the prunes is needed. Five fruits take 1 liter of water. The fruits of prunes are cut in half and put boiling water. Next, just as well: Cook for 15-20 minutes, turn off and let it be in the range of 1-1.5 hours. Compote is ready.
  4. Compote from isa
    An excellent replacement of dill water, will be compote with raisins. The handful of raisins should pour a glass of water overnight. From morning the drink is ready.
  5. Compote from Rosehip
    Rosehip is rich in carotene, vitamin C, iron and potassium. Cooking drink Take a tablespoon of a pre-crushed rosehip and pour a glass of boiling water for 2-3 hours. Using fresh fruits, they need to be poured with cold water overnight, and put on the fire in the morning and, stirring to boil. After that it is cool and poison the child.
  6. Black Currant Compote
    Of all the variety of currant, growing small organism is suitable for the use of black currant. Its components are better absorbed by the body and richer to nutritional components. Black currant contains ascorbic acid, iodine, calcium and magnesium. Black currant is useful for colds.
    On 300 g of currants it is necessary to take 2 liters of water. Initially, the berries wash and purified from the fruits, after which they are poured with water and boiled for 20-25 minutes. Now compote is cold and it is ready to use. As a sweetener, add a spoonful of honey or fructose.

Compote for children of the first year of life is an important and healthy drink. With it, it is thirst for the most exquisite little gourmet quenching, and a large selection of ingredients will allow you to give it new taste notes.

Your baby will grow up, one mother's milk for food is not enough. We must gradually prepare it to ordinary food and drink. The first such drink will be compote. The preparation of this product for kids has its own characteristics, as not every fruit can be given to children. The most appropriate is apples. Prepare from them the easiest way, and it is them easier to digends in infant age.

Mom is already hard to feed the semi-annual baby with one breast, so the baby can start giving drinking compote

How old to give compote?

Your baby was all six months! Do you have a question than to feed it in addition to the milk? For example, are apples for the baby in 6 months? Is his digestive system sucked enough? If possible, how much, how often, from what fruit to do it?

In 5 months, the child was still too small to drink compote, but by 6 he is ready to perceive him. Do not hurry, first let him only try - a teaspoon. Look at the reaction of the child - whether it will begin to begin, whether allergies will not appear. Gradually, by 7-7.5 months bring the day portion to half a glass. To 1 year, the volume can even achieve a glass. It is optional to give immediately entirely - it is better divided into 2-4 receptions. So the kids are better to do it from apples with green leather - they are more hypoallergenic than red or yellow.

Competition benefit

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There is almost no vitamin C in drink - it collapsed due to heat treatment. However, other vitamins, pectins, minerals, antioxidants, the same fiber remain remain.

The kid from the compote enhances the intestinal peristalsis, it is populated with a useful microflora, which enhances immunity, helps to cope with constipation, improves digestion, prepares a child to solid food. If the baby has lacto lack and bifidobacteria, it cannot normally deal with infections.

The first time the baby can only give one or two spoons of the compote. If there is no reaction, then gradually increase the drinking of the drink

In winter and spring in apples, there are already practically no useful substances left, so it is better to replace with dried fruits, to cook the decoction of them. Well, if at the same time they are not dried in the oven, but in the air, in the shade. Then the vitamins remain in them, and the fruits are not cut. Porched dried fruits give a bitter taste, which is unlikely to like the infant. Close compote from dried fruits should be in the same volume as fresh fruit. However, there are situations where a lot of drinking is particularly necessary, for example, in a strong heat or during the child's illness.

At this time, the compote instead of water gives only those kids who are already accustomed to him. Then they will not give up him to drink.

Cooking recipes

In the summer it is very useful to make a drink made of fresh fruits. Only if you start giving a baby new types of fruits, add one each time one. He needs to get used to an unusual product for him and taste. There are different recipes, how to make a compotic, choose which you like.

Traditional way: Take the apple of medium size, wash. Clean it from peel and seeds, fill with boiled water - about two glasses. On a slight heat, negotiate 15-20 minutes. Add fructose - sugar can cause a bloating, and honey baffles are contraindicated.

For the children's compote, the choice is better to stop on green apples, as such fruits should not cause allergies in a child

Try brew a drink in the thermos:

  1. Fresh apple wash, clean from seeds and peel.
  2. Cut on slices of any size.
  3. Then fold into the thermos and pour boiling water.
  4. Close the thermos and leave the night for the night.
  5. After a few hours, he will be ready - apples will "reach" by themselves.

Drinking should not be hot. Before you offer a drink to the baby, cool down to room temperature and strain.

From dry apples

Compote from apples for infants prepare and dry fruits. He is good because he has his pronounced taste, sweet and fragrant, and it is not necessary to sweeten anything. In dry apples, the same substances are contained as in fresh, and it is preferable to prepare it when the useful substances remained in fresh - it is winter and spring. There are also various recipes for this.

The traditional way is the easiest. Take a handful of dry apples and how to rinse them. Put in boiled water and leave about 30-40 minutes, while the fruit does not swell. They will come from particularly stubborn sails, which always remain on fruit during drying. Rinse them again, put in boiling water - approximately 1.5 glasses, and boil on slow heat about half an hour. Then retain and cool down. Perfect.

For a compote, you can use fresh or dried apples (see also :)

Running the Umbar will be in the thermos. Apples prepare the same as in the first way. Fold them into the thermos and pour boiling water. It must draw, so it's more convenient to do it for the night. If the compote is used too saturated, add some boiled water to it. Two glasses of boiling water will need 100-150 grams of fruits.

In the same way as when cooking fresh fruit, you should not make it immediately from a mixture of many dried fruits. Add them one by one. The next component after apples can be prune. At first, do not mix both compotes, but let's separate them. With a compote of the prunes, begin to get acquainted baby, too, with one teaspoon.

From prunes

Some children who have problems with digestion, acquaintance with prunes can be started for five months - only not compote, but a drink from prunes.

For a five-month-old child, such a drink will be useful. He cleans the intestine well, helps the peristaltics. In any case, first consult with a pediatrician. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of boiling water a glass of prunes without bones and a tablespoon of fructose (or sugar).

Prunes as part of a compote will help the baby with digestion

Divide the fructose in the water, then soak the prunes for half an hour, rinse it. Put in the water and boil 15-20 minutes until the berries become soft. After that cool down and strain the compote.

When the baby becomes accompanied by a compote from prunes, you can give it compote from apples with prunes. There will be no unpleasant reactions from it. Such compote can be insteaded in the thermos, it will then come out even more tastier. And then mix with fresh apples, and with other fruits.

Compote from isa

It is recommended to prepare a child with 8 months of age. You can cook it as a separate compote, and mixing with the already familiar toed fruit in any proportion. This compote is not stored for a long time, it is better to prepare it directly before use. Raisin is better to choose from light varieties. For cooking you need:

  • tablespoon of raisins;
  • fullack of boiling water.

The portion of the Izyum must be sorted over and half an hour to pour out cool water so that he will Nabuch and from it all rubbish, which always accumulates in its folds. It is not necessary to add sugar to the compote, Iisin is sweet by itself.

Rinse again, pour boiling water and cook on slow heat for 15-20 minutes. The lid should be closed. You need to start with a teaspoon, then bring to full portion. The same drink from the raisum is to drink mom's newborn baby - it will make a milk and more useful, and will help the baby in the case of constipation.

Gradually adding new components in compote, you teach the baby to a variety of drinking and food

From dried fruit

In the integrated collection of dried fruits includes many components. Cooking compote from dried fruits for infants is then when he has already tried all the fruits separately. Well, if it is made of apples, pears, prunes and raisins - a lot of options, you can combine at your discretion. Dried fruits should be soaked in boiled water before breasting compote. Fruits should be sorted so that there are no pick-up.

You can do this compote in the usual way in a saucepan or fervent in the thermos. It is worth starting to give it from 7-8 months. From raisins, children are usually no disorders.

With six-seven months in the diet, the infants can be introduced compote from apples without adding sugar - fresh green or dried fruit. Fresh apples are preferable to use in summer and in the fall - during the period of the new crop, and in the winter and in the spring it is better to cook.

Before cooking compotes for an infant fruit, you need to prepare fruit. Thoroughly wash them, fresh fruits must be cleaned from the peel, cut seeds, remove the fruits. Dried fruits rinse several times in running water and scream with boiling water, too dried - for a few minutes to fervent in boiling water.

Gradually, when the kid gets used to apple compote, you can enter pears, and over time and prunes. These fruits are less likely to provoke an allergic reaction, and until the age of 9-10 months, it is best to use them in compote.

It is better not to add to the child to the child before a year. If the baby failures, a little fructose can be used from the unsweetened compote. By the year of life in compote, you can add a little raisin (considering that it can cause gas formation).

To acquaint kid to a year with compote, as with any new dish, you need gradually. Beverage reception start with one teaspoon, bringing a portion to the age norm. At 7 months of age, it is 100 ml, at 9-10 months - 150-200 ml, by year 250 ml.

Compote is not bidding, it is given after receiving the main dish (porridge) by 50-70 grams twice during the day.

Compote gives a child in warm form, approximately as body temperature.

Competition recipes for a child up to the year

Fresh apples compote

Ingredients: Apple, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method

A prepared apple cut into pieces, put in a saucepan and pour water. Save the saucepan with a glass lid and put on fire, and after boiling the contents, remove from the fire and leave to appease one hour. When cooking and insistenceing the compote, the cover with a pan does not take off.

You can cook compote with the flesh, whipping it by a blender. Some children love dense drinks, and the fiber is useful for digestion.

Compote from fresh apple and pear

Ingredients: Apple and Pear, 500-600 ml of water.

Preparation of fruits and cooking compote as in a recipe for fresh apples.

Dried fruits compote

Compote on the basis of dried fruits is very useful to children. It improves digestion, strengthens the child's body.

Ingredients: 50 gr. dried fruits from pears and apples, 500 ml of water.

When the compote is starting only to enter into the diet, you can take 20 grams. dried fruits and 200 ml of water.

Cooking method

Folded dried fruits in the evening in the saucepan, pour boiled warm water and left under the lid at night. In the morning, without merging the water, mix the contents of the pan and under the glass lid to put on a weak fire. After boiling, remove the saucepan from the fire and insist, without removing the lid, half an hour - an hour.

Compote with prunes

Helps fight constipation.

Ingredients: 100 gr. prunes, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method

Print rinse thoroughly and soak for 10 minutes so that the minor sinks sat on the bottom. Boil water, put prunes and cook for 30 minutes. After cooling, strain through the sieve. You can sweeten compote a little fructose.