The conditions for the effective implementation of environmental policies. Ecological politics

The conditions for the effective implementation of environmental policies. Ecological politics
The conditions for the effective implementation of environmental policies. Ecological politics

Ecology is a very common concept. It is usually called good or bad. It affects our life, health, well-being. The philistine opinion on ecology is closely related to environmental pollution. It is believed that its main task is to preserve our world. This is not quite like this: the ecology is multifaceted and has many directions of its activities.

What is ecology?

This is a science of living beings, their connections among themselves and connections with inanimate (inorganic) nature. More precisely, this is an idea of \u200b\u200bnature as a system, studying its structure and interactions between parts of this structure.

The main directions of ecology:

1. Bioecology. It is the basis, or base, ecology. It studies the natural biological systems and according to the degree of organization of all living things shares:

  • on molecular ecology;
  • ecology of tissues and cells (morphological);
  • autoecology (at the body level);
  • demolar (at the level of populations);
  • eidocology (at the level of species);
  • sysecology (at the community level);
  • global ecology studying the biosphere.

2. Geoecology. It studies the geospheric shell of the Earth as the basis of the biosphere and the influence of natural and technogenic factors.

3. Applied ecology. Not only the scientific, but also the practical part of the ecology, the result of which is the project on the complex transformation of ecosystems. These projects use the latest achievements in the field of ecology, such as new air purification technologies, water, soil.

4. Ecology of a person. The subject of the study is the interaction of a person and the environment.

Why did the need to create such science like ecology? Due to the unbalanced activities of mankind, there was a threatening size of environmental change. Ecology problems have acquired a global scale.

Ecological problems

According to some estimates, during the existence of human civilization, about 70% of biological systems were broken, capable of recycling negative human activity. According to scientists, after 40 years, the onset of the so-called irreversible process is possible when the proportion of pollution exceeds the ability to neutralize harmful emissions and a global environmental catastrophe will come.

Already now the state of the environment is characterized as a deep crisis. Environmental problems acquire a global, regional and local character. Global environmental problems are presented by climate change, decreasing the ozone layer, the pollution of the oceans, the extermination of the animal world, and regional and local pollution of water, soil, air on certain geographic spaces.

Factors that have a detrimental effect on the environment are:

  1. Excessive and uncontrolled expenditure of natural resources.
  2. Creation of weapons of mass lesion (nuclear, chemical, biological).
  3. Uneven economic development of countries.
  4. Negative (anthropogenic) impact on nature (change in the landscape, cutting down, drying the marshes, production emissions and much more).

To create an ecological equilibrium, an environmental policy has appeared in our lives.

Ecological politics

In the general sense, environmental policy is a complex of political, economic, legal, educational and other activities aimed at resolving the impact of mankind in nature. In a narrower sense, these are measures for environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources.

Environmental policy is divided into the following types of (levels):

  1. Global (international).
  2. State.
  3. Regional.
  4. Local.
  5. Ecopoly enterprise.

Environmental policy has its own elements: principles, priorities, goals, subjects, tools (implementation mechanisms).

Principles are divided into political and socio-economic. Political principles:

  1. Democraticity.
  2. Publicity.
  3. Voluntaryness.

Socio-economic principles:

  1. Compliance of ecology and economic development.
  2. New ways to solve environmental problems at the expense of scientific and technological progress.
  3. Control regulation.
  4. Planned population growth.

The main purpose of the eopolitics is a balanced development of the economy, society and the environment.

Global Environmental Policy

The main problem of global environmental policies is the development of uniform views and approaches between countries. Attempts to come to a single solution to problems are hampered by the economic interests of some countries, as it is about the restriction or redistribution of natural resources between different countries. And also often charges are charged with facts, opinions that there are no problems with the ozone layer, global climate warming. Nevertheless, international conferences, where a single ecological culture is produced, continue. International organizations playing international environmental organizations.

International Standards for Environmental Management and Audit ISO 1400 have been developed and implemented.

Ecological policy of the Russian Federation

The environmental situation in Russia is significantly better than in Europe, where natural resources are almost fully used. Of 17 million square meters. km of a total area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation 9 million square meters. KM - untouched natural systems, most of which are represented by Fondra. These environmental systems are not only effective in our country, but also affect the world ecology.

But on the other hand, there are many places in Russia, where environmental equilibrium is excessively violated. After all, the economic policy of our state in the past was characterized by indicators of production efficiency and labor productivity. Indicators of the USSR Economic Development for a long time were high due to the development of natural resources. There are so voluminous stocks that seemed to never end.

The result of ill-conceived agricultural activities was the deterioration of the characteristics of the soil and, as a result, the quality and results of agricultural products. Production emissions into the atmosphere spawned such a phenomenon as acid rain, which also affected the agricultural genera and on the quality of life of Russians in general. The uncontrolled use of water resources provoked the disappearance of the Aral Sea, which was classified as an ecological catastrophe.

At the moment, environmental protection and the environmental policy of Russia are carried out by the Unified State Authority - the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Environment, or the Ministry of Ecology, considers its mission to ensure the rational use of natural resources, excluding their exhaustion and pollution of the environment, as well as the preservation of natural potential. The structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology includes:

  1. Federal Service for Supervision in Environmental Management.
  2. Federal Agency for Subsoil Use.
  3. Federal Agency Water Resources.
  4. Federal Forestry Agency.
  5. Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring.

Environmental policy of the state, its directions and structure

The Ministry of Ecology has the following areas of activity:

  • administrative and control (control of environmental legislation, licensing, creating standards for the use of natural resources, environmental certification and expertise, standardization, environmental impact assessment);
  • technical and technological (consideration of new technical and technological solutions for protection and environmental protection);
  • economic (resource planning, development and implementation of targeted programs, economic incentives: benefits, payments, taxes);
  • legislative and legal (development and adoption of the legislative framework governing the relationship between society and the environment);
  • political (use of the activities of political and public organizations to protect nature);
  • educational-educational (activities aimed at creating environmental views, thinking, responsibility of each person).

State environmental policy is implemented with the participation of environmental policy entities:

  1. State. Its main function is the installation of rules of economic activities, coordination and control of compliance with legislation in the field of environmental protection.
  2. Regional organs for environmental management and nature conservation. All subjects of the Russian Federation form regional environmental policies on their territory.
  3. Economic entities. These are state organizations and enterprises of large, medium and small businesses. Russian legislation obliged them to protect the environment, use gentle production technologies, eliminate environmentally harmful effects.
  4. Research organizations. The role of such organizations is not only in obtaining research, but also in developing new ways for sustainable economic development, taking into account environmental protection.
  5. Political parties. The main role of parties is in the formation of political programs, taking into account environmental problems, as well as in the creation of environmental consciousness among citizens of our country.
  6. Public organizations. Formed independent public opinion, directly participate in nature conservation events, conduct educational and educational work.
  7. Separate citizens. Environmental consciousness and high requirements for the purity of the environment allow individual people to perform with new initiatives, unite like-minded people in groups, solve some local environmental problems.

Regional and Local Environmental Policy

The regional and local environmental policy of the Russian Federation is characterized by the organization of environmental protection activities in specific territories, taking into account geographical, geological, climatic, economic, social characteristics. In other words, this is the socio-ecological policy of the region, city, the village, which is formed on the following basis:

  1. Socio-economic plan for the development of the region.
  2. Assessment of the current state of nature.
  3. Accounting for environmental assessment, anthropogenic influence on infrastructure development.
  4. The normalization of anthropogenic influence in order to stabilize and the sustainability of the environment.
  5. Development and implementation of new methods for economic analysis of the results of negative impact on the environment.
  6. Constant monitoring of nature parameters, assessing the impact on their individual production facilities.
  7. Organization of optimal environmental conditions for population accommodation.
  8. Education and development of environmental consciousness.

Economic and economic entities, research organizations, political parties, public organizations, individual citizens are also subjects of regional environmental policies.

Basic impact methods (tools)

Why do state and regional bodies use different methods of exposure? Very often, economic and social aspects in the development of regions are contrary to environmental policies. For example, the expansion of production brings profit and new jobs, but causes damage to the environment. Or the introduction of new environmentally friendly technologies, products are economically unprofitable.

For the efficiency of ecopoly, about 40 different tools are used. They are divided into fiscal and nephiscal. Fiscal tools are directly related to finance and may be related to:

  • with state revenues (taxes and licensing);
  • state costs (targeted environmental programs, research activities, environmental investments).

Nefiscal include education, rationing, legislative base.

Environmental policy of the company

First of all, the Environmental Policy of the company developed on the basis of ISO 1400 is reflected in the document of the same name. The creation of such a document is a statement about its intentions and principles aimed at protecting the environment. Environmental policy (an example of a document) may contain:

Solving environmental problems

Ways to solve environmental problems have long been found. They, large or small, are available to large corporations and any individual citizen:

  • the use of new renewable energy sources;
  • termination of the cutting of tropical forests;
  • reducing energy consumption;
  • reducing waste.

2. Fighting soil erosion:

  • use of small fields;
  • planting trees and shrubs to combat wind and destructive aquatic streams.

3. Fight against the offensive desert:

  • the use of irrigation as a method of combating soil cutting;
  • planting trees and shrubs;
  • the use of new agricultural technologies, cultures.

4. Restoration of animal populations:

  • organization of new natural parks as habitats;
  • strict animal control;
  • prohibition of hunting on rare and extinct animals.

5. Fighting acid rains:

  • reduction of chemical production emissions;
  • reducing the use of chemical fertilizers;
  • use filters and other sources of cleaning.

It should be remembered: the protection of nature is the debt of everyone, further pollution of the planet can lead to the extinction of the next type of living organisms - people!

The implementation of environmental policies is the establishment of the relationship between the intentions of decision makers and environmental entities in order to ecologizing their economic activities, reduce the anthropogenic environmental impact and achieve the target environmental indicators.

Before proceeding to the stage of implementing the environmental policy and the implementation of the Action Plan should be made the official decision, which approves a single direction of action. The form of such an official decision may be the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation or the relevant decision of the Administration of the Federation Subject on the adoption of the Environmental Policy Concept and approval of the Action Plan.

In environmental strategies (plans), the following key conditions usually allocate to increase the efficiency of institutional structures and better implementation of decisions:

· The presence of effective structures and the necessary resources to implement the decisions made;

· Clear distribution of responsibility between institutional structures;

· Development of consistent and "transparent" legislation;

· Improving the economic efficiency of environmental policy;

· Information and methodological support for the implementation of environmental policies.

The presence of effective structures and necessary resources involves the existence of adequate funds, the availability of personnel of relevant qualifications and political support to adopted rules and requirements. The possibilities of the departments to which the responsibility of the implementation of regulations are often limited. However, the effective distribution of responsibility between institutional structures and the availability of clear and consistent legislation creates prerequisites for reducing resource need for regulatory requirements.

In a situation where insufficient funds are allocated and there is no qualified personnel, the traditional reaction consists in the requirement of additional resources. However, the essence of the problem of execution is not in this. First of all, it is necessary to effectively use existing resources and be able to attract external sources of financing. No need to demand, you need to be able to interest.

If an increase or attraction of additional funding is unlikely, then the following two directions of environmental policy are possible: 1- Reduce the need for resources on the activities of the activities due to savings; 2- Verify priorities to more efficiently use available resources.

Clear formulation and separation of the responsibility of institutional structures is of great importance, since environmental problems cross the boundaries of individual industries and territories and to solve them require the participation of various state bodies. In determining the responsibility of institutional structures, the following factors are important: minimizing the possibilities of conflicts, a clear compliance with the problem of the status and functions of the relevant authorities, ensuring effective coordination among administrative bodies and other organizations.

The development of transparent and consistent legislation will contribute to the simpler and conscious use of relevant laws. Those legal entities and individuals who need to comply or execute laws and regulatory acts will be observed and to fulfill them when they will understand how these laws work well, and why they were adopted in such a word. Transparency implies clarity in the interpretation and application of laws, and stability - strict adherence to certain principles.

Improving the economic efficiency of policies is to develop and choose economic instruments and the need to find a compromise between environmental goals and limited resources to achieve them.

The system of payments for pollution existing in Russia (in which payments should be calculated for hundreds of various pollutants) initially creates difficulties of its implementation. It requires significant costs to define payments for each of hundreds of equal pollutants. The weak structure of law enforcement, low regulatory disciplines in combination with low pollution payments rates contribute a little help to reduce overall environmental pollution in Russia. The payment system should be simplified, for example, by focusing attention on several main pollutants. This will significantly reduce the need for personnel.

To facilitate the difficulties arising from environmental management authorities, it is necessary to expand the ability to participate in the private sector in this process. Private sector and non-profit organizations, including private companies, local and international non-governmental organizations, research institutes should play a crucial role in the formation and implementation of environmental policies. Local authorities of self-government will help identify the most important local problems and offer ways to solve them. Non-governmental organizations interested in reducing environmental pollution can play an important role, carrying out public control of the activities of departments and enterprises and provide information on the population reaction.

Information and methodological activities characterizes all types of work that implement authorities in order to transfer to legal and individuals knowledge on how established standards and standards should be followed. Information of this kind is, among other things, the goal is to achieve the highest possible level of regulatory acts at the lowest cost. This goal can be achieved by providing enterprises to the highest possible adequate information and guidance materials.

Information and methodological activities may include the development of practical guidance on new taxes. In cases where it is possible, the relevant enterprises must be involved. The advantage of their direct participation is that enterprises are more familiar with the conditions for the functioning of their industry and represent how it is better to organize the relationship between the enterprises of the industry.

Local environmental bodies play an important role in information and methodological activities. They can provide practical and specific assistance to enterprises, including organization: information meetings, meetings with individual enterprises, seminars for specially selected enterprises, visits to enterprises; Replies to telephone requests and letters.

This chapter analyzes the theoretical foundations of environmental policies, its tools, components and mechanisms. In addition, a description of the economic consequences of environmental problems in the country, and also characterizes the environmental quality management systems, control and monitoring its condition.

Environmental Policy: Concept, Types, Principles

Environmental policy is a relatively new type of state policy of the countries of the world, as well as the activities of various political, economic, state and non-governmental organizations. The formation and development of environmental policies of various states and regions has an impact of many factors, among which the level of economic and social development of society can be considered the significance of the economic and social development of the country, the level of environmental problems on the development of the country, the level of production of production and the use of natural resources, as well as the level of environmental literacy and culture of the population. Features of the formation of environmental policies are associated, first of all, with the stage of development on which the country is located. The process of forming regional environmental policies also depends on political installations in society and the system of the state device.

We can identify environmental policies as the direction of the activities of state and public organizations aimed at protecting the environment, rational environmental management and solving environmental problems. However, it is necessary to distinguish between the concept of "environmental policy" in terms of global and regional levels. On the global scale "Environmental Policy" is a set of measures and shares of international political and public organizations, the main purpose of which is the consideration of global environmental problems in terms of the influence of these problems on the social and economic development of the entire society, as well as taking into account available resources and their Distribution. Regional environmental policy for a set of function is similar to the global, however, it considers the influence of environmental problems in terms of one continent, country or region.

In the modern world, much attention is paid to regional environmental policies, especially from the point of view of individual business entities of economic activity, which are the main sources of environmental pollution. Regional environmental policy is one of the most important components of the state policy of the majority of developed countries. In this case, we can talk about the elements of state environmental policy. Among them, it is possible to distinguish goals, mechanisms and implementation tools, priorities and exercise costs. State environmental policy is based on the economic and social objectives of the entire state policy, and also depends on the degree of influence by environmental issues and natural catastrophes on the development of the country, the level of scientific and technical progress and the possibilities of applying its achievements to solve environmental problems. Social environmental policy is most often considered as a set of measures aimed at improving the environmental literacy of the population, and regulating the relations of the country's population to the use of natural resources and a careful environment.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the level of economic development of the country and the state of the environment are closely interrelated. Providing high growth rates without environmental protection will lead to environmental degradation, and will also have an impact on the lives and health of people, which in turn will lead to even more negative consequences in the long run.

The process of implementing the environmental policy includes three steps:

  • · Development of regulatory acts, administrative and control measures, direct regulation by state bodies;
  • · Creation of environmental monitoring and monitoring institutions;
  • · Development and implementation of tools for economic incentives associated with the development of various market mechanisms and aimed at environmentalizing economic agents.

The main tools of environmental policies are administrative and economic methods. Economic methods include various ways to stimulate users of natural resources to develop, use and improve resource-saving technologies, as well as encourage them to use more environmentally friendly methods for organizing and implementing production activities. Such methods can directly include the price and fiscal policy tools, the state subsidizing program of various environmental programs, as well as the sale of pollution rights. Administrative methods include a system of fines, legislative regulation, environmental payments, the establishment of the norms of extremely permissible emissions for various sources of environmental pollution, including power plants, industrial enterprises and vehicles.

There is a more detailed classification of environmental policy methods. In social ecology, the following environmental policy mechanisms are allocated: legislative, legal, economic, political, educational and scientific and technical. Legislative - legal methods in this case are considered as a set of legislative acts and regulatory and legal instruments that regulate relations between the state, society and nature, and also establish penalties for environmental pollution. Under scientific and technical methods means a set of knowledge and technologies that contribute to preventing and solving environmental problems. Under political methods, the actions of political parties and organizations on the improvement of environmental complexes, reserves are understood. Educational measures occupy a special place, as their main task is to educate society in the spirit of careful attitude towards nature.

The process of implementing environmental policies is carried out by actors of environmental policy, which includes: states, economic agents, political parties and organizations, non-governmental organizations and research and educational institutions.

The objectives of environmental policies include: achieving results in the field of environmental protection and the solution of both regional and global environmental problems, rational environmental management, the preservation of public health and reducing the effect of environmental pollution on human health, the use of environmental relations to solve other state policy tasks. To carry out these purposes, it is necessary, first of all, to solve a number of essential tasks:

  • · Development, improvement and development of the population of the methods of rational use of natural resources, as well as environmentally friendly production methods;
  • · Formation of the environmental value system in society and understanding the limited natural resources;
  • · Education of the population with the awareness of the Global Sustainable Development Strategy;
  • · Development of a system of safe disposal of waste;
  • · Ensuring food security and improvement of food quality;
  • · Reducing the risk of a catastrophe of natural and man-made character.

To address the above tasks, the state needs to develop a clear environmental policy, as well as to promote financial and material support for studying the state of the environment and biological diversity, creating an effective monitoring system for the state of the environment and its components, developing methods for monitoring the production activities of economic entities, Financing and supporting the use of energy-saving and environmentally friendly technologies.

One of the directions of environmental policy is also a decrease in the damage caused by the natural environment from anthropogenic activity. Such damage can be divided into calculated and conditionally calculated damage.

The damage to the calculated damage includes economic and socio-economic types of damage. Economic damage is the costs of the state to eliminate the effects of natural disasters and disasters, the loss of society as a result of the failure of the results of forestry, industrial and agricultural activities, reduced yields and as a result of strengthening food problems, the costs of maintaining and restoring equilibrium in ecosystems, fuel loss, raw materials and Materials.

Socially economic damage include the costs of preserving recreational resources, an increase in the number of people suffering from chronic diseases, as well as the consequences of the population migration caused by the deterioration of the environment.

Condolic-calculated damage is an increase in pathological changes in the human body, an increase in the number of people who suffer from allergies from childhood, as well as aesthetic damage caused by the population, from changing the species of surrounding landscapes due to environmental pollution.

The correct interpretation of economic damage from environmental problems is necessary in almost all spheres of economic activity. It allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the economy of the region or the country as a whole, and also contributes to the development of such market mechanisms for monitoring the state of the environment as environmental insurance. The lack of a qualitative assessment of environmental damage leads to the fact that environmental management is excluded from factors that determine the overall efficiency of the economy.

Environmental policies of the enterprise (Organizations) is a statement of an enterprise about its intentions and principles related to its overall environmental efficiency, which serves as a basis for action and to establish targeted and planned indicators. Determines the Environmental Policy of the enterprise its top management. The top management may consist of a separate person or a group of persons carrying administrative responsibility for the organization.

Depicted in fig. 3.2 The management system model reflects the basic principles of the Environmental Policy of the enterprise.

1. Obligations and politics. The company must determine its environmental policy and assume obligations regarding the environmental management system. At the same time, it should be started with what brings apparent benefits, for example, with limitations of root causes leading to a responsibility for violation, or with more efficient use of raw materials and materials.

Environmental policy should reflect the supervisory commitments to comply with the applicable laws and constantly improve the environmental management system. The policy creates the basis with which the company establishes its target and planned indicators. The policy should be quite clear to understand its internal and external stakeholders; It should be periodically analyzed and revised to reflect changing conditions and information. The scope of policies should be accurately identifiable.

2. Planning.The company must develop a plan for implementing its environmental policy. At the same time, environmental management elements include: identifying environmental aspects and related environmental impacts; requirements of legislation; environmental policy; Domestic and external criteria for evaluating environmental efficiency, etc.

3. Implementation.In order to effectively implement the company, the company should create opportunities and develop support mechanisms necessary to implement their environmental policies and achieving targeted and planned indicators. In order to achieve targets, the company should amend it to its employees, systems, strategy, resources and structure, to develop a system of responsibility and reporting.

4. Change and evaluation.The company must measure, monitor and evaluate its environmental efficiency. One of the main control tools is an environmental audit.

5. Analysis and improvement.The company should analyze and constantly improve the environmental management system to increase its overall environmental efficiency. The management of the enterprise must conduct an analysis of the environmental management system through some time intervals to ensure its continuous efficiency and compliance with the existing parameters. The analysis should be wide to take into account the degree of environmental impact on all activities, products or services of a given organization, including their impact on the financial side of activities and possible competitiveness.

In terms of real activity, the environmental management system will carry out this process in the form of a cycle shown in Fig. 3.4.

1.3 Environmental Policy Enterprise

Environmental policy (environmental policies) - a statement of an enterprise or organization of its intentions and principles related to its overall environmental efficiency, which serves as a basis for both actions and to establish targeted and planned environmental indicators.

Environmental policy should reflect the obligations of top management of the enterprise to comply with the applicable laws and constantly improve the environmental management system. The policy creates the basis with which the company establishes its target and planned indicators. Policy should be quite clear to understand its internal and external stakeholders. The scope of the policy should be accurately identifiable, must be periodically analyzed and revised, in order to reflect the changing external conditions and take into account the incoming information. The environmental policy in the field of the environment should be regularly monitored to check how compliance with the principles and that there is a constant improvement in the environmental characteristics.

The highest management of the enterprise should determine environmental policy and ensure that this policy is:

a) corresponded to the nature, scale and impact on the environment of the enterprise;

b) included obligations regarding continuous enhancement of the environment and prevented pollution;

c) included obligations to fulfill the requirements of regulatory and legal acts in the field of environmental protection;

d) envisaged the basis for the establishment of targeted and planned environmental indicators and their analysis;

e) was documented, introduced, supported and communicated to all employees of the enterprise;

e) would be available to the public.

The company must identify its own environmental policy and assumes obligations regarding the environmental management system. The process of forming an environmental policy in detail is regulated by GOST R ISO 14004I includes three stages:

1. The adoption of an environmental strategy as the obligations of the management of the enterprise: its compilation is included in the function of the company's head. Must briefly state the intentions of the enterprise's director regarding environmental protection;

2. Initial environmental impact assessment: considers the entire range of operating conditions of the enterprise, including emergency situations. The results of the initial environmental impact assessment must be documented;

3. Environmental policy adoption.

Environmental protection policy means the goals and principles of the enterprise in relation to the environment, including compliance with all the requirements of regulatory and legal acts in terms of environmental protection.

Environmental policy should take into account the following questions:

1. Objectives solved by the enterprise, leadership views on the prospects for the development of the enterprise;

2. Continuous improvement in environmental state;

3. Prevention of environmental pollution;

4. Coordination to resolve environmental protection issues with other aspects of the organization's policy (for example, labor and security hygiene);

5. Specific local or regional conditions;

6. Compliance with current regulatory documents on environmental issues.

In addition to compliance with regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection, the Environmental Policy of the enterprise may establish obligations regarding:

· Minimization of any significant negative environmental impacts in the introduction of new technologies;

· Development of the procedure for assessing the environmental efficiency of work and related indicators;

· Designing products in such a way as to minimize its environmental impact in the production, use and disposal;

· Prevent environmental pollution, waste reduction and resource consumption;

· Enhance the level of education and training staff;

· Exchange of environmental experience;

· Encouragement to the implementation of environmental management systems for suppliers and contractors.

The environmental policy in the field of the environment should be regularly monitored.

The purpose of the control is to check how much the policy of the enterprise is conforming to the proclaimed and whether the continued improvement in the characteristics of the environment is observed.

2. General characteristics of the enterprise

2.1 Organizational structure of the enterprise

Sibneft - Hantos LLC formed January 1, 2005. Based on the order of Sibneft OJSC from 6.04. 2005 No. 63 on the basis of TPDN "Priobsky" and TPDN "Palyanovsky"

For eight months of work it was mined:

· 2007.1 thousand tons of oil, which amounted to 98.5% of the planned volume;

· 14.4 million m3 of gas, which is 91.4% of the plan.

Additional oil production from all GTM conducted was 1 101.8 tons. 307416 M rocks drilled (125.2 to plan). 96 new wells were introduced (112.9% to the plan). 6 GPU was held at the current well foundation, additional extraction from GPU amounted to 54.9 thousand tons.