Epoch of Enlightenment. Foreign literature XVIII century

Epoch of Enlightenment. Foreign literature XVIII century
Epoch of Enlightenment. Foreign literature XVIII century

"English writers of the Epoch of Enlightenment"

Jonathan Swift

Swift began creative activities at the turn of the two centuries, when an extremely diverse experience of English literature XVII in. Before rethinking in the light of the emerging educational ideas. Swift was a contemporary and partly belong to the great public movement, called enlightenment.

Under the influence of the student-essheist Temple, the foundations of the worldview of the swift have developed. In philosophical and religious issues, he shared the skepticism of Montenea in an Anglican interpretation, emphasizing weakness, limitedness and deluding human mind; His ethical teaching was reduced to Anglican rationalism with the requirement of strict orderliness of feelings, their subordination to common sense. The basis of its historical ideas was the idea of \u200b\u200bhistorical variability.

The publicistic activities of the Swift in defense of Ireland accompanied the creative ascent, the result of which was the creation of "Gullover Travels" (1721-1725). This work is the highest achievement of the author, prepared by all its previous activities. "Traveling Gullyer" is one of the most complex, cruel and painful books of mankind. You can even say one of the most controversial books. In the fourth part of the "Gullover Travels", the Swift seems to be expressing in hatred towards humanity. Agree with the fact that this is the only conclusion from his book - it means to put it in the camp of the enemies of humanism and progress.

Swift book by many strands is associated with its modernity. She sisces hints on the evil of the day. In each of the parts of Gullover travel, no matter how far, England is directly or indirectly reflected in the analogy or in contrast, English affairs are solved. But the Satira Power is that the specific facts, the characters and situations acquire the universal sense, are valid for all times and peoples.

To understand this, it is necessary to consider the book of Swift in the atmosphere of the time, which thorms. Writers XVII century. Could not specify humanity the path for which it should have followed. They did not know such a way and did not believe in its existence, so they are capable of fantastic buildings. This direction and pessimistic Spirit Satira were the direct heritage of the XVII century.

The main topic of Gullover travel is the variability of the appearance of the world of nature and the person, presented by the fantastic and fabulous medium, in which Gulliver falls during their wanderings. Changing fantastic countries He emphasizes, in accordance with the plan of the Swift, the invariance of the inner essence of morals and customs, which is expressed in the same circle of melted defects. Introducing the fabulous motifs of the narrative in their own artistic function, the Swift is not limited to it, but it expands its significance due to the parody, on the basis of which is built satyrian grotesque. The parody always implies the moment of imitation of a predetermined sample and thereby involves its source in the scope. Double artistic fiction function - the enjoying and grotesque parody - is designed by the swift in the direction of the ancient and humanistic tradition by means of plot parallels that make up a special reservoir of the sources of "Gullover travel". According to this tradition, the plot is grouped around the scheme of a fictional journey. As for Gullyer, his image is based on the English prose of the XVII century, in which the narratives of the travelers of the Great era are widely represented geographic discoveries. From the descriptions of maritime travel, the Swift borrowed an adventure flavor, which attached the illusion of a visible reality. This illusion is also increasing because appearance Between the Liliputs and the giants, on the one hand, and the Gulliver himself and its world - on the other hand, there is an exact ratio of magnifies. Quantitative ratios are maintained by high-quality differences that set the Swift between the mental and moral level of Gullivier, its consciousness and, accordingly, the consciousness of Liliputov, Bobdingners, EXE and Guiganm. The angle of view, under which the Gulliver sees the next country of its wanders, is accurately accurately installed in advance: it is determined by how its inhabitants are higher or lower than Gullover in mental or moral terms. The illusion of truth believes is the camouflage of the irony of the author, imperceptibly putting on the Gullyer masks, depending on the tasks of satire. Fabulous Fabul, combined with the plausible adventure flavor of the seabed, make up the design basis of "Gullover Travels". This includes the autobiographical moment - family stories and their own impressions of the hog about an unusual adventure in his early childhood (In a year old, he was secretive taken away from His nanny from Ireland to England and lived there for almost three years). This is a surface layer of the story, which allowed Gullover traveling to become a desk book for children reading. but scene lines Fabuli, being an allegory of generalized satire, combine a variety of semantic elements, calculated exclusively on an adult reader, - hints, calaburov, parodies - in a single composition representing a laughter of swift in the widest range - from joke to "severe indignation".

Disclosure of the most important social contradictions The novel is carried out in the generalized image of a state that permeates all four parts of the work. England and - wider Europe appears before us in several dimensions, in different plans. So, tiny inhabitants of Lilliputia, ugly inhabitants of Laputs and disgusting EXs from the Gugangnm countries are fantastically and satirically transformed Europeans, the incarnation of incomprehensible vices of society. Comparison and beating of creatures different sizes gives the author the opportunity to show a person from an unusual point of view and reveal the new ones of its nature. If you look at a man with the eyes of Liliput, it will seem huge, if the eyes of the giants, he will seem small. It all depends on the point of view. All claiming absoluteness compares with insignificant and small. However, despite the small magnitude of Liliputs, they have their own cities, morals, customs, state, emperor, courtyard, ministers. And, most importantly, they had vintage wise establishments, which are gradually ousted by modern ingredients. Swift resorts to a materialized metaphor to show the pleasing and dexterity that are required to make a career at the courtyard of Liliput. We need to train from orphanage to dance on the rope. We need to show your dexterity and to jump over the stick, which the emperor holds, or to bring to it. The statement of power and magnitia sounds from the mouth of Liliputs comically and suggests the relativity of any power. The struggle of two parties that exist at the courtyard - a party of high and low heels - it serves to distract the attention of people from the urgent issues of life. Party struggle complements the image of religious strings. They are shown in the form of a struggle of stupid and pedigree. Because of how end, break the egg, fanatics go to death. Swift serves here against religious fanaticism and religious prejudice.

The intrigue that began against Gullover is the first excursion to the field of human nature, as it manifests itself in politics. Gulliver not only defended the state from the invasion of the enemy, but also saved the palace from the fire, which was not able to understand and evaluate the Liliputs. Under inexplicable reasons, hatred for the Gullivarus grows and the scary ripens. But if the enemies of Gullivier offer him to kill, then a friend offers a humane measure - to buy his eyes. He believes that it will satisfy justice and will delight the whole world with his softness.

The irony of the swift is exposed here the goddiness of blessings, which is capable of a friend who does not break with a sub-logic of the dominant order. The sickness of the intrigue acquires the character of a blank and insignificant game in Liliput. Liliputs of the infidence, but their little growth symbolizes the petty and insignificance of their affairs - human affairs.

In the second part of the novel - a trip to Bobdingneg - everything turns back side. Residents of the country are giants. Swift continues to beat the size difference. Gulliver falls into the position of Liliput. He himself looks like an insignificant creature, a beast, insect. On the other hand, the small height of Gullivier and, accordingly, a different sight of his eye give him the opportunity to see what they do not see large people, for example, unattractive parties human body Near.

Giants are shown bicon. These are the creatures of mighty sizes, the creatures are rough-material, not refined with spirituality. Their big growth is combined with mental limitations, unassumaturation and rudeness. But this does not exhaust the characteristics of the giants. The king and queen are large people, large not only physically, but also morally and intellectually.

The topic of England is introduced here other than in the first part. Central place is occupied by Gullyer's conversations with the king. Gulliver acts as the average Englishman, with all its prejudice and unconscious cruelty. He wants to elevate his fatherland, depicts a political device as perfect, puts forward all that, in his opinion, can decorate the state. In response to this, the king - a man endowed with natural common sense noticed, as a negligible humanity, if such tiny insects can strive for it. Swift expressed this idea, comparing Liliputs with a Gulliver and he repeats it by comparing Gullivier with giants. Sober, the sensible character of the king of the giants seems to be very attractive. Swift is positively assessed by the public system of giants. The policy is not erected in their degree of science. King giants - an opponent of state secrets, intrigue and sophistication. He believes that the person who raised one grain is more than all politicians.

The third part of the book of philosophically is interpreting the question of the relationship of science and life. The art of Swift is that he can be the most distract and abstract things to express specifically and clearly. Laputa island Pary in heaven. Noble people live on it, representatives of the aristocracy. These people are immersed in deep reflections. Everything is subordinate to here science, abstract and speculative. The island is not just inhabited by scientists. He is a miracle of science, which is torn off from the people. Science is the heritage of the highest classes. The very capital of the state and most settlements are placed on the ground, where they live. When the inhabitants of one city rebelled, the flying island suppressed the rebellion. The wonder of science is applied against the people. All this is not just fiction of the swift. He expressed in witty and visual form a real contradiction of an old society - the separation of the people from culture and science. The inhabitants of the island of Laputa went to the abstract spheres and were indifferent to real lifewhere the ignorance and poverty flourished. On Earth, the Academy of Spotlights was created on the ground, which is a semi-tone society trying to make humanity with their naive discoveries. They demonstrate an inexhaustible stock of nonsense. Spotlights want to change everything only to change. None of their project is communicated to the end. They destroyed old, but did not create a new one. Therefore, the country is in launch and ruins. Swift develops very deep thought here. He makes fun of people who are obsessed with mania to change everything, blind committed to a new and desire for that, neither to destroy old, people who stop halfway and are not brought to the end of their undertakings that are occupied by senseless projects that do not arise from the requirements of life and to same absolutely impracticable. It is necessary to redo what is really bad, what life requires, and redo, relying on real bases and real opportunities. Among the searchlights there are people seeking to improve society and correct its flavors, for example, to find smart ministers, stop the divorce of parties. Swift speaks about it with undisguised irony, considers these attempts as the same hopeless and unfulfair projects.

The third part also interprets the issue of the development of humanity - its historical and biological development, about the movement of history, about life and death. Finding on the island of Gloddobdrib - Island of sorcerers and wizards, the whole story of mankind passes to the Gulliver. Here and stands historical concept Swift. He nourishes deep respect for antiquity and her heroes. This respect develops into peculiar classicism. Comparison of ancient I. new story It is necessary to hide in order to show the degradation and decline of humanity. Infertility, bribery, treachery, betrayal - this is what accompanied the birth of a new civilized society. The concept of human development, which the Swift sets out, emphasizes the contradictions of this development, the final decline of the human race. It opposes the optimistic concept of enlighteners depicting the historical process as a victory of the world over darkness.

The third part of the novel is completed by visiting the Eastern countries. The ridiculousness and cruelty of the courtious everyday is in it in particularly frank forms. The special group of people of this country is the shaldbrugs, or immortal. The description of these people seems to be echoing with the resurrection of the dead, which occurred on the island of sorcerers and wizards. Longevity is the dream of every person. Gulliver was delighted with this idea. He believes that immortal life can give a person the experience and wisdom that wealth life experiencewhich will accumulate the immortal, will prevent decline and degenerate humanity. But everything happens on the contrary.

A person can not hope for eternal youth. And the flows are perpetual old men. They are deprived natural feelings And hardly understand the language of the new generation. Great and greedy, they want to capture power, and since they are not capable of management - can only lead the state to death. This chapter tells about the biological and social degradation of a person and about the impotence of science to find recipes for his salvation.

"Travel Gullyvier" captured that period when bourgeois relations were threatened in all spheres of public life, and the novel of Swift his constructions transfers their relative immobility. The circumstances in this satirical work have only one direction of development, expressed in the expansion and deepening of the sphere of evil. Life, all living seems to be deprived of movement: the tragedy of lonely Gullyvier is growing under the deep cover of this inviolability. But by themselves social relations, the device of society was deadly frozen. It's not by chance that the Gulliver did not notice any changes for the better in his native country over the years of his wanderings. Time stopped. Or, if you specify: the time moves in a hostile person. Tragic time, not foreshadowed genuine and tangible progress. Therefore, the Satira of Swift is tragic in its vital basis and in its artistic essence.

Roman Swift "Travel Gullyer" is located on the main highway of literary development. Its outstanding importance is determined primarily by the formulation and solution of the most complicated and most important socio-philosophical problems that worried European society in the XVIII century., As well as in later times. The role of the Swift Satira is so great that not only the contemporaries of Swift W. Gay, J. Arbatenot, but also the largest english writers Other generations, one way or another, perceived the lessons of the author of "Traveling Gullyer" and were under his influence.

The literary current enlightenment gained widespread and high popularity in Europe at the beginning of the eighteenth century. This ideological movement was impregnated with the spirit of the struggle against any manifestations and the benefit of feudalism. The enlighteners created and defended the ideas of public equality, progress and free development of the person.

Enlightenment thinkers were repelled from the opinion that all people are born in good and endowed with a sense of justice, beauty and equality. A imperfect society with cruel laws, opposite "natural" human nature, forms a person and its essence. Therefore, they considered their duty to remind a person what kind of good and evil, and that he can independently respond to his life and actions. It is important to enlighten people and awaken their consciousness. The enlighteners sincerely believed in the mind of the mind, so this category was filled with a very deep meaning.

Poets, writers and playwrights of the eighteenth century triedfully to prove that not only science, but creativity can contribute to the re-education of a person worthy of living in the perfect and harmonious future, built on the laws of the mind.

Theater of the Epoch of Enlightenment

Step forward

In the period of established enlightenment, new trends originated, which foreshadow sentimentalism. Much significantly increases attention to feelings, ordinary experiences of man, are approved moral values.

A peculiar expression of the literary humanism of the Enlightenment found in Germany. There on this soil arose literary traffic With the loud name "Storm and Natisk". Adherents of this flow resolutely rejected any classic standards that make creative Individuality And the originality of the writer. They fought for ideas national originality Literature and demanded images of bright characters, heroic acts, strong passions and at the same time created new methods of psychological analysis.

Friedrich Schiller, Wilhelm Humbold and Johann Ghette

Literature during the enlightenment took a huge step forward both in artistic practice and in theoritical understanding of tasks and objectives of art. Significantly replenished the "assortment" of genres: philosophical stories, romance of upbringing and family drama. Much more attention began to be paid to moral values \u200b\u200band approval of the self-consciousness of the human person. All this in the complex has become an incredibly important stage in the history of art and literature in particular.

The Epoch of Enlightenment - under this name entered the history of the 17-18th century, the time when the mind and education of the ball ruled. The heart of this era was France, although a movement was originated in England, but it also covered Germany, Italy and Russia.

Ideology of Enlightenment and the main thinkers of that time

The birth of a new culture was prepared by bourgeois revolutions and the spread of philosophical knowledge. The enlighteners believed that a person could be changed for the better - and it was a fundamentally new approach.

At the same time, the years of the Epoch of Enlightenment are difficult, as it embraced the end 17 and the entire 18th century to one degree or another. The enlighteners were imbued with the idea that human society can be changed by enlightening people, that is, they pinned hopes for the human mind and creative beginning in people, seeking to develop both.

The 18th century became a century of technology, achievements and urban culture, but it was Nature that was considered by philosophers as the basis creative start. In it, they saw the arena transforming ideas. Another important philosophical thought of that time is that culture began to be considered as spiritual creativity of man.

The main names of the Epoch of Enlightenment in France are such thinkers as Denis Didro, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Voltaire. German enlightenment gave the world Goethe, Schiller and Kant, and English - Cavendish, Watt and Fielding. His enlighteners were in Russia - Mikhail Lomonosov and Alexander Radishchev.

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Fig. 1. Mikhail Lomonosov.

Essence of educational ideas

A religious worldview that dominated Europe up to the 18th century, replacing the appeal to the mind. Knowledge is considered universal wealth, so scientists seek to spread them among the broad masses. The main ideas that were confessed at that time were as follows: Knowledge belongs to everyone and they should bring practical benefits. Study has become available even to those who have long been excluded from this process - women.

The practical embodiment of these ideas was the "Encyclopedia" under the editorial of Didro, in which all the knowledge was collected, accumulated by humanity at that time.

Fig. 2. Encyclopedia Didro.

Gradually scientific texts cease to be written in Latin - the scientist world goes into national languages, and it is also an important step To ensure that knowledge becomes publicly available.

The essence of this process is perfectly described by Jonathan Swift in satyric story "Battle of Books".

Literature of the Epoch of Enlightenment

At this historical period, sentimentalism is born, since the literature begins to pay much attention Human feelings, his experiences. Thus, with the help of artistic works, people are instilled in moral values. It fully meets the idea that the book is an instrument. The enlighteners were considered literature as a means to raise their contemporaries in a new spirit, that is, she had a strong didactic principle. However, the dominance of a certain style direction in the literature of this period is not traced.

Education gave the literature New genres is a novel of upbringing, a family drama and a philosophical story. Most famous works of that time is the "New Eloise" Rousseau, "Gullyer's Travel" Jonathan Swift, "Candid" Voltaire and "Robinson Cruzo" Daniel Defo. The main theme of each of them is a person as a creature born of good and seeking to return to this state.

Fig. 3. Robinson Cruzo.

The 18th century can also be called the Golden Age of Utopia with full right, since the enlighteners were fascinated by the design of both the ideal state and the perfect person.

Historical value of period

The ideas of enlightenment spawned the reforms that improved the position of people, although the utopian idea that social life should be rebuilt completely, did not receive incarnation.

But the most significant consequences of the dissemination of educational ideas were the American revolution and the Great French Revolution.

Also, the ideas of this historical period greatly influenced philosophical thought more late epochs And even to modern political science - It is they who underlie the democracy.

What did we know?

The fundamental ideas of the Epoch of Enlightenment, as well as its main features were considered. Talked briefly about the culture of the Epoch of Enlightenment, its leaders and how the public thought developed and evolved. The main thoughts on which literature was based were also identified, and considered which characteristic features it had - didactic start, rationalism and at the same time attention to emotional sphere man. The main names of philosophers and thinkers who are in the textbook for grade 7 are indicated, and what the effect of the Epoch of Enlightenment has had the events of the early 19th century and the new time.

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Epoch of Enlightenment call the period of the end 17 and only 18th century in Europe when occurred scientific revolution, overwhelming the view of mankind on the device of nature. The educational movement is born in Europe at that time when it becomes obvious crisisiS feudal system. Public thought is on the rise, and this leads to the emergence of a new generation of writers and thinkers who are trying to comprehend the mistakes of history and bring a new optimal formula of human existence.

The beginning of the Epoch of Enlightenment in Europe can be considered John Locke "Experience about the Human Mind" (1691), which subsequently allowed to be called the XVIII century "mid-mind of the mind." Locke argued that in all people there were deposits for different forms of activity, and this led to the denial of any class privileges. If there are no "congenital ideas", then there are no people "blue blood" that claim special rights and advantages. Enlighteners appear new Type Hero - a man of active, confident.
The basic educational writers become concepts Mind and nature. These concepts were not new - they were present in the ethics and aesthetics of the preceding centuries. However, enlighteners gave them new meaningMade them the main ones both in the condemnation of the past and in the approval of the ideal of the future. Past in most cases was condemned as unreasonable. The future was vigorously approved, since the enlighteners believed that by education, beliefs and continuous reforms, you can create a "the kingdom of mind".

Locke "Thought about upbringing": "The tutor must teach the pupil to understand people ... to tear the masks imposed on them by the profession and pretendation, distinguish between that genuine, which lies in the depths of such appearance."
The so-called "laws of nature" were also discussed. Locke wrote: "Natural condition is a state of freedom, it is managed by the laws of nature, which is obliged to obey"
Thus, a new type of hero appears in the literature - "Natural Man"which is brought up on the Nature Low and, according to its fair laws and is opposed to a person of noble origin with his perverted ideas about himself and his rights.


In the literature of Enlightenment, the former rigid boundaries are erased between philosophical, journalistic and actually artistic genres. This is especially noticeable in the essay genre, which has become the most widespread in the literature of early education (FR. Essai - an attempt, sample, essay). An extensive, relaxed and flexible, this genre allowed to quickly respond to events. In addition, this genre often bordered up with a critical article, then with a journalistic pamphlet, then with enlightenment novel. The meaning of memoirs (Voltaire, Boualers, Goldoni, Gotszi) and the Epistolar Genre (the form of an open letter was often taken by the deployed speeches on the most diverse issues of public, political and artistic life) The property of readers also become a personal correspondence of prominent enlightenment figures ("Persian letters" of Montesquiece). Popularity acquires another Documentary Genre - Travel or travel noteswhich gives a wide space for paintings of social life and morals, and for deep socio-political generalizations. For example, J. Smalllett in "Traveling in France and Italy" for 20 years predicted a revolution in France.
The flexibility and mobility of the narrative manifests itself in a variety of forms. The texts are introduced by author's retreats, initiations, plug-in novels, letters and even sermons. Often, jokes and parodies replaced the scientist treatise (fielding "tragedy tragedy, or the life and death of the Great Boy - C - Finger"). So in educational literature The XVIII century, first of all, striking her thematic wealth and genre manifold. Voltaire: "All genres are good, except boring" - this statement seems to emphasize the refusal of any regulation, unwillingness to give preference to one genre. And yet the genres developed unevenly.
The XVIII century is mostly a century of prose, so a novel, combining high ethical pathos with skill of the social life of different layers, acquires great importance in the literature. modern society. In addition, the XVIII century is distinguished by the variety of types of novel:
1. roman in letters (Richardson)
2. roman Education (Goethe)
3. philosophical novel
The tribune for enlighteners was the theater. Along with the classic tragedy of the XVIII century opened meshchansky drama - A new genre that reflected the process of democratization of the theater. Special heyday reached comedy . In the play of the audience attracted and worried the image of the hero - the accuser, the carrier of the educational program. For example, Karl Moore "Robbers". This is one of the features of the literature of the Epoch of Enlightenment - it carries high moral ideal, most often embodied in the image of a positive hero (didactism - with Greek. Didaktikos - passing).
The spirit of negation and critics of the whole thoroughbling naturally led to Satira's bloom. Satira penetrates all genres and put forward worldwide masters (Swift, Voltaire).
Extremely modestly represented in the Epoch of Education Poetry. Probably the rule of rationalism prevented the development of lyrical creativity. Most of The enlighteners were negative about folklore. Folk songs They were perceived as "barbaric sounds", they seemed to them for primitive, not meet the requirements of the mind. Only B. late XVIII century appear poets included in world literature (Burns, Schiller, Goethe).


In the literature and the art of enlightenment there are different artistic directions. Some of them were still in previous centuries, while others became a merit of the century XVIII:
1) baroque ;
2) classicism ;
3) enlightenment realism - The flourishing of this direction relates to mature enlightenment. Educational realism, unlike critical realism The 19th century, seeks to ideal, that is, it reflects not so much real as desired reality, therefore the hero of the literature of education lives not only according to the laws of society, but also according to the laws of reason and nature.
4) rococo (FR. Rococo - "Small pebbles", "shells") - writers occupies a private, intimate life of a person, his psychology and its weakness. Writers depict life as a chase for fleeting pleasure (hedonism), as the gallant game of "love and case" and as a fleeting holiday, which rushes Vaca (Wine) and Venus (love). However, everyone understood that these joy was fleeting and fleece. This literature is designed for a narrow circle of readers (visitors to aristocratic salons) and for it are characterized by small works (in poetry - sonnet, Madrigal, Rondo, Ballad, epigram; in prose - a heroic-comic poem, fairy tale, love story and erotic novel). Art language easy works, elegant and relaxed, and the tone of the narration is witty-ironic (preje, guys).
5) sentimentalism ;
6) premantism - originated in England in late XVIII century and criticized the main ideas of the Epoch of Enlightenment. Specific traits:
a) dispute with medieval;
b) communication with folklore;
c) Connection of a terrible and fantastic - "Gothic novel". Representatives: T. Chatterton, J. MacPherson, H. Walpol

XVIII century He entered the history as a century of enlightenment - a powerful ideological movement generated by the aggravated contradictions of the era and engulfed the whole Europe. This is ideological movement, being a continuation humanistic traditions Revival , originated in England at the end of the XVII century., His name and highest development received in France in the XVIII century. His characteristic feature is enclosed in the title; Knowledge, education is treated with enlighteners as a powerful progress lever.

It was the era of the accelerated development of the capitalist economy and the growth of the economic power of the bourgeoisie, on the one hand, and the deepening crisis of feudalism and the absolute monarchy - on the other. The greatest exacerbation of this contradiction reached in France.

The ideology of enlightenment. Despite the differences in the views of the enlighteners, they were united by the desire to improve the economic system and the state system of France.

The enlighteners argued the need to transform links to the theory of natural law and folk sovereignty.

Since the absolute royal power violates the natural, inalienable rights of people, the enlighteners argued, this power should be replaced by another power (constitutional monarchy or the republic).

The people have the right to do this, as it is the only source of power (the theory of folk sovereignty). In such an understanding, this theory served as a tool in ideological struggle with the defenders of the absolute monarchy.

The ideology of enlightenment has had a strong impact on Europe and America. In Europe and America, the ideas of Voltaire, Montesquieu, Rousseau spread. In England, Germany, Austria, Spain, the United States and in many other states their like-minded people appeared. Enlightenment ideas have had a significant impact on the development of European and american culture. Bourgeois native (protecting private property), they were perceived as national as a program of the entire third class. Bourgeoisie, workers, peasants could find in them the uniting principle.

Literature of the Epoch of Enlightenment (Total Har-Ka)

18th century entered the story european Culture as epoch of Enlightenment . Enlightenment is a wide ideological movement, the content of which is determined primarily by the merciless criticism of feudal-absolutist orders.

In the preparation of this course, it is necessary to carefully examine the main theoretical issues related to the overall characteristics of the Epoch of Education:

Socio-political program of Western European educators, general provisions Enlightenment philosophy and its contradiction. It is necessary to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe main stages of enlightenment.

In the literature of the Epoch of Enlightenment, a number of literary directions are developing: classicism, rococo , Sentimentalism, predocutant. The general characteristic feature of the literature of the Enlightenment is its desire for the formulation of large public and state problems And deep philosophicity. Therefore, the basis of its study should be a fairly wide idea of \u200b\u200bthe social, political and philosophical enlightenment program.

Literature I. culture XVIII. The century is referred from 1689, when the "glorious revolution" occurred in England and the Dynasty of Hannover was reigned. The main political powers were transferred to Parliament. European enlightenment begins in England. The upper chronological boundaries of the period - the time of the Great French revolution(1789 - 1794). Napoleonic Wars led to the activation of the third estate and the construction of the bourgeois system.

The Epoch of Enlightenment Transformed public consciousness: There was a transition from the old estate thinking to individually personal. The estate division slowed down the development of society and the economy. In the XVIII century, the transition of the economy on the capitalist basis begins, and the main role here takes over the third estate, heterogeneous structure. A social system changes: a separate personality becomes in its center. She independently builds his destiny. This person has the empirical orientation of consciousness.

He carefully refers to the circumstances surrounding it, can notice them and analyze them. There is a first idea of \u200b\u200bcausal relationships. Also arises the problem of human relationships with environmental. A detailed analysis comes to the place of metaphysical categories. The man of this era has a wrestling character, since the conflicts of the epoch are cross-arsalistic. Throughout the XVIII century, there is a change of perfectness ideals on the ideals of civil society and human rights.

In the framework of Catholicism, the direction of deizma is formed. Deists believed that God- Creator of the world, not interfering with his existence. Atheism subsequently arises from Deesma. Another direction - pietism - idealizes the "religion of the heart", proclaims the refusal of rational comprehension of the Divine. Pietism has developed particularly in Germany.

Universal Employ Enlightenment:

1. The idea of \u200b\u200benlightenment. The leading ability of a person and the driving force of culture proclaims the mind. This mind develops nonlinearly. Knowledge can progress and regress. The slogan of the era - "opinions rule the world."

2. The problem of upbringing. You can change the society by changing the consciousness of a particular person. Put this problem John Lokk ("The experience of the human mind", 1690). Locke rejects the postulate Rene Desartaabout the presence of congenital ideas. Natural man is a state of harmony with the outside world. Natural condition usually thought as good. But much more often, the external validity prevents person, distorts its natural deposits.

Then you can talk about artificial upbringing. At the same time, the human egoism is exacerbated. Enlighteners formed a certain historosophy: history - a number of lessons public Development. Antiquity considered a natural, ideal, middle age - regress, a new time - a refund to the natural. It was assumed that the story should end when returning to naturalness comes. Consequently, the story appeared on both sides: as a good leading to harmony, and how evil in its modern manifestation.

Education ideology of education:

1. rationalism. The leading power of upbringing is logic, a narrow understanding of rationality. The rationalists were aimed at the formation of knowledge, the argument of provisions on the formation of knowledge. This led to schematics in the literature. Survived genres - a philosophical and allegorical story, a tendentious drama.

2. Sensualism. Sensitivity. Paul Van Tigem believed that the word "sensitivity" originated at the beginning of the XVIII century, and for the century it was the most frequency word. The basis of the personality becomes its emotional plan. The sensitivity of the XVIII century is very varied (chamber, aggressive, etc.).

Literary directions of the XVIII century - Rococo, classicism, sentimentalism and enlightened realism. Rococo manifests itself at the beginning of the century and arises as a result of the genesis of classicism. Rococo was considered aristocratic art, it was associated with chamber genres and exquisite life. In the literature, it was associated with small forms and an abundance of a variety of verbal decorations (poems in case, experiments with the word, meter, rhythm). Rococo responded on topics of private, intimate life: for example, on love situations. Rococo - Culture gedonism . In the literature Rococo showed itself in the genres of sonnet, Rondo, Madrigala, story, fairy tales. Another sphere of interest Rococo is comediography. Most famous playwright Rococo - Marivo era.

Aesthetics of educational classicism are considered Pope, Gothshed, Voltaire, Butyo, Lagarp. The aesthetics of the direction relied on the ancient samples, but the themes and genre forms focused on topical content. Educational classicism is also called alluzion, as the plot is taken from classic historyfocused on modernity, but does not talk about the story. Historism - recognition for every era of the originality. There is a clash of opinions and genres. Border genres arise like a philosophical story.

An experimental probing of social living conditions occurs. In educational classicism is very sharp, brought to melodramatism, conflicts. Wide distribution receives genre of tragedy with bloody plots. Emotionality replaces psychologism, which is simplified, is replaced by one passion. Enlightenment classicism gives options in the epic sphere. The genre of the poem with its options is developing: philosophical, historical. Partial understanding of the epic poem is the "Orleans virgin" Voltaire.

The modification of educational classicism was revolutionary classicism, originated during the revolution years. It was a game in republican forms And antique scenery. Revolutionary classicism on the forefront makes the interests of society. Power appears a korestoluboye and unfair.

In Germany in 1780-1790s. appears " Weimar classicism " Schiller, Goethe, Gerder and Villaland worked in the city of Weimar. Weimar classicism rethinks the attitude towards antiquity. The ancient Greeks and Romans revealed the laws of art as an ideal harmony of form and content. In "Weimar Classicism" is formed by historicism. Herder recognized the originality for each era. Leading scenes Schiller and Goethe historical. For artistic experiments, harmonious genres was suitable, which was based on synthesis. Elements of epic penetrated the drama. This synthesis spawned the "Faust" Goethe.

No less significant was the educational realism. His classic country was England, which gave rise to the whole popula of the authors. In France, the leading representative of the direction was Denis Didro, in Germany - the authors of "Storms and Natiska". Realists paid attention to empirical reality. Literature set a goal description ordinary man In fullness. Fullness assumed the refusal to distinguish between high and low. Authors were interested in mid-level situations. Their heroes usually represented the middle class and the province.

Representatives of this literary direction The first was the question of the essence of the human person. In aesthetics educational realism The transforming installation is manifested. Hence the explicit element of the edge. The idea of \u200b\u200ba person as a complex dialectical creature is rooted. Among the genres, the prose, novel, the Meshchansky drama are put forward at first place. The theoretical foundations of the Meshchansky Drama showed Denis Didro. Lyrics develop poorly. From the poets, only Robert Burns, which made folklore elements in poetry.

Sentimentalism is formed in England in the 1720-1730s. It is originally formed in lyrics, in the works of Thompson, Gray and Jung. TO mid XVIII A century sentimentalism applies to prose (Goldsmith, Stern). The focus of the sentimentalists paid a game of psychology. it intellectual game, Change of associations. Ideas in it unfolds not according to the laws of logic. Conclusions are born on an emotionally-shaped basis. The plot and the story becomes difficult.

Within the framework of sentimentalism, the hero becomes contradictory to capriciousness. In the works of sentimentalism we are talking about internal conflict. This is a clash of psychological states, struggle of passions or external, estate, conflict. In Germany, representatives of "Storm and Natisk" arises their own version of sentimentalism with the most high levels emotionality.