Who is the main in the temple. Orthodox church hierarchy

Who is the main in the temple. Orthodox church hierarchy

In the Orthodox Church there are three degrees of priesthood: Deacon, priest, bishop. In addition, all clergy is divided into "white" - married and "black" - monks.

Deacon (Greek. "Dacacos" is a minister) - the clergyman of the first (younger) stage of the priesthood. He participates in worship, but the sacraments itself does not take. Deacon in the monastic rank is called the Ierodic. Senior Deacon in White (married) clergy is called Protodiakon, and in monastic - an archigitalon.

Priest, or presbyter (Greek. "Pre-Sweateros" - an elder), or Ieria (Greek "Ire-IS" - a priest), - a clergyman who can make six of the seven sacraments, except for the sacrament of ordination, that is, One of the degrees of the church hierarchy. The priests are in submission of the bishop. They are entrusted to head church life on urban and rural parishes. The senior priest in the parish is called the abbot.

In the San Presbyter can be ordered only deacon (married or monastic). The priest, consisting in monastic rank, is called Hieromonach. The eldest of the presbyters of the white clergy is called protoioles, protopsychiatrics, and monastic - hegumen. Requests of monastic monasses are referred to as archimandritis. San Archimandrite usually has the abbot of a major monastery, Lavra. Hegumen is the abbot of a conventional monastery or parish temple.

Bishop (Greek. "Bishopos" is a horsepower) - the priest of the highest degree. The bishop is also called a bishop, or hierarch, that is, the priestly, sometimes - the saint.

The bishop manages the arrings of a whole area called the diocese. Bishop, managing parishes of a large city and adjacent area, is called Metropolitan.

Patriarch - "Ot Prodor" - the Primate of the Local Church, elected and supplied at the Cathedral, is the highest chin of the church hierarchy.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church is the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. He controls the church with the sacred synod. In addition to the Patriarch, the Metropolitans of Kiev, St. Petersburg, Kruitsky, Minsk are constantly included. The permanent member of the Holy Synod is the Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations. Four are also invited from the rest of the bishopath in turn as temporary members for half a year.

In addition to the three sacred ranks in the Church there are even lower official positions - IPodiakones, Psalmiers and Pnomari. They treat the number of churrents and are shipped to their position not through ordination, but according to the bishop or underground blessing.

Patriarch -
In some Orthodox churches - the title of the head of the local church. Patriarch is elected by the Local Cathedral. The title is established by the fourth Ecumenical Cathedral of 451 g. (Halcidon, Malaya Asia). In Russia, Patriarchate was established in 1589, in 1721 it was abolished and replaced by the collegial body - the Synod, in 1918 it was restored. Currently, there are the following Orthodox patriarchates: Constantinople (Turkey), Alexandrian (Egypt), Antioch (Syria), Jerusalem, Moscow, Georgian, Serbian, Romanian and Bulgarian.

(Greek. Special - Assembly, Cathedral) - Currently - the deliberative body in Patriarch, consisting of twelve bishops and the title "Holy Synod". The sacred synod includes six permanent members: Metropolitan Krutitsky and Kolomensky (Moscow region); Metropolitan St. Petersburg and Novgorod; Metropolitan Kiev and All Ukraine; Metropolitan Minsk and Slutsky, Patriarchal Exarch of Belarus; Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations; Managing the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate and six non-permanent members replaced every six months. From 1721 to 1918, the Synod was the supreme body of the church-administrative power, which was replaced by the Patriarch (wore the Patriarch title "Holy") - consisted of 79 bishops. The members of His Holiness Synod were appointed by the emperor, a representative of state power was attended by Synod meetings - Ober-Prosecutor of the Synod.

(Greek. Capital) - original bishops, head of Metropolis - a large church region uniting several dioceses. The bishops controlling the dioceses were subordinate to the Metropolitan. Because Church-administrative divisions coincided with state, the departments of Metropolitans were located in the capital of countries that covered their Metropolis. Subsequently, the Metropolitans began to be called bishops controlling large dioceses. Currently, in the Russian Orthodox Church, the title "Metropolitan" is the honorary title, next after the title "Archbishop". A distinctive part of the velides of the Metropolitan is a white hood.

(Greek. Senior among bishops) - original bishops, head of a large church region uniting several dioceses. The bishops, managing the dioceses, were subordinate to the archbishop. Subsequently, the Archbishops began to be called bishops, manageing large dioceses. Currently, in the Russian Orthodox Church, the title "Archbishop" is honorary, precedes the title "Metropolitan".

(Greek. Senior priest, head of priests) - a priest belonging to the third, highest degree of priesthood. It has grace to make all the sacraments (including ordination) and lead church life. Each bishop (except for vicaris) manages the diocese. In ancient times, the bishops were divided into the volume of administrative power on the bishops, archbishops and metropolitans, currently these titles are preserved as honored titles. From among the bishops, the local cathedral elects the Patriarch (life), which leads the leadership of the local church's church life (some local churches are headed by Metropolitans or Archbishops). According to the teachings of the Church, the apostolic grace, adopted from Jesus Christ, is transmitted through ordination to the bishops from the most apostolic times and so on. In the church, fertile continuity is carried out. The ordination in the bishop is performed by the Cathedral of the Bishops (there must be at least two applying bishops - the 1st Rule of the Apostles; according to the rules of the Carthaginsky Local Cathedral of 318 - at least three). According to 12 Rules of the Sixth Ecumenical Cathedral (680-681 Constantinople) of the bishop must be celianized, in this church practice it is customary to deliver to the bishops from the monastic clergy. It is customary to contact the bishop: to the bishop "Your Eminence", to the Archbishop or Metropolitan - "Your Eminence"; To the Patriarch "Your Holiness" (to some Eastern Patriarch - "Your Bliss"). Unofficial appeal to the bishine - "Vladyko".

(Greek. Superior, supervising) - the clergyman of the third, higher degree of priesthood, otherwise the bishop. Initially, the word "bishop" marked the bishop as such, regardless of the church-administrative situation (in this sense, it is used in the messages of St. Axt. Paul), subsequently, when the bishops began to differ in the bishops, archbishop, Metropolitans and Patriarchs, the word "bishop "It became like to mean the first category from the above and in the initial sense was replaced by the word" bishop ".

Archimandrite -
Monastic chin. Currently, it is given as the highest award to the monastic clergy; Corresponds to the protoerele and the protopressive in the white clergy. Chin Archimandrite appeared in the Eastern Church in V c. - Thus named by the elected bishop from the head of the face for supervision of the diocese monasteries. Subsequently, the name "Archimandrite" passed to the superiors of the most important monasteries and then to monastic persons engaged in church-administrative posts.

Igumen -
Monastic Chin in Sacred San, the abbot of the monastery.

Archpriest -
Senior priest in the white clergy. The rank of arute is given as award.

A priest -
The priest belonging to the second, moderate degree of priesthood. He has grace to commit all the sacraments, in addition to the sacrament of ordination. Otherwise, the priest is called a Jeellow or Presbyter (Greek. Elder; the so-called priest in the messages of the Apostle Paul). Testing to priests is made by the bishop through ordination. To the priest accepted: "Your blessing"; To the monasticism of the priest (Hieromonakh) - "Your Preventus", to Igumen or Archimandrite - "Your High Paddy". Informal appeal - "Father". Ieria (Greek. Priest) - priest.

(Greek. Priest Monk) - a priest monk.

Protodyacon -
Senior Deacon in a white clergy. The title of protodian is given as awarding.

(Greek Deacon Monk) - Dyacone Monk.

Archchyacon -
Senior Deacon in the monastic clergy. The title of archician is given as award.

(Greek. Minister) is a priest belonging to the first, lower degree of clergy. Deacon has grace to directly participate in the priest or the college of the sacraments, but cannot do them independently (except for baptism, which may be performed by the laity if necessary). During the divine service, the deacon prepares the sacred vessels, he heads with objects, etc. Testing to the deacon is made by the bishop through ordination.

Clergy -
clergy. White (non-rotating) and black (monastic) clergy varies.

Schimons -
The monk who took Great Schima, otherwise - the Great Angelic image. When you add to the Great Schima, the monk gives a vow of renunciation from the world and all worldly. Schimoni-priest (Schieieromona or Jeroshimona) retains the right to priestly, Schiigumen and Schirchimandrite must eliminate the monastery authorities, Skhidskop must eliminate the bishop authorities and has no right to make Liturgy. Schimonha's vestments is complemented by Kukul and Analya. Schimonocacy originated in the Middle East in the V c., When in order to streamline fluttering, the imperial power was ordered to settle in the monasteries. Deserters who took the shutter in replacing hermitage, became referred to as the monks of the Great Shima. Subsequently, the shutter ceased to be mandatory for Schimonach.

Priests -
Persons who have grace to commit ordinances (bishops and priests) or directly participate in their commitment (deacons). Divided into three consistent degrees: deacons, priests and bishops; Delivered through ordination. The ordination is a service, during which the sacrament of the priesthood is committed - a ruling in clergy. Otherwise, Charotonia (Greek. Ordination). The ordination is performed in the Deacon (from IPodyakonov), in priests (from deacons) and in the bishops (from the priests). Accordingly, there are three orders. In deacons and priests, ordination can make one bishop; In the bishop, the ordination is performed by the cathedral of the bishops (at least two bishops, see the 1st Rule of the Apostles).

Deacon is held on the liturgy after the Eucharistic Canon. The dedication is introduced into the altar through the gates of the royal, three times when singing the trails will be burned around the throne and then rises one knee before the throne. The bishop places the edge of the Omofor on the head of the dedicated, the top believes his hand and reads a securitious prayer. After the prayer of the bishop, he removes the cross-shaped dressed orar from the dedicated and lays the scarf to him on the left shoulder with the exclamation of Axios. The ordination in priests takes place on the liturgy after the Great Entrance Similarly - the believed becomes both knees in front of the throne, another specimer prayer reads, ordained goes into priests. The ordination in the bishop is performed on the liturgy after singing the trishy before reading the apostle. The manquiced is introduced into the altar through the royal gates, makes three bonds before the throne and, put on both knees, believes folded with a cross on the throne. The bishops committing the ordination are kept over his head open Gospel, the firstborn of them reads a securial prayer. Then the objects are headed, after which the Gospel relies on the throne, and the newlyructured closed with the exclamation of Axios to the bishops.

(Greek one) - a man who dedicated himself to God through adoption of vows. The adoption of vows is accompanied by a tons of hair as a sign of serving God. Monasticism is divided into three consistent degrees in accordance with the adopted vowes: Ryasoforn monk (Ryasofor) is a preparatory degree to the adoption of small schima; The monk of Malaya Shhima - the vow of chastity, nonstusting and obedience; The monk of the Great Schima or an Angelic image (Schimona) - adopts the vow of renunciation from the world and all worldly. Pretending to be tasting into ricashorphorous monks and the passing test in the monastery is called a novice. Monasticism arose in the III century. In Egypt and Palestine. Initially, these were the herds lost to the desert. In IV century The first hostel monasteries were organized by the Holy Pahomi, and then a hostel monasticism spread throughout the Christian world. The founders of Russian monastics are considered Rev. Anthony and Feodosia Pechersk, created in the XI century. Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

(from glory. Other is lonely, the other) is the Russian name of the monk, a literal translation from Greek.

IPodyakon -
Church servant serving the bike during worship: Prepares for the vestment, the Dicking and Trikirius gives, opens the royal gates, etc. The vestings of the IPodyakon, the stir and cross-shaped dressed oraar. Testing in the Eyankon, see Dedication.

(Distorted Greek. Attachment) - the church master mentioned in the Charter. Otherwise - altarics. In the Byzantium, the stairrel was called the caretaker of the temple.

Towle -
1. Action performed on some worship services. The hair of the hair existed in the ancient world as a symbol of slavery or ministry and with this meaning entered into Christian worship services: a) the hair of the hair takes place over the newest after baptism as a sign of serving Christ; b) Taking the hair takes place during a dedication over a new-resistant reader as a sign of serving the church. 2. Worship committed when making monasses (see Monk). Accordingly, three degrees of monasticism there are tonsured in Ryasoforms, tonsured in a small schima and tonsured in the Great Schima. Halfing not clerics (see Clear) is committed by a monastic priest (Ieromonakh, Igumen or Archimandrite), clerics - bishops. Chanication of the Towing in Ryasoforms consists of a blessing, the beginning of the usual, trails, the organizer prayer, the cross-tree, and the versions of the new-supported risas and the Kamilovka. The break into a small schima is held on the liturgy after the entrance to the Gospel. Before the liturgy, the victorious is put on Poperta and. When singing the trails, it is introduced into the temple and put in front of the gates of the royal. Making a posture asks about sincerity, voluntaryness, etc. He came and then makes a victor and the adoption of the new name, after which the new-supported climb into Hiton, Paraman, belt, risas, mantle, hood, sandals and give rosary. The breakdown to the Great Schima is committed solemn and longer, climbing a tonsured in the same clothing, except Paramanas and hood replaced by Anola and Kukul. Chanication of the post is contained in a big church.

In order to navigate in more detail in someone who leads the service in the church or who speaks on television from the Russian Orthodox Church, it is necessary to know exactly what the ranks are in the church and the monastery, as well as their hierarchy. We recommend reading

In the Orthodox world, the church ranks are divided into the ranks of the white clergy (rank of church) and on the ranks of the Black clergy (monastic ranks).

Church ranks or white clergy

Church ranks - Altarics

In a worldly understanding, recently, the church rank altarnik began to disappear, and instead it is increasingly mentioned by Chin Ponoloire or Non-Lady. The tasks of the altar include duties to carry out the instructions of the abbot of the temple, as a rule, such duties include maintaining candlestone in the temple, the objection of the lamp and other lighting devices in the altar and the iconostasis, they also help priests to climb into clothing, bring prosphoras, incense and fulfill Other draft work. Altarics can be found in the sign that the stir is wearing over worldly clothes. We recommend familiarize

Church ranks - Readers

This is the lowest chin of churches and the reader is not included in the degree of priesthood. The reading of the reader includes reading the sacred texts and prayers during worship. In the case of progress in the rank, the reader is dedicated to the Ipodiakon.

Church ranks - Hipodicacon

It is something intermediate between laymen and clergy. Unlike the readers and altarists, the IPodiakon is allowed to touch the throne and the altar, as well as enter the altar through the royal gate, although IPODIAC is not a clergyman. The responsibilities of this church rank enters the bishine in worship. We recommend reading

Church ranks - Deacon

The lowest stage of the priests, as a rule, the duties of deaconov enters help to help priests in worship, although they themselves do not have the right to commit public services and be representatives of the Church. As the priest has the ability to make rituals and without a deacon, the number of diaconov is currently declining, since they disappear needed.

Church ranks - Protodonacon or Pododyakon

This chin indicates the main diacon of the cathedrals, as a rule, such a chin is assigned to Diaconu after at least 15 years of service and is a special reward for the service.

Church ranks - Ieria

Currently, this rank is priests, and it comes to the junior title of the priest. The yerey, receiving power from the bishops, have the right to hold church rites, teach people of Orthodox faith and perform other ordinances, but at the same time, Ieries are forbidden to hold ordination to priests.

Church ranks - Archprises

Church ranks - Protopress

The highest church chin in the White clergy is not a separate rank as well as award only as a reward for the most deserved affairs before the Orthodox faith and is appointed only by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

Monastic ranks or black clergy

Church ranks - Ierodiakon:He is a monk in San Deacon.
Church ranks - Archdiacon:He is a senior hieraodic.
Church ranks - Hieromona:He is a monastic priest with the right to commit Orthodox sacraments.
Church ranks - igumen:He is the abbot of the Orthodox Monastery.
Church ranks - Archimadrid:The highest degree in monastic ranks, but the stage occupying lower than the bishop.
Church ranks - Bishop:This chin is supervising and has a third degree of priesthood and is possible, called another bishop.
Church ranks - Metropolitan:The highest title of bishop in the church.
Church ranks - Patriarch:The oldest rank of Orthodox Church.

In Orthodoxy, the white clergy distinguish (priests who did not bring monastic vobs) and black clergy (monasticism)

White clergy ranks:

Altarist is the naming of the Mijanin Men, helping the priests in the altar. The term is not used in canonical and liturgical texts, but became generally accepted in the specified value by the end of the XX century. In many European dioceses in the Russian Orthodox Church, the name "Altarnik" is not generally accepted. In the Siberian dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, it is not used; Instead, in this sentence, a more traditional term of the Ponoloire is usually used, as well as a novice. Above the altar is not committed by the sacrament of the priesthood, he only receives a blessing from the abbot of the temple in the altar.
The duties of Altarist include monitoring the timely and right anxulation of candles, lamps and other lamps in the altar and before iconostasis; preparation of the versions of priests and deacon; attaching prosphora, wines, water, incense into the altar; incitement of coal and preparation of Kadyl; feeding fee for octing mouth during communion; assistance to the priest when making sacraments and demand; Cleaning in the altar; If necessary, reading during the service and fulfillment of the duties of the ringing. The maxant is forbidden to touch the throne and its accessories, as well as to move on one side of the altar to another between the throne and the royal gates. The Nathorian is a stir over worldly clothes.

Reader (Psalmar; Previously, until the end of the XIX - Dyacker, Lat. Lector) - In Christianity, the lower chin of chickens, not erected into the degree of priesthood, reading the texts of the Holy Scriptures and Prayer during public utilities. In addition, in the ancient tradition, the readers not only read in Christian temples, but they wrapped the importance of difficult texts, translated them into the languages \u200b\u200bof their locality, pronounced the sermons, taught the converts and children, sang various hymns (chants), who were engaged in charity, and had Other church obedience. In the Orthodox Church, the reads are devoted to the bishops through a special rite - the Herothessia, otherwise called "Supplies." This is the first dedication to Mierjanin, only after which his dedication can be followed in Ipodiakon, and then the ordination in Diacon, further - in the priest and higher - in the bishop (bishop). The reader has the right to wear a contrast, belt and scurry. During the Tasting on him, Malaya Felon, which is then removed, and puts on the stir.

Ipodicacon (Greek υποδιάκονος; in the focus (feasible) Fontacon from Greek. Ὑὑο - "Under", "below" + Greek. Διάκονος - minister) - the church believers in the Orthodox Church, who serves mainly with the bishop during his priesthoods, wearing It is in these cases, trikyrius, and ripids, the underlying Orlets, wash his hands fell and makes some other actions. In the modern church, the IPodiakon does not have a sacred degree, although it goes into the stir and has one of the accessories of the Diaconian San - Oraar, who puts on crucifically through both shoulders and symbolizes the angel wings. The most senior church beloved, the IPODIACK is an intermediate link between churchmen and clergy. Therefore, the Hipodicacon, on the blessing of the employee of the bishop, can touch the throne and the altar during worship and at certain points to enter the altar through the royal gates.

Deacon (lit. Form; R. Dyacon; Dr. Greek. Διάκονος - minister) - a person passing church service on the first, lowest degree of priesthood.
At the Orthodox East and in Russia, deacons and currently occupy the same hierarchical position as in antiquity. Their business and meaning is to be assistants in worship. They themselves cannot do public utilities and be representatives of the Christian community. Due to the fact that the priest and without a deacon can perform all services and demands, the deacons cannot be recognized completely necessary. On this basis, it is possible to reduce the number of deacon with churches and arrival. We were resorted to such a reduction in our priesthood.

Protodian or Protodian - White clergy title, Chief Deacon in the Diocese at the Cathedral. The title of Prododiacon complained as a reward for special merits, as well as the deaches of the court office. Protodicon's differences signs - Protodian Oraar with the words "Saint, Svyat, Svyat". The present time the title of Protodiacon is usually given to the diaclones after 20 years of ministry in the Sacred San. Protododonacons are often famous for their voice, being one of the main decorations of worship.

Ieria (Greek ἱερεύς) - the term passed from the Greek, where originally indicated the "priest", in Christian church source; Literally transfer to Russian - priest. The Russian Church is used as the younger title of the White Priest. He gets from the bishop the authorities to learn the people of faith Christ, commit all the sacraments, except the sacrament of the priesthood ordination, and all church services, in addition to the consecration of antimons.

Archpriest (Greek πρρωτοιερεύς - "First Priest", from πρώτος "first" + ἱερεύς "Priest") - the title given by the person of the White clergy as a reward in the Orthodox Church. Archpriest is usually the abbot of the temple. Dedication to the Archpriest occurs through the Hapotesia. In worship services (with the exception of liturgy), priests (hyreys, protoerets, hieromonahs) over the contrast and the rows wear Felon (Roma) and Epitrohil.

Protopressive - the highest title for the face of the white clergy in the Russian Church and in some other local churches after 1917 are assigned in isolated cases to priesthood priests as a reward; It is not a separate degree in modern ROC rewarding Sanov Protopressite, "in exceptional cases, for special church merit, on the initiative and decision of the His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and Dossiya Rusi.

Black clergy:

Ierodiakon (Irodyakon) (from Greek. Ἱερο- - the sacred and Διάκονος - minister; Old Russian "Black Deacon") - Monk Sana Diakon. Senior Irodyakon is called an archigitalon.

Hieromona (Greek. Ἱερομόναχος) - in the Orthodox Monk Church, having a priest (that is, the right to commit ordinances). The monks are becoming the monks through the chironia or white priests through the monastic tonsure.

Igumen (Greek. Ἡγούμενος - "presenter", female. Igumena) - Abbot of the Orthodox Monastery.

Archimandrite (Greek. Αρχιμανδρίτης; from Greek. Αρχι - the main, senior + Greek. Άάνδρα - Pancoon, sheepskin, fence in the meaning of the monastery) - one of the highest monastic ranks in the Orthodox Church (below the bishop) corresponds to the Mitroforn (awarded Metro) proto and Protopress in the white clergy.

Bishop (Greek. Ἐπίσκοπος - "supervising", "supervising") in the modern church - a person who has the third, highest degree of priesthood, otherwise the bishop.

Metropolitan (Greek. Μητροπολίτης) - the first in antiquity of the Episcopian title in the church.

Patriarch (Greek πατριάρχης, from Greek. Πατήρ - "Father" and ἀρχή - "domination, beginning, power") - the title of representative of the autochetal Orthodox Church in a number of local churches; Also the title of senior bishop; Historically, to the great split, the five bishops of the Ecumenical Church (Roman, Konstantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem) were assigned (Roman, Konstantinople), who had the rights of the highest church-government jurisdiction. Patriarch is elected by the Local Cathedral.

In the Orthodox Church there are people of God, and it is divided into three types: laity, chickens and clergymen. With the laity (that is, simple parishioners) usually everything is clear to everyone, but in fact it is not. For many (unfortunately, for the Mijan themselves), it has long been the usual idea of \u200b\u200bthe permissibility and worklessness of a simple person, but the role of Miryanina is the most important in the life of the Church. The Lord came not that he would serve him, but himself served as saving sinners. (Matt. 20:28), and the apostles commanded the same, but also a simple believer indicated the path of disinterested sacrificial love to neighbor. So everyone was one.


The laity are all the parishioners of the temple, which are not called to the priesthood. It is from the laity that the Church of the Holy Spirit delivers to ministry to all the necessary steps.


Usually this type of employees is rarely distinguished from the laity, but it exists and plays a huge role in the life of the Church. This type includes readers, singing, hardships, olders, altarics, catechisators, guard and many other positions. Church lubber can have explicit differences in clothes, but may not stand out out.


The priests are usually called clear or clergy And divided on white and black. White is a married clergy, black - monastic. Only black clergy, not burdened with family concerns can be engaged in the church. The cleric also has a hierarchical degree, which indicates the involvement in the divine service and spiritual volatility of the flock (i.e., laity). For example, deacone only participate in worship, but do not commit sacraments in the church.

The clergy clothes are divided into everyday and liturgical. However, after the 1917 coup, wearing any church clothing has become unsafe and for the preservation of the world was allowed to wear secular clothing, which is practiced to this day. Types of clothes and their symbolic value will be described in a separate article.

For a new parishioner need be able to distinguish a priest from the deacon. In most cases, the difference can be considered in the midst of the crosswhich is on top of the vestments (liturgical clothes). This part of the velides differs in color (material) and decoration. The easiest one's easiest cross is silver (at the Ierhea and Hieromonach), then the golden (from the Archpriest and Hegumen) and sometimes there is a black cross with decorations (precious stones), as a reward for good many years of ministry.

Some simple rules for every Christian

  • Everyone who misses many days worship, can not be considered a Christian. Naturally, for how to live in a warm house, it is natural to pay warmth and the house and the wishes of spiritual well-being naturally spiritual doing. The question is why you need to go to the temple, it will be considered separately.
  • In addition to the presence in worship, there is a tradition to wear a modest and non-causing clothes (at least in the temple). So far we lower the cause and this establishment.
  • Compliance with posts and prayer rules has natural reasons, as sin is expelled, as the Savior said, only a prayer and post. The question is how to fast and pray is not solved in articles, but in the temple.
  • Believers naturally refrain from frills in word, food, fault, fun, etc. For more Ancient Greeks noticed that for high-quality life there should be a measure in everything. Not extreme, but deal, i.e. order.

Believers must remember that the church is reminded of the order not only internal, but also external, and this applies to all. But it is also no need to forget that the order is voluntary, and not mechanical.