Providing employees with personal protective equipment. On approval of intersectoral rules for ensuring employees with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment

Providing employees with personal protective equipment. On approval of intersectoral rules for ensuring employees with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment

08.11.2017, 11:29

Suppose, on the newly created enterprise, harmful working conditions. The head of this organization gave a personnel task to find out if the employer is really obliged to ensure the issuance of PPE or the acquisition of personal protective equipment is the concern for workers themselves. For the director, you need to prepare a detailed argumental answer - positive or negative. Our consultation will help the personnel specialist to understand the question, whether the employer is obliged to provide the issuance of individual protection tools.

Who laid Siz.

The work of some employees occurs in such conditions that require the mandatory use of personal protective equipment. For example, SIZ should be at employees whose work (Art. 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • related to harmful and dangerous working conditions;
  • occurs in singular temperature conditions;
  • associated with pollution.

Individual protection means are technical means and materials that are used to reduce the impact on workers of harmful or hazardous production factors or full prevention. Workers in harmful production must be provided with PPE.

To understand whether those or other professions are attributed to harmful or dangerous, the following regulatory acts can be used:

  • the list approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Protection Protection and the Presidium of the WCSPS of October 25, 1974 No. 298 / P-22;
  • the instructions approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Protection Protection and the Presidium of the WCSPS dated November 21, 1975 No. 273 / P-20.

Harmful working conditions are manufacturing factors (for example, noise, vibration, etc.), which can cause a disease from an employee.

Dangerous working conditions are production factors that can lead to injury or injury.

(Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 12.04.2011 No. 302n, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.02.2000 No. 163).

SIZ provides an employer

After the disclosure of the fundamental concepts of production security, we turn to the question that is obliged to provide employees of PPE.

Immediately, let's say that the current legislation obliges employers at the expense of their own funds to provide employees whose work takes place in harmful or dangerous conditions, the means of individual protection (part 2 of article 212, part 3 of Art. 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, the employer is obliged to ensure the acquisition and issuance of PPE, which have passed certification. In addition, the organization (individual entrepreneur) should (Art. 212, Part 3 of Art. 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • to notify workers about the PPE, put on the law;
  • timely issuance of protection products and track their condition;
  • ensure treatment for PPE, namely - washing, drying, repair;
  • to replace worn outflows in a timely manner;
  • keep the SIZ workers.

Outside organization

How to be if the employees of another company work in the production workshop of the organization with harmful working conditions. Who is obliged to provide SIZ employees of a third-party organization?

In this case, the obligation to ensure other people's employees with the means of individual protection carries their employer. Ensure workwear and other means of employees who are not included in the staff, the organization is a manufacturer of harmful work.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2009 N 290N

On approval of intersectoral rules for ensuring employees with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment

In accordance with paragraph 5.2.70 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, approved by the Government Decree of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004, N 321 (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 28, Art. 2898; 2005, N 2, Art. 162; 2006, N 19, Art. 2080; 2008, N 11, Art. 1036; N 15, Art. 1555; N 23, Art. 2713; N 42, Art. 4825; N 46, Art. 5337; N 48, Art. 5618; 2009, N 2, Art. 244; N 3, Art. 378; n 6, Art. 738; N 12, Art. 1427), I order:

1. To approve the intersectoral rules for providing employees with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment according to.

2. Recognize invalid:

resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 18, 1998 N 51 "On approval of the rules for providing employees with special clothing, special shoes and other means of individual protection" (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 5, 1999 N 1700);

resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 29, 1999 N 39 "On introducing changes and additions to the rules for providing employees with special clothing, special shoes and other means of individual protection" (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 23, 1999 N 1984);

resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 3, 2004 N 7 "On introducing changes and additions to the rules for providing employees with special clothing, special shoes and other means of individual protection" (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 25, 2004 N 5583).

MiniStr.A. Golikova

Registration N 14742.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of January 27, 2010 N 28N in this application there are changes that enter into force on the expiration of 10 days after the day of the official publication of the named order


Inter-sectoral rules
providing employees with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment

I. General provisions

1. Interdisciplinary rules for providing employees with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as Rules) establish mandatory requirements for the acquisition, extradition, application, storage and care for special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment (hereinafter - PPE) .

2. The requirements of these Rules are applied to employers - legal and individuals regardless of their organizational and legal forms of ownership.

3. For the purposes of this order, the PPE means individual uses used to prevent or reduce the impact on workers of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, as well as to protect against pollution.

4. The employer is obliged to ensure the acquisition and issuance of the certified certification or declaration of SIZ conformity to employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as on the works performed in particular temperature conditions or contamination.

The acquisition of PPE is carried out at the expense of the employer.

An employer is allowed to work in temporary use under the lease agreement.

Employees engaged in the work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as on the works performed in special temperature conditions or contamination associated with the corresponding PPE issued for free.

5. The provision of PPD employees, including those acquired by the employer for temporary use under the lease agreement, is carried out in accordance with the standard standards of free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment (hereinafter - typical norms) certified or declaration in the prescribed manner Compliance, and on the basis of the results of certification of jobs under the conditions of labor carried out in the prescribed manner.

6. The employer has the right to consider the opinion of the election body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of workers and its financial and economic situation to establish the norms of free issuance of special clothing workers, special shoes and other personal protective equipment, which improve compared to model standards for the protection of employees from the existing In the workplaces of harmful and (or) hazardous factors, as well as special temperature conditions or pollution.

These standards are approved by local regulatory acts of the employer on the basis of the results of certification of jobs under labor conditions and, taking into account the opinion of the appropriate trade union or other authorized by employees of the authority and may be included in the collective and (or) employment contract with the specifying standard standards, compared to which the provision improves employees of personal protective equipment.

7. The employer has the right taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other employees authorized by the representative body to replace one type of personal protective equipment provided for by typical norms similar to that ensures equivalent protection against hazardous and harmful production factors.

8. Issuance to PPD employees, including foreign production, as well as special clothing located at the employer in temporary use under the lease agreement, is allowed only if the certificate or declaration of conformity confirming the compliance of the SIZ issued by the Safety requirements established by law, as well as the availability of Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion or certificate of state registration of dermatological Siz * decorated in the prescribed manner

Acquisition (including under the lease agreement) and the issuance of SIZ employees who do not have a declaration of conformity and (or) certificate of conformity or having a declaration of conformity and (or) a certificate of compliance, the term of which has expired, is not allowed.

9. The employer is obliged to ensure the informing of workers about the PSE ass. When concluding an employment contract, the employer must familiarize employees with these Rules, as well as with the corresponding professions and posts with standard PRESS issues.

10. The employee is obliged to correctly apply the SIZ issued to him in the prescribed manner.

11. In case of the insecurity of an employee engaged in works with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as with special temperature conditions or contamination related, SIZ in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, it has the right to refuse to fulfill labor duties, and the employer has no the right to demand from the employee of their execution and must pay for this reason simple

II. Procedure for issuing and applications

12. SIZ, issued by employees, must correspond to their semi, growth, sizes, as well as the nature and conditions of work performed.

13. The employer is obliged to organize appropriate accounting and control over the issuance of SIZ employees on time.

Terms of use of PPE are calculated from the date of actual issuance to their employees.

The issuance of employees and passing by the PPE is recorded by the recording in the personal account of the deposit of PPE, the form of which is provided in to this Regulation.

The employer has the right to keep records of issuing SIZ employees using software tools (information and analytical databases). The electronic form of the account must comply with the established form of personal accounting of the PRESS. At the same time, in the electronic form of a personal account of the deployment of the PSE, instead of personal signature, the employee indicates the number and date of the accounting document on obtaining PPE, which has a personal signature of the employee.

14. Employees of through occupations and posts of all sectors of the SIZ economy are issued in accordance with the standard standards regardless of the organizational and legal forms and forms of property of the employer, as well as the availability of these professions and posts in other standard standards.

15. Brigadiers, craftsmen who are committed to brigadiers, assistants and submitter workers whose professions are listed in the relevant standard standards, the same SIRs are issued as employees of the respective professions.

16. The working, specialists and other employees are provided for in typical SESS standards, specialists and other employees are issued to the specified employees and in the event that they are the elders on the occupied profession and positions and perform directly those work that give the right to receive these personal protective equipment.

17. Employees that combine professions, or permanently performing combined work, including as part of comprehensive brigades, in addition to the SIZ issued by him under the main profession, are additionally issued depending on the work performed and other types of PPE, provided for by the relevant typical norms for the combined profession (combined species works).

18. Employees temporarily transferred to another job, employees and other persons passing vocational training (retraining) in accordance with the student agreement, students and students of educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education at the time of industrial practice (production training), masters Industrial training, as well as other persons participating in the employer's production activities, either in accordance with the current legislation to control (supervision) in the established field of activity, PPE are issued in accordance with the standard standards and rules for the time of this work (professional training, retraining, industrial practices, production training) or implementation of control measures (supervision).

19. In cases where SIZ such as vest alarm, safety tier, holding a binding (safety belt), dielectric galoshes and gloves, dielectric rug, safety glasses and shields, filtering respiration organs with anti-aerosol and gas-masked filters, insulating organs of organs Breathing, protective helmet, handmade, tank, helm, helmet, shouting, elbow, self-sappers, headphones, anti-shield liners, light filters, vibration protection mittens or gloves, etc. Not listed in the appropriate standard standards, they can be issued to employees with a term of to wear socks on the basis of the results of job certification under working conditions, as well as under the conditions and features of the work performed.

The above PPEs are also issued on the basis of the results of certification of jobs under working conditions for periodic use when performing certain types of work (hereinafter referred to as duty. At the same time, anti-shielding liners, probe, as well as the SIZ respiratory organs that do not allow multiple use and issued as "duty", are issued in the form of a one-time set before working shift in an amount corresponding to the number of employment in this workplace.

20. General use duty officers are issued to employees only at the time of the execution of the works for which they are intended.

The specified PPEs taking into account the requirements of personal hygiene and individual characteristics of workers are fixed at certain jobs and are transmitted from one other change.

In such cases, PPF is subject to responsibility of heads of structural units authorized by the employer to conduct data.

21. PPE, intended for use in particular temperature conditions due to annual seasonal temperature changes, are issued to employees with the onset of the corresponding period of the year, and with its ending it is surrendered to the employer for organized storage until the next season.

The time of use of these types of PPE is established by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of workers and local climatic conditions.

In terms of sink sesters used in singular temperature conditions, the time of their organized storage is included.

22. SIZ, returned to employees after the expiration of socks, but suitable for further operation, are used for their intended after carrying out activities (washing, cleaning, disinfection, de-market, deactivation, deduction, neutralization and repair). The suitability of these SIZ to further use, the need for conducting measures to care for them, as well as the percentage of WENSA, is established by an authorized employer by an official or commission on the occupational safety of the Organization (if available) and are fixed in the personal account of the Department of PPP issuing.

23. SIZ, leased, are issued in accordance with typical standards. When issuing a special clothing worker taken by the employer for rent, an individual PPE kit is fixed behind the employee, for which the corresponding marking is applied to it. Information about the extradition of this kit is entered into a personal account of accounting and issuing a personnel of an employee.

24. When issuing PPE, the application of which requires practical skills (respirators, gas masks, self-supporters, safety belts, compass, helpers, etc.), the employer provides briefing of workers about the rules of application of these PPEs, the simplest ways to check their health and health, And also organizes workouts by applying them.

25. In the case of the disappearance or deterioration of the PPE in the established places of their storage on the reasons independent of employees, the employer gives them other serviceable SIZ. The employer provides a replacement or repair of PPE, who came into disrepair until the end of the socks for reasons that do not depend on the employee.

26. The employer provides the obligation to use PPD employees.

Employees are not allowed to fulfill work without it in the prescribed manner of PPE, as well as with faulty, not repaired and contaminated PPE.

27. Employees are prohibited from the end of the working day of the SIZ outside the territory of the employer or territory of the work by the employer - an individual entrepreneur. In some cases, when, under the terms of operation, the specified order cannot be observed (for example, on logging, on geological work, etc.), PPE remains inoperative time from workers.

28. Employees must inform the employer (or its representative) about the failure of (malfunction) of PPE.

29. In accordance with the deadlines established in national standards, the employer provides a test and verification of health care, as well as timely replacement of PPE parts with lower protective properties. After checking, the maintenance of PPE is set (stamp, stamp) about the timing of the next test.

III. The procedure for organizing the storage of SIZ and care for them

30. The employer at the expense of its own funds is obliged to ensure the care of the SIZ and their storage, to timely carry out dry cleaning, washing, degassing, deactivation, disinfection, neutralization, dedusting, drying SIZ, as well as repair and replacement of PPE.

For this purpose, the employer has the right to issue 2 sets of appropriate pests with a double socks.

31. For storing issued by employees, the SIZ employer provides in accordance with the requirements of construction norms and rules specially equipped premises (wardrobe).

32. In the absence of the employer of technical capabilities for dry cleaning, washing, repair, degassing, deactivation, neutralization and deduction of PPE, these works are carried out by the Organization attracted by the employer in civil law agreement.

33. Depending on the working conditions by the employer (in its structural units), dryers, cameras and installations for drying, deduction, degassing, deactivation and neutralization of PPE are arranged.

IV. Final provisions

34. Responsibility for timely and fully issued to employees in accordance with the established procedure certification or declaration of SIZ compliance in accordance with standard standards, for the organization of control over the correctness of their use by employees, as well as for storing and care for the PPE assigned to the employer (his representative) .

35. State supervision and control over the employer of these Rules is carried out by the federal executive body, carrying out the functions and monitoring of observance of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing the norms of labor law, and its territorial bodies (state labor inspections in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) .

36. Control over the observance by employers (legal entities and individuals) of these Rules in the subordinate organizations is carried out in accordance with Articles 353 and 370 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation by federal executive bodies, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, as well as professional unions, Their associations and consideration in their conduct of technical inspectors of labor and authorized (trusted) persons on labor protection.


* Dermatological means of individual protection of the skin from the impact of harmful factors for use in production are subject to state registration of Rospotrebnadzor in accordance with the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2000 N 988 "On the state registration of new food products, materials and products" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation 2001 , N 1 (Part 2), Art. 124; 2007, N 10, Art. 1244) and dated April 4, 2001 N 262 "On the state registration of certain types of products representing the potential danger to humans, as well as certain types of products , first imported into the territory of the Russian Federation "(Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation 2001, N 17, Art. 1711).

** Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1 (Part 1), Art. 3; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2006, N 27, Art. 2878.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of January 27, 2010N 28N The present application has made changes that come into force on the expiration of 10 days after the day of the official publication of the named order


to inter-sectoral rules of ensuring
workers special clothing, special
shoes and other personal funds

Personal Card

Personal card N ___
Accounting for issuing Siz.

Surname ________________________________________________________

Paul __________________________________

Name and patronymic ____________________________


Personnel Number ________________________________________________

The size: _______________________________

Structural subdivision ________________________________________

clothes _______________________________

Profession (position) ____________________________________________

shoes ________________________________

Enrollment Date ________________________________________

head Upory _______________________

Date of change profession (position) or translation to another structural
Division _________________________________________________

gas mask Respirator _______________

mittens ______________________________

gloves _____________________________

Provides extradition: __________________________________________

(Name of typical (typical sectoral) norms

Name of Siz.

Point of typical norms


Number per year

Head of the Structural Unit ______________ (surname, initials)


Personal Card

Name of Siz.

N certificate or conformity declaration






signature received by Siz.




signature of surrendered PP

the signature of the adopted Siz.

Individual and collective protection for employees - technical means used to prevent or reduce the impact on workers of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, as well as to protect against pollution.
The list of personal protective equipment (SIZ) includes: overalls, footwear, gloves, headdress, respirators (gas masks), antifons, safety glasses, dermatological agents (detergents, ointment, paste, etc.). According to Article 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in works with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as on the works performed in special temperature conditions or contamination associated with pollution, employees are issued free of charge certified special clothing, special shoes and other means of individual protection, as well as flushing and (or) neutralizing agents in accordance with the standard standards, which are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The rules for providing employees with special clothing, special shoes and other means of individual protection "are defined in the Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 16, 1997 N 63, dated December 29, 1997 N 68, dated December 18, 1998 No. 51 and others.

Individual means of protecting employees.
Requirements for the issuance and use of personal protective equipment

Responsibilities to ensure safe conditions and labor protection in the organization are assigned to the employer (Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
The employer is obliged to provide:
- application of certified means of individual and collective protection of employees;
- acquisition and issuance at the expense of own funds of certified special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment, wash and neutralizing in accordance with the established standards of employees employed in works with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as on the work performed in singular temperature conditions or contamination;
- organization of control over the condition of working conditions in the workplace, as well as the correctness of the use of individual and collective protection workers;
- Informing workers about the conditions and protection of labor in workplaces, on the risk of damage to health and relying compensation and personal protective equipment.
The employee is obliged to correctly apply the means of individual and collective protection (Art. 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
The employee is entitled to ensure the means of individual and collective protection in accordance with the requirements of labor protection at the expense of the employer (Art. 219 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The procedure for issuing personal protective equipment

Personal protection funds issued to employees must correspond to their semi, growth and size, nature and conditions of work performed and ensure labor safety. The means of individual protection of workers, including foreign production, must comply with the requirements of labor protection established in the Russian Federation and have certificates of conformity. The acquisition and issuance of personal protective equipment to employees who do not have a certificate of conformity is not allowed.
The employer is obliged to replace or repair special clothing and special shoes that have come into disrepair until the end of the timing of socks for reasons that do not depend on the employee.
In the event of a disappearance or deterioration of individual protection in the established places of their storage, the employer is obliged to give them other serviceable means of individual protection for the reasons.
The standards of personal protective equipment provided for in typical sectoral norms should be issued to employees only at the time of the execution of the works for which they are provided, or can be enshrined at certain jobs (for example, Tulup - on outdoor posts, dielectric gloves - during electrical installations and T .d.) And transmitted from one shift another. In these cases, personal protective equipment are subject to the master or other persons authorized by the employer.

Stipped in typical sectoral standards Warm special clothing and warm special shoes (costumes on the insulation laying, jackets and trousers on the insulation strip, costumes fur, treasure, felt boots, hatches, municipal mittens, etc.) should be issued to workers with the onset of cold season And with the onset of warm can be handed over to the employer for organized storage until the next season. The time of using warm special clothing and warm special shoes is established by the employer in conjunction with the relevant trade union authority or other authorized employees with a representative body, taking into account local climatic conditions.
Students of any forms of training, students of general education and educational institutions of primary vocational education, students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education at the time of occupational practices (production training), masters of production training, as well as employees temporarily performing work on professions and positions provided for by typical Industry norms, at the time of this work, personal protective equipment is issued in the general order.
Brigadiers, masters performing the duties of brigadiers, assistants and submitter workers, the profession of which are provided in the relevant model sectoral norms, are given the same means of individual protection as the working relevant professions.
The means of individual protection for workers, specialists and employees should be issued in typical sectoral regulations should be issued to the specified employees and in the event that they are by their position or profession are elders and performed directly those work that give the right to receive these personal protective equipment.
The workers who combine professions or permanently performing combined work, including in complex teams, in addition to the means of individual protection, the main profession, should be additionally issued depending on the work performed and other types of personal protective protection, provided for by typical sectoral norms for the combined profession.
The employer has the right to consider the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of workers and its financial and economic situation to establish the norms of free issuance of special clothing workers, special shoes and other personal protective equipment, which improve compared to standard standards for the protection of employees from the workers available on the workers places of harmful and (or) hazardous factors, as well as special temperature conditions or contamination (Art. 221 TC).
The employer is obliged to organize appropriate accounting and monitoring of the issuance of personal protective equipment in the time limit.
The issuance of employees and passing the means of individual protection should be recorded in the personal card of the employee.


During the work, employees, professions and positions of which are provided in typical sectoral standards, are required to use and correctly apply personal protective equipment issued to them. The employer takes measures to ensure that employees do in the time of work really enjoyed themselves with the means of individual protection. Employees should not be allowed to work without the means of individual protection, in faulty, unretended, contaminated special clothing and special shoes, as well as faulty personal protective equipment.
Employees should carefully refer to the use of individual protection issued to their use, to inform the employer on the need for dry cleaning, washing, drying, repair, deduction, deactivation, disinfection, disposal and deactivation of special clothing, as well as drying, repair, deactivation, deactivation, Disinfection, neutralizing special shoes and other personal protective equipment.
Terms of use by means of individual protection are calculated from the date of actual issuance to their employees. At the same time, on the time of socks with warm special clothing and warm special shoes, the time of its storage in the warm season is also included.
Employer When issuing to employees of such personal protective equipment such as respirators, gas masks, self-supporters, safety belts, candidates, helmets and some others, should ensure that workers' briefing on the rules of use and the simplest ways to verify the health of these funds, as well as training in their application.
The employer provides regular tests and verification of the health of personal protective equipment (respirators, gas masks, self-supporters, safety belts, assets, caskene, etc.), as well as timely replacement of filters, glasses and other parts of personal protective equipment with lowered protective protective means. After verifying, the serviceability on the means of individual protection should be made (stamp, stamp) on the deadlines of the subsequent test.
For storing individual protection workers, the employer provides in accordance with the requirements of construction standards and rules specially equipped premises (wardrobe).
Employees at the end of the work to end the means of individual protection outside the organization are prohibited. In some cases, where, according to the working conditions, the specified order cannot be observed (for example, on logging, on geological work, etc.), personal protective equipment can remain no time in workers, which may be stipulated in collective agreements and agreements or In the rules of the internal labor regulation.
In the event of an employee of an employee with personal protective equipment (in accordance with the norms), the employer is not entitled to require an employee to fulfill labor duties and is obliged to pay for this reason simple in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The employer organizes proper care for personal protection and their storage, timely operates dry cleaning, washing, repair, degassing, deactivation, neutralization and dedusting special clothing, as well as repair, degarison, deactivation and neutralization of special shoes and other personal protective equipment.
In cases where it is required under the terms of production, in the organization (in the workshops, in sites), dryers for special clothing and special shoes, cameras for deduction of special clothing and installations for degassing, deactivation and disposal of personal protective equipment should be arranged.

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2.8.3. Procedure for providing employees with personal protective equipment

In accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, workers engaged in work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, as well as on the works performed in special temperature conditions or contamination associated with free certified special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment. Acquisition of PPE and ensuring employees in accordance with the requirements of labor protection is made at the expense of the employer.
Costs to ensure normal working conditions and safety, incl. Providing special clothing, special shoes, protective devices, will be included in the cost of production (works, services).
Typical sectoral norms of free issuing PPEs (later - typical sectoral norms) provide for the provision of workers in the SIZ, regardless of which industry of the economy includes production, trains, sites and types of work, as well as regardless of the forms of ownership of the organization and their organizational and legal forms.
For example, a worker employed in the production of facing materials from a natural stone, regardless of the organizations of which industry of the economy there is this production, the SIZ is issued in accordance with the standard sectoral issues of free issuance of the SIES of the building materials industry, the organization of glass and porcelain-faience industries. Also, a machine tools occupied by the mechanical processing of metal, regardless of which organization it works, PPE is issued in accordance with the standard sectoral standards of free issuance of SIES to workers in machine-building and metalworking industries.
Employees, professions and positions of which are provided for in the standard standards of free issuance of SIZ employees of through professions and posts of all sectors of the economy, PPE is issued regardless of which production, workshops they work if these professions and posts are not specifically provided in the relevant standard industry standards. For example, a battery operating in the organization of road transport, PPE is issued in accordance with the standard standards of free issuance of SIZ employees of through occupations and posts of all sectors of the economy.
The same category of workers engaged in underground mining in the mining industry, free issuance of PPE should be made according to the standard sectoral standards of free issuance of the SIZ employees of the mining and metallurgical industry and the metallurgical industries of other industries.
In some cases, in accordance with the peculiarities of production, the employer may, in coordination with the State Labor Protection Inspector and the relevant trade union authority or other authorized employees, to replace one type of personal protection funds provided for by typical sectoral regulations, to other providing full protection against hazardous and harmful production Factors: Jumpsuit X / B can be replaced by a C costume with a h / b or a bathrobe and vice versa, Costume X / B - semi-overalls with a shirt (blouse) or a shuffle with a blouse and vice versa, a suit juice - a suit C / b with flame retardant or acid-protective impregnation And vice versa, a tarp costume - a costume of x / b with flame retardant or water-repellent impregnation and vice versa, shoes (half-plasides) leather - boots with rubber and vice versa, boots (semi-shots) leather - Kizzy boots and on the contrary, boots are Kizzi and vice versa.
In cases where personal protective equipment such as safety belt, dielectric galoshes and gloves, dielectric rubber mat, protective glasses and shields, respirator, gas mask, protective helmet, handmade, tank, helm, helmet, shoe, elbow, self-sappers, antifons, plugs , noise protection helmets, light filters, vibration protection mittens and others are not listed in typical sectoral standards, they can be issued by the employer to employees on the basis of job certification, depending on the nature of the work performed with the term of socks - before wear or as duty and may be included in collective agreements and agreements.
The costs of providing the SIZ indicated above are also included in the cost of production (works, services).
When concluding an employment contract (contract), the employer acquaints employees with the rules for the provision of workers of the SIZ, as well as the norms for issuing personal protective equipment.
SES-issued to employees should correspond to their semi, growth and size, nature and conditions of work performed and ensure labor safety. In accordance with Art. 215 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the means of individual protection of employees, including foreign production, must comply with the state regulatory requirements for labor protection and have a declaration of conformity and (or) certificate of conformity. The acquisition and issuance of personal protective equipment to employees who do not have a certificate of conformity is not allowed.
The employer is obliged to replace or repair special clothing and special shoes that have come into disrepair until the end of the timing of socks for reasons that do not depend on the employee.
In the case of the disappearance or deterioration of PPE in the established places of their storage on the reasons independent of employees, the employer is obliged to give them other serviceable SIZ.
Started in typical sectoral standards, duty SIZ collective use should be issued to employees only at the time of the execution of the works for which they are provided, or can be enshrined at certain jobs (for example, Tulup - on outdoor posts, dielectric gloves - during electrical installations, etc. .) And transmitted from one shift another. In these cases, SIZ is subject to the master or other persons authorized by the employer.
Stipped in typical sectoral standards Warm special clothing and warm special shoes (costumes on the insulation laying, jackets and trousers on the insulation strip, costumes fur, treasure, felt boots, hatches, municipal mittens, etc.) should be issued to workers with the onset of cold season And with the onset of warm can be handed over to the employer for organizational storage until the next season. The time of using warm special clothing and warm special shoes is established by the employer in conjunction with the relevant trade union authority or other authorized employees with a representative body, taking into account local climatic conditions.
Students of any forms of training, students of general education and educational institutions of primary vocational education, students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education at the time of occupational practices (production training), masters of production training, as well as employees temporarily performing work on professions and positions provided for by typical Sectoral norms, during the implementation of this work, PPE is issued in the general order.
Brigadiers, masters performing the responsibilities of brigadiers, assistants and submitted workers, the profession of which are provided in the corresponding typical sectoral norms, are given the same SIZ as the working relevant professions.
The SIZ for workers, specialists and employees envisaged in typical sectoral regulations should be issued to these employees and in the event that they are by their position or profession are elders and performed directly those work that give the right to receive these PPS.
Working, combining profession or constantly performing combined work, incl. In comprehensive brigades, in addition to the SIZ issued by him, the main profession should be additionally issued depending on the work performed and other types of PPE, provided for by typical sectoral norms for the combined profession.
The employer is obliged to organize proper accounting and control over the issuance of PPD employees on time.
The issuance of employees and the passing of the SIZ should be recorded in the employee's personal card. Personal signature of the employee confirming the receipt of the PPE to them is obligatory.
In accordance with Art. 212 Labor Code of the Russian Federation "The employer is obliged to ensure that employees are informed of the personnel of individual protection and to provide them with issuing.
In accordance with Page 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation during the work of employees, professions and positions of which are provided in typical sectoral standards, are required to use and correctly apply the PPE issued by him. The employer takes measures to ensure that employees really enjoyed the PPE issued by him. Employees should not be allowed to work without provisions in typical sectoral National Norms, in faulty, unretended, contaminated special clothing and special shoes, as well as faulty SIZ.
Workers must carefully refer to the use of PPE issued to their use, to inform the employer about the need for dry cleaning, washing, drying, repair, deduction, decontamination, disinfection and dedusting special clothing, as well as drying, repair, deduction, decontamination, disinfection, deactivation special Shoes and other SIZ.
Terms of use of PPE are calculated from the date of actual issuance to their employees. At the same time, on the time of socks with warm special clothing and warm special shoes, the time of its storage in the warm season is also included.
Employer When issuing employees of such PEFs such as respirators, gas masks, self-supporters, safety belts, tanks, helmets and some others, should ensure the instruction of employees according to the rules of use and the simplest ways to verify the health of these funds, as well as training on their use.
The employer provides regular tests in accordance with GOST deadlines and verifying SIZ (respirators, gas masks, self-supporters, safety belts, assets, caskens, etc.), as well as timely replacement of filters, glasses and other parts of PPE with lowered protective properties. After checking, the maintenance of PPE should be made (stamp, stamp) about the deadlines of the subsequent test.
For storage issued by employees with PPE, the employer provides in accordance with the requirements of construction norms and rules specially equipped premises (wardrobe).
Employees, at the end of the work, make SIZ outside the Organization prohibited. In some cases, where, according to the terms of operation, the specified order cannot be observed (for example, on logging, on geological work, etc.), PPE may remain attempted by workers, which may be specified in collective agreements and agreements or in the Rules internal labor regulations.
In accordance with Art. 220 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the event of the inhabitration of the PPM employee (in accordance with the norms), the employer is not entitled to demand from the employee to fulfill labor duties and must pay for this reason simple in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The employer organizes proper care for PPE and their storage, timely performs dry cleaning, washing, repair, degassing, deactivation, neutralization and dedusting special clothing, as well as repair, degassing, deactivation and neutralization of special shoes and other SIZ.
In cases where it is required under production conditions, dryers for special clothing and special shoes, cameras for dusting special clothing and installations for degassing, deactivation and disposal of PPE should be arranged in the organization (workshop).
Overalls for working with oils, varnishes, paints and other LVZH and GZ should be stored in suspended form in metal cabinets installed in specially designated places for this purpose.
Responsibility for the timely and in full provision of employees of the SIZ, for organizing control over the correctness of their use by employees is assigned to the employer in the manner prescribed by law.

Question from Yuri:
What are the means of individual protection of employees. How to ensure employees with the means of individual protection.

In accordance with the Labor Code, the employer must provide safe working conditions for workers.
According to Art. 212 TK RF, the employer must provide, in particular:
- Application of undercoming certification or declaration of compliance in the procedure established by the legislation, the procedure for individual and collective protection of employees;
- Acquisition at the expense of own funds and issuing specialized clothing workers, special shoes and other means of individual protection, washing and neutralizing funds, which have passed in accordance with the procedure established by law, mandatory certification or conformity declaration. These funds are issued to employees engaged in works with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as on the works that are performed in particular temperature conditions or are contaminated;
- organization of monitoring the condition of working conditions in the workplace, as well as the correctness of the use of individual and collective protection by employees.
Consider the types of workers' protection. The main document determining which means of protection belongs to the collective, and which - to individual, is "GOST 12.4.011-89 (ST SEV 1086-88). System of labor safety standards. Means of protecting working. General requirements and classification "(approved. Resolution of the USSR State Standard from 10/27/1989 N 3222, hereinafter - GOST 12.4.011-89).
According to paragraph 2.1 - 2.3 GOST 12.4.011-89 The means of protecting workers should ensure the prevention or reduction of dangerous and harmful production factors. At the same time, they themselves should not be a source of dangerous and harmful production factors and must meet the requirements of technical aesthetics and ergonomics.
Tools of collective protection Depending on the purpose, it is divided into the following classes (clause 1.1.1 of GOST 12.4.011-89):
- means of normalization of the air environment of industrial premises and jobs;
- means of normalizing the lighting of industrial premises and jobs;
- means of protection against elevated levels of ionizing, infrared, electromagnetic or laser radiation;
- means of protection against increased or reduced level of ultraviolet radiation;
- means of protection against increased tension of magnetic and electric fields;
- means of protection against increased noise, vibration (general and local), ultrasound, infrasound oscillations, static electricity;
- means of protection against electric shock;
- means of protection against elevated or low temperatures of surfaces of equipment, materials, blanks;
- means of protection against increased or reduced air temperatures and temperature differences;
- means of protection against the impact of mechanical, chemical, biological factors;
- Flow protection products from height.
A specific list of collective protection tools with a breakdown to classes is given in section. 1 list of basic types of protective equipment for working (annex to GOST 12.4.011-89).
Individual protection means (hereinafter - SIZ), depending on the purpose, are divided into classes (p. 1.1.2 GOST 12.4.011-89):
- Costumes are insulating;
- means of protecting legs, hands, head, face, eye, respiratory organs, hearing;
- Special protective clothing;
- means of protection against falling from height and other safety drugs;
- Dermatological protective products;
- Protection tools are complex.
The specific list of PPEs with a breakdown to classes is given in section 2 of the list of the main types of protective equipment (annex to GOST 12.4.011-89).
Under the means of individual protection (hereinafter referred to as SIZ), individual uses are understood that are used to prevent or reduce the impact on workers of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, as well as to protect against pollution (clause 3 inter-sectoral rules for providing employees with special clothing, special Shoes and other personal protective equipment (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 01.06.2009 N 290n); further - the rules for the provision of PPE).
The obligation to ensure employees who are engaged in works with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as on the works performed in special temperature conditions or contaminated, special clothing, special shoes and other PPEs are assigned to the employer (para. 7 hours . 2, Art. 212, Part 1, 3 of Art. 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 4 of the Rules for Provision of the SIZ). The employer at the expense of its own funds is obliged to ensure not only the timely issuance of PPE, but also their storage, washing, drying, repair and replacement (Part 3 of Art. 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
For violation of labor protection claims established by law, the employer is attracted to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of Art. 5.27.1 Administrative Code, and in the event of a reuse of a similar offense - in accordance with Part 5 of Art. 5.27.1 Administrative Code. For example, an employer can be attracted to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of Art. 5.27.1 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for non-fulfillment of responsibilities for providing first-class SIZ employees or duties on timely repairs and replacement of PPE. Such a conclusion follows from the analysis of part 1, 2 tbsp. 211, para. 7 h. 2 tbsp. 212, Part 1, 3 tbsp. 221 TK RF, part 1 Art. 5.27.1 Administrative Code.
In the event of the insecurity of employees of the second-class SIZ, the employer may threaten administrative responsibility. This follows from Part 4 of Art. 5.27.1 Administrative Code and Notes to this article. When re-committing a similar offense, the employer is attracted to administrative responsibility in accordance with Part 5 of Art. 5.27.1 Administrative Code.
To determine how class PPCs include, paragraph 5.5 of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (Tr Ts 019/2011), adopted by the Commission of the Customs Union dated 09.12.2011 N 878, as well as Annex N 4 to this Regulation.

Procedure for issuing to workers PPE Interactive rules for the provision of workers with special clothing, special shoes and other means of individual protection, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 01.06.2009 N 290n (hereinafter referred to as the rules for SIZ).
The obligation to ensure employees of the SIZ is entrusted to employers - legal and individuals regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership (paragraph 7 of Part 2 of Art. 212, Part 3 of Art. 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 2 of the Rules for Provision of the SIZ) .
SIZ are issued to persons engaged in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as performing in special temperature conditions or contaminated, in accordance with the type of free issuance of PPE and based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions (part 1 . 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 1 of paragraph 4, paragraph 5 of the Rules of Provision of the SIZ).
It should be noted that the basis for issuing a PPE can also serve as the results of certification of jobs under the conditions of labor carried out before 01.01.2014 (i.e., before the date of the introduction of a special assessment of working conditions in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 28 of Law N 426-FZ) . This is due to the fact that according to Part 4 of Art. 27 of the Law N 426-FZ The results of the certification operate within five years from the date of its completion, except in cases of the circumstances given in Part 1 of Art. 17 of this law.
SIZ is purchased (including rented) at the expense of the employer (paragraph 7 of Part 2 of Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, para. 2, 3 of paragraph 4 of the Rules of Provision of the SIZ).
All PPCs acquired and issued to employees undergo mandatory certification or conformity declaration (part 1 of article 221, para. 4 hours. 2, Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, para. 1 of paragraph 4 of the SIZ provision). In particular, the CIES certification is carried out in accordance with the rules for certification of individual protection funds (approved. Resolution of the State Standard of Russia from 19.06.2000 N 34).
It is not allowed to acquire (including to rent) PPE and issue them to employees in the following cases (paragraph 8 of the Rules of Provision of SIZ):
- the lack of a declaration of conformity and (or) certificate of conformity of the SIZ legislatively established security requirements;
- expiration of the Declaration of Conformity and (or) certificate of conformity;
- Lack of sanitary and epidemiological conclusion or certificate of state registration of dermatological PPE.
The employer is obliged to inform workers about the PEP assumed to them (paragraph 9 of the Rules of SIZ).
When carrying out an introductory briefing of employees, you need to familiarize yourself with the following documents (paragraph 9 of the Rules for Provision of the SIZ):
- with the rules of providing SIZ;
- with typical issues of issuing a PPE, corresponding to the profession and employment posts.
If, in cases established by law, the employee is not provided with PPE, it is entitled to refuse to fulfill labor duties, and the employer has no right to require their execution and must pay for this reason for this reason (paragraph 11 of the SIZ provision, Part 6 of Art. 220 and Art. 157 TK RF).
The employer is obliged to organize adequate accounting and control over the issuance of PPD employees in a timely manner (para. 1 of paragraph 13 of the Rules of SIZ).
SIZ is issued to workers for free (part 1 of Art. 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, para. 4 of paragraph 4 of the Rules for Provision of the SIZ).
The timing of the use of PPE is calculated from the date of their actual issuance to employees (paragraph 2 of paragraph 13 of the Rules for Provision of SIZ).
The issuance of employees and passing by them to the SIZ is recorded by the record in the personal account of the PRESS issuance in the form given in the annex to the Rules of Property Rules (paragraph 3 of paragraph 13 of the specified rules).
This document is usually drawn up in paper. However, the employer is also entitled to also use an electronic form with the obligatory personification of the employee. This follows from the provisions of the para. 4, 5 p. 13 rules for the provision of SIZ.
The electronic account card must comply with the established form of a personal account of the PRESS issuance, but instead of the employee's personal signature, the number and date of the accounting document on obtaining PPE, which has a personal signature of the employee (paragraph 4 of paragraph 13 of the Rules for Provision of the SIZ).
The issuance of SIZ and their interchangeable elements of simple design, which do not require additional instruction, the employer has the right to organize by automated issuance systems (vending equipment). When using such equipment, it is necessary to ensure employee personification and the automatic enhancing information on PPM issued to its electronic CD accounting card (paragraph 6 of paragraph 13 of the Rules for SIZ).
The employer is also entrusted to ensure the care of PPE, their storage, in timely dry cleaning, washing, degassing, deactivation, disinfection, neutralization, deactivation, drying, and repair and replacement (Part 3 of Art. 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, para. 1 p. 30 rules for the provision of SIZ). In order to properly execute this obligation, the employer may issue an employee for two sets of relevant PPE with a double-use period (paragraph 2 of paragraph 30 of the Rules for Providing PPC).

Tags: means of individual and collective protection of workers, work with harmful and dangerous working conditions, model standards for issuing PPE, electronic accounting card